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Replication and Study of Kapagene Generator

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Replication And Study Of Kapagene Generator

Article  in  International Journal of Engineering and Technology · November 2015

DOI: 10.14445/22315381/IJETT-V28P223


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4 authors, including:

Jilani S A K Hemanth kumar Reddy Valagolam

Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science


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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 3 - October 2015

Replication And Study Of Kapagene Generator

Dr. S A K Jilani, 2Mr. S Javeed Hussain (PhD), 3V.Hemanth kumar reddy
Professor, 2Associate Professor, 3M.Tech Student,
Department of ECE, MITS, Madanapalle.
ABSTRACT solution is to take the heat exhaust and loop it back
In the present scenario electricity is one of the in to the plant .
crusial necessity of the society electrical energy can This conserves those extra use of heat rather
be generated by utilizing a few sorts of innovations,
than letting them float away into the
for example, solar, Thermal, Nuclear, Wind, Hydro
electric power plants and other power plants. The atmosphere.some plants do this conserve as much as
mainly purpose of all these technologies is generate heat as they can .They can also burn the fuel more
energy faster, cheaper and high efficiency.very efficiently, or fine tune the plant to keep it tip top.
power generation methods has some disadvantages Unfortunately, wind power is the big loser outside
as low power generation,health,hazards etc.To over of commercial solar,but even they are running
come these problems The present method is one of anywhere from 25 to 50 percent efficiency.It varies
the different techniques as compared with the above
depending upon the on the design and the
mentioned. This new proposed is named as
kapagene. In this method we are going to replicate location.offshore wind fars runs ore often than
the kapagen generator with some lesser parameters onshore ones, but the efficiency depends on how
and the study the obtained results compare with hard the wind blowing and how much of that wind
other replications of kapagene generator . powe the turbine can harvest Lots of scientist are
working on the super efficient wind
Keywords: Kapagenegenerator-Teslacoil- power.biomimicry is a big part of their recent
Highvoltagecapacitor-microwavetransformer advances,with some scientists discovering that
1.INTRODUCTION mimicking sharks,whales or birds will help make
Day by day the cost of energy is increasing, the installations capture more energy. The biggest
people are thinking about the alternatives which hydro electric installations can get 95% efficiency,
reduce the cost and they are energy efficient as and even the smaller ones can still hit 85.85% is a
well..There are two types of energy resources .They lot, but the initialization cost is more .
are Conventional energy resources and nHon Among all the non-renewable vitality this
conventional energy resources. Conventional energy is the most astounding contamination creating fuel.
sources are coal natural gas oil.non conventional The outflow of gasses and materials into the air and
sources include wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, water causes numerous appalling ailments like dust
biomass and biofuel. annoyance, lung disease and flu. The procedure of
Thermal power plant over all efficiency is coal blazing produces numerous nursery gasses like
33%.the main disadvantage is which cause global carbon dioxide, which have brought about the
warmingFor example, if coal as a source of annihilation of the ozonelayer and a worldwide
electrical energy we use, It is the oldest technique to temperature alteration.
run turbines for producing electricity. Coal is 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
embodied numerous sorts of gasses like carbon, Tariel Kapanadze (June 8, 2007)
nitrogen and hydrogen. The coal which contains Tariel kapanaadze presented a new idea is a
high substance of sulfur results in acidic downpour. device both independent and delivering prepared to
The blazing of coal results invent gas, fly cinder and utilize electric energy, begins to work with the
base powder which contain thorium, mercury and introductory electrical energy got from gatherer or
comparative wellspring of vitality, Transforming the
different metals.
magnetic field produced in first bobbin to second
Fossil fuels at an energy of about 33% bobbin through a recurrence stabilizer, after
nuclear power plants ranges from low 30s to 40 s periodically balancing out the magnetic field
With the best,most heat efficient toppings out 48 % happened between the bobbins; changes over the
As the technology improves and the population ha autonomous energy - got by the second bobbin from
become more interested in environmental protection the air-to electric power. The present creation gets
both coal and nuclear have become more efficient energy externally just at first beginning stage. This
said energy can be effortlessly produced from a little
but if we are honest with each other,making the
aggregator or chargeable battery or comparable
plant perform better isn’t easy instead of quick sources. 1 - 2 seconds after the device is begun, the
power switch at the energy info of the device cuts

