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Exercises of The Task 5

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Task 5

I- Exercise #1
Fill in the blanks with the verb in the present
1. We always __________ (walk) home from school.
2. She __________ (not/drink) diet sodas.
3. __________ (like/you) to watch T.V.?
4. I __________ (not/play) tennis every Saturday.
5. He __________ (be) a very well educated person.
6. My neighbor __________ (not/work) at the hospital.
7. When do you __________ (eat) dinner?
8. The students _________ (not/be) always good in their
9. __________ (live/he) in California?
10. The store usually __________ (close) at 10 p.m.
11. She __________ (not/know) the story by heart.
12. He _________ (not/call) his mother every Sunday.
13. __________ (talk/you) to your brother every day?
14. When __________ (leave/she) for work?
15. My friend __________ (not/speak) five languages.
16. I __________ (not/be) a good cooker.
17. He __________ (take) vitamins every day.
18. __________ (travel/they) together?
19. They __________ (not/go) to the park often.
20. What _______this word _______ (mean)?

II- Simple Present or Present Continuous

Exercise # 2
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb tense.
1. Every Saturday, John (drive) ____________________ his son
to soccer practice.
Task 5
2. Usually, I (work) _____________________ as a professor at
the National University in
Tokyo, but this summer I (study) _____________________
English in the United States.
That’s why I am here in the U.S.
3. Shhhh! Be quiet! The baby
4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain)
5. It (always, snow) ___________________ a lot during the
6. I'm sorry, but I can't hear what you (say)
___________________ . Everybody (talk)
___________________ so loudly.
7. Maria (currently, write) ___________________ a book about
her experiences in the U.S.
8. A: Do you want to go for a walk around the lake? I
(need) _____________ some exercise.
B: No, I can't. I (watch) _____________________ my little
9. The business cards (normally, be) _____________________
printed by a company in San Francisco. Their prices (be)
_________________ inexpensive and the quality of their work
is good.
10. The children (eat) ____________________ too much
candy. They are going to be sick!

III- Can or can’t

Exercise # 3

Fill in each blank space with can or can’t according to the context.

Today, I ________ really have a bad day because I ________

wake up healthy and happy. So, I ________ forget to set my
alarm clock every night before I sleep. I ________ get up as fast as I
________ and I ________ put on some clothes. I ________ ran into
the kitchen because it’s closer and I ________ make myself a cup of
coffee. Then I ________ drink it alone. However, I ________ drink the
cold water after that because it’s not healthy. Finally, I ________ run
to faster to my car. It ________ be a terrible morning!
Task 5

IV- Present continuous tense.

Exercise # 4
Fill in the blanks with the correct verb in the
present continuous.
1. I speak to my teacher. I ____________(Speak) to my teacher.
2. She listens to the song. She ____________ (listen)to the song.
3. My friend laughs at my joke. My friend ___________ (Laugh)_ at my
4. She is silly. She ____________ (Be)silly.
5. I sing. I ____________ (Sing) today.
6. They do their homework. They ____________ (Do)their homework.
7. My boss plans a meeting. My boss____________(Plan) a meeting.
8. We have a party. We ____________ (Have)a party.
9. The band plays a beautiful song. The band ____________ (Play) a
beautiful song.
10. I try to explain. I ____________(Try) to explain.

V- How many / how much

Exercise # 5
Use How much or How many according to the situation.

1. ………………………….. lemonade have we got? Not much.

2. ………………………….. bottles are there? Three.
3. ………………………….. meat is there? We have got two steaks.
4. ………………………….. bananas have we got? We haven’t got any.
5. ………………………….. sugar have we got? Enough.
6. ………………………….. bread have we got? Some.
7. ………………………….. pens are in your bag? Six.
8. ………………………….. money have we got? We haven’t got a lot.
9. ………………………….. bikes are there in the garden? Two.
10. ………………………….. children have they got? Two girls and a boy.

VI- Imperatives.
Exercise # 6
Put the verbs in the imperative form. Mind the positive or the negative
Task 5
1. (wait) ………a minute.
2. (not/come) ………over here, please.

3. (not/close) ………the door when you go outside.

4. (listen) ……… to your teacher.

5. (give) ………me your phone number so that I can call you.

6. (work) ……… so hard.

7. (not/go) ……… there.

8. (not/be) ……… so rude.

9. (not/forget) ……… to tidy up your room.

10. (stay) ……… inside the building.

VII- Jobs and occupations.

Exercise # 7
Complete by the appropriate word of the main job.

She hosts a TV show. She rides the rodeo. She plays the bass in a band

She´s an (1) ……………… , a valet at the parking lot, a (2)

……………… working the land She is a (3) ……………… - she

gets the gold, she’s a (4) ……………… - the star of the show. She’s
– not – just a pretty face
She’s – got – everything it takes. She has a fashion line

She has a fashion line, a (5) ……………… for “Time”, coaches a

football team
Task 5

She’s a (6) ……………… , a romance (7) ………………

She is a (8) ……………… of three , she is a (9) ……………… ,

she is a wife

She is a (10) ……………… - she’ll save your life. She´s - not - just a
pretty face. Oh,oh,yeah Oh,na,na,na,na... She´s - got - everything it
takes. She´s - mother - of the human race. She´s - not - just a pretty

She is your (11) ……………… , she is your (12) ………………

She is your (13) ………………

She is every woman in the world. Oh, la, la, la . She flies an airplane.
She drives a subway train. At night she pumps gasoline
She´s on the council - she´s on the board

She´s a (14) ……………… (14). She praises the lord

The End

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