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A Multi-Physical Modelling Tool For Reverse Electrodialysis: Alessandro - Tamburini@unipa - It

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A multi-physical modelling tool for reverse electrodialysis

L. Gurreria, G. Battagliab, A. Tamburinia*, A. Cipollinaa, G. Micalea, M. Ciofaloa

Dipartimento dell’Innovazione Industriale e Digitale (DIID), Università degli Studi di Palermo (UNIPA) – viale delle

Scienze Ed.6, 90128 Palermo, Italy.

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM), Università degli Studi di Palermo

(UNIPA) – viale delle Scienze Ed. 8, 90128 Palermo, Italy.



Reverse electrodialysis (RED) is an electrochemical membrane process that directly converts

the energy content of two salt solutions into electrical current by means of a selective controlled

mixing. RED process physics involves the interaction of several phenomena of different nature and

space-time scales. Therefore, mathematical modelling and numerical simulation tools are crucial for

the performance prediction.

In this work, a multi-physical modelling approach for the simulation of RED units was

developed. A periodic portion of a single cell pair was simulated in 2-D. Fluid dynamics was

simulated by the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations, and ionic mass transfer was simulated by

the Nernst–Planck approach along with the local electroneutrality condition. Moreover, the Donnan

exclusion theory was implemented for simulating interfacial phenomena.

A sensitivity analysis of the process performance was carried out. Different membrane/channel

geometrical configurations were investigated, including flat membranes, either with or without non-

conductive spacers, and profiled membranes. The influence of feeds concentration/velocity was also

evaluated. Results showed that, with respect to the ideal case of plane (empty) channels and planar

membranes, non-conductive spacers always reduce the power produced, while profiled membranes

may or may not perform better, depending on stack features and operating conditions.

Keywords: Reverse electrodialysis, multi-physical model, finite element method, power

density, profiled membranes.

1 Introduction

1.1 Principle of RED

In the last decades, the need of an energy diversification and the environmental issues have

prompted research towards renewable resources. Salinity gradient power, i.e. the power extractable

from two salt solutions with different concentrations, can play an important role. Different

technologies have been proposed in order to exploit salinity gradients [1–4]. Reverse electrodialysis

(RED) was the first concept proposed [5] and appears to be the most promising, as it exhibits the

highest power density [6] and can become competitive with the other renewable energy processes

thanks to process optimization [7] and membrane cost abatement.

RED is an electrochemical membrane-based process that directly converts the chemical

potential of a salinity gradient (e.g. from NaCl solutions) into electrical energy supplied to an external

load (Figure 1). The basic unit of a RED stack is the cell pair, comprising: an anionic exchange

membrane (AEM), a concentrate compartment (CONC, e.g. seawater), a cationic exchange

membrane (CEM), and a dilute compartment (DIL, e.g. river water). Flat AEMs and CEMs are

usually separated by net spacers, but the process performance may be enhanced by the use of self-

supporting profiled membranes [8]. In the following, we will denote the three spatial directions as

axial (along the flow), cross-membrane and lateral. The dimensions of the stack in the axial and lateral

directions will be denoted by Lstack and Wstack, respectively. The projected area of the stack will thus

be Sstack = Lstack · Wstack.

Figure 1. Sketch of a reverse electrodialysis stack.

Due to the electrochemical equilibrium, an ion exchange membrane (IEM) immersed between

two solutions at different concentrations is subject to a voltage difference (Donnan exclusion) [9],

and the sum of all the membrane potentials of a stack is the open circuit voltage (OCV). Under closed

circuit conditions, redox reactions arise due to the voltage difference at the electrodes, thus providing

an electrical current to the load. At the same time, a selective ionic transport takes place within the

stack from each concentrated channel to the adjacent dilute channels.

1.2 Critical aspects

The theoretical (maximum) electromotive force, or OCV, is proportional to the logarithm of the

ratio between the ion activities in the two solutions. However, the use of highly concentrated solutions

may imply a significant reduction of the IEMs ability to allow the passage of a single ionic species

(permselectivity) [10,11].

The voltage over the external load can be expressed as OCV less the voltage loss due to the

internal resistance of the stack, which takes into account different phenomena.

Ohmic losses (ηΩ) are mainly due to the resistance of the dilute channel when low concentration

solutions, e.g. river water, are used [12–14]. Stacks with net spacers made by non-conductive material

may cause an increase of ηΩ by more than 50% [10,12–15], while stacks with profiled membranes

perform better [8,16].

The ion transport across IEMs causes a streamwise concentration variation in the bulk of the

solution and a concentration variation perpendicular to the membranes within the diffusion boundary

layers. These concentration non-uniformities give rise to further voltage drops, referred to as non-

Ohmic losses (η∆c and ηBL) [17]. η∆c is determined by the ion mass balance within the channels. In

stacks fed by river water - seawater solutions, under conditions of maximum net power density, η∆c

is a relevant contribution to the total voltage loss [10,14,16].

