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Respond & AI

Capacity Building Programme Office

ISRO HQ, Bengaluru

Respond & AI
Capacity Building Programme Office
ISRO HQ, Bengaluru
Research Areas in
A Document for
Research Project Proposals

Respond & AI
Capacity Building Programme Office
ISRO HQ, Bengaluru

November 2018
Technical Guidance and compilation
Nirupama Tiwari, Sci/ Engr SE, CBPO
M A Paul, Deputy Director, RESPOND & AI, CBPO

For any queries please contact

Director, Capacity Building Programme Office (CBPO)
Indian Space Research Organisation HQ
Department of Space
Government of India
Antariksh Bhavan
New BEL Road
Bangalore 560094

Deputy Director, RESPOND & Academic Interface

Indian Space Research Organisation HQ
Department of Space
Government of India
Antariksh Bhavan
New BEL Road
Bangalore 560094
I am extremely delighted to bring out the current edition
of the Research Area Document. This comprehensive
document is exclusively prepared to highlight the major
programmes of ISRO and the current and upcoming
Research and Development requirements.

As you may be aware, ISRO is embarking upon many

new areas of Science and Technology by taking up
challenging technological assignments incessantly. In this important
task of National Importance, ISRO is looking for wider participation
and contributions from academia in a focused manner for timely
accomplishments of its goals. In view of this, the concept of ISRO
Academia day is brought out. The main aim behind this is to showcase
the emerging research and development areas of ISRO, so that the
faculty of the academic institutions can take up the research projects
in the area of their specialization and expertise. A “Research Areas
In Space” document has been brought out to enable the interested
researchers to choose the topics.

The document is split into five major Programmes of ISRO

namely Launch Vehicle, Satellite Communications Programme,
Earth Observations Programme, Space Science Programme and
Meteorology. The document has been compiled and worked out
in a precise manner by RESPOND Team, CBPO, ISRO HQs in
consultation with the different Centres of ISRO to enable Faculty/
Researchers at Academic Institutions to prepare suitable proposals
of relevance to ISRO.

I wish all the best and warmly invite academia to come forward and
participate in R & D programme of ISRO.

P V Venkitakrishnan
Director, Capacity Building Programme Office
ISRO Head Quarters, Bengaluru
Sl. No. Programmes and Areas Page No
1.0 Launch Vehicle
A Aerospace Engineering 1-9
B Propulsion 10-19
C Propellants, Polymers & Chemicals 20-28
D Control, Guidance & simulation 28-29
E Materials & Metallurgy 29-35
F Composites 35-40
G Transducers & Sensors 40-41
H Structures & Fabrication 41-51
I Avionics 51-57
J Launch Vehicle Inertial Systems Area 57-58
K Advanced Inertial Systems Area 58-59
L Mechanical Design and Production Group 59
M Launch vehicle tracking system, Range 60-64
Operation, System Engineeing
N Project and Programme Management 64-66
O Testing of liquid propulsion system 66-79
2.0 Satellite Communication
A SATCOM Applications 81
B Electronics Support Services 81-89
C Antenna 89-94
D Mission Development Area 94-97
E Communication and Power 98-99
F Integration and Checkout 100
G Mechanical Systems 101-109
H Controls and Digital 109-112
I Reliability and Components 112-114
J Systems Production 114
K VLSI Design 114-117
L CMOS Process Technology 117-121
M MEMS Design & Process Technology 121-122
N SATCOM & Navigation Payload 122-134
O SATCOM & SATNAV Applications & 134-142
Associated Technologies
P Mechanical Engineering Systems 143-145
Sl. No. Programmes and Areas Page No
Q Systems Reliability 145-146
R Material Characterization 146-148
S Semiconductors 148
T Spacecraft Inertial Systems Area 149-151
U Bearing and Space Tribology 151
3.0 Earth Observations
A Mission development and Remote 153-169
Sensing-Sensor Technology
B Remote Sensing Signal and Image 169-180
Processing and Software Development
C Satellite Data Reception & Ground Station 181-184
D Earth, Ocean Sciences Applications 185-223
E Aerial Remote Sensing 223-225
F Earth and climate sciences 225-232
G Disaster Management 233-237
H Urban and Regional Studies/Processes 237-240
4.0 Space Sciences
A Investigation on Near Earth Environment 241-242
B Atmospheric dynamics and coupling 242-244
C Sun and Solar System 244-247
D Astronomy and Astrophysics 247-248
E Space Instrumentation 248-250
F Remote sensing data analysis from 250-251
Planetary Exploration Missions
G Laboratory study of Astromaterials 252
H Study of terrestrial analogues of Moon and 252
I Payloads for upcoming Planetary Missions 252
5.0 Meteorology
A Weather and Climate 253-257
B Space Physics 257-259
C Signal and Data processing 259-260
D Radar and Lidar instrumentation for 260-262
atmospheric probing
Annexure-1 263-264
Launch Vehicle

1.0 Launch Vehicle Programme

A Area Aerospace Engineering (VSSC)

A1 Sub Area Aerodynamics and Aero Thermal Engineering (VSSC)

A1.1 Estimation of gaseous radiation during interplanetary missions (VSSC)

Planetary entry missions involve penetration of its atmosphere at very high entry
velocities. The external surface of entry body is exposed to extreme heating rates owing
to dissipation of its large kinetic energy. Strong shocks are formed ahead of the entering
body increasing the internal energy of entrapped gas. Gas within the shock layer attains
very high temperature levels leading to thermochemical non-equilibrium. Gaseous
radiation becomes significant in such conditions. Both equilibrium and non-equilibrium
air radiation have to be modeled for estimation of radiative heating. Number densities
of various chemical species, translational, rotational and vibrational temperatures of
heavy particles and electrons are to be evaluated for modeling emission and absorption
characteristics of air under these conditions. Available database on radiative properties
incorporating spectral absorption and emission behavior of gases at high temperature
are to be used. The proposed study should focus on establishing a methodology for
evaluation of gas radiation for planetary entries. Comparison of estimated gas radiation
levels with available measurements in literature is essential for validation.

A1.2 Flow field over a double delta wing configuration (VSSC)

Heat flux data for the double delta configuration is important, especially for regions of
shock-shock interaction, leeward region flow, base flow, fuselage wing interaction for
accurate distribution of TPS and for mass optimization. It is proposed that experimental
heat flux measurements on the above region on ISRO’s RLV may be attempted at flow
enthalpies of about 2, M = 6.6, To = 1700 – 1800 K. Diagnostic shall be (a) heat flux
(b) liquid crystal thermography/IR thermography (c) Flow visualization. The generated
data shall be compared with the predictions, and suggestions for improving the prediction
may also be attempted.

A1.3 Influence of back pressure fluctuations on the unsteady transonic shock wave
boundary layer interaction (VSSC)
A study of shockwave boundary layer interaction in a constant area duct is proposed to
understand the effect of back pressure rise on the unstart of typical ramjet/scramjet air
intakes. One important factor which affect the large scale motion of the shock and Shock
wave/boundary layer interaction (SWBLI) is the downstream pressure perturbations.
Hence a proposal is invited to understand the response of shock wave and SWBLI to
downstream perturbations to mitigate its ill effects.

A1.4 Supersonic retro propulsion (VSSC)

In order to reduce the peak dynamic pressure on the stage during its recovery or to reduce the
speed of entry modules during planetary entry, supersonic retro propulsion is an attractive
option. This is especially true for entry in planetary atmospheres like that of Mars, which

Launch Vehicle

has low-density and does not provide adequate drag to slow down the entry vehicle before
touch-down. It has very practical applications in stage recovery where the high dynamic
pressure of the recoverable stage is reduced using the impulse provided by propulsion in
the supersonic / hypersonic regime of flight. The rocket motor exhaust exhausts into the
opposing high speed free stream. The aim of optimal supersonic retro propulsion is to
maximize the axial force exploiting the interaction between propulsion and aerodynamics
and also to assess the aerodynamic and thermal impact on the parent stage / vehicle.
Proposals are solicited for design, analysis and testing of deceleration system with
Supersonic Retro Propulsion with single-jet and multi-jets (clustered configurations) to
optimize the axial force for stage recovery and planetary entry conditions.

A1.5 Simulation and studies of soil mechanics for understanding supersonic jet
impingement and subsequent dust generation for planetary missions (VSSC)
The search for extra-terrestrial life is being explored on a larger scale. This involves
visiting other celestial bodies and exploring for signs of life. Generally, a propulsion
system would be used to carry landing on the planed/meteoroids. Understanding the
interaction of jet exhaust with the soil during the terminal descent phase is critical
for nominal system performance. Proper physics modelling of soil and mechanics of
soil-jet interaction, soil particulate formation and dust propagation form major parts
of such a study.
From this project it is expected that the capabilities would be developed for understanding
and modeling of soil erosion and dust particle generation for future interplanetary missions
to Moon, Mars, Titan and Venus. This could be in the form of a stand-alone code or be a
feature addition to the current framework of PARAS-3D.

A1.6 Development of an engineering procedure to account for the ground proximity

effect on Aerodynamics for the small aspect ratio wing body configuration using
CFD database (VSSC)
The aerodynamic characteristic of the wing body configuration is influenced by the ground
proximity effect. The ground proximity effect changes the aerodynamic lift, moment and
drag coefficients of the wing body configuration. Therefore, it is essential to characteristic
the vehicle in the presence of ground and also the associated aerodynamic loads has
to be considered for the vehicle design. Ground proximity effect is measurable, when
the height is below the one wing span of the vehicle. In general, the ground proximity
effect increase the lift-curve slope, decrease the drag due to reduction in the induced
drag, and increase or decrease the pitching moment of the wing-body configurations.
Nevertheless, the above ground effect is a function of the given configuration and may
increase/ or decrease the aerodynamic coefficients. Hence, the ground effect is highly
configuration dependent and it has to characterised using wind tunnel testing or CFD
simulations with appropriate wall boundary conditions.
A CFD based database code has to be developed to account for the ground
proximity effect for various angle of attack and height from the ground. The basic coefficients
can be given us input. The code has to handle the re-entry type of wing-body configuration
with small aspect ratio, blunt swept double delta wing platform and vertical tail.

Launch Vehicle

A2 Sub Area Aerodynamic Design (VSSC)

A2.1 Scramjet Experimental Vehicle (SEV) (VSSC)

Towards long duration demonstration of powered hypersonic flight, ISRO is proposing
liquid fuel Isrosene (similar to JP-7) powered scramjet flight vehicle accelerating from
Mach 6 to Mach 7. This project envisages demonstration of supersonic combustion on a
simple model scramjet at an inlet Mach number of 2, with either liquid kerosene droplet
injection / vapour injection with the use of struts. Apart from conventional pressure
and heat flux measurements, optical diagnostics of H20 and OH are preferable. Also,
measurement of Thrust for the model combustor, estimation of skin friction in presence
of combustion is also the part of the project.

A2.2 Super sonic parachute design (VSSC)

For payload and stage recovery missions, including planetary entry vehicles, providing
deceleration in the supersonic and hypersonic regimes is very important. In planets with
low density atmospheres, unless adequate deceleration is provided at high speeds, the
touch down speeds can not be reduced to desired safe levels. Similarly, stage recovery
missions lead to very high dynamic pressures at high Mach numbers, unless deceleration
is provided using either a drag device or propulsion. Often, entry modules become
dynamically unstable at transonic Mach numbers.
Parachutes are efficient drag decelerators because of their low mass and high drag.
Also, supersonic parachutes are used to provide static and dynamic stability to modules
descenting at high speeds. However, the design of supersonic parachutes is challenging.
Proposals are solicited to design, analyse and test supersonic parachutes which can work
at transonic, high supersonic, and if possible, hypersonic Mach numbers. The proposals
are solicited in the areas of aerodynamic, flight dynamic, structural and thermal Multi-
Disciplinary Design Analysis & Optimization design and testing.

A2.3 Inflatable aerodynamic decelerator design, analysis fabrication and flight testing
Inflatable Aerodynamic Decelerators (IAD) are promising for payload recovery, planetary
entry and other missions. It enables substantial reduction in peak dynamic pressure, heat
flux and heat load due to very low ballistic coefficient with minimal structural mass for
the aerodynamic decelerator. The design of these decelerators has multiple challenges,
namely optimal external configuration design, trailing distance, structural design, flexible
thermal protection system design, inflation system design, etc. Analysis challenges include
aero-thermo-elastic analysis of highly deformable structures, dynamic stability analysis,
multi-body dynamics, etc. Fabrication methodologies as well as testing methodologies
of various inflatable aerodynamic decelerator components, including high pressure
toroids or multi-chamber inflatable structures, their leak proofing, inflation system design,
structural and environment testing, wind tunnel testing etc. also need to be developed.
Researchers are encouraged to take up Multi-disciplinary analysis & design optimization
and testing studies for IAD.

Launch Vehicle

A2.4 Airbags for impact attenuation (VSSC)

During the recovery of space modules and launch vehicle stages on land or on water, it
is essential to attenuate the impact. Otherwise, the impact loads will be transferred to the
payload, structure, instrumentation or crew in the vehicle. Often Air-bags are used for this
purpose. Proposals are invited for design, analysis and testing of air-bags or any other impact
attenuation devices for use in ground / water landing recovery missions. Following candidate
areas can be addressed in the proposals: structural design, ground impact analysis / testing,
water impact simulations / testing, dynamics during and after impact, inflation system design,
energy dissipation analysis during impact, packing configuration, etc.

A2.5 Intake design for Scramjet Experimental Vehicle (SEV) (VSSC)

Intake plays a very important role in capturing the incoming air flow efficiently and directing
it towards the combustion chamber. The intake efficiency can be assessed based on
pressure recovery, mass capture and kinetic energy efficiency. Intakes are of two types
namely outward and inward turning intakes based on the complete external, internal or
mixed compressions. Currently, SEV intake is outward turning intake with three ramp
system followed by two successive expansion corners. To turn the flow into the engine,
a shock generates at the inlet’s cowl lip and impinges on the engine floor resulting
into separation bubble and total pressure loss. The heat generated due to combustion
depends on the quality of the approach flow. The kinetic energy efficiency and the total
pressure recovery are two important parameters that dictate the flow quality. During the
endothermic reaction process, the energy is drawn from the kinetic and potential energy
of the incoming flow to form products and which in turn generate heat during exothermic
recombination process. The mass flow rate through the geometric throat of the diffuser
is directly proportional to total pressure and inversely proportional to square root of total
temperature. So the higher pressure recovery will allow higher mass flow rate through
the geometric throat that will result into higher change in momentum as well as thrust
after the heat addition.
Moreover, when the heat is added to the supersonic flow the Mach number as well as
total pressure decrease while the total temperature increases that may result into thermal
chocking at the aerodynamic throat in the combustor if excess heat is added. So if the
pressure recovery is sufficiently high, the adverse effect of increase in total temperature
and decrease in total pressure after heat addition can be reduced to avoid thermal
The intake is mainly designed to provide the flow conditions required for the self-ignition
of fuel air mixture. In addition, the intake is also responsible for issuing high quality flow
into the combustion for adequate heat production that result in the large increase in static
pressure as well as the internal energy of the flow required for generating large kinetic
energy and flow velocity through nozzle expansion. This will lead to high thrust owing to
large change in momentum.
The ignition delay is proportional to temperature. The self ignition temperature of kerosene
which is used as fuel is around 600k at STP. The ignition delay at 600k temperature will
demand very high combustor length that leads to weight increase. So care should be

Launch Vehicle

taken through proper intake design to ensure sufficient reduction in ignition delay to
reduce the combustor length and hence the weight.
The intake cowl configuration design should be carried out in concurrence with the
expansion corners. The cowl drooping may be necessary for incorporating two subsequent
compression to reduce the shock strength and hence the total pressure losses. The cowl
lip angles and expansion corners should be properly arranged to have the cowl shocks
impinge on the expansion corners to reduce the adverse effect of shock reflections.
An intake can be designed at one particular hypersonic Mach number to have the shocks
at the lip to avoid the spillage and divert the maximum possible mass flow in to the
engine at a given altitude. If the Mach number varies from Mach 6.0 to 7.0 during the
SEV operation and the intake is designed at Mach number 6.5, the intake remains under-
critical at Mach 6.0 and super-critical at Mach 7.0. During the under-critical operation
the flow spillage results into spillage drag with the reduction in Mass flow entering into
the engine, while in the case of super-critical intake, the ramp shocks enter inside the
inlet creating a possibility of flow separation due to shock and incoming boundary layer
interaction. This will result into severe total pressure loss and higher unsteady pressure
levels. The disadvantages in the off design Mach numbers should be addressed in the
intake design.
The optimal intake design should cater to all these above aspects
The constraints: Cowl height varies between 0.5 to 0.6m.

A2.6 Isolator design (VSSC)

The isolator isolates the combustor and the intake to avoid the upstream influence of the
consequences of the heat addition in the combustor. During the exothermic process the
heat addition in the combustor results in large pressure rise. The effect of high pressure
rise is felt upstream through the boundary layers in all sides. Sometimes this may lead
to boundary layer separation which may propagate upstream even up to inlet causing
changes in the inlet conditions. To avoid this situation an isolator is provided to separate
intake and combustor by sufficient distance such as to avoid the upstream influence
on the intake completely. But in that process the isolator length should be optimized to
reduce the weight penalty and isolator drag.
Selection of isolator length also depends on the shock train spreading along the isolator
with the gradual reduction in successive shocks’ strength to almost negligible to provide
uniform flow at the entrance of the combustor. The additional pressure and temperature
rise owing to shock train should be accounted for the combustor entry condition.
The isolator length depends on the ratio of combustor pressure and intake’s internal
pressure. It also depends on boundary layer parameters. Higher the boundary layer
thickness in the combustor, higher should be the length of the isolator.
The only physical parameter it depends on is combustor height. The proposal should
bring out a methodology for isolator length determination which suites to our configuration.
The constraints are : combustor height 100mm, pressure rise between 2 to 4 bar, Mach
No to combustor entry between 1.75 to 2.0, design parameter is isolator length.

Launch Vehicle

A3 Sub Area Development of Tools (VSSC)

A3.1 Development of a flow through balance (VSSC)

This project envisages development of a flow through balance towards measurement
of six component forces / moments in a supersonic / hypersonic wind tunnel with jet
passing through the core. The balance shall allow a clear diameter of 20mm for passing
the jets and the outer diameter shall be restricted to 45mm. The balance shall be so
designed such that the jet reaction is not passed to the metric portion. For balance
design, following loads may be considered.
Outer Diameter of the Balance = 45mm (preferably)
Flow passage = 20mm
No of components =6
Balance Ranges
Axial Force : 100 kg
Side Force : 200 kg
Normal Force : 100 kg
Rolling Moment : 150 kg-cm
Pitching Moment : 600 kg-cm
Yawing Moment : 450 kg-cm
Medium : Dry air at maximum temperature of 60 deg C
Factor of Safety : >2.0
Dynamic loads : Balance will be used in NAL 4’ x 4’ tunnel, hence subjected to
start / stop loads. Factor for dynamic loads shall be taken as per practice.
Mach No: : 0.8 to 4
Inside air pressure : 150 bar (max)
FS sensitivity : 0.5mV/V to 1mV/V
Excitation : 5 V DC
Accuracy : ±0.25% FS
Interaction : <5% of FS
Natural Frequency : Along with a model of ~15 kg weight, the balance +
model first mode in both pitch and yaw plane should be around 25 Hz
Model end fixity : Cylinder ( TBD)
Earth end fixity.

A3.2 Development of two stage light gas gun for simulating hypervelocity impacts
Space debris consists of all defunct objects in orbit around earth. These objects are real
threat for all space related activities especially in low earth orbit.
Two stage light gas gun is used to simulate the hypervelocity impacts in ground. An
analytical tool need to be developed, that can simulate the gas dynamics of a two stage
light gas gun for different gas media considering the movement of piston and projectile for
estimating the mass and velocity achieved by the projectile for given loading conditions.
Development of an analytical tool to simulate the hydrodynamic behavior of solids when
subjected to hypervelocity impacts.

Launch Vehicle

A3.3 Development of high temperature Fiber Bragg grating sensors (VSSC)

During the thermo-structural testing of hot structures, high temperature strain gauges
(electronic gauges) are used for strain measurement. Of the late, Fiber Bragg grating
(FBG) sensors, an optical based contact type measurement system for strain and
temperature is proven to be reliable with specific advantages over electronic strain
gauges. FBG sensors that can withstand temperatures up to 800°C need to be developed
and characterized for utilization during thermo-structural testing.

A3.4 Development of robust algorithm for CFD simulation of supersonic and hypersonic
flows around complex geometries on unstructured meshes (VSSC)
Supersonic and hypersonic flows around complex geometries of launch vehicles and
re-entry vehicles are of interest to VSSC as it forms an important part of characterization
of launch vehicles. An unstructured finite volume 3D RANS solver is under development
in VSSC. This solver has popular upwind scheme such as AUSM, Roe etc. with SA and
SST turbulence models. Explicit as well as implicit time integration schemes are available.
Currently, some issues are observed in convergence of supersonic and hypersonic flows
while simulating flows at higher altitudes with low pressure and density. As part of this
project, a robust algorithm is to be developed to simulate supersonic and hypersonic
flows in particular, that can be implemented in the in-house finite volume solver. The
algorithm should be demonstrated on an unstructured grid finite volume 3D RANS solver
that is either open-source or developed by the Principal Investigator. Convergence of the
simulations using this algorithm should be shown on a generic launch vehicle geometry
for various free-stream conditions including those with low pressure and density (higher
altitudes). The algorithm should be able to work with upwind schemes such as AUSM,
Roe etc. and popular turbulence models like SA and SST in both explicit and implicit
time integration. Details of the algorithm can range from changing the values of closure
coefficients in the turbulence model, update in the flux difference splitting schemes
to development of a separate module that modifies the cell updates based on certain
criterion. The project can be divided in two parts:
1. Algorithm for supersonic flows 2.0 < M ≤ 4.0 and
2. Algorithm for hypersonic flows 4.0 < M ≤ 8.0.
Separate algorithm can be developed for these two or one algorithm can be developed
that suites both these regimes.

A3.5 Adjoint based grid adaptation algorithm (VSSC)

The solution-adaptive mesh refinement feature allows the user to refine and/or coarsen
grid based on geometric and numerical solution data. The unstructured data format
allows incorporating solution-adaptive refinement for better resolution. The main issue in
the design of the refinement algorithm is to minimize the reduction in grid quality of the
adapted mesh, since high quality meshes are often desired for numerical reasons.
The boundary layer transition prediction methods require well resolved boundary layer
profiles including accurate higher order derivatives and inflection points. The properties
of the boundary layer are not known before the solution is computed. This makes grid
adaptation uniquely suited to ensuring that the first cell height and the outer portions of

Launch Vehicle

the boundary layer are properly resolved. Using a rigorous mathematical approach to
automate the grid resolution required within the boundary layer would have a dramatic
impact on complex design and analysis applications.
Recent trend is towards adjoint based unstructured grid adaptation. The basic idea of the
adjoint-based adaptation method is to construct an adaptive sensor from a more robust
and accurate error estimation. It is seen that the adjoint solutions provide a very powerful
approach to compute output error estimation as well as to systematically adapt grids to
reduce spacial discretization errors. In adjoint-based adaptation there is a significant
reduction in unnecessary grid points compared to the feature-based adaptation in both
2D and 3D flows.
The focus of the work should be towards a feature/ adjoint based grid refinement
algorithm which can operate in all types of flow regime (subsonic, transonic till hypersonic
flows). The algorithm should resolve the flow features like shocks, waves and vortices
with relative ease and should be automated with minimal human intervention. The grid
adaptation logic is to be designed in such a way that the cell quality should not deteriorate
beyond the baseline grid.

A3.6 Lattice-Boltzmann methods (VSSC)

In recent years, the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method has been developed as an alternative
method of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This method originates from kinetic
theory and has several advantages in modeling fluid flows in complex geometries and
multiphase flows. In addition, the explicit and local interaction makes it amenable for
parallel realizations in large scale simulations. The utilization of lattice-Boltzmann has been
focused on incompressible flow since the deviations of the many lattice-Boltzmann model
are proportional to the square of Mach numbers. The effort to recover the Navier-Stokes
equations of compressible flow has become successful for flows with medium Mach
numbers near one using the Hermite polynomials as the expansion basis. In the early
development the equilibrium distribution function is chosen to be a small-Mach number
expansion containing a few coefficients. This approach has achieved great success for the
continuity and momentum equations. The effort of recovering the energy equation has met
some difficulties due to numerical instability. There are some models that aim to simulate
Euler and Navier-Stokes equations and are recovered by the finite difference LB method.
The focus of the work would be towards development of a parallel and efficient algorithm
for simulating single-phase, multiphase fluid flows for supersonic flows (M > 1.0) with
finite Knudson Number.

A3.7 Laminar to turbulent flow transition- modeling and implementation (VSSC)

Majority of the flows encountered in regular aerospace problems are turbulent in
nature. The understanding of how a fluid flow develops ‘turbulent’ properties is not
fully understood. The flow transition from laminar to turbulent on reentry bodies like
Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV), Crew Modules etc. is required for accurate prediction of
aerodynamic coefficient as well as heat flux distribution.
The aim of this work is to develop the better models to be incorporated in 3D unstructured
grid Finite Volume based CFD solver.

Launch Vehicle

A3.8 Turbulence chemistry interaction studies (VSSC)

The turbulent combustion is an interdisciplinary and broad topic. It combines turbulent
flow described by the fluid dynamics equations, and complex chemical kinetics.
Turbulence enhances mixing of reactants; on the other hand, the chemical reaction
involving temperature rise due to heat addition enhances the turbulence levels of the
flow itself. Therefore, aside of mass and heat transfer, the coupling between turbulence
and chemistry plays a crucial role in turbulent reacting flows.
In order to deal with the problem of turbulent reactive flow, one has to solve the system of
closed equation of motion, species transport and energy conservation. The key difficulty
in mathematical modeling of turbulent combustion is the source term in the species
transport equation. The reaction is based on the Arrhunious law which is highly non-
linear, and it is not easy to express it as a function of mean values. Expanding the mean
reaction rate as Taylor series of the temperature fluctuation leads to various difficulties
and is not commonly used. Therefore existing models are based on physical analysis,
comparing chemical and turbulent time scales, and most of them classified as one point
statistics, geometrical analysis or turbulence mixing approach.
Assumed probability density function, Steady laminar flamelet, Eddy dissipation concept
and partially stirred reactor model are being used in RANS to bring out the effect of
turbulence chemistry interaction.
Assessment of the turbulent chemistry interaction can be made by using commercially
available software like Fluent or CFD++. Or separate module can be developed and
incorporated in open source CFD softwares like openfoam or SU2 or in house CFD code
like PARAS.

A4 Sub Area Trajectroy Design (VSSC)

A4.1 Development of analytical tool for low thrust interplanetary mission trajectories
Spacecraft trajectories are obtained from the integration of the spacecraft’s equations
of motions, which contain terms for the external forces that are acting on the spacecraft
and for the thrust force. The convergence behavior of trajectory optimization methods
depends on an adequate initial guess of the solution, which is often hard to find. An
efficient analytical tool can provide with good initial approximation which can reduce
exhaustive numerical computation.

A4.2 Re-entry trajectory design and analysis of two closely following bodies with a
possibility of a break ups (VSSC)
Re-entry trajectory design is complex as large amount of heat has to be dissipated and
structural integrity of the body has to be ensured. Design becomes challenging when
two bodies closely follow each other. This typically occurs in one of the missions where
crew module and cryostage enters the Earth’s atmosphere and are in close vicinity. In
this TDP, possibility of cryostage breakup during the re-entry is to be analysed. Number
of pieces during the break-up are to be evaluated based upon detailed structural analysis
of the cryo stage components. The survivability of these pieces and the effect of impact
of these pieces on the ongoing crew module is to be assessed.

Launch Vehicle

B Area Propulsion (LPSC/ VSSC/ SDSC-SHAR)

B1 Sub Area Solid Propulsion (VSSC)

B1.1 Study on interaction of fluid-structure and resulting pressure and thrust oscillations
in segmented solid motors (VSSC)
The thrust oscillations resulting from the chamber pressure oscillations in large solid
boosters of launch vehicles is a perennial problem. In solid motors there are several
reasons for pressure oscillations. The oscillations resulting from the three dimensional
and uneven nature of the propellant grain surfaces (paretal oscillations), oscillations
due to the burn rate variations and resulting combustion instability, the pressure
fluctuations arising from the vortex formation due to the protruding inhibitions between
the segments are some of the major reasons. Among them, the third one is the most
severe one causing the largest amplitudes in pressure fluctuations. These fluctuations in
pressures may be amplified several times in thrust. When the solid motors are used
in paired mode (like S200 motors GSLV Mk III) the thrust oscillations pause issues in
controllability also. Hence, the study of the pressure oscillations in solid motors become
very significant. In segmented solid motors, the segment inhibition made of rocasin or
similar material will not burn along with the propellant grain and will remain there for a
long time. This will cause formation of eddies and recirculation zones in the vicinity of
inhibitions. The periodic shedding of the eddies result in the pressure oscillations. The
inhibition material and the propellant grain also will respond to the pressure fluctuation
in the port. Hence the phenomenon of pressure and thrust oscillation in segmented
solid motor is to be studied in a coupled manner considering the effect of fluid dynamic
oscillations and oscillations of inhibitions and propellant grain deformations.
The Objective of the proposal would be :
i) To bring out the frequency and magnitudes of pressure and thrust oscillations within the
solid motor considering the fluid-structure interaction of the port flow gases, protruding
inhibitions and deformation of the propellant grain.
ii) The problem has to be addressed in a transient, quasi-steady manner considering the
grain surface evolution.
iii) The validation has to be done with the available test data of subscale tests or flight
measured data.

B2 Sub Area Slosh Analysis (LPSC)

B2.1 Ignition modeling of semi cryo engine & comparison of performance with slug
igniter & electrical igniter for LOX kerosene combustion (LPSC)
In future, multi start semi cryo engine are required for space transportation missions.
Slug igniter is a fuel which is hypergolic with LOX where as electrical igniter is another
heating device to generate adequate heat energy to ignite LOX with Kerosene. Modeling
of igniter aspects, performance prediction, improvements etc. are some of the areas
of research.

Launch Vehicle

B2.2 Modeling of two phase flow heat transfer of Liquid Methane in regenerative cooling
channels of LOX/Methane rocket engines with Methane film cooling (LPSC)
In future LOX/Methane engines are essentially needed for Mars missions where in fuel
refilling is possible. A good thermal model for two phase flow will be of much application
for design of LOX/Methane engines.

B2.3 Study, design & optimization of clearance seals used in high speed turbo machinery
operating in cryogenic fluids and vacuum conditions (LPSC)
Clearance seals are used in Liquid Hydrogen/Liquid Oxygen during chilling phase
and in vacuum conditions during operation of turbo pumps. The vibration, friction and
wear characteristics of the seal/runner combination plays a vital role in the turbopump
performance. Detailed study in this area is required to optimize the existing seal designs/

B2.4 Control of combustion instability in liquid engines (LPSC)

Combustion instability is a phenomenon that sometimes occurs in liquid engines and can
lead to damage/destruction of the hardware. It can be controlled by passive techniques
such as slots, baffles and resonators. To widen the range of operating conditions under
which control is effective, active control techniques such as anti-sound and secondary
fuel injection can also be used. It is necessary to characterize the performance and
stability of passive/active control techniques to evaluate suitability for liquid engines.

B2.5 Supersonic film cooling of nozzle divergent (LPSC)

The Nozzle divergent of ISRO upper stage engines are cooled by dump cooling. Dump
cooling needs double wall construction, which is having higher weight penalty. Moreover
overall Isp of the engine is reduced as the dump coolant is expelled at low temperature.
The existing dump cooling method can be upgraded by introducing supersonic film
cooling, in which coolant will be injected in the nozzle divergent in the form of a thin slit.
This method of cooling needs only single wall structure. Also the coolant will expand
through main nozzle at high temperature, which will result in higher Isp.

B2.6 Theoretical modeling of atomisation in cryogenic injectors (LPSC)

Development of the primary atomization model to predict the droplet size as well as to
have the secondary droplet formation, vaporization etc. for the complex gas-liquid flow
existing in the cryogenic engine injectors of CE20 and CUS, where the engines are
operating in supercritical conditions of the propellant. Some common approach could
be of generation of spray model by full Lagrangian approach, or the phenomenological
approach of the Ω-Y model or the hybrid approach using VOF-Lagrangian coupling. The
model generated can be validated through experimental data in actual hardware.

B2.7 Development of throttleable injector element for liquid engines (LPSC)

Throttlable injectors are necessary for missions requiring soft landing or stage recovery.
Various types of swirl configurations as well as pintle type of injectors which will have control
over the orifice opening area for flow control and thus control over thrust developed by
engine are employed. This could find application in LOX-Methane engine design concept

Launch Vehicle

which requires soft landing type of operations for future space missions. Modelling and
experimental characterization of the injectors for various operating conditions are areas
to be studied.

B2.8 Development of a theoretical model to determine the characteristic frequency of

feed line coupled-oscillations in liquid rocket engine (LPSC)
This project is intended to study the vibration response of metallic pipelines conveying
propellants to a liquid engine. The pipelines will have the added mass of the fluid inside
it. During operation of the engine (Hot firing) it will generate vibrations predominantly in
the axial direction. The vibratory response of these lines is to be investigated.

B2.9 Regenerative cooling analysis with kerosene for semicryogenic thrust chamber to
study coking characteristics (LPSC)
For semi-cryogenic engine the coolant used for regenerative cooling is refined version of
kerosene (equivalent to RP1). The kerosene is a mixture of many hydrocarbons. During
passing through the coolant channels the temperature of kerosene increases. However
when kerosene comes in to contact with high temperature walls, it decomposes and
leaves behind a sticky rubber like substance called coke. This coke can clogg the injector
element holes, which are very small in size (~0.8 mm). Hence the coking characteristics
is to be studied thoroughly for different operating conditions.

B2.10 Prediction model for vibration in turbopumps considering the effects of unbalance,
constraints, fluid forces, seals, internal clearances (housing/shaft/bearing) etc.
Turbopumps are highly critical systems due to its high power, high speed operation and
hazardous propellents being handled. Condition monitoring of turbopumps is essential
for the safe shutdown and preventing catastrophic damage. Vibration assessment is a
very effective tool for condition monitoring of turbopumps. A prediction model for vibration
in turbopumps can be effectively used for condition monitioning of turbopumps during
its operation.

B2.11 Mathematical modelling of liquid migration under Zero ‘g’ condition and the
associated heat transfer with warm tank wall and pressurent gas is essential to
predict the rate of pressure build up in LH2 tank (LPSC)
In cryogenic propulsion Stage residual liquid migration in LH2 tank is generally observed
after engine shut down. This causes higher tank pressure due to mixing of liquid hydrogen
with warm pressurent gas and heat transfer with warm tank wall.

B2.12 Development of diagnostic tool for measurement of plasma/plume parameters of

stationary plasma thruster and pulsed plasma thruster (LPSC)
Plasma parameters like electron temperature, density, energy distribution function and
plasma potential are essential parameters to evaluate to understand the performance of
plasma thruster. Since near field region of Hall thruster is so hot, measurements cannot
be carried in low frequency mode. So that high temporal resolution probes are required
to serve the purpose. However, measurement using electric probes like Langmuir
probe and Emissive probe is challenging in high frequency range. Hence Langmuir and

Launch Vehicle

Emissive probes with special measurement circuit is needed to special attention to serve
the purpose
1. Langmuir probe and emissive probes compatible to high temperature plasma.
2. Measurement circuit with high frequency measurement compatibility.
3. Programme (code) to analyze and deduct the results from raw data.

B2.13 Model for the prediction of thrusters’ life (LPSC)

Non contact type measurement of thruster anode liner erosion Anode liner is a crucial
part, which decides the life of Stationary Plasma Thruster (SPT) also known as Hall
thrusters. This liner protects the magnetic circuit from hot plasma and also play role in
thruster performance. The high energetic ion beam impregnates the liner material and
causes erosion and affects the life. Since the physical presence of probes will disturb the
thruster’s plasma and also can damage the probe, non-contact type measurements are
preferable. On this ground, non-contact measurement of liner erosion and prediction of
the thruster’s life is very important.
1. Develop and demonstrate a non-contact experimental technique to measure the anode
liner erosion.
2. Model for the prediction of thrusters’ life.

B2.14 The complete thermal modelling of the thruster (LPSC)

The monopropellant hydrazine thrusters are used in reaction control system of IRS
projects. The monopropellant hydrazine thrusters use the principle of dissociation
of hydrazine using catalyst to produce the exhaust gases. These exhaust gases are
expanded through the nozzle to produce thrust. The complete hydrazine dissociation
model for the monopropellant thruster is required for thruster design and optimization.
Based on the dissociation model, the complete thermal modelling of the thruster to be
carried out.

B2.15 Alternate green propellants (LPSC)

The monopropellant hydrazine is highly corrosive, carcinogenic and not environmental
friendly. The alternate green propellants such as Amonium Di Nitramide (ADN), Hydroxyl
Ammonium Nitride (HAN) based monopropellants are under studies. The green propellant
formulation and its detail properties, dissociation phenomenons are essential to replace
the existing hydrazine system. Development of suitable catalyst for the green propellant.

B2.16 Life cycle prediction of thrust chamber for reusable regeneratively cooled liquid
engines (LPSC)
This project is to study the cyclic life of double walled regeneratively cooled thrust
chambers of liquid rocket engines. Theoretical and experimental investigations are
required to study the thermomechanical behavior of different thrust chamber materials
in the parent metal and welded forms for this at different temperatures and strain rates.
Damage mechanics has to be incorporated in the studies.

Launch Vehicle

B2.17 Heat transfer characterization of kerosene with aluminium nano particles (LPSC)
Energetic propellant nanosized particle based nanofluid can be used in the regeneratively
cooled CRE. The nanofluid will be used as a coolant to the thrust chamber through
regeneratively cooled channel and film cooling. Preparation of long term stable nanofluid
with respect to any surface, determination of its thermophysical properties and finally
heat transfer performance & pressure drop characteristics during regenerative cooling
and film cooling is of interest to ISRO.

B2.18 Liquid film cooling study of thrust chamber with kerosene for LOX/Kerosene semi-
cryogenic Engine (LPSC)
The 2000 kN Semi-cryogenic engine is a high thrust engine and generates high thermal
load on the thrust chamber wall. Hence the thrust chamber is cooled by film cooling along
with regenerative cooling. The film coolant, after injection in to the thrust chamber takes
part in combustion, hence film coolant layer depletes gradually. For safe operation of
engine, a positive film coolant (without film layer breakage) is an essential requirement.
This necessitates detail modelling of film coolant phase change considering proper
reaction steps, species, reaction rates through CFD.

B2.19 Modelling and analysis of throat film cooling for semi cryogenic engine thrust
chamber (LPSC)
The throat region of thrust chamber is subjected to maximum heat flux. The conventional
film coolant injected near the injector end is not sufficient to keep the throat wall
temperature below safe temperature limit. Hence additional film cooling provided near
the throat region. Isrosene (fuel used for semicryo engine: equivalent to RP1) is used for
both film cooling as well as regenerative cooling in liquid state.
For safe operation of engine, a positive film coolant is an essential requirement. Hence
detail modelling of phase change of film coolant and participation in combustion is
required considering proper reaction steps, species and reaction rates. Based on the
CFD results an empirical correlation is also to be formulated for predicting the film coolant
thickness in the thrust chamber for varying operating parameters.

B2.20 Modelling of film cooling / sweat cooling in liquid rocket engines (LPSC)
All high thrust liquid rocket engines employ film cooling along with regenerative cooling
to reduce the heat flux at throat. As the film coolant undergoes phase change and
gradually takes part in combustion, it is difficult to predict the overall effectiveness in
different operating conditions. Also higher film cooling rate reduces engine specific
impulse. Hence a detail CFD analysis is required for all ISRO liquid engines to optimise
film cooling flow rate.

B2.21 Combustion modelling & combustion instability modelling of liquid rocket engines
Numerical steady state flow model can be carried out with the consideration of the various
species for the cryo/semi-cryo thrust chamber and this can be perturbed to give unsteady
results which give signatures of the dominant acoustic modes. The initial guess of the
droplet size of the propellant will decide the vaporization, mixing and combustion in the

Launch Vehicle

chamber, therefore an experimental assessment of the droplet size will help in accurate
predictions. Stability assessment can be done for ranges of droplet sizes and the stability
boundaries can be defined. Design evaluation of the present cryo/semicryogenic engine
with stability enhancing mechanisms can be taken up for studies.

B2.22 Combustion studies on gel kerosene & gel kerosene with aluminium nano particles
Properties of stable Gel kerosene nanofluid, its flow performance and increase in density
impulse.Rheological properties, thermophysical properties and energetic constants.
Cold flow as well as combustion performance of these nanofluid at realistic conditions.

B2.23 Numerical modelling of nonlinear thermo acoustic instability in liquid rocket

engine (LPSC)
Numerical modelling of nonlinear thermoacoustic instability is required as instability is
inherently noinlinear. Work has already been done in computational modelling using
Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Namier Stoke technique (URANS). The use of Large Eddy
Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) techniques is to be investigated
to improve accuracy.

B2.24 Optimization of passive suppression devices for thermo acoustic instability in

liquid rocket chambers (LPSC)
Passive suppressin devices for suppressing thermoacoustic instability such as baffles
and resonators are being used in rocket motors worlwide. LPSC needs to investigate
the damping characteristics of baffles, resonators. etc. for application to our engines, in
paticular, semi cryogenic engines.

B2.25 Two phase flow modeling in cryogenic propellant feed lines (LPSC)
Cryogenic engines make use of propellants such as liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen at
very low temperatures in order to obtain a high specific impulse and controllable thrust.
The feed lines are to be chilled to cryogenic temperature prior to the start of engine
operation to avoid undesirable flow oscillation. The flow of cryogenic fluids through a
feed line is complex due to two phase flow, heat in leak in the feed line and boils off at
the source. The flow of cryogenic fluids is complicated because surface tension makes
all the dynamics nonlinear. Moreover, the density of the two phases differs considerably
and compressibility becomes important due to the large change in density. Flow
induced pressure drop can lead to further change of phase. In addition various types of
instabilities may develop. Methods are available for modeling of two phase flow using
numerical techniques such as volume of fluid method, level set method, front tracking
and the Lattice-Boltzmann methods. However, modeling of two phase cryogenic flow
incorporating properly phase change and heat transfer as well as fluid dynamics is still
a developing field. Specialised models for cryogenic engines will have to be developed
considering the actual fluids and operating conditions. New methodologies may have to
be investigated to accurately capture the flow behavior.

Launch Vehicle

B2.26 Conjugate heat transfer analysis in cryogenic engine systems (LPSC)

1. Development of liquid film cooling model for cryo and non-cryo engines. Detailed model
for helical chemical regenerative cooling in LOX-LH2 propellant along with film cooling
2. Ablative throat charring analysis in conjugate model.

B2.27 Experimental evaluation and constitutive modelling to simulate structural

behaviour and failure criteria for dissimilar weld joints (LPSC)
This study plans to address the structural behavior and failure of dissimilar material weld
joints commonly encountered in liquid rocket engine combustion chambers. Material
combinations such as SS- Copper, Copper-Nickel, SS- Nickel have to be addressed.
Different thicknesses have to be accounted for. FEA based simulations have to be done
to predict the failure of such joints.

B2.28 Spray interaction effects in a multi-element injector head of a liquid rocket engine
Multi-element swirl injectors are used in high thrust liquid rocket engines. The intra-
element characteristics of the swirl injector is mainly influenced by geometrical and flow
parameters. The injector elements are arranged in a specific pattern based on the thrust
per injector element of the rocket engine. In addition, the conical spray from an injector
element interacts with the spray formed in its neighbouring elements. The performance
and stability of liquid rocket engine is influenced by both intra-element and inter-element
spray characteristics. Spray interaction in multi-element injector head depends on
both the intra-element spray characteristics as well as combustion chamber operating
conditions. For simulating the spray interaction in a multi-element injector, experiments
and analyses need to be carried out at different operating conditions.

B2.29 Studies on deflagration to detonation transition (LPSC)

Combustion can be classified into deflagration and detonation based on whether the flame
is travelling at subsonic or supersonic speeds respectively with respect to the unburned
medium. Deflagration is associated with low overpressure whereas detonation is explosive
in nature having high overpressure associated with a shock wave. In conventional liquid
rocket engines, deflagration occurs whereas in scramjets and pulse detonation rocket
engines, detonation can occur. Dynamics of deflagration and detonation waves have been
investigated extensively. However, under certain conditions a deflagration wave may
accelerate and transform into a detonation wave. This mechanics of this transition are not
well understood. It is necessary to obtain a deeper understanding of the deflagration to
detonation transition in scramjets and detonation based rocket engines using numerical
and experimental techniques. The data would be required for design and optimization of
these systems.

B2.30 Modeling of atomization of coaxial injectors, impinging jet injectors (LPSC)

Coaxial injectors are mainly selected for gas-liquid propellant combinations in both
the cryo and semicryo engines. The impinging injector finds application in the earth
storable engines where the injectors are operating in liquid-liquid mode.Flow modeling of

Launch Vehicle

atomization of coaxial or impinging jets and parameters affecting the atomization, mixing,
vaporization of the propellant is to be studied. Theoretical studies with experimental
correlation can be carried out.

B2.31 Effect of acoustics on spray characteristics of swirl coaxial injectors (LPSC)

Combustion instability is characterized by large pressure perturbations with attendant
large thermal stresses and is one of the most important challenges for liquid rocket engine
design. Low and medium frequency combustion instability is believed to be caused by
the dynamic processes in supply system or combustion. Dynamic processes with specific
reference to atomization is to be studied & modelled as it plays important role.

B2.32 Finite element simulation of non-linear, high strain forming processes of metals
like deep drawing, flaring etc (LPSC)
This study is for evaluating the state of stress and strain in sheet metal work undergoing
high plastic starins as in deep drawing and flaring. FEA based simulations and tests are
required to assess the structural integrity of the work piece so as to optimize the process

B2.33 Transient chill down analysis of regeneratievely cooled thrust chambers (LPSC)
The Thrust chambers of cryo engines are preconditioned by low and high flow rate chill
down before engine firing. This is a highly transient phenomena involving conjugate heat
transfer, radiation and phase change. A proper flow analysis is essentially required to
optimise the coolant flow rate during the chill down as this coolant is drawn from the fuel
tank during flight. Optimising chill down flow rate can significantly improve the payload
carrying capability as it will reduce the fuel loading from the upper stage engine.

B2.34 Film cooling breakage studies under unstable combustion conditions (Boundary
Layer breakage) (LPSC)
During combustion, instability can lead to multiple high pressure zones inside the thrust
chamber. This in turn break the film coolant layer near the boundary layer. As a result the
heat transfer to chamber wall can increase significantly, which may lead to catastrophic
failure of thrust chamber. Hence a proper study of effect of various modes of combustion
instabilities on film coolant layer is to be carried out.

B2.35 Evaluation of damange cretiria for AA2219 welds under bi-axial stress field from
experiments and simulation (LPSC)
This project plans to address the damage modelling and failure prediction of AA2219
GTA welds and parent metal under biaxial state of stress. Both tests and simulations
based on FEA are required for this. Different biaxial stress rates have to be addressed.
Tests have to be conducted for different specimen thickness commonly encountered in
liquid propellant tanks.

B2.36 Prediction of anode liner erosion of hall effect thruster (LPSC)

Anode liner is a crucial part, which decides the life of Stationary Plasma Thruster (SPT)
also known as Hall thrusters. This liner protects the magnetic circuit from hot plasma and

Launch Vehicle

also play role in thrusters performance. The high energetic ion beam impregnates the
liner material and causes erosion and affects the life. Since the life of the SPTs is of the
order of 1000s of hours, it is not practical to measure the erosion pattern on full scale.
Hence we need a technique to estimate the erosion rate and life of the thrusters based
on suitable modelling.
1. Model to predict the anode liner erosion of Hall thrusters.
2. Estimation of Hall thruster’s life.

B2.37 Design of packaging / interfaces for MEMS based fabricated valves & actuators
Development and testing of a MEMS based Piezo valve is successfully demonstrated.
However the next challenge in development is to integrate the microsystem (valve) to
the mechanical fluid system . Interfacing of the silicon wafer etched micro valve to the
stainless steel tubing with proper interface sealing is yet to be developed.

B2.38 Development of a mathematical model for characterizing the dynamic behavior of

a check valve under different operating conditions (LPSC)
Check valves sometimes exhibit chattering under flow conditions which is not desirable.
For double poppet check valves which are two check valves in a series mode this
phenomenon is complex and hence needs to be studied.
Modelling of double poppet check valves preferably using specialized software tools like
AmeSIM to
1. Characterize check valve chattering under different input conditions for the given
Design and
2. Characterize and optimize the valve design parameters for eliminating chattering.
Check valve chattering.

B2.39 Design & development of solenoid coils for liquid helium applications (LPSC)
Liquid helium storage under pressurized condition and on-board isolation will
call for a fast response electromagnetically actuated solenoid valve. At these
temperatures because of the low viscosity of liquid helium sealing is a concern.
The valve envisages the usage of superconducting winding wires wherein the current
carrying capacity is amplified many times due to a drastic drop in coil resistance
accompanied by minimal increase in power at around liquid helium temperatures.
The valve design can make use of magnetostrictive actuator. Development of
valve with super conducting coil and achieving leak tightness for Liquid Helium
application is a challenge.

B2.40 Estimation of torque co-efficient and load distribution in threaded joints (LPSC)
This project is to study the mechanical behaviour of bolted joints at cryo, ambient and
elevated temperatures under the combined action of bolt pre-torque, internal pressure
and axial loads. Experimental and numerical studies have to be carried out considering
different nut factors and bolts/flange materials.

Launch Vehicle

B2.41 Development of a mathematical model for propellant tank pressurization system

chain for cryogenic application (LPSC)
Complex thermodynamic processes occur in the ullage Propellant volume of cryogenic
tank during pressurisation process and propellant outflow from tank. Hence analysis of
cryogenic tank pressurisation system requires development of a mathematical model
for the pressurisation process of cryogenic tank addressing heat transfer between cold
tank wall and warm ullage gas, heat transfer between liquid free surface and ullage gas,
enthalpy of pressurant gas supplied for tank pressurisation, tank geometry, propellant
outflow rate during engine operation etc. This thermal model computes temperature
gradient in tank wall and ullage gas column with respect to liquid expulsion time and
thereby predicting mass flow rate variation of pressurant gas with liquid expulsion time.
This input is necessary for designing the pressurisation system including the gas bottle
for pressurant gas storage.

B2.42 Modelling of magneto plasma dynamic thruster (LPSC)

Magneto Plasma Dynamic Thrutser (MPD) is a plasma thruster where the ions
accelerated with magnetic force. MPDs are mainly operates at very high power in the
range of 10 kW to one MW. Though it is possible to realize MPD’s less than 10kW range,
the performance of the thruster will not be as good as Gridded Ion thruster or Stationary
Plasma thruster. Pulsed Plasma thruster, VASMIR are the examples of MPD. There are
mainly two types of MPD thruster.
1. Self induced MPD
2. External magnet MPD.
In the self induced MPDs, the magnetic field generated by the high current plasma
within the thruster accelerated the ions by Lorenz force. The classical example is
Pulsed Plasma Thruster (PPT). In PPT a very high current plasma discharge
between the cathode and anode induces the magnetic field and accelerates the ions
produced. The thrust generated by PPT is of the order of 500 micro newtons
and there are no precise thrust measurement system available. Considering
this modelling of the plasma in terms of plasma generation, the magnitude of ion current,
magnitude of magnetic field generated, and thrust production mechanism etc. needs to
be modeled.
MPDs with external magnets are the devices where strong magnetic field is
generated which compliments the induced magnetic field. In this type of
thruster also the thrust production mechanism is being the same, modelling of the
magnetic field generated and applied magnetic field along with the modelling of
plasma and its acceleration is important for the design of the thruster and
understanding the thruster behavior. Last but not the least, to understand the the main
technical challenge associated with MPD i.e erosion of cathode a very good model of
MPD is essential.

Launch Vehicle

C Area Propellants, Polymers & Chemicals (VSSC/SDSC-

C1 Sub Area Propellants (VSSC)

C1.1 Development of software for modeling/simulation of mechanical/ballistic properties

of solid rocket propellants (VSSC)
Objective is to develop a code/software to accurately predict the mechanical properties
and burn rate of HTPB-Al-AP based composite solid propellant. This may be effected in
two phases:-
Phase I: In this phase, the concept and general framework of a modelling/simulation
code for the propellant should be established.
Phase II: In this phase a working code containing a full Graphical User Interface (GUI) and
capable of running on a multi-processor platform should be provided. The code should
predict the mechanical properties of the propellant and burn rate at a given pressure with
a minimum of empirical correlations.

C1.2 Ultra-fast reaction monitoring of energetic materials (VSSC)

The basic understanding of decomposition kinetics and dynamics of energetic materials in
the ultrafast time regime (femto, 10-15/pico, 10-12 seconds). Theoretical understanding
of the reaction mechanism using computational tools. Elucidation of the ignition behaviour,
reaction pathways, complex combustion phenomenon, measurement of species and
flame structure profile etc of solid, liquid (storable and cryogenic) propellants.

C1.3 Development of a process for morphological tailoring of energetic materials for

controlled particle size and shapes (VSSC)
The size/shape and the density of the energetic crystals govern the performance of
energetic formulations. Such performance properties include burn rate, internal ballistics,
combustion phenomena, pressure during combustion etc. For each size/shape of the
particles, the bulk density, mechanical strength, sensitivity, storage, and handling can be
very different. The phase behaviour that controls the purity and the kinetics that defines
size distribution are critical in the design of the energetic particles. The project shall
aim to selectively achieve a defined morphology of energetic materials through different
crystallization methods viz., solution crystallization, co-precipitation, forced precipitation,
melt crystallization, emulsion crystallization, prilling etc. The process conditions shall be
tailored to generate specific crystal shape and size distributions (with D50: 50-90 microns
and D50:150-250 microns). Studies may be attempted using Ammonium Nitrate (AN).

C2 Sub Area Liquid Propellant Storage and Service (SDSC-SHAR)

C2.1 Stress-strain analysis of pressure vessels during hydrostatic testing (SDSC-SHAR)

All the pressure vessels are subjected to hydro test as a part of qualification for further
usage. During hydro test the tank is subjected to 3 dimensional stress and strain
(Von Mises Theory). The stress and strain are to be pre-determined for safe hydro/
pneumatic testing.

Launch Vehicle

C2.2 Performance evaluation of spiral plate heat exchanger (SDSC-SHAR)

Spiral plate heat exchanger is being used in earth storable propellant system for propellant
chilling operations. The performance characteristics of the heat exchanger are to be
studied for better maintenance and operation. Based on analysis any improvement as a
outcome can be suitably adopted.

C2.3 Pressure vessels qualification by advanced NDT technique (SDSC-SHAR)

An alternative method for hydrostatic qualification testing of Pressure vessel to be

C2.4 Upgradation of existing Inline propellant filter, compatible to propellant

The existing propellant filter are of 30 micron, pleated, cylindrical mesh type (SS
304L/316L) elements.In single filter housing, three or four elements will be available.
Improvement has to be worked out to enhance the number of pleats in the filter element,
increasing the dimensions of the filter, exploring different type of meshes, so that the
filtration area can be improved

C2.5 Enhancing the existing method UH-25, MMH, N2O4 & MON3 effluent treatment
Currently the effluent treatment of the propellant effluents is being carried out in batch
process mode using reaction tank. Instead of batch process, continuous method of
treatment with improved chemical method is being looked for.

C2.6 Numerical analysis and effectiveness validation of propellant cooling system

Currently spiral type heat exchangers are being used in chilling of earth storable
propellants.Even though their performance is satisfactory, improvements is being looked
for in terms of increasing the effective heat transfer co-efficient, fouling factor, increasing
the mach number of flow, efficiency estimation at different coolant flow rates.A detailed
mathematical model and numerical analysis is required for the same.

C3 Sub Area Solid Propellant Plant (SDSC-SHAR)

C3.1 Detection of toxic isocyanate vapors in solid propellant plant by a simple

inexpensive sampling instrument (SDSC-SHAR)
Monitoring of isocyanate levels to check exposure limit is required to forewarn the
people working in this area. Available monitoring systems provide significant
statistical differences and interference problems, especially from humidity in the
air. Hence a detector that detects TDI pollution in PPB levels using chemi-resistor
sensor has to be developed. Chemical sensors transform the concentrations of
analytes to other detectable physical signals, such as currents, absorbance, mass or
acoustic variables. Organic semi conducting polymers will be selected because they
are mechanically robust and work well in high humidity conditions for the synthesis
of chemiresistor.

Launch Vehicle

C4 Sub Area Polymers (VSSC)

C4.1 Development of fluoro oil for use in liquid engines (VSSC)

Fluoro Oils are being used in the liquid engines of ISRO’s Launch Vehicles. It requires
the development of two different grades of fluoro oils with varying density and viscosity
characteristics. Grade 1 fluoro with a density of 1.80 g/cc and absolute viscosity of 17
cps and Grade 2 with 1.87g/cc and 140cps.

C4.2 Solvent free coating of moisture sensitive oxidizer materials for propellant
application (VSSC)
Majority of oxidizers used in propellant formulations are sensitive to moisture and humidity.
In order to circumvent this issue, hydrophobic coating/encapsulation with suitable material
over the oxidizer particles are warranted. Many coating techniques are available today
for this purpose. Proper selection of coating material and coating technique will provide
effective and efficient coating without compromising its energetic properties. Most film
coatings using fluid bed coating technique are applied as organic based polymeric
solutions. This organic solvent based coating has its own disadvantages such as toxicity,
health hazards, flammability, long processing time, high energy consumption and
compatibility issues with base oxidizer material. In order to overcome these drawbacks
solvent free supercritical fluid based coating is essential. Solvent less coating will reduce
the processing time and suitable for temperature sensitive oxidizer material. Coating
methodology to be evolved for particle size ranges of (D50: 50-90 microns and 150-250
microns). Coating weight <1.0% by weight of precursor.

C4.3 Development of single-part, space-grade silicone adhesives (VSSC)

Development of low out-gassing, single-part silicone adhesive for satellite applications.
The conventional space grade silicone adhesives are available as two-part systems which
require weighing and mixing of part A and part B components at the time of application.
The proposed single-part adhesive should be made available in ready-to-use squeeze
tubes and should be able to cure by following addition-cure chemistry, once it is exposed
to ambient conditions of temperature and humidity. The chemistry followed should not
be condensation cure chemistry which would increase the out-gassing characteristics
beyond acceptance level.

C4.4 Development of thermoplastic liners for helium gas bottle (VSSC)

At present, liners of helium gas bottles are fabricated using titanium alloy. Titanium
alloy based liners attract large production delay, high cost and fabrication difficulties.
In order to save time and cost in realizing such liners, it is proposed that the liners can
be fabricated using suitable thermoplastic materials. Two important criteria for selecting
the thermoplastic polymer for such applications are the helium gas barrier property and
linear elasticity in the range of 10-20%. The thermoplastic polymers of choice are high
density polyethylene, polyetherether ketone, nylon etc. In order two increase the gas
barrier properties, the polymer needs to be reinforced with platelet type fillers (nanoclay,
graphene etc) in such a way that the helium leak rate of 10 E-8 mbar lit/sec/cm2 or better
is achieved. The processing of layered material incorporated thermpolastic liners can

Launch Vehicle

be optimized using twin screw extrusion followed by injection molding of the two halves
to get spherical liners. The plastic welding process also needs to be optimized so that
there is no leakage of helium gas through the weld area and only maximum 5% drop in
strength due to welding.

C4.5 Mechanically strong, flexible polyimide aerogels (VSSC)

Aerogels are attractive material for potential space applications which can perform as a
structural component with minimal density that plays the role of the thermal and vibration
insulator, thereby increasing the mission capability. The challenge is to develop a low
density, flexible aerogels based on polyimides, having good structural integrity and
better thermally insulating properties. Polyimide aerogels with three-dimensional cross-
linked structure can be prepared from polyamic acid solutions, cross-linked with the
multifunctional amines, followed by chemically imidization and drying using supercritical
CO2 extraction. The mechanical integrity, flexibility, thermal stability and very low density
needs to be demonstrated.

C4.6 Atomic oxygen resistant polymers for re-entry missions (VSSC)

Development of polymers with excellent atomic oxygen resistance, which finds potential
applications in the re-entry missions of ISRO. Polymeric materials, in particular polyimide
and other polymers, are ubiquitous on spacecrafts. These polymers are rapidly degraded
in the highly oxidative environment of low earth orbit (LEO). The primary mechanism for
eroding organic hydrocarbon polymers is oxidation by atomic oxygen (AO), which can
seriously reduce the service life of polymers and shorten the lifetime of the spacecrafts.
Hence, the development of soft and AO resistant polymeric coatings with self-healing
capabilities is desired. Present proposal envisages the preparation of space durable
and AO resistant polymers by following the methods such as (i) blending with organic/
inorganic polymers or fillers, (2) by applying protective metallic/non-metallic coating
over the desired polymers or (3) by the chemical incorporation of functionalized organic/
inorganic moieties to the backbone of polymer.

C5 Sub Area Energy Systems for Satellite & Launch Vehicles (VSSC)

C5.1 Analysis of different gas-water separation techniques for oxygen and hydrogen
gases with regard to space applications of fuel cells (VSSC)
The requirement is analysis of different techniques for separation of liquid water from
exhaust hydrogen and oxygen gases at variable flow rate in microgravity environment.

C5.2 Development of high energy electrode materials (VSSC)

Power requirements of satellite and launch vehicle programs of ISRO calls for the
development of efficient battery technology, especially advanced Lithium-ion cell
technology. Thus, to improve the energy density of present-day Li-ion cells (150 Wh/kg)
to >400 Wh/kg, realization of newer electrode materials with light weight and high energy
storage capacity is essential. Suitable anode materials like nano-sized silicon, reduced
grapheme oxide encapsulated silicon, lithium alloys of Silicon and/or tin, etc. and suitable
cathode materials such as sulphur, carbon-sulphur composites, fluorophosphates,

Launch Vehicle

LiNix or yCoxMnxO2 –NMC 111, NMC811 etc. need to be developed, characterized and

C5.3 Development of high voltage electrolyte (VSSC)

As a part of realizing high energy Li-ion systems, it is essential to develop electrolytes
that can perform satisfactorily with chemical and electrochemical stability under a wide
electrochemical window from 0 – 5 V, like sulfones, sulfoxides, fluorinated carbonates, etc.

C5.4 Development of durable and smart catalyst layer structures of LT PEM Fuel Cell (VSSC)
Envisages to develop high durable ORR catalyst layers capable of greater than 400 mW/
cm2 within 0.6 V for air cathode with 0.1 mg /cm2 loading at fuel cell MEA level.

C5.5 Development of efficient OER catalyst for LT PEM water electrolysers (VSSC)
Establishing a synthesis route for high durable catalyst and realizing OER catalyst
layer to achieve electrode level performance of 1A/cm2 or greater within 1.70 V for Low
temperature (<80 °C) PEM water electrolyser.

C5.6 Development of catalyst for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide gas to

methane in Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) cells (VSSC)
Energy efficient conversion of CO2 gas to methane is highly relevant in manned space
missions as well as mars missions. It also assumes significance in terms of carbon
sequestration and recycle. PEM cell based electrolytic conversion of CO2 gas to
methane using water and electricity forms a potentially attractive solution in this regard. It
is envisaged to develop efficient electro-catalyst for selective reduction CO2 to methane
in PEM electrolytic cells.

C5.7 Development of solid electrolytes (VSSC)

Solid state lithium batteries that make use of solid electrolytes rather than a liquid
electrolyte can provide higher energy density cells and can eliminate the safety issues of
present-day cells. Hence, Lithium ion conducting solid electrolytes with ionic conductivity
of the order of 10-3 S/cm at room temperature need to be developed. This development
shall lead to realization of thin, flexible batteries and thus pave the way for processing
versatility of cells.

C5.8 Materials for advanced supercapacitors for space applications (VSSC)

Towards improving the power density and energy density of supercapacitors, development
of high surface area materials such as activated carbon, carbon aerogels, carbide derived
carbon, pyrolytic graphite, etc., need to developed.

C5.9 Development of electrolytes/ionic liquids (VSSC)

In line with improving the energy and power density of present day supercapacitors,
hybrid ion capacitors are advancing by invoking the principles of battery as well as
supercapacitors. Suitable electrolytes/ionic liquids shall be developed with high voltage
and conductivity capabilities for implementation in device level applications.

Launch Vehicle

C5.10 Development of Sodium – sulphur battery based on solid electrolyte (VSSC)

Solid-state batteries provide a promising choice to the next generation of devices because
of their enhanced safety and high-energy and high-power densities. Sodium has low
reduction potential and is cheap and abundant and is an ideal candidate for cheap high
energy batteries. Sodium batteries generally comprise four components: cathode, anode,
electrolyte, and separator materials, while in the case of solid state sodium batteries,
solid electrolytes serve the purpose of electrolyte and separator simultaneously. Solid
electrolyte provides improved safety compared to conventional liquid electrolytes. Sulphur
is a high capacity cathode material and is cheap and abundant. Therefore, sodium-
sulphur batteries with solid electrolyte will provide high energy density and improved
safety at a lower cost.

C6 Sub Area Ceramics (VSSC/LPSC)

C6.1 Modelling of polymer derived nano-ceramics (VSSC)

Most of the inorganic materials synthesized from polymer thermolysis retain amorphous
structure upto 2000°C. Structural characterization of these materials at atomic level is
required to achieve better understanding of their properties. Using structural modeling
and computational studies details of atomic structure can be obtained which will further
enable meaningful interpretation of experimental data. Generally Continuous random
networks with well-defined local coordination of all atoms are considered for molecular
dynamics simulations to locate the minimum energy structures. These structures
are further subjected to optimization and annealing scheme using DFT methods as
implemented in Vienna ab initio Package (VASP) to get improved structural features.

C6.2 Development of ceramic material with higher electrical insulation at high

temperature (LPSC)
Ceramic materials with high electric insulation at high temperature of 1800 oC are required
for Hollow cathode. Hollow cathodes serve as electron source for discharge as well as
beam neutralization on electric propulsion thrusters. To get the desired emission currents,
emitter material in the cathode has to be heated for high temperatures. An insulation
material at 1800 oC is needed for the purpose. Presently, these ceramic materials have
mostly imported. Based on the overwhelming demand of electric propulsion thrusters in
the near future, the indigenous material development is essential.
1. Ceramic materials with high electric insulation at 1800 oC.

C6.3 Development of ceramic coating to prevent metal burning in high temperature and
oxygen rich environment (LPSC)
Metal burning in hot oxygen enviorment is an important issue which is not yet solved.
Ceramic coating containing oxides is one of the solutuion for preventing metal burning.
Adhesion of the coating to the metal substrate is an important aspect. Addition of metal
particles to ceramic will help to improve the ductility of the coating so that it will not
fracture under tensile loads.

Launch Vehicle

C6.4 Development of new thermal barrier coating to reduce heat flux in semi cryogenic
engine thrust chamber (LPSC)
Thermal barrier coating (TBC) for semicryogenic thrust chamber is manadatory
requirement to bring down the coolant channel temperature below the coking limit of
the coolant (fuel). Heat flux to thrust chamber material (copper alloy) can be minimised
by TBC . TBC can be any material which has got conductivity less chamber material (
copper alloy).

C6.5 Development of coating materials used in high temperature environment (LPSC)

For high temperature application, two kinds of coatings are required. One is TBC for
superalloys including Co base or Ni base alloys which has got melting point less than
1400°C. Other is oxidation protection coating which is needed for refractory alloys like
C103 or Mo/Ta alloys.

C7 Sub Area Catalysis (VSSC)

C7.1 Development of effective catalysts and reaction kinetic models for carbon dioxide
reduction reaction (VSSC)
The Sabatier reaction, also referred to as carbon dioxide methanation, involves reacting
carbon dioxide and hydrogen in presence of a catalyst producing water and methane.
Number of catalysts have been reported in the literature for the reaction.
Development of highly efficient catalyst with high methane selectivity, lower on set
temperature and minimum pressure drop is solicited. Towards this objective, bimetallic or
tri-metallic catalysts on suitable supports are required to be designed. Either wash-coating
on monoliths or support on metal based mesh for enhanced heat transfer properties
may be attempted for realization of the catalyst system with the desired efficiency.
Further, reaction kinetic studies for the developed catalyst(s) are required to be
undertaken based on which kinetic models should be developed / formulated. These
kinetic models shall form the basis for designing of the reactor for undertaking carbon
dioxide methanation reaction.

C8 Sub Area Human in Space Programme and Mars Exploration (VSSC)

C8.1 Development of catalysts for splitting of carbon dioxide (VSSC)

Atmosphere of Mars is reported to comprise mainly (95%) of carbon dioxide. It is
suggested that oxygen for propulsion (for return flight to Earth) can be produced in Mars
by catalytic splitting of carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen. Another method
is to reduce carbon dioxide using hydrogen (transported from Earth) to produce oxygen
and methane.
Development of catalysts for these reactions and optimisation of reaction conditions will
go a long way in realizing Mars explorations.

Launch Vehicle

C9 Sub Area Electro-active Actuators (VSSC)

C9.1 Development of electro-active actuators for positioning & control of aerospace

components (VSSC)
Electro-active actuators are necessary for shaping, tuning and positioning of reflectors/
antennae/ solar panels in aerospace field. Polymers actuatable by current/voltage can
lead to shape memory or shape changing polymers. The response is based on the
ionic movement or electrical conduction capability of specially designed polymers. The
movement of ions/electrons facilitates the actuation of mechanical shape. Compared to
common actuation by heat, it is superior in control and accuracy. Also, development of
enhanced electro- active polymer material (based on dielectric polymers such as silicone
and PVDF) based sensors and actuators with improved adaptability for space-related
applications are required.

C10 Sub Area Metal Organic Frameworks (MOF) (VSSC)

C10.1 Development of metal organic frameworks for the selective adsorption of gases
like H2, CO2 and CO (VSSC)
The work involves molecular modelling, synthesis and characterization of the MOF and
evaluation performance. Academia should desirably be equipped with processing facilities
such as pressure reactors and characterization facilities including BET surface area
analyser, Single crystal XRD, FESEM, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR),129Xe
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.

C11 Sub Area Shaped Fillers (VSSC)

C11.1 Development of shape controlled inorganic fillers for thermal interface materials
Thermal interface materials are very critical for the miniaturization of electronic components.
In order to enhance the thermal conductivity of the interface thermal pad, conductive fillers
like alumina and boron nitride are being used. The shape of filler significantly contributes
to the thermal conductivity. The objective is to synthesise the platelet and spherical shaped
fillers and development of electrically insulated thermal pad.

C12 Sub Area Gas Adsorbent and Absorber (VSSC)

C12.1 Development of a compact, lightweight regenrable adsorbent for Carbon dioxide

capture (VSSC)
Re-generable carbon dioxide capture system is vital for environmental control and life
support system in long duration manned space missions. The proposal envisages to
identify promising re-generable systems for selectively capturing carbon dioxide from
the air. Number of materials namely, solid amines, zeolites, molecular sieves, etc. have
been reported for their high efficiency to selectively remove carbon dioxide and chemical
contaminants as well as their chemical inertness and non-flammable properties.
Furthermore, these sorbent materials can be readily regenerated via either Thermal
Swing Adsorption (TSA) or Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA), and therefore, are reported
to be suitable for the removal of carbon dioxide and trace contaminants.

Launch Vehicle

These regenerable adsorber systems do not have to be replaced during a space mission,
and can be smaller and lighter than the disposable adsorber beds.Currently, packed
beds of sorbent pellets are mostly used in the adsorption systems; however, recent
studies have shown that these materials can be easily fluidized and/or eroded, due to
both thermal cycling and mechanical vibration, and can generate fine particulates that
bypass the downstream mesh filters. This results in particulates buildup in downstream
pumps, blowers, and other components, and has been problematic in some aerospace
applications. Furthermore, these packed beds of pelletscreate a large pressure drop
across the adsorption system.
In view of the above, it is imperative to develop alternative approaches to packed
bed systems, where the suitable adsorbent material should be coated on metal mesh
elements (substrate consists of a series of ultra-short-channel-length) or monoliths which
can effectively adsorb / capturecarbon dioxide and trace contaminants.The study should
aim at developing the regenerable adsorbent material having selective carbon dioxide
adsorption efficiency of minimum 8% by weight.

D Area Control, Guidance & Simulation (VSSC)

D1 Sub Area Control System (VSSC)

D 1.1 Development of Control algorithms for autonomous mobile robotic manipulator

The research proposal is for developing advanced control algorithms for an autonomous
mobile robotic manipulator which consists of a six degree of freedom (6 DOF), robotic
manipulator mounted over a four wheel mobile robot with the wheels having independent
drive and steering control. Conventional control and intelligent control shall be hybridized
to develop a hierarchical control and vision-based control for robots. The control algorithm
provides dynamic coordination of manipulator arm joints and mobile robot wheel drives
to execute precision tasks in unstructured environments using multiple sensor feedback.
With the development of multilayered control architecture, the robot should be able to
automatically compute its motions from the high level description of tasks. The proposed
study also needs to develop algorithms for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping for
the navigation and locomotion of mobile robot.

D2 Sub Area Control & Guidance (VSSC)

D 2.1 Rendezvous and docking (VSSC)

To achieve docking during the final phase of the mission, the relative position and
velocity of the target spacecraft and chaser spacecraft has to be brought to zero. To
ensure proper alignment of the docking port, the relative angular orientation needs to
be precisely aligned. Moreover, relative angular rate of the target and chaser are to be
very close to zero for successful docking. Simultaneous control of the translational and
rotational dynamics is required to achieve the docking conditions.

