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Superfinishing Gears

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Superfinishing Gears—

The State of the Art

Gary Sroka and Lane Winkelmann
Introduction Description of the Superfinishing Process
Superfinishing the working surfaces of gears and their root Before proceeding further, it is important to explain how this
fillet regions results in performance benefits. For example, in process works and how it is radically different from conventional
1987, Tanaka et al. showed that an appreciable increase in sur- machining. The following is a brief overview of the chemically
face durability could be achieved when gear pairs were finished accelerated vibratory finishing process using high density, non-
to a mirrorlike surface using a cubic-boron-nitride (CBN) wheel abrasive ceramic media.
(Ref. 1). Since that time, it has been further established that Vibratory machines. The process is carried out in vibratory
superfinishing gears to a low surface roughness can reduce fric- finishing bowls or tubs. These relatively inexpensive and durable
tion, pitting fatigue, noise, operating temperature, bending machines are basically unchanged in design since their introduc-
fatigue, metal debris and wear (Refs. 2–9). tion more than 40 years ago. Vibratory finishing machines are
Superfinishing hardened gear surfaces using conventional available in sizes from 0.5 to 250 cubic feet of working capacity.
techniques, such as grinding and/or honing, however, has sev- This means gears can be finished ranging in size from less than
eral serious drawbacks. Not only are such processes costly and two inches in diameter to more than six feet in diameter and quan-
time consuming, but there is always the risk of permanently tities from one to thousands at a time.
damaging the gear by either destroying the tooth profile or High density, non-abrasive ceramic media. (Ref. 10) The
introducing grind burn. In addition, such superfinishing meth- process utilizes high density, non-abrasive ceramic media in the
ods can routinely achieve a roughness average (Ra) of only vibratory finishing machine. It is considered non-abrasive since it
6.0–12 µin., whereas there is technical data strongly supporting does not contain discrete abrasive particles and alone is unable to
that a smoother surface is even more beneficial (Refs. 1–8). abrade material from the hardened surface of the gears being
For the past several years, chemically accelerated vibratory processed. The media is selected from a range of shapes and sizes
finishing has been used to successfully superfinish high quality best suited for maintaining the geometry of the gears. No finish-
gears to a roughness average (Ra) between 1.0 and 3.0 µin. The ing occurs on a surface where media is unable to contact and rub.
aim of this article is to identify and dispel two common mis- By selecting a media that has a uniform probability of contact
conceptions about this technique. across all surfaces, especially across the tooth flanks, the tooth
profile and lead are not adversely affected, even with AGMA Q12
gears (Ref. 11). One important advantage of the high-density
ceramic media is that it has essentially no attrition during usage.
The process is consistent for thousands of hours of production
because the size and the shape of the media remains constant.
Process chemistry. The unique and significant feature of the
process is the surface leveling/smoothing mechanism utilized to
achieve the surface finish. A reactive chemistry is used in the
vibratory machine in conjunction with the media. When intro-
duced into the machine, this chemistry produces a stable, soft con-
version coating across the asperities (peaks and valleys) of the
The rubbing motion across the gears developed by the machine
and media effectively wipes the soft conversion coating off the
“peaks” of the gear’s surfaces, thereby removing a micro-layer of
metal. The “valleys” are left untouched since the media bridges
over them and cannot wipe the conversion coating. The conver-
sion coating is continually re-formed and wiped off during this
stage, producing a surface leveling/smoothing mechanism. This
mechanism is continued in the vibratory machine until the sur-
Figure 1—SEM images of test specimens superfinished with faces of the gears are free of asperities. At this point, the reactive
ceramic (top) and plastic (bottom) non-abrasive media. chemistry is rinsed from the machine with a neutral soap. The con-
WINKY 3/13/04 10:56 AM Page 29

version coating is wiped off the gears one final time to produce the Table 1—Specifications of Scuffing Specimens.
mirrorlike surface. Property Specification
It is important to note that the reactive chemistry producing the Material AMS 6260 (SAE 9310 Air Melt)
conversion coating is only mildly acidic, having a nominal pH of Heat Treatment Carburized
5.5, and the process is normally carried out at ambient tempera- Surface Finish after Grind (RMS) 16 µin. max.
