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Housing Comfort

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A project report submitted in partial

fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the
Degree of Master of Property and Facilities Management

Faculty of Technology Management and Business

Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia



Comfort is a physical condition, a feeling of contentment or a sense of well-being.

Lack in comfort remains a major problem for most, especially in low cost houses.
Insufficient space, indoor environmental qualities, environmental facilities,
affordability of the houses and accessibility to social facilities are part of the major
contributing factors to lack in comfort which can have adverse effect on the quality
of life. The objectives of this research includes, evaluating the current housing
policies in Malaysia in relation to the physical and social aspects of sustainability,
identifying how the physical and social aspect of the building affects the residents
comfort and identifying the relationship between the physical and social aspects of
the building as it relates to sustainability. The methodology adopted for this research
includes library study, interview and questionnaire design. Random sampling method
was used in selecting the respondents, which consists of a government official, 6
practicing architects and 215 low cost housing inhabitants. Findings from this
research show that although the government policies are being implemented, low cost
houses are still lacking both in quality and quantity. Low cost housing inhabitants
were fairly satisfied with the houses they live in as it relates to the social and physical
aspects of their building. It also shows that to achieve sustainability in low cost
housing, prospective house owners should be involved in the planning stage of the
buildings. It is important to improve stakeholders’ collaboration as it leads to better
housing performance. This study may improve key participants attention to low cost
housing inhabitants needs and ensure they are integrated in the housing policies.


Kekurangan keselesaan masih menjadi masalah utama terutamanya di kawasan

perumahan kos rendah. Kekurangan ini adalah disebabkan oleh ruang yang tidak
mencukupi, kualiti persekitaran dalaman, kemudahan alam sekitar rumah-rumah
tersebut dan akses kepada kemudahan sosial yang boleh memberi kesan yang negatif
kepada kualiti hidup. Objektif kajian ini termasuklah mengenalpasti dasar-dasar
perumahan di Malaysia, mengenalpasti bagaimana aspek fizikal dan sosial bangunan
berkaitan untuk keselesaan penduduk dan mengenalpasti hubungan di antara aspek-
aspek fizikal dan sosial bangunan itu. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan termasuklah
kajian perpustakaan, temu bual dan reka bentuk kualitatif. Responden kajian terdiri
daripada pegawai kerajaan, enam arkitek dan seramai 215 orang penduduk rumah
kos rendah. Hasil daripada temu bual dengan pihak kerajaan mendapati bahawa
walaupun dasar-dasar kerajaan telah pun dilaksanakan, rumah-rumah kos rendah
masih mengalami masalah kekurangan dari segi kualiti dan kuantiti. Hasil kajian
mendapati bahawa semua responden tidak begitu berpuas hati dengan keadaan rumah
yang dihuni kerana ia berkaitan dengan aspek-aspek sosial dan fizikal bangunan
mereka. Hasil kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa perumahan yang disediakan melalui
skim perumahan kos rendah mempunyai hubungan dengan aspek-aspek reka bentuk
dan penyertaan bakal pemilik rumah. Ia juga menunjukkan bahawa untuk mencapai
kemampanan dalam perumahan kos rendah, bakal pemilik rumah juga perlulah
melibatkan diri dalam peringkat perancangan bangunan. Perbezaan yang signifikan
juga dikenalpasti dalam ciri-ciri sosio-ekonomi penduduk dan tahap kepuasan
responden serta bilangan rumah yang mencukupi. Cadangan kajian ini adalah dasar
perumahan perlu menitikberatkan faktor keselesaan dalam reka bentuk rumah-rumah
kos rendah dan mewujudkan reka bentuk yang mudah disesuaikan supaya dapat
memaksimumkan keselesaan penduduk rumah-rumah ini















1.1 Introduction 1

1.2 Background of study 2


1.3 Problem statement 4

1.4 Research question 5

1.5 Aim of the study 5

1.6 Objectives of study 5

1.7 Significance of the study 6

1.8 Scope of the study 6

1.9 Organization of the thesis 6

1.10 Summary 7


2.1 Introduction 8

2.2 Housing 8

2.2.1 Housing and inhabitants needs 9

2.2.2 Housing condition: quality and adequacy 10 Quality 10 Adequacy 11

2.2.3 Housing values and preferences 11

2.3 Definition of terms 12

2.3.1 Comfort 12

2.3.2 Low cost housing 13

2.3.3 Sustainable building 13

2.4 Sustainability and housing 13

2.4.1 Sustainable affordable housing 15

2.4.2 Objectives of sustainability 16 Economical sustainability 17 Environmental sustainability 18

x Socio-cultural sustainability 20

2.4.3 Benefits of sustainable building 21

2.4.4 Sustainable housing in Malaysia 23

2.5 Public housing policy in Malaysia 24

2.5.1 Evolution of housing policy in Malaysia 28

2.6 Affordable housing 29

2.6.1 The impact of affordable housing 31

2.6.2 Affordable housing in Malaysia 31

2.7 Housing satisfaction studies 33

2.7.1 Housing satisfaction studies in Malaysia 35

2.8 Theoretical framework of study 36

2.9 Comfort in houses 37

2.9.1 Concept of housing comfort 37

2.9.2 Issues of lack of comfort in housing 38 Health and safety problems 39 Absenteeism from home 40 Low work output 41 Neighborhood effects 42

