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Initially Prepared By: Cacatian

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The guardian with respect to the ward after the termination of the
guardianship and clearance of his/her financial accountabilities.
RA 8552 [Domestic Adoption Act]
JOINT ADOPTION OF HUSBAND AND WIFE: The husband and wife shall jointly
Definition: the process of making a child, whether related or not to the adopter, adopt (joint parental authority shall be exercised), except in the following cases:
possess in general, the rights accorded to a legitimate child. 1. If one spouse seeks to adopt his/her own illegitimate son/daughter of the other.
2. If one spouse seeks to adopt his/her own illegitimate son/daughter; provided that
Simulation of birth: the tampering of the civil registry making it appear in the birth the other spouse has signified his/her consent thereto.
records that a certain child was born to a person who is not his biological mother, 3. If one spouses are legally separated from each other.
causing such child to lose his true identity and status.
Who may adopt? a. Below 18 years of age who has been judicially or administratively declared
available for adoption.
1. A Filipino citizen who:
a) Of legal age Involuntary committed child: one whose parents, known or unknown, has been
b) Good moral character. permanently and judicially deprived of parental authority due to abandonment;
c) In possession of full civil capacity and legal rights. substantial, continuous, or repeated neglect; abuse; or incompetence to discharge
d) Emotionally and psychologically capable in caring for children. parental responsibilities.
e) Has not been convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude.
f) 16 years difference between the age of the adopter and adoptee (may be waived Abandoned child: refers to one who has no proper parental care or guardianship or
when the adopter is the biological parent of the adoptee, or is the spouse of the whose parent has deserted him for a period of at least 6 continuous months and has
adoptee‘s parent) been judicially declared as such.
g) Who is in a position to support and care for his children in keeping with the means b. The legitimate son/daughter of one spouse by the other spouse.
of the family.
c. An illegitimate son/daughter by a qualified adopter to improve his/her status to
2. Any alien who: that of legitimacy.
a) Possesses all the above qualifications
b) Has been certified by his diplomatic or consular office or any appropriate d. A person of legal age, if, prior to the adoption, said person has been consistently
government agency that he has the legal capacity to adopt in his country () considered and treated by the adopter as his/her own child since minority.
c) Has been living in the Philippines for at least 3 continuous years prior to the filing
e. A child whose adoption has been previously rescinded.
of the application for adoption and maintains such residence until the adoption
decree is entered ()
f. A child whose biological or adoptive parents have died. Provided that no
d) His government allows the adoptee to enter his country as his adopted son or
proceedings shall be initiated within 6 months from the time of death of said
e) His country has diplomatic relations with the Philippines
The petition for adoption must allege all the qualification of the adopter
Waivable in the following cases:
and attached the consent of those persons who should give consent to the
A former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a relative within the 4th degree of adoption.
consanguinity or affinity.
The petition for adoption continues even if the adopter dies.
One who seeks to adopt the legitimate son/daughter of his/her Filipino spouse.
Whose consent is necessary to the adoption?
One who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks to adopt jointly with his/her a. The adoptee, if 10 years of age or over.
spouse a relative within the 4th degree of consanguinity or affinity of the Filipino
spouse. b. The biological parents of the child, if known, or the legal guardian, or the proper
government instrumentality which has legal custody of the child.
Initially Prepared by: Cacatian
BAR 1995- Paternity & Filiation; Proofs; Limitations; Adopted Child-
c. The legitimate and adopted sons/daughters, 10 years of age or over, of the Abraham died intestate on 7 January 1994 survived by his son Braulio. Abraham's
adopter and adoptee, if any. older son Carlos died on 14 February 1990. Danilo who claims to be an adulterous
child of Carlos intervenes in the proceedings for the settlement of the estate of
d. The illegitimate sons/daughters, 10 years of age or over, of the adopter if living Abraham in representation of Carlos. Danilo was legally adopted on 17 March 1970
with said adopter and the latter‘s spouse, if any. by Carlos with the consent of the ―latter‘s wife.

e. The spouse, if any, of the person adopting or to be adopted.

f. If the child is committed to the DSWD, then only the DSWD can give consent. SUGGESTED ANSWER:

EFFECTS OF ADOPTION: 1. Under the Family Code, how may an illegitimate filiation be proved?
1. Parental authority – all legal ties between the biological parent and the adoptee Explain- Under Art. 172 in relation to Art. 173 and Art. 175 of the FC, the filiation of
shall be severed and the same shall then be vested on the adopter. illegitimate children may be established in the same way and by the same evidence
as legitimate children. Art. 172 provides that the filiation of legitimate children is
2. Legitimacy – the adoptee shall be considered the legitimate son/daughter of the established by any of the following: (1) the record of birth appearing in the civil
adopter for all intents and purposes and as such is entitled to all the rights and register or a final Judgment; or (2) an admission of legitimate filiation in a public
obligations provided by law to legitimate sons/daughters born to them without document or a private handwritten instrument and signed by the parent concerned.
discrimination. In the absence of the foregoing evidence, the legitimate filiation shall be proved by:
(1) the open and continuous possession of the status of a legitimate child; or (2) any
The adopted can use the surname of the adopting parents. If the adopting parent is other means allowed by the Rules of Court and special laws.
single, then the adopted child will have no middle name.
Example: Juan Santos, married to Juana. They have 3 children. At age 35, Juan was 2. As lawyer for Danilo, do you have to prove Danilo's illegitimate filiation?
adopted by Santi Cruz. What surname will Juan and his wife and children use? Explain - No. Since Danilo has already been adopted by Carlos, he ceased to be an
Juan- surname will be change to Cruz illegitimate child. An adopted child acquires all the rights of a legitimate child under
Wife and Children- surname will remain as Santos, because they were not adopted by Art, 189 of the FC.
Santi Cruz.
Remedy of wife and children- petition for change of name. 3. Can Danilo inherit from Abraham in representation of his father Carlos?
3. Succession – the adopter and the adoptee shall have reciprocal rights of Explain.- No, he cannot. Danilo cannot represent Carlos as the latter's adopted child
succession without distinction from legitimate filiation. in the inheritance of Abraham because adoption did not make Danilo a legitimate
grandchild of Abraham. Adoption is personal between Carlos and Danilo. He cannot
RESCISSION OF ADOPTION: also represent Carlos as the latter's illegitimate child because in such case he is
barred by Art. 992 of the NCC from inheriting from his illegitimate grandfather
1. Repeated physical and verbal maltreatment by the adopter despite having
undergone counseling despite having undergone counseling. ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: (3) An adopted child's successional rights do not include
2. Attempt on the life of the adoptee. the right to represent his deceased adopter in the inheritance of the latter's legitimate
parent, in view of Art. 973 which provides that in order that representation may take
3. Sexual assault or violence.
place, the representative must himself be capable of succeeding the decedent.
4. Abandonment and failure to comply with parental obligations.
Adoption by itself did not render Danilo an heir of the adopter's legitimate parent.
Neither does his being a grandchild of Abraham render him an heir of the latter
Who can rescind adoption? The adopted only.
because as an illegitimate child of Carlos, who was a legitimate child of Abraham,
Danilo is incapable of succeeding Abraham under Art. 992 of the Code.
What about the adopter? The adoption shall not be subject to rescission by the
adopter but they may disinherit the adoptee.
BAR 2005- Inter-Country Adoption- Hans Berber, a German national, and his
Filipino wife, Rhoda, are permanent residents of Canada. They desire so much to
adopt Magno, an 8-year old orphaned boy and a baptismal godson of Rhoda. Since
Initially Prepared by: Cacatian
the accidental death of Magno's parents in 2004, he has been staying with his aunt 2) Aside from taking physical custody of Bing, what legal actions can Carol
who, however, could hardly afford to feed her own family. Unfortunately, Hans and take to protect Bing?
Rhoda cannot come to the Philippines to adopt Magno although they possess all the a) On the assumption that Bing is still a minor or otherwise incapacitated, Carol may
qualifications as adoptive parents. petition the proper court for resolution or rescission of the decree of adoption on the
Is there a possibility for them to adopt Magno? How should they go about it? (5%) ground that the adopting parents have exposed, or are exposing, the child to corrupt
influence, tantamount to giving her corrupting orders or examples. She can also ask
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, it is possible for Hans and Rhoda to adopt Magno. for the revesting in her of parental authority over Bing. If However, Bing is already 19
Republic Act No. 8043 or the Inter-Country Adoption Act, allows aliens or Filipinos years of age and therefore no longer a minor, it is not Carol but Bing herself who can
permanently residing abroad to apply for inter-country adoption of a Filipino child. petition the court for judicial rescission of the adoption, provided she can show a
The law however requires that only legally free child, or one who has been voluntarily ground for disinheritance of an ascendant.
or involuntarily committed to the DSWD or any of its accredited agencies, may be b) Carol may file an action to deprive Norma of parental authority under Article 231
subject of inter-country adoption. The law further requires that aside from possessing of the Family Code or file an action for the rescission of the adoption under Article
all the qualifications, the adoptive parents must come from a country where the 191 in relation to Article 231 (2) of the Family Code.
Philippines has diplomatic relations and that the government maintains a similarly
accredited agency and that adoption is allowed under the national law of the alien.
Moreover, it must be further shown that all possibilities for a domestic adoption have
been exhausted and the inter-country adoption is best for the interest of the child.
Hans and Rhoda have to file an application to adopt Magno, either with the Regional
Trial Court having jurisdiction over Magno or with the Inter-Country Adoption Board
in Canada. Hans and Rhoda will then undergo trial custody for six (6) months from
the time of placement. It is only after the lapse of the trial custody that the decree of
adoption can be issued.

BAR 1994- Parental Authority; Rescission of Adoption - In 1975, Carol begot a

daughter Bing, out of wedlock. When Bing was ten years old, Carol gave her consent
for Bing's legal adoption by Norma and Manuel, which was granted by the court in
1990. In 1991, Carol learned that Norma and Manuel were engaged in a call-girl-ring
that catered to tourists. Some of the girls lived with Norma and Manuel. Carol got
Bing back, who in the first place wanted to return to her natural mother.


1) Who has a better right to the custody of Bing, Carol or Norma?

a) It depends on whether or not Bing was at least 18 years old at the time Carol
asserts the prerogative to take custody of Bing. If she was at least 18 years old, then
she is no longer under parental authority and neither Carol nor Norma can assert the
prerogative to take custody. However, if she was less than 18 years old, then Norma
has a better right since the adoption by Norma of Bing terminates the parental
authority of Carol over Bing.
b) The natural mother, Carol, should have the better right in light of the principle
that the child's welfare is the paramount consideration in custody rights. Obviously,
Bing's continued stay in her adopting parents' house, where interaction with the call
girls is inevitable, would be detrimental to her moral and spiritual development. This
could be the reason for Bing's expressed desire to return to her natural mother. It
should be noted, however, that Bing is no longer a minor, being 19 years of age now.
It is doubtfu1 that a court can still resolve the question of custody over one who is
sui juris and not otherwise incapacitated.
Initially Prepared by: Cacatian

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