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 3 - October 2015

the outside electric energy. A not very many parts of because he uses digital meter instead of using
this electric energy created is utilized by the device analog to measure output. After few min he started
to sustain itself and the most part is released with dc power because of long time running .using
prepared to be utilized. The length of the device is ac source he gets 1.6 amps when he used dc the
not close down or no issue happened inside, the amps reduced to 1.15.
device produces device reliably. By new innovation, Specifications:
there is no device like the present development Tube = 5.5cm/140cm wire, 4mm stranded except the
feeding so as to deliver energy reliably itself. big coil = 10mm,Stranded MOT he has no
Dragon (June 9, 2010) information about it,PVC tube is 5mm thick
Dragon has started better one after made JN Naudin lives in France and Remourk
several trails with different coils .you can see the lives in London no communication between them.
circuit diagram the entire thing is based on tesla Remourk gave a lot of respect for his works on
basics. The fig shows the through 7 watts input the Kapagene generator. He think that JL Naudin with
output is running with 40 watts bulb and the variac kapagene replications not attempting to prove over
50volts as set. The input is 120v ac and the output is unity, but showing to start in several ways.
running with 6500volts at 0.02amps .He played According to JLNaudin Over unity is a real not a
different coils with different bulbs, no trails are assumption. Remourk is sure that JL Naudin adds so
made to measure the output at wattage level. He many devices to shows additional energy.
have 2 earth grounded one is required and the In June 11 2010 Remrouk connected two
second does not add anything so he removed Since earth connections one is from water supply and
he truly don't know how Kapanadze o JLNaudin is other is from copper wire fixed to ground then it
really going about it he have been theorizing shows 2.3 amps for 500 watts load, then he fixed
naturally of how to finish it and went to the another copper pipe at distance 10m and he got
conclusion it's just an opposite tesla coil. Rather about 1.6 amps for 900 watts load. The replication
than putting HV low amps into L1 and changing don’t inside house because the capacitor value is
over it to extremely high voltage you do only the high it create many problems. Before testing make
opposite... put the HV into L2 and changing it to sure all your electrical appliances are turn off.
lower voltage and higher amps through L1. The trap Kapanadze replication v1.1 used 1.7A X 240ac =
is getting L1 to resound with L2 in its converse 408 watts input
structure.L1 being low inductance utilizing the earth Kapanadze replication v1.2 used 1.16A X 240ac =
ground through a load makes a pseudo tank in which 281 watts input
L1 can achieve high amps. Regardless I don't have Retrod
the reverberation dialed in entirely right with this First Trail (June 11 2010)
one in spite of the fact that it appears to drive L1 , Retrod made two attempts on kapagene circuit
sensibly well ( L1 being the 6 turn curl L2 being the and he used 120v ac to the micro wave oven
90 turn curl L3 the switched 30 turn ). L3 is utilized transformer. He worded in indoor basements so one
to raise or lower inductance to help coordinate the ground is from a copper water pipe and another is
two. It may even help to make this one flexible to from iron floor drain pipe. Non resistor sparkplug
some degree. with a vice grip for a heat sink is used as spark gap
Inspiring globules to light is a matter of .He used dc circuit .The load is 200watts 120 volts
rearranging through different resistances to Micro wave oven transformer gets warm and the
accomplish the right reaction. He have run 175 watt 20amp mains electrical switch trips following 15
mercury globules with it however those respond like seconds of operation. Spark gap is not violet, its
FL's and in my brain doesn't generally constitute electrical blue. If you don't mind be watchful with
wattage in as much as a voltage reaction. He have this circuit the voltages present are to be highly
been doing a few tests with a 150 watt halogen and hazards.
it lights pleasantly creates bunches of warmth yet is Second Trail (June 16 2010)
a long way from full splendid. At 150 watt data it After this morning’s smoke test he very
will be blindingly brilliant (sun like to your eyes), nearly surrendered. At that point there were some
driving it with this set up it's splendid however not promising posts and counsel. Here is some
blinding and is utilizing around 35 watts to get it advancement to report. He has seen on my setup
there in spite of the fact that I can get an orange lives up to expectations vastly improved with high
sparkle with bunches of warmth at 10 watts. He has resistance loads. He began with 2* 40watts lights in
to accomplish more work with this loop to dial in arrangement and after that idea to attempt flour
the reverberation somewhat better. tubes. He had up to 6 tubes in arrangement with the
Remerouk(June 9 2010) 2 unique 40watts lights. All the flour tubes were
He is used 260watts as input and the output expelled from administration a year or all the more
is at least 500watts.The bulbs are glows more than prior as dull or non lighting. It helps me to
fully powered he tried to measure voltage across the remember when large portions of us were including
each bulb its shows 335v he is not correct he knows LED's in arrangement working with Dr. Stifflers

