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Hidden Diabetes Cures

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Caused by Toxic Oils, Cured by Natural Ones.


Type 1 Diabetes, Cause and Cure. Milk and vaccinations implicated.


Cause of type 2 diabetes is toxic oils. Cure with natural ones.


Diabetes Diet and Cure: Don't eat toxic fats and oils.


Toxic fat and oils cause diabetes; learn how to buy and use.




Diabetes Symptoms caused by toxic oils; cure with natural ones.


Diabetes Research Implicates Toxic Oils As a Cause of Type 2





Caused by Toxic Oils, Cured by Natural Ones.

What is Diabetes? A disease of excessive blood sugar, caused by a diet of toxic engineered fats and
oils. It is a deficiency disease. Learn how to cure it with natural fats and oils, not drugs.

What is diabetes

Diabetes is a disease characterized by an excessive amount of blood sugar or glucose. This is a

dangerous condition for the body, and gives rise to major diseases including obesity, heart disease,
stroke, high blood pressure, blindness, kidney disease, nervous system disease, dental disease,
amputation, pregnancy complications, increased susceptibility to other illnesses, liver damage, stroke,
and death.

Diabetes is medically known as diabetes mellitus, from the Greek diabetes - flowing through,
and the Latin mellitus - sweet like honey. This is because the glucose appears in the urine.

Types of diabetes

Almost all cases of diabetes are either Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 diabetes once only occurred in children
and was referred to as child onset or juvenile onset diabetes, or insulin dependent diabetes, while Type
2 was referred to as adult onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes, but since 45% of new cases
now occur in children, the age-specific term has been dropped, and both forms are now called Type 1
or Type 2.

Gestational Diabetes, or diabetes during pregnancy, appears to be the same as Type 2 diabetes,
and is treated the same way.

At the turn of the 20th century, diabetes was so rare it was considered a curiosity. Today it
affects over half our population and incapacitates 20%. It is not a contagious disease, which means
something in our environment or lifestyle has changed.

The Cause and Cure for Diabetes

This website explains the cause of Type 2 diabetes to be the consumption of toxic fat and oil, and the
lack of essential fats and oils. It is a deficiency disease that is cured by consuming the essential oils you
have been missing. That's right, in most cases diabetes can be cured, and the damage done reversed if it
hasn't gone too far. Read about it here.

Type 1 diabetes is caused by the consumption of cows milk by infants weaned too soon from
mothers milk, and by vaccinations. Surprisingly, change of diet will reduce the amount of insulin
required, and will lower cholesterol levels, and there is at least one herb capable of restoring the
damaged beta cells responsible for making insulin. Read about it here.

This website offers a simple natural cure that you can do while continuing with your
conventional medical treatment. There is no risk because you are merely replacing toxic engineered fats
and oils in your diet with natural ones. You don't have to take any drugs or medication. If you do not

see results in a few months, no harm has been done.

If you choose conventional medical treatment, you can expect your diabetes to get worse. This
is because doctors use drugs to treat symptoms while the underlying cause remains untreated and
continues to get worse. You can expect: obesity, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, blindness,
kidney disease, nervous system disease, dental disease, amputation, pregnancy complications,
increased susceptibility to other illnesses, liver damage, stroke, and death.

T. Colin Campbell, in his book The China Study, showed that a high-fiber, whole, plant-based
diet protected against diabetes, while a high-fat, high-protein, animal-based diet promoted it. This
plant-based diet is much more alkaline than a meat-based diet. An alkaline diet is the method for
avoiding cancer as explained at, so it will do you well.

Whether you change your entire diet, or just the fats and oils, you can expect results in a few
months. In the process, you must continue to control your blood sugar level to prevent damage to the
body. There are natural products available that control blood sugar, which may be a better choice than
drugs with harmful side effects.

Learn the Cause and Cure of Diabetes Type 1
Learn the Cause and Cure of Diabetes Type 2

Related Articles
The China Study
Read about the extensive research of this invaluable diet book.

In the beginning, there was nothing. And then God said: “Let there be light.” And there was still
nothing, but now at least you could see it.

Do you run a site that should be listed here? Link to this site and then tell us about it.


Type 1 Diabetes, Cause and Cure. Milk and vaccinations implicated.

The likely Cause of Type 1 Diabetes in infants, also known as juvenile onset diabetes, is the
consumption of cows milk, and vaccinations. Changing your diet can reduce or eliminate insulin
requirements, and there may be cures.

The pancreas of Type 1 diabetics cannot produce insulin because insulin producing cells have
been destroyed due to an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself. Since the ability to
produce insulin is gone, it would seem that diet would have no role to play.

In his book The China Study, Dr. Campbell cites several studies showing that diabetics were
able to reduce their insulin medication after switching to a high-fiber, high carbohydrate, low-fat diet.
One researcher put his subjects on whole plant foods and the equivalent of a cold cut or two of meat
each day. After three weeks, Type 1 diabetic patients were able to reduce their insulin by an average of
40%. Their blood sugar improved dramatically, and their cholesterol dropped by 30%.

The above experimental diet did not go as far as Dr. Campbell suggests in The China Study.
Switching to a plant based meat-free diet was found to be the most beneficial for health all around.

Cows Milk Is Implicated in Type 1 Diabetes

You will never see the above sentence as a headline, regardless of the scientific research. The impact on
the dairy industry would be monumental.

Dr. Campbell, in The China Study, tells of a study measuring the antibodies to milk protein. All
142 diabetic children had antibody levels higher than 3.55, while all 79 normal children had levels less
than 3.55; there was no overlap. This implied: 1) Children with more antibodies consumed more cows
milk; and 2) increased antibodies may produce diabetes Type 1.

The mechanism of how cow's milk might produce diabetes Type 1:

An infant is weaned from the breast too early and consumes cows milk, but the digestion is not
complete and some protein fragments enter the blood stream. The immune system recognizes these
fragments as invaders, and goes about destroying them. Unfortunately, some of the fragments look like
cells of the pancreas responsible for making insulin. The immune system can't tell the difference, and
goes about destroying them as well, resulting in a pancreas that can't produce insulin.

