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Boiler Project Fundamentals

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Boiler Project
Jason L. Bell This article describes several variables to
Miura America Co.
consider when selecting a steam boiler
— from choosing a boiler configuration to
understanding boiler water chemistry.

et’s assume that you are tasked with finding a suitable Coordinate the project team
replacement for an aging boiler in your plant. This When choosing the project team, picking one person to
article will equip you with some key information be the main point of contact for the project, both for internal
about steam boilers, including fuel types, boiler configura- and external personnel, may be the most important factor
tions, and condensate system considerations. for team communication. This point of contact should fully
Before you start the project, you need to arm yourself understand what the goal of the boiler replacement project
with some basic knowledge, such as your steam require- is, be easily accessible, and be flexible enough to handle
ments, what type of boiler you prefer, and which manufac- frequent changes.
turer can meet your needs. You would not ask a car dealer At the start of the project, schedule a team meeting and
“Which car do you think I should buy?” Therefore, you need ask these questions at the meeting:
to understand your own requirements to help you narrow • What do we need? Do we need steam or hot water?
down the options. So, before you can choose the best boiler Do we need humidity? Do we need electricity? Do we just
for your application, determine your needs and research need a certain temperature for our process? How often do
available technologies. we need it?
Ideally, you will have plenty of time to gather informa- • How critical is our process? Are we replacing equip-
tion and choose a piece of equipment that meets your needs. ment? Are we starting from scratch?
If, however, a boiler failure occurs and you are up against • Are we looking at a 5-yr or 10-yr payback period? Or,
a deadline, you may have to get a rental boiler. There are is there another driving cost factor?
many companies that can fulfill a rental request in about one • Does anyone on this team understand boiler water
to two weeks. Installing a replacement boiler in your facility chemistry?
within a week or so is generally not an option, as this can • Do we want to perform the maintenance on this equip-
only be fulfilled by a boiler manufacturer that stocks replace- ment, or will we outsource maintenance? Are there any
ment boilers that can match your steam demand; typically, guarantees or warranties from any of the manufacturers
only modular boiler manufacturers have this capability. For associated with bundling services?
the purpose of this conversation, let’s assume you have some • What does our state say about boiler operations? What
time to make an informed decision. does our insurance company say about boilers?

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You should know the answers to these questions to fully Although some manufacturers use a similar design for
understand the scope of the project. There are many organi- their steam boilers and hot-water boilers, hot-water boil-
zations that you can hire to answer these questions for you ers are typically more efficient than steam boilers. Because
and deliver the optimal boiler system to you on a platter. But steam boilers require much more heat to create steam, there
if you are a do-it-yourself kind of organization, then you is much more wasted heat energy than in hot-water systems.
may want to familiarize yourself with the topics addressed Some of this heat can be recaptured through the use of
in this article before you begin to answer these questions (or economizers, but buying an economizer will usually require
start making phone calls to external companies). an extra cost analysis to determine whether it is needed.
Hot-water systems have some drawbacks over steam
Boiler classifications systems. Hot water cannot provide temperatures as high as
The most basic definition of a boiler is a closed vessel in steam can. Also, hot water needs to be pumped to higher
which water is heated until the water has reached the desired elevations, whereas steam can travel through piping to
pressure and temperature. This definition is extremely broad higher elevations without pumping because it travels from
and the project team will need to narrow down the specific areas of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure.
type of boiler that will be required. Some manufacturers use A boiler is very simple in concept, but selecting the right
the term boiler to refer to different subcategories of boilers, boiler requires a lot of consideration in order to make sure
such as power boilers, high-temperature water boilers, steam that you are getting the desired output. When evaluating
heating boilers, or hot-water heating boilers. your boiler options, consider the long-term economics (i.e.,
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ money saved or money spent over time). Make sure you
(ASME) Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC) regulates understand that the decisions you make today will affect
the design and construction of boilers (1, 2). Your boiler costs in the future.
requirements will be influenced by how you plan to use the For the rest of this project, let’s focus on steam boilers.
boiler in your process. Do you need power, heating, or some-
thing else? ASME divides boilers into two categories: high Steam boiler system basics
pressure/temperature and not high pressure/temperature. A steam boiler is used to heat water into steam, and the
ASME BPVC Section I: Power boilers. This section of steam is circulated through a closed-loop piping system
the code specifies requirements for all methods of con- to transfer heat and/or humidity to a process. If you have
struction of power and electric boilers, as well as high-­ processes that require different steam pressures and tempera-
temperature water boilers, heat-recovery steam generators, tures within your system, you can use pressure reducers to
solar receiver steam generators, and certain fired pressure modify the pressure of the steam for specific pieces of equip-
vessels (1). These are steam boilers in which the steam pres- ment. Alternatively, you can use separate steam boilers with
sure exceeds 15 psi, and water boilers in which the pressure different pressure ratings for each process with a different
exceeds 160 psi and/or the temperature exceeds 250°F. pressure.
ASME BPVC Section IV: Heating boilers. This section Low-pressure/temperature systems generally oper-
of the code provides requirements for design, fabrication, ate below 200°F. Medium-pressure/temperature systems
installation, and inspection of steam heating boilers, hot- generally operate between 200°F and 250°F. Processes that
water heating boilers, hot-water supply boilers, and potable are a long distance away from the boiler room and high-­
water heaters intended for low-pressure service that are temperature applications may need a high-pressure/tempera-
directly fired by oil, gas, electricity, coal, or other solid or ture boiler to obtain the temperature required at the
liquid fuels (2). These are steam boilers in which the steam end process.
pressure does not exceed 15 psi, and water boilers in which The industry standard for high pressure vs. low pressure
the pressure does not exceed 160 psi and temperature does is 15 psi — boilers operating at 15 psi or lower are classified
not exceed 250°F. as low-pressure boilers. Any boiler operating at a pressure
You can use steam or hot water boilers to achieve high higher than 15 psi is considered a high-pressure boiler.
temperatures, but the infrastructure of the distribution Relationship between pressure and temperature.
systems will be different. Hot-water distribution systems are According to Gay-Lussac’s law of pressure-temperature, the
typically more efficient than steam distribution systems — pressure of a given amount of gas held at constant volume
because most hot-water systems are closed-loop, they need is directly proportional to the temperature. As the pressure
very little makeup water and there are no flash steam losses increases, the temperature also increases, and as pressure
that are associated with steam system steam traps. Also, dis- decreases, the temperature also decreases. To find the corre-
solved solids do not accumulate in the boiler of a hot-water sponding temperatures and pressures of saturated steam, you
system, so there is no need for blowdown. can refer to a steam table.