Launch Vehicle

D3 Sub Area Simulation (VSSC)

D 3.1 Multi-body dynamics simulator (VSSC)

Launch vehicle simulations require solving multi-body dynamics for addressing scenarios
such as space transportation missions, crew module ejection, stage separation, booster/
strap-on separation, satellite separation etc. All individual bodies having its own inertial
systems and are bound to possess independent mass-inertia characteristics, propulsion
systems, aerodynamic properties, guidance and control algorithms, control power plants
etc. Simultaneous solving of translational and rotational dynamics for each body (during
ascent and descent phase) is required with real-time plotting of trajectory parameters
and other critical states. Software model can follow modular or component architecture
whereby system modules can be plugged in and used as required.

E Area Materials and Metallurgy (VSSC)

E1 Sub Area Foundry Technology (VSSC)

E1.1 Solidification behavior and grain refinement of cast superalloys (VSSC)

Superalloys are used for making many cast components used at turbine side of the turbo-
pumps. Investment casting is the process used for making these components. Grain
coarsening happens due to inherent slow cooling involved in the process. Suitable grain
refinement techniques are needed to control the grain size for better fatigue and strength
properties and weldability. Detailed study is envisaged to understand the solidification
behavior, homogenization parameters and ageing characteristics for the Ni-base and Ni-
Fe base superalloys.

E1.2 Development of Ultrasonic technique for locating casting defects (VSSC)

Many critical components are made through casting route. Complex castings get few
unacceptable defects which are to be repaired through welding. It is necessary to locate
the defect precisely in the wall of the casting to avoid unnecessary gouging. Ultrasonic
technique can be very effective in this regards. But due to cast structure low frequency
probes only can be used. Also response of the cast material is not good to Ultrasonic
testing. Considering these limitations a suitable technique/procedure is to be developed
for defect detection using UT.

E1.3 Development of Cast components in high entropy alloys (VSSC)

High entropy alloys are considered as a future material due to exotic combination of
properties. Considering the issues in the deformation of these alloys during working, it is
required to evaluate these alloys for making cast components. It is required to finalize
few alloys and evaluate their properties after casting and heat treatment.

E1.4 Effect of processing parameters on cryo impact properties of cast alloys (VSSC)
Many alloys are used in form of castings at cryo temperatures. Under this project proposal,
it is envisaged to evaluate cryo-temperature properties, particularly impact properties at
cryo temperatures and to study the effect of heat treatment on different phase and cryo-
properties. Materials (04X and 08X) shall be provided by VSSC in the form of test bar.

Launch Vehicle

E1.5 Optimization of Heat treatment parameters & characterization of super alloys

Various cast superalloys (XH43, IN 718, XH62, and XH67) are being used in our space
programme. It is necessary to take up extensive studies on characterization of these superalloy
and optimization of heat treatment parameters and compositions for better performance.
Material for heat treatment studies shall be provided by VSSC in the form of test bar.

E1.6 Simulation of SLM (Selective Laser Melting) process for prediction of defects and
parametric control in printing of components (VSSC)
Selective Laser Melting is process for making complex shaped components in very less
time. Process optimization and modeling is very important for improving reliability of the
process. Models should be based on thermal imaging of the melting passes and should
be able to predict the effect of parameters on discontinuities in the product.

E1.7 Design of alloys for powder base additive manufacturing processes (VSSC)
Powder base additive manufacturing processes involves high solidification rates. It can
lead to design of new alloys which cannot be processed through conventional processes
but can be processed through SLM/LENS process into a component. It can lead to
development of component in alloys with exotic properties and significant weight saving.
Under this project, few alloys can be selected for light weight, high strength, stiffness for
light weight and high temperature capability.

E1.8 Modeling of solidification for various cast alloys (VSSC)

Cast alloy solidification modeling should aim for prediction of the solidification modes,
different phases and shrinkage characteristics for different cooling rates. It shall also aim
to get details like effect of various parameters on fluidity of cast alloys.

E2 Sub Area Welding Technology (VSSC)

E2.1 Improving tensile properties and controlling of residual stresses in 2219 and 2014
aluminum alloy FSW weldments by laser shot peening (VSSC)
Friction Stir Welding is considered as potential welding processing to realize aerospace
hardware without hot cracking and porosities. The scope of work is to improve the
mechanical properties of Al alloys (2219 and 2195) FSW welds by laser shot peening.
Data shall be generated on the effect of laser shot peening on tensile properties and
residual stresses in weldments. FSW welded plates will be supplied by VSSC.

E2.2 Brazing of alumina to metals using reactive brazing foils (VSSC)

Generally, a layer of Mo-Mn and Ni coatings are provided on the ceramic (Al2O3)
substrate to enhance the wettability. Alternatively, Active Braze Alloys (ABAs) can be
used for metal-ceramic brazing easily by eliminating complicated metallization process.
These ABAs contain some titanium, which activates or reacts with the surface of the
ceramic base material facilitating good wetting. Metals to be bonded are Kovar, copper,
and molybdenum. Study involves selection of suitable ABAs and optimization of brazing
process. Scope also includes extensive characterization of brazed samples as per AWS
guidelines. VSSC can extend vacuum brazing support.

Launch Vehicle

E2.3 Magnetic Pulse Welding (MPW) of AISI 321 stainless steel to AA2219 Aluminium
alloy (VSSC)
Solid state welding processes are widely used to join dissimilar materials like
stainless steel and aluminum alloys. MPW, a recent addition to the family of
solid-state welding processes has enormous potential over the conventional
explosive bonding to produce bimetallic adaptors (AISI 321/AA2219). Scope of the
work involves design, analysis, fabrication, and demonstration of suitable magnetic
coils and field shapers to realize bimetallic adaptors of various sizes. Realized
bimetallic adaptors have to be subjected to extensive pressure and leak test at ambient
and LN2 temperatures. The scope of study also includes detailed mechanical and
microstructural investigation of the weld joints. Materials (AISI 321, AA2219, Cu alloy
for coil) of the trials can be supplied from VSSC. VSSC can also extend support for
pressure and leak test.

E3 Sub Area Materials Processing (VSSC)

E3.1 Development of NDT technique to evaluate bond quality of explosive welded

AA2219/SS321 bimetallic joints (VSSC)
Explosive welded SS321 stainless steel and AA2219 aluminum alloy bimetallic joints
(pure Al OR pure Cu as interlayer) are being used for cryogenic application. Detailed
characterization of joint interface viz. AA 2219+pure Al/Cu and SS321+pure Al/Cu needs
to be carried out which includes (i) Establish NDT technique to evaluate the interface
quality and validate w.r.t He-leak test (ii) NDT result correlation with mechanical properties,
microstructural features.

E3.2 Development and characterization of hexagonal phase boron nitride powder

through chemical route (VSSC)
Hexagonal phase boron nitride powder is being used as raw material for metal matrix
composite seals towards realization for space borne components. The objective of the
proposal is to develop a process technology through chemical route and characterization
for phase purity, average particle size, particle size distribution etc.

E4 Sub Area Materials Characterisation (VSSC/LPSC)

E4.1 Secondary electron measurement of BN/Silica composite for electric propulsion

application (VSSC)
Secondary electron emission characteristics of the discharge chamber wall material
have a significant role in determining the plume characteristics and hence the thruster
efficiency of stationary plasma thruster for electric propulsion. Measurements to quantify
the secondary electron emission from BN/silica are very important to select the wall
material. At present BN/silica composite is being used as wall material for ISRO’s electric
propulsion system. Understating the variation of secondary electron emission with varying
the silica content of the composite will help to select the appropriate composition of the
composite material as discharge chamber wall.

Launch Vehicle

E4.2 3D atom probe analysis of precipitates in age hardenable aluminium alloys (VSSC)
Three-dimensional atom probe (3DAP) is an established tool for the identification of size,
volume fraction and location of specific elements or fine strengthening precipitates in
materials. The aim of this project is to study the precipitates in high strength aluminium and
aluminium-lithium alloys of aerospace grades. The changes in the sub-microstructure by
the effect of thermo-mechanical processing on these materials and role of minor element
additions have to be studied. Al alloys will be supplied by VSSC.

E4.3 Development of space radiation resistant materials (VSSC)

Exposure of critical and vital components of spacecrafts to external radiation leads
to degradation of the properties of the structural and electronic materials, thereby
jeopardizing the flightworthiness of the spacecrafts. Hence it is critical for the identification
of significant property changes induced as a result of the radiation exposure in the
aforementioned materials. The purpose of this project is to develop and understand the
radiation effects on the physical, mechanical, thermal and optical properties of materials
(metallic and composite).

E4.4 Development of ultrafine grained magnesium alloys by friction stir processing

Magnesium alloys are widely used for light weight applications in satellites and launch
vehicles for electronic housings. Friction stir processing is an advanced materials
processing technique by which grain refinement can be obtained in both cast and wrought
alloys leading to improvements in mechanical strength. The objective of the present
project is to develop ultrafine grained magnesium alloys through friction stir processing.

E4.5 Studies on hydrogen permeation and trapping in high strength steels (VSSC)
The deleterious effect of hydrogen on the mechanical behavior of high strength
steels is well known. The hydrogen embrittlement resistance is closely related to the
microstructural features such as dislocation density, grain boundary, carbides and
inclusions. These features are generally classified as diffusive, reversible and irreversible
traps. Understanding the influence of these traps on the HE resistance of steel materials
is very important towards improving the microstructure with improved HE resistance.
On this aspect, hydrogen permeation and Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy (TDS) are
widely used for obtaining quantitative information on the hydrogen effect on steels. The
purpose of this is to study the HE resistance using the above techniques.

E4.6 Development of graphene reinforced zinc rich nano composite coating for the
corrosion protection of aluminum alloys (VSSC)
In recent years, graphene and graphene oxide reinforced polymer coatings have
attracted several researchers for the fabrication of high performance polymeric coatings
with enhanced thermal, mechanical and corrosion properties. There is growing interest
in using graphene reinforcement with Zn rich coatings towards obtaining efficient
cathodic protection as well as improved barrier properties. Hence it is of interest to
develop modified Zn rich coating with graphene reinforcement and to study its corrosion
properties using DC and AC electrochemical methods to be used for light alloy structures
of aerospace industry.

Launch Vehicle

E4.7 High temperature oxidation behavior of laser coated NiCrAlY bond coating on Ni-
base alloys (VSSC)
Ni based superalloys are being used in the aerospace industry for high temperature
structural applications. In order to use them for high temperature applications, a coating
system consists of a Bond Coat (BC) and a Thermal Barrier Coating (TBC) is fabricated
over the alloy through plasma spray coating or other methods. The overall oxidation
resistance of the coating depends on the preferential formation of alumina coating
between BC and TBC. Recently, BC fabrication using laser aided manufacturing (LSM)
has been reported with improved properties. Hence there is interest towards using
the above method of coating and to examine the oxidation resistance and mechanical
properties of the coating for Ni base alloys in the aerospace industry.

E4.8 Quantitative analysis of environmental assisted cracking behavior of high strength

steels using direct current potential method (VSSC)
High strength steels are being used in the aerospace industry for the fabrication of
pressure vessels and their weldments. The susceptibility of steels and their weldments
need to be evaluated through crack growth measurements and threshold stress intensity
(K1scc) based on fracture mechanics concept. Although qualitative analysis using
constant load and slow strain rate techniques are being used for stress corrosion cracking
tests, quantitative information by dynamic methods using Direct Current Potential Drop
(DCPD) is needed towards characterizing the alloy resistance to environment cracking
behavior in marine environment

E4.9 Development of environmentally friendly conversion coatings for the corrosion

protection of aerospace grade aluminum alloys (VSSC)
Anticorrosion pretreatments such as chromate conversion coatings are widely used for
the corrosion protection of aluminum alloys in the aerospace industry. However, the
toxicity and carcinogenic nature of hexavalent chromium is strictly prohibited globally.
Hence there is growing interest towards developing environment friendly alternate
coatings and to explore the corrosion resistance for light alloy structures.

E4.10 Room and elevated temperature fretting wear behaviour of superalloys (VSSC)
Materials subjected to fretting at room temperature and elevated temperatures are subjected
to premature failure than regular fatigue or friction. The brief scope of the study is as follows
a) Evaluate the amount of material removal as a function of force, temperature and the
b) Test temperature can be from RT to at maximum of 600 °C. Temperatures upto 800 °C
if possible is also can be considered in this study.
c) Evaluate the metallurgical factors that influence the fretting characteristics.
d) Research outcome: research outcome is to develop a model as the function of above
variables to predict the fretting wear.
e) The materials to study are XH42 and XH53 alloys. VSSC will provide the raw material.
f) Heat treatment conditions is standard aging cycle and standard brazing cycle, VSSC
will facilitate the heat treatment of coupons.
g) Specimen fabrication and surface preparation is in the scope of responding agency.

Launch Vehicle

E4.11 Evaluation of Mixed mode fracture toughness of high strength aerospace materials
Structures commonly experience mixed mode fracture in real engineering applications.
Mode I fracture properties are significantly used in engineering calculations since it is worst
case scenario. However, knowledge of mixed mode fracture characteristics of materials
will enable designers to decide the actual margins in actual engineering applications.
The scope of the study is as follows
a) Evaluate Mode I and Mode II, Mode I and Mode III stress intensity factors with
different ratios.
b) Evaluate Pure Mode I, Mode II using novel specimen and fixture technique. If possible,
pure Mode III also can be evaluated.
c) Study the influence of mixed mode using classical and FEM models and that of the
experimentally evaluated.
d) Make scientific/Engineering assessment and correct the FEM by appropriate factors
based on experimental data (if applicable)
e) The material proposed to study are Maraging steel (M250) and ESR15CDV6 both
parent and weld. Material and welded coupons for the study will be provided by VSSC.
f) Responding agency is requested to use minimum quantity of material as it is scarce.
g) Specimen design, fabrication, fixture design and fabrication, testing, data evaluation,
metallurgical analyses are in the scope of responding agency.

E4.12 Material behaviour at hot hydrogen environment (LPSC)

Gaseous Hydrogen embrittlement of metals and alloys are possible at ambient to 200°.
In order to avoid this, new alloy design which is compatable with hydrogen is required .
Existing alloys shall be given coating which is not permeable for hydrogen.

E4.13 Fracture behaviour studies of rocket engine materials for cryogenic application
This study plans to address the fracture behavior of aluminium and titanium alloys used in
pressure vessel materials in rocket engines. The behavior of this sections containing part
through cracks under tensile stresses is to be explored at ambient and cryo temperatures
through tests and simulations.

E5 Sub Area Cryogenic applications (LPSC)

E5.1 Physical property measurement at low temperature up to 20K (LPSC)

Physical properties like modulus,thermal, electrical and expansion/contraction
measurement are mandatory requirement for all materials used upto 20K.

E5.2 Development of materials/alloys including coatings for high pressure oxygen

environment (LPSC)
New alloys or coatings for existing materials are required handling high pressure oxygen.
Coatings can be of nobel metals whose oxides are unstable or ceramic coatings which
will be never ignited in high pressure oxygen. New alloys should have very high ignition
temperature so that it will ignite in normal operating temperature.

Launch Vehicle

E5.3 Development of thermal barrier coating with Nano materials (LPSC)

Using Nano materials, TBC can be made with superior mechanical properties as
compared to conventional powders. Even with air plasma spraying Nano powdered TBC
shows mechanical properties similar EB-PVD.

E6 Sub Area Welding (LPSC)

E6.1 Development of Vacuum Brazing Technique for joining carbon fiber reinforced
Silicon Carbide (C-SiC) to Columbium and C-SiC to Titanium (LPSC)
C/C composite are proposed for an alternative for the existing Columbium chamber for
Satellite engines on ground on higher temperature resistance property. The present
design of satellite engines, uses titanium alloy injector welded with columbium chamber.
When the chamber is replaced by CC composite, to have a joint with titanium alloy,
different mechanisms have to be ventured into. Vacuum brazing is one of the route which
seems to be feasible. Different braze materials like TiCuSil, Ti Cu Ni etc can be used as
filler materials. The development of brazing joint of these dissimilar materials to have a
flange free joint is to ventured into. The physical and thermal properties of the joint has
to match both the materials to have the safe operation which has to be characterized
after joining.

F Area Composites (VSSC)

F1 Sub Area Modelling of CC Composites (VSSC)

F1.1 Inelastic finite element model of multidirectional carbon-carbon composites to

predict the material characteristics and behaviours (VSSC)
Multidirectional C-C composites (3D, 4D) are composite material wherein the reinforcing
fibres act as reinforcement at various directions. 4D C-C composites has found successful
applications in solid rocket nozzles especially as ITE’s. The material behaviour of nD C-C
composites are highly anisotropic and shows nonlinear elastic behaviour. Most of the
work carried to assess the behaviour of multidirectional C-C composites is evaluated
through destructive testing, hence limited data is generated for the mechanical properties.
In this limited work has been carried to theoretically predict the mechanical behaviour of
the material and corresponding material properties associated with this class of material.
Since at VSSC, nD C-C composites are envisaged to have application as SRM throat
inserts and also as TPS material for certain applications, it is planned to initiate the
micromechanical model studies to theoretically predict the material behaviour vis-a-vis
the mechanical properties.
Scope of work includes development of an elastoplastic finite element model, including
homogenised mono-axial stiffness that can predict the material properties as has been
referred in literature and, available tested material properties.

F1.2 Process optimization of isothermal CVI process (VSSC)

One of the most promising and common methods of fabrication of thinner Carbon-Carbon
& Carbon-Silicon Carbide Composites is through vapor phase densification of porous
structure of carbon fibers acting as reinforcement. During CVI process, the hydrocarbon

Launch Vehicle

gases or vapors of silanes decomposes to produce the desired carbon /Silicon carbide
matrix within the pores of the preform and thereby increases the density. The density aimed
after the final densification is based on the targeted mechanical and thermal properties
required for the specific use of application of the product. Practically, the major hindrance
of realisation of C-C/ C-SiC products through CVI process is the long processing duration
required to achieve the desired density. Furthermore the process must be intermediately
interrupted to permit surface machining or heat treatment at high temperature in
order to open the pores for further densification. Scope of work includes development
of a comprehensive numerical modelling to simulate and optimise the processing
parameters to achieve the required density and also to reduce the long process duration

F2 Sub Area Composite Materials / Process Development (VSSC)

F2.1 Development of C-SiC composite through CVI using Mono-Methyl-Silane (VSSC)

Carbon-Silicon Carbide is considered as an ideal material for future Thermo-Structural
applications, considering the various advantages offered by the material. SiC matrix is
derived presently using Methyl-Trichlo-Silane, having drawbacks in due to high corrosive
nature of the chemical and by-products of chlorides which are formed during the process.
To meet the future requirements of C-SiC composites and also to provide SiC coating
over Carbon-Carbon Composite products for various space applications, it is envisaged to
use Mono Methyl Silane (MMS) as precursor for Chemical Vapour Infiltration/Deposition
method. MMS is considered to be advantageous compared to other MTCS and Silane
precursors, considering the chemical nature (Low Molecular Weight), processing under
low temperature (~800 0C) and being less hazardous, non corrosive and non toxic.
The scope of work in this program includes the following:
• Development of process Technology to provide SiC coating on C-C product through
CVD using MMS as a process precursor.
• Development of process technology to densify Carbon preform with SiC matrix through
CVD using MMS as a process precursor.
• Evolve details of storage, handling and usage of MMS for CVI and CVD processes.

F2.2 Noble metal coating over Carbon-Carbon composite (VSSC)

Carbon-Carbon Composite materials are coated with SiC to protect from oxidation when
the applications temperature is higher than 4000C. However due to numerous applications
of the material above 17000C, development program to coat Carbon-Carbon Composite
with Noble Metals is initiated. Also during thermostructural applications which demands
leak tightness of C-C products like C-C combustion chamber, coating of Iridium on C-C
composite is considered to be an ideal solution. Iridium (Ir) is considered as promising
candidate for oxidation resistant materials at elevated temperature due to its high melting
point (2430 0C), good chemical stability, low oxygen permeability, impermeability to gases,
good chemical compatibility and low carbon solubility below the eutectic temperature of
2100–2300 0C. Considering the various merits offered by electrodeposition (ED) method
for coating, it is proposed to develop the coating of Iridium (Ir) on Carbon Carbon (C-C)
Composite through ED. Also to overcome the problem of CTE mismatch between C-C
and Ir, interlayer coating of Rhenium shall be provided through the same methodology.

Launch Vehicle

Scope of Work:
• Development of Coating Methdology of Iridium on Carbon-Carbon Composite Samples
through electro deposition.
• Development of Interlayer Coating of Rhenium through electro deposition.
• Microstructural & Compositional Characterisation of Coating.
• Demonstration of the process on various geometries (Conical & rectangular).

F2.3 Out of autoclave processing of prepreg based fibres reinforced composites (VSSC)
Conventionally composite products for satellite structure applications are realised by
Autoclave curing Processes. The prepreg layup is completed on a tool/mould under room
temperature conditions. The curing is completed under higher temperatures of the order
of 1750C.The inherent disadvantage of this process is the likely curing stresses induced
in the composite part.
Scope of work includes development of prepregs which can cure under UV light OR using
conventional prepregs but curing outside autoclaves using more energy efficient methods.

F3 Sub Area Composite Process Modeling (VSSC)

F3.1 Composite process modelling – to capture warpage, shrinkage,spring back, and

other moisture/curing induced deformations of Autoclave Cured - Prepreg based
Fibre Reinforced Composites (VSSC)
Composite products for satellite structure applications are mostly realised by Autoclave
curing Processes. The prepreg lay up is completed on a tool/mould under room
temperature conditions. The curing is completed under higher temperatures of the
order of 1750C.The product is cooled to room temperature before extraction. The high
temperature curing and the cool down back to room temperature induces curing stresses
in the composite part. After extraction from the tooling these stresses along with the
inherent anisotropy of the composite manifest itself in the form of warpage/shrinkage
,spring back and other deformations of the composite part. A detailed model need to be
worked out to capture and predict such behaviour - especially for regular geometries
like Flat , Conical, Paraboloid , C shaped , L shaped & Tubular sections (round/square/
rectangular cross sections)- considering anisotorpy of the composite as well.

F3.2 Hydroclave cure modelling of phenolic composites (VSSC)

Carbon-Phenolic and Silica-Phenolic composites are widely used for ablative thermal
protection of rocket nozzles and re-entry bodies. Condensation cured Phenol-
Formaldehyde resin used in these composites because of its higher char yield. The
prepreg is cut into tapes and wound on mandrels to get the required geometry. Typically,
the thickness of these ablative composites are considerably higher which requires curing
in Hydroclave at pressures in the range 30 to 70 bar to get defect-free products. Also,
long curing cycles are employed to keep thermal gradients lower. A detailed cure model
is essential to optimize the curing cycle.
The scope of the proposed research work is to develop a thermal-chemical pressure
model for the curing of Phenolic composites in Hydroclave to get defectfree products.

Launch Vehicle

The model should provide optimum temperature and pressure cycles for the given cure
setup, with a user friendly interface. Evaluation of the required material properties for the
resin/reinforcement being used by VSSC is also part of the scope of work.

F3.3 Modelling of resin transfer molding of benzoxazine resin in carbon perform (VSSC)
Benzoxazine resin is a potential candidate for ablative application, which is also amenable
for Resin Transfer Molding (RTM). RTM process has established itself as a cost effective
method for producing good quality composite parts. Prediction of flow patterns of the resin
in the preform is essential to identify the locations for placement of injection and vent ports.
The scope of this research work is to develop mathematical model for RTM of Benzoxazine resin
in Carbon preform. The preform will be either stack of bidirectional woven fabric, needled felt of
a multi-directional preform. The evaluation of required material properties is part of the scope of
work. The developed model should provide inputs for the placement of injection and vent ports
for complete filling of the cavity and pressures required for getting defect-free products.

F4 Sub Area Structural Health Monitoring (VSSC)

F4.1 Structural health monitoring of composite structures using optical fibres with
bragg grating sensors (VSSC)
Optical fibres with Bragg Grating sensors are the leading candidate technology for
Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) since they have minimal mass penalty for extremely
large numbers of sensors. There are many advantages like compatibility with the
composites, low Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI), multiple sensing capabilities with
a single fibre etc. This sensor technology will be useful in present as well as our future
launch vehicle applications.
Supply of optical fibres with Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors inscribed, at required locations.
Support for embedment/surface bonding of sensors for subsurface/surface strain
monitoring of composite components.
Demonstration of strain and temperature sensing with data recording in a computer on
specimen and component levels.
Development of interrogation techniques for multiple Fibre Bragg Grating sensors
embedded in a single fibre.

F5 Sub Area Piezoelectric Actuators (VSSC)

F5.1 Piezoelectric actuators for position/shape control applications (VSSC)

Piezoelectric materials produce voltage when stress is applied. This effect is also
reversible in manner, i.e. a voltage across the sample will produce stress within the
sample. Because of this reversible property, piezoelectric materials can act both as
sensor as well as actuator. Piezoelectric actuation can be used in precision (small strain,
fast response time) applications. One application envisaged is the precision position
control of mirrors used in optical structures of satellites.
Scope of work is development and demonstration of closed loop control algorithm for
precise position control of an object mounted over a tubular composite tripod structure.

Launch Vehicle

F6 Sub Area Modelling and Study of Large Antenna (VSSC)

F6.1 Geometric, kinematic and finite element modelling of large deployable/ inflatable/
unfurlable structures in space (VSSC)
Large antenna reflectors and other structures are being used in increasing numbers for
satellite applications. The sizes range from dia.5.0m and upwards to 20.0m.During Launch
phase these reflectors will be stowed so that launch envelope interfaces requirements
are not violated. In space these structures get deployed by suitable mechanism of energy
release like inflatables, Unfurlable ,Unfoldables etc.
Scope of work includes development of a suitable model need (a) To capture Geometry
of these structures in space (0g condition) and in ground (1g condition) (b) To capture and
model the kinematics of the members /linkages involved and (c)Finite element modeling
of the structure to capture its dynamic, Static and Thermal distortion behaviour under
space conditions.

F7 Sub Area Assessment of Composite Structures (VSSC)

F7.1 Nano meter level measurement and assessment of space composite structures
An increasing demand for high-quality, low cost Earth imagery has led to the requirement
for improved structural stability of the satellite instruments providing the imagery. This
translates into camera structures capable of maintaining very high levels of dimensional
stability order of few micron (<10µ) for a length of 1m over their lifetime. CFRP is one of
the materials for dimensionally stable space structures. The “theoretical” zero CTE is only
approximated as well as the manufacturing precision allows. So in ultra stable structure
where micron level dimensional stability is required, there is an need for quantitative
assessment of the magnitude of change in dimensions.
Scope of work includes nano meter level measurement setup with all associated analytical
software and hardware fully integrated, meant for specimen level as well as assembly
level evaluation of the payload and camera structure.

F8 Sub Area Shape Memory Composites (VSSC)

F8.1 Development of shape memory composite reflector antenna (VSSC)

Shape Memory Composites (SMC) are a sub set of the broad class of Smart Materials
namely shape memory materials. Shape memory effect in materials is essentially the
capacity to recover a “ memorized” strain rate upon application of external stimuli like heat,
light, moisture ,magnetic ,electric field etc. Shape Memory Polymers (SMP) are a group of
polymeric materials which are capable of recovering the memorized shape when triggered
by an external stimulus. Unreinforced SMPs have much lower stiffness and recovery
potential ,however in combination with a reinforcement (fibers,fabrics,and mats made of
Carbon,Glass and Kevlar) the mechanical properties of SMPs remarkably increase.
Composites of SMPs with high performance reinforcing fibers find use in self deployable
structures for spacecraft applications. SMPCs used for such applications are also called
Elastic Memory composites.

Launch Vehicle

These composites can be compacted on earth, stored in a compact shape ,and then
self-deploy in space. Applications include support structures for telecommunication
Scope of work includes development and demonstration of SMP Composite for a
paraboloid reflector of 1m diameter with a stowage volume of ~25%.

F9 Sub Area Composites 3D Printing (VSSC)

F9.1 Development of automation head for 3D printing of continuous fibre composites

Fibers used as reinforcement in high strength/high-performance Composites application
are primarily long fibres. Their one-dimensional nature make them amenable for
automation methods such as filament winding and fiber placement. However, the use of
thermoset resin warrant a mandrel or support structure during processing. With recent
developments in 3D printing using thermoplastic resins, time is ripe to jive the high-
strength long fibers with thermoplastic or similar resin system, to 3-D print Composite
products. Attempts of infusing short fiber as chopped strands in the existing 3D print
filaments, marginally improves the resin capability but nowhere near the continuous fiber
based composite products. R& D efforts are already on by many groups (ex. Owens-
corning with Kuka) towards the long fiber based print process.
Scope of work is to realize a winding head that can be mounted to a robotic system or
similar mechanism, that can dispense long fibers (carbon, glass or aramid), impregnated
with thermoplastic resin, for free-form (without mandrel) material deposition. Alternate
resin system shall also be explored, but with capability to be in-situ cured instantaneously
to facilitate uninterrupted 3D printing.

G Area Tranducers and Sensors (LPSC)

G1 Fibre optic sensors (LPSC)
Fiber optic technology based sensors need to be developed for sensing of pressure,
temperature, level, flow rate etc. for the propulsion systems of launch vehicle. Distributed
sensing of strain and temperature over structures using Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) need
to be realized. Cost effective interrogator units are required to be developed with lesser
weight. Multiplexing of sensors using fiber technology is another area of importance.

G2 O2 & CO2 gas sensors and development of graphene based sensors (LPSC)
Graphene is one of the potential materials which can be used for sensing applications.
There is a need for measuring different gases like O2, CO2 etc. for human space flight
where the environment of the crew module has to be carefully monitored and controlled.
Development of gas sensors based on graphene need to be explored for this purpose as
they have lesser weight, faster response, low power consumption etc.

G3 Development of nanotechnology based pressure & strain sensors (LPSC)

Various nano material and nano structures like ZnO, MoS2, Carbon Nano Tube (CNT),
graphene etc. can be used for strain/pressure sensing. Selection of suitable substrate,

Launch Vehicle

nano material/structure synthesis, characterization etc. are envisaged. Sensors based

on nano technology is to be developed for measuring pressure of propellant and gases
in the range 1 bar to 1000 bar.

G4 Development of nano technology based gas sensor (both presence & % quantity)
Gas sensors need to be employed in various facilities and space systems to monitor
either presence or leak of gases. Monitoring of gases like H2, CO, CO2, NO2, O2 etc.
(both presence and quantity) is mandatory in various space systems. Development of
Nanostructures of various metal oxides for gas sensing need to be attempted. Feasibility
of an array of multiple element gas sensors on a single substrate using nano fabrication
technique may be attempted.

H Area Structures and Fabrication (VSSC/LPSC)

H1 Sub Area Structures and Fabrication (LPSC)

H1.1 Experimental evaluation of damping in fluid conveying pipelines immersed in fluid

environment (Both theoretical empirical relation & Experiments) (LPSC)
Most of the pipelines carrying fluids are immersed in fluid environment. To design these
properties, the damping is very important parameter. In order to evaluate the effect of
added mass on frequency viscosity on damping, it is envisaged to design a vibration test
setup to carry out experiments. By doing experiments it is proposed to evaluate dynamic
behaviour of pipelines immersed in fluid.

H1.2 Crack growth studies in propellant tanks through experiments & theoretical
modelling (LPSC)
This study plans to address the fracture behavior of aluminium and titanium alloys used in
pressure vessel materials in rocket engines. The behavior of this sections containing part
through cracks under tensile stresses is to be explored at ambient and cryo temperatures
through tests and simulations.

H1.3 Electrical Discharge Machining/ Die Sinking (EDM) (LPSC)

Optimization of machining parameters for machining of following super alloys: Titanium
Ti6AI4V, Inconel 600 / 718, Hynes-25, Molybdenum, Columbium 103.

H2 Sub Area Experimental Mechanics (VSSC)

H2.1 Identification of type of failure from global Acoustic Emission (AE) data using ANN/
clustering approach (VSSC)
AE monitoring is being used for the integrity evaluation of various flight hardware during
their proof pressure test for example Titanium alloy Gas Bottles, Aluminium alloy Prop
Tanks, Maraging steel and 15 CDV6 chambers etc. Implementation of an automated
AE analysis on the stored data with ANN/Neural Network for the integrity evaluation of
the hardware helps in reducing the total dependence on human expertise and speed up
analysis. The AE corresponding to different failure types have to be segregated using

Launch Vehicle

ANN. This is to be compared with AE from the test results of similar hardware tested with
PAC AE DAQ system which can be made use of in training the algorithm.

H2.2 Background noise elimination from global acoustic emission data to segregate
genuine Acoustic Emission (AE) signature corresponding to defects using Spectral
content analysis or any other advanced technique (VSSC)
In online AE monitoring, differentiating the genuine AE signals from pneumatic
pressurisation noises is a big problem for the real time AE evaluation of flight propellant
tanks during pressure tests. This is especially troublesome in case of pneumatic
pressurisation. Due to the noise, the initiation of any defects like crack, yield etc. is
difficult to be identified during the pressurisation / loading phases. Since some of the
noise signals are similar to genuine AE signals, identifying these noise signals in real
time is a tedious job. Implementing a criterion for online filtering of these noises using
Spectral content analysis or any other advanced technique making use of previous test
data is the need of the hour. This can help in monitoring the health of the hardware during
pressurization time and help in averting failures.

H2.3 Development of online Acoustic Emission (AE) instrumentation for proof pressure
test of titanium alloy gas bottles at cryo and elevated temperature (VSSC)
Presently AE monitoring is being used for the integrity evaluation of Ti alloy Gas Bottles
during their Room Temp proof pressure test. Implementation of AE instrumentation
suitable for CRYO Temp/ elevated Temperature of Ti alloy Gas Bottles is expected to
help the integrity evaluation of the Ti-alloy gas bottles using AE for flight use.

H2.4 Through thickness measurement of non-uniform residual stresses in metallic

components with sufficient resolution for aerospace applications (VSSC)
The current technique of incremental hole drilling technique measures the residual
stress to a depth of 2mm only. The development envisaged is the implementation of an
accurate method for measuring residual stress through thickness for metallic materials
for thickness more than 5 mm to 10 mm with a resolution better than 10 MPa. Use of a
combination of different techniques also can be pursued.

H2.5 Development of an algorithm and codes for measurement of non-uniform residual

stresses in composite components using the method of incremental hole drilling (VSSC)
The current technique of incremental hole drilling technique measures the residual stress
to a depth of 2mm only in metallic materials. With analysis methods like integral method the
results are available for a depth of less than 1 mm only. The development envisaged is the
implementation of an accurate algorithm including codes for measuring residual stress in
composite materials for thickness up to 2 mm with a resolution better than 20 MPa.

H2.6 Theoretical studies on the prediction of failure incorporating measured residual

stress data to service loads in aerospace components (VSSC)
Residual stresses on parent material /weld in components can be measured through
various techniques like hole drilling technique. Theoretical study on the effect of such
residual stresses on the structural behaviour under service loads to predict the failure.

Launch Vehicle

H2.7 Implementation of post processing of FBG sensor data using ANN / suitable
algorithms to detect failure signature (VSSC)
Strain / displ Strain / displacement / acceleration data from a network of FBG sensors
mounted on a structure need to be analysed to ascertain its health. An analysis
methodology has to be developed through structural models with and without defects
along with algorithms to predict the life of structure through ANN like approaches.

H3 Sub Area Structural Analysis (VSSC)

H3.1 Active noise control for composite payload fairings (VSSC)

Acoustic loads are one of the important environments for launch vehicles. The acoustic
load transmission into the vehicle, particularly inside the heat shield needs to be attenuated
for the proper functioning of satellite. The magnitude of acoustic loads transmitted to the
payload is a function of external environment as well as design of payload fairing and its
sound absorbing treatments. At present, passive acoustic blanket is used to reduce the
internal acoustic field.
The use of composite payload fairing has the advantage of reducing mass, but it
has detrimental effect on acoustic levels inside the payload fairing especially at low
frequencies. Passive approaches for acoustic attenuation are limited at low frequency
because of sound absorption is limited in low frequencies. Active control offers an
attractive approach for low frequency acoustic noise attenuation inside payload fairing.

H3.2 Dynamic modelling and analysis of human body exposed to vibration environment
during space flight (VSSC)
In manned mission, human body may be exposed to various severe environments for a
long time. This may be detrimental to life or may cause illness/fatigue to the body. One
of the major environments is vibration. Therefore, it is essential to study the influence of
vibration on human body and necessary to find solutions to prevent such environment.
To understand the effect of vibration on human body, it is required to generate three-
dimensional dynamic model of the human body and carryout dynamic analysis for human
biomechanical responses. The human body shall be idealized using beam, spring and
mass elements to represent the various dynamics of the body. The model needs to be
validated with the available literature / test results.

H4 Sub Area Structural Modelling / Design (VSSC)

H4.1 Analytical procedure for dynamic load factors of a free standing launch vehicle
against gusty winds (VSSC)
During the pre-launch operation, launch vehicle standing on the launch pad confronts
either steady or gusty wind. To estimate the dynamic loads due to gusty wind, generalized
analytical procedure applicable to the uniform wind or power law profile wind speed
varying from 5 m/s to 30 m/s with wind plane direction of 0o to 360o shall be developed for
any configuration of vehicle in the presence of umbilical tower. The dynamic load factors
for a free standing launch vehicle in the presence of gusty wind has to be generated.
Wind tunnel study should be performed to validate the procedure.

Launch Vehicle

H4.2 Health monitoring of structures using vibration data (VSSC)

Monitoring the health of a structure subjected to severe dynamic load condition is
essential particularly for assessing the reusability of the structure. Health monitoring is a
process aimed at providing accurate information concerning the structural condition and
performance. It consists of continuous or periodic recording of representative parameters
like vibration measurements over short or long duration. The measured responses can
be used for assessing the damage of the structure, if any. Damage can be defined as
changes introduced in the system that adversely affects its current or future performance.
The damage will alter the stiffness, mass or energy dissipation properties of a system,
which in turn alter the measured dynamic response of the system. From these vibration
measurements, the health of the system can be assessed.
Damage detection and health monitoring scheme have to be developed for aero- space
structures using vibration data. The scheme includes data acquisition, feature extraction
and information condensation and statistical discrimination of features for health
monitoring of structures.

H4.3 Development of analytical techniques for the design of impact resistant structures
In the future missions of ISRO like reusable launch vehicles, human space flight, etc.,
the structural components will be subjected to impact loads during orbital and landing
operations. These structures should be designed with highest probability of human,
package and critical component survival. Design and analysis methodologies including
structural, material and environment modelling needs to be established for effective
design of impact resistant structures. Analytical methodologies to assess response of
human body and critical packages to impact load needs to be developed.

H4.4 Development of advanced element types (VSSC)

VSSC/ISRO is developing indegeneous finite element software. The software has to
be further enhanced in terms of various finite element types. This project is proposed
for the formulation and implementation of cable element, damper element, elements for
modelling joints, pipe element and elements for delamination studies. The source code
can be in Matlab or C++ programming language.

H4.5 Development of adaptive finite element method (VSSC)

VSSC/ISRO is developing indegeneous finite element software. The software has to be
further enhanced with adaptive finite element method.
This project is proposed for the formulation and implementation of adaptive mesh
modification schemes and error estimation methods. The source code can be in Matlab
or C++ programming language.

H4.6 Prediction of structural response due to Pyro-shock (VSSC)

Establishment of numerical approach/methodology for predicting pyroshock induced
response on the launch vehicle and package locations. The approach shall be capable
of simulating the elastic wave propagation phenomena in 1D, 2D and 3D environments

Launch Vehicle

accounting for the attenuation due to material and structural discontinuities, joints,
lumped masses, shock absorbers, etc. The method shall be capable of modelling
isotropic, honeycomb and composite materials. Different numerical approaches are
to be considered to predict the near, mid and far field shock environment to cover the
entire frequency range considered for package qualification. This is required to predict
the response at critical locations on the launch vehicle and packages due to various
separation induced shocks.

H4.7 Development of Isogeometric elements (VSSC)

Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) uses Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) applied
extensively in computer aided design (CAD). Adopting IGA will reduce the time taken
from design to analysis phase. IGA technique involves change of basis functions of an
element currently followed in a finite element software. A project proposal is invited for
developing elements based on IGA for enhancing indigenous finite element software.

H4.8 Development of fast and efficient iterative linear/eigen solvers for large order
sparse systems on parallel computing platforms (VSSC)
The solver should be compatible for Finite element system matrices for computing
deformations and extracting eigen values efficiently. The computing platform should be a
distributed parallel systems suitable for HPC cluster. The program should be developed
in C++ and use threading and multiprocessing for job distribution.

H5 Sub Area Structural Testing (VSSC)

H5.1 Development of a noise-canceling headphone using active noise control (VSSC)

Noise cancelling headphones reduce unwanted ambient sound or acoustic noise using
Active Noise Control (ANC). This involves using a microphone placed near the ear, a
signal processing circuitry which generates an ‘antinoise’ so that the noise within the
enclosed volume is cancelled. This is useful for an operator working in noisy environment
such as vibration test facility, machine floor etc.
The cancellation may be achieved using filtered X-LMS algorithm using some DSP
processor. The minimum requirement of sampling is 12KHz with cut-off frequency of 5KHz.
The required reduction is 40dB in the band of 100Hz to 2000Hz. The system should operate
in battery and the electronics should be miniaturized and kept inside the headphone.

H5.2 Control algorithm for multi axial vibration testing (VSSC)

Vibration testing is done to ensure that the flight structures and system will work satisfactorily
in its service environment. In conventional vibration testing the vibration in each axis is
separately simulated using single axis shakers using vibration controllers. But to simulate
the actual vibration condition in flight, techniques to be developed to excite the structure in
all the three axes simultaneously using three shakers in mutually perpendicular axes. For
this a special vibration controller to control all the three shakers is required.
The proposed work is to develop the control algorithms for sine and random multi shaker
vibration testing. All the required algorithms have to be developed, implemented with
suitable DSPs (Digital Signal Processor) and tested.

Launch Vehicle

H5.3 Data compression technique for vibration signals (VSSC)

The measured vibration signals from launch vehicle flights contain high frequency signals
upto 2000 Hz. In order to telemeter these signals to ground during flight high bit rate is
required. Typically for a measurement with 8 bit data resolution with a sampling rate of
6000 samples /second, it works out as 48 kbits/second per channel. In a typical launch
vehicle flight around 10 channels of vibration measurements are made which requires a
telemetry bit rate of 480 kbits /second. The bit rate for the typical launch vehicle is only
1 megabit/second. Hence suitable data compression techniques are required to reduce
the telemetry bit rate.

H6 Sub Area Structural Design & Analysis (VSSC)

H6.1 Development of mathematical model to study the effect of residual stresses on

fatigue crack growth and life estimation (VSSC)
Residual stresses are generated at weld joints during welding and local weld repairs. They
significantly influence the fatigue and fracture behavior of the material. A mathematical
model becomes important to study the effect of residual stresses on fatigue crack growth
and life estimation. An analysis methodology to be developed for simulation of crack
propagation in the presence of residual stresses. Specimen level tests shall be carried
out to validate the analytical model.

H6.2 Damage tolerant analysis of viewport glass material (VSSC)

Viewports are very essential for viewing the surroundings in space or underwater
exploration modules. Based on the kind of load acting, viewport shall be designed as flat,
conical or spherical in shape. Wide range of materials are commercially used for viewport
construction such as Acrylic, poly carbonate etc. which are brittle in nature. In the case
of a glass viewport being sealed to a metal flange, direct contact between the glass
and a mating metallic flange may produce stresses in the glass that can lead to failure
during operating condition. Based on the kind of operating conditions viewport material
shall be subjected to tensile or compressive stress fields. The verification of all such
potential fracture critical glass components, shall include an analysis of crack growth
under conditions of the stresses and the environments encountered during their service
life. Both sustained stress as well as fatigue crack growth data are to be generated for
these materials and fracture based design criteria established for structural components
Combination of experimental and numerical methods shall be used for the extensive
fracture characterization of viewport glass materials.

H6.3 Optimal shaping of cutout corners in non-linear range (VSSC)

Launch vehicle structures are optimized for the mass and hence are highly stressed. In
this kind of highly stressed structures, rectangular cut outs are commonly used. Hence
very high stress concentrations are observed in the cutout corner which is very much local
in nature. If not attended properly, this zone can be cause failure initiation and further
propagate to a catastrophic failure of launch vehicle. Normally designers overcome this
stress concentration problem by giving liberal fillet. Useful size of fillet to overcome the
stress concentration blocks the free entry of large object and defeat the purpose for which

Launch Vehicle

the cutout is intended. There is no quantification of allowable or safe stress in this type
of zones. There is a need to shape the cutout including fillet considering the stress in
the non-linear range and nature of the stress field at the cutout corner. Theoretical
determination and experimental validation is expected. The study is expected to arrive at
a parametric definition of minimum fillet radius based on geometry of cutout like r/w etc
for using it in all sizes of cutouts of different width-w.

H6.4 An assessment of knock down factors for cylindrical shells used in launch vehicles
based on energy barrier approach (VSSC)
The current design of launch vehicle structure which are compressively loaded is
based on the knock down factors and subsequent qualification tests. However, due to
the improvement of computation methods, better estimates of collapse load are now
possible and the knock down factors applied on theoretical computations are believed to
be conservative. Some estimates show that the current design under-predict the buckling
load carrying capacity by about 20%. The lack of reliability (lack of repeatability and the
non-availability of a non- destructive testing technique) of cylindrical shell buckling
experiments is a major contributing factor for this under estimation. The need for high-
fidelity estimates of the buckling loads of shell structures is of critical importance for
reliance or to increase payload capability. Methods based on energy barrier can be used
as a non-destructive and non-invasive technique for determining the shock sensitivity
and stability of thin-walled structures. Energy barrier method for shell buckling problems
is a new approach for estimating the stability characteristics of cylindrical shells. This
method has promising applications in the space industry for predicting the buckling
load carrying capacity and the robustness of a cylindrical shell subjected to external
undulations. Information about a structure’s stiffness and robustness against buckling
in terms of energy and other force parameters can be arrived using this technique. In
simple terms, the energy barrier is the energy that needs to be supplied to drive the
shell over buckling. And the determination of this energy barrier in a way helps us to
find the buckling load carrying capacity and the shock sensitivity of the structure. The
energy barrier of a structure can be determined from simple experiments or numerical
procedures by introducing transverse perturbation to cylindrical shell preloaded by axially
compressive force.

H6.5 Design / analysis of membrane structures like parachute canopy for different
loading conditions (VSSC)
In present time, use of membrane structures is widely increased in field of science and
aerospace technology. Parachutes form one of the major part of recovery subsystems in
field of Human Space Missions, whereas hot air balloons are widely used for atmospheric
studies and navigation. The mentioned membrane structures come in the category of
tensile structures where stresses in the structures determine the shape as fabrics used
in the design have no appreciable stiffness out of the plane it lies in and no appreciable
bending stiffness. Design of such structures is sensitive to its geometry, material
properties and patterning (fabrication) direction. The mechanical behavior of fabrics used
in realization of such structures is nonlinear and time dependent, with assumed or highly
simplified material properties commonly used for analysis. The scope of the proposed

Launch Vehicle

project is to emphasize on the design criteria for membrane structures such as parachute
canopy, to develop an analysis methodology for estimation of canopy stresses and loads
in the canopy reinforcement using available / independent analysis tools.

H6.6 Residual stresses estimation on additive manufacturing (VSSC)

Additive manufacturing is being widely used to fabricate functional metal parts in
automobile, aerospace, energy and medical device industries due to its flexible
process capacity including complex geometry, functionally graded materials, and free
usage of tool. Additive manufacturing refers to a process by which digital 3D design
data is used to build up a component in layers by depositing material. Additive
manufacturing builds up components layer by layer using materials which are available
in fine powder form. A range of different metals, plastics and composite materials may
be used.
Additive manufacturing can be used in launch vehicle program especially in the
upper stages. This will reduce the number of components in the assembly and hence
the time and cost of realization of hardware. Residual stresses which get induced in
a realised component due to thermal loads generated during deposition of layers
during additive manufacturing puts restrictions in the usage of it especially for
launch vehicle structures. Minimizing the residual stress build-up in metal-based
additive manufacturing plays a pivotal role in selecting a particular material and
technique for making a component. An accurate estimation of residual stresses and
distortion is necessary to achieve dimensional accuracy and prevent premature fatigue
failure, delamination and buckling of components. Since many process variables
affect the amount of residual stress getting induced during additive manufacturing and
experimental measurement of residual stresses and distortion are time consuming and
expensive, development of numerical thermo-mechanical models for their estimation is
highly essential.

H6.7 Damage tolerant designs for laminated composite structures used in aerospace
structures (VSSC)
The initiation and propagation of manufacturing induced or service induced damage
in the structural design of laminated composites are of primary concern for aerospace
structures. The laminated composite wing and fuselage structure with low transverse
strength, low inter-laminar shear strength and no plastic deformation are more susceptible
to damage growth. A stress based criterion can determine the locations of potential
damages followed by fracture analysis to predict the initiation of delamination. Based on
suitable failure criterion, the failure is predicted.
A thorough understanding is required to predict the multiple complex failure mechanisms
in composite structures which are used especially in aerospace industry such as the wing
structure. Virtual Crack Closure Technique (VCCT), Cohesive Zone Modeling (CZM) and
Progressive Failure Analysis (PFA) are the techniques to predict the failure followed by
the experiments to validate the criterion. A series of aerospace materials ranging from the
metals to composites has to be tested and predictions through analytical and numerical
method have to be carried out for the better understanding for future requirements.

Launch Vehicle

H6.8 Thermo-mechanical response of polymer matrix composites under high heating

rates (VSSC)
Thermo setting polymer matrix composites are used in the aerospace industry as
thermal insulation liners for nozzles system as well as heat shields for re-entry vehicles.
These composite materials experience rapid heating during operational time, ie. they
are exposed to very high temperature in short duration. The polymer resin constituent
undergoes thermochemical decomposition (charring). During this endothermic charring
process, the polymer chain is broken down and decomposed into water vapour, pyrolysis
gases and a solid carbon residue. Development of mathematical model to predict
the thermo-mechanical response of ablation of polymeric materials during thermo
chemical decomposition is planned in this proposal. Ablation analysis should capture
simultaneously thermo-chemical and thermo-mechanical response of the Silica-Phenolic
/ carbon – Phenolic ablative systems.

H6.9 Development of nano composites for aero space application (VSSC)

To formulate and develop software for finite element analysis of nano composite structures,
which includes geometric nonlinearity and effect of size in constitutive behavior. The
continuum damage mechanics model which includes the different mode of failure
observed in the composite structures such as fiber failure, matrix failure, inter laminar
and trans laminar failure. Validation of the present study can be through fabrication of
small nano composite plate and subject the same to different loading conditions and
correlating the results with the theoretical study.

H6.10 Fracture studies on textile composites (VSSC)

Textile Composites are being used in the aerospace industries, specifically in the areas
of impact resistant structures and hot structures. The increased use of these materials
calls for the proper understanding of their fatigue behaviour. To ascertain the endurance
of structural components made of Textile composites, fatigue and fracture studies on
materials and structures are essential. A suitable method to perform the progressive
fiber/matrix failure analysis has to be established in the presence/absence of defects
useful for life estimation.

H6.11 Structural health monitoring through classification of strain patterns using artificial
neural network (VSSC)
Structural health monitoring technology has become an important approach to increase
the safety and reduce the maintenance costs of high performance composite structures
used in aircraft and re-entry vehicles.
There is a requirement to develop the tools to detect damages such as fiber failure, matrix
cracking, de-laminations, skin-stiffener de-bonds in composite structures. Neural network
is one of the tools. Tool will be used to classify sensor malfunctioning and structural
failure(s) based on the observed static strain patterns of the healthy and unhealthy
structures. Analytical and experimental studies have to be made to validate the
adopted methodology.

Launch Vehicle

H6.12 Visco-elastic structural analysis of solid propellant grains in the presence of voids
Solid rocket systems are used extensively in situations where the total impulse is known
in advance and restart is not required. Structurally, a rocket motor consists of the solid
propellant grain, liner, insulation, motor case and the igniter. Solid propellant grains are
strained / stressed due to thermal, gravitational, flight acceleration and ignition pressure
loads. The structural response of the propellant grain in the presence of voids / porosity
disrupt the stress/strain field.
It is essential to examine the criticality of voids in solid propellant motor grains based
on structural as well as ballistic and thermal considerations. A detailed viscoelastic solid
propellant grain analysis in the presence of different void shapes and sizes is to be
carried out for storage, thermal and ignition pressurization loading conditions for the
development of an acceptance criterion. A methodology has to be established to model
the void and examine its deformation criticality through finite element analysis.

H6.13 Biaxial testing of visco elastic material (VSSC)

Solid rocket systems are used in launch vehicle. Solid propellant grains are strained /
stressed due to thermal, gravitational, flight acceleration and ignition pressure loads.
Behaviour of the solid propellant is visco elastic in nature. Study of biaxial behaviour of
this visco elastic material under biaxial testing is proposed.

H6.14 Development of design/analysis criterion for aerospace structures subjected to

shock loads of varying intensities and duration (VSSC)
Usually in aerospace structural engineering, the structures need to be designed to
withstand transient dynamic loads and shock excitation loads. Sometimes the health
of the designed hardware need to be assessed by finite element analysis for specific
transient dynamic / shock loads, before the clearance of hardware for launch. Tests
on AA 2014 alloy plates has shown plastic yielding in metallic plates. Hence a clear
understanding on the dynamic stress response of structures for varying time duration
of shocks and intensities and its relation with the structural health is required for an
optimum structural design. The Objectives of the study is to develop a methodology
for design of aerospace structures subjected to varying shock loads and to develop an
analysis methodology for health assessment of structures subjected to shock loads of
varying peaks and time duration.

H7 Sub Area Honeycomb Structures (VSSC)

H7.1 Semi-analytical approach for the evaluation of acoustic performance of Aluminium/

CFRP skinned sandwich panel (VSSC)
Acoustic performance of metallic honeycomb sandwich panels under low frequency were
obtained through test using reverberation chamber. Honeycomb cells were embedded
with semi-flexible PUF. Comparisons were made for the acoustic attenuation in terms of
insertion loss for the rectangular panels with and without PUF. Based on say, LS DYANA
obtain a semi analytical approach for the prediction of attenuation of sandwich panel for
variables like skin thickness, core height, density of PUF etc.

Launch Vehicle

H7.2 Inter laminar shear stress evaluation of bonded structures (VSSC)

To estimate accurately the stresses in the sandwich structures, in particular in the bond
between the skin (metallic or FRP laminate skin ) and honeycomb core higher order
shear deformation theory is followed. Provide the software code that will be useful for
studies in related areas.

H7.3 Evaluation of acoustic characteristics of Polyimide foam for sandwich application

Honeycomb sandwich panels embedded with Polyimide foam inside the honeycomb cells
have been tested for insertion loss (dB) over a range up to 1200 Hz. using reverberation
chamber and air pulse tube. For analytical model for a theoretical prediction for insertion
loss of the honeycomb sandwich panel, it is necessary to evaluate properties like porosity,
sound flow resistivity etc. as per the standards.

H7.4 Development of sandwich structures with negative poisson’s ratio honeycomb

core (VSSC)
The core with negative Poisson’s ratio improves the shear strength and resistance to
piercing for the core and keeps inserts more intact in sandwich structures. The geometry
of core and skin material/processing provides negative Poisson’s effect for the sandwich
structures as reported in literature. This will help to increase the load carrying capacity of
the sandwich structure.

H7.5 Crashworthiness studies of metallic honeycomb sandwich structures (VSSC)

Honey comb core has a constant crush curve and hence is capable of taking load even
after initial crush. Aluminium honeycomb has good crashworthy properties and evaluation
of these properties analytically is proposed to be done. This can be done for different
types of damages and structural integrity to be assessed.

H7.6 Non destructive evaluation of weak bond in honeycomb structures (VSSC)

Honeycomb structures are bonded structures wherein the strength of the structure is
contributed by adhesion and cohesion. NDE methods are available for evaluating the
cohesive strength. Adhesion strength is controlled by process parameters. Development
of an NDE method to evaluate adhesion strength of adhesive will help in a great way in
assessing the structural health.

I Area Avionics (VSSC)

I1 Sub Area Motors (VSSC)

I1.1 Space vector PWM control for PMSM motor (VSSC)

Space vector PWM technology is being widely used in industrial application owing to
the inherent advantages of better DC utilization and improved harmonic performance.
As part of optimizing the systems for aerospace applications improving the efficiency
by reducing the losses is the prime focus. On this background the usage of SVPWM
technique for PMSM drives can offer significant advantage.

Launch Vehicle

I1.2 Fault tolerance of five phase BLDC/PMSM motor (VSSC)

The motor industry is witnessing the migration of machines from three phases to increased
number of phases on account of decreasing the current per phase thereby bring down
the losses and the inherent fault tolerance. The inherent fault tolerant capability of a five
phase BLDC/PMSM motor has to be established through simulations and experimental
validations for the technology to be adapted to the aerospace industry. A comprehensive
study of the failure modes, performance assessment, reconfiguration if required etc. are
to be part of the study.

I1.3 Design and development of 25kW quadruplex BLDC motor with quadruplex
hallsensor sets (VSSC)
25kW quadruplex BLDC motor with quadruplex hallsensor sets is planned as a driver for
linear electro-mechanical actuators generating high actuation forces. The scope includes
Design of motor and controller for the input requirements.
Modeling and analysis using finite element analysis software to validate the motor
Generation of fabrication drawings and PCB layout.
Procurement of components needed for the motor and controller.
Realisation, assembly and testing of motor and controller.

I1.4 Design and development of dual redundant 22.50 stepper motor for the rotary
actuator (VSSC)
The scope includes
Design of motor for the input requirements.
Modeling and analysis using finite element analysis software to validate the motor
Generation of fabrication drawings.
Procurement of components.
Realisation, assembly and testing of motor.

I2 Sub Area Actuators (VSSC)

I2.1 Magnetic levitation based linear actuators (VSSC)

For the present day electromechanical actuation systems, the weakest element in the
system is the rotary to linear conversion mechanism. The disadvantage offered by the
rotor inertia being reflected in the engine also offer challenges as majority of the power
in the system is utilized in overcoming the self inertia of the system. On this back ground
the feasibility of developing a magnetically levitated linear electromechanical actuator
of 4T force capability. The detailed simulation study bringing out the configuration
and performance assessment is to be carried out. A proto model to be developed
and demonstrated.

Launch Vehicle

I2.2 Design and analysis (static & dynamic) of a planetary roller screw (VSSC)
Planetary rollerscrews having double nut configuration are used in high power
electromechanical actuators for converting the rotary motion to linear. The scope of
project includes:
Mechanical design of the roller screw based on input requirement which includes detailed
specification and outer dimensions of Rollerscrew.
Generation of 3D CAD model.
Kinematic analysis and estimation of slip.
Static analysis (Finite Element Analysis ), stiffness and efficiency.
Dynamic analysis (Using solvers like ADAMS).
Fabrication drawing of all components.

I2.3 Design and analysis of harmonic drive ( VSSC)

Harmonic drive replaces the conventional gear train of the rotary actuator. The scope
Mechanical design of the harmonic drive for the input requirements.
Modeling and quasi-static analysis using finite element analysis for the tooth mesh
conditions [for stress, strain and stiffness].
Kinematic and kinetic analyses using ADAMS like software.
Tooth profile optimization for maximizing performance.
Generation of fabrication drawings.
Procurement of components (like elliptical bearings, circlip, etc, needed for the assembly)
Realisation, assembly and testing.


I3.1 Custom ASIC design of asynchronous RISC processor (VSSC)

As the ASIC technology scaling continues, the effect of leakage and dynamic power
consumption of the CMOS gets more consideration. Moreover the clock requirement for the
new designs goes on increasing although the majority of the internal logic does not clock in
the same speed. In such scenarios, the use of asynchronous circuit design gains importance.
Indigenous FPGA:
As a part of import substitution efforts, it is required to design an Indigenous anti fuse
FPGA in-house for the future ISRO missions. The design involves the following steps.
Universal logic cell design
Creating synthesis library
Programmable interconnect design
Modeling programmable interconnect
Place and route software tool development
FPGA fabrication
FPGA programmer hardware and software development

Launch Vehicle

I4 Sub Area Onboard Computers (VSSC)

I4.1 Software modeling of on-board computer hardware ( VSSC)

VIKRAM1601 is a 16-bit microprocessor based on-board computer indigenously
developed by ISRO. A suitable software model, that would accurately simulate
all the features of the system, is required to be developed. This is required
for plugging into checkout systems for doing software validation of integrated
flight software. This eliminates the requirement of hardware packages during
software testing.

I4.2 Formal methods for flight software specification and verification (VSSC)
Formal methods for software specification and verification are based on mathematical
methods and offer a more rigorous approach for software development and verification.
In order to ensure consistency of requirements and provide proof of correctness, formal
methods are to be used to supplement the traditional techniques followed for specification
and verification of flight software for launch vehicles.

I4.3 Model-based software development for safety-critical systems (VSSC)

Model-based approach to Software Development involves a mathematical and visual
method of addressing problems associated with designing complex systems. It provides
a common design environment for all development agencies, facilitates rapid proto-typing
and early detection of errors as well as design re-use. One of the safety-critical elements
of flight software is to be developed using the model-based software development
paradigm, as a pilot project.

I5 Sub Area Power System (VSSC)

I5.1 Integrated on chip multi output DC-DC converter with soft switching topology
The scope of the project includes the modelling, analysis, design and development of
miniaturised multiple output isolated DC-DC converter with soft switching topology for
aerospace applications. These converters should have efficiency greater than 85%. The
scope of the project includes the design of on chip PWM controller for the proposed
control algorithm.The proposed scheme shall be verified by simulation and hardware

I5.2 Wireless power transfer (VSSC)

The project aims at the design and development of wireless power transfer
technique to transfer power from battery to various subsystems for aerospace applications.
The project aims at the study of existing technologies of wireless power transmission
and to arrive at a suitable technique to transfer power in the following cases
1) Low power at a distance of few centimeters (charging of batteries etc) 2) Medium
power at a distance of few meters. The proposed scheme has to be verified by hardware

Launch Vehicle

I6 Sub Area Robotics (VSSC)

I6.1 Modeling, simulation, analysis and design of a controller for a robotic manipulator
having five degree of freedom for lunar mission (VSSC)
Modeling, simulation, analysis and design of a controller for a robotic manipulator having
five degree of freedom for lunar mission.
Robotic manipulator having five degree of freedom forms part of a lunar exploration rover.
The scope of project includes,
Generation of a mathematical model and its analysis which includes forward and inverse
kinematics, work space analysis, trajectory planning, static and dynamic analysis.
Design of a controller and simulation of certain predefined tasks.
Hardware realization of the controller (control electronics to drive the manipulator).
Experimental demonstration of the predefined tasks (Robotic manipulator will be provided
for this purpose).
Design, analysis and experimental verification of a force and slip controller for the object
grasp by an underactuated three fingered robotic hand.
Design of force and slip controller (including selection and procurement of appropriate
sensor / sensors).
Simulation of grasp (Spherical, Cylindrical & Planar) with objects of various sizes and
Experimental demonstration of grasp (Spherical, Cylindrical & Planar) with objects of
various sizes and shapes (Underactuated robotic hand will be provided for this purpose)

I6.2 Determination of space debris, its shape and orientation and distance using image
processing through stereo camera (VSSC)
Image processing through stereo camera to determine the shape and dimensions of
space debris in orbit.
Estimation of altitude, angular velocity and tumbling axis of the debris.
Machine learning could be used to achieve the goal.
Date update frequency should be more than 25Hz.
Camera configuration, Processor and algorithm should be define accordingly.
Algorithm should be platform independent so that it can be exported to the controllers
having different architecture

I7 Sub Area Sensors & Instrumentation (VSSC)

I7.1 Sensors based on RF transduction principles for Remote Wireless Sensing (VSSC)
This project aims at realizing sensors using RF techniques such as resonance
and propagation phase shift. Development of such techniques allows non-invasive
measurement of a variety of parameters. The project involves design and development
of such sensing systems and the associated electronics so as to enable wireless remote
sensing of parameters for aerospace and industrial applications.

Launch Vehicle

I7.2 Integration of sensors and electronics - analog, digital, rf & antenna on flex
substrate for complete wireless sensing system (VSSC)
This project aims at realizing integrated sensors on flexible substrate. This involves design
and development of a process flow that will allow Sensing elements, Analog, Digital, RF
and Antenna elements to be implemented on the same flexible substrate base. Suitable
placement, routing and fabrication techniques to be developed that will allow all these
elements of diverse domains to work with minimal interference effects such as cross-talk
and noise pickup that can affect the signal integrity in individual domains. The end goal is
to develop technologies required for design and fabrication of smart, conformal wireless
sensing systems for applications such as aerospace, industrial IOT and structural
health monitoring.

I7.3 Sensors based on nanotechnology principles (VSSC)

The focus of this project is to design and develop sensors based on Nanotechnology
principles. This will involve identification of suitable materials, process flow for fabrication
and optimization of device characteristics. Characterization of sensors thus developed
for performance parameters like linearity and sensitivity will also be part of the project.
The sensors thus developed need to be of low volume, mass, power consumption and
cost for them to be useful for future applications in ISRO missions.

I7.4 Design, fabrication, testing and realization of a Nanomaterial (CNT/Graphene)

based gas sensor (VSSC)
The project aims to develop nanomaterial based gas sensors with high sensitivity and
selectivity. As nanomaterial sensors are reliable, accurate and fast to respond, they are
preferred. The output of the sensors can be either as electrical resistance variation or
current, depending upon the exposure of the corresponding gas.
The various gas sensors that is required for monitoring the Crew module environment
are the following
These are to be monitored for estimating and regulating the module environment. The
sensing elements are to be developed for detection and estimation of the above gases.

I7.5 Design, fabrication, testing and realization of Erbium Doped Fiber (EDF) edge filter
The Erbium Doped Fiber (EDF) Edge filteris to be developed. The component is for
interrogating (Fiber Bragg Grating grating) FBG sensors. EDF will be used to convert the
Bragg wavelength shift to optical intensity variation.
The Edge filter band width coverage : 1525 to 1565nm or more
The EDF response should be temperature independent
Variation of power over wavelength : 1dB/nm

Launch Vehicle

I7.6 Algorithms for structural health monitoring of launch vehicles (VSSC)

This project encompasses the development of techniques required for evaluating the
Health of Launch Vehicle Structures suitable for an Integrated Vehicle Health Management
(IVHM) system. This consists of identifying the instrumentation requirements, development
of suitable data analysis techniques in various domains such as time and frequency and
study of relevant algorithms based on Dynamic System theory (such as State Estimation
– Kalman filter), Statistical techniques (like Regression methods), Decision Making
techniques (such as Dempster-Shafer) and those based on Neural Networks and Fuzzy
Logic. The developed algorithms have to be demonstrated on flight data as well as test
data with faults injected and their efficacy established.

I8 Sub Area Analog Phase Modulator (VSSC)

I8.1 Miniaturized wideband analog phase modulator using phase locked loop (PLL)
The project aims at the implementation of wideband continuous analog phase modulator
capable of handling 2 Mbps data rate using PLL technique. Phase modulation (PCM/PM) is
presently being employed for ISRO launch vehicle telemetry applications. The modulator
subsystem is the major contributor in the size and mass of the telemetry transmitter.
The objective of this research is to miniaturize the present telemetry transmitter system
by developing a new method of modulation inside the PLL. The major advantages of
implementing such a system will be a significant reduction of size, mass and cost of the
transmitter. The present system employs PLL based frequency synthesizer for carrier
generation in S band (2.2-2.3 GHz). The present proposal is for the state-of-art in the
field which is the implementation of modulation within the carrier generation loop itself
using fractional-N frequency synthesizer chip with integrated VCO.

J Area Launch Vehicle Inertal Systems Area (IISU)

J1 Sub Area Atom Interferometer (AI) based sensor technology devel-
opment for Precision Inertial (IISU)

J1.1 Design and development of Gravity Gradiometer using atom interferometry

techniques in a double MOT set up with laser cooled Rb atoms (IISU)
Development of cold atom interferometer based inertial sensors to measure gravity
gradient tensor, angular rates and linear accelerations. The accuracy aimed using such
sensors are : Gyro : < 10-7 deg/hr, Accelerometer : < 10-10 g, Gradiometer : < 10-11 g/m
and Navigation accuracy : < 5 m/hr class.

J2 Sub Area Miniature High Frequency Hybrid Micro Circuit DC-DC

Converter (IISU)

J2.1 DC-DC Converters are widely used in Launch Vehicle and Spacecraft applications.
Currently, ISRO Launch vehicle packages use Single and Dual Surface Mount Technology
(SMT) DC-DC converters with power density of 2.4 W/in3. In complex systems which
need many (up to eight) output voltages like Inertial Systems, space & mass constraints

Launch Vehicle

impose the use of high power density and Triple Output imported Hybrid Micro Circuit
(HMC) DC-DC Converters. Specifically, for systems like DRINS for HSP, where more
sensors are used for higher level of failure tolerance, use of conventional SMT DC-DCs
will result in a heavy power module for INS. The objective of the TDP is to indigenously
design and develop miniature (10 W/in3 or higher), Low Profile (less than 17mm), High
Frequency (500 kHz or above) Single, Dual and Triple Output HMC DC-DC Converters
with miniature magnetics.

J3 Sub Area Videometer based Navigation System for Autonomous

Rendezvous and Docking (IISU)

J3.1 Development of a fully autonomous vision navigation system for doing relative navigation.
A set of retro reflectors mounted on the target at specified coordinates form a three
dimensional target pattern which will be imaged using camera kept at the chaser vehicle.
The camera detects the reflected signal. The onboard processor in the chaser process the
detector output and the image processing algorithms resident in the processor analyzes
the imagery to identify the corner reflectors and to derive the current state vector. The
relative navigation and attitude state variables are estimated using a state observer and
suitable filtering algorithms.
Develop relative navigation concept for use in future missions like landing missions, in
final docking phase (<500m range) of autonomous rendezvous docking process, in stage
recovery experiment, etc.
Identify the technologies involved and define suitable configuration of sensors, reflector
pattern, camera and various elements of the system.
Design of image processing algorithms, state observer and filter algorithms to estimate
the relative state vectors (position, velocity, attitude and angular rates).
Development and realization of the system elements and integration of the system.
Develop the test methodology and test system required to demonstrate performance.
Performance demonstration & qualification of the developed system.

K Area Advanced Inertial Systems Area (IISU)

K1 Development of atomic magnetometer and quantum technologies (IISU)
Design and Development of the technologies for the atomic magnetometer (design and
characterization of vapor cell, magnetic shielding, Heating and Electronics Design etc)
for a sensitivity of nT/OHz. Atomic magnetometer can be used for the measurement of
nano Tesla level magnetic fields.

K2 Development of optical correlator based sensors (IISU)

An optical correlator is a high speed image cross correlator which can update camera
based aiding sensor output within a few milliseconds. This is proposed to improve the
performance of integrated navigation using aiding sensors.
Development of optical correlator and demonstration of Integrated navigation for obstacle
avoidance and proximity operations.

Launch Vehicle

K3 Development of Ultrasonic Motors (USM) for special applications (IISU)

USM has advantage of high torque density at low speed, direct drive without speed
reduction gears, quick response, better electromagnetic compatibility, high holding torque
while power off.
To be used for low torque applications and fine control of movement.

K4 Development of fiber optic sensors for launch vehicles applications (IISU)

TDP is about developing and demonstrating Fiber optic sensors, tensile sensors
(pressure/ strain and temperature) for LV applications . Such sensors are immune to EMI
and light weight.

K5 Disc Resonator Gyroscope (DRG) (IISU)

Design and Realization of a Vacuum packaged Silicon Disc Resonator Gyroscope (DRG)
with a bias stability less than 10 deg/hr and with discrete electronics for rate and tactical

K6 Mixed signal asic electronics development for vibrating gyros (IISU)

A micro machined silicon ring resonator based rate gyroscope is under development
at IISU. It is a closed loop rate sensor working on the Coriolis effect in a vibrating ring
structure. This sensor requires two loops on the drive side to track the resonant frequency
and to keep constant amplitude of vibration. Two loops are required on the output or
sense side to null the real and quadrature vibration terms. The amplitude of the nulling
signal is taken as the readout for the rate.
The loops are presently being developed in the analog domain as it is intuitive and also
easy to modify/tune to the sensing elements. However the analog circuit has many
components, leading to difficulty in miniaturizing and also leading to higher power.
Development of a state of the art rate sensor requires realizing a smart device where
the electronics is co packaged with the sensing unit and gives a direct digital output.
This requires implementing the control loop in digital domain and realizing the same as
an ASIC. Essential glue electronics have also to be developed. All electronics have to
operate from a single low voltage supply. The electronics have to be packaged together
with the sensing unit with a DC-IN Digital-OUT format.

L Area Mechanical Design and Production Group (IISU)

L1 Sub Area Active Vibration Control (IISU)

It is proposed to develop a platform to provide six degrees of freedom vibration isolated

platform using negative stiffness mechanisms. This would thus form a platform which
could be used for attenuating very low frequency vibration noise. This platform could be
used for carrying out experiments which require very stringent vibration attenuations.
Also such platforms are mandatory for the new and advanced inertial sensors like cold
atoms inertial sensors where very low frequency vibrations have to be controlled.

Launch Vehicle

M Area Launch Vehicle Tracking System, Range Operation

and Safety Engineering (SDSC- SHAR)
M1 Sub Area Ground Safety (SDSC-SHAR)

M1.1 Study on radiant heat flux from propellant fires and its effects (SDSC-SHAR)
Estimation of Heat flux around the propellant burning areas through experimental setup
will help us to validate our theoretical estimation, thereby it helps us to provide input for
ensuring the adequacy of protection to our personnel our systems.

M1.2 Design of fire alarm and detection system for high bays based on smoke modeling
To design optimal and effective Fire Alarm detection systems for High rise and high
bay based on smoke modeling. It helps us to optimize the location of the sensors and
detection mechanisms for a faster detection.