Concentration polarisation phenomena cause a change of the Donnan potential with consequent

reduction of the actual voltage over the membrane [18]. With the standard river water – seawater

solutions ηBL may be significant [13,14,16,19]; however, at the flow rates allowing the maximum net

power density it is usually lower than the other contributions to the overall voltage drop when using

spacers [10,14,16], although Vermaas et al. [16] found it to be larger than η∆c and only slightly lower

than ηΩ when using profiled membranes (mixing not favoured). As the feeds concentrations increase,

concentration variations are relatively lower and thus non-Ohmic effects decrease [10,20].

The pumping power consumption may considerably reduce the actual power. Net spacers may

increase by several times hydraulic friction in the channel with respect to the ideal case of a spacer-

less channel [8,20,21], while simple profiled membranes may be preferable [8,16,22]. Several

experimental data showed pressure drop within the manifolds comparable or higher than those

distributed in the channels [8,16,23–25]. However, pressure drop within the manifolds can be

significantly reduced by adopting a suitable geometry [8,26].

It is clear that RED is a complex process where various phenomena occur at different space-

time scales and interact with one another. In this context, the mathematical description and the

numerical simulation can provide a modelling tool very useful for predictive purposes and for process

design and optimization.

1.3 State of the art of the small scale simulation

The simulation of fluid dynamics and mass transport phenomena occurring at small scale by

Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) can provide important basic data to a process simulator, thus

greatly enhancing its predictive power. In previous papers we performed CFD simulations in order to

investigate spacer-filled and profiled membrane channels for RED applications [20–22,27]. Fluid

flow governing equations (Navier–Stokes and continuity) and a transport equation (diffusion-

convection) for a binary electrolyte (NaCl) were solved by using the 3-D CFD code Ansys CFX™

[28]. Synthetic parameters (dimensionless numbers) quantifying pressure drop and mass transfer,

such as Sherwood numbers and friction coefficients, were calculated. Important insights on the

features that a high performance RED channel should possess were thus obtained.

Pawlowski et al. [29] followed a similar simulation approach by using the open-source Open-

FOAM software [30]. CFD results were then used as input data in a simplified model for the

calculation of the net power density of a RED stack. In particular, the authors proposed a profiled

membrane channel with chevron corrugations, i.e. with staggered herringbone ribs as those used in


Models based on a diffusion-convection approach were also developed by other authors,

investigating some specific aspects concerning RED units. For example, Kim et al. [31] studied a

module with channels in serial configuration, Weiner et al. [32] proposed to improve the stack

performance by blending the low salinity feed with a higher salinity stream before the stack entrance,

Moya [33] evaluated the thickness of the diffusion boundary layer and the optimal load resistance.

If the spatial distribution of the electrical potential is desired, then a convection-diffusion

equation is not sufficient, but ionic migration must be taken into account. The Nernst–Planck equation

is commonly adopted along with the local electroneutrality condition. Several works were carried out

by following this approach for electrodialysis (ED)/RED systems.

Among these works, Jeong et al. [34] proposed a FEM model of RED implemented in

COMSOL™ [35]. A cell pair of 0.4 m long spacer-less channels was simulated in 2-D (axial + cross-
membrane); membranes were not included in the computational domain, but were modelled by

imposing boundary conditions. The maximum net power density was obtained by choosing a channel

thickness of ~150 μm and a fluid velocity of ~4 cm/s.

Zourmand [36] developed a similar model, based on the COMSOL™ software [35], for ED

devices. In this case, membranes were simulated as domain with Ohmic behaviour, i.e. by neglecting

the effect of concentration variations. Tadimeti et al. [37] extended the model in order to investigate

the effect of obstacles (spacer/corrugations), and validated it against experimental data. Simulation

results showed that, as the number of obstacles per unit length and/or the obstacle height increased,

pressure drop increased. The effect of the geometry on concentration polarization was not

straightforward, because the obstacles generated stagnant zones but also zones with improved

convective motion.

Tedesco et al. [38] conducted 2-D simulations of transport phenomena in ED/RED systems.

The computational domain consisted of two empty half channels and one membrane, i.e. a symmetric

behaviour was assumed for the two ionic species of a 1:1 salt and for the two membranes. The effect

of co-ion transport on the process performance was assessed, and permselectivity and electrical

resistance of membranes were predicted as functions of the fixed charge density and of the position

along the channel.

2 Physical and numerical modelling

2.1 Aim of the work

From the (brief, but sufficiently complete) review conducted in the previous section, it appears

clear that the modelling of electro-membrane processes is a very complex task. The mathematical

models proposed in the literature are based on simplifying assumptions on (i) the geometry of the

domain simulated and (ii) the physics of the phenomena involved.

