Photoshop Notes Down
Photoshop Notes Down
Photoshop Notes Down
Computer Fundamentals
and Photoshop
I B. Sc Computer Science / I B.Com Computer Applications
No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, prototyping, recording, or otherwise or stored in a database or retrieval system without
the prior written permission of the publishers. The program listed (if any) may be entered, stored
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The book comes into existence due to my observation of lack of support material of
undergraduate students. It is published with the belief that it will help the I Year BCOM /
Lecturer in Computer Science
V.S.R. Govt. Degree & P.G. College
Movva, Krishna District
Screen modes 40
Reverting changes 41
Closing document in Photoshop 41
UNIT – 4 42
Chapter – 8 : Images 42
Opening an image 42
Saving files in different modes 42
Image size and resolution 43
Editing an image 45
Colour modes 45
Zooming and panning image 45
Rulers 47
Grids and guides 47
Cropping an image 48
Changing the background of an image 49
Making selections 51
Computer fundamentals & Photoshop I B.Sc CS / B.Com CA
UNIT - 1
Chapter – 1: Introduction to Computers
Q1. Define a Computer?
Computer is an advanced electronic device that takes raw data as input from the user and processes
these data under the control of set of instructions and gives the result and saves output for the future use.
The basic components of a modern digital computer are: Input Device, Output Device, Central
Processor Unit (CPU), mass storage device and memory.
Accuracy: Computer always gives accurate results. The accuracy of Computer does not go down
when they are used continuously for hours together. It always gives accurate results.
Diligence: A computer is free from tiredness, lack of concentration, etc. It can work for hours
without creating any error. If millions of calculations are to be performed, a computer will
perform every calculation with the same accuracy.
Versatility: It means the capacity to perform completely different type of work. You may use
your computer to prepare payroll slips. Next moment you may use it for inventory management
or to prepare electric bills.
No IQ: Computer is a dumb machine and it cannot do any work without instruction from the
user. It performs the instructions at tremendous speed and with accuracy. It is you to decide what
you want to do and in what sequence. So a computer cannot take its own decision as you can.
Storage: The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data. You
can also store data in secondary storage devices such as floppies, which can be kept outside your
computer and can be carried to other computers.
Automation: Computers are quite capable of functioning automatically, once the process is given
to the computer. They do not require any instruction from the operator at any stage of the
process. Computers can be programmed to perform a series of complex tasks involving multiple
programs. Computers will execute the programs in the correct sequence, provided they are
programmed correctly.
Computers can‘t decide: Computers are incapable of decision making as they do not possess the
essential elements necessary to take a decision i.e. knowledge, information, wisdom, intelligence and
the ability to judge.
Computers can‘t express their Ideas: In any type of research ideas plays a vital role. In this context,
computers can‘t express their ideas.
Computers can‘t implement: Though computers are helpful in storage of data and can contain the
contents of encyclopaedias even, but only humans can decide and implement the policies.
Q3. Draw the Block diagram of a Computer? Explain its parts in detail?
A computer can process data, pictures, sound and graphics. They can solve highly complicated
problems quickly and accurately. A computer performs basically five major computer operations or
functions irrespective of their size and make. These are
1) It accepts data or instructions by way of input,
2) It stores data,
3) It can process data as required by the user,
4) It gives results in the form of output, and
5) It controls all operations inside a computer.
Input Unit: This is the process of entering data and programs in to the computer system. Therefore,
the input unit takes data from us to the computer in an organized manner for processing with the help
of some input devices like Keyboard, mouse, trackball, etc.
Output Unit: This is the process of producing results from the data for getting useful information.
The examples of Output devices are Monitor, speaker, printer, etc.
Central Processing Unit: The ALU and the CU of a computer system are jointly known as the central
processing unit. You may call CPU as the brain of any computer system.
Arithmetic & Logic Unit: After you enter data through the input device it is stored in the primary
storage unit. The actual processing of the data and instruction are performed by Arithmetic
Logical Unit. The major operations performed by the ALU are addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, logic and comparison. Data is transferred to ALU from storage unit
when required. After processing the output is returned back to storage unit for further processing
or getting stored.
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Computer fundamentals & Photoshop I B.Sc CS / B.Com CA
Control Unit: The next component of computer is the Control Unit, which acts like the
supervisor. Control Unit is responsible for coordinating various operations. It coordinates the
activities of computer‘s peripheral equipment as they perform the input and output.
