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The passage provides information about the structure and scoring of the writing section of the ECPE exam. It details the time limit, writing topics, space constraints, and grading criteria.

The writing section has a 30-minute time limit. Test takers must write a 1.5 to 2 page essay on one of two provided topics in the answer booklet provided. Extra sheets and scratch paper are not allowed. Handwriting must be legible.

The two essay topics provided are about the characteristics of good coworkers and changes in modern families and their effects on society. Test takers must choose one topic and write an essay responding to the prompt.

Practice Test

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Writing Section
WRitinG SeCtion inStRuCtionS
30-minute time limit
• The examiner will have already provided you a writing answer document on which to write your essay. Make sure you
have filled in your name, your signature, your birthdate, and your registration number.
• Do NOT write your essay in this test booklet. Write your essay on the answer document you have been provided.
• Use a #2 (soft) pencil only.
• You will have 30 minutes to write on one of the two topics. If you do not write on one of these topics, your paper will not
be scored.
• You may make an outline if you wish, but your outline will not count toward your score.
• Write about one-and-a-half to two pages. Your essay will be marked down if it is extremely short.
• Write inside the boxes on pages 2, 3, and 4 of your answer document.
• Extra sheets of paper or scratch paper will not be scored. Please use only the space provided on the answer document to
write your essay.
• You will not be graded on the appearance of your paper, but your handwriting must be readable. You may change or
correct your writing, but you should not recopy the whole essay.
• Your essay will be judged on clarity and overall effectiveness, as well as on topic development, organization, and the
range, accuracy, and appropriateness of your grammar and vocabulary.

1. In many professions, people often have to work closely with coworkers who may be very different from them. What
are the most important characteristics of a good coworker? Give specific reasons why these characteristics are

2. With more and more parents working, living far from grandparents, and children going away for school, family life
in many parts of the world has changed a great deal. How are families changing in your country, and what effect do
these changes have on society? Discuss, and give specific examples to support your views.

When you have selected your topic, remember to fill in “1” or “2” in the ECPE Writing Response box in the front of your
writing answer document.
Please observe silence. Do not leave the room during the time period. Remember, you have 30 minutes to complete your

Do not tuRn the paGe until the examineR haS tolD you to Do So.

20 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 2 - Test 1

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Listening Listening Listening
Listening Section Instructions
This is a test of your ability to understand spoken English. The listening section has three parts. There are 50 questions.
Mark all your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not make any stray marks on the answer sheet. If you change your
mind about an answer, erase your first answer completely.
Part 1
In this part, you will hear short conversations. From the three answer choices, select the answer which means about the
same thing as what you hear, or is true based upon what you hear. For example, listen to the conversation:
Example (listen): a. They will stay home.
b. They will go to a game.
c. They don’t like football.
The correct answer is b.
For problems 1 through 15, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. No problems can be repeated. Please listen
carefully. Do you have any questions?

1. a. She would like to change her seat. 9. a. He will take the flight that leaves earlier.
b. She will wait for the seat she wants. b. He does not want to have a stopover.
c. He cannot seat her without a reservation. c. She is concerned about him driving from the
2. a. She needs to move closer to her university
campus. 10. a. He wants her to log her computer off the
b. She is planning to move to a new state to Internet.
attend school. b. The network has been having connection
c. She wants to reduce the amount of money she problems.
pays for school. c. His computer problems have nothing to do
with her.
3. a. He would like to negotiate a lower price.
b. He is not interested in purchasing an appliance. 11. a. The cash register is malfunctioning.
c. He is willing to accept the standard warranty. b. She needs to go pick up some supplies.
c. She is training him to work the cash register.
4. a. They are designing a website.
b. They are discussing an advertising design. 12. a. They disagree about the film.
c. She rearranged the products in her store. b. The film requires serious attention.
c. She does not recommend he see the film.
5. a. Her medicine has no risk of side effects.
b. She should avoid overusing the medicine. 13. a. He is inviting her to a party.
c. The medicine she used previously did not work. b. She is planning a trip overseas.
c. They are planning to surprise Julia.
6. a. Charlie’s work performance has improved.
b. They are thinking of giving Charlie a promotion. 14. a. She is thinking of doing the work herself.
c. He wants the woman to start helping Charlie b. Her current electrical system is not working.
at work. c. He offers to do some maintenance work
for her.
7. a. They are planning to go to Brazil to conduct a
research study. 15. a. They are discussing how to entertain some
b. The number of research papers from Brazil is a visitors.
sign of quality. b. They would prefer to experience different
c. They want academic journals to publish more types of entertainment.
Brazilian research. c. She will check on the price of opera tickets
before making a purchase.
8. a. His lecture needs to be postponed.
b. She wants him to finish his presentation.
c. He needs to be ready to start in five minutes.
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Listening Listening Listening
Part 2
In this part, you will hear a question. From the three answer choices given, choose the one which best answers the
question. For example, listen to the question:
Example (listen): a. The wedding’s next Saturday.
b. Yes, she’s married.
c. Two weeks ago.
The correct answer is a.
For problems 16 through 35, mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. No problems can be repeated. Please
listen carefully. Do you have any questions?

16. a. Sorry, I wasn’t in. 26. a. Oh, sure he did.

b. It’s about ten, our time. b. He’s never been there.
c. After noon would be easier. c. Yes, his parents are Cuban.

17. a. It’s just some legal documents. 27. a. I haven’t figured them out yet.
b. No one in particular – just an office. b. Well, there’s one in my phone.
c. Yes, I just got it out before the deadline. c. I don’t need one now, thank you.