In light of the studies, the American Academy of Pediatrics in 1994 "strongly encouraged" that
infants in families where diabetes is more common, not be fed cows milk for the first two years of their
life. Other studies have found that cows milk increases the risk of diabetes Type 1 by 5 or 6 times. The
findings confirm the dangers of cows milk, especially to those children who are genetically susceptible.
Worldwide, diabetes Type 1 is growing at a rate of 3% each year.

While on the subject of milk, The China Study had evidence that increased cows milk
consumption was associated with increased hip fractures and multiple sclerosis. But doesn't milk build
strong bones? Apparently not.

Vaccinations are Implicated in Diabetes Type 1

Childhood vaccinations have been implicated with type 1 diabetes. Dr. J. Bart Classen, an
immunologist at Classen Immunotherapies, presented data that vaccines cause approximately 80% of
cases of insulin dependent diabetes in children who have received multiple vaccines starting after 2
month of life. This included vaccines for pertussis, mumps, rubella, hepatitis B, hemophilus influenza
and others. Disease may not develop until four or more years after being vaccinated. For more
information, see here.

Cures for Diabetes Type 1

With diabetes Type 1, the cells of the pancreas responsible for manufacturing insulin have been
destroyed. These are called Beta cells, clusters of endocrine cells within the pancreas located in the
islets of Langerhans. This might lead you to believe that a cure is not possible; however a study has
shown that gymnema sylvestre, an herb, is capable of restoring the function of these cells.

In 1990, at the Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Diabetes (Kilpauk Medical College Hospital), Madras,
India, E.R.B. Shanmugasundaram, et al., gave 400 mg/day of gymnema sylvestre extract to 27 patients
with diabetes Type 1. Insulin requirements and excessive excretion of glucose in the urine (glucosuria)
were reduced in 22 patients, while blood sugar (glucose) levels were reduced in 25. There were no side
effects or any gastrointestinal disturbances, and five patients even reported a sense of greater well
being. Beta cell function was also increased in these patients.

Another study upon animals, published in the same journal, found that normal, balanced blood-
sugar levels were restored and that the numbers of beta cells were actually doubled.

Don't look for a cure from the US medical establishment any time soon; why would they want
to kill a cash cow? You will have to pursue this avenue on your own, hopefully with help from your

For references and further research, go here.

READ NEXT: Diabetes Diet and Cure

Products Useful to Reverse Type 1 Diabetes

Absolutely The - Gymnema Sylvestre

Not only does it appears to increase the number of beta cells, gymnema sylvestre is successful in
controlling blood sugar without reducing it below normal levels. It has been used in India for 2,000
years to treat diabetes.


Cause of type 2 diabetes is toxic oils. Cure with natural ones.

The historical Cause of Type 2 Diabetes is a food industry that requires a long shelf life. The biological
cause is the removal of essential fats and oils, and their replacement with toxic substitutes. The cure is
to consume natural ones.

Historical Cause

At the turn of the 20th century, food manufacturers needing a long shelf life for their manufactured
food products, began removing the fats and oils because many fats and oils turn rancid quickly.

Also in the last century, substitutions from natural fats and oils were made. Margarine was
promoted as a healthy substitute for butter. Crisco, the artificial shortening, was substituted for lard.
Flax, coconut, and fish oils disappeared from market shelves.

At the turn of the 20th century, diabetes was so rare it was considered a curiosity. Today it
affects over half our population and incapacitates 20%. It is not a contagious disease, which means
something in our environment or lifestyle has changed. The removal of essential oils, and the
consumption of toxic manufactured substitutes, parallels the rise of the diabetes epidemic.

Biological Cause

Diabetes is classically known as a failure of the body to properly metabolize carbohydrates. Its defining
symptom is high blood glucose or sugar (hyperglycemia). With our increased knowledge of metabolic
processes, diabetes type 2 (also known as adult onset diabetes) appears to be a failure of the body to
properly metabolize fats and oils. This failure results in a loss of effectiveness of insulin and in the
consequent failure to metabolize carbohydrates. Making the latest medical research available to the
public has been hampered by this outdated classical understanding.

Insulin, a hormone made by the pancreas, has the job of ushering the glucose from the blood
and into the cells, either to be used as fuel, or to be stored as glycogen and fat. Diabetes Type 1 results
from insufficient insulin production by the pancreas. Diabetes Type 2 results from cells that do not
respond to the insulin. In both types, the blood-glucose level remains elevated, a condition leading to
diseases such as blindness, gangrene, kidney disease, impotence, obesity, and nerve damage.

The problem of Diabetes Type 2 is not with the insulin; it is chemically the same in the normal
and diabetic cases. The problem is with the hundred or so trillion cells that no longer respond to the
insulin, so the pancreas produces more of it in an attempt to get the cells to consume the glucose. The
result is too much insulin in the blood (hyperinsulinemia) which is also damaging to the body. The
pancreas can become exhausted while trying to maintain abnormally high levels of insulin. After
eating, the high level of glucose is often preceded and accompanied by high levels of insulin.

Cure for Type 2 Diabetes

The cause of diabetes Type 2 is the lack of essential fats and oils and their replacement with toxic
substitutes; the cure is to stop consuming the toxic variety, and start consuming the natural non-toxic

versions. Diabetes is a deficiency disease. This is also the means of prevention for diabetes Type 2.
While you are at it, you must control your blood sugar level so that you cause no damage to your body.
Some herbs may be useful for this.
There is evidence that diets high in omega-6 fatty acids produced insulin resistance. Your diet
should have a balance of the omega-3 and omega-6 types (these two are considered essential fatty
acids), but when you are healing from diabetes, you should consume mainly the omega-3 version using
flax oil to make up for the long-term deficiency. After recovery, then take a balanced supplement.

READ NEXT: Diabetes Diet and Cure

Recommended Sources

Related Articles

Cholesterol and Hyperinsulinemia

The increase in cholesterol, and in LDL ("bad" cholesterol), causes heart disease and strokes, and is a
result of hyperinsulinemia.

Diabetes Research

Research implicates the consumption of excessive omega-6 and insufficient omega-3 with insulin
resistance and obesity.