Storage: The process of saving data and instructions permanently is known as storage. A personal
Computer has two types of memories they are Primary memory and secondary memory. Primary
memory is temporary memory and main memory of the computer, primary memory includes RAM
and ROM. The secondary memory is permanent memory it includes Hard disk, floppy disk, etc.
Based on Size:
Super Computer: Supercomputers are one of the fastest computers currently available.
Supercomputers are very expensive and are employed for specialized applications that require
extremely large amount of mathematical calculations. For example, weather forecasting,
scientific simulations, graphics, nuclear energy research, electronic design, and analysis of
geological data.
Main frame Computer: Mainframe is very large in size and is an expensive computer capable
of supporting hundreds or even thousands of users simultaneously. Mainframe executes many
programs concurrently and supports much simultaneous execution of programs.
Micro Computer: Micro computers is a digital computer whose processing unit consists of one
or more microprocessors, one or more input / output units and sufficient memory to execute
instructions. They are used in schools, homes, office etc. Some popular micro computer is IBM
system, etc.
Banking: Today banking is almost totally dependent on computer. Banks provide following
Banks provide online accounting facility, which includes current balances, deposits, overdrafts,
interest charges, shares, and trustee records.
ATM machines are making it even easier for customers to deal with banks
Insurance: Insurance companies are keeping all records up-to-date with the help of computers.
The insurance companies, finance houses and stock broking firms are widely using computers
for their concerns. Insurance companies are maintaining a database of all clients with
procedure to continue with policies
next due installment of a policy
maturity date
Engineering Design: Computers are widely used in engineering purpose. One of major areas is
CAD (Computer aided design). That provides creation and modification of images. Some fields
Structural Engineering - Requires stress and strain analysis for design of Ships, Buildings,
Budgets, and Airplanes etc.
Architectural Engineering - Computers help in planning towns, designing buildings, determining
a range of buildings on a site using both 2D and 3D drawings.
Military: Computers are largely used in defence. Modern tanks, missiles, weapons etc. Military
also employs computerised control systems. Some military areas where a computer has been
used are:
Missile Control
Military Communication
Government: Computers play an important role in government. Some major fields in this
category are:
Male/Female ratio
Computerization of voters lists
Converting a binary number into decimal form: In a binary number, all the columns are powers
of 2
2 1 0
Four‘s column(2 ) two‘s column(2 ) one‘s column(2 )
For example covert the 1101 into a decimal number
3 2 1 0
=1X2 + 1X2 + 0X2 + 1X2
=1X8 + 1X4 + 0X2 + 1X1
=8 + 4 + 0 + 1
Converting a decimal number into binary form: To convert a decimal number into its binary
equivalent, simply divide the decimal number by 2 and then write down the remainder, repeat
this process until the number cannot be divided by 2 anymore.
For example the decimal number 13 is converted to binary as
follows: 2 | 13 | R
2| 6|1
2| 3|0
2| 1|1
| 0|1
The binary form of decimal number 13 is 01101
Adding two binary numbers: Adding binary numbers is not only simple but also similar to the
addition of decimal numbers. While performing binary addition, start by adding the bits in one
column at a time, from right to left as we do in the case of adding decimal numbers. However,
to perform binary addition, one must remember the rules of addition.
Rules of binary addition:
0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1
Subtracting two binary numbers: Like addition of two binary numbers, the subtraction of
binary number is same but here we follow the rules of binary subtraction:
Rules of binary subtraction:
0-1=1, and borrow 1 from the next more significant bit
For example subtract (1011, 1001)
- 1001
Subtracting two binary numbers by using two‘s complement: Subtraction of two binary by
using two‘s complement is easy. Here there are two steps involved, they are:
Step 1: calculate the two‘s complement of subtrahend
Step 2: add it to the subtrahend For
example subtract (1011, 1001)
The one‘s complement of 1001 is 0110
The two‘s complement of 0110 is 0110+1=0111
Add 0111 to 1011
+ 0111
1 0010
Now discard the carry from the last bit, hence the result is 0010
Multiplying two binary numbers: Binary numbers are multiplied in the same manner as we
multiply two decimal numbers. Rules for multiply two binary numbers are:
For example multiply the binary numbers 1011, 11 as:
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Computer fundamentals & Photoshop I B.Sc CS / B.Com CA
Q9. Explain octal number system?
The octal number system is the base 8 number system which uses digits 0-7. This number
system was used extensively in early mainframe computer systems, but has become less popular in
comparison with binary and hexadecimal number systems.
