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Principles of Environmental Law

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Principles Of Environmental Law

The design and application of modern environmental law have been shaped by a set of principles and concepts outlined in publications such
as Our Common Future (1987), published by the World Commission on Environment and Development, and the Earth Summit’s Rio Declaration

The precautionary principle

As discussed above, environmental law regularly operates in areas complicated by high levels of scientific uncertainty. In the case of many
activities that entail some change to the environment, it is impossible to determine precisely what effects the activity will have on the quality of
the environment or on human health. It is generally impossible to know, for example, whether a certain level of air pollution will result in an
increase in mortality from respiratory disease, whether a certain level of water pollution will reduce a healthy fish population, or whether oil
development in an environmentally sensitive area will significantly disturb the native wildlife. The precautionary principle requires that, if there
is a strong suspicion that a certain activity may have environmentally harmful consequences, it is better to control that activity now rather than to
wait for incontrovertible scientific evidence. This principle is expressed in the Rio Declaration, which stipulates that, where there are “threats of
serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent
environmental degradation.” In the United States the precautionary principle was incorporated into the design of habitat-conservation plans
required under the aegis of the Endangered Species Act. In 1989 the EC invoked the precautionary principle when it banned the importation of
U.S. hormone-fed beef, and in 2000 the organization adopted the principle as a “full-fledged and general principle of international law.” In
1999 Australia and New Zealand invoked the precautionary principle in their suit against Japan for its allegedoverfishing of southern bluefin

The prevention principle

Although much environmental legislation is drafted in response to catastrophes, preventing environmental harm is cheaper, easier, and less
environmentally dangerous than reacting to environmental harm that already has taken place. The prevention principle is the fundamental notion
behind laws regulating the generation, transportation, treatment, storage, and disposal of hazardous waste and laws regulating the use of
pesticides. The principle was the foundation of the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and
their Disposal (1989), which sought to minimize the production of hazardous waste and to combat illegal dumping. The prevention principle also
was an important element of the EC’s Third Environmental Action Programme, which was adopted in 1983.

The “polluter pays” principle

Since the early 1970s the “polluter pays” principle has been a dominant concept in environmental law. Many economists claim that much
environmental harm is caused by producers who “externalize” the costs of their activities. For example, factories that emit unfiltered exhaust into
the atmosphere or discharge untreated chemicals into a river pay little to dispose of their waste. Instead, the cost of waste disposal in the form of
pollution is borne by the entire community. Similarly, the driver of an automobile bears the costs of fuel and maintenance but externalizes the
costs associated with the gases emitted from the tailpipe. Accordingly, the purpose of many environmental regulations is to force polluters to bear
the real costs of their pollution, though such costs often are difficult to calculate precisely. In theory, such measures encourage producers of
pollution to make cleaner products or to use cleaner technologies. The “polluter pays” principle underlies U.S. laws requiring the cleanup of
releases of hazardous substances, including oil. One such law, the Oil Pollution Act (1990), was passed in reaction to the spillage of some 11
million gallons (41 million litres) of oil into Prince William Sound in Alaska in 1989. The “polluter pays” principle also guides the policies of
the EUand other governments throughout the world. A 1991 ordinance in Germany, for example, held businesses responsible for the costs of
recycling or disposing of their products’ packaging, up to the end of the product’s life cycle; however, the German Federal Constitutional Court
struck down the regulation as unconstitutional. Such policies also have been adopted at the regional or state level; in 1996 the U.S. state of
Florida, in order to protect its environmentally sensitive Evergladesregion, incorporated a limited “polluter pays” provision into its constitution.

The integration principle

Environmental protection requires that due consideration be given to the potential consequences of environmentally fateful decisions. Various
jurisdictions (e.g., the United States and the EU) and business organizations (e.g., the U.S. Chamber of Commerce) have integratedenvironmental
considerations into their decision-making processes through environmental-impact-assessment mandates and other provisions.

