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MSS SP-134-2006a

Valves for Cryogenic

Service Including
Requirements for
Body/Bonnet Extensions

Standard Practice
Developed and Approved by the
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the
Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, NE
Vienna, Virginia 22160
Phone: (703) 281-6613
Fax: (703) 281-6671

This MSS Standard Practice was developed under the consensus of the MSS Technical Committee 114 and the
MSS Coordinati ng Committee. The content of this Standard Practice is the resul t of the elTorts of competent and
concerned volunteers to provide an effective, clear, and non-exclusive specification that will benefit the industry
as a whole. This MSS Standard Practice is imended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the
user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the
manufacture, sale, or use of products not confonning 10 the Standard Practice. Mandatory confonnance IS
established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as app licable.

Unless otherwise specifically noted in this MSS SP, any standard referred to herein is identified by the date of
issue that was applicable to the referenced standard(s) al the date of iss ue of this MSS SP. (See Annex B.)

U.S. customary units in this Standard Practice are the standard: the metric units are for reference only.

Non·tolemnced dime nsions in this Standard Practice are nominal, an d, unless otherwise specified, shall be
considered " for refere nce onl y".

In this Standard I'mctice all notes, annexes, tables, and figures are construed to be essential to the understanding
of the message of the standard, and are considered pan of the text unless noted as "supplemental". All appendi.
ces appearing in this document are construed as "supplemental". Supplemental" infonnation does not include
mandatory requirements.

Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read 'extracted from MSS SP·134, 2006a
with permission of the publi.~her. the Manufacturers Standardization Society. ' Reproduction prohibited
under copyright conven tion unle.u written permission is granted by the Manuf acturers Stamlardiza/ion
Society of/he Valve and Fillings Industry Inc.

Originall y Approved December, 2005

Copyright 0 , 2006 by
Manufacturers Standardization Society
of the
Valve and Fittings Indusuy, Inc.
Printed in U.s.A.




I SCOPE................................... ................... ................................................ ,"', ................ ............. 1

2 DEFINITIONS ..................... .................... .................................................. ,', ............................. 1
3 MATERIALS ... ....................... ..................... .................... ........................... " ............................. 1
4 DESiGN", ............. ............. ...................... ....................... ........... .................. ,"', ........... ............. .. 2
5 GATE & GLOBE VALVES ................... ...................... ........... ................................. .. .. ............ . 4
6 BALL&BUITERFLY VALVES ........... ................... ................................................ ............... 4
7 EXTENS ION LENGTH ...... ......................................... .............. ................................... ............. 4
8 FABRICATION .................. .................. ..................... ............... .................................... .......... ... 4
9 PRODUCTION PRESSU RE TESTING .. ..................... .............. ............................... ................ 5


IA Body/Bonnet Extension Length U.S. Customary Units .............................................................. 5

IB BodylBonnet Extension Length Metric Dimensions........ ........................................... ................ 6
AI Allowable Seat Leakage Rates for Cryogenic Closure Tests ........................................ .. .......... 13
A2 Cryogen ic Test Pressures .......................................................................................................... 13

I Cryogenic Globe Valve ............. .................................................................................. ............... 7

2 Cryogenic Gate Valve .......................................................... ......................................... .............. 8
3 Cryogenic Ball Valve .................... .............................................................................. ............... 9
4 Cryogenic Butterfly Valve ........ ................... ............................................................................. 10

A Low Temperature Cryogenic Testing ......... .................... ............................................. ............. II

B Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates ........... ........................................................ ......... 14