Hardness (HRC) 60–63
ture. Thus there is no possibility of hydrogen embrittlement or
Effective Case Depth (in.) 0.036–0.042
grind burn, as is common with mechanical grinding or honing Core Hardness (HRC) 36–41
operations. Diameter 3.0 in.
When a number of gears are processed simultaneously, all are Crowning radius of disks with
exposed to the same mechanical and chemical environment such transverse radius of curvature 12.0 in.
that every tooth of every gear is processed identically. This elimi-
nates the need for 100% final inspection. Table 2—Testing Parameters of Two-Disk Apparatus.
Depending on the choice and concentration of the active chem- Peripheral Velocity of Fast Shaft (ft./sec.) 65.62
Peripheral Velocity of Slow Shaft (ft./sec.) 16.21
istry, the process can be controlled to remove stock at a rate of
Mean Entraining Velocity (ft./sec.) 42.49
0.00005 to 0.00040 in./hr. Therefore, aerospace gears with an Sliding Velocity (ft./sec.) 52.49
AGMA quality of Q12 or greater and an initial Ra of 12 µin. or
OEM automotive gears with an initial Ra of 60 µin. can be Table 3—Number of Test Specimens Finished in Each Type Of Media.
superfinished to a low surface roughness in approximately 1.0 Media Type No. of Specimen Sets
hour. Non-abrasive ceramic 3
Health, safety and environmental considerations. The chem- Non-abrasive plastic 2
icals used to produce the superfinished gears of alloy steels are
Table 4—Results of Scuffing Tests.
non-toxic and are classified as non-hazardous by 49CFR (Federal
Hazardous Material Transportation Law). Such products have Test Ground Ceramic Plastic
Scuffing Load (lbs.) 522 933* 933* 933* 776 776
been supplied to a wide variety of industries for more than 15
* No scuffing occurred at maximum testing load and 30 minutes hold time.
years without any health or safety incident.
The waste produced by the process is classified as non-haz- Table 5—Specifications of SAE 8620 Carburized Rolling/
ardous according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Sliding Contact Fatigue Specimens.
but the waste may require standard metals precipitation to meet Property
local and state discharge regulations. Material SAE 8620
Gear Industry Acceptance Hardness (HRC) 60–61
As with any new technology, initially there were some serious Roughness Average (Ra) (µin.) 26
technical questions that needed answering. This was especially
true for gears used in aerospace or military applications where any
failure could be catastrophic.
Metallurgists had apprehensions that gear alloys exposed to an
acidic chemistry would produce hydrogen embrittlement and/or
intergrannular attack. Both in-house and outside testing quickly
dispelled such fears and demonstrated that this process is metal-
lurgically safe. The results have been presented elsewhere, and
these concerns no longer seem to be an issue (Refs. 8–9).
However, other misconceptions about the process have sur-
faced from time to time. It is the purpose of this article to identify Gary J. Sroka
and explain two common misconceptions. is research & development manager for REM
Misconceptions Research Group Inc., located in Brenham,
Texas. He holds a doctorate in physical chem-
Misconception No. 1. Gear teeth having a mirrorlike surface istry. His research interests include develop-
will not have the proper lubrication properties. Residual machine ment of new products and processes for
lines or a dimpled surface are required for oil retention. superfinishing gear and bearing alloys using
chemically accelerated vibratory finishing.
Two basic facts are known about the correlation between sur-
face roughness and tribological properties: Lane Winkelmann
1.) If two mating surfaces are too rough, boundary or mixed lubri- is a senior research associate at REM
cation occurs. The resulting metal-to-metal contact produces a Research Group. He has developed propri-
etary products and processes for the superfin-
higher operating temperature, increased friction and increased ishing of stainless steels, brass, and carbon
wear. steel alloys and has published several gear-
2.) On the other hand, if the two mating surfaces are too smooth, related technical articles. • • GEAR TECHNOLOGY • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 29

then adhesive forces become appreciable, again resulting in high face is needed to obtain optimum performance?
friction and wear. Anyone who has held two clean, highly polished In an attempt to answer this question, two experiments were
flat steel surfaces together knows just how strong this force can be. conducted by independent gear research laboratories: Cardiff
There is no argument among gear designers that removing the University’s engineering school in Wales, U.K., and The
peaks from the working surfaces of gears is beneficial. After all, if Pennsylvania State University’s Gear Research Institute in State
the peaks are left in place, there must be a traditional run-in peri- College, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
od when friction and operating temperature are high, and metal Scuffing. At Cardiff University, scuffing specimens and testing
debris is generated, which causes further damage to the lubricant, were provided by the engineering school’s R.W. Snidle. The spec-
gears, bearings, or all three. ifications of the specimens are given in Table 1.
