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Case Study (Sept-Dec2018)

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Group members:
Name: Student ID:

Criteria Point Full Marks Marks
Introduction 20
Analysis of problem 35
Comparison on 20
References 10
Report Organisation 5
Language feature 5
and writing style
Grammar 5



The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently implemented

a Combustible Dust National Emphasis Program (NEP) to reduce the number of fatalities
related to workplace explosions. While this program is not an OSHA standard yet or a
federal law, non-compliance resulted in more than 5,000 violations nationwide. Industries
affected by this program include those which produce organic materials, plastics, wood
products, metals such as aluminum and magnesium, and certain textiles. In May 2011,
OSHA convened an export forum to obtain expert input on regulatory options for a
combustible dust standard.

Therefore, to comply above regulation, a dust collection systems are used in a

variety of industries to capture air that is contaminated with fine, solid particles produced
during various processes. Dust collectors are usually designed for the entire building and
include ductwork. As an environmental engineer at Energy Smart Sdn. Bhd, you have
been assigned a task of designing a dust collection system which consist of a hopper (the
feeder) and pneumatic piping system.

The design system must combine the hopper (as the feeder) and pneumatic pipeline
(combinations of both horizontal and vertical) section. You are provided with a collection
of data to support your design consideration. At the end of the findings, include the
followings in the summary:

 Suitable minimum outlet diameter of hopper to ensure mass flow

 Whether the pneumatic system can tolerate with the blower specification
**This figure of modern pneumatic dust collection system is intended to be shown as an illustration

Design data for hopper:

A conical hopper is directly connected to the pipeline of the pneumatic system. The hopper serves
as a temporary storage of the dust and also as a feeder to feed the dust directly into the pipeline.

Shear cell test on the food particle give the variations of following information:

Kinematic angle of wall friction on mild steel, ϕw = 9° to 28°

The dry dust particle flow function which can be represented by the relationship, σy = σC0.6, where
σy is unconfined yield stress (kN/m2) and σc is consolidating stress (kN/m2).

Design data for pneumatic system:

The pneumatic dust collection system will connect to only one receiving bin which is 3500 m away
from the dust collection facility and to be installed at 3 m to the basement. The system uses a
positive pressure pneumatic transport system which is able transport dry dust particle of the
following ranges of:

 Mass flow rates of solids: 500 – 900 kg/hr

Particle density: 2500 – 3000 kg/m3
 Particle size: 100 – 300 µm

Specification of blower: allowable pressure drop of maximum 2.5 bar

Available options of pipe inside diameter (mm) from the supplier:

a. 150 mm
b. 300 mm
c. 450 mm

Additional data:
gas friction factor of 0.005,
density of gas = 1.5 kg/m3
viscosity of gas = 25.1 x 10-6 Pa.s.
voidage in the pipe at choking velocity = 0.9980
The following data are provided to estimate the friction factor of the particles:

Task 1: Literature review

Do a literature review to obtain all information in highlighting the following:

 Conical hopper
 Advantages and disadvantages of mass flow of a conical hopper
 Philosophy of hopper design
 Environmental application of hopper
 Definition of pneumatic conveying
 Philosophy of pneumatic transport design
 Environmental application of pneumatic conveying
 Advantages and disadvantages of pneumatic conveying
 Major components in pneumatic conveying systems
 Characteristics of sustainable dust collection system (compare with current method of
waste collection)
All information must be reported in paragraph, supported with related diagram and pictures.
Include as Section 1: Introduction of dust collection system (hopper and pneumatics) and its

TASK 2: Designing a sustainable dust collection system

a. Identify and analyze the main design concern for hopper.

 Illustrate the hopper by providing a schematic diagram of the design system.
 Summary of design details:
i. Bulk particle density (specify one constant value)
ii. Hopper flow factor
iii. Hopper semi-included angle for mass flow.
iv. Critical value of unconfined yield stress
v. Minimum diameter of circular outlet
b. Identify and analyze the main design concern for pneumatic system.

 Illustrate the overall pneumatic system by providing a schematic diagram of the design
system (include with hopper)
Highlight the major components involve and explain its function.
 Explain how your design system works in collection and transfer of dry dust to the
receiving bin
 Summary of design details:
i. Specify one constant value of:
- Mass flow rates of solids
- Bulk particle size
ii. Horizontal length
iii. vertical length
iv. Number of bends and its angle
v. Friction factor, fP
vi. Pipe size
vii. Saltation velocity
viii. Total system pressure loss

All findings must be supported with relevant calculation steps and assumptions. Include all
information in Section 2: Hopper and Pneumatic Transport Design System

TASK 3: Comparison study

i. Justify the selection of the semi-included angle and critical outlet diameter to give
mass flow.
ii. Justify the calculated and allowable pressure loss in pneumatic system.
From the calculation made in task 2, propose with justification of the hopper outlet diameter and
pipe diameter selection. Provide a summary of design details of the selection. Justify your
answer and report the comparison in Section 3: Comparison study.

