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Parasitology Table

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Entamoeba histolytica Balantidium coli

Amoeba Ciliates
Disease Produced Intestinal amoebiasis Intestinal balantidiasis
Extra-intestinal amoebiasis Extra-intestinal balantidiasis
Habitat Large intestine Large intestine
Cecum Cecum
Cyst Round, 1- 4 nuclei, bulls eye Large, round, macronucleus &
Karyosome, cigar-shaped Micronucleus, retracted cilia at the
Chromatoidal body periphery
Infective stage-viable cyst Infective stage- cyst

Trophozoite Irregular in shape, single nucleus Large, elongated, with cilia, cytostome
Bulls eye karyosome, ingested & cytopyge, macronucleus &
Red blood cells micronucleus
Pathogenic stage Pathogenic stage

Pathology Tissue lysis/tissue necrosis Tissue lysis/tissue necrosis

Flask-shaped lesion Bigger lesion, wide opening, rounded base
Clinical Manifestations Abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody Abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody
mucoid stool mucoid stool

Diagnosis Stool examination Stool examination

Drug Metronidazole Metronidazole

Control & Prevention Good personal hygiene Same

Proper environmental
Public education
Proper treatment of

Naegleria fowleri Acanthamoeba astronyxis

Acanthamoeba castellanii
Acanthamoeba culbertsoni
Acanthamoeba polyphaga

 Found in ponds, lakes, thermal water and decaying organic matters.

Disease Produced Primary amoebic Granulomatous amoebic

encephalitis encephalitis

Habitat CNS CNS

Cyst With cystic stage With cystic stage

Trophozoite Amoeboid & Flagellate Both cyst and trophozoite can enter
Form the body
Flagellate form is the infective Trophozoite is the infective stage
Healthy individual swimming in Chronically ill, debilitated patient,
thermal water, flagellate form parasite enters through the eyes, break
enters through nasal mucosa in the skin, respiratory tract

Pathology Inflammation of meninges & Inflammation of the brain with

brain granuloma formation

Clinical Manifestations Acute, like fulminating bacterial Chronic, like brain tumor

Diagnosis CSF examination CSF examination

Drug Miltefosine Sulfadiazine

Amphotericin B Pentamidine

Giardia lamblia Trichomonas vaginalis Dientamoeba fragilis

Disease Produced Giardiasis Trichomoniasis Mucus diarrhea

Ping-pong infection

Habitat Duodenal crypts Vagina, urethra, prostatic large intestine


Cyst Ovoidal, with axoneme No cyst has been No cyst has been
& retracted cytoplasm demonstrated demonstrated
Mature cyst 4 nuclei
Infective stage

Trophozoite Symmetrically Ovoidal, undulating Irregular in shape,

pear-shaped, sucking disk membrane, costa, Usually with 2 nuclei
4 pairs of flagella flagella, one nucleus May have tetra-cocci
Infective stage & transfer karyosome, infective
through sexual contact stage attached to egg
ofE. vermicularis

Pathology Coat or carpet the Irritation & inflammatory Irritation and

Intestinal mucosa reaction inflammatory

Clinical Abdominal pain & Vaginal itchiness, vaginal Abdominal pain and
Manifestations diarrhea, steatorrheic discharges, creamy frothy mucus diarrhea
or gruelly stool, Travelers in appearance, usually latent
diarrhea, Leningrad curse & asymptomatic in male

Diagnosis Stool examination Urine examination, Stool examination

Entero Test of String examination of prostatic
Test secretions

Drug Metrinodazole Metrinodazole Metrinodazole

Treat also the
Plasmodium vivax Plasmodium malariae Plasmodium falciparum

Disease Produced Benign tertian Quartan malaria Malignant tertian

Malaria malaria
Estivo-autumnal malaria

Habitat Blood Blood Blood

Duration of E-S cycle 48 hours 72 hours 36 to 48 hours

Stipplings Schuffner’s dots Ziemann’s dots Maurer’s clefts, Garnham
bodies or Christopher’s dots
Secondary Exo-
Erythrocytic Phase Present None None
Hypnozoites Present None None
Relapse Recurrence Recrudescence Recrudescence

Morphology >Infected RBC are >No change in size of >No change in size of
enlarged EXCEPT infected RBC infected RBC
>Infected by young >Compactcytoplam >Young trophozoites and
trophozoite >Mature schizonts has gametocytes are usually
>Mature schizonts has Daisy, Rosette or present in peripheral blood
haphazard arranged Margaret arrangement > Banana or crescent-shaped
chromatin dots >Compact cytoplasm gametocytes
>Amoeboid cytoplasm > high degree of parasitemia

