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Abb Fault Messages

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262 Fault tracing

Fault messages
Code Fault Cause What to do
2281 Calibration Measured offset of output Try performing the current calibration
phase current measurement or again (select Current measurement
difference between output calibration at parameter 99.13). If the
phase U2 and W2 current fault persists, contact your local ABB
measurement is too great (the representative.
values are updated during
current calibration).
2310 Overcurrent Output current has exceeded Check motor load.
internal fault limit. Check acceleration times in parameter
group 23 Speed reference ramp (speed
control), 26 Torque reference chain
(torque control) or 28 Frequency
reference chain (frequency control). Also
check parameters 46.01 Speed scaling,
46.01 Speed scaling and 46.03 Torque
Check motor and motor cable (including
phasing and delta/star connection).
Check that the start-up data in parameter
group 99 corresponds to the motor rating
Check that there are no power factor
correction capacitors or surge absorbers
in motor cable.
Check encoder cable (including
2330 Earth leakage Drive has detected load Check there are no power factor
Programmable fault: 31.20 unbalance typically due to correction capacitors or surge absorbers
Earth fault earth fault in motor or motor in motor cable.
cable. Check that there is no earth fault in motor
or motor cables:
Measure insulation resistances of motor
and motor cable.
If no earth fault can be detected, contact
your local ABB representative.
2340 Short circuit Short-circuit in motor cable(s) Check motor and motor cable.
or motor Check there are no power factor
correction capacitors or surge absorbers
in motor cable.
2381 IGBT overload Excessive IGBT junction to Check motor cable.
case temperature. This fault
protects the IGBT(s) and can
be activated by a short circuit
in the motor cable.
3130 Input phase loss Intermediate circuit DC voltage Check input power line fuses.
Programmable fault: 31.21 is oscillating due to missing Check for input power supply imbalance.
Supply phase loss input power line phase or
blown fuse.
3180 Charge relay lost No acknowledgement received Contact your local ABB representative.
from charge relay.
3181 Cross connection Incorrect input power and Check input power connections.
Programmable fault: 31.23 motor cable connection (i.e.
Cross connection input power cable is connected
to drive motor connection).
Fault tracing 263

Code Fault Cause What to do

3210 DC link overvoltage Excessive intermediate circuit Check that overvoltage control is on
DC voltage. (parameter 30.30 Overvoltage control).
Check that the supply voltage matches
the nominal input voltage of the drive.
Check the supply line for static or
transient overvoltage.
Check brake chopper and resistor (if
Check deceleration time.
Use coast-to-stop function (if applicable).
Retrofit drive with brake chopper and
brake resistor.
3220 DC link undervoltage Intermediate circuit DC voltage Check supply cabling, fuses and
is not sufficient because of a switchgear.
missing supply phase, blown
fuse or fault in the rectifier
3280 Standby timeout Automatic restart failed (see Check the condition of the supply
section Automatic restart on (voltage, cabling, fuses, switchgear).
page 47).
3291 DC voltage difference Difference in DC voltages Contact your local ABB representative.
between parallel-connected
inverter modules.
3381 Output phase loss Motor circuit fault due to Connect motor cable.
Programmable fault: 31.19 missing motor connection (all
Motor phase loss three phases are not
3385 Autophasing Autophasing routine (see Try other autophasing modes (see
section Autophasing on page parameter 21.13 Autophasing mode) if
34) has failed. possible.
4210 IGBT overtemperature Estimated drive IGBT Check ambient conditions.
temperature is excessive. Check air flow and fan operation.
Check heatsink fins for dust pick-up.
Check motor power against drive power.
4290 Cooling Drive module temperature is Check ambient temperature. If it exceeds
excessive. 40 °C (104 °F), ensure that load current
does not exceed derated load capacity of
drive. See appropriate Hardware Manual.
Check drive module cooling air flow and
fan operation.
Check inside of cabinet and heatsink of
drive module for dust pick-up. Clean
whenever necessary.
4310 Excess temperature Power unit module Check ambient conditions.
temperature is excessive. Check air flow and fan operation.
Check heatsink fins for dust pick-up.
Check motor power against drive power.
4380 Excess temperature High temperature difference Check the motor cabling.
difference between the IGBTs of different Check cooling of drive module(s).
264 Fault tracing