M1.3 Risk analysis for liquid propellant storage facilities (SDSC-SHAR)

The Siting of Liquid propellant storage facilities are based on the quantity distance criteria,
fire ball diameter calculations etc., considering the worst case scenario.
Risk analysis studies help us to estimate the risk levels of the liquid propellant storage
and handling in bulk as well as the adequacy of safety system and its protection levels.

M1.4 Smoke extractor system for solid motors exhaust gas during testing (SDSC-SHAR)
As a part of qualification trials for the solid motor testing of Agni motors have increased
manifolds. As the solid motors exhaust gases contain traces of toxic Products like HCl gas,
Al2O3 and CO. In order to protect the environment and persons from these exposures
an attempt is planned for a smoke extractor system for safe collection of exhaust gases
for disposal.

M1.5 Experimental studies on dispersion of solid rocket motor exhaust gases

The Exhaust gases dispersion studies will help us to understand the behavior of gas
dispersion. Based on which static testing of solid motors safety criteria’s can be evolved
with aim to prevent the dispersion of exhaust gases towards land mass. It helps us to
protect the public /operational personnel from toxic gases as well as to protect the flora
and fauna of our Sriharikota.

M1.6 Experimental studies on oxygen deficiency environments due to accidental

spillage or release of gases (SDSC-SHAR)
The Box model sub- scale gases dispersion studies will help us to understand the
behavior of gas dispersion. It will help us to estimate the concentration levels at various
elevations and distances etc. It helps us to optimize the location of the sensors and
detection mechanisms for a faster detection.

Launch Vehicle

M1.7 Experimental studies on liquid propellant dispersion due to accidental release or

spillages (SDSC-SHAR)
The Exhaust gases dispersion studies will help us to understand the behavior of gas
dispersion. Based on which safety criteria’s can be evolved with aim to estimate the toxic
corridors and pollution levels form the source of leak.
It also helps us to optimize the location of the sensors for a faster response and for
initiating the safing actions at a faster detection.

M2 Sub Area Multi Object Tracking Radar (SDSC-SHAR)

M2.1 Coherent integration for space objects tracking (SDSC-SHAR)

Detection of low RCS targets with high speed and complex motions has been receiving
a growing attention and significant research efforts in the modern radar field especially
in space debris tracking.Real-time implementation long term coherent integration by
compensating phase fluctuation among different sampling pulses for High Performance
Embedded computing platforms which involves searching the velocity fold factor,
estimating acceleration, jerk values and performing CLEAN algorithm for integrating
multiple targets has to be developed.

M2.2 Target identification using machine learning algorithms from MOTR radar data
Radar data consists of Range, Azimuth, Elevation and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR).
From Range and SNR correlation target size can be classified. From SNR variation alone
in a single track duration, target nature can be established. Using Machine Learning
algorithms, a model should be trained on radar tracked data (Range, Azimuth, Elevation
and SNR). The trained model should identify a target nature (controlled or uncontrolled)
and size. Using standard libraries in Python Machine Learning Algorithms have become
realizable models.

M2.3 Real time JPDA & MHT based data association in dense multi target tracking
environment (SDSC-SHAR)
MOTR has implemented Linear Kalman Filter (LKF) and Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)
for tracking multiple targets simultaneously and Simple Nearest Neighborhood (SNN)
based data association algorithm to associate target returns with the target being tracked.
SNN data association algorithm gives a better result in tracking multiple targets when
the targets being tracked are spatially separated. When multiple targets are very closer
SNN algorithm gives poor result. It also fails in situation like targets cross over and co
traveling of two targets. To overcome this situation Probability based Data Association
(PDA) methods like Joint Probability Data Association (JPDA) and Multiple Hypothesis
Tracking (MHT) algorithms are used. Since these algorithms uses probability based
algorithms these are complex incorporated to SNN. Hence these algorithms are mostly
used in offline analysis.

Launch Vehicle

M2.4 Space debris RCS estimation and dynamics characterisation from MOTR Space
debris tracked data (SDSC-SHAR)
Studying the received signal from the target gives us the information of the target like
its dynamics spin, its size and RCS. These characteristics of the debris need to be
catalogued, to compute its drag coefficient, and its life time assessment.

M3 Sub Area Solid Motor Performance & Enviornmental Test Facility


M3.1 Flow visualization of ignition overpressure wave from blast generator

During the startup of the solid rocket motor, a weak blast wave or shock front is generated.
This overpressure pulse interact with the launch vehicle and launch complex system.
Hence its is required to capture the overpressure wave propagation in a launchpad
environment using a suitable simulation using a blast generator.

M3.2 Study on effect of high intensity pressure waves in the near field of rocket exhaust
jet and Ignition Overpressure (IOP) wave on typical launch vehicle structures
The angle of incidence (grazing and impinging) of shock fronts and acoustic impedance
of the interacting surface with the shock fronts are having influence on its structural
response. Present study proposes to develop transfer functions for different overpressure
interaction with launch vehicle structure.

M3.3 Ignition Overpressure mitigation studies in scale model using active and passive
suppression techniques for LVM3 (SDSC-SHAR)
The blast wave amplitude is crucial in the design of launch vehicle structure. Hence,
suppressing the overpressure amplitude through different techniques is the objective

M3.4 Acoustic suppression system for TLP configuration JDD (SDSC-SHAR)

The lift-off aeroacoustics is the generate peak vibro-acoustic stress for a launch vehicle
and its mitigation is a major research topic. Objective of the present work is to bring forth
innovative sound suppression schemes for the future launchpad.

M3.5 Design and development of STED for 100AR nozzle through numerical and
experimental studies (SDSC-SHAR)
Higher area ratio nozzle testing in vacuum is a major hurdle in the nozzle development.
This project aims to develop a STED system for 100AR nozzle.

M3.6 Realization of post fire quenching system with halon alternates in large scale solid
rocket motors using ethylene gylcol, gleserol and water mixtures (SDSC-SHAR)
Post fire quenching inside a solid rocket motor after static test is a major requirement.
Due to the ban of Halon as quenching medium, it is required to develop an equivalent
medium which is having same or better capabilities compared to Halon.

Launch Vehicle

M3.7 Development of an algorithm for prediction of acoustic suppression using water

injection for a free jet case (SDSC-SHAR)
The existing rocket noise prediction with empirical scheme based on NASA SP8072 is
only for exhaust jet without water injection. The objective is to modify the empirical scheme
to accommodate the effect of water injection suppression system on the aeroacoustics
of liftoff jets.

M3.8 Multi-objective design optimisation strategy for launch pad configuration to

reduce the impingement pressure, sound pressure on payload bay and launch
pad construction and refurbishment cost from experimental data with surrogate
gas simulation studies (SDSC-SHAR)
The final jet deflector configuration is based on minimum construction cost and acoustic
loading on the launch vehicle. The parameters governing these two requirements are derived
from a series of experiments and numerical methods. The objective is to employ optimization
techniques like GA for finding the optimized configuration of Jet Deflector Duct (JDD).

M3.9 Developing a jet noise source localisation technique using a microphone array
with appropriate beam forming algorithms (SDSC-SHAR)
Locating the jet noise sources in the lift-off scenario of a launch vehicle will benefit highly
in the suppression of the noise sources. Present method proposes to use an array of
microphones and employ suitable algorithm and develop a code to locate the noise sources.

M3.10 Flow diagnostics at nozzle exit in vacuum condition using vacuum chamber and
laser flow diagnostic setup (PIV) (SDSC-SHAR)
The flow structure of a jet at very low vacuum is highly important with respect to engines
performing in the space. The objective is to study the exhaust jet in a vacuum chamber
using PIV setup.

M3.11 Fatigue life estimation of structural members under random vibrations through
strain gauge measurements (SDSC-SHAR)
The launch complex structures are huge and undergo random vibration loading. Present
objective is to estimate the fatigue life through strain gauge measurements.

M3.12 Modelling and evaluation of damping in threaded joints of load cells and its impact
on measuring dynamic force components (SDSC-SHAR)
During static test, the thrust load transfer is through threaded joints. The thread damping
is important with respect to the dynamic thrust measurement. Here the objective is to
model and experimentally evaluate the threaded joint damping for unsteady load transfer.

M3.13 Development of low cost MEMS based vibration sensors for health monitoring
Launch complex structures are huge in size and its health monitoring with respect to each
launch is very important. Present work proposes to develop a low cost accelerometer for
outdoor application. These developed accelerometers will be mounted on structures for
health monitoring, especially during launch.

Launch Vehicle

M3.14 Effect of jet aeroacoustic environment on the vibrations of different panels with
typical application in launch vehicles (SDSC-SHAR)
The transfer function and prediction of vibration levels for a particular jet noise spectrum
on the launch vehicle subassembly decks is a major research. Present work proposes to
validate the Statistical Energy Analysis (SEA) in the actual environment of a solid rocket
motor exhaust. Typical subassembly deck will be mounted in the near and far field of the
rocket exhaust jet. The acoustic interaction and vibration levels will be measured on the

M3.15 Development of MEMS based miniature unsteady pressure sensors for

overpressure measurement (SDSC-SHAR)
Overpressure measurement during the rocket motor startup is very important. The
existing sensors are imported and costly. The sensors are usually sacrificial in nature
and the present work proposes to develop an unsteady pressure sensor indigenously.

M3.16 Numerical simulation of pressure oscillation inside large segmented solid rocket
motor. Also to simulate the Flow Structure Interaction (FSI) inside the rocket motor
for the subsonic flow over the inhibition tip (SDSC-SHAR)
Finding the pressure oscillation inside the large segmented solid rocket motor is very
crucial. The objective is to numerically simulate the subsonic flow inside the solid rocket
motor and find out the flow structure interaction.

N Area Project and Programme Management (SAC)

N1 Framework for strategic research management in government R&D organizations
With key emphasis on the Indian Scenario of Research in Government R&D organization,
it is imperative that the R&D should be strategically managed in view of the goals of
the organization and those of the Nation at large. The goals must be SMART (Specific,
Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely) and hence will drive R&D in the right
direction. Research may be undertaken in this broad are to see how Strategic Management
can be carried out in Government Organizations for an effective output.

N2 Research quality assessment and evaluation techniques (SAC)

Today Research is coming out in large quantum and is varied in nature in terms of its
inputs, deliverables and utilization. It is important for organizations to assess the quality
of research over quantity and evaluate it on parameters that give an effective rating to the
researches carried out. Techniques may be developed to assess research quality.

N3 Role of Intrapreneurship in government R&D organizations (SAC)

Entrepreneurship has become more than relevant today changing the landscape of
traditional businesses. Corporates have adopted the same through Intrapreneurship in
order to stay innovative and competitive. Developing this culture in Government R&D
Organizations in Indian Scenario, giving individuals the space for Intrapreneurship seems
a thoughtful approach. Case based research may be undertaken to see if such practices
are being carried out and their impact on the organization.

Launch Vehicle

N4 Other topics (SAC)

Work flow design/ management
Benefits and Challenges for outsourcing Space projects
Monitoring & Evaluating Projects: Contemporary Methods
Projects Management and Monitoring: Measuring Performance: Earned Value Analysis
Studies of Budgeting Methods for Indian Space Program
Cost Management approach for Science, technology & Engineering Projects
Cost Benefit Analysis of Communication payload projects
Technology valuation and management
Technology R&D and Knowledge management
Technology Forecasting with respect to State of the Art Technologies
Mentoring & Incubating Space Industry for creating the sustainable supply chain
Demand assessment for future communication services
Demand assessment for future earth observation requirements
Organisational communication
Information dissemination methods
Learning & Development
Development of Competency Framework for different categories of people
Profiling New Generation S&T people
Employee Engagement
Organisational Commitment
Innovative Organisation - building culture of Innovation – SAC case study
Impact analysis of SAC/ISRO’s space programs (RS,SATCOM, SATNAV) in Rural and
Urban India
Space Technology – Need and expectation of society and present scenario study
Need of ground and space based sensors to meet India’s requirements
Research on Planning and development strategies
Enterprise Resource Planning in Govt. R & D organization
Exploring Techno-management areas of association between Govt. – Academic
institutions and Industry – Market research

N5 Work flow design/ management (SAC)

Under this, researcher should study work flow of the various electronics & Mechanical
Fabrication and suggest the improvements. Also designing of the web-based tracking
mechanism for the effective management.

N6 Benefits and challenges for outsourcing space projects (SAC)

Comprehensive study of the current practices along with a case study of the Make or Buy

Launch Vehicle

N7 Monitoring & evaluating projects: contemporary methods (SAC)

Projects Management and Monitoring; Measuring Performance; Earned Value Analysis
Methods and other methods like trend analysis etc.

N8 Cost management approach for science, technology & engineering projects (SAC)
Development of Model for the various cost attribution to the activities and refining the
costing approach for overall payload costing.

N9 Cost benefit analysis of communication payload projects (SAC)

Benchmarking of Indian Payloads with worldwide Space industry in terms of Cost and
Mass. Establishing the business case for Indian satellite solution with Indigenous launch.

N10 Human resources development (SAC)

An organisation is responsible for ensuring that its employees have the appropriate
competencies to fulfil the organization’s strategic and operational objectives. Training
and Development (T&D) strategy aims to develop competencies of employees. National
Training Policy (NTP, 2012) have also emphasized competency framework in Training &
Development. The possible research work may include design and development online
course content on various themes with implementation on suitable LMS and development
of competency framework for various categories of people. The other research areas
in Human Resource Development includes organizational commitment, employee
engagement, profiling new generation S&T personnel with suitable instruments and also
linking these data with Training & Development.

N11 Social impact assessment of SATCOM and remote sensing (SAC)

There is no dispute over the fact that technology brings far reaching and fundamental
changes in our social set up and brings economic progress. Today there is no aspect
of human life that has not been influenced by technology and it is very important factor
of social change. Technological changes have both direct as well as indirect effects.
Space technology is no exception and it can be a great enabler for development.
Innovative Space Applications can foster social development to great extent. Many
applications of SAC are being effectively used by government departments in the areas
of Rural Livelihoods, Agriculture, Food Security, Natural Resources Management, Forest
Management, Urban Planning, Information Access to Remote and Inaccessible areas
and Disaster Management. A detailed proposal can be designed on understanding the
social as well as economic impact of space applications.

O Area Testing of Liquid Propulsion Systems (IPRC)

O1 Development of data management system for effective monitoring of various
systems of large liquid rocket engine test facility (IPRC)
A liquid rocket engine test facility consists of various fluid systems such as propellant fill,
feed, drain systems, and Service fluid systems. All such system composed of various
piping systems with flow components, pressure vessels, heat transfer equipments,
safety equipments, instruments & gauges etc. Each fluid system has numerous numbers

Launch Vehicle

of flow components with specification for each component. For the test facility to be
ready for testing and in serviceable condition all the above need to be maintained, tested
and calibrated within the periodicity specified for the equipment/components concerned.
Safety & ISO norms also insist this.
Considering voluminous data to be maintained & periodically updated and higher no.
of equipments/ components at ICET, a user friendly “Data management System” for
maintenance of records and for periodic updating of records is essential. This system
shall have provision for data entry, edit, update, store, retrieve, presenting in the form
report, print etc. Also, it shall have flexibility to add other test facility systems with similar

O2 Establishment of polytrophic index for expansion of gas (GH2 & GN2) in storage
cylinders during expulsion at high flow rate (IPRC)
Pressurant gases such as GN2 & GH2 (Gaseous Nitrogen and Gaseous Hydrogen)
stored under high pressure in gas cylinders are withdrawn at various flow rates to
pressurize the facility tanks. The pressurant flow rates vary depending upon the rate
and duration of propellant expelled from the tank for the test at various phases of test
operations. The expansion of gases in cylinders during these phases is neither isothermal
nor isentropic and the index of expansion is to be established for understanding the
expansion phenomena and for deriving the pressurant flow rates required for expulsion.

O3 Modeling, analysis and development of double walled jacketed type flame deflector
for a liquid rocket test facility (IPRC)
Lame deflector is an important element of a rocket engine test facility to protect the test
facility structure and equipments from the high momentum and high temperature engine
exhaust plume. Many types of flame deflectors are in use worldwide. In ISRO conventional
dry plate heat sink deflector with external water spray is used. An attempt was taken to
guide the flame through a water spray duct, which shows a better result. Based on
literature survey, it is found that Double walled Jacketed type flame deflector will be more
efficient, compact and cost saving. The constructional feature of this type of flame deflector
is that it is of ‘J’ shape and the flame is made to hit at an appropriate angle vertical to the
deflector. An annular space as jacket is formed between two mild steel plates. The entire
deflector shall be made into many segments. Water enters into the jacket of each segment
of the deflector at its bottom through pipes. At the top surface holes of appropriate size
are drilled and distributed to ensure proper cooling of the deflector plate so that it will not
distort during testing. During testing water will be supplied into the deflector and injected
into the flame as fine spry through the minute holes. By doing this water is converted
into super heated steam and act as a thermal barrier between the deflector and flame.
The objective of this proposal is to finalize a deflector with suitable configuration, modeling
and analysis for a given rocket engine parameters. The result of analysis shall include
optimum impingement depth of jet, deflector size, segment size, total water flow rate,
size of hole, total number of holes, hole distribution, water flow rate per hole, distribution
pattern, temperature of plate without water cooling & with water cooling, annular space,
thickness of top & bottom plates etc. A modular thermo structural analysis and proto type
deflector testing with actual rocket exhaust shall be needed for implementation.

Launch Vehicle

O4 Design and development of dynamic pressure sensor (IPRC)

Dynamic pressure measurements are essential to find and analyze the dynamic
response of the propellant combustion under the operating condition of the Rocket/
Spacecraft engines. The investigated results are correlated to combustion stability and
engine efficiency. Presently, piezoelectric/piezo resistive water cooled dynamic pressure
sensors are being used. These sensors are imported from the manufactures viz. PCB,
kulite, keller etc. Cooling of these sensors are mandatory during the measurements as
the pressure port is in direct contact with the thrust chamber. Also, the piezoelectric type
sensor gives only the dynamic pressure response, making it difficult to clear for the test
as there is no ambient available.
The advanced technical approaches using fibre Optic, MEMS and nano technologies
may be attempted to design suitable dynamic pressure sensors for our requirements. A
better prediction of the level of combustion instability can be achieved with these types
of sensors which can withstand higher temperatures also. A parametric study of the
theoretical results as well as the comparison with the existing experimental data shall be
carried out to qualify the designed sensor.

O5 Detection of hazardous environment and its mitigation using wireless sensor

networks (IPRC)
Earth storable hypergolic propellants are used for propelling the rocket and satellite
engines at IPRC facilities. These propellants are highly toxic and hazardous. Hence,
monitoring leakage of these propellants during the storage, transportation, filling and
draining operations at the test stands and during the hot test activities is very much
essential. As the remote storage facilities and test stands are not continuously manned,
24x7 monitoring is essential to correctly detect the leakages if any, and to mitigate the
effects (fire, explosion etc), in the quickest possible time.
Wireless sensor networks supported by data fusion techniques can be employed to
precisely determine the exact location and severity & the hazard without fear of any false
alarm possibility. GIS (Geographical Information System) aids this scheme to identify the
exact location of the incident and helps to alert the concerned personnel with the aid of
GSM/GPRS message in real time. The mitigation activities depend on the severity of the
incident and the facilities available/planned for the mitigation.

O6 Design and development of stirling cryogenic cooler (IPRC)

IPRC uses Liquid Nitrogen for pre cooling and Gaseous Nitrogen for inertization, media
substitution and ejector operations. Liquid Nitrogen is stored in LIN storage Tank/Tankers
of capacity 10 KL to 75 KL. The Boil off vapour in storage tank or in the Air Separation
Units can be liquefied by incorporation of Stirling Cryogenic Cooler. Initially it is proposed
to develop a cooler with cooling capacity of 500 W at 77K.

O7 Rocket engine test article measurements of low varying parameters using wireless
sensor networks (IPRC)
Rocket motors use liquid fuel, Solid fuel, cryogenic and semi-cryogenic propellants
depending upon the mission requirements and are designed for specific applications.
Different instrumentation sensors used are pressure transducers strain gauges,

Launch Vehicle

thermocouple, RTDs, flow meters, accelerometers and micro phones. As per the
requirement the sensors are selected and mounted on the rocket engine at specific
locations. Right now these sensor’s’ data are transmitted to the control centre with a aid
of hard-wired cables and lot of problem are faced in maintaining these cables to get error
free data at the control centre.
The requirement of this project is to get rid of these cables which amount to hundreds
of kilometers in length altogether. These measurement data is to be acquired with the
aid of wireless sensors and the new data/processed data only need to be transmitted
to the control centre using wireless Ethernet, zig-bee or GSM technologies. We expect
moderate data relates upto 2000 samples/parameter to get meaningful representation
of the measured parameters suitable software to be developed to acquire, format out
transmit test data, receive and strip the test data, process and analyze the test data etc.

O8 Data processing and analyzing of earth storable liquid propulsion rocket engine
test data using data mining techniques (IPRC)
The performance of rocket engine can be examined through the processing of acquired
test data, and the buildup of different parameter models. IPRC have a good collection of
Earth Storable Liquid propulsion rocket engine static test data. Data mining techniques can
be adopted to analyze the test data. The technique may involve de-noising the parameter
values without losing the useful information. Mathematical and statistical analysis to be
carried out and the advantages of frequency domain and wavelet transformation to be
exploited to arrive at a conclusion about the health and performance of the rocket engines
in comparison with the similar hardware tested earlier.

O9 Design and development of Anfis controller for optimized control in cryogenic

high altitude test facility of IPRC (IPRC)
Cryogenic HAT facility in IPRC is comprised of Vacuum System, Diffuser System, Cooling
System and Ejector System along with Propellant Filling / Feed Circuits, Structural
Components, Safety Systems and Instrumentation systems for the Static testing and
Qualification of Cryogenic Engines.
The major components of the Vacuum System are the Vacuum Chamber inside which
the test specimen is mounted and the Ejector for chamber evacuation. This ejector has
a clustered nozzle configuration for admitting constant GN2 into the chamber through
the Pneumatic lines, Field Elements (Electro pneumatic valves and Control valves) and
Sensing devices for process parameter monitoring.
A single input based Closed-loop Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller is
deployed for the control valve in order to attain the required flow rate with theoretically
estimated static set point. The Proportional, Integral and Derivative coefficients are
determined offline.
PID is an error based control approach without direct knowledge of the process and
is suitable for well defined and static process. Also overshoots, oscillations and
noise amplification are associated with the PID based control approach. An ANFIS
(Adaptive Neuro based Fuzzy Inference System) is an integrated Neuro-Fuzzy system
with a knowledge based approach for a Process control. Artificial Neural Networks

Launch Vehicle

(ANN) are adaptive systems that can be trained and tuned from a set of trials whereas
Fuzzy Inference Systems (FIS) have the ability to represent and execute reasoning using
fuzzy rules.
ANFIS controllers can cater to the process needs with decisions based on more than
one process parameter and can handle dynamic or changing process conditions. Hence
it is proposed to design, develop and deploy ANFIS controller. The neural network can
be implemented with the available process data and the necessary algorithms for control
has to be developed and deployed on an independent controller that can be interfaced
to existing data repositories using standard interface protocols for real time decision
and control.

O10 Development of high entropy alloy thermal barrier and wear resistance coatings
for rocket engines (IPRC)
High-entropy alloys (HEAs) are presently of great research interest in materials science
and engineering. Unlike conventional alloys, which contain one and rarely two base
elements, HEAs comprise multiple principal elements, with the possible number of HEA
compositions extending considerably more than conventional alloys. The concept of high
entropy introduces a new path of developing advanced materials with unique properties,
which cannot be achieved by the conventional micro-alloying approach based on only
one dominant element. Up to date, many HEAs with promising properties have been
reported, e.g., high wear-resistant HEAs, Co1.5CrFeNi1.5Ti and Al0.2Co1.5CrFeNi1.5Ti
alloys; high-strength body-centered-cubic (BCC) AlCoCrFeNi HEAs at room temperature,
and NbMoTaV HEA at elevated temperatures. Furthermore, the general corrosion
resistance of the Cu0.5NiAlCoCrFeSi HEA is much better than that of the conventional
304-stainless steel.
In addition, HEAs have excellent specific strength, superior mechanical performance at
high temperatures, exceptional ductility and fracture toughness at cryogenic temperatures,
superparamagnetism, and superconductivity. Due to their considerable structural and
functional potential as well as richness of design, HEAs are promising candidates for
coating applications, which warrants further studies. Thermal-spray (TS) technology to
fabricate coatings of the NixCo0.6Fe0.2-CrySizAlTi0.2 HEAs was developed. These
sprayed particles are accumulated on the substrate by cooling and building up one by one
into a cohesive structure. Thus, coatings are formed. The results also indicate that the
hardness of the HEAs prepared by the TS in combination with annealing at 1100°C/10 h
is significantly increased to that of the as-cast state (1045 HV). These samples exhibited
excellent coarsening resistance, resulting from the Cr3Si and several unidentified phases.
NixCo0.6Fe0.2CrySizAlTi0.2 alloy system does precipitate during casting, which is quite
different from many other HEAs. The literature survey confirmed that phase formation
and final microstructure of HEAs are strongly dependant on the processing conditions.
A low-cost HEA coating with a nominal composition of 6FeNiCoCrAlTiSi was prepared
by laser cladding. This technique normally results in a metallurgical bond that has the
superior bond strength over TS. The resultant coating is dense with no voids or porosity.
One of the advantages of the laser-cladding process is the laser beam which can be
focused and concentrated to a very small area and keeps the heat-affected zone of the

Launch Vehicle

substrate very shallow. This feature minimizes the chance of cracking, distorting, or
changing the metallurgy of the substrate. Additionally, the lower total heat minimizes
the dilution of the coating with materials from the substrate. The coating prepared by
laser cladding has a simple BCC solid solution with high micro-hardness, high resistance
to softening, and large electrical resistivity. After being annealed at T < 750°C, the
coating shows high thermal stability, and its resistivity slightly decreases, but the micro-
hardness almost remains unchanged. After annealing at T > 750°C, the micro-hardness
of the coating slowly decreases with increasing the decomposition rate of the BCC solid
solutions. A suitable high entropy alloy system and coating process need to be developed
for the rocket engines to make the HEAs coating more uniform and with high cohesion
with substrates.

O11 Enhancement of fracture toughness of nickel based super alloy weld metal through
addition of nano fibres (IPRC)
Possible solid material, known as nanomaterial, and its introduction in welding production
has improved the weld strength properties and overcome unstable microstructures in
the weld. This study critically reviews the methods of introducing nanomaterial to the
superalloy weldments and the characteristics of the welds produced by GMA (gas metal
arc) and GTA (gas tungsten arc) welding processes. The study mainly focuses on changes
in the microstructural formation and strength properties on the superalloy welded joint
(Inconel 718) and also discusses the factors influencing such improvements due to the
addition of nanomaterials. The literature review shows that the effect of nanomaterial
addition in the welding process modifies the physics of the joint region, thereby resulting
insignificant improvement in the strength properties, with a stable microstructure in
the weld. In general, the factors that have a major influence on joint strength are the
dispersion, characteristics, quantity and selection of nanomaterials. The nanomaterials
addition does not affect the fundamental properties and characteristics of the base metals
and the filler metal. However, in some cases, the addition of nanomaterials leads to the
deterioration of the joint properties by unstable microstructural formations. Research is
still being conducted to achieve high weld properties in various materials through different
welding processes and on other factors that influence joint strength.

O12 Development of new filler metal for super alloys with inoculants (IPRC)
The microstructure of a weld metal can be altered by controlling the fluid flow during
solidification. Such control produces drastically different results depending on whether
a solute addition acts as an inoculating agent (involving a low proportion of a nucleating
second phase) or if it is mostly soluble and forms a second phase only as a result of
microsegregation. This differentiation, previously shown for Al and some of its alloys,
is repeated with magnesium containing zirconium, which is a known inoculant for MS.
Copper is then tested as an addition to lead. Its action allows the production of very
curious macroscopic grain structures which will be shown to be characteristic of an
inoculant. Subsequent tests support the validity of applying fluid flow structure-control as
a method for identifying inoculants.
Suitable inoculants for nickel based superalloy (Alloy 718, Alloy 706 and Rene 41) need
to be selected and prepared. One probable set of inoculants composed of two ternary

Launch Vehicle

intermetallic compounds shall be Co3FeNb2 and CrFeNb. Their effects on the structures
of superalloy need to be investigated. The influence of mixed inoculants consisting of
Co3FeNb2 and CrFeNb to the melt on the refinement of grains of the γ matrix of superalloy
and the effect of proportion of equiaxed grains need to be theoretically analyzed and
experimentally demonstrated. In addition, experimental evidence to be demonstrated for
the trace addition of inoculants to the melt neither introduces inclusions nor changes the
phase constituent of the alloy.

O13 Investigation on the influence of curing conditions, hydration reaction, rheological

properties, environmental parameters and chemical composition on refractory
cement and mechanism on the formation of defects (IPRC)
The objective of this work is to evaluate simultaneous mass loss, thermal and fluid
dynamic changes in a refractory castables, hydration kinetics, rheological properties and
curing conditions at different water to cement ratio. Tests need to be performed with
high-alumina refractory castables with different type of hydraulic binders, and included
evaluation of permeability changes due to thermal expansion effects. Removal of physical
(moisture) and chemical (hydrates) water at different heating rates is also to be evaluated
for refractory castables based on calcium aluminate cement (CAC) and hydratable
alumina binders (HAB). A method to be proposed for understanding how variables such
as the curing environment and the type of binder agent or permeability-aid additives
influence the occurrence of voids and crack formation, thereby helping to define the best
castable composition and plan safe curing schedules.

O14 Development of bimetallic cylinders (Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI321+AA2219,

AISI321+Ti-6Al-4V and AISI304L+Ti-6Al-4V) through friction welding route with
suitable inter layers (IPRC)
The family of friction welding processes includes several methods, such as rotary friction
welding (RFW), linear friction welding (LFW), and the newest one, friction stir welding
(FSW). However, the main principle is always the same—to obtain the joint it is necessary
to heat the materials to the plastic-state and with the use of “upsetting force” plastically
displace the materials and create the weld. The heat is generated by the friction between
two welded components (RFW and LFW) or between components and specially designed
tool (FSW). Welding processes are classified as solid-state joining methods because the
melting of joined materials does not occur these processes. A big attractiveness of these
joining methods results from many technical and economic advantages, such as high
efficiency and stability of the process or better conditions of occupational safety and
health than in the case of traditional welding technologies. However, recently, the most
important seems to be the possibility of joining materials with different properties. Due
to the fact that in the fusion zone between the two different materials the intermetallic
compounds are formed and the joining process of dissimilar materials is often very
difficult. To obtain high-quality joint it is necessary to know and analyze phase diagram
of the two welded materials. Furthermore, the microstructure and different properties of
is also necessary in the case of joining dissimilar materials. The proposed project deals
about the friction welding of aluminium and titanium alloys with different types of steel.

Launch Vehicle

The demand for increased launch requirements means that rocket-engines are growing
in thrust, temperature, and size. To withstand the higher temperatures, critical aerospace
components are being made with materials such as superalloy, bimetallic, stainless steel
and aluminum. These materials, which can be difficult and many times impossible to weld
with conventional methods, can be joined with the friction welding process. These higher-
temperature materials, along with the large component size, require large amounts of weld
energy and load. In order to meet this increasing demand, higher diameter (>125mm)
transition joints in Welding process need to be developed.

O15 Processing and properties of high-entropy ultra-high temperature carbides (IPRC)

Ultra-High Temperature Ceramics (UHTC’s) are a limited and select set of carbides, nitrides
and borides of the group IV and V transition metals, which are typically defined as having
melting temperatures more than 3300 K; with HfC exhibiting the highest known melting
point of all materials (4232 ± 84 K)1. UHTC’s also display high hardness, elastic modulus
and resistance to thermal shock and chemical attack. These materials represent the only
suitable class of materials available to make or protect components that are placed under
the most extreme of operating environments. As these developing technologies become
more advanced and more demanding, UHTC’s are coming under increasing pressure
to perform under more diverse operating conditions. A greater selection of UHTC’s that
exhibit a much broader range and combination of physical, chemical and mechanical
properties are therefore required to meet these demands.
Bulk equiatomic (Hf-Ta-Zr-Ti)C and (Hf-Ta-Zr-Nb)C high entropy Ultra-High Temperature
Ceramic (UHTC) carbide compositions shall be processed through optimized route for
the (Hf-Ta-Zr-Nb)C composition to produce a high purity, single phase, homogeneous,
bulk high entropy material (99% density); revealing a vast new compositional space
for the exploration of new UHTCs. Mono/binary carbides need to be developed with
hardness (36.1 ± 1.6 GPa,) compared to the hardest monocarbide (HfC, 31.5 ± 1.3 GPa)
and the binary (Hf-Ta)C (32.9 ± 1.8 GPa).

O16 Multi-material additive manufacturing of metamaterials with giant, tailor able

Negative Poisson’s Ratios (IPRC)
Materials with designed three-dimensional micro-architectures offer multiple beneficial
properties such as low weight, high stiffness and strength, negative poisson ratio and
energy absorptions and can open up a myriad of material by design applications from
flexible armor, responsive materials to bio-mimetic materials. Ultimately, one would like to
3D print functional device or components that incorporate multiple material constituents
without the requirement of excessive assembling procedures such as gluing, aligning,
fitting, and welding. Apart from enhancing spatial resolution and printing speed, achieving
this goal requires the ability to incorporate an array of different material properties within a
manufacturing platform. In analogy to typical 2D color printers that can integrate multiple
colors from mixing a few colors (magenta, cyan, yellow), a three-dimensional fabrication
platform should not only be able to integrate multiple colors, but also be capable of
spatially integrating encoded material properties and compositions from mixing only a
limited number of feedstock materials.

Launch Vehicle

A strategy to achieve unusual mechanical properties through coupling variable elastic

moduli from a few GPa to below KPa within a single tissue to be evolved. The ability
to produce multi-material, three-dimensional (3D) micro-architectures with high fidelity
incorporating dissimilar components has been a major challenge in man-made materials.
The multi-modulus metamaterials whose architectural element is comprised of encoded
elasticity ranging from rigid to soft. In contrast to ordinary architected materials whose
negative Poisson’s ratio is dictated by their geometry, these types of metamaterials are
capable of displaying Poisson’s ratios from extreme negative to zero, independent of their
3D micro-architecture. The resulting low density metamaterials is capable of achieving
functionally graded, distributed strain amplification capabilities within the metamaterial
with uniform micro-architectures. Simultaneous tuning of Poisson’s ratio and moduli within
the 3D multi-materials could open up a broad array of material by design applications
ranging from flexible armor, artificial muscles, to actuators and bio-mimetic materials.

O17 Thermodynamic and micro structural study of Ti2AlNb oxides at 800 °C for coating
applications (IPRC)
Ti2AlNb-based alloy, sometimes referred to as orthorhombic alloy, is a class of highly
promising lightweight high-temperature materials. This type of alloy is considered
to partially substitute the high-density (ρ = 8~8.5 g/cm3) Ni-based superalloys in the
aerospace industry due to its low density, high strength, superior plasticity, high fracture
toughness and excellent creep resistance at elevated temperatures. In such applications,
the operating temperatures could go beyond 600–650 °C, leading to severe oxidation of the
alloy surface. There are three potential approaches to improve high-temperature oxidation
resistance: alloying, pre-oxidation and coating. A two-step voltage-controlled microarc
oxidation (MAO) method can be used to produce ceramic coatings on a Ti2AlNb-based
alloy. However, after a prolonged exposure to air at elevated temperatures, intermetallics
exhibit oxygen-induced embrittlement characteristics such as low ductility and brittle
fracture. Thus, an understanding of high-temperature oxidation mechanisms is essential
for improving the oxidation resistance of materials. A Ti2AlNb-based alloy is observed to
exhibit fairly good oxidation resistance below 750 °C. After reaching 800 °C, the oxidation
resistance decreased dramatically. Thus, the oxidation behavior and mechanisms are to
be investigated at a higher temperature of 800 °C and above.

O18 Super-strong materials for temperatures exceeding 2000 °C (IPRC)

Ceramics based on group IV-V transition metal borides and carbides possess melting
points above 3000 °C, are ablation resistant and are, therefore, candidates for the design
of components of next generation space vehicles, rocket nozzle inserts, and nose cones
or leading edges for hypersonic aerospace vehicles. As such, they will have to bear high
thermo-mechanical loads, which makes strength at high temperature of great importance.
While testing of these materials above 2000 °C is necessary to prove their capabilities at
anticipated operating temperatures, literature reports are quite limited. Reported strength
values for zirconium diboride (ZrB2) ceramics can exceed 1 GPa at room temperature,
but these values rapidly decrease, with all previously reported strengths being less than
340 MPa at 1500 °C or above. The strength of ZrB2 ceramics was increased to more than

Launch Vehicle

800 MPa at temperatures in the range of 1500–2100 °C. These exceptional strengths

are due to a core-shell microstructure, which leads to in-situ toughening and sub-grain
refinement at elevated temperatures. The development of such materials those are
super-strong at ultra-high temperatures are proposed.

O19 The effect of reduced gravity on cryogenic nitrogen boiling and pipe chill down
Manned deep space exploration will require cryogenic in-space propulsion. Yet, accurate
prediction of cryogenic pipe flow boiling heat transfer is lacking, due to the absence
of a cohesive reduced gravity data set covering the expected flow and thermodynamic
parameter ranges needed to validate cryogenic two-phase heat transfer models. The
proposed work provides a wide range of cryogenic chilldown data aboard an aircraft
flying parabolic trajectories to simulate reduced gravity. Liquid nitrogen is used to quench
a 1.27 cm diameter tube from room temperature. The pressure, temperature, flow rate,
and inlet conditions are reported from 10 tests covering liquid Reynolds number from
2,000 to 80,000 and pressures from 80 to 810 kPa. Corresponding terrestrial gravity
tests were performed in upward, downward, and horizontal flow configurations to identify
gravity and flow direction effects on chilldown. Film boiling heat transfer was lessened
by up to 25% in reduced gravity, resulting in longer time and more liquid to quench the
pipe to liquid temperatures. Heat transfer was enhanced by increasing the flow rate, and
differences between reduced and terrestrial gravity diminished at high flow rates. The
new data set will enable the development of accurate and robust heat transfer models of
cryogenic pipe chilldown in reduced gravity.

O20 Super elasticity and cryogenic linear shape memory effects of CaFe2As2 (IPRC)
Shape memory materials have the ability to recover their original shape after a significant
amount of deformation when they are subjected to certain stimuli, for instance, heat or
magnetic fields. However, their performance is often limited by the energetics and geometry
of the martensitic-austenitic phase transformation. An unique shape memory behavior in
CaFe2As2, which exhibits superelasticity with over 13% recoverable strain, over 3 GPa yield
strength, repeatable stress–strain response even at the micrometer scale, and cryogenic
linear shape memory effects near 50 K. These properties are achieved through a reversible
uni-axial phase transformation mechanism, the tetragonal/orthorhombic-to-collapsed-
tetragonal phase transformation. The proposed work is for developing cryogenic linear
actuation technologies with a high precision and high actuation power per unit volume for
deep space exploration, and more broadly, suggest a mechanistic path to a class of shape
memory materials, ThCr2Si2-structured intermetallic compounds.

O21 Development of mechanical meta materials at the theoretical limit of isotropic

elastic stiffness (IPRC)
A wide variety of high-performance applications require materials for which shape control
is maintained under substantial stress, and that have minimal density. Bio-inspired
hexagonal and square honeycomb structures and lattice materials based on repeating
unit cells composed of webs or trusses, when made from materials of high elastic
stiffness and low density, represent some of the lightest, stiffest and strongest materials

Launch Vehicle

available today. Recent advances in 3D printing and automated assembly have enabled
such complicated material geometries to be fabricated at low (and declining) cost. These
mechanical metamaterials have properties that are a function of their mesoscale geometry
as well as their constituents, leading to combinations of properties that are unobtainable
in solid materials; however, a material geometry that achieves the theoretical upper
bounds for isotropic elasticity and strain energy storage (the Hashin–Shtrikman upper
bounds) has yet to be identified. Here we need to evaluate the manner in which strain
energy distributes under load in a representative selection of material geometries, to
identify the morphological features associated with high elastic performance. Using finite-
element models, supported by analytical methods, and a heuristic optimization scheme,
material geometry shall be identified that achieves the Hashin–Shtrikman upper bounds
on isotropic elastic stiffness. The advantageous properties of low-density mechanical
metamaterials are: their mesoscale geometry can facilitate large crushing strains with
high energy absorption, optical bandgaps and mechanically tunable acoustic bandgaps,
high thermal insulation, buoyancy, and fluid storage and transport.

O22 Study on microgravity testing of a phase-change (IPRC)

Orbital sensors to monitor global climate change during the next decade require low-
drift rates for onboard thermometry, which is currently unattainable without on-orbit
recalibration. Phase-change materials (PCMs), such as those that make up the ITS-
90 standard, are seen as the most reliable references on the ground and could be
good candidates for orbital recalibration. Development on miniaturized phase-change
references capable of deployment on an orbital blackbody is mandatory. The objective of
the proposed work is on the improvement of orbital temperature measurements for long
duration earth observing and remote sensing. This proposal needs certain microgravity
research either in space or in a lab level is required to determine whether and how
microgravity will affect the phase transitions.
There will be a need for orbital temperature knowledge to support infrared radiance
measurements with 0.1K uncertainty over a period of at least 10 years. As temperature
uncertainty is only one of the contributors to the desired 0.1K uncertainty, the goal for on-
orbit temperature knowledge must be smaller (in the range of 0.01 K) to leave margin for
other uncertainties in the calibration chain. Onboard references utilizing phase transitions
have been identified as the most likely means for realizing International System of Units
(SI) traceability for temperature measurements in orbit.
The ITS-90 identifies several phase-change materials (PCMs) with reliable fixed points that
can be reproduced and used as references with submilli-kelvin absolute uncertainties for
ground-based calibrations. Three PCMs with fixed points in the range required to calibrate
Earth-observing sensors are Gallium (Ga), water, and mercury with melt points of 302.9146K,
273.16K, and 234.3156 K, respectively. However, the ITS-90 description of procedures and
apparatuses does not translate easily into a design for an automated orbital implementation.
ITS-90 describes fixed-point cells that use fragile materials such as plastic or glass to contain
PCMs and require sensors to be placed in reentrant wells within relatively large volumes of
250 ml or more of the PCM. The described procedures do not apply directly to in situ sensor
calibrations such as those that will be required on an orbital blackbody.

Launch Vehicle

In early 2006, the suitability of Ga and its various binary eutectics were investigated at
the All Russian Institute for Opto-Physical Measurements (VNIIOFI) in Moscow, Russia
under a subcontract with Space Dynamics Laboratory (SDL) in Logan, UT, USA. The
purpose of these studies is to significantly reduce the size and volume of qualified
containers and identify PCMs within the range of 273K–303 K that could be used as
calibration standards aboard Earth-observing satellites. This study will be characterizing
several suitable eutectics to fill the gap in the ITS-90 temperature scale between the
triple point of water and the melting point

O23 Numerical study on the porous injector concept for throttling of liquid rocket
engine (IPRC)
In liquid rocket engines, the injector design has influence on the combustion stability,
combustion chamber durability, overall all engine performance and greatly on the throttling
capabilities of the engine. Presently co-axial injectors are used in LOX/H2 or LOX/CH4
liquid propellant rocket engines. Advanced injector design which is insensitive to the
varying injection conditions is required for applications specifically for throttling capability.
One of the promising candidates for the development of throttleable injector shall be
the porous injector for the cryogenic rocket engines. For example, in order to increase
in the contact surface between fuel and oxidizer, the oxidizer (Liquid Oxygen, LOX)
injected through many small tubes in a parallel showerhead configuration and the fuel
in this case, hydrogen/methane shall be injected through a porous faceplate. The main
advantage is that of throttling the engine by reducing the propellant mass flow, which in
this case has minor influence on the atomization and mixing characteristics. In addition,
very low combustion roughness can be achieved even at very low pressure drops across
the injector. Another advantage are the potentially lower manufacturing costs based on
the simple design.
Expected deliverables:
Numerical modeling of flow through porous media and atomization characteristics of the
porous injector.
Parametric studies to understand the impact of the operating conditions and the porous
geometry on the performance of the injectors.
A model, incorporating numerical and analytical approaches to predict the mixing
efficiency and throttling capabilities of porous injectors in cryogenic engines
Experimental validations of the numerical study through cold flow spray characterization
and hot-fire tests

O24 Modeling and simulation of micro-channel reactor for Sabatier reaction for methane
synthesis from carbon-dioxide (IPRC)
In the view of Mars exploration missions and human space missions, Sabatier reaction
plays a vital role in order to convert the carbon-dioxide into the useful products. Sabatier
reaction involves the methanation reaction of CO2 using hydrogen to produce methane
and water. For human spacecraft, CO2 removal from the crew-cabin is accomplished by
engaging the catalytic reactor. In the same way, CO2 from the Mars atmosphere shall be
converted to the propellant - methane (CH4) as a concept of in-situ resource utilization.

Launch Vehicle

In the view of space qualified product development, it requires a compact and light weight
catalytic reactor to convert the CO2 into the useful methane and water. One of the viable
options shall be the micro-channeled reactor and in order to configure the light weight &
compact system which needs a fundamental research on the modeling and simulation of
micro reactor for efficient operation of the methanation process.
Expected deliverables:
CFD modeling of the micro reactor with reaction kinetics to design the reactor for the
maximum conversion.
Process dynamics and simulation of process parameters to optimize the process
Experimental validation of micro-reactor for Sabatier reaction.
Uncertainty analysis of designed reactor for different operating conditions. Process
model which includes the reactor, Heat Exchanger, recycle loop for further design of a
full-scale process

O25 Solar photo voltaic based sensing (IPRC)

Heat flux is measured based on the Thermopile technology which involves and multi metal
junctions integrated in the sensing element. Also, the solar cells convert the irradiated
energy into electrical energy. This work is towards converting the solar/photovoltaic
cell for Heat flux sensing and measurement. The solar cells provide the output voltage/
current proportional to the irradiated light energy. It is possible to correlate the irradiated
energy spectrum vs heat flux. Hence the solar cell/Photovoltaic can be converted for
measurement of Heat flux. Explorative experimental investigations are essential for the
development of photovoltaic based heat flux sensing.
In this process the IV Generation of solar cells i.e. Pervoskite solar cells are to be studied
for conversion efficiency on Visible, IR, UV and Dark energy conversion etc to tune the
photovoltaic cells for Heat sensing applications. The work is to be extended towards
the efficiency improvement of the photovoltaic cells. And to, enhance the dark current
generation in photovoltaic generators. This finds application as power generators in
deep space missions where the space probes are engulfed in the e.m. waves. The
major work involves theoretical estimate of the e.m. energy spectrum. Hence this work
involves a) fabrication of Solar Cells (I, II, III or IV) generation solar cells b) study the
conversion efficiency c) theoretical study on the sensing linked to Heat flux d) fabrication
of proto version of solar cell/Photovoltaic based heat flux sensor.

O26 Numerical modeling of vapor liquid interaction in cryogenic systems (IPRC)

In cryogenic systems, pressure measurement is carried out using pressure sensors which
are designed to work at ambient temperature. To avoid the low temperature exposure of
the sensing elements of these pressure sensors, lengthy canalisation tubes are used for
warming up the cryogenic fluid. Because of this arrangement a large thermal gradient along
the length of a vapour filled column which is closed at the warm end creates oscillations in
pressure measurement. Those typical cryogenic oscillations include the thermal acoustic
oscillations, the “Geyser” oscillations, gasification oscillations, and those oscillations under
the periodic heat load from the wall of bare (Non-insulated) canalisation lines.

Launch Vehicle

The thermal acoustic oscillations occur when cryogenic liquid and vapour.
interacts each other. The warm gas in the column contracts due to the thermal interaction
between the vapour liquid interactions. The gas expands at the other end due to the
thermal interaction between the ambient through the canalisation walls. The inertia of the
gas moving away from the warm section creates a low pressure in the warm section. This
is aggravated by the high density and therefore high mass of the gas in the cold section
which is being pushed away from the warm section. At low temperatures, the viscosity of
the gas decreases; therefore there is a slug of high density gas, with low viscosity acting
like a mass attached to a spring.
In the two-phase fluid interactions subject to pressure variation in the cryogenic liquid
flow, the compressibility of the vapour bubbles act as a spring with an asymmetric non-
linear characteristic. The volume of the vapour bubbles increases or decreases differently
if the pressure fluctuations are compressing or expanding.
These studies are complements to the characterization of thermal acoustic
effects on pressure measurement. Aim of this work is to develop numerical model
to simulate the pressure oscillations focus on the effect of diameter, wall thickness,
length and material of the canalisation line on the formation of pressure oscillations
and to develop the methodology to bias or eliminate the effects of pressure

O27 Solid cryogenic green propulsion system (IPRC)

Cryogenic propellants offers the highest energy efficiency for rocket engines
because of the low molar mass of their combustion products, high combustion temperature
hence maximum specific impulse can be obtained. The complex feed system required
either with turbo-pumps and regenerative cooling is disadvantaging the cryogenic
propulsion systems.
Solid propellant rocket motors are simple because they do not have the complex feed
system and solid propellant insulates the combustion chamber walls from the hot
gases so there is no need of cooling. The performance of solid rocket motors (in terms
of lsp) is substantially lower than that of cryogenic liquid engines and the mass of the
combustion chamber is substantially higher than the mass of the liquid propellant tanks.
The advantage is that the demonstrated reliability of solid rocket motors is higher than
that of liquid engines and the cost of a solid motor is only a meagre portion of a liquid
engine for the same total impulse. Present solid rockets propellants are not the eco
friendly chemicals.
The advantages of solid and cryogenic liquid propulsion systems shall be combined to
develop an eco friendly solid cryogenic green system is an extremely attractive solution
for heavy thrust rocket boosters. The theoretical feasibility and lab level experimental
study to demonstrate the prospects of using solid cryogenic green rocket engines, which
could lead to substantial improvement in efficiency, eco friendly and reduction in launch
costs in addition to improving the launch reliability.

Satellite Communications

2.0 Satellite Communications Programme

A Area SATCOM Applications (NESAC)

A1 Sub Area SATCOM Applications (NESAC)

A1.1 Local TEC model for NER through IRNSS + GPS + GAGAN Receiver (NESAC)
Using current DF IRNSS + GPS + GAGAN Receivers, generation of local TEC model
and characterization of Ionospheric Anomalies. This will provide reliable delay calculation
which may lead to better positional accuracy. Earthquake induced TEC anomaly will be
also tried to study so that any usable earthquake precursor may be identified and used
for earthquake early warning.

A1.2 ZIGBEE based wireless sensor network for landslide (NESAC)

A multi column landslide sensor may be implemented for real time forecasting of landslides
and dissemination of alerts in a wireless sensor network for centralized mitigation.

A1.3 Wireless communication channel noise characterization for hilly urban areas like
shillong (NESAC)
A study of the various noise effects impairing wireless communication in a hilly urban
environment like Shillong is to be modeled and characterized. This may help in mobile
tower location optimization and transmit power and modulation scheme optimization.

B Area Electronics Support Services (SAC)

B1 Sub Area Microelectronics (SAC)

B1.1 Design, fabrication and test of RF subsystems using packaging technologies like
MCM, LTCC System in Package (SiP), advanced System-on-Chip (SoC) &Wafer
Level Packaging for both space and ground applications (SAC)

B1.2 Research area also include fabrication technologies like fabrication and assembly
of HMIC based subsystems, fabrication process development like thin film
processes, optical and electron beam lithography, wet/dry pattern generation
techniques, LTCC processes, device assembly and hermetic sealing of microwave
packages (SAC)

B1.3 Each of these advanced technology areas pose challenges in every field - design,
simulation, optimization, CAD tool development, modelling of devices and
fabrication processes (SAC)

B1.4 Semiconductor device (GaAs PHEMT, MHEMT, InP & GaN based) modeling
(linear, non-linear, noise) including statistical process variation and temperature
dependence (SAC)
Very few MMIC foundries give complete device models, which are required for simulation
and design of MMICs, especially in non-linear simulations like frequency converter,
frequency multiplier, gain control amplifier, voltage controlled oscillators. In most of the

Satellite Communications

cases limited models are available from foundry. Scalable models including linear, noise,
non-linear, statistical process dependence and temperature dependence needs to be
developed which can be integrated with EDA software.

B1.5 Development of temperature dependent models of PHEMTs, MHEMTs and

InPHEMTs, their validity at cryogenic temperatures and application in design of
LNAs for DSN in S, X and Ka-band (SAC)
Presently limited data and models are available for simulation of active microwave
circuits over temperature range including cryogenic temperatures. Circuits are designed
at ambient and their response is studied practically at these temperatures. If proper
models of basic devices are available over temperature and frequency of operation, it
will be helpful in designing circuits optimized for cryogenic temperatures.

B1.6 Non-linear stability analysis of multi-transistor MMIC (SAC)

Though nonlinear stability is an established field, presently no microwave CAD software
is available which can easily predict the stability of a nonlinear circuit and they do in linear
case. For multi-transistor MMIC, presently few alternative methods like, convergence of
harmonic balance simulator, S11 at all the active device points etc. are used, which are
time consuming and empirical in nature. CAD software to easily predict nonlinear stability
is desirable.

B1.7 Simulation, process development & characterization of GaN/AlGaN heterostructures

usable for GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor (HEMT) application (SAC)
GaN is very promising material for high power and high frequency devices due to wide
band gap (WBG), high thermal stability and high breakdown voltage.
Gallium Nitride semiconductors and heterostructure devices are prime contenders for
advanced electronics systems including space hardware due to their outstanding material
properties especially with reference to speed, power, efficiency, linearity.
GaN based high-power, high frequency devices found special place in communication
area due to their distinct advantages. However, at the same time the fabrication
technology offers challenges due to involvement of high growth temperature and other
intrinsic factors.
The aim of the proposed project is to develop the GaN/AlGaN heterostructure on SiC
wafer using MBE or MOCVD process for GaN HEMT RF applications. These shall include
Generation of working Physics based models of AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure on SiC
substrate (using suitable modelling software). The models will include the extraction of
electron transport properties, mobility, breakdown voltage, 2D electron gas density with
respect to the variation in composition and thickness of active layer in heterostructure.
Process development & optimization for GaN Heterostructure.
Demonstration the properties of fabricated GaN Heterostructure in terms of 2D electron
gas density, mobility, spectral response, defect density, composition and thickness
uniformity, etc.

Satellite Communications

B1.8 Simulation, process development & characterization of compound semiconductor

heterostructures usable for terahertz (THz) detector application (SAC)
Compound semiconductor (GaAs, GaN, InP etc.) and its heterostructure are very
promising materials for photonics application. Compound semiconductors and its
heterostructure devices are prime contenders for advanced photonics systems including
space hardware due to their outstanding material properties especially with reference to
speed, power, efficiency, linearity.
Compound semiconductor based Terahertz sources and detector devices found special
place in Space application area due to their distinct advantages. However, at the same
time the Physics based model generation and fabrication technology for THz application
offers challenges.
The aim of the proposed project is to develop the Compound semiconductor (GaAs,
GaN, InP etc.) and its heterostructures using MBE or MOCVD process for Terahertz
Detector applications. These shall include:
Generation of working Physics based models of compound semiconductor Heterostructure
(using suitable modelling software). The models will include the extraction of electron
transport properties, detectivity, dark current, responsivity, Noise equivalent power (NEP)
with respect to the variation in composition and thickness of active layer in compound
semiconductor heterostructure.
Process development & optimization for Compound semiconductor Heterostructure.
Demonstration the properties of fabricated compound semiconductor Heterostructure in
terms of 2D electron gas density, spectral response, defect density, composition and
thickness uniformity, etc.

B1.9 Development of via hole on silicon carbide types of hard materials by using uv
laser (355nm) and study of failure modes and analysis (SAC)
Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad, ISRO is engaged in the development and
realization of various satellite payloads as well as R&D activities for ground & space
hardware. It involves developing new nano electronics facility. Here we are going to study
and develop GaN HEMT based device fabrication. In this development of via hole of 100
microns on SiC, Si, etc. types of hard material are required. This hole can be drilled by
using UV (355nm) laser. This holes are to be metallized for grounding and other purpose
so it is required that holes are burr free, crack free. Also study of aspect ratio, mechanical
stress and shape of the hole during the drilling process.

B1.10 Non cyanide, neutral gold electro plating bath chemistry to deposit 5-7 micron
thickness on patterned seed layer coated alumina substrate (SAC)
Cyanide base gold electroplating solution in not compatible for patterned substrate by
liquid photo resist and the conventional method for fabrication of microwave circuits
is producing more effluent having gold and its increases the wastage of gold. So it is
generating the environment problem. The disposal of cyanide bath is also generating
the water pollution. To overcome technical as well environmental issues, it is preferable
to use non cyanide electro plating bath which gives good edge finish by additive process.
It is also preferable to use this non cyanide chemistry in other applications as well other

Satellite Communications

industries as an indigenous development.Summary: For the first time, an exhaustive

linear and nonlinear stability analysis of multitransistors monolithic-microwave integrated-
circuit (MMIC) circuits is presented. A key point of the proposed stability analysis lies
in that it can be easily implement. Summary: Exploration of the Solar System with
automated spacecraft that are more than ten astronomical units from Earth requires
very large antennae employing extremely sensitive receivers. A key figure of merit in the
specification of the spacecraft-to-earth.

B1.11 Application of exact synthesis methods in design of microwave and millimeter

wave non- linear circuits (SAC)
Design of microwave circuits and components uses both non-synthesis and exact
synthesis methods. Exact synthesis methods are generally used in filter and matching
circuit designs. This design method is extended to linear active microwave circuit design
where input and output of the active device is approximated by simple equivalent circuit.
There is a need to extend this powerful exact synthesis method to non-linear microwave
circuit design, like mixer, modulator, frequency multiplier etc., which will lead to best
optimized designs requiring less time for computer optimization. Use of non-uniform
transmission lines in synthesis method may also lead to interesting solution.

B1.12 Wafer level packaging technology (SAC)

Ka-band receiver MMIC SoC containing GaAs MEMS, as well as other MMIC and
MEMS based devices (designed and developed by SAC) need wafer level packaging for
maintaining performance and size advantage of chip. Heterogeneous integration and
packaging at the MMIC wafer level is an attractive and enabling technology.

B1.13 InP based Schottky Barrier Diode, antiparallel diodes for sub millimetre wave
applications (SAC)
For applications in sub millimetre wave &Terahertz, InP based Schottky barrier diode finds
many applications due to low turn on voltage in comparison to GaAs. THz detectors with
zero biased operation and improved noise property can be designed. In application of sub
millimetre wave mixers and multipliers a low turn on voltage help in achieving low losses.
There is a need to develop InP Schottky barrier diode, antiparallel diodes for sub millimetre
wave and terahertz applications targeting 300GHz or beyond.

B1.14 Film bulk acoustic resonator based RF filters (SAC)

Film Bulk Acoustic Resonator (FBAR) is used in high frequency RF filters because of
its very high Q factor and low temperature coefficient. The scope of the research will
include fabrication & modelling of FBAR and design of filter using FBAR. S-band filters
are required for both space and ground application.

B1.15 RF SAW filters (SAC)

Leaky Surface Acoustic Wave (LSAW) Resonator based RF filters offer several
performance advantages in a compact size in the frequency range of 800 MHz to 3
GHz. One-port resonators acting as Impedance Elements are connected in ladder/
lattice configuration to obtain filtering characteristics. The scope of the work shall include

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modeling and design of SAW resonators and RF filters based on these resonators. The
deliverables shall include CAD tool for the synthesis and design of these filters. SAC,
Ahmedabad shall extend fabrication support for these devices.

B1.16 Development of algorithm for accurate determination of material constants of

piezoelectric crystals (SAC)
Space Applications Centre, Ahmedabad, ISRO is engaged with the development and
realization of various satellite payloads as well as R&D activities for ground hardware.
To support these activities variety of SAW filters have been used. For precise SAW
filter design, an accurate and complete characterization of piezoelectric substrates is
necessary. Piezoelectric substrates used for SAW devices are characterized by their
linear elastic, piezoelectric and dielectric material constants. To achieve diffraction
modelling direct measurement of SAW velocities in a suitable angular range around the
direction of propagation is necessary. However, simulations of other second order effects,
e.g. spurious excitation and transmission of BAWs, need the linear elastic, piezoelectric
and dielectric material constants to characterize the substrate, because these models
start with the basic linear equations for piezoelectric materials. So the current proposal is
for extraction of aforementioned constants with following deliverables:
Algorithm for accurate determination of following acoustical physical constants of
piezoelectric crystals (e.g. 42degY-X Lithium Tantalate, X-112degY Lithium Tantalate):
Elastic Constants
Piezoelectric Constants
Dielectric Constants
Error bound/ accuracy should be computed for each material constant.
Validation of algorithm with measured data.

B1.17 SAW based sensors (SAC)

The operation of Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) based sensors has been widely
demonstrated in many different application fields for the detection of both physical and
chemical quantities. SAW based temperature, pressure, humidity and gas sensors are
known for their high sensitivity and robustness to environmental stresses. These sensors
work on the principle of change in the propagation properties of surface waves induced
by a change in the ambient level of the measurand.
The scope of the work shall include conception, design and development of such sensors,
including associated electronics, packaging and calibration for the detection of physical
parameters such as temperature and pressure, humidity and partial pressure of gaseous
species such as Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide.

B1.18 Extraction of COM parameter for SAW devices (SAC)

In a SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave) device, COM (Coupling of Mode) parameters are
velocity, transduction coefficient, propagation constant & capacitance. These COM
parameters needs to be extracted for simulation and optimal design of a low loss and mid

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loss SAW filter. The extracted COM parameters are important inputs in the design of various
SAW topologies viz. Electrode Width Control (EWC), Distributed Acoustic Reflection
Transducers (DART) type Single Phase Unidirectional Transducers (SPUDT) structure etc.

B1.19 Development of nano structured magnetostrictive thin films for surface acoustic
wave device applications (SAC)
Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) devices are widely used in communications such as filters,
delay line etc. Conventional SAW devices consist of metallic IDT on top of a piezoelectric
film or substrates. Research involves the development of high quality thin films of giant
magnetostrictive materials (e.g. Fe-Si) which exhibit high magnetostriction coefficient
suitable for low insertion loss SAW devices.

B1.20 Sintering process in LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) (SAC)

Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics (LTCC) is having inherent advantages like
multilayer integration, embedded passives, localized hermetic sealing dominates MCM
technologies for up to mm-wave frequencies. It provides increased electrical performance
and miniaturization of electronics packaging for space use. Sintering process is the most
important and crucial step in the LTCC process flow considering its effect on final product
quality, shrinkage value and reliability which is also important for RF performance. There
are mainly three types of sintering processes: Free Sintering/unconstrained sintering in
which the sample shrinks in all the three directions (X, Y & Z directions); Pressure Less
Assisted Sintering (PLAS) in which a limited force is applied during the sintering process
and shrinkage is limited to Z direction. The last one is constrained sintering/Pressure
Assisted Sintering (PAS), where the uncontrolled shrinkage in X & Y direction is translated
in to Z direction and it provides nearly zero shrinkage along X & Y directions. It has been
reported and also observed that free sintering is best for maintaining the integrity of
cavity structure. But, Pressure Assisted Sintering (PAS) needs to be experimented in
order to utilize the process accordingly.
The scope of the work shall include the study and optimisation of PAS process in LTCC.
Also exploration of other LTCC materials suitable for zero shrinkage may also be included
in the research work.

B1.21 Development of electron beam / LASER Beam sensitive glass (SAC)

This requires development of types of glasses that are sensitive to electron beam/ LASER
Beam and upon exposure to these change their optical density (OD) or transmittance.
The development will be useful in the development of optical elements like sinusoidal
calibration targets for optical payload calibration, gratings, Fresnel lenses etc., using grey
scale electron beam or LASER lithography.

B2 Sub Area PCB Fabrication, Wiring and Assembly (SAC)

B2.1 Defects analysis of solder joints in electronics fabrication for space use & algorithm
development (SAC)
Fabrication data collection, compilation and methods can be developed to understand
the cause of defect, quantification in various categories, impact of reviewed/reworked
defects in solder joints under various environment conditions, impact on life span long

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term space missions as well as on interplanetary missions, co-relation of that data in

various orbits by preparing the samples, measuring relevant parameters. Subsequently,
Algorithms development, Monitoring and improving PCB assembly quality by statistical
optimization of processes and materials.

B2.2 Lead free soldering and surface finish (SAC)

Solder materials used in assemblies pervade many forms of electronic platforms used
by Space. Therefore, any change in soldering technology will have major implications
for space operations. Lead-free soldering is fast becoming the norm for commercial
applications. Before long, there will be a push for a similar switch to lead-free solder
for high-reliability electronics, as is seen in Space applications. While lead-free solders
are purported to reduce environmental and health risks, these solders present certain
technical risks. Of concern, the reliability of most lead-free solders is not well known for
high-reliability applications and the adverse environments of space.
Identify, develop and qualify lead-free PCBs & solders to replace conventional tin-lead
solders used in circuit card assemblies, connectors, and other electronics etc.
Identify and develop lead free dummy components.
Identify, develop and qualify environmentally acceptable replacements to surface finishes
and RTV/conformal coatings currently used in circuit card manufacturing meeting out
gassing requirements.
Finally, ensure the reliability issues surrounding lead-free electronics in high reliability
applications. Objective is to generate comprehensive test data (including inspection
requirements) on the reliability of circuit cards newly manufactured with lead-free solder
and subjected to simulated high-reliability environmental conditions.

B2.3 3D packaging (SAC)

For space borne system, electronic packaging plays an important role for deciding about
the weight & volume of the overall electronic system/sub-system. Discrete component
design moved on to integrated circuits which in turm moved to programmable devices.
Even packaging graduated from DIP type to SMD to BGA/CCGA to flip chip to direct
die attachment on printed boards. Printed circuit board technology also graduated from
single side PCB to double side and in turn to multi layer boards. Interconnection within
PCB graduated from non plated through holes to plated through hole, blind via / buried via
connectivity and to laser drilled micro vias. These still form the packing or interconnectivity
in multiple boards as through conventional wired or though rigid flex boards. This needs
a relook into packaging technology.
These different assembled boards can be moulded all together and the interconnection
can be through patterning on these 3D structures. This will enable compactness of the
packages and more electronics can be accommodated in the same volume or in the first
volume is reduced, which will reduce overall size of the package.
Following may be explored meeting the space usage requirements,
Epoxy material suitable for such packaging
High aspect ratio hole drilling
3D writing/structuring on moulded structure

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B2.4 Advanced thermal management solutions on PCBs for high power (SAC)
With increasing power loss of electrical components, thermal performance of an assembled
device becomes one of the most important quality factors in electronic packaging. Due
to the rapid advances in semiconductor technology, particularly in the regime of high-
power components, the temperature dependence of the long-term reliability is a critical
parameter. Two main drivers in the space technology are miniaturization and reliability.
Whereas there is a continuous improvement concerning miniaturization of conductor
tracks (continuous reduction in lines/spaces), miniaturization of the circuit carrier itself
has mostly been limited to decreased layer-counts and base material thicknesses. This
can lead to significant component temperature and therewith to accelerated system
degradation. Thus, enhancement of the system reliability is directly connected to an
efficient thermal management on the PCB-level. Development of base materials with
advanced thermal performance and use of innovative build-up concepts.

B2.5 Low temperature soldering (SAC)

Soldering of electronic components on printed boards generally takes place at
temperatures of between 240°C and 250°C. During soldering, the components and
printed boards are exposed to thermal shock that affects their long-term. A reduction in
the soldering temperature to about 180°C using low melting point solders is expected to
for specific temperature sensitive components to reduce risk of components failure.
Development of number of possible low temperature solders in combination with suitable
low temperature flux without sacrificing reliability of solder joint.

B2.6 Electroless gold plating for space applications (SAC)

Gold is used extensively in the electronics industry, particularly because of its exceptional
electrical properties. Electroless gold plating process is a promising candidate for
deposition of gold on high frequency circuits leading to the miniaturisation. Autocatalytic
electroless gold deposition process is preferred as it ensures minimum 2 micron gold for
wire bonding and solder ball joint applications for mounting ICs on soft substrates without
any undercoat.
A technology need to be developed to deposit minimum 2 micron of soft gold on a
patterned circuits on various high frequency laminates having 4 mil line and spacing.
Deposited gold should be non porous and ductile, should withstand environmental tests
prescribed for space applications and ensure long term reliability.

B3 Sub Area Surface Treatment Process Technology (SAC)

B3.1 Process development to realize electroforming process for aluminum components

Electroforming is a technique used in fabrication of complex contoured components with
high dimensional tolerances which are difficult to fabricate using conventional machining
methodology. At present, electroforming process of copper components on Aluminum
mandrels has been successfully realized at SAC. Copper has disadvantage of high
density of 8.9 grams/cc.

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Hence, efforts are invited to carry out in depth feasibility study to realize electroforming
process of Aluminum components and develop detailed process & setup for the same.
This process can be used for mm-wave components.

B3.2 Non-cyanide based electroless silver plating process development (SAC)

Silver plated components are widely used in RF systems of satellites. With miniaturization
of mechanical assemblies and usage of higher frequency bands like K-band & Ka-band,
dimensions have decreased to around 4 mm & lower. Also long waveguides of the length
of 1.2 meters are being used with twists and turns in various planes, making it extremely
difficult to silver plate inside surface of the cavity using the conventional electrolytic silver
plating methodology.
Hence, proposals are invited in the area of non-cyanide based Electroless silver plating
chemistry for plating aluminum 6061T6 alloy components with plating thickness of ≥2
microns of silver inside complex multi planar wave guides.

B3.3 Development of electroless gold plating process (SAC)

Gold plating on aluminium 6061T6 boxes and Kovar carrier plates is being carried out for
EMI/EMC requirements, corrosion protection, solder ability etc.
Hence, efforts are invited in the area of Electro less gold plating process using either
cyanide based or non-cyanide based chemistry for plating aluminium 6061T6 alloy
components/Kovar substrates with plating thickness of ≥2 microns of gold. Once
developed, this process will be used for all ISRO projects as per requirements.

B4 Sub Area Environmental Test Technology (SAC)

B4.1 Study and analysis of various forms of contaminations like surface & airborne
particulates, surface and airborne molecular contaminants in and around thermo-
vacuum chambers. Carryout in-depth measurement of such contaminants using
APC, PFO, RGA, TQCM and CQCM available and carry out detailed process study
as well as make recommendations in this regard for implementation (SAC)

B4.2 Study and analysis of Liquid Nitrogen consumption in Thermo-vacuum test facility
with respect to different type of tests being carried out in different LN2 based
thermo-vacuum chambers. Study and analyze transfer, static and flash losses
taking place in various system elements during thermo-vacuum tests and carry
out detailed process study as well as make recommendations in this regard for
implementation (SAC)

C Area Antenna (SAC)

C1 Sub Area Antenna (SAC)

C1.1 Electromagnetic analysis of 3D geometries (SAC)

This work includes the development of codes using suitable CEM techniques like FEM,
FDTD, High frequency asymptotic techniques of PO/PTD, GO/GTD and hybrid techniques
like FEM/BEM, GTD/MoM etc for analyzing the scattering and radiation parameters of

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antennas and its components. The developed codes should have also the capability
to analyze the scattering properties of the 3D arbitrary objects by estimating RCS.
The development of algorithm and computer codes for mesh generation for arbitrary
boundary of 3D geometry with details of data-structure for co-ordinates of each node with
respect to local and global coordinate system is the pre-requisite for the development of
Electromagnetic codes. The computer code should be capable of generation of adaptive
meshing depending on the geometry and field values at different parts of the geometry
depending on the electromagnetic boundary conditions and electromagnetic computation
based on the above cited CEM techniques.

C1.2 Barium strontium titanate based phased array antenna (SAC)

Barium Strontium Titanate (BST) based tunable components falls under a category of
Ferroelectric materials, possessing nonlinear dielectric constant which can be altered
by application of external electric field, material composition ratio or with the changes
in the ambient temperature. The tuning dielectric constant with bias voltage of BST find
many applications such as antennas, varactors, phase shifters, non volatile memory etc.
Due to its lesser impact time, high power handling capabilities, low losses at microwave
frequencies BST is the most preferred choice in antenna reconfigurability. These phase
tunable micro strip lines can be used at the inputs of the individual Patch Antenna
elements in a Phased Array Antenna so as to electronically steer the radiation pattern in
a desired direction. The study needs to be carried out for variation in RF properties due
to change in material composition.

C1.3 Characterization of dielectric materials at high frequency (SAC)

Ferroelectric thin film can be used at its maximum potential for phased array antenna only
when its material properties like dielectric constant, loss tangent, tunability are accurately
characterized as a function of frequency, bias voltage applied, temperature at higher
frequency setup. This requires the antenna material characterization for its dielectric
properties and suitable techniques needs to be developed for the characterization.

C1.4 Broadband conjugate matched feed horn for offset reflector geometry (SAC)
In radiometric applications or satellite communication, generally offset parabolic reflector
antennas are preferred due to their inherent advantages of reduced aperture blockage,
isolation between the reflector and the feed, lesser spurious radiation and suppressed
side-lobes. But the performance of offset reflectors is satisfactory in terms of cross-
polarisation components only when the larger F/D is selected. Space constraints limit
the selection of large F/D. The concept of conjugate matched feed provides the solution
forthis contradicting requirement where low cross polarization can be achieved with
smaller F/D. There is a need to design conjugate matched feed for 20 % bandwidth with
cross polar performance better than -35 dB. SAC has already achieved 8 % bandwidth
for the design of conjugate matched feed.

