Infantry Company: Fearless Veteran
Infantry Company: Fearless Veteran
Infantry Company: Fearless Veteran
All MG, Rifle/MG or SMG teams in a Parachute Company HQ, Parachute Platoon, or Airlanding Recce Platoon carry
Gammon Bombs giving them Tank Assault 3.
An Airlanding Recce Platoon has the Gammon Bombs and Section Mortars special rules.
Each turn one of a Parachute Platoon’s Rifle/MG teams or an Airlanding Recce Platoon’s MG teams may fire as a Light
Mortar team firing Smoke.
Parachute Mortar Platoon ‑ p.214
At the start of the game before deployment you may remove the Observer Rifle team and replace all 3ʺ mortar teams
with Vickers HMG teams.
Vickers HMG teams from Parachute Mortar Platoons do not have enough ammunition for indirect fire techniques, so
they cannot fire Artillery Bombardments.
Parachute Platoon ‑ p.213
All MG, Rifle/MG or SMG teams in a Parachute Company HQ, Parachute Platoon, or Airlanding Recce Platoon carry
Gammon Bombs giving tham Tank Assault 3.
Each turn one of a Parachute Platoonʹs Rifle/MG teams or an Airlanding Recce Platoonʹs MG teams may fire as a Light
Mortar team firing Smoke.
Rifle Platoon (New Zealand) ‑ p.195
Enemy platoons must reroll their first successful Motivation Test to Counterattack a Maori platoon that Launched an
Assault against them.
A Maori platoon must make a Breakthrough Assault if it is able to.