Octal decimals operate in the same manner in which decimal and binary numbers operate. In
the octal number systems, each column is a power of 8.
Fourth digit Third digit Second digit First digit
3 2 1 0
Decimal 10 10 10 10
3 2 1 0
Binary 2 2 2 2
3 2 1 0
Octal 8 8 8 8
Converting an octal number into decimal form: In order to convert an octal number into its
decimal form, multiply that place holder value (power of 8) with the digit, and then adds all the
For example convert the octal number (123)8:
2 1 0
=1X8 + 2X8 + 3X8
=1X64 + 2X8 + 3X1
=64 + 16 + 3 =83
Converting an decimal number into octal form: To convert a decimal number into its octal
equivalent, simply divide the decimal number by 8 and then write down the remainder, repeat
this process until it cannot be divided by 8 anymore. For example convert the (786) 10 into octal
8 | 786 | R
8 | 98 | 2
8 | 12 | 2
8|1 |4
|0 |1
The decimal number of (786)10 is (1422)8
Converting an octal number into binary form: To convert an octal number into its binary
equivalent, replace each octal digit with its binary equivalent. For example (63) 8 can be
converted into its binary equivalent using the following steps:
Step 1: convert binary equivalent of 6 which is equal to 110
Step 2: convert binary equivalent of 3 which is equal to 011
Step 3: merge the two values, therefore (63)8 = (110011)2
Converting a binary number into octal form: To convert a binary number into its octal
equivalent, divide the binary number into two groups of bits, where each group consists of
exactly three bits (except the last). Convert each group into its equivalent octal number.
Combine these individual octal numbers to get final result. For example convert 1101100 into
its octal form
Step 1: divide the number into groups of 3 bits : 1 101 100
Step 2: convert each group of binary into its equivalent : 1 5 4
Step 3: merge the octal values to get the final result : 8
Converting a decimal number into hexadecimal form: To convert a decimal number into its
hexadecimal equivalent simply divide the decimal number by 16 and then write down the
remainder, repeat this process until it cannot be divided by 16 anymore.
Let us convert decimal number 1239 into its hex equivalent.
16 | 1239 | R
16 | 77 | 7
16 | 4 | D
| 0 |4
Now write the result starting from the last remainder obtained. Therefore, (1239)10 is (4D7)16
Converting a hexadecimal number into binary form: Converting a hexadecimal number into
binary form is easy by simply break number into 4-bit groups beginning with the last
significant bit, and substitutes the corresponding four bits in binary for each hexadecimal digit
in the number.
For example convert ABCD into its binary equivalent.
1010 1011 1100 1101
Therefore the binary value of the given hexadecimal number is:
Converting a binary number into hexadecimal form: Converting a binary number into
hexadecimal form is the reverse process of converting hexadecimal number into binary
number. Take the binary number and separate the 4-bit group and convert the each group into
its decimal value, and merge the all values.
Converting a hexadecimal number into octal form: To convert a hexadecimal number into its
octal form equivalent, first convert the hexadecimal into its binary equivalent. Then, convert
the binary number into its equivalent octal number:
For example to convert (A1E)16 into octal form, perform the following
steps: Step 1: convert the given number into its binary form:
A 1 E =1010
0001 1110
Step 2: divide the above binary number into 3-bit groups, and convert each group bits into its
equivalent octal number, therefore
Converting a octal number into hexadecimal form: To convert an octal number into its
equivalent hexadecimal number, first convert the octal number into its binary equivalent and
then convert the binary number into its hexadecimal form.
For example, the steps to be performed to convert (567)8 into its hexadecimal equivalent are
as follows:
Step 1: convert the each digit in the hexadecimal number into binary value:
5 6 7
101 110 111
Step 2: divide the binary number into 4-bit groups and then convert the binary values into its
hexadecimal equivalent, therefore:
0001 0111 0111
1 7 7
Joy Stick
Light pen
Track Ball
Graphic Tablet
Magnetic Ink Card Reader(MICR)
Optical Character Reader(OCR)
Bar Code Reader
Optical Mark Reader(OMR)
Keyboard is the most common and very popular input device which helps in inputting data to
the computer. The layout of the keyboard is like that of traditional typewriter, although there are
some additional keys provided for performing additional functions. The keys on the keyboard are as
S. No Keys Description
1 Typing Keys These keys include the letter keys (A-Z) and digit keys (0-9) which
generally give same layout as that of typewriters.
