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Programme Specification - MSC Agricultural Technology & Innovation

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Agricultural Technology and Innovation

The information contained in this document is intended only as a guide to the
programme. It does not constitute a legally binding document or contract
between the individual and the Royal Agricultural University.

The information contained herein is correct at the time of going to print, but
the University reserves the right to make changes to the structure of the
programme, assessment methods, etc. at any time without prior notification.
Any changes made however will be made known as soon as possible.

Programme Manager Dr Hugh Martin

© The Royal Agricultural University. March 2016

1. Awarding institution Royal Agricultural University

2. Teaching institution Royal Agricultural University

3. Final award title(s) MSc Agricultural Technology and


Postgraduate Diploma Agricultural

Technology and Innovation

4. Academic level on Framework Level 7

for Higher Education
Qualifications (FHEQ)

5. UCAS code(s) Not applicable

6. Relevant QAA Subject The Framework for Higher Education

Benchmark Statement(s) and Qualifications in England, wales, and
other reference points, e.g. FD northern Ireland (QAA 2008)
qualification benchmark
QAA code of practice, programme
approval monitoring and review.

Subject Benchmark Statements,

agriculture, horticulture, forestry, food
and consumer sciences (QAA 2009)
and Master’s degrees in Business and
Management (2007).

7. Details of accreditation by a Not applicable

professional/statutory body

8. Mode of study Full-time (one year) or flexible

9. Language of study English

10. Date of production/revision Production January 2016, for validation

February/ March 2016.
11. Educational aims of the programme
[Specify the key aims of the programme]

11.1 Introduction and context

There is a progressive advance in the diversity, sophistication and power of

technologies utilised in agriculture and in the management of environmental
resources. Additionally, advances in semiconductor based instruments,
sensors, materials, miniaturisation, computer software, data processing, aerial
and satellite derived data, are contributing to the development of new ways of
managing both the productive capacity of agriculture and the management of
natural and wild spaces and resources.

Such developments are likely to have far reaching consequences in all parts
of the world, developed and developing alike, particularly where priorities exist
for the improvement of agricultural and horticultural output, efficiency and
product quality with the least possible damage to natural resources and

Similarly there are escalating issues over the sustainable supply of production
resources such as water, soil and fertilisers. Increased precision and more
adaptable management of these has the potential to make a positive
contribution in conserving such essential inputs. The capture of environmental
data and its rapid and accurate interpretation may also provide opportunities
for more effective and timely management of natural land, wild and
undeveloped areas.

However the successful implementation of such technologies will only be

realised and extended if the intellectual resources are made available as well.
The human component will be the foundation for the creation of new
technologies, their transfer and integration within a production environment.

This course is designed to allow graduates to develop their skills and abilities
to a level commensurate with starting a career across a range of
opportunities, such as private companies, research centres, government
agencies, or as self-start entrepreneurs. Technical content will be matched
with business studies in a series of modules all of which have been designed
specifically for this new course.

To date the utilisation of new agricultural technologies has been pioneered by

companies specialising in the development of highly sophisticated hardware,
using novel software and new concepts of sensing the biological, physical,
and chemical components of the managed environment.

There is likely to be increasing growth in this sector of agricultural technology

over many years ahead.

Adoption of the new technologies will be driven by the enhanced business

performance and the environmental advantages likely to be gained from the
application of improved management tools.

Forward looking businesses will be in need of talented, well-educated and
skilful recruits capable of making effective contributions to business projects
from the outset of their careers.

A combination of a comprehensive appreciation of the wide range of new

technologies together with an understanding of the demands of commerce
and business will ensure graduates of this course are fully equipped to make
effective contributions upon graduation. Such graduates are likely to be in
demand as new companies form and established organisations and
enterprises move into this new and dynamic sector.

11.2 Distinctive features of the Programme

This is the first course of its kind in the UK. It is designed to equip its
graduates with real world developments in novel and innovative technologies
applied to agriculture, horticulture, and the natural environment.

The course is industry orientated, and has a strong academic foundation,

including a period of independent study that provides an opportunity to
engage with sector specialists in a professional capacity.

The course has a well-qualified team involved in its delivery, with academic
excellence and strong industry contributions from experienced leaders from a
variety of agri-technology based businesses.

The RAU is widely recognised as a centre for entrepreneurial teaching, and

cultures, through active networks and financial incentives, the development of
innovative spirit in its graduates.

