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WDC Question Bank 2018

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Question Bank WDC


1. Explain static and dynamic channel allocation. Mention their limitations; suggest few
techniques to overcome those limitations?
2. Describe the practical Handoff considerations with relevant diagram.
3. Explain Lee’s Microcell concept.
4. A cellular service provider is available with 14.4MHz spectrum. A hexagonal cell within
a cellular system of radius ,1400meters assigned with 80 duplex channels of 30kHz
simplex bandwidth. Calculate signal-to-interference ratio. Assume there are six co-
channel cells in the first tier of each cell and path loss exponent is 3. If 60 0 sectoring is
employed , what is the improvement in S/I ratio.
5. Describe practical handoff considerations with relevant diagram.
6. State Huygen’s principle, obtain the expression for Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction
7. Assume the transmitter power is 1W at 60GHz fed into the transmitter antenna.
(i)Calculate the free space pathloss at 1m, 100m. (ii)calculate the received signal power
at these distances.(iii)what is the rms voltage received at the antenna if the receiver
antenna has purely real impedance of 100Ω and is matched to the receiver?
8. Consider a transmitter which radiates a sinusoidal carrier frequency of 1900MHz. For a
vehicle moving at 60kmph , compute the received carrier frequency if the mobile is
moving towards the transmitter and away from the transmitter.
9. List the three most important effects of small scale fading, also discuss the factors
influencing small scale fading.
10. The local average delay profile in a particular environment is found to be 𝑃(𝜏) =
∑𝑛=0(10−6 /𝑛2 +1) 𝛿(𝜏 − 𝑛 10−6 ) (i)Sketch the power delay profile in dBm (ii)What
is the local average power in dBm? (iii)what is the rms delay spread of the channel?
11. Describe time dispersion parameters of mobile multipath channel with relevant equations.
12. Approximately how large can the rms delay spread be in order for a binary modulated
signal with a bit rate of 25kbps to operate without an equalizer? What about an 8-PSK
system with a bit rate of 75kbps?.
13. Differentiate between FDMA and TDMA system.
14. Derive the equation for capacity of a cellular CDMA system(consider the system is
interference limited).
15. Consider N=7 frequency reuse cellular system. If zone concept is employed in the
system, determine the improvement in cellular capacity with the help of necessary
expressions. Apply suitable approximations.
16. In a N=7 cellular system, cells are divided into smaller cells to provide the service to
increased number of users. If new cell radius is one-fourth of the radius of large cell,
determine the (i). transmit power of smaller cell base station, and (ii). improvement in
capacity. Compare co-channel reuse ratio and S/I ratio of smaller cells with larger cells, if
all the cells in the service area are divided into smaller cells. Assume path loss exponent
17. A general design rule for microwave links is 55% clearance of the first Fresnel zone. For
d1 and d2 is equal to 500 meters at 2.5GHz, what is the maximum first Fresnel zone
radius? What clearance is required for this system?
18. Explain small scale fading based on multipath delay spread and Doppler spread
19. Write short note on umbrella concept.
20. For a cellular system of cluster size seven , determine the frequency reuse distance if
the cell radius is five kilometers . Repeat the calculation for the cluster size of 4 and 12.
21. A service provider wants to provide cellular communication to a particular geographic
area .The total bandwidth is 5MHz and subscriber requires 10kHz of BW. Determine the
system capacity ,if the service provider implements a cellular system with 35 transmitter
sites and cluster size is 7.repeat the above problem for cluster size is equal to 12.
Comment on the result .
22. Explain the following terms with respect to mobile communication.
23. What is Co-channel interference ?How is signal to interference ratio is related with
frequency reuse ratio.
24. Explain Practical link budget Path loss models.
25. Describe the following(i)EIRP(ii)Brewster’s angel(iii)Huygens’s Principle