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SEC, what fun! he has no chance at this time to has been completed with one of these 150 Watt
quantify info current. The voltage out of the variac incandescent light utilized as the Kapagene load.
is 90 volts. The sparkle has turned out to be calm The alignment light has been set in a box with the
with this load. lux meter test. The 150 W light is associated
Specifications: specifically to the Energy Check 3000 vitality meter
MOT , Input Voltage: 120v alternatingcurrent and joined with the variac
Input current: 4.0 amps average,Load: 6* 200w
120v Lamps
Earth Grounds: First: 200ft iron pipe (water well).
Second: 10 ft driven rod, copper clad
Spark Gap : Champion J-14 with neo magnet
Air temperature =68 degrees Fahrenheit
MOT Temp at start =84 F
MOT Temp at end =107 F
Run time approx 4.5 minutes
Woopy (June 15 2010)
He is almost ready for the first test he did
Robert, (June 21 2010)
the tesla coil exactly as Remourk done that is 84
He got 1800Watts output and the Micro
turns,22 turns and six big turns. the coil 1 and 2
wave Oven Transformer stays cool even the input
have the similar wire (blue) and for the large coil
power meter is 800W.He feel that is a genuine
(green and yellow) there is 7 strand of plain copper,
indication of OU. He has two 150W halogen and
the inside is made with 4 stranded copper and
18x 100W bulbs (completely brilliant) connected in
something to load for association with one ground
series. In the event that he would have more lights
line, in addition to the primary blue wire association
he thinks they would sparkle completely as well. He
with the spark gap .The micro wave oven is 700
watched that with the 1N5408 diode didn't work –
watts. He used directly (without connecting diode or
yet with the BY255 it lives up to expectations
microwave oven capacitor.)he will ground it with 2
exceptionally well – just they get hot, so he include
ground line directing to 2 aroused steel bar going 1
cooler. He don't know way you changed the loop
meter somewhere down in the ground. Furthermore,
setup however with the curl connection 22 – 84 – 6
isolated around 15 meter. He expects to utilize a
its working.
wire with 3 time 1.5 mm2 limited, for the ground
Juju, (June 23 2010)
lines. he plan regardless a halogen 500 watts Its
He putted a few lights of 60 watts others of
works well the bank is directly to the grid no light
100 watts, all in arrangement with a fan/ventilator of
simply but kapagene with nearly full brightness and
100 Watts he putted the fan toward the
also radio is connected with the distance of 10 mts
arrangement's end going to ground, on the grounds
but its not working. He has only ac because he not
that it haves a capacitor of 230 V, he was afraid it
used capacitors and diodes and he did not try to
can explode on the off chance that it takes all the
make any measurement but the fuse did not even to
essential voltage! 2 lights in the feature are not
separate or break. The resistance of the bank is 400
lighting admirably, but rather he thought it was
ohms when he connected to the grid at 230 v ac its
some issue with them! This thing can bolster all
shows 130 milli amps the bank was turned of only if
sorts of devices, not just lamps! What’s more, it is
he switch off, he tried to measure the resistance of
not all that mysterious as at appears, when the
the bank but its impossible. Then he checked bulbs
adrenaline goes up, the apprehension blurs! Terrific!
and observed bulb was broken and seems he
His yield do not function admirably with dc, as
probable has the arc in the bulb which makes the
should be obvious, do not utilized any caps! Do not
bulb on if the tungsten filament is broken.
take estimations in light of the fact that my DMM
JL Naudin (June 18 2010)
can't read substitute present, just dc.
The reason for these experiments is to
Tom (June 25 2010)
quantify the OUTPUT electrical force of Kapagene.
He tried to replicate the JL Naudin circuit
There are 14bulbs which are150 Watts’
and it works .The greater part of the setup is the
incandescent lights joined in series at the yield of
same as JL Naudin, micro wave oven Transformer
the Kapagene. he have utilized a Volt craft LX-1108
(800 watt), in dc mode. 10x150 watts and the
Lux meter to quantify the light force of one of these
halogen bulbs are completely bright!! He checked
lights Vs the electrical force obliged, an adjustment
variac (however didn't put it on camera) and it was
bend is to set. In this route, it is anything but
at 165 volts. Except for the 23ccw turns on the coil
difficult to compute the aggregate force at the
are where necessary to decrease the Input currents.
Kapagene yield on the grounds that the deliberate
Don (July 15 2010)
light power of the light is specifically connected to
The best (minimum input power) he could get was
the electrical force at the yield. An alignment stage
707 Watts lighting eighteen 100 watt lights without