2 Numeric Keypad It is used to enter numeric data or cursor movement.
The twelve function keys are present on the keyboard which is
3 Function Keys arranged in a row at the top of the keyboard. Each function key has
unique meaning and is used for some specific purpose.
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Computer fundamentals & Photoshop I B.Sc CS / B.Com CA
These keys provide cursor and screen control. It includes four
4 Control keys directional arrow keys. Control keys also include Home, End, Insert,
Delete, Page Up, Page Down, Control(Ctrl), Alternate(Alt),
5 Special Purpose Keyboard also contains some special purpose keys such as Enter,
Keys Shift, Caps Lock, Num Lock, Space bar, Tab, and Print Screen.
Pointing Device:
Mouse: Mouse is most popular pointing device. It is a very famous cursor-control device
having a small palm size box with a round ball at its base which senses the movement of
mouse and sends corresponding signals to CPU when the mouse buttons are pressed.
Generally it has two buttons called left and right button and a wheel is present
between the buttons. Mouse can be used to control the position of cursor on screen, but it
cannot be used to enter text into the computer.
Light Pen: Light pen is a pointing device which is similar to a pen. It is used to select a
displayed menu item or draw pictures on the monitor screen. It consists of a photocell and an
optical system placed in a small tube. When the tip of a light pen is moved over the monitor
screen and pen button is pressed, its photocell sensing element detects the screen location
and sends the corresponding signal to the CPU.
Track Ball: A trackball is a pointing device that is used to control the position of the cursor on the
screen. It is usually used in notebook computers.
Touch Screen: A touch screen is a display screen that can identify the occurrence and position of
a touch inside the display region. The user can touch the screen either by using a finger or a
stylus. The touch screen facilitates the users to interact with what is displayed on the screen in a
straightforward manner, rather than in an indirect way by using a mouse or a touchpad. Such
touch screen displays are available on computers, laptops, PDAs, and mobile phones.
Image Scanner: A scanner is a device that captures images, printed text, and handwriting,
from different sources such as photographic prints, posters, and magazines and converts them
into digital images for editing and display on computers. Scanners come in handheld, feed-in,
and flat bed types, and for scanning either colour images, black-and-white images, or both.
MICR Scanner: Magnetic ink character reader (MICR) is used to verify the legitimacy of
paper documents, especially bank checks. It consists of magnetic ink printed characters that
can be recognized by high-speed magnetic recognition devices. The printed characters
provide important information for processing to the receiving party
OMR Scanner: Optical mark recognition (OMR) is the process of electronically extracting
data from marked fields, such as checkboxes and fill-in fields, on printed forms. The optical
mark reader, is fed with an OMR sheet that has pen or pencil marks in predefined positions to
indicate each selected response (such as answers for multiple-choice questions in an entrance
OCR Scanner: Optical character recognition (OCR) is the process of converting printed
materials into text or word processing files that can be easily edited and stored. The steps
in OCR include:
Scanning the text character by character
Analyzing the scanned image to translate the character images into character codes
Video Input Devices: Video input devices are used to capture video from the outside world
into the computer. Here, the term video means moving picture along with sound. Digital
camera and web camera are popular examples of video input devices.
LCD Monitors: An LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) monitor is a thin, flat, electronic
visual display unit that uses the light modulating properties of liquid crystals, which do
not emit light directly. LCD screens are used in a wide range of applications ranging
from computer monitors, televisions, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays,
signage, etc.
Projectors: A projector is a device that takes an image from a video source and projects it onto
a screen or another surface. These days, projectors are used for a wide range of applications,
varying from home theatre systems for projecting movies and television programmes onto a
screen much larger than even the biggest available television.
Speakers: By using speakers, the user can enjoy music, movie, or a game, and the voice will be
spread through the entire room. With good quality speakers, the voice will also be audible even
to people sitting in another room or even to neighbours
Impact printers: These printers print characters by striking an inked ribbon against the
paper. Examples of impact printers include dot matrix printers, daisy wheel printers, and
most types of line printers.
Daisy Wheel Printer: A daisy wheel printer uses an impact printing technology to generate high-
quality output comparable to typewriters, and is three times faster. However, today, daisy wheel
technology is found only in some electronic typewriters. The print head of a daisy wheel printer
is a circular wheel, about 3 inches in diameter with arms or spokes. The shape of the printer
wheel resembles the petals of a daisy flower, and hence its name. The characters are embossed
at the outer ends of the arms.