The RAU maintains a strong connection with its alumni, and maintains
connections to leaders in a wide range of businesses and practitioners, who
support the University and its students by providing access to expertise and

11.3 Programme aims and objectives

The programme aims to produce graduates who;

Have a comprehensive understanding of the new technologies being applied

in agriculture, horticulture and for the management of the natural environment.

Are technically adept, accomplished, and fluent with technical aspects of the
capture, processing, interpretation and application of digital data.

Are familiar with, and able to quickly integrate into, a working environment.

Have an understanding of the principles and practice of agricultural and

horticultural production and a full awareness of the potential applications and
benefits of new technologies.

Are able to communicate in appropriate ways at all levels, and to clearly and
effectively present concepts and research findings to interested individuals,
groups, businesses and other commercial organisations, and government
agencies and institutions.

Are committed to the improvement of agriculture, horticulture, and the care of

the natural environment.

Are responsible and considerate of the ethical issues in their work.

Are lifelong learners, with motivation to sustain their personal, professional

and career development.

The course will develop an appreciation of entrepreneurial skills needed to

establish and develop new companies, and the business skills required for

The RAU aspires that its graduates from this course will be reliable, confident,
able and employable individuals with high level communication skills and that
they have the ability to use their knowledge and skills to develop solutions to
novel problems, generate new ideas, and develop innovative new
technologies and adapt and update established methods, techniques and

Graduates will be able to work both as individuals and as part of teams,

undertake management responsibilities and respond constructively to the
demands of business operations.


Graduates will be well qualified to progress to careers in industry, research, or

to start up their own businesses in this sector.

12. Intended learning outcomes

Learning outcomes are informed by the:

Framework for Higher Education Qualifications in England, Wales and

Northern Ireland (QAA, 2008)
QAA benchmark statement: Masters degrees in XXXXxx
Benchmark statement for Honours degrees in agriculture, horticulture,
forestry, food and consumer science (QAA 248 05/08, 2009).
Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:

A1 Understand, demonstrate, evaluate and assess a range of
technological systems and technical devices being used in agriculture;
A2. Understand what 'big data' is and how existing and new devices
(mobile and other) in an agricultural context can be used to collect and
use data to aid farm/agricultural business operations and management:
A3. Demonstrate an applied management, enterprise and
entrepreneurship skill set in a range of agricultural technology systems
A4. Critically evaluate and analyse agricultural technology products and
systems with respect to a range of management requirements

B) Intellectual skills

By studying the MSc in Agricultural Technology and Innovation students will

develop their ability to analyse technical data, and devise appropriate ways to
overcome technical challenges in the agricultural, horticultural and
environmental sectors by developing a number of key intellectual skills and

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:

Bl. Demonstrate critical evaluation and create Iinks between various

forms of information, data and appropriate Iiterature.
B2. Show creativity and manage the creative process
B3. Identify and solve complex problems holistically by evaluating
issues and options, and implementing and reviewing decisions:
B4. Conduct research into agricultural technology systems and
management issues either individually or as part of a team through
research design, data collection, analysis, synthesis and reporting;
B5. Devise and sustain an argument supported by valid and significant

i. Practical / professional skills

Students will be encouraged to experientially explore the agricultural

technology industry in an enterprising way whilst at the same time allowing for
reflective practice. They will seek to integrate and synthesise knowledge and
experience and view these within a professional context.

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:

Cl. Show high personal effectiveness including critical self- awareness,

self-reflection and self-management, time management, sensitivity to
diversity in people and different situations, and the ability to continue to
learn through reflection on practice and experience.
C2. Perform effectively within team environments with a specific focus on
the ability to recognise and utilise individuals' contributions in group
processes and to negotiate, persuade or influence others; team
selection, delegation, development and management.

C3 Demonstrate positive leadership by selecting appropriate leadership
styles for different situations, setting targets, motivating, monitoring
performance, coaching and mentoring.
C4 Show the ability to recognise and address ethical dilemmas and
corporate social responsibility issues, applying ethical and
organisational values to situations and choices.
C5 Manage complex technical or professional activities or projects taking
responsibility for decision-making in unpredictable work or study
C6 Analyse competing risks by developing, applying, and adapting a
robust risk assessment, and selecting and delivering appropriate risk
limitation procedures.

D) Transferable skills

Transferable skills reflect the student's ability to communicate information,

ideas, problems and solutions in an efficient and professional manner.