The aim of this work was to develop a relatively complete modelling tool for RED systems,

able physically to describe the transport phenomena within the cell pair and to compare the

performance of RED stacks characterized by different membrane/channel configurations. The model

simulates simultaneously fluid dynamics and ionic transport in two dimensions within a periodic

geometrical unit of the cell pair. The only feature of the stack that the model does not simulate is the

stack length with the related axial voltage drop (η∆c). Electrochemical mass transport is simulated by

the Nernst–Planck equation along with the local electroneutrality condition, and double layer

phenomena are simulated by the Donnan exclusion theory. Membranes were explicitly simulated as

parts of the computational domain, and the 2-D spatial distribution of concentration, current density

and electrical potential is predicted within the whole cell pair. Various membrane/channel

geometrical configurations were studied with good spatial resolution. Moreover the influence of

concentration and velocity of feed solutions was assessed. The electrical power delivered by a stack

to an external load was computed, thus giving important information for the optimization of stack

and operating conditions.

2.2 Simulation approach

The geometrical domain of a RED cell pair was simulated in 2-D (axial + cross-membrane). As

an example, Figure 2 shows a typical profiled-membrane configuration among those investigated.

Needless to say, in a 2-D model obstacles spanning the whole channel thickness cannot be simulated.

Therefore, spacers and profiled membranes were described by non-obstructing shapes which occupy

only a fraction of the thickness of each channel but maintain some of the features of real 3-D

obstacles, such as their porosity.

Figure 2. Computational domain and boundary conditions.

Electrodic compartments were not explicitly simulated, but their resistance (blank resistance,

Rblank) was taken into account as shown below. By considering the equivalent electrical circuit of the

system (Figure 3), the electrical quantities relevant to a lab-scale stack of n = 10 cell pairs and a

membrane projected area Sstack = 10 × 10 cm2 were computed.

The model was implemented in the FEM commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics® [35].


n·Rcp Rblank



Figure 3. Equivalent electrical circuit.

2.3 Governing equations

Continuity and momentum transport (Navier-Stokes) equations for a Newtonian fluid are:

+ ∇𝜌𝑢⃗ = 0 (1)

+ 𝑢⃗∇𝜌𝑢⃗ = −∇𝑝 + ∇𝜇∇𝑢⃗ (2)

where ρ is density, t is time, 𝑢⃗ is velocity vector, p is pressure, µ is dynamic viscosity.

Mass transport of ionic species is described by the Nernst-Planck equation (diffusion +

migration + convection):

𝑁⃗ = −𝐷 ∇𝑐 − 𝑧 𝑢 , 𝐹𝑐 ∇𝜙 + 𝑢⃗𝑐 (3)

where the subscript i indicates the ionic species, Di is the diffusivity, ci is the ion concentration, zi is

the valence, um,i is the mobility, F is Faraday’s constant and ϕ is the electrical potential. The mass

balance in the absence of reactions of production/consumption is:

+ ∇𝑁⃗ = 0 (4)

The local electroneutrality condition was assumed:

∑𝑧 𝑐 = 0 (5)

In the membrane domains, also the concentration of fixed charges was included in the terms ci.

The current density is given by:

𝚤⃗ = 𝐹 𝑧 𝑁⃗ (6)

Multiplication of Eq. (4) by ziF and summation over the species taking Eqs. (5) and (6) into

account yields the conservation of charge:

∇𝚤⃗ = 0 (7)

With reference to the equivalent electrical circuit in Figure 3, by linking the distributed values

of current density and electrical potential with the quantities relevant to the external circuit, and

adding Ohm’s law for the external circuit, one can obtain the boundary conditions for current density

and electrical potential. The length-average of voltage and current density over one cell pair are

calculated at the boundaries of the computational domain in Figure 2 (arbitrarily located at mid-AEM)

〈𝑖〉 = 𝑖 𝑑𝑙 (8)

〈𝜙〉 = 𝜙 𝑑𝑙 (9)

where l denotes the length of the 2-D domain simulated. The voltage over the cell pair is calculated

as the difference between the average values of ϕ at the external boundaries:

𝑉 = 〈𝜙 〉 − 〈𝜙 〉 (10)

The average voltage and the average current density over the cell pair are supposed to be uniform

along the flow direction (i.e. the axial voltage drop η∆c is neglected). This is an acceptable assumption

in the present study, since it is aimed at comparing different membrane/channel arrangements rather

than at predicting the stack performance. Thus the electrical current is:

𝐼 = 〈𝑖〉𝑆 (11)

By considering the external circuit, the electrical current and the cell pair voltage are related as

𝐼= (12)
𝑅 +𝑅

where n is the number of cell pairs; Rblank was fixed to 1.0 Ω (from experimental results); and Rext was

treated as a variable input parameter. The voltage over the stack, and thus over the external load, is

𝑉 =𝐼𝑅 (13)

A cell pair resistance can be calculated as

𝑅 = (14)

where OCVcp is the open circuit voltage of the cell pair, computed for Rext → ∞ Ω. It should be kept

in mind that Rcp includes also non-Ohmic resistances and thus depends on the total current I.