Diabetes Diet and Cure: Don't eat toxic fats and oils.

This Diabetes Diet is a cure for Type 2 diabetes. The cause of diabetes is the removal of essential fats
and oils from our food, and their replacement with toxic substitutes. The cure is to consume natural

If you change your diet, you will only stick with it if you believe the evidence and experience
the benefits. For that reason you should see the extensive research that resulted in the book The China
Study by T. Colin Campbell, PhD. This is the most important book you can buy that answers the
question: "What should my diet be?" It is not based on opinion, but on observation and measurement of
a huge population.

The China Study correlated reduction of fat with a reduction of Type 2 diabetes, and it's
recommendation was that you reduce your consumption of fat to improve diabetes.

I don't know what type of fats and oils the Chinese Study was based on, but I would suspect the
toxic versions so pervasive in modern society. I believe this because there are fats that are essential for
health, and must be obtained from our food; you must not stop your consumption of these fats. If the
fats and oils you consume are toxic, you should expect an improvement when you stop consuming
them, and that may be what was seen in The China Study.

I am not dismissing The China Study; it is one of the most important books you can read. I am
merely pointing out possible limitations. You can cure your diabetes by modifying your fat and oil
consumption as described on the fats and oils page, but if you want to promote good health all around,
take a lesson from The China Study and change your diet. The conclusion of this massive study is this:

"Eat a whole foods, plant-based diet, while minimizing the consumption of refined foods, added salt
and added fats."

Eliminate all animal-based products, but don't obsess over it. If a dish contains a small amount
of meat, the quantity very likely will be nutritionally unimportant. Benefits were shown to increase as
meat consumption decreased, even when the percentage declined from 10% to 0%.

The concept of the Diabetes Diet is simple: Stop consuming toxic fats and oils, and start
consuming the non-toxic natural essential versions. This is also the means of prevention for diabetes.
Follow the recommendations on the fats and oils page. As a recommendation for an all-around good
diet that will also prevent cancer, see the nutrition for immunity page of

I would start by consuming my essential fatty acids (EFAs) in the form of Flax oil. It will act as
a solvent, dispersing deposits of saturated fatty acids and cholesterol which accumulate and make
platelets sticky. It provides a fast way to make up for long term omega-3 deficiency. Take about a dozen
250 mL bottles of flax over a period of a few months. This works out to about 1 tablespoon twice a day.
Optimum level is about 1 tablespoon per 50 pounds body weight per day. I would not consume other
oils until I was seeing results. Taking only flax oil for a long period of time (1 to 2 years) may make
you omega-6 deficient because it contains 4 times omega-3 to omega-6.

If you take too much oil, your liver will not be able to handle it and you will feel nauseous. If
you take more, you will throw up. It would be good to start out slowly and work your way up. Start out
as slowly as necessary, even a drop, even a whiff, but start. The oils are essential. Your liver may not be
able to handle it due to EFA deficiency.

You can put the oil in fruit, vegetables, grains, and proteins. It can be put in hot and cold dishes,
you can boil with oil, even the most sensitive oils; 212° F won't damage it. But don't fry with it.

Flax oil has the highest source of omega-3, while safflower oil has the highest source of omega-
6. Hemp oil contains an ideal balanced ratio of three to one of omega-6 to omega-3 for long term use.
Udo's Choice is a balanced blend of flax and other oils that may be the best balanced source of EFAs. It
is made by Flora, Inc., a quality manufacturer.

An optimum dose of linoleic acid (omega-6) is in the order of 9 to 18 grams per day (half an
ounce or 1 tablespoon). An optimum dose of alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) is in the order of 1/5 to 1/2
of linoleic acid (1 or 2 teaspoons per day). Stated another way, it has been suggested that 3 to 6% of
calories should be omega-6, 2% as omega 3, and the combined total of EFAs at least 1/3 of the total fat
consumed. If you have dry skin, take more oil. If you are getting enough EFAs, it should feel soft and
velvety. Requirements can vary dramatically from person to person, and need to be determined by
yourself from experience.

For optimal health, other essential nutrients are required to make the EFAs work:

20 or 21 minerals
13 vitamins
8 amino acids (10 for children, 11 for premature infants)

I would stay away from all processed food. Any food with the word "hydrogenated" on the label
must be avoided, and if it has "oil" and isn't refrigerated, consider it toxic.

Any food with oil in it such as nuts and seeds should not be rancid or roasted, and should
hopefully come out of the refrigerated section of your health food store.

The commercial feeds given to farm animals must contain EFAs in order for the eggs, chicken,
and meat to contain them. Otherwise, they will contain insufficient EFAs for optimal human health. But
EFAs are removed from artificial man-made feeds in order to increase shelf life, so don't count on
animal food to supply your EFAs.

Diet Suggestions

Minimize your consumption of simple refined carbohydrates that metabolize quickly and produce a
spike in blood sugar. Generally, anything that has been processed should be avoided. These include:

Soft drinks
White rice

White bread
French fries

Maximize your consumption of carbohydrates that digest gradually, These include:

Whole grains or whole grain bread (oat, millet, quinoa, barley, spelt, bulgur, wheat, rice ...; you
can buy these in bulk at your local health food store, and cook them)
Legumes (lentils, chick peas, beans ... )
Nuts and seeds (almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, ... ). Buy them raw,
unsalted, unprocessed. They contain oils.
Vegetables (celery, tomato, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, lettuce, onion, squash, cucumber,
radish ... ). Especially include green leafy vegetables (spinach, collard greens, red leaf lettuce, ... but
avoid berg lettuce; it's not very nutritious).
Fruits (oranges, lemons, limes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, apples, ... )
Consume a high-fiber diet; this slows down the release of sugar into the blood stream.
Instead of using butter, consider dipping your bread in fresh unrefined oil such as olive, flax,
hemp, or other oil. This habit, common in the Mediterranean area, does away with the need for
hydrogenation to make spreads. Or, use a squeeze bottle and pour the oil onto the bread. It is just like
melted butter.