Line Printer: A line printer is a high-speed impact printer in which one typed line is printed at a
time. The speed of a line printer usually varies from 600 to 1200 lines per minute, or
approximately 10–20 pages per minute. Because of their high speed, line printers are widely
used in data centres and in industrial environments. Band printer is a commonly used variant of
line printers.
Non-Impact Printers: These are much quieter than impact printers, as their printing heads
do not strike the paper. They offer better print quality, faster printing, and the ability to
create prints that contain sophisticated graphics. Non-impact printers use either solid or
liquid cartridge-based ink, which is sprayed, dripped, or electro-statically drawn onto the
page. The main types of non-impact printers are inkjet, laser, and thermal printers
Inkjet Printer: Inkjet printers came in the market in the 1980s, but it was only in the 1990s that
their prices reduced enough to bring the technology to the high street. Inkjet printers have made
rapid technological advances in recent years. The colour inkjet printers have succeeded in making
colour printing an affordable option even for home users.
Laser printer: A laser printer is a non-impact printer that works at very high speeds and produces
high-quality text and graphics. It uses the technology used in photocopier machines. When a
document is sent to the printer, the following steps take place:
A plotter is a printing device that is usually used to print vector graphics with high
print quality. They are widely used to draw maps, in scientific applications, and in CAD,
CAM, and computer aided engineering (CAE).
If we compare a computer to a living being, then the hardware would be the body parts. Since
the computer hardware is a part of a machine, it can understand only two basic concepts: on and off,
called binary. Computer software was developed to use the binary to tell the computer hardware
what to do.
The computer hardware cannot think and make decisions on its own. Hence, it cannot be used
to analyse a given set of data and find a solution. The hardware needs software to instruct what has to
be done. A programme is a set of instructions arranged in a sequence to guide the computer to find a
solution for a given problem. The process of writing a program is called programming.
Computer programmers write a set of instructions using a specific programming language.
Such instructions are known as the source code. Another computer programme called compiler is
then used to transform the source code into a language that the computer can understand. The
following are some examples of computer software: computer games software, driver software,
educational software, media players and media development software, productivity software,
operating systems, etc.
System software: This environment provides new functions that are not available at the hardware
level and performs tasks related to executing the application program. System software
represents programs that allow the hardware to run properly.
Application software
System software
Computer hardware
Computer BIOS and device drivers: The computer basic input / output system (BIOS) and
device drivers provide the basic functionality to operate and control the hardware connected to
or built into the computer.
When the computer starts the first function that the BIOS performs the identify system
devices such as the video display, keyboard, mouse, hard disk, CD/DVD driver, and other
hardware. This process is also known as booting.
Operating system: The primary goal of an operating system is to make the computer system
continent and efficient use. The operating system offers generic services to support user
applications. An operating system ensures that the system resources are utilized efficiently.
Utility software: Utility software is used to analyse, configure, optimize, and maintain the
computer system.
Disk defragmenter – detects computer files whose contents are broken on the hard disk and move
fragments to one location in order to increase efficiency.
Disk cleaners – they are used to locate files that are either not required for computer operation, the
users to decide what to delete when their disk is full.
Disk partitions – are used to divide an individual drive into multiple logical drives.
Backup – utilities are used to make a copy of the information stored on a disk.
Antivirus utilities – are used to scan a computer for viruses.
Compiler, interpreter:
Compiler – it is a translator used to translate a source code written by the user by using
programming language in high level language into machine understandable format. Compiler
converts the entire source code at a time to machine language.
Interpreter – it is a translator used to translate a source code written by the use by using
programming language in high level langue into machine understandable format. Interpreter
converts the source code line by line to machine language.
Static RAM – this type of RAM that holds data without an external refresh as long as it is powered.
SRAM is occupies more space ad most expensive and is faster, more reliable.
Dynamic RAM – this is the most common type of memory used in personal computers,
workstations and servers today. A DRAM chip contains millions of tiny memory cells. Each
cell is made up of transistor and capacitor and can contain one bit of information. To store a
bit of information in a DRAM chip, a tiny amount of power is put into a cell to charge the
Most computers contain a small amount of ROM that stores critical programs such as the
basic input/output system (BIOS), which is used to boot up the computer when it is turned on.