Code Fault Cause What to do

42F1 IGBT temperature Drive IGBT temperature is Check ambient conditions.
excessive. Check air flow and fan operation.
Check heatsink fins for dust pick-up.
Check motor power against drive power.
4981 External temperature Measured temperature 1 or 2 Check the values of parameters 35.02
has exceeded fault limit. Measured temperature 1 and 35.03
Measured temperature 2.
Check the cooling of the motor (or other
equipment whose temperature is being
Check the fault limits for measured
temperatures 1 and 2 in parameter group
35 Motor thermal protection.
5080 Fan Cooling fan stuck or Check fan operation and connection.
disconnected. Replace fan if faulty.
5090 STO hardware failure Safe torque off hardware Contact your local ABB representative.
5091 Safe torque off Safe torque off function is Check safety circuit connections. For
Programmable fault: 31.22 active, i.e. safety circuit more information, see appropriate drive
STO diagnostics signal(s) connected to hardware manual and description of
connector XSTO is broken parameter 31.22 STO diagnostics (page
during start or run, or while 148).
drive is stopped and parameter
31.22 STO diagnostics is set to
5092 PU logic error Power unit memory has Contact your local ABB representative.
5093 Rating ID mismatch The hardware of the drive does Cycle the power to the drive.
not match the information
stored in the memory unit. This
may occur eg. after a firmware
update or memory unit
5681 PU communication Communication errors Check the connection between the drive
detected between the drive control unit and the power unit.
control unit and the power unit.
5682 Power unit lost Connection between the drive Check the connection between the
control unit and the power unit control unit and the power unit.
is lost.
5690 PU communication Internal communication error. Contact your local ABB representative.
5691 Measurement circuit Measurement circuit fault. Contact your local ABB representative.
5692 PU board powerfail Power unit power supply Contact your local ABB representative.
5693 Measurement circuit Measurement circuit fault. Contact your local ABB representative.
5694 PU communication Version check cannot find a Update the FPGA logic of the power unit.
configuration matching power unit FPGA Contact your local ABB representative.
5696 PU state feedback State feedback from output Contact your local ABB representative.
phases does not match control
Fault tracing 265

Code Fault Cause What to do

5697 Charging feedback Charging feedback signal Check the feedback signal coming from
missing. the charging system.
5698 Unknown power unit Unidentified power unit logic Check power unit logic and firmware
fault fault. compatibility.
Contact your local ABB representative.
6180 Internal SW error Internal error. Contact your local ABB representative.
Quote the auxiliary code (check the
event details in the event log).
6181 FPGA version Firmware and FPGA versions Update power unit FPGA logic or
incompatible are incompatible. firmware (whichever is older).
Contact your local ABB representative.
6306 FBA A mapping file Fieldbus adapter A mapping Contact your local ABB representative.
file read error.
6481 Task overload Internal fault. Contact your local ABB representative.
Note: This fault cannot be
6487 Stack overflow Internal fault. Contact your local ABB representative.
Note: This fault cannot be
64A1 Internal file load File read error. Contact your local ABB representative.
Note: This fault cannot be
64A2 Internal record load Internal record load error. Contact your local ABB representative.
64A3 Application loading Application file incompatible or Contact your local ABB representative.
Note: This fault cannot be
64B2 User set fault Loading of user parameter set Ensure that a valid user parameter set
failed because exists. Reload.
• requested set does not exist
• set is not compatible with
control program
• drive was switched off
during loading.
64E1 Kernel overload Operating system error. Contact your local ABB representative.
Note: This fault cannot be
6581 Parameter system Parameter load or save failed. Try forcing a save using parameter 96.07
Parameter save. Retry.
65A1 FBA A parameter The drive does not have a Check PLC programming.
conflict functionality requested by Check settings of parameter groups 50
PLC, or requested functionality Fieldbus adapter (FBA) and 51 FBA A
has not been activated. settings.
6881 Text data overflow Internal fault. Reset the fault. Contact your local ABB
representative if the fault persists.
6882 Text 32-bit table Internal fault. Reset the fault. Contact your local ABB
overflow representative if the fault persists.
6883 Text 64-bit table Internal fault. Reset the fault. Contact your local ABB
overflow representative if the fault persists.
266 Fault tracing