Insect vector in the Philippines

Anopheles balabacensis
Anopheles flavirostris
Anopheles minimus
Anopheles philippinensis

Pathology Tissue anoxia Tissue anoxia Tissue anoxia

Clinical >Chills, fever & >Chills, fever & >Chills, fever &
Manifestations sweating sweating sweating
>Anemia, splenomegaly >Anemia, splenomegaly >Anemia, splenomegaly
>Pernicious malaria

Diagnosis Thick and thin malaria Thick and thin malaria Thick and thin malaria
smear smear smear

Drug Chloroquine Chloroquine Chloroquine

Mefloquine Mefloquine Mefloquine
Atavaquone&Proguanil Atavaquone&Proguanil Atavaquone&Proguanil

Toxoplasma gondii Cryptosporidium parvum Pneumocystis jiroveci

Closely related to
Disease Produced Toxoplasmosis Cryptosporidiosis Interstitial Plasma Cell
Congenital toxoplasmosis Pneumonia
Habitat Various tissues Brush border of epithelial Pulmonary alveoli
cells of stomach & intestine
Oocyst Has two layers with 2 Has 4 sporozoites
Sporocysts, each with 4 No sporocyst
Cyst Contain many Bradyzoites Usually with 8 trophozoites
Or intracystic bodies
Trophozoite Banana or Crescent- Trophozoites and schizonts May amoeboid, crescent or
Shaped are attached to the host pear shaped
Rapidly dividing cell membrane
trophozoites are called

Pathology Multiplication in infected Developing organisms Multiplication of organisms

cells leads to rupture or destroy to host cell obstruct the airways,
death of the cells ventilation is impaired

Clinical Lymphadenopathies Diarrhea Non- productive cough

Manifestations Congenital Nausea and vomiting Cyanosis
(Sabin Syndrome) Abdominal pain Respiratory failure
Cerebral calcification
Diagnosis Biopsy Stool examination Examination of specimen
Sabin-Feldman dye test Modified acid-fast stain from lungs, such as sputum,
Frenkel skin test of the stool, Entero Test Bronchial washings, or
Naso-tracheal washing,
biopsy, Stain with Gomori’s
Methenamine silver

Drug Pyrimethamine Nitazoxanide Trimethoprim

Sulfadiazine Paromomycin Sulfamethoxazole
Adenophorea (Aphasmidea)

Capillaria philippinensis Trichuris trichiura Trichinella spiralis

Common Name Whipworm Trichina worm
Disease Produced Pudok’s disease Trichuriasis Trichinosis
Mystery disease Trichocephaliasis Trichinellasis
Intestinal capillariasis Whipworm infection Trichiniasis
Habitat Small intestine Cecum Small intestine
Male Spicule start at Posterior end curve With conspicuous
posterior fourth 360 degrees or more conical papillae
With overhanging With lanceolate spicule
sheath and pineal sheath
Female With pouting Fleshy bluntly rounded Vulva at the anterior
vulva posterior end like a whip fourth
Egg Almost straight Barrel-shaped Larviparous
on the sides Prominent bipolar mucus
Flattened bipolar plugs
mucus plugs Described as Japanese
Coarsely pitted lantern
Infective stage Third stage larvae Embryonated eggs Encysted larvae from pork
L3 from fish or country sausages
Pathogenic stage Adult Adult Adult& larva
Pathology Derangement of Mechanical and Inflammation of small
intestinal function allergic processes intestine, muscle, eyes
Loss of fluid, electrolytes Diffuse colitis heart, meninges & brain
& plasma protein
Clinical Intestinal malabsorption Usually asymptomatic Diarrhea, myalgia,
Manifestations Chronic diarrhea Chronic diarrhea conjunctivitis, myocarditis,
Borborygmus Rectal prolapse meningitis & encephalitis
Abdominal pain Anemia Calcification of cyst
Protein-losing enteropathy Dead end cycle in human
Voluminous sprue-like stool
Diagnosis Stool examination to Demonstration of Muscle biopsy
demonstrate adults, larvae eggs from stool Xenodiagnosis
& eggs Proctoscopy Bachman intradermal test
Bentonite flocculation test
Drug Mebendazole Mebendazole Mebendazole
Ascaris lumbricoides Toxocara canis Toxocara cati
(Human Ascaris) (Dog Ascaris) (Cat Ascaris)
Common Name Giant intestinal
Disease produced Ascariasis Toxocariasis or Toxocariasis or
Intestinal ascariasis Visceral larva Visceral larva
Ascaris pneumonitis migrans (Most common) migrans
Habitat Small intestine
With blood-lung phase
in Life Cycle
Cephalic Alae Much longer than broad Broad, tapering anteriorly
Male Smaller with posterior 4-6 cm up to 13 cm 4-6cm
End curved ventrally
Female Vulva near junction of 6-10 cm up to 20 cm 6-12 cm
Anterior and middle
Egg Fertilized egg with Subglobose, thick shelled Subglobose, thin shelled
albuminoid, glycogen & Coarsely pitted eggshell Finely pitted eggshell
vilelline layers
Unsegmented with coarse
lecithin granules
Developed in the soil to
Embryonated egg
Unfertilized egg with
albuminoid& glycogen
layers only
Elongated with disorganized
refractile mass
Does not developed into
embryonated egg
Infective stage Embryonated egg Embryonated egg Embryonated egg
Pathogenic stage Migrating larvae& Adult Migrating larvae Migrating larvae
Pathology Migrating larvae breaks the Larvae migrate into the liver and lungs,
pulmonary capillaries, will will never become adult in human.
have, cellular infiltration Causes eosinophilic inflammation followed
consolidation, there will be by granuloma formation.
cough, dyspnea, rales, Striking clinical feature is a high sustained
causing Loeffler’s syndrome eosinophilia
Adult worm causes allergies, There is a triad of marked eosinophilia,
malnutrition, intestinal hepatomegaly and hyperglobulinemia
obstruction& perforation,
Diagnosis Stool examination ELISA Test
Tramway sign in X-ray Biopsy
Drug Mebendazole Albendazole
Necator Ancylostoma

