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Smart City Ranchi A New Dimension of Urban Space

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal |

ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Volume - 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep – Oct 2018

Smart City Ranchi

Ranchi: A New Dimension off Urban Space
Animesh Gope1, Sangam Suman2
Faculty, Department of Geography
Geography, Doranda College, Ranchi University, Ranchi,
Ranchi Jharkhand, India
Research Scholar, Department of Geography
Geography, Patna University, Patna, Bihar,
Bihar India

The paper try to analyze the viability and of its citizens and use the information obtained to
sustainability of Ranchi as a ‘Smart City’. At present provide better serviced such as greater automation,
Ranchi has 16.5 lac. Urban population (2011), about intelligent
gent routing and transportation, better
43.14% of the total population of the district. In order monitoring, and better city management.
meet the demands of this rapidly increasing neo
middle class urban population. Ranchi as ‘Smart City’ ‘Smart City’ refers to smart infrastructure for
is a great initiative. The papers illustrate the cur
current environment and social sustainability.
status of Ranchi city and its urban issues along with
the solution in two heads, Area Based Development STUDY AREA
(ABD) and Pan City Project under Smart city Ranchi The study area taken is the capital city of Jharkhand
mission. namely known as ‘Ranchi’. Which is located between
23° 25’Nto 23° 27’N. Latitudeand the longitudinal
Also some of the existing smart cities of the world extension is 85° 20’ E to 85°° 23’E. It has an average
and India have been discussed to understand
nderstand the better height of 643.6M above sea level. It has area of
perspective of the smart city in context of Ranchi. 5, Possesses 3rd rank in area within the
state. The city comprises total population of 2,914,253
Keyword: Smart City, ABD, Pan City Project, Urban, according to 2011 census ranks first among the state
ICT. districts. The Population density is 572person per
square ratio is as same as of the state
INTRODUCTION 949 female after 1000 males.
The city started becoming ‘smart’ back in 1920, when
the world first automated traffic light were installed in The study area comprises area based development
Houston Texas (USA). In India the concept of smart (ABD) and Pan City development project which is
city is coined out by Indian Prime Minister in June shown in the figure below.
2014.when he announced a plan of 100 smart cities in
India. Cities in the past were built on river banks, they
are now built along highways but in future they will
be built best on availability of ‘Optical Fiber’
networks and next generation infrastructure claimed
by P.M. Narendra Modi.

The ‘smart city’ concept integrates information and

communication technology and various physical
devices connected to the
he network, to optimize the
efficiency of the city operation and services and
connect to citizens.

A city considered ‘smart city’ if it exhibits the ability

to keep track of state of its environment and activities

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Oct 2018 Page: 143
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
The concept of Smart City is nothing but
sophisticating the exited cities. It is a process of
renewal of urban space.

The essence of Smart Cities lies in the capturing a

real time data as well as its intelligent processing that
enable s various application area ranging from
managing environment quality and the built
environment to land use and transportation planning
.Smart Cities are the future to sustainability to support
population growth h and urban expansion .

In India 34cr. Population living in urban area and their

share in GDP is about 60% in 2008. Which over a
period of time increase by 82% share in GDP by
37.71cr. Population living in urban space of India in
RESEARCH PROBLEM 2011. The demand for every y civic amnestic to raised
Economy problem by 5 to 7 times. Specially by neo middle class.
A. Migration in flow cause informal employment Neosatellite town mid size cities required to
result into exploitation. accommodate these neo middle class and migrated
B. Under employment
ment or unemployment cause crime, population from rural to urban. In this smart city will
drug abuse, alcoholism. play a very crucial role in accommodating the
C. Municipal in sufficient fund result into poor civic emerging neo middle class population.
In Ranchi the share of urban population was 9.7 lac in
Environmental Problem total population in 2001
001 which has increased by 16.5
A. High rents in CBD compel people to live in lac in 2011 which consist of about 43.14% of total
peripheral area increase public transportation population of Ranchi. The share of these urban
result in air pollution. populations in secondary and tertiary activities is
B. Energy crisis results into the compulsion use of about 49%, to demand of such a huge urban
diesel generator in shopping malls causing population, Ranchi as a smart city will be a major
pollution. thrust.