2.10 Elements of low cost housing 42

2.10.1 Physical elements of low cost housing 43 Housing designs 43 Thermal comfort 47

2.10.2 Social elements of low cost housing 49 Affordability 50 Accessibility 51

2.11 Housing and quality of life 51

2.12 Summary 55


3.1 Introduction 56

3.1 Research process 56

3.2 Research methodology 58

3.2.1 Mixed method 58

3.3 Research method 59

3.4.1 Literature review 59

3.4.2 Questionnaires 60 structure 61

3.4.3 Semi-structured interview 62

3.4 Respondent of study 62

3.4.1 Low cost occupants 63

3.4.2 Architects 63

3.4.3 Government officials 63

3.5 Sample size 63

3.6 Data analysis 65

3.7 Reliability and validity tests 66

3.8 Statistical method 66

3.8.1 Descriptive statistics 67

3.8.2 Mann-Whitney U test 67

3.8.3 Kruskal-Wallis test 67

3.8.4 Pearson Correlation 68

3.9 Summary 68


4.1 Introduction 69

4.2 Stakeholder interviews and survey 69

4.2.1 Profile of interviewees 69

4.2.2 Profession 70 Company details 70

4.2.3 Interview with government 70 Physical elements 71

4.2.4 Social elements 72 Method of acquisition 72 Safety issues 72 Accessibility 72 Affordability 72

4.3 Semi structured interview with architects 73

4.3.1 Physical elements 74

4.3.2 Social elements 75

4.4 Proffered solution 77

4.5 Summary 77


5.1 Introduction 78

5.2 Background of respondents 79

5.2.1 Gender 79

5.2.2 Marital status 80

5.2.3 Category of residence 81

5.2.4 Lot location 81

5.2.5 Duration of stay 82

5.2.6 Ownership status 83


5.2.7 Size of your household 83

5.2.8 Respondents’ monthly household income 83

5.3 Determining client satisfaction (underlying

dimensions of inhabitants’perception of
physical elements) 85

5.3.1 Comfort with house design and layout of the

building 85

5.3.2 Adequacy of lighting 85

5.3.3 Residence perception on the level of adequacy

of space 87

5.3.4 Thermal comfort 88

5.4 Social and economic elements 92

5.4.1 Accessibility 93

5.4.2 Affordability 91

5.4.3 Health and safety 93

5.4.4 Security 94

5.5 Preferences 95

5.6 Measuring differences between level of satisfaction

with housing attributes and respondent’s
demographic characteristics 96

5.6.1 Measuring differences between housing design

and layout of the building with
demographic characteristics 97

5.6.2 Measuring differences between lighting

and selected respondents demographic
characteristics 98

5.6.3 Measuring differences between space and

selected respondents demographic characteristics 99

5.6.4 Measuring differences between thermal

comfort and selected respondents
demographic characteristics 100

5.6.5 Measuring differences between

satisfaction with accessibility and selected
respondents demographic characteristics 103

5.6.6 Measuring differences between satisfaction

with affordability and selected respondents
demographic characteristics 104

5.6.7 Measuring differences between satisfaction

with health and selected respondents
demographic characteristics 105

5.6.8 Measuring differences between satisfaction

with security and selected respondents
demographic characteristics. 106

5.6.9 Measures of differences between factors to

improve on and selected respondents
demographic characteristics 106

5.7 Correlation 107

5.8 Summary 109


6.1 Introduction 111

6.2 Discussion 111

6.2.1 Research objective 1 112

6.2.2 Research objective 2 113

6.2.3 Research objective 3 115


6.3 Recommendation from research findings 114

6.4 Conclusions drawn from the research 116

6.5 Suggestions in improving the housing quality of

low cost houses in Batu pahat 117

6.6 Contribution to housing industry 117

6.7 Contribution to knowledge 118

6.8 Limitation of study 118

6.9 Suggestions for future research 119




Table 2.1 Sustainability factor 16

Table 2.2 Guiding matrix for assessment of environmental
sustainability 19
Table 2.3 A multi-scale framework for sustainable housing policies 22
Table 2.4 Low-cost selling prices (revised in 1998) 32
Table 2.5 A summary of satisfaction studies 36
Table 3.1 Showed sample size 64
Table 3.2 Low Cost house population 65
Table 3.3 Shows the total respondent of study 65
Table 3.5 Reliability test 66
Table 4.1 Profile of architect 73
Table 4.2 Showing responses of architects to physical elements
of low cost houses 75
Table 4.2 Showing responses of architects to social elements
of low cost houses 76
Table 5.1 Responses to house design and layout attributes of the
building related statements 85
Table 5.2 Responses to lighting of the building related statements 86
Table 5.3 Summary of responses under area where the best of
lighting is found 86
Table 5.4 Summaries of responses under contributing factor to the
best of lighting where it is found 87
Table 5.5 Summary of responses under the adequacy of space 88
Table 5.6 Summary of Responses under area where the best of space
is found 88
Table 5.7 Summary of responses under thermal comfort 89

Table 5.8 Summary of responses under area where the best of

thermal comfort is found 90
Table 5.9 Summary of Responses under factor which contributes to
the best of thermal comfort as it relates to the factor above 90
Table 5.10 Summary of responses under satisfaction with accessibility 92
Table 5.11 Summary of responses under satisfaction with affordability 93
Table 5.12 Summary of responses under satisfaction with health 94
Table 5.13 Summary of responses under satisfaction with safety 95
Table 5.14 Summary of responses under occupants preferences 96
Table 5.15 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test of satisfaction
with housing design and layout of the building and
demographic characteristics 98
Table 5.16 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test of satisfaction
with lighting demographic characteristics 99
Table 5.17 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test on satisfaction
with space and selected demographic characteristics 100
Table 5.18 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test on satisfaction
with thermal comfort and selected demographic
characteristics 101
Table 5.19 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Test on satisfaction
with accessibility and selected demographic characteristics 101
Table 5.20 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test on satisfaction
with affordability and selected demographic characteristics 102
Table 5.21 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Test on satisfaction
with health and security and selected demographic
characteristics 103
Table 5.22 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Test on satisfaction
with health and security and selected demographic
characteristics 104
Table 5.23 Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis Test on
satisfaction with health and security and selected
demographic characteristics 105
Table 5.24 Correlation analysis between physical characteristics
and the social characteristics 106