54  September 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
You need to include a margin of error when choosing Typical boiler configurations
the pressure and temperature of steam leaving the boiler. There are a few general types of steam boilers: heat-
Don’t fall for the common mistake of determining the pres- recovery steam generators, firetube boilers, watertube boil-
sure and temperature leaving the boiler and assuming they ers, and modular style boilers. Each boiler type has different
will be the same at the end process. There will be some manufacturers, with slight design differences that cannot all
pressure and temperature losses through the steam piping be captured here. The following sections provide an over-
and other components. view of the various boiler constructions.
Fuel options. Boiler systems transfer energy to water
using a combustible gas, fuel oil, or electricity. Electric- Heat-recovery steam generator
ity is usually reserved for smaller machines. Natural gas is A heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG) is a type of
preferred for many reasons, but its use is usually based on heat exchanger that recovers heat from a hot gas stream
availability at your facility. Propane is an option similar to and produces steam (Figure 1). The steam can be used in
natural gas; however, a natural gas boiler cannot simply be a process or used to drive a steam turbine for electricity
replaced by a propane boiler because the two fuels have dif- production.
ferent densities. You might choose an HRSG if your plant is generating
Diesel No. 2 is a readily available standard fuel for many electricity via a gas turbine generator. Or you might install
facilities in North America. It can be easily delivered, and an HRSG if you have a process that is producing large
some facilities use it as a backup fuel. Some boiler manu- amounts of hot gases and you want to reclaim that heat and
facturers make boilers that can fire either a combustible gas use the steam elsewhere in the plant. These boilers are not
fuel or a fuel oil. Boilers that can burn two types of fuel are standard, and their installation should be left to boiler manu-
known as dual-fuel boilers. A facility normally considers a facturers that are capable of this type of work.
dual-fuel boiler if it has a critical end process. In the event The advantages of the HRSG design include:
that it loses the main source of fuel, it has a backup source of • electricity output
fuel available. • steam output.
If your process is critical enough to need dual-fuel inputs, The disadvantages of the HRSG design include:
you also need to consider a backup source of electrical power • a large amount of input energy is required to justify
to operate the boiler system, as well as your other emergency this configuration
power loads. For example, hospitals or critical government • few organizations are capable of installing this type
facilities may have backup electrical power such as genera- of equipment.
tors, as well as backup fuel for their boilers. In the chemi-
cal industry, if you have an expensive chemical process in Firetube boilers
a reactor that needs to maintain the same temperature over A firetube boiler’s main components include a firebox,
time, then having redundancy in your steam system such as a series of submerged water tubes, a feedwater inlet line,
dual-fuel and backup sources of power would be critical. a combustion gas outlet stack (flue), and a steam outlet
In most cases, the primary fuel is typically natural gas and (Figure 2).
fuel oil is the backup fuel, but the backup could be propane, The term firetube is very descriptive. The fire, or hot
depending on the fuels available at your site. fluegas from the burner, is channeled through a group of
steel tubes that are surrounded by a shell filled with water.
Steam Flow
Burner Process Every set of tubes that the fluegas travels through before
making a turn is considered a pass. In Figure 2, the gas
Generator passes through the shell two times before exiting, so this
boiler is called a two-pass firetube boiler. Their high effi-
Stack ciency and reliability make firetube boilers suitable
Inlet Air for steam-intensive industries and either continuous or
HRSG batch operation.
The advantages of the firetube boiler design include:
• relatively inexpensive
• easy to clean
p Figure 1. A heat-recovery steam generator (HRSG) recovers heat, • less strict water treatment requirements
usually from a gas turbine. In the figure, the first few blocks represent the
• simple construction
gas turbine, which is making electricity. The exhaust fumes exit the gas
turbine and enter the HRSG unit, which creates steam. This plant produces • available in sizes from 600,000 Btu/hr to
both electricity and steam. 50,000,000 Btu/hr
Article continues on next page

