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Subud Voice Newsletter

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NEW HOUSE Attending the opening of Sri Lanka’s new Subud House.

International Helper Murray Clapham Subud in Sri Lanka All this came out and as it has universal
writes how Subud Sri Lanka hosted application I record it here.
Ibu Rahayu at the opening of their The Sri Lankan members have for the
magnificent new Subud house… most part being doing latihan for many Ibu Rahayu’s final talk reinforced some of
years and receive extremely well. But their this - particularly when she said we must
After completing, the visit to Bangalore problem is they are an ageing group with be willing to share the latihan with others
Ibu Rahayu and party arrived in Sri Lanka few young members. for this is the way we can thank God and
on the 14th of September. show our gratitude for the gift he has
The primary reason for this has been the given us.
Ibu's visit and the gathering were to be prolonged political problems that
centred on the opening of a magnificent started after Subud came to Sri Lanka and Uses for the Building
new Subud House. which led to large-scale migration abroad
by Subud members and their families. Many ideas came up for the potential use
At midday on the 14th it looked like a of the building: enterprise, art gallery, res-
miracle would be needed to complete the Now the members’ hope is that the won- taurant, and meeting/function centre. It
building for the scheduled opening on the derful new premises can be a catalyst and remains to be seen where the energy and
evening of the 15th. Many of us watched can somehow be used in ways that will expertise will come from to make any of
the miracle unfold over the next 24 hours help rejuvenate Subud Sri Lanka. This these ideas viable and acceptable. In this
as workers laboured round the clock to became apparent in seeking topics for dis- context the group’s relative isolation from
have the place looking great only minutes cussion and testing in the Kejiwaan ses- the outside Subud world is a disadvantage
before Ibu arrived. sions. that was discussed and it’s important that
they form links to the Wings. I noted
A colourful ceremony saw Ibu open the I was very moved by the willingness of fledgling SDI, SICA, SIHA and SES ac-
building in front of about 80 Subud mem- many to become involved in trying to tivity but no links to the relevant Wings.
bers and 60 non-Subud invitees. Speeches evaluate both the group’s situation
from the President V. Sinnadorai and and their own particular roles. While help- Obviously age and the Internet are not
then by Sharif Horthy, and entertainment ers and committee worked on self- help so I encourage the Wings to try and
highlighted by particularly attractive Sri evaluation the members tested their own engage them - particularly now they have
Lankan traditional dancers and songs from commitment to Subud and then undertook a building, which can host Subud gather-
Barney Wijesinghe, plus a fabulous dinner a constructive evaluation of their helpers ings, zone meeting, Wing activities etc.
and socialising into the night completed and committee.
the program. Another issue discussed which could be
Not the Building Alone relevant to the group’s growth was the
Ibu gave two talks, a testing session and a need in Sri Lanka and India for the transla-
question and answer evening. I recom- It was clear that the building on its own is tion of Subud literature into local lan-
mend that all read Ibu's talks. not the answer and that certain changes guages.
were also necessary within the group.
The men’s testing session tested not only
They must be more outward looking; more Tamil may be a starting point, as it is com-
the men but also the building, when mon-
inclusive, more willing to share the lati- mon in both southern India and Sri Lanka
soon rains caused the testing session to be
han, make more effort to put the latihan and both countries have capable Tamil
terminated - indicating some leakages in
into practice in their daily life. members who have expressed some inter-
the building needed to be addressed. In
est in such a project. This could possibly
spite of the rain and acoustic problems it is
Helpers need to be more caring and will-
quite the most impressive Subud House I
ing to let go of past personality problems. Continued on page 2.
have personally have visited.

SUBUD VOICE - November 2004 1

Continued from page 1. It was a bit like a harvest festival, but not,

be a joint Subud India/Subud Sri Lanka

if you know what I mean. Then Ibu's first
talk. We were around eighty Subud mem-
effort. bers representing Britain, Germany, Singa-
pore, Italy, New Zealand, Malaysia,
Singhalese is important as many of the U.S.A, and of course the Subud members
local population do not have English and from India. Mansur Geiger writes about a unique
this is the biggest constituency for Subud approach to teaching children love and
Sri Lanka. The next day we were bussed out to peace in Kalimantan...
Mithra, which is on the other side of Ban-
Many exciting challenges lie ahead and I galore. We were there for the official foun- The Yayasan Amal Bakti Ibu foundation
am sure Ibu Rahayu’s visit will stimulate dation stone-laying ceremony of the new (YABI) established by Kalimantan’s gov-
and assist us all to meet the ones we each Mithra school building by Ibu. ernor and his wife to promote the welfare
must face. of children in Central Kalimantan, last
The new building will be named after Fahr March organised a 5 day programme on
I will conclude by thanking ALL the Sri Al Said, Virginia's late husband. Joe Love and Peace for 500 children in
Lankans for such wonderful warm hospi- thanked Lawrence from SD-Germany and Palangkaraya.
tality and excellent, thoughtful organiza- Virginia Al-Said who are instrumental in
tion, all the foreigners for participating and providing Mithra this much needed new Subud members contributed significantly
enriching the occasion and a New Zealand building. to this event and to the 500 scholarships
lady helper for her support and co- that were given to under-privileged lower
ordination of the ladies’ kejiwaan pro- Another feather in the cap of Mithra, the school children.
gram. first application for a teacher training
course was issued by Maurice Palfreyman This event was a real success and Subud’s
Murray Clapham, Australia from Britain. participation was widely acknowledged.
YABI has also provided 20 field trips to
What a transformation. On my first visit I different locations in Kalimantan and Ja-
IBU IN INDIA saw the foundation stone being laid by karta, 30 full scholarships for poor chil-
Lawrence Fryer and now it’s a really big dren to high school and technical schools,
Mary Thomson reports on Ibu Rahayu’s impressive and very attractive school, up plus 4 university scholarships.
visit to India… and running.
Now YABI intends to hold a similar pro-
Back home after my third visit to Subud Mithra is really something for Subud to be gram on Love and Peace for 260 school
India and the Mithra Foundation. Still feel- proud of. Bella and Joe and their dedicated principals, local parliament members, and
ing quite shiny even after three weeks. team of teachers have done so much more religious and community leaders.
Each visit has been great, but this one was than just setting up the school, though that
just marvelous. is inspiring enough. We have been asked whether we would
contribute once again. While raising the
What a combination. Lovely India As we saw at the entertainment given dur-
children’s awareness of Love and Peace is
(nowhere quite like it), meeting up with all ing the ceremony, they are working along-
through song, dance, dram, music and
the friends I have made both at Mithra and side other schools involving them in the
sports, the method for adults is focused on
the Subud Congress and to crown it the forward approach which Mithra represents.
how to increase children’s awareness
presence of Ibu Rahayu. about loving nature and our fellow man.
You have to visit to begin to understand
This visit my two older daughters, Kitty the complexity of getting your ideas across
The objective is to awaken moral under-
and Katherine came with me, neither of in India, with caste, rigid tradition and
standing on all levels, while particularly
whom had visited India before and both extremely complex politics.
addressing drugs and corruption issues.
were totally captivated, and like me cannot
wait to go back. I felt Ibu was touched and impressed and
The Governor has announced that this sub-
herself gave a generous donation.
ject and its material will formally become
We stayed at the hostel of the Theological
a part of the local school curriculum. In the
College, no Hilton this but now very dear Certainly her talks, though quite short
near future we may find that we will have
to me. It’s set in peaceful gardens and as were some of the most inspiring I can re-
a much more active role and responsibility
we drove up we were thrilled to see big member and have sent me home feeling
in contributing to this unique approach to
blue banners welcoming Ibu Rahayu. clear about where I am and I hope where I
education here in Central Kalimantan.
am going. That's what I went for.
The College was the venue for the wonder-
fully well-organised Congress. Any contribution can be sent to :
The next Congress is January 22nd. It is to
be held in Chennai (Madras that was).
A huge room beautifully decorated in a Yayasan Tambuhak Sinta
Maurice Palfreyman is again organising a
mixture of indian, western and indonesian Danamon Bank
holiday combining site-seeing like Mysore
cultures. Palangkaraya Branch
and Ooty, the old hill station where the Raj
A.Yani No. 82
went to cool off, and other delights, but
There was a completely impromptu start to A/C : 0011655412
also fitting in Congress which is two days
proceedings with members of all the dif- SWIFT CODE : BDINIDJA
in the middle.
ferent religions attending saying a prayer
from their own faith. What better holiday could you have just
after you have staggered through Christ- HOW TO SPREAD SUBUD #1
Then Ibu was asked to walk along a path mas, I promise you it’s a wonderful ex-
of rice to a symbolic collection of items perience. See you there. THE BUMPER STICKER
and receive candles from the different
groups. Mary Thomson, Canterbury, UK There’s an opening in Subud for you.

2 SUBUD VOICE - November 2004

Hussein Dickie, World
Congress Co-ordinator
writes from Vienna...
Gregory Marston writes about the meet-
As you already know the ing in Innsbruck regarding Congress
decision was made by preparations...
the WSC in June to
move the venue for the I just returned from Innsbruck where the
World Congress to Inns- Congress Organizing Team met for four
bruck in Austria. days in October.

