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English Short Daily Liturgy

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Short Daily Chan/Zen Liturgy

Robe Gatha
Great Robe of Liberation,
Formless field of merit
Wrapped in the Tathagata's teachings
All sentient beings are free.

(/) The litugy service will now begin!

Officiant offers incense.

Officiant only:
Incense Offering Gatha
(o) The incense is now lit,
All Dharma Realms perceive his fragrance,
Everywhere Buddhas are manifesting,
They all appreciate his qualities,
Everywhere are auspicious clouds appearing,
May they bring our good intentions and inspire all beings.

All the Buddhas manifesting their bodies of perfection,

Our Since Hearts are fulfilled!

Repentance Gatha
All my ancient, twisted karma,
From beginningless greed, hate, and delusion,
Born through body, speech, and mind,
I now fully avow.

Refuge Gatha
Do one bow after each sentence

(o) I take refuge in Buddha.

(o) I take refuge in Dharma.
(o) I take refuge in Sangha.

Four Great Vows

(o) Beings are numberless, I vow to save them all
(o) Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to end them all.
(o) Dharma gate are boundless, I vow to enter them all.
(o) Buddha’s way is unsurpassable, I vow to fully realise it.

-Sitting and walking meditation-

Sutra Opening Gatha

(o) An unsurpassed, penetrating, and perfect Dharma
Is rarely met with, even in a million kalpas,
Having seen, remembered and accepted it,
I vow to realize the Tatagatha’s Way.

Officiant only: (/x / / / o) The Heart of Prajna Paramita Sutra

(/) Avalokiteshvara bodhisattva when practicing deeply the prajna paramita perceived that all
five skandas are empty and was saved from all suffering and distress.

O Shariputra, form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form, that
which is form is emptiness; that which is emptiness, form. The same is true of feelings,
perceptions, impulses, consciousness.
O Shariputra, all dharmas are marked with emptiness.

(//) They do not appear, nor disappear, are not tainted not pure, do not increase nor
Therefore in emptiness, no form, no feelings, no perceptions, no impulses, no
consciousness, no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no color, no sound,
no smell, no taste, no touch, no object of mind; no realm of eyes and so forth until no realm
or mind consciousness; no ignorance and also no extinction of it, and so forth until no old
age and death and also no extinction of them; no suffering, no origination, no stopping, no
path, no cognition, also no attainment.

(///) With nothing to attain the bodhisattvas depends on prajna paramita and the mind is no
hindrance. Without any hindrance no fears exist; far apart from every perverted view the
bodhisattva dwells in nirvana.
In the three worlds all Buddhas depend on prajna paramita and attain unsurpassed complete
perfect enlightenment.

Therefore know the prajna paramita is the great transcendent mantra, is the great bright
mantra, is the utmost mantra, is the supreme mantra, which is able to relieve all suffering
and is true, not false.

(/) So proclaim the prajna paramita mantra, proclaim the mantra that says:


Officiant only: Beyond, far beyond,

All together beyond the beyond
(/x / / / o) Short KuanShiYin Sutra
(//) KuanShiYin! Veneration to the Buddha!
With Buddha I have affinity, through cause and effect;
Affinity with Buddha, Dharma and Sangha;
Vast Nirvana, a mind free from delusion;
Mornings, my mind is KuanShiYin;
Evenings, my mind is KuanShiYin.
Each thought arising from Mind.
Each thought not separated from Mind.

Merit Transfer Gatha

(o) We pray to all the Buddhas, all the Bodhisattva-Mahasattvas in the ten quarters, of the
past, present, and future, and to Mahaprajna-paramita!

By virtue of the merit universally prevailing,

All beings shall equally realize Buddhahood.


(/) The liturgy service is now finished

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