In addition, since these peaks are fractured or sheared from the A special two-disk machine was used for the testing with the
surface during the traditional run-in, initiation sites for future con- aim of simulating gas turbine gearing conditions as closely as pos-
tact fatigue are seeded. So the question arises: What type of sur- sible. The ratio of the speeds of the two shafts may be preset from
unity (pure rolling) up to a value of almost five. In the work report-
ed here, the ratio for the speeds was 4.24, which gives a slide/roll
ratio of 1.24. One shaft is supported on fixed bearings, and the sec-
ond shaft is mounted on a swinging yoke.
Scuffing is caused by running the disks at constant speed and
increasing the load between them at 3-minute intervals. The max-
imum load that is normally applied to the contact is 933 lbs.,
which produces a corresponding maximum Hertzian pressure of
247 ksi. The testing parameters are given in Table 2.
Two groups of scuffing specimens were superfinished using
chemically accelerated vibratory finishing. One group was
processed using non-abrasive ceramic media, while the other was
processed using non-abrasive plastic media. Table 3 lists the num-
ber of test specimen sets finished in each type of media.
The two surfaces are both mirrorlike in appearance to the
naked eye, but the Scanning Electron Micrograph (SEM) images
at 500X clearly show that the surfaces are quite different (see Fig.
Figure 2—Surface roughness profiles of test specimens superfin-
ished with ceramic (top) and plastic (bottom) non-abrasive media. 1). Typical profilometer traces along with the surface measure-
ment parameters for these surfaces are shown in Figure 2 and are
consistent with the SEM images. The ceramic media causes
scratches and dings on the surface, while the plastic media pro-
duces a very smooth surface. Prior to testing, it was anticipated
that the surface processed using the plastic media would signifi-
cantly outperform that produced with the ceramic media.
The surface formed with the ceramic media is typical of the
isotropic surface produced with non-abrasive ceramic media. This
surface has undergone thorough evaluation over the past several
years and has demonstrated that it can increase performance,
resulting in reduced friction, lower operating temperature, better
contact fatigue resistance and less wear (Refs. 8, 12–13).
Scuffing test results. The results of the testing are summarized
in Table 4. Surprisingly the more highly textured surface using the
Figure 3—Results of rolling/sliding contact fatigue testing. non-abrasive ceramic media was vastly superior to the ultra-
Table 6—Surface Treatment of Specimens Tested.
smooth surface of the non-abrasive plastic media with regards to
Ra (µin.) Surface Treatment scuffing. Even more remarkable is the fact that the highly textured
Baseline 22 Shotpeened, 230 Hard Cast Shot, 0.012–0.015
surface did not scuff even at the maximum loading of the test and
Almen “A,” 200% even after the test was allowed to continue for an additional 30
Group I 8.8 minutes.
Group II 5.9 Superfinished using chemically accelerated Therefore, it is now evident that two mirrorlike surfaces with
Group III 2.6 vibratory finishing in non-abrasive ceramic low Ra’s can perform quite differently. As predicted, too smooth
of a surface without microtexture does not perform as well as the
smooth but textured surface. The microtexture created by the non-
abrasive ceramic media is essential to obtaining optimum per-
formance benefits from surface finishing.
Rolling/sliding contact fatigue. At The Pennsylvania State
University, rolling/sliding contact fatigue tests were performed at
the Gear Research Institute and were sponsored by the institute’s
Vehicle Bloc.
Case carburized SAE 8620 rolling/sliding contact fatigue spec-
imens were fabricated without any grinding/honing after carburi-
zation. The specification of these specimens is given in Table 5.
The baseline specimens were shotpeened after carburization.