Necator americanus Ancylostoma duodenale Strongyloides stercoralis

Common Name American hookworm Old World Hookworm Threadworm

American murderer
Disease produced Necatoriasis Ancylostomiasis Strongyloidiasis
Uncinariasis Cochin-China diarrhea
Habitat Small intestine Small intestine Small intestine
With blood-lung phase With blood-lung phase With blood-lung phase
inthe Life Cycle in the Life Cycle in the Life Cycle
Cephalic curvature Against the body Along the body
Vulvar opening Anterior to midpoint Posterior to midpoint
Buccal capsule Semilunar cutting plate I pair small teeth
2 pairs big teeth
Bursae Longer then broad Broader than long
Spicules Fused at the tip (barb) Separate and pointed
Egg Rectangularly oval, clear Same Rhabditiform larvae are
transparent eggshell, evacuated with the stool
with 2 to 8 cell stages
Infective stage Filariform larva, more of Filariform larva, more of Filariform larva penetrate
skin penetration than ingestion than skin the skin
ingestion penetration
Pathogenic stage Migrating larva Migrating larva Migrating larva
Adult Adult Adult
Pathology Larva penetrate the skin, Same Same
causing Ground itch or
Dew itch. Migrating larva
Breaks pulmonary
capillaries causing
Loeffler’s syndrome
Adults suck blood, depletion Same Adults causing malabsorption
of iron reserve, causing iron &steatorrhea
deficiency anemia Causing more anemia Causes autoinfection
Diagnosis Stool examination Same Demonstration of the
Concentration Technique rhabditiform larvae from
Kato-Katz method stool or duodenal fluid
Zinc Sulfate Floatation Test
Formalin-Ether Concentration Test
Harada-Mori Method
Drug Mebendazole Mebendazole Mebendazole, Albendazole
Cutaneous Larva Migrans (Creeping Eruption)
Cutaneous larva migrans or Creeping eruption is adermatitis with serpiginous, intracutaneous lesions
cause by migration of the larval stage of Nematodes of lower animals.
 Most common cause is Ancylostoma braziliense and also cause by Ancylostoma caninum
 Ancylostoma braziliense –With one pair of big teeth and one pair of small teeth
 Ancylostoma caninum – With three pairs of big teeth
 More common in the tropical and subtropical region
 Their larvae cannot pass thru the human skin and the migrating larvae form intracutaneous
 At the point of entry of the larvae it may cause redness, itchiness and papules may developed
 Intense itchiness and scratching may lead to secondary bacterial infection
 Most commonly involved are the feet, legs and hands
 Ethyl chloride may be spray on the affective areas
 Drug used may Albendazole or Thiabendazole
 Avoid contact with contaminated soil