Valves for Cryogenic Service Including Requirements for Body/Bonnet Extensions

I . SCOPI-: 2.4 Cryogf1nic T~mpt!ralure For this Standard

Practice a temperature range of - IS(fF (_IOOOq to
1. 1 This Standa rd Practice covers requirements -42S~ (-25S0q is cryogenic.
for design, dimensions, material, fabrication, non-
destructive examination and pressure testing of 2.5 Cold Box An enclosure that insulates a set of
stainless steel and other alloy cryogenic service valves equipment from the cnvironmenl without the need
with bodylbonnel extensions. This Standanl Practice for insulation of the individual components inside
applies to cryogenic gate, globe, butterfly and ball the cold box.
valves and may be used in conjunction with other
valve-specific slandards il'lCluding The following 2.6 Cold Box ExtellSiOll A valve bodylbonnet
extension section that removes the operating
identified in this Standard Practice as a parent
m echanism of the valve outside the cold box an d is
required to be longer than a non-cold box extension.
ASME 816.34, Valvcs-Flanged, Th readed,
2.7 Non-CoW 8 0x Extension A bodyfbonnet
and Welded End
extensio n that is used for valves th at arc nonnal1 y
API 600, Steel Gate Valves-Flanged and
individually insulated.
Buttwelding Ends
AP I 602, Compact Steel Gate Valves, 2.8 Parent Val.'e Standard Endorses the AS ME
Flanged Threaded, Welding and Extended B 16.34 construction requirements but ha.~ additional
Body Ends constructi on detail requirements exceeding or not
API 603, Corrosion Resistant Bolted add ressed by ASME B 16.34 .
Bonnet Gate Valves-Flanged and Butt-
Welding Ends 2.9 Gas Column That ponion ofbodylbonnet
API 608, Metal Bail Valves-Flanged, extension that allows for the foonatio n of an
Threaded and Welding End insu lating column of vapor.
A PI 609, Butterfly Valves: Double
Flanged, Lug and Wafer Type 3. MATE RIALS
API 601180 1431 3, Petroleum and Natural
Gas Industries Pipeline Transportation 3. 1 Ma terials in contact with cryogenic fl uid or
Systems-Pipeline Valves exposed to cryogeni c temperatures shall be suitable
for usc at the minimum temperature specified by the
1.2 The requirements in this Standard Practice are purchase order. ASME 831.3, Table A l lists
not intended to supersede or replace requirements of mechanical properties for materials al temperatures
a parent valve standard. as low as -425~ (-255°C).
1.3 Thi s Standard Practice includes addi tio nal
3.2 Body, bonnet, body/bonnet extension, and
requircments specifically related to valves hav ing
pressure retai ni ng bolting sha ll be of materials listed
bod yfbo nn et e xtensions essential for cryoge ni c
in AS ME B 16.34 , Table I and also listed in A SME
a pplications.
B31.3, Table A I for the cryogenic valve design
2. DE F INlTIONS temperaturc. The bodylbonnet extens io n shall be
constructed of th e same ASME 816.34 Tab le I
2.1 General Definitions given in MSS SP 96 group material as the valve body group material o r a
apply to this Standard Practice. similar ASME B 16.34 group material with the same
cryogenic materi al compatibility as the valve body.
2.2 Cryogenics The science of materials at
extremely low temperatures. 3.3 Internal wetted pans shall be made of material
2.3 Cryogenic Fluid A gas that can be changed to that is suitable for the specified cryoge ni c service
a liquid by removal of heat by refrigerat ion methods temperature and has corrosion res ista nce at least
to a temperature less than - I 0<fF (_73°C). equal to the valve body.


3.4 Packing and gasket materials in direct contact 4.3 Valves shall be designed for operating al
with the service flu id shall be capable of operating temperatures from + lS(flF (+6SOC) to the lowest
at temperatures from + 150oF (+6S0q to the lowest cryogenic temperature of the service fluid.
cryogenic tcmpcrnture of the service fluid specified
in the purchase order. 4.4 The pressure mting of the valve al service
tcmpcrdturcs below -20~ (_290q shall not exceed
3.5 When tube materilll is used for constructing the ASME B 16.34 pressure rati ng III .2f'fF (-2ifC)
bodylbonnci extensions the tube material shall be to I OO~ (3S°C) for the applicable valve body
seamless. material and appropriate Closs designation.