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• easy tube replacement (many companies have this • able to handle higher pressures, up to 5,000 psig
capability) • capable of recovering faster from load changes than
• well-suited for space heating and industrial process firetube boilers
applications. • able to reach very high temperatures.
The disadvantages of the firetube boiler design include: The disadvantages of the watertube design include:
• not suitable for high-pressure applications of 250 psi • high initial capital cost
and higher • cleaning is difficult
• excessively heavy per pound of steam generated • tube replacement is almost impossible
• relatively slow to raise the steam pressure because of • excessively large volume of space is required.
the large volume of water
• requires frequent tube replacements Modular boilers
• extended maintenance necessitates multiple units so at A modular boiler system is unique and has many advan-
least one is available when the other is down for service tages over both the firetube and watertube designs. The
• fuel must be used to keep the unit warm and ready main components of a modular system are a feedwater inlet,
for use. lower header, series of tubes or coils, upper header, and
steam separator (Figure 4). This design may seem similar to
Watertube boilers the watertube boiler, but its application is what sets it apart
A watertube design is the opposite of a firetube design. from the traditional watertube design. A modular boiler
Here, the water is inside the tubes and the combustion gas converts water to steam in only one pass. Flames engulf the
passes around the outside of the tubes. Watertube boilers tubes, quickly transfering heat to the water and turning the
may vary in design, although their basic principle of opera- water to steam faster than traditional designs. This is made
tion is the same. This type of boiler consists of two drums, possible by advances in technology and by the fact that the
a series of water-filled tubes, a feedwater inlet line, and a flame temperature is not required to be as high as in tradi-
combustion gas outlet stack (Figure 3). The tubes are con- tional designs. Also, because there is a smaller volume of
nected to a steam drum and a mud drum. The water is heated water to turn to steam, the steam is generated very quickly.
and steam exits from the upper drum. Watertube boilers are In fact, some modular steam boilers can heat up from a cold
better suited for applications that require large amounts of 70°F condition to steam-producing capacity in less than
steam, such as industrial process applications, and are used five minutes. And, a lower flame temperature produces less
less frequently for heating applications. nitrogen oxides (NOx).
The advantages of the watertube boiler design include: Because each individual boiler needs less than five min-
• available in a much wider range of sizes than firetube utes to achieve full steaming capability and one controller
designs, up to several million pounds per hour of steam can sequence multiple boilers, you have the ability to scale
Steam Outlet

Steam Steam
Safety Dome
Valve Rise

Combustion Gas


Water Firebox

and Air Risers
Drain Water Supply
Feedwater Drum

p Figure 2. In a firetube boiler, hot fluegas from the burner is channeled p Figure 3. In a watertube boiler, water inside the tubes is heated by
through a group of steel tubes that are surrounded by a shell filled with combustion gas outside of the tubes. Steam leaves the system from the top
water. The gas heats the water and creates steam. of the steam drum.