The dates are set for 21st In my many years in Subud I have never
July - 4th August 2005. been at a meeting with such harmony and
ISC has appointed me flow. The Inn River flows through the
(Hussein Dickie) to act congress site.
as an extended arm in
coordinating the organi- And “to flow” seems to be an emerging
sation and I have started Hussein Dickie, World Congress Co-ordinator. theme. An amazing amount of work was
recruiting a congress done and attention given to the coming
organising team (COT). organised by Harry Norman and attended event.
by about 50 UK members at Glansevin,
The Team consists of 9 members who Wales. I did the computer stuff. A first draft agenda was created. Much
have committed to manage the main areas attention was given to input from members
of the organisation, while engaging more What we found was that there was no around the world who share their vision
members for further support in specific problem in getting people at the Spokane through the online survey.
tasks. congress to help collect post and circulate
info (we had prospective reports all over The team will have the congress registra-
So far this includes members from Austria, the place). There were also many members tion form up online in a few days as they
France, Germany, Portugal and the UK. around the world who wanted to be part of work out the bugs.
Needless to say, that this is just a begin- the action so moving info and posting it on
ning and many more volunteers will be a site was OK. The excitement got a bit I saw it and it is wonderful and very infor-
required to make it a great congress. bubbly as the thing got set up. mative.

Hubert Talib (Indonesia/Austria) won the However we did have a major problem in The congress site is beautiful and has won-
competition for a Logo whereby the 25 that there were very good facilities avail- derful spaces including a modern college
participants worldwide were involved in able at the congress which would enable campus across the street with many well
the selection process in time for our first us to process and distribute the informa- equipped classrooms full of AV equip-
milestone to design the website and a so- tion and there was nobody at the front end ment.
phisticated database which should facili- who could improve the situation.
tate the whole registration process. The University is on holiday so it will be
Another difficulty we had was that there ours. The city officials are being very co-
We are working very hard to launch the seemed to be some personal agendas being operative.
website by the 1st October 2004 worked out at Congress which affected the
( whole distribution of the news agenda. It will very open to the community as was
the Spokane World Congress.
Translated into six languages, the website So from our experience, if you can prop-
will provide all relevant information in- erly fund, provide the equipment and or- A number of young members were at the
cluding the fees, registration form, and ganise good communications in Austria meeting and joined in actively which was
details addressing the questions you may you will have no problem finding people excellent. I have felt a great synergy there.
have in the course of your registration. to do good quality work off site.
The COT (Congress Organizing Team)
Also, there will be volunteer forms and It is highly likely that it would be best for will have a "Participant Form" up online
other useful information regarding venue, the international communication group at for those who wish to offer their talent in
timing, transportation, etc. Of course the Congress to be a completely separate and the many cultural events planned or give a
organising team will be introduced so that dedicated team with their own allocated workshop.
everybody knows who to address for spe- equipment. A policy on the content or a
cific issues. We hope to see many of you way to manage it should also be agreed in It will be found at the Congress site:
in Innsbruck soon! advance so that it will be easier to control soon.
or not go out of control when everything is
I noticed in the October Subud Voice that Please forward to whoever will be respon-
a Virtual Congress has been proposed for sible for the communications at Innsbruck “What I have gained from my forty
Innsbruck 2005. 2005. Thanks. years in Subud is that I can now regard
my total lack of success with perfect
In 1997 Subud Britain ran a “Virtual Raymond Harding-Cox, UK equanimity.”
World Congress” in the UK. This was

SUBUD VOICE - November 2004 3

The 2nd Global Enterprise Meeting took
place from September 2nd to 7th in a
beautiful venue in a fabulous natural
setting by the banks of Lake Asveja
(Dubingiai), about 50 km north of
Vilnius, Lithuania…

The venue was situated in the Asveja re-

gional park in this - one of the most so-
phisticated pool-hollow cross-sections in
Lithuania, characterised by steep lakeside
banks. Lake Asveja has several islands,
picturesque ramifications, high-forested
banks and stretches for 22 kilometres.

On an inner level we were able to feel a

deep connection with each other and we
felt an awakening of interest in working
together on projects.

To some it showed for the first time the

meaning of actually being active in Subud.
We realized how the latihan can help us to
work together in ventures which link and
bind us, to become involved with some- It wasn’t all hard work at the Enterprise Meeting.
thing greater than ourselves.
Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Po- tensively through Sunday and Monday.
On an outer level we decided to create a land and Russia, at Dubingiai . This is a We were sharing and understanding more
new website which will reflect this wish pleasant (almost empty) conference facil- of the desirability of having a balance of
for working together, for easily connecting ity with comfortable accommodation set the strengths of women and men in all our
with Subud brothers and sisters. on the side of a lake in silent forest north activities. We learned more of the balance
of Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. of the male and female forces within us
The website will act as a means of con- and of the existence of the child. This by
necting all people in Subud who want to Nearly everyone arrived on the Thursday way of more sharing and testing together.
be active in some way; enterprises in the evening (a few had arrived from Germany
wide sense, cultural, social and health a couple of days earlier), and most of those One test about working on one’s own or in
practitioners, as well as those who want to who came on the Friday missed latihan but groups allowed me to understand that my
register their interest in working with or not the start of the meeting. own friends and colleagues probably could
contacting others. not remember what I had done on my own
We agreed to accept that there were no last year, that together with my wife we
We trust this website will be the right tool facilitators and that all participants shared had made a home and children which
to create a network of Subud entrepreneurs the responsibility for the agenda and the many would remember and value for 50 or
and Subud members who are or want to be success and outcome of our days together. more years, and that a large group of men
active in Subud. We then spent the day introducing our- and women had cleared the land around us
selves and sharing our reasons for being and made it fertile many years ago and so
All attendees felt the responsibility for this there. created a benefit that had lasted for centu-
project, and all will take part - some by ries.
giving support in a moral or spiritual way, The members of the Vilnius group had
some by praying; some will give financial arranged a buffet supper with a couple of We agreed that we needed a global web
support, some will create the content, take musicians to entertain us, and more of site, home page, where enterprisers of all
care of the communication, or make the them joined us for this super meal and the sorts could find and learn about each other.
actual site on the internet. subsequent dancing. Saturday saw us off, This should include facilities for people
after an early breakfast, on a bus with a seeking, or being sought for, work or train-
The next meeting is being planned for lovely and well-informed guide, to tour ing, and should extend to any sphere of
North America early in 2005 ! - watch this Vilnius, and learn much of the history of activity of the members of our Subud asso-
space for details. Lithuania. ciation.
To read the full report and others from We lunched with more of the local group A team to start this emerged and a very
individual attendees, please go to members and then went to their latihan good start was made on Monday and rooms for latihans, tea and chat. We learnt through Tuesday (after most of the partici-
of the history and some of the enterprises pants had left for home) Before going the
From the organisers: Michael Heaslip, of the Vilnius brothers and sisters and then whole group had agreed a comprehensive
Margo van Maris and Hadrian Michell all went off in a large party to supper in a content and list of the requirements needed
traditional Lithuanian restaurant. It turned on this site. Twin brothers from Norway
AND MORE FROM MICHAEL… out to be a feast with more musicians and agreed to create the site as soon as the con-
a great ambience. tent and format had become a workable
We were 29 participants from 10 coun-
tries, Austria, Britain, Germany, Ireland, specification.
By now we had all made good friends and
this helped as we worked quietly and in-

4 SUBUD VOICE - November 2004

Julia Hurd – Zone 7’s representative -
received several messages from Cuba,
know how things were for us after the hur-
after the recent hurricane. Here are ex-
tracts… From Camaguey: We are without elec- MSF supports new centre in Sao Paolo:
tricity or water most of the time, and the From Dorothea Gillim, MSF Trustee…
Manzanillo: You asked how did we fare back wall in our patio/latihan hall fell
after the last hurricane. For us it was not so down. At the Gathering of the Americas in Brazil
bad as for other families in Manzanillo. in August 2003, the members of Subud
We do have a hole in the roof, so that But none of this matters, because Pablo, Sao Paolo made an impassioned plea as
when it rains my bed gets all wet. my son just got back from Haiti and we are they presented their housing application to
ecstatic! (Pablo is a medical doctor). the Muhammad Subuh Foundation (MSF).
You know how small our houses are, so The group, once large, now consists of
moving the bed is not possible. He was sent there for two years to help the about 25 members who have been doing
people in Haiti who suffer a lot worse than latihan in makeshift quarters since 1959.
I was lucky that I obtained a piece of plas- we do. By pure luck his departure came Most of the women today are doing latihan
tic which I put over the bed like a camping between the few days between the two in scattered groups because it is unsafe for
tent, so the rain goes to the ground instead hurricanes. them to travel at night.
of the mattress.
He is so glad to be home!! He was telling In the last two years, Sao Paolo members
No one has money to fix their houses and us that even after all his years as a medical began to feel from their latihan the neces-
it is impossible to find construction materi- doctor he had never seen such carnage as sity of having their own house. The fact
als. We have filed a petition with the gov- was caused by the military coup [by guess that the group has been so transient has
ernment to get help to fix the roof, but it who?] against Aristide. had an effect on some members’ latihan.
could be months if not years till our turn
comes. The amount of young people killed or Members hoped that having a solid place,
badly injured during those days was over- a “kejiwaan headquarters,” would help
We all wish we could afford to help peo- whelming in the little hospital where he solidify and deepen members’ latihan. In
ple from Haiti. It is so horrible what they worked. addition, the group believed a house would
are having to endure. So we just thank God not only ensure the future of Subud in Sao
that our situation is so much better. I can tell that he is very affected by the Paolo but would also provide a place for
war experience there, so I am glad he does current projects and enterprises, as well as
From Habana: The rain was unbeliev- not have to be there during this more re- a library.
able, the streets turned into little rivers cent catastrophe.
during the hurricane. Finally, it felt a house in Sao Paolo would
I hope he will heal in the month that they be important for the development of Subud
The worst part now is that we have have given him for vacation before he has in Brazil, since Sao Paolo is the largest and
“apagones” [electrical blackouts] almost to go back to work as a surgeon here. most central city to other Brazil centers.
daily, sometimes for 14 hours, so that if Currently, there are only 80 to 100 mem-
we have any food in the refrigerator it goes From Kamil Ojeda to Julia Hurd, Sep- bers in this vast country and it has not been
bad. tember 15, 2004 growing for the last 10 years.