4. DESIGN 4.5 Hodylnol/llet Exte ".~io ll,f

4.1 The requirements of ASME B 16.34, paragraph 4.5. 1 Body/Bonnet Extensions should be used
2, 1.6, shall be met for weld fabricated bodyibonnet primarily for temperatures below _ISOup (_ 100°C).
4.5 .2 Stem to extension tube diametrical clearance
4,2 Valves shall have a bodyibonnet extension should be minimized to help reduce convt'ctive heat
tube that distants the stern packing and valve losses.
operating mechanism from the cryogenic fluid in the
valve bodyibonnet extension that might otherwise 4.5.3 Por cold box applications, valves with
damage or impair the function of these items. The extended bodyibonnets shall be capable of operating
¥yibonnet extension sholl be of sufficient length with the stern oriented from 15° to 90° above the
to provide on insulating gas column that prevents the horizontal plane.
packing area and operating mechanism from
freezing. 4.5.4 Valves with extended bodylbonnets in
cryogenic gas service shall be capable of operating
The purchaser shall provide the bodylbonnet in any stem orientation unless otherwise limited by
extension length when Table IA or Table I B the manufacturer.
extension lengths are not adequate.
4.6 Valve Siems
4.2.1 Extension tube thickness sholl take into
account pressure stresses as well as operating 4.6. 1Gate and globe valve stems shall have a
torque, stem thrust and bending stresses induced by diameter to length ratio that precludes clastic
handwheels, gears and power actuators. buckling while under compressive 10ading.(I)
Section 7.1 establishes a minimum extension length
4.2.2 TIle bodylbonnet extension shall meet the dimension that impacts on final stem length.
minimum wall thickness requirements of ASME
B 16.34, parugraph 6. 1.3, for the applicable pressure 4.6. 1.1 Gate and globe vulves with a stem-disc
class of the vulve body unless a greater wall connection serving as the lower stem support guide
thickness is specified by the parent valve shall have, in the closed postion, a stem length to
specification. If the bodylbonnet extension is made stem diameter ratio as follows:
from a different ASME BI 6.34, Table 1, material
than the valve body and has nn ASME B16.34 SII1", Guided J)jsclGate
pressure/temperature rating less than the valve body,
then the extension thickness must be increased
proportionately to meet the pressure/temperature _<!L
d - 2
rating of the body at all applicable temperatures.

( I) See Theory or Elastic Stability by Timoshenko and Gere,

McGraw Hill Publishml.


Where: 4.6.3 Extended siems in quaner-tum valves shall

be proportioned so that, under torsional loading, the
L "" unsupported length of a uniforml y stem torque is limited by the stem angle of tw ist and
straight stem span between the as a result also limited by the critical shear stress of
upper stem b'Uidc and stem-to-disc the stem material. Stem diameters and stem lengths
interface. See Figures 1 and 2. shall be proportioned such that maximum applied
torq ue meets the requirements of Sectio ns 4.6.4 and
d - stem diameter, 4.6.5.
E o. modul us of elasticity of the stem 4.6.4 Quaner-turn valve stem length and diameter
material, combinations that limit stem torsional deflection or
angle of twist to 'ItI9O radians (2-degtecs) as
SI'L - proportional limit of the stem dctennincd by the following equation:
material (generally less than the
material yield strength),

N- allowance for effect assumptions in B =TL <"

GJ - 90
the deriviations, commonly assumed
to be 2. 0- angle of twi st, radians, Gate or g lobe valves with a lower stem

T- maximum stem design torque,
support guide inde pendent of the stem disc
connection sha ll have, in the elosed posit ion, a L - length of stem from point of torque
stem length to stem diameter ratio as follows: application to obturator attachment,
Sec Figures 3 and 4,
Body Gllided Difc/Gate
G- modul us of rigidity .. EI2(J +Jl),
.1,.< -" E ji - Poisson's ratio,
d - 2
J= polar movemen t of inert ia of stem.
Where: 4.6.5 The stem torque shall not be greater than
thai which could cause the stem material to
L "" unsupported length of a unifonnly
exceed its proporrional limit in shear as limited by
straight stem span between the
the followin g:
upper and lower stem guide. See
Figures I and 2.

Other symbols are as defined in Section 4.6. 1.1. For stem unsupported spans that fit other

Ts <
column end restraint models, the manufacturer Where:
shall develop Ud equations tha t incorporate a
factor of safety of two. 1'., - the manufacturer's designated maximum
stem torque.
4.6.2 The buckling equations are applicable only
for those applications where the elastic stress limits fpl - the stem material shear stress proportional
are below the proportional limit of the stem limit,
materials and for stem lengths of unifonn diameter
over the unsupported length. For stems not of d" = the stem diameter,
unifonn diameter, the manufacturer shall execute
more e xtens ive calculations or test to assure that " - 2, a factor of safety.
stem buckling is prevented.