Enterobius vermicularis
Common name Pinworm, Seat worm or Society worm
Geographical Worldwide in distribution, more common in temperate or cold regions
Disease produced Enterobiasis
Adult worm have cephalic alae and bulbous esophagus
Male Posterior end is curved ventrally
Female Posterior portion is sharply pointed
Vulvar opening is in front of the middle third of the body
Gravid females has distended uteri because of the of eggs
Egg Elongate-ovoidal, plano-convex (flattened on one side) or lop sided appearance
or like letter D
Clear and transparent and embryonated
Infective stage Embryonated egg
Pathogenic stage Egg
Pathology Common among children, does not need an intermediate host & cause autoinfection
Oviposition at night causes perianal itchiness called Nocturnal Pruritus Ani
Adult may enter the vagina or appendix causing vaginitis or appendicitis
Diagnosis Only about 5% of the eggs can be recover from the stool
Demonstration of the eggs from perianal scrapings of swabs, under the fingernails
Graham Scotch Tape Technique
NIH swabs
Drug Mebendazole
 Females are larviparous or viviparous
 Insect vectors are needed in the transmission of infection
 Adult female lay larval stage called microfilaria
 They are classified to as with sheathed microfilaria or unsheathed or naked microfilaria
 Microfilaria still having embryonic egg membrane is sheathed microfilaria
 Microfilaria whose embryonic egg membrane is lost is unsheathed or naked microfilaria
 Periodicity is the time of the day whereby the blood or other body fluids contain abundant number of
 Nocturnal periodicity when there are greatest number of microfilariae at night
 Diurnal periodicity when greatest number of microfilariae at certain time during the day as well at
Wuchereria bancrofti Brugia malayi Loa loa
Eye worm
Disease Produced Bancroftian Filariasis Malayan Filariasis Calabar or Fugitive swelling
Microfilaria Sheathed Sheathed Sheathed
Periodicity Nocturnal Nocturnal Diurnal
Insect vector Mosquito Same Tabanid flies
Aedes Chrysops
Geographical China Same Central Africa
Distribution Philippines
Adult Inhabits the lymphatic Same Subcutaneous tissues
Vessels and glands
Microfilaria With graceful curve With kinky body Unevenly distributes
Body nuclei are more & with unevenly body nuclei that extend
or less equidistant & distributed body to the tip of the tail
regularly distributed nuclei
Two prominent body
nuclei at terminal end
Pathology & Lymphatic obstruction Same Causes temporary migratory
Manifestations Causing lymphangitis, inflammation, causes bug
Lymphadenitis, bulge eye
enlargement of involved
organs, involve genitalia
more the B. malayi
Diagnosis Demonstration of microfilariae Same Same
from blood
Tissue biopsy, Serological test
Drugs Diethylcarbamazine Same Same
Trematodes (Flukes)
Cestodes (Tapeworms)
Schistosoma haematobium Schistosoma mansoni Schistosoma japonicum
Common Name Vesical blood fluke Manson’s blood fluke Oriental blood fluke
Disease produced Vesical Schistosomiasis Manson’s Schistosomiasis Oriental Schistosomiasis
Schistosomiasis haematobia Schistosomiasis mansoni Schistosomiasis japonica
Schistosomal haematuria Bilharziasis Katayama disease
Vesical or Urinary Causes the most severe &
Bilharziasis hard to treat
Geographical Africa & Middle East Africa, South America Far East (Bicol, Samar,
Distribution & Caribbean Leyte & Mindanao)
Habitat Vesical plexuses Inferior mesenteric plexuses Superior mesenteric plexuses
&veins of rectum & vesical plexuses
Molluscan host Bulinus Bulinus Oncomelania quadrasi
Male Stout with gynecophoral Stout with gynecophoral Stout with gynecophoral
canal canal canal
Late union of Early union of Very late union of
Intestinal ceca intestinal ceca intestinal ceca
Female Ovary posterior to the Ovary anterior to the Ovary centrally located
midpoint midpoint near midpoint
Egg Oval with terminal Oval with lateral Spherical or oval with
Spine spine recurved spine
20 – 290 eggs per female 100 – 300 eggs per female 1500 – 3000 eggs per female
per day per day per day
Urine > Stool Stool > Urine Stool
Infective stage Cercaria Same Same