18. a. It depends. Some I like, some I don’t. 28. a. No, it’s not mine.
b. Me neither – I just don’t understand it. b. It’s really beautiful.
c. That’s cool – what instrument do you play? c. Of course, I love dogs.

19. a. No, I’ve got everything I need. Thanks. 29. a. That’s really expensive.
b. Sure, you can leave them there when you’re b. I don’t think I have enough.
done. c. Cash, charge – whatever you prefer.
c. They belong to the guy who’s working on the
house. 30. a. In the late eighteenth century.
b. Since the late eighteenth century.
20. a. I’ll figure it out. c. Up to the late eighteenth century.
b. Yes I have. How about you?
c. Much more than the last one. 31. a. No problem – I’ll look after it for you.
b. We couldn’t find anything wrong with it.
21. a. Some light snacks, I think. c. I’m almost done – you can use it in a minute.
b. Nothing for me, thank you.
c. I don’t know – a caterer, maybe? 32. a. Yeah, it’s really easy.
b. Go right ahead; we need it.
22. a. I’ll send it right now. c. I cleaned everything yesterday.
b. Ten o’clock tomorrow.
c. No, I haven’t forgotten. 33. a. It was late – nearly midnight.
b. We didn’t have to wait too long.
23. a. They didn’t give me a time. c. They sent a driver to pick me up.
b. You can print it now, if you want.
c. Problem is, there’s only one nearby. 34. a. No, I’m still in the middle of it.
b. Pretty good – it’s a fairly quick read.
24. a. I was hoping to use it a while longer. c. The professor gave us an extra week.
b. Much more than just trying to fix it.
c. Are you sure that’s what you want to do? 35. a. More than enough.
b. Yes, I got one, thanks.
25. a. Yeah, I did. I thought it was a great design. c. I can hand them out for you.
b. Just present your favorite one to the client.
c. I thought the first one was a little stronger.

22 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 2 - Test 1

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Listening Listening Listening
Part 3
In this part, you will hear three short segments from a radio program. The program is called “Learning from the Experts.” You
will hear what three different radio guests have to say about three different topics. Each talk lasts about three minutes. As
you listen, you may want to take some notes to help you remember information given in the talk. Write your notes in this test
booklet. After each talk, you will be asked some questions about what was said. From the three answer choices given, you
should choose the one that best answers the question according to the information you heard.
Remember, no problems can be repeated. For problems 36 through 50, mark all your answers on the separate answer
sheet. Do you have any questions?

Segment 1 Write notes here.

Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

36. According to Kelly Merola, how does cellulose

benefit plants?
a. by helping them produce fiber
b. by helping them maintain their shape
c. by making their cells harder to break down

37. What does Kelly Merola say about the role of

cellulose in human diets?
a. It strengthens the walls of cells.
b. It helps the body absorb other nutrients.
c. It aids digestion because it is indigestible.

38. What is learned about cellulose as a food additive?

a. It is mainly used as a thickening agent.
b. It acts differently in dry and liquid products.
c. It is usually added to food for its health

39. Why is wood pulp used in food instead of other

sources of cellulose?
a. It is less expensive.
b. It is easier to obtain.
c. It is easier to process.

40. Why does Kelly Merola mention salt, sugar, and fat?
a. to emphasize the safety of consuming wood
b. to demonstrate the danger of eating
processed foods
c. to compare the wood pulp issue to other

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Listening Listening Listening
Segment 2 Write notes here.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

41. What information do the speakers provide about

the Sahel?
a. the length of its seasons
b. the average temperature
c. the average yearly rainfall

42. Why is the appearance of mosquitos in the Sahel

every year a mystery?
a. because it happens while all the surface water
is dried up
b. because it happens before new mosquitos can
reach adulthood
c. because it happens in a region where
mosquitos do not usually reproduce

43. Why does Louis Grey mention mosquito

a. to show how the winds affect the Sahel's
b. to describe an earlier theory that had to be
c. to emphasize the importance of water to
mosquitos’ life cycle

44. What are scientists unable to understand about

mosquitos during the dry season?
a. how they reproduce in the absence of water
b. how they return to the same locations every
c. how they become inactive for so long without

45. What will most likely be the next step in Louis

Grey's research?
a. locating mosquitos during the dry season
b. trying to prove that mosquitos are estivating
c. waiting for mosquitos to reappear the
following year

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Listening Listening Listening
Segment 3 Write notes here.
Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet.

46. What does Steven Bloch say architects need to do?

a. make sure each building has a clear focal point
b. think beyond a project's functional
c. match a building's design to its surrounding

47. What is meant by the phrase "building meaning"?

a. establishing a symbolic importance
b. gradually developing a sense of purpose
c. designing around a building's central function

48. What point does Steven Bloch make about

environmental sustainability?
a. Using local resources can limit a building's
environmental impact.
b. Being forced to conserve resources can
stimulate creative design.
c. Sustainable architecture can help change
public values and attitudes.