The public participation principle

Decisions about environmental protection often formally integrate the views of the public. Generally, government decisions to set environmental
standards for specific types of pollution, to permit significant environmentally damaging activities, or to preserve significant resources are made
only after the impending decision has been formally and publicly announced and the public has been given the opportunity to influence the
decision through written comments or hearings. In many countries citizens may challenge in court or before administrative bodies government
decisions affecting the environment. These citizen lawsuits have become an important component of environmental decision making at both the
national and the international level.
Public participation in environmental decision making has been facilitated in Europe and North America by laws that mandate extensive public
access to government information on the environment. Similar measures at the international level include the Rio Declaration and the 1998 Århus
Convention, which committed the 40 European signatory states to increase the environmental information available to the public and
to enhance the public’s ability to participate in government decisions that affect the environment. During the 1990s the Internet became a primary
vehicle for disseminating environmental information to the public.
Sustainable development
Sustainable development is an approach to economic planning that attempts to foster economic growth while preserving the quality of the
environment for future generations. Despite its enormous popularity in the last two decades of the 20th century, the concept of sustainable
development proved difficult to apply in many cases, primarily because the results of long-term sustainability analyses depend on the particular
resources focused upon. For example, a forest that will provide a sustained yield of timber in perpetuity may not support native bird populations,
and a mineral deposit that will eventually be exhausted may nevertheless support more or less sustainable communities. Sustainability was the
focus of the 1992 Earth Summit and later was central to a multitude of environmental studies.
One of the most important areas of the law of sustainable development is ecotourism. Although tourism poses the threat of environmental harm
from pollution and the overuse of natural resources, it also can create economic incentives for the preservation of the environment in developing
countries and increase awareness of unique and fragile ecosystems throughout the world. In 1995 the World Conference on Sustainable Tourism,
held on the island of Lanzarote in the Canary Islands, adopted a charter that encouraged the development of laws that would promote the dual
goals of economic development through tourism and protection of the environment. Two years later, in the Malé Declaration on Sustainable
Tourism, 27 Asian-Pacific countries pledged themselves to a set of principles that included fostering awareness of environmental ethics in
tourism, reducing waste, promoting natural and cultural diversity, and supporting local economies and local community involvement.
Highlighting the growing importance of sustainable tourism, the World Tourism Organization declared 2002 the International Year of

Current Trends And Prospects

Although numerous international environmental treaties have been concluded, effective agreements remain difficult to achieve for a variety of
reasons. Because environmental problems ignore political boundaries, they can be adequately addressed only with the cooperation of numerous
governments, among which there may be serious disagreements on important points of environmental policy. Furthermore, because the measures
necessary to address environmental problems typically result in social and economic hardships in the countries that adopt them, many countries,
particularly in the developing world, have been reluctant to enter into environmental treaties. Since the 1970s a growing number of environmental
treaties have incorporated provisions designed to encourage their adoption by developing countries. Such measures include financial cooperation,
technology transfer, and differential implementation schedules and obligations.
The greatest challenge to the effectiveness of environmental treaties is compliance. Although treaties can attempt to enforce compliance through
mechanisms such as sanctions, such measures usually are of limited usefulness, in part because countries in compliance with a treaty may be
unwilling or unable to impose the sanctions called for by the treaty. In general, the threat of sanctions is less important to most countries than the
possibility that by violating their international obligations they risk losing their good standing in the international community. Enforcement
mechanisms other than sanctions have been difficult to establish, usually because they would require countries to cede significant aspects of their
national sovereignty to foreign or international organizations. In most agreements, therefore, enforcement is treated as a domestic issue, an
approach that effectively allows each country to define compliance in whatever way best serves its national interest. Despite this difficulty,
international environmental treaties and agreements are likely to grow in importance as international environmental problems become more acute.
Many areas of international environmental law remain underdeveloped. Although international agreements have helped to make the laws and
regulations applicable to some types of environmentally harmful activity more or less consistent in different countries, those applicable to other
such activities can differ in dramatic ways. Because in most cases the damage caused by environmentally harmful activities cannot be contained
within national boundaries, the lack of consistency in the law has led to situations in which activities that are legal in some countries result in
illegal or otherwise unacceptable levels of environmental damage in neighbouring countries.

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