Two sets of seven specimens each and a third set of four speci-
mens were finished using chemically accelerated vibratory fin-
ishing with high density, non-abrasive ceramic media. The sets GROUND GEARS – Ten or Ten Thousand
were processed after carburization to a low, medium and high For small to medium quantities of spurs or helicals that have to
meet clost-tolerance AGMA or DIN specs, our Reishauer grinders
level of surface finish (see Table 6).
and M&M gear analysis systems are the perfect combination.
The rolling/sliding contact fatigue testing was done under the For Long runs, we offer the unique Liebherr CBN grinding
conditions shown in Table 7. The results are listed in Table 8 and process with full SPC quality control and documentation.
So whether your needs are for ten or tens of thousands, we
are shown graphically in Figure 3. invite you to join the growing list of INSCO customers who rely on
In this study of SAE 8620 specimens, the maximum benefit for us for consistent quality, reasonable costs, and reliable delivery.
performance is achieved by refining to a line-free, isotropic con- PHONE: 978-448-6368
dition with an Ra < 3.0 µin. It is postulated that this process not FAX: 978-448-5155
only improves performance because it removes the peaks from the WEB:
working surface and creates a microtexturing, but it also removes 412 Main Street, Groton, Massachusetts 01450
any damage to the metal surface caused by grinding, honing or ISO 9001 Registered
Another interesting observation is that even the partially fin-
ished specimens still well outperformed the baseline shot-peened AUTOMATIC
specimens. Specimens receiving the full finish (i.e., line-free with
an Ra < 3.0 µin.) performed as well as aerospace specimens from INSPECTION
an earlier study manufactured from SAE 9310. In that study, the P
aerospace specimens were ground/honed after heat treatment and
in the ctured
. . . from the Source
then superfinished. It should also be mentioned that there were
Since 1936 has provided the gear industry
three other sets of specimens superfinished to an Ra < 3.0 µin. and with gear inspection devices. Put your trust in the
tested by rolling/sliding contact fatigue over a two-year period. All people who invented the process.
had extremely good contact fatigue and wear resistance (Ref. 14).
In conclusion, the most desirable surface has an Ra < 3.0 µin. Automatic Functional Gear
Inpection In-Line Gages
and has microtexturing to facilitate lubrication, as shown in Figure
1’s top image. This microtexturing, with its extremely shallow • Fully Automatic Machines
• Semi-Automatic Machines
dings and random scratch pattern, is inherent to chemically accel- • Manual Double Flank Testers
for Course and Fine Pitch Gears
erated vibratory finishing using high density, non-abrasive ceram- • Dimension over Pins/Balls Gage

ic media. Residual machine lines or deep dimples are not essen- FEATURES:
• Composite Gaging
High Speed Automatic Functional Tester
tial, and in fact are detrimental insofar as these can contain dam- • Composite/Center Distance Checks
• Lead/Taper Checks
• SPC Capabilities
aged metal or act as stress raisers leading to contact and/or bend- • Data Acquisition Screens

ing fatigue.
Misconception No. 2. The relationship between surface rough- For additional information on Gear
Burnishing and/or Functional Gear
ness parameters and component functionality is not well under- Inspection, visit our web site at:
stood and requires advanced mathematics and sophisticated soft-
ware. Therefore, there is no simple method of determining what
Precision Checking
surface will give the desired performance benefit. Heads
1205 36th Avenue West
This misconception arises because of the extreme difficulty to Alexandria, MN 56308 U.S.A.
Ph: (320) 762-8782
Fax: (320) 762-5260
characterize a surface. Today there are about 57 different surface E-mail:

roughness parameters described in current standards for 2-D pro- • • GEAR TECHNOLOGY • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 31
filometry and 14 parameters for 3-D topographic analysis. This ceramic media consistently gives the microtextured surface that
being the case, it would be difficult to predict the performance of facilitates lubricant retention.
a given surface. Field performance using this superfinishing process over the
In the previous section, it was found that a surface having an last five years supports the validity of the test rig data and the use
Ra < 3.0 µin. generated by chemically accelerated vibratory fin- of only roughness average as the measurement parameter to
ishing using high density, non-abrasive ceramic media gave excel- ensure proper finishing. Various job shop facilities across the
lent performance on test rigs designed to simulate gear perform- country routinely use this superfinishing process on transmission
ance. This again is attributed to the fact that the non-abrasive and differential gears for the automotive racing industry.