49. What is a unique design feature of Steven Bloch's

project in China?
a. an indoor garden
b. a water recycling system
c. the use of bridge technology

50. Why does Steven Bloch describe his project in

a. to provide an example of sustainable design
b. to elaborate on the concept of "building
c. to expand upon the idea of an architect's
central role

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Grammar Grammar Grammar
51. It is likely that by the time the next census is given, 58. The experiment was designed to compare
much of the information on the current census to play a variety of instruments, given no prior
. musical knowledge.
a. to change a. relatively difficult to learn
b. has changed b. a relative learning difficulty
c. will have changed c. being relatively difficult to learn
d. has been changing d. the relative difficulty of learning

52. Despite its prevalence and serious effects, diabetes 59. "Do you know when Professor Smith’s expected to
research has historically been underfunded give us our grades?"
other diseases. "I'm certain she'll do it ."
a. for research compared to a. as soon as she's able
b. comparing the research of b. she’s able to do it soon
c. compared to research for c. soon she’s able to
d. in comparison with researching d. however she’s soon able to

53. After eight hours of lifting heavy boxes, we all 60.  on a story or suggest a topic for future
agreed to call off everything in one day. episodes, please send an e-mail to
a. to try move
b. not try moving a. Comment
c. trying to move b. To comment
d. on not to try moving c. Commenting
d. In the comment
54. Even the team's most ardent supporters must
have been surprised by how successful last season 61. Future malls will likely allow retail stores to send
turned out . promotions straight to mobile phones .
a. to be a. walks by an individual
b. it was b. that an individual walking by
c. had been c. as walking by an individual
d. was being d. as an individual walks by

55.  staying up all night to finish a term paper, 62.  to compare the chlorine found in Bass Lake
Sandy slept until evening and nearly missed her class. with that present in various other saline waters.
a. After a. It may be interested
b. For b. It may be of interest
c. Once c. There may be interest of
d. Since d. There may be interesting

56. Among many employers, there is a common bias 63. During the Eocene epoch, 50 million years ago,
that younger workers tend to be are older. most North American mammals were very
a. innovative more than who what we see today.
b. those who are innovating more a. differed with
c. who are more than innovative that b. difference of
d. more innovative than those who c. different from
d. differently than
57. Sanford’s design for a hotel on the site of the
old Union Station was the city’s Historical 64. Psychologists ran an experiment in which they
Commission. offered a young child two cookies, .
a. approved by a. as small and as large
b. approving of b. the smaller and larger
c. approved of c. one was small and large
d. by the approval of d. one small and one large

26 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 2 - Test 1

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Grammar Grammar Grammar
65. No pharmaceutical compounds have proven 72. It is hard to study human intelligence; what is
effective neurons or helping the body considered "smart" is determined our genes.
establish new neural pathways. a. by that much culture as
a. in permanently restoring b. by as much as culture
b. permanent restoration of c. so much by culture than
c. at restoring permanence of d. as much by our culture as by
d. at permanent restoration in
73. Terry's been in our group for a month, and still has
66. By comparing students' best and worst scores, the not completed of the two tasks we assigned
computer develops personalized simulations to him.
keep at their optimal level. a. none
a. so they perform b. some
b. them to perform c. either
c. they will perform d. neither
d. them performing
74. None of the material contained on this site may be
67. The design by Adams consists of a cluster of reprinted or reused without explicit written
buildings a central courtyard containing from the publisher.
apple trees and recreational spaces. a. permitted
a. arranging from b. permitting
b. arranged around c. permission
c. are arranged among d. permissible
d. to arrange throughout
75. Only after accepting Kramer's challenge, he
68. If enough workers had remained, the job could had fallen into his opponent’s trap.
in three days instead of taking the entire week. a. realized Lipsky
a. be completing b. Lipsky did realize
b. have to complete c. did Lipsky realize
c. had it been completed d. was it Lipsky who realized
d. have been completed
76. In part because of the region’s history and
69. The test was scheduled for Tuesday morning, abundant forests, local residents have allowed
students to spend the entire holiday weekend that timber is their only resource.
studying for the exam. a. them to convince
a. basic forced b. they are convinced
b. to basic force c. to convince themselves
c. basically forcing d. themselves to be convinced
d. it basically forces
77. We will be arriving in Brussels at 1:00 pm and
70.  cuisine and spectacular views, the Starmont would like to get to Paris by 5:00 afternoon.
provides a taste of luxury in the midst of the Rockies. a. later that
a. Exquisitely its b. lately in the
b. With its exquisite c. at the latest
c. It is with exquisite d. no later than
d. Exquisitely with its
78. Could you please tell me in order to get a
71. A passion for clinical practice and lifelong love of password so I can log into the network?
teaching John Haley to the top of his field. a. may I talk
a. propel that b. who can I talk
b. have propelled c. I can talk to who
c. had been propelled d. who I might talk to
d. have been propelling by

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Grammar Grammar Grammar
79. In recent years, software development has begun 85. Under regulatory pressure, many banks are ending
shifting to agile development practices or limiting money transfers, higher costs for
within organizations. immigrants sending money home.
a. because of speed changing a. like meaning
b. due to the speed of change b. likely meaning
c. as long as the changing speed c. it is like to mean
d. as a result of changed speeding d. to likely mean that

80.  , the same students who participate in the 86. Evidence for the paranormal is usually based
program in winter should continue to work on the upon experiences that normal behavior that
project in spring, to ensure continuity. alternative explanations seem necessary.

a. Ideally a. diverging so far

b. Promptly b. are so divergent
c. Afterwards c. are far diverging of
d. Beforehand d. diverge so far from

81. Government authorities emissions of carbon 87. Children’s Hospital, though technically a part of
dioxide by 30% below current levels within the the city’s hospital network, is run a private
next decade. charity.

a. promise of reducing a. at

b. are promising reduction b. by
c. have promised to reduce c. of
d. have been promising reduction d. to

82. The kinds of breakthroughs we are seeing in 88. “What happened to the canned soup? It used to be
biotechnology today are how people were on this shelf.”
talking about electricity in 1900. “I’m sorry, but that product is stock.”

a. reminisced by a. no long for

b. so reminiscent b. no longer in
c. reminiscent of c. not the longest
d. reminiscing upon d. not longer than