26. Describe three basic wave propagation mechanisms with relevant diagrams and
27. Write a note on Fresnel zone geometry.
28. Describe Frequency diversity and space diversity with relevant diagram.
29. Explain Handoff Strategy with neat diagram and equation
30. Derive the expression for received power for a Two-Ray ground reflection model.
(i) Cell and cell cluster (ii)Handover and roaming
31. A receiver in an Urban cellular radio system detects 1mW signal at d=d 0=1meter from
the transmitter. In order to mitigate the co-channel interference effects, it is required that
the signal received at any base station transmitter which operates with the same channel
must be below -100dBm . A measurement team has detected that the average path loss
exponent in the system is 3.Determine the major radius of each cell if a seven cell reuse
pattern is used. What is the major radius if four cell reuse pattern is used.
32. Categorize the effect of path loss exponent on the frequency reuse for a cellular system
with total of 550 duplex voice channels without frequency reuse. The service area is
divided into 52 cells .The required signal to co-channel interference is 17dB.Consider the
path loss exponent 3 &4.Assume there are six co-channel cells in the first tier and all of
them at the same distance from the mobile. Use suitable approximations.
33. Show that if n=4, a cell can be split into four smaller cells,each with half the radius and
1/16 of the transmitter power of the original cell. If the extensive measurements show
that path loss exponent is three,how should the transmitter power be changed in order to
split a cell into four smaller cells. If a
transmitter produces 50W of power, express that transmitted power in units of dBm and
dBW. If 50W is applied to a unity gain antenna and the carrier frequency is 900MHz,
find the received power in mW at a free space distance of 100m from the antenna.
Assume unity gain for the receiver antenna and no loss in the system hardware. (6M)
34. Describe the concept of Interleaver.
35. Consider N=19 frequency reuse cellular system. With suitable example substantiate that
the cellular capacity can be improved by employing directional antennas. Comment on
your results. Assume path loss exponent n=3 and S/I=18dB. Apply suitable
36. What is adjacent channel interference? Discuss the methods to overcome this
37. Consider a transmitter which radiates a sinusoidal carrier frequency of 1800 MHz
Assume the receiver receives interference null at the starting point ‘X’. If a vehicle is
moving with 40 kmph speed from the point ‘X’ (away from the transmitter), what time it
will experience interference peak. Also compute the received carrier frequency.
38. Explain coherence bandwidth and delay spread with necessary diagram and mathematical
39. Consider ht and hr, respectively, represents transmit and receive antenna height above the
ground surface, and d represents the distancebetween the transmit and receive antenna on
the ground surface.Draw the power profile pattern with respect to distance.
40. Derive the received power expression for ground reflection model with necessary
schematic and mathematical steps. Consider the vertically polarized wave in this analysis
41. Explain the concept of diffraction with Fresnel zone geometry model. With the help of
suitable expressions explain why the diffracted field strength decreases when the radius
of the circle increases.
42. If a baseband binary message with a bit rate Rb=100kbps is modulated by an RF carrier
using BPSK, answer the following:(i)Find the range of values required for the rms delay
spread of the channel such that the received signal is a flat fading signal(ii)If the
modulation carrier frequency is 5.8GHz ,what is the coherence time of the channel,
assuming a vehicle speed of 30miles per hour?(iii)for your answer in (ii),is the channel is
“fast” or “ slow” fading?(iv)for answer in (ii), how many bits are sent while the channel
appear “static”.
43. a) If Pt=10W,Gt=10dB,Gr=3dB and L=1dB at 900MHz,compute the received power for
the knife-edge geometry shown in the figure P4.19. Compare this value with the
theoretical free space received power if an obstruction did not exist. What is the path loss
due to diffraction in this case?