The gross power density per cell pair and per unit projected membrane area produced by the

stack is

𝑉 ∙𝐼
𝐺𝑃𝐷 = (15)

The power density consumed for pumping the solutions is

∆𝑝 𝑄 + ∆𝑝 𝑄
𝑃𝑃𝐷 = (16)

where ∆pSOL and QSOL are the pressure drop and the volume flow rate in a single concentrate (CONC)

or dilute (DIL) channel, calculated as:

∆𝑝 = , ,

𝑄 =𝑢 𝐻 𝑊 (18)

in which pinflow,SOL and pouflow,SOL are the pressure at the inflow and outflow periodic boundaries,

respectively, l is the length of the periodic domain, uSOL is the superficial velocity of the solution and

HSOL is the channel height (inter-membrane distance). Finally, the net power density per cell pair is

𝑁𝑃𝐷 = 𝐺𝐷𝑃 − 𝑃𝑃𝐷 (19)

2.4 Computational domain and boundary conditions

A sketch of the domain simulated was shown in Figure 2 along with the sizes and the boundary

conditions set. The external boundaries were placed in correspondence of the midplane of the AEM.

Periodic conditions were set at the inflow / outflow boundaries, thus simulating fully developed

flow and concentration fields. Appropriate source terms were added at the right side of Eq. (2) and

Eq. (4), taking into account the large-scale gradients of pressure and concentration, respectively.

Reducing the computational domain to a small periodic tract of the cell pair allows the spatial

resolution to increase while keeping the total number of elements compatible with an acceptable

memory requirement and computing time (more details on the mesh are given in section 2.7).

However, this implies renouncing to calculating η∆c, but it could be included by coupling the present

model with a higher scale model taking into account mass balances from inlet to outlet. For both

channels, the superficial velocity was made to vary in the range 0.3-5 cm/s. The bulk concentration

(which remains fixed at its initial value in each fluid) was set at 4 M for the concentrate channel and

was made to vary in the range 0.005-0.5 M in the dilute channel. The choice of the concentrations

was made in order to simulate optimal conditions for the power output, with possible applications in

areas where concentrate brines are available or for a closed loop [39,40] where the solutions are

regenerated by low grade heat.

The external boundaries were set as periodic with respect to concentration and current density.

At the IEM-solution interfaces, the Donnan electrochemical equilibrium conditions were set

according to the following formulae [18,41], in which, for simplicity, activity coefficients were set to


𝑅𝑇 𝑐 ,
𝜙 =𝜙 −𝜙 = 𝑙𝑛 (20)
𝑧 𝐹 𝑐 ,

𝑐 , −𝑐 , = 𝑐 + 4𝑐 , 𝑐 , −𝑐 +

+𝑎𝑐 −𝑐 ,

where 𝜙 is the Donnan potential, and indicate IEM side and solution side values,

respectively, at the IEM-solution interface, R is the universal gas constant, T is temperature, IEM

stands for AEM or CEM, the subscripts co, counter and fix indicate co-ion, counter-ion and fixed

charges, respectively, a is the fraction (0.1%) of fixed charges having the same sign of counter-ions

2.5 Membrane/channel configurations

Different configurations of the cell pair were simulated as shown in Figure 4. In all cases, the

thickness of both concentrate and dilute channels was 270 μm. The side or diameter of the obstacles

was slightly more than one half of the channel thickness (150 µm). Of course, empty channels are

only an ideal case (as those simulated by Jeong et al. [34]), due to the need for mechanically

supporting the membranes. The configurations with obstacles in Figure 4 are necessarily only an

approximation of actual three-dimensional shapes because in 2-D simulations the obstacles cannot

occupy the whole channel height. Similar simplified 2-D shapes have been often simulated in the past

in the context of membrane processes, see e.g. Shakaib et al. [42] or Tadimeti et al. [37]. The distance

between two obstacles on the same side was 600 µm and was chosen as the length of the periodic

computational domain.

Figure 4. Different membrane/channel configurations simulated: (I) flat membranes and empty channels, (II) flat

membranes and non-conductive round spacers placed alternately on both sides of the membranes, (III) flat membranes

and non-conductive square spacers placed alternately on both sides of the membranes, (IV) profiled membranes with

different arrangements.