Social Problem: Slum growth, poor sewage, diseases, Although the problem of out migration in over all
poverty. Jharkhand pre dominants according to economic
rvey of India 2011, 5 million working is population
OBJECTIVES from 2001-2011 migrated outside the state. More than
The paper attempted to analyse how viable and 5% working is population annually migrates to other
effective Ranchi Smart City would be to resolve the states in search of better employment, education, etc.
problem arising in urban space of Ranchi like: the largest proportion of out migration from the state
Congestion, Traffic environment population in flow is from Dhanbad, Lohardaga, Gumla.
of migration, slum and Rehabilitation of displac
people. However the scenario in Ranchi is different being a
capital city of the state a huge proportion of inflow of
METHODOLOGY migration takes place for the better employment,
In order to analysis the paper we used the secondary education and to enjoy other urban facilities possesby
data obtained from the various sources like data from the city.
official website of Smart City Government of India,
official website of Urban development and Housing
Department. of Jharkhand. Also referred some books
and Journal, Hand book of Ranchi, 2011.

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Oct 2018 Page: 144
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
PRESENT SCINARIO OF THE VARIOUS situation in Ranchi City. Ring road is also at close
COMPONENTS OF URBAN CITY RANCHI proximity with the area based development region
Energy: 90.34% of urban households enjoying under the smart city mission of Ranchi.
electricity facility in the urban space of Ranchi where
as 9.07% urban households are still dependent on LAYOUT OF SMART CITY RANCHI
kerosene oil for lightening ng their houses. Contribution The development of smart city Ranchi has two major
of solar power in the urban space is very low about components:-
0.17% of total power consumption. In 2008 2008-09 the A. Area Based Development and
rate of energy consumption was 734KW/h. which has B. Pan city development project.
increased by 1075KW/h in 2015-16. 16. Per capita power
consumption of the Ranchii city is increasing by 6% Therefore Ranchi as a smart city would develop as a
per year. core as well as whole city simultaneously.

Cooking Fuel: The share of LPG is about 62.96% in Area Based Development (ABD): The main purpose
urban region where as the contribution of the other of ABD is to create of vibrant economy for the city
fuel for cooking is 0.73%, 0.15% and 0.28% of and to address the socio- economic need of the
kerosene, electricity and biogas respectively. resident in the
he core and Ranchi city as whole.

Slum: As per Ranchi Municipal

nicipal Corporation (RMC) The ABD envisages development of a green field
OUT OF 55 Wards 10 are dominated by slum encumbrance free land of 656 acres. This area is well
dwellings. Corporation estimated approximately 3 lac. within the municipal core within 5 km distance from
Slum dweller resides in the city of which 20% of CBD and close proximity to the proposed capital
households did not have toilet facilities. Whereas 50% complex, airport and Hatia railway station.
of slum dwellers go for open defecation,
fecation, because of
lack of toilets, water supply etc. Area In Percentage
Land use for ABD
acres (%)
Drainage: The urban space of Ranchi has only 29.4% Open space &
of closed drainage connectivity for waste water outlet. circulation
The open drainage comprises 43.87%, %, whereas in 1. 245 38
26.73% of urban space has no drainage system. areas)
2. Institutional 134 20
Occupational Structure Of the Urban Space 3. Residential 86 13
Ranchi: The urban space comprises total working 4. Mix use components 69 11
population 1,142,867 in which 25.95% are main 5. Commercial 67 10
worker, 13.27% are marginal worker whereas 60.78% Public & Semi
are non-workers.
workers. If we see the participatory ratio male 6. 55 8
and female, male comprises 49.77% while women Total 656 100
shares only 28.11%.

Categorical Wise Worker In Ranchi: Total

cultivators 317,407 which comprises 27.78% whereas
total agricultural labour consist 267360. Which
comprises 23.39% working in household industries
are 38452 in number and 3.36 in percentage. Other
worker totals 519568 about 45.46% of total workers.

Traffic: traffic congestion is one of the emerging

problems in Ranchi as huge mass of vehicles
increased in past decade. The urban city Ranchi is
well connected with NH-23, NH-33, and NH NH-75 as
well as via rail routes and by air. Newly developed
ring road is playing a vital role in tackling traffic

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Oct 2018 Page: 145
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
G. In economic infrastructure skill development
centers, incubation centres, transit hub,
commercial centers and banking centers would be
H. In intuitional infrastructure
structure e-governance
e and m-
governance, ease of doing business, minimum
government and maximum governance, safety
and security citizen engagement, disaster
management are given more emphasis.