89. Mayer identified a strain of mice that could survive

83. Smithfield’s museum of its treasures: an
being fed 50% fewer calories than normal
original hand-written copy of the Declaration of
a. not to demonstrate impairing
a. is currently displaying one
b. with no demonstrated impairing
b. currently one of its displays
c. not with impairing demonstrated
c. has one to currently display
d. without demonstrating impaired
d. is one of its currently displaying
90. “Do you think it would be okay to install an app on
84. Edward Lorenz coined the phrase “Butterfly Effect”
this computer?”
to refer to small occurrences can have
“We were clearly told anything onto the
enormous consequences.
school computers.”
a. the manner of
a. not to download
b. in which manner
b. not downloading
c. what is a manner of
c. don’t download
d. the manner in which
d. to not downloading

28 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 2 - Test 1

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Cloze Cloze Cloze
This passage is about food and the environment. 91. a. logic c. excuse
b. reason d. argument
The link between human diets and the environment has
been a topic of debate for decades. In 1971, Jennifer Moore’s 92. a. so c. such
bestseller Veggie Planet made the (91) that it is possible b. thus d. those
to have nutritious meatless meals and that doing (92) can
have positive effects on the environment. Since Moore’s 93. a. justified c. warranted
publication, studies by nutritionists and environmentalists b. confirmed d. manifested
have (93) many of her conclusions.
94. a. as such c. that
In 2010, her daughter, Anna Moore, published an b. in which d. similarly
updated version of her mother's book (94) she describes
several contemporary issues related to agribusiness, meat 95. a. unusually c. commonly
consumption, and planetary health. The younger Moore b. especially d. necessarily
shows how modern agricultural practices, (95) meat
production, are linked to climate change. The book explains 96. a. issues c. byproducts
b. reactions d. consequences
how (96) of concentrated animal feeding operations, such
as methane and runoff, are more detrimental to soil, water,
97. a. told c. pointed
and air quality than more widely (97) sources of pollution.
b. cited d. remarked
Moore was not the first person to write about these
issues; numerous governmental and scholarly articles were 98. a. prior c. former
b. before d. preceding
written on the topic (98) to her book. Moore’s publication
was (99) however, because it implied that personal
99. a. grave c. significant
consumer choices, in addition to government policy, could
b. evident d. immaterial
(100) environmental change. This is a topic on which all
sides of the contemporary food debate largely agree. 100. a. use c. fulfill
b. apply d. effect

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Cloze Cloze Cloze
This passage is about indoor plants. 101. a. to need c. needing
b. needed d. needed by
The term “indoor plant” can be used to define any plant
not growing in its natural habitat. To understand why 102. a. time c. sort
this definition is appropriate, consider the steps (101) to b. temperature d. mildest
protect less hardy plants by people living in temperate
climates. In this (102) of climate, the four seasons are (103) : 103. a. several c. peculiar
summers are hopefully warm, and winter temperatures b. express d. distinct
often fall below freezing. A plant that (104) in tropical or
subtropical regions cannot survive under frosty conditions. 104. a. stems c. originates
b. creates d. introduces
It must, therefore, be given (105) during the cold months.
(106) some people are fortunate enough to have heated
105. a. shield c. protection
greenhouses, for the majority of people that means taking b. up d. preservation
the plant indoors.

On the other hand, many people live in regions of the 106. a. Yet c. However
b. Despite d. Although
world where the temperatures never fall below freezing; but
what about those with excessive heat? In (107) regions, the
107. a. all c. which
outside temperature may become so hot that people need
b. these d. the
fans and air conditioning systems for comfort. If a plant is
(108) to a temperate climate, with four seasons, it will have 108. a. agreed c. acquainted
trouble thriving in a hot environment. (109) , it is necessary b. apprised d. accustomed
to try and (110) the plant’s normal growing environment.
Again, this often means taking the plant indoors. 109. a. Otherwise c. Nevertheless
b. In such cases d. In all likelihood

110. a. portray c. stimulate

b. duplicate d. correspond

30 Practice Tests for the ECPE Book 2 - Test 1

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Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary
111. We are thrilled to announce the of Yards 118. A fresh watercress and pickled ginger salad can
in Bloom, a new gardening book from Biotone be a wonderful to grilled fish, particularly
Publishing. salmon.
a. story a. delicacy
b. edition b. recipe
c. release c. nourishment
d. publicity d. accompaniment

112. After a second student became ill, officials agreed 119. Having finished their preparations for winter, the
to investigate their cafeteria's quality issues in bears will soon settle down to begin their long
with an independent auditor. .
a. reference a. domination
b. accordance b. revolution
c. conjunction c. hibernation
d. consequence d. transformation

113. The course is designed to help farmers 120. Water carrying 800,000 tons of sediment was
minimize the food safety associated with allowed to run through the dam, which normally
unpasteurized honey production. the river's flow through the canyon.
a. hazards a. bounds
b. ventures b. restricts
c. exposures c. encloses
d. possibilities d. subsides

114. A hypothesis is a proposed explanation for a 121. In early August, the Oceanic Administration updated
phenomenon or problem, often on prior its Atlantic hurricane , predicting a season
knowledge and logical deduction. with an above-average number of tropical storms.
a. based a. chance
b. settled b. outlook
c. worked c. direction
d. related d. viewpoint
115. The Food Policy Center to assist the work of 122. To with the museum’s fifth anniversary, the
policy-makers in the developing world. six statues went on full display in June, gleaming
a. aims from their modern makeover.
b. trains a. contract
c. targets b. concur
d. addresses c. coincide
116. Our missing puppy finally at our door the day d. converge
after we put posters all over the neighborhood. 123. We had just crossed the border into France when
a. let in we heard a horrible noise from the car's
b. ran away engine compartment.
c. turned up a. pouring
d. showed off b. coming
117. Chris Smith is a highly Public Relations c. sounding
Executive with over seven years of experience. d. appearing
a. judged
b. verified
c. qualified
d. examined