5. GATE & GLOBE VALVES 6.3 Ball and butterfly valves shall be of a fire
safe design and be fitted with an anti·static device
5. 1 Gate valves shall be provided with a means for when valve construction features may al10w an
allowing any pressure increase in the bodylbonnet electrical potential to develop between parts of
-extension cavity to be vented 10 the high pressure val ves.
side of the closed obturator, unless otherwise
'specified in the purchase order. Double block and 7. EXTENSION LENGTH
'bleed valves shall be vented 10 the low pressure side
7. 1 Minimum extension lengths for ris ing stem
<of the closed wedge unless otherwise spec ified by
gate/globe valves Ilnd for q uarter·turn valves shan
lhe purchase order.
be per Tables I A and I B, unless othelWise
5.2 An arrow indicating flow direction for uni- specified in the purchase order.
directional valves shall be cast, stamped, or etched 7.2 Cold box valve dimes ions are for valves
on the valve body. Alternatively, an arrow tag may with bodylbonnet extensions on valves in
be attached by welding to the valve body. cryogenic liquid/vapor service, which have
installation orientation restrictions. See Section
5.3 The manufacturer shall provide a mCllns of
protection agains t over-pressurization of the 4.5.3.
bodylbonnct extension cavity by providing a vent in 7.3 Non·cold box valve dimensions are for
the obturator. Backseats, when utilized, may be at those valves with bodylbonnet extensions for
the bottom or at the lOp of the bodylbonnet valves in cryogenic gas or liquid service, with the
extension. Backseats at the bollom of the extension orientations of Sections 4 .5.3 or 4.5.4 as
may increase the risk of pressure buildup in the applicable.
bodylbonnet extension cavity if the valve is
backseated and allowed to wann to ambient 8. FABRICATION
temperatures. In all cases the manufacturer shal1
8.1 Valves fabricated by welding shall be done
provide a means of protecting against over
in accordance with ASME B 16.34, paragraph
pressuri zation.
6. BALL & BUTTERFLY VALVES 8.2 Welding procedures, welders, and welding
operators, shall be qualified under the provisions of
6. 1 Ball valves shall be provided with a provision
ASME Boiler and Pressure Code, Section VUl ,
to vent the body and bonne t elttension cavity to the
Division I. Welding requirements of the parent
upstream side of the closed ball, either by drilling a
standard shall be met when specified in the
bleed hole in the ball or by other means of
purchase order.
protection against over-pressurization of the
bodylbonnet extension cavity. Double block and 8.3 The weld configuration of the bonnet
bleed valves shall be vented to the low pressure side extension tube to bodylbonnct connections may be
of the ball valve unlcss othclWise specified in the full penctration Vee groove, pa rtial penetration
purchase order. Vee groove or fi llet typc. Full strength threaded
joints with seal welds can also be used.
6.2 An arrow indicating flow direction shall be
cast, stamped, or etched on the valve body. 8.4 Non·destructive examination of welds shall
Alternatively, an arrow tag may be attached by be pcrfonned per ASME Boiler and Pressure
welding to the valve body. For bi·directional ban Vessel Code, Section VIU, Division I to achieve a
valves, including block and bleed, an arrow joint efficiency as required by ASME B 16.34,
indicating flow di rection is not required. paragraph 2.1.6.
Weld quality requirements of the parent standard
shall be met when specified in the purchase order.


