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The History of

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The History of Advertising


“Advertising, a form of commercial mass communication designed to promote the sale

of a product or service, or a message on behalf of an institution, organization, or
candidate for political office.”

In a primitive form, advertising has been around almost as long as Homo sapiens in
a recognizably modern form. It has been around for almost 2500 years. Despite its
venerable age it is still sprightly growing. Moreover there are good reasons to believe
that its usefulness to consumer and therefore to economics, will keep on growing for
another century or two at the very least. Even the dumbest futurologists would not try to
predict further ahead than that, so I rest my case in advertising being a far larger and
more important global industry in AD 2099 than in AD 1999 Advertising can be
looked at from various perspectives. As the quote above states, its purpose
is to increase the number of articles or products sold. These are not only
things we can buy in different stores, for example clothing or supplies for our
daily life, but also such simple things as a message placed by an institution
or organization asking for attention of the public to raise money or to make
them aware of a problem, such as anti-smoking ads. Even political parties
use advertisements and commercials to state the
opinion of their candidate. I think we have all experienced that quite
extensively during the presidential campaign in the United States.

A d v e r t i s i n g b e c a m e b i g b u s i n e s s i n t h e 2 0 th century, offering many

different jobs in advertising agencies and the marketing section. The use of
the media, like newspapers, television, direct mail, radio, magazines, outdoor
signs and of course the Internet made this growth possible. It is a form
of transporting information to the consumer, but which does not only have positive
sides. There are many critical aspects about it, like persuading people to doing
unhealthy things, like smoking, or producing special stereotypes everybody tries
to follow. Nevertheless, advertising has become international, since producers and
companies try to sell their products on a globalized market in almost every corner of the
world. It is therefore not surprising to see a big sign for Coca Cola in third world

19th and 20th Century Advertising

In the 19th century new technologies were developed and brand-new methods
invented. As a result a surplus of production was formed. Warehouses of many factories
were overflowing. In this way it was necessary to create useful advertisements, which
would cover all large spaces, utilizing a large variety of mass media sources. The first
advertising agent who created such a network was Volney Palmer. In 1841
he proclaimed himself as an advertising agent in Philadelphia and then created
similar offices in Boston and New York. About 20% of the commission for media brokers
was paid to the publishers. Texts of ads were offered by the head of the company or its
representative. People who wanted to put their ads in the newspaper paid
him a commission. Such activities became very popular during the second part
of 19th century in all European countries.

Significant advances in advertising development were made by American

brokers. In the early 1850’s, John Wanamaker caused a revolution in the retail
trade. He created a price lists for a variety of goods and returned the money if the
commodity was not of the promised quality. As a result, he gained a lot of profit by using
this s t r a t e g y a n d h e t h e n o p e n e d a n e t w o r k o f c o n s u m e r g o o d s s h o p s .
T h e r e a s o n o f s u c h g r e a t s u c c e s s w a s professional advertising.

In 1880 businessmen employed the best creator of advertising texts – D. E. Powers.

Powers started to develop advertisements using brand-new information. This strategy
had become very popular in American trade circles and by the 20th century advertising
had become a form of science. “In the 1880s a new era of advertising began: New
methods of manufacturing led to greatly increased output and decreased the costs for
the producers of consumer goods. The products now could be packaged at the plant.
Moreover the telegraph network was in place and the continent
h a s b e e n c r i s s c r o s s e d b y a n e t w o r k o f railroads….” All these
were assumptions that now allowed nation-wide distribution and nation-wide
advertising. This state supported the growth of advertising agencies and dictated their

During 19th century the majority of advertisements were published in the newspapers
and advertising leaflets. Although newspapers were a prerogative of well-off class of
community but the situation began to change in the early 1860’s when people got the
opportunity of receiving publications by post. First magazine advertisements appeared
in The Southern Messenger. For a few years the editor of this magazine was
Edgar Po. Many of the magazines that began to publish advertisements as the
separate charter in the 19th century have continued doing it nowadays. Such editions
are Cosmopolitan, Ladies’ Home Journal, Readers Digest and some others. Despite of
the popular brands of newspapers the majority of information in the advertisements was
unreliable and apocryphal. Moreover advertisements sometimes were immoral and
absurd. For example in the country side of one American city advertisement was placed
in the monument of a non-existent person and it stated: “This person killed himself
with the handgun with Colt system”. Then “publishers” enumerated the value
of this handgun. As the result of such inhuman actions people stopped trusting
advertisements and began to consider advertising as something negative.

The first radio-advertisement was broadcast in 1922 in New York on the WEAF radio
station. Thus in the 1920s advertisers and their agents had come to realize
radio's possibilities. W ith its drama and immediacy, radio could convey their
message directly to the consumer who would not need to purchase
a publication or even need to be literate.

In the 1950s television was introduced and quickly developed into THE
advertising-media. In the 1950’s common income from the advertising industry rose
to $10 billion a year. In 1980’s this index was $ 100 billion! Now advertisers could
demonstrate the use of their products and present well-known figures to praise it. They
could also affect emotions through television.

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