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Ofthe Reesary: Ofii.e Ensl - Er

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IDAO ofii.e of th€ Superintondins,


Copy ofthe representation from viliagec of China Garnepudi, prakasafr

herewithlotuardedtorhe Execurive Engineer, Drainaae Division, Chirata fortnformation
forlurther reesary acrion. The Ex€cutive Ensineerk requesredto submh a detaited
on the subjed mattertmmediaretylorrakinB funher n€cessary

[ncls: CopVof the Meekosam Repres€ntation No 201a,17G48622 Dt:


M. Sabu Rao
5!Perintending En8ineer,
kri8auon Cir. e, Guntur.

ll nue @py ll
' '
Deputy Ereutive EnAheer,
lrris.tion dr.le Gumur.


!],,7 ir is
luobr! surmns rlrr rhe cLiJinar sakhi vryr floning Cor€rnhenr
',grlmia[ land bd\een the Chioa came]ildi village lo diltercit survey dtre 10
,i^inu ir ts 1L se ro on itslns nolorie n.
Some.l lhc asricrlrruist disscd th. Jraimse \arer iI then orvn tanC dLre t.
n'b,.c'se .l rlreir llrd nh.n16.G t-I-I{t\Ehs .nit rhe h-a$, ti{ni, ot n.lo 1! i..
._r o ,.i ..t
I llDds Ls hapFrd'io beixl:hivasu. bur i1,:nororiginatvag;
The aorernncDr hrs rakcn nops h r.\ocarion ot rhe Krihstu Dclh rel.cft.d .n :te
$.!o rrea {nh pr.ka8e Noit uith (nricrnDco! r'ut.l. tu \e hrrc ei!.n:.\erai
.,.',11 .,., i, ,i1 .ir! to..,iorn.i..r,.
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or?n,rotalmo- L, r.l.d"),re,,r,i..Jart\oh',c.,orcor..r rir.,,
, nre mirlrs adjacenr ro SskhiVasu rb. rtr reasons besl kno(ro rheor.

11 {. I'nys tbe Ho.orrblf Dislricr co ector nxt be ttease.t ta sl{rp

is thcrelhe
lre Etr.rdnrr $or( or dmusb irnsie lrnh jn lhe .a,ne ot saLhi vas; tor toid i;
iJ.h,cc! Cnnr. oamcpudi lilldgc ro At(nnnilji Bri{tee yirhout c.ndrctiir n; v.
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-lM^lnrred to \uf..,r{,q t.qr^e€r,
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