Graduates will be expected to be able to demonstrate a range of cognitive and

intellectual skills together with techniques specific to business and
management. They should also demonstrate relevant personal
communication and interpersonal skills, organisational, numerical and IT

By the end of the programme the student will be able to:-

D1. Work and learn effectively in an independent manner taking

responsibility and action as required;
D2. Work and learn effectively in a group situation by liaising with fellow
task members, Ieading when appropriate and contributing in a positive
D3. Show sound numeracy and Iiteracy skills, communicating complex or
contentious information clearly and effectively to the target audience
using a range of media including Communication and Information
Technology (CIT) and business plans.
D4. Show well developed interpersonal skills and be able to Iisten and
interact with a range of fellow agri-tech and management stakeholders.
D5 Use the knowledge and skills they have acquired to generate new
ideas and solve unfamiliar problems.

13. Programme structure and requirements

13.1 Programme content and outline

The MSc in Agricultural Technology and Innovation is aimed at students from

the UK and abroad, qualified to undergraduate degrees level (or equivalent)
who want to:

 develop their interest in technology in the agriculture and environment
 develop products and services that are agriculture or environmentally
 participate in the development and production of agricultural technology
information products and services;
 seek senior management positions in agricultural technology
 seek a career in agricultural technology product management.

The programme content provides a core foundation in agricultural technology

and business development, complemented by hands-on training to enable
students to:

1. acquire technical experience in a variety of agricultural technology

systems, and;
2. learn management skills including strategy and marketing

This course incorporates studies of today's emerging technology with

management and business principles to enable graduates to improve and
inform agricultural operation and production. The programme is a blend of
theory and practice with an emphasis on management and a focus on
entrepreneurial and innovative practice in the agricultural technology space.

Agricultural technology is focused on: the development, usage, monitoring,

planning and application of agricultural technology, with an emphasis on
information management (including big data applications and implications).
The application of practical and pragmatic technology, using existing and
emerging soft and hard technology that is grounded in sound scientific theory
and practice, will be done so within an enterprising mind-set.

Business Development is focused on three key business disciplines; finance,

marketing, and business strategy. The module builds a strong foundation that
provides a comprehensive understanding of the role and contribution of
business activity to the commercial basis of the development and production
of new technological processes and devices.

13.2 Programme credits and awards

This is a one year full-time programme that requires the completion of 120
credits, achieved by the completion of taught modules, of which at Ieast 120
credits must be at Ievel 7 (as defined in the QAA framework), followed by a
further 60 Ievel 7 credits obtained by the completion of the Masters Research
Project (see Figure l).

Completion of the one year full-time programme, with 180 credits, leads to the
award of Master of Science in Agricultural Technology and Innovation.

An exit from the course is available upon the attainment of 120 credits
following successful completion of the taught modules, with an award of a
Postgraduate Diploma in Agricultural Technology and Innovation.
An exit Ievel at 60 credits, from a selection of taught modules, is also
available. Students are eligible for a Postgraduate Certificate in Agricultural
Technology and Innovation.

Fig. 1 Programme structure

MSc Agricultural Technology and Masters Research Project


180 credits
Postgraduate Diploma in Taught modules
Agricultural Technology and

120 credits
Postgraduate certificate Level 7 modules

60 credits

Fig. 2 List of modules

Taught 4233 Computing and Information Technology in Precision

modules Agriculture (20)
4236 Crop Production Technology (20)
4234 Livestock Production Technology (20)
4235 Environmental Technology (20)
4230 Production Resource Management (20)
4232 Business Development (20)
Personal 4231 Masters Research Project (60)

Student workload

All full-time academic programmes at the RAU are constructed using a

selection of modules, each of which requires engagement with a variety of
learning activities. Successful completion of module assessments will result in
the award of credits, and students are required to achieve a total of 180
credits for each academic year of a full-time programme.

The credit system is used to ensure a balanced workload across each

programme, with each credit point representing a notional learning time of 10
hours of student work. Thus a 20-credit module will require a notional input of
200 hours of work, and a complete academic year of 180 credits will require
1800 hours of work, or approximately 40 hours per week.

Within this total time, students can expect to participate in formal timetabled
activities; such as lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals and visits; for
approximately one third of the total time – usually around 2 hours per week for
a 20-credit module studied over 25 weeks of the year. Thus the majority of
module activities; such as reading around the subject, preparing for tutorials
and seminars, preparing for, and completing, module assessments and
revision for, and sitting, examinations; will take place outside of these
scheduled activities, but are an essential part of a student’s learning.