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 3 - October 2015

utilizing a variac. It utilized 570 watts to light 9 of 3.2 Components required

the 100 watt lights.He measured power with kilo-o- 1. Dimmer starter(0-260)volts
meter connected 30 meters away from the
2. Microwaveoven Transforme(800watts)
device.When he initially turned his Kapagene on it
utilized more than 1100 watts and the lights were 3.Highvoltage capacitor\condenser(0.9 micro farad)
more or less 50-60% splendid. Then playing with 4. High voltage diode\Micro wave ovendiode
this for a week he got the input power use down to 5. Resistors(10 Mega ohms)
707 Watts and the lights were no less than 90% 6. Carbon brushes
brilliant. He did this examination by having one 100 7. Tesla coil
watt light joined with Mains sitting beside one of
8. Bulbs (100 watts)
my lights from my Kapagene. He obey it's not
logical but rather it was adequate for him to see 9. Ammeter
differences. He did find that dimmer switches and 10. Voltmeter
ampere restrictors utilized more power than they 11. Thermometer(0-110)degrees centigrade
were worth so he taken away amp restrictor. Be that 12. Coffee heaters(350 watts)
as it may, the most essential thing he found was that
the ground bars/associations/Earth was the greatest Dimmer starter
variable in bringing down power use. He supplanted
We can use for variable voltages. Commonly the
copper tube with development evaluation
establishing poles, connected water to the ground essential association unites with just a piece of the
around my ground poles. In my general vicinity winding permitting the yield voltage to be fluctuated
there is 6-12" of top soil and afterward under that it's easily from zero to over the data voltage and
all sand. Sand doesn't hold water exceptionally well. accordingly permitting the gadget to be utilized for
Utilizing Carbon pole and Copper for the sparkle testing electrical gear at the points of confinement of
whole brought down input power use by 55 watts. its predetermined voltage range.
Voltages range from (0-120)\v,(0-260)v,(0-600)v.
The present invention is one of the very
Microwave oven transformer
different techniques as compared with the above
High power transformer found in a
mentioned.In this method the replications of the
microwave broiler that progressions up the divider
tariel Kapanadze generator is done with some less
voltage to around 2 kilovolts AC, at force for the
parameters It is based on high voltage and the
most part between 900 Watts and 1700 Watts. They
output power of the campaign is high. For testing
are regularly known by the acronym Microwave
such a device the experimenter should be very
Oven Transformer. This is a non-ideal transformer.
skilled and also needs a lot of caution. The present
The turn’s proportion is intended to give around 2
invention is a self-feeding, because it uses energy
kilovolts AC the fundamental optional winding, one
only at the starting phase and at remaining phases
end of which is clinging to the grounded center. An
the energy feeds itself by the device. This device is
extra auxiliary gives a disconnected supply of
cannot power off or no trouble occurs in the gadget
commonly 3 Voltage at 15 Amperes for the
generates energy consistently.
magnetron radiator.
This technology will improve through
High voltage capacitor
using different technologies using today. The main
A capacitor ( known as a condenser) is a
advantage of using this technology is less cost and it
uninvolved 2-terminal electrical part used to store
doesn’t harm the nature. It is a very different
vitality electric charges at rest in an electric field.
technique compared with others.
The types of down to earth capacitor shift widely,
however, all contain no shorter than two electrical
3.1 Block diagram of proposed system
conduits (plates) isolated by a dielectric (i.e. an
encasing that can store vitality by getting to be
spellbound). The transmitters can be thin films,
sintered globules of elements or conductive
electrolyte. The no conducting dielectric acts to
expand the capacitor's charge limit.
Capacitance: 0.5-13micro faradyu
Rated voltage: 1000v a to 2500v Ac
Operating frequency: -40 to 70 deg c
Fig 1 block diagram of kapagen generator