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Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary
124. “I’m getting frustrated that I haven’t even been 130. Under Virginia law you are obliged to change your
called in for an interview.” vehicle registration within 30 days of becoming a
“ . I’m sure you’ll find a job soon.” of the state.
a. Hang in there a. commodity
b. Bring it up b. resident
c. Have a go at it c. domain
d. Figure it out d. recipient

125. Student Affairs Office representatives are required 131. The ability to interpret animal behavior, according
to respond to complaints and try to _______ any to animal psychologists, is a of temperament,
problems students may have. curiosity and years of practice.
a. insist a. duty
b. resolve b. faculty
c. enforce c. function
d. diminish d. reception

126. In the past 36 years, George Metz has run more 132. Base fares and additional fees on all transportation
than 20,000 miles – to take him halfway tickets may be to change without notice.
around the world. a. subject
a. ample b. inclined
b. enough c. methodical
c. plentiful d. inducible
d. complete
133. All from the auction will go toward WHQR
127. If you have further thoughts or questions about to help support their music and local news
this topic, please attending one of our programming.
informational workshops. a. portions
a. favor b. products
b. inspect c. proceeds
c. regard d. premiums
d. consider
134. Two years after her accident, doctors hope that she
128. Historically, the city's residents lived and shopped will not have to any more operations.
near their workplaces, which explains why each a. defer
neighborhood has its own distinctive . b. submit
a. aspiration c. undergo
b. aspect d. volunteer
c. complex 135. Protesters are refusing to vacate the steps of the
d. character building, in of a direct order from the courts.
129. Sunday's eclipse of the moon will be in North a. defense
America and parts of South America. b. defiance
c. deviance
a. visible
d. deference
b. visualized
c. discrete 136. Florida's heat waves, with temperatures over 100º F,
d. perceivable have put both young and old at of heat-
related illness.
a. risk
b. crisis
c. danger
d. prospect

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Vocabulary Vocabulary Vocabulary
137. After six years, the theater has a healthy budget 144. A good record-keeping will benefit you
and a growing audience, but still takes pride in its immeasurably as you begin to amass larger and
atmosphere. larger data sets from your research.
a. premium a. usage
b. meticulous b. system
c. intimate c. classification
d. refined d. performance

138. The color wheel is to help explain the basic 145. Dr. Lee’s work is often cited by opposite sides in the
relationships of color. fierce national over free-market competition
a. invented in public schools.
b. designed a. culture
c. originated b. debate
d. interpreted c. education
d. contention
139. “What are we going to do tomorrow if Bill’s still sick?”
“We might have to our class presentation.” 146. It is bad to heat food in the microwave using plastic
a. lag containers, if the food contains fat.
b. hinder a. entirely
c. prolong b. especially
d. postpone c. extremely
d. exceptionally
140. When describing your product, try to provide
detailed information about its features and avoid 147. The new library is a terrific , containing books,
anything or exaggerated. magazines, and audio-visual materials related to
a. ambient science and technology.
b. amicable a. supply
c. amusable b. capacity
d. ambiguous c. resource
d. allocation
141. The new policy will tough penalties on
people who are found to be using university 148. In 2002, Bates returned to his _______ London to
property for personal business. become copy editor for the English Observer.
a. incite a. anonymous
b. impose b. distant
c. sanction c. native
d. prosecute d. receptive

142. The expanding economy created new freedom 149. Recent scientific studies have determined that the
for young people, who began to leave their narwhal's tusk is an astonishingly organ.
families and live on their own. a. wary
a. passably b. vigilant
b. summarily c. sensitive
c. increasingly d. susceptible
d. consecutively
150. In plane surveying, the measured area is small
143. For your package to arrive by December 23, you enough that the Earth's curvature does not
must your order no later than December 16. significantly the mathematical calculations.
a. do a. figure
b. put b. affect
c. place c. induce
d. apply d. reckon

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Reading Reading Reading
This passage is about a form of energy. 151. What is the main purpose of the first paragraph?
Wind turbines take the energy of the wind and convert it a. to compare wind power to other technologies
to electrical power. The idea of harnessing the wind's power b. to place modern turbines in a historical
has existed for thousands of years in the form of windmills
c. to describe the problem wind turbines are
and water pumps, but modern engineers have extended
designed to solve
this concept to a wide range of applications, from small d. to present the range of tasks airborne turbines
devices that power traffic lights, to multi-acre wind farms are capable of performing
that power entire cities.
152. What is said to be a benefit of airborne vs ground-
The largest wind turbines in use today rise to about
level turbines?
400 feet in height; they require huge towers with deep
a. faster power generation
foundations, are expensive to build, and are vulnerable
b. more reliable access to energy
to weather-based interruptions. For at least a century,
c. increased power storage capacity
engineers have dreamed of pulling electricity from high d. less vulnerability to electrical interference
in the atmosphere, where the winds provide as much as
four times the power of ground-level flows. However, only 153. What is implied about crosswind models?
recently have lightweight materials and computer guidance a. They travel higher into the atmosphere than
systems emerged that make the idea feasible. other airborne turbines.
b. They are the airborne turbine design most
While no single design has emerged as a frontrunner,
likely to be mass-produced.
the most efficient airborne turbines swoop through the air
c. They generate electricity with the least waste
like a kite at 800-2,000-foot altitudes. Known as crosswind of materials and effort.
models, these models are equipped with rotors that act as d. They need to be used in conjunction with
both turbines and propellers, and are tethered to the ground ground-based wind turbines.
using a long cable. Direct-drive generators send electricity
down the tether to a ground station. Given the higher wind 154. What function does the tether play in crosswind
speeds at altitude, crosswind turbines can deliver twice the turbines?
energy per unit of capacity than conventional turbines, and a. It stores energy.
with no tower, they use 90% less material, reducing capital b. It generates power.
costs. c. It enables navigation.
d. It transmits electricity.
For all their advantages, however, the questions
surrounding airborne wind power generation are 155. In the final sentence of the last paragraph, what
significant. How do you safely suspend airborne turbines does the author mean by surmountable?
hundreds or thousands of feet off the ground? How do you a. debatable
avoid interference with aviation? How do you keep them b. vulnerable
aloft for long periods of time without having to perform c. unavoidable
maintenance? Enthusiasts for the technology believe all d. conquerable
these issues are not only surmountable, they are worth
overcoming, because when it comes to wind's potential for
providing consistent, inexpensive, and renewable energy,
the sky is literally the limit.