C1.5 FEM/BI method for finite frequency selective surface(FSS) analysis (SAC)
There is a requirement of analyzing finite FSS based on hybrid Finite element method
(FEM) and Boundary Integral (BI) method. FEM used to solve the electric fields inside

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and on the boundaries of FSS (metal or dielectric based) by discretizing the FSS
into finite number of tetrahedral elements. The source used to excite the FSS can be
corrugated feed horn or Gaussian source. The BI method is used to solve the radiation
characteristics of the FSS i.e. transmission and reflected radiation pattern by using the
boundary fields solved by FEM

C1.6 High frequency Substrate Integrated Waveguide (SIW) antenna technology (SAC)
Generally coplanar corporate feeder networks distributes the transmit/receive signal
to the individual elements for less phase dispersion. At higher frequencies ohmic and
dielectric losses of the connecting microstrip line dominates and results into undesired
radiation. Among all transmission line hollow metallic waveguide feature extremely low
losses up to very high frequencies but it is very bulky. Substrate integrated waveguide
(SIW) technology provides a solution with ease of manufacturing and low cost of micro
strip line and with the performance of the waveguide. LTCC, micromachining technique
can be used for fabrication of SIW. The feeding mechanism needs to be developed
using SIW technology for different antennas like planar cavity backed antenna, slot array
antenna, Vivaldi antenna, horn antenna ,reflector antenna and planar micro strip antenna
can be replaced by SIW. The system on chip and antenna on package may be studied in
connection with this technology.

C1.7 Antenna measurement using time domain method to mitigate multipath reflections
The research problem involves the use of time domain method employed for radiation
pattern measurements and applying algorithms to mitigate multipath reflections. This
technique is essentially required to carry out measurements at low frequencies viz. UHF
so that it can avoid the need of large size absorbers at such low frequencies.

C1.8 Accurate prediction of far field pattern using different topologies of near field data
This research problem involves the conversion of near field data, acquired using various
scan geometries, into far field pattern. The objective of the study is to find out accurate
and efficient near field to far-field conversion using various acquisition geometries as
well as transformation scheme. Suitable interpolation techniques e.g. Optimal Sampling
Algorithm, Bivariate Lagrange Interpolation etc. can be developed to convert the polar/
spiral and other formatted data to rectangular grid using various interpolation schemes.
Direct transformation techniques e.g. Jacobi-Bessel can also be explored to achieve
accurate performance.

C1.9 Analysis of radomes on radar antenna performance (SAC)

The efficient operation of delicate microwave antennas in the presence of adverse weather
conditions requires in many circumstances the covering of the antenna by a radome.
Radome is a protective cover for the antenna and is used extensively on terrestrial,
weather radar systems, air traffic control, telemetry, satellite communications, satcom
uplink and receive-only terminals. Radome structure is a framework structure (metal or
dielectric) of interconnected columns (beams/seams). Foam and honeycomb cores are

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often added between inner and outer skins of the radome to function as low dielectric
constant spacer material (reduced reflections) providing structural strength and rigidity.
Investigations may be carried out for electromagnetic modeling of radome structure and
the analysis to estimate the effects of radome on the antenna radiation characteristics
may be carried out using suitable analysis techniques.

C1.10 High efficiency dual polarized wideband slotted waveguide array antenna (SAC)
Waveguide slotted array antenna finds its application for its inherent advantages of good
phase stability, low losses, high power handling capability and rugged structure. Open
literature is available for narrow band waveguide slotted array like longitudinal shunt slot,
series inclined slot and compound coupling and radiating slots. This investigation and
design of slotted waveguide array intended at X & Ku band frequencies for technique
to provide wide band width around 14-15 % with common antenna operating for dual
linear polarization. The radiating aperture needs to be analyzed along with coupling slot
feed array.

C1.11 Electronic band-gap antenna (SAC)

Design and analysis of high efficiency/compact printed antenna array using electronic
band gap structure such as mushroom type, fork type, unipolar type structure to improve
the mutual coupling and making it suitable for wide angle scanning active phased array
antenna. These structure can be integrated with microstrip antenna, waveguide slotted
array antenna and horn array antenna to study the change in radiation properties. The
electronic band gap structures integrated on intercostal structures has to be simulated for
its RF transparency to improve the gain performance of the DGR antenna.

C1.12 Quasi-optical techniques for millimeter-wave antenna (SAC)

This type of antenna system are of paramount use in millimeter wave (30-300 GHz)
and Sub-millimeter wave (>300GHz) frequency bands. This type of antenna system
has a reflector-antenna that transforms the wide received signal-beams into beams of
intermediate width (intermediate gain) that pass through a train of reflectors or lenses
before being focused into the low-gain feed-horns of the receivers. The research problem
includes the formulation using different techniques like long Fourier optics, Physical optics
and Geometric theory of diffraction to design the train of the reflectors so as to optimize
the overall gain of the antenna.

C1.13 Multiband high efficiency feed antennas (SAC)

Design, simulation and full wave analysis of multiband antenna structure such as sierpinski,
appollian packaging monopole and koch geometry is required to estimate various antenna
parameters like return loss, gain variation over frequency. These multiband geometries
are being used for ground terminals for MSS type D, navigation satellite. Multifrequency
operation of antenna feed can also be achieved by developing the common aperture
feed catering dual/triple frequency and technique has to be developed so as to suppress
the generation of higher order mode. Analysis and design of high efficiency antenna feed
and its Orthomode Transducer, polarizer, diplexer etc are required for multiple beam
antenna. Various types of feed horn catering different applications such as Trifurcated

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feed horn, Quasi integrated horn for high frequency application, horn with high power
handling capability, Single aperture feed at C/Ku/Ka band for ground segment, profiled
compact horn etc are to be designed. The navigational satellites will be radiating a
composite signal covering the three bands simultaneously. There is a requirement to
receive these three bands using a single compact ground terminal antenna covering
L1, L% & S band. The common aperture antenna needs to be designed with single
feed and it has to provide good axial ratio over large coverage angular extent up to
60-70 degree. The main objective is to study and demonstrate an optimum design for
these requirements.

C1.14 Feed array for reflector antennas (SAC)

Feed array or multiple feeds illuminating reflector is required for multiple frequency or
multiple polarization applications .Effect of mutual coupling between focal array feeds
and its effect on the antenna performance parameters like cross polarization, gain, beam
width have to be studied. Beam shaping as well as the phase errors correction due to
surface deformation may be accomplished by using cluster of feeds with proper beam
forming network at the focal plane of the reflector. Investigation is needed to calculate
the array excitation coefficients through the derivation of focal region fields for a shaped
pattern or a reflector with deformed surface.

C1.15 Flexible coverage antenna (SAC)

Various reconfigurable antenna systems for flexible coverage on the antenna need to be
studied and designed. This requires design & study of multiple beam antenna, computation
of excitation distribution to get the required beam shape and position. Development of
various beam-forming algorithms and its implementation required to be explored.

C1.16 Antennas based on Micro-machined/Wafer- borne substrates (SAC)

At mm-wave frequency ranges, antennas & feed may be realized on thin substrates
and / or wafer-construction. The scope is to study various techniques and propose
optimum fabrication methodology for such antenna systems for future linkage.

C1.17 Medium- or High-Gain UHF antennas for satellites (SAC)

In recent times, the need for satellite-borne UHF antennas has emerged. Configurations
for antennas with medium- or high-gain that may be mounted on satellites need to be
studied and evolved. The investigator should undertake this study and propose optimum
antennas for this requirement. Prototype demonstration may be included in the scope.

C1.18 Conformal antennas for omni-directional coverage patterns (SAC)

Due to upcoming space-science and inter-planetary missions, satellites need to carry
antennas that are conformal to the cylindrical / arbitrarily-shaped satellite body. Also,
pointing mechanisms may be expensive / unviable on such missions. Hence, investigators
should develop antenna configurations that provide omni-coverage including the effect of
the satellite body on the radiation pattern.

Satellite Communications

C1.19 Ultra wideband antenna at VHF band (SAC)

Design and development of suitable compact antenna element at 10-50MHz with
150-200% band-width with the constraints of mass & volume for interplanetary mission
of ISRO.

C1.20 Soft computing techniques for shaped reflector antenna design (SAC)
Different evolutionary techniques like back propagation algorithm, radial basis function
and quantum/binary particle swarm optimization technique may be developed for shaped
parabolic hyperbolic and elliptical reflectors to generate required secondary pattern and
scattered pattern of sub- reflector at both. These techniques may also be studied for
optimization of antenna performance parameter.

C1.21 Un-furlable/Inflatable antenna (SAC)

Emerging requirement of achieving higher EIRP and G/T with achievable edge of coverage
gain gives the birth for ultra-light reflector technology. There is the requiremefnt of simulation
of large size unfurlable/inflatable antenna. The simulation has to include the cryosphere.
The number of segment needed so that radiation pattern performance is close to true
parabola. It can also include the optimization of number of facets and buttons needed,
the material and gas to inflate the reflector. It also includes the study of RF feed through
and compact size antenna with active element for required beam steering.

C1.22 Antennas based on nano technology (SAC)

Emerging trends in Nano Technology are to be investigated for the applications of satellite
communications for space borne and ground based applications. The advantages of nano
technology to be exploited for the miniaturizing the antennas. The current analysis tools
do not support the design and analysis of nano technology, hence research proposals
are invited to carry out theoretical work in this field.

D Area Mission Development Area (URSC)

D1 Sub Area Mission (URSC)

D1.1 New tools and techniques for automation of multi satellite operations (URSC)
With the ever-increasing assets of ISRO in space in terms of remote sensing/
communication/scientific satellite, automation of on-orbit operations of spacecrafts are
very essential. ISRO has already established certain softwares and systems to facilitate
this automation to a certain extent. Efforts are on within ISRO to extend the automation
to different areas. Academic/research institutions can contribute towards design and
development of tools encompassing automatic decision making utilizing vast amount of
spacecraft Knowledge and also latest IT technologies for building systems for automation.

D1.2 Attitude determinations using filtering techniques (URSC)

In-house attitude determination is by concentrating around discrete determinations using
star sensor data and earth sensor data. Using filtering techniques, one can improve the
attitude determinations to a good extent like enhanced Kalman filtering techniques by
using star sensor data and Gyro Data.

Satellite Communications

D1.3 Filtering techniques for onboard applications (URSC)

For many on-board applications steady state filters with limited state parameters are being
tried in our missions. The effect of such implications are not giving enough observability
with respect to many parameters. Full-fledged filters development with continuous time
tracking with appropriate gain tuning shall be studied for onboard applications.

D1.4 Earth’s terrain mapping – development of models (URSC)

Using Cartosat-1, we might have already collected the country’s imagery with 2.5 m
resolution many a time. Obtaining digital elevation model for the total country by making
using of Cartosat-1 data and the model update with required resolutions and with respect
to time are also required to understand the tectonic motions. When high-resolution
imageries are collected at the required terrain, the height information & the shape of the
surfaces also need to be uplinked.

D1.5 The spacecraft attitude profiles for landmarks tracings (URSC)

Spacecraft needs to compute its attitude as a function of its position w.r.t static or dynamic
objects. Academic / research institutions can support with development of certain
algorithms to do the above. It may be augmented with design of control systems for the
optimal tracking of above with optimization of maneuvering / time.

D1.6 Secure transfer and access to mission data (URSC)

On-orbit operations of satellite in space are conducted through ground segment spanning
different networks. There are issues currently with respect to providing access to the
archived satellite data as well as real-time data anytime/ anywhere to any users viz.
satellite designers, ground segment developers etc. This requirement will be important in
future. Issues related to data security are primarily dictating these restrictions. Academic/
research institutions can help in terms of robust IT technologies to establish connectivity
among various nodes and also design of mechanisms/tools for providing secure access
to valuable data with encryption related to different missions.

D1.7 In-Orbit satellite data utilization from academia (URSC)

Spacecraft provide very voluminous data with respect to external environment. The data-
information, modeling on the environment, usage of the payload data sets can happen in
a big way with the participation of academic data sets, performance modeling evaluations
on a non-operational spacecraft.

D1.8 Software package development with GUI and animation for the following
applications (URSC)
Mission design and analysis
Orbit determination
Orbit propagation
Interplanetary trajectory
On-bound Image analysis in lieu of stringent pointing accuracies (<0.01deg.) and drift

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D2 Sub Area Navigation (URSC)

D2.1 Determination of Spacecraft orbit for Inter – Planetary Mission through Optical Navigation
(LEOS) The Spacecraft will navigate autonomously by using optical data taken by on-
board camera to determine its orbit and use this information to predict its future trajectory
and make necessary corrections. The objective of the study is to develop a methodology
to determine the spacecraft’s position and velocity for intermediate cruise and target
encounter phase. Intermediate cruise phase navigation is based on image celestial
bodies (called beacons) through Line of Sight (LOS) measurements in the background
of stars whose Helio Centric Positions are known in order to estimate the Spacecraft
Position and Velocity.
Target encounter phase where the object (beacon) LOS measurements are made through
image processing techniques either by computing Center of Mass (COM) for known image
types, Centre of Brightness (COB) for unknown image types and limb measurement for
the images than do not fit fully in FOV and estimate the Spacecraft Position and Velocity.
The study involves systems design, Framing Camera Specifications, Image Processing,
Navigation and Guidance and Software implementation.

D2.2 Navigation satellite autonomous maintenance (URSC)

Algorithm development of Inter-satellite ranging and onboard orbit estimation and satellite
clock bias computation, onboard broadcast navigation parameter generation.

D2.3 Broadcast signal Anti-Spoofing techniques (URSC)

Design of Long PRN code (like GPS P(Y)) for secured application
Design of different types of PRN codes for GNSS signals (Gold code, kasami)
Message Authentication

D2.4 Big data processing

System architecture – storage and computation
Compressed and multiple Image formats handling
Signal Processing methodologies
FFT, Wavelets etc.
Video Processing
Big data Analytics
CBIR, Robust Classifiers, Object Detections etc.

D3 Sub Area Flight Dynamics (URSC)

D3.1 EO satellite orbit determination (URSC)

Parameter estimation methods, including least squares and Kalman filtering. Attention
should be paid to statistical aspects and data processing.

D3.2 Orbit determination (URSC)

Parameter estimation methods, including least squares and Kalman filtering. Attention
should be paid to statistical aspects and data processing.

Satellite Communications

D3.3 Formation flying (URSC)

Orbital dynamics of formation satellites including Rendezvous and Docking experiments.

D3.4 Orbital motion (URSC)

Models for orbital motion about irregular shaped bodies such as Comets, asteroids etc.

D3.5 3-body dynamics (URSC)

Orbits in Libration points and their stability and station keeping.

D3.6 Interplanetary trajectory design and maneuver strategy analysis for exploratory
missions to celestial bodies in the solar system, employing gravity assist and
Lagrangian points (URSC)
Development of generalized trajectory design s/w to plan missions to any specified planet
in the solar system. Interplanetary trajectory design involves generation of optimum
departure opportunities for Venus, Mars, Mercury, Saturn & Jupiter.
Manoeuvre strategy analysis involves Design of orbit insertion with aero-braking
capabilities & Generation of optimum flyby opportunities for Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter.

D3.7 Design of navigation and guidance schemes for lunar soft landing and for entry,
descent and landing with atmosphere (URSC)
On the moon, soft landing of the lander-craft is achieved via powered descent phase
which comprises three Stages-Rough Braking, Attitude Hold and Precision Braking. This
multiphase Lunar landing problem is solved in a single optimal control framework. Further
development is required for Lunar Lander mission

D3.8 Design of navigation and guidance schemes for terminal rendezvous (URSC)
Rendezvous and docking is an important technology required for missions involving:
In-orbit assembly of large units; re-supply of orbital stations; exchange of crew in orbital
stations; repair of spacecraft in orbit; retrieval of spacecraft; re-joining an orbital vehicle
using a lander - in case of lunar/planetary return missions. This technology is required to
be used for the Spacecraft docking experiment (SPADEX) project.

D3.9 Attitude determination based on imaging payloads (URSC)

Optics based methods are widely used for POSE(Relative Position and Attitude
Estimation) estimation in space missions. This technology is required for missions such
as the Space Docking Experiment Mission (SPADEX).

D3.10 Development of methods for applying satellite data in modeling the gravity of
celestial bodies (URSC)
Mathematical modeling of the gravitational potential of a planet accounting perturbation
effects arising due to non-spherical geometry of planets, non-uniform mass distribution
of a planet & non-uniform gravitational potential and supported by sensor data from
satellites, needs incorporation.

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E Area Communication and Power (URSC)

E1 Sub Area Communication (URSC)

E1.1 PN ranging receivers (URSC)

Development and integration of regenerative PN ranging functionality feature into S-band
Coherent receiver for improved ranging accuracy in deep space missions.

E1.2 Optical data communication (URSC)

Increase demand for high bandwidth communication and precision ranging will make
optical systems ideal for space applications. Optical data communication can provide
sub-meter accuracies in deep space communication.

E1.3 Ka-band phased array antenna system (URSC)

Ka-band is at present allotted for deep space and GEO orbits. Development of Phased
Array Antenna systems at Ka-band for data transmission.

E1.4 Active micro strip arrays (URSC)

Microstrip Arrays for On-orbit Telemetry & Tele Command applications.

E1.5 GPS based radio occultation receivers /attitude determination receivers (URSC)
To develop a new technology for a radio receiver to receive a signal without prior knowledge
about its defining characteristics, its ability to reconfigure the features with respect to an
incoming signal and to respond intelligently without pre-configuration or re-programming.

E1.6 Shaped beam antenna systems (URSC)

Shaped beam antenna systems for S, X-band for data transmission applications.

E1.7 Radio navigation receivers for space applications (URSC)

Radio Navigation Receivers using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) signals
are capable of providing a wide array of services through space -borne platforms.

E1.8 FPGA based re-configurable digital modulator (URSC)

Advances in FPGA technology to be utilized for realizing high speed digital modulators.
Provision to choose different modulation schemes-QPSK, 8PSK, QAM etc.
Re-configurable pre -modulation filters to limit out-of-band emissions

E2 Sub Area Power (URSC)

E2.1 Regenerative fuel cell technology development with an energy density of 420Wh/
Regenerative Fuel Cell (RFC) technology, in either solid oxide or proton exchange
membrane chemistry, offers large-scale energy storage at specific energy levels well
beyond that is possible with chemical batteries. RFC produces power and water from
electrolysis of oxygen and hydrogen and electrolyze stored water into hydrogen and
oxygen by drawing power. These cells are useful for manned missions as they provide
potable water as by-product.

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E2.2 Radio isotope thermo-electric generator (URSC)

Radioisotopes decay provide continuous source of energy independent of orientation
and hence are very useful for long deep space missions. Radioisotope thermoelectric
generator (RTG, ~100 W) based on plutonium-238 have been used in space since 1961,
with typical performance of 3-5 W /kg, 6 % efficiency and over a 30-year demonstrated
life. These are static in operation providing very high reliability and long life.

E2.3 Zero-point energy power modules (URSC)

This will provide the energy needed for long range space flights by taping the Zero-point
energy / vacuum / cosmic / ambient energy fields.

E2.4 Lithium ion cell balancing electronics (HMC Version) (URSC)

The main function of the cell balancing electronics is to maintain all the cells in a battery
at their maximum state of charge, so that the voltage difference between the cells of a
battery are in a window of 50 mv when the battery is fully charged.

E2.5 Development of pouch type lithium ion cell (URSC)

Design of batteries using pouch type lithium polymer cells which give the advantage
of better packing of cells for future space usage such as human rated space flight,
interplanetary missions etc.

E2.6 Zero voltage transition bi-directional converter (URSC)

Bi-directional converters can do the functions of both charging the battery as well as
regulating the bus. This configuration will reduce the mass of power electronics.

E2.7 Modeling of lithium ion cell and battery for BOL and EOL conditions (URSC)
Lithium-ion batteries designed and developed using Commercially-off-the-shelf (COTS)
cells with capacity range of up to 2.8Ah are packed in required series-parallel configuration
have been successfully flown in many LEO missions.

E2.8 Design & development of lightweight metal matrix composite for batteries (URSC)
Metal-matrix composites are such class of materials which are playing a significant role in
the development of future space components. They are particularly interesting for space
structures applications because of their excellent weight specific mechanical properties,
high thermal and electrical conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion and the
absence of out-gasing.
Use of light weight new composite materials to replace the metal alloy parts. The battery
with proposed material will have low weight with equivalent thermal and mechanical
properties as that of metallic parts.

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F Area Integration and Checkout (URSC)

F1 Sub Area Integration (URSC)

F1.1 Development of system capable of measuring the 3D co-ordinates of markers / 3D

objects (URSC)
The system should be capable of measuring the 3D co-ordinates of the markers on the
object to be measured.

F1.2 Design and development of cable coupling analysis program (URSC)

Satellite is made up of a large amount of harness carrying various types of signals,
frequencies and power levels. The harness design should achieve Electro Magnetic
Compatibility between the various functions and facilitate the functioning of the satellite
system. As a first step in this direction it becomes incumbent to quantify the coupled
signals. Once this is done measures can be taken to reduce the coupling. Software
needs to be developed to quantify the quantum of coupling.

F1.3 Automation of integration testing (URSC)

Scope exists to automate satellite testing. Though the monitoring points are spread out,
there exists scope to electronically switch, monitor and record the measured readings,
wave forms etc. This is the subject matter of development. As a spin off, the data archiving,
retrieval, data tagging follow. As a next step auto control of test equipment can be tried out.

F1.4 Design and development of test equipment (URSC)

In addition to standard test equipment available in the market, a good number of
dedicated test equipments get developed. Scope exists for universities or organizations
to contribute to design and development of test equipment.

F1.5 Mechanical ground support equipment (URSC)

A large number of mechanical ground support equipment (viz., Satellite handling
systems, panel handling systems, Satellite transportation containers, physical
parameter measurement machines etc.,) connected with physically measured
parameters like Centre of Gravity, moment of Inertia. Measurement of Misalignments
of sensors, actuators and payloads and applying corrections to meet the
specifications is another area where scope for design and development exists.

F2 Sub Area Checkout (URSC)

F2.1 EMI/EMC compliance for the checkout equipment / systems (URSC)

Comprehensive guidelines
Design aspects a PCB level, equipment level and total system level
Testing the equipment and system for compliance

F2.2 Design and realization of high data rate payload data reception system (URSC)
The requirement is to come out of single vendor dependency.
Design of RF sections and high bit rate digital circuits are involved.

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G Area Mechanical Systems (URSC)

G1 Sub Area Thermal (URSC)

G1.1 Novel thermal bus systems which can collect transport and provide heat for
components (URSC)
Loop Heat Pipe, Miniature Heat Pipes, Two-phase MPFL with micro channel evaporator
are presently used in thermal control of Indian satellites.
In Future, Micro -channel pumped flow, Micro Heat Pipe, PCM Coupled Heat Pipe, Flexible
Heat Pipes, Liquid Droplet and Sheet, Radiators Expandable Radiators are required.
Miniature LHPs, LHP on flight experiments, Cryogenic LHPs and High temperature LHPs
are further needed.

G1.2 Phase change materials / studies (URSC)

When spacecraft heat loads are transient in nature and of shorter duration, temperature
swings and peaks are noticeable. An efficient heat storage and heat transport system,
like PCM (Phase Change Material) coupled heat pipe is required to control such swings
in temperature. The PCM acts as a thermal capacitor storing heat during transient peaks
and releasing heat during the off peak load conditions to the radiator through the heat
pipe. Selection of a suitable PCM is important.
Such applications are to be used in future high power radar based missions. Technological
challenges like Containerisation of PCM, Phase change operation of PCM under micro
gravity conditions, position of PCM canister w.r.t. heat pipe and heat source exist.

G1.3 Thermo electric devices (URSC)

A radioisotope thermoelectric generator (RTG, RITEG) is an electrical generator that
uses an array of thermocouples to convert the heat released by the decay of a suitable
radioactive material into electricity by the Seebeck effect.
They are most attractive in deep space applications where the solar flux is too low, or for
extended planetary applications such as that on Mars where the day/night cycle, settling
of dust,and long -life requirements limit the usefulness of photo-voltaics. TED generates
electricity for very long periods of time to sustain harsh environments. They however,
have Low power conversion efficiency of about 7% (advanced sterling converters have
up to 30%). Low specific power of about 5 W/kg and material availability. TEDs are
used in deep space missions of NASA and Mars rover. Essential for Indian deep space
missions, landers and in rovers.

G1.4 Development of super insulating material (URSC)

Aerogel is a synthetic porous ultra light material derived from a gel, in which the liquid
component of the gel has been removed or replaced with a gas. The result is a solid with
extremely low density(< 0.1 g/cm3); and low thermal conductivity - 0.01W/mk (of MLI being
0.05 W/m2k); with High Solar Transmission: > 95% and High compressive strength. It
has potential applications (a) as a porous micro-structure for stopping/capturing like high
velocity particles (HVPC) (b) as a highly efficient thermal barrier (insulator) (c) insulation
in Gaseous environment of Planets Mars, Venus, Jupiter etc.

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G1.5 Development of thin film gas sensor, actuators and micro-heater (URSC)
Thin film based micro -heater with chosen pattern on the metallic / non-metallic foils and
Thin Film based Gas Sensor have potential application in sensing the gas leakage in
spacecraft propulsion / rocket propulsion while thin Film based Actuator has potential
application as Pressure sensors, micro valves and pumps louvers.

G1.6 Development of high emittance surfaces (URSC)

Ultra high absorber super black spray coatings for thermal control application methods
- that enhance the flexibility of applying super -black coatings (CNT based) by spraying
are required.
A black coating with a reflectance of typically 0.2% in the visible spectrum(@700nm) to be
achieved by Spraying techniques that allow to produce super -black coatings on almost
any stable material surface such as polymers, as well as to large and complex shapes.
The application process needs to be much more flexible than producing CNT coating
applied in a vacuum chamber using chemical vapour deposition (CVD) technique. This
project has linkage to all current and future projects.

G1.7 Development of alternate radiative surface (URSC)

To provide more radiating window during phases with Sun illumination or higher dissipation
or to reduce the heat losses during cold phases.Development of bimetallic spring actuated
Louvers system with actuation based on panel temperature and shutter operated by an
electric motor. System should be light -weight and with simple mechanisms, with greater
reliability Configurable for mission requirements.

G1.8 Technology to minimize the heat transfer between electronic package and radiator
when dissipation is zero or minimum (URSC)
Development of commandable heat switches to make and break connections as a
thermally conductive path between source (electronic package) and sink (radiator).
Alternate transparent conductive coating (other than ITO)
1.Graphene/Graphene Oxide
The problems with using ITO are three fold, viz:(a) Indium is expensive and scarce
(b) ITO possess poor mechanical property (i.e., brittle) and (c) keeping stoichiometry /
phase purity is difficult. Graphene offers several potential advantages over ITO including
weight,robustness, flexibility, chemical stability and cost.
2.Transparent and conductive nano dispersion coatings: Currently ITO is coated on
Kapton to bleed static charges. In this study, efforts to be made to develop alternate
Transparent and conductive coatings using nano dispersions. This project has linkage to
all current and future projects.

G1.9 CNT based efficient thermal conductors (URSC)

Development of Carbon nanotube based or carbon fiber based materials offer ultrahigh
thermal conductivity with mass saving. Development of carbon nanotube based or
carbon fiber based ultra high conductivity materials instead of materials like Cu,Al etc.
to transfer heat very efficiently with mass saving. Technology to embed these fibers in

Satellite Communications

laminated composite structures.Can be used in laminated composites like PCBs, Carton

nano tubes, diffusion of heat from high heat flux zones
1. Thermal Interface Materials
Development of compliant thermal interface materials with high conductance, ease of
application and long life. Study additives such as graphene, graphene petals. Study of its
characterization over a wide range of temperatures.
2. Vertically aligned Multi walled CNT (MWCNT) coating has been proved to be the
darkest material (ultra high absorptance flat absorber). These coatings are extremely
useful to improve the absorptance of thermal detectors and to suppress the unwanted
reflections or scattered light in optical systems.Studies on MWCNTs growth on various
substrates,viz,anodic alumina, Titanium. Invar, magnesium,polymers. FESEM, TEM,
Raman spectroscopy techniques employed applied for characterization studies.Studies
to get stable optical properties.

G1.10 Thermo chromic and electrochromic materials (URSC)

Electro-chromic devices operate on the principle that electrochromic material changes its
reflectance in infrared wavelength as acceptor or donor of ions or electrons. By applying
a small biased voltage, the charged ions are either collected or removed from electro-
chromic layer of the device resulting in a change in the infrared reflectance of the device.
Electrochromic Layers: WO3 or MoO3,CO203, V205 etc. (Anodic) & NiO (Cathodic) can
be used. Development of such multilayered materials are required.

G1.11 Continuous roll coating facility for thin film deposition on thin flexible polymeric
sheets (URSC)
The present silicon based solar cell technology introduces anti-reflective layer along
with transparent conductive coatings (TCC) to upsurge light harvesting.Various oxides
and nitrides e.g., SiO2, TiO2, A1203, Si3N4 etc. are used as anti-reflection coating with
single, double or multi -layer architectures.
Single layer thermo-chromic, multifunctional and smart, crystalline, nano-porous and nano-
textured pulsed RF magnetron sputtered vanadium -molybdenum oxide (VO-MO) thin film
are required to be developed using thin film deposition on thin flexible polymeric sheets.

G1.12 Functional ceramic coating and carbon based films by PVD, CVD and plasma
based techniques (URSC)
Carbon based films can combine the properties of solid lubricating graphite structure
and hard diamond crystal structure, i.e., high hardness, chemical inertness, high thermal
conductivity and optical transparency without the crystalline structure of diamond. Issues
of fundamental importance associated with nanocarbon coatings are reducing stress,
improving adhesion and compatibility with substrates. In this work new nanocomposite
coatings with improved toughness based in nanocrystalline phases of metals and
ceramics embedded in amorphous carbon matrix to be developed within the frame of a
research project.
Thermal spray / plasma spray (PS) for coating: Future HVOF Process where in molten
particles are sprayed onto a substrate to form splats, which rapidly solidify,eventually

Satellite Communications

depositing a coating onto the substrate. Plasmas sprayed ceramic coatings are widely
used for corrosion, wear and heat protection of hot components in gas and steam turbines.
For, Space Launch Vehicles application, mullite powder (2A1203.Si02)is coated by PS
technique with Flat absorber (high a and e) and Atomic Oxygen resistant properties.
AO resistant thermal control A1203 coating is applied for Microsatellite application Boron
carbide (B4C), strong neutron absorption ability, thus good space -ionizing radiation
protection coating material for spacecraft is coated with PS technique.

G1.13 Thermal control of microelectronics (at board and chip level) (URSC)
Development of high thermal conductivity thermal diffusers for high heat flux applications.
Materials:carbon-based materials, e.g.,graphene, grafoil, K13D2U/TC41O
Micro channels (single and two phase)
Micro heat pipes and loop heat pipes (transport capacities can be in the range 1W to 100W).

G1.14 Development of an advanced solver for coupled fluid flow and heat transfer with
conduction, radiation (participative and non-participative) and convection (URSC)
Spacecraft use various optical devices that consist of mirrors, lenses, prism, etc. New
devices under design are often exposed to high intensity irradiation viz.-mirrors in
Coronagraph payload, corner-cube in spacecraft, Earth sensor, Mars payloads (during
transfer orbit), accurately estimate the temperature of various optical elements
radiative energy transport in participating medium needs to be established.

G1.15 Degradation of spacecraft thermal properties (including contamination films) by

high energy particles, atomic oxygen and UV (URSC)
Its effects on the following may be studied:
(a) SiO2 based Thin Film Coating (b) SiO2 film is deposited on FOSR and Kapton
(c) CNT-POSS polyimide nano -composite film.

G1.16 Development of light weight stirling / brayton engines for spacecraft application to
generate power using waste heat (URSC)
Development of high efficiency engines for space power generation using waste heat
or nuclear sources Energy cycles. Study candidates: (a) thermodynamic cycles such
as Stirling, Brayton, Rankine, etc. (b) Thermo -fluid modeling of these systems (c)
Development and characterization of the working fluids (d) Study suitable engine designs.

G1.17 Enhancement of heat transfer in fluids using electric / magnetic fields (URSC)
1.Liquid Droplet Radiator (LDR) utilizes electric or magnetic fields to control droplet
trajectories of fluids such as liquid metals (Na/K) and silicon oils (FC75/DC705) for heat
removal from electronics. Heat is absorbed from the heat source by the working fluid.
The hot liquid then enters into a droplet generator that generates fine liquid droplets (size
-200-300pm). These droplets reject heat to space and the cooled droplets are collected
by a droplet collector. The collected liquid is circulated back using a pump. The concept of
Liquid Sheet Radiator (LSR) is same as that of LDR, except that LSR uses thin liquid sheet
(-100pm) as radiating surface (thru narrow slits). These can handle heat loading in kW.

Satellite Communications

Application:S/C level thermal management. Demonstration studies/ Micro -gravity

experiments by NASA and Japanese drop shaft experiments.(MG LAB and JAMIC).
2. Magnetic cooling (Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigeration system) combined with
super conducting thermal switch produces a continuous operating magnetic refrigerator
for operations below 1K. This has application in TCS at low temperatures.

G1.18 Variable emissivity coatings near unity emissivity with the ability to reduce
emissivity by at least a factor of ten (URSC)
Small spacecraft have low thermal capacitance thus subjecting them to large temperature
swings when either the heat generation rate or the thermal sink temperature changes.
This needs modulating the heat rejection rate. Variable emittance thermal control
coatings change the effective infra-red emissivity of a thermal control surface to allow
the radiative heat transfer rate to be modulated (adaptive or “smart’ thermal control
of spacecraft). These are useful thermal control coatings, whenever fluctuating heat
loads are experienced. They acts like a mechanical louver system without any moving
parts. Variable emitting materials-Thermochromic ( Based on temperature/heat) and
Pervoskite materials: Thin film / Solgel based coating and Temperature sensitive paints-
Electrochromic ( Based on electrical micro voltage) may be studied.

G1.19 Suitable materials / surface engineering against atomic oxygen environment

SiO2 based Thin Film Coating : SiO2 film deposited on FOSR and Kapton with Preliminary
studies after environmental tests that show no degradation of thermo-optical properties
of SiO2 on FOSR and Kapton.
Silylation of paints & polymers for space and application Paints and polymer -based
materials are extensively used in spacecraft applications due to their properties and
performances.A new method of surface modification of paints and polymers -based
materials, based on a “Silylation process”, is to be studied
CNT-POSS polyimide nano-composite film: Polyimide based nanocomposite films that
show both AO durability and ESD protection by incorporating polyhedraloligomeric
silsesquioxane (POSS) and carbon nanotube (CNT) additives. The stability of the films
to thermal cycling and ionizing radiation are to be demonstrated. It needs to act as flat
absorber surface with high a and high e properties.

G1.20 Passive thermal control techniques for Martian atmosphere (URSC)

Thermal protection systems for long term interplanetary orbiter and lander missions.
Understanding atmospheric conditions of various candidate planets/moons Modeling of
heat transfer under these conditions Materials development and testing (including effects
such as corrosion, etc.) Combined active/passive thermal control systems.

G1.21 Advanced composite materials having higher stiffness, higher strength and better
hygroscopic properties (URSC)
Carbon fibre reinforced plastics is widely used in spacecraft structure. Though the
structural properties of the fibres are excellent, the properties in the resin dominated
directions are poorer. Metal matrix reinforced by fibres can provide better structural

Satellite Communications

properties in matrix dominated direction too. The work envisages development of such
composites having very high structural properties with a lower value of density.

G1.22 SMART materials like piezo elastic, electrostrictive and magnetostrictive materials
There are several applications in which the vibrations to be reduced. Development of
active isolator is one of the aims. In some applications large actuating force needs to be
applied. There are cases where the shape control need to be achieved. These can be
achieved by employing the above materials in suitable manner. The collaboration is in
working with such materials.

G1.23 Large sized composite panels with metallic embedments (URSC)

Metallic embedment is often used in composite panels. Due to the differences in the
coefficient of thermal expansion, stresses are developed in the composites. The work
involves determination of these stresses, their mathematical modelling, experimental
verification and ways to reduce them. Some amount of work is already carried out, some
specific development is looked up on.

G1.24 Inflated structure for airship application (URSC)

Inflatable structures find newer applications. Its mathematical modelling is a challenge
with inter-disciplinary work and non-linear material behaviour. The models are required
even for maintaining the required shape. Look for collaboration in this field.

G1.25 Development theoretical models for prediction of response to acoustic excitation

Estimation of responses to acoustic excitation at low frequencies are carried out using
Boundary Element Method (BEM). For estimating the responses at higher order modes,
Statistical energy Analysis (SEA) is used. Significant amount of work in this direction
is already carried out. But there are still some differences between such predicted
responses and the experimentally seen responses. Need to fill this gap.

G1.26 Image processing techniques (ultrasonics, thermography, speckle interferrometry)

Composite and honeycomb sandwich panels are widely used in spacecraft. The quality
is assessed through NDT techniques such as ultrasonics, thermography, speckle
interferometry. They are image based techniques. Some of the images need further
processing to reveal the defects. The work is to develop image processing techniques /
algorithms such that the defects are revealed.

G1.27 Use of Ultrasonic inspection of heat pipe embedded honeycomb panels (URSC)
Honeycomb sandwich panels with embedded heat pipes are widely used in spacecraft.
Ultrasonic waves are used for inspection of panels. These waves get modified as they
encounter embedment. Characteristics of such phenomena have to be investigated.
A methodology to assess the quality of the panel to be established. Some part amount of
this work is already carried out. Some specific development is looked up on.

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G1.28 Estimation of micro-vibration and its mitigation techniques (URSC)

Micro-vibrations are generated in the spacecraft while in orbit. Estimation of these
disturbances is essential. Development of mathematical models to realistically estimate
these disturbances are being investigated. Techniques other than finite element based
are looked up on. Once the models are reliable ways to mitigate, passive or active, also
need to be addressed.

G1.29 Development of theoretical models for prediction of response to high frequency

shock (spectral element, wave propagation techniques, Statistical energy analysis)
The high frequency shock responses can be estimated using spectral elements / wave
propagation techniques / Statistical Energy Analysis. Some amount of work in this
direction are already carried out. Several spectral elements including for honeycomb
sandwich construction are developed. Responses are determined using wave propagation
techniques. But still there are unresolved issues. Looking for collaboration in these works.

G1.30 Unconventional manufacturing technique for composites (URSC)

Autoclave processing is normally done. Needs large autoclaves and is costly. VARTM
is also being used for specific applications. Looking for other techniques for specific
applications that will benefit compared to autoclave processing.

G1.31 Curing induced deformation and stress in composites (URSC)

Curing process used for the manufacturing of composite structures results in built-in
stresses. This results in shape deformations. The work involves understanding of curing
stresses, their mathematical modelling, experimental verification and ways to reduce
them. Some amount of work is already carried out, some specific development is looked
up on.

G2 Sub Area Mechanical System Design (URSC-LEOS)

G2.1 Space qualified surface treatment on different base metals to absorb stray light for
optical imaging systems (URSC-LEOS)
Development of Stray light absorbing Baffle for star sensor optics is essential requirement.
The suitable surface treatment on Aluminum alloy, Stainless Steel, Titanium etc to absorb
99.9% incident light in the visible spectrum from 400 to 900 nm. The surface treatment
shall sustain stringent set of space environment.
High precision lens mount to survive space environment:
A lens mount which can retain the optical element or multi elements closer to the specified
optical axis needs to be developed. The developed system shall survive satellite launch
and operational environments.

G3 Sub Area Mechanisms (URSC)

G3.1 Humanoid mechanism development (URSC)

The compact mechanism / actuation required for a humanoid (2 legged system) to
accomplish movements in a stable manner is to be developed.

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G3.2 Gripper for end reflector (URSC)

Grippers for micro Robots to handle problem related to handling / operating different tools
etc. to be developed.

G3.3 Analysis of large deployable membrane structure (URSC)

This involves non-linear FEM methods and required for large unfurlable / inflatable
antennas which are mass efficient.

G3.4 Wheel soil interaction study (URSC)

The different parameters required for the wheel soil interactions during the Rover
movement are to be obtained and analytical modeling of the same to be developed for
wheel with different type etc.

G3.5 Compliant mechanisms development (URSC)

These are mechanisms where the joints are replaced with flexures to eliminate friction
and backlash - useful for precision mechanisms.

G3.6 Mobility system for all terrains (URSC)

A planetary mobility system for unstructured environment which can provide a stable
platform for movement in the presence of slopes, obstacles, pits etc.

G3.7 Static forward and inverse Kinematics (URSC)

This study is required for synthesis of membranes surfaces and hardware realization for
inflatable/Unfurlable Space Antennas.

G3.8 Kinematics, dynamics and fatigue complaint mechanisms (URSC)

Useful for mechanisms with repeatable operations.

G3.9 Kinematics and dynamics of quadrupeds and hexapeds (URSC)

Quadrupeds and Hexapeds walking machines could be a reality for exploration of
interplanetary surfaces. Kinematics and Dynamics of such machines are essential for
synthesis and analytical studies.

G3.10 Reversible hold down and release devices (URSC)

Reversible hold down and release devices enable complete testability on ground before
being used in space.

G3.11 Shock absorbing devices like inflatable air bags (URSC)

For landing on interplanetary surfaces, shock absorption is an essential feature. Inflatable
air bags are one of the strong contenders for such missions.

G3.12 Kinematics and dynamic behavior of snap like devices (URSC)

Useful for hold down and release mechanisms with the advantage of a testability and
reusability before flight.

G3.13 Exploratory studies in the area of nano mechanisms (URSC)

Identification of Nano Mechanisms and their specifications for possible usage in Space

Satellite Communications

G3.14 Detailed studies pertaining to statics (URSC)

Useful for pointing / high pay-load capacity manipulators with high accuracy.
Detailed studies pertaining to statics, kinematics, dynamics and workspace for parallel
mechanisms like Six-Degree of freedom generic Stewart Platform type mechanisms with
compliant legs and joints.

G3.15 Smart mechanism (URSC)

For sensing, actuation and measurement, using piezoelectric, SMA and other materials.
Shape Control can be useful to overcome the effects of thermal distortion in space
structures using membranes.

G3.16 Development of stepper motors & brushless DC motors for space applications
Spacecraft mechanisms require many types of electro-mechanical (EM) drives where
continuous, intermittent, forward and reverse motion is needed for multiple operations.
These EM drives are typically used for the steering and pointing of Antenna, deployment
and rotation of various appendages like reflectors, Cameras, Solar panels etc. These
drives invariably use Motors as the driving element. The commonly used motors for
space application are Stepper motors and Brushless DC (BLDC) motors. The work
envisages design and development of Stepper and Brushless DC motors, first in
Frameless configuration (Rotor and Stator separate) and later in Housed configuration
(by including Housing/Shaft and Bearings) which would be useful for future EM drives.
Torque ranges from 20 mN m to less than1 Nm.

H Area Controls and Digital (URSC)

H1 Sub Area Control Dynamics (URSC)

H1.1 Control algorithms for high pointing and stability for advanced remote sensing
satellites (URSC)
This involves 2 stages:- Multi-level Cascaded control architecture for fixed pointing
involving coarse and fine controls ; Highly robust control incorporating active disturbance
rejection, damping of solar arrays to provide quick settling and Isolation of structural and
rotating elements are needed

H1.2 Development of control algorithms for autonomous station keeping single/ multiple
satellites (URSC)
The autonomous station keeping / Orbit Manoeuvring is proposed for LEO satellites using
GPS, accelerometer, star sensor and gyro as sensor and thrusters/electric propulsion as
actuation. This is applicable for single satellite autonomous station keeping, formation
control with two satellites and Rendezvous and docking where autonomous stringent
orbit corrections are required.
Constellation/Formation Control of multiple satellites signal delays, Communication
failure and FDIR for formation to be developed.

Satellite Communications

H1.3 Modelling & simulation of multibody systems (URSC)

A complete and high reliable model with vibration, flexibility, non-inertial influences,
external environment disturbances etc., to be developed.

H1.4 Structural flexible mode control (URSC)

Large Structural Flexible Mode control (active /passive) using Adaptive Filters for large
appendages vibrations.

H1.5 Smooth trajectory planning for time-bound (track to track) reorientation of agile
spacecraft (URSC)
Present Guidance algorithm used in on-board Carto series is iteration based and changeover
between maneuver and imaging is not smooth resulting in settling time requirement (Wait
Phase) post reorientation. With development of non-iterative guidance, this problem can be
avoided. The term Track to Track means both initial and final rates are non-zero.

H1.6 Guidance and control algorithms for rendezvous & docking/formation flying etc
Interface development for driving the simulator from dynamics computer.
Study and implementation of various sensor interfaces and their stimuli simulators.

H1.7 Study of CASE tools for automatic generation of onboard software codes (URSC)
Identification of CASE tools for space qualified space software / protocol development
and study on the efficiency / optimization of automatically generated software code with
that of Non-auto generated software.

H1.8 Development of statistical based algorithms for providing fault detection isolation
and reconfiguration using Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) (URSC)
Model based fault diagnosis techniques have been applied in recent years. Kalman, EKF
and UKF filters are the main workhorse for stochastic fault diagnosis.

H1.9 Fault tolerant techniques (URSC)

Fault Tolerant by Multi Processing (FTMP) and Fault Tolerant by Parallel Processing
(FTPP) etc. for onboard computers.

H1.10 Development of robust control system using Linear Matrix Inequality (LMI) concept
for single / multiple satellites (URSC)
1. System development to meet high pointing requirements with minimal ground loop delays.
2. Building autonomy in HILS testing.

H1.11 Networking of space resources (URSC)

Net-centric architecture for space resources using appropriate networking protocols to
interoperate with other networks. The approach could be routable or demand access
routable architecture instead of manually configurable point to point network at present.
The DTN (Delay Tolerant Networking) model or subscribe / publish message transfer
model or any similar new concept may be considered for interplanetary / deep space
exploration type of networking application.

Satellite Communications

H2 Sub Area Control & Digital Electronics (URSC)

H2.1 System on chip and mixed signal processing (URSC)

Study and Implementation of System on Chip (SoC) as well as Mixed Signal ASICs
development for analog data processing and data acquisition.

H2.2 Quad redundant fault tolerant system studies (URSC)

Study on systems, algorithms, fault tolerant logics for Quad redundant platforms.

H2.3 Active microvibration control (URSC)

Studies related to measurement and control of micro-vibrations on Imaging sensors.
Active Micro-vibration control for High Bandwidth sensing and actuation.

H2.4 Reconfigurable hardware (URSC)

Studies related to Reliable, evolutionary reconfigurable hardware systems that can be
applicable to long drawn missions.

H2.5 Anti-jamming using spread spectrum technique for telecommand links (URSC)
The objective of the work should be design of spread spectrum system with anti-jam
capability for the uplink of telecommands in CCSDS format. The system design should
ensure to have minimal impact on the CCSDS tele-command system.

H2.6 Low on resistance MOSFET for ASIP development (URSC)

Development of MOSFETs with low ON resistance for minimizing the power dissipation in
a device when used in ASIP (Application Specific Integrated Package) type of application
in large numbers.

H2.7 Fault tolerant computer architecture (URSC)

Study and comparison of available fault tolerant computer architectures comprising
hardware, software and network solution for achieving Ultra-High reliability. (Complete
system that is suitable to meet ultra-reliable onboard requirement with realistic estimate
of achievable reliability).

H2.8 Safety critical buses for space usage (URSC)

Study and comparison of different safety critical buses for satellites / space vehicles /
manned vehicles. Reinforcement of terrestrial protocols (like Ethernet, etc at MAC layer,
IP etc at Network layer) for its usage in space environment.

H2.9 Quad redundant fault tolerant system studies (URSC)

Study on systems, algorithms, fault tolerant logics for Quad redundant platforms.

H2.10 Machine learning and AI (URSC)

Application of machine learning for fault detection or prediction in telemetry.

H2.11 Study of reconfigurable hardware design and ai concepts in embedded systems

Studies related to Reliable, reconfigurable hardware systems.

Satellite Communications

H3 Sub Area Digital Systems (URSC)

H3.1 1) New generation still image compression algorithm (lossy / lossless) for space
application / Advanced Audio / Video coding, beyond the CCSDS wavelet image
compression & H264 coding.
2) Advanced channel coding/decoding techniques beyond the LDPC & TCM
3) Onboard image processing techniques for feature extraction, change detection
etc. (URSC)

H3.2 Advanced audio / video coding (URSC)

Advanced audio / video coding like MPEG 4 for satellite communications that may be
extended for manned missions.

H3.3 Encryption / decryption (URSC)

Development of advanced encryption methodology.

H3.4 Image compression (URSC)

Research and development of an efficient image compression algorithm (lossy/lossless)
for space applications. The objective is to develop a new data compression algorithm
to meet the high speed implementation requirements with less power and having high

H3.5 Onboard data processing (URSC)

Reduce data by volume, smart acquisition, capture only ROI requested by users,
engage with captured data for achieving best compression, discarding unwanted data at
onboard level.

I Area Reliability and Components (URSC)

I1 Sub Area Indigenization and Components (URSC)

I1.1 System-In package (SIP) (URSC)

Today the trend is towards system in package (SIP) development for which the following
enabling technologies have good potential for advanced R & D.
Multichip Modules (MCMs).
(With vertical stacking, embedded passives, Co-fired ceramic technology, Chip-on-
board technology, Chip-first technology and Flip Chip Technology etc.)
MMIC based modules for high frequency applications with efficient fabrication, assembly
and packaging techniques, fine line pattern generation and Controlled interconnection
techniques, improved Reliability considerations like usage of Hydrogen Getter etc.,

I2 Sub Area Reliability (URSC)

I2.1 Contamination modeling and kinetics studies (URSC)

Contamination of spacecraft and instruments can cause performance degradation and
even limit the useful life. Spacecraft sensitive surfaces like thermal control surfaces,

Satellite Communications

sensor, optics, lenses, etc are particularly vulnerable. Polymeric materials like adhesives,
paints, potting compounds, coatings etc that are used on the spacecraft, outgass under
Space environment. The outgassed material can deposit on a surface and thus alter the
absorptance, transmittance, reflectance and emittance and/ or intercept the field of view
of a sensor or experiment and either scatter, emit or absorb electromagnetic radiation.
Besides outgassing, in-orbit contamination can also occur due to plume impingement
and photo enhanced deposition.

I2.2 Thermal control paints for spacecraft application (URSC)

Coatings like white paint and black paints are used on spacecraft as thermal control
materials. The problems that are usually associated with these paints are their poor
electrical conductivity and radiation resistance. Poor electrical conductivity leads to
ESD (Electro Static Discharge) problems in GEO missions. Besides, radiation (UV and
particulate) and Atomic Oxygen (ATOX) can degrade the paint functionally, as a result
of which it can cease to function as a thermal control material. In view of this it would be
useful, if such paints could be developed that would be electrically conducting as well as
withstand degradation due to radiation and ATOX.
The major areas of interest would be to develop a white and black paint which would
be electrically conducting and capable of withstanding the degradation due to radiation
and ATOX.

I2.3 Trends and techniques in electronic packaging area (URSC)

Electronic packaging is a major discipline within the field of electronic engineering which
includes a wide variety of technologies right from materials to interconnecting and packaging
techniques. It refers to enclosures and protective features built in to the equipment itself
including the packaging techniques of devices used in the realization of equipment.
Miniaturization, low operating voltage and power consumption with increase in speed/
frequency requirements has driven the electronic packaging industry to the development
of device packaging styles having large I/O pin count.
In order to meet the increased demands for miniaturization and increased performance,
research is needed in the area of Materials, Design Approaches, Methods, and
Techniques used in device packaging and assembly techniques interconnect design and
manufacturing to realize the Hi-Rel Electronic hardware.

I2.4 High Density Interconnect (HDI) PCB qualification and testing (URSC)
High Density Interconnect PCBs are used for the realization of miniaturized electronic
assemblies. There are several construction methods for the realization of HDI PCBs.
Hence detailed study is needed to identify the failure mechanisms, accelerated testing
techniques in the HDI PCBs and to bring out a process qualification and acceptance
testing method to use HDI PCBs in the electronic assemblies.

I2.5 Response prediction for spacecraft and sub-systems due to shock loads (URSC)
Spacecraft experiences various types of loads during its launch such as vibration,
acoustic and shock loads. The main source of shock loads is stage separation, heat

Satellite Communications

shield separation and clamp band release. For larger and heavier launch vehicles, the
shock loads produced are higher.
In order to assess the qualification of the spacecraft and sub-systems for shock loads,
accurate prediction of response due to shock loads is required.

J Area Systems Production (URSC)

J1 Sub Area Systems Engineering (URSC)

J1.1 Automation in test systems for various space conditions (URSC)

Spacecraft electronic packages (simulation, Analysis) and data logging

J1.2 Development of new materials for lubrication as an alternative to MOS2 (URSC)

MoS2 is sensitive to moisture. New materials with similar characteristics but having no
sensitivity to moistures as an advantage.

J2 Sub Area PCB Design & Fabrication (URSC)

J2.1 Development of System on Chip (SoC), Analog and Mixed Signal ASICs, and Multi-
million gate ASICs comply with DFT, Low Power, High Performance, IR Drop, EM
analysis and RAD Hard requirements to develop miniaturized electronic sub-
systems (URSC)

J2.2 ECAD Layout designs (highly complex) with fine vias, fine line complying with
Signal Integrity, Power Integrity, EMI/EMC, and Thermal Integrity checks (URSC)

K Area VLSI Design (SCL)

K1 Sub Area ASIC Design (SCL)

K1.1 Charge pump PLL frequency synthesizer design (SCL)

Description: Design of low phase noise differential CMOS VCO
Differential change pump with CMFB(Common Mode Feed Back)
Basic specs: 5MHz to 65MHz
PLL output frequency required: input frequency*(28)

K1.2 Design of instrumentation amplifier (SCL)

The brief specifications are:
Low noise:0.3µV p-p at 0.1 Hz to 10 Hz
Low nonlinearity 0.003%(G-1)
High CMRR: 120dB (G=1000)
Low offset voltage: 50µV
Low offset voltage drift: 0.5µV/OC
GBW product: 25 MHz

Satellite Communications

K1.3 Design of a current feedback amplifier (SCL)

The brief specifications are:
High speed: 1650 Mhz (G = +1)
Low voltage offset : 0.7 mV
Low input bias current : 7µA
High O/p drive : 100 mA

K1.4 Design of low noise amplifier (SCL)

The brief specifications are;
To operate from 1.8V power supply
To give flat gain from 3 to 5 GHz
To deliver 21 dB power gain with only -15dB variation
Average noise figure to be 5.4 dB
Input and output reflection coefficients to be -13.3 and -19.5 dB

K1.5 Design of 12 bit, 200/250 MHz, Low Power (<200mW) Pipeline ADC, 3.3V supply,
0.18µm SCL technology (SCL)
The pipeline analog-to-digital converter (ADC) architecture is the most popular topology
for video processing, telecommunications, digital imaging etc. designs because its speed
is comparable to the parallel or flash architecture, whereas the implementation area and
power dissipation are significantly smaller. Both advantages stem from the concurrent
operation of the stages, that is, at any time; the first stage operates on the most recent
sample while all other stages operate on residues from previous samples. Once the
pipeline is primed, converted digital data are always available at every clock cycle.
This design of ADC should cater imaging as well as communication applications with
these features in Junction temperature range -40 °C to +125 °C
SNDR >66 dBFS at 200 Msps
SFDR >80 dBc at 200 Msps
DNL <±0.5LSB
INL <±0.5LSB
No missing Code
Gain Error<±0.5LSB
Offset Error<±0.5LSB
Output data format in LVDS or CMOS

K1.6 Design of SAR ADC 14/16 bit, 10/20 Mbps, low power (<300mW), 3.3V supply,
0.18nm SCL technology (SCL)
The successive-approximation ADC is by far the most popular architecture for data-
acquisition applications. Successive-approximation ADCs comprise four main sub
circuits: the sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA), analog comparator, reference digital-to-
analog converter (DAC), and successive-approximation register (SAR). Because the

Satellite Communications

SAR controls the converter’s operation, successive-approximation converters are often

called SAR ADCs.
This SAR ADC should cater test and Measurement, Imaging and high-Precision, high-
Speed data acquisition applications with these features in Junction temperature range
-40 °C to +125 °C
SNDR >72 dBFS at 10 Msps
SFDR >80 dBc at 10 Msps
DNL <±0.5LSB
INL <±0.5LSB
No missing Code
Gain Error<±0.5LSB
Offset Error<±0.5LSB
Output data format in LVDS or CMOS

K1.7 Design of DAC 12/14 bit, 1Gbps, power (<450mW), 3.3V supply, 0.18nm SCL
technology (SCL)
Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) is a device that transforms digital data into an analog
signal. The digital data may be produced from a microprocessor, Application Specific
Integrated Circuit (ASIC), or Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), but ultimately the
data requires the conversion to an analog signal in order to interact with the real world.
This DAC should cater test and Measurement, Imaging and high-Precision, high-Speed
data acquisition applications with these features in Junction temperature range -40 °C to
+125 °C
SNDR >72 dBFS at 10 Msps
SFDR >80 dBc at 10 Msps
DNL <±0.5LSB
INL <±0.5LSB
Gain Error<±0.5LSB
Offset Error<±0.5LSB

K1.8 Design of programmable gain amplifier in 180nm SCL technology (SCL)

PGA is an essential block in the majority of communication systems in order to optimize
the dynamic range of the system. PGA gain is controlled by a digital circuit. So the gain is
discrete. This design of PGA should cater these features in Junction temperature range
-40 °C to +125 °C
Gain Range 0.1 to 100
Gain Error: ±0.1% (max.)
Gain Drift :5ppm/ºC

Satellite Communications

K1.9 Design of high slew rate amplifier in 180nm SCL technology (SCL)
The operational amplifier (op-amp) is a critical component in analog and mixed signal
design applications. Among all parameters of op-amp slew rate is a critical parameter in
the design. The output of an operational amplifier should follow the input irrespective of
any conditions, but this does not happen at high frequency. The slew rate of an op-amp
is very less at high frequency. The design of High Slew Rate Amplifier should cater these
features in Junction temperature range -40 °C to +125 °C:
Slew rate >1200V/µsec,
UGB >200MHz,
Input offset<100µV

K1.10 Design of low offset and low drift OPAMP in 180nm SCL technology (SCL)
Open Loop gain> 80dB
UGB > 100MHz
Offset 75µV Max
Low Drift 1.3µV/ºC

K1.11 Design of PLL with VCO, 25MHz -3000MHz, Ultra Low Phase Noise -110dBc/Hz,
Very Low RMS jiiter<180fs (SCL) in 180nm SCL technology (SCL)
The Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) is a closed-loop frequency-control system that compares
the phase difference between the input signal and the output signal of a voltage-controlled
oscillator (VCO). The negative feedback loop of the system forces the PLL to be phase-
locked. PLLs are widely used in telecommunications, computers, and other electronic
applications. PLL can use to generate stable frequencies, recover signals from a noisy
communication channel, or distribute clock signals throughout design. Design a PLL with
these features in Junction temperature range -40 °C to +125 °C
VCO output frequency = 40MHz -1000MHz
Phase Noise -110dBc/Hz
RMS jiiter <180fs

K1.12 Design of DSP processor (180nm) (SCL)

A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor, with its architecture
optimized for the operational needs of digital signal processing.

L Area CMOS Process Technology (SCL)

L1 Development of 1.8/5V I / O circuits (SCL)
Development of 1.8/5V I / O circuits (Analog and Digital Pad Circuits with ESD) in 180 nm
CMOS process is required. Process integration for 5V-MOSFETs in the baseline process
has been done.

Satellite Communications

L2 Development of accurate frequency dependant SPICE models for both active

transistors and passive elements (SCL)
The minimum-channel length MOSFETs SCL process (180nm CMOS technology) has
Unity Current Gain frequency, Ft ~55 GHz. The existing device models supported by the
technology are however valid up to baseband frequencies (one tenth of Ft of transistors)
only. Development of accurate frequency dependant SPICE models for both active
transistors and passive elements (Inductors & capacitors) in gigahertz range is required
for rf-circuit designs capability in the existing process.

L3 Modelling of HV (10, 20, 40, 50/60V) devices (n and PMOS) (SCL)

Process development work at SCL is in progress for the process integration of LDMOS
(10, 20, 40, 50/60V) devices (n and PMOS) in standard 180nm baseline process. The
SPICE device models are required for the above LDMOS devices for circuit design
implementation. The developed models should be accurately predicting both DC and AC
performance of the devices over a range of voltage and temperatures (-55oC to 125oC).

L4 Development of I/O pads with ESD and latch-up protection for HV process (SCL)
Robust I/O pads for 1.8/5V CMOS process developed at SCL with respect to Latch-up
and ESD tolerance (2kv HBM) as well as power/speed requirements is required.

L5 Modeling of bipolar devices and development of I/O pads (SCL)

CMOS Process integration of Bipolar transistors for applications in the design of analog
and RF circuits in SCL 180nm baseline process is in progress. The SPICE device
models are required for the above BJT devices (conventional and double poly self-
aligned Bipolar Transistors) to enable circuit design. The developed models should be
accurately predicting both DC and AC performance of the devices over a range of voltage,
temperatures (-55oC to 125oC) and frequencies.

L6 Modelling of devices in SOI-CMOS process (SCL)

SOI-CMOS process development, i.e. development and optimization of Partially-depleted
SOI-MOSFETs is being carried out at SCL for Radhard, low-power high-speed and RF-
applications. The SPICE device models are required for the above PD-SOI MOSFETs to
enable circuit design. The developed models should be scalable models and accurately
predicting both DC and AC performance of the devices over a range of voltage
(1.8V, temperatures (-55oC to 125oC) and frequencies.

L7 Enablement of PDK for HV, biploar and SOI CMOS process (SCL)
Process design Kit compatible to standard EDA is required for all the standard device
elements being developed in 180nm CMOS process.

L8 Studies on epitaxial growth and characterization of lattice matched InAlN/GaN

heterostructures on silicon for high power applications (SCL)
GaN-based wide band gap semiconductors are suitable for light emitting diodes, solar
cells and ultraviolet photodiodes applications. They are also of use for wireless network
base stations and satellite communication systems etc. where GaN-based devices can

Satellite Communications

multiply the efficiency of amplifiers. However, improvements in GaN-based High Electron

Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) are limited by the fundamental parameters of established
AlGaN / GaN heterostructures. The objective is to explore new heterostructures using
InAlN/GaN alloys and enhance the potential power density of HEMTs. InAlN alloys
are attractive due to their wide bandgap (0.6 to 6.2 eV) and lattice matching capability
with GaN. Extremely high electron gas density coupled with polarisation fields in the
heterojunction offers power densities of 30W/mm at 2 to 12 GHz. Focus should be
on optimizing the growth of InAlN/GaN HEMT layers on Si using metalorganic vapour
deposition (MOCVD) techniques to demonstrate high performance HEMT devices.

L9 To develop high electron mobility transistor structures for high power rf devices
using gallium nitride based wide bandgap semiconductors on silicon (SCL)
Epitaxial growth Metal Organic CVD (MOCVD) of novel GaN-based hetero structures
on silicon as low cost solution for high speed and high power RF devices. Novel
stress mitigation techniques to grow crack-free layers. Advanced electrical (Hall, I-V,
C-V) surface (AFM), structural (XRD, TEM) and optical (Photoluminescence, Raman)
characterizations to assess the quality of layer structures. Submicron HEMT device
fabrication and DC and RF characterization.

L10 Development of gallium nitride -based ultraviolet (UV) photodetectors on silicon

Conventional silicon-based UV detectors have some major intrinsic limitations such as
aging due to exposure to radiation of much higher energy than the Si bandgap, reduced
quantum efficiency in the deep-UV range, significant loss of effective area due to the need
to use filters and cooling if low dark current is required. On the other hand, Group III Nitrides
offer advantages over Si for UV detection. It is proposed to develop GaN-based ultraviolet
(UV) detectors on Si with high performance. GaN and AlGaN layer structures of appropriate
composition are required to be grown on Si substrates using MOCVD. Structural, electrical
and optical characterizations need to be carried out to optimize the quality, composition and
thickness of the layers suitable for photodetector applications. The (Al)GaN MSM (metal-
semiconductor-metal) UV detectors (<280 nm) need to be designed and fabricated. The
fabricated GaN/Si UV detectors will be aimed to exhibit high performance such as low dark
current and high responsivity. Further studies may include addressing the dark current
issues using insulating layers such as ZrO2 and HfO2.

L11 Development of process technology for Germanium –via heterogeneous integration

with silicon (SCL)
It is required to develop a growth method of Ge on Si integration using Chemical Vapour
Deposition (CVD) with an aim to achieve reasonable quality for electronic and photonic
applications. Once the Ge/Si hetrostructure with the desired properties is obtained, it
is required that their electrical and optical properties need to be studied by fabricating
active devices. The proposed development work should cover materials study, growth/
fabrication and device characterization.

Satellite Communications

L12 Development of dry etch technology for aluminium free InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs

epitaxial films for laser diodes (SCL)
Aluminium free InGaP/GaAs/InGaAs laser diodes are receiving a great deal of attention
because of their superior performance and reliability in comparison to more conventional
AlGaAs/GaAs/InGaAs laser diodes. Interest in these devices is driven by their compatibility
with the epitaxy-on-electronics (EoE) monolithic optoelectronic integration technology. In
particular, high quality aluminium-free laser diodes can be grown at temperature below
475°C, which are compatible with EoE technology whereas laser diodes with aluminium
in or near their active regions cannot be grown at such low temperatures. An important
challenge with aluminium-free hetrostructures is dry etching vertical end mirror facets
and angled deflector structures because of the very different chemical makeup of the
layers. In particular, the wider bandgap InGaAsP layers contain significant amounts
of In and P and relatively little or no As, whereas the narrow gap GaAs and InGaAs
layers contain roughly 50% As no P, and relatively little or no In. Conventional chlorine
based and methane based dry etch techniques do not work well with the Aluminium free
hetrostructures. Literature suggest that ion bean assisted chlorine etching of InGaP is
very slow at room temperature; at elevated temperature where InGaP etch satisfactorily,
GaAs layer are etched without ion beam and several lateral etching occurs, i.e the etch
is not directional and anisotropic.
The solution to this problem lies in changing the etchant from chlorine to bromine because
the vapour pressures of the relevant bromides are much more similar than are those of
corresponding chlorides. Consequently, it is possible to find etch conditions for which
the etch rates of InGAP and GaAs are sufficiently similar that vertical mirror facets can
be successfully etched. Therefore, it is proposed to develop an etch chemistry for the
aforesaid application.

L13 Si-on-GaAs: monolithic heterogenous integration of Si-CMOS with GaAs

optoelectronic devices using EoE technology (SCL)
As electronic technology becomes faster and denser, electrical interconnects (wires)
have begun to limit the performance of the systems that depends on them. In order
to alleviate this problem, optical interconnects are being considered as an alternative.
Some of the benefits of optical interconnects include higher speeds of operation with
low drive requirements and minimal power dissipation, reduced size weight and cost,
freedom from electromagnetic interference, crosstalk and ease of layout and routing. In
order to implement optical interconnects, optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs) which
integrate both electrical devices (transistors) with optical devices (optical detectors and
emitters) must be created using electronic integrated circuits. However, due to intrinsic
structure of silicon, this material is not capable of emitting light efficiently. Compound
semiconductors such as GaAs on the other hand can be used to make LEDs and Lasers.
Efforts are on without much success to develop technology that would support the
monolithic integration of these two types of semiconductors. Therefore, it is proposed
to develop a new technology which can combine silicon and GaAs substrates by wafer
bonding or Epitaxy on Electronics (EoE).

Satellite Communications

L14 Modeling of buried channel MOSFET (SCL)

The existing CCD process development at SCL is based on buried channel technology
to cater the need of high Charge Transfer Efficiency with high SNR. The output stage of
CCD comprises of multiple stage source follower amplifier connected with sense node
to produce voltage equivalent of collected charge with greater sensitivity. To design CCD
output amplifier, modeling of n-buried channel MOSFET is required using SPICE.

M Area MEMS Design & Process Technology (SCL/URSC-

M1 Micro Fluidics: simulations to capture following behaviours (SCL)
Movement of ionic fluid (EMI-BF4) in a micro-capillary under the influence of electric field.
Formation of Taylor’s Cone at the capillary tip under the influence of electric field.
Spray formation & droplet movement under the influence of electric field.

M2 Design & development of MEMS based THz devices for space applications (SCL)
It will be used to develop the devices for satellite communications.

M3 Design & development of SiC based pressure sensors for harsh environment
applications (SCL)
These are basically intended to the pressure sensors for very high temperatures/extreme

M4 Design & development of MEMS flow sensor for low flow rate measurements (SCL)
These flow sensors are required for the low flow rate measurements in micro propulsion
systems as well as miniaturized liquid thrusts.

M5 Design and development of a miniaturized atomic frequency standard (URSC-

High accuracy frequency standards are the heart of many advanced space applications.
Some typical examples include satellite navigation systems and precision clocks for high
speed communication networks. In addition, many scientific missions also need high
accuracy timing that is not possible using conventional crystal oscillators, present day
atomic frequency standards for space applications comprise of complex gas filled cells
and discharge lamps. Presently used atomic frequency standards are based on ‘opitcal
pumping’ technique that involve the use of a microwave cavity where the frequency of the
microwave signal is locked to selected ground state hyperfine level via feedback through
an resonant optical absorption. The atomic system is that of an alkali metal vapor form
(Rb87 or CS 133). The conventional atomic frequency standards cannot be miniaturized
beyond a limit due to the minimum size constraint of microwave cavity. In recent years,
frequency standards based on the Coherent Population Trapping (CPT) resonance
technique has been demonstrated. One of the key components of the frequency
standards or clock is the vapor cell that holds the alkali vapor in a gaseous state. MEMS
based technologies are now being used to develop miniaturized vapor cells.
Vapor cell development
Areas of collaboration with academic partners:

Satellite Communications

Development of experimental techniques to characterize the miniature alkali vapor cells

developed in LEOS using absorption spectroscopy and CPT spectroscopy.
Design and development of methods of integrating optical sources, thermal control and
detectors to the vapor cells to develop a miniaturized “physics package” capable of being
used as an atomic frequency standard.
It is expected that the project will result in establishment of experimental techniques,
designs, methods of modeling and systematic documentation that will pave the way
towards the development of miniaturized atomic frequency standards for space

M6 Development of a micro heat pipe for electronics cooling (URSC-LEOS)

Heat pipe is one of the efficient examples of thermal management systems. It operates
by taking the advantage of phase change. Conventional heat pipes are larger in size
and not suitable for transferring heat from localised hot spots in electronics. MEMS
based heat pipes have the advantage of fabricating channels and structures down to
few microns’ dimensions. Embedded directly on the hot spots in electronic circuits, micro
heat pipes can act as a passive heat transferring thermal management system which has
wide range applications in space based systems as they are compact and lighter. From
the operational perspective, the heat pipe is a closed cycle where within an evacuated
closed tubular chamber fluid evaporates at the hot end and condenses at the cooler end,
thus enabling heat transfer.
Work done in LEOS so far includes designing and fabrication of micro heat pipes, charging
them appropriately, sealing and testing them to study its heat transferring properties.
Photolithographic masks were designed with respect to the ideas obtained from literature
and Silicon based Micro heat pipes were fabricated and tested with in house MEMS
fabrication facility and testing facility.
There is a further scope to improve upon design and testing methodology to have better
understanding on these promising devices to make them suitable for space application.
Areas of collaboration with academic partners:
Design of Micro heat pipe, addressing specifically evaporator condenser and reservoir
and developing analytical models or carrying out simulations for the same.
Development of suitable methods to correctly meter the fluid charge and characterization
of micro heat pipe for various heat inputs based upon different fluids and fluid charges.
Packaging to minimize joints and providing leak tight interface to suite to end applications.

N Area SATCOM & Navigation Payload (SAC)

N1 Sub Area SATCOM and Navigation Payload (SAC)

N1.1 Hexagonal nano-ferrite circulator on silicon CMOS substrate (SAC)

Active quasi circulators fabricated in commercial CMOS processes were designed for
microwave and millimetre wave frequency range. However, a ferrite based passive
circulator has lower power consumption and high power handling ability. To achieve

Satellite Communications

a passive circulator in a CMOS integrated circuit platform, micro and nano-size

hexaferrites are optimal. Hexagonal ferrites have very strong anisotropic magnetic field
and remnant magnetism. By employing these properties, magnetic devices can work in
the tens of GHz frequency range without strong external magnetic field and a compact
& high performance circulator is reported using standard CMOS process. The CMOS
circulator provides a suitable solution to be integrated with other circuit components. RF
& microwave front end circuits such as power amplifiers (PA) and low noise amplifiers
(LNA) can be implemented by the same CMOS process along with the circulator.

N2 Sub Area System Engineering (SAC)

N2.1 As the demand for High Throughput and higher data rates is ever increasing, free space
optical communications gives a promising solution. Present satellite communication
systems are based on Microwave frequencies which are limited in bandwidth and suffer
from higher energy losses due to wave propagation characteristics. Since lasers can be
focused to beams with a low divergence, they can transfer signalling power to the receiver
with less energy loss than microwaves can. Therefore, optical free-space communication
systems can work with less power consumption than microwave based systems, while
offering higher data rates at the same time.
The research areas in this field include
Development of Antenna Tracking and Pointing (ATP) module along with ATP algorithm,
to maintain narrower beam-width line of sight between transmitter and receiver stations
irrespective of disturbances created due to satellite platform and atmosphere.
As the atmosphere greatly affects the optical link, studies on cloud free field of view to
supplement cloud free line of sight (CFLOS) Cover for Free-space optical link over Indian
region is required.
System studies related to different Modulation Schemes like PPM, PSK, etc. for efficient
transmission and development of optical modulators with these modulation schemes.
Development of High Power Laser transmitter to support interplanetary links.