Students attempting to minimise their learning activities may find themselves

experiencing difficulties as each module progresses, and as the level of
assumed understanding increases. Thus it is vitally important that new
students establish an effective routine for their studies as soon as possible.
Maintaining a balanced workload from the start of the programme will help to
avoid intense periods of activity, and ensure knowledge and understanding
gradually develop throughout the year in readiness for any end-of-module
assessments and examinations.

14. Student support services

14.1 Programme Management Group

Students will be supported academically by Dr Hugh Martin (Programme

Manager) and an academic team, the Ieaders of the modules making up the
programme, plus the Dean of SAFE. (Prof David Hopkins, Dr Xainmin Chang,
Chris Brough, Rita Walsh and Nicolai Thomasin-Foster)

14.2 Academic support services

In addition, students can use the following people, resources and activities to
support them during their time at the University;·
 Induction programme for orientation and introducing study skills is held
before the start of the autumn term. This includes a series of
professional development workshops commencing in induction week.
 The University operates an Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Programme (E&EP) which provides comprehensive support, advice
and expertise to students, staff and alumni who wish to start their own
business. E&EP is embedded in the University curriculum and is also
offered on an extra-curricular basis. The E&EP is open to all University
students, alumni and staff.
 Student handbook and module guides.
 Library and study skills packages.
 Library with on-Iine Iearning resources
 Student email and internet facilities.

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15. Criteria for admissions

Applicants will be required to satisfy the general admissions requirements of

the Royal Agricultural University.

15.1 Standard entry requirements

Students will normally be expected to have:

An honours degree from a UK university (usually a minimum 2:1 classification)
or a HND award (distinction profile), or an equivalent academic qualification
from a comparable international institution.
Students with a degree in a cognate subject area (e.g. business management,
management, marketing, agricultural management, management systems,
data systems) will be particularly welcome, although this is not compulsory.
If a student's first language is not English, we will accept international English
Language Test (IELTS) with a minimum score of 6.5 average, with no element
below 5.5

15.2 Non-standard entry

The programme is also designed for those already working in the agri-tech
industries who are seeking to develop technical, enterprise and
entrepreneurship skills and to those interested in developing their career in
business systems and business analysis. Therefore, applicants without a first
degree but with relevant professional qualifications and/ or more extensive
work experience may also be considered.
Students with other qualifications, including overseas awards and alternative
English language qualifications, would be advised to contact Admissions prior
to application to discuss the suitability of their award for entry onto the course.

16. Teaching, learning and assessment

16.1 Curriculum

The programme curriculum is designed to enable students to acquire and

develop knowledge and understanding of the subject, intellectual and
entrepreneurial thinking, practical/ professions and key transferable skills
which correspond to those developed by the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
for the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. As students progress
through the programme, they will be encouraged to expand their
understanding and critical appreciation of key topics and issues in the
agricultural and agricultural-related space through the exploration of
agricultural technology systems in an experiential and enterprising way.

16.2 Progression

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The curriculum imposes an increased Ievel of demand on the learner in a co-
ordinated and progressive manner throughout the stages of the programme.
Core modules concentrate on the acquisition of both technical and general
business skills and knowledge helping students to get a broad knowledge of
the business and management subjects early on in their studies. Industry-
related modules develop students' abilities to apply the knowledge and
acquired skills in managing real life complex situations in agricultural
technology systems.
The master’s research project module seeks to integrate and synthesise this
knowledge and understanding.

16.3 Workload

Student workloads are challenging but manageable, and they engage in a

range of Iearning activities from lectures to independent study. Students are
encouraged to actively engage in and take responsibility for their own Iearning
and progression. Students will be encouraged to expand their understanding
and critical appreciation of key management topics and issues as they
progress through the programme (see also section 13.4 above).