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Reading Reading Reading
This passage is about a study involving dogs. 156. What is the significance of the new study?
Behavioral evidence has long suggested that dogs can a. definitive proof that dogs are capable of
recognize human emotions. A new study now helps us experiencing emotions
b. evidence of an emotional processing center in
understand why. The research shows that dogs, like humans,
a non-primate brain
have a dedicated region in their brains that processes
c. discovery of a part of the brain that processes
emotional information. voices non-linguistically
Researchers in the 1990s first identified a part of the d. confirmation of an evolutionary connection
human brain that processes the non-linguistic aspects of between humans and dogs
human voices. That is, this region does not decode words
157. What is mentioned as a feature of the new study?
and sentences; rather, it registers the emotional tone of the
a. Twice as many dog subjects as humans were
sounds, such as whether a speaker is happy, angry, or afraid.
Later, macaque monkeys were found to have a similar
b. Sounds were presented in groups of three.
region of the brain. The new experiment was designed to c. Innovative use of brain scanning technology
see if this brain region could be found in an animal that is was involved.
not a primate. d. It was a continuation of research conducted in
the 1990s.
Scientists used the same technology that had been
used with humans and macaques, scanning the brain with
158. What result of the new study does the author
an MRI scanner that measures brain activity and records
suggest could have been anticipated?
which areas are active. The researchers tested 11 dogs and
a. The strong activation of dogs' brains in
compared their brains to those of 22 human volunteers. response to human voices.
They put headphones on each participant and let them b. The responsiveness of both groups to sounds
listen to three types of sounds: human voices, dog made by their own species.
vocalizations, and "environmental noises" (cars, ringing c. The lack of response by humans to emotionally
phones). charged dog vocalizations.
d. The identification of an area in dogs' brains
The team discovered that dogs and humans process
that processes emotional sounds.
"emotional sounds" similarly. When the researchers
played human sounds, such as laughter, an area near the 159. What does the word this in the first sentence of
dogs' primary auditory cortex lit up – exactly the same as the last paragraph refer to?
humans. Similarly, emotionally charged dog sounds, such a. hearing human voices
as growling, lit up the same brain region in both groups. b. human domestication of dogs
Predictably, both groups responded most strongly to c. attunement to human emotions
sounds made by their own species. One surprise, however, d. relationship between the two species
was that one region of the brain — the frontmost portion of
160. What does the author imply in the final paragraph?
the temporal lobe — became strongly activated when both
dogs and people heard human voices. This result suggests a. Dogs' brains have physically evolved over the
past 30,000 years.
that dogs' minds are keenly attuned to human emotions.
b. Human domestication of dogs increased dogs'
This may help explain the long and special relationship sensitivity to human emotions.
between the two species. Humans domesticated dogs over c. Dogs and humans may have been mutually
30,000 years ago, and dogs have long been considered sensitive before domestication.
"man's best friend." The recent study suggests that the d. Humans and dogs developed parallel brain
sensitivity through domestication.
parallel brain sensitivity to voices and emotions may
partially account for our unique bond.

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Reading Reading Reading
This passage is about a method of education. 161. What can be inferred about Andrei Galkin?
The ability to think lies at the heart of expertise. Too a. He is skeptical about the value of exams.
often, however, education aims at the accumulation of b. He is primarily focused on technical training.
c. He believes factual knowledge is unimportant.
facts. Students may pass their classes, score high on exams,
d. He thinks students learn best by working with
but still lack the ability to apply the knowledge they have
gained. The problem, according to Andrei Galkin, is that
they have not learned how to think. 162. What is the first step in Galkinatics?
To address this, Galkin created a teaching system called a. establishing learning goals
Galkinatics. The goal of Galkinatics is to discover the primary b. identifying mental processes
logical and creative processes that underlie expert thinking, c. understanding algorithms
d. separating algorithms from heuristics
and teach learners to use the same mental processes for
situations that have similar logical structures.
163. According to Galkin, what is a feature of
Since learning to think like an expert is the goal of algorithmic processes?
Galkinatics, the first step is to uncover the operations a. undeviating processes
that occur in the expert mind. These operations must be b. creative thinking
broken down to their most elemental Andreiels – units c. irregular patterns
of knowledge, thought processes, and the order in which d. personal discovery
these processes occur – before they can be taught to others.
164. According to Galkin, how do heuristic tasks differ
Galkin suggests there are two categories into which all
from algorithmic tasks?
expert thinking can be grouped: algorithms and heuristics.
a. They are less creative.
Algorithmic processes consist of a series of mental b. They are entirely self-taught.
operations that occur in a regular, uniform manner and c. They are less formulaic.
are designed to solve a particular class of problems. These d. They involve fewer processes.
processes consist of a series of mental "if-then" operations –
165. With what part of Galkinatics does the author
each decision leading logically to the next – and are ideally
express doubt?
performed in the same way every time. According to Galkin,
a. That mental operations can be identified.
algorithms provide the logical foundation for most expert
b. That expert thinking can become automatic.
c. That learners can be taught to develop
Not all tasks are algorithmic, however. Some tasks are expertise.
heuristic, or creative, and require a method of thinking d. That mental operations can be divided into
that involves experimentation, trial and error, and personal two categories.
discovery. Galkin believes, however, that heuristic processes
may be broken down into elements in the same way that
algorithmic processes are, and taught to learners as a
generalized method of thinking.