N2.2 Software defined radio based satellite architectures for future satcom systems
In present scenario, low cost small satellites (Micro or Nano Satellites) are being launched
or planned for launch on LEO orbit to provide communication services over the Globe.
Small satellites provide an efficient and cost effective solution to different communication
services as compared to bigger satellite platforms targeted for GEO orbit. Due to their
low mass, power and volume envelope, the payload also has to be designed considering
these constraints. Software Defined Radio (SDR) based payload architectures can
provide solution for compact/miniaturized design which requires low mass, low DC power
consumption & less volume. Present SDR systems can receive/transmit signals directly
at RF level up to S band. This will eliminate the requirements of the complex frontend
hardware which in turn provides savings in mass, volume and DC power consumption.
Scope of research proposal:

Satellite Communications

SDR based communication payload architecture is well suitable for Indian Nano Satellite
Bus (INS) and Indian Micro Satellite Bus (IMS). SDRs will also be useful for future
communication payloads for GEO satellites.
Common RF transceiver (compact single board) having RF front end and Digital
subsystems (direct sampling based ADC and DAC modules) to operate from UHF to S
band frequencies.
Studies and implementation of different signal processing algorithms for regenerative
processing and flexibility in terms of channelization and bandwidth.
Development of integrated wideband RF front end with LNA, Band pass Filters & PLL on
RF Transceiver module
Development of Direct Sampling based ADC and DAC modules which can be integrated
with wide band RF front end.

N2.3 Hybrid satellite/terrestrial networks and their compatibility with 5G cellular system
As the spectrum resources are becoming limited and trend is towards delivering high
speed data rates in both satellite and terrestrial mobile communication. Hybrid network
of terrestrial and satellite systems complementing each other shall be developed for
ubiquitous coverage, seamless connectivity and high data rates.
Scope of research proposal
Research areas in this direction are:
Studies on Satellite – Terrestrial system architecture compatible with 5G Networks
Protocol level integration of satellite and terrestrial system.
Channel modelling considering both land-mobile and earth-to-space channels
Investigations on satellite platforms (LEO/MEO/GEO/HEO) complementing 5G networks.

N2.4 Development of advanced signal processing algorithms for multi giga hertz signal
analysis (SAC)
With the advancement in signal processing capabilities, trend in research community is
towards analysis of wideband signals covering gigahertz bandwidth. Using conventional
approach, it demands significant amount of processing requirements. Compressed
Sensing / Sparse Signal Analysis based algorithms can be applied for signal detection,
analysis, feature detection (like modulation, coding, data rate etc.) and reconstruction of
Scope of research proposal
Research areas in this direction are:
Development of signal analysis algorithms for wideband signals (Multi-gigahertz
bandwidth). Sparse Signal Analysis/Compressed Sensing based algorithms can be
Signal Analysis algorithms for signal detection, signal structure and feature extraction for
identification purposes.
Satellite system design and architecture for Multi-Giga Hertz signal processing payload.

Satellite Communications

N2.5 System studies and design of aeronautical mobile satellite systems (SAC)
In order to cater in-flight passenger communication services and to improve air traffic
control, safety services, airline management, there is a huge demand for reliable
communication link between the aircrafts and the ground control stations. Also from a
user perspective, a wireless access solution for multimedia and personal communications
services through users’ own equipment (laptop, phones etc.) is required. The high data
rate connectivity in airplanes may be made through satellite links. Due to global and
continuous coverage requirement, satellites play an important role in this field. The
communication link between the aircrafts and ground via satellite is known as Aeronautical
Mobile Satellite Services (AMSS). A single satellite may be utilized for aeronautical,
terrestrial and maritime mobile communication services.
Scope of research proposal
Research areas in this direction are:
System configuration studies and design for satellite systems for AMSS applications in
Indian region.
System studies and analysis of various impairments in AMSS like multipath, Doppler etc.
and developing algorithms to mitigate these impairments and developing techniques to
mitigate these impairments.
Development of light weight and miniaturized RF terminals for aircrafts and other
aeronautical platforms.

N2.6 Studies on advanced navigation systems (SAC)

Satellite navigation has become a key infrastructure element worldwide, enabling
numerous applications along with great economic activity. These systems have been
conceived as cornerstone of the national security and playing that role effectively. The
significance of these systems is evident from the fact that currently there are six global
navigation satellite systems (GNSS) which are either operational, under deployment or
modernization. The system capability is evolving in both civil and defence domains. Indian
Regional Navigation Satellite System(IRNSS) system is now a full-fledged operational
system which is providing navigation services over Indian region.
Scope of research proposal
The evolving user requirements and global scenario will certainly require continuous
research and development to acquire and utilize newer technology in this field. Few such
potential areas are enlisted below:
Use of IRNSS signals for navigation with “signals of opportunity” of terrestrial networks.
Systems studies for autonomous satellite navigation.
Applicability of bandwidth efficient modulation schemes such as GMSK, APSK, etc. for
satellite navigation systems.
Utilisation of Code Shift Keying (CSK) for enhancing navigation data rates and associated
receiver processing techniques.
Development of simulation tools for situation awareness for navigation end users
supporting their mission planning. Such tools will consider the complete navigation

Satellite Communications

systems and provide the information about the system accuracy, availability, integrity and
reliability for any operational situation.
Studies on impact of LMS channel and required error control schemes.
Research on security features of navigation signals such as anti-spoof and message
Studies on navigation signal generation and multiplexing schemes.
Research in utilizing space service volume capability of GNSS signals.
Integration of IRNSS signals with existing GNSS signals at the receiver level to
demonstrate the inter-operability.

N3 Sub Area Atomic Clock-Navigation related Technology (SAC)

N3.1 Atomic frequency standards are the back-bone of the satellite navigation technology.
SAC is pursuing the R&D of indigenous atomic clocks for India’s navigation programme
– IRNSS (NavIC). The key concepts of atomic clocks involve atomic spectroscopy; RF
& microwave electronics; microwave cavities; optics; low noise detection schemes and
digital electronics. In view of supporting the in-house R&D activities, further detailed
theoretical modelling can aid the practical work. Herewith, the following proposed
research on theoretical and experimental studies can enhance the activities towards the
realization of atomic clocks.

N3.2 Rubidium atomic clock modelling and theoretical studies on fundamental limitations
in detection schemes and stabilities of atomic frequency standards (SAC)
A detailed analytical modelling of rubidium atomic clock is to be performed. This should
include the modelling of atomic signal and its features and the locking of crystal oscillator
using the atomic signal. The signal-to-noise ratio in an atomic clock depends on the
detection noise present in the system. Low noise detectors and low noise electronics
have to be employed in order to reach better clock stabilities. Thorough studies on the
best possible detection schemes are needed to employ the efficient methodology in
compact space clocks.

N3.3 Coherent population trapping based schemes for atomic clocks (SAC)
In the Coherent Population Trapping scheme, the use of microwave cavities can be
avoided to build atomic clocks. This can, in principle, bring down the size to a considerable
extent. The recent advances in chip-scale atomic clocks have been possible due to CPT
methods. Initial theoretical and experimental studies on this can be helpful for us to take
it forward towards the space based atomic clocks.

N3.4 Studies on light-shift effects in atomic clocks and analyses of on-board clock
jumps (SAC)
Rubidium atomic clocks are the widely used clocks in GNSS for space based navigation.
These Rb clocks are prone to on board frequency jumps, which results in the error on the
navigation signals. It is of utmost importance to understand the source of the jumps in
the Rb clocks. The prima-facie understanding has brought to notice that light-shift effect

Satellite Communications

is the main cause of these jumps. However, a detailed study is needed to quantitatively
understand the physics behind these jumps. Moreover, in this study the other potential
parameters such as the radiation effect, magnetic effects etc. need to be addressed
which may result in giving rise to clock frequency jumps.

N4 Sub Area Digital Technology (SAC)

N4.1 Design & simulation of on-board ephemeris and clock parameters prediction
model (SAC)
The two most important parameters used by user receivers to compute accurate position
are ephemeris or satellite orbit parameters and clock correction parameters for pseudo
range computation. Currently these data are uplinked to NSGU from ground station and
NSGU use this data for navigation frame generation, to be used by user receivers. A
prediction model can be designed which provides autonomous navigation facility. The
model can predicate the satellite ephemeris and clock parameters on-board and can
work for many days without receiving any uplink from ground station.

N4.2 Study of On-board navigation service reliability (SAC)

Reliability is also major concern for navigation services. Break/anomaly in service could
lead to collateral damage to the user. User may be using the system for driving assistance
etc. Anomaly reporting system to the user should be as fast as possible. Currently on
board anomaly reporting to the user is through alert flag in navigation sub-frame. But it is
update through ground tele command. This could take few minutes in some scenarios.
On-board reliability monitoring should be implemented which can report the anomaly to
the user with maximum one frame time. i.e. 12 seconds.

N4.3 Design and analysis of new modulation scheme of navigation signals (SAC)
The modulation schemes for the navigation purposes such as BOC modulation are the
few state of the art modulation schemes, which can be considered for ISRO’s future
navigation program. The Alternative BOC modulation (AltBOC) is conceptually very
similar to the BOC modulation but with an important difference, since contrary to BOC,
AltBOC provides high spectral isolation between the two upper main lobes and the two
lower main lobes (considering the I and Q phases separately). This is accomplished by
using different codes for each main lobe.

N4.4 Strong encryption and different navigation data for SPS and RS services (SAC)
Strong Encryption standard should be implemented for RS service in lieu of open
AES standard. Navigation data for RS service should be different than SPS service so
that critical data like encryption keys and other encryption related messages can be
transmitted to authorized users only. Also time-tagged periodic messages to strategic
users can be transmitted. As both data and code is encrypted.

N4.5 Optimized low power algorithm design and performance analysis of digital narrow
band channelization and digital beam former (SAC)
This next generation of satellite communication systems for asks for requirements such
as very high throughput digital processors, with enhanced flexibility in terms of channel

Satellite Communications

bandwidth and connectivity, and processing of high number of user beams. An efficient
exploitation of available limited spectrum resources requires the implementation of large
frequency re-use among the user beams and the flexibility in bandwidth, beam shaping
and power transmission associated to each channel. Advanced analysis is required in
frequency planning, physical layer, access method. The payload requirements in terms
of processed bandwidth, connectivity, flexibility in channel sizing, beam forming and
power allocation. Also different signal processing algorithms of the processors have to
be developed for channel de-multiplexing, switching, beam forming and power control.
Complexity of the different processor architectures are to be traded off, taking also into
account their flexibility and scalability.

N4.6 Digital filter for efficient use of bandwidth (SAC)

In conventional single beam coverage fixed spectrum is assigned to the given satellite
and it is not possible to reassign spectrum to other satellites on requirement basis as the
channelization filter bandwidth is fixed at design stage prior to satellite launch. Second
issue is that, with RF channelization, additional spectrum in the guard band is wasted to
meet the stringent in-band response and out of band rejection requirements.
The solution for these problems will be served by an on board Digital Flexible Bandwidth
Filter, which can help in efficient utilization of spectrum by cutting down the guard band
requirements, on-demand flexible assignment of spectrum to different satellites either
prior or post satellite launch and circumventing interference related issues.
Types of filter:There are two distinct types of digital filters presently we are in need.
Digital Flexible Bandwidth Filter
Digital Bandwidth Efficient Filter
There is a research component in efficient algorithms development, which will reduce
the real estate requirement of Gate array fabric, handling high data rate, lower power
consumption and handling SEU issues. However, in future an attempt should be made
towards realization of ASIC.

N5 Sub Area Optical Communication Technology (SAC)

N5.1 Photonic analog-to-digital conversion (SAC)

The use of optical technologies to achieve high speed analog-to-digital conversion and
broad bandwidth is now of great interest to the technological breakthrough in pulsed
laser sources, which can produce ultra-narrow and high repetition rate optical sampling
pulses.A multi-channel OADC can be realized using multiple Electro-optic Mach-Zehnder
modulators which are biased such that the transfer functions of the Mach-Zehnder
modulators are laterally shifted, which leads to the generation of a linear binary code to
represent the analog input signal

N5.2 Ultra low noise optical amplifiers (SAC)

Optical amplifiers are used to enhance optical power either at transmitting end or to boost
the power at the receiving end. The photonic devices used for detection have sensitivity of
typically -24dBm. In this case a very low noise amplifier will be required which can detect
the feeble signal and increase the sensitivity of system to a level of -60 dBm or less.

Satellite Communications

N5.3 Photonic true-time delay beam forming (SAC)

Traditionally, feed networks and phase shifters for phased array antennas were realized
using electronic components. With the advancement of technology, severe limitations
were observed in electrical devices. For example, copper wires display high losses
at high frequencies resulting in a limited bandwidth for the feed signals. Furthermore,
electrical beam forming networks have a relatively high weight, thus limiting their use in
airborne systems.
The wavelengths from a multi-wavelength source are modulated. Each wavelength feeds
one array element. The modulated wavelengths are optically amplified by an Erbium-
Doped Fibre Amplifier (EDFA). By independently adjusting the temperature of each FBG,
phase and amplitude of the signal on each wavelength can be controlled separately.

N5.4 MEMS optical switch (SAC)

MEMS use tiny reflective surfaces to redirect the light beams to a desired port by either
ricocheting the light off of neighbouring reflective surfaces to a port or by steering the light
beam directly to a port. In 2-D MEMS, the switches are digital, since the mirror position is
bi-stable (ON or OFF), which makes driving the switch very straightforward.

N5.5 Data recorder and streaming system up to 10 Gbps for optical links (SAC)
Optical links are being envisaged for high speed (up to 10 GBPS) data transfer using
inter satellite links. Optical links can support very high data rate transfer of imagery data
of earth observation satellite to GEO satellite or to the ground station. The high resolution
imagery data need to be stored and streamed via to the 10 Gbps optical link. Solid
state recorders up to 1 Gbps are invariably attempted for this purpose. Since the optical
link can support multi Gbps data rate the data recording and streaming system puts a
limitation on the maximum data rate available through the link. Research is required for
the design of recorder and streaming circuits for that capability.

N5.6 Forward Error Control (FEC) schemes for high data rate optical communications
An accurate optical wireless communication system design considers and analyses all
factors like components and techniques such as wavelength, modulation, detection,
channel modelling, types of mitigation techniques on atmospheric turbulence etc. The
performance can be improved by introducing Forward Error Correction (FEC) schemes
like Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, Reed-Solomon (RS) codes, Turbo codes,
convolutional codes, trellis-coded modulation (TCM) etc. One can combat fading induced
by atmospheric turbulence.
The net coding gain offered by these schemes could be in the range of 3 to 6 dB with hard
decision decoding of the component codes for an output bit-error rate (BER) of 10-9 for
the data rates of up to 1 Gbps. Further improvement in coding gain can be achieved by
soft decision decoding. The area of research includes simulation of these FEC schemes
to provide sufficient coding gain and to validate the outcomes by implementation on
hardware for the data rates of up to 1 Gbps and the BER of 10-9.

Satellite Communications

N6 Sub Area Electronic Power Conditioners (EPC) (SAC)

N6.1 Theoretical analysis for FPGA controlled switching GaN based electronic power
conditioners (EPC) (SAC)
Devices like FPGA and GaNFETs are going to play a major role in new generation
space power electronics. FPGA bring in advanced control methods along with built-in
re-configurability feature to the power systems whereas usage of GaN based switching
power devices offer low loss at higher switching frequency operation (500KHz-2MHz)
compare to its counterpart Si devices. Both the above features implemented on advanced
ZVS conversion topologies can pave the way for developing state of art efficient, compact
and reconfigurable power modules required for future high density- Flexible payloads.
Scope of research proposal
Theoretical analysis of FPGA/ASIC controlled GaN Based EPC modelling and simulation
involves several challenges viz.
Modelling of GaN devices for high frequency transient, small signal behavioural
Modelling of Advanced soft-switching conversion topologies
Modelling of Digital control loop using discrete time models to assess its start-up, steady
state and transient behaviour.
HDL level simulations and Co-simulations for existing DPWM, DPFM & DPSPWM, DPID
algorithms, and for Advanced Algorithm developments.
Overall simulation of EPC with digital controller hardware in loop
The above activities will be explored in two EPC designs
FPGA Controlled GaN based Medium power (40-60W) EPC
FPGA Controlled GaN based High Power(400-650W) EPC.

N6.2 Theoretical analysis of High Voltage Electronic Power Conditioners (HV-EPC) for
Traveling Wave Tube (TWT) applications (SAC)
High efficient, compact high voltages EPCs are having potential for energizing TWT for
space applications. There is also spin off to this activity for on-board Thruster applications.
FPGA and GaNFETs are going to play a major role in new generation HV EPCs for the
same. Advanced HV conversion topologies, digital control methods & theoretical study,
simulation analysis are potential areas to explore to assess the robustness of the existing
designs and upcoming designs.
Scope of research proposal
Theoretical Analysis of Advanced Resonant HV EPCs using digital control, GaN switching
devices involves several challenges viz.
Modelling of HV Conversion topologies using GaN devices and its simulation
Modelling and simulation with Digital controllers in the loop simulation.
HDL level simulations/Co-simulations for Algorithms for DPWM, DPFM &
Overall simulation of HV EPC for Start-up, Steady-state, transient, frequency domain

Satellite Communications

The above analyses will be explored on designs

Advanced Digitally Controlled 6KV 300-500W HV EPC
Advanced Digitally Controlled 2KV @ 1500W HV EPC.

N6.3 Theoretical analysis on HMC & LTCC EPC packaging technologies (SAC)
Packaging technologies like HMC, LTCC, Planar-Integrated Magnetics (PIM) has high
potential for new generation space power electronic systems. They bring in modularity,
miniaturization and pave the way for high density payload realization.
Scope of research proposal
Theoretical studies on HMC, LTCC, Planar-Integrated Magnetics (PIM) for Low and
Medium power EPCs
Electrical circuit Modelling, simulation (EPC circuits for HMC, LTCC, PIM)
Magnetic Modelling, simulation (PIM)
Thermal Modelling, simulation (HMC, LTCC, PIM)
Structural Modelling, simulation (HMC, LTCC, PIM)
The above analysis will be performed on two designs
5-20W Low power EPC
40-60W Medium power EPC.

N7 Sub Area Filters (SAC)

N7.1 Artificial Neural Network based generalized parameter extraction software for
microwave filters (SAC)
A typical communication satellite contains large number of microwave filters. The recent
trend of multi-beam satellites with increasing frequency reuse, requires large numbers
of filters with complex transfer functions. Such microwave filters are required to undergo
extensive tuning after fabrication to compensate for mechanical deviations. This tuning
process is expensive and cumbersome and, depending on the complexity of the filter and
skill set of the manpower, this process may take up to several hours.
Hence, a generalized parameter extraction software is required reduce the time taken
for tuning. The software, once installed on Network Analyzer, provides the real time
equivalent circuit parameters from the measured S-parameters. Based upon the extracted
parameters, even a semi-skilled manpower can also decide the tuning direction and the
filter can be tuned within minimal time.
Although, various software techniques such as Cauchy Approximation, Vector fitting and
sequential non-linear optimization have been explored in the past with some limitations,
recent research is focused around incorporating Artificial Neural Network (ANN) learning
methods into the software. The software utilizes multidimensional approximation of
ANN to map characteristics of the filter in real time. The software can also be used in
sequential characterization of the filter coupling values. Moreover, the algorithm should
be adaptable to any number of poles and transmission zeros in filter transfer function for
any frequency band.

Satellite Communications

N7.2 Development of ferrite material for space use (SAC)

Microwave circulators and isolators are used in communication payloads to improve
impedance matching and to avoid multiple reflections. Ferrite material is used in the
waveguide junctions because of its nonreciprocal properties. Presence of the ferrite
inside the waveguide junction would result in circulation when it is magnetized.
Understanding the structure of the ferrite material requires knowledge of chemistry,
theory of magnetism in ferromagnetic materials as the operation of microwave ferrite
devices is determined mainly by the strength of magnetic field in the ferrite material,
the nonreciprocal characteristic of ferrite junction at microwave frequencies due to
gyromagnetic effect which involves the physics and advanced mathematics.
Magnetization: This property is based on the alignment of the spins of electrons parallel
to applied magnetic field H.
Gyromagnetic resonance: The gyromagnetic resonance and so the non-reciprocal effect
is created in ferrite devices under a static magnetic field H. In case of saturation of the
ferrite Ms and in case of wave propagating parallel to Z axis the microwave field h is in
xy plane perpendicular to z axis and rotating at a frequency f magnetization M discloses
a precession motion about the field H at the frequency f. There is a resonance for H=Hr
given by:
Hr=f/γ, where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio.
Effective line width ΔHeff: The magnetic losses in the ferrites affect the insertion loss of
the device. It is related to the imaginary part of permeability of the positive polarization
which increases with the gyromagnetic line width ΔH.

N7.3 Dynamically Tunable Microwave Filter in Optical Range (SAC)

The current range of Ku/Ka band satellites operate in multi-beam scenario. These
satellites are designed with a mission life of 15 years. It is often difficult to predict
the future channel capacity of these individual beams/channels in the prevailing data
communication capabilities. Therefore, it is highly preferable to have dynamic allocation
of bandwidth in the various channels/beams of the satellite. In order to achieve this, we
need to have dynamically tunable filters in the payload segment of the spacecraft. This
is currently achieved by:
Switchable filter banks
Tunable filters by varying the center frequency and bandwidth of the filter.

Satellite Communications

Down convert the signal to digital domain and have digital flexible filters and then up-
convert the signal back to the actual range of operation.
While each of these approaches has its own limitations in terms of either mass, space or
life of tuning mechanism, we want to explore a way to develop dynamically tunable filter
by translating the microwave signal to photonic range by using suitable optical modulators
and then performing the frequency and bandwidth variations in the optical domain using
variable optical filter, and then converting the optical signal back to microwave range
using photodiodes.

N8 Sub Area Amplifier Technology (SAC)

N8.1 The next generation satellite communication systems require high output power, small
size, low weight, high efficiency and high reliability amplifiers. At the lower end of
frequency spectrum, at UHF to C band, availability of GaN technology is offering newer
breakthroughs in realizing power amplifiers which may even be replacing TWTA in future
satellites. The Indian Regional Navigational Satellite system or IRNSS provides regional
satellite system using a combination of GEO and GSO spacecrafts over the Indian region.
GaN based Solid State Power Amplifier (SSPA) are emerging as a viable alternative to
TWT amplifiers especially at L and S band used in these navigation satellites. Scope
of work exists in the area of design, simulation of compact SSPA within the similar size
as TWTA. To have higher power, low loss combining techniques and development of
planar compact dividers and combiners is required. ISRO is also working on future
transponders up to Q and V band. There is a requirement of wideband, high power MMIC
power amplifier designs up to V band. There is also research scope in development
of thermal modelling and thermal measurement techniques for power amplifier MMIC.
Areas of research are:
Wideband, high power SSPA and channel amplifiers modules in L, S, C,Ku & Ka-bands.
GaN based High power compact SSPA at L and S band
Q and V band SSPA, multiport amplifiers and associated technologies
High Power MMIC Designs
Compact Microwave Power Modules & Combiner
High Efficiency CW SSPAs (MOS/GaAs FET, GaN HEMT/HBT) with associated thermal
& power management.
Thermal modelling and simulation of MMIC power amplifiers.

Satellite Communications

N9 Sub Area Receivers & Oscillator Technologies (SAC)

N9.1 Design and development of space grade integer-N PLL IC, up to 5GHz operation
Design Specification:

Parameters Specification
Process Technology 90nm /180nm CMOS
Reference Frequency(Fref) Up to 200 MHz
I/P Reference Signal Power -5dBm to +5dBm
Comparison Frequency (Fcomp) 10-50 MHz Min
Input RF Frequency (Fin) 5GHz min
Input RF Power -5dBm to +5dBm
Normalized Phase Noise Floor −210 dBc/Hz
Frequency resolution Better then 10Hz
Supply Voltage 3V Max
Radiation Hardness TID 100KRads min

Main blocks of PLL frequency synthesizer:

Phase frequency detector
Programmable Reference R divider
Programmable Fractional N I/P Frequency M divider with pre-scaler & delta sigma
Control Logic for Divide value selection (Hardwire/Serial Data Controls)
Usage: After successful development of Fractional/Integer-N PLL IC, it will be used for
local oscillator design in future GEOSAT & Navigation payloads.

O Area SATCOM and SATNAV Applications and

Associated Technologies (SAC)
O1 Sub Area SATCOM and SATNAV Applications and Associated
Technologies (SAC)

O1.1 GNSS receiver development (SAC)

Along with regional NAVIC there are GNSS like GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO, COMPASS,
which are of importance to the GNSS users. The following algorithm development/
Receiver development activities may be taken up considering these GNSS.
Acquisition & Tracking of GLONASS Signals & Position Solution (Receiver)
Acquisition & Tracking of Galileo Signals & Position Solution (Receiver)
Acquisition Tracking of Beidou (COMPASS) Signals & Position Solution (Receiver)
SDR based GNSS Receiver

Satellite Communications

O1.2 Navigation signal processing (SAC)

For GNSS to succeed as a state of the art technology GNSS signal processing techniques
need to be worked on. Following are some of the areas of Research in this domain.
MBOC(6,1,1/11) signal acquisition and tracking
For new signal identification in L1 Band, MBOC (6,1,1/11) modulation is one of the
candidate for IRNSS SPS signal. Its acquisition, tracking and performance in multi-path
and interference scenario can be simulated and analysed.
n-PSK BOCCOS(12,2) signal acquisition and tracking for IRNSS signal
n-PSK BOCCOS (12,2) is totally new modulation scheme for GNSS scenario. Its
acquisition, tracking performance and demodulation schemes are to be studied and
simulated. Whether this type of modulation gives any advantage in multi-path and
interference environment that has to be also seen.
Some of the other Research and Development topics in the field of Navigation Signal
Processing are:
Simulation of Space-Borne GNSS Receiver
GNSS Spoofing –Detection and Mitigation
GNSS Jamming –detection and mitigation
Low cost low power Multi GNSS RF Front End development.

O1.3 Navigation simulation (SAC)

The design and development of GNSS Receivers is highly dependent on the signals
provided by GNSS Simulators right from conceptualization to product development cycle.
Following are important research area in Navigation Signal Simulation:
Interference Simulator for GNSS bands
Low cost Navigation Educational Kit.

O1.4 Different types of GNSS receiver development (SAC)

Irrespective of the GNSS constellation to be used there are different class of GNSS
Receivers developed for specified applications and differ in the methodology of technical
realization. Following are some research areas of the different types of GNSS Receivers
to be developed for specified applications.
IRNSS receiver with Mapping service integration
IRNSS receiver provides PVT and this should be integrated with other Google/NOKIA/
Apple map services based on this PVT solution in Android/IOS/Windows8 environment.
More services like showing best routes from one place to other places, tracking the fleet
using IRNSS receiver kind of services are to be explored.
Other topics in the field of GNSS Receiver Development are:
High Sensitivity receiver development
NavIC receiver for Orbit Determination
GAGAN receiver for Avionics
NavIC Receiver for Marine Applications
NavIC Receiver for Radio occultation.

Satellite Communications

O1.5 Encryption (SAC)

Encryption plays a very important role in GNSS as it is highly used for strategic users.
Following are some important research areas in Encryption.
Key Exchange algorithm for RS Receiver
IRNSS RS service involves encryption and to improve security, encryption keys are
changed regularly to avoid brute force attack and cryptanalysis from unauthorized users.
IRNSS RS receivers deployed in field will have to be communicated with changed keys.
ECC offers highest security and almost impossible to break the algorithm. Public Key
exchange mechanism based on Elliptic Key Cryptography is to be developed for IRNSS
RS service.
Design, development and implementation of Lightweight authentication algorithm
Development of lightweight authentication protocols can be taken up as an activity which
would be useful in IRNSS where authentication of some sort can provide security against
spoofing kind of attacks. However, any kind of authentication mechanism should not
incur too much overhead on IRNSS receiver for which it is must that the authentication
algorithm should be resource efficient. Moreover, the implementation should be such that
it is safeguarded against side channel kind of attacks.
Tamper Proof Hardware Technology
IRNSS RS Receiver design and development is taken up at SAC. RS receiver is to be
protected for the secret key and code inbuilt to the receiver in case of RS receiver is
compromised by opening the unit. Tamper proof hardware technology will provide this
protection to RS receiver.
Other than the above mentioned, following is also topic of interest in Encryption:
Authentication Techniques for GNSS.

O1.6 SatNav technology (SAC)

The heart of the success of GNSS lies in the design and development of various Satellite
Navigation Technology, Algorithms and Techniques which ultimately provides the
performance improvement in the GNSS Receivers developed. Following are important
topics of research in this domain.
Study and Performance estimation of a Multi Carrier –Code Division Multiple Access System
Today, in parallel with multi-carrier transmission, the field of multi-carrier spread spectrum
communications is considered to be an independent and important research topic. Multi-carrier
spread spectrum is considered a potential candidate to fulfil the requirements of next-generation
(4G) high speed wireless multimedia communications systems, where spectral efficiency and
flexibility are considered as the most important criteria for the choice of the air interface.
The MC-CDMA technique is based on a serial concatenation of direct Sequence (DS) spreading
with multi-carrier modulation technique. It offers the advantage of both the proven technologies.
The DS-CDMA system is a multiple access technique that relies on spreading the data
stream using an assigned spreading code for each user in the time domain. The capability
of is given by the cross-correlation properties of the spreading codes helps in minimizing

Satellite Communications

multiple access interference. Whereas the auto-correlation properties of the spreading

codes provide the capability of distinguishing one component from others in the composite
received signal in the case of severe multi-path propagation in mobile communications.
However, the performance of a DS-CDMA system strongly depends on the number of active
users, the channel characteristics, and the number of arms employed in the rake- receiver.
The system capacity is limited by self interference and multiple access interference, which
results from the imperfect auto- and cross-correlation properties of spreading codes.
The basic principle of multi-carrier modulation relies on the transmission of data by
dividing a high-rate data stream into several low rate sub-streams. These sub-streams
are modulated on different sub-carriers by using a large number of sub-carriers, a high
immunity against multi-path dispersion can be provided since the useful symbol duration
Ts on each sub-stream is much larger than the channel time dispersion. Hence, the
effects of ISI are minimized. The main advantages of multi-carrier transmission are its
robustness in frequency selective fading channels and, in particular, the reduced signal
processing complexity by equalization in the frequency domain. OFDM, a multi carrier
dulation system offers high spectral efficiency and effectively combats the problems with
multipath propagation in mobile communications. Thus the advantages of multi-carrier
modulation on the one hand and the flexibility offered by the spread spectrum technique
on the other hand have motivated for the Multi carrier –CDMA systems design.
Two different technologies called MC-CDMA (OFDM- CDMA) and MC-DS-CDMA have
emerged as a combination of these two independent technologies. Thus the study and
performance estimation of a MC-CDMA system in a multipath fading channel can be a
very interesting and useful topic of research which can help in designing of an optimum
MC-CDMA system for a fading channel.

O1.7 Scintillation resistant receivers (SAC)

The equatorial region is very prone to scintillation, which takes place predominantly
during the equinoctial months over Indian region. This results in abrupt very rapid and
random variation in received power which leads to loss of lock to weaker signals leading
to deterioration of accuracy or even unavailability of the systems. A scintillation resistant
receiver may be developed that may (i) Predict the onset of scintillation (ii) Effectively
track and use intelligent techniques to use scintillating signal for positioning, thus
avoid sacrificing DOP (iii) Use scintillation effects on the signal to estimate Ionospheric
irregularity parameters.
Some of the other topics in the field of SATNAV Technologies are:
GNSS Anti Spoofing Algorithms
GNSS Anti-Jamming Techniques
TTFF improvement in Navigation Receiver
Ionospheric delay processing Techniques in GNSS receiver
Carrier Phase based Positioning Algorithms
Multipath Mitigation Techniques in GNSS Receivers
Differential NavIC Algorithm and technique.

Satellite Communications

Performance Analysis of Pseudolite Based Navigation System

Development of Techniques to Mitigate Near Far Problem in Pseudolite based Navigation
GNSS Receiver Algorithm development for Weak Signal for In House Applications
GNSS Receiver Algorithm development to support very High Dynamics typically seen in
Launch Vehicles
Algorithms for GNSS Timing Receivers
Algorithms for Geodetic Receivers withReal Time Kinematics (RTK)
Algorithms for GNSS Interference Mitigation
Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (ARAIM) Algorithms
Ground Testing of Rubidium Atomic Clocks
Navigation Solution with Multi-Constellation
Ground Characterization of On-board Atomic Clock performance
Effect of Wi-Fi, 3G/4G on NavIC Signals
Design of Global Indian Navigation constellation.

O1.8 Integration of GNSS with other technologies (SAC)

For better accuracy and reliability of Navigation Receivers GNSS technology may be
integrated with other positioning techniques to develop Hybrid Receivers. Following are
some important areas of Research in this domain.
Integration of GSM with Navigation Receiver
Integration of Inertial navigation system with Satellite navigation receiver.

O1.9 SatNav applications (SAC)

Following are some of the important areas of research for providing GNSS based
Analysis and Simulation of Reverse Fountain Effect
Currently, there is an increased interest in deriving Space Weather effects on
equatorial ionosphere. The GAGAN and NAVIC data may be used to obtain the
temporal variations in the Vertical Total Electron Content (VTEC) of the Ionosphere
from which post sunset events like ‘Reverse Fountain Effect’ may be derived. Its
occurrence in relation to the solar activities and wind characters are of prime concern.
The Reverse Fountain Effect may be studied from the data variations and simulated.
Other areas in the field of SATNAV Applications are:
GAGAN Applications
Innovative NAVIC Applications
GNSS Reflectometry
Precision Agriculture application using NavIC
Low Cost Surveying and Land Record Mapping using NavIC & GAGAN Receivers
Aero-plane tracking system
NavIC Networks

Satellite Communications

Geo-tagging known/unknown Important Tourist Spots

GNSS for Smart city
NavIC based Vehicle parking system
Person Tracking system
GNSS Applications using Space Borne Receivers
IRNSS applications on Mobile Phones
Applications of GNSS Reflectometry.

O2 Sub Area Satellite Communication (SAC)

O2.1 Design, simulation and development of AIS Receiver with improved probability of
ship detection for space (Satellite) based AIS (Automatic Identification System)
ISRO is coming up with its own satellite to support Space Based AIS detection. So far
all the ground network across globe provides only probabilistic guarantee for signal
detection of space based AIS network.
Within this proposal, it is expected from researchers to address issues and algorithm for
improved probability of detection of ships while implementing AIS over satellite using LEO
constellation of satellites in VHF band with all practical implementation considerations.

O2.2 Wideband spectrum sensing and interference cancellation techniques

in compressive sensing domain for next generation broadband satellite
communication (SAC)
Compressive sensing has been a promising area to solve the problems like sensing,
detection and filtering in wideband communication. It helps to overcome the hardware or
device boundaries to solve problems of wideband communication.
Within this proposal it is expected from researchers to design, simulate and propose
implementation plan using available devices for compressive sensing based framework
to solve problems of wideband spectrum sensing, interference detection etc.

O2.3 Adaptation of GMR (Geo Mobile Radio) or similar standard & technologies for
seamless communication between terrestrial & ISRO MSS network (SAC)
GEO-Mobile Radio Interface (GEO stands for Geostationary Earth Orbit), better known
as GMR, is an ETSI standard for satellite phones. GMR standard is derived from the
3GPP-family terrestrial digital cellular standards and supports access to GSM/UMTS
core networks. It is used by ACeS, ICO, Inmarsat, SkyTerra, TerreStar and Thuraya for
high speed internet as well as audio and video services.
Since ISRO is coming up with its next generation of MSS satellite with 12m antenna in
space, it would be worthwhile to look at the standards that are similar to GMR or GMR
itself for seamless communication between GSM and ISRO’s MSSnetworks.
It is expected from researchers to analyze the channel models and “propose, develop &
implement” efficient protocol stack for effective MSS applications.

Satellite Communications

O2.4 Design, simulation and implementation of single frequency network with suitable
waveform (like OFDM) to support broadcast services to handheld or miniaturized
devices on the move & everywhere (SAC)
DVB-SH is a published standard from ETSI for broadcast services to handheld devices
using satellites to handheld devices. Under this topic, it is expected from researchers
to come up with a proposal which is simpler and effective for implementation in single
frequency and single waveform (preferably OFDM) network.

O2.5 Fast acquisition burst demodulator or preamble-less demodulation (PN Sequence

based) (SAC)
ISRO is working towards development of its own protocol and network for ground
systems. Burst demodulation becomes very important for implementation of any TDMA
network and sensor data reporting or position reporting applications. PN Based fast
carrier acquisition and burst demodulation for satellite communications is very popular.
Within this framework, it is expected from researchers to come up with innovative
proposals on development of burst demodulation techniques with minimal preamble and
burst to burst gap duration. It should be contemporary and suitable for implementation of
efficient MF-TDMA networks.

O2.6 Design, simulation and development of high data rate PSK Modems for LEO to
GEO communication like for upcoming indian data relay satellite system, joint
source and channel coding for high data rate transfer from LEO platform (SAC)
ISRO is working on development of its own data relay satellite system. It is expected
from researchers to submit a proposal on design, simulation and implementation of high
doppler compensated PSK MODEM for communication from a LEO platform to GEO
platform with higher order coding. Researchers may also propose schemes like joint
source and channel coding for effective high data rate transfer from LEO platforms.

O2.7 Design and development of advanced pulse shaping techniques with lower roll off
for efficient spectrum utilization (SAC)
Spectrum is a scares resource. In MSS & FSS services, in order to optimize the resources
and to cater to large user based within limited bandwidth, ISRO invites suitable research
proposal on pulse shaping techniques may be coupled with suitable power efficient
modulation and demodulation schemes for its SATCOM networks. The proposal should
include design, simulation and development of techniques with low roll off filters

O2.8 Development of waveform and signal processing techniques to utilize low cost
and efficient power amplifiers in MSS communication (SAC)
MSS communication utilizes personal battery operated gadgets. In order to improve the
efficiency of the terminals, ISRO invites research proposals on development of suitable
waveform with signal processing techniques for utilization of low cost power efficient
amplifiers in its ground terminal.

Satellite Communications

O2.9 Design and Simulation of digital beam-forming / electronic beam steering

techniques for high frequency COTM (Communication On The Move) applications.
ISRO has been allocated S-band for Mobile Satellite Service. In order to make the terminal
efficient and support COTM, electron beam steering technology is used. Research
proposal is invited on design and development of efficient electronic beam steering
system with interference protection features for better & effective MSS applications.
Other topics of interest in the field of Baseband Algorithm and Technology Development are:
Design of algorithm for Short Term Attenuation Prediction modules with lightweight
implementation for Ka-band or higher frequency band communication terminals
Design and Development of Low-bit rate Speech Codecs for MSS applications
Development of protocols for efficient TDM/MF-TDMA network and techniques for
effective time synchronization.
Design and Development of Header Compression. QoS Mechanism for IP data
communication services over satellite network
Design and Development of Seamless Mobility Management Techniques (Soft handover
mechanism) for multi-beam MSS network.
Low complexity video encoder based on Wyner-Ziv principles and corresponding video
decoder with motion compensation with quality approaching to H.264.

O3 Sub Area ASIC & HardwareTechnology Development (SAC)

O3.1 Design and Development of miniaturized, multiband (S, L, UHF band) / S-band Low
power wideband transceiver mixed signal ASIC for SATCOM terminal (SAC)
This proposal should address the development of low power, low cost custom RF
wideband transceiver ASIC in S-band to support communication using miniaturized
handheld and battery operated satcom terminals.

O3.2 Design & development of RF-MEMS based monoscan converter for single-channel
monopulse tracking system (SAC)
Monopulse tracking is used for precise pointing of on-board as well as ground
station antennae. It is used in three configurations: Single-Channel, Two-Channel
and Three- Channel. Single and two-channel configurations are commonly used in
practice. Since single-channel configuration has advantage in terms of weight, size,
power and phase-optimization, it is a preferred choice for most applications. But, the
simplicity results in increased complexity at feed end, where three RF signals (Ka
/ Ku Band for example) need to be combined into one RF-signal using monoscan
converter. It is also called autotrack modulator/combiner. The proposal could aim
for developing RF-MEMS based (Ka / Ku Band) monoscan convertor technology,
which should have potential to meet reliability requirements of onboard applications.

O3.3 Development multi-mode miniaturized mobile terminal (SAC)

Multimode smart phone is going to be future trend. The same phone will operate in
different radio technologies and there is requirement of seamless transition between the

Satellite Communications

networks. Media Independent Handover (IEEE 802.21) has been standardized for the
seamless communication between different radio technologies. The proposal should aim
for network design and mobile terminal development.

O3.4 Design of miniaturized low cost S-band antenna with near omnidirectional coverage
for mobile hand held terminals (SAC)
The requirement is to develop transmit only, receive only and transmit-receive antenna
for different MSS (S-band) terminals & applications. Since MSS terminals are primarily
personalized gadgets and manufactured for mass deployment, it is expected to be a low
cost, light weight design suitable for small gadgets. It should be a reproducible design
including radome.
Someother topics of interest in the field of Satellite Communication are:
Development of Miniaturized, low cost QHF/DRA/Patch S-band antenna for personal
communication gadgets and mass deployment
Design and Development of RF-ASIC to support implementation of low-power, cost
effective electronic beam steering capabilities for satellite mobile communication
ASIC development for IDU of DVB-RCS2. Development of IDU and HUB baseband
compatible with or similar to DVB-RCS2 standard.
Baseband ASIC development for DVB-S2x Receiver for VSAT network
Development of miniaturized S-band transceiver terminals with Class-F amplifiers
Development of low loss, light weight duplexer for MSS Applications
Development of GPS based auto pointing/ Satellite acquisition system for VSAT
In this proposal, researchers can propose a low cost hardware solution for auto-pointing
of VSAT antenna of 1.2m, 1.8m size in field for C, Ext-C, Ku and Ka band communication.

O4 Sub Area Application & Tools Development (SAC)

O4.1 Hybrid terrestrial-satellite DVB/IP infrastructure for triple-play services (SAC)

With the advent of Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) technology and its exploitation over
terrestrial links (DVB-T) along with its inherent characteristic to combine heterogeneous
traffic into the same data stream (i.e., MPEG-2 and IP data), presents the possibility for
the creation of a converged DVB/IP networking infrastructure, which is able to provide
triple-play services within the broadcasting footprint.
Other than above, few topics of interest are:
Design & Development of low cost tool-kit for Satellite visibility analysis (LEO, GEO,
MEO etc.) communication link analysis and communication channel condition analysis
for Space to Ground and Space to Space communication.
Development of Hybrid Network for Real-time Person or Asset Tracking using Machine to
Machine Communication Technology and Indian Navigation System.
Development of Spectrum and Waveform Analysis tool using low cost SDR platforms.

Satellite Communications

P Area Mechanical Engineering Systems (SAC)

P1 Design, fabrication and testing of computer generated hologram for testing of
aspheric reflective optics (SAC)
Computer generated holograms (CGH) are now widely used in the testing of aspheric
optical elements and it is expected that this technique will eliminate need of null corrector.
CGHs also have potential to use it in testing free form optics.
CGH is a binary representation of the interferogram, or hologram that is recorded if we
were to interfere the aspheric wavefront coming from a perfect aspheric surface with the
reference beam. The procedure for making the CGH is to first ray trace the interferometer
to determine the position of the fringes in the theoretical interferogram that would be
obtained if the mirror under test were perfect. A plotter, such as a laser beam recorder
or an e-beam recorder, is then used to draw lines along the calculated fringe positions.
Aspheric wave front can be generated by illuminating CGH with reference beam. Typical
optical setup is shown below for testing of aspheric surface using CGH.
Scope of research proposal
Proposal shall include detailed methodology for design, fabrication and testing of
computer generated hologram for testing of aspheric optics (Convex/concave).Principle
investigator shall have experience /publication in the field of design and development of
computer generated hologram.

P2 Design and development of deformable mirror for correction of wave front in space
based optical instrument (SAC)
Space-borne telescopes are subjected to orbital loads like temperature excursion,absence
of gravity, moisture desorption of metering structure etc., which leads to misalignment of
optical system and loss of the optical performance. Future space based large telescope
will be made from number of smaller mirrors, which are aligned together to create a larger
segmented mirror & continuous mirror. Due to time varying orbital loads, misalignment will
occur in these smaller mirrors supported by large structures and intern this will introduce
aberrations in imaging. Hence, there is a need of wavefront correction using deformable
Scope of research proposal:
It shall include study on various options for deformable mirrors. Detail design and
development of best suitable option of deformable mirror.

P3 Smart reconfigurable spacecraft antennas using intelligent materials (SAC)

Smart reconfigurable antenna technology can re-establish the antenna radiation
characteristics and have immense potential to improve data communication quality by
increasing channel capacity, spectrum efficiency and coverage range of communication
Scope of research proposal
Research proposes to develop a 1.0m diameter and 2.0m diameter shaped reflectors
using intelligent materials.

Satellite Communications

P4 Deployment mechanisms for 12m diameter spacecraft antennas (SAC)

The study deals with the mechanics of deployment of 12 meter diameter spacecraft
antennas. The objectives are as follows:
a) Design and analysis of stable configuration for 12m deployable antenna reflector for
space application meeting with all space environmental test load specifications.
b) Design and Development of Knitted RF reflective mesh made of gold plated Molybdenum
mesh for deployable reflectors of size 12m diameter.
Scope of research proposal
Research proposes to develop a 12.0m diameter parabolic spacecraft reflector using
gold plated molybdenum mesh. Scope of work is elaborated as:
Configuration design study of deployable mechanism for mesh reflector.
The work also includes Mechanical & Structural designs including Finite Element
modeling and experimental investigations.
Design and optimization of ring structure for deployable Mesh antenna reflector of size
12m diameter which will include dimensional configuration of Links, mass, interconnection
and hinges.
Configuration design study of knitting methodology for realization of RF reflective mesh.
This study would also extend to exploration of material substitute for RF reflective mesh.
Actuation, Control and sensing methodology
The scope also includes space qualification of verification model upto space qualification
Development of the DVM.
Dynamic evaluation of DVM by vibration testing upto qualification levels.
Check for thermal stability of DVM by thermal cycling in space environment as per
Environmental test level specifications.

P5 Ultra-light weight structures using advanced high strength materials like P.E.E.K,
C.N.T, Graphene, frozen smoke& chain link materials including aluminium
metallization for high frequency RF signals (SAC)
The study deals with the development and manufacturing of Ultra Lightweight (ULW)
materials for future aerospace vehicles and structures. Replacing the traditional materials
with the Ultra lightweight materials will reduce significantly the mass of payload.
Scope of research proposal
The ULW materials such as P.E.E.K, CNT, Graphene, frozen smoke will be used to develop
payload brackets, feed horns, spacecraft panels and MFDs etc. Payload brackets, Feed
horns, spacecraft panels, MFDs, etc.

P6 True stress - strain curves development for non-linear materials like indium for
atomic clock development at SAC (SAC)
A true stress-true stain curve gives the stress required to cause the material to flow plastically
to certain stress. The research area deals with the stress- strain curve development for
nonlinear materials such as Indium for development of atomic clock at SAC.

Satellite Communications

Scope of research proposal

The area of research included True stress-strain curve development for Spherical and
Cylindrical bulb options of atomic clock with indium fixtures.

P7 Accurate shock response analysis of structures using implicit / explicit approaches

Accurate Shock Response Analysis of Structures using Implicit / Explicit Approaches(SAC)
Shock analysis makes it possible to directly compute the response of specific structures
resulting from well-defined actual transient forces. The SR analysis method can be used
for steady state vibration applications as well as transient.
Scope of research proposal
The study deals with the accurate shock response analysis on camera structures /
spacecraft payloads using implicit and explicit approaches.

Q Area Systems Reliability (SAC)

Q1 To develop epoxy based radiation shielding material, to possibly replace
Ta-sheet and Pb- tape (SAC)
To develop epoxy based Radiation Shielding material. This can replace Ta and Pb
currently being used for providing Radiation shielding to Electronic components.
Target is finalizing the chemical composition of material to achieve radiation shielding in
least possible thickness by optimizing absorption co-efficient. Material composition will
be finalized and chemical process will be optimized.
It is also for development of mouldable material which can be formed in required shape
of component package, which can be applied directly on the component.
Electronic systems for all payloads.

Q2 Development of microwave absorber (carbonyl iron filled silicon rubber sheets)

over the frequency band of 1 to 8 GHz (SAC)
Goal: To develop high loss microwave absorbers that attenuate electromagnetic
Development of Microwave Absorber (Carbonyl Iron Filled Silicon Rubber Sheets) in 1 to 8
GHz range.
To design, fabricate, characterize and test silicon rubber based microwave absorbing
materials in sheet form operating in 1 to 8 GHz.
MW absorber material will be used in all GEOSAT & MW Remote sensing programs for
improving the EMI/EMC compliance (RF pick up / leakages) of the RF package of various

Satellite Communications

Salient Features: -
Microwave absorbing materials based on carbonyl iron loaded silicon rubber sheets.
Frequency range: 1 to 8 GHz.
Reflectivity: ≤ -20dB.
Layers: Single layer, dual layer, tri-layer and multi layered.
Space qualified material.

R Area Material Characterisation (SAC)

R1 Guided wave based non-contact NDT of composites using air coupled
ultrasonic signals (SAC)
Goal: Design and development of non-contact NDT of Composites using air coupled
Development of non-contact type transducer to assess the integrity of composite
structures without contaminating or affecting the physical properties of composite raw
Fast and Accurate
Very useful for complex, integrate and large dimension objects
All upcoming payload systems.

R2 Assessment of NDE capability for material & process characterization for

complex additive manufacturing & analyse physics of failure mechanism in
aerospace components (SAC)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is a revolutionary technology which produces components
directly from 3D data, layer-by-layer. It is possible to manufacture parts with geometries
which are difficult to produce by other conventional technologies.
While AM is beginning to revolutionise the aerospace manufacturing industry, one of
the largest barriers to broader adoption of AM for producing aerospace parts is the
lack of a “Standardized Qualification Process” that includes fully characterized process
definition, developing in-situ process monitoring, sensing and quantifying of the drivers
of manufacturing variability in AM production parts.
In-situ process monitoring sensors enable one to “certify as you build”.
NDE is a technique for Inspection, testing or evaluation of materials, component
or assemblies for discontinuity or difference in characteristics without destroying
serviceability of the part or component. NDE methods like, Ultrasonic, Radiography,
Computed tomography etc.have to be adopted for real time in-process monitoring to
insure proper Quality Assurance and Control activities for defect free space component.
Moreover, such techniques are required to understand the physics of failure of Electro-
mechanical assemblies.Currently there are no universally accepted or commercially
available IQIs for industrial NDE.

Satellite Communications

Develop a set of tools to assess NDE system performance to measure & defect detection
for bluntness, resolution or contrast sensitivity.
Identify materials and design internal features useful for assessing inspection capabilities.
Model development for AM Fabricated Image Quality Indicators (IQIs) to simulate defects
andparts features.
Analyse IQI volume data to assess NDE detectability limits, contrast sensitivity and
Development of in-situ QA methodologies for qualification of AM process leading
to development of parts. This is for total understanding of materials and processes
correlations, process capability, variability aspects as applicable to failure modes.
Generation of defects library & documents of cause and effects of defects.
Detection of failure mechanism with its co-relation to physics of failure, through layer
by layer detection of discontinuities, thermal environment simulation to measure the
performancedegradation and break down in internal circuitry of electronic components.
NDE methods tocheck the integrity of component and their functionality and performance.
Reverse approach by using advanced NDE techniques to ascertain Additive Manufacturing
materialbuild defects and limitations.
Anticipated Benefits
Provide a multi-use standard for the assessment of NDE performance as well as AM
build quality.
High Resolution measurement of internal construction measurement.
Metrology verification
AM Manufacturability
AM Repeatability

R3 Realization of Shape Memory Alloys (SMA) (SAC)

Different mechanisms will be required to be developed for payload operations.
Development of shape memory alloy based mechanism will make simplified and reliable
payloads. Special type of shape and programming technique is to be developed. With the
increase emphasis on both reliability & multi-functionalities in aerospace industry active
materials [Shape Memory Alloys-(SMA) are playing vital and important role for design
and development of space components and mechanism.

R4 Smart/Intelligent materials (SAC)

Smart or intelligent materials/adaptive materials are those structural elements, which
have the capability to adapt to the external load or stimuli. External stimulus can be in the
form of vibration load, thermal load, pressure load etc.
Using smart materials and structural systems a Design Validation Model (DVM) of a
typical Spacecraft Reconfigurable reflector has been envisaged to be developed which
is able to change the shape and curvature of the reflecting surface using Smart material.
An innovative concept of smart backup beams will be developed for testing the re-
configurability of the reflecting surface for satellite applications.

Satellite Communications

Challenging aspect is realization of the reconfigurable reflector mechanically, structurally

& electrically and the research element of the research problem is finalizing the most
optimum configuration / geometric topology of the SMA Stiffeners after iterative process
of analysis, to meet the Satellite specifications.

S Area Semiconductor (SAC)

S1 Background
GaN semiconductors offer distinct advantages in terms of:
Higher voltage of operation
Better efficiency resulting in higher output power
Higher bandwidth
GaN has become a technology of choice for fabrication of various functional structures
viz. diodes, transistors and also MMICs, for possible application in satellite payload
Building Hi-Rel semi-conductor structure needs evaluation from various reliability aspects.
A comprehensive study of GaN semi-conductor is proposed addressing following aspects
Aspects for study:
Study and evaluation of bulk GaN semiconductor defects: trapping, dislocation and
diffusion mechanisms.
Impact of Purity, doping concentration, and
Above defects on basic performance parameters of mobility, saturation velocity.
Substrate materials for GaN semiconductor and their effects on functionality &
performance,addressing fabrication process.
Semi-conductor process technologies, its suitability for different device structure/
functionality(discrete semi-conductors, microcircuit etc.), dominant failure modes &
mechanismsand deriving activation energies for each mechanism.
Semi-conductor process design and process parameter variability, its degradation
mechanisms with respect to
Device geometry (gate length), metallization schemes, Ohmic and Schottky contacts;
Systematic studies for the determination of their activation energies.
Physical Effect of electrical stresses on device structures under different application
conditions, like:
a) DC conditions (pulsed and CW)
b) RF conditions (pulsed and CW)
c) Combination of (a) and (b)
Material and Device performance under typical application conditions (over - O/P power,
Operating point, temperature, vacuum, space radiation)
Device effects under controlled and uncontrolled environmental and handling conditions.

Satellite Communications

T Area Spacecraft Inertial Systems Area (IISU)

T1 Sub Area Advanced Electromagnetic Sensors and Actuators (IISU)

T1.1 Digital slipring, magnetic encoder, anti helmholtz coil (IISU)

Digital Slipring – Magnetic sliprings are self-contained units that enables the signal
processing of information signal to be done in the rotor of machines and later transfer it
to the stator through rotory transformers.
• Magnetic Encoder – Development of magnetic encoders that are compact, mechanically
robust and reliable and cost effective.
• Anti Helmholtz Coil – It helps to establish a uniform gradient magnetic field in the
region between the coils. It is an integral part of Magneto Optical Traps used in Atom

T2 Sub Area Maglev controller and motor drive (IISU)

T2.1 Magnetically levitated motor and drive electronics (IISU)

It is aimed to develop a system controller and miniature motor drive for IIIrd generation
magnetically levitated motor.
It involves development of
• Miniature speed control electronics for BLDC motor
• Control electronics for two axis actively controlled magnetic bearing

T3 Sub Area High speed Self-Bearing Actuators (IISU)

T3.1 Momentum/ Reaction wheels are the standard solution for attitude control in a spacecraft.
At present these actuators mainly use ball bearings, whose mechanical wear is a
significant life limiting factor. In order to maintain a longer life time, ball bearings are
usually operated at speeds below 6,000 rev/min. If we go for ultra-high speed operation
of wheels in the range of 1 lakh rpm, considerable reduction of wheel size is possible.
The main challenges in the design of high speed motor are high iron loss, high speed
rotor construction, selection of compact and high frequency power electronics topology,
and high speed sensing and control circuit. A slot-less self-bearing motor based on
Lorentz force can take care of high frequency losses to a good extend and it also helps
in the rotor construction for high-speed operation. However, the maximum bearing forces
achievable are small for Lorentz force based machines compared to reluctance-force-
based machines.

T4 Sub Area Autonomously Navigating Robot for Space Mission (IISU)

T4.1 A half Vyomnoid with Sensing and perception of surroundings with 3D vision and
Dexterous manipulative abilities to carry out defined crew functions in an unmanned
mission or assist crew in manned missions. Design & Realization of FULL Vyomnoid with
features that include full autonomy with 3D vision, dynamically controlled movement in
zero ‘g’, Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning enabled real time decision making with
vision optimization and path planning algorithms.

Satellite Communications

Develop state-of-the-art technologies for

1. sensing & perception
2. Dexterous manipulation
3. Hierarchical Control system
4. Artificial Intelligence enabled algorithms

T5 Sub Area Multi-DOF Actuators/Reaction Sphere (IISU)

T5.1 Spherical Motor – Precursor of advanced actuators for satellite applications. Spherical
motor with accurate position control can replace complex mechanism that uses multiple
motors for multi degree of freedom actuation. The same motor with speed and torque
control drives can act as a preliminary design model towards reaction sphere.

T6 Sub Area High Precision Servo System (PMSM, FOC, Angle Sensor
and Processing Electronics) (IISU)

T6.1 The typical three-phase motor drive consists of a Drive motor, power stage with a three-
phase full-bridge scheme and a controller that should provide three-phase PWM signals
based on an encoder or a resolver for the position feedback.
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
There are two types of permanent magnet brushless dc motors, which depend on their
back-EMF waveforms. The one with sinusoidal back-EMF is called PMSM. PMSM
provides nearly zero torque ripples, which gives higher efficiency. The airgap flux density
and winding patter will be sinusoidal in PMSM.
Field Oriented Control
The FOC is suitable for the high-end application due to its complex design and higher
processing requirements. It commutates the motor by calculating voltage and current
vectors based on motor current feedback. It maintains high efficiency over a wide
operating range and allows for precise dynamic control of speed and torque.
Angle Sensor and its Processing Electronics
PMSM along with FOC need phase current sensing and continuous rotor position sensing.
Resistive based (GMR) or Inductive based (Resolver) sensor will be used along with its
processing electronics.

T7 Sub Area High Accuracy Rotary Transducer (IISU)

T7.1 Rotary Transducers are precision scale elements used for extremely accurate
measurement of angular displacement. Non-contacting coupled elements of the rotary
transducer can be directly attached to the fixed and movable members of rotary machine
tools, navigational systems and other precision mechanisms. Electrical output signals
can drive readout displays, generate computer input data and provide servo feedback
signals. Because of non-contacting elements (zero wear) very high reliability is achieved
and original accuracy is maintained indefinitely.Angular accuracies of ± 2-3 arc seconds
have been achieved. This TDP aims at making high accuracy rotary transducers of ± 1
arc-sec accuracy.

Satellite Communications

T8 Sub Area ASIC Development for Inertial Sensor Electronics (IISU)

T8.1 IISU has development various sensors like Dynamically Tuned Gyro(DTG), ISRO Laser
Gyro (ILG) and Ceramic Servo Accelerometer (CSA) . Efforts are initiated to miniaturize
sensors electronics for these sensors. One of the development route initiated is through
ASIC based sensor electronics.

U Area Bearing and Space Tribology (IISU)

U1 Sub Area Thin film development for Harmonic Drive (IISU)

U1.1 The harmonic drive is a special gear-drive speed reduction system whose operation
principle is based on the elastic deformation rather than the rigid body motion of
general gearing system. It has many advantages, such as high speed reduction ratio,
high rotational accuracy, high torque transfer per weight, high efficiency, little backlash
and very compact size. The three basic components of the harmonic drive are the
circular spline, flexspline and elliptical wave generator. The Wave Generator is a
special ballbearing assembly with a rigid elliptical inner race and flexible outer race.
The Flexspline is a thin walled, flexible cylindrical cup adorned with small external gear
teeth around its rim and the Circular Spline is a rigid ring with internal teeth, engaging the
teeth of the Flexspline across the major axis of the Wave Generator.

U2 Sub Area Multilayered coatings for high speed ball bearings (IISU)

U2.1 Ball bearing metal parts- races and balls are coated with multi layered multi-functional
films for improving surface properties and wear resistance. Since the combined thickness
of these coatings are very less (2-3 µ), this process maintains the bulk properties
of bearing steel with the surface properties of the coatings. The coated layer avoids
formation of micro-welds during asperity interactions and subsequent elimination of local
hot spots thereby reducing the rate of lubricant degradation. These surfaces can yield
better stiction performance, low friction and wear during possible ball sliding conditions,
reduced lubricant degradation and overall improvement in life of the bearings

Earth Observations

Earth Observations

3.0 Earth Observations Programme

A Area Mission Development and Remote Sensing

Sensor Technology (SAC/URSC-LEOS)
A1 Sub Area Electro Optical Sensors (SAC)

A1.1 Super lenses (using meta-materials) (SAC)

‘Diffraction limit’ in optics: Whenever an object is imaged by an optical system, such
as the lens of a camera, fine features — those smaller than half the wavelength of the
light — are permanently lost in the image. The loss of information arises because light
emerging from the object’s fine features carries components with high spatial frequency
— that is, evanescent waves that exponentially decay, resulting in an imperfect image.
The ‘lost treasures’, as the sub-wavelength details could be called, are the fundamental
reason for Abbe’s diffraction limit, which determines the smallest features that one can
see through even the best of lenses. Artificially engineered metamaterials now offer the
possibility of building a superlens that overcomes this limit. When a lens made of Negative
Index Material is placed close to an object, the near-field evanescent waves can be
strongly enhanced across the lens. After emerging from the NIM lens, the evanescent
waves decay again until their amplitudes reach their original level at the image plane.
On the other hand, the propagating waves pass through the NIM lens with both negative
refraction and a reversed phase front, leading to zero phase change at the image plane. By
completely recovering both propagating and evanescent waves in phase and amplitude,
a perfect image is created Superlenses have great potential in space applications and
can be used to develop highly miniaturized optical systems.

A1.2 Athermalization of optics using phase plate (SAC)

Phase plate based wavefront coding involves the insertion of an asymmetric refractive
mask close to the pupil plane of an imaging system so as to encode the image with
a specific point spread function that, when combined with decoding of the recorded
image, can enable greatly reduced sensitivity to imaging aberrations. The application
of wavefront coding can increase the instantaneous depth of field which can enable
the development of simple, low-cost, light-weight lens systems. Wavefront coding can
alleviate optical aberrations and extend the depth of field of incoherent imaging systems
whilst maintaining diffraction-limited resolution. It is particularly useful in controlling
thermally induced defocus aberrations in infrared imaging systems.

A1.3 ASIC design and simulation (SAC)

The scope of activity covers Analog, digital and mixed signal ASIC front end design,
simulation, verification, Layout, Post layout simulation, RC extraction, optimization. In
addition, the design and development of Radiation Hardened (RH) library standard cells
and devices. Some design blocks like amplifiers, switches, bandgap references, etc.
are most commonly used in various designs of ASIC’s. Development of these blocks
will help in speed up the design process. Design of ADC with >16-bit digitization, >
5Msps through put with high ENOB, low power and low size will be extremely useful.

Earth Observations

Similarly, Digital ASICs combining Compression/Decompression, Packetization cum

Formatter with SERDES interface will find wide application across all EO payloads.

A1.4 Modelling of silicon based optical sensor (SAC)

Modelling of Silicon based optical imaging sensor (front and back illuminated buried
channel Charge Coupled Devices): device and process modelling for simulation of
channel potential, 3D potential profile of MOS capacitor and photodiode, charge transfer,
Quantum efficiency, and amplifier. Novel structures for performance (MTF, responsivity)
improvement. Modelling of Anti-reflection coating (specific to UV, NIR, wide bands).
Surface treatment approaches for photodiode Quantum Efficiency improvement (NIR to
Blue and/ or selected wavelength regions). Graded antireflection coating for minimization
of reflection as a function of wavelength, in area array Si CCD. Surface treatment for
dark current minimization. Modelling of Pinned photodiode structure. Impact on EO
performance due to irradiation of Proton, Gamma, and Heavy ions.

A1.5 Modelling of electro-optical sensors (SAC)

Development of Mathematical Models for an Electro-Optical System and Software to
simulate the final image, with sensitivity to design parameter/system environment/on-
board processing/viewing geometry. The software should have interface with COTS
design software systems or simulation tools in Optical/Mechanical/Electrical domain.
It can be extended to simulate images of a conceived sensor by transforming images
acquired from other sensors.

A2 Sub Area Electronics for EO Sensors (SAC)

Speed of operation of on-board electronic circuits has a direct bearing on the geometric
resolution of a camera and also on the number of colours in which a camera captures
a feature. As the resolution improves, the circuit operation becomes faster. Compaction
calls for miniaturization of electronics and development of specialized multi-function,
ultra-low power circuits. Following are the areas of research for electronics.

A2.1 Analog front-end device for detector signal processing (SAC)

Ultra-low power, High-speed and high resolution analog front-end devices for processing
of detector signals along with high driving capability to efficiently drive the detector video
signal while maintaining signal integrity.

A2.2 ASICs and ROIC (SAC)

Miniaturization of electronics in the form of low power ASICS and Read Out Integrated
Circuits (ROIC) with objective of integrating multiple functionality of electronics in the
single devices with lower power and size. The scope of activity covers Analog, digital
and mixed signal ASIC front end design, simulation, verification, Layout, Post layout
simulation, RC extraction, optimization, tape out and fabrication. In addition, the design
and development of Radiation Hardened (RH) library standard cells and devices. Some
design blocks like amplifiers, switches, bandgap references, etc. are most commonly
used in various designs of ASIC’s. Development of these blocks will help in speed up the
design process.

Earth Observations

A2.3 On-board data processing & data transfer (SAC)

On board data processing, loss-less data compression and generating theme based data
output using radiometric, spatial and spectral compression techniques . On-board high
speed data transfer, interfacing and networking. Design of optical fibre based high speed
data transfer interfaces for on-board use.

A2.4 Advance PCB design/technology (SAC)

Advanced PCB technology for miniaturization of high speed and high power front-
end electronics including its thermal management., it includes PCB design with large
number of layers (>10), Micro-via Technology, High Density Interconnects, solder ball pin
technology, design of flexi PCB’s, etc.

A2.5 Very low signal extraction (SAC)

Extraction of very low signal from noise – Techniques (SAC). The target application is
to sense very low true video signal from CCD and CMOS type of detectors. The other
very important application is temperature sensing from very low analog signal travelling
through noisy environment.

A2.6 High power drive and control electronics (SAC)

Study / Development of Drive and Control Electronics for Auto-focusing Mechanisms
for On-board Use. It involves the high accuracy (<100nm) actuating mechanism which
further requires very high voltage drive and control electronics. Development of
miniaturized and adaptive cooler drive electronics for Cryogenic temperatures. Study and
demonstration of the adaptive cooler drive algorithms. Algorithm to minimize jitter at cold
tip of pulse tube cooler or sterling cycle cooler using close loop active vibration control.
Development of algorithm or MATLAB model to estimate/optimize PID coefficient for
optimum response based on overall close loop transfer function or any industry defined
PID tuning method. Also, development of cooler transfer function based on empirical data
or close loop response measurement. Thermal, EMI/EMC management of high power
drive electronics. Development of miniaturized high power thermal control electronics
near focal plane. High power capacitance/inductance drivers with multilevel voltages.

A2.7 Modeling of special devices – techniques (SAC)

Modelling of special devices – Techniques: Modelling of various state of the art mixed
signal devices, detectors, interfaces etc. In addition, modelling of devices for Cryogenic
temperature operation which involves the modelling of NMOS, PMOS and other devices
for the cryogenic temperature to enable the design and development of full ASIC which
can work on cryogenic temperature.

A2.8 Mitigation techniques for space environment (SAC)

Mitigation techniques for radiation environment in space (TID/SEL/SEU etc) - Device
level, System level Rad hard fabrication process is required for space grade ASIC
fabrication. SOI process, Thin epi over heavily doped substrate, Trench isolation/P+
guard rings around NMOS transistors are some of mitigation techniques used at wafer
level. At layout level Rad Hard libraries, Redundancy and feedback at transistor level are
some mitigation techniques.

Earth Observations

A2.9 Topologies for high speed design and digitization (SAC)

The high speed and high resolution in ADC’s are conflicting requirements which require
selection of proper topology while keeping the target application in mind. The various
type of digitizers required in Payload chain like 16bit-5msps, 14bit12msps, 12bit-24msps,
etc. with high ENOB, low power and low size depending on the application. Very small
video buffers with high driving capability to efficiently drive the detector video signal while
maintaining signal integrity.

A2.10 High speed ADC (SAC)

Design of >16 bit, >5Msps Digitizer with high ENOB, low power and low size

A2.11 EMI susceptibility analysis (SAC)

EMI susceptibility analysis for co-existence of low noise, high speed, high power analog/
digital circuits.

A2.12 DSP based signal analysis and image processing (SAC)

DSP based real /near real time data processing for signal analysis and image processing
with emphasis on frequency and spatial domain. Tentative applications are
Hardware and/or software with Image Based attitude determination electronics.
Spacecraft docking system electronics
Real Time decision making for Landing System
Near real time camera for 3D map of terrain
Navigation requires information of terrain over which the vehicle moves. Along with
distance, size information of the targets is also required for activities like obstacle
detection, landing site and optimizing the travel time. A 3D camera can provide such

A2.13 Electronics for on-board computing (SAC)

On-board computer electronic system (including volatile, non-volatile mass memories,
processors, standard interfaces, RTOS etc.) for space environment supporting soft
computing of complex algorithms and real time applications.

A2.14 Hardware for near real time decompression for CCSDS standard (SAC)
Near real time compression is planned for future high data volume payloads based on
CCSDS methods. The decompression is software based which had long processing
time. A hardware based decompression will reduce the processing to near real time for
quick browsing.

A2.15 Vector processor for video signal processing (SAC)

Reconfigurable vector processor can be utilized for future remote sensing satellite for
implementation of the on-board image processing algorithm. Vector processor architecture
shall support various primitive operation facilitating implementation of various image
processing and compression algorithm. Development shall also incorporate required
compiler for the development of different program on proposed architecture.

Earth Observations

A2.16 Very low noise, high efficiency power supplies for space (SAC)
Remote sensing and Meteorological Imaging Payload electronics redefine requirements
in terms of processing speeds, resolutions, modularity, reliability and miniaturization
which in turn requires very low noise, efficient and customized regulated supply lines to
various camera electronics sub-systems. Camera electronics will have functional blocks
like analog processing, mixed design, digital hardware, high voltage bias requirements,
very high load/current requirements. Based on present and future missions, power supply
requirements are anticipated and categorized as below:
Very Low noise (≤1mV), Low power (<10W), highly efficient (>80%) complying with EMI
461E standard, space grade isolated power supply /module.
Multi-output (3 to 4 voltage lines in range 3.3V to 24V), high efficiency (>80%), Medium
Power (25W – 100W), Low noise (≤10mV) complying with EMI 461E standard isolated
space grade power supply
High output voltage (150V to 250V) with low output current (<50 mA) having 28-42V
unregulated supply input
Very high output current (up to 18A), low output voltage (0.8 V to 3.3V), >90% efficiency,
wide input supply range (3V to 9V), very low quiescent power, space grade miniaturized
Point of Load (POL) converter.

A3 Sub Area Optics for EO Sensors (SAC)

Hyper spectral Systems are replacing multi-spectral type instruments. Finer resolution
implies larger and bulkier optics. There is a great scope in this area for compaction,
innovative focusing, alignment techniques and swath improvement. Multi-purpose
large area array detectors are replacing the present day linear detectors. Mathematical
modelling and optical domain processing are envisaged to be implemented. Following
is the list of research areas where academic institution can contribute either in terms of
study, algorithm development or prototype development.

A3.1 Adaptive optical elements (SAC)

Adaptive Optics (AO) is a technology used to improve the performance of optical systems
by reducing the effect of wave front distortions: it aims at correcting the deformations of
an incoming wave front by deforming a mirror in order to compensate for the distortion.
Adaptive optics works by measuring the distortions in a wave front and compensating
for them with a device that corrects those errors such as a deformable mirror or a liquid
crystal array.

A3.2 Development of extremely thin and deformable mirrors (SAC)

Deformable Mirrors (DM) are mirrors whose surface can be deformed, in order to achieve
wave front control and correction of optical aberrations. Deformable mirrors are used in
combination with wavefront sensors and real-time control systems in adaptive optics.
The shape of a DM can be controlled with a speed that is appropriate for compensation
of dynamic aberrations present in the optical system.

Earth Observations

Origami Lenses
Taking advantage of both refractive and reflective optics, light is folded multiple number
of times in a crystal. Light enters through an obscured annular aperture located at the
periphery of the lens and gets reflected multiple times inside the crystal with the help
of concentric zone reflectors on both the surfaces of the lens. Folding the light beam
helps to reduce the overall track length of the lens without compromising on the optical
performance. Additionally, it also helps to increase the angular resolution by improving
the lens magnification. Hence by reducing the number of folds, one can achieve a higher
Field-Of-View (FOV) at the expense of the overall focal length of the lens. The overall
diameter of the annular folded optics is scaled proportionately to collect the same power
as an unobscured conventional refractive optical system.

A 3.3 Metal mirror optics for VIS / NIR imaging (SAC)

Metals have been used as mirrors for many terrestrial applications due to their
machinability, and cost. Aluminium has been used extensively due to its ease of machining
and polishing and because it is highly reflective and does not need to be coated to
yield high broadband reflectivity. Aluminium has a higher specific stiffness than glass,
which makes it a potential low cost alternative. Creating a composite of aluminium or
beryllium and carbon fibres would allow CTE to be tailored while retaining low density and
high stiffness.