2.6 Materials

All the simulations were run at the temperature of 20 °C. NaCl aqueous solutions were

simulated. Physical properties within each fluid were set as uniform, as computed at the bulk

concentrations. The ions mobility in solution was calculated by the Nernst-Einstein equation

𝑢 , = (22)

Membranes were assumed to be homogeneous and isotropic and were simulated as electrolytic

solutions with a null flow field. Diffusivity and mobility within the membranes were obtained by

model calibration against experimental data.

The concentrations of fixed charges in the membranes were assumed to be uniform and equal

to 4267 mol/m3 for the AEM and 4833 mol/m3 for the CEM on the basis of experimental data on ion

exchange capacity and water uptake (FUJIFILM™ membranes). The diffusion coefficient and the

mobility of the fixed charges were set to zero.

2.7 Computational details

Hybrid finite element meshes were used (see example in Figure 5). They were composed by

quadrilateral elements near the boundaries and triangular elements elsewhere. Grid independence was

preliminarily addressed, and a mesh with a total number of elements of ~40,000 was chosen. This

mesh exhibits a very good spatial resolution, along with moderate computing times and memory

requirements, while finer grids with an order of magnitude of elements more yield only negligibly

different results, against a very large increase in computing time and, especially, memory

requirements. This feature makes also an accurate simulation of the cell pair from inlet to outlet


The numerical solution of the equation system was structured in two steps: the first step solved

the fluid dynamics (laminar flow module in COMSOL); the second step solved the electrochemistry

(tertiary current distribution module), by using the velocity field from the first step. The fully coupled

direct solver MUMPS was used for each step.

Figure 5. FEM discretization of the computational domain in the case of profiled membranes.

3 Predicted distributions of the main quantities

A large number of simulations was carried out, but, for the sake of brevity, only the main results

will be shown and discussed in this paper. Results are reported in this section on the distribution of

the main quantities within the cell pair in order to verify the physical consistency of the model

predictions. The effects of the various parameters will be discussed in the following section.

3.1 Flow field

Figure 6 shows maps of the velocity module for various geometries simulated. The superficial

velocity was assumed equal to 1 cm/s in the two channels. At the very low Reynolds numbers typical

of RED channels (< 10) the flow is steady. Within empty channels, the flow is parallel and the velocity

exhibits a parabolic profile. When obstacles are present, velocity components perpendicular to the

membranes arise, i.e. the flow path becomes tortuous. The larger surface causing friction and the

inertial effects cause higher pressure drops; on the other hand, a mixing enhancement is generally

obtained, although stagnant regions in the proximity of the obstacles can negatively affect this aspect.

Finally, some small differences are caused by the obstacle shape (round vs. square), and the presence

of obstacles only on one side of the channel causes larger stagnant regions in the proximity of that


Figure 6. Velocity map for different configurations, at a superficial velocity of 1 cm/s in the two channels.

3.2 Concentration

Transport phenomena of ions involve the whole cell pair, occurring both in the solutions and in

the membranes. Figure 7 shows an example of concentration profiles predicted in the case of empty

channels. Double layer phenomena are simulated as sudden jumps of concentration at each IEM-

solution interface. Because of the electroneutrality condition, in the solutions the concentrations of

Na+ and Cl- are equal, while in the membranes they differ by a quantity equal to the concentration of

the fixed charges. The co-ions concentration inside the membranes is not negligible, due to the high

salt concentration in the concentrate solution.

The insets in Figure 7 show also concentration polarization phenomena within the fluid

domains. Under open circuit conditions, since the membranes are not perfectly permselective, a

diffusive transport takes place, thus generating concentration gradients. Under closed circuit

conditions (as in the case shown in Figure 7), a current flows through the stack. In the solutions it is

transported in a similar amount by cations and anions (transport numbers ≈ 0.5), while in the

membranes it is transported almost exclusively by counter-ions (transport number close to 1). The

total flux in the solutions is maintained constant by diffusive fluxes (concentration polarization).

7,000 Cl-


ci [mol/m 3]
3,000 4,010

2,000 0. 45 0. 6
0. 19 0. 34

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
x [mm]

Figure 7. Concentration profiles within the cell pair with empty channels, fed by 4M/0.5M solutions at 1 cm/s in the two

channels. Rext was set equal to OCV/Ishort-circuit. The values are taken along an arbitrary horizontal line.

3.3 Electrical potential

The Donnan equilibrium for the electrical potential is computed as a sudden jump at each IEM-

solution interface, as shown in Figure 8, which reports the potential profiles for different external

loads. In particular, the IEM-CONC interfaces are associated with a voltage loss, while the IEM-DIL

interfaces are associated with a voltage gain, larger than the IEM-CONC loss.

At open circuit no electrical current circulates, so that there are no voltage losses. The electrical

potential is flat also in the membranes since the diffusion coefficients were set at the same values for

counter- and co-ions.