16.4 Teaching and Iearning strategies

Although vocationally and industry-oriented with theoretical maternal applied

to real-world issues, challenges and situations, this MSc has a strong
academic underpinning with the range of teaching methods in alignment with
the nature and Ievel of the constituent modules.
Students will experience a carefully planned and diverse programme of
teaching and learning, guided by the explicit aims and identified Iearning
outcomes, to include:
 Iectures;
 seminars;
 tutorials;
 visits to stakeholder organisations and agri-tech businesses;
 workshops;
 case studies incorporating problem-based and experiential Iearning;
 group project work;
 individual work;
 reflective writing and reports,
 presentations;
 business planning including Iive business scenarios
 Students are given directed/guided Iearning tasks but will also be
encouraged to increase their depth of knowledge and understanding
through private study.
In addition to formal teaching programme, the students will have access to a
study enrichment programme which will include:

(a) The RAU Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Programme

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Entrepreneurial students can take advantage of the business support and
mentoring opportunities offered by the dedicated RAU Enterprise team.
The team can help students develop their own agri-technology business

The new Enterprise and Entrepreneurship programme offers support at all

"Think it" for those just starting out;
"Try it'' for those gaining market research and starting to formulate the
business model;
''Launch it'' for those ready to start trading.
"Grow it'' to help you continue to develop your new business.

The team run a number of workshops and business competitions which

encourage idea generation. Students can pitch to an expert judging panel in
the hope of winning £l, 000 to invest into their business. Budding
entrepreneurs can also benefit from the knowledge and experience of
Lecturers and their strong industry Iinks to agri-tech focused business

(b) Outside lectures and events

Students will have access to a number of annual Iectures (Bledisloe and Cator
Iectures) and talks by outside speakers held at the RAU, an active programme
of research seminars, and events held at the RAU's Rural Innovation Centre
and Harnhiil Farm. Students are also encouraged to attend shows such as the
Rural Business Innovation Show each year and participate/attend other
activities and events including, for example the enterprise programme and
support for enterprise, trade fairs, competitions, climate change challenge,
alumni events, 'feastival'

(c) Academic practice workshops

Students will be encouraged to engage in a range of workshops focusing on

specific academic and professional skills to support their learning within
modules. These will include sessions on essay writing, report writing, case
study development and analysis, presentations and pitches, team working,
and the use of CIT

(d) Site visits

A wide variety of study/site visits are undertaken to Iocal/regional industry-

relevant businesses where stakeholders and agri-tech managers provide
valuable insights into contemporary issues affecting the sector.

(e) Professional accreditation

None to date

(f) Study Materials

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Indicative reading is specified in the module reference sheets/ course readers
with the necessary private study being supported by access to the RAU virtual
Iearning environment (Gateway) and the full range of Iibrary resources and

Bespoke electronic hardware and software construction and development

materials and resources will be made available on an individual individual
student basis.

16.5 Assessment strategies/ methods

A variety of assessment methods are used including the writing of

professional reports, presentations, reflective essays, case study analysis,
critical academic papers, marketing plans, business plans and evaluation
projects, and written examinations. Assessment will culminate in the writing of
a substantial piece of research as part of the Masters Research Project

Summative assessment is built into modules and formative assessment is

encouraged throughout. All module Iearning outcomes will be assessed.

Assessment methods within modules are based on appropriate and preferred

approaches as set by the module Ieaders, subject to the programme team
determining the overall balance and scrutiny by the University's Academic
Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC). Learning and teaching is relevant
for the assessment with the range of methods adopted in alignment with the
nature and Ievel of the programme.

There will not be any variation from the normal assessment conventions of the
University as currently set out in Part 6 of the Teaching Quality Handbook

16.6 Inclusive practice

This programme is inclusive of disabled people with particular regard to

teaching, learning and assessment, in accordance with Part 10: Inclusive
Practice of the University's Teaching Quality Handbook and the Equality Act
2010. However, due to the particular requirements of this programme,
students who are [please delete as appropriate: hearing impaired, vision
impaired, speech impaired, dyslexic and mobility impaired] are advised to
contact the University’s Disability Officer to explore whether appropriate
support or alternative assessment can be provided to enable successful
completion of the programme. All students are encouraged to disclose any
impairment to the Disability Officer so that the appropriate support may be
provided. Students have the right to request that the nature of their
impairment be treated as confidential.

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17. Work-based learning

Not applicable.

18. Quality assurance procedures

The framework of policies and structures of the University which form the
basis for quality assurance and standards for academic programmes are
described in the Teaching Quality Handbook and include procedures for:
· Programme and module development, monitoring and review
· Students assessment, progression and awards;
. Assessment, moderation and external examining.

18.1 The Programme Management Group (PMG)

The function of the Group is to ensure that the programme provision:

 aligns with the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ -

Level 7) and the Framework for Qualifications of the European Higher
Education Area (FQ-EHEA);
 recognises and adheres to the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA)
Quality Code in terms of academic quality and standards and to subject
benchmark statements: Master's degrees in Business and
Management (2007).