Food is also much more expensive than (extracts) The huge area of influence of In December of 2003, MSF approved a
before, but I cannot complain because my Ivan covered more than 200 km around its grant of US$15,000 and a loan of
mother has told me I can come to her centre with strong winds and heavy rain. US$15,000 to help the Sao Paolo group
house if I get hungry here, where I live Even in Havana City it was raining con- buy their own Subud House. The grant
alone. tinually for two days... and loan, along with contributions from
the members of Subud Sao Paolo, enabled
I used all the pretty candles that you sent The authorities worked hard to prevent the the group to avoid taking out a mortgage --
me last Christmas. It is so cheery to get a loss of human lives. As far as I know, which at 26% are some of the world’s
little light rather than to be alone in the there were no "casualties". 100% of the highest.
dark. Most people go down to the street population in the areas of most danger had
and chat with neighbours, but I am so tired been evacuated to safer places inland. Thanks to the efforts of many dedicated
after work, that I don’t feel like going members, Subud Sao Paolo was able to
down three storeys of stairs with a chair, As for the Cuban economy, the effects will locate a house in a safe and accessible lo-
so I stay home and sing to myself. be felt mostly in the tobacco plantations. cation and recently filed contracts pro-
The western part of Pinar del Rio is par- claiming their ownership.
Because I live on the third floor, also I ticularly famous all over the world for pro-
hardly get any water since the motor that ducing the tobacco leaves which are used Sam Trosman, the Chair of Subud Sao
brings the water to my floor broke down in the manufacture of Havanos. Paolo, made this comment in his letter of
from the electricity going on and off. thanks to MSF: “Funnily enough, some old
The Subud people are OK. We will go on members are coming back already as if the
I have to go down the stairs to the street working in preparation for our house worked as an iman. We will make
to get water in a plastic pail to wash, cook National Congress. Subud Sao Paulo a great organization, not
and take a shower. only to receive the latihan but to give
NOTE: In September $1000 in humanitar- something back to society.”
I do not want you to think I am just com- ian aid was sent by Subud USA to Subud
plaining, but you did say you wanted to Cuba, and more may have come in since. Congratulations, Subud Sao Paolo!

SUBUD VOICE - November 2004 5

Ibu Rahayu’s First Talk to Members, Auckland, New Zealand, April 26, 2004
Recording 04 AKL 1: Final translation by Raymond Lee
Brothers and sisters whom I respect and goes deeper and trains our feelings, our you say things or make noises, but because
love, before I begin my explanations about ability to accept things, and even our abil- you are still being prepared - even though
the latihan, I want to thank you for your ity to surrender. So purification is also a many of you can make noises - you can't
invitation to visit New Zealand. I was sup- test that is given to us by the Power of understand what they mean, or what kind
posed to visit last year, but due to unfore- God. of sounds they are. The same goes for
seen events, I had to postpone my visit your movements. Because you are still
until now. Why Do We Have to Go Through being prepared, you make movements, but
Purification? you don’t know why.
So I give thanks to Almighty God, that my
intention to visit you can be realised, even Why do we have to go through purifica- What causes these movements? They hap-
though this time too I was not certain that I tion? It is so that we can sense and experi- pen because your soul touched that part of
could make the trip due to an outbreak of ence, and then overcome all the things that your body. And movements don’t just oc-
bird flu in Indonesia. Fortunately, it was we have to pass through as we get to know cur in your physical body, they also take
not too serious and I was able to travel the low forces that we have inside us. And place in your senses. Sometimes you can
here without any problem. we don't just become familiar with them; hear things, but you don’t know yet the
we also learn how to separate our true self meaning of what you heard. All this goes
Brothers and sisters, many of you have from, or organise, these forces inside us. on during the process of preparation.
travelled here with me from Christchurch, And it is only by experiencing God’s
so I hope this explanation, even though I Power in the latihan that you will be given Don’t Blame God
may repeat myself, will help to increase the understanding you need to know how
your understanding as you follow and ex- to engage with, how to separate from, and This is why I say that during this prepara-
perience the latihan. even how to control these forces you have tion your receiving is not a true receiving
inside you. That’s why you can only go from God yet. It is true that it is a receiv-
Brother and sisters, when we do latihan, as through this purification by doing latihan. ing that comes from God via your soul that
when we do anything, we have to under- you then receive from your soul, but the
stand the purpose and aim of what we do This means that we don’t need to isolate receiving is still mixed up with all the
so that it will not be for nothing, and so ourselves from these low forces. As long other things you have inside you. That's
that we will do it diligently with convic- as we live in this world, we still need to why you may wonder, “Why did I receive
tion and acceptance. That’s necessary be- use them, we need their help. And if I ex- something from God, but it didn’t turn out,
cause this latihan is training for life. This plain to you what these forces are – they it wasn’t what happened later on?” That’s
training for life can be called a philosophy are the material forces, the vegetable because your receiving was affected by
of life, because what we receive in latihan forces, the animal forces, and also the hu- your state that is still influenced by your
cannot be analysed with our mind, but we man forces. Even though these low forces desires. So don’t blame God, you are the
must sincerely follow it, put it into prac- are below the human force, even the hu- one who is not ready yet.
tice, and practice it with a feeling of ac- man force is still cloaked by desires.
ceptance that is truly from our own self, if When you progress further in the latihan,
we are to become what God wants us to So, through this training that we get every you will experience the process of under-
become. time we go to latihan, we get to know the standing. When you have understanding,
forces I just mentioned. And the purpose without anyone explaining it to you, you
Why do we have to do latihan? Why, if we of all this is to prepare yourself. To pre- will understand things for yourself. This
have been opened, is it obligatory for us pare yourself means that every part of your springs from your own understanding - an
do latihan. The reason is that if someone being will be alive. To be alive means that understanding that does not come from
is opened, but they only do latihan once or part of you is infused by your soul. Take thinking about something, on the contrary,
twice, then clearly they won’t understand, for instance, your eyes, your eyes will be it is an understanding that has filled your
and they won’t feel the benefit of the lati- brought to life by your soul. And so, in mind.
han. You need to do latihan on a regular turn, each part of your body and all of
basis so that your soul will awaken and, your senses will be infused by the soul. That's why, once you have this under-
apart from coming to life, it will start to standing, you will feel that you have de-
grow or shape itself. The nature of the soul is to grow and veloped. For example, whereas before you
spread. It will spread and fill every part of didn't understand something, now you can
As the soul takes form, you will go your being. And, if it needs to, the soul feel it, now you can understand it. This
through a long process that involves vari- can exceed or go beyond what you can happened because your soul has grown - it
ous types of cleaning or purification. And see, it can go beyond your physical body. did not come about by studying, or by
while no-one forces you to go through The proof is that, if it is necessary, your reading Bapak’s talks. No. We don’t read
purification, it is a process that you will soul may expand to the point where you Bapak’s talks to become clever or smart.
definitely experience. Sometimes we are can see your own body. This is proof, Many of you misunderstand this, so you
not aware of it, and at other times our puri- brothers and sisters, that your soul is not read Bapak’s talks every day, because you
fication is very hard to bear - it all depends something small. Of course, it starts small, want to develop a high soul quickly.
on our individual circumstances. but it will develop and envelop your whole
being. Well, you can’t read Bapak's talks in the
As such, brothers and sisters, this process same way you read a textbook, as when
of purification can start suddenly, and it So even during this preparation you will you study normally. Even though it may
can also stop by itself. And this process go through different processes, and these seem the same, if your understanding has
doesn't just affect our physical body, it processes go on in latihan. For instance,
Continued on page 11.
6 SUBUD VOICE - November 2004
November 2004 MEETINGS IN
Editor Ilaina Lennard