At closed circuit, an electrical current flows through the cell pair and the potential exhibits some

losses. The largest voltage losses occur in short-circuit conditions, i.e. when the maximum current is

circulating. The maximum gross power density is obtained when the stack voltage is approximately

equal to OCV/2, corresponding to an external resistance equal to the internal one (actually, non-

Ohmic phenomena cause a small deviation). The voltage drop is significant within the membranes

and, to a lesser extent, within the 0.5M dilute solution. Conversely, the potential drop within the 4M

concentrate solution is negligible, due to the higher electrical conductivity. Note that the large

variation of concentration inside the membrane causes a significant variation of conductivity, thus

giving the electrical potential profile a curvature.


0.07 circuit
0.05 Max
0.03 Short-
ϕ [V]





0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
x [mm]

Figure 8. Potential profile within the cell pair with empty channels, fed by 4M/0.5M solutions at 1 cm/s in the two

channels, at different external loads. Rblank was set equal to zero in order to visualize all the internal losses inside the cell

pair. The values are taken along an arbitrary horizontal line.

3.4 Effect of the dilute concentration on the distribution of current density

The performance of a RED stack depends significantly on the electrical conductivity of

solutions and membranes. In this regard, it is interesting to consider the current density distribution

in complex geometries. Figure 9 shows the current density maps and current lines for a cell pair with

profiled membranes fed by cCONC = 4M and cDIL = 0.01 (a), 0.05 (b) and 0.1M (c). When the profiles

are immersed in a highly conductive solution such as the 4M CONC, they exhibit an almost null

current density and are bypassed by the current lines. Conversely, when the profiles are immersed in

a less conductive solution such as the 0.01M DIL, plot (a), they are crossed by a significant current

density. A concentration of 0.05M, plot (b), is sufficient to confer the dilute solution a conductivity

higher than that of the present membranes, and a concentration of 0.1M, plot (c), makes the current

density negligible inside the profiles on the DIL side. Therefore, the features of membranes and

solutions significantly affect the usefulness of the profiles for increasing the active area and reducing

the stack resistance.

Figure 9. Current density distribution and current lines within the cell pair with profiled membranes, fed by 4M

concentrate solution and various dilute solutions at a superficial velocity of 1 cm/s in the two channels. Rext was set equal

to OCV/Ishort-circuit.

4 Sensitivity analysis of the stack performance

This section will describe a sensitivity analysis carried out by maintaining the concentrate at

4M and letting the dilute concentration and the channel configuration vary. The solution velocity was

also made to vary in order to find the maximum net power density.

4.1 Gross Power Density

In all cases investigated, the Gross Power Density increases asymptotically towards a maximum

as the fluid velocity increases, due to the reduction of the polarization loss ηBL. In particular, the

increase of GPD is larger when the dilute concentration is lower, as expected. By way of example,

Figure 10 reports GPD as a function of the superficial velocity (assumed to be equal in the two

channels) for stacks with different membrane/channel configurations, fed by 0.01M/4M (left) and

0.05M/4M (rigth) solutions. For 0.01M dilute solution, left plot, the highest GPD values are obtained

with the AEM/CEM-DIL configuration of Figure 4. The same finding emerges also for cDIL = 0.005M

(not shown for brevity). On the contrary, in the case of cDIL = 0.05M, right plot, and higher the

maximum GPD values were provided by stacks with empty channels. This behaviour highlights that

the use of profiles reduces the overall stack Ohmic resistance only in the presence of a dilute solution

with very low concentration.

0.01M/4M 0.05M/4M
5.0 5.0

4.5 4.5

4.0 4.0
GPD [W/m 2]

GPD [W/m 2]
3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0
Empty Round Sp ace rs Empty Round Space rs
Square Spacers Pro filed Membran es Squ are Spacers Pro filed Membran es
2.5 Pro filed AE M- DIL Pro filed AE M- CO NC 2.5 Pro filed AE M- DIL Pro filed AE M- CO NC
Pro filed CEM-DIL Pro filed CEM-CONC Pro filed CEM-DIL Pro filed CEM-CONC
Pro filed AE M/CEM-DIL Pro filed AE M/CEM-DIL
2.0 2.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
uSOL [cm/s] uSOL [cm/s]

Figure 10. Gross Power Density for stacks (10 cell pairs) with different membrane/channel configurations, fed by

0.01M/4M (left) and 0.05M/4M (rigth) solutions, as a function of the superficial velocity (assumed to be equal in the two

channels). Rext was set equal to OCV/Ishort-circuit.