44. Calculate the mean excess delay ,rms delay spread and the maximum excess delay(10dB)
for the multipath profile given in the figure E5.5 below. Estimate the 50% coherence
bandwidth of the channel. Would this channel be suited for AMPS or GSM service
without the use of an equalizer?

45. Explain the following terms with respect to mobile communication; (i)Cell and cell
cluster (ii)Handover and roaming(iii)Frequency Reuse (iv) co-channel Interference.
46. If 20MHz of total spectrum is allocated for a duplex AMPS wireless cellular system.
(i)Find the simplex and duplex channel Band Width.
(ii)Total number of duplex and Simplex channels in the system
(iii) Total number of duplex channels considering 40kHz guard band.
47. Discuss the generations of wireless cellular networks from 1G to 4Gwith an example.
48. Explain the cellular system with neat block diagram.
49. 33MHz bandwidth is used for a particular cellular system using two 30KHz simplex
channels to provide full duplex voice channels. Compute the number of simultaneous
calls that can be supported per cell if the system uses,TDMA with 8 way time
multiplexing ii)FDMA

50. List the advantages and limitations of free space and two-ray ground reflection model.
51. Write a short note on (i) log-distance path loss model (ii) log - normal shadowing.
52. Calculate the mean excess delay ,rms delay spread and the maximum excess delay(10dB)
for the multipath profile given in the figure E5.5 below. Estimate the 50% coherence
bandwidth of the channel. Would this channel be suited for AMPS or GSM service
without the use of an equalizer?

53. Differentiate small scale fading based on Doppler spread.

54. Define Doppler shift . Also determine the maximum and minimum spectral frequencies
from a stationary GSM transmitter that has a center frequency of exactly
1950.000000MHz,assuming that the receiver is travelling at speeds of (i)1km/hr
55. Explain small scale fading based on multipath delay spread and Doppler spread.
56. Discuss the three most important effects of small scale fading. Also explain the factors
influencing small scale fading.
57. If a particular modulation provides suitable BER performance whenever στ/Ts≤0.1
determine the smallest symbol period Ts(and thus the greatest symbol rate) that may be
sent through RF channels shown in figure 5.6 below without using equalizer.

58. Explain the following: (i)Coherence Bandwidth (ii) Doppler Spread, (iii) rms delay
59. List the various types of small scale fading, With the help of necessary diagrams.
60. A system operates at a frequency of 10GHz. What is the Doppler frequency produced for
a movement at (i) 250kmph (ii) 2.5cm/sec
61. Illustrate the principle of Doppler shift with suitable mathematical treatment.
62. A cellular system moving to an angle of 15 with the antenna axis produces a Doppler
shift of 110Hz. If the operating frequency is 2GHz, determine the speed of movement in