Controlling Your Blood Sugar

In addition, you must control your blood sugar so that you do not cause your body damage. It may be a
good idea to consult your health care provider. If you want a recommendation for one:

The Wolfe Clinic – Consultations

For a one-time fee of $95, after your initial consultation with Dr. Wolfe, you can call him any time you
have a health concern or question. It means "lifetime" follow-up support with a health program tailored
to meet your specific and very personal needs. Where's the catch? While his site doesn't say so, I
would speculate that he makes money on the products he sells. Tell him Hidden-Diabetes-Cures sent
you and receive a 10% discount for your consultation.
Choose foods with a low glycemic index. Do not use food exchanges which are useful for
controlling calories, but not sugar.
Exercise is useful for glucose disposal.
Consider using herbs such as gymnema sylvestre (see below) to keep your blood sugar low.
Also consider using cinnamon. See the products below.

Recommended Sources

Today's drugs are manufactured by removing the active ingredients from herbs, and leaving behind the
wisdom. The result creates unpleasant side effects. If you are looking for alternatives to drugs, check
out the following traditional herbal products:

• ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. - Yinvive and Yanvive

In recent years, Chinese doctors have found that YinVive (and YanVive) are very effective in treating
Type 2 diabetes. In multiple controlled human clinical trials, YinVive was reported consistently
effective in over 90% of patients; their blood sugar levels returned to normal. The treatment is at least
as good as the standard treatment with western medicines. Use Yinvive or Yanvive, depending on your

• has several products useful for controlling blood sugar.

• Absolutely The - Gymnema Sylvestre

Not only does it appear to increase the number of beta cells, gymnema sylvestre is successful in
controlling blood sugar without reducing it below normal levels. It has been used in India for 2,000
years to treat diabetes. It also abolishes the taste of sugar, which effectively suppresses and neutralizes
the craving for sweets. It blocks intestinal absorption of sugar and passes it through the system. The
Hindi name for Gymnema is Gurmar, the "destroyer of sugar".

• - Triphala, King of Medicines

Here is a popular ayurvedic herbal formula from India, a compound of three herbs that is considered to
destroy all diseases, eliminate all waste from the body, and promote tissue growth and health. It is used
to treat diabetes, and others including digestive diseases, urinary diseases, skin diseases, parasitic
infections, heart diseases, irregular fevers, flatulence, constipation, ulcers, vomiting, colic pain and
hemorrhoids. If taken after meals it prevents imbalance of any of the humors due to bad food or drink.
It promotes wisdom, intellect and eyesight. There are no problems in long term use of Triphala. Take a
larger dose for use as a laxative, a smaller dose for gradual blood purification; adjust according to one's
bowel movements.

READ NEXT: Fats and Oils

Related Articles
Diabetes Drugs
Drugs are made by removing the active ingredient from herbs and leaving behind the wisdom; hence
the unpleasant side effects. Learn about them here.


Toxic fat and oils cause diabetes; learn how to buy and use.

Learn how to buy, use, and store fats and oils. The cause of diabetes is the removal of essential fats and
oils from our food, and their replacement with toxic substitutes. Do not believe our food supply is safe.
Don't buy toxic oils, and don't destroy them by cooking.

The Difference Between Fat and Oil

The difference between fats and oils is in their melting temperature. At room temperature, fats tend to
be solid, while oils tend to be liquid.

If you heat a fat, it will turn to oil; if you heat it further, it will smoke, and toxic byproducts will
be produced. When the oil is cooled, the toxin remains in the oil. The temperature at which oil is
refined or hydrogenated is high enough to damage it and remove all its nutritional value. This also
gives it a long shelf life and is virtually unspoilable.

Saturated animal fats have been a food for thousands of years. They act as a concentrated
energy source whenever carbohydrates are not available. They keep well at room temperature and will
not go rancid, a necessity in the era prior to refrigeration. Our bodies need certain types of unsaturated
oils as building blocks for cells and for cell repair, but in their absence our bodies use these saturated
fats instead. This has been identified as a causal factor in diabetes.

To learn more about oils, I suggest the book Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill: The Complete
Guide to Fats, Oils, Cholesterol and Human Health, by Udo Erasmus. Read the reviews for this must-
read book.

Fat and Oil Chemistry

If you want to understand the meaning of terms that describe your oil, you need to learn some basic
chemistry. Otherwise you can skip this section. Fats and oils are similar chemically, but subtle
differences have major effects on health. For a more complete discussion of the chemistry of fat and
oil, see here.

A fatty acid molecule is composed of two parts: a fatty chain on one end, and an acid group on
the other. The fatty chain is insoluble in water (hydrophobic), an important property in its functioning
in the body. This chain consists of carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) atoms, with a methyl group (CH3) on
one end. The acid group is a carboxyl (COOH) which is soluble in water but not oil. The length of the
chain varies.

GO TO IMAGE 01: butyric-acid.gif

When the carbon atoms have attached to them all the hydrogen atoms they can hold, that is called a
"saturated fatty acid" and there are no carbon double bonds. If two adjacent carbon atoms are missing
hydrogen atoms and have a double bond, that is called a "monounsaturated fatty acid" ("mono" means
one). If there are two or more carbon double bonds, it is called a "polyunsaturated fatty acid".
Unsaturated fatty acids are chemically more active and unstable than saturated fatty acids.

There is a numbering system used to identify where chemical bonds occur on the fatty chain.
The term "Omega", being the end letter of the Greek alphabet, indicates that the count starts from the
end of the chain (the CH3 side). The location of the carbon double bond determines the type of Omega
fatty acid. Omega 3 means a double bond occurs at the third carbon from the end carbon of the chain.
Omega 9 means a double bond occurs at the 9th carbon from the end carbon.