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 3 - October 2015

Current max: 15amps 3.3 Circuit diagram and principle

High voltage diode

It has very less resistance ideally zero to
current(I) in uni direction, and ,large resistance in
another direction. The most usual type is semi
conductor diode using today. It is made up of a semi
conductor material by crystalline piece with two
terminals was conneted by p-n junction.Heated
cathode and aplate (anode) are the two electrodes of
vaccumed tube diode. The 1stsemiconductor
electronic devices were used by semiconductor
Fig 2 kapagene generator circuit diagram
Resistor (R)
Resistor is detached 2-terminal electrical 3.4 Working principle
segment that actualizes electrical resistance as a The Kapagene generator is a device that
circuit part. Resistors act to minimize current captures and uses the stored electricity of the earth
stream, and in the meantime, explaining to less itself .This Kapagene generator is based on the work
voltage levels inside of circuits. of Nikolas Tesla was built by Tariel Kapanadze.
Tesla coil Jean Louis Naudin did several experiments on this
In the year 1891 Nikolas tesla was invented Kapagene generator.
electrical resonant transformer circuit which is The working principal of the tarial
called tesla coil. This Tesla coil produces high Kapagene generator is to extract the free electrons
frequency alternating current, higher voltage, less from the earth. The earth is a huge capacitor which
current, electricity. Today their primary utilization is hold free of electric charges.
for stimulation and instructive showcases, albeit It is able to create or to find the potential
little loops are still utilized today as break finders imbalance between two points in the ground, it
for high vacuum frameworks seems able to extract the some gain electrons from
Halogen bulbs the ground and thus through a wire connected
Halogen bulbs are nothing like a load. Here between these two points we can to increase of the
10*100 watts bulbs are used. current (I) flow.
Instrument used to measure the current (I)
in a circuit is known as ammeter
3.5.1 Power transmits through a single wire
Range =(0-10)amps.
1. Connections are made as shown in fig 2
Voltmeter 2. Adjust the spark gap to minimum
The instruments which are used to measure the
potential difference of two points in a circuit is 3. starting from zero voltage slowly increase the
voltage in the Variac.
called voltmeter.
Range =(0-500)V. 4. While varying the dimmer starter with regular
Which can be coverted in to 4000v intervals of 10volts at some voltage 5. Note down
the reading at every regular intervals of 10 volts or
Thermometer,coffee heaters
20 volts up to maximum readings
Thermometer measures the temperature.Range (0-
110)degrees centigrade 6. Tabulate the readings
Coffee heaters are used for heating.
Power=(350)watts. 7. Calculate the Input power and output power with
respective to dimmer starter voltages