Figure 2.1 The diagram above illustrates the importance of housing

to the success of other policy and program areas 13
Figure 2.2 circles of sustainability; economy immersed in society,
society immersed in ecology 18
Figure 2.3 The mutual-reinforcement model of triple-bottom-line
sustainability 21
Figure 2.4 Objectives of sustainable affordable housing 23
Figure 2.5 Economic sustainability 24
Figure 2.6 Environmental sustainability 26
Figure 2.7 Socio-Cultural sustainability 27
Figure 2.8 Theoretical framework of study 47
Figure 2.9 Formative quality of life measure 65
Figure 2.10 Seven major quality of life domains 67
Figure 3.1 Research process chart 72
Figure 5.1 Genders of respondents 99
Figure 5.2 Marital status of respondents 100
Figure 5.3 Category of residence 101
Figure 5.4 Lot location 101
Figure 5.5 Duration of stay 102
Figure 5.6 Ownership status 103
Figure 5.7 Sizes of your household 103
Figure 5.8 Monthly household incomes 104
Figure 5.9 Contribution of housing element to residential satisfaction 105


MDG - Millenium Development Goals

LCH - Low Cost Housing
WCED - World Commission on Environment and Development
REHDA - Real Estate And Housing Developers' Association
NEP - New Economic Policy
IAQ - Indoor Air Qualities
WHO - World Health Organisation
OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Sciences



A Low Cost Housing inhabitants questionnaire 137

B Architects semi structured interview question 145
C Government Officials’ interview questions 147



1.1 Introduction

Increase in urbanization has being perceived extensively as a significant symbol of

economic prosperity which has being sought by many countries. Due to this increase
however there has being extreme anxiety in the housing of this rather huge
population. As a result of the rapid growth experienced in most countries and due to
the importance the quality and availability housing plays in the lives of its inhabitants
various governments have searched for ways of providing shelter especially for the
low income earners of their country. This is in line with the United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights 1948 which states that “everyone has the right to a
standard of living adequate for the health and well being of himself and of his family
including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services”
(Choguill, 2007). This housing provision is known in different countries as different
schemes. To some it is low cost houses and some others it is affordable housing.
According to Disney (2007), well practiced measurement of affordable
housing is that housing cost should be less than 30% of household income of the
occupants in the bottom 40% of household incomes. Affordable Housing
Management Methods (2007) suggests that affordable housing should be defined as a
kind of security housing supported by government’s preferential policies, which is
restricted from the perspective of areas and sale price to be provided to the urban
low-income people with housing difficulty and is built in compliance with normal
construction standard. Queensland’s Department of Housing (2007) describes
affordable housing as fitting the household needs and as well located in relation to

services including employment, transport and the cost for housing. In Malaysia low
cost housing refers to the houses with selling prices fixed by the government as
ranging from RM25, 000 to RM42, 000 per unit depending on the location of the
development (Abdullahi & Aziz, 2011a).

1.2 Background of study

Housing besides being a very valuable asset, has much wider economic, social,
cultural and personal significance (Kajimo & Evans, 2006). Despite this importance
however most countries are yet content with the provision of shelter to the various
economic groups that make up its general population. Housing issues still remains a
major discussion in several global summit such as the 1992 Rio-de Janeiro summit
on environment and development, the 1996 Habitat Summit at Istanbul, the 2000
New York, United Nations Millennium development Goals (MDGs) summit, 2002
World Summit in Johannesburg and the 2005 La Havana, Un sustainable cities
Documentation of Experience Program (Oladujoye, 2005; Un-Habitat, 2010,
UNDPI, 2008).
Over the last few decades, there has been an increasing focus on how to
build a sustainable society (WCED, 1987). Increasingly significant also is the desire
for a clean environment, preservation of nature and concern for the welfare of future
generations. To be classified as sustainable, a house must stay within the absorptive
capacity of the local and global waste absorption limits; use renewable and
replenishable resources sustainably, meet basic human needs and comfort levels, are
economically viable and socially acceptable, improve socio-economic equity, and be
technologically feasible (Choguill, 2007). Several policies have being created to
ensure that the society is directed towards sustainability. It seems only natural that
such policies are targeted towards areas where they can make the most difference.
Certainly, housing is one such area, partly because its current substantial impact on
the environment may be lowered using existing and relatively cheap measures and
partly due to housing being highly durable goods that will impact the environment
for many years to come.
Housing undoubtedly plays an important role in environmental sustainability,
physical and economic development, employment generation as well as wealth

creation. In line with the importance housing plays in the life of people, coupled with
the need for sustainable solution to the growing housing challenges; most
governments in developing countries are engaging in new housing policies, programs
and strategy that seeks to meet demands of market-driven economies in addressing
housing needs of their people (Sengupta & Sharma, 2008). In Malaysia efforts are
made by the government to ensure sufficient provision of housing especially for the
low income group in the urban areas through the establishment of different housing
development policies in the various five year Malaysian plans and the second
outlined perspective plan (OPP2) (1991–2000). Low cost housing is a mandatory
section of housing development in Malaysia abided by housing developers to provide
30% of their total housing development for low cost (Aziz, Hanif & Yahya, 2007).
This is to ensure that more low cost houses are available for the inhabitants. The
policy is imposed through administrative procedures that forces developers to
provide a portion of development for low cost housing in order to gain approval by
local authority (Aziz 2007; REHDA, 2008).
Although the number of low cost housing in Malaysia has increased in
quantity especially after the involvement of private developers, concerns over the
livability of these flats grow as studies on residential preference and satisfaction
repeatedly point to the importance of such low cost housing design to be more
sensitive to the social implications of physical planning (Paim & Yahaya, 2004;
Salleh & Yusof, 2006; Salleh, 2008). This raises the question of how comfortable the
people are with the provisions made in these buildings. The facilities provided seem
to fall short of their needs and aspirations.
The provision of housing with better services leads to community growth and
stability, improved health conditions, increased safety and education among the
citizens which ultimately leads to the development of a nation. Most of individuals’
working time is spent in buildings and most of our leisure time is spent at home or
close by in the neighbourhood. Such significant importance deserves an examination
of how houses can become more sustainable.

