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RPG Blog - Island Hexes

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Random Island Generation Charts, Part I

While working on my Middle Isles campaign, I had a bunch of islands that aren't described aside from
being on the map. Not all island are well-travelled, and to that end, I wanted to make a system
describing what would be found there. Here's the basic chart I made when the players set foot on an
unknown island (tomorrow, I'll post my Unusual Island Characteristics Table)!

When visiting a new island, roll on the tables below to discern the basic characteristics for that
island. Then garnish and serve!

Primary Settlement
1-25 No civilization
26-40 Small Village (pop. 20-80)
41-60 Large Village (pop. 81-200)
61-70 Small Town (pop. 201-1000
71-80 Large Town (pop. 1001-2500)
81-89 City (pop. 2501-10000+)
88-91 Keep/Stronghold (pop. varies)
92-96 Monastery/Temple (1-33% Good, 34-66% Neutral, 67-00% Evil)
97-00 Ruined Town or Stronghold

1-54 Human
55-65 Elf
66 Other/Exotic
67-82 Dwarf
83-88 Gnome
87-89 Halfling
90-93 Lesser Orc
94-97 Greater Orc
98-00 Other/Minor Race (Troll, Ogre, Goblin, etc.)

1-10 5% of Population
11-45 10% of Population
46-65 15% of Population
66-80 20% of Population
81-93 25% of Population
94-98 30% of Population
99-00 Warrior Society: Virtually All Of-Age Citizens Are Warriors (add +20 to roll for Army
Quality below)

Army/Defense Quality
1-10 Poor
11-33 Mediocre
34-70 Average
71-85 Good
86-93 Excellent
94-98 Superb
99-00 Peerless

Trade Goods/Production
(Small Villages, Large Villages, and Small Towns roll once on this table; Large Towns and
Cities roll twice to determine trade output)

01 Armor, Leather
02 Armor, Bronze
03 Armor, Iron/Other
04 Shields
05 Swords, Bronze
06 Swords, Iron
07 Bows and Arrows
08 Exotic Weaponry
09 Axes
10 Beer
11 Wine, Poor Vintage
12 Wine, Average Vintage
13 Wine, Quality Vintage
14 Liquor
15 Canvas
16 Stone, Common
17 Stone, Decortative
18 Softwood
19 Gems, Semi-Precious
20 Hardwood
21 Incense
22 Jugs and Vessels, Clay
23 Bricks
24 Jugs and Vessels, Fine Ceramic
25 Wagons
26 Cotton
27 Carts
28 Furs, Common
29 Furs, Exotic
30 Amber
31 Parchment and Vellum
32 Leather
33 Coral
34 Wool, Average
35 Gems, Precious
36 Tin
37 Copper
38 Silver
39 Gold
40 Lead
41 Wool, Fine
42 Herbs
43 Spice, Common
44 Salt
45 Animal, Exotic
46 Nickel
47 Zinc
48 Steel Products
49 Chalk
50 Electrum
51 Trained Birds of Prey
52 Exotic Mount
53 Livestock, Swine
54 Polearms
55 Ships
56 Jewelery
57 Linen
58 Rugs and Tapestries
59 Cosmetics
60 Perfumes
61 Lamp Oil
62 Incense
63 Cheese
64 Fruit, Citrus
65 Fruit, Melons
66 Silk
67 Barley
68 Pitch
69 Glassware
70 Artwork and Sculpture
71 Rice
72 Bronze
73 Brass
74 Dyes
75 Spice, Exotic
76 Pack Animals
77 Fruit, Other
78 Olives
79 Fine Woodworking
80 Blessed/Charmed Items
81 Rye
82 Scribed Works
83 Slaves
84 Ivory
85 Oats
86 Livestock, Sheep
87 Livestock, Fowl
88 Livestock, Goats
89 Horses
90 Olive Oil
91 Wheat
92 Preserves, Meat
93 Preserves, Fish
94 Preserves, Vegetables
95 Preserves, Fruit
96 Chariots
97 Vegetables, Greens
98 Beans
99 Vegetables, Other
00 Livestock, Cows