A3.4 Sparse aperture optical systems (SAC)

The quest for finer angular resolution in astronomy inevitably leads to larger apertures.
For the traditional telescope with single aperture, the angular resolution of diffraction-
limited is basically given by 1.22λ/D, where λ is the wavelength and D the diameter of the
aperture. Unfortunately, the primary mirror diameter of telescope is limited by the current
glass-making technology, and the cost of monolithic optics increases faster than diameter
squared 2. In order to overcome this limit, the technique of optical synthetic aperture can
be utilized. The optical synthetic aperture consists of several telescope apertures that
phased together to generate an equivalent resolution of large single aperture telescope.

A3.5 Segmented mirrors (SAC)

A segmented mirror is an array of smaller mirrors designed to act as segments of a single
large curved mirror. The segments can be either spherical or asymmetric (if they are part
of a larger parabolic reflector. They are used as objectives for large reflecting telescopes.
To function, all the mirror segments have to be polished to a precise shape and actively
aligned by a computer-controlled active optics system using actuators built into the mirror
support cell.

A3.6 Use of hybrid optical systems in TIR (SAC)

The usage of hybrid optical elements (combination of refractive & diffractive optical
elements) are being used to design compact and light weight, high performance imaging
lens assemblies in TIR and MIR wavelength range.
The ray path in a conventional refractive optical element is governed by the Snell law
while in a diffractive optical element it is governed by grating equation. The spherical

Earth Observations

refractive lens has a continuous phase profile. If this phase profile is converted into a mod
2π discrete phase zones, then same focusing action can be achieved as in refractive
case. In hybrid lenses the refractive lens is combined with diffractive optical element. For
example, a Plano convex lens where basic lens power is provided by spherical surface
and the spherical aberration is corrected by fabricating a diffractive phase profile on the
other surface.
The diffractive optical elements are highly dispersive. The focal length of a diffractive lens
is inversely proportional to wavelength and the Abbe no.of diffractive optical element is
always negative and very small, while the Abbe no. of refractive lens is positive. This
dispersion behaviour of DOE can be used to correct the chromatic aberration of a
refractive lens. By aspherising one surface of spherical refractive lens one can correct
the spherical aberration and superposition of a diffractive phase profile on the aspheric
phase, chromatic aberration can be corrected. Thus the use of the refractive/diffractive
combination one can design low weight, compact and the high image quality broadband
lens. The diffractive optical elements can be fabricated using photolithography and
diamond turning techniques. one can realize hybrid optical component in 10-12m range
using diamond turning fabrication techniques as the required no. of zones for Ge lens is
very small.

A3.7 Foveated optics (SAC)

Foveated imaging can deliver two different resolutions on a single focal plane, which can
inexpensively allow more capability for space systems. The development of compact
imaging systems capable of covering a wide Field-Of-View (FOV) while transmitting high-
resolution images in real-time is critical in a variety of applications. Foveated imaging is a
data compression technique to speed up transmission and processing of high-resolution
digital video frames by reducing the resolution of the image with the exception of a region
of interest (ROI), which can be dynamically repositioned anywhere within the FOV. This
multiresolution video compression method is ideal for applications where images from
a wide FOV have to be transmitted and processed in real-time, yet high-resolution is
required at the ROI. Foveated imaging can be achieved at the software level, by applying
foveation algorithms to full-resolution digital video frames from a conventional imaging
system, or it can be achieved at the hardware level, by combining images from several
sensors or by using sensor arrays with variable resolution.

A4 Sub Area Electro-Optical Systems (SAC)

A4.1 Miniaturization of EO sensors/imagers through use of MOEMS (SAC)

Photonic circuits, in which beams of light redirect the flow of other beams of light, are a
long-standing goal for developing highly integrated optical communication components.
Micro-optical components, such as diffractive and refractive microlenses, have
recently received considerable attention for the development of optical systems. The
technology combines micro-optics, microelectronics, and micromechanics creates a
new and broader class of Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical (MOEM) devices, which may
attract additional industrial demonstrations of commercial devices. A few examples are
lasers, fiber gratings, Fabry-Perot etalons, optical shutters, switches, interconnections,

Earth Observations

reflectors. Integrated devices can form free-space integrated optics and consequently
push technology to the development of a micro-optical bench on a chip. The biggest
advantage is the miniaturization that this technology offers, as this can be incorporated
in many optical devices to make the whole optical system ultra-compact and light weight.


Lidar (also called LIDAR, LiDAR, and LADAR) measures distance to a target by illuminating
that target with a laser light. A narrow laser-beam can map physical features with very high
resolutions. Typically, light is reflected via backscattering. Different types of scattering are
used for different lidar applications: most commonly Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering,
Raman scattering, and fluorescence. Based on different kinds of backscattering, the lidar
can be accordingly called Rayleigh Lidar, Mie Lidar, Raman Lidar, Na/Fe/K Fluorescence
Lidar, and so on. Suitable combinations of wavelengths can allow for remote mapping
of atmospheric contents by identifying wavelength dependent changes in the intensity
of the returned signal. LIDAR is used to make high-resolution maps, with applications
in geodesy, geomatics, archaeology, geography, geology, geomorphology, seismology,
forestry, atmospheric physics, laser guidance, Airborne Laser Swath Mapping (ALSM),
and laser altimetry.

A4.3 Formation flying EO systems (SAC)

The quest for finer angular resolution in astronomy inevitably leads to larger apertures.
For the traditional telescope with single aperture, the angular resolution of diffraction-
limited is basically given by 1.22λ/D, where λ is the wavelength and D the diameter of the
aperture. Unfortunately, the primary mirror diameter of telescope is limited by the current
glass-making technology, and the cost of monolithic optics increases faster than diameter
squared 2. In order to overcome this limit, the technique of optical synthetic aperture can
be utilized. The optical synthetic aperture consists of several telescope apertures that
phased together to generate an equivalent resolution of large single aperture telescope.

A5 Sub Area Micro Fabrication for Optics (URSC-LEOS)

A5.1 Deformable mirror by micro fabrication for phase correction in adaptive optics
Deformable Mirror (DM) is an important sub system of adaptive optical instrumentation
which helps in improving the optical performance of an imaging system by actively
correcting the measured wave font errors. The surface figure of a deformable mirror is
actively controlled and modified such that it cancels out the measured surface error of
system. It is made up a flexible Si wafer with thin film piezoelectric actuators fabricated on
the back side using micro lithography techniques. This technology has multiple applications
in improving imaging performance, optical communicated and ophthalmology.

A5.1 Micro mirror array for wave front phase sensor (URSC-LEOS)
Micro mirror array is an important optical device with multiple applications. Realizing the
fabrication technology of this device will be a significant step in the development of more
complex instruments such as Shack Hartman Sensor etc.

Earth Observations

A6 Sub Area Spectroscopy Instrumentation and Application (URSC-


A6.1 Optical design and development of compact spectrograph for spectroscopy

Aberration corrected spherical surface gratings for specific spectroscopy application
can be designed and the groove pattern can be realized using direct-write electron
beam lithography. It is possible to fabricated analog depth diffractive optics in thin films
of polymethyl methacrylate. Diffractive optic fabrication on non-flat (to date convex
spherical) substrates can be fabricated utilizing the large depth of filed inherent in
E-beam lithography. Realization of this technology will help in realizing compact, high
performance spectrograph with minimum number of optical components.

A6.2 Raman spectroscopy application in earth and planetary atmosphere studies

The gaseous composition of earth and planetary atmospheres are required to be studied
and analyzed on a regular basis to understand the climatic changes that are happening.
LIDAR instrument based on Raman spectroscopy can give us valuable information on
gaseous distribution along the attitude. Laboratory simulated atmosphere studies of
gaseous planets and also experimental Raman LIDAR spectroscopy studies of earth
atmosphere are of interest.

A6.3 Raman spectroscopy based studies on optical materials and minerals (URSC-LEOS)
It is now well established that most of the covalently bonded optical materials and minerals
have their characteristic Raman spectrum which can be used to identify the compound.
Proposal to do mineralogical study using Raman spectroscopy are useful to collect
sufficient data and develop techniques to analyze and identify mineral compositions of
any unknown minerals. These results and experience will help in future moon / mars
mineralogy using Raman instrument.

A7 Sub Area Electronic, Software & Support Systems For Imaging (SAC)

A7.1 3-Axis stabilized platforms for airborne imaging (SAC)

3-axis precisely controlled mounts for distortion free imaging in aircraft/UAV platform.
The typical payload mass range may be 1 to 30 Kg. The controlled angular resolution may
be of the order of 0.001 deg., necessitating FOG/RLG based IMU as platform attitude
sensor, and closed loop fast acting Servo actuators working up to 200 Hz.

A7.2 Very high speed data acquisition (SAC)

Very high speed Data acquisition of the order of minimum 20Gbps (up to 40Gbps)
sustained for about 1 TB volume using multiple Serializer-Deserializer data interfaces,
synchronized data acquisition using PCI express DAQ modules and GP-GPU based
real time image display. GP-GPU may be used to Compress/Decompress acquired
payload data, generate statistical parameters from the image data and provide real time

Earth Observations

A7.3 CCSDS prescribed baseband data reception (SAC)

Firmware for reception and real time processing of CCSDS formatted data streams.
This may include Viterbi Decoding/RS Decoding/De-compression and Decrypting. The
data received from satellite, in addition to standard markers and randomization may
have any or all of forward chain implementations for above blocks. A reception system
nominally should have the capability to carry out all the processing required to extract
useful data in Real time. With the availability of capable FPGA/Microcontroller based
hardware in the market, it is possible to design and develop firmware meeting all the
requirements. The data rate expected to support such implementation will be of the order
of 100 Mbps.

A7.4 System (Hardware & Software) for optimized for NRT EO data processing (SAC)
Algorithm/software to create a super straddle of workstations and associated hardware
towards effective utilization of computing resources, particularly optimized and tuned for
electro-optical payload development environment. Based on the specific requirements of
an imaging sensor development, the work will comprise of choice of appropriate hardware,
optimizing/developing algorithms to suit the underlying architecture and assigning tasks
to the system on the fly based on requirement/complexity.

A7.5 Image source and algorithms for characterization of imaging sensors (SAC)
Development of systems and algorithms/software to generate images that can be used
to characterize Imaging Sensor. With use of DMD and Digital Light Processing, it is
possible to generate Multi-spectral and Hyper spectral images as targets. It will also
involve simulation of synthetic images with features that can be used to estimate the
performance of the sensor, development of algorithms to compute the sensor quality
metrics from the images.

A7.6 Super resolution in spectral domain (SAC)

Extraction of finer spectral resolution information from Hyper-spectral Imagery, given a
large number of relatively coarser resolution images with overlapping spectrums. Similar
to super-resolution imagery, if data is collected with a given spectral bandwidth, but
spectral sampling is much finer compared to the bandwidth, then it should be possible to
generate images having narrower spectral bandwidth.

A7.7 High-speed FO link commensurate with Thermo-vacuum requirements (SAC)

The future high resolution EO cameras will generate very high speed data at a rate of
more than 20Gbps. The camera needs to undergo various phases of integrated testing
and evaluation, including under thermo-vacuum conditions. To acquire such a data from
systems located in Thermovac chamber, long length FO based high speed data link
can be a solution. The digital data from multiple ports of camera needs to be suitably
formatted, for transmission through FO link. The formatter and FO transceiver part has to
sustain Thermovac conditions (up to 10-5torrpressure at -10°Ctemperature). Formatting
may call for usage of high speed SERDES ICs, high speed FPGAs,with formatted data
transmission through Active Optical Cables.

Earth Observations

A8 Sub Area Integration and Testing of EO Sensors (SAC)

Assembly, integration and testing of space-borne EO imaging systems is a multidisciplinary

task and requires state of the art test and evaluation setups and methodologies. In
a complex EO system environment, system performance needs to be optimized to
achieve goals. Technology trends coupled with growing user demands has propelled the
development of very small size systems to very large size EO systems. Integration and
testing of these systems are very challenging and requires custom development. During
various phases of testing, large amount of ground test data is generated, which is used
for system performance characterization. Integration and testing of space-borne imaging
systems requires development of test setups, system performance estimation models,
performance optimization and characterization methodologies, in-orbit performance
prediction models, data analysis and interpretation, troubleshooting etc. Following
areas of research is of interest in the field of Assembly, integration and testing of EO
imaging systems.

A8.1 Automation of imaging system test setup (SAC)

Integrated payload test setups are developed for payload testing during various phases
of testing. These test setups are used for tele command, telemetry and data acquisition.
Research can be taken up in this field to develop completely automatic test setup for
improved performance.

A8.2 Precision test setups (SAC)

Payload performance is measured / characterized by the test setups. These test
setups need to be one order better than the payload to better characterization.
Research in development of precision test setups can significantly improve the
payload performance.

A8.3 Development of innovative techniques/methodologies for integration and testing

Integration being multidisciplinary activities, and every time different genre of payloads are
to be integrated and tested. It is required to develop innovative techniques for integration
and testing to cater to technological advances adopted in payloads.

A8.4 Development of imaging system performance optimization and characterization

techniques (SAC)
This is another field where research can significantly help in delivering high standard
payloads. better characterization of payload avoids post launch problems and also helps
in deriving better performance from the payload.

A8.5 Development of In-orbit performance prediction models and performance

evaluation techniques (SAC)
Based on ground test results, methods to be developed to predict in-orbit performance
so that any optimization required on the ground can be carried out.

Earth Observations

A8.6 Development of methodologies and fast algorithms for analysis of large amount
of test data (SAC)
During the testing large amount of data is acquired and various statistical analysis is carried
out often limited to few samples. Various techniques for development of fast algorithms for
evaluating such large volume data can significantly help in identifying and problems.

A8.7 Assembly, integration and testing of IR payloads (SAC)

Integration, characterization and calibration of low IR background large aperture cooled
optics Payloads. The major challenges are to minimize the IR Background, IR signal drift
correction, IDCA heat removal in lab and IR calibration.

A8.8 Development of In-orbit calibration sources (SAC)

Research in the development of On-board calibration sources e.g. Blackbody for IR calibration,
Perforated plate or diffuser plate for VIS/NIR calibration can significantly help the payloads.

A8.9 High speed communication (SAC)

Space qualified hardware using optical communication for Telemetry, Telecommand and
Video data transfer can be developed leading to standardization of the interfaces catering
to different interface speed requirements.

A9 Sub Area Sensor Electronics (URSC-LEOS)

A9.1 On Orbit mounting estimation of star sensor (URSC-LEOS)

Star Sensor Mounting Estimation using on orbit / in-situ measurements The star sensor
provides attitude accurate to 10’’ in measurement axes and 40” in bore-sight axis, leading
the spacecraft pointing and control of 36” in body frame at about 4/8Hz update rate. The
mounting / mechanical stability contributes to about 4-6’’ uncertainty. Also due to various
factors like thermal, effects of structural stability etc., the SS mounting varies by small
amount cyclically in orbit/season.
Towards providing further improved attitude accuracy of about 10” (in all three axes in
body frame), it is proposed for research studies the problem of estimating the star sensor
mounting on orbit/in-situ, using star sensor measurements, so that mounting updated at
every attitude solution cycle, can be delivered along with estimated attitude solution to
AOCS for significantly improving the pointing control accuracies of spacecraft & location
accuracies of imageries.

A10 Sub Area System Study & Analysis (SAC)

A10.1 Long-term analysis of Scatsat-1 data with a goal of demonstrating climate-quality

For analysing systematic biases in spatial and time scales.

A10.2 Characterization of spectral signature of astronomical molecules in 200-300 GHz

regime (SAC)
Preparation of list of astronomical molecules having 200-300 GHz spectral signatures.
Simulation of emission/absorption spectra of all such molecules based upon the
temperature and pressure environments of their sources

Earth Observations

Radiative Transfer Simulation for such molecular signatures from their parent sources to
an observatory in space.
Determination of line-centres, spectral-width and intensity.
Preparing a catalogue of observable targets with their distances and requisite angular
resolution for all sky survey, specifically for the molecules of interest.

A11 Sub Area RF / Microwave / Sub-millimetre wave (SAC)

A11.1 Study, design & development of THz range Schottky diodes (SAC)
Physics & Feasibility study using GAETEC Foundry.
Modelling, Design, Development and Characterization.

A11.2 Design & development of 300 GHz & 600 GHz mixers (SAC)
Study and design using MMIC / Disctere devices.
Development of Waveguide based modules.

A11.3 Design of millimetre wave fractional frequency synthesizer (SAC)

Feasibility study and design of synthesizers of 60 GHz, 120 GHz and 150 GHz.

A11.4 Design & development of Ku/X-Band front end ferrite switch matrix (SAC)
Design & Development of Ku/X-Band Ferrite Switch.
Design & Development of Switch Matrix based on developed Ferrite Switches.

A11.5 Silicon micromachined sub-millimetre wave waveguide components (SAC)

Process feasibility study & process establishment.
Design & development of Waveguide modules based on developed process.

A11.6 Design & development of sub-millimetre wave circuits on thin quartz substrate
Process feasibility study & process establishment.
Design & Development of thin Etching and Patterning of Quartz substrate.

A11.7 Design & development of millimeter wave RF MEMS based switches (SAC)
Process feasibility study & process establishment.
Design & Development of thin Etching and Patterning of Quartz substrate.

A12 Sub Area Digital Controls, Data Acquisition and Processing (SAC)

A12.1 Rad-Hard by Design (RHBD) Memories for 180 nm CMOS process of SCL (SAC)
Design & Characterisation of RHBD memories for 180nm CMOS process of SCL,

A12.2 Real Time Operating System (RTOS) optimisation for on board Payload Controller
Customize standard RTOS for PLC applications in terms of optimization for resources
with Fault Tolerant (FT).

Earth Observations

A12.3 Adaptive On board SAR data compression algorithms (SAC)

A generic BAQ algorithm to compress the SAR data independent (or adapt) of the input
signal distribution resulting in better SNR.

A12.4 ONFI Controller with EDAC IP development for FPGA for solid state recorder (SAC)
Error correction and detection algorithms to maintain data integrity and reliable operation
of solid state recorders.

A12.5 Power optimisation techniques and protocol efficiency studies for wireless
temperature sensors (SAC)
Design and develop a PMU, which takes power from solar cell and provide enough
energy to operate sensor, microcontroller and RF.
PMU will store energy in capacitor and it will be used by microcontroller to read the
temperature from sensor and send it through RF link.
Once capacitor is discharged PMU will again charge it with required voltage. PMU should
be designed, simulated and fabricated on SCL 180nm fab.

A13 Sub Area Power Electronics (SAC)

A13.1 Digitally Controlled Ultra-fast Energy Efficient Multi-Output DC-DC converter

Digital control algorithm for fast transient response
Secondary side of the converter implementation using SIMO (Single Input Multi-output)
buck converters.
Energy efficient power management solutions for dynamic load requirements.

A14 Sub Area Optical Thin Films (URSC-LEOS)

A14.1 Studies on transition metal oxide thin film coatings (URSC-LEOS)

Transition metal oxide coatings are potential candidates for their applications as infrared
detector sensing elements, switching devices, radio-frequency transparent thermal
control coatings, etc. Studies on optical, electrical and thermal properties of the thin films
will lead to development of devices for space applications.

A14.2 Laser damage threshold studies on optical thin film coatings (URSC-LEOS)
The optical coatings such reflector coatings, antireflection coatings, interference filter
coatings, etc have their applications in laser based instruments for ground as well as
space applications. Based on the energy of the laser the coatings may be damaged. The
studies on laser damage threshold of optical coatings give an insight into the durability
aspects of the coatings for laser applications

A14.3 Studies on hydrophobic/ dust repellent coatings (URSC-LEOS)

Optical thin film coatings are essential for space based reflective / refractive electro-
optics systems. The front optical elements being exposed to space environment, they
need to be protected from dust and condensable vapours which seldom detrimental

Earth Observations

to the performance of payloads. These coatings will also be useful in interplanetary

missions during landing the instrument over the surface of the planet. Hence the study of
hydrophobic/ dust repellent coatings find space applications.

A14.4 Infrared optical coating technologies for filters, anti reflectance coatings etc for IR
optics (URSC-LEOS)
Space qualified optical coating technologies to produce filters and ARCs in different
spectral bands in the near IR, SWIR and far IR for the imaging and spectroscopy
instruments that are being envisaged in the future space programs are required to be

A14.5 Thin film solar cells and thin film batteries for satellite power requirement (URSC-
It is already recognized that Thin film solar cells based Cu-In-Ga-S (CIGS) materials
coatings are highly advantageous for space power application as these panels have
high specific power (Watts / Kg) and are highly radiation resistant. Development of this
technology for space usage will help in significantly reducing the weight contribution due
to solar power requirements.

A14.6 Nano technology based optical / gas sensors (URSC-LEOS)

Nano technology based rechargeable Thin film batteries which can be charged and store
the power generated by solar cells are under development for space application. With
this combination failures due to lack of power can be significantly reduced.

A14.7 Optical material, coatings and components for NIR or Visible LASER development
Indigenous development of LASER for space application in an ongoing process at LEOS
which requires lasing materials, damage resistant coatings and Thin film based laser
diodes etc., research and development in realizing these technologies can be very useful.

A14.8 Ultra narrow band pass and notch filters for a single wavelength of a laser line
These filters are required for Raman Spectroscopy Instrumentation where the incoming
laser should be spectrally stable with a very narrow band width and without any side
lobes. This can be possible only with a very narrow band pass filters placed in front of the
laser. Similarly the Rayleigh scattered radiation from a laser illuminated sample has the
same wavelength as the laser. In order to observe the Raman Spectrum, this component
needs to be filtered out completely using a very narrow band notch filter centered at
the laser wavelength. Development of these filters will help in indigenous realization of
Raman instrument for space application.

A14.9 Glancing angle deposited optical films with unique optical properties and their
applications (URSC-LEOS)
Porous nano-engineered thin films fabricated using GLAD have a wide variety of optical
applications. Helical films exhibit intriguing chiral optical properties, including circular
Bragg effects and optical activity. GLAD films with grade index can be used for wide-

Earth Observations

band antireflection coatings exhibiting transmittance in excess of 99.7% over a 460 nm

wavelength range, rugate filters with wide stopbands, spectral hole filters with narrow
passbands, and even optical humidity sensors with superior performance response time
and sensitivity to many commercial available sensors. The square spiral chiral film can
be used to produce photonic crystals with a complete, three dimensional bandgap.

A15 Sub Area Fusion Algorithm for computation of Spacecraft Attitude

with Multiple – Head Star Trackers (URSC-LEOS)

A15.1 Development of optimized fusion algorithms and techniques to combine the

images obtained from multiple heads, compensate for thermo-elastic distortions
between heads and compute spacecraft attitude (URSC-LEOS)
Higher attitude measurement accuracy is obtained by using the star image captured
from multiple star tracker heads that are mounted with different relative orientations.
The accuracy is improved with the availability of more number of stars from multiple
heads and different orientations of star tracker heads that offset bore-sight errors. The
difficulty in multiple heads configuration is the results may be affected by thermo - elastic
distortions between the heads.

A16 Sub Area Micro Aircraft for Mars-2 (URSC-LEOS)

A16.1 Development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which can fly using solar power
It will have imaging payload and an RF link with the orbiter spacecraft.
It should have adjustable propellers to fly forward as well as for hovering.
It should be built with non-corrosive and light weight material.
The Mars is having lot of attention from the researchers for its exploration, related to
existence of life. Typically the exploration is carried out in two phases.
A spacecraft orbiting over Mars and taking images with very high resolution images,
which are bulky to fine the area of interest. But this has limitations. The dust and clouds
make a thick layer and make the visibility poorer for the attitude of a spacecraft.
After finding the region of interest a rover is made to land on the surface and the rover
does the soil study in very limited area.
There can be one intermediate stage to find out area of interest on Mars surface by a low
attitude Arial survey. Since Mars is having atmosphere an Aeroplane can fly over here.
This plane should be solar powered, built with light weight non corrosive materials and
carries small camera for surveillance and RF link with the satellite should have Mars upto
3 kg. It’s propellers should be adjustable to front direction fly as well as for hovering.
The Aero plane is deployed from the satellite into the Mars atmosphere and the plane
performs high resolution survey on a wide area with miniature cameras. In case the area
is found to be unsuitable the plane can be made to hover at a different area. This makes
the search very economical for the desired landing spot for a rover, since the higher
resolution images can be obtained with a much smaller payload when a low attitude
survey is carried out.

Earth Observations

A17 Sub Area Vision System (URSC-LEOS)

A17.1 Three dimensional geometry and pose estimation using computer vision based
techniques (URSC-LEOS)
Vision System has become integral sensor for future robotic missions as it provide
important information to function automatically in unstructured environment. Computer
Vision based techniques can be used to generate three dimensional geometry (relative
rotation and translation) from image processing based techniques and algorithms. This
algorithm can be implemented on stereo/ multi view camera or using depth camera or
fusing of depth camera and stereo camera. This technique will be helpful to navigate
and perform specific task by robotic systems, hazard avoidance, optimal path planning,
autonomous rover or lander movement in unknown terrain for interplanetary mission
within an autonomous process.
Development of robust algorithm to generate relative pose of the objects in a scene with
respect to camera in an automated manner and it should be processed in hardware in
real time.

B Area Remote Sensing, Signal and Image Processing

and Software Development (SAC/NRSC/IIRS/
B1 Sub Area Image Processing (IIRS/ NESAC)

B1.1 Automatic extraction of 3D city models using LIDAR/ Satellite data (IIRS/ NESAC)
Extraction of buildings in undulating terrain is a more challenging task in comparison to
plain region. The proposed research would be useful for preparing smart city planning in
all hilly cities.

B1.2 3D surface modelling and features capturing of UAV/UAS data (NESAC)

A user friendly and robust UAV/UAS data processing software/model would help in
using the UAV data more efficiently and more diversified field. In-flight geometric
calibration & processing of UAV data will help in reducing the total output generation
time significantly.

B1.3 Automatic Feature Extraction with advanced image processing algorithms (IIRS)
Automatic extraction and labelling of urban features like roads and buildings from
high resolution satellite images has been an important research topic. Accurate and
up-to-date road network information and buildings is essential for urban planning.
Most of the traditional processing algorithms fail when the resolution increases
significantly and have limited automation. Recently CNN has become a very popular
tool for image classification which can automatically extract features, learn and classify
them. It is a common belief that CNN can always perform better than other well-known
classifiers. Hence there is a need to study and evaluate advance algorithms for automatic
extraction of objects.

Earth Observations

B1.4 Synergetic utilization of multi-sensor data for urban features extraction & modelling
Urban features extraction (such as 2D & 3D building parameters, individual trees, tree
plantations, parks, play grounds, built-up area, etc.) is important for various planning,
management and decision making at various levels. Availability of multi-sensor/ temporal
data coupled with advanced algorithms are useful for features extraction in an urban
area. Most of the traditional processing algorithms fail when the resolution increases
significantly. For instance, conventional statistical learning becomes intractable with
hyperspectral data due to the data dimensionality. Similarly, it is easier to classify urban
versus non-urban areas with medium resolution data, very high resolution data enable the
accurate classification at the building scale, but the use of such data requires completely
re-designing the whole processing chain.

B1.5 3D Modelling of urban areas/ 3D city modelling (IIRS)

The 3D models of urban areas assist in better visualization of urban areas as well
can be useful for building typologies, landscape morphological characteristics, urban
climate studies and many more applications for urban planners. This involves review
and development of algorithms for automatic extraction of buildings, reconstruction of
building planes and construction of 3D model using LiDAR and high-resolution stereo
pair data. Currently, emphasis is given to develop methods for generating the 3D models
using high-resolution stereo satellite data and Laser scanner based data.

B2 Sub Area Development of Image Processing Algorithms (NRSC/


B2.1 Automatic image registration (NRSC)

This should cater to multi-temporal, multi-resolution and multi-spectral imagery registration
with a specified accuracy for each category with a sub-pixel accuracy.

B2.2 Hyper spectral image analysis (NRSC/ NESAC)

Development of techniques of hyper spectral analysis for EO and planetary applications.

B2.3 Bundle block adjustment of aerial/satellite imagery (NRSC)

A technique development for operational bundle adjustment of large number of satellite imagery.
This should cater to the multi-resolution and multi-resolution satellite imagery. Should make use
of a distributed processing environment including the state of the art computer architecture.

B2.4 Advanced models for satellite data pre-processing methods (NRSC)

Innovative high resolution image processing algorithms like image restoration, noise
elimination, blur reduction and other quality improvements including advanced geometric
correction models for satellite imagery.

B2.5 Development of techniques of hyper spectral analysis for EO and planetary

applications (NRSC)
Hyperspectral sensing is a method of extracting information about an object or scene in
narrow spectral bands using imaging spectroscopy. Since the object or scene is imaged

Earth Observations

in narrow bands of wavelengths the neighboring pixel values are highly correlated.
Further, the imaging conditions play a vital role in extracting end members for specific
applications such as crop classification, mineral mapping, and urban scene analysis.
A range of hyperspectral sensors are flown by ISRO namely Hyper spectral imaging
camera of ISRO (HySI - ISRO) is flown on IMS-1, and Chandrayan-1 having a spectral
range from 0.4 to 0.95 micro meter at 10nm spectral resolution, Chandrayan 2 mission
Imaging Infra-Red Spectrometer for studying mineral mapping on moon. The present
challenges facing the hyperspectral imagery processing and analysis being (i) data
fusion, (ii) spectral unmixing, (iii) Data reduction, (iv) fast computing, and (v) data mining.
We welcome proposals providing solutions in any of the above areas of our interests.

B3 Sub Area Data Simulation (SAC)

B3.1 High resolution data simulation for future Cartosat series and HYSI mission (SAC)
There is a need of data simulation towards understanding the TDI devices in terms optical
butting (used to make swath larger), high bit depth (radiometric resolution) and spatial
resolution (0.5 m or higher). Therefore TDI sensor data simulation will be taken up in
near future by using the other TDI devices data already flown globally like IKONOS/Quick
Bird etc. This simulation will help in calibration, and testing the data processing and data
compression s/w of Cartosat-2C and 3. Data simulation is also required for HYSI sensors
for testing of data processing algorithms, simulation of agile platform effects as well as
testing of data compression algorithms.

B3.2 Simulations for microwave sensors (SAC)

There is a need of data simulation for testing effect of various sensor parameters like
chirp bandwidth, slice bandwidth and resolution, SNR etc. on performance of pencil
beam scatterometer. Simulations of wave-forms are required for deciding on optimum
sensor parameters and tracking algorithms for spaceborne altimeter system. Simulations
are required to develop robust phase unwrapping algorithms for SAR Interferometry
techniques. Simulations to understand concept of SweepSAR for acquiring data over
large area with better geometric resolution. Data simulation will also help in testing of
data processing algorithms.

B4 Sub Area Data Visualisation (SAC)

B4.1 An immersive satellite image navigator with human gesture recognition (SAC)
This research may brandish a complete suite to visualize the image data with gesture
recognition features. This kind of navigation will enable swift display and browsing of
satellite image data with the help of no contact, gesture driven device (like Wii). Also, it
can be used in discussion panels, exhibitions and presentations which intend to use this
type of visualization as an approach for technology demonstration.

B4.2 Development of image fusion techniques (SAC)

This research is aimed towards development of image fusion techniques by spatial
and frequency domain methods for merging HR PAN & MX data as well as optical and
microwave data. The scope includes

Earth Observations

Development of Image fusion method to generate merged product of Cartosat-2C.

Study & implementation of suitable algorithm and in-house software development from
the existing approaches for HR data and
Development of Image fusion methods to generate merged products from various optical
bands and microwave multi-polarised data acquired at different look angles.
Initially testing can be done by existing Cartosat-1, IRS-P6 and RISAT-1 data sets.

B4.3 Image matching for DEM generation (SAC)

One of the most important components of DEM generation from stereo/ multi-view imagery
is the generation of high density match points and their structuring. Current version of
CartoDEM based on Cartosat-1 stereo pair is based on advances in template matching
to produce high density match points and structuring by TIN. Further research areas
taken up in this include feature-based matching, better shadow and outlier detection,
and improved DEM regularization/ conditioning for end-use. Another area of research in
this field is development of robust algorithm for triplet matching, which will be enhancing
the current version of Lunar DEM generated from Chandrayaan-1 TMC as well as for
future Chandrayaan-2 TMC. R&D efforts are required to generate very high quality DEM
from Aerial TMC stereo/triplet data sets by extending the above methods in terms of
improvements in techniques/algorithms.

B4.4 Image quality improvement (SAC)

The image component of Data products are a result of correction for systematic errors/
variations in Radiometry and Geometry. Development of techniques for restoration (MTF
correction) of high spatial resolution imagery (e.g. Carto-2 series), de-striping of narrow-
band sensors like OCM, and spectral de-convolution of Hyper-spectral imagery are areas
of research in this category. Currently operational MTF restoration for Cartosat series are
based on techniques developed here.

B4.5 Quality indices for quantifying data quality (SAC)

The area of research deals with the delivery & maintenance of operational system for DQE
(Data Quality Evaluation) for all ISRO sensors being the primary responsibility of IAQD
of SPDCG.There is continuous R&D in terms of identifying suitable quality parameters
for each sensor, development of algorithms for evaluating the parameters from data, and
quantifying uncertainties in the process.

B4.6 Generation of quality flags for INSAT-3D products (INSAT-3D, INSAT-3DR) (SAC)
A study on identification of quality flags for data products of Imager and Sounder is
planned to be initiated. Quality flags will be formulated to capture end-to-end quality
related to sensor performance, data processing approach and calibration quality, keeping
in view quality requirements of climate quality data.
Some of proposed scene-wise quality flags for Level-1 products are a) Radiometric quality
– visual, calibration accuracy, sensor noise and b) Geometric accuracy - navigation
accuracy, channel mis-registration. Additional flags as per requirement may be identified.
Effect of above quality flags on usability of geo-physical products (eg. SST, OLR, UTH,
Atmospheric winds) on identified sites will be studied. Validation exercise with references/
in-situ measurements to be carried out.

Earth Observations

B4.7 Identification of quality parameters for hyper spectral data (SAC)

Quality parameters to quantify Geometric, Radiometric and Spectral quality of Hyper-
spectral data are required to be identified. Quality aspects specific to Planetary or Land
applications such as spectral signature identification for mineral mapping can be explored.
Effect of basic data quality on usability and accuracy of higher level products generated
for applications can be analysed.
Study area can be identified with available hyper-spectral data (Hyperion/AHYSI sensors), where
sensor performance and data quality can be studied and validated with ground observations.

B4.8 Integrated work bench for quality analysis of remote sensing images (SAC)
A work bench for quality analysis is proposed to be developed that would support data
visualization and quality evaluation of remote sensing images. The software should support
visualization of different types of satellite images (Medium to High resolution, Multi/Hyper
spectral, Optical/SAR) and geo-physical data products (SST/UTH/WV etc). It should have
capability of overlaying Vector Layers (District/State boundaries), Ground Control Points
(GCPS), Google-Maps available in public domain on images. Use of Open source libraries/
GIS packages can be explored for implementation. Domain specific techniques for semi-
automatic quality evaluation will be integrated with the proposed software.

B4.9 Post-launch calibration of space-borne sensors (SAC)

This is carried out for medium resolution optical land-imaging sensors’ radiometry based on
natural calibration sites, for narrow-band Ocean Colour sensors based on Moon-imaging,
for high resolution sensor MTF based on artificial targets, and for SAR sensor geometry
using corner reflectors and radiometry from natural sites. Development of suitable models
for ground radiometry assimilation, Top-of-Atmosphere radiance generation, Moon-image
irradiance modeling, target design and modeling for MTF evaluation, and for modeling of
calibration parameter determination for SAR targets are areas of research in this category.
In each aspect operational methods are based on R&D carried out here.
SAR radiometric calibration is one of the important aspect to characterize and maintain
image quality throughout the mission and to provide stable, quantifiable image products
to the users. This exercise is carried out throughout the mission in different manners.
For SAR sensors, continuous monitoring of gamma naught and sigma naught on non-
variant calibration sites like Amazon rainforest, Boreal forest is done to observe antenna
pattern and consistency in gamma0.
Radiometric parameters like sigma0, speckle index and radiometric resolution are
observed from other distributed targets for the data sets with same instrumental
parameters (beam, polarization). This exercise is used to estimate noise equivalent
sigma0 to ensure the data quality.
Scalloping and banding are the distortions needs to be quantified for ScanSAR mode
Corner reflector based calibration is done to compute the impulse response parameters.
A regular and systematic analysis helps to estimate the radiometric accuracy and stability
using corner reflector based data
Monitoring of SAR instrument subsystem components is used to study gain variations
or linearity.

Earth Observations

A novel approach for Data quality evaluation of Scatterometers (OceanSat or upcoming

mission ScatSat-1) is being worked out where one can relate the parameters available
at different levels of product to geophysical parameters. In Scatterometer the vector
wind is retrieved by combining several backscatter observations made from multiple
viewing geometries.
From Level 0, Leve1 and Level 2 data products, behavior of each sensor parameter
is studied and suitable flags are generated if any deviation is observed. Pre-requisite
of this exercise is first to have proper understanding of the instrument and algorithm
characteristics which gives an insight into the factors controlling data quality.
This monitoring and stringent flagging of required parameters at each level ease the
traceability in order to relate the end product with Level 0 or intermediate level of products
Scatterometer calibration includes the monitoring of onboard calibration data to keep
a check on transmitted power. Invariant sites like Amazon rainforest, Sahara Desert,
Antarctic snow are required to be monitored regularly and time series of backscattered
or brightness temperature can be generated to check the system behavior. Regular such
feedbacks help data processing to fine tune the DP system in order to generate high
accuracy data products..

B5 Sub Area Geometry Modelling (SAC/IIRS)

B5.1 Geometry modelling (SAC)

Advanced technique and algorithm development for in-flight Geometrical Calibration and
its Standardization for Optical Remote Sensing payloads
In-flight geometric calibration exercises are carried out usually during initial phase of
the mission and necessary algorithms and corresponding s/w are developed for each
mission separately. Special efforts are put for conducting a large number of exercises
and analysis of results. This makes the in-flight experiments purely mission dependent
calling for s/w changes for any new mission. Further, different modelling approaches are
availabl. So a need for generalized s/w is felt based on the current experiences while
giving scope for flexibility to extend the approach for new sensors like TDI and other high-
resolution imaging modes. A scheme for standardization/generalisation of this activity is
being evolved in terms of the following viz.
Establishing necessary set of pre-identified test bed areas where adequate number of
accurate control points are available, for use by any mission
Development of mission independent techniques/algorithms and necessary s/w to work
with or without control.
Provision to incorporate new techniques, various modelling options to work with/without
control points, options for single sensor, stereo sensors, triple sensors, multi-strips, multi-
bands, TDI sensor, imaging modes etc.
Identifying a set of common in-flight geometric parameters for adjustment for any mission
as well as mission specific features.
Approach should be able to characterize interior and exterior orientation of the sensors.
Standardization of definition, convention for in-flight geometric parameters and their use

Earth Observations

Estimation and separation of attitude biases from spacecraft alignment and payload
alignment angles etc.
Attitude profiles analysis and validation techniques
Standardization of Input/output file formats and contents
Scope for adding any additional, new features pertaining to in-flight procedures.
Scope of research proposal
This research aims at development of new procedures (both technology development
as well as R&D work for development of algorithms and s/w) and standardization/
generalization of the approaches for in-flight geometric calibration of the sensors on-
board remote sensing satellites, which will result in high accurate data product realization
at system level, apart from improving registration and mosaicking accuracies across
missions for handling heterogeneous data sets. This can also give a future direction to
the calibration procedures in terms of the requirements of some of the hardware on-board
so that they can be useful in the current and future remote sensors (CARTOSAT-2C/2D,
CARTOSAT-3, CARTOSAT-1A/1B, Chandrayaan-2 etc.) of different configuration.
Modelling for Multiple Satellite/Sensor/Strip/View data in block adjustment sense
The aim of this research is to develop approaches/techniques (both parametric and non-
parametric) to model simultaneously data from multiple satellite/sensor/strips/Views from
CARTOSAT-1/2/2A/2B and future missions to generate terrain corrected products with
high accuracy.
Scope of research proposal
The scope of the proposal includes development of techniques for generation of Digital
Elevation Models and Ortho-images without using the control points to meet the Global
requirements. This can be achieved by increasing the redundancy in the datasets. Both
Physical and RPC models will be built in block adjustment such a way, it can be easily
adopted for planetary missions Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2.
It is planned to make use of this approach with global missions like Quickbird, IKONOS,
and Worldview for available data sets. The proposed research will be able to handle
and model full pass duration with limited control or no control and pave way for realising
highly accurate DEMs and good quality data products especially for future HR missions
like CARTOSAT-2C/2D, CARTOSAT-3 & other upcoming CARTO series of satellites &
other High resolution missions.

B5.2 Sensor web enablement (IIRS)

Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has taken a major initiative towards the
development of OGC SWE specification. The OGC’s Sensor Web Enablement (SWE)
standards enable developers to make all types of sensors, transducers and sensor data
repositories discoverable, accessible and useable via the Web. Some of the key areas
of SWE research are on Sensor Web Data Visualization, Sensor Web Data Uncertainty
Management, Sensor Web Data Management (e.g., Indexing, Caching, Query &
Processing), Sensor Web Data Discovery and Search and SWE Deployment for Real-
world Applications. Also few areas like Convergence of GeoWeb, Sensor Web and Social
Web and Interoperable Middleware Architectures for heterogeneous Sensor Networks/
Sensor Web are in developmental stages.

Earth Observations

B6 Sub Area Earth Observation Data Processing (SAC/ NRSC/ IIRS/


B6.1 Data processing for smart satellites (SAC)

Carry out the Technology demonstration of complete Data processing on-board and
disseminating products/Information.

B6.2 Cloud avoidance scheduling (NRSC)

Payload programming makes the optimum use of satellite resources to satisfy User
requirements. The various capabilities of the IRS satellites and its resources call for
a meticulous planning. Payload programming is successful only when it results in
acquisition which cater to user requirements in terms of data quality, correct area of
coverage (targeting accuracy), timeliness (within the period of interest) and cloud free
Cloud cover is one of the major problems in the acquisition of optical satellite remote
sensing data and has a negative impact on the efficiency of data scheduling.
The necessary global cloud information (on a daily / hourly basis) derived from
meteorological satellites has to be incorporated in the planning system to improve the
planning efficiency.

B6.3 Time series data processing (SAC)

Re-Processing all IRS, land and ocean data for generation of Atmospherically corrected
ortho-rectified (water leaving radiance and ground reflectance) products, which can be
used for Time Series analysis and generation of climate quality products.

B6.4 Algorithms for time series analysis of satellite data (NRSC)

National Remote Sensing Centre has been archiving all remote sensing data right
from IRS 1A mission of ISRO till date. The datasets has all the characteristics that may
constitute a time series and hence is a good resource for long term studies related to
climate change and change detection etc. One of the possible applications of a time
series data is to build models for forecasting. Statistical Methods such as ARIMA and
GARCH are popular in predicting time series but they are far from satisfactory in terms of
precision. Recent developments in machine learning algorithms and its use in regression
and classification problems have paved a way for their use in forecasting time series.
We invite proposals that incorporate the state-of-the-art algorithms for remote sensing
applications, characterization of sensors and reconstruction of data.

B6.5 Linking urban air quality with built-form using geospatial techniques (IIRS)
Air pollutants occur both, outdoor and indoor, and can be natural or man-made.
The major indicators of air pollution are SO2, CO, NO2, O3, NH3, H2S, particulate
matters (PM2.5 and PM10), etc. The major sources of air pollution in urban areas
are vehicular emission, solid waste burning, domestic fuels, power station, industries,
etc. With the increasing tren d of air pollution in urban areas, its analysis is required
for understanding causative factors, better planning and for general awareness using
geospatial tools.

Earth Observations

B6.6 Solar potential assessment in urban areas (IIRS)

The world’s energy problem and the huge scarcity of sources producing energy, drifts our
attention towards renewable energy sources. It is important to identify areas that receive
maximum solar radiation, and to prevent losses in solar gain due to obstructions from
surrounding buildings and topographic features. Recent research has shown that net-
zero energy buildings are achievable if site analysis and various climatological factors
are taken into consideration while designing a building, house or a community.

B6.7 Semi-empirical modelling for forest biophysical characterization using PolSAR

data (NESAC)
Influence of slope in forest biophysical characteristic of hilly regions needs to be
understood properly.

B6.8 Tool and techniques for improving the quality of SAR images by post processing
including removal of various artefacts like scalloping, banding, streaking, Terrain
normalization using DEM, multi resolution, multi resolution SAR image and optical
image fusion, time series analysis (SAC)

B7 Sub Area Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IIRS)

B7.1 Machine leaning algorithms for earth observation data processing (IIRS)
Artificial Neural networks (ANN) is a generic name for a large class of machine learning
algorithms, most of them are trained with an algorithm called back propagation. In the late
eighties, early to mid-nineties, dominating algorithm in neural nets was fully connected
neural networks. These types of networks have a large number of parameters, and so
do not scale well. But convolutional neural networks (CNN) are not considered to be
fully connected neural nets. CNNs have convolution and pooling layers, whereas ANN
have only fully connected layers, which is a key difference. Moreover, there are many
other parameters which can make difference like number of layers, kernel size, learning
rate etc. While applying Possibilistic c-Means (PCM) fuzzy based classifier homogeneity
within class was less while observing learning based classifiers homogeneity was found
more. Best class identification with respect to homogeneity within class was found in
CNN output. With this it gives a path to explore various deep leaning algorithms in various
applications of earth observation data like; self-learning based classification, prediction,
multi-sensor temporal data in crop/forest species identification, remote sensing time
series data analysis.

B7.2 Super resolution approaches for hyperspectral remote sensing images (IIRS)
To enhance spatial resolution of the hyperspectral data, it needs to be fused with other
sensor data of high spatial resolution. This results in enhanced spatial information but
with loss of information. To obtain enhanced spatial information in hyperspectral data
without using external data super resolution technique can be applied. The technique
could be single frame super resolution technique, which converts hyperspectral data
from low resolution to high resolution and can be utilized for detailed land cover analysis.

Earth Observations

B7.3 Subpixel target detection using spectral unmixing of hyperspectral data (IIRS)
Hyperspectral sensors are able to provide unprecedented spectral and radiometric
excellence in the data sets. These datasets are very important for identifying features
and discriminating various materials. Issues related to hyperspectral data processing
include endmember extraction and subpixel analysis, which are essential for land cover
information extraction. There are various automatic and semiautomatic techniques
developed to extract endmembers and some of them relies on the existence of relatively
pure pixels. Purest endmember can be extracted from the data collected by airborne
hyperspectral sensors. Spectral unmixing in each pixel of hyperspectral data deals with the
fact of decomposition of spectra present into its corresponding constituent components.
Linear and nonlinear techniques of spectral unmixing allows proper subpixel analysis of
the earth surface utilizing hyperspectral data.

B7.4 Enhanced land cover information extraction from high resolution hyperspectral
data using object based technique (IIRS)
Satellite image classification for land-cover information extraction using high spectral
and spatial resolution data is challenging task for traditional pixel based classification
approaches. The pixel based classification approach only utilizes spectral information
of the pixels to classify the image. Normally different physical objects have different
spectral information and it is easy to differentiate using pixel based classification. The
ability of the approach is limited when objects have similar spectral information. Under
this circumstances the image are not classified correctly. To separate the objects with
similar spectral information object based image analysis can be used which uses spatial
as well as textural information. This approach segments the pixels into objects according
to the homogeneity of the image and classify the image by treating objects as a whole.

B7.5 Advanced sensor models for optical & microwave data Geo-referencing ( NRSC)
Georeferencing is the process of assigning spatial location to each pixel of an image
using sensor models or GCPs. Precise georeferencing is a major issue especially in high
resolution optical and microwave imagery. Presently, rigorous sensor models and rational
function models are widely in used in optical imagery geo referencing. For microwave
sensors the range Doppler method is generally employed for assigning precise geo
location. This method corrects the imagery for foreshortening and layover effects by
utilizing the topology, orbit and velocity measurements from satellite and assigns a
geolocation to each pixel. We welcome proposals that defines new methods/models and
implementation of any of the above algorithms both for optical and microwave imagery.

B7.6 Atmospheric correction procedures implementation for Visible & NIR & HySI
Atmospheric correction is key image processing step to retrieve surface reflectance
values from spectra recorded by remote sensing space borne sensors. This further helps
in standardizing physical variables, thus facilitating comparisons across time series of
such variables. Presently, Atmospheric correction of all bands of Resourcesat-2 AWIFS
and LISS III sensors is being carried out utilizing water vapor, ozone data products

Earth Observations

from MODIS, Aerosol optical depth from INSAT satellites using 6S RTF algorithm. The
atmospheric correction has improved our estimation of normalized difference vegetation
index by a factor of 50% with respect to TOA. There are possibilities of improving these
estimations further by modeling the Bidirectorial reflectance distribution functions, using
reflectance references from Drones or physics based models. We invite proposals in any
of these areas that aim to minimize the influence of atmospheric effects in estimation of
physical variables.

B8 Sub Area Visualization, Cloud Computing & Software Architecture


B8.1 A private cloud infrastructure for Image processing and highly compute intensive
applications so as enable designers/developers to dynamically use computing
and storage resources in HPC environment (SAC)

B8.2 Cloud infrastructure in HPC environment (IIRS)

A private cloud infrastructure for Image processing and highly compute intensive
applications so as enable designers/developers to dynamically use computing and
storage resources in HPC environment.

B8.3 Virtual Internal Network analysis and configurability (IIRS)

Virtualisation of internal Network, desktop and OS is utilized for effective resource
management and reduce risk. This provides exploration of network behaviour in
certain external or internal anomaly. Better Hardware utilization is another aspect while
improving availability and disaster recovery. Auto Configurability and response are
Current objectives.

B8.4 Parallel processing over HPC environment (IIRS)

Parallel Processing approaches for real time data processing and re-processing in HPC
environment and using GPGPU platforms as well as accelerators like Intel-5.

B9 Sub Area Image Map Generation Using Remote Sensing Satellite


B9.1 Remote sensing satellites have provided continuous images with improving resolution
since 1985. Currently, CartoDEM and Carto-ortho images are available for Indian region.
Intention is to generate image map of cities and other area of interest using the available
data sets as mentioned above. Cartosat series (images) data panchromatic (PAN) and
multispectral (MX) can to used.
Image captured by means of remote sensing are a very important source of geospatial
information. Image map is defined as a special map portraying geographic space in a
particular cartographical projection and map scale where its content consists of two basic
components- image and symbol components. Image component is represented by remote
sensing image(s), while symbol component is represented by cartographic symbols.
As it is well known that SOI topographic maps are old surveyed and so very less information
is available specially in the maps of Indian cities. Satellite data provides latest information

Earth Observations

which can be encashed for various applications. By means of image map generation user
can get better, latest and additional information from the image map. Topographic maps
contain the representation of ground features in symbol form but in case of image map
beside latest features, one can study and analyse the ground terrain effect also.
Image maps can be generated at following scales
1:50000, b) 1:25000 and c) 1:10000
Positional accuracy: Aim of this proposal is to generate Image map for Indian cities. As
per the scale, image map accuracy will be different. But with same input satellite data
sets, goal can be targeted <10m accuracy specifications.
Map projection & Datum: The Image maps are planned to be generated in World Geodetic
System (WGS-84) Datum and will be projected in UTM Map Projection. Radiometric
resolution of resultant images will be 10 bit.
Open map series concept to be adopted in image map generation for map sheet numbering.
Map grid tile generation with image map number is required. For a particular map grid no.
first select the corner coordinates and collect respective area CartoDEM and orthoimages.
a) Generate DEM mosaic and orthoimage mosaic.
b) In ERDAS s/w, using “map composing tool” generate image map.
Image maps can be archived in a database and as per the requirement hardcopy can be

B10 Sub Area Data Registration (NRSC)

B10.1 Techniques for multi-date data registration and mosaics ( NRSC)

Image-registration can be defined as ‘the process of overlaying images (two or more) of the
same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors’.
It plays an essential role in remote sensing as it is a prerequisite for the analysis of multi-
date image sequences. Image co-registration issues might seriously influence the final
quality of the remote sensing analysis and products because small misalignments in the
input data could give large errors in the final outputs. e.g. for change detection applications.
Image-to-image methods have two important advantages. The first one concerns
the analyzed data: many applications require the comparison of multi-temporal and
multisource data that should be precisely aligned. The relative co-registration of different
images is therefore more important than their absolute geo-referencing. Secondly, image-
to-image co-registration methods are based on the analysis of dataset of the same type.
This leads to a general simplification of the co-registration process especially in the case
automatic co-registration techniques are used.
The co-registration essentially required for Bhuvan portal, where the multiple images
has to match each other previous layer. It includes free download of AWIFS and LISS-3
orthorectified products and High Resolution satellite of multiple years, which are being
used for feature extraction. The co-registered product enables automatic updation of
newly identified features in latest images.

Earth Observations

C Area Satellite Data Reception and Ground Station

C1 Sub Area Design and Development of Antenna for data reception

C1.1 Very high data rate (up to 2GBPS) demodulator & Bitsynchronizer systems with
programmability for multiple modulation & encoding schemes (NRSC)
Design & development of Demodulator using Parallelism techniques for handling High
data rate(2GBPS)
Proposed FPGA demodulator is based on the Advanced High speed Design Methodology
using the Parallelism techniques.
Based on Hard limited Costas Loop development for Carrier and Clock Recovery.
Simultaneous Demodulation and Bit-synchronization
Continuous programmability of data rates, Modulation Schemes decoding and adaptable
base band filtering.

C1.2 Three axis azimuth-elevation-train (variable tilt axis) axis tracking pedestal for
antenna system (NRSC)
IMGEOS facility consists of four 7.5 mtr antenna systems for multi-mission data reception.
Out of the 4 Antenna systems, 2 have tilted pedestals and 2 have un-tilted pedestals.
Tilted pedestals have the capability to avoid the Zenith /overhead passes and can
track the high elevation passes without any difficulty. The limitation/drawback of
fixed tilt mechanism is that, if the satellite trajectory is in the opposite direction of tilt
direction, then the line of sight at horizon/low elevation gets reduced and cannot avoid
the zenith/overhead zone.By providing a programmable tilt to the pedestal up to 7 degree
tilt, a distinct advantage of adjustment of Tilt in any direction (unlike fixed tilt) as per
the satellite trajectory is achieved and totally eliminates cone of silence/ dead zone
of Elevation over Azimuth Mounts. This programmable tilted pedestal is also called
as Train axis/3-axis mount (Az, El and Train axis) and is essential for tracking
the future missions like Cartosat – 3/3A/3B which will transmit the data in Ka band
frequency (25.5 – 27.0 GHz).

C1.3 Adaptive servo control systems for Ka-Band data reception antennas (NRSC)
Adaptive Servo control System design is based on LQG controller, which is a Linear
Quadratic Gaussian controller. It is an optimal and model based controller. Antenna
Control servo system (ACSS) is used to control the motion of antenna. Present ACSS
is based on PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative) controller. This LQG controller
overcomes the limitations of PID controller in terms of configurability of certain design
parameters like rise time, settling time, Overshoot, servo error and disturbance rejection
properties. Present PID based controller is not sufficient to meet the Ka and Ku band
tracking requirements in view of its narrow beam width.

Earth Observations

C1.4 FPGA implementation of CCSDS standard DWT-based image decompression

DWT based image compression technique is a compression standard used onboard
satellites to improve transmission efficiency and for reducing storage requirements. This
technique is very efficient to preserve the original image quality. On ground, the reverse
process has to be done to retrieve the original data ie. DWT based decompression. This
project work is VLSI Design of DWT based image decompression so that the design
can be implemented in FPGA hardware. This hardware implementation will improve the
ground data processing speed and hence the Turn around Time.

C2 Sub Area Satellite Image Data Compression & Decompression


C2.1 Development of high speed CCSDS image compression / decompression technique

The CCSDS has established a recommended standard for a data compression/
decompression algorithm applied to two-dimensional digital spatial image data from
payload instruments and to specify how this compressed data shall be formatted into
segments to enable decompression at the receiving end.
The steps followed can be briefed as: performing an image de-correlating operation (DWT)
and then encoding the coefficients in various stages in order to obtain the compressed image.
The compressed image has to be decoded with the knowledge of the segment header. Rate
regulation needs to be done in order to adjust the compression rate. The decoded coefficients
are correlated back (inverse DWT) to get the reconstructed satellite image
All the future Cartosat missions follow the CCSDS image compression/decompression
technique and there is a need for the high speed implementation of the same.
The requirement is the implementation of all the compression and decompression steps
using General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) and CUDA software.

C3 Sub Area Error Correction Coding (NRSC)

C3.1 Reed Solomon decoding software development for satellite data (NRSC)
Satellite communication channels are subject to channel noise, and thus errors may be
introduced during transmission from the source to a receiver. Error detection techniques
allow detecting such errors, while error correction enables reconstruction of the original
data. Reed Solomon decoding algorithm is one of the error correcting algorithms to correct
the received data with errors. Different formats of RS decoding standard algorithms are
available like (247,255), (223,255). These things work in two modes one in CCSDS
format and the other in traditional standard mode.
Because of huge volume of satellite data and large mathematical computation it is time
consuming to decode the data by using the traditional methods of Reed Solomon decoding
algorithm. Hence there is a need for the high speed implementation of the same. The
requirement is the parallelism of the Reed Solomon algorithm in General Purpose Graphics
Processing Unit (GPGPU) and by parallel approach in Central Processing Unit (CPU).

Earth Observations

C4 Sub Area Distributed Workflow Management (NRSC)

C4.1 Autonomous multi agent job scheduling algorithms for distributed systems (NRSC)
Large scale processing and knowledge extraction from data requires execution of
complex workflows in a distributed environment. A generic framework needs to be evolved
for collaborative computing among the resources to obtain maximum throughputs from
the systems
Development of (i) multi-agent system architecture for processing data in a distributed
network environment (ii) models for a multi agent communication (iii) schemes for
automatic configuration of agents based on the dynamics of the real time job scheduling
and (iv) Resource optimization algorithms to improve the processing timelines.

C5 Sub Area Data Mining (NRSC/ NESAC)

C5.1 Algorithms for knowledge extraction from big data (NRSC /NESAC)
Large volumes of data that cannot be stored in normal relational databases are being
generated every day from the remote sensing satellites. Many software elements extract
information from the raw data generating information in unstructured form such as images,
log files, user orders in pdf, word etc. There is a need for developing efficient data mining
algorithms to tag the data sets for facilitating efficient build up of archival and retrieval.
In general data mining algorithms work on data sets that are of reasonable size and
cannot handle BIG data.
Develop Parallel Algorithms for mining the classification rules to facilitate data archival in
an optimal manner
Develop mining algorithms that are Incremental and can learn and unlearn from the
continuous satellite data acquisitions
Develop algorithms for extracting meaningful trends in the customer ordering, build customer
satisfaction index, predict the future sales or potential sensors or popular products etc.

C6 Sub Area Software Engineering (NRSC/SAC)

Software is an integral part of all major systems of ISRO and plays a vital role in all its
critical activities. Many functions which were done manually hitherto are being automated
through software. It is very much important that software life cycle activities from inception
to retirement are carried out systematically to ensure high quality in software.

C6.1 Software reliability modelling and metrics (NRSC)

There is a need to develop automated tools to extract different metrics from various
software packages developed by ISRO to estimate their reliability and predict if possible
the failure rates from the version history.
Develop customized metrics for different types of software packages including real time,
near real time, post processing, workflow software and distributed software
Develop algorithms for estimating the software reliability numbers and predictive models
for forecasting the failure conditions.

Earth Observations

C6.2 Predicting reliability & optimal release time of various categories of software (SAC)
To develop new SW Reliability Growth Models considering current trends in software
reliability engineering & new challenges of software development process in order to
accurately measure and prediction of software reliability.
To find out the optimal release time of software.
Develop a configurable SW for the same.
New SRGM/SRTDM considers factors: specific application, patch-policy, upgrade
testing-effort, testing coverage, testing environment, imperfect debugging, fault reduction
factor, fault compression factor, fault removal efficiency.
This will cover the various categories of software development projects (mission critical
or non-critical applications also, irrespective of its severity level), which are under
development/ operations/ maintenance.

C6.3 Techniques for acceleration of digital design verification (SAC)

Goal: Acceleration of functional simulation of large VLSI designs using hardware
(reconfigurable FPGA /ASICs) devices.
Functional simulation of large VLSI design carried out at workstations runs at very
slow speed. In order to overcome the limitation of enormous time taken for functional
simulations of large digital designs (RTL/Gate level netlist), it is required to place resource
hungry modules of the VLSI design on the separate FPGA board.
System is having such capabilities which can provide combine benefits of HDL
simulation (signal visibility) and emulation (speed). Moreover, this acceleration will re-
use simulation test benches without compromising their functionality or verification
This system will be used for the Verification & Validation of all on-board and ground,
compatible FPGA and ASIC designs.

C6.4 Use of multi-processor parallel processing for timing & functional simulation of
VLSI designs (SAC)
Goal: To achieve high speed timing & functional simulation of VLSI designs at RTL and
GATE level, using multi core processor based EDA simulators.
General EDA simulators run on a single core processor of the workstations. Use of only
single core for processing, limits the simulation speed and become worse in case of timing
(post lay out) simulations. With use of multi core parallel processing based simulator will
enhance the simulation speed by a significant factor (10-20X).
This system will be used for the timing and functional simulations of all on-board and
ground VLSI designs.

Earth Observations

D Area Earth, Ocean and Applications (SAC/ NRSC/ IIRS/

EPSA is responsible for activities related to understanding Earth System, its components,
processes and interactions using earth observation data, and its applications towards
societal benefits. It aims at identifying Earth Observational (EO) requirements, development
of techniques to analyse data to address the science issues and applications related to
land, ocean, atmospheric and planetary sciences. The research pertains to operational
retrieval of biophysical and geophysical parameters from space borne sensors, sensitivity
analysis, calibration and validation of the sensor and retrieved parameters, assimilation
of remote sensing derived parameters, in-process modelling pertaining to interactions
within the geosphere-biosphere system and atmosphere.
EPSA as a world-class multi-disciplinary scientific team has the following major research themes:
Sensor system studies towards development of state-of-the art EO Sensors
Development of operational retrieval techniques of bio-physical parameters from Indian
Earth Observation as well as Planetary missions
Advance R & D on retrieval of Geophysical and Biophysical products
Synergetic use of space borne data to derive value added bio-geophysical parameters
Development of procedures and advanced techniques for inventory and monitoring of
natural resources using geo-informatics.
Modeling of dynamic physical processes for improved weather and ocean state prediction.
Development of assimilation techniques for improved predictions
Assessment of environmental impact and associated climate change over different ecosystems.
Utilization of data from Indian Satellite Missions including SCATSAT-1, RISAT-1, INSAT-
3D/3DR, Oceansat-2, Cartosat-1/2, Resourcesat-2, SARAL AltiKa and Megha-Tropiques.
Planetary Sciences
Designing, generation and updating of resource database ranging from local to national scale.
Capacity building of scientists at national and international level for developing and
implementing EO application programs.
Facilitating infrastructure design and development at national and international level to
support earth observation applications for collaborating agencies
Archival, Dissemination of the Meteorological & Oceanographic Satellite data,
Experimental forecasts and value added products
Archival, Dissemination of the Earth & Planetary Science Data
Providing platform to students, academicians & researchers for the analysis of Satellite data.

Earth Observations

D1 Sub Area Physical Oceanography (Development of Blue Economy)


D1.1 Assimilation of satellite/in situ data in numerical ocean prediction models:

Observation System Studies Experiment (OSSE) (SAC)
Advance research is being carried out for assimilation of satellite derived parameters
(salinity, temperature, sea level, wave height, ocean color) in ocean prediction models.
This involves development of various assimilation techniques for improving the initial
condition in the models. Apart from satellite data, lot of in situ measurements (glider, HF
Radar, wave rider buoys etc.) are also being taken in the present. It will require intensive
modelling and testing optimization techniques towards performing OSSE to ascertain the
importance of satellite-based and in situ-based observations.

D1.2 High resolution oceanography (SAC)

In the view of high resolution (temporal and spatial) satellite observations from synthetic
aperture radar, forthcoming swath altimetry, radiometer-based sea surface temperature
and optical imageries, high resolution oceanography is fast becoming a reality. Synergistic
use of these information will be key to understanding many unresolved processes at sub-
mesoscale level, which can help in better ocean estimation.

D1.2 Air Sea interaction studies (SAC)

To understand some of the atmospheric and oceanic processes near ocean surface, air
sea interaction study is very important. It is important to assess the validity of existing
exchange algorithms (bulk formulations) for different regions of the oceans. Because of
scarcity of observed data over the ocean, it is important to understand these processes
with the help of satellite data. However, in situ data will form an important data set for
validation. This involves diagnostic studies of the processes with the satellite data and
numerical model outputs.

D1.3 Study on coastal dynamics using satellite and high resolution numerical models
Coastal dynamics are extremely important to understand as it has significant implications
on coastal population. Coastal processes such as, storm surge, rip currents, extreme
waves, oil-spill trajectory forcecastetc need to be studied systematically with the help of
high resolution data and numerical modeling.

D1.4 Seasonal ocean prediction with coupled atmosphere-ocean models (SAC)

Forecast of anomalous oceanic conditions (Dipole/El Nino) at least one season
in advance is of high importance as it has direct influence on the Indian Summer
Monsoon. These seasonal to long term forecasts are required to be done by making
synergistic use of satellite observations and couple Ocean-Atmosphere models.
Effect of satellite data assimilation on the skills of these forecasts are also required
to be assessed.

Earth Observations

D2 Sub Area Geophysical Parameter Retrievals (SAC)

D2.1 Retrieval of geophysical parameters from satellite data (SAC)

ISRO has planned for launching a number of meteorological and oceanographic satellites
in near future. It has already, Megha-Tropiques, INSAT-3D/3DR and SCATSAT satellites
in the orbit. In near future it has plan to launch GISAT and Oceansat-III. It is a challenging
work to retrieve geophysical parameters from the sensor data of these satellites. This
involves Radiative Transfer modelling and the Inverse modeling techniques.

D2.2 Retrieval from proposed advanced sensors (SAC)

ISRO has planned to include advanced sensors such as Microwave Temperature
Sounding Unit (TSU) and Humidity Sounding Unit (HSU) in future missions. There is also
possibility of inclusion of an advanced microwave radiometer similar to GPM Microwave
Imager (GMI) in future missions. The retrieval of geophysical parameters from these
sensors is a challenging task that can be taken up by research and academic institutions
in the country.

D2.3 IRNSS/GNSS applications (SAC)

IRNSS/GNSS offers unique opportunity to retrieve atmospheric geophysical parameters
such as TPW. ISRO may also develop satellite-borne receivers for IRNSS/GNSS
reflectometry, which has potential to provide various surface parameters including sea
surface height, intense sea surface wind speed and direction under severe weather
conditions, soil moisture, ice and snow thickness, etc. Theoretical modelling and
simulations of the reflectometry observations is desired for the retrieval of the parameters.
Until IRNSS receivers are not available, International missions such as TDS-1 and
CYGNSS can be used to validate the simulation studies and retrieval algorithms.

D2.4 Merged data products (SAC)

Develop data fusion methods to derive most optimized products using a synergy of
observations. The examples are (a) Optimized temperature/humidity profiles using IR
and microwave sounders (b) Optimized SST and rainfall products from IR and Microwave

D2.5 Advanced system study for new sensor definition (SAC)

For new measurements of atmospheric and Oceanic parameters, new advance sensors
have to be defined for future satellites. System study is being done with the help of
Radiative transfer models to define the appropriate frequency and bandwidth of new

D2.6 Other research areas related to parameter retrieval (SAC)

Cloud/Rain type classification using INSAT/Kalpana observations.
Study of cloud micro physics using 157 GHz of MADRAS and INSAT data
Combination of INSAT-3D Imager and Sounder products to improve the quality of a few
critical atmospheric products, such as atmospheric stability, total water vapour contents,
SST etc.

Earth Observations

INSAT-3D/3DR 3.9 µm channel provides a cleaner atmospheric window compared TIR

channel for superior low-level cloud detection at night. However, due to its susceptibility to
reflected sunlight from cirrus and especially low-level cumulus clouds limits its usefulness
at night-time applications only. Question is to investigate by retrieving 3.9 µm winds at
day-time, how much the accuracy is affected, with respect to low-level winds retrieved
using TIR channels? Whether this can be useful for any other applications which can’t be
resolved by the winds from TIR or VIS channels?

D3 Sub Area Geosciences (SAC/ NRSC)

D3.1 Geo-Hazards (SAC)

Research leading to development of early warning systems to geo-hazards.
Crustal deformation studies using InSAR and GPS.
Interseismic deformation modelling along active plate boundaries for earthquake hazard
Volcanic deformation studies.
Understanding land subsidence due to groundwater/coal exploitation.
Active fault detection and monitoring using InSAR.
Developing methods for coastal vulnerability assessment due to natural and man-made
Desertification and Land Degradation Vulnerability assessment
Development of techniques to retrieve gravity/geoid using satellite altimetry over marine
Modeling gravity/geoid data for understanding lithospheric structure and geodynamic
Integrated geophysical study of Indian continental margins to understand its geological
evolution with specific utility to off-shore oil exploration.
Geophysical investigations of the Andaman-Sumatra subduction zone to understand
geodynamics and seismo-genesis.

D3.2 Mineral exploration (SAC)

Develop methods to analyse/evaluate potentials of various space borne /airborne
missions (Hyperspectral, RADAR, Thermal,DEM,gravity,magnetic in particular) for
mineral exploration
Develop GIS based models to identify mineral prognostic zones by integrating geological,
geophysical and geochemical data.
Develop methods for environmental impact assessment of existing/proposed mining
areas using RS and GIS.

D3.3 Geo-Archaeology (SAC)

Develop methods/ approach to explore archaeological sites using multisensor satellite
data (Radar and high resolution multispectral data in particular) in conjunction with
geospatial database of known archaeological sites Understand impact of neo-tectonic
activities and palaeo-climatic changes on evolution of ancient civilisations.

Earth Observations

D4 Sub Area Cryosphere Science (SAC/NESAC)

D4.1 Mass balance of Himalayan and other mountain glaciers (SAC)

Mass balance of Himalayan and other Mountain glaciers using DEM differencing
approach. Mass balance of Mountain valley glaciers is a direct indicator of effect of
climatic variations on glaciers. There are many approaches to compute this parameter.
One of the approaches is based on finding of differences in the elevation of glaciers over
a period of time using time different DEMs.

D4.2 Digital techniques of change detection of area of glaciers and geomorphology

around glaciers (SAC)
Change in area of glaciers is a direct indicator of long term increase or decrease in mass
of glaciers. Satellite data of medium resolution can be used for this change detection.
Methods need to be developed based on digital techniques to extract the changes from
satellite images.

D4.3 Glacier ice velocity (SAC)

Glacier velocity can be extracted from satellite images using image correlation techniques.
Research is required to know the causes of spatial and temporal variations in ice velocity
in the Himalayan terrain.

D4.4 Ice sheet mass balance, calving and motion (SAC)

Continental ice sheets are very important constituents of earth’s system. Research is
required to be done in estimating accurately the change in mass balance of ice sheets,
rates of calving and motion rates of motion of ice using satellite images.

D4.5 Effect of annual variations of sea ice (SAC)

Research is required to be done on the annual variations in growth and decay of different
types of sea ice and its effect on global heat circulation.

D4.6 Impact of climate change on Himalayan snow & glaciers (NESAC)

Understanding the influence of climate change in snow melt and runoff factors for
incorporating in flood forecasting model.

D5 Sub Area Environmental Sciences (SAC)

D5.1 Estimation of forest biomass (SAC)

SAC is engaged in development of physical and semi-empirical models based on
polarimetric SAR data for estimation of forest above-ground biomass and recently, SAC
has generated forest above-ground biomass of selected forests in India using SAR
data. New research is required for development of PolarimetricInterferometric SAR
(PolInSAR) based advanced models for generation of forest tomography and more
accurate estimation of forest biomass.

Earth Observations

D6 Sub Area Advance Techniques Development (SAC)

D6.1 Development of Polarimetric Interferometric SAR (PolInSAR) based tools/

techniques for airborne/spaceborne SAR (SAC)
PolInSAR is an evolving technique that has enormous potential in geoscience applications
especially applications related to vegetation. Future Space borne Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) systems such as NASA-ISRO L&S band SAR would provide data suitable
for short-baseline PolInSAR applications. SAC is engaged in development of tools and
algorithms for PolInSAR analysis.

D6.2 Development of models and algorithms for parallel processing of massive

Microwave / SAR signal data streams from satellites (SAC)
Modelling SAR / Microwave signal data processing on a parallel stream processing
Development of Algorithms on the chosen Big Data Architecture for processing of SAR /
Microwave data from Satellite.
Implementation of the developed algorithms on Hadoop based Stream processing

D7 Sub Area Marine Biology and Ecosystem (SAC)

D7.1 Bio-optical parameter retrieval for Case-2 and optically complex marine waters
Development of bio-optical algorithms for optically complex and case-2 marine waters,
especially around the Indian region. Accurate estimation of optically active constituents
such as chlorophyll–a concentration, coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM)
absorption and total suspended sediments with error budget. Atmospheric correction
models for turbid and optically shallow waters and retrieval of water leaving radiances.
Hyperspectral information for accurate estimates of bio-optical parameters.

D7.2 Biogeochemical dynamics in oceans (SAC)

Study of various components of the carbon Nitrogen cycle, nutrient dynamics in estuarine
coastal and oceanic regions and the effect of density, salinity and temperature on nutrient
dynamics, primary production and new production modelling.

D7.3 Marine living resource management (SAC)

Modelling of fish habitats, GIS based mapping of fishery resources, environmental impact
assessment of fishery resources and conservation for endangered marine organism
using geospatial information.

D7.4 Micro and microalgae studies (SAC)

Microalgae taxonomic, structural and functional groups using microscopic, optical and
chromatographic and remote sensing techniques, biodiversity studies of micro and
microalgae of Indian marine waters, environmental impacts on bio-diversity, studies on
harmful algal blooms, studies on biofuels, bioactive components using micro/macroalgae.