56  September 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
your steam needs with a near-instantaneous response time at • high efficiencies throughout the entire range of
large capacity (Figure 5). For example, the modular boiler operation
room shown on p. 53 — operated by a beverage manu- • quick response to varying loads
facturer in the Southeast U.S. — has a total capacity of • flexible for small or large industrial applications
1,500 hp of steam production, only requires 334 ft2 (31 m2) • when demand is low, spare machines can be turned off
of space, and can be production-ready in less than 5 min to save fuel
from shutdown condition. • quick maintenance turnarounds.
The advantages of the modular boiler design include: The disadvantages of the modular boiler design include:
• safer due to small water volume • high water quality requirements
• small footprint, typically occupying half the space of a • cannot be used for applications above 450 psi
traditional boiler system (Figure 6) • requires operator training (whereas many operators are
familiar with more traditional boiler designs).
Upper Header
Steam and condensate
When selecting a new steam boiler, you must consider
how the steam will be used and how the condensate will
be returned to the boiler room. Some processes have zero
condensate return, and some have 100% condensate return.
As mentioned previously, steam — like any other liquid
or gas — flows from areas of high pressure to areas of low
pressure. Naturally, the steam pressure is at its highest as it
exits the boiler. The higher pressure in the boiler forces the
Water In
steam out through the main steam line. The steam is piped
to points that require its energy and, as the heat and pressure
Lower Header are transferred to the various plant equipment or processes
requiring energy, the steam condenses into liquid, which is
p Figure 4. In a modular boiler, water is converted to steam in a single
pass through the boiler. The flames from the burner completely engulf the
tubes, which boils water faster than traditional watertube boilers. Ventilation

q Figure 5. A single auto-

mation system can control Modular Boiler
several modular boilers. Systems

Water Softeners

p Figure 6. Compact modular boiler designs utilize a low-volume pressure vessel and have
output capacities comparable to much larger traditional boilers. The smaller boiler footprint
provides design flexibility, lower construction costs, and more options within small spaces.

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transferred via the condensate system. You need to be atten- and one month you notice that you had to start adding
tive to steam traps and their maintenance (3), because they 2,000–3,000 gal per week, you need to determine the reason
help remove the condensed steam from the steam line so for that change. Water loss is a serious issue that should not
that it does not cause damage elsewhere in the steam system be overlooked.
(Figure 7).
The condensate system is usually at atmospheric pres- Boiler water chemistry
sure. In some low-pressure, saturated-steam heating appli- Chemistry is vital to keeping the capital investment in
cations, the steam distribution piping may be configured to your steam boiler from being destroyed in a few years. But
slope back to the boiler so that the steam distribution piping how much chemistry do you need to know?
also acts as the condensate return piping (i.e., a single-pipe Do you need chemistry control? Yes. Do you need to hire
system). Other low-pressure applications may employ a a chemist? No. Over the years, monitoring the chemistry of
two-pipe system with separate steam supply piping and boiler rooms has become less cumbersome. It used to be that
condensate return piping, with the condensate system open a plant needed an onsite chemist to take samples, analyze
to the steam system. As heat is transferred from the steam, the samples in an onsite laboratory, and adjust the chemicals
condensate forms and collects in discharge legs. Once from in-stock inventory to meet the boiler manufacturer’s
enough condensate has accumulated, a steam trap drains specifications. Now, you have options. You can hire a
the condensate to a smaller condensate receiver or directly third-party company to perform sampling and adjustment of
to the central condensate receiver. A series of pumps in the chemicals, using the chemical companies they prefer. You
condensate-feedwater system then transfers the condensate can take water samples and mail them to a company to ana-
from the central condensate receiver to the boiler. lyze them for you, and make your own adjustments based
Ideally, the amount of steam flowing from the boiler and on their evaluation. You can use more advanced chemical
the amount of water pumped back to the boiler would be analysis equipment to take automated measurements, and
equal in a closed-loop system. In reality, every system has upload them in real-time to a chemical supplier’s website.
losses due to leaks, blowdown, steam trap losses, and blow- Or, you can use a combination of these approaches.
offs due to excess pressures. And, a real system needs to One of the most important aspects of boiler water
have chemicals added and impurities discharged. You need chemistry is preventing oxygen from interacting with the
to consider all of these additions and losses when determin- hot metal in the boiler. This can be achieved by using a
ing the amount of makeup water that is required, as well as deaerator, an oxygen scavenger, or a chemical that inhibits
the size of the feed tank or deaerator. the oxygen from interacting with the boiler, or a combina-
Makeup water must be added to the boiler water system tion of these methods. You will most likely also need a
periodically. Knowing how much should be added and water softener, depending on the hardness of the water in
how often enables you to benchmark your operation and your area. Hard water can create scale in your boiler, which
monitor the health of the steam system. For example, if reduces the heat transfer and the boiler’s efficiency. Scale
you typically add 700 gal per week to the steam system, causes the metal heat-transfer surfaces within the boiler to

Process Process


Steam Steam
Trap Trap Steam

Condenser Condensate Steam Vapor

p Figure 7. Steam traps remove condensed steam from the steam headers. Condensate flows to a condensate return line and can be recycled back to
the boiler.