Code Fault Cause What to do

6885 Text file overflow Internal fault. Reset the fault. Contact your local ABB
representative if the fault persists.
7080 Option module comm Communication between drive Check that the option modules are
loss and option module (FEN-xx properly seated in their slots.
and/or FIO-xx) is lost. Check that the option modules or slot
connectors are not damaged. To pinpoint
the problem, try installing the modules
into different slots.
7081 Panel port Control panel or PC tool Check PC tool or control panel
communication selected as active control connection.
Programmable fault: 49.05 location for drive has ceased Check control panel connector.
Communication loss communicating. Replace control panel in mounting
7121 Motor stall Motor is operating in stall Check motor load and drive ratings.
Programmable fault: 31.24 region because of e.g. Check fault function parameters.
Stall function excessive load or insufficient
motor power.
7181 Brake resistor Brake resistor broken or not Check that a brake resistor has been
connected. connected.
Check the condition of the brake resistor.
Check the dimensioning of the brake
7183 BR excess Brake resistor temperature has Stop drive. Let resistor cool down.
temperature exceeded fault limit defined by Check resistor overload protection
parameter 43.11 Brake resistor function settings (parameter group 43
fault limit. Brake chopper).
Check fault limit setting, parameter 43.11
Brake resistor fault limit.
Check that braking cycle meets allowed
7184 Brake resistor wiring Brake resistor short circuit or Check brake chopper and brake resistor
brake chopper control fault. connection.
Ensure brake resistor is not damaged.
7191 BC short circuit Short circuit in brake chopper Ensure brake resistor is connected and
IGBT. not damaged.
Check the electrical specifications of the
brake resistor against the Hardware
Replace brake chopper (if replaceable).
7192 BC IGBT excess Brake chopper IGBT Let chopper cool down.
temperature temperature has exceeded Check for excessive ambient
internal fault limit. temperature.
Check for cooling fan failure.
Check for obstructions in the air flow.
Check the dimensioning and cooling of
the cabinet.
Check resistor overload protection
function settings (parameter group 43
Brake chopper).
Check that braking cycle meets allowed
Check that drive supply AC voltage is not
Fault tracing 267