Pathogenic All stages Same Same
Pathology Cellular infiltration Same Same
Clinical Swimmer’s itch
Manifestations Urticaria, rashes
Diagnosis Urine & stool exam for eggs Stool & urine exam Stool examination
CHR, COPT, Liver function Same Same
Test Biopsy Same Same
Drug Praziquantel Praziquantel Praziquantel
Fasciola hepatica Clonorchis sinensis Opisthorchis felineus
Common Name Sheep liver fluke Chinese liver fluke Cat liver fluke
Oriental liver fluke
Disease Produced Sheep liver rot Clonorchiasis Opisthorchiasis
Fascioliasis hepatica
Geographical Cosmopolitan Far East, China Europe and
Distribution Sheep raising countries Japan, Korea Asia
Habitat Proximal biliary passages Distal biliary passages Distal biliary passages
Gallbladder Pancreatic passages Pancreatic passages
Adult Cephalic cone Most characteristic are Lancet shaped
Dendritic testes in tandem, dendritic testes in tandem Transversely compressed
intestinal ceca, ovary & at posterior third, branches vitellaria on
vitellaria extending to the sides middle side
Egg Large ovoid, immature Broadly ovoid, with convex Same as egg of
when laid operculate, operculum & shoulder rim Clonorchis sinensis
like a chicken’s egg Protuberance at posterior end Like an old fashion
Mature in water then Mature when laid, hatch after electric bulb
hatch ingested by snail host
1st Intermediate Lymnaeatruncatula Bulimus Bulimus
2nd Intermediate Aquatic vegetation Freshwater fishes Fish
Host Watercress
Larval development Sporocysts, rediae, Sporocysts, rediae & Sporocysts, sporocysts,
rediae& cercariae cercariae rediae & cercariae
Infective stage Metacercariae Metacercariae Metacercariae
Pathogenic stage Migrating larvae Adult Adult
Pathology Mechanical & toxic effect Inflammation & toxic effect Inflammatory reaction
Clinical Halzoun (Pharyngeal Mild, essentially Mild, essentially
Manifestations fascioliasis) symptomless, asymptomatic,
Chills, fever, Manifestations of Manifestations of
Hepatomegaly, right cholecystitis, cholangitis cholangits
upper quadrant pain Organism has been linked
of abdomen colic pain, with neoplasm of the bile
obstructive jaundice, ducts
Manifestations of
Cholelithiasis is relatively
Common complication
Diagnosis Stool exam for eggs Same Same
Entero Test
Drug Praziquantel Same Same
Paragonimus westermani Fasciolopsis buski Echinostoma ilocanum
Lung fluke Intestinal fluke Intestinal fluke
Common Name Oriental lung fluke Giant intestinal fluke Garrison’s fluke
Disease Produced Paragonimiasis Fasciolopsiasis Echinostomiasis
Pulmonary distomiasis
Endemic hemoptysis
Geographical Far East China, Thailand Philippines, Thailand
Distribution Japan, Thailand Vietnam
Habitat Lungs, adjacent to Small intestine Small intestine
the bronchi
Adult Plump, ovoid, coffee No cephalic cone, Circumoral disk surrounding
bean-shaped simple intestinal ceca oral sucker
With zigzag intestinal with double indentations Circumoral disk with
ceca collarette of spines
Egg Broadly ovoid, flattened Identical with the egg Ovoidal, immature when
Operculum, thickened of Fasciola hepatica laid, with operculum and
at abopercular end prominent germ ball
1st Intermediate Antemelania asperata Segmentina hemisphaerula Gyraulus convexiusculus
2 Intermediate Sundathelphusa philippina Water bamboo, caltrop Pila luzonica
Host Crabs or crayfish chestnut Pila conica
Infective stage Metacercariae Metacercariae Metacercariae
Pathogenic stage Migrating larvae Adult Adult
Pathology Inflammation Traumatic, obstructive & Inflammation
Granulomatous & fibrotic toxic effect
Clinical Chills, fever, cough Toxic diarrhea, abdominal There may be intestinal
Manifestations hemoptysis, chest pain pain, acute ileus colic & diarrhea
Manifestations like in Death due to profound
bronchopneumonia, intoxication
bronchiectasis and
pulmonary tuberculosis
Abdominal type – abdominal
Cerebral – epilepsy,
hemiplegia, visual
Diagnosis Demonstration of eggs Demonstration of eggs Demonstration of eggs
fromsputum from stool from stool
Drug Praziquantel Praziquantel Praziquantel
Diphyllobothrium latum Taenia solium Taenia saginata