As there is not sufficient space for the affected by our own self-interest, or the
whole of this talk, INNER VOICE has self-interest of one group or another. The Rungan Sari, Tengkiling, Kalimantan.
made a selection, and shortened the result is that we are not sufficiently 13th June 2004, Recording 04 TKL 4
questions below. aware of the feelings of others. This is Final Translation by Raymond Lee
one reason, one of the temptations we
About enterprise failures: a question face.
from Rachman Connelly that you have in latihan. In this way, your
But our human weaknesses aren’t limited business activities will be based on the
Ibu, my question is whether you see some to self- interest - sometimes we are not normal evaluations that non-Subud
reason from a kejiwaan perspective, as to strong enough, or we don't have enough people can accept. That’s necessary
why, 33 years after Bapak commenced faith, when we face difficulties. This is because you have to deal with people
this initiative on enterprise, that really it because we don't fully understand what who are not in Subud. You need to do
doesn’t seem to have happened in any we are doing. When I say that we don't this because you can’t even agree when
substantial manner throughout the understand what we are doing, I mean we you deal with Subud members, let alone
world? Thank you. are not able to do the work in the right when you deal with people who are not
way - instead of doing the work, often in Subud.
Ibu Rahayu: Do you mean enterprises in our work is “doing” us. It’s upside down;
Subud? it’s like Bapak used to say: “You are not So, even when one Subud member works
eating the food, the food is eating you.” with another, many problems arise - in
Question continued: No, I am just fact, you have more problems. This is
talking about Bapak’s initiative to As such, we still fall short when we try to because each one feels they know best.
motivate members to start enterprises for do enterprises, because ability to do
their own personal development, and enterprise is linked to the development of This is all I can say to you about
also so that some of those proceeds could the soul. But, if you then ask, “Why do enterprises. In the realm of the soul there
be committed to the objectives of Subud. people who are not in Subud succeed in is no such thing as enterprise. So the
enterprises, but Subud members find it difficulty lies in the relationship between
Whether those are two people enterprises hard?” The answer is that as a Subud enterprises and the growth of the soul.
or 100 people enterprises, it seems that member you have said that whatever you But, once someone has the capacity to do
there has been a lack of success in that do should accord with God's Will. You enterprise - by capacity, I mean that they
area, and I am interested in - not so said that so that whatever the are ready, that they are ready as a human
much the business reasons because I can consequences of running an enterprise being with the inner quality needed for
analyse that for myself – but are there may be, you won't be affected and have enterprise - that person will find that
any reasons from a kejiwaan point of to bear those consequences. many things come easily. They find they
view, or from the way we approach them have good relationships with people who
having done the latihan, which is maybe But people who are not in Subud don't have the same way of thinking and same
not appropriate..? understand this. They simply follow the objectives. They find they are helped in
wishes of their heart and mind, and they everything they do, and that whatever
Ibu Rahayu: With regard to the give no thought to the price to be paid by comes to them proves to be beneficial.
enterprises that Bapak constantly advised doing so.
us to do, so that we would start We haven't reached that level yet. We are
enterprises in Subud, and that many This is why, brothers and sisters, Bapak not ready to do that in Subud yet. Well,
members tried to do, the question is, why recommended that when you do an we don't know why, only God knows
did those enterprises fail? Why didn’t enterprise, you should use your mind. why. I too am concerned and saddened, I
they turn out as we hoped? If we look at Don’t use your soul. That’s because if too want to see enterprises succeed, and I
this, or feel about it, from the spiritual you use your soul, you will face many wonder why they don’t succeed, and why
viewpoint, the reason is that we are not problems that are closely connected to they can’t help with the development of
able to run enterprises yet with the inner the soul. I can't explain all of these to you Subud yet.
quality that God requires of us. here, because human beings face all
kinds of temptations. But when it comes to those members
Why is that? We can say that for most of who work by themselves and become
us in Subud, we are still in the process of However, you still need to feel - even successful, that’s because they work at
developing our self, and as we go though you run an enterprise using your
through this growth, we are frequently mind - you still need to keep that feeling Continued on page 8.

INNER VOICE - November 2004 7

About enterprises, cloning, Kalimantan, giving names, Ibu's task
Continued from page 7. life. If human beings were to become you could give us a recommendation in
like God, then God would no longer give terms of testing, or anything else that we
something that is in line with their path, life to human beings. All life comes from could use.
so it is easier for them to comply with God. If there are forms of life made by
their inner needs, but when it comes to humankind now, it is miraculous. But Ibu Rahayu: When I give a Subud
working together, that is still hard for us only God knows whether it is right or name, of course I don't just choose
to do. wrong. If you ask me, I don't dare answer names just any way. First I test which
that question. I leave that to God. That's name fits, or is close to, the true nature of
Question continued: So now, what is the my answer, and if you ask me whether the person who will receive the name.
way forward generally for Subud this is right or wrong, I am not able to And indeed, long before he left us,
members to be able to bring this about, answer you. Bapak asked me to take over Bapak’s
and therefore assist in carrying out About Kalimantan work of giving names. It was difficult for
Bapak’s mission? Question: Ibu Rahayu, during the me to begin with, because each time I
kejiwaan gathering here, we did quite a had to give a name, I had to test about
Ibu Rahayu: Yes, Bapak recommended lot of testing about Kalimantan. What that person, and that was an unpleasant
that you start enterprises so that you will was our contribution, into developing experience. But with time I grew
learn to have courage and that you will Kalimantan? But we also tested what the accustomed to doing it and I found that
try to apply what you receive in the effect of the development of Kalimantan as soon as I asked, it was as if someone
latihan. Indeed, that was Bapak's advice, was - first of all here in Rungan Sari - gave me the answer inside me. That’s
because if you just look at your latihan, and then as the development grew, what how I do it.
when it comes to your soul, you have no was the effect on the world? And one test
idea about the state of your soul or how we did was: if we failed in carrying out Now, I have given some thought to what
far it has progressed. However, if you Bapak’s mission, what was the effect? will happen when I'm no longer here.
can put your latihan into practice and the And to the people at this gathering, the The question is: Do we still need Subud
enterprise that you start is successful, effect of failure was so great that we names? Many of you have done latihan
that's a sign that you are able to fulfil wanted to ask Ibu collectively - is it for a long time and in fact you are ready
what your inner self needs, and you can something that should be the concern of to give names to your own children.
put it into practice in the outer world. all Subud members …
That's what Bapak wanted to see. The way to do this - the easiest way to do
Ibu Rahayu: Well, with regard to our it - is before you give a name, you should
Now, as for why we have not been efforts in Kalimantan, our efforts here - first test the first letter or initial that's
successful so far, it's because we are not will we succeed in these noble efforts? If needed for the name. After you find the
ready yet, or perhaps we are not able to you ask me, all I can do is leave that to right initial, select a number of names
practice what we receive from the God. beginning with that letter, and then test
latihan, we can't apply it in the world yet. which name best fits your child. That's
When we say “Subud”, that means we what you should do if you want to try to
About Cloning surrender in whatever we do. We work at give names to your own children.
In modern day technology there is this what we can, but as for whether we will
thing called cloning where human beings succeed, or achieve what we hope for, For the younger members who are
can, or might be soon duplicated in a we leave that to God. In Islam, we call married and have children, there is
laboratory. Is this still valid, that these this asma or effort. We work, but we nothing wrong if you want to try this.
beings will carry human souls? leave the outcome - the afal - to Some of you already have. If you are
Almighty God. We do so because we uncertain, you can still write to me to ask
Ibu Rahayu: If the embryo is alive, it rely on the essence of God, the essence whether the name you have chosen is
means that the essence of God (life) that guides us to work. So, whether our right, and whether I agree with the name
manifests there, but as for whether or not efforts will succeed or not, is not you have given your child.
the soul is human – that is in God’s something we can determine. We leave
Hands. So, in this matter human beings that to Almighty God. Ibu Rahayu’s task
act like a doctor who works to cure Question: Konstantin Vostriko from
something, but as for whether those But as for how we work, that comes back Russia - he’s asking what helped Ibu
efforts succeed or not, that is in God’s to the earlier question about enterprises. Rahayu for her to be able to keep her
Hands. Human beings may try, but only How do we work? What's the quality of pure intention to go towards God for
God determines the outcome. our work? Is it of the quality needed to Subud?
achieve our aims? This is why, when we
When it comes to giving life, it is God do this work, we shouldn’t make Ibu Rahayu: This is not something I
that gives life. Mankind cannot give life. promises or talk of things that have not asked for, but it goes to show that
So, even in the case where human beings happened yet. anything can happen at any time in
make life, it cannot happen unless God Subud, if it is God's Will. If you ask me
assists. Only God can give life; human There is nothing wrong for us to try, but why I can do this task - to be with all of
beings cannot give life. you must work within your capacity and you - naturally this is not something that
in the hope that God will guide you in one can strive for, or that a person can
Question continued: From a spiritual what you do. Is that clear? Do you bring about. I myself had no idea at the
point of view Ibu, what is your view of understand? time, I had no expectation, I never
these practices? dreamed, that one day I would have to
Naming our children meet Subud members all over the world.
Ibu Rahayu: Well, I am not God, and Question: I wonder if you could -
only God knows the answer to that because it would be too great a burden Continued on page 9.
question. It is what we call a secret of for you to name all these children - if

8 INNER VOICE - November 2004

your exercise, it may happen that one
About 'turning the other cheek' lady is here and another over there, and
- Bapak explains.. this one laughs and the other one laughs,