9. PRODUCTION PRESSURE TESTING 9.3 Following ASME B16.34 final testi ng, each
valve shall be dried of all water lest solution trapped
9. 1 Prior to testing, each valve shall be cleaned and in the valve.
degreascd as specified in the purchase order.
9.4 Each fabricated bodylbonnct extension shall be
9.2 Each valve shall be shell and closure tested as subjected to II supplemental pneumatic testing with
required by ASME 816.34. Each valve shall be inert gas at 80-100 psi (5.5-6.9 bar) for II minimum
tested in accordance with the pare nt standard when duration of 60 seconds. No visible bubble leakage is
specifi ed in the purc hase order. allowed through welds or the pressure boundary as
determined by testing under water, with an applied
foaming solution, or with II mass leak detection

Table 1A Body/Bonnet Extension Length U.S. Cutomary Units

,i to top of stuffi ng box

See Sectio n 7 and Figures I, 2, 3, & 4


Table 1B Body/Bonnet Extension Length Metric Units

Dimensions - Centerline of valve to top of stuffing box

See Section 7 and Figures 1,2,3, & 4


til' PART NAMI<::S
1. H lmdwh ~ 1 Nut
~ 2. Identificlltion Plate
VI 3. Handwht.oel
-.'"c 4.
Stem Nut
~ 6. Gland Hulling
7. Yoke

VI 9
Stem ·
10. Bonnet Extension
C, II. Bonnet Bolting
<: 12. Bonnet ,

Disc Nut
L 16.
0 ""


Figure 1 Typical Outside Screw and Yoke Cryogenic Globe Valve

(For llIustration only)




7 1.
Jdentification Plate
3. Hllndwht.-e1
-' 4. Stem Nut
<II ;. Gland Dolting
~ ••7. Gland
LU Pllcking
LU Stem
(f) •• Donnet Extension
10. Donnet Bolting
II. Bonnet
(!) a 12. Gasket
LU L 13.
Seat Ring
-' 9
Z 15. 80dy
Vl 1
LU 11



Figure 2 Typical Outside Screw and Yoke Cryogenic Gate Valve

(For m uslration only)


= I. Dody


6. Thrust Washer
w 7. Stem BWlhing
Packing Hange
w 12. Gland Bushing
\!!. 13. Packing Ring
z: 15. Stud
.... 16 . Nut

'"~:: 19.
:z: 46. Spring
0 55.
Hex Hcud Caps Sc:rew
w 63. Plicking Washer
X 90. Extension

Figure 3 Typical Cryogenic Ball Valve

(For Dlustration only)


--.'" I.
Gear Actuator

oj l
Handwheel Pin
Mounting Hracket
Mounting Holt
;: 6. Upper Journal Hearing
7. Packing
Housing Extension
Stop Hearing
w II.
Thrust/Journal Bearing
Q 13. Body
~ I•. Packing Stud
~ IS. Packing Holt
, 16. Packing Follower

Figure 4 Typical Cryogenic Butterlly Valve

(Fol' lllustl'ation only)

S P-l34

Low Temperature Cryogenic Testing

Note: Ths Annex is informative and does not include normative requiremen ts

A I. Cryogenic q ualification or production testing A4.2 A low pressure (15 psi) ( 1 bar) helium
at temperatures as low as -320~ (- I 95°q may purge shall be staned and maintained duri ng
be required by the purchase order. In these immersion and cool-down.
cases, liquid nitrogen shall be used as the
immersion and cool down test fluid. A4.3 The valve shall be lowered into an
insulated tank and liquid nitrogen shall be
A2. PREI.IMINA RY T Ii:ST PREPARATIONS allowed to fill the insulated tank around valve.
to a level approximately ( I in.) (25.4 mm)
A2.1 The valve or valves shall be pre-tested above the bodylbonnct bolting or bodylbonnet
. in accordance with parent valve standard at welded connection.
ambient tcmpcrature.
A4.4 Aflcr the valve has stabilized at the test
A2.2 nle valvc or valves shall be purged tcmpcraturc! the helium pur&e shall be turned
with clean dry nitrogen to remove any off and the valve cycled opcn and closed (3)
re mai ning moisture. three times.