Unsaturated Fatty Acids

GO TO IMAGE 02: unsaturated-fatty-acids.gif

Vegetable oils and animal fats consist mainly of triglycerides. A triglyceride is a chemical compound
that contains one molecule of glycerol, and three fatty acids; each of the three fatty acids can be of
different lengths and saturations. Glycerol is an alcohol that can contain from one to three fatty acids,
so monoglycerides and diglycerides can also be formed; these are classified as esters which are
compounds formed from the reaction between acids and alcohols. A large diversity of compounds can
be formed. Body fat is mainly made of triglycerides. Energy is stored as triglycerides.
A carbon double bond can have two configurations: Cis means "on the same side", while Trans means
"across" or "on the other side". "Trans" means the hydrogen atoms of a carbon double bond are on the
opposite side of the chain, causing the molecule to have a straight shape, while "Cis" has the hydrogen
atoms on the same side, giving the molecule a V shape. Their properties are entirely different. Naturally
occurring fatty acids generally have the Cis configuration. Trans fatty acids are said to be toxic, and
naturally occurring quantities are too small to pose a hazard.

GO TO IMAGE 03: cis-trans-fatty-acids.gif

A fat is solid because it consists mostly of saturated fatty acids. As more of the spaces are filled with
hydrogen (closer to saturated), the chain becomes stiffer, and the more likely it will be a solid (fat) at
room temperature. All fats and oils differ from each other by the length of their chain and degree of
saturation. The longer chained ones are also more likely to be solid. Oils have mostly polyunsaturated
fatty acids. All edible fats and oils contain a mixture of saturated, monounsaturated, and
polyunsaturated fatty acids, but they are described by the predominant type.

A breakdown of fatty acid % content of omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, and saturated, of some
oils is (in order of 3:6:9:saturated). Values may not add up to 100 due to rounding, and some
constituents are not listed:

Oil ώ3:ώ6:ώ9:sat
Almond oil 00:17:78:05
Avocado oil 00:10:70:20
Beef Tallow 01:03:43:46
Brazil nut oil 00:24:48:24
Butter (cow) 01:02:29:56
Canola oil (rape) 07:30:54:07
Cashew 00:06:70:18
Cocoa Butter 00:03:32:63
Coconut oil 00:03:06:91

Corn oil 00:59:24:17

Filbert oil 00:16:54:05
Flax oil 58:14:19:09
Grape Seed Oil 00:73:15:12
Hemp oil 20:60:12:08
Lard (pork fat) 00:10:44:42
Macadamia 00:10:71:12
Olive oil 00:08:76:16
Palm 00:10:40:50
Palm Kernel 00:02:15:79
Peanut oil 00:29:47:18
Pecan oil 00:20:63:07
Pistachio 00:19:65:09
Pumpkin seed oil 0-15:42-57:34:9
Rice bran 01:35:48:17
Safflower oil 00:75:13:12
Sesame oil 00:45:42:13
Soybean oil 07:50:26:15
Sunflower 00:65:23:12
Walnut oil 05:51:28:16
Wheat germ oil 05:50:25:18

While virtually all edible fats contain significant quantities of monounsaturated fatty acids
(omega-9), animal fats derived from ruminant animals like sheep and cattle are largely saturated. Fats
from other animals such as pigs and chickens are less saturated and contain some polyunsaturated fatty
acids. Fats from game meat such as deer tend to contain less saturated fatty acids and often contain
significant quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Fats from fish are generally highly unsaturated and
contain omega-3 fatty acids.

Essential Fatty Acids

Only two types of fatty acids must be consumed in our diet because the human body does not
manufacture them, and these are the polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 Alpha-Linolenic Acid, and
omega-6 Linoleic Acid. Without these, disease will occur.

What is Hydrogenation?

Hydrogenation is the process of combining hydrogen gas at high pressure and temperature with the oil,
in the presence of a metal catalyst such as nickel, platinum, or copper, in order to make the liquid oil
into a solid. It destroys the essential fatty acids and replaces them with trans fatty acids that the body is
not equipped to deal with, and leaves behind traces of metal. They compete with essential fatty acids
for absorption in the body and create imbalances and deficiencies. Hydrogenation creates unpredictable
new molecules, whose effects are unknown, which profoundly alters the properties of the oil.

Studies are available for trans fatty acids because these are the largest group of modified
molecules, but there are a lot of other kinds of modified molecules that occur in small quantities that
may turn out to be far more toxic. These include cyclic fatty acid derivatives in which the fatty acid

chains react with themselves, cross-linked fatty acid chains, dimers, polymers of fatty acids, cross
linked triglycerides, molecular fragments, and bond-shifted molecules.

If the label says "hydrogenated" or "partially hydrogenated", consider it inedible.

For more on this, see here.

What Oils to Buy

Flaxseed oil has the highest concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, at 58 per cent. A suggested dose is
one to two tablespoons a day; for children, a teaspoon from age one, to a tablespoon from age 3 and up.
Most suppliers offer capsules of 1,000 mg; this works out to 5 capsules per teaspoon, or 15 capsules per
tablespoon. It is a lot cheaper buying the oil in liquid form, though capsules may be more convenient
when on the go. You should never cook with flaxseed oil, but you can use it in drinks or on salads,
sauces, dips, or foods. To determine the freshness of flaxseed oil, it should taste slightly sweet. If it is
even slightly bitter, it is rancid and should be thrown out. If the oil is manufactured using the
"omegaflow" process, consider it a quality oil.

Flaxseed oil is particularly fragile and must be processed under strict conditions, and shipped
and displayed in refrigerators.

Do not use cottonseed oil. It has toxic effects.

Do not buy canola oil or products containing it. Said to be toxic to living things, it has been
shown to cause lung cancer. Some possible side effects include loss of vision, disruption of the central
nervous system, respiratory illness, anemia, constipation, increased incidence of heart disease and
cancer, and low birth weights in infants and irritability. It has a tendency to inhibit proper metabolism
of foods and prohibits normal enzyme function. It has a cumulative effect, taking almost 10 years
before symptoms begin to manifest. This oil is used in a lot of foods.

See here.

Flax, sunflower, and sesame oils are some of the best oils, if you want to make your own blend.

How to Buy Oil

When you buy oil, be sure you buy it from the refrigerated section. Any unsaturated fat or oil that does
not need constant refrigeration should be considered inedible. The only exception is olive oil; it need
not be refrigerated. Select brands with opaque bottles; light is the greatest enemy of EFAs and destroys
their biological properties 1,000 times faster, creating many toxic and non-toxic components. If they
are frozen, they will remain unspoiled for a long time.