Random Island Generation Charts, Part II

Here's part two of my Random Island Generation Charts for my in-development Middle Isles
Campaign--this one a percentiles chart on Unusual Island Characteristics:

Interesting/Unusual Island Characteristics

01 Very Poor Soil
02 Very Rich Soil
03 Exceedingly Rare Tree or Plant
04 Exceedingly Rare Animal/Livestock
05 Ancient Stone Head Statues
06 Temple Ruins
07 Extensive Subterranean Pathways
08 Sheer Cliffs Riddled With Caves
09 An Allegedly Haunted Mass Grave
10 Mass Ship Graveyard Just Off The Coast
11 Aggressive Hunter Race Lurks Underground
12 The Dead Rise At Night
13 Old Mine
14 A Recent Battlefield
15 Vampire Colony
16 Famed Holy Shrine
17 Famed Unholy Shrine
18 Plague Outbreak (Populace)
19 Plague Outbreak (Livestock)
20 An Imprisoned Legendary Creature
21 Restless Shades
22 A Lake of Spirits
23 Minor Oracle
24 Cannibal Cult
25 Uncommonly Wet
26 Uncommonly Dry
27 Uncommonly Windy
28 Frequent Landslides
29 Giant Fungus Colonies
30 Moderately Accurate Soothsayer/Prophet
31 Narcotic Plants
32 Alchemical Bonanza of Natural Ingredients
33 Watchers In The Woods
34 Giant’s Lair
35 A Famed Repository of Knowledge
36 Single Adolescent Dragon, Good/Neutral
37 Single Adolsecent Dragon, Evil
38 Chapterhouse of a Knightly Order
39 Single Mature Dragon, Good/Neutral
40 Single Mature Dragon, Evil
41 Magic is Heightened
42 Mysterious Cave Paintings
43 A Hidden Library of Scrolls
44 Magic is Forbidden
45 Magic Works Poorly
46 Deserted Village
47 Ruined Fortress
48 Buried Pirate/Raider Treasure (Mainly The Copper/Silver Kind)
49 Fire Swamp
50 Arcane Petroglyphs (Rock Engravings)
51 Geoglyph (Ground Drawing), Can Be Seen From Air
52 Plagued By Earthquakes
53 Lycanthropy Epidemic
54 Volcanic Activity
55 Extensive Catacombs
56 Ruined Castle
57 A Hero’s Tomb
58 Shipwreck Of A Famous Vessel
59 Ghost Ship Drops Anchor Every Full Moon
60 Ruined Tower
61 Giant Stone Cairn
62 Subterranean Labyrinth
63 Dying Civilization
64 Ancient Challenge Left By A Deity
65 Killer Reefs Just Off The Coast
66 Isle Fades In And Out Of Dimensional Existence
67 Reclusive Alleged Necromancer
68 Reclusive Philosopher
69 Reclusive Retired Hero
70 Buried Pirate/Raider Treasure (Mainly The Gold Kind)
71 Dragon Colony, Evil
72 Dragon Colony, Good/Neutral
73 Ancient Clockwork Machine, Inoperative
74 (Apparently) Dormant Volcano
75 Less-Than-Dormant Volcano
76 Some Manner of Talking Animal
77 Aggressive Nature Spirits
78 Domain of One Claiming Divine Paternity
79 Sulfurous Water
80 Bandit Hideout
81 Pirate Hideout
82 Raider Camp
83 Accursed Woods
84 Accursed Mountain
85 Private Domain of a Madman
86 Sweet Water
87 Raider Supply Cache
88 Runaway Slaves
89 Leper Colony
90 An Excess of Quicksand
91 Forgotten/Lost Technology
92 Perfect, Natural Harbor
93 Deadly Harbor
94 Unusual Metal Deposits
95 Refugee or Exiled Nobility
96 Lair of Unmentionable Evil
97 Cave Passage To The Underworld
98 Hidden Portal To An Elemental Plane
99 Contains A Monolith To An Ancient Cosmic Evil
00 A Vast Hidden Mithril Treasure Stash

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