If this one weeps, the other one weeps

.. That is why, in his life, Jesus gave the someone who is without sin, someone
example: who really submits to God.
This is evidence that the feeling intended
”If your right cheek is struck, offer your Turning the other cheek is not dissimilar
in the Muslim fasting, and the feeling
left. If your right hand is struck, offer to the reason why, in Islam, people fast
intended in Jesus’ advice to turn the other
your left hand.” in Ramadhan and then give alms. They
cheek, are a reality, are actually put into
do this so they can get used to feeling
practice, in this Subud training of ours.
The real meaning of ’turn the other how it is for someone else ~ someone
cheek’ is that someone who really has a who is really poor; how it is for someone
"Share your blessings and your well-
human soul should be willing to give in. who has to go without things. Fasting
being with those who have none, so you
and alms-giving should remind people:
may attain lasting happiness,” said Jesus
Being willing to give in does not mean ’Those of you who have the means
and other Messengers.
losing. It means being more aware, more should give to those who have nothing.
intelligent than the person who beats you. It is necessary for you to feel how life is
Truly, though you yourself may be rich
for people who have nothing.’
and live in luxury, yet if there are people
Jesus’ words are not meant to be taken
living in want on either side of you, it is
literally. We have to look for the real The meaning of this advice is that human
dangerous, because these poor people are
meaning. The real meaning is: Human beings should fast not merely to fast, but
always waiting for the chance to take
beings should behave in such a way that should put the content of the fast into
from you your steadily accumulating
they show evidence in practice of daily practice.
wealth. But it is another matter if you
feelings that are alive.
always give to the poor who are around
In the course of your spiritual training,
you: then your well-being will last and
In actuality, if someone really were you may experience that, when you are
continue decades, even centuries.
struck on the right cheek and then offered with someone, suddenly, without asking
his left, the striker might not hit them anything of them or knowing anything
Extract from THE LIGHT OF CHRIST, available
again because he would feel that a person about their situation, tears start flowing
from CANOPY. For more details tel/fax (62) 021 750
who really does offer the other cheek is spontaneously from your eyes. Or, in
3724 or e-mail:

met Bapak there. But it wasn't Bapak like After that, I always travelled with Bapak
Questions & Answers Bapak was in this world. on his journeys overseas, and I often had
to leave my husband behind. I had to
All this took place in just one night. But leave him alone at home. But before I
Continued from page 8. after that night, after I had returned to left, Bapak told my husband that I would
earth, I still had to go through many have to travel with Bapak in his work
Bapak never gave us lessons – “us” experiences lasting 100 days. outside the country and my husband
being Bapak's children - to become would have to accept the situation if I
people who could guide you. So, if I can I know they lasted for 100 days, because left him on his own.
do so, it has come about by God's Will. that was when Bapak's wife, Ibu Siti
You can say that I have been taught and Sumari, died. Then Bapak’s voice told This was a sort of announcement, and I
tested by the Power of God. me that I would be called on to often had to leave my husband behind -
accompany Bapak after Ibu Siti Sumari sometimes for a month, or two, or three -
And of course, the way God taught me, died. but he could accept it, because he knew
the way God teaches us, is not the same that the work I was doing was not
way a teacher teaches his or her pupils. After I returned to earth, I had ordinary work.
When it happened, it was as if I was experiences of one kind or another every
summoned. To be summoned means you night, and I did not sleep for 100 days. That is how it began, and after that it
have to leave this world. The experiences I had were similar to grew in me by itself. I have never told
this experience here - I could guide you, you to listen to me talk, to hear me
Well, this sounds like a fairy tale, but it I could be close to you. In other words, I speak, or asked you to trust me. How has
is a tale that is true, so while I was there, could be close to Subud members. this happened?
it was as if I was given many
explanations and I also saw people doing Of course, there were many experiences It has happened because God has
latihan. That's why I know that we don't that I can't tell you about. The reason for arranged a meeting in our feelings, as a
just do latihan in this world; we do that is that in Subud this kind of result you trust me and you feel close to
latihan in the next world too. I was tested knowledge - even though you may find me. That is God's Will, not my will. I
there, and when you are tested there, it is out for yourself later on - is a secret of will only talk to you or speak to you if
not like being tested here. When I test life; it is the reality of human existence. you ask me to.
with you here, you can pretend to receive
and I won’t know the difference. So after this experience - well, Bapak Well, that's a brief history of why people
was still here and I could ask Bapak say I am close to God. But I am not - we
Over there, I had to witness many about my experiences - Bapak only said, are all close to God.
experiences, and one time there was a
voice - well, of course, it wasn't God's “Yes, that's what it's like. It is God's
That's the story.
voice, because we cannot give any kind Will. ”
of form to God - and it turned out that I

INNER VOICE - November 2004 9

Easier said than done. I felt dreadfully
“Never harbour hurt,” said Ibu.. worried!

Paula Blacking continues the memories of her visit to Cilandak in 1964… M’bakju immediately reassured me:
(Part 5) “Think, when your baby was ill, you
looked after her all you could. In the
end, God still took her and is looking
after her. You can no longer look after
Latihan with Bapak her. Trust Him. By serving Him, you
purify yourself and your children.” She
One day Bapak said I was to do latihan added that Bapak had told her I needed
with him, Ibu and M’bakju, also Alfatha, more latihan.
the lady from Sri Lanka, in his bedroom.
“Bapak will supervise your latihan,” he You must die thinking of God
M’bakju was there, receiving deep, deep, One day I went by betja (the tri-cycle)
deep, at Bapak’s feet. After the latihan, and bus to visit M’bakju. I felt so safe in
Bapak tested us: “Where is God? Indonesia. Much, much more safe than
Gurdjieff?” And other body movements. in my own country. M’bakju was glad I
had come this way. It was necessary, she
Why Gurdjieff? I wondered later said, to see how the poor lived.
because I had never been interested in
him, but of course at that time I knew A little while after that, Bapak again
plenty of people who were, or had been. “supervised” the latihan in his office,
Perhaps it was to cleanse me of the with two other visitors who had arrived
contact? Whatever, it was very low. Bapak's wife Ibu Siti Sumari from America. It was a latihan full of
Pointing to his heart, he said, “Much Thanks to SAI for this photo movement for me and when it was over,
better”, and Ibu added, “Her feeling.” I again wept. Bapak said: “That’s good”,
don’t know the peace (pointing to her and M’bakju added that I was crying
Around this time, in a latihan, I was with inner happiness because I was
stamping and cleaning my arms – one of chest) that one has. One cannot be
touched.” getting clean. I could not sleep at all that
the usual movements that occur in the night. M’bakju explained that that
Latihan. Ibu came to me and said: happened when our bodies were alive.
“That’s right, clean your body, your She also said that when you feel the
mind, your feelings’. latihan and you are with non-Subud
people, it is a protection. And that a Although I have given the impression
glass full of water can have nothing that M’bakju was always at my side,
Afterwards she said I was cleaning my comforting me, giving me strength,
passions. My heart and soul were good added; not so, a glass partially full. So
we need to be protected. nonetheless, sometimes she kept to
and wanted to worship God, but the herself and as it were, avoided me.
desires didn’t want it. Fortunately I respected this and didn’t let
She said to ask for forgiveness constantly
for we sin constantly every day. When it worry me that she kept to herself.
One day, one of the guests and I had an
intense meeting with her. She had a lot you wake up tired, she said, it is because
you go to sleep thinking about your Then one day she explained why. “You
to say and said it rather sternly. She said see, Paula, I am busy with my praying,
that we must never criticize others and children and money and other material
things. Your mind is restless all night. so I don’t speak to you. It is also to
that we must never harbour hurt. That if make you strong.”
we were hurt by others, we must go on You should go to sleep praying.
being kind to them, and help them. That Later, she again spoke to me about
eventually we would be strong and see Leaving Cilandak?
teaching me before she dies. “I may be
the hurt, but be unaffected by it. By dead before you come again.”
allowing ourselves to be hurt, we were The time is approaching for me to leave
allowing the lower forces to work. Cilandak. I am cleaning Bapak and Ibu’s
room. Ibu asks when I am leaving. I must have looked startled because she
“Next Saturday”, I reply. went on to say, “Yes, I may be. I have
A lot of what she said that day probably been preparing for my death a long time
was meant for me and my difficult home “So soon?” says Ibu.
And Bapak comes in: “So soon? Stay already.”
circumstances. So she also said that if
one’s husband was difficult, one should another month,” he says. (In the end I
stayed two more months.) And she went on to say, “You must
remain quiet and do the latihan whilst always have God in mind. If you die
preparing his food. That it was necessary thinking of (I have written stone in my
to go out at night with one’s husband if “Another month?” I ask. “But Bapak,
what about my husband and my diary), you will die in a material state.
he so wished it, but that really from 6 pm You must die thinking of God.”
onwards belonged to God. The day children? Won’t my husband be angry?”
belonged to the world. “I don’t think so,” says Bapak. “Send
him a cable.” She says that whenever her mind is
“But he doesn’t even do the latihan,” empty, and she is idle, she exercises,
That it was good to do charitable works. praying: “Allah, Allah”, to fill her mind
By helping others, you purify yourself. says me.
“Not yet,” replies Bapak, who knew with God rather than nonsense. She
everything after all, because much later comforted me by saying: “When I’m
That by working for Bapak, you ask his dead, I cannot help you, but perhaps my
blessing. my husband did come to Subud!
soul will.”
Then she said again: “You think it is Ibu then said I was not to think about the
children. They would be cared for. I am sure I have been conscious of her in
pleasant here. You don’t know how my latihan from time to time over the
happy we would be in Heaven. You years.
They were God’s children and I was not
to be sad.