4.2 Pressure drop and Net Power Density

The channel geometry significantly affects the pressure drop. Figure 11 reports the sum of the

pressure losses in the concentrate and in the dilute channels per unit stack length for various

configurations as a function of the superficial velocity (assumed to be equal in the two channels). One

can observe that the presence of obstacles may significantly increase pressure drop. In particular,

square obstacles on both sides of both membranes cause the highest values of pressure drop. Round

spacers produce a lower hydraulic friction. As the overall number of obstacles per unit length

decreases, pressure drop decreases; for example, moving from the AEM/CEM-DIL configuration to

the AEM-DIL or CEM-DIL configurations, one can observe an almost twofold reduction of pressure

drop. Notably, the pressure drop is higher when profiles are present inside the concentrate channel,

due to the higher viscosity and density of the concentrate solution.

140 Empty Round Sp ace rs

Squ are Spacers Profiled Membran es
Profiled AEM- DIL Profiled AE M- CO NC

(∆pCONC + ∆pDIL )/Lstack [kPa/m]

Profiled CEM-DIL Profiled CEM-CONC
Profiled AEM/CEM-DIL






0 1 2 3 4 5
uSOL [cm/s]

Figure 11. Pressure drop for different membrane/channel configurations fed by 0.5M/4M solutions, as a function of the

superficial velocity (assumed to be equal in the two channels).

Figure 12 reports the Net Power Density for the same cases as in Figure 10. All curves exhibit

a maximum as a function of the fluid velocity. As for the case of GPD, at cDIL ≤ 0.01M the

AEM/CEM-DIL configuration yields the highest NPD values (~4.4 W/m2 for cDIL = 0.01M), while at

cDIL ≥ 0.05M it is the empty channel configuration that yields the highest NPD values (~4.1 W/m2 for

cDIL = 0.05M).

0.01M/4M 0.05M/4M
5.0 5.0

4.5 4.5

4.0 4.0
NPD [W/m2]

NPD [W/m 2]
3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0
Empty Round Sp ace rs Empty Round Sp ace rs
Squ are Spacers Pro filed Membran es Squ are Spacers Pro filed Membran es
2.5 Pro filed AE M- DIL Pro filed AE M- CO NC 2.5 Profiled AE M- DIL Pro filed AE M- CO NC
Pro filed CEM-DIL Pro filed CEM-CONC Profiled CEM-DIL Pro filed CEM-CONC
Pro filed AE M/CEM-DIL Profiled AE M/CEM-DIL
2.0 2.0
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
uSOL [cm/s] uSOL [cm/s]

Figure 12. Net Power Density for stacks (10 cell pairs) with different membrane/channel configurations, fed by 0.01M/4M

(left) and 0.05M/4M (rigth) solutions, as a function of the superficial velocity (assumed to be equal in the two channels).

Rext was set equal to OCV/Ishort-circuit.

4.3 Optimal conditions (maximum Net Power Density)

This section compares the results obtained for different dilute concentrations and different

geometries at the fluid velocity that, for each configuration, maximizes the Net Power Density. In all

cases cCONC was kept fixed at 4M.

The values of the cell pair electric resistance under conditions of maximum NPD are shown in

Figure 13. This is the total resistance, due to both Ohmic and non-Ohmic phenomena. In order to give

an idea of the significance of boundary layer effects, we mention that by using an empty channel 270

μm thick for the dilute solution and the couple 4M/0.01M, the non-Ohmic resistance associated to

concentration polarization is ~15% of Rcp. The presence of obstacles within the channel enhances

mixing, thus reducing the non-Ohmic resistance. However, the influence of the obstacles on the

Ohmic resistance may be larger; therefore, non-conductive spacers cause larger resistances, especially

square spacers which occupy a larger volume with respect to round spacers. On the contrary, profiles

more conductive than the solution in which they are immersed, e.g. cDIL ≤ 0.01M, reduce Rcp, while

empty channels perform better in the case of more conductive solutions.

As cDIL increases, Rcp decreases, due to the higher conductivity and, to a lesser extent, to the

lower boundary layer effect [20]. With a dilute concentration of 0.005M, Rcp is about an order of

magnitude larger than the resistance with 0.5M.

Figure 13. Cell pair resistance for different dilute concentrations and membrane/channel configurations, at the superficial

velocities (assumed to be equal in the two channels) that maximize the net power density, and with 4M concentrate

solution. Rext was set equal to OCV/Ishort-circuitt.

The Gross Power Density GPD (see Figure 14) depends on Rcp and also on OCV, which, in its

turn, is strongly affected by the feeds concentrations. As a consequence, the trend of GPD with cDIL

exhibits a maximum. This is obtained at cDIL = 0.01M-0.05M, depending on the geometry. Most

profiled membranes enhance the process performance with respect to the empty channels for cDIL ≤

0.01M. The differences in GPD among the various membrane/channel configurations decrease as cDIL

increases. Note that the present simulations are for a fully-developed tract of the cell pair and do not

take axial concentration changes into account. If the salt intake into the dilute channel from the

concentrate channel were considered, the average concentration of the diluate would be higher than

the inlet value, especially in the case of long channels. Therefore, the actual optimal value of the inlet

concentration for the dilute stream might be lower than 0.01M. For the same reason, (ideal) stacks

with empty channels might provide GPD values higher than stacks with profiled membranes even at

low inlet concentrations of diluate.