Once algorithms and heuristics are identified, Galkin

believes it is a simple matter to teach students to apply
these mental operations until they become automatic.
Automaticity is the ultimate sign of expertise. While
the notion that expert thinking can be easily taught is
questionable, Galkin’s ambitiousness certainly cannot be

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Reading Reading Reading
This passage is about an astronomical event. 166. What is unusual about the astronomical event that
is underway?
Astronomers say four giant galaxies are crashing into
a. the number of galaxies that are merging
each other, in one of the biggest interstellar pileups ever
b. the amount of gas in the merging galaxies
recorded. The galaxies will eventually merge together
c. the large dimensions of the merging galaxies
into a single galaxy 10 times larger than our own Milky d. the similarity in size between the merging
Way. Scientists say the event provides an extraordinary galaxies
opportunity to study how galaxies form.
167. Why are minor mergers mentioned?
Galactic mergers are not uncommon in the universe.
Mergers between one large galaxy and several smaller a. to emphasize the uniqueness of the current
ones – called minor mergers – are well documented.
b. to provide background on how galaxies are
Mergers between two galaxies of similar size have also
been observed. A merger between multiple large galaxies, c. to give a sense of the mass of the astronomical
however, is unprecedented and when it is completed, the event
resulting galaxy will be one of the biggest in the universe. d. to provide a sense of the size of the galaxy
being formed
The event was first spotted when scientists at the Muller
Observatory observed an unusually bright plume of light
168. What information does the article provide about
emanating from four elliptical galaxies approximately five
the galaxies involved in the current merger?
billion light years from Earth. Analysis of the plume revealed
a. their shape
it was comprised of billions of stars being hurled out from b. their total mass
the ongoing clash. Subsequent observations through an c. their speed of travel
X-Ray telescope were used to calculate the mass of the d. their distance from each other
clashing galaxies, which revealed they were among the
largest in that sector of the universe. 169. What is the relevance of the galaxies' age?
a. It explains why the merger is occurring.
All the stars studied so far from the merger appear to be
b. It illustrates how young stars are formed.
over 10 billion years old – relatively old by galactic standards.
c. It clarifies the role of gas in galactic mergers.
Until recently, this would have contradicted a major theory
d. It supports a new theory of galactic creation.
of galactic assembly: the hierarchical model. Under this
model, smaller galaxies undergo successive mergers to 170. What is implied about the role of gas in galactic
form larger ones, creating stars as they go. By this theory, mergers?
larger galaxies such as the four currently merging should a. The size of the galaxies indicates the presence
contain much younger stars. of gas.
b. The presence of gas equates to the size of the
In the current merger, however, it appears no new stars
are being formed. The explanation may lie in the concept
c. The lack of gas correlates to the absence of
of gas-rich vs gas-poor mergers. In gas-rich mergers, the young stars.
galaxies are soaked with gas that ignites to form new stars. d. The presence of young stars indicates a
In gas-poor mergers, no new stars are formed. Indeed, possible lack of gas.
the Muller observations demonstrate that gas is a missing
component in the current quadruple merger, perhaps
explaining why only old stars have been found.

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1 ECPE questions are often based around an expected combination of words called collocations. Match the verbs
in List A with the nouns in List B to make logical collocations. Then use them to complete the sentences.
List A Answer List B
0 enclose c a an order
1 undergo b a product
2 interpret c a letter
3 surmount d a riot
4 release e a meaning
5 incite f an operation
6 place g a problem
7 generate h a regulation
8 defy i electricity

0 Just enclose a letter about yourself in the prepaid envelope and mail it to us.
1 The company plans to next year that will corner the market.
2 Doctors advised the player to on his injured leg.
3 So as not to among demonstrators, the job-cut announcement was deferred.
4 Giant wind turbines are used to without the need to use fossil fuels.
5 To successfully, one must consider what caused it in the first place.
6 If demonstrators laid down by the courts, they will be prosecuted.
7 There weren’t any wireless keyboards in stock so I had to on-line for a new one.
8 It is difficult to without considering the context of the unknown word.

2 Find the correct verb from the box based on logical collocations.
• postponed • gained • transmitted • lit up • restricted
• tethered • reckoned • affected • settled • imposed • addressed
0 Knowledge isn’t earned at school by students, it is gained .
1  An estimated cost isn’t induced by a builder, it is .
2 A region of the brain isn’t ignited when stimulated, it is .
3 A horse isn’t restrained to a post by the reins, it is .
4 An argument isn’t closed when a solution is reached, it is .
5 A crowd is not debated by a politician when a speech is made, it is .
6  A mathematical equation isn’t calculated when new data has to be included, it is .
7 The flow of a river isn’t bound by a dam, it is .
8 A penalty is not prosecuted on a soccer player with questionable conduct, it is .
9 An appointment isn’t prolonged if someone doesn’t turn up, it is .
10 Electricity is not powered down a cable from a power plant, it is .

