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10 Characteristics of Successful Teams

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Collaborative Leadership Involvement Publication

10 Characteristics of Successful Teams

1. Clear Goals Consensus is considered one of the best methods
This is necessary so that all team members to use; however, team members should select a
understand the purpose and vision of the team. It is method that works best for them by weighing the
important to understand where the team is headed. advantages and disadvantages of each method.
People tend to support what they help to create.
5. Balanced Participation
Team members who were involved in establishing
This can be defined as full involvement. Team
the goals will work to achieve them.
members contribute when appropriate, and
2. Defined Roles member’s opinions are valued and sought. It is
It’s important for group members to understand important when leaders define what type of
their job function and for leaders to tap into the participation they expect from members. Leaders
skills and talents of group members. help to create a climate of participation. Learning
There are two kinds of roles necessary in team member’s names and getting to know member’s
meetings… between meetings helps to create an inviting and
comfortable atmosphere.
Task roles- people in these roles supply the
energy and information to get the job done. 6. Valued Diversity
Team members are valued for their unique skills
Maintenance roles – people in these roles
and talents. A diversity of thinking, idea generating,
help to establish and maintain interpersonal
problem solving and experiences help to create an
relationships among group members.
effective team.
3. Open and Clear Communication 7. Managed Conflict
This is one of the most important characteristics for This is essential to a team’s growth. It’s important
high functioning teams. Problems that emerge in that issues aren’t ignored and avoided in a group.
groups can often be traced back to communication
When managed effectively the benefits include:
problems. Effective communication will keep a team
informed and focused. Communication “break- -the team will have to find ways to communicate
downs” can often be attributed to poor listening differences and seek common goals.
skills. It’s important to focus on hearing the -the team will be forced to look at all points of
message before forming our own conclusions about view.
the message. Distractions can prevent us from
-improves creativity because the team will need to
giving out full attention to the speaker.
look beyond current assumptions.
4. Effective Decision Making -the quality of decisions will improve because
Awareness of various decision making methods through disagreement the team will look for
can help a team make efficient decisions. solutions that meet everyone’s objectives.
-team members are allowed to express emotions. NOTES:
-increased participation from team members
because if they feel comfortable disagreeing, they _________________________________________
are more likely to participate.
8. Positive Atmosphere
An effective team has an open climate where _________________________________________
member’s are comfortable with each other and
aren’t afraid to take risks. Creativity is expressed _________________________________________
and laughter is shared. Trust is a key element is
creating this atmosphere. What builds trust? _________________________________________
Honesty, accessibility, acceptance, and
dependability. A credible leader walks the walk. _________________________________________
9. Cooperative Relationships
Team members want to work together for the good
of the team and understand that combining the
skills of numerous people will produce something
that could not be created alone. The strength of
each team member is being utilized. Feedback is
given and received constructively. Evaluations are
utilized. Success is celebrated.
10. Participative Leadership _________________________________________
Leadership is shared among team members at
various times. _________________________________________

Information Adapted from: _________________________________________

Biech, Elaine (editor).
The Pfieffer Book of Successful Team-Building Tools. _________________________________________
San Francisco, CA, 2001. _________________________________________
(pgs 13-26).


To create a vibrant campus environment by
educating and empowering student leaders
through implementation of campus programs
and the celebration of Ursuline Traditions.


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