1.3 Problem statement

Being uncomfortable can be described as a state of lacking what your body needs.
The way inhabitants feel about where they live has being known to be a contributing
factor to their health and state of well being. Public housing as a social intervention
program is designed according to peoples ‘perceptions of what seems to work based
on practitioners’ assumptions and logical reasoning (Birckmayer & Weiss, 2000).
The inability of construction projects to achieve user’s satisfaction is one of
the major housing delivery problems. Although finding out which specific factors are
important to user satisfaction for product improvement has become an acceptable
norm and there exists increasing recognition that customers are important in assets
management, housing producers have been unable to effectively capture users’
habits, traditions or reflect these in the product processes resulting to mismatch in
product performance with user objective (Othman, 2008).
Various researches on housing in Malaysia mainly focused on housing
satisfaction, which is still limited and fragmented. The studies either focused only on
the dwellings and neighbourhood facilities and environment (Salleh, 2008) or linking
types of housing project (low cost, medium cost and high cost), price of house and
length of residency with satisfaction. Very few studies have been carried out relating
to the combined effect of the various environmental parameters and also other
predominant factors that affects comfort such as the social and economic aspects.
Therefore this study hopes to fill this gap by looking at a combination of the various
factors which influences comforts in houses from the user’s perspective
According to Kwong, Adam & Tang (2009), conversely indoor
environmental comfort comprises of four research fields which includes thermal,
visual, acoustic and ergonomic comfort. A reflection of residents’ reaction towards
their living environment is in their satisfaction towards the housing environment, in
this context; environment does not merely refer to the physical and environmental
components of housing but also covers social factors and economic conditions
(Kellekci & Berkoz, 2006).
Many opportunities abound to reduce the problems of comfort over a
facilities life time. These however can be achieved if sustainable values are

introduced from the design stage. To achieve such improvements in the buildings
however the perception of the inhabitants should be considered.

1.4 Research question

As a result of the shortcomings identified in the literature and in practice, this

research will examine the following research questions:

 What are the physical or social elements relating to sustainability measures

which are included in the the housing policy?
 What are the physical and social aspects of the building relating to
sustainability that affects the comfort of the inhabitants?
 What are the similarities between the physical and social aspect of the building
as it relates to sustainability?

1.5 Aim of the study

This research aims at understanding the problems of low cost housing inhabitants
relating to comfort to enhance the building performance by identifying the
hindrances and enabling factors to the achievement of the users precise expectations
which are valuable as a foundation on which improved houses can be based.

1.6 Objectives of study

In order to achieve the research aim, three key objectives were set. The objectives are

i) Evaluate the current housing policies in Malaysia as it relates to the physical

and social aspects of sustainability.
ii) Identify how the physical and social aspect of the building affects the
residents comfort.
iii) Identify the relationship between the physical and social aspects of the
building as it relates to sustainability.

1.7 Significance of the study

The study is expected to be of benefit to the housing industry and the inhabitants of
low cost housing because; it identifies the essential client’s expectations in low cost
housing as well as the factors hindering these expectations.

1.8 Scope of the study

The scope of this study will be limited to only low cost housing projects in Batu
Pahat, Malaysia. The focus will be identifying the comfort level of respondents as it
relates to the physical and social aspects of the low cost housing. It shall also identify
the current level of sustainability in low cost housing development in Batu Pahat as it
relates to the physical and social economic aspect of it.

1.9 Organization of the thesis

The thesis format follows the logical steps of establishing the research questions,
developing the methodology, gathering and analyzing data and drawing conclusions.
The thesis is organized into six chapters as follows:
Chapter 1 discusses the background of the research by highligteing the
research problems, research purpose, research objectives and justification and thesis
organization. It includes the background of studies, the problem statement, aim of
studies, objectives of study scope of study, organisation of study and the conclusion.
Chapter 2 gives a background introdution on housing in general, it examines
literature and studies carried out on sustainable housing the characteristics of a
sustainable house, overview of sustainable housing in developing countries,
sustainable housing in Malaysia, the housing industry in Malaysia, low cost houses
in Malaysia the problem associated with the low cost houses, a theoretical framework
of the topic, comfort as it relates to quality of life and finally the conclusion of the
topic. Overall, this chapter identifies the research gap, which justifies the need for
this study.
Chapter 3 describes the methodology used in carrying out the research
describes the research methodology in detail including: the research methodology;

data collection methods (namely questionnaire and interview), research information;

selection of participants case projects; research instrumentation; data analysis and
validation of results; and finally, guideline formulation.
Chapter 4 talks about the first objective for the purpose of this reserach which
is identify the current housing policies in Malaysia.
Chapter 5 this will also look into the second objective and third obejective
which will identify how the physical and social environment of low cost housing in
Batu Pahat relates to sustainability and identify any relationship between the physical
and social aspects of the building as it relates to the residents comfort.
Chapter 6 re-examine the research objectives and propose conclusions
regarding the research result based on the respective research questions, the
contributions to the body of knowledge and its implications for both the research
community and low cost housing. Finally, recommendations for future research are

1.10 Summary

In this chapter the foundation for the thesis was established. The research
background was first introduced and explains affordable housing in the Malaysian
context and as adopted in this research. The aim and objectives of the research were
established as well as the scope and method of study. Outline of the thesis chapters
were also discussed. On this basis, the study continues with a detailed explanation of
the research and development processes.


2.1 Introduction

This chapter presents, a review of recent literature related to the research objectives
set out in section 1.6. The literature review is interpreted from findings of
preliminary literature study, work and thoughts of experts and practitioners within
the subject field. The purpose is to achieve the overall objectives based on the
specific points of interest. Literature review is particularly important as it helps in
identifying existing gap in literature, which this study attempts to fill.