When you buy coconut oil, there are two types of refining process: traditional, and centrifugal.
The traditional method uses a fermentation method which, if not done carefully, may leave toxins in the
oil and should be avoided. It would be wise to buy the low-temperature centrifugal oil.

Buy organic oils. Many oils come from plants sprayed with pesticides which are usually fat-

soluble and concentrate in the oil portion of the plant.

Don't be misled by the "no cholesterol" label on the bottle. Oils derived from plants don't
contain cholesterol.

Only buy unrefined mechanically extracted cold pressed oil. If it doesn't say unrefined on the
label, and mechanically (or expeller) pressed, assume that it is chemically extracted, hydrogenated,
degummed, bleached, and/or deodorized, with toxic chemical residues. (Olive oil that is virgin or extra
virgin is unrefined).

Most oils come from the seeds of plants which are crushed and pressed to remove the oil. Heat
can damage oils and make them toxic, so the best oils are produced with minimal heat. The terms "cold
pressed" and "expeller pressed" are not legally defined, and a manufacturer may state that it is cold
pressed if no heat is added. Expeller pressing can approach, but rarely exceeds 100°C (212°F) (presses
take a lot of energy). This temperature will not damage the oils. Internal changes take place in the oils
at high temperatures and begin to measurably occur at 160°C (320°F), and become serious above
200°C (392°F).

Cold pressing is not a real measure of quality; cold pressed oil can be damaged if it is not
protected from light and air during the pressing, bottling, storage, and delivery phases.

Margarine, artificial shortenings, refined oils, and all hydrogenated products are long term toxic.
Be wary of claims like "certified organic", as some companies have been caught lying about the source
of their seeds and using regular commercial seeds instead of organic ones. There have even been cases
of companies simply rebottling regular oil or mayonnaise with a 'health food' label and charging higher

A study done by Proof! Magazine tested eight of the highest quality flaxseed oils on the market
for rancidity. They looked at the amount of free fatty acids (FFAs) which ordinarily occur together as a
triglyceride, but will come apart as oils deteriorate. The more FFAs, the more rancid. And they looked
at the level of oxidation by measuring the amount of peroxide; the lower the number the better.
Surprisingly, more than half of the oils bordered on rancid.

Two companies that produce reputable oils are Omega Nutrition, and Flora, Inc.. Solgar has
licensed the omagaflow process developed by Omega, and their oils were rated very good by Proof!
Magazine as well. The "omegaflow process" protects the oil from high temperatures and light, and
oxygen is removed from the bottle and replaced with an inert gas.

EFA containing oils should have a pressing date on the label, and should be good from 3 to 12
months in an unopened container, and 3 to 12 weeks after opening.

Two reputable certifying agencies are: FVO (Farm Verified Organic), and OCIA (Organic Crop
Improvement Association).

Olive Oil

Olive oil has a short life span, and many are oxidized or rancid before they are consumed or even


Olive oil is classified by the level of acidity:

Extra Virgin: This is the first cold pressing of the olives, pressed the first day after harvest, with
less than 1% free fatty acids. The standard is set by the IOCC (International Olive Oil Council). This is
the best kind; avoid the rest.
Virgin: Also from the first pressing, can be pressed the second day after harvest, the oil contains
a maximum of 2% of free fatty acids.
Fine: Is a blend of extra virgin, and virgin oils.
Semi Fine: The oil contains a maximum of 3% of free fatty acids.
Pure: Is extracted with heat and chemicals (most commonly a solution of hexane , acetone, and
water) from the pulps, skin, and/or pits left behind after the first pressing. Usually a combination of
virgin oil mixed with refined.
Olive oil: Same as Pure.
Refined Olive Oil: A colorless, odorless, tasteless oil made from spoiled olives.
Also stay away from Pomace Oil, Extra Light Olive Oil, and Light Olive Oil.

How to Cook With Fat and Oil

Frying of food is never recommended for good health, and if you are healing from diabetes it is
prohibited. Cooking at high temperature can damage oils and convert them into toxins. It exposes the
oil to oxygen, light, and heat at the same time, all which modify the structure of the oil and make it
toxic. When foods turn brown, they have been burned and the nutrients destroyed. Proteins turn into
acrolein, a toxin. Starches and sugars molecules are destroyed. Why not bake or steam food instead,
and don't use oil?

If you must cook with oil, the more omega 3 fatty acids in the oil, the less suitable it is for
cooking. The oils that are higher in saturated or monounsaturated fats are the most stable when heated.
If you must fry, only use these, in this order of preference:

ghee (clarified butter; the fat has been removed so it won't spoil)
tropical fats (e.g. palm kernal oil, coconut oil, cocoa butter, palm oil)
high oleic (not regular) sunflower oil
high oleic (not regular) safflower oil
peanut oil
sesame oil
olive oil

These contain a higher proportion of saturated fat and are not as easily damaged by heat. If used
sparingly, fried butter and tropical fats cause fewer health problems than fried oils, but they do not
contain EFAs and are therefore nutritionally deficient. The body can only burn them as fuel, or store
them as body fat. Olive oil is acceptable for low temperature frying.

The best way to cook with olive oil is to start by adding 1/4 cup of water to the pan. Cook the
food for a while, and then add the olive oil. The water will keep the oil below 212° F, a non-destructive

temperature. It is not a good idea to pour the oil into the pan first and heat it; during this time, the oil is
being destroyed.

Even the most sensitive EFA rich oils can be used in boiled grains and steamed vegetables,
because the temperature does not exceed the temperature of boiling water, 212° F.

You can bake bread with oils because the temperature does not rise much above boiling (maybe
240° F), and it is protected from light and air. It is actually steamed, but the crust is browned (meaning

Instead of using butter, consider dipping your bread in fresh unrefined oil such as olive, flax,
hemp, or other oil. This habit, common in the Mediterranean area, does away with the need for
hydrogenation to make spreads. Or, use a squeeze bottle and pour the oil onto the bread. It is just like
melted butter.

Never consume any deep fried foods; they are all soaked with toxic oil.

If the oil ever smokes, discard it; it is damaged.