Common Name Broad tapeworm Pork tapeworm Beef tapeworm
Fish tapeworm
Disease Produced Broad or fish tapeworm Taeniasis solium Taeniasis saginata
infection Pork tapeworm infection Beef tapeworm infection
Bothriocephalus anemia Cysticercosis cellulosae
Geographical Cosmopolitan, more Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan
Distribution common in temperate
Habitat Small intestine Small intestine Small intestine
Adult 3-10 m, scolex is spoon, 2-7 m, scolex is armed May be more than 25 m
almond or spatulate in with accessory lobe of usually 5 m, unarmed
shaped ovary, gravid proglottids scolex, vaginal sphincter,
Uterus is coiled, piled or with 7-13 main lateral 15-20 main lateral
Rosette branches branches
Egg Ovoid, immature when Spherical, with hexacanth Identical with egg of Taenia
laid with operculum embryo & truncated prisms solium
bubble-like germ balls cemented together, wallnut
brown in color
1st Intermediate Diaptomus vulgaris Intermediate host - Pig Intermediate host- Cattle
Host Cyclops strenuous
2nd Intermediate Freshwater fishes Definitive host – Human Definitive host- Human
Infective stage Plerocercoid or Sparganum Embryonated egg Cysticercus bovis
Cysticercus cellulosae
Pathogenic stage Adult Adult, Cysticercus cellulosae Adult
Pathology Inflammation, irritation Larva involved different No larval infection, no
Compete with absorption organs and tissues, causing autoinfection
of Vitamin B12 inflammation, necrosis, Adult infection -
fibrosis& calcification Inflammation & irritation
Adult infection causes
Inflammation & mechanical
Irritation, with autoinfection
Clinical Abdominal discomfort Larval infection-base on the Abdominal discomfort.
Manifestations nausea & vomiting organs involved epigastric pain, diarrhea
Pernicious or Megaloblastic Adult infection-abdominal nausea &vomiting
anemia discomfort, diarrhea
Diagnosis Recovery of eggs or Cysticercosis- CT Scan, Recovery of eggs, scolex or
proglottids from stool X-Ray, MRI proglottids from stool
Adult infection- eggs &
scolex or proglottids
Drug Praziquantel Adult-Praziquantel Praziquantel
Larval infection- surgery
Hymenolepis nana Hymenolepis diminuta Dipylidium caninum
Common Name Dwarf tapeworm Rat tapeworm Double pored dog tapeworm
Disease Produced Hymenolepiasis nana Hymenolepiasis diminuta Dipylidiasis
Dwarf tapeworm infection Dog tapeworm infection
Geographical Cosmopolitan, more Cosmopolitan Cosmopolitan
Distribution common in warm region
Habitat Small intestine Small intestine Small intestine
Adult Up to 40 mm, armed scolex 20-60 cm, unarmed scolex 10-70 cm, armed scolex,
With 3 testes, trapezoidal With 3 testes, trapezoidal 1-7 circle of hooklets
proglottids proglottids Proglottids are pumpkin-
seed like, with 2 sets of
male & female sex organs
Egg Spherical, with hexacanth Spherical, with hexacanth Small, spherical, hexacanth
embryo, polar thickening embryo & polar thickening embryo, 8-15 in uterine
& polar filaments only block or mother pocket
Intermediate No intermediate host is Ctenocephalides canis/felis Same
Host needed Xenopsylla cheopis
Definitive Host Human Human or Rat Dogs, Cats & Human
Infective stage Embryonated egg Cysticercoid larvae Cysticercoid larvae
Pathogenic stage Adult Adult Adult
Pathology Inflammation & allergy Same Same
Clinical Usually well tolerated, Same Same
Manifestations Abdominal distress,
Diarrhea, anorexia
Diagnosis Demonstration of eggs Same Same
from stool
Drug Praziquantel Same Same

Echinococcus granulosus
Common name Hydatid worm
Disease produced Hydatid disease
Geographical distribution In sheep and cattle raising countries
Intermediate host Human, sheep, cattle
Definitive host Dog
Adult 3-6 mm, armed scolex, with one immature, one mature and one gravid proglottid
Egg Similar to eggs of Taenia species
Pathology Mechanical effects on organs involved
Clinical manifestations Depends on the organs involved
Diagnosis X-Ray, CT scan, Ultrasound, Serological test, Hydatid fragments from urine or
Treatment Surgical removal , Albemdazole
Liberato C. de la Rosa, MD, DTM&H

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