2.2 Housing

The United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat) wrote in its Global
Report on Human Settlements in 1995 that “homelessness is a problem in developed
as well as in developing countries”. The Report noted that poor urban housing
conditions are a global problem, but conditions are worst in developing countries;
and that today, 600 million people live in life and health threatening homes in Asia,
Africa and Latin America. The fight for housing as a basic need has increased
progressively and as the human race advances in numbers and cultural diversity it
has moved beyond simply providing shelter and protection to the consideration of
sustainability. Housing can provide a vehicle to aid in developing elements of
community; creating sustainable communities in a resource efficient manner (Guy &
Moore, 2005) and reflecting relationships between the individual, family and
community (Mallett, 2004).

2.2.1 Housing and inhabitants needs

Certainly shelter, social needs, a response to special needs, social interaction,

comfort and security are some of the important drive for housing. According to
Sweta Misra (1996) the importance of housing was universally recognized from the
dawn of history.

With the advancement of knowledge and civilization however, housing

perception experienced an incredible paradigm shift and has more importance in the
present world than it had in the past. The effect it has on the overall policy of the
entire nation was also identified. This was illustrated in Figure 2.1.

SOCIAL Investment and job creation EDUCATION
DEVELOPMENT Enhancing educational
Foundation of family life attainment role
and social interaction

Improving physical and and facilitating Skill development,
mental health role investment, capacity
building role

Enhancing income
Contributing to Facilitating integration
stability and mobility role

Figure 2.1: The importance of housing to the success of other policy and program
areas. (Myers, 2008)
In view of the various contributions housing has in individual’s life, the
homeowner of tomorrow should be able to expect a modified solution that permits
changes and upgrades over time. Home design and facilities should easily be
improved to help manage energy and resource conservation, health, communication,
and learning within the home. This should be possible at high quality and reasonable

2.2.2 Housing condition: quality and adequacy

The state of a house determines the quality of life the inhabitants of such building
will have. The vital role access to good quality housing plays in improving public
health, quality of life, combating exclusion and discrimination as well as
strengthening social cohesion (Kahlmeier et al., 2001; Aliu & Adebayo, 2010)
underscores the need to upgrade the condition of public housing in many developing
countries. In the following sub-sections, quality and adequacy will be discussed to
understand the importance it plays as it relates to human comfort. Quality

Quality has been defined as conformance to requirements, not as goodness “in line
with the definition of adequate housing (Un-Habitat, 2010) features such as
durability of construction materials, structural soundness, spatial adequacy, and
availability of basic services such as water, sewage disposal and electricity, location
in an area with good connections with other parts of the city and infrastructure and
secured tenure are considered to be indicators of good quality housing. Put
differently, housing quality refers to those highly valued attributes that housing
possesses that makes it suitable in meeting occupants’ needs. Quality housing feature
includes physical and non-physical characteristics. The physical characteristic
comprises of location, housing design, types of housing and the residents comfort
level. On the other hand, non physical characteristic comprise of the aspect of socio
economic, people mixture and level of crime of that area (Aulia, 2006). Braubach
(2007) indentified personal characteristics (age, gender and socioeconomic status) as
having marginal influence on housing quality judgments .
However to date, the actual process of setting new home quality requirements
has rested with the builder. Love, Tse & Edwards (2005) concluded that one of the
most perplexing issues that the construction industry faces is its ability to become
quality focused. This makes achieving quality difficult especially for the inhabitants
of the building.
11 Adequacy

Adequate housing was defined as “adequate privacy and space, physical

accessibility, adequate security, secured tenure, structural stability and durability,
adequate services and infrastructure, suitable environmental quality and health
related factors” (The HABITAT, Conference in Istanbul 1996). A house is
considered adequate only if it is safe, secure and affordable with access to suitable
facilities for daily living (such as washing, cooking and heating), and has sufficient
living space.
Various factors have been known to have influence on housing. Habib et al.
(2009) indicated that a number of studies have identified housing conditions,
overcrowding, access to basic infrastructure and services as key factors affecting
adequacy of housing. Viewed from another perspective, Domanski et al. (2006)
pointed out that socio-ecological characteristics of neighborhoods such as spatial
composition, access to recreational areas, local infrastructure and facilities, the
degree of pollution and level of social problems are vital determinants of qualitative
adequacy of housing. Obeng-Odoom (2009) identified both socio-economic variables
and consumer preferences as having direct association with housing adequacy.
With increase in standard of living, individual’s choice of identity, culture
and sense of belonging is highly reflected in their housing choice. Since preferences
differ amongst individual the concept of adequacy will also be different. It is
therefore important that the housing stock reflects the wishes of the population so as
to enable as many as possible to find housing suited to their needs. This is essential
owing to increasing variation in family and lifestyle patterns.

2.2.3 Housing values and preferences

A person’s opinion of a place depends on how the place is perceived as well as the
socio-economic characteristics of the individual. Coolen (2002) defined
housing preference as value-oriented and goal-directed activities which are
influenced by motivations for the choice taken for a certain characteristic of housing
conditions. The need of current residents are diverse and includes safety, physical
and mental health, privacy, entertainment, education, socializing, comfort,

adaptability, access to workplace, transport (including bicycle), utilities (clothes

drying spaces), availability of garden space, access to foodstuffs and other
commodities and of course affordability (Tuohy, 2004). Several researches however
identified some of the factors influencing these needs.
Canadian Housing Observer (2003) points out that housing needs and
preferences are influenced by the characteristics of individuals in a population,
particularly by age, ethnicity and family status. Arifin & Dale (2005) discovered that
the main factor that influenced housing choice were not related to housing price.
According to Foster et al. (2011) housing location and neighborhood quality are also
important. Consequently perception of a house or environment by an individual may
be of having high quality or having lower or no quality.
Winston (2009) also supported this claims in his findings when he stressed
that the important aspect for housing development that needs to be emphasized
includes elements such as the location, construction and design, dwelling use and
regeneration and cultural factors which influence the primary requirements of
housing. Incorporating these needs in low cost housing is therefore important to
ensure there sustainability.