58  September 2017  CEP Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
absorb more heat, which requires higher temperatures to When choosing a company to monitor and maintain the
maintain operation. This extra heat absorption causes addi- water chemistry of your boiler system, ask these questions:
tional damage, such as warping of metal surfaces and dam- • Will the company provide you with chemistry results
aged seals and gaskets. These issues, if left unchecked, could to double check their work, or will they just tell you to buy
lead to a pressure vessel failure or even a boiler explosion. more chemicals?
The pH of the condensate water is typically low, because • Do they help you understand what water health means
as steam condenses, carbon dioxide reacts with water to for your boiler system?
form carbonic acid. Thus, condensate treatment is necessary • Will the chemical service provider guarantee that there
to raise the pH and protect the condensate pipes from corro- will never be any corrosion in the boiler if you use its chemi-
sion. The pH in the boiler should be higher than the conden- cals as instructed? Look for a company who makes this (or a
sate pH for several reasons, but mainly to avoid an acidic similar) claim.
water environment that can cause corrosion of the pressure
vessel. Some water treatment programs use two chemicals to Closing thoughts
adjust pH in the boiler and condensate, while others require What are you getting for your money? Do you know
three or four. what you need? Are the companies involved giving you
Consider which services a water-treatment chemical what you asked for? If not, choose another company. Do you
supplier can provide that will be the most beneficial to your have to keep a boiler warm 24/7, just in case? That takes a
team. Each chemical company offers something unique lot of energy and wastes money. There are many ways to
based on its specialty. Some can perform daily or weekly save money, but you must weigh the cost vs. gain for almost
sampling, while others employ automatic sampling equip- every option that goes into a boiler system.
ment. For example, automatic pH sensors, automatic hard- What you spend now will pay off in the future. It is
ness sampling stations, and other sensors can be connected important to understand where money is being lost. Tracking
directly to the process monitoring systems or to websites boiler efficiency is one way to do that. Steam boiler effi-
hosted by the chemical manufacturer that are updated as ciency can be calculated by:
information is received. Some chemical dosing systems can
be programmed to automatically adjust the chemical addi-
tion rate based on steam usage.
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel This equation enables you to determine how much of the
Inspectors has published a manual (4) for understanding fuel you are paying for is actually being used to heat the pro-
water chemistry operating ranges (or bands). Boiler manu- cess. Or, conversely, it allows you to figure out how much
facturers specify chemistry operating bands specific to their fuel is being wasted.
boiler design that the water must be kept within. If your This article just scratches the surface of what you need
chemical supplier provides chemistry reports, it will be easy to know and consider when embarking on a boiler system
for a maintenance person to see whether the system is doing project. Now, it’s time for your team to answer the basic
well or if an adjustment is needed. Additionally, some boiler questions (or hire someone to answer them for you), set
manufacturers provide chemicals specifically for their boiler some realistic deadlines, and try to complete the project on
systems, and guarantee that those chemicals will work for time. You will need the assistance of the boiler manufac-
their boiler. turer to teach you the maintenance and supplemental sup-
port information for your new system. Don’t be too proud
to ask for help from those with more experience. Learn as
Literature Cited much as you can, so you can pass this knowledge on to
1. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, “Boiler and Pres- someone else. CEP
sure Vessel Code (BPVC): Section I — Rules for Construction of
Power Boilers,” ASME BPVC Section I, New York, NY.
2. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, “Boiler and Pres-
sure Vessel Code (BPVC): Section IV — Rules for Construction JASON L. BELL, PMP, is a regional manager at Miura America Co., based out
of the greater Atlanta, GA, area (Phone: (770) 375-1008; Email: jason.
of Heating Boilers,” ASME BPVC Section IV, New York, NY. He has more than 22 years of engineering manage-
3. Risko, J. R., “My Steam Trap Is Good — Why Doesn’t it ment and steam plant operating experience through the U.S. Naval
Work?” Chemical Engineering Progress, 111 (4), pp. 27–34 Nuclear Power Program and in sales engineering with Miura America
(Apr. 2015). Co. He has a BS in mechanical engineering technology from Old Domin-
ion Univ., a Project Management Professional (PMP) certification from
4. The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, the Project Management Institute (PMI), and an Engineer-in-Training
“Boiler/Feedwater Guidelines,” NB-410, Rev. 3, Columbus, OH (EIT) certification from the state of Virginia, and is pursuing an MBA at
(Sept. 2015). Emory Univ.

Copyright © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) CEP  September 2017  59

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