Floppy disk:
Floppy disks are data storage devices that consist of a thin magnetic storage medium encased
in a square plastic shell. The storage capacity of the floppy disk is very limited, and its cost is
cheap, they are much slower than other data storage devices.
Floppy disks were widely used from the mid 1970s till 2000s to distribute software, transfer
of data, however today their use has become limited.
The mechanism of floppy disk involves two motors, while one motor in the drive rotates the
disk at a speed, the second motor moves the magnetic R/W head to read or write the data on the
magnetic plate. The memory capacity of the 3.5 inch floppy disk is 1.44 MB
Hard disk:
The hard disk is a part of the computer that stores all the programs and files, so if the drive is
damaged for some reason, all the data stored on the computer is lost.
A hard disk is basically a set of disks, stacked together, that has data recorded
electromagnetically on tracks. Hard disks are also called as magnetic disks; at present 1 Terra
byte hard disks are available.
Optical Disk:
Optical storage refers to storing data on an optical readable medium that can be read using a
beam of laser light focused on a spinning disk. The most popular optical storage devices are CD,
DVD, etc.
CD-ROM:- Compact disk read only memory, is a type of optical disk that uses laser
technology to read and write data onto the disk. Once the information is stored on the disk is
permanent and cannot be altered.
CD-R:- Compact disk recordable is a blank disk that can be used to store information. The
user can write the data onto the disk until the maximum disk capacity is fill after that we
cannot write data.
CD-RW:- Compact disk rewritable is a new generation of erasable optical disk. The user can write
and overwrite data on the CD-RW disk multiple times.
DVD-ROM:- Digital video disk or digital versatile disk is an extremely high capacity optical
disk with storage capacity ranging from 4.7 GB to 17 GB. DVDs are widely used to store
large data bases, movies, music, softwares, etc.
They can be easily used to transfer data from one computer to another. Flash drives have
higher data capacity than any other removable media. In 2010, the storage capacity of the USB
flash drives was as large as 256 GB.
Taskbar: The rectangular bar that runs horizontally across the bottom of the screen is called
taskbar. It provides access to all programs, it include start button, time, etc. You can also switch
one program to another program here by using the task bar. Task bar also has quick launch it
allows you to open frequently used programs quickly.
Icons: Icons are small graphical images that can represent computer programs, fields, folders. To
activate the icon you double click on it with the left mouse button. The standard icons in
windows operating system include My Computer, My Documents, Internet Explorer, Recycle
Bin, etc.
Mouse Pointer: it is a small graphical image where you can move this by using mouse, and
select whatever you want on the desktop.
My Computer: This is a standard icon and is very useful; it contains all the resources available in
your computer. Generally it consists of hard disk drives, removable storage devices, network drives,
and user documents and shared documents folder of your computer. To open My Computer window
then double-click My Computer icon on the desktop or go to start button and then select My
Computer option or press keyboard short cut keys ―Window Button + W‖ then the
My Computer Window will appear.
My Documents: The default location where to create all types of documents, workbooks,
images, presentations, databases, image files, folder in windows environment is My Documents
folder. My Documents folder contains My Pictures, My Videos, My Music, and all types of files
created by the user. To open My Documents double-click My Documents icon on the desktop or
go to start button and then select My Documents option then the My Documents folder will
Recycle Bin: The files removed by the user in the computer will go to this Recycle bin. Do you
want to remove the files permanently from the computer then select ―delete‖ option in the
recycle bin. If you want to get back files from recycle bin to the original location where the file is
actually deleted, then select ―restore‖ option from the recycle bin.
All Programs: This section of the start menu holds all of the program groups and programs
installed on your machine.
My Recent Documents: The documents section contains the last few documents you worked
on. By clicking on a document name, the document will be opened in the program that was
used to create it.
Search: To search a drive, multiple drives or your entire system for a file of folder.
Control panel: Control panel contains options for different software or hardware settings. The
windows XP operating system contains the following options: Appearance and themes, printer
and other hardware, network and internet connections, user accounts, add or remove
programs, date, time, languages, and regional options, sounds, speech, and audio devices, etc.
Log Off: Use this feature if you want to log off your system and allow someone else to log on
without running through a complete shutdown of the system
Turn off Computer: The turn off menu will allow you to turn the computer off or reboot your
system as you choose.
In the save as dialog box first select the location where the document will be save in your
Type the name of the file name.
Choose format for your image such as JPEG / TIFF / Photoshop, etc.