2.3 Definition of terms

Definitions of terms aims to gain a clear understanding of the concept of comfort and
sustainability and its relevance in the housing industry, there is a need to find a
summarizing and suitable definition of the terms as they relate to this study. A brief
definition as it relates to the research is given below.

2.3.1 Comfort

In the housing context, a definition of comfort is suggested as a physical condition, a

feeling of contentment or a sense of well-being (Chappells & Shove, 2005). Comfort
is the result of the interaction between all senses (Dubois, Demers & Potvin, 2007). It
is also influenced by architectural and human factors (Parpairi, 2004).

2.3.2 Low cost housing

These are houses that are built solely for the purpose of meeting the housing needs of
the low income earners. Lefebvre, Sturrock & Kipfe (2009), defined low cost
housing as affordable housing for poor or low-income individuals and families. This
does not necessarily refer to individual houses and it also includes rental housing. In
Lefebvre’s definition reference was not only made in relation to the ownership of a
house constructed for low income earners or seemingly poor, it also included rental
of a house in relation to income, the bottom line being as long as it is affordable.
Kellekci & Berkoz (2006) however defined low cost housing in plain terms as
provision of housing which caters to the minimum requirements of masses within
their income capabilities, without sacrificing the quality of construction.

2.3.3 Sustainable building

Sustainable building is often referred to as “green” or “environmentally sound”

building. Some also see it as “timeless”. Sustainable building is about doing it right
the first time, by keeping an eye on short and long-term consequences. Boyko et al
(2006) described it as a development that reaches or maintains a sustainable state.
This in order words a building that can last for a long time through thick and thin. It
is the guiding principle for international environmental policy and decision-making
in the twenty-first century (Braimoh & Osaki, 2010).

2.4 Sustainability and housing

Rapid urbanisation is expected to continue raising demand for housing. Housing

perceptions has undergone a remarkable change over the years. The desire for a clean
environment, preservation of nature and concern for the welfare of future generations
on the other hand is also important. To achieve this desire there is an urgent need to
balance urban planning, design and construction. This realization brought to
limelight the concept of sustainability.
Numerous researches have been carried out to investigate a variety of topics
related to sustainability and housing. Tosics (2004) stated that housing is linked to

the sustainable concept in a number of important ways, for example; various aspects
of the location, construction, design, management/maintenance and use of housing.
Sustainability has being defined in different ways by different researchers.
Although the various definitions of sustainability are made to suit various researches
and societies, one thing they still have in common is that they are all in line with the
Brundtland definition which is defined as “a development that meets the needs of the
present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs” (WCED 1987). All definitions agree that it is important to consider the future
of the planet and there are many ways for humans to protect and enhance the earth
while satisfying the needs of various stakeholders (Boyko et al., 2006).
Although there are many definitions of sustainability it is generally agreed the
economy, environment and social equity are three prime values of sustainability
(Chan & Lee, 2009). According to Gibson et al. (2005), traditional concepts of
sustainability are depicted as circles of sustainability with a certain ordering;
economy prevailing over society, prevailing over ecology or the other way round.
Adams (2006) describes sustainable development in terms of economic growth,
environmental protection and social progress known as the core of mainstream
sustainability thinking, drawn in a variety of ways as pillars, concentric or
interlocking circles of sustainable development. These aspects need to be considered,
incorporated, and improved to achieve a desired level of sustainable development.
These aspects are illustrated as the three pillars of sustainable development in Figure


Economy Society

Figure 2.2: The mutual-reinforcement model of triple-bottom-line sustainability

(Priemus, 2005)

Due to its lifespan and the effects it has on human’s life, housing
development can be considered as a pioneering step for sustainable development.
While housing is one of the best ways to achieve the goals of sustainability, Winston
& Eastaway (2008) however, concluded that housing is one of the more neglected
aspects of sustainability despite its potential to make a positive contribution. It is,
therefore important to adopt methods to ensure that new housing projects are

2.4.1 Sustainable affordable housing

A sustainable house is cost efficient over time, comfortable, cheap to maintain and
complements our unique environments (Queensland Government, 2004). For
housing that make up a great proportion of building however, sustainable housing
could be defined as housing practices, which strives for integral quality (including
economic, social, and environmental performance) in a broad way (John, 2005)
Sustainable housing offers a better environment which encourages residents to stay at
home longer among friends and families and neighbor in the social context. Abidin
& Jaapar (2008) mentioned that the principles applied in sustainable housing,
includes concern for people by ensuring that they live in good health, productive and
in harmony with nature.
The availability of decent and affordable housing is said to be an important
factor in contributing to the sustainability of communities (HM Government 2005;
Maliene, Howe & Malys, 2008). Given the long life-spans of buildings, it has the
potential to impact the natural environment and ecology well into the future, locally
and globally (CIDB, 1998; du Plessis, 2002; IPCC, 2009). Savaya, Spiro & Elran-
Barak (2008) noted that planning for program sustainability is a key factor in social
programs. Evidence in literature however shows that this aspect of social
programming is lacking in many developing countries (Abdellatif & Othman, 2006).
This is attributed to a number of factors such as weak political institutions, social and
economic structures and lack of effective accountability and governance mechanisms
(Sarker & Azam, 2011). It therefore will be necessary to change the way this
activities are undertaken. With this idea, it increases the institutions understanding of
the sustainability concepts throughout the lifetime of a housing project.

The field of sustainable development can be conceptually broken into three

constituent parts: environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and
sociopolitical sustainability. Table 2.1 gives a brief explanation of these factors for a
better understanding of them.

Table 2.1: Sustainability factors (McConville , 2006)

Implies that sufficient local resources and capacity exist

Economic Sustainability
to continue the project in the absence of outside
Implies that non-renewable and other natural resources
Environmental Sustainability are not depleted nor destroyed for short-term

A socially acceptable project is built on an


Socio-Cultural Respect
understanding of local traditions and core values.