Report Guidelines

a. Format of report
 Font: Arial, Font size 11 (1.5 spacing)
 Page set up” Top 1”, Bottom 1”, Left 1.1” and Right 1.1”
 Paper size A4

b. Report must have the followings:

 Front page (include all team members name and student ID)
 Table of content
 Content:
Section 1:
Section 2:

 References (min 10 reliable and relevant references, with limited number of online
sources). All information referred from any resources must be cited in the text (in
bracket) and to be listed in the references following the IEEE citation format.

Refer report rubric

 Submission date: 10 December 2018 (Monday before 12.00 noon)


Unacceptable Marginal Acceptable Exceptional Full

Criteria Criteria Outcomes
(0) (1 - 2) (3 - 4) (5-6) Marks

* Minimal evidence of an * Contains an introduction to *Contains an introduction that *Introduction contains

introduction and *Minimal the topic and includes a details a definition, background information and
evidence of any conclusion. definition and/or classification classification and description. details definition,
and/or description and *Contains a summary or classification and description.
Able to explain the introduction based on *Contains a basic conclusion comment. *Contains a summary and
literature reviews (does not necessarily make a comment that concludes the
summary or comment). project. 20

Incomplete analysis of the Superficial analysis of some Thorough analysis of the most Insightful and thorough
issues/problems. the issues/problems. issues/problems. *The analysis of all the
*The analysis does not *The analysis considers analysis considers information issues/problems.
consider information from any information from one of these from one of these knowledge *The analysis considers
of these sources. knowledge sources. *The sources. *The analysis information from all of these
Able to interpret the data/ideas/findings of the *The analysis considers none analysis considers one of considers two of these for the knowledge sources.
Analysis of the Issues or Problems of these. these for the perspectives perspectives they recognize. *The analysis considers all
design problems.
they recognize. three of these for the
perspectives they recognize.

Little or no action suggested Supertifical and/or Appropriate, well thought out Well documented, reasoned
and/or inappropriate inappropriate comments about and pedagogically appriopriate
solutions/strategies to all of solutions/strategies to some solutions/strategies or comments on the
Able to suggest an appropriate solutions or the issues/problems. of the issues/problems. proposals for solutions/strategies to all
Comment on Effective solutions/strategies t most of issues/problems.
strategies on the issues or problems by
Solutions/Strategies the issues/problems.
making proper comparison

Not relate to any Relate to limited Relate to some of Relate to excellent
data/theories/findings from data/theories/findings from data/theories/findings from data/theories/findings from
researches/references or etc. researches/references or etc. researches/references or etc. researches/references or etc
Able to locate data/theories/findings from
with clearly documented links. 10 10
Additional Sources or References researches/references and etc on the issues
or problems.

Had three or more of the Had two of the following Had one of the following The project study organization
following limitations: limitations: limitations: was:
*Organization was not logical, *Organization was not logical, *Organization was not logical, *Easy to follow,
*Information was not *Information was not *Information was not *Presented in a logical
consistently integrated consistently integrated consistently integrated manner,
Organisation Able to arrange data logically and consistently together and together and together and *Integrated information and
*Information was not *Information was not *Information was not *Summarized information 5 5
summarized when needed. summarized when needed. summarized when needed. when needed.

Writing is affected by all the Writing is affected by two of Writing is affected by one of The style of writing is:
following limitations: the following limitations: the following limitations: *Professional, *Easy to
*Redundant phrasing, *Run-on *Redundant phrasing, *Run-on *Redundant phrasing, *Run-on understand and *Uses
sentences and *Incorrect use sentences and *Incorrect use sentences and *Incorrect use appropriate vocabulary. 5 5
Able to demonstrate a good language feature
Language Feature and Writing of vocabulary. of vocabulary. of vocabulary. *Uses a variety of technical
(vocubulary and evaluative language) and
Style * Minimal evidence of *Attemp to used technical and *Uses technical and evaluative language and uses evaluative
writing style in the report.
technical and evaluative evaluative languages. languages. language to develop their
languages. sentences or informations.

*No use of paragraphing & * Paragraphs have incorrect *Writing is organized into
*Some meaning can be structure, paragraphs that develop an *Writing is organized into
determined. *Most simple and compound idea. paragraphs that contain a
*Few conventional spelling. sentences are correct and *Correct spelling of some topic sentence, developing 5 5
Able to demonstrate an organized paragraph meaning is mosty clear. simple, common and more sentences and a linking
and minimal incorrect spelling in the report. * Correct spelling of most difficult words. sentences.
simple and common words. *Correct spelling of some
simple, common and some
difficult words.

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