That said, there is good evidence your diet should be 80% raw, and 20% cooked. Some would
argue that a 100% raw diet is the ideal. Only cook those things that can't be eaten raw, like beans and

How to Store Oil

Heat and light degrades oils so they should be stored in the refrigerator in the dark. The exception is
olive oil which need not be refrigerated; it is high in oleic acid and contains antioxidants which slow
spoiling. Wrap clear bottles with a dark covering. Contact with air will affect the quality of the oil so
keep bottles lids tight. Use the oil within a month or two.

Many saturated fats and oils, while also benefiting from refrigeration, do not turn rancid nearly
so easily as unsaturated fats and oils at room temperature.

Unsaturated oils are inherently unstable and will go rancid quite rapidly in a transparent bottle
on a room temperature grocery store shelf; their shelf life is on the order of half a day or sometimes

Fats and Oils: Energy and Weight Gain

Any pure, edible fat will provide about 37 kilojoules (kJ) per gram. This is more than twice the energy
level of one gram of protein or carbohydrate. Because butter contains about 20% water, it provides
about 30 kJ per gram. Cream contains even more water, so the energy content is about 14 kJ. Although
all pure fats provide about the same amount of energy, there is some evidence that the degree of
saturation effects weight gain for a given diet. A diet high in saturated fat is more likely to be fattening,
while polyunsaturated fats may be less fattening. The evidence for this is strong in animals and
preliminary studies suggest that the same effect may occur in people too.

Saturated Fats and Blood Cholesterol

Because they are derived from a ruminant animal, lard, butter and cream contain far more saturated fat
than do the polyunsaturated or monounsaturated oils. In the body, cholesterol production can be
increased in response to the consumption of foods rich in particular saturated fatty acids. High blood
cholesterol is associated strongly with increased risk of heart disease. Coconut and palm kernel oil also
contain the saturated fatty acids found in butter, so they can promote higher blood cholesterol too.
These two plant-derived oils are similar to butter in their ability to raise blood cholesterol. Most other
plant oils such as avocados, peanut, and other oils have little saturated fat and are largely
monounsaturated and/or polyunsaturated and are therefore considered to be relatively heart-friendly.
Polyunsaturated Fats and Blood Cholesterol

Many polyunsaturated fats are believed to lower cholesterol, especially those rich in omega-6
fatty acids such as safflower, sunflower, and soybean oils, and the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and
flax oils are also believed to be helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease, but by means other than
lowering cholesterol.

Monounsaturated Fats and Blood Cholesterol

Oils that are rich in monounsaturated fat such as olive oil are also believed to be "heart friendly". In
fact, olive oil, a component of the Mediterranean Diet, has been suggested as the reason this diet may
be good protection against heart disease.

Some believe that olive oil and other monounsaturated fats are simply neutral with respect to
cholesterol, and any reduction of cholesterol is merely the result of reduced consumption of saturated
fats from replacement with monounsaturated fat.

READ NEXT: Diabetes Symptoms

Recommended Sources

Absolutely The - Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Here is a source of coconut oil that is very good for cooking. Even though this is made using the
traditional and not centrifugal process, this company specializes in providing the purest products.

I do not recommend you buy oils that require refrigeration through the mail.

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Diabetes Symptoms caused by toxic oils; cure with natural ones.

Diabetes Symptoms are described below. Diabetes Type 2 is caused by consuming toxic engineered fats
and oils. Learn how to cure it with natural fats and oils, not drugs. Diabetes Type 1 is caused by cows
milk, and vaccinations; cures may be available.

Diabetes Symptoms

The symptoms of diabetes for Type 1 and Type 2 are the same. You may experience one or more
of the following symptoms:

• Frequent urination
• Dry and itchy skin
• Excessive thirst
• Cuts that heal slowly
• Eyesight is blurry
• Always hungry
• Tired and weak
• Loss of weight
• Skin infections
• Numbness and tingling in the feet
• Nausea and vomiting
• Breath may have a fruity odor
• Breathing may be rapid and hard

Diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar. As the blood sugar level rises, the kidneys will
begin to dump the excess out the urine. The point at which this begins is called the kidney threshold,
and is about 180 mg/ml. Those who have had long term diabetes may have a higher threshold.

The process of dumping excess sugar also removes water from the body through excessive
urination, or polyuria. These people make frequent trips to the bathroom. Excess sugar in the urine is
called glycosuria.

The loss of water gives rise to excess thirst called polydipsia, but it may only be experienced as
a dry mouth. This dehydration of the body can give rise to dry skin. You would do well to drink extra
water. Dehydration causes low blood volume, low blood pressure, and faster pulse.

Changes in the amount of glucose and water in the lenses of the eyes can cause blurry vision.

When there is insufficient insulin, or the cells do not respond to the insulin, the cells do not get
enough glucose which is their food, and they starve. You will experience hunger (polyphagia),
weakness, and tiredness.

The body will break down fat cells to produce more glucose, their fuel; the process forms fatty
acids which pass through the liver to form ketones. These ketones are excreted in the urine which is
called ketonuria, and will produce a fruity odor in the breath. The breakdown of fat cells also produces

weight loss.

Excess blood sugar can suppress the natural system immunity, and skin infections can result.
Sugar is a good food for bacteria.

Numbness and tingling can occur in the feet, as well as leg cramps at night, due to nerve
damage from long term glucose levels that cause changes in the nerves. Some foot complications to
watch out for include skin color changes, swelling in the foot or ankle, leg pain, cold feet, and sores
that heal slowly.

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Diabetes Research Implicates Toxic Oils As a Cause of Type 2

Diabetes Research implicates the consumption of toxic fats and oils as the cause of Type 2 diabetes. It
is a nutritional deficiency disease.

One study, reported here, showed that students consuming a high fat diet consisting of olive oil,
butter, mayonnaise, and cream for two days, temporarily experienced insulin resistance, while a diet
consisting of sugar, candy, pastries, white bread, baked potatoes, and other high carbohydrate foods,
did not cause the insulin resistance. This showed that fat has more to do with diabetes than

This above diabetes research is consistent with the conclusion of The China Study that
correlated fat consumption with diabetes.