63. Explain the principles of OFDM with neat illustration. Discuss the benefits of using
64. Write a note on Polarization and time diversity techniques.
65. Describe space diversity technique.
66. Explain time diversity using RAKE Receiver.
67. If there are 3 trailing bits, 3 stealing bits ,26 training bits,8.25 guard bits and the rest 116
are data bits, what is the percentage overhead bits in the GSM frame? If the GSM frame
is 4.615ms, what is the spectral efficiency for wideband TDMA.
68. In an Omni-directional (Single-cell, single-sector) CDMA cellular system, Eb/N0=20dB is
required for each user. If 100 users , each with baseband data rate of 13kbps, are to be
accommodated, determine the minimum channel bit rate of the spread spectrum chip
sequence, without voice activity factor and with voice activity equal to 40%.Calculate
number of users per sector .
69. Briefly explain CDMA Forward channel.
70. Determine the number of analog channels per cell for the case of n=4, where the
minimum acceptable C/I =14dB. What is the appropriate cluster size for the system?
Assume the channel BW is 30kHz and the total spectrum allocation is 20MHz.
71. Explain the concept of SDMA and CDMA techniques with necessary diagram.
72. Write a note on (i)GSM Broadcast channels (ii)Handoff in IS-95
73. Discuss the features of CDMA.
74. The PDC TDMA system uses a 42.0 kbps data rate to support 3 users per frame. Each
user occupies two of the six time slots per frame.(i)What is the raw data rate provided for
each user? (ii)if the frame efficiency is 80% and the frame duration is 6.667 ms,determine
the number of information bits sent to each user per frame.(iii)If half rate speech coding
is used, six users per frame is accommodated. Determine the number of information bits
provided for each user per frame.(iv)What is the information data rate per user in half rate
75. Discuss the microcell zone concept to improve the capacity by increasing S/I ratio.
76. What are the practical handoff problems encountered in cellular systems? Explain the
umbrella cell approach with a diagram.
77. A cellular system uses a TDMA scheme which can tolerate a signal to interference ratio
of 15dB in the worst case. Find the optimum value of N for
(i) 60 sectoring
(ii) 120 sectoring.Which case is preferred and why? Assume path loss exponent n = 4.
78. Explain hand-off strategy with neat diagram. How handoff is made in 1G and 2G cellular
79. Write a note on Frequency and Antenna diversity techniques.
80. Explain various space diversity techniques with relevant diagram.
81. Why are diversity techniques used in communication receivers? What are the various
types? Explain in brief.
82. Write a note on Transmit diversity technique with an example
83. Prove that for a hexagonal geometry, the co-channel reuse ratio is given by
Q=√3N,where N=i2+ij+j2.
84. A cellular system has a total of 500 duplex voice channels without frequency reuse and
uses omnidirectional antenna. The service area is 1000km2 and the area of each cell is
5km2. The required signal to co-channel interference ratio is 18dB. consider the path
loss exponent is 3 and 4 . Determine (i)The cell cluster size(ii)The number of cell clusters
in the service area and (iii)The maximum number of users in the service area at any
85. Assuming a receiver is located at 10km from a 50W transmitter. The carrier frequency is
1900MHz ,free space propagation is assumed ,Gt=1,Gr=2, find i)the power at the
receiver(ii)the magnitude of the E-field at the receiver antenna(iii)the open circuit rms
voltage applied to the receiver input assuming that the receiver antenna has a purely real
impedance of 100Ω and is matched to the receiver (iv)find the received power at the
mobile using the two-ray ground reflection model assuming the height of the transmitting
antenna is 50m,receiving antenna is 3m above the ground, and the ground reflection is -1.
86. Explain Log-distance path loss model used in link budget design.
87. Differentiate between Indoor and outdoor propagation models.
88. For a knife edge geometry with necessary diagram show that
2  h 2 d1  d 2 
(i)  
  2 (d1d 2 ) 
2d 1 d 2
(ii)    .
 (d1 + d 2 )
89. With the help of Two ray ground reflection model diagram prove that ∆=d”-d’=2hthr/d.
Also state the advantage of Two ray ground reflection model .
90. How is ground reflection model different from the free space propagation model? Discuss
with suitable illustrations.
91. If a transmitter produces 40W of power, express that transmitted power in units of dBm
and dBW. If 40W is applied to a unity gain antenna and the carrier frequency is
1900MHz, find the received power in mW at a free space distance of 100m from the
antenna. Assume unity gain for the receiver antenna and no loss in the system hardware.
92. Derive an equation to relate the received power at a distance ‘d’ to the received electric
field or the open circuit rms voltage at the receiver.

93. Consider an FDMA system with three channels, each having a bandwidth of 10 kHz and
a transmission rate of 10 kbps. A TDMA system has three time slots, channel bandwidth
of 30 kHz, and a transmission rate of 30 kbps. Compare the radio capacity and spectrum
94. If W=1.25MHz ,R=9600bps and a minimum acceptable Eb/N0 is found to be 10dB
,determine the maximum number of users that can be supported in a single cell CDMA
system using (i)Omnidirectional base station antennas and no voice activity
detection(ii)three sectors at the base station and activity detection with 3/8.Assume the
system is interference limited.
95. Derive an expression for radio capacity of digital cellular TDMA system.
96. In a single cell omni-directional CDMA cellular system, Eb/N0=6dB is required for each
user. If 100 users, each with a baseband data rate of 20 kbps are to be accommodated,
determine the minimum channel bit rate of the spread spectrum chip sequence. Assume
voice activity is 3/8.\
97. Discuss the features of CDMA. Explain how (i) CDMA system is interference-limited,
and (ii) CDMA overcomes inter symbol interference due to its inherent nature.
98. Explain cdma 2000 layer architecture with protocol stack
99. Explain the functional block diagram of GSM architecture.
100. Explain (i) GSM frame format (ii) IS95 CDMA reverse channel
101. Explain GSM common control channels.
102. Write a note on SIMO channels.
103. Write a note on (i)GSM Broadcast channels (ii)Handoff’s in IS-95
104. Write a note a MIMO and SIMO Scheme with neat diagram.
105. Explain different types GSM channels in brief.
106. Write the salient features of CDMA 2000.
107. Write a note on Handoff in IS-95

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