For example, all NASCAR racing teams use this process as
well as many of the IndyCar™ series teams. Figure 4 is an exam-
ple of a NASCAR transmission and differential superfinished by
this process. Note the mirrorlike surface of the tooth flanks.
Figure 5 is an example of an IndyCar transmission superfin-
ished by this process. The superfinished gears can be glimpsed
through an opening beneath the Swift logo. In Europe, the process
is used by several Formula 1 cars. No transmission or differential
problems have been attributed to this process. In fact, post-race
inspections of the gears show little to no indications of usual wear
or pitting patterns. An example of this is shown in Figure 6.
The standard finished (ground) gear has been run for 500
miles in a typical race transmission. The contact pattern is clear-
ly marked by pitting and wear. The superfinished gear, on the
other hand, shows no contact pattern, wear or micropitting at all
after being run for the same 500 miles in the same transmission.
Similarly, gears finished for aerospace companies such as
Westland Helicopters Ltd., Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., and Rolls-
Royce Gear Systems and for automotive companies such as
DANA Corp., Ford Motor Co. and GM Powertrain have all
shown performance improvements after superfinishing with
this process using only the Ra as a criterion for proper finish-
Figure 4—NASCAR transmission and differential that are ing (Refs. 15–17).
superfinished with chemically accelerated vibratory finishing A few examples of these improvements reported by aero-
using high density, non-abrasive media. Courtesy of Tex Racing.
space companies are: sustained operating temperature reduc-
tions of 5°F while using an external oil cooler, reductions in
vibro-acoustic noise of up to 7 dB, increases in bending
fatigue resistance of approximately 10 percent and significant
increases in contact fatigue resistance. Improvements reported
by automotive companies include elimination of the initial
run-in temperature spike followed by a reduction of the sus-
tained operating temperature by up to 50°F, significantly less
wear and much lower coefficients of friction.
Superfinishing gears using chemically accelerated vibratory
finishing with high density, non-abrasive ceramic media brings
about a surface textured property that facilitates lubrication. The
Figure 5—IndyCar™ transmission that is superfinished with
chemically accelerated vibratory finishing using high density, superfinished surface will be free of stress raisers, damaged metal
non-abrasive media. Courtesy of Swift Racing Technologies. and peak asperities, all of which reduce the life of the gears. These
Table 7—Parameters of Rolling/Sliding Contact Fatigue Testing. gears will experience reduced friction, lower operating tempera-
Testing Parameters ture, less wear, better scuffing resistance, and better contact
RPM of Test Rig 1,330 fatigue resistance. Laboratory and field testing supports the con-
Runout (cycles) 30 x 106 clusion that only the Ra needs to be monitored during the process
Negative Sliding (%) 43 to attain proper surface finishing. An Ra of < 3.0 µin. will ensure
Temperature (°F) 200 optimum performance benefits (Refs. 6–9, 12–17). r


1. Tanaka S., A. Ishibashi and S. Ezoe. “Appreciable Increases in
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2. Patching M.J., H.P. Evans, R.W. Snidle. “Micro EHL Analysis of
Ground and Superfinished Steel Discs Used to Simulate Gear Tooth
Contacts,” Tribology Transactions, Vol. 39, Issue 3, 1996, pp.
3. Britton, R.D., C.D. Elcoate, M.P. Alanou, H.P. Evans, and R.W.
Snidle. “Effect of Surface Finish on Gear Tooth Friction,”
Proceedings of STLE/ASME Tribology Conference, Orlando, FL,
1999. Micropitting
4. Krantz, T.L., M.P. Alanou, H.P. Evans, R.W. Snidle. “Surface
Fatigue Lives of Case-Carburized Gears With an Improved Surface
Finish,” NASA/TM-2000-210044, 2000.
5. Patching, M.J., C.C. Kweh, H.P. Evans, R.W. Snidle. “Conditions
for Scuffing Failure of Ground and Superfinished Steel Disks at
High Sliding Speeds Using a Gas Turbine Engine Oil,” Transactions
ASME Journal of Tribology, Vol.117, July 1995, pp. 482–489.