A3. TEST EQUIPMENT A4.5 To safeguard against inaccurate

readings during testing, the helium purge flow
A3.1 The valve to be tested shall be through the valve prior to subsequent
supponed in an insulated stainless steel tank. pressurization shall be verified to be zero.
The ends of the valve shall be blanked off with
stai nless steel blind flanges, plugs, or plates. to A4.6 Low Pressure Seal Tesl
contain pressure during the test. Small
diameter tubing shall be connected to each end A4.6. 1 The valve shall be pressurized
of the valve. Tank. flange, plugs, plates, with 80 psi (5 .5 bar) helium in the open
tu bing. and finings used for testing shall be postion.
18-8 austentic stainless steel compatible with
l.iquid nitrogen at -320~ (_195°q. A4.6.2 The valve shall be closed for a
mllllmum of ten minutes to stabilize the
A3.2 At least ( I) one thennocouple shall be pressure.
attached to the valve body. A second
thennocouple shall be auached to the valve A4.6.3 The helium test temperature and
packing area. A third thennocouple shall be leaking gas temperature shall be measured
attached to thc oudet of the pressure tubing. by test outlet tubing thennocouple (See
Thc packing and pressure tubing Section A3.2) and recorded. After five
themlocouplcs should be insulated from direct minutes. the dctccted leakage rale shall be
exposure to the liquid nitrogen to avoid false recorded and then convened to an actual
read ings. leakage rate. as applica ble. by multiplying
the detccted leakage rate by correcting
A4. PURGING factor in accordance with the Boyle-Charles
rule. This calculation shall correct the
A4.1 Gatc and globe valves shall be partially measured leakage to standard conditions of
opened and ball and butterfly valves shall be 14.7 psig (1 .0 I bar) at 6Oor: (15.6°Q.
fully opened prior to immersion in liquid


ANNEX A (continued)
Low Temperature Cryogenic Testing

A4.6.4 The maximum allowable leakage A4.8.2 Shell test shall be perfomlcd while
rates shall not exceed those as listed in the valve is still at cryogenic temperatures
Table A I. from previous seat testing.

A4.6.5 Re peat the sequence described in A4.8.3 Valve shall be partially opened
Sections A4.6.1 through A4.6.4 on each and pressurized to the lesl pressures listed
seat for hi-directional valves. in Table A2.

A4.7 High Pressure Seat Test A4.8.4 After thc shell pressure has
stabilized, thc valvc shall be lifted from the
A4.7. [ Following the low pressure scat liquid nitrogcn for aeccss by the hclium-
lest and with valve in the open position, sniffing device.
gradually increase the helium pressure until
the pressure reaches 80 psi (5.5 bar), then A4.8.5 Any leakage in excess of I x 10.4
close the valve and continue pressurization Sid. cc/scc shall be cause for rejection.
until the va lve reaches the tesl pressure
listed in Table A2. The valve shall be A4.S.6 Packing leakage Ihat can be
elosed for a minimum of ten minutes to corrected by packing adjustment shall not
stabilize the pressure. be cause for rejection.

A4.7.2 The helium lest temperature and A4.9 Ambient Low Pressure Seat Test
leaking gas temperature shall be measured
by test outlet tubing thennocouplc (sec A4.9. 1 Remove valve from test apparatus
Section A3.2) and recorded. After five and allow valve to wann up to ambient
minutes, the detected leakage rate shall be temperature.
recorded and then convened to an actual
leakage rale, as applicable, by mUltiplying A4.9.2 Perfonn a low pressure seat test
the dctected leakage rale by a correction using SO psi (5.5 bar) nitrogen gas. Repeat
factor in accordance with the Boyle-Charles test on opposite seat for bi-directiona l
rule. This calculation shall correct the valves.
measured leakage to standard conditions of
14.7 psig ( I.O1 bar) at 60°F (15.6°C). A4.9.3 Acceplable leakage rate shall be in
accordance with parent va lve testing
A4.7.3 The maximum allowable leakage slandard.
rales shall nOI exceed those listed in Table
AI. A4.10 Ambient Shell Test

A4.7.4 Repeal the test sequence as A4.10.1 With the valve half open, and
described in Sections A4.7 .1 through ports scalcd, pressurize thc valve with
A4.7.3 on each scat for bi-directional helium as required by ASME 816.34, or in
valves. accordance with thc parent valve standard.

A4.S Shelf Test A4.10.2 Shell test pressure shall be

maintained for ten minutes.
A4.S.1 Shell test leakage shall be
measured with a sniffing device sensitive
only to helium.