A process which fosters empowerment and ownership

in community members through direct participation in
development decision-making affecting the community.

Political Cohesion Involves increasing the alignment of development

projects with host country priorities and coordinating
aid efforts at all levels (local, national, and
international) to increase ownership and efficient
delivery of services.

2.4.2 Objectives of sustainability

Sustainable habitat can he achieved through promoting housing development by

balancing social progress, enhancing economic growth, propagating innovative
technology along with conserving and protecting the environment and natural
resources for future life and development. Sustainable-affordable housing
development can thus be conceptualized as a combination of four significant aspects
of sustainability, namely socio-cultural, economic, technological and environmental
sustainability (Fig. 2.3).



Figure 2.3: Objectives of sustainable affordable housing Economical sustainability

Economic sustainability entails cost savings at construction, in running costs, in

living costs, in long-term maintenance, in future modifications, good resale value and
cost efficiency to the community. A major concern that is receiving more attention,
as building owners investigate the economics of property management, is the cost of
building operations over the life of a building (Dunk, 2004). Design that takes care of
orientation, ventilation, micro and macroclimate, and materials, generally has lower
maintenance and ongoing cost (Chan & Lee, 2008). Instead of merely looking at the
materials component in terms of cost to design and build, owners can broaden their
perspective to include operations costs, maintenance costs, repair costs, replacement
costs, and disposal costs (Dunk, 2004). It is, therefore, important to adopt robust and
transparent methods to evaluate and rank projects to ensure that new projects are
prioritised objectively.
When taking into account economic affordability, one should not only look at
the price of the house, but other expenses associated with living in that house, for
example services, rates and taxes. The elements which make up economic
sustainability is illustrated in figure 2.4 below.


Affordability Needs

Figure 2.4: Economic sustainability Environmental sustainability

Environmental design is of utmost importance in ensuring that the housing

development is adjusted to the surroundings, is accessible for service delivery and
conducive for human habitation. The Victorian Government identifies environmental
sustainability as: “the ability to maintain the qualities that are valued in the physical
environment” (Commissioner for Sustainability, 2006). These can be summed up
under feasibility and functionality, strength, environment friendliness, durability and
reliability. This is illustrated in fig 2.5 below.
As highlighted by Rosenberger (2009), the most significant matter in
environmental sustainability is maximizing the use of recycled material and
renewable resources whilst minimizing pollution from energy consumption. Damage
to sensitive landscapes, including scenic, cultural, historical and architectural, should
be minimized. In view of these a guiding matrix was introduced to assess the
environmental sustainability at various stages of the building lifecycle. This is shown
in Table 2.2

Table 2.2: Guiding matrix for assessment of environmental sustainability

(UN-Habitat, 2011)

Stage Of House Lifecycle Examples Of Environmental Sustainability Considerations

Planning stage Impact of the planned site on the local environment; relationships
with the city; quality of the local built environment; mixed-use
and density; poly- centricity; infrastructure; public transport;
green areas; environmental hazards.

Building design Considering embodied energy and resource utilisation; enabling

energy and water efficiency by design; integrating district heating
and micro-generation; sustainable waste management; green
roofs; robustness and resilience; future-proofing; possibility of
upgrading; shaping of lifestyles.

Construction Safe, environmentally-friendly, local affordable material;

minimization of environmental impact from building activity.

Operation Energy performance; air-conditioning, air quality; pollution by

residents and impact of the local pollution on residents, water use
and water management, water recovery; comfort and hygiene of
homes; quality and energy efficiency of the local infrastructure
and transportation; property maintenance and management; waste
management and recycling; greening the area; natural hazards.

Refurbishment Choice of refurbishment material; energy efficient design;

disturbance of the environment; management of construction

End of life Demolishing or reusing; recycling of building components;

management of construction waste.

From the table it suggests that for environmental sustainability to thrive it’s
important to introduce its values at every stage of the buildings life cycle.
Opportunities for people to have a home that meets their aspirations however, should
correspond with protecting and enhancing the environment, both for the enjoyment
of residents presently and to ensure a strong legacy for the future.

Feasibility And

Strength ENVIRONMENTAL Friendliness

Durability and

Figure 2.5 Environmental sustainability Socio-cultural sustainability

The elements of social sustainability are design for flexibility, comfort, safety and
security. Social sustainability is improvement and maintenance of current and future
well-being and it reduces social inequality and improves quality of life (Chan & Lee,
2007). Social and cultural factors are strongly interdependent. They often interlock
and are sometimes indistinguishable (Chiu, 2004). Sustainable housing should
respond to the socio-cultural needs and practices of the beneficiary households and
communities. The criteria for assessment of social sustainability in housing are based
on three general principles: affordability, wellbeing and inclusion.
Chan & Lee (2008) argued that form of development affects the micro
climate of areas in terms of temperature, relative humidity, air quality, lighting level
and ventilation flow, which affects human comfort. Hence, social sustainability is the
process that addresses the relationship between society and built environment (design
and density) and quality of life in neighborhood setting. These are illustrated as the
elements of social sustainability in Figure 2.3.





Figure 2.6: Socio-cultural sustainability (Ancell & Thompson-Fawcett, 2008)

Achieving the social sustainability of housing requires sensitive and sensible

design. Project design that balances individual and shared spaces and also provides
the right balance between privacy and connectedness is vital in the design of low cost

2.4.3 Benefits of sustainable building

Various housing policies have being formed to effect sustainability in buildings.