Another study from the Annals of the New York Academy of Science1 related the consumption
of high levels of omega-6 with insulin resistance. But when omega-3 was added to balance the diet, the
insulin resistance disappeared even though the fat content was not reduced.

Another study2 compared two diets with equal calories and fat content. The diet high in omega-
6 fatty acids caused a much greater weight gain than the diet with omega-3. This was a difference
between 225 and 150 pounds.

A researcher in Australia3 discovered that people with cells high in omega-6 and low in omega-
3 fatty acids, were most likely to be obese and have insulin resistance. The greater the imbalance, the
greater the problem.
It was found4 that Israeli Jews had higher rates of diabetes and obesity than Americans, even
though they consume fewer calories and fats. Known as the "Jewish Paradox", it was thought to be due
to their excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids in the form of linoleic acid. They consume more
than any other population in the world.

According to Udo Erasmus, the complications of diabetes (blindness, blocked circulation

leading to gangrene, heart attacks, etc.) resulting from impaired circulation, are all symptoms of fatty
degeneration. "Diabetes is one of the easiest of 'incurable' diseases to cure, and even easier to
prevent."5 He maintains that diabetics suffer from functional essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency, in
which the EFAs present in the fat tissue are not available for use. EFAs given to diabetics have the
effect of reducing the need for insulin, indicating that insulin's effectiveness depends on them.

Other theories

Many diseases respond to seemingly unrelated treatments which may bring about a cure indirectly. The
following theories might fall into this category.

There is one website (which provides references) that claims that diabetes is caused by DDT
and other pollutants which concentrate in the fatty tissues, and recommends you stop consuming milk.
If this theory is true, since diabetes seems to respond to the consumption of omega-3 oils, this may be
because omega-3s dissolve fatty deposits containing the pollutants, allowing them to be flushed.

Another website claims that diabetes is caused by fungus in the food, and their toxins. That site
recommends you take an antifungal, and reduce your consumption of fungus bearing grains.


1. Hainault, M. Carolotti, E. Hajduch, C. Guichard, and M. Lavau

Fish oil in a high lard diet prevents obesity, hyperlipemia, and adipocyte insulin resistance in rats
Ann NY Acad Sci 1993 683: 98-101
2. Ikemoto, S., et al.
High-fat diet-induced hyperglycemia and obesity in mice: Differential effects of dietary oils.
Metabolism, 1996; 45(12): 1539-1546
3. Storlien, L.H.
Skeletal muscle membrane lipids and insulin resistance.
Lipids 1996; 31 (Supplement): S-261-265
4. Yam, D., et al.
Diet and disease, the Israeli paradox; possible dangers of a high omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acid
Isr J Med Sci, 1996; 32: 1134-1143
5. Erasmus, Udo
Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill, p. 342.
Alive Books, publisher.


Diabetes Supply. This website promotes natural alternatives to drugs; drugs remove the intelligence
from the herb and leave behind the wisdom.

Since diabetes is caused by the consumption of toxic fats and oils, you will need to replace all
fats and oils with natural versions. I recommend that you purchase your essential fatty acids from your
local health food store, and not have them mailed to you; they are too fragile and you do not want to
risk damaging them. Which fats and oils to buy is described on the Fats and Oils page.

You can buy natural alternatives to sugar; recommendations are listed below.

There are herbs for regulating blood sugar that are claimed to be at least as effective as the
drugs they replace. And find herbs for regenerating the pancreatic beta cells. Find these below.

Recommended Natural Diabetes Supply Sources

Herbs for controlling blood sugar:

• ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. - Yinvive and Yanvive

In recent years, Chinese doctors have found that YinVive (and YanVive) are very effective in treating
Type 2 diabetes. In multiple controlled human clinical trials, YinVive was reported consistently
effective in over 90% of patients; their blood sugar levels returned to normal. The treatment is at least
as good as the standard treatment with western medicines. Also see ActiveHerb Technology, Inc. -
Yanvive. Use Yinvive or Yanvive, depending on your condition.
• - Triphala, King of Medicines
Here is a popular ayurvedic herbal formula from India, a compound of three herbs that is considered to
destroy all diseases, eliminate all waste from the body, and promote tissue growth and health. It is used
to treat diabetes, and others including digestive diseases, urinary diseases, skin diseases, parasitic
infections, heart diseases, irregular fevers, flatulence, constipation, ulcers, vomiting, colic pain and
hemorrhoids. If taken after meals it prevents imbalance of any of the humors due to bad food or drink.
It promotes wisdom, intellect and eyesight. There are no problems in long term use of Triphala. Take a
larger dose for use as a laxative, a smaller dose for gradual blood purification; adjust according to one's
bowel movements.
• Cinnamon has been shown effective in controlling blood sugar. Available at your local health
food store.
• has several products useful for controlling blood sugar. Also check
gymnema sylvestre (listed below), effective in controlling blood sugar.

Herbs for Restoring Pancreatic Functioning of Type 1 Diabetes:

Absolutely The - Gymnema Sylvestre

Not only does it appear to increase the number of beta cells, gymnema sylvestre is successful in
controlling blood sugar without reducing it below normal levels. It has been used in India for 2,000
years to treat diabetes. It also abolishes the taste of sugar, which effectively suppresses and neutralizes
the craving for sweets. It blocks intestinal absorption of sugar and passes it through the system. The

Hindi name for Gymnema is Gurmar, the "destroyer of sugar".

Sugar Alternatives

The Vitamin Shoppe -The Ultimate Sweetener

Derived from birch bark, The Ultimate Sweetener is 100% pure birch sugar (also known as
Xylitol). It is perfect for baking, dissolves quickly, looks and tastes like sugar but has no aftertaste or
side effects. It has half the calories of sugar and does not promote tooth decay. Metabolized very
slowly, it helps prevent sugar highs and lows experienced by people with diabetes, hypoglycemia,
candida, or any condition caused by sugar imbalance.

• The Vitamin Shoppe – Stevia

Stevia is a sweet herb that is 50 - 100 times sweeter than sugar. It is calorie free, with a slight
licorice aftertaste. It does not help baked goods rise. It is ideal for candida.












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