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History Taking in Nervous System

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Dr. Amitesh Aggarwal

General points
• History of neurological symptoms should also
be taken from patient and close relative or
• Memory loss, intoxication, aphasia
• Patient’s cognitive state
• Speech pattern
• Often permits accurate localization and
determination of probable cause, even before
examination is performed
• Helps to bring a focus to neurologic
examination that follows
• History in patient’s words (e.g. numbness)
Various pathologies suggested
by clinical pattern
Pattern of onset and Pathology
Sudden Traumatic, vascular, psychogenic
Acute on chronic Exacerbation of pre-existing pathology
(e.g. cervical spondylosis and disc
Subacute Infective, inflammatory
Chronic and progressive Malignant tumours
Chronic and indolent Benign tumours, degenerative (e.g.
Relapsing-remitting Inflammatory
Stepwise Vasculitic (e.g. multiple strokes)
Previous episodes in other Multiple sclerosis, hysterical
Diagnosis in Neurology case

•Onset •Localization
1.Catastrophic 1.Upper Motor Neuron
2.Sudden 2.Lower Motor Neuron
3.Acute 3.Mixed
4.Sub-acute •Pattern
5.Chronic/insidious 1.Motor
•Progression 2.Sensory – (thickened nerves)
1.Non-progressive 3.Sensori-motor
2.Gradual progression 4.Motor-sensory
3.Recovery 5.Autonomic
4.Relapsing remitting •Cranial nerves
•Distribution 1.Single
1.Monoparesis 2.Multiple
2.Hemiparesis •Bladder
3.Paraparesis •Bowel
4.Quadriparesis •Cerebellum
•Mental status – Sensorium, MMSE

Symptoms of other systems

Scheme of neurological
Aspect of history Examples
Region involved Vision, swallowing, gait
Temporal aspects Onset, duration, progression
Character, severity Negative symptoms (e.g. numbness) or
positive symptoms (e.g. pain)
Causative and relieving Headache on coughing
Associated factors e.g. sweating, diarrhoea

Disability Unable to work

Past history weight loss, altered mood
Family history AD inheritance
Medication, substance Alcohol, cigarette smoking
abuse, social
Present history
1. Ask leading questions (e.g. tremors)
2. Write +ve data chronologically then –
ve data.
3. Symptoms of other system
4. Where is the lesion?
CNS, PNS, NMJ, Muscle
Gray matter – cognitive impairment
White matter – motor pathway
5. What is the lesion?
Past Medical History
Meningitis, trauma, epilepsy, tuberculosis
Risk of CVA- BP/ DM/ Smoking/ AF

abscess toxoplasmosis

Drug History
• Present / previous medication,
Anticonvulsant, OCP, vitamin A,
Family History
• Neurological or psychiatric disorder
• Consanguinity
Social History
• Occupation, exposure to toxins
• Smoking, alcohol
Personal history

Age: - 1st 3y → Duchenne’s myopathy.

limb pelvis girdle myopathy
- 2 – 3 decade
nd rd
Fascio scapulohumoral
- 2 – 15y → Fredreich’s ataxia
- 15 – 30y Syringomyelia.

- 4th – 5th decade Motor neuron disease

Myasthenia gravis
3- Sex: ♀
Personal history
4- Obstetric : esp. repeated abortions or still birth.
5- Occupation: → Lead → Peripheral neuritis
Driver → disc prolapse
6- Special habits: - Alcohol → Peripheral neuritis
7- Lt. Handed or Rt. Handed: → Why?
(Broca’s area )
• 94% Rt. Handed – Dominant Left Hemisphere
• Speech center is located in dominant hemisphere.
• The dominant one so: in Rt. handed people it is
located in lt hemisphere and vice - versa.
Speech disorders
Aphasia = disturbance in higher neurological and
psychological functions of speech.

Receptive Expressive
(Sensory) (Motor)
Auditory (Word deafness) Spoken speech (Broca’s area 44)
Visual (Word blindness) Written speech (agraphia, area 45)
Speech disorders
Dysarthria: Defective articulation or disturbance in
peripheral motor function of Speech
7 → face 9,10 → Voice 12 → tongue
Pyramidal → slow-labored, disturbances of
resonation, and phonation, often unintelligible
Multiple sclerosis → staccato, abrupt utterance,
Extra Pyramidal → Slow monotonous
Cerebellar → scanning, slurring, monotonous
9 & 10 → Nasal tone
10 → Hoarseness of Voice
Cranial nerves
1. Olfactory
Anosmia, Hyosmia, hallucinations of smell
2. Optic nerve
Visual acuity, Visual field, visual hallucination
3,4,6. Oculamotor, trochlear, abducent
Diplopia, ptosis, squint
5. Trigeminal
Difficulty in mastication
7. Facial
Inability to close eye, drippling of saliva from one
side, deviation of mouth to same side of paralysis
Cranial nerves
8. Vestibulo-choclear
Deafness, tinnitus, vertigo
9,10. Glossopharyngeal, vagus
Nasal tone, regurgitation of food from nose,
dysphagia, hoarseness
11. Accessory
Can not rotate his face to other side, can not raise
his shoulder properly on the diseased side
12. Hypoglossal
Difficulty of speech ± difficulty of mastication
Motor system
Weakness Involuntary
• Unilateral or bilateral
• Proximal or distal
• Symmetrical or
• Static or kinetic
• Rhythmic or jerky
• Distal or proximal
• What ↑ (emotions)
• Flexor or extensor
• What ↓ (sleep)
• Abductor or adductor
• Discreption ( Pill
• Trunk muscles,
rolling )
Sensory system

• Tingling
• Numbness
• Pain
• Temperature
• Touch
• Root pain: occurs at the site of certain
dermatome and ↑ by coughing and
Sphincteric disturbances

Bladder / bowel
• Desire
• Control
• Retention
• Hesitancy
• Erection
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