Financial Structure For Smart City Ranchi

Under the smart cityy mission 100 cities across the
country will be developed as smart city by 2019-20
with the union government providing financial
support to the extent of rupees 48,000 crore over 5

While 20 smart cities were selected during 2015-16

another 40 would be selected during 2016-17
2016 and
remaining 40 during the next financial year. Each city
Pan City Development Project: For whole Ranchi selected in different rounds of competitions will be
city development it comprises integrated traffic and given central assistance of rupees 200 crore in the first
transport system (RITTS) is to be developed. TrafTraffic year and rupees 100 crores each during the subsequent
control through information communication 3 financial year.
technology (ICT).
ICT). It will provide digital platform for
integrating public transport management, parking State government and respective urban local bodies
management, and corridor management, fare will also provide the same amount. Total cost of the
management along with integration with ABD smart city project of Indian cities is 203,172 crores in
transport and traffic need. which 164204 crores will be used for area
development which shares 80.8% of the total cost of
Major Aspects of Smart City Ranchi the projects whereas pan city development project
A. It will work as a knowledge hub for educational will cost 38,914 crores.. Its share is 19.2% of the total
excellence. cost of the project.
B. Information communication technology based
traffic system will efficiently manage the traffic. The total population will be impacted by the smart
C. Offers opportunities to the investors in areas of city mission is 99,630,069.
real estate, health education, housing and
D. It will be designed to cater for all the basic OTHER SMART CITIES OF THE WORLD
amenities like good quality of drinking water, China: Chinahas built some smart cities to
solid based management system, electricity accommodate its urban population in Guiyang,
supply, scientific sewerage and drainage system, Wohan, Nanjing and Hefei. Some scholars term them
IT connectivity, digitization, e-governance
governance and as ‘Ghost City’ of china as these cities are left out
participation. with lesser inhabitants. China
Chin still investing in
E. Smart city ensures physical infrastructure like developing new smart cities. China allocated $322
intelligent public transport, 24×7 smart water Billion for smart city development by 2025.
supply, zero emission, connectivity infrastructure,
commercial hubs, convention centers and hotels. Abudhabi: Abudhabi investing $22 billion for
F. It ensures social infrastructures like housing developing smart cities for 40,000 residential in
development, educational infrastructure, cultural Arabian Desert.
and fitness centers park and river front

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Oct 2018 Page: 146
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
South Korea: South Korea’s smart city is endowed 6. Central role played by private Tec firms in smart
with waste disposal system where refuse is sucked cities.
underground directly from people homes. Radio
Frequency Identification (RFID)
RFID) a tracking device CONCLUSION
fitted to cars to promote traffic signals to change route Smart cities are about being innovative in how they
during periods off congestion and a video call tell are governed, innovative in the way how they allocate
presence screen fitted in every office and shopping tax payers money, innovative in how they engage
center. citizens in transforming the city driven to support
innovative and creativity in local economy and yes
U.S.A: In Boston smart city gunshot sensor is fitted innovative in the use of technology as tools to
on the crowded place. Whenever there is a gun improve quality of life and improve efficiency.
shooting in the region, sensor automatically alerts the
local police. The picture is clear from the appraisal that Ranchi has
different scenario that of the other smart cities of the
In Lowa smart city, smart water meter is fitted in each world. In spite of having some hurdles in emerging as
household which can be helpful for comparison with a new urban space in the form of smart city .it is
neighbour’s water uses and accordingly will help in fantastic way forward to manage its man and material
water conservation. in its urban periphery.

Ireland: In Dublin smart city “parkya” app developed Smart city Ranchi would prove to be a major thrust to
by IBM for fining
ining out the available parking slots. tackle the issues like population congestion , problem
of traffic , slums, civic amnestic problem, pro
Denmark: In Copenhagen smart city the green wave unemployment etc. one of the great thing about
cycling system coordinates traffic light so that cyclist smart city is it will work as economy hub of the city.
who maintain a 20 km/ h travelling speed only see
green traffic light all the way along their commute. REFERENCE
1. District Census Handbook, Ranchi (2011), series -
Paris: In Velib smart city has facilities of public 21, part-XII, B.
bicycle sharing system.
2. Graziella, F. (2016),, smart city: a geographical
perspective, Romanian review on political
India: India’s first operational city is known as GIFT
geography, Nov.2016, vol. 18. Issue-2.
City (Gujarat International Finance Tec City), which
developed between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar. as 3. Singh, Kr. S, 2015,, Inside Jharkhand, crown
a green field project includes es feature like district publication, p-387-397.
cooling system, utility tunnel and automated vacuum 4.
waste collection.
Fund provided by center may be adequate and smooth 6.
but fund yearly shared by state may cause hurdle in
completion of the smart city. 7.
CRITICISM geospatial-gis-smart-cities
1. Cyber terrorism or even a software bug can crash
the public transport and electricity grid.
2. CCTV constant surveillance prone to misuse by
an authoritarian government.
3. Smart maps, smart metered connection leads to
advertisement spams.
4. People loose communication, family community
values in smart phone with GPS and WiFi.
5. Sense of place is lost, all the streets and shops are
identical like Song do (S. Korea).

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Oct 2018 Page: 147

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