Earth Observations

D8 Sub Area Geology, Structure and Geomorphology (NRSC/ IIRS/


D8.1 Sub-surface geo / archaeological features using GPR data sets (NRSC)
With the Indus Valley civilization and several subsequent empires and kingdoms, India is
one of the world’s archaeological gems. Be it ancient forts or some of the world’s oldest
universities, India has more than a thousand known/ excavated archaeological sites over
diverse geological provinces. Many of the sites with its extent are yet to be excavated
and or mapped.
Synergetic usage of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data and ground geophysical
observation (Ground Penetrating Radar) has proven to be an effective tool for detection,
delineation and mapping of shallow sub surface geo-archaeology and ancient cultural
sites with its extent.
Proposed study will help in building up scientific understanding and to correlate EO data
and GPR signatures of geo-archeological features in known archeological sites (in fluvial
Aeolian and coastal regions) to detect, delineate and map the extent of the buried cultural
heritage sites.

D8.2 Spectral library generation of rocks & archiving from various geological terrain in
visible and thermal region (NRSC/IIRS/NESAC)
In this research domain, research is to be carried out to understand the role of mineralogy
in shaping diagnostic absorption features imprinted on the reflectance/ emittance spectra
of rocks and how mineral spectra of dominant to minor minerals contribute in shaping
absorption, kinks in the mineral spectra. Research also should assess the role of linear
or non-linear mixing arising due to textural change and how these hamper/influence the
diagnostic absorption feature. Research attempt can also be made to prove/assess the
utility of spectrometric parameters of absorption/emissivity features in estimating grade
of the ore bearing samples.

D8.3 Development of an automatic technique using satellite data and DEM for
identification of landforms in different geomorphic provinces of India (NRSC)
Understanding the landforms present in different geological provinces like Fluvial, Glacial,
Coastal, Denudational, Aeolian etc based on terrain analysis and classification of precise
DEM using various satellite and aerial data sets.
Exploring the semi-automatic and automatic techniques like Machine based methods, Artificial
Neural Network, Object Based classification, Fuzzy logics etc. for automatic classification of
the landforms by reducing the manual delineation efforts and time as well as to support the
modeling of processes as hydrological modeling, geomorphic modeling etc.

D8.4 Numerical modelling for crustal deformation using GPS vectors (NRSC/IIRS/
NRSC operated Continuously Operated Reference stations in 6 locations within the HP
and Uttarakhand Himalayas. Differential movement as recorded by GPS observations
indicate towards active convergence in the region. Further, as a resultant of such
differential movement, it may be possible, that there is significant strain accumulation in

Earth Observations

the region, pervasively or localized to certain areas. These areas are then prone to future
earthquakes. To understand the state of strain in the area, estimation and modeling of
the same is important. For this, numerical models (Finite Element) are to be created to
ingest the GPS vector data, the fault geometries with the crustal rheological properties
and simulate the strain accumulation in the region.

D8.5 Spectral library generation of minerals and rocks in VNIR, SWIR and TIR Regions
Spectroscopy has emerged as one of the key non-destructive methods to characterize
rocks and its constituent minerals. The representative spectra provides an idea about
mineral chemistry in a quick and cost effective way. Hence the role of spectral signature
is becoming important in mineral exploration day by day. It is a known fact that the
USGS library always cannot be used as a standard for minerals occurring in Indian
region because of different modes of petrogenesis. Hence, there is strong requirement of
indigenous development of important rock forming, ore and other minerals, especially for
Indian rocks and minerals. For better and accurate characterization, spectral response
of minerals/rocks in infrared spectra of electromagnetic energy is to be considered,
in addition to Visible-NIR region. It is also envisaged in this project to take cues from
petrographic and geochemical analysis of the minerals to validate and build a complete
spectral library.

D8.6 Active fault mapping and validation using spaceborne and surface (shallow)
geophysical investigation (IIRS)
Active fault maps are not available for many parts of India although the Indian plate is
very dynamic and both inter and intra plate region active faults are prevalent and are
very important features to study for proper seismic risk assessment. There is an urgent
need for compilation and preparation of database on active faults using various modern
tools and assess their impact on hazards associated with them. For hazard assessment
a comprehensive global literature survey would be very helpful. Methodology should
be developed to map and monitor such features using advanced tools like HR images,
DEM, UAV and GNSS (for knowing present rate of movement). Geophysical techniques
should include GPR, IPR and trenching and dating wherever possible.

D8.7 GNSS data processing for geodynamics study (IIRS)

The overall aim is to shed light on the tectonics and kinematics of the Himalayan region
by investigating crustal deformations and to delineate the crustal strain pattern of the
region using GNSS measurements and geophysical methods.
The project will use advanced earth observation resources for characterization of
vulnerable earthquake zones by modelling of GNSS data to find out the stress/strain in
the Northwest Himalaya. Successful modelling of stress/strain using numerical simulation
has a direct linkage with seismicity of the area. The aim of the study is to monitor
crustal deformation, seasonal strain, correlation with hydrological loading and to
constrain strain accumulation as a measure of condition that facilitates fault movement
and resultant earthquake.

Earth Observations

D8.8 Differential Interferometric SAR technique for groundwater depletion and mining
induced land subsidence analysis (IIRS)
Groundwater depletion and mining are two important anthropogenic causes responsible
for land subsidence at various places of the country. Differential interferometric SAR
is a proven spaceborne technique, which can be successfully used for detection and
monitoring of land subsidence much before the damage. Spaceborne DInSAR based
analysis needs to be supplemented with ground-based measurements and in-situ
observations for validation and characterization of land subsidence. Time series analysis
and predictive modelling based on the causative factors would be beneficial to understand
the nature of the deformation and scenario analysis.

D8.9 Study of glacier change in Himalayas and its climatic implications using remote
sensing (IIRS)
The direct and indirect impact of glacier response to climate change affect society and
mankind and hence makes it important to assess the changes of Himalayan glaciers
to climate change. Assessment of glacier changes to climate change is necessary for
preparation of countermeasures for glacier variation and related impacts. Despite the
importance of the study, very few report are available on the vulnerability of Himalayan
glaciers. Under rising temperature and changing precipitation scenario, rapidly retreating
glaciers are giving rise to glacial lakes and accelerating the growth of existing glacial
lakes. Sudden discharge of water associated with loose debris from these lakes known
as the Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) causes catastrophe in the downstream. Every
country in the Himalayan region is affected by GLOF events. Further, the ice, snow, rock
avalanche and mass movement from glaciers pose serious threat to people living in
the high mountain region. It is therefore important to study and address the problem in
totality using Remote Sensing, GIS and allied space technology.

D8.10 Development of Methodology for Landslide Microzonation (LMZ) or Largescale

Landslide Hazard Zonation (LHZ) and monitoring using high resolution remotely
sensed images (IIRS)
Methodologies are available for mesoscale LHZ (1:25,000), however, the same are not
available preparing site specific hazard map using data from high resolution satellites,
UAV and terrestrial laser scanner or distant photography. There is an urgent need for
compilation and preparation of database using various modern tools and make models
that identify landslide hazardous areas on large scale (<5000 scale). Secondly, methods
should be developed to monitor landslides using advanced tools like TLS, UAV and
videography (using data mining and AI approach).
The envisaged projects will deal with compilation of data from diverse source (in mainly
public domain) for preparation of landslide hazard zonation at large scale and development
of monitoring mechanism that would aid in early detection and early warning.
The project is to be developed at a potential site, that can be handed over to stake holder
after the completion of the project for continuity.
The study should also prescribe Research Continuity Plan (RCP) for implementation and
follow up.

Earth Observations

D8.11 Land surface deformation monitoring by microwave SAR data analysis in the coal
mines of Chhattisgarh (IIRS)
Typically, coalmine subsidence occurs due to extraction of coal by underground mining.
Besides, land surface deformation occurs in and around opencast mines and overburden
dump areas, which lead to severe mass wasting and slope failure.
The common traditional techniques for measuring land surface deformation by
ground-based measurement techniques using precise levelling, total station and
global navigation satellite system (GNSS), can yield point-based measurements.
Spaceborne SAR (Synthetic Aperture radar) interferometric technique provides spatially
continuous measurement of land surface deformation over a large area at centimetre
to sub-centimetre level precision. This research will focus on spaceborne differential
interferometric SAR (DInSAR) data analysis for monitoring land surface deformation
due to extraction of coal by underground and opencast mining techniques and their
impact assessment.

D8.12 Predictive modelling and characterization of land subsidence due to groundwater

and petroleum extraction in and around Mehsana, Gujarat (IIRS)
It is of ongoing concern that continuous on-shore oil and gas extraction as well as
groundwater mining in the area, may contribute to the subsidence of the Mehsana
Block of North Cambay basin. Our project will investigate land subsidence in the
exploration oilfields due to hydrocarbon extraction in the Mehsana Block of ONGC
and land subsidence in the Mehsana basin due to groundwater withdrawal in the
region. Land subsidence will be investigated using DInSAR time series to map the
land subsidence and to confirm the deformation source. Modelling of land subsidence
in relation to groundwater withdrawal and petroleum extraction and consequent
mass deficit will help to simulate future land subsidence scenario and to recommend
preventive measures.

D8.13 Derivation of innovative sub-pixel mapping algorithms to identify rarely occurring

class indicating mineralisation (NRSC)
Under this research domain, focus should be on the derivation of the effective sub-
pixel mapping method which may help to identify the spectrally diagnostic target which
occupies 20 to 30 percent of the pixel but. Algorithms should be effective for processing
both hyperspectral and multispectral data. These algorithms should also account to
characterize complex (stochastic) character of background.

D8.14 Implementation of algorithms to derive spectrometric parameters of each pixel of

hyperspectral data (NRSC)
In this research domain, we require develop image processing tools( in IDL language
preferably) which can be used to derive different image products for different spectrometric
parameters like absorption depth, width and asymmetry( pixel by pixel basis) from any
hyperspectral data once spectral range and wavelength minima of the absorption features
are specified. These spectrometric parameter enhancing products would be ideal for
geological target detection like alteration zone etc.

Earth Observations

D8.15 Development of regional landslide early warning system based on rainfall threshold
Landslides are mainly triggered by rainfall. Daily as well as antecedent (cumulative)
rainfalls are responsible for saturation of soil and subsequent landslide in hilly
areas. Therefore, a rainfall intensity-duration relationship was developed by NRSC
for experimental landslide early warning. Bhuvan platform is currently used to
disseminate daily landslide early warning for selected road corridors in the Himalayas.
Daily 72 hrs rainfall forecast received from IMD or SAC (MOSDAC) is used as an input
to the landslide early warning model. Then the available landslide susceptibility map is
integrated with rainfall probability to generate landslide early warning in Bhuvan. Early
warning in four categories (Warn, watch, advisory and no warning) are issued regularly
through Bhuvan.
Currently the landslide earlywarning system is operational experimentally in selected
routes of Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Assam and Mizoram. Further
development of rainfall intensity-duration relationship is required specific to different
landslide prone areas of India.

D8.16 Automatic identification of earthquake and landslide induced terrain changes from
high resolution satellite data (NRSC)
Earthquake cause subsidence or upliftment of land in the seismic prone areas.
Similarly, landslides, particularly the creeps (slow moving landslides) cause
persistent damage to raod and buildings in hilly areas. Object-based change detection
technique was used to identify new landslides using Resourcesat-2/2A LISS-IV Mx
satellite data. CartoDEM (10 m) was additionally used to eliminate several false positives
using slope criteria.
Characterisation and identification of terrain changes due to earthquakes and creeps
can be done effectively by differential SAR interferometric techniques. The outputs of the
same in the terms of displacement maps and velocity fields with are used to model the
prediction of debris flow path in the case of complete slope failure. Advanced processing
methods like PsINSAR or STamPS will be attempted to overcome problem related to
coherence loss or atmospheric interferences.

D8.17 Correlation of landforms with mineral composition on planetary surfaces (NRSC)

It is widely recognised that understanding of Mars must begin by using the Earth as
a reference. Therefore terrestrial analogues, places on Earth that approximate the
geological and environmental conditions on Mars; hold the key for understanding the
evolution of Martian geology. Off late, detection of water or aqueous environments in Mars
is of primary interest for researchers across the world. Therefore, the study will primarily
focus on detection of key minerals indicating hydrous past of Mars and establishing it
suitable analogues on earth with respect to mineral composition and landform distribution.
Further, certain minerals are associated with distinctive landforms, thus indicating the
occurrence of that mineral. The study also aims at demarcating such landforms so that
first pass mineral deposit identification can be done.

Earth Observations

D8.18 Vulnerability profiling of capital cities of NER (NESAC)

Urban areas are susceptible to disasters (man-made or natural). It is the need of the hour
to make a rapid vulnerability assessment of urban areas in order to understand what
is required for building disaster resilience community. The potential impact of different
parameters on urban services arising from the geographical setting of a city; the nature,
size and density of its settlements; and the existing coping capacity of its society and
governance system can be studied to create vulnerable profile of urban areas.

D9 Sub Area Agriculture and Land-ecosystem studies (SAC/IIRS)

D9.1 Improved crop discrimination and statistics (SAC)

Development of advanced algorithms for discrimination of multiple crops in a given
agricultural patch, minor and scattered field crops, horticultural crops, medicinal and
aromatic plants using high resolution time series optical (multi-spectral, hyperspectral)
and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data.

D9.2 Modelling abiotic and biotic stresses (SAC)

Modelling crop evapotranspiration, its partitioning, water use, light use efficiency, nutrient
budgeting, disease, surface energy balance and crop thermal stress detection, using
multi-spectral, thermal and hyperspectral data.

D9.3 Crop Yield modeling (SAC)

Development of satellite data assimilation techniques to crop growth simulation and
agro-hydrological models, modelling crop phenology, canopy radiative transfer modelling
for retrieving crop biophysical parameters, above-ground crop biomass estimation.

D9.4 Climate change and terrestrial ecosystem (SAC)

Development of climate change indicators for ecosystem health of mangroves/forest, coral
reefs, wetlands, grasslands, climate change impact on hydrological cycle at multi-scales,
urban heat island (UHI); Estimation of forest fuel and fire risk potential, automated forest
type detection, modelling long-term change in forest phenology, carbon sequestration,
nutrient budgeting, growing stock, risk quantification and vulnerability in agro-ecosystem.

D9.5 Climate resilience and terrestrial environment (SAC)

Development of climate change indicators for ecosystem health of mangroves/forest, coral
reefs, wetlands, grasslands, climate change impact on hydrological cycle at multi-scales,
urban heat island (UHI); Estimation of forest fuel and fire risk potential, automated forest
type detection, modelling long-term change in forest phenology, carbon sequestration,
nutrient budgeting, growing stock, risk quantification and vulnerability in agro-ecosystem.

D9.6 Retrieval of land surface parameters (SAC)

Land surface temperature and emissivity separation, thermal anisotropy,Black-sky and
white-sky albedo, photosynthetically absorbed radiation (PAR) in clear and cloudy-sky
conditions, retrieval of canopy biochemical parameters and water content, development
of passive-active merged algorithm for high-repeat high-resolution soil moisture.

Earth Observations

D9.7 Carbon flux and primary productivity estimation over Agro-ecosystem (IIRS)
Croplands are man-made ecosystems that have high net primary productivity during
the growing season of crops, thus impacting carbon and other exchanges with the
atmosphere. These exchanges play a major role in nutrient cycling and climate change
related issues. Agroecosystems are also considered as important sink of CO2 in recent
years owing to increased crop yields, cropping intensity, irrigation and fertilizer inputs.
Carbon flux monitoring usually done through remote sensing derived vegetation indices,
LUE modeling, eddy flux tower measurements, ecosystem models, climate model,
climatic parameters and field measurements. Quantitative extrapolations and scaling-up
of flux-tower measurements are now urgently needed for carbon cycle research.

D9.8 Satellite derived land surface parameters and agro-meteorological variables for
agromet-advisory services (IIRS)
Space-borne earth observation from IRS-AWIFS, Terra/MODIS and INSAT-VHRR/
CCD instruments, can, however provide regular information on agrometeorological
and hydrological conditions of the land surface for vast areas. Information on
evapotranspiration, crop water demand, water use, soil moisture and plant biomass
at different phonological stages of crop can nowadays be retrieved from satellite data.
Satellite remote sensing models have been developed during the last 25 years to derive
spatially discrete values of crop growth, crop yield and seasonal evapotranspiration or
consumptive use. These models are most often based on biomass production proportional
to absorbed Photosynstheically active radiation (Monteith, 1972) and Surface Energy
Balance Algorithm (Bastiaanssen et al., 1998). Aiming at decision making support to the
farming community, adoption of space technology aided farming may be the need of hour
to increase water use efficiency and thereby increase in the income of farmers.

D9.9 Remote Sensing for improved crop forecasting (IIRS)

Crop forecasting at various spatial scale, district, state and national level assume key
importance in timely decision making and policy formulation. In this regard, accurate
crop production forecasts are required for effective decision making on the issues related
to export / import of food commodities, pricing, public distribution system and market
intervention operations, etc Remote sensing is capable of monitoring information on
photosynthesis, crop growth, development and biomass in more spatially explicit manner
for agricultural crops. Similarly, agrometeorological observations play an important role
in determining the crop growth and yield. It is therefore essential to use both remote
sensing and agrometeorological variables with process based crop models that enables
early assessment of crop biomass and subsequently economical yield.

D9.10 Soil nutrient management for precision agriculture using hyper spectral data (IIRS)
Hyperspectral remote sensing data helps in assessing various soil properties especially
nutrients, mainly due to the information contained in large number of contiguous bands
with a narrow spectral bandwidth. Differences in nutrient concentrations cause spectral
response variations, which can be captured and modelled using different multivariate
statistical techniques. These techniques help us in spatial mapping of various nutrients and
thus aid us in delineation of different management zones as part of precision agriculture.

Earth Observations

D9.11 Soil carbon modelling for monitoring and assessment (IIRS)

Soil organic carbon (SOC), is widely considered as a key indicator of soil quality as the
presence of SOC has been found to be beneficial for nutrient retention/recycling, soil
productivity, water holding capacity, carbon sequestration. Quantifying and estimating
spatial distribution of SOC is vital for evaluating various soil functions and aids in
understanding different soil carbon sequestration processes. Studying soil organic carbon
on a regional or watershed scale invites special attention these days as it is considered
a key parameter, playing central roles in various environmental issues such as climate
regulation, food and water security.

D9.12 Modeling soil erosion and surface runoff for nutrient loss at watershed scale (IIRS)
Soil erosion is the major threats to agricultural productivity and environmental quality
especially water and soil quality in the Himalayan region. A comprehensive field-scale
and watershed scale studies on soil erosion processes and nutrient loss and its impact
on crop yield and soil quality of hilly farming system are limited. Understanding of
process based models and simulation of this model for soil erosion, nutrient loss and
crop productivity are required for better understanding of land degradation processes
and its impact on the Himalayan mountain ecosystem.

D9.13 Soil ecosystem processes and services at watershed scale (IIRS)

Soil ecosystem services are vital components to all aspects. Ecosystem service-support
tools simulate biophysical processes (e.g. soil loss, hydrology, pollution etc.) to quantify
relationships between management decisions, ecosystem processes and ecosystem
services. Increasingly, researchers use decision-focused ecosystem service-support
tools (e.g. InVEST, ARIES) to simplify data collection and analysis, and to simultaneously
quantify trade-offs among ecosystem services.

D9.14 Soil quality and productivity assessment (IIRS)

Soil quality concepts are mainly used for evaluation of sustainable land management
in agro ecosystem. Soil quality is used as the sensitivity risk for environment,
process of land use planning, which regard as erosion resistance along with water
availability. Precise soil quality assessment is a critical task for designating policies for
sustainable agriculture, restoring degraded soil, carbon modeling, and improvement of
environmental quality.

D9.15 Digital soil nutrients mapping (IIRS)

Knowledge regarding the soil nutrients/properties and their spatial distribution is
extremely important for adequate soil management programs aimed at increased food
production efficiency and environmental sustainability. The use of remote sensing and
other geospatial techniques provides us with a wide range of environmental covariates
corresponding to different soil forming factors at varying spatial as well as temporal
resolutions. Various digital soil mapping techniques using these covariates help us in
spatial prediction and mapping of soil nutrients/properties and thus generation of raster
based soil maps and improving the quality of existing polygon based soil maps.

Earth Observations

D9.16 Agricultural applications using microwave remote sensing data: Crop biophysical
parameters monitoring (IIRS)
In the monsoon season availability of the optical data is a critical issue and coincides
with the fast growth so multitemporal dual-polarised/ fully polarimetric data of moderate
swath and resolution seems viable. Use of various frequency SAR data for different
crops has been utilised. Condition assessment in paddy, cotton and jute and some
winter crops has been demonstrated. But the high biomass crops need to be addressed
with higher wavelength facilitating better penetration. As the crop advances, the radar
response increases due to volume scattering. These details in structural dimension will
be captured by the various frequency SAR. X- and C band report saturation beyond 5
kg/m2 of fresh biomass and entails difficulty in discrimination and biophysical parameter
retreival. Therefore, it is proposed for utilization of lower frequency satellite data (C/S/and
L band) and evaluation of its response to crop biophysical parameter monitoring.

D10 Sub Area Land Hydrology and Modelling (SAC)

D10.1 Development of satellite based hydrological models (SAC)

Hydrological modelling for surface and ground water using satellites based hydro-
meteorological parameters is required for assessment of water balance at River basins
and National scales. There is need to develop the semi-distributed and distributed
hydrological models integrating remote sensing derived inputs such as DEM, rainfall,
crop growth parameters (Leaf area index), land use land cover, wetlands, soil moisture,
snow cover area, vegetation indices, river network, cross sections, river water level
fluctuations etc. to address various water balance components such as interception,
runoff, soil moisture, evaporation, transpiration groundwater recharge etc.

D10.2 Development of satellite based techniques for the retrievals of hydrological

variables (SAC)
Development and refinement of algorithm to retrieve water level precisely from synergy of
Altimetry data (SARAL-Altika), Scatterometer data (SCATSAT-1) and Passive Radiometer
data over different river basins in India. Develop scheme to assess the water spread
during flooded season using observed water levels in different flood prone locations in
India. Other river characteristics includes river width, turbulent and calm flows, river cross
sections etc.

D10.3 Flood simulations (SAC)

Setting up of various hydraulic models such as HEC-RAS, MIKE-11, MIKE FLOOD through
integration of remotely sensed hydraulic information for flood inundation modelling and
hazard assessment in the flood prone areas of India.

D10.4 Satellite based drought monitoring (SAC)

Hydraulic variables such as river/reservoir water levels fluctuations from satellite platforms
are being used for the monitoring of hydrological drought conditions in various regions
of India.

Earth Observations

D10.5 Eco-hydrological studies (SAC)

Systematic observations and modelling of role of forest structure and functions in
influencing the hydrological budget component over a large region using satellite and
ground based measurements.

D10.6 Hydrological impacts of climate change (SAC)

Long term variability and trends of surface runoff, river water levels, occurrence of
drought, groundwater fluctuations and surface water availability in river basins etc. is an
area of important research towards understanding climate change.

D10.7 Water quality assessement using satellite data (SAC)

Water quality measurements are important for addressing the issues of rivers which
are polluted with increasing population pressure and industrialization. There is need to
develop retrieval algorithms to quantify various water quality parameters (suspended
sediment concentration, turbidity etc.) usinghyperspectral data

D11 Sub Area Calibration and Validation (SAC)

D11.1 Optimisation of disdrometer/ raingauges distribution and number for addressing beam
filling problem in validation of satellite derived rainfall estimates.
Microwave leakage through perforated corner reflectors for C, L and S band SAR systems
Generic software for estimation of calibration parameters using SAR images and
orbital parameters over synchronized satellite pass with various Corner reflectors.
Intercomparison of rainfall estimates measurements made by various ground based
instruments like Microrain Radar, Disdrometer and raingauges over a validation site.
Physical or empirical relationship of various meteorological parameters using long-term
time series of measurements over a validation site

D12 Sub Area Visualization of Earth Data & Archival System (VEDAS)

To meet the user expectations of fast access to EO derived product for societal applications,
there is a need to develop newer applications for better visualization and understanding
of cause / effect of various co-varying features. For that to happen, advanced tools and
technologies have to be used in conjunction with improved algorithms and efficient
analytics. Research and analysis of the following thrust areas by independent and expert
researchers and academia will strengthen the impact of the work. It is expected that with
such a handshake between data generators and potential analysts, newer and innovative
ways will emerge which will meaningfully bring about transformation in decision making
for benefit of population of our country.(SAC)

D12.1 Algorithms / procedures for time series visualization (SAC)

VEDAS is responsible for archival and dissemination of thematic data and data products
available within SAC. Large amount of spatial time series data is collected over time and
visualization of available spatio-temporal data is essential for exploring and understanding

Earth Observations

structures and patterns, and to identify unusual observations or hidden patterns. However,
the volume of data available and number of concurrent users that may be accessing the
data challenges current time series map visualisation. The start and end time of episodic
events or span of intensive observations may also dynamic. So algorithms are required
to be developed and modern techniques are required to be used for visualization of large
spatio-temporal (ST) datasets ordered in time for animated mapping. This will be further
used for exploring or monitoring unusual observations in large datasets like NDVI, snow,
temperature, solar insolation etc.

D12.2 Data analytics and knowledge discovery (SAC)

To understand and appreciate a natural phenomenon and attach cause and effects to
an evolution, there is a growing demand of rendering “on the fly” multi-layer information.
There may be concurrent users accessing same set of data. So there is motivation to
parallelize computation to improve turn around time of a service. The following research
initiatives will be useful steps towards achieving this goal.
Design & Development of parallelizable algorithms for interactive geospatial data analysis
with high temporal resolution.
Design & Development of parallel execution frameworks and/or distributed computing
libraries for geospatial data processing operations.
Design and Development of scalable general purpose systems/algorithms for removing
noise from spatio-temporal datasets.
Design and Development of scalable general purpose systems/algorithms for predictive
analytics from spatio-temporal datasets.
Design and Development of data-mining algorithms for spatial-temporal datasets.
Design and Development of scalable techniques for semantic segmentation of

D12.3 Super resolution image generation (SAC)

Super Resolution is an Image Processing technique which is used to enhance the image
resolution of scene from a number of lower resolution images of same area by reducing
effects of noise in the reconstructed image. In case of satellite images, this can be seen
as a powerful tool of getting high resolution multi-spectral images (spatial) from low
resolution panchromatic images. This will facilitate improved (in spatial scale) Land cover
for better natural resource management.

D12.4 Web enabled sensor system for efficient resource management (SAC)
There is need to develop a prototype and demonstrate the applicability of wealth of
information that can be gathered by set of remotely located instruments. Instruments
can measure the meteorological conditions as well as ambient conditions and transmit
the data to a central hub. Air quality monitoring of a region is a one such example where
measurements of PM2.5 and PM10, concentrations of target gases (NOx and SOx – for
example), their dispersal (based on wind direction and speed), temperature and humidity
are all required by administrators and managers to issue advisory and / or take pro-active
preventive measures.

Earth Observations

D13 Sub Area Earth Ecosystems (SAC)

Following section gives broad spectrum of topics for consideration of research. The
problems need to be addressed using predominantly Indian sensor data and products
such as RISAT (RADAR Imaging Satellite), AWiFS (Advanced Wide Field Sensors), LISS
(Linear Imaging and Self Scanning), Hyper Spectral and INSAT and Other Indian sensor
data available. If such Indian sensors are not available other data sets will be used. The
technique development and modeling are expected from the candidates.

D13.1 The study on applications for forest and agriculture status changes (SAC)
The study on Applications for Forest and Agriculture status changes using remote sensing
sensors. The change detection will be carried out using advanced change detection
techniques using Multispectral data. The forest and agriculture state change study using
red edge shift can also be attempted.

D13.2 Calibration and validation of satellites (SAC)

The post-launch vicarious calibration using high reflectance target sites as a reference
and accurate measurements of spectral reflectance and atmospheric advancements and
popularity of remote sensing and an ever increasing need for the development of a variety
of new and complex satellite sensors, it has become even more essential to continually
upgrade the ability to provide absolute calibration of sensors. All Indian sensors targeted
for vicarious calibration of reflective channels.
Satellite derived geo-physical products plays an important role in making effective use of
satellite data. We propose to validate the satellite derived geophysical products, namely
Relative Humidity, Temperature, Rain, insolation etc.

D13.3 Horticulture inventory, site suitability, post-harvest infrastructure (SAC)

Horticulture Inventory and Assessment (technique development for crops like mango,
banana, citrus, potato, onion, tomato, chilli in selected districts). To Design, create and
organize an integrated inventory database (spatial as well as non-spatial) at 1:50000
scale for horticulture crops.
Horticulture Crop Site Suitability using Geo-spatial database, Criteria based GIS
analysis for site selection / site suitability and Identification of suitable sites. Post-Harvest
Infrastructure (to assess the need and find the optimum locations for infrastructures such
as cold chains, markets etc.) The site Suitability/selection comprised two phases viz. I).
Search for a suitable area based on physical characteristics and terrain. The physical
suitability search phase refers to finding areas that match the physical, environmental or
geographic conditions. II) A conditional search, the conditional search phase identifies
a set of preferred conditions that are applied to the composite geospatial database will
be used for horticulture development are applied to the composite geospatial database.

D13.4 Orchard rejuvenation (SAC)

The Orchard rejuvenation can be attempted using Geospatial database derived layers
from Horticulture studies. The suitable sites identified for orchard rejuvenation based on
RS & field data. The crops and area like Apples in Himachal Pradesh, Mango in Gujarat,
Orange in Darjeeling etc.

Earth Observations

D14 Sub Area Urban Studies (SAC)

D14.1 Urban feature extraction: Road network delineation (SAC)

Transportation networks such as roads and railway lines are important for several
urban applications including disaster management, urban planning, impervious surface
extraction, urban growth modelling etc. The automatic methods such as template
matching, object-based classifiers and machine learning methods such as neural
networks, support vector machines, deep learning etc. can be used to efficiently extract
road network from very high-resolution optical and SAR images acquired by Indian
Remote Sensing satellites.

D14.2 Urban feature extraction: Impervious surface / urban area mapping (SAC)
The mapping of urban land cover remains a challenging task owing to the high spectral
and spatial heterogeneity of urban environment. The accuracy of urban area extraction
can be improved by combining multi-temporal, multi-resolution and multi-sensor optical
and SAR earth observation data.

D14.3 Urban feature extraction: 3D building reconstruction (SAC)

The 2D and 3D information of buildings and other urban structures are needed not only for
impressive visualisation of urban areas, but also as an input in several urban applications
like population estimation, roof-top solar energy potential assessment, visibility studies
etc. Building extraction from high-resolution satellite images in urban areas is an intricate
problem. Techniques are to be developed for automatic extraction of buildings from
Very High Resolution optical data. The availability of very high-resolution imagery from
Cartosat series data necessitates development of techniques and algorithms for 3D
building reconstruction.

D14.4 Urban heat island: Spatial and temporal distribution of urban heat islands on land
surface and near surface atmosphere (SAC)
Development of models for deriving day-time and night-time air temperature from satellite-
derived land surface temperature and vegetation indices can assist in identification and
analysis of spatial and temporal distribution of urban heat islands.

D14.5 Urban heat island: Impact of land cover types on urban heat islands (SAC)
The changes in land use - land cover pattern and declining vegetation cover in cities are
predominant factors influencing the growth of urban heat islands in the cities. Satellite
data derived land use land cover information can be compared with the temperature
profiles to assess the impact of land cover on urban heat islands.

D15 Sub Area Geospatial Data and Information Science (SAC)

D15.1 Advanced data and computing architecture (SAC)

Optimized Data Cubes for multi-dimensional aggregation of satellite images and their
spatio-temporal analysis.
Techniques for forecasting and in-painting in Data Cubes
High Performance Computing of satellite images on Cloud.

Earth Observations

D15.2 Data visualisation and web processing (SAC)

Advanced data rendering and fast visualization techniques of 2D and 3D satellite data.
Fast Tiling and caching techniques for visualization of satellite Images
Development of techniques for automatic on-demand web mashup generation.
Cloud and Semantic enabling of Web Processing Services.

D15.3 Data security and information dissemination (SAC)

Data encryption and compression techniques for multicasting of satellite data
Customization and optimization of multi-cast protocol using critical distance of client
nodes to cater to requirements of real-time data dissemination.
Content based data multicasting
Information and Data security models for small devices
Location aware satellite data dissemination for mobile devices.

D15.4 Data mining and web analytics (SAC)

Real time analytics for Big Earth Data
Pattern recognition based techniques for Event detection
Geospatial feature extraction using deep learning techniques
Automated event tracking (Cyclone, dust storm, etc.) using machine learning techniques
Region growing algorithms for identification and tracking of meteorological and
oceanographic events (Fog, bloom, convective initiation, etc.

D15.5 Data and information lifecycle management (SAC)

Automated algorithms for value evaluation of data and information
Techniques for automatic Quality checking of data
Techniques for Persistent identifier management
Techniques for generation of Linked data
Faceted search and Browsing of satellite images
semantic annotation and labelling of satellite images.

D15.6 IoT and sensor network (SAC)

IoT enabled sensor network for acquisition of weather data
Smart weather data acquisition systems
RTOS based Data acquisition system
Virtual Sensors for Weather data acquisition
Optimal data capture and processing in Sensor Network.

D15.7 Virtualization and cloud computing (SAC/NRSC)

1. High Performance Cloud for Satellite Image Processing
Network Virtualization and Software Defined Network
Software Defined Storage.

Earth Observations

2. Integrated Multi Mission Ground-segment for earth observation satellites (IMGEOS)

integrates data acquisition, processing and dissemination systems (of Satellite Data
Reception and Ingest Systems Area as well as Data Processing, Products, Archival and
Web Applications Area) and is configured with scalable 3-tier storage system to meet
current and near future Earth Observation missions. The main objective of the IMGEOS
is to minimize human interaction by automating the activities.
The services hosted at IMGEOS are traditionally carried out on dedicated servers.
The requirements in this domain are dynamically varying with respect to the IT
infrastructure resources. The dynamic provisioning of the IT infrastructure is possible
by virtualizing and orchestrating the IT infrastructure resources. This method of dynamic
provisioning is cloud computing. Under the Cloud platform, it is envisaged to provide the
following services.
a) Platform as a service (Virtualized Linux, Windows Servers)
b) Data as a service (User Data Products)
c) Software as a Service
d) Bandwidth as a Service
The following are some of the requirements for implementation of IMGEOS private and
public Cloud Solutions :
a. Data Product generation
b. Data Products Regeneration
c. Workflow Management
d. ISRO Centers Users
e. Global user services
f. FTP Services
g. Web Services
h. Data products for free download
i. Disaster Management Support Requirements
Demonstrated proof of concept for Open Data Access services and FTP services delivery
from IMGEOS. Installed and configured 50 TB storage system in internet domain to be
used Open Data Access services viz. Bhoonidhi in internet domain using 4 server. The
FTP service for delivery of user products is reconfigured using new server and required
storage with upgraded Operating System. Implementation of NRSC Public Cloud was
completed and implementation of NRSC IMGEOS Private Cloud is in progress.

D16 Sub Area Technique Development for the Assimilation of High Spatial
Resolution Indian Satellite Data in to NWP Models (SAC)

D16.1 Development of observation system simulation experiments (SAC)

In the present data assimilation methods used in various operational meteorological
agencies data-thinning techniques are applied to reduce correlations amongst them.
This reduces the amount of data ingested in NWP models thus reducing the advantage
of high resolution data. To use (satellite) observations to their full extent we have to take

Earth Observations

these correlations into account. Since these correlations are specific for each data type
application - area tailored solutions should be developed using and extending already
existing techniques.
Exploration of various non-linear data assimilation methods to infer the impact of high
spatial resolution observations on the evolution of the nonlinear system under study. While
we do have efficient methods to do this for linear systems and linear data-assimilation
methods based on regression analysis, methods are lacking for nonlinear systems and
nonlinear data-assimilation methods. Hence development of non-linear data assimilation
techniques is one of the thrust areas of research.
It has already been shown by various researchers, by making use of the impact measures
from information theory, like relative entropy and mutual information that the linear
measures could be significantly in error, even pointing to impact of the wrong sign. While
successful, these measures are computationally expensive and we need more efficient
methods to be able to infer observation impact in real Earth system models. An important
part of this thrust area is the development of Observation System Simulation Experiments
(OSSE’s) that will allow us to infer the usefulness of future satellite observations.

D17 Sub Area Development of New Forecasting Techniques for

Thunderstorm Prediction over the Indian Region Using
Satellite Data with a special reference to SHAR region

D17.1 Thunderstorms can generate severe weather situations like intense rain, strong winds,
hails and floods which can cause serious threat to life and property. They can also cause
hazardous situations to aviation and satellite launch vehicles. During satellite launch
activities they can affect and cause damage to fuel, ignition, avionics and other control
systems of the launch vehicle. Therefore, thunderstorm forecasting is a very important
and desired activity during satellite launch campaigns and in general for the benefit
of the society which can help in the decision making process and disaster mitigation.
Deep convection by interacting with large scale circulation may play a critically important
role in transport of water vapour and other chemical substances across tropopause
which has implications for global climate change and health related matters, i.e.,
increasing trend in stratospheric water vapour (Oltmans& Hofmann 2002) can increase
global greenhouse forcing and decreasing trend in stratospheric ozone (Zhou & Zhang
2005) can result in an increasing trend in skin related diseases.
A statistical forecasting method using radiosonde data has been developed previously
and forecast of deep convection over SHAR region has been provided during satellite
launch campaigns (Danish and Kishtawal., 2012). Besides this, WRF model is routinely
integrated at SAC and forecasts are provided to SHAR to support launch operations.
ISRO’s satellite data are routinely assimilated in to the data assimilation system.

D17.2 Development of new thunder forecasting techniques (SAC)

To further improve the skills of thunderstorm forecasting, new techniques will be developed.
One of the potential approach is decision tree based forecasting using ISRO’s satellite
data and NWP model forecast.

Earth Observations

Environmental, thermodynamic and stability parameters will be considered while

developing the decision tree approach. Stability indices like Lifted Index, CAPE, CINE,
K-Index, Total-Total Index, etc. derived from temperature and humidity profiles of Indian
satellites may be used in this approach. Environmental parameters like vertical wind
shear, vertical velocity, mid-tropospheric stability etc. can be derived using NWP models.
After proper validation of the decision tree method, forecast maps of thunderstorm activity
shall be generated.
Besides decision tree based approach, other new techniques will also be tried for
thunderstorm forecasting.

D18 Sub Area Better Understanding of the Monsoon and its Variability
using High Resolution Indian Satellite Data (SAC)

D18.1 India receives about 80% of the annual rain during the summer monsoon season alone.
Indian summer monsoon is a large scale process, with monsoon semi-permanent
systems prominently seen from southern hemisphere to northern hemisphere.
Satellites provide a helping hand in understanding the monsoon process over
the data sparse oceanic regions of the southern hemisphere and Equatorial Indian
ocean region.
Intra-seasonal time scale variability in the summer monsoon activity causes active
and break monsoon conditions which have profound impact on agricultural and
other related sectors the Indian economy. Similarly, year-to-year variability of the
Indian monsoon causes drought and excess monsoon conditions. Global scale
atmospheric and oceanic tele-connections are one of the major causes the year-to-year
monsoon variability. Mechanisms of intra-seasonal and inter-annual variabilities is not
fully understood.
ISRO has launched many dedicated meteorological and oceanography satellites (INSAT
series, Kalpana-1, Ocaeansat-1 &2, Megha-Tropiques, Saral-Altika, ScatSat-1, etc.)
aimed at better understanding of the meteorological processes of the Indian region and
its neighbourhood. These data are extensively used to understand the meteorological and
oceanographical processes that govern the Indian summer monsoon and its variability.
These satellite data are routinely assimilated operationally in India and abroad for
predicting monsoon and its variability. Routine short-range, medium range and extended
range weather forecasts are provided during monsoon season by SAC using numerical
weather prediction models.

D18.2 Improved understanding of the monsoon processes (SAC)

Better understanding of the monsoon processes that are not resolved by NWP models
and reanalysis data using high-resolution satellite data.
Better understanding of the Indian summer monsoon clouds (low and upper levels) and
their radiative forcing.
Understand the role of stratiform clouds/rains in summer monsoon performance and its

Earth Observations

D19 Sub Area Soil Resource Characterization, Land Use Planning and
Watershed Management (NESAC)

D19.1 Understanding shifting cultivation as a driver of LULC change (NESAC)

Shifting cultivation of northeast India is assumed to be major factor of LULC changes.
However, a comprehensive study including the spatial changes, climatic and socio-
economic aspects will give more inside to the actual process and its mitigations.

D20 Sub Area Forest and Environment (SAC/NRSC/ IIRS/ NESAC)

D20.1 Forestry and ecology- biophysical parameters (NRSC/NESAC)

Sub pixel tree cover estimates using multi sensor IRS imagery .
Observations on ecophysiological factors for tropical forests and parameterization of
biome models for Indian forests.
Feature recognition of tree and canopy objects in IRS pan and multi spectral imagery.
Automated methods for estimation of tree allometry fine scale biomass and stand
structure using laser measurements (SAC)

D20.2 Mapping at 1:10K or higher and identification of Eco-sensitive zones areas for
conservation and management (NESAC)
As per MoEF&CC, the study is important for all National Park & Wildlife sanctuaries to
conserve, protect and maintain its surrounding areas with some definite objectives.

D20.3 Wildlife habitat evaluation for different endangered and endemic species (NESAC)
Endangered species habitat modelling like Golden Languor, Hoolock gibbon, Feral
Horses etc needs to be studied for insitu conservation and preservation

D20.4 Mapping of forest composition and structure at large scale using UAV (NESAC)
High resolution images from UAV expected to give more inside on the forest composition
and structure. Research required on optimum identification of understory and ground
flora in a mixed forest type.

D20.5 In-situ conservation of timber species for climate resilience and sustainable
management using space based & UAV remote sensing (NESAC)
Understanding the forest fragmentation, patchiness, segmentation process of Indian
forest and site suitability study for conservation of local species for climate resilience.

D20.6 Forest phenology and transition of forest type vis-à-vis climate change in NER
To understand the process of forest transition and phenology due to long term and short
term weather parameters.

D20.7 Large scale bamboo resource monitoring and assessment (NESAC)

North East of India contains 60% of India’s total bamboo but very less exercise has been
done to make reasonably accurate estimation of total bamboo growing in the region.

Earth Observations

D20.8 Protected areas Management and conservation strategies (NESAC)

A holistic approach is utmost required make assessment of current status of the protected
areas, their inter-connectivity and specific habitat requirement for the important local
wildlife species.

D20.9 Annual forest biomass stock and carbon sequestration (NESAC)

The study is expected to come out a total estimate of biomass and carbon stock in NER
and a model for annual/biannual change detection.

D Remote Sensing-based estimation of carbon stock of bamboo resources of

20.10 Northeast India using machine learning algorithms (IIRS)
Bamboo is an important non-timber forest product (NTFP) of subsistence and meets
several commercial, social, environmental and economical perspectives. In spite of
bamboo’s importance, the statistics on its spatiotemporal distribution and carbon stock
is rather scarce and inconsistent. Bamboo forests play an important role in the global
carbon sink due to their colossal carbon stock. Using the field inventory based methods,
it is difficult to map the spatial distribution of carbon stocks of bamboo resources over a
large area. Remote sensing, which enables spatial and temporal assessment of land and
vegetation, can effectively address this issue. By integrating satellite and field inventory
data, the carbon stock of the bamboo forests can be effectively estimated. The spectral
and texture variables, derived from satellite data can be related to the field measured
carbon using machine learning algorithms for carbon stock estimation.

D Forest 3D modelling using terrestrial laser scanning for generating tree volume
20.11 equations (IIRS)
Assessment of three-dimensional (3D) forest structure is very crucial as it impacts the
microclimate and regulates several physical and biological processes. LiDAR (light
detection and ranging), operating from spaceborne, airborne or terrestrial platforms,
can be used to model forest structure. Terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), also known as
terrestrial LiDAR, has limited spatial coverage compared to spaceborne and airborne
LiDAR, but has the potential to reduce uncertainty of field-based measurements. It is a
non-destructive ground-based method that can retrieve the 3D vegetation structure at
plot level with high accuracy. The 3D point clouds generated from TLS have the potential
to give direct estimates of tree volume, consequently aboveground biomass and forest
carbon stock. The generation of volume equations of trees may prove to be indispensable
of those tree species whose volume equations are not available.

D Biomass assessment of trees outside forests using very high resolution satellite
20.12 data (IIRS)
Trees Outside Forests (TOFs) are an important resource that contributes substantially to
the biomass and carbon stocks and the livelihood of people. TOF is a dynamic resource
and its assessment over large areas, in a relatively shorter period, necessitates use of
Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS). The needs for reporting
carbon stocks and stock changes under the Kyoto Protocol have placed additional
demands for accurate surveying methods that are verifiable, specific in time and space,

Earth Observations

and that cover large areas at acceptable cost. In this regard, RS especially very high
spatial resolution satellite imagery has opened effective way to estimate TOF biomass
and carbon content. Carbon can be mapped at individual tree level using these images.
Object-based image classification can be adopted to delineate the canopy projection
area (CPA) of trees. By establishing a relationship between CPA and diameter at breast
height of trees, the carbon content of the tree can be estimated using species-specific
volumetric equations.

D Assessment, monitoring and management of wetlands ecosystems (IIRS)

20.13 Wetlands are the most productive ecosystems of the world. Wetlands provide numerous
products and services to humanity. The inland wetlands are replenished through different
sources of water and nutrients such as rivers, streams, surface flow and flooding, mainly
during the monsoon. The monitoring of hydrodynamics of inlands wetlands during monsoon
season using optical remote sensing however gets hampered due to cloud cover. Further,
wetland ecosystems require precise information on land and water boundary distinction,
coverage of floating biomass, nature of substrate beneath the aquatic vegetation,
quantities of phytomass along with their temporal dynamics. Microwave remote sensing
owing to its all-weather capability and ability to sense moisture and wetness variation,
vegetation structural components and penetrate in the vegetation volume, is considered
very effective for wetland assessment and monitoring. Furthermore, recent advances in
SAR polarimetry offers added sensitivity to wetlands targets and thereby scope for better
characterization of inland wetlands and surroundings.

D Forest meteorology and ecosystem modeling (SAC/NESAC)

20.14 Forest plays an important role in governing the energy and mass exchange over a
region. Quantification of energy fluxes helps in modeling regional climate. SAC is
involved in development of 24 Micrometeorological station network in India which are
taking continuous measurements in agriculture and natural vegetation system. There
is need to develop land surface process models to quantify the fluxes with reference
to surface and atmospheric forcing. Most of the biogeochemical modeling depends
on phenological understanding of different vegetation types. There is need to carry
out ground experimentation as well as satellite modeling to estimate the phenological
matrices of different vegetation types. Such efforts would lead to develop the forest
growth simulation models.
Modeling NPP using satellite measurements such as INSAT-CCD is an important future
thrust area. There is need to develop process based model to quantify the net primary
productivity and ecosystem level productivity. Network of annual biomass measurements
are needed to validate the NPP products.
It is known that biomass modeling is limited with optical measurements due to saturation
of optical light in denser canopy. Radar based approaches provide improved assessment.
It is proposed to develop LIDAR based modeling to account the height of the forest in the
estimation of forest biomass.
Detection of forest fire and development of fire alarm system based on bioclimatic indices
is an important research area which will be carried out using INSAT-3D satellite data.

Earth Observations

D Wetland Ecosystem (SAC/NESAC)

20.15 Wetlands mapping has been carried out by SAC at 1:50,000 scale for India. There need to
develop scheme to map the wetlands using improved and integrated approach involving
microwave and optical data. Wetland eutrophication needs to be studied using temporal
high resolution optical sensors. Efforts on modeling Methane Emission from Wetlands is
an important future thrust area.

D Developing a Plant functional types based approach for use in biodiversity

20.16 monitoring using earth observation data (NRSC)
Biodiversity is commonly measured by ‘species richness’, which is the number of species
in a site or habitat, other measures include the structural and functional attributes.
Measuring or characterizing biodiversity is needed for understanding and monitoring the
temporal and spatial patterns and changes. A definitive understanding is required for
state-of-the-art key ‘biodiversity metrics’ from space based observation for developing
biodiversity monitoring strategies.
Since species are not always readily identifiable in remotely sensed data, it useful to
have a level of abstraction, plant functional types (PFTs) that can be used with RS data
sets. It is necessary to identify parameters and develop a PFT characterization for India’s
forest vegetation.
Satellite derived descriptions on the spatial distribution of plant functional types along with
spatial descriptions of vegetation structure and function are likely to be a set of variables
that are useful to understand the compositional, structural and functional aspects of
biodiversity and its monitoring.

D 3D point cloud processing and analysis for towards forestry applications (NRSC)
20.17 Background:
Point clouds from photogrammetric methods, or active and Terrestrial LiDAR system
(TLS) provides a fast and precise description of the area in three dimensions.
In forestry, point cloud analysis from these sources can be used to for several applications:
TLS derived point clouds could be used to detect and delineate trees, or to extract
inventory parameters (such DBH, tree heights and crown shape parameters) at individual
tree level; the recognition of individual trees from a combination of nadir looking and
oblique point clouds is an interesting possibility; biophysical parameters such as Leaf
Area Index, non-destructive tree volume estimates can also be realized.
The processing methods of point clouds are still in developmental phase and are
challenging research topics. Development of algorithms and open source tools for point
cloud analysis for forestry applications is a priority area.

D21 Sub Area Water Resources (IIRS/NESAC)

D21.1 Future climate data downscaling and hydrological modelling (IIRS)

Assessment of response from land system, especially hydrological, is essential for
planning and management of resources. However, major limiting factor in utilizing future
climatic forecast in land surface or hydrological models is the spatial scale mismatch.

Earth Observations

The present project aims at utilizing different (statistical and/or dynamic) downscaling
techniques for improving spatial resolution of climatic inputs and use them in distributed
hydrological models for assessment of impact of climate change on water resources.
Special focus will be given to Himalayan region.

D21.2 Space based precipitation estimation (IIRS)

Precipitation is the most important element of the local and regional hydrologic cycle.
Accurate estimation of precipitation helps in managing the supply and demand of
sustainable water resources. Precipitation is also a critical input variable for hydrologic
modeling and climate studies which are common tools to assess water-related risks,
such as floods/droughts and monitor water resources. Therefore, availability and
accurate estimation of precipitation is crucial for demand management, flood forecasting
and drought preparedness. A number of different algorithms can be used to estimate
precipitation amounts from remote sensing data. Research in the fields of quantitative
precipitation forecasting is still in progress (for better understanding of the spatial
and temporal distribution of precipitation which is critical to climatic, hydrologic, and
ecological applications).

D21.3 Estimation of river discharge using remote sensing and GIS (IIRS)
Observed discharge in the streams is an essential inputs for all the hydrological studies
and water management activities. However, due to limitations (financial, technical, etc.)
number of ground observation points are limited in Indian river basins. Advancements
in remote sensing and data analysis techniques have enabled the estimation of water
level and river discharge using satellite observations. This project aims at utilizing
satellite based multi-sensor observations (Altimeter, Microwave, etc.) for water level and
discharge estimation. The focus will be on development and testing of methodology/
algorithms for estimation of water level and discharge using multi-sensor approach.

D21.4 Reservoir sedimentation assessment using remote sensing and GIS (IIRS)
Reservoirs are generally constructed with multiple objectives e.g. water supply, irrigation,
discharge regulation, power generation and flood control. However, every year reservoirs
lose considerable amount of its storage capacity due to sedimentation. Assessment of
this loss of capacity must be quantified at regular interval to update the water distribution/
utilization plans and flood management/response guidelines. This study aims at
assessment of reservoir sedimentation using remote sensing data, further the area-
elevation-capacity curves will be updated and optimal water utilization planes will be
suggested for each reservoir operations. The focus will be on minimizing the dependence
on ground observations by utilizing multi-sensor approach (optical, SAR, Altimeter, etc.)

D21.5 Development of hillslope hydrological model for Northwestern Himalaya Ecosystem

It is a well-known fact that hydrological response of hilly watershed is completely different
than agricultural watersheds. Most of the popular models used in the field of water
resources are originally meant for agricultural watersheds & temperate region, their
accuracy degrades drastically in the hilly regions due to non-availability of techniques

Earth Observations

to simulate the dominant hydrological process occurring in the hilly watershed. The
present study aims at development of dedicated hillslope hydrological model that can
accommodate the hillslope processes viz. subsurface storm flow, saturation excess
flow, overland flow, return flow and pipe storage. Special emphasis will be given on
development and testing the model for Northwestern Himalayan region and development
of experimental plots, watershed for observations.

D21.6 Hydrological parameters retrieval using remote sensing (IIRS)

Each of the hydrological parameter plays an important role in our planet’s water and
energy balance system. Traditional techniques of measuring these parameters lacks
in spatial and/or temporal coverage. Remote sensing has proven its capability in
retrieval of many terrestrial and atmospheric parameters with high spatial and temporal
resolution. Hence, this project aims towards development of algorithms and techniques
for operational retrieval of hydrological parameter (viz. Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture,
Surface Runoff, change in Terrestrial Water Storage, snow depth, snow density, snow
water equivalent, etc.) using remote sensing data. The calibration of these algorithms will
be done using ground observed data and validated methodology will be made operational
for continuous retrieval of these parameters. The focus will be towards utilizing Indian
remote sensing data.

D21.7 Improving mapping and monitoring of surface water body, snow, glaciers, sea ice
and ice sheets using RS-GIS (IIRS)
The inland surface water consist of lakes/reservoirs, rivers and wetlands, and frozen
part of water consists of seasonal snow cover, river ice and sea-ice, glaciers, polar
ice sheets. The inland water is crucial for sustenance of mankind and overall health
of environment, whereas inland snow and glaciers provides significant melt water
during lean period for catchments, and polar sea-ice and ice sheet provides an
important feedback to Planet Earth’s climate and energy cycles. The regular mapping,
monitoring and quantification of these water features can be at different spatio-temporal
scales using remote sensing. This project will address the dynamics of water bodies
(in terms of quantity and extent), snow (snow cover and water equivalent), glaciers
(extent and velocity) sea-ice (extent and thickness) and ice sheets (extent and velocity)
using existing and new Earth Observations (EO) sensors and retrieval algorithms.

D21.8 Ensemble based hydrologic prediction and data assimilation of remote sensing
based hydrological parameters in hydrological models (IIRS)
The large variability in physical and climate characteristics of Indian river basins cannot
be tackled by use of single RS data or single hydrological model with fixed mathematical
representation of these hydrological processes (e.g., the prime hydrological processes
governing river flow in Himalayan watershed with snow and glacier will be different than
those found in arid watershed of Western India or rainforest dominated watersheds of
Western Ghats). Similarly, the large amount of RS data and hydro data products (soil
moisture, snow cover, water level etc.) which are generated at daily to monthly time
scales, are not used in the hydrological models, which mostly uses only RS abased
land use land cover (LULC), soil and elevation. Therefore, this project aims to develop

Earth Observations

ensemble of hydrological models, which can be used in integrated manner to address

the major variations in hydrological variables at the watershed/basin scale, as well as
develop suitable data assimilation techniques which will utilize in near real time, the RS
based land surface and hydrological data products.

D21.9 Watershed characterization and planning using RS-GIS (IIRS)

Watershed characteristics govern the hydrological response of the watershed. In the
absence of detailed observed hydrological data characteristics help hydrologist in
modeling watershed processes to estimate runoff, soil loss, etc. Traditionally topographical
maps provided by Survey of India were used for delineation of watersheds and mapping
of its resources, however the watershed resources change with time (e.g. land used
land cover) their-by changing hydrological response of the watershed and the scale of
top-maps govern the accuracy of watershed delineation & characterization. This projects
aims at utilizing remote sensing data and products (multi-spectral images, high resolution
images, DEM’s) for characterization of watersheds and its inventory mapping. The project
also aims at assessment of DEM accuracy using field based DGPS survey, assessment
of DEM scale impact on characterization of watersheds, development of guidelines for
deciding stream generation threshold for different terrains and prioritization of ungauged
watersheds based on RS&GIS derived characteristics.

D Microwave remote sensing for water resources studies (IIRS)

21.10 (SAR, altimeters, radiometer and scatterometer for snow/glacier physical properties, ice
sheet & sea ice dynamics, soil moisture, water level and river flow estimation).
The microwave remote sensing (MW-RS) which operates in microwave region of
electromagnetic spectrum from 1cm to 1m wavelengths, offers an unique opportunity to
quantify various bio-geo physical parameters of Earth surface/sub-surface with variety
of MW sensors such as synthetic aperture radar’s, SAR, altimeters, radiometers and
scatterometer’s working in various MW frequencies and polarizations. This project
aims to improve existing methods and develop new operational algorithms to retrieve
hydrology and water related parameters using MW-RS such as top surface soil moisture,
snow physical parameters (snow wetness, depth, density and SWE), glacier/ice sheet
velocity and elevation, water level and discharge and sea ice thickness. The derived
hydro-parameters will serve as important input for hydrological modelers and water
resources managers.

D Hyperspectral remote sensing application in water resources (IIRS)

21.11 Application of image spectroscopy in mapping and retrieval of water resources
parameters e.g. snow grain size, type of snow (wet, dry), type of debris on the glacier,
glacier facies, water quality, soil moisture and water stress are evolving research areas.
ISRO has planned to launch space based Hyperspectral sensors of varying spatial and
spectral resolution. This project aims at developing techniques for mapping and retrieval
of water resources parameters using space based and aerial Hyperspectral data. Special
emphasis will be given on generation of spectral library of various water resources
parameters using field and laboratory observations.

Earth Observations

D Hydrological and hydraulic modeling and RS data based hydrological parameters

21.12 assimilation (IIRS)
The large spatial (cm to km) and temporal (few minutes to days) variation in watershed/
basin scale hydrological parameters and river scale hydraulic parameters cannot be
addressed fully by RS based data and data products. Therefore, many academic users
and water professional uses hydrological and hydraulic models to simulate watershed/
basin scale hydrological and hydraulic process, and derives, multi-layer soil moisture,
snowpack properties, river discharge and flood inundation as output from these models.
This project indents to improve parameterization of these hydro models by using latest
RS based hydro data in GIS environment, and also develop data assimilation tools which
will utilize RS hydro data products in near real time, so as to improve overall simulation
accuracy of hydrological/hydraulic models.

D Soil erosion and sediment yield modeling using geospatial tools (IIRS)
21.13 Accelerated rate of soil erosion is one side creating problem of loss of nutrient rich,
productive top soil from the watershed and on the other the water bodies and reservoirs
are losing their capacity and operation life due to sediment yield from the watershed.
The present study aims at developing tools and their implementation for distributed soil
erosion and sediment yield modeling at varying using geospatial inputs (remote sensing
and GIS). The spatially distributed soil erosion and sediment yield maps will be used
watershed prioritization and selection of suitable conservation measures. The associated
nutrient lose from the watershed will also be modeled. Spatial emphasis will be given
towards developing models and techniques for ungauged catchments.

D Irrigation water management using geospatial tools (IIRS)

21.14 Irrigated agricultural gets the major share of fresh water (around 82%) annually. However,
its overall operational efficiency is as low as 35%. The future sustainability of water sector
hinges on increase of water use efficiency by irrigation sector up to 50-65% by 2050.
Remote sensing hold tremendous in assisting irrigation section to bring this improvement.
Present project aims at utilizing remote sensing data irrigation water management, which
include infrastructure mapping and monitoring, IP assessment, spatial estimation of
crop water requirement, performance evaluation of irrigation projects, water distribution
assessment, conjunctive and deficit water use modeling, etc. Special emphasis will be
given on developing standard method which can be replicated at other irrigation projects.

D Site suitability analysis and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Water
21.15 resources projects (IIRS)
Selection of best suitable sites for any water resources (WR) project (ranging from water
harvesting structures in small watersheds to larger dams for irrigation & hydro-power) is a
complex process. Many ecosystem variables play vital role in successful implementation
of water resources projects. Hence, consideration of these ecosystem variables during
selection of suitable sites for water resources projects (soil & water harvesting structures,
river valley, flood control, irrigation, river interlinking and hydro-power projects) are
essential. The present project aims at integrating RS & GIS based inputs for pre-feasibility
analysis and selecting suitable sites for WR projects. The detailed EIA analysis of these
projects will be carried out using geospatial and modeling based inputs.

Earth Observations

D Urban water distribution modelling (IIRS)

21.16 In India, many cities do not get assured 24 hour piped water supply, mainly due supply,
demand, leakage, poor infrastructure and variable water use. The very high resolution
RS data combined with GIS and hydraulic models offers a unique solution to address
some of these problems. The advanced water network modelling combined with
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) enables a real-time operational
management system in urban areas. The benefit of this system enables proactive online
operation, pressure management, reducing leakage, access to critical information and
key performance indicators (KPIs) and contingency management, i.e. incident and
risk reduction.

D Ground water modelling and assessment (IIRS)

21.17 Ground water is the primary source of fresh water. Traditionally numerical method based
ground water models have been used to solve ground water assessment and development
issues. These models use three dimensional ground water flow equations to simulate
ground water flow under different hydrological stress scenarios and can be valuable
predictive tools for management of ground water resources. Major applications of ground
water modelling includes surface water-ground water interaction, sub-surface waterlogging
assessment, seawater intrusion in coastal aquifers, prediction of ground water dynamics
and impacts of sand mining on ground water. Integration of geospatial tools and ground
water modeling tools in an upcoming topic. The present study aims at development of
methodology to integrate geospatial inputs in groundwater modelling framework. The
regional ground water availability will be assessed using modeling approach as well
as remote sensing based analysis (satellite based gravity observations; GRACE-FO).

D Climate and LULC change impact assessment on water resources (IIRS)

21.18 India has seen vast expansion of agricultural and industrial activities since 1990s. This
expansion has happened in Climate change is likely to increase water demand while
shrinking water supplies. The response of catchments towards This shifting balance would
challenge water managers to simultaneously meet the needs of growing communities,
sensitive ecosystems, farmers, ranchers, energy producers, and manufacturers. In some
areas, water shortages will be less of a problem than increases in runoff, flooding, or sea
level rise. These effects can reduce the quality of water and can damage the infrastructure
that we use to transport and deliver water.

D Planetary water ice and hydrological cycle studies (IIRS)

21.19 The first planetary mission of India, Chandrayaan-1 confirmed the presence of water
ice at polar and other regions of Earth’s Moon. In the last 50 years many space based
probes and RS missions have explored planets, moons and asteroid of our solar system,
along with space telescopes based search for Earth like planetary systems. In all these
mission, the presence of water-ice, liquid water or historical or present sign of hydro-
geological cycle are of great scientific interest, as this water can be used as fuel and
basic life sustaining resources for any future manned space exploration or colonization
missions to these extra-terrestrial space objects. This project aims to develop RS (using

Earth Observations

optical, hyperspectral, MW and LIDARs/GPRs etc.) and modeling based techniques

for identification, quantification of water/ice on planetary surface/sub-surfaces and use
process based and customized hydrological models to simulate historical and present
water cycle components.

D22 Sub Area Oceanic Sciences and Climate (SAC/NRSC/IIRS/NESAC)

D22.1 Retrieval of IPAR & PAR flam OCM-2 irregular basis and validation with
measurements for different regions of tropical, sub tropical and Polar areas (NRSC)
Ocean colour remote sensing is a useful tool and it provides quantitative information
of seawater constituents on synoptic scale. ISRO’s ocean colour missions namely
OCEANSAT-1 and OCEANSAT-2 OCM have been extensively used for various societal
and scientific applications like Potential Fishing Zone identification, ocean primary
productivity estimation, algal bloom detection and studying the coastal processes etc.
Photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) is one of the key parameter along with
spatially invariant and uniform aerosol optical depth under clear sky condition has
been used for estimating the ocean primary productivity models using OCM data.
Thus, modeling PAR from OCM under variable aerosol loading and cloud conditions
is a desirable input parameter to estimate ocean primary production from OCM more
accurately. The Instantaneous Photosynthetically Available Radiation (IPAR) is used as
one of the input for estimating the PAR (400-700 nm) in some of the models.

D22.2 Retrieval of sea surface salinity from satellite data and validation (NRSC)
Sea Surface salinity (SSS) is an essential climate variable. It is a key component of
the water cycle, as a tracer of precipitation and evaporation, river outflow and ice melt/
freeze. It is a key driver of the oceanic circulation through its role on the ocean density.
It is also a critical parameter for understanding the variability of the ocean carbon
fluxes, providing information on water masses and of their chemical properties. Salinity
dominates seawater density and directly affects physical and biochemical processes.
Having a reliable retrieval model is essential to provide frequent and accurate sea
surface salinity (SSS) data for marine research. Remote-sensing techniques provide
alternatives for SSS data retrieval with its advantages of wide area surveys and real-time
monitoring. The past, present and the future ocean colour missions of ISRO can be used
for addressing some of the key climate change issues like ocean acidification and carbon
dynamics along with it’s contemporary sensors like SST and altimeters. |Hence, there is
a need to develop the new algorithms or to evaluate and fine tune the SSS algorithms to
address the above issues.
1. Ocean Surface salinity is one of the Essential Climate Variable (ECV)
2. L-Band Passive Microwave radiometers such as SMOS, Aquarius and SMAP have
demonstrated the capability to retrieve salinity from brightness temperature data
3. Development of algorithms for retrieval of salinity using passive microwave radiative
transfer models
4. Validation of the retrieved salinity using Moored buoy, RAMA buoy and other in-situ

Earth Observations

D22.3 Ocean surface characterization using SARAL Altika Data (NRSC)

A regional tidal model is formulated for the Indian coastal domain based on the barotropic
mode of the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The simulated tidal levels are used in
combination with tide gauge measurements and global tidal solutions based on FES2012
for assessing tidal corrections associated with SARAL-ALTIKA along-track sea level
measurements.The POM in its 3D mode is also implemented for simulating seasonal
mean flow pattern in the GK and its surrounding coastal ocean. This modeling study is
now extended to use SARAL-ALTIKA along track sea level data in order to constrain the
simulation for better understanding coastal ocean processes around India.

D22.4 Meso-scale ocean eddy scale analysis (NRSC)

The term Eddy refers to rotational motion of water mass. The eddies with space scales
of 50-500 km and time scales of 10-100 days are called meso-scale eddies. They play
a significant role in transporting water mass, heat and nutrients. Upwelling areas are
associated with cold core eddies, on the other hand downwelling is associated with warm
core eddies. An Eddy tracking method using satellite measured Sea Level data has been
implemented following Chelton et al., 2011. Using this, identification of the eddy type
(Cyclonic or Anti-Cyclonic) and their paths of the movement have been established in the
Tropical Indian Ocean. The characterization has been done by computing amplitude of
eddies, number of Cyclonic and Anti-Cyclonic eddies formed and Vorticity etc.

D22.5 Ocean wind, wave and current assessment in coastal waters (NRSC)
1. Satellite Microwave instruments such as Scatterometers, Radiometers and Altimeters
provide ocean surface wind, wave and current measurements which needs to be
intercompared especially in the coastal regions.
2. Geostrophic and Ekman components of the currents can be estimated from altimeter
derived SLA and Scatterometer wind data.
3. Seasonal and interannual variability of satellite derived wind,wave and currents data
to understand the major governing processes for their variability.
4. Interaction of wind-wave-current in the coastal region leads to a complex dynamics
which need through investigation for their individual contribution.

D22.6 Satellite altimeter waveform analysis to improve geophysical parameters retrieval

1. Altimeters are active microwave instruments which provide Sealevel, Wind and
significant wave information through the measured waveform characterstics.
2. Altimeter waveforms are nothing but the variation of received power with respect to
3. Magnitude of the returned waveform power gives you the information of surface wind
4. Slope of the wave form gives the significant wave height information.
5. Waveform shape and characteristics differ for different targets such as ocean, land and
Ice for which different models are needed to understand retrieve geophysical parameters
from them.

Earth Observations

D22.7 Satellite altimeter data assimilation in ocean models (NRSC)

1. Assimilation of satellite derived temp, salinity and sealevel is needed to improve the
accuracy ocean model simulations of temp, salinity and currents and their vertical profiles.
2. Altimeters routinely provide information regarding sealevel, wind and wave information.
3. Altimeter derived sealevel can be assimilated using variational techniques such as 3D
var and 4D var in ocean circulation models such as MOM, ROMS, MITGCM etc.
4. Altimeter derived significant wave height can be assimilated in ocean wave models such
as SWAN, WAVEWATCH etc., for improved prediction of waves along the indian coasts

D22.8 Derivation of Ocean surface currents utilizing data from SARAL AltiKa and OSCAT.
Combining geostrophic currents from SSHA (from Altimeters) and wind driven
currents from wind velocities (from Scatterometer), the ocean surface currents
can be obtained (NRSC)
The scope of the current observations can be seen in the navigation and optimization of
shipping routes, dispersion and drift of pollutants, particularly, algal blooms and oil spills,
besides their use in tracing mass and heat distribution across the ocean boundaries. The
ocean surface currents of the Global Ocean are estimated combining Ekman Surface
Current (ESC) and Surface Geostrophic current (SGC). The ESC is derived from the ocean
surface wind fields of Oceansat-2 Scatterometer (OSCAT) data products. The pathwise

observations of OSCAT wind vector are used after removing high frequency variations
with Data Interpolating Variational Analysis (DIVA). Similarly, the SGC component of the
current is estimated using SARAL AltiKa Sea Surface Height (SSH) products.

D22.9 Ocean modelling (NRSC)

Investigation of the thermal inertia of the Indian Ocean. Ocean models can be used
to investigate the thermodynamics of the oceans with emphasis on long term thermal
evolution in the oceans. This would help in estimating the thermal inertia of the ocean, an
indicator of effects on climate change.

D Development of bio-optical algorithms in CASE-2 waters (NRSC)

22.10 With the availability of OCM-1 and 2 and for the future OCM-3 with more spectral bands
a programme has been planned for reprocessing of ocean colour data sets for the
development of ECV like chlorophyll-a, PAR and diffusive attenuation coefficient in coastal
waters. Using large sets of in-situ underwater radiation measurements and associated
bio-physical measurements coastal bio-optical algorithms has to be developed. Using
this algorithm reprocessing of OCM data is to be planned.

D Response of coastal system due to climatic change and its long and short term
22.11 implications (NRSC)
Coastal ecosystems are key ecosystems considering their importance in providing goods
and services. In addition to the aesthetic and recreational value provided by the coastal
ecosystems, economic benefits provided by them in supporting human livelihood via food
and materials, nutrient cycling, waste processing and other essential goods and services
are quite important. Efficient monitoring of these ecosystems is critically important by

Earth Observations

utilizing advanced remote sensing and long-term climatic records for assessing climate
change impacts and developing adaptation and mitigation strategies for effective
restoration and conservation in Indian coastal zone.

D Satellite based retrieval of geo-physical parameters for coastal processes

22.12 assessment (NRSC)
1. Coastal processes are more complex due to the interaction of bathymetry, wave, tides
and land-sea breeze etc.,
2. Satellite sensors such as Altimeter, Scatterometer, Radiometer and SAR etc., provides
information regarding geo-physical variables.
3. Algorithms developed using radiative transfer models and statistical methods are
needed to retrieve geo-physical parameters from these satellite measurements.

D Eco-system change direction and responses due to coastal change using high
22.13 resolution IRS-data sets (NRSC)
Understanding how the coastal ecosystems are changing due to changing coast is an
area of importance in India due to natural as well as anthropogenic activities in coastal
areas. Remote sensing can take an important role in quantifying and monitoring these
changes at local to regional scale. The new high resolution remote sensing datasets from
IRS series of satellites can take an important role in studying the changes happening in
coastal ecosystems in India.

D In-situ studies of phytoplankton cultures to understand changes in the absorption

22.14 spectrum in response to different environment variables for developing
methodologies for satellite retrieval (NRSC)
Retrieval of spectrum information of dominant phytoplankton groups from satellite ocean
colour data especially for case 2 waters is complex and requires good amount of in
situ studies from pure cultures to understand how this varies due to age of the culture,
between different groups and also with nutrient manipulations. In recent years several
methodologies have been developed to extract spectrum information from satellite
ocean colour data however this requires important validation to make such techniques
operational in the era of OCM.

D Study of relationships between oxygen and C13 based primary productivity for
22.15 Indian coastal waters to evaluate photosynthesis quotient for developing satellite
based primary productivity model (NRSC)
Changes in oxygen concentrations over time can be used to estimate the rates of
photosynthesis and therefore primary productivity. Carbon assimilation rates based on
oxygen evolution often assumes a ratio of one moles of O2 produced for every moles
of CO2 assimilation however this number is highly variable in the environment. Studies
can be undertaken to compare this classical techniques with modern C13 based primary
productivity to understand the variability which can be used to develop satellite based
PP model.

Earth Observations

D Measurement of particulate organic and particulate inorganic carbon in coastal

22.16 and open ocean waters of northern Indian Ocean for development of satellite
based algorithm (NRSC)
Particulate organic and inorganic (comprised of mainly cocolithophores) are important
component of any oceanic system which influence the marine carbon cycle. Remote
sensing measurements are now being used to characterise these component in basin
scale due to its large spatial coverage however lack proper validation due less in-situ
measurement. Both beam attenuation and in situ POC/PIC have been used to develop
empirical relationship as early as 1988. Latest research suggests good relationship
between oceanic POC concentrations vs. Rrs (443)/ Rrs (555). Opportunities are available
for measuring POC/PIC by chemical or physical method (CTD, Beam Attenuation) for
development and validation of satellite algorithm for Northern Indian Ocean.