After using required options in the dialog box press ―SAVE‖ push button.
Photoshop file will be saved.
Q30. Draw a neat sketch of Photoshop application window? Explain its parts in detail?
Title Bar: Title bar always displays the name of the program that you are currently working, so
title bar contains ―Adobe Photoshop‖.
Title bar Menu bar Options bar Tool bar Current Document
Options bar: Every tool in Photoshop Elements has options that you can change; options bar
contains the options for your currently using tool in the toolbar.
Tool bar: Tool bar is a vertical bar; it has so many tools that enable us to design an efficient
image. Tool bar contains the following tools, they are: marquee tool, move tool, lasso tool,
magic wand tool, crop tool, slice tool, healing brush tool, brush tool, clone stamp tool, history
brush tool, eraser tool, gradient tool, blur tool, dodge tool, path selection tool, horizontal type
tool, Pen tool, rectangle tool, notes tool, eye dropper tool, hand tool, zoom tool, set foreground
and background tool, etc.
Current document: which document you are currently working is called as current document.
Panes: Panes are also vital features that relay all kinds of information like tool options, layer
selection, history, display location information, and text style, among others. Here is a list of
panes you are most likely to encounter when you start using Photoshop: Palettes, Layers, etc.
Q31. Explain menu bar in Photoshop?
Menu bar in the Photoshop contains the following menus: File, Edit, Image, Layer, Select,
Filter, View, Window, and Help.
Ch. Anil Kumar 34
Computer fundamentals & Photoshop I B.Sc CS / B.Com CA
File Menu:
Option Purpose
New This option is used to create a new Photoshop document or file with PSD
Open This command is used to open a required image file in Photoshop
Close This option is used to close an open document in Photoshop.
Save This option is used to save any document created or modified on Photoshop in
any required format.
Save As If you want to save an image file two or more than two times with two or more
than two different names or formats you can use the option named Save As.
Revert This option is used to remove all the changes made in any image by the use of
Page Setup This command is used to set the Size, Source and Orientation for the page.
Print This command is used to print any selected file in as much copies as we need.
Exit This command is used to close opened Photoshop window.
Edit Menu
Option Purpose
Undo This command is used to delete the impact of the most recently applied command
on the Photoshop document.
Step This Command is used to undo or remove the impacts of the two or more than
backward two recently applied commands from the Photoshop document one by one.
Step This command is used to apply back the removed impacts of the two or more
forward than two commands on Photoshop document.
Cut Through this command we can transfer any selected image or a selected part of
an image temporarily from the canvas to computer‘s memory (Clip Board).
Through this command we can create a copy of a selected image or the selected
Copy part of an image temporarily into computer‘s memory in an area that is called
Clip Board.
Paste This command is used to drop and display images that we have saved in the
Clipboard by applying Cut, Copy commands.
Clear In Adobe Photoshop 7.0 the command named Clear is used to delete the selected
part of the layer that is currently selected in the layer palette.
Check Through this command you can correct the spelling mistakes made accidentally
spelling in the text, typed on the Photoshop document.
Find and If you have used any specific word many times in the text typed on Photoshop
document and you want to replace that word with some other word in an instant,
replace text
you can use the option named Find and Replace Text given in the Edit Menu.
Fill This command is used to fill any desired solid color or predefined pattern inside
the selected layer with desired level of Opacity.
This option is used to create outline around the selected area. Through this option
Stroke you can not only create outline around the selected area, but you can set the
Width, Color, Location, Blending Mode and Opacity for that outline.
Free Through this command you can easily re-size any selected layer and rotate it in
transform any direction.
This command is used to make Photoshop run faster by deleting unnecessary or
Purge corrupt files holding the record of previously applied commands on Photoshop
document from the computer's memory.
Option Purpose
New To create a new layer
Duplicate Creates the duplicate layer
Delete For deleting selected layer
Layer To know the properties of current layer like name, color, etc.
Layer style For applying stroke, shadow like styles to the current layer
New fill For applying solid color, gradient and pattern options
Select Menu:
Option Purpose
All This command selects everything on the current layer.
Deselect Use this command to get rid of the marching ants around a selection
Reselect If you didn‘t mean to deselect a selection, use this command to get the selection
Modify This option lets you tweak the edge of your current selection by expanding or
shrinking it, feathering it, grabbing just its border, or smoothing it.
Grew This command finds and grabs pixels that match the colors around the area
you‘ve selected.