These policies are based on the three aspects of sustainability: environmental, social,
cultural and economy. These emphases in current research are illustrated in Table

Table 2.3: A multi-scale framework for sustainable housing policies

(UN-Habitat 2011)

Macro (National) Meso (Region, City) Micro

(Neighbourhood, Household)
 Housing to support  Achieving good location  Ensuring energy efficiency,
climate mitigation and and density for residential micro/generation, water and
adaptation efforts. areas and access to resource efficiency.
 Mainstreaming green infrastructure.  Green design, using

Environmental dimension

housing practices and Serviced land in sustainable local

innovations. environmentally safe construction and materials.
 Ensuring energy and locations and green areas.  Sanitation, preventing
resource efficiency in  Protection of ecosystems hazardous and polluting
the building industry. and biodiversity. materials.
 Integrating national  Promoting sustainable and  Affordable use of
housing and energy low carbon urban resources.
systems infrastructure, public  Improving resilience and
transport and non- adaptation of homes.
motorised mobility, energy
 Waste management and
 Ensuring affordable,  Providing community  Providing community
decent and suitable homes facilities, preventing facilities, preventing
for all, including segregation and segregation and
disadvantaged groups. displacement. displacement.
Social dimension

 Developing social  Regenerating and  Regenerating and

housing provision. reintegrating ’neglected’ reintegrating ’neglected’
 Promoting choice and areas into regional, urban areas into regional, urban
security of tenure. fabric. fabric.
 Ensuring infrastructural  Ensuring infrastructural
integration of housing into integration of housing into
wider areas. wider areas.
 Upgrading inadequate  Upgrading inadequate
housing and slum areas. housing and slum areas.
 Promoting links between  Promoting urban creativity,  Culturally responsive
housing and knowledge- culture, aesthetics, and settlements and house
based and cultural diversity. planning and design.
economies.  Shaping values, tradition,  Improving aesthetics,
 Promoting traditional, norms and behaviours (e.g. diversity and cultural
indigenous and local in relation to energy use, sophistication of the built
Cultural dimension

knowledge (including of recycling, communal living environment and residence.

relevance to sustainable and place maintenance).  Helping community
resource use, energy  Protecting housing heritage creativity (i.e. via amenities;
efficiency and resilient and familiarity of city (e.g. affordable sporting, cultural
building techniques). preventing unnecessary and entertainment facilities.
 Protecting cultural social replacement/  Assisting people’s
heritage gentrification or complete transition from rural and
redevelopment slums areas to decent
housing or multifamily

Macro (National) Meso (Region, City) Micro

(Neighbourhood, Household)
 Institutional capacities  Managing economic  Ensuring housing
for sustainable housing activities and growth by affordability for different
markets and housing strengthening housing social groups.
development. provision and housing  Providing adequate
 Articulating housing markets. residences to raise labour
productivity within  Provision of necessary productivity; ensuring
national economic infrastructure and basic housing is integrated with
Economic dimension

systems. services to housing. employment.

 Improving housing  Providing serviced land for  Supporting domestic
supply and effective housing. economic activities and
demand, stabilising  Strengthening enterprise.
housing markets. entrepreneurship of  Promoting petty
 Improving housing communities, local building landlordism and self-help
finance options. industry and enterprise. housing.
 Promoting innovations  Promoting local and  Housing management and
in housing. traditional building maintenance.
 Stimulating necessary materials and techniques.  Strengthening resilience
technological  Promoting regional and and future proofing of
developments for urban regeneration. homes.
sustainable housing.

The benefits of sustainable design are related to improvements in the quality

of life, health, and well-being. These benefits can be realized as shown at different
levels – buildings, the community, and society in general. These policies show that
sustainability plays an important role in the development of a housing project and
brings about numerous benefits.

2.4.4 Sustainable housing in Malaysia

The Construction Industry Development Board Malaysia (CIDB), which is a

corporate establishment with the main function of developing, improving and
expanding the Malaysian construction industry, has identified the environment and
other sustainability-related issues as one of the top issues of the construction
industry. In Malaysia although the government has improved efforts to achieve a
sustainable society studies still shows there is still so much to be done in achieving
this especially in low cost houses. Suzaini (2011) stated that to date there has been
minimal research and development in the field of sustainable low-cost housing in
Malaysia. Therefore, the need to bring forth low-cost housing into the context of
mainstream sustainable development would be highly beneficial to the country’s
environmental, economical and social performance.

A study conducted in 2009 to investigate awareness level of the sustainable

construction concept amongst developers in Malaysia concluded that little efforts are
made to implement it, despite the rising awareness. The study also deduced that
developers, as a majority, perceived sustainability was only about environmental
protection without social and economy considerations within the construction
industry (Abidin & Jaapar, 2008).
Commercial and residential buildings in Malaysia accounts for about 13% of
energy consumption and 48% of electricity consumption (Salleh, 2008; Energy
Comission Malaysia, 2008). The trend of installing AC systems is further expected to
grow as it is proportional to the purchasing power of occupants (Zain-Ahmed, 2008).
Shafii & Othman (2007) reveal that one of the major barriers holding back the
development of sustainable building in Southeast Asia is the lack of awareness of
sustainability issues in relation to profession. The survey conducted by Shari et al.,
(2012) also reveals that the Malaysian building industry players have ‘little’
knowledge on sustainable building assessment, rating and labeling system. It is
therefore important that government policies take this into account when initiating
building policies to achieve the aim of building a sustainable society.

2.5 Housing policy in Malaysia

The growth of the population and specifically, the urban population has been
tremendous in Malaysia. In 1957 the country’s population was 7.3 million. However,
the population has doubled to the figures of 13.3 million and 27.0 million by 1980
and 2008 respectively (Department of Statistics Malaysia, 2009; World Bank, 2010).
Similarly, the size of the urban population has increased at the rate of 4.5% per
annum and from the total population, the urban residents population has increased
from 51% in 1991 to 55.1% in 1995 and by 2000, this proportion has risen to 61.8%;
67% in 2005 (Zin & Smith, 2005) and projected to reach 75% by 2015 (World Bank,
2010). These demographic changes are fundamentally the restructuring point of the
New Economic Policy (NEP) that produces industrial expansion and rapid economic
growth and that promoted the mass rural-urban migration, most especially among the
Bumiputera, which accounts for two-third of the migrations (Agus, 2002). The
government of Malaysia recognizes housing as a basic human need and an important

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