ANNEX A (continued)
Low Temperature Cryogenic Testing

A4.10.3 Utilizing II sniffing device, which AS. TEST REPORT

is sensitive only to helium, the entire lxxIy,
bonnet and gasket area shall be examined. The test report shall include the valve infonnation,
lester' s name, dale lest, temperatures, pressures,
A4.IOA At any time during the test, II and durations. Pressure temperature charts shall be
reading of greater than 40 PPM (v) for provided as required by any purchase order.
longer than Icn seconds shall be cause for

A4. I0.5 If the stem packing shows signs of

leakage and requires adjustment, the
pressure shall be bled off, the packing
tightened and the valve re-p ressurized for
tcn minutes before resu ming the test.

Table A1 Allowable Helium Seat Leakage

Rates for Cryogenic Closure Tests Table A2 Test Pressures



Referenced Standards and Applicable Dates

T his A nnex is an integral part o fthi s Standard Practice and is placed after the main text for convenie nce.

Standard Name o r Descriptio n


81 6.34 2004 Valves Flanged, Threaded and We lding End

B3 1.3 2002 Process Piping

ASME Bo iler and Pressure Vessel Code

Section VIII , Divis ion I


6D/1 80 143 13 2002 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries Pipeline TTllnsportation Systems· Pipeline
600/180 10434 2004 Bolted Bonnet Steel Gatc Valves for Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
602 1998 Compact Steel Gate Valves. Flanged Threaded , Welding and Extended Body Ends
603 2001 Corrosion Resistant Bolted Bonnet Gatc Valves-Flanged and Butt-Welding Ends
60S 2002 Metal Ball Valves-Flanged, Threaded and Welding End
609 1997 Butterfly Valves: Double Flanged, Lug and Wafer Type

1 (R 2(05) Guidel ines on Terminology for Valves and Fittings

Publications of the fo llowing organizations appear on the above list:

ASME ASME International

Th ree Park A venue
New York, NY 10016-5990

API American Petroleum Institu te

J 220 L Street NW
Washington, D.C. 20005-4070

MSS Manufacturers Standardi zation Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park SI. NE
Vienna, VA 22 J 80-4602

List of MSS Standard Practices
(Price List Available Upon Request)
SP~2·2OO( ,- ~ . ;;;.• ••• '' '''. . . and Butt Weld EMIl
S P -43· 1GG1

SP-s,4. 1999

SP·6().2OO<I •
SNI8· 1997
Sp·n· l 999
SP·89·2003 and In$tallation Pfa<:tic es
and $uppoIts ,.
51'·93·1999 FOfginos for Valves. Ranges. and Fining. and 0It>e< Pipng Component.· Liquid Penetrant

SP·9(· I999

SP .gs..2006·2001
SP· l 00-2002
SP· l 01· 1989
SP· l (l2· 1989 "
SP· l (w·2003
SP· l (l5.1998
SP· l (l6.2003
SP· l (l6.2002
SP· l (l9.1997
SP·l 1(1.1996
SP·l11 ·2001
SP·112· 1999 -VIsual en:! Taclile ~ethod. ThI:I SP mul! be SOlI! wiII'l • lG-wrl""" . three
, Aotitb\ll Compar1OlOrI may be SOld """"lIllely.
$P·118·2007 , Flangeless. Threaded & WeIdI"Il elld,(Chemical & PetrcIaum ReI;""!)' Seovia!)
$P·119·2003 ,
$P·12Q·2OOE! Stem $teet Valves (Design Requlrel'nenta)
$P·12J.2006 for Ris;ng Stem Steel Valves
SP· I 30-2003
SP · 13 1·2OO(
SP · I32·2OO(
SP· I33·2005
SP· l 35-2006
real'lirmecl withcuIt _,,"Ai ... changes

A Ietge number oil"'''' .... MSS Pr -(it t t _ been 41fio, ad boy .... AN$! Of ANSI Standan:lt.1l'AI "sl"", boy aCI .... In _ IU mlir rlain. *'gI&.uce
01 lIuh.. iIHlh'll ~ I """oallOn. the MSS 'IIIlIdaws lis $I ,"....<1 Pno 1M - in such MIS..,
Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc.
127 Park Street, N.E., Vienna, VA 22180-4620 (703) • 281-6613 Fax" (703) 281-6671


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