D Development of methodologies (statistical and numerical methods) for the

22.17 generation of time series/ long period data base from the OCM sensors ( Chl, PAR
and AOT ) over the Northern Indian Ocean in association with NRSC (NRSC)
ISRO had launched OCM-1 & OCM-2 and going to launch OCM-3 in near future for
studying ocean color properties of Northern Indian Ocean such as Chlorophyll. To
effectively use this data to study ocean color and climate change It is required to make
long time series data combining OCM-1 and OCM-2 data and in future OCM-3. To
effectively do this we need to reprocess data from these two sensors to bring them on a
common platform to make them inter comparable and compatible. Work already initiated
in this direction by developing methodologies for effectively inter comparing data from
these satellites with that of SeaWiFS & MODIS (Two of NASA’s Ocean color sensors with
stable data and accuracy).

D Development of methodologies for generation of near real time ocean surface

22.18 currents using satellite derived winds, Sea Surface heights/ anomaly, SST and
salinity for the Indian ocean (NRSC)
1 At present there is no satellite technology which can provide ocean surface currents in
real time.
2. Satellite Altimeters only provide the information regarding the geostrophic currents.
3. Ekman component of the currents can be derived from scatterometer measurements.
4. Development of improved methodologies is needed to synergistically use different
satellite derived parameters such as SST, Salinity, Sealevel and Winds to generate ocean
surface currents in realtime such as OSCAR, GlobCurrent products.

D Development of bio-optical algorithms in CASE-II waters using Inherent optical

22.19 parameters and propagation to the top of atmosphere using appropriate radiative
transfer models (NRSC)
ISRO had launched OCM-1 & OCM-2 to study chlorophyll and bio optical properties of
North Indian Ocean, and going to launch OCM-3 soon. It is very important to have accurate
algorithm to retrieve Geophysical products to effective utilization of satellites. Retrieving
Ocean color properties from Case II waters (coastal waters) is very complex as these

Earth Observations

waters are highly influenced by coastal discharges and human influence etc... We are
measuring Inherent & Apparent optical properties of coastal water column around India
and developing these algorithms using the field data and radiative transfer modelling.

D Use of satellite observation in ocean general circulation model for understanding

22.20 regional circulation and heat budget in the Indian Ocean (NRSC)
1. Assimilation of satellite derived temp, salinity and sealevel is needed to improve the
accuracy ocean model simulations of temp, salinity and currents and their vertical profiles.
2. Altimeters routinely provide information regarding sealevel, wind and wave information.
3. IR and Microwave radiometers provide SST information which can be assimilated in
ocean circulation model for understanding regional circulation and heat budget in the
Indian Ocean.
4. Altimeter derived sealevel can be assimilated using variational techniques such as 3D
var and 4D var in ocean circulation models such as MOM, ROMS, MITGCM etc.
5. Altimeter derived significant wave height can be assimilated in ocean wave
models such as SWAN, WAVEWATCH etc., for improved prediction of waves along the
indian coasts.

D Development of eddy-resolving meso scale ocean model and potential fishing

22.21 zone predictability (NRSC)
Ocean eddies are important features, which play a dominant role in ocean dynamics,
nutrient transportation and modification of circulation patterns. The satellite observations
have revealed their distribution and temporal variability. Modelling such eddies is
underway using a Regional Ocean Modelling System (ROMS). The model has been set
up and integrated with Winds, Temperature, Salinity and Surface heat fluxes data for
simulation of eddies and regional circulation in the Indian Ocean.

D Assimilation of satellite observation in Ocean general circulation model to

22.22 reconstruct ocean state parameters (NRSC)
1. Assimilation of satellite derived temp, salinity and sealevel is needed to improve the
accuracy ocean model simulations of temp, salinity and currents and their vertical profiles.
2. Altimeters routinely provide information regarding sealevel, wind and wave information.
3. Altimeter derived sealevel can be assimilated using variational techniques such as 3D
var and 4D var in ocean circulation models such as MOM, ROMS, MITGCM etc.
4. Altimeter derived significant wave height can be assimilated in ocean wave
models such as SWAN, WAVEWATCH etc., for improved prediction of waves along the
indian coasts.

D Development of real time coastal ocean analysis system through ocean general
22.23 circulation model coupled with ocean Biogeochemical flux model (NRSC)
Tide and current interaction are very significant in the coastal ocean regions which
are being neglected in most of the coastal circulation model studies. Indian has vast
Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) with tremendous influence by anthropogenic activities
including industrial and navigation activities. Coastal ecosystem is under stress. It is

Earth Observations

essential to monitor and maintain the health of the marine flora and fauna. In this regard,
satellite observations combining with ocean general circulation model to be used for
understanding regional circulation and ecosystem dynamics.
1. Establishing regional coastal circulation model driven by global ocean climate model
analysis at the open boundaries along with tides and atmospheric forcing.
2. Establishment of Ocean Ecosystem Model and satellite data integration for monitoring
health of the marine ecosystem in Indian EEZ.
3. Latest Ocean Circulation Models such as MOM5 have capabilities to simulate Ocean
Circulation parameters including biogeochemical models available in their native
4. Biogeochemical Flux Model can simulate the biogeochemical processes for improved
understanding of marine ecosystem variability.

D Use of satellite observation for modeling and assessing regional carbon cycle for
22.24 the Indian region (NRSC)
Carbon dioxide is a major greenhouse gas and various scientific investigations have
revealed that increase in the concentration of CO2 is an important contributor to climate
change. Understanding the carbon (C) sink or source potential of ecosystems and their
variability in relation to climatic drivers are critical to elucidate and quantify climate-carbon
feedbacks. Using satellite data inputs of NDVI, land-use-land-cover, CASA Terrestrial
ecosystem model was used to simulate the terrestrial carbon budget over India for the
period 1981-2016. GEOS-Chem Model was implemented to understand the atmospheric
CO2 variability over India.

D Atmospheric aerosol research (SAC/ NESAC)

22.25 Algorithms for atmospheric aerosols using satellite over plain & hilly land and oceans,
Aerosol transportation and climate studies.

D Simulation of methane distribution and visualization in Mars atmosphere (NRSC)

22.26 Indian Mars mission will be carrying MSM (Methane Sensor for Mars) to map the methane
sources and deriving concentration in Mars atmosphere by ppb accuracy. Simulations
are planned using other Mars orbiter data like MGS etc. considering the specification of
Indian MSM for visualization and understanding the data. This simulation is to be carried
jointly with the help of Principal Investigator of MSM.

E Area Aerial Remote Sensing (NRSC/ NESAC/IIRS)

E1 Sub Area Automatic feature extraction from aerial images (NRSC)

E1.1 Automatic feature extraction from aerial images (NRSC)

The objective of this study would be to explore the possibilities of automatic feature extraction
through the fusion of high resolution aerial digital camera images and DSM either from Lidar
technology or from photogrammetry. As per the literature, the fusion of DSM from Lidar
scanners and image data from digital cameras showed promising results. The data from
these two sources is complementary to each other and hence make a great combination.

Earth Observations

E2 Sub Area Segmentation of Aerial / satellite data (NRSC)

E2.1 Segmentation becomes more important with increasing spatial resolution of imagery.
Texture in high-resolution aerial and high resolution satellite images requires substantial
amendment in the conventional segmentation algorithms. The potential applications of
this segmentation process are (1) Automatic 3D model generation (2) automatic DEM
generation from DSM (3) Automation in Quality Checking of vector maps and many more.

E3 Sub Area Aerial Data Compression (NRSC)

E3.1 Development and incorporation of lossless compression algorithm(s)/ technique(s)

Development and incorporation of lossless compression algorithm(s)/ technique(s)
for better handling, archival, effective usage and time critical data processing of aerial
analog and digital data. The compression algorithm must meet the requirement of aerial
compression system for storage and operation time. The compression techniques must
reduce operation memory, and accelerate the processing speed without any data loss.

E4 Sub Area Radiometric Calibration LiDAR Waveform (NRSC)

E4.1 Radiometric calibration (NRSC)

Radiometric calibration refers to the statistical process of deriving physically well-
defined radiometric quantities from the sensor’s raw measurements. Waveform LiDAR
system provides detail information about the backscattering properties of the observed
targets by recording complete return signal. Even though waveform measurements have
high content of information, data acquired during different flight campaigns cannot be
directly compared without a proper radiometric calibration. Model waveform Radiometric
calibration requires formulation of LiDAR equation. This model may be useful for the
retrieval of higher level data products.

E5 Sub Area Photogrammetry (IIRS)

E5.1 DEM fusion (IIRS)

Advance spaceborne remote sensing and geodetic techniques are currently available for
generation of high resolution DEMs resulting in the advancement of earth’s topographic
modelling. DEM assimilation or fusion is one of the technique, which can be utilized
effectively to overcome the limitations of individual DEMs generated from different
techniques (such as photogrammetry, LiDAR, InSAR) and are available commercially or
through open source platforms.

E6 Sub Area Aerial Remote Sensing using UAV (NESAC)

E6.1 Development of long range communication system for UAVs (NESAC)

Most of the commercial UAVs available today come with a communication range of 5-10
kms in clear line of sight. However for some applications like medicine delivery in remote/
disaster areas, river mapping/monitoring applications require long communication range
40-50 kms for real time transfer of telemetry and data. A low cost, low weight and range
communication system will improve the capabilities of existing UAV systems.

Earth Observations

E6.2 Improvements in battery capacity used in UAVs (NESAC)

Lithium Polymer batteries are being used as source of electric power in the present UAV
systems which gives a maximum flight endurance up to 1 hr with different combinations.
It is required to develop low weight high capacity batteries to further improve upon the
flight endurance of UAVs using different materials and techniques.

E6.3 Development of data processing software for high volume UAV data processing
Processing of UAV data is a unique challenge due to its large volume. Few of the
commercial softwares used for generation of complete data products such as DEM/DTM,
3D point cloud, contour maps etc are very costly and require high end systems. There is
a need for developing in house data processing software using open source tools with
end to end data processing capabilities which do not require very high end computers.

E6.4 Real time UAV data processing for disaster monitoring applications (NESAC)
Data acquired from UAV surveys are downloaded after the survey and processed in
the lab. Due to the high volume of data, the processing takes lot of time and real time
quantitative analysis from the data cannot be made. A real time data processing technique
where data is downloaded to ground station in real time as the flight progresses and put
into software where maps/models are generated simultaneously and automatically will
be helpful for quick disaster response and assessment.

F Area Earth and Climate Sciences (NRSC/IIRS/NESAC/

F1 Sub Area Atmosphere and Climate Sciences (NRSC/IIRS/NESAC)

F1.1 Regional monitoring of Trace and Green house gases (NRSC/NESAC)

Trace and green house gases in earth atmosphere are important as they affect both air
quality and radiation balance of the earth atmosphere system. Anthropogenic activities
influence abundance of many of these gases in the atmosphere. In view of this, it is necessary
to have continuous monitoring of these gases and changes in their concentrations over
different regions to understand anthropogenic impacts on global climate change.

F1.2 Retrieval of green house gases using satellite data (NRSC)

By realizing the impacts of trace and greenhouse gases in air quality and radiation budget,
it is necessary to have measurements of these gases with sufficient spatial coverage.
Satellite remote sensing enables retrieval of trace and greenhouse gases over large
regions to estimate their effects on earth atmosphere and contribution in climate change.
Spatial distribution of abundance of these gases can be used to identify their major
source regions and also to estimate long term trends in their concentration.

F1.3 Transport of chemical constituents of atmosphere using WRF chemical transfer

modelling (NRSC /NESAC)
Atmospheric dynamics lead to dispersion and transport of chemical constituents in
atmosphere from their source regions to distant locations. In order to understand effects

Earth Observations

F1.3 of chemical constituents in earth atmosphere, their transport from source regions to other
locations has to be examined. Transport of chemical constituents in atmosphere can be
investigated in detail using models such as WRF.
1. Identification of trace gases and understanding their chemistry mechanism using
available satellite and ground data.
2. Study of trace gases dispersion using WRF model.
3. Study of chemical mechanism between the species using WRF-Chem model.
4. Generate alert mechanism on pollutant concentration and their transport

F1.4 Study of boundary layer dynamics (NRSC/NESAC)

Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) is the lowest part of troposphere, which is directly
influenced by earth surface and responds to surface forcing with a time scale of an hour
or less. Structure of ABL and associated dynamics are important to understand weather,
climate, pollution dispersion and exchange processes between surface and atmosphere.
The lower layer of the atmosphere, the boundary layer, acts as a conduit for exchange
of energy and mass between the surface and the atmosphere. Measurements of the
vertical profile of meteorological parameters are essential to study temporal variations
in the boundary layer, especially in the lower layers. As the boundary layer varies
greatly depending upon the surface characteristics, extensive sampling over different
regions is required to accurately represent the boundary layer in numerical models.
The 32m meteorological tower at NRSC, Shadnagar is an example of a boundary layer
measurement system at a semi-arid region.

F1.5 Aerosol characterization and its impact on solar radiation (NRSC/ NESAC)
Atmospheric aerosols, one of the major climate forcing agents, affect earth atmosphere
radiation balance through aerosol radiation interactions and aerosol cloud interactions.
Despite the efforts being carried out for past few decades, atmospheric aerosol remains
one of the major sources of uncertainty in climate forcing estimates. Better understanding
of aerosol impacts on weather and climate demands adequate incorporation of aerosol
parameters in climate models, which needs accurate measurements of aerosol

F1.6 Surface energy budgeting using remote sensing (NRSC/NESAC)

Surface energy budgeting assumes importance as the surface energy balance is one of
the major factors affecting hydrostatic stability and mixing of atmospheric constituents
such as pollutants in lower atmosphere. Remote sensing can be used for surface energy
budgeting over large spatial extends to understand changes in surface energy balance
and related effects in earth atmospheric boundary layer characteristics and associated
An accurate picture of the global energy balance is necessary to detect perturbations in
the Earth’s climate system. The top-of-atmosphere radiative energy balance has been
relatively well determined by satellites, as compared to the surface energy budget where
larger uncertainties exist as surface fluxes cannot be directly measured by satellites.

Earth Observations

The spatio-temporal variations in distribution of surface energy components such as

radiative fluxes at the surface, the sensible, latent and ground heat fluxes are retrieved
and examined using multi-year data records from geostationary and polar orbiting
satellites. The algorithms for estimating surface energy balance components are evolved
and validated against ground measurements carried out over different regions.

F1.7 Impact of aerosol on agricultural productivity (NRSC/ NESAC)

Atmospheric aerosols alter energy balance of the earth atmosphere system through
scattering and absorption of radiation and also by modifying cloud properties. Through
scattering and absorption, atmospheric aerosols reduce surface reaching solar radiation,
which in turn affect agricultural production. In addition aerosols affect large scale
circulation systems such as Indian summer monsoon and associated rainfall. Changes
in rainfall will have significant effect on agricultural production.

F1.8 Retrieving vertical profile of temperature and humidity using Radio Occultation
(RO) data (NRSC/ NESAC)
Vertical profiles of atmospheric temperature and humidity are important parameters in
atmospheric research, especially for weather forecast and climate change studies. Radio
Occultation technique is an effective method to retrieve these profiles by receiving radio
signals from GPS navigation satellites. The method makes use of the fact that degree of
refraction of radio waves while passing through the atmosphere depends on gradients in
air density which in turn depends on temperature and humidity.

F1.9 Climate change impact assessment (NRSC/ NESAC)

Anticipated/Ensuing climate change is expected to alter the water resources availability,
demand and use patterns. Many uncertainties remain about the extent of these climatic
changes, as well as about their societal implications. Assessment of vulnerability and
resulting risk to water resources due to climate-change impacts is necessary to work out
appropriate adaptation and mitigation strategies.

F1.10 Polar ice dynamics studies (IIRS)

To study the impact of climate change on polar ice cover, satellite data are used for
monitoring the ice cover over the Polar Regions. Research is being done for identifying
different type of ice cover using various satellite measured parameters.

F1.11 Spatio-temporal variability of aerosol columnar and vertical distribution at regional

and global scales (IIRS)
Aerosol columnar and vertical distribution at global and regional scales is one of the
crucial parameters for climate change assessment. The data acquired by space borne
instruments in conjugation with ground based measurements may be crucial to improvise
our understanding on aerosol-climatic interactions. Also required is the detailed
investigation on changing levels of different aerosol types at global and regional scales.
Especially, increasing smoke levels across the globe in the recent years (Mehta et al.,
2018) are of concern in the context of rising temperatures accompanied with increasing
wildfires throughout the globe.

Earth Observations

F1.12 Urban micro and meso-scale climate modelling and urban canopy parameters
estimation (IIRS)
Urban climate refers to climatic conditions in an urban area that differ from neighbouring
rural areas, and are attributable to urban development. Temperatures are higher in
cities than the surrounding rural areas—which is popularly manifested as Urban Heat
Island (UHI). Urban climate is an effective issue on the local and global climates which
is influenced by several factors such as urban morphology and density, the properties of
urban surfaces and vegetation cover. The urban built-form due to its dense development,
high-rise character and increase in impervious, absorptive surfaces is responsible for
the trapping of heat and reduction in evaporative cooling due to decrease in vegetated,
soft, pervious surfaces in urban areas. The study of urban climate is gaining further
importance in the scenario of climate change. Research is ongoing for the generation of
3D urban database, urban parameterization in numerical weather models, urban canopy
parameters estimation and understanding the micro and meso scale urban climate
phenomenon. Currently, the emphasis is given to development of urban parameterization
and micro and meso scale modelling. It will be further extended to the simulation of urban
growth vis-à-vis urban climate.

F1.13 Aerosol optical thickness and atmospheric correction over land ( NESAC)
Calibration and radiometric normalization is the key issue in future remote sensing
activities related with biophysical parameter retrieval and climate change. Atmospheric
correction of the satellite data is a challenge. Most important input for atmospheric
correction involved estimation of Aerosol optical thickness (AOT) either from network of
ground observations or satellite data. Retrieval of AOT sensors like Resourcesat series is
a challenge. There is need to develop simplified correction approach including AOR inputs
using dark dense vegetation approach. There is further need to develop instrumentation
with capability of polarized measurements and LIDAR sensing.

F1.14 Aerosol, trace gases asian monsoon and climate change over NER (NESAC)
Aerosol and Trace Gases Characterization, inventory analyses, 4D profiling of Aerosol
and Trace Gases are very important for NER of India. In view of rapid industrialization it is
required to study the impact of the industrialization on climate change over NER of India.
The impact of Aerosol & Trace gases on Asian summer monsoon with special emphasis
in North East India is also an important study.
Inventory study and quantification of green house gases and particulate matters from the
industries of NER of India and study of physical & chemical characteristics.
Study and quantification of land use changes due to industrialization and its impact.
4D profiling and characterization of Aerosol & Trace gases over NER
Generation of 4D Aerosol and trace gases model
Study of the impact of Aerosol & Trace gases in Asian Summer monsoon with special
emphasis in North East India.
Generation of climate change indices over NER of India.
Development of climate change advisory system for NER of India.

Earth Observations

F1.15 WRF-Hybrid data assimilation to simulate Summer Monsoon and heavy rainfall
over India (NESAC)
Data assimilation process combines observation data and short range forecast to best
estimate the atmospheric state for initialization of an NWP model. Among different data
assimilation techniques some of the commonly used methods are 3DVAR, 4DVAR, EnKF
etc. Although these methods are different in their formulation but their main objective
is to model the error covariance matrices for background and analysis as accurately
as possible. In the variational method the background error covariance is considered
to be static and isotropic which contradicts the reality as the error varies substantially
with the flow of the day. In Ensemble Kalman Filter where multivariate flow dependent
background error covariance is computed from ensembles of short range forecasts
represent the error of the day. However, it is reported that the use of finite number of
ensembles in EnKF may introduce some statistical noise in the covariance field that will
result in unsystematic errors in the estimate. This error may be reduced by increasing
the number of ensembles, though in practical purpose for use in atmospheric and
oceanographic modeling such huge number of ensembles are not affordable. As both
these methods have their pros and cons, so another method called HYBRID has been
evolved as one of the computationally suitable technique which combines the strength
of both variational and EnKF to get the best out of the methods. WRF-HYBRID method
with 80 ensemble members is used for simulation of Indian summer Monsoon and heavy
rainfall events over different parts of India.

F2 Sub Area Agriculture and Agro-ecosystem studies (SAC/NRSC/


F2.1 Integrated approach (including remote sensing inputs) for multi-crop assessment
in sparse cropped regions (NRSC)
Multi-crop assessment is important for holistic development of agricultural recourses and
farmers livelihood. In sparse cropped area there is always a possibility to misclassify
the crop using satellite imageries. This can only be improved by using extensive
ground based observations, development of crop specific spectral signature, multi-
temporal hyperspectral images and cutting edge image processing techniques for crop

F2.2 The remote sensing techniques of crop assessment in hilly terrains/ high altitudes
Assessment of crop over the hilly is always very tricky as the satellite images are
affected by layover and fore shorting (in case of SAR) and hill shadow effect (in case of
optical data). Further the agricultural land holdings are small in size and intermixed with
forest/other vegetation. The main challenges would be image correction for the above
mentioned effect, ortho-rectification and image processing algorithms for improved crop
mapping and condition assessment.

Earth Observations

F2.3 RS based indices/techniques for agro-ecosystems characterization / evaluation

Agro-ecosystem characterization involves assessment of cropping system, crop calendar,
crop phenology, agro-meteorological parameterization and soil & land. The aim of the
proposal should focus on the carbon sequestration, soil conservation, water use and
long terms changes/degradation. The proposal should also focus on the suitability of the
agro-ecosystem in terms of the prevail soil, land, weather resources.

F2.4 Ingestion of RS inputs/products in climate change analysis/modelling of agro-

ecosystems (NRSC/NESAC)
It involves long term satellite and climate data analysis, indentify the trend and break
points of the multi-temporal data. The proposal should involve crop growth simulation
model, cropping system model, nutrient transport model. The model should be calibrated
in the present condition and simulated under climate change scenarios. Emphasis should
provide to use different RS based inputs into the models.

F2.5 Development of GHG models for agro-ecosystems under different conditions

It involves modeling of exchanges/fluxes of GHG like CO2, H2O, CH4, N2O etc from
the agro-ecosystem at diurnal, seasonal and annual time scale using suitable field
instrumentation and modeling techniques. It also involves to identify the driving parameters
of the GHG fluxes and upscaling it at regional level using remotely sensed proxies.

F2.6 Parameter retrieval techniques with hyperspectral data (NRSC/NESAC)

It involves analysis of hyperspectral data and development of narrow band indices
sensitive to crop vigour and condition. Retrieval of crop bio-physical parameters like
LAI, Biomass, chlorophyll content, surface wetness etc using empirical, semi-empirical
or radiative transfer models.

F2.7 Algorithm development for agro-ecosystems product generation from geostationary

platform (NRSC)
Geostationary platforms provides the frequent observations of the land features and is
very useful for kharif season monitoring to get rid of frequent cloud cover. The proposal
should focus on use of geostationary platform especially INSAT series for generation
of weather variables like Total incoming solar radiation, Net Radiation, Land surface
temperature, NDVI etc which can be used in diffrent energy balance equations for
retrieval of latent heat fluxes, LAI etc.

F2.8 Concepts of multidate/multisensor fusion of different scales and resolutions and

uncertainty analysis in relation to agro-ecosystems (NRSC)
Multisensor data fusion techniques helps in enhancing the spectral/spatial informations
present in the satellite image. Different fusions techniques need to be explored and
comparision is needed for applying in different agriculture monitoring projects. The pros
and cons of the merging procedures need to be evaluated. The proposal should also
cover the utilization of texture informations present in the fused image for characterizing

Earth Observations

F2.9 Newer tools and techniques development for quick assessment of temporal
dynamics of crops/vegetations using Indian multi temporal satellite data (NRSC)
Temporal optical/radar data provides informations on crop phenologies like start of the
season, peak greenness, rate of scenescence, date of harvesing etc. The proposal is
needed for development of indicators derived from the temporal phenological curves for
assessing crop growth stages. The project should involve the analysis of multi-temporal
NDVI/EVI data, its smoothening, gap filling and extraction of phenometric using different

F2.10 Development of mathematical/matching algorithm in spectral library development

using hyperspectral data (NRSC)
This includes development of the hyperspectral library of soil/crops with its physical and
chemical properties. These libraries will be helpful in retrieving soil/crop properties of
unknown spectra. There is need to develop different curve fitting and wavelet matching
techniques for comparing the spectra with the spectral libraries. The proposal may
focus on using leaf or canopy radiative transfer model for retrieving properties from the
reflectance spectra.

F2.11 Modelling soil carbon sequestration in relation to cropping systems and climate
change (NRSC)
Soil carbon is one of the driving parameter for soil productivity and sustainability.
Assessment of Soil carbon helps in understanding the carbon sequestration and its
dynamics and its simulation in climate change scenarios. The proposal should incorporate
the calibration and validation of biogeochemical models like RothC, DNDC, Century etc
and simulating carbon sequestrations in different climatic and land-use scenerios.

F2.12 Development of farming systems models with RS inputs/products (NRSC)

RS derived inputs strengthen any Decision support system for agricultural applications.
There is need to devise a farming system model where RS derived inputs can be fed
to provide decision support to the farmer communities. The proposal may also explore
any such existing models and can suggest necessary changes in terms of input or its

F2.13 Applications of RS/GIS in horticulture studies (NRSC/NESAC)

Horticultural crops are unique in nature due to its canopy structure and prevailing plant
spacing. These are also grown in an orchards environment which are generally having
a typical geometric shape. Using these criteria object based image analysis techniques
can be proposed for rapid mapping of the horticultural crops. The proposal also should
focus of the orchard age, its condition and yield modeling.

F2.14 Geostationary data utilization in crop assessment (NRSC)

Geostationary data provides frequent observations hand helpful during cloudy season.
Geostationary imager data can be utilized for generation of temporal crop growth profile,
start of the season and regional crop condition assessment. The focus should be given
in large area assessment of crop generic condition assessment, drought monitoring etc.

Earth Observations

F3 Sub Area Environment Sciences and Hydrological Modeling (NRSC/


F3.1 Green House Gases estimation ( NESAC)

One of the recent trends in remote sensing understands the climate change through space
measurements. Atmospheric Green house gases concentration and measurements of
flux are important research Area. Currently available sensor system includes GOSAT,
ENVISAT-SCIAMACHY, MOPITT etc. India has plans to launch such mission (ENVSAT
Series) in future with other countries (OCO of USA, GOSAT-2 of Japan). There is need
to develop radiative transfer scheme to model and retrieve the gases concentration.
There is need to in situ measurement of CO2, CH4, N2O etc fluxes for validation of
satellite products.

F3.2 Hydrological modeling (IIRS)

Hydrological modeling at Basin as well as India level is needed to understand the
distribution and balance of water balance components. Projecting the water requirements
in the future climate scenario are another area of important research. SAC and IIRS
has initiated hydrological modeling activities related with role of forest ecosystem in
influencing the hydrological component over a large region using satellite and ground
based measurements. There is need to develop model to retrieve hydrological variables
(rainfall, Soil Moisture, Evapotranspiration) using satellite data. Snow and glacier
hydrology is an important thrust area of research. Inland waters level monitoring using
altimeter data.

F3.3 Regional monitoring, mapping and inventory analysis of Trace and Green house
gases (NRSC/ NESAC)
1. Establishment of trace gases measurements network across the country using cost
effective technology.
2. Creating a consistent and reliable centralized long-term data base on trace gases for
various stuides.
3. Ground based trace gases data to improve the satellite retrievals accuracy.
4. Identification of hotspots of trace gases and their causative factors.

F3.4 Retrieval of green house gases using satellite data (NRSC/ NESAC)
1. Retrievals of columnar GHGs namely CO2, CH4, CO, O3 and N2O from the satellites
over the Indian region.
2. Comparative analysis of satellite retrievals against ground-based retrievals to improve
the retrieval accuracy.
3. Precise columnar GHGs to predict and estimate source and sink regions of the Indian
4. Addressing seasonal and intra season variations using satellite retrieved columnar

Earth Observations

G Area Disaster Management (SAC/ NRSC/ IIRS/ NESAC)

G1 Sub Area Geo-hazards (SAC /NRSC /IIRS/ NESAC)

G1.1 Earthquake Precursor Analysis for moderate to high magnitude earthquakes in

India for understanding the spatio-temporal likelihood of earthquakes (SAC /
Earthquake prediction is still a challenging task, recent studies have shown that numerous
geophysical and geochemical parameters are closely associated with earthquakes. When
the earthquake happens, an energy transfer due to a breakdown between source and
environment is made. These changes prior to the earthquake or along with it may have
different physical and chemical effects on the lithosphere, atmosphere and ionosphere.
Occasionally and in the cases of large magnitude earthquakes, these changes are
detectable. A large number of researchers across the world over the past decades have
attempted in understanding such “earthquake precursors” from “Thermal Anomalies” and
“Total Electron Count Variations” occurring in the lithosphere and the ionosphere. Thermal
anomaly is an unusual increase in Land Surface Temperature (LST) that occurs around
1–24 days prior to an earthquake. In addition to this, Total Electron Content/Count (TEC)
has emerged as one of prime candidates of earthquake pre-cursors studies that need to
be thoroughly understood in order to get appropriate forewarning of earthquake events.
Therefore, the two primary areas of focus will be “Thermal precursors” and “Total electron
count anomaly” prior to an earthquake event.

G1.2 Early warning of landslides (NRSC/NESAC/IIRS)

Landslides are mainly triggered by rainfall. Daily as well as antecedent (cumulative) rainfalls
are responsible for saturation of soil and subsequent landslide in hilly areas. Therefore, a
rainfall intensity-duration relationship was developed by NRSC for experimental landslide
early warning. Bhuvan platform is currently used to disseminate daily landslide early
warning for selected road corridors in the Himalayas. Daily 72 hrs rainfall forecast received
from IMD or SAC (MOSDAC) is used as an input to the landslide early warning model.
Then the available landslide susceptibility map is integrated with rainfall probability to
generate landslide early warning in Bhuvan. Early warning in four categories (Warn, watch,
advisory and no warning) are issued regularly through Bhuvan. Currently the landslide
early warning system is operational experimentally in selected routes of Himachal Pradesh,
Uttarakhand, Meghalaya, Assam and Mizoram. Further development of rainfall intensity-
duration relationship is required specific to different landslide prone areas of India.

G1.3 Landslide modelling, mapping and monitoring (IIRS)

Satellite based information can be very useful in modelling and monitoring of landslides.
This project aims in utilizing space based inputs, DGPS based surveys and geo-physical
instruments for mapping, monitoring and field validation of landslides.

G1.4 Automated detection of landslide using AWIFS and Cartosat-1 derived DEM (IIRS)
The creation of a landslide inventory map by manual interpretation of remote sensing
images is very time-consuming. This project aims at developing an automated procedure
for the detection of landslides from multi-spectral remote sensing images.

Earth Observations

G1.5 Debris flow modelling and risk assessment (IIRS)

The entire Himalayan range is prone to debris flow and associated hazards. This project
aim in modelling the debris flow using geospatial data and field parameters using state-
of-the-art numerical simulation model RAMMS (Rapid mass movement software) that
predicts the motion of a naturally occurring mass from a head (release area) to base
(deposition area) in three dimensions.

G1.6 Simulation of inundation in urban environment using hydrologic and hydraulic

models (IIRS)
To simulate urban flood propagation and inundation of the ground’s surface, coupling of
the 1D and 2D hydrodynamic model is necessary to consider flow interactions between
underground pipes and the ground’s surface, and therefore in this project 1D model and
2D model in the coupled mode together with spatial inputs derived from satellite remote
sensing will be used to simulate flows in the pipe/river drainage system and surface
inundation, respectively.

G1.7 Integration of satellite based inputs along with DEM for forecasting a flood
discharge and to provide early warning (IIRS)
Hydrological modelling of large river catchments due to its complexity in collecting and
handling of both spatial and non-spatial input data such as rainfall, gauge-discharge
data, and topographic and hydraulic parameters, has always been a challenging task.
This project aims to develop a flood forecasting model using space inputs and through
rainfall runoff modelling, hydrodynamic flow routing, calibration, and validation of the
model with field discharge data.

G1.8 Assessing the possibility of cloudburst/flash flood using INSAT images (IIRS)
Frequent flash-floods cause immense devastation in the Himalayan region during
monsoons and therefore necessitate an improvement in the real-time forecasting system.
The use of meteorological satellite images like INSAT images in estimating rainfall can be
a good option for improving the performance of flood forecasting-and-warning systems.
In this project a rainfall estimation algorithm using the infrared (IR) information from the
INSAT Meteorological Satellite is proposed to be developed for complementing the flood
forecasting and early warning system.

G1.9 Flood Monitoring using SCATSAT-1 Satellite (IIRS)

Satellite plays important role in detection and monitoring of flood inundation extents
over large regions. Microwave remote sensing due to its cloud penetration capability
senses the surface hydrological characteristics. This project aims for using data from
SCATSAT-1, for the detection of the flood situations over India by using backscattering
and brightness temperature data to delineate flooded, partially submerged and areas
with different soil wetness conditions.

G Algorithm development for INSAR-3D data for forest fire detection (IIRS)
1.10 The INSAT 3D a geostationary meterological satellite has EO capability in MIR and TIR
region. With a high temporal imaging capability, the satellite has the potential to detect

Earth Observations

forest fires over Indian landscape continuously and provide the severity and duration of
burning in the forest fire prone regions of India. The project aims to develop algorithms,
which can use the capability of the satellite to automatically process the data and detect
fire occurrence for effective mitigation measures.

G Climate change induced forest fire risk modelling (DGVM) (IIRS)

1.11 According to IPCC AR5 report, there is potential of increase in the forest fire incidences
across the world due to a rise in temperature by 1.5-1.8 °C. With the current trends in
the greenhouse gas increase, it is becoming a reality. The project will aim to generate
ground-based information on the vegetation, ecological and edaphic parameters along
with the climatic parameters, which can be used in dynamic global vegetation models to
identify the fire risk due to climate change in the Indian landscape.

G Health hazard due to forest fire incidence (IIRS)

1.12 Impact of forest fire during summer season in Western Himalayas has shown significant
increase of gaseous and particulate pollutants. Apart from the ecological loss, the fires
have also caused environmental and health issues such as poor air quality, which caused
a lot of discomfort to the people. There was significant increase in particulate matter,
ozone, NOX and Carbon Monoxide levels. The physical properties of Aerosol and the
gaseous pollutants can be captured as variations in the atmospheric profiles and as
changes in the aerosol optical properties.

G Geospatial modelling for species loss and vulnerability (IIRS)

1.13 There is an urgent need to understand the propagation of forest fires and its impacts
on the natural resources in Indian conditions. There are numerous models for forest fire
propagation and spread across the world, but most of them are for temperate regions
and Australian outbacks where the ecological conditions are markedly different for that
of Indian conditions. The research will help to understand the various meteorological,
topographical and vegetation parameters to identify in near real-time the probability of
spread of forest fire and its intensity and rate of movement for control measures.

G Mapping and modelling exotic species invasion due to climate change (IIRS)
1.14 Invasive species is one of the five reasons of biodiversity loss in the world. Till date there
is no established method for identification and mapping of the invasive species. The
study aims to develop methodology for identification of biological invasion by the exotic
species using the Earth Observation.

G Flood prone area mapping, modeling/forecasting & risk assessment using

1.15 geospatial tools (IIRS)
Flooding during the monsoon season is a recurring problem in many parts of India.
Different Indian states, especially North West Himalayan (NWH) states (J&K, HP and
UK), along with other flood prone areas of India have experienced large number of hydro-
meteorological disasters such as high intensity precipitation and subsequent flooding
in downstream areas in the last few years. The flood of Bihar-Kosi (2008), Leh (2010),
Uttarakhand (2012, 2013), J & K, Srinagar (2014), Parts of H.P. (2015, 2018), Gujarat

Earth Observations

(2015, 2017), Chennai (2015) and recent Kerala (2018), to name a few major floods.
Therefore, this project aims to conduct systematic and scientific study of such flood prone
areas, using multi-scale RS, weather forecast and hydro models, vulnerability curves and
risk model, to generate timely flood forecast, long term flood vulnerability and flood risk
maps in few of these sites.

G Urban flood vulnerability analysis and risk modelling (IIRS)

1.16 Reliable and timely prediction of flood extents in urban catchments is a challenging issue.
Many cities in India has seen significant urban growth and increase in urban areas, which
in turn reduces the open space, reduces the infiltration capacity of an area and increases
surface runoff. Various modelling approaches are available ranging from data driven to
physically based, from conceptual to detailed 1D-2D modelling. These approaches are
then embedded in the wider context of flood risk assessment and disaster management.
An integrated model that simulates the sewerage-network, river-network and 2D mesh-
network are desirable to obtain flood extents in urban areas so that whenever overflows
occur due to insufficient drainage capacity, the resultant surface flooding and/or levee
break could be predicted and finally prepare urban flood vulnerability and risk maps..

G Drought assessment and monitoring using remote sensing (IIRS)

1.17 Drought is classified as calamity that can affect economy and society at regional to
national extents. Drought is a phenomenon having slow onset, progress and ending. For
decades, it has always been a challenge for the decision makers to monitor the arrival
and growth of drought and identify its end. Although the drought events are initiated by the
deficit in precipitation, simply rainfall as an indicator for assessing severity of drought and
its resultant impacts is insufficient. Combination of various reasonable indicators must be
included with regular observation for an effective drought assessment system to examine
both drought severity and its consequences. The present study aims at utilizing remote
sensing data in conjunction with observed data for development techniques for drought
assessment and its monitoring sub-monthly level throughout the growing seasons.
Emphasis will be given on utilization/integration of satellite based data, model forecast
data and ground observations for improving assessment and monitoring accuracy.

G 2D Flood Inundation Modelling - Simulation of flood inundated areas for a given

1.18 discharge using DEM and other inputs from satellite data (NRSC/ NESAC/IIRS)
To explore the applicability of hydro-dynamic equations in various conditions of overland
flood wave propagation on different floodplain topographies. Inter comparison of different
DEM products for 2 dimensional hydraulic simulations.

G Flood Early Warning System (FLEWS) (NESAC)

1.19 Calibration and validations of all distributed river/tributary models in Brahmaputra and
Barak river valleys with available hydro-logical and river geometry datasets. Sensitivity
analysis of various model parameters to understand the hydrologic response of various
types of river catchments in the said study area.

Earth Observations

G Flood Hazard zonation and risk assessment in major riverine and urban flood
1.20 prone catchments (NESAC)
Applicability of various approaches of flood hazard zonation such as flood frequency
based hydraulic simulations, inundation occurrence based FHZ and NESAC developed
multi-criteria analysis in both riverine and urban flooding conditions.

G Simulating climatic response through long-term Phenological and

1.21 Dendrochronological studies (IIRS)
Dendrochronology is an important tool for tracing the impact of climate variability in the
past and identification of the climatic extremes. Using dendrochronological information it
can be possible to recreate the spatial Phenological patterns in the past to understand/
model the climate variability.

G Forest fire spread modelling (IIRS)

1.22 Forest fire spread is one of the important aspects of mitigation and control of forest fire.
Work need to be carried out in fire spread modelling using state of art mathematical and
geospatial modelling.

G Forest fire risk modelling (IIRS)

1.23 Forest fire is one of the major disasters in the natural ecosystems. Identification of the
location and place of probable incidence of forest fire can help in its control and mitigation.

G Participatory GIS mapping towards hazard identification and risk mapping (IIRS)
1.24 Knowledge of where the vulnerable groups are concentrated within communities and the
general nature of their circumstances is an important step towards effective emergency

G Flood monitoring using microwave passive remote sensing (IIRS)

1.25 Microwave observations are sensitive to soil moisture conditions and, thus, can
detect antecedent surface conditions conducive to efficient runoff generation and the
development of regional-scale flooding events.

H Area Urban and Regional Studies/ Processes (IIRS)

H1 Urban spatial growth modelling (IIRS)
The recent thrust on urban growth modelling using geospatial data and techniques
are- i) to implement cellular automata (CA) based models to simulate urban growth in
Indian cities, ii) to evaluate the efficacy of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) in formation
of transition rules for CA based modelling and its comparison with the traditional Multi-
Criteria Evaluation (MCE) based CA model, iii) to investigate the effects of different
neighbourhood sizes and neighbourhood types in calibration of CA based models, iv) to
evaluate the performance of CA based models using Moran, Percent Correct Match and
Shannon’s Entropy and v) to generate ANN based urban growth zonation maps depicting
zones of urban growth potential.

Earth Observations

H2 Solar potential assessment in urban areas (IIRS)

The world’s energy problem and the huge scarcity of sources producing energy, drifts our
attention towards renewable energy sources. It is important to identify areas that receive
maximum solar radiation, and to prevent losses in solar gain due to obstructions from
surrounding buildings and topographic features. Recent research has shown that net-
zero energy buildings are achievable if site analysis and various climatological factors
are taken into consideration while designing a building, house or a community.

H3 Linking urban air quality with built-form using geospatial techniques (IIRS)
Air pollutants occur both, outdoor and indoor, and can be natural or man-made. The
major indicators of air pollution are SO2, CO, NO2, O3, NH3, H2S, particulate matters
(PM2.5 and PM10), etc. The major sources of air pollution in urban areas are vehicular
emission, solid waste burning, domestic fuels, power station, industries, etc. With the
increasing trend of air pollution in urban areas, its analysis is required for understanding
causative factors, better planning and for general awareness using geospatial tools.

H4 Synergetic utilization of multi-sensor data for urban features extraction & modelling
Extraction of important features in an urban area (such as 2D & 3D building parameters,
individual trees, tree plantations, parks, play grounds, built-up area, etc.) is important
for various planning, management and decision making at various levels. Availability of
multi-sensor/ temporal data coupled with advanced algorithms are useful for features
extraction in an urban area.

H5 Urban flood modelling and drainage adequacy assessment (IIRS)

Reliable and timely prediction of flood extents in urban catchments is a challenging issue.
Various modelling approaches are available ranging from data driven to physically based,
from conceptual to detailed 1D-2D modelling. These approaches are then embedded
in the wider context of flood risk assessment and disaster management. An integrated
model that simulates the sewerage-network, river-network and 2D mesh-network are
desirable to obtain flood extents in urban areas so that whenever overflows occur due to
insufficient drainage capacity, the resultant surface flooding and/or levee break could be

H5 Urban water distribution modelling (IIRS)

The advanced water network modelling combined with Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) enables a real-time operational management system in urban areas.
The benefit of this system enables proactive online operation, pressure management,
reducing leakage, access to critical information and key performance indicators (KPIs)
and contingency management, i.e. incident and risk reduction.

H6 Urban micro and meso-scale climate modelling and urban canopy parameters
estimation (IIRS)
Urban climate refers to climatic conditions in an urban area that differ from neighbouring rural
areas, and are attributable to urban development. Temperatures are higher in cities than

Earth Observations

the surrounding rural areas—which is popularly manifested as Urban Heat Island (UHI).
Urban climate is an effective issue on the local and global climates which is influenced by
several factors such as urban morphology and density, the properties of urban surfaces and
vegetation cover. The urban built-form due to its dense development, high-rise character
and increase in impervious, absorptive surfaces is responsible for the trapping of heat
and reduction in evaporative cooling due to decrease in vegetated, soft, pervious surfaces
in urban areas. The study of urban climate is gaining further importance in the scenario
of climate change. Research is ongoing for the generation of 3D urban database, urban
parameterization in numerical weather models, urban canopy parameters estimation
and understanding the micro and meso scale urban climate phenomenon. Currently,
the emphasis is given to development of urban parameterization and micro and
meso scale modelling. It will be further extended to the simulation of urban growth vis-à-
vis urban climate.

H7 3D Modelling of urban areas/ 3D city modelling (IIRS)

The 3D models of urban areas assist in better visualization of urban areas as well
can be useful for building typologies, landscape morphological characteristics, urban
climate studies and many more applications for urban planners. This involves review
and development of algorithms for automatic extraction of buildings, reconstruction of
building planes and construction of 3D model using LiDAR and high-resolution stereo
pair data. Currently, emphasis is given to develop methods for generating the 3D models
using high-resolution stereo satellite data and Laser scanner based data.

H8 Utilization of remotely sensed data for species and vegetation health assessment
and development of indices for urban green spaces (IIRS)
Objective assessment of urban green spaces for planning purposes is necessary for
optimal distribution of urban green spaces. This involves development of easy to use
comprehendible indices for the assessment of urban green spaces using remote sensing
derived parameters. Further, availability of high-resolution multi-band data can also
assist in identification of vegetation species as well as assessment of plant stress in
urban areas.

H9 Urban area characterization using very high resolution optical and microwave
images (IIRS)
Most of the traditional processing algorithms fail when the resolution increases
significantly. For instance, conventional statistical learning becomes intractable with
hyperspectral data due to the data dimensionality. Similarly, while it is easy to classify
urban versus non-urban areas with medium resolution data, very high resolution data
enable the accurate classification at the building scale, but the use of such data requires
completely re-designing the whole processing chain.

Earth Observations

H10 Thermal remote sensing for urban areas and understanding of UHI phenomena
Urban expansion involves land conversions from vegetated moisture-rich to impervious
moisture deficient land surfaces. With growing urbanization, the local weather and
climatic conditions of the area are varying considerably. Thermal remote sensing is a
powerful tool to study the causes of changing land use pattern and the Urban Heat Island
(UHI) effects. The thermal infrared data is useful for studying UHI over urban areas and
plan the open spaces, accordingly.

H11 Urban seismic risk assessment (IIRS)

Urban areas are growing at a rapid pace, as a consequence, urban areas have encroached
upon areas not suitable for urban growth. There is an urgent need to quantify the urban
risk due to seismic activity in terms of damage to buildings, infrastructure etc. These
analysis will provide an input into the disaster preparation process.

Space Sciences

4.0 Space Sciences Programme

A Area Investigation on Near Earth Environment (PRL)

A1 Sub Area Thermosphere – Ionosphere System (PRL)

Thermosphere and ionosphere are a mutually coupled system with neutral and plasma
affecting each other on different time scales. In addition, this part of the atmosphere/
ionosphere also gets affected from the forcing above, by sources of solar origin and
also from lower atmosphere. Thus comprehensive studies using various techniques
are needed.

A1.1 Thermospheric Airglow, Aurora and the associated processes (PRL)

A1.2 Plasma and neutral dynamics in thermosphere-ionosphere system (PRL)

A1.3 Coupling of High-low latitude thermosphere-ionosphere system (PRL)

A1.4 Effects of solar eclipse, on ionosphere (PRL)

A1.5 Waves and instabilities in ionosphere (PRL)

A1.6 Geomagnetism: Ionospheric, magnetospheric and solar wind induced variable

and transient (pulsations) phenomena (PRL)

A1.7 Ionospheric modification (PRL)

A1.8 Study of height profiles of electron density, electric field, and neutral wind in the
equatorial F region (PRL)

A1.9 Linking lower atmospheric forcing on the dynamics of the upper atmosphere (PRL)

A1.10 Measurements of upper mesospheric temperature and winds (PRL)

A1.11 Atmosphere coupling through wave forcing through observations and modeling

A1.12 Simulation of Rayleigh Taylor instability (PRL)

A1.13 Modelling of equatorial electrojet (PRL)

A1.14 Mesosphere lower thermosphere interactions (PRL)

A2 Sub Area Study of Low Latitude Ionosphere (PRL)

A2.1 Study of low latitude ionosphere applied to satellite based communication and
navigation systems (PRL)

A2.2 Ionospheric phenomena using TEC by GPS and other parameters (PRL)

A2.3 GNSS based ionospheric retrieval under Equatorial Spread F events (PRL)

Space Sciences

A2.4 GNSS observations and ionospheric forecasting for quiet geomagnetic conditions

A2.5 Study of space weather events and geomagnetic storms in nearly same longitude
zone to evaluate the latitudinal ionospheric response in the same local time zone.
Similarly, study of longitudinal differences in such response (PRL)

A2.6 Study of Electro-dynamical and thermospheric processes leading to positive and

negative ionospheric storms in low latitudes (PRL)

A3 Sub Area Magnetosphere Processes (PRL)

The understanding of the magnetic environment of the earth is important as it protects

from high energetic solar wind particles and cosmic rays. Geo effective disturbances are
important to be investigated not only to understand the response of magnetosphere but
also to protect earth orbiting satellites.

A3.1 Plasma instability processes (PRL)

A3.2 Micro plasma process in magnetic reconnection region (PRL)

A3.3 Triggering of sub storms and impact on global ionosphere (PRL)

A3.4 Relationship between geomagnetic storms and sub-storms (PRL)

A3.5 Investigation on plasma waves and their propagation characteristics.

Turbulence: MHD Turbulence, Compressible Turbulence (PRL)

A3.6 Wave particle interaction (PRL)

A4 Sub Area Impact of Space Weather (PRL)

Disturbances in the sun, their propagation in the interplanetary medium, interaction of

solar wind with magnetosphere decides the effectiveness of the solar disturbances that
impact the near Earth environment.

A4.1 Identification of structures and turbulence in solar wind plasma (PRL)

A4.2 Interaction between solar wind and magnetospheric boundary (PRL)

A4.3 Impact of space weather processes in ionosphere, thermosphere system (PRL)

B Area Atmospheric Dynamics and Coupling (NARL)

B1 Sub Area Observations, Modelling and Simulations (NARL)

B1.1 Modelling of atmospheric tides (NARL)

Atmospheric tides are generated due to solar insolation absorption by water vapour,
ozone, nitrogen and oxygen molecules. They play a major role in determining the thermal
structure, circulation and ionospheric variabilities. The atmospheric tidal solutions can be
obtained by solving Laplace tidal equations, which are basic fluid dynamical equations

Space Sciences

and necessary heating. The equations can be solved to get the height and latitudinal
profiles of different modes of tides

B1.2 Generation and propagation of atmospheric wave modes (NARL)

The upper atmosphere is governed by dynamics in addition to radiation and
chemistry. The atmospheric waves play a major role in determining the dynamics
of the upper atmosphere. The waves range from acoustic gravity waves to planetary
scale waves. They have different generation mechanisms, namely, latent heat release in
the deep convection, land sea thermal contract, orography, instability mechanisms etc.
It is necessary to understand the generation mechanisms of different atmospheric
waves and their vertical propagation, which depend on the background winds and
thermal structure.

B1.3 Numerical simulations of stratospheric sudden warming and their global influence
Sudden stratospheric warming is the sudden rise in temperature in the cold polar
stratosphere during some winters. It occurs due to anomalous growth of planetary waves
and their interaction with background wind. Though it occurs at high latitude stratosphere,
it influences globally. The occurrence of SSW and their effect needs to be understood
through numerical simulations

B1.4 Gravity wave-tidal -mean flow interactions (NARL)

Tidal variability at mesospheric heights influences E-region electrodynamics,
as the latter is mostly governed by tidal wind dynamo mechanism. The tidal variability
can be influenced by gravity wave tidal interaction. Momentum deposition by gravity
waves can accelerate/decelerate the mean wind and affect the amplitude and
structure of tides. The eddy diffusion of gravity waves can affect the tidal variabilities.
It is important to understand how gravity wave stress affects tidal amplitudes and
background circulation.

B1.5 Simulations of QBO, SAO and Intra-Seasonal Oscillation (NARL)

Equatorial middle atmosphere is characterized by quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) in the
lower stratosphere, semi-annual oscillation in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere.
Besides, middle atmospheric parameters exhibit intraseasonal variability. The equatorial
waves play major role in driving these oscillations. It is aimed to develop a model, which
can simulate these long-period oscillations with realistic wave forcing and background
wind parameters.

B1.6 Influence of lateral wave forcing on tropical weather and climate (NARL)
Tropical weather and clime is influenced by potential vorticity intrusions. These
intrusions trigger deep convection and control rainfall. How the extra tropical atmosphere
influences the tropical weather and climate needs to be understood quantitatively. In
addition, annular modes can influence the tropical weather. What is the impact of these
extratropical forcing on Indian monsoon needs to be investigated.

Space Sciences

B2 Sub Area Mesosphere-lower thermosphere system along with lower

ionosphere (D and E-regions) (NARL)

This region acts as a buffer between upper atmosphere and lower atmosphere where
wave activities are more. The region which filters out a lot of wave modes is not yet
understood due to lack of systematic measurements.

C Area Sun and Solar System (PRL/URSC/VSSC-SPL)

C1 Sub Area Planetary atmospheres (PRL)

Research at PRL involves the applications of stable and radioactive isotopes to

characterize and determine time scales of processes occurring in the early solar system.
The aim is to study the origin and evolution of the solar system with focus on inner planets.
Further understanding physical and chemical processes of planetary atmospheres using
observations, theoretical simulations and modelling of planetary atmospheres (Earth &
Mars) and comets is also initiated. The subtopics include

C1.1 Formation of ionospheric layers in Mars and other planets (PRL)

C1.2 Effect of dust in Martian and other planetary atmospheres (PRL)

C1.3 Formation of planetary magnetospheres (PRL)

C1.4 Planetary aurora and airglow (PRL)

C2 Sub Area Study of Comets (PRL)

Comets represent pristine solar nebular matter and hence studying comets is very
important to understand the early solar system itself.

C2.1 Composition of dust and plasma tails (PRL)

C2.2 Dust formation, distribution and characterization of dust tail (PRL)

C2.3 Plasma processes in plasma tail (PRL)

C2.4 Processes involving dusty plasma (PRL)

C3 Sub Area Solar Physics (PRL)

Udaipur Solar Observatory, as the name suggests is a dedicated facility to study the
sun, the nearest star. Investigations of the Sun at USO revolve around the central theme
of solar magnetic and velocity fields, solar activity, solar eruptive processes and high
resolution solar observations. Efforts are being made to get a handle on the forecasting
of these violent solar events. Basic physical phenomena of the birth and development
of active regions, and flare mechanism can also be studied. The two major experimental
facilities currently are the Global Oscillation Network Group (GONG) project and the Multi
Application Solar Telescope (MAST)..

C3.1 Origin of Sun and Solar system (PRL)

Space Sciences

C3.2 Transient Phenomena: Flares, Eruptive Filaments/Prominences, Coronal Mass

Ejections (PRL)
CMEs inject large amounts of mass and magnetic fields into the heliosphere, causing
major geomagnetic storms and interplanetary shocks, which are a key source of solar
energetic particles. CMEs are often ssociated with erupting prominences and flares but
our physical understanding of how and why CMEs are initiated is poor. It is important
to carry out long term and high resolution studies of source regions of CMEs and also
monitor their manifestations in the solar wind. Further, study of halo-like CMEs, which
suggest the launch of a geoeffective disturbance toward Earth is also very important for
space weather forecasting purpose.

C3.3 Surface Phenomena: Granules, Supergranules, Sunspots (PRL)

Understanding the thermal, magnetic, and kinematic structure of sunspots has been
one of the frontier topics in solar physics. While the magnetic field can be inferred with
high spatial resolution in the photosphere owing to bigger telescopes and sensitive
polarimeters, its estimation is constrained over a narrow height where the spectral line
is formed. Since the physical parameters from spectral line inversions are stratified with
respect to optical depth, a geometrical transformation is necessary to derive physical
quantities such as electrical current density, helicity, Wilson depression, plasma β, etc.
This requires observing with several spectral lines spanning a large height range in the
solar atmosphere, so as to satisfy the condition of force balance between structures such
as the umbra and penumbra, that are relatively depressed by about 300 km

C3.4 Magnetic field and velocity mapping (PRL)

Solar surface magnetic field is measured to monitor magnetic energy storage and evolution
of the stresses leading up to these eruptions combined with the velocity measurements
on the surface. Above the surface, physical parameters of the chromospheric and coronal
phenomena are being used to predict the geoeffectiveness of these eruptions.

C3.5 Solar cycle variation, prediction of activity cycle (PRL)

The 11-year activity cycle is a dominant characteristic of the Sun and also the solar
dynamo that generates the solar magnetic field. The discovery of solar magnetic fields
introduced a 22-year periodicity, as the magnetic polarities of the polar regions change
sign every 11 years. Correlations have been identified and quantified among all the
measured parameters, but in most cases such correlations remain empirical rather than
grounded in physical processes. For a better physical understanding of solar physics a
systematic reassessment of solar activity indices and their usefulness in describing and
predicting the solar activity cycle is required.

C3.6 Multi-wavelength studies of the Sun (PRL)

Our understanding of the solar interior, the visible outer layers, and the “invisible” corona
are not complete.:New developments in the observational techniques from ground and
space in optical, X-ray, ultra-violet and radio regimes of the electromagnetic spectrum are
expected to continuously extend the frontiers of knowledge of the Sun in particular the
eruptive phenomena such as flares and CMEs

Space Sciences

C3.7 Helio –seismology (PRL)

Helioseismology is based on precise measurements of solar oscillations and is being
used as a tool to monitor pressure impulses generated by eruptions as well as the
physical dynamics beneath solar active region producing the eruptions. Use of Global
Oscillation Network Group (GONG) data

C3.8 MHD simulations for Solar and Stellar Atmospheres (PRL)

The solar eruptive events occur at regions where the magnetic field gradient is large. Since
the coronal magnetic field cannot be measured reliably till date, a three-dimensional magnetic
map of the corona needs to be constructed numerically. The basic idea is to exploit the
magnetic field measured on the photosphere to extrapolate coronal magnetic field.

C3.9 Study of CMEs and space weather (PRL)

Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) shake the Earth’s magnetic field causing current surges
in power lines that can destroy equipment and disrupt communication, electric power
transmission, particularly in high latitude regions. They pump energy into the radiation
belts. The enhanced electromagnetic radiations released during the course of explosive
solar flares ionize the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and also pose a threat to astronauts.
The stormy space weather can physically damage satellites, change their orbits and
shorten mission lifetimes.

C4 Sub Area Planetary Sciences (NARL /URSC)

C4.1 Saturn’s upper atmosphere (NARL)

Plasma in the Saturn’s upper atmosphere, magnetosphere, radiation belts, interaction
with its rings and moons, the rotation period of Saturn

C4.2 Investigations on the problem of Methane on planetary atmospheres: Mars and

Pluto (NARL)

C5 Sub Area Geosciences (PRL)

C5.1 Understanding the origin and evolution of the planet earth and its various components,
with special emphasis on timescales and processes. Very broadly, the main themes
pursued at PRL are :
(1) Solid Earth Studies;
(2) Aquatic and Terrestrial Biogeochemistry;
(3) Paleoclimate;
(4) Isotope Hydrology; and
(5) Aerosol Chemistry.
Most of the geoscience research requires extensive field work for field observations and
collection of required samples from various geological and environmental reservoirs and
repositories (geological formations, cave deposits, tree rings, coral reefs, terrestrial and
oceanic sediments, seawater, groundwater, river water, estuaries, rain, snow, atmospheric
moisture and aerosol). The data so painstakingly collected is then analysed using state
of the art instruments which include various mass spectrometers, chromatographs and
gas analysers following detailed and dedicated protocols developed for each study.

Space Sciences

C6 Sub Area Planetary Science (VSSC-SPL)

C6.1 Modelling the atmospheres of Venus, Mars and other planetary atmospheres
Modelling of planetary atmospheres for atmospheric circulation, thermodynamics,
ionospheric features, emissions and chemical composition, and escape of gases of
different planetary atmospheres are gaining significance and are achieving rapid strides
with several planetary exploration missions being planned and also plans for sample
return. As a first step numerical simulation of the planetary atmosphere, its dynamics and
climate systems can be attempted. The Global Circulation Models for planets can yield a
simulation of the global atmosphere and the global climate. The challenging area in this
topic is developing the limited area (meso/micro scales) to interpret landed space craft
data and also to examine the meteorological systems in the planetary atmospheres on
sub-global scales, which can simulate the boundary layer of the planets.

D Area Astronomy and Astrophysics (PRL)

D1 Sub Area Galactic Astronomy, Extra-galactic Astronomy and
Cosmology (PRL)

D1.1 Interstellar medium (PRL)

Star formation in giant molecular clouds. Disks and Jets around low/high mass proto-
stars. Cluster identification, classification and characterization.
Proto Planetary nebulae, Chemically peculiar Planetary Nebulae. Asymmetric Planetary
Extinction curves and their modelling in various wavelength regions: infrared and far –
Ultra-violet. Origin of 217.5 nm feature. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon molecules and
their contribution to interstellar extinction.

D1.2 Astro-biology and astro-chemistry (PRL)

Formation of pre-biotic molecules in interstellar matter origin of life. Formation of
interstellar giant molecules in star forming clouds.
Experiments of astrobiological importance to detect most important biomolecules and
their precursors that would provide clues on the origin of life.

D1.3 Dust formation in Stellar Ejecta Modelling of Circum-stellar matter (PRL)

D1.4 Star spots: Photometric and spectroscopic variability studies (PRL)

D1.5 Chemically Peculiar Stars: stars with abundances different from solar abundances

D1.6 Astro-seismology: Variability in spectral line profiles at high resolution (PRL)

D1.7 Extra-Solar-Planets: Transit observations using a small facility (PRL)

D1.8 Binary Star Phenomena: Novae, Supernovae Type-I, Cataclysmic variables, X-ray
binaries with Black Hole and Neutron Star companions, Transient phenomena
Quasi-Periodic oscillation in X-ray binaries (PRL)

Space Sciences

D1.9 Ultra-luminous X-Ray Sources, Micro-quasars, Study of environments of Black

Holes of different masses: 105 Solar mass to Stellar mass (PRL)

D1.10 Studies on the galactic centre (PRL)

D1.11 Studies on Elliptical and Spiral Galaxies, ISM in external galaxies, Star formation
and evolution in external galaxies (PRL)

D1.12 Investigation of Active galactic Nuclei, Star-burst galaxies, Intergalactic medium


D2 Sub Area Theoretical Astrophysics (PRL)

D2.1 Theoretical and Observational studies on Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Theoretical
and Observational Cosmology (PRL)

E Area Space Instrumentation (PRL)

E1 Sub Area Ionosphere/Thermosphere (PRL)

E1.1 Plasma measurements, airglow emissions experiments (PRL)

Electric Field
Electron/ Ion Density & Temperature
Winds and temperature (neutral)
Drift Meter, Composition measurements
Radio Beacon and Occultation

E2 Sub Area Earth’s Lower/Middle Atmosphere (PRL)

E2.1 Aerosols, minor constituents & Trace Gases experiments (PRL)

1. Optical Photometers
2. Infrared Photometers
3. Infrared Spectrometer
4. Visible photometer for lightening
5. Active Experiments like Lidar, SAR, Scatterometer

E3 Sub Area Planetary Exploration (PRL)

E3.1 Atmosphere experiments (PRL)

1. Charge particle measurements
2. Composition (Mass Spectrometer)
3. Vertical distribution of Electron Density
4. Vertical distribution of Species

Space Sciences

E4 Sub Area Planetary Atmosphere (PRL)

E4.1 Surface measurements (Elemental composition) experiments (PRL)

1. X ray Spectrometer
2. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
3. Surface & Subsurface Temperature
4. Dust and surface charging
5. Microwave radar

E5 Sub Area Astronomy (PRL)

E5.1 Instrumentation for ground-based and space-borne facilities (PRL)

1. Visible & Infrared Photometers, Polarimeters and Spectrometers for ground-based
and space-based facilities.
2. Ultra-violet spectro-photometers and spectrometers for space-based facilities.
3. X- ray instrumentation for space-based facilities (Imaging and Spectra and polarization)
4. Gamma Ray Spectrometer for space-borne platforms
5. Space telescopes.
6. Active and Adaptive optics for diffraction limited imaging.
7. Detector arrays for UV, Visible, IR and X-ray regions.

E6 Sub Area Astronomical Instrumentation (URSC)

E6.1 Liquid crystal development for near infra-red spectroscopy (URSC)

National Large Solar Telescope(NLST) is a ground based system which requires a novel
detector for faster Spectro-polarimetry as to minimize induced cross-talks. Development
of Liquid Crystal controllers within India is a critical pre-condition for high accuracy

E6.2 Multilayer coated mirror characterization for X-ray optics–Process and

charaterization (URSC)
X-ray multilayer mirrors is a critical technology involved in the use of Imaging Spectrometer
for Solar Wind charge exchange from exospheres. Characterization of X-ray multilayer
coated mirrors is required.

E7 Sub Area Solar Studies (PRL)

E7.1 Charge Particle & Radiation Flux in X, UV, Optical & IR wavelengths experiments
Optical Photometers/ Spectrometers
Infrared Photometers/ Spectrometers
Charge particle energy & flux measurements

E7.2 Active and adaptive optics for diffraction limited imaging (PRL)

Space Sciences

E8 Sub Area X-ray transients (URSC)

E8.1 Timing and spectral studies of X-ray transients (URSC)

Timing and spectral studies of X-ray transients like Cataclysmic variables, searching for
new QPOs and coherent pulsations in X-ray binaries using archival data. Some of the
scientific problems that can be addressed under these studies are:
Estimation of the mass of compact objects in binaries
Modeling the complex emission mechanisms from accretion disk around Galactic and
extragalactic X-ray sources

E9 Sub Area Exo-planets: Exo-planet studies with archival data (URSC


E9.1 Experiments to detect biosignatures of planetary / exoplanetary systems (PRL)

F Area Remote sensing data analysis from planetary

exploration missions (PRL/SAC/IIRS)
F1 Sub Area Moon (PRL/ SAC/ IIRS)

F1.1 Chemical, mineralogical and morphological studies (PRL)

F1.2 Lunar surface sciences (SAC)

The main research themes for research includes Lunar Surface composition, Lunar
morphology, Hyperspectral data analysis for Lunar Surface, Thermal Remote Sensing of
the Moon, Spectral characterization of Lunar analogues, Lunar surface dating and lunar
volcanism. Multi-frequency microwave SAR studies for H2O / Ice detection on Lunar

F1.3 Lunar gravity and crustal thickness studies (SAC)

Using the surface elevation and satellite tracking data lunar gravity can be deduced and
this gravity data can be further modelled using gravity reduction methods to find out the
lunar crustal thickness, which provide information about the lunar interior processes. The
main research themes include Lunar gravity modelling, inversion modelling for crustal
thickness and lunar interior.

F2 Sub Area Mars (PRL/ SAC/ NRSC)

F2.1 Surface and atmospheric processes on Mars (PRL)

F2.2 Records of aqueous activities on Mars (PRL)

F2.3 Solar interaction and atmospheric loss processes (PRL)

F2.4 Studies related to Martian surface and polar ice (SAC/ NRSC)
Major research themes are Characterization of Martian analogues rocks in India,
Hyperspectral analysis of Mars data, Thermal remote sensing of Mars, Martian
Atmosphere. Surface composition of mars Remote Sensing for Trace gases. Study of
Phobos & Deimos (Moons of Mars).

Space Sciences

F2.5 Terrestrial analogue studies (SAC)

Geochemical, Spectroscopic, X-ray & astro-biological studies of the terrestrial analogues
of Moon and Mars.

F2.6 Development of Polarimetric SAR based Model for Lunar and Martian surface
parameter retrieval (SAC)
ISRO’s future planetary missions to Moon and Mars will be equipped with SAR payloads
imaging the planetary surfaces/ sub-surfaces by multi-frequency polarimetric radars
and radiometer. SAC is engaged in development of algorithms for retrieval of surface
parameters such as dust/regolith roughness, thickness, dielectric constant and detection
and quantification of sub-surface water-ice in the Lunar and Martian environment. New
research is required for development of algorithms, simulation models and tools for
retrieval of geo-physical parameters of Lunar and Mars surfaces.

F3 Sub Area Planetary Data Processing (SAC)

F3.1 Vision based horizontal velocity estimation of lander craft using optical flow
methods (SAC)
It will involve study of algorithms and development of software for vision based horizontal
velocity computation, useful for soft landing of lander craft (Chandrayaan-2).

F3.2 DTM generation from terrestrial stereo images & path guidance algorithm
development for rover instrument (SAC)
This calls for (i) study and understanding the methodology/techniques and related
software development for deriving DTM from terrestrial stereo images using close range
photogrammetry concepts (for Chandrayaan-2 Rover camera) and (ii) Derivation of
optimum path between two points using the terrain information over moon surface.

F4 Sub Area Minor Solar System Objects (PRL)

F4.1 Meteorite asteroid connection- Comparison of reflectance spectra (PRL)

F5 Sub Area Astronomical Data Processing and Analysis (SAC)

F5.1 Autonomous spacecraft navigation using Pulsars (SAC)

To evaluate the usability of fast spinning and strongly magnetized neutron stars, also known
as pulsars, in defining and external reference system suitable for deep space navigation.
To propose a methodology that can be used in deep space navigation for operational

F5.2 Study of anomalous X-Ray Pulsars (SAC)

The objective of this study is to review and add understanding of recent observation as
well as analysis of Anomalous X-Ray Pulsars with an emphasis on timing, variability, and
spectra. This study should contribute in deeper understanding of AXP in terms of its high
and variable magnetic field, its evolution and its importance in life cycle of a star. Astrosat
Data will be used for study and other contemporary satellites data will be used for validation.

Space Sciences

G Area Laboratory study of Astromaterials (PRL)

G1 Sub Area Meteorites from asteroids (PRL)

G1.1 Early solar system processes and time scales (PRL)

G2 Sub Area Moon and Mars Meteorites (PRL)

G2.1 Composition, evolution and chronology (PRL)

H Area Study of terrestrial analogues of Moon and Mars

H1 To understand surface properties and aqueous processes on Mars (PRL)
Geochemical, Spectroscopic, X-ray & astro-biological studies of the terrestrial analogues
of Moon and Mars

I Area Payloads for upcoming planetary missions (PRL)

I1 Experiments based on EM radiation, particle irradiation and nuclear reactions can
be devised to understand surface and subsurface composition and the equipment
can be realized in a miniaturized space qualified form (PRL)


5.0 Meteorology

A Area Weather and Climate (NARL/ SAC/IIRS/ NESAC)

A1 Sub Area Modelling and Computer Simulations for Weather
Prediction (NARL/SAC/NESAC)

A1.1 Estimating wind and solar energy resources over Indian region and the development
of forecasting system for predicting wind potentials using mesoscale Weather
Research and Forecasting model (NARL)
Increasing concerns over the global warming and environmental pollution prompts the
policy makers to look for the alternate energy resources in place of the conventional
energy sources. Solar and wind energy are prominent renewable energy resources to
us the last few decades, though considerable effort has been made to use renewable
energy resources effectively in the western countries, Asian region still lags in the effective
utilization these alternate resources. One of the primary steps in renewable energy filed is
the resource assessments for identifying the optimal locations for extracting the winds and
solar energies which needs high resolution wind and solar data sets.

A1.2 Development of fully coupled ocean-atmospheric model for improving the forecasts
of Indian Summer Monsoon at medium-range and seasonal timescales (NARL)
The relative failures of numerical weather prediction models to capture the observed
variability of Monsoon on medium range to seasonal time scale and failure to estimate the
intensity of extreme events prompts to search for in-abilities of the atmospherics models.
One of such problems in NWP models is the lack of precise ocean feedback to atmosphere
which is highly essential for understanding and predicting monsoon behavior from long-
range to medium-range temporal scales. Development of fully coupled ocean-atmospheric
model can certainly improve the forecast skill of NWP model for prediction Indian Summer
Monsoon at medium-range and seasonal timescales.

A1.3 Analysis of extreme weather events over Indian region using numerical modelling
tools (NARL)
Understanding tele-connections and the analysis dynamical and physical mechanisms
behind the frequent occurrence of extreme rainfall events over Indian region is essential
for improving the physical parameterizations in NWP models. The recent studies over
Monsoon variability reveals the number of extreme weather events during monsoon season
are increasing, potential mechanisms are extremely required to models these process and
predicting accurately.

A1.4 Development optimal assimilation methods for assimilation X-band DWR in NWP
models (NARL)
Commencement of dense network of X-band Doppler weather radar provides us opportunity
to have various profiles of hydrometeors which can effectively assimilated in numerical
weather prediction models using different assimilation strategies for improving operational
weather prediction systems. Development of optimal assimilation methods are highly


essential for effective assimilation of hydro-meteors and radial velocities from the dual
polarized Doppler weather radar (ISRO X-band DWR) data for improving the forecasts
of mesoscale convective systems such as thunderstorms, cyclones and extreme heavy
rainfall events.

A1.5 Numerical weather prediction with general circulation models (SAC/NESAC)

Real time weather forecast is an essential component during satellite launches from
the launch pad as the launch vehicle is exposed to weather 2-3 days before the launch.
Short range weather prediction is made using numerical weather prediction model and
assimilation of satellite data. The same technique is also used for All India weather
forecast in 5 km resolution. This involves dynamic modelling, physical parameterization
and assimilation of satellite data. Better understanding of the monsoon processes thus
needs to be resolved by both NWP models and reanalysis data using high-resolution
satellite data. Cloud classification and to understand the role of various clouds/rains in
monsoon performance and its variability.

A2 Sub Area Atmospheric sciences and climate (SAC/ NESAC/IIRS)

A2.1 Retrieval of geophysical parameters from satellite data (SAC/ NESAC)

ISRO has planned for launching a number of meteorological and oceanographic satellites
in near future. It has already INSAT-3D, Megha-Tropiques and SARAL satellites in the
orbit. In near future it has planned to launch GISAT. It is a challenging work to retrieve
geophysical parameters from the sensor data of these satellites. This involves Radiative
Transfer modelling and the Inverse modelling techniques for retrieval of highly accurate
precipitation and atmospheric wind products.

A2.2 Cyclone track and intensity prediction using satellite data and numerical models
Cyclone track and intensity prediction is very important activity as there is huge damage
occurred due to cyclones and is being done by using numerical models and satellite data
that involves empirical and dynamic modelling and assimilation techniques.

A2.3 Climate prediction with coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Land-Ice models (SAC/

For long term prediction of climate, Coupled model of Atmosphere, Ocean, Land and Ice
is very important component. In these models, coupling is an important area of research
as different components have different spatial and temporal variability.

A2.4 Atmospheric sounding (measurement and understanding of vertical distribution

of physical properties of the atmospheric column such as pressure, temperature,
wind speed and wind direction, pollution and other properties using remote
sensing and in situ observation) (IIRS/ NESAC)

A2.5 Assimilation of satellite data in numerical weather prediction models (SAC)

Accurate prediction of high-impact weather events and the area of the greatest threat
represent a