Code Fault Cause What to do

71A2 Mechanical brake Mechanical brake control fault. Check mechanical brake connection.
closing failed Activated eg. if brake Check mechanical brake settings in
Programmable fault: 44.17 acknowledgement is not as parameter group 44 Mechanical brake
Brake fault function expected during brake closing. control.
Check that acknowledgement signal
matches actual status of brake.
71A3 Mechanical brake Mechanical brake control fault. Check mechanical brake connection.
opening failed Activated eg. if brake Check mechanical brake settings in
Programmable fault: 44.17 acknowledgement is not as parameter group 44 Mechanical brake
Brake fault function expected during brake control.
opening. Check that acknowledgement signal
matches actual status of brake.
71A5 Mechanical brake Open conditions of mechanical Check mechanical brake settings in
opening not allowed brake cannot be fulfilled (for parameter group 44 Mechanical brake
Programmable fault: 44.17 example, brake has been control (especially 44.11 Keep brake
Brake fault function prevented from opening by closed).
parameter 44.11 Keep brake Check that acknowledgement signal (if
closed). used) matches actual status of brake.
7301 Motor speed feedback No motor speed feedback Check the setting of parameter 90.41
Programmable fault: 90.45 received. Motor feedback selection, and the actual
Motor feedback fault source selected.
7310 Overspeed Motor is turning faster than Check minimum/maximum speed
highest allowed speed due to settings, parameters 30.11 Minimum
incorrectly set speed and 30.12 Maximum speed.
minimum/maximum speed, Check adequacy of motor braking torque.
insufficient braking torque or Check applicability of torque control.
changes in load when using Check need for brake chopper and
torque reference. resistor(s).
7380 Encoder internal Internal fault. Contact your local ABB representative.
7381 Encoder 1 Encoder 1 feedback fault. If fault appears during first start-up before
encoder feedback is used:
- Check cable between encoder and
encoder interface module (FEN-xx) and
order of connector signal wires at both
ends of cable.
If fault appears after encoder feedback
has already been used or during drive :
- Check that encoder connection wiring
or encoder is not damaged.
- Check that encoder interface module
(FEN-xx) connection or module is not
- Check earthings (when disturbances
are detected in communication between
encoder interface module and encoder).
For more information on encoders, see
parameter groups 90 Feedback
selection, 91 Encoder module settings,
92 Encoder 1 configuration and 93
Encoder 2 configuration.
Check the event log for an auxiliary code.
See appropriate actions for each code at
warning A7E1 Encoder 1 (page 259).
7391 Encoder 2 Encoder 2 feedback fault. See fault 7381.
268 Fault tracing

Code Fault Cause What to do

73A0 Speed feedback Speed feedback configuration Check the feedback source selection
configuration incorrect, eg. an encoder that parameters in group 90 Feedback
is not present is selected as selection. In case the source is an
the feedback interface. encoder interface, check parameter
settings in groups 91 Encoder module
settings, 92 Encoder 1 configuration and
93 Encoder 2 configuration.
73A1 Load feedback No load feedback received. Check the setting of parameter 90.51
Load feedback selection, and the actual
source selected. In case the source is an
encoder interface, check parameter
settings in groups 91 Encoder module
settings, 92 Encoder 1 configuration and
93 Encoder 2 configuration.
7510 FBA A communication Cyclical communication Check status of fieldbus communication.
Programmable fault: 50.02 between drive and fieldbus See user documentation of fieldbus
FBA A comm loss func adapter module A or between interface.
PLC and fieldbus adapter Check settings of parameter groups 50
module A is lost. Fieldbus adapter (FBA), 51 FBA A
settings, 52 FBA A data in and 53 FBA A
data out.
Check cable connections.
Check if communication master is able to
80B0 Signal supervision Fault generated by a signal Check the source of the fault (parameter
Programmable fault: supervision function. 32.07, 32.17 or 32.28).
32.06 Superv1 action
32.16 Superv2 action
32.26 Superv3 action
9081 External fault 1 Fault in external device 1. Check external devices for faults.
Programmable fault: 31.01 (This information is configured Check setting of parameter 31.01
External event 1 source through one of programmable External event 1 source.
31.02 External event 1 digital inputs.)
FA81 Safe torque off 1 Safe torque off function is Check safety circuit connections. For
active, ie. STO circuit 1 is more information, see appropriate drive
broken. hardware manual, description of
parameter 31.22 (page 148).
FA82 Safe torque off 2 Safe torque off function is
active, ie. STO circuit 2 is
FF61 ID run Motor ID run was not Check the nominal motor values in
completed successfully. parameter group 99 Motor data.
Check that no external control system is
connected to the drive.
Cycle the power to the drive (and its
control unit, if powered separately).
Check that no operation limits prevent
the completion of the ID run. Restore
parameters to default settings and try
Check that the motor shaft is not locked.
FF81 FB A force trip A fault trip command has been Check the fault information provided by
received through fieldbus the PLC.
adapter A.
Fault tracing 269

Code Fault Cause What to do

FF82 FB B force trip A fault trip command has been Check the fault information provided by
received through fieldbus the PLC.
adapter B.
FF8E EFB force trip A fault trip command has been Check the fault information provided by
received through the the PLC.
embedded fieldbus interface.
270 Fault tracing

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