Figure 14. Gross Power Density for different dilute concentrations and membrane/channel configurations, at the

superficial velocities (assumed to be equal in the two channels) that maximize the net power density, and with 4M

concentrate solution. Rext was set equal to OCV/Ishort-circuit.

The features of GPD are reflected into NPD, which is also influenced by the pumping power

and, thus, again, by the geometry. Figure 15 reports the maximum Net Power Densities obtained in

all the cases simulated. As in the case of GPD, the highest values of NPD are obtained for cDIL =

0.01M-0.05M. Stacks with spacers are characterized by higher Rcp and pressure drops, thus leading

to lower NPD, especially in the case of the square shape. Profiled membranes increase NPD with

respect to the empty channels for cDIL ≤ 0.01M, yielding the highest NPD ≈ 4.4 W/m2 with the

AEM/CEM-DIL configuration. Stacks with empty channels yield higher NPD than other

configurations when cDIL ≥ 0.05M.

Figure 15. Maximum Net Power Density for different dilute concentrations and membrane/channel configurations, with

4M concentrate solution. Rext was set equal to OCV/Ishort-circuit.

5 Conclusions

A multi-physical model of RED units was developed. Fluid dynamics, electrochemical mass

transport and double layer phenomena were modelled in a two-dimensional periodic domain of a cell

pair by the Navier–Stokes equations complemented by the Nernst–Planck approach and the Donnan

exclusion theory. The model is fully predictive and requires only few empirical data as input


A sensitivity analysis of the stack performance to the stack features and operating conditions,

such as membrane/channel configuration, solution concentrations and feed velocities, was conducted.

With respect to the ideal case of empty (i.e. spacer-less) channels, cell pairs with non-conductive

spacers were characterized by higher electrical resistance and higher pressure drop, and thus by lower

net electrical power. The membranes considered in this study were more conductive than solutions

with a concentration up to 0.01M, so that profiled membranes reduced the cell electrical resistance

with respect to empty channels for cDIL less than this value. This resulted in an increase of gross and

net power density at cDIL ≤ 0.01M, despite the increment in pressure drop. Therefore, the effectiveness

of profiled membranes for the active area increase and the stack resistance reduction depends on the

stack features and operating conditions, and only in some cases the profiles can actually enhance the

stack performance. Of course, manufacturing highly conductive membranes would be important for

the process optimization. On the other hand, empty channels are only an ideal configuration and

cannot be used for real applications, due to the need of a mechanical support for the membranes.

The multi-physical model presented possesses great capabilities for treating the complex

phenomenology of the RED process. The model is a valid tool in order to understand the behaviour

of RED systems and to investigate the effect of the various operating parameters and stack features.

In order to develop a more effective predicting tool, the model should be extended to 3-D geometries

and coupled with a higher scale simulation taking into account mass balance from inlet to outlet.


This work has been performed within the RED-Heat-to-Power (Conversion of Low Grade Heat

to Power through closed loop Reverse Electro-Dialysis) project – Horizon 2020 programme, Grant

Agreement no. 640667,


ci Concentration of species i [mol m-3]

Di Diffusivity of species i [m2 s-1]

F Faraday’s constant [C mol-1]

GPD Gross power density of the stack per membrane area [W m-2]

I Electrical current [A]

𝚤⃗ Current density [A m-2]

NPD Net power density of the stack per membrane area [W m-2]

𝑁⃗ Flux of ions of species i [mol m-2 s-1]

OCV Open circuit voltage over the stack [V]

PPD Pumping power density of the stack per membrane area [W m-2]

p Pressure [Pa]

Rblank Resistance of the electrodic compartments [Ω]

Rcp Resistance of the cell pair [Ω]

Rext Resistance of the external load [Ω]

Sstack Membrane projected area [m2]

t Time [s]

𝑢⃗ Velocity [m s-1]

um,i Mobility of species i [m2 V-1 s-1]

Vstack Voltage over the stack [V]

x Cartesian coordinate along the cross-membrane direction [m]

zi Valence of species i [dimensionless]

Greek letters

η∆c Voltage loss due to the streamwise concentration change in the bulk of the solutions


ηBL Voltage loss due to the concentration polarization in the boundary layers [V]

ηΩ Ohmic voltage loss [V]

µ Dynamic viscosity [Pa s]

ρ Density [kg m-3]

ϕ Electrical potential [V]


i Species i (Na+, Cl-, fixed charges)

CONC Concentrate
DIL Dilute

IEM Ion exchange membrane (anionic or cationic)

SOL Solution (CONC or DIL)


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