Like the Grow command, this option finds all the pixels in your image that match
Similar the selected area‘s colors, but it finds similar-coloured pixels anywhere in your
Transform This command lets you resize the currently selected area with the handles of a
bounding box
Filter Menu:
Option Purpose
Liquefy This filter lets you push, pull, and move pixels in all sorts of ways
Blur These filters change the focus in all or part of an image
Artistic This category includes filters that make your images look like a painting or
Brush The filters in this category make your image look like it was painted, penciled, or
strokes spray painted, among other effects;
Ch. Anil Kumar 36
Computer fundamentals & Photoshop I B.Sc CS / B.Com CA
Distort These filters create geometric patterns based on your image, including ripple,
twirl, and zigzag effects
Noise This category includes filters that can help smooth areas of your image that don‘t
blend well, fix dust and scratches in photos, and remove graininess
Sharpen You can use filters in this category to make blurry or out-of-focus images appear
more clear
View Menu:
Option Purpose
Proof setup Use the items in this submenu to create a proof
Proof This option turns soft proofing on or off
Pixel aspect This item lets you change the shape of your image‘s pixels for specific projects.
Zoom in This command works like a magnifying glass, increasing your image‘s
magnification level
Zoom out This command decreases your image‘s magnification level
Fit on This option resizes the current image and the window it‘s in to fill your monitor‘s
screen screen
Print size This item changes the size of your image to show how big or small it will be
when you print it.
Screen This submenu lets you choose how you want to view your images.
Rulers This command shows or hides the horizontal and vertical rulers that run along the
document window‘s left and top edges
Window Menu:
Use this menu to change what you see in Photoshop; it lets you arrange your open
documents, view or hide panels, and so on. Here we have options that the parts of Photoshop
application window likes, Tools, options, Navigator, color, history and layers, etc are to hide or
Help Menu:
If you don‘t know how to do something in Photoshop, you may find the answer in this menu.
It includes a link to Adobe‘s online help system, several tutorials, and options for activating and
deactivating your copy of Photoshop. You need an active Internet connection to use almost
every item in this menu
Use this tool to, well, move things. Usually you use it to move a Layer around after it has been
placed. Hold the [Shift] key to limit the movements to vertical/horizontal.
By default it draws a Shape Layer in the form of a rectangle. It fills the rectangle with
whatever foreground color you have selected. It‘s pretty complicated; don‘t hurt yourself with
this one.
Background colour:
These are your color boxes. Foreground (in the front) and Background (in the back). Click on
either one to bring up the color select dialog box.
To revert (kept the image in the previous state), then click revert option in the file menu.
You can see that the last action you have used on the image will be reverted.
You can use revert option until you reached the image in original stage.
The above dialog box means photoshop don‘t lets you close the photoshop file until saving the
changes made by you.
If you want to close the document with changes made by you then press ‗yes‘ push button.
If you want to close the document without changes made by you then press ‗no‘ push button.
To close this dialog box then press ‗cancel‘ button.
In this dialog box go to the folder or directory by using look in combo box, to locate image for
Select the desired image to open and press ‗open‘ push button.
The selected image will be opened in the Photoshop application window.
To save the file in different format other than Photoshop (.psd), then click
‗format combo box‘
Here you can see different types of image formats available to save the
Select the desired format to save the image.
In the options bar, you can see zoom in and zoom out icons.
Click the zoom in icon.
Select the area which you want to zoom in the picture.
After that you can saw your selected part of the image is looks big.
Panning Image:
When you're zoomed in on an image, you'll often want to drag the image around inside the
document window to check out other areas of the image at the same zoom level. This is
commonly known as "panning", and we can pan images around inside the document window
using the Hand Tool which you'll find next to the Zoom Tool in the Tools palette.
Select crop tool in the tool bar.
Select the area in the image that you want to crop by using mouse.
The selected area only displayed in the document and the remaining area will be removed.
To apply these selected press enter key in the keyboard.
Your image was cropped and displayed as below.
8. Now ―select all‖ the image by pressing Ctrl+A and copy using Ctrl+C.
11. Change the order of the two layers Layer 1 and layer 2.
The different versions of marquee tools are: Rectangular marquee tool, elliptical marquee tool, single row
marquee tool, single column marquee tool
Select the desired tool, example rectangular marquee tool
Click mouse left button in the document
Drag the mouse in required direction by holding mouse left button.
Release the mouse pointer.
You was selected the image or part of the image as seen below