8. Plot the graphs

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 3 - October 2015

Comparing the temperature with normal 4.2 Comparing the Temperature with Normal
circuit and kapagene generator
circuit and kapagen circuit Analog
thermometer in
kapagen circuit
1.Connections are made as shown in fig 2
2.Remove all loads and add one 100watts bulb. thermometer
normal circuit
3.Connect the 100 watts bulb to the normal circuit 100 watts bulb
(directly from mains) note down the current and from kapagene
voltage of the bulb.
100 watts bulb
4.The current and voltage in kapagen generator must from normal
be equal to the kapagen generator (can be adjusted
by using dimmer starter). Water beakers
Fig 4 showing that Tempatures in normal circuit500ml
5.Then take two beakers with same shape and size kapagene circuit.
and insert the 100 watts bulb from normal circuit in
one beaker and another 100 watts bulb from
Kapagen generator in to another beaker.
6.Then insert one analog therometers in each beaker.
7.Switch on two circuit at same time,
8.After 10 min switch off the supply and note down
the readings of thermometers
9.Repeat this for 20 min and 25 min
10.Tabulate the readings and plot the graphs.
Intensity comparision
1. Connections are made as shown in fig 2 Fig 5 shows the tempature in normal circuit vs
2. Remove all loads and add one 100watts bulb. kapagen circuit
3.Intensity measurement
3. Adjust the spark gap to minimum.
4. Connect the same 100 watts bulb to the normal Intensity of 100watts
bulb from kpagene
circuit note down the current and voltage of the circuit
5. Set same voltage and current to the kapagene Intensity of 100watts
bulb from normal
circuit by adjusting the dimmer starter circuit

6. Switch on two circuits at same time.

Analog voltmeter

7. Note down the intensitof two bulbs.

Fig 6 shows the light intensity in normal circuit vs
kapagen circuit

4.1Power transmission through a single wire

in series

Fig 3 showing that power transmitted through a

single wire

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International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) – Volume 28 Number 3 - October 2015

voltage Inputpower Kapagen andre-replicates-kapagenfrench-overnity-energy-research/
Outputpower 2.
60 150 147 4.
70 203 197.4 5.
80 240 220 7.
90 298.8 280.8
1.Dr. S A K Jilani is working as
110 446.6 440 the Professor and project
120 499.2 492 coordinator in the department of
ECE, Madanapalle Institute of
130 552.6 549 Technology and Sciences,
140 662.4 660 Madanapalle. He has the teaching
150 681.5 672.4 experience of over twelve years. He
also worked as an R&D
160 724.8 720.8 Professional earlier in Electronics
170 756.5 749.2 Industry. He obtained his PhD In
the year 2002 and also published more than 35 papers in
180 783 779.1 different national and international Journals. He has also
190 784.7 780.6 guided more than 50 M.Tech, M.Sc, MCA, B.Tech Projects.
His areas of interest are Artificial Intelligence, Computer
200 800 798 Visions, Digital Signal Processing and Embedded Systems..
210 795.9 790
2.S.JaveedHussain received
220 752.4 750 B.Tech from JNTU University &
230 795.8 790 M.Tech degree in electronics &
communication Engg,,
Hyderabad, India. He is currently
working towards PhD Degree in
Digital Image Processing at J.N.T
University Hyderabad, India. At
present He is with Madanapalle
Institute of Technology and Sciences Angallu A.P., India,
working as a Associate Professor in Dept. of ECE,. He
presented many research papers in National & International
conference. He is a member of professional societies like IE
(India), ISTE (India), BMESI (India).his research interests
include Signal Processing, Time Series Analysis and Image

V. Hemanth Kumar Reddy is

Fig 7 graph shows the input power vs ouptput power pursuing his M.Tech in the stream
of Micro & Nano electronics from
of kapagen circcuit Madanapalle Institute of
Technology and Sciences,
Madanapalle. He completed his
B.Tech in the stream of electrical
and electronic engineering from
5.CONCLUSION Sree Rama engineering college.
The kapagene generator is replicated with
lesser parameters and power transmission through a
single wire is successfully achieved. The current in
the kapagen circuit is neither cold nor too much hot.
The intensity of the bulb in kapagen circuit is high
compared to the normal circuit, can. I made several
attempts with kapagene generator and did not find
over unity.The efficiency is less than 1.

I express my sincere and heartfelt gratitude
to Dr. S.A.K.JILANI, my earnest thanks to
Dr.A.R.Reddy, head of the department of E.C.E for
their support to carry out successfully of this project

ISSN: 2231-5381 Page 122

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