3 Unlike the Grammar section of the ECPE exam, where verb form and tense are also an issue, verb questions in
the Vocabulary section focus on meaning and structure. Choose the correct verb to complete each sentence.
Clues to structure are in bold.
Light from the crack in the doorway.
a lit b occurred c emanated d spotted
They eventually to meet after class.
a concurred b agreed c approved d

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It took a while but they finally on a solution.
a sanctioned b settled c submitted d
The irate customer on seeing the manager to resolve the issue.
a persisted b insisted c aspired d trained
The authorities are beginning to tougher speeding restrictions on motorists.
a impose b process c exist d extend
My birthday with that of my father’s.
a appears b falls c allocates d
Many new scientific theories are on past discoveries.
a related b deferred c aimed d based
The computer gaming industry is successful because it is to the demands of gamers.
a attuned b emerged c aware d wary
Her ideas began to with mine and we soon shared the same viewpoint.
a concur b compare c comprise d converge
It is an extensive report which to clarify the extent of the problem.
a inspects b targets c induces d aims
This exercise of a number of questions designed around verb meanings and structures.
a deviates b composes c consists d contains

Noun Phrases
4 ECPE exam questions often test your knowledge of nouns by a combination of meaning and structure. Use the
nouns in the box to complete the sentences, paying attention to meaning and structure. Clues are in bold.
• deference • response • conjunction • merger • transformation
• range • risk • reference • debate • accompaniment • defiance
He sent her an e-mail in
0  response to the invitation.
In his speech, the President made to the growing number of cyber attacks.
They worked in
2  with their teammates to finish the project.
Her into a successful business woman was due to years of experience.
By riding without a helmet, you put yourself at
4  of serious injury.
A between the companies would be beneficial in terms of shared production costs.
Cookies are a lovely to a nice cup of steaming hot tea.
The over introducing higher fees for university students raged in the press.
The wayward teenager stayed out late in direct
8  of her parents.
Children are expected to show a degree of to their elders.
The new e-watch has a wide of applications, including being used to monitor heart rate.

5 Can you find it? Circle the correct noun, based on its meaning.
It is grey matter which is responsible for higher mental functions: cortex / algorithm / plume
It is a version of a published text: edition / conversion / assembly
It is an investigation in order to find information and/or the facts: prospect / research / discovery
It is a set of instructions which allows the preparation of food: receipt / recipe / formula
It forces air or water along pipes: pump / rotor / flow
It is one’s perspective or how someone sees or understands things: viewpoint / consequence / visualization
It rises high and can swoop through the air: tower / kite / cable
It refers to the properties and qualities of something, making it distinct: origin / character / region
It rotates very fast because of wind, water or steam to generate electricity: turbine / scanner / energy
It is a product or raw material which is bought and sold: capital / faculty / commodity
It is money collected by an event such as a charity or auction: process / proceeds / procedure

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6 Adjectives describe nouns. As such, finding the correct adjective in an ECPE exam question depends on
meaning and what noun the adjective describes (collocation). Choose the correct adjective from the box to
complete each sentence.
• vigilant • native • methodical • ambiguous • domesticated
• feasible • amicable • verified • ambient • conventional • susceptible
A native person is from a local area.
A(n) answer is a largely confusing and perplexing one.
Being means that you are wary and watchful.
The temperature refers to how hot or cold the immediate surroundings are.
If you have been given information, then you can be sure it is correct.
5  people do things carefully and systematically.
A(n) agreement is characterized as being friendly and peaceful.
A(n) way of doing something is not new or radical in any way.
If you are to illnesses, you are likely to suffer from them.
A(n) animal is one which has been house-trained.
When a plan or an idea is , it means that it is possible to put it into practice.

7 Circle the correct answer to complete the text.

The traffic light: Countless motorists around the world are (0) consecutively / dutifully / exceptionally waiting behind
one right now. And with an ever-growing number of road users – there are over a million new vehicle (1) conversions /
registrations / receptions per month in China alone – the number of people whose forward progression is affected by
the humble traffic light is bound to increase. Designed to alternatively stop traffic (2) proceeds / capacity / flow as it
(3) converges / diverges / emerges from different directions, its (4) invention / usage / function is to offer fair road
usage and reduce the (5) enforcements /defenses / hazards of driving. But many (6) regard / consider / insist the
traffic light to be annoying. Even the most patient person on Earth can get impatient behind a red traffic light,
(7) increasingly / especially / plentifully if a set of lights changes so quickly that it takes several false starts before
finally being able to get through an intersection. However, frustrated drivers must console themselves with the simple
fact that the (8) prospects / contentions / exceptions of (9) merging / crashing / hurling into another car or even
creating a (10) pileup / postponement / portion would be much worse if the traffic light had never been invented.

8 What about you? The point of practicing and learning English vocabulary is to actually use it. The great thing is
that the more you use what you know when reading, writing or speaking, the better you become at it. Here is
an opportunity to use what you’ve learned in this Vocabulary Review by choosing the correct word to complete
this questionnaire.
Did anyone on your doing these exercises?
a respond b insist c occur d
Did you work in with any other students to complete these exercises?
a contention b consequence c collocation d conjunction
Are you going to have your answers by someone?
a qualified b verified c surmounted d
Were you able to the meaning of a word by looking at how it was used in the sentence?
a function b address c interpret d sound
Do you expect to have a(n) over any of your answers with anyone?
a interpretation b classification c inspiration d debate
Would you like to be able to use vocabulary like a speaker?
a vigilant b native c sensitive d wary
Has this review helped you knowledge and increase your level of vocabulary expertise?
a incite b allocate c gain d prolong

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