18.2 Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of
teaching and Iearning

The PMG will undertake a number of activities to ensure its function in relation
to continuous maintenance, review and improvement of quality and standards
relating to teaching, Iearning and assessment. These will include mechanisms
such as:
 preparation and scrutiny of annual module Ieader review response to
identify any issues, areas of good practice for dissemination and
consideration of future development;
 regular PMG meetings;
 responses to External Examiner reports regarding commentary on
quality and standards of the programme;
 preparation of the Annual Programme Manager Report (APMR),
approved by the Dean and scrutinised by the University Academic
Quality and Standards Committee (AQSC);
 periodic review and revalidation (including external consultation and
 regular stakeholder meetings with industry representatives/employers
via, for example, the School Advisory Council.

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18.3 The Programme Committee

The role of the Committee (which includes student representation) will be to

discuss general issues relating to teaching, Iearning resources, curriculum
and careers guidance. The Committee which will normally meet twice a year
will consist of the following:
 The programme manager (with responsibility for all aspects of the day-
to- day academic management and administration of the programme);
 The Dean of SAFE or his deputy;
 Academic staff representatives (module leaders and those with
significant responsibility for or input to the programme;
 Two student representatives, elected by their peers

18.4 Staff Development priorities

These include'
 Institutional staff development courses;
 Attainment by all staff of formal teaching qualification ~
 SAFE staff development activities.

19. Marking guides and assessment regulations

Details of the University marking criteria for coursework and examinations and
the regulations for assessment and progression are available on the intranet
and Gateway:

20. Ownership of programme specification

The programme management group, under the authority of the School of

Agriculture, Food and Environment has responsibility for the programme.

All core modules are owned by SAFE except module 4xxx, Business
Development, which is owned by the School of Business and

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Programme Outcomes




4233 Computing and

Intellectual Skills

Transferable Skills
Technology in
21. Curriculum map

Precision Agriculture


4236 Crop Production

Practical/Professional Skills
Technology (20)

Knowledge and Understanding


4234 Livestock
Technology (20)

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4235 Environmental
Technology (20)



4230 Production
Management (20)


4232 Business
Development (20)


4231 Masters
Research Project (60)
22. Career prospects
[Provide guidance on typical career pathways available on successful
completion of the programme]

The agricultural technology systems industry is seeking graduates with

excellent business management skills and entrepreneurial talent.

This MSc will equip students for management careers across a number of
disciplines within the emerging and established agricultural technology
business sector e.g. agricultural systems marketing, technology service
provision, service support, data management, operational management and
project management.

In addition, innovation and entrepreneurial skills are developed and honed

throughout the programme which will enhance the prospect of successful
business start-up opportunities/ options.

As stated above, this programme is focused on developing technically

accomplished graduates who can operate in the agricultural and agricultural
related industry space in a management or technical capacity.

Its combination of technical aspects and business development will produce a

unique skill set within its graduates whose potential career prospects will be
extensive. These might include:

 Agriculture technologist in the new areas of data capture and

 Agriculture business consultant
 Applications specialist
 Data analyst
 Farm/enterprise manager - precision farming (technology systems
 Information technology manager
 Marketing manager
 Operations manager
 Plant manager
 Product manager
 Project manager
 Technical specialist
 Technical services manager/ representative/ sales professional
 Technical manager (animal science agriculture)
 Test analyst
 Quality assurance manager
 Own start up or a diversified technology enterprise
 Technology systems related business;
 precision farming management - using technology systems in farming

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 operations - managing agricultural operations on Iarge-scale

In addition, the programme will assist students in progressing careers in:

International institutions - UN (World Food Programme), |FAD, FAO, IFPRI;
Government and statutory bodies - ministries and departments, Defra, DflD,
Business and Industry - major agricultural and food supply companies,
consultancy, and technology companies;
NGOs - Local food associations, aid and development organisations;
Education - development of educational materials
Academia and Research - lecturer, PhD;

At the Royal Agricultural University, we pride ourselves on our strong industry

Iinks and the opportunities offered to our students. Leadership and enterprise
feature strongly at the RAU, and our graduates have gone on to become
employed in wide-range of different careers across the globe. On average
over the Iast five years, 98% of our graduates have gone into employment or
further study with six months of graduation.

23. Further information

RAU website

24. Module reference sheets

See Fig 2 and attached

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