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Format of Personel Statement For PHD

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Part 1: Introduction

This is where you tell them what you want to study. For example, “I wish to pursue an MS degree in
Mechanical Engineering with an emphasis in controls”. Some applicants begin with a personal
story. Make your opening sufficiently interesting, enticing the committee to read on. One Augsburg
student applying to grad school in physics started his statement, “When I first enrolled in college I
wanted to study Asian religions.” This path is probably atypical for doctoral candidates in physics
and thus draws the reader in. Another began, “I was eighteen years old when I saw my first
computer. Five years later I am applying to the doctoral program in Computer Science at….” These
lines astound the reader while opening the door for the student to talk about being an immigrant,
how his interest and aptitude in computer science developed and what goals he has for the future.

Part 2: Summarize what you did as an undergraduate

1. Important class or classes you took which stimulated your desire for graduate study, such as
a specific project for a class. Maybe conversations with a professor or a study abroad
experience piqued your interest for graduate study.

2. Research you might have done. Indicate with whom, the title of the project, what your
responsibilities were, the outcome and any poster or oral presentations you might have
given. Again, it’s important not to simply list what you did but the impact it had on you:
what you learned about the field, yourself or the research process, how the experience
shaped your decision to pursue graduate work in this particular field, etc. Write technically;
professors are the people who read these statements.

3. Work experience if it relates to your field of study or more generally, demonstrates

preparation for graduate school. Tutoring or classroom teaching experience, for example, is
often relevant, since it shows a more firm grasp of subject matter, and that you might be a
good candidate for a teaching assistantship. Similarly, describe any kind of responsibility
you’ve had for testing, designing, researching, extensive writing, etc.

Part 3: If you graduated and worked for a while and are returning to grad school, indicate what
you’ve been doing while working: company, work/design team, responsibilities, what you learned.
You can also indicate here how this helped you focus your intent to do graduate studies.

Part 4: Here you indicate what you want to study in graduate school in greater detail. This is a
greater elaboration of your opening paragraph.

1. Indicate area of interest, then state questions you might have which are associated with the
topic, i.e., what you might be interested in studying or researching. You should have an area
of emphasis selected before you write the statement. If you have no idea, talk to a
professor about possible areas of interest or current questions in the field.

2. Look on the web for information about the professors and their research. Are there
professors whose interests match yours? If so, indicate this, as it shows that you have done
your homework and are highly motivated. (Be sincere, however; don’t make up something
bogus just to impress people.) Ideally you have read some of the professors’ work and have
been in contact with them prior to making application and can make reference to that
exchange. Having a faculty member pulling for you from the inside is a winning strategy.

3. Talk about what draws you to this particular program. Show that you are familiar with the
unique features, focus, field experiences, or faculty, etc. of this program.

4. End your statement in a positive and confident manner with a readiness for the challenges
of graduate study.


How to Write a Personal Statement

by Dal Liddle, Augsburg University English Department

Personal Statements for Graduate School (Humanities) Everything that follows is an elaboration of
this one main issue: graduate school is specific career training and apprenticeship for the the
profession of academic teaching and scholarship. If you are the sort of person who should be a
professional academic. and can say honestly and clearly how you know that your essay will probably
succeed. If you aren’t your essay will probably reveal that-saving you and your readers much wasted
time and needless sorrow. either way, everybody wins.

1. Although the application process seems cold and impersonal, the human readers who pick up
your essay and read it will probably feel hopeful, not hostile, as they start to read. Their goal is to
build a good graduate class out of the stack of apps before them, and to bring in students who will
enrich their own intellectual lives and lives of their classmates. Despite its high-stakes nature, the,
the personal statements should be written sincerely and openly, not defensively.

2. While a personal statement is written to an admissions committee-a group of future colleagues

who ideally will like you and want to meet you-it is not really written for the committee. The
committee should never have the sense that you are saying what you think they want to hear. The
writing should therefore start with the most specified information that you can nail down about
yourself, your reason to believe that your vocation and fitness lie in this area, and your choice of this
particular school.

3. The personal statement should show the reader/committee four things that are unique to you.
These are your individual:

 Qualifications (of intellect, will, and intestinal fortitude)

 Commitment (motivation and sense of vocation-this is really what you want to do)

 Personality and Backstory (those part relevant to this choice of career)

 Comprehension (of what grad school is and does; what the life and duties of a grad student
are; what this particular school-teachers, library-offers you.)
The statements need not do any of these four things exhaustively-it can suggest some while
developing others. It need not separate them in the arbitrary way I have, or invoke them in my
arbitrary order. But none of them can e obviously missing of inadequate.

4. Despite their optimism, grad admissions readers know very well what can (and very often does)
go wrong in grad school, and the following questions will be inescapably present to them. Every
essay implicitly offers an answer too them, for better or worse:

“Should this person be in grad school at all (or has he/she perhaps been placed on this earth for
some other good and noble purpose)?”

“Has this person chosen the right grad school for the right reasons? Do we have what he she wants-
not just reputation, but resources? A bad fit to our program will drop out,transfer,or be miserable
and spread misery.”

“Will this person be an asset to our program-will he/she add diversity, collegiality, and intelligent
ideas to our classes? Will he/she finish course work on time, write a good dissertation, get a good
job, and ass to our reputation in the profession and among our peer colleges?”

“Will this person be interesting and enjoyable to work with and even mentor?”

5. Finally, every admissions reader watches for “red flags” that signal an unqualified candidate,
such as:

 Lack of basic necessary skill to succeed in the field (to write coherently, to do research)

 Lack of sophistication in the specialty field

 Mainly negative rather than positive motives for choosing grad school (e.g., wanting to
escape the “real world” or an unpleasant job, wanting to stay in college)

 Emotional instability and/or security

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