10 INNER VOICE - November 2004

more, our soul will know where to go. It not fiction. You can receive it and witness
IBU’S TALK will know where we have to go. That’s it for yourself. And Bapak wanted others
why we need to do latihan while we live in to witness it too, even if only to a small
Continued from page 6. this world. extent, so that human beings can truly be
aware that Subud is a receiving from God
not been filled by something you have Returning As A Human Being and not something received from some
experienced, you cannot understand the other power – as other parties may claim –
talk. But if you do understand what Bapak But what for? Well, God created you as a because they have not experienced the
wrote, that means your soul has reached human being, so God expects you to return latihan yet.
the stage that it can receive what Bapak to God as a human being. To do so, you
experienced. It's as if we corroborate our must return in a complete form, as a com- So, brothers and sister, Subud is not diffi-
own experiences with Bapak's experiences. plete human being. Why do I say com- cult, but neither is it easy to put into prac-
So don't misunderstand why you need to plete? Because, as we know, while we live tice and attain. Why? It’s because the lati-
read Bapak’s talks. in this world, we are assisted by the low han envelops every part of life, everything
forces that God intends should serve us. you do. This means that, whatever you
Once you reach this stage of understand- But, if we don’t know how to look after have to do, everything you need is already
ing, you will experience, or you will have them properly, they will rule us. within your own self.
an inner awareness. Once you have this
awareness, you feel that your life is Subud. But, if we can rule our own being, then all What’s more, God knows about everything
When a person has reached that point, they these forces will return to their own that you do, everything that you feel, every
never want to leave Subud, because Subud homes. So, when we do latihan, these low action you make, every day. How? Be-
and their life are one. forces also come to life, and when we die, cause, as I've explained before, within you
they too will know where they have to go. is the life force of God, the ruh ilofi. In
So, people who are still able to, or still other religions this is called the Holy Spirit
want to, or who readily leave Subud, leave In that way we won’t burden them, and - this is a spirit that comes from God.
because they don't have this understanding they won’t burden us. We won’t feel that
about Subud. Even so, we cannot force we are indebted to them, and they will The Law Of Life
them to stay, because that’s as far as they have served us willingly, because they
have developed. have reached their heaven, thanks to us, The role of the ruh ilofi is to be the Law of
the person whose life has helped them. In Life. The Law of Life records every ac-
Your True Self Will Emerge this way, we can say that we return to God tion human beings make, as well as every
complete. interaction a human being has with, or
But, for those of you who continue to sur- their relationship with, the other forces
render yourself to the process of this lati- As for what happens then, or how long our inside them. It is all recorded.
han, after you have awareness, your true soul will live for, that will depend on Al-
self will emerge; your true individuality. mighty God. But according to the under- So, if we are dishonest or lie, it is as
This means that what you are is truly standing of the soul, the soul will never though we are dishonest to our self, we lie
yours. It has not come from your parents. die. It will live forever. to our self. There is something inside you
You are you. You are a creature that is that records everything that is untrue. So
complete in every way. It is not easy to If you have not experienced this yet, just nothing you do can be hidden from God.
tempt you, you are not easily affected by treat it as a story. But in fact, it is what
your desires. Your true self is strong and Bapak's talks are about, and it is also what So, brothers and sisters, that’s why I said it
it can occupy every part of you. I am re-awakening in you by giving you is difficult to become a Subud person. It is
this explanation. It is what Bapak received easy join Subud, you just surrender and
If you have your individuality, it means and Bapak worked to pass this on to all of then you will feel this life, you will feel
that if the time is right, you are able to us. So, if you can experience this too, it is that something takes over inside you. But,
reach the level of the rohani. You are what Bapak received about Subud and it is thereafter, you must recognise that you
someone who has the rohani life force. what you practice in your latihan. have this life within you, and you cannot
You are able to free yourself from all your insulate that life from your actions and
desires if you need to, and if God requires Bapak wrote down his experiences in the behaviour in this world.
it. book, Susila Budhi Dharma. What Bapak
described there was not a story for Bapak; Brothers and sisters, this is the end of my
So, brothers and sisters, to free yourself he actually experienced it. And now that explanations for this evening. I hope what
from your desires is not something that we you are in Subud, the hope is that, even if I have told you will not burden you, or
can do. All we can do is prepare ourselves; you don't receive as much as Bapak did, worry you, but that you will just receive it
you prepare yourself through how you you will follow this path in the way that in a relaxed way and you will surrender
behave and act in daily life. If you prepare Bapak received. It was Bapak who re- everything to Almighty God. As human
yourself, you will be led from one process ceived this, so – even though our receiving beings, all we can do is make efforts in the
to the next until you reach the objective of will be different, as it will depend on our way that God intends.
Subud. own nature – it is right that we follow
what Bapak received. Well, it seems that we need to return to
The objective of Subud is that, while we earth now. Because, in the realm of the
are in this world – now that we have the Bapak received Subud and all the explana- soul, when we explain something that's
latihan and we can receive the contact tions about Subud that are in Bapak's very high, we feel that we are no longer in
from the Power of God – we should use books, over a period of a thousand days. this world. And, what I explain to you is
this contact in the best possible way. We 1000 days of continual receiving. Indeed, not something I think out beforehand, I
cannot say how far, or in what way, we Bapak didn't sleep at all, because this was don’t plan what I will say to you. So talks
will develop. We leave that to Almighty by God’s Will, and if Bapak tried to sleep, aren’t always long ones, they can be short,
God. But, the probability is that by the it was as if he was not allowed to. and it feels that it is enough, maybe that’s
time we come to die, and our heart and what God Wills.
mind can no longer live, or function any- So, this explanation is an addition to my
talk just now – that what Bapak received is

SUBUD VOICE - November 2004 11

Marcus Bolt has started a publishing So because I lived on the east side and had ‘wood’ and this carries on now into the
company in the UK called VIA BOOKS. to cross the railway line. I had to run this painting you are doing.
The aim is to publish books of general gauntlet past the local secondary modern.
interest which have a spiritual theme or In those days in England you took this 11 That came alive for me when I was writing
content. plus exam and if you passed you went to a the book. On my father’s side a long line of
grammar school and if you failed you went carpenters. They ran a successful carpentry
The first book was Marcus’s autobiogra- to the secondary modern. shop in the East End. It seemed to skip a
phy Saving Grace which was published generation.
several years ago. Recently the company If you went to the grammar school you
has published two new novels, Monkey wore a uniform. I remember cycling from My brother became a carpenter and I use
Trap by Marcus himself and The Hal- our council estate, past this school to get wood in my work. I work on wooden panels,
cyon Way by HT Cockburn. over the railway bridge to the grammar I do relief work in wood, and I screw on, or
school I was just attacked, names called nail on, or glue on wood.
Marcus’s novel tells the story of a hero and things thrown, and at the grammar
trying to make meaning of his life against school you encountered the most intoler- My three-dimensional art - I don’t know
the background of a variety of conflict able snobbery and class abuse. how it started - I’d always done a little paint-
and difficulties including an evil ing, small pieces, I never had a studio. When
spiritual organisation which wants I decided to be a painter - inspired by a pop
to dominate the world. art show I saw - for some reason I decided to
give it this sculptural aspect. Who knows,
HT’s book chronicles the misadven- maybe I didn’t have any materials at the
tures of an English family on holi- time. That became the direction I went in.
day in Greece but there is also a
science fiction twist to the mix. I remember thinking the first few pieces I
did had this African art quality and when I
Shortly after Saving Grace came started reading more about this African art -
out, I talked to Marcus about his it was such a powerful drive. You see it in
life. He was at that time caretaker at Picasso’s work. My work is a sort of cross
Loudwater Farm and the walls of between sculpture and painting. Maybe I
the building were decorated with find a funny shaped piece of wood and I lay
many of his quirky paintings. They things down and move them around and
had a three-dimensional quality, something looks good so I nail it down, add
usually being made of different lay- some colour, and something begins to
ers of painted wood fixed to a board emerge from that. The usual thing is people
to create imaginative, sometimes paint what they see but in my case I see what
comical, images. I’m doing.

Marcus told me… In the beginning I have no idea where I’m

going. There’s usually a point where what’s
My background was working class. happening reminds me of an image, an ar-
My mother was lower middle class chetypal image a dancer, a night-club host-
and my father was very much an ess, a vase of flowers, Jesus Christ and I start
East End Cockney boy. They met to pursue that. It’s very satisfying for me.
during the war and married. My fa- It’s analogous to the dream process.
ther was drafted into the Merchant One of Marcus’s quirky paintings.
Navy, became very ill, and was in- The inner wants to tell you something and it
valided out. So I was copping from both sides. I was takes these scraps and shards of information
getting beaten up and bullied form both and makes them into a story. That’s what I
They lived in a very small flat in London sides. Quite a few writers have written enjoy with my work. I don’t know what I’m
all through the blitz. I was conceived and about this. It was like a social experiment - going to paint. Then I do the christening
born there. My father got a job as a post- working class people get educated. Their side, think up titles for them. I’ve done a lot
man. His aim was always to get out of own class think they’re stuck up and the of authority figures. Kings, princes, prin-
London and they managed to get a transfer other class don’t want to accept them. cesses, generals which is interesting.
to a new town where we lived in a council
house and I was sent to the local grammar There was a lost generation without roots. Harris Smart, Editor, Subud Voice
school. It may be one of the reasons I was so ready
to join something like Subud. You get
Unfortunately the early garden cities in snobbery and class in Subud but it gave The Halcyon Way by HT Cockburn, £6.99 .
England were literally designed to have me roots and sense of belonging I didn’t ISBN 0 9535766 1 2
the factories and the workers houses on get when I was growing up. It was notice-
one side and the managers’ houses on the able moving into another class. Monkey Trap by Marcus Bolt, £6.99 .
other side. This was to do with the south- ISBN 0 9535766 2 0
east prevailing winds, so that the smoke HS: There are some interesting stories
from the factories didn’t get blown onto in your book about the influence of an- Order through or
the executives’ houses. This was real 30s cestors. You mention that for several through your local bookshop using the ISBN
planning. generations your family was involved in system.