6. Manesh, A. “Surface Enhancement for Increasing Load Bearing
Density,” Proceedings of Defense Manufacturing Conference 2000,
Foundation for Global Security, Tampa, FL, Nov. 27–30, 2000.
7. Swiglo, A. A. “Enhanced Surface Protection of Precision Gears,”
INFAC Program, IIT Research Institute, 2001, Sponsored by the
U.S. Army Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM), Contract
8. Winkelmann, L., M. Michaud, G. Sroka, A. Swiglo, and D.
Mahan. “Chemically Accelerated Vibratory Finishing for the Figure 6—Two gears that each completed 500 miles of use in an
Virtual Elimination of Wear and Pitting for Steel Gears,” 01FTM7, automotive racing transmission. The top gear had the standard
AGMA Fall Technical Meeting, Detroit, MI, October 2001. ground finish while the bottom gear had been superfinished with
9. Winkelmann, L., M. Michaud, G. Sroka, and A. Swiglo. “Impact chemically accelerated vibratory finishing with high density, non-
of Isotropic Superfinishing on Contact and Bending Fatigue of abrasive ceramic media. Note there is no wear or micropitting at
Carburized Steel,” Paper No. 2002-01-1391, Advances in Surface the contact area on the superfinished gear.
Engineering, SAE International Off-Highway Congress, Las Vegas,
NV, March 19–21, 2002. Table 8—Rolling/Sliding Contact Fatigue Results for
10. Michaud, M. U.S. Patent 4,818,333, “Metal Surface Refinement Various Levels of Surface Finish.
Using Dense Alumina-Based Media,” 1989.
11. Arvin, J., A. Manesh, M. Michaud, G. Sroka, and L. Surface Finish Contact Stress Cycles to Failure Mean
Winkelmann. “The Effect of Chemically Accelerated Vibratory (ksi) (106) (106)
Finishing on Gear Metrology,” 02FTM1, AGMA Fall Technical
Meeting, St. Louis, MO, October 2002.
12. Nebiolo, W.P. “Isotropic Finishing of Helicopter & Turboprop Shotpeened 300 12.0 20.0
Gearbox Components,” AESF 2001 Aerospace/Airline Plating &
Metal Finishing Forum, Portland, OR, March 27–29, 2001. Ra ≈ 22 µin. 300 28.0
13. Niskanen, P., A. Manesh, R. Morgan. “Reducing Wear with 325 3.1
Superfinishing Technology,” The AMPTIAC Quarterly, Vol. 7, No.
1, 2003, pp. 3–9. 325 3.7 4.3
14. The Gear Research Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, 325 6.2
Aerospace Bloc, Privileged data accessible to members only, 350 2.2 2.2
15. Hanson, B. M. Salerno, L. Winkelmann. “Isotropic Ra ≈ 8.8 µin. 350 5.6
Superfinishing of S-76 Main Transmission Gears,” SAE Aerospace 350 26.0 21.2
Manufacturing Technology Conference, Montreal, Quebec,
Canada, September 2003. 350 31.9
16. Development Programs for the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) and 400 1.4
the Global Hawk UAV.
17. Gangopadhyay, A., E.A. Soltis, M.D. Johnson. “Valvetrain 400 2.8 4.6
Friction and Wear: Influence of Surface Engineering and 400 4.1
Lubricants,” Presented at Society of Tribologists and Lubrication 400 10.0
Engineers (STLE) Annual Meeting, Houston, TX, May 19-23,
2002. Ra ≈ 5.9 µin. 350 25.0
350 32.4 29.2
350 30.2
400 1.2 1.5
400 1.7
Tell Us What You Think . . . 425 0.9 1.1
Send e-mail to to 425 1.4
• Rate this article Ra ≈ 2.6 µin. 425 32.0 32.0
• Request more information
• Contact the authors or organization mentioned 450 31.3 31.3
• Make a suggestion 450 31.5
Or call (847) 437-6604 to talk to one of our editors! 475 25.0 25.0 • • GEAR TECHNOLOGY • NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2003 33

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