12 SUBUD VOICE - November 2004

In her recent Christchurch talk, Ibu Soon she got in-
Rahayu reminds us that “Subud is a volved in all kind of
family”. And now here is the story of one group activities in
family in Subud which reminds us of the and out of Subud
importance of nurturing our young mem- and also became the
bers. The article comes from Arifah Sulac mother of Susan and
in France… Rosemary. Jean-
Marc her husband,
Since the beginning of Subud, as a helper I a chemical engineer,
have wished to lighten the burden of moth- was not in Subud.
ers struggling with their children by taking
care of at least one of their children – espe- After the birth of
cially if the child was disturbing the their fourth child
mother. (Frederic) Jean-
Marc’s German
Unfortunately my house was not equipped Company asked him
for that and later on I left Paris and went to move to Ger-
abroad. Now that our Subud Brotherhood many. They first
has reached the third generation of mem- spent two years in
bers, I thought of writing the story of one the North-East of
family I know. This could be the preamble France. Their fifth
to many more families’ stories. I would and last child
like to know of others and to share their (Alain) was born
joys and sorrow. there.
neighbours and new friends. She had to be
Loving the beautiful family I’m going to They go to live in Germany aware of everything about her children at
write about, and knowing many other every moment, and to keep serene. It was
Subud families with children, I thought In Germany their children went to school
a sort of intensive course on, “How to be a
how important it is for our Subud youth to and learnt German. That was a very special
good mother and a good wife in all cir-
meet at congresses and youth camps. and interesting period for both parents and
children on account of the differences be-
Since not all young people can afford to tween French and German cultures and
In case of a crisis she would do a latihan
attend congresses, often held in far-away natures. Fortunately they never had any
and talk to someone. Her husband was too
countries, the idea came to me of families financial problems and they settled in a big
busy with his own work and thus she be-
inviting children to stay with them, and house that was an important asset for their
came used to talking to God. That was a
sending their own children to families in new life.
great relief: she felt He was listening to
other places. I remember reading the same her.
idea in a Subud Journal some years ago. The experience with the German teachers
and students was different for each child
Fortunately, the children did not have diffi-
More families would surely like that ex- but they quickly became used to living in
culty in learning the German language. At
perience of their children sharing visits or their new surroundings and got on well
the same time she found out that the Ger-
holidays and all of them would feel more with everybody, trying to make the best of
man people had a good understanding of
“one at heart”. it.
her situation and they did not mind much
about her family shortcomings.
I am convinced this would deepen love and They had good results at school and were
understanding between the young people well integrated after their first year. It was
As the children were growing up fast, she
when they become adults as well as being amazing to see the children accepting so
had to watch and care for them individu-
beneficial for Subud as a whole. This ex- easily those changes and adapting them-
ally. The latihan as well as the German
perience does not exclude helping finan- selves to the whole situation.
helpers gave her kind attention. Later on,
cially our youth to attend world con- when she came back to France, those very
gresses. How to be a good mother and a good active years in Germany, that experience,
wife in all circumstances? has proved to be priceless.
The Family
The burden of their new way of life, in-
Good inner changes had occurred
I met Diane (Dahliani) in Paris, 1977, cluding learning German language, tradi-
when I came back from Cilandak. Not tions and relations rested on Diane’s shoul-
She could see the inner changes in herself
long after, I heard she was getting married. ders, since her husband had new responsi-
as well as in her children and she could
Some years later I met the young couple bilities at work. It was a rather difficult
compare their attitude towards life now
and their newborn baby boy, Matthieu. time where she had to get to know about
with what it had been before going to Ger-
things before the children did in order to
Diane seemed to be a very active person, help and guide them.
joyful and light, always smiling and ready She became witness to the strength they
to help. She could participate in discus- At the same time she had to be attentive to
all had gained and deeply thanked God
sions with an acute sense of love and jus- her husband’s efforts to adapt to his new
Almighty for that gift. She also was grate-
tice, stressing that she “was only working environment and work. The latihan
ful to the Subud brothers and sisters in
for God” and I believed in her sincerity helped her to keep balance and peace at
because she did not have any pride. home as well as harmony with the
Continued on page 14.

SUBUD VOICE - November 2004 13

dren about their father’s condition and
ONE SUBUD FAMILY asked for their understanding, compas-
sion and prayers. One day the kids went
Continued from page 13.
to his bedroom and asked him to get
moving as he was making everybody Melinda tells how she dealt with the lower
Germany who had been kind to her all the
else suffer. forces..
way. She appreciated their helpful attitude
and brought back to France good memo-
God knows how, but sure enough, he I'd like to share an experience I had this
ries of those rich years.
soon got better and slowly things went year about dealing with the "lower forces".
back to normal again. This is a moving
She became really aware of the progresses
experience of children’s love for their Our national helpers in the USA bravely
her children had made in Germany. For
father and also compassion for their decided to hold a series of helper meetings
instance, she could compare her children
mother. in this country....for active, inactive, candi-
with other children facing work, studies,
date, retired -ANY helpers. First one was
suffering or difficulties. Her’s were defi-
What is their attitude towards Subud? the SouthWest area of the Rocky Mt re-
nitely stronger and more capable of over-
gion, South, and southern California. I
coming and mastering hard times while
After Matthieu, the next to be opened work at the Subud USA national office,
being more sensitive. Also they could feel
could be Susan or maybe Frederic. Only and it was my job, apparently, to get the
more sharply what was right or wrong and
God knows. Frederic has loved Bapak place where the meetings would happen.
decide firmly what was best to do. They
for a long time and now he also loves It was hard to get the date set, and hard to
were starting to stand on their own feet.
Ibu Rahayu. One day he told his mother get the right venue, but it happened.
“I want to see and talk to Ibu”.
How to turn an experience into a family After finding a great hotel in Phoenix for
enterprise the event, myself and a few others set out
As Ibu Rahayu was going to visit Vi-
enna, Dahliani asked me to accompany to get people to come to the event! Right
At the same time it was shown to her the
her to Austria and help her with Frederic away, what we heard was people saying
difference between the people who wor-
(while she would be doing latihan). They they couldn't afford to come.. Other
ship God and those who don’t. Then a
met with Ibu Rahayu and he talked to "excuses" came up as well, but this was
deep feeling of love arose inside, espe-
her. He came back very happy. the predominant thing we were hearing.
cially for the young people struggling in
life while oblivious of the wonderful link Well, I got mad. (This was God given!) I
An interesting thing is that they are not
between them and their Creator, their Lov- got a big zap of energy that said: “We
concerned about their father not being in
ing Father. That link was definitely miss- should not allow the material forces to be a
Subud. It’s true that their father has a
ing in many people. negative influence on our helper meetings!
very good attitude towards Subud and
even reminds his wife about latihan We should get the material forces to serve
She could not stand that situation any us!” And so I started to fundraise: I just
more. She decided to be active among told people how I felt about this, and sent
youth and children in the suburbs of Paris. out ONE letter, and the money started
He often accompanies her to Subud
She met their teachers and leaders and also coming in..... and we started throwing
meetings where he meets his “friends in
went to church, teaching the Bible to youth money at people to get them to come! We
Subud” (his words) or gives a helping
groups. paid people's airfare, hotel rooms, meals,
hand when the group needs it. Latif and
I have noticed how right his feelings registration, gas…
She kept very active with voluntary work
about Subud members are. That’s why
in many youth fields, always keeping her Long time helpers couldn't BELIEVE what
we should really be aware of our behav-
own children informed of her activities was happening to them! “What? Subud is
iour among non-Subud people, and
and, according to their capacity, getting actually paying for me to go?" Such aston-
never look down on them. He knows a
them acquainted or involved in what she ishment, and gratitude. Some people had a
lot about Subud and only God knows
was doing. Progressively that became a hard time taking it and we had to talk them
about his inner situation concerning be-
real Subud family enterprise: Finances into it. I got high every day on the fun of
ing opened.
Father – Director & Secretary Mother - giving away other people's money for such
Staff the Children. a good cause! Lucky me! We raised almost
Love is powerful
$4,000 assistance fund for that first helper
The whole family being tested finds un- meeting.
As a pioneer, I thank God for the coming
derstanding and strength
of this surprising international young
generation. My plea to my fellow help- And spent it all.
When I was still in Paris I had noticed that
ers is to be careful and not to hurt the
Diana, now Dahliani, had a beautiful qual- The meeting was an incredible success.
young ones, not to discriminate about
ity (she is beautiful too). She never com- Over 100 helpers were there. $500 of the
rich/poor or nice/naughty, but to be kind
plains about her private and family life profit from that meeting went to start the
and patient and attend to them after their
problems. She always takes the light side assistance fund for the second meeting.
of things and when it becomes too diffi-
cult, prays to God or calls a helper. The next meeting was for northern Califor-
Go and visit them, inquire about them,
nia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Alaska,
about their work, their life, their difficul-
She is devoted to the latihan, and being a etc. Same thing happened. Very hard to set
ties, just like parents do with love – ac-
helper herself, she is attentive to the mem- a date, really hard to find the right place,
companying them until they are adults.
bers. She knows their problems, cares for and then we had to raise money to get peo-
them and tries to lighten their burdens. ple there. $6200 was raised for the assis-
My experience is that they appreciate it
Those qualities were tested at home for tance fund. $5600 was given away. The
and in return they love and respect us –
more than a year when her husband was “leftover” went towards the next meeting.
and the latihan of course. As our well-
sick. He got diabetes and was really in bad So, this went on and we again had over
known and sweet pioneer-helper brother
shape. He had to stay home but was not an 100 helpers attend the meeting. It was
Richard Millès would say: “Love is
easy patient. Diane explained to her chil-
Continued on page 15.
14 SUBUD VOICE - November 2004
Continued from page 14.
incredibly touching to the attendees, and
strongly affected everyone, as far as I can

The third meeting was on Oct 8. This was

for the Midwest region and East Coast.
Again, it was like pulling teeth at first.
Hard to set a date, very hard to find the
place. Each time we just mentally GAVE
UP, but had to keep going anyway. Then
again, face the lack of money and interest.

As before a small informal team got to-

gether - mostly me, the relevant regional
helpers and a few others. We employed
our usual tactics, which were to keep call-
ing people, and e-mailing them, and offer-
ing them assistance until they decided to
go. Sometimes people would test if they
should go and their attitude would turn
round to the positive. Standing from Left to Right: George Ruxton, Jay Bakker, Subagio, Hardwin Pelham, Bill Logan,
Luke Murray, Helen Ruxton, Ronald Jones, Olivia Jones, Mu'mainah Salah. (Photo: Anik Shipman)
The third time we raised $6,700, and have
spent all but $50 of it. 100 helpers have On Sunday 27th June, Subud Adelaide Birthday and thank you Jay for providing
pre-registered. South Group held a selamatan to remem- us the venue for this purpose.
ber Bapak’s birthday. It was held at the
A Few Observations property of a long-standing member, Jay “First of all I would like to apologise to
Bakker, in the Adelaide Hills. Bapak for having a cake for his birthday. I
This is an amazing amount of money that know Bapak would not have a cake for his
we have raised – around $15,000 - and On that Sunday, the Angels sent down a birthday. In a true Javanese tradition Ba-
spent in order to get helpers to these helper window of a fine sunny day for the occa- pak would normally have a yellow rice
meetings! What a huge blessing! I have to sion, in between cold and rainy days be- gunungan (mountain), with side dishes and
tell you that one enterprise and an addi- fore and after. garnishes around the base of the gunun-
tional individual donated about $3000 for gan. I know Bapak would forgive us, as
each of those meetings, and that was a The whole place was suitably presented Bapak is a pragmatic person. We live in
huge relief. But individuals from all over for the occasion with Indonesian batik Australia and not in Indonesia and we do
the country donated as well for each one table cloths, Bapak’s photos, Bapak’s fa- what the Australians do”.
of them. vourite wayang leather puppets of Bima
and Dewa Ruci, flower arrangements and “I had heard Hardwin say a couple of
Some of the people to whom we gave as- a selection of Subud books display. Not times – “If we celebrate Christmas why do
sistance could have paid their own way I forgetting a Javanese gamelan music con- not we celebrate Bapak’s birthday”.
believe. But they had an attitude that kept tinuously played in the background.
it from happening. But I saw that some of “Hardwin’s words were not lost on me. I
these people paid their own way to a later At around twelve noon, twelve members, share Hardwin’s sentiment that comes
meeting, and in fact helped pay the way young and not so young, new and not so from the inner feeling of love for Bapak. I
for others as well. This is an attitude new, ordinary and not so ordinary, helpers was waiting to hear the same from the oth-
change, not a financial income change. and national helpers get together around a ers, but that was not forthcoming”.
Their priorities changed. barbeque, sumptuous prawn fried rice,
We have seen a number of signs since the prawn tomato sambal, plentiful salads and “So last year I decided to take the initiative
meetings to tell us that there are positive a traditional Javanese dessert of kolak upon myself to organise a group SE-
repercussions to these meetings. Anyone pisang (banana float). To wash down the LAMATAN for Bapak’s birthday. We
who has accessed the new e-zine The Inner food, cabernet sauvignon wine and orange successfully had in the Group our first
Life on our national website can see some juice were served on the table. remembering of Bapak’s birthday, and
of the results: now our second. We hope it will become a
The Cutting of the Cake tradition in our group to remember Ba-
I haven’t talked here at all about what pak’s birthday”.
went on AT the meetings – that’s another After lunch, and given time for the food to
story! (See The Inner Life) It’s the deeper go down the time came for the most im- “On Bapak’s birthday for those who have
content story. I’m just talking about what portant item of the day and that is the cut- met Bapak it is fitting to reminisce, shar-
took place on the material level, to get the ting of the birthday cake. ing one’s memories, thoughts and feelings
meetings to happen. I don't think there is about Bapak with fellow Subud members.
any other use for money in Subud that is Subagio invited everyone to come in My own feeling for Bapak grew from be-
more important than facilitating the lati- around the table for the cutting of the Ba- ing that of a complete stranger when I met
han. It has been like being in the middle pak’s birthday cake. Before the official him in Cilandak some 40 years ago, to
of a miracle, and is proof that miracles cutting of the cake Subagio gave an intro- being one of intense love and gratitude”.
take hard work as well as Grace from God. ductory few words. Here is the excerpt of May peace be with you.
what he said: “ Welcome everyone to the
Melinda Wallis, National Secretary, USA selamatan for remembering Bapak’s Secretary of the Group, Subagio

SUBUD VOICE - November 2004 15

KALIMANTAN Robert Millard ‘Piano Recital’ £11.00
Hamilton Camp ‘Mardi’s Bard’ £12.50
From October 7th to 10th, the majority of Young, energetic university graduate Mira’nda ‘So Bravely Human’ £12.50
the Congress Organising Team (COT) met teachers in the field of science and Marius Kahan ‘Tomorrow’s Memories’ £10.00
in Innsbruck with ISC and a number of mathematics to teach a range of stu- Isles Theatre Co ‘The Isles’ £10.00
World Council members, as well as inter- dents from Year 5 to 11 in Rungan Hamish Barker ‘Natural Culture’ £10.00
ested members from Austria, Switzerland, Sari, Kalimantan. Two years work- Malarky ‘The Band that Plays at Night’ £10.00
France, Portugal, the UK, Germany and ing experience preferred. Ours is a Lucas Hille ‘Lost and Found’ £10.00
the USA, including, to our delight, seven discovery to education method- Musica - ‘The SICA CD’ £10.00
youths who were fully committed and approach. The DJC Collection - 16 Track Sampler £5.00
ready to participate in the process.
Students are exposed to a variety of NEW CDs:
The days were intense but fruitful, carried subjects and experts who visit Run- Yamba Yamba Orchestra - ‘Rainstorm’ £11.00
out in an atmosphere of harmony and fun, gan Sari. Robert Millard ‘Piano Recital 2 (Chopin)’ £11.00
brainstorming on the multiple aspects of Adrienne Thomas ‘Speaking In Tongues’ £11.00
the World Congress 2005. We are able to pay a modest salary, Harlan Cockburn ‘Ship Without Rudder’ £11.00
cover work permits and visa as well Prices include postage anywhere.
We were all extremely impressed by the as housing. Benefits are a strong (Credit Card option on website)
work already carried out by the COT, and Subud community, a developing DJC Records, 104 Constitution Hill,
it was great to be able to connect faces, school, beautiful surroundings, jun- Norwich, NR34 BB UK.
names and tasks. gle, swimming pool and sports fa-
cilities. Trip to Jakarta once every 2
You'll all soon be getting to know them as months with free housing for long
well via the web-site: weekends. WORLD LATIHANS November 7: 11:00 (CET) - 10:00 (GMT)
We would like to open to the general December 4: 21: 00 (CET) - 20:00 (GMT)
From Subud World News public end of July 2005; candidates
To find the corresponding time
should apply as soon as possible to in your part of the world go to:
start early in 2005.
FROM BAPAK Application should be sent to:
“And we have a way that can relieve or SUBUD VOICE
people of their anxiety, their depres- is published monthly.
sion when they survey the state of the DEADLINE FOR
world today.”
15 November 2004
If you would like to have a nice place
EVENTS where you can enjoy a tranquil environ-
Send to Harris Smart,
ment with latihan premises, leisure fa- Editor Subud Voice, preferably by email to
cilities, and a base for an enterprise, or
NOVEMBER 73 Clareville Rd, Uki, NSW, 2484, Australia.
there are currently for sale in Rungan
Tel: + 61 2 6679 4020
4-14:Subud Ramadhan Retreat at Seven Sari, Central Kalimantan,
Circles in California. Please check out T2 Townhouses 70sqm/ 210sqm SUBSCRIPTIONS:
lot/ U$ 33.000 Bradford Temple, PO Box 311, Dapto, NSW, 2530, Australia
T2 Wood Cottage 83sqm/ 290sqm
18-21: Being Human workshop with lot/ U$ 35.000 Fax: + 61 2 4262 1725
Solihin and Alicia Thom in Portland, (1U$ = 9.000 IDR)
Oregon, USA. Please contact: AUD$50.00 groups, AUD$60.00 mailed
Contact: individually. (10% discount for pensioners
over 60 years), AUD$35 OnLine.
See also the Events section on the Subud
World News webite: PAYMENTS: (Australian Dollars only)
B A P A K ’ S T A L K S preferably by Credit Card - please provide your

12 name, address, card number, card expiry date
VOLUME and your signature as on card and fax to the
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House in Wisma Subud for rent. Four
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bedrooms, study, large living and din-
ORDER NOW Minimum charge AUD$15.00. (Third World
ing room. Servants' quarters. US$550 Pay by UK Bank cheque or Credit Card: countries - no charge).
per month. Available for Ramadhan, Subud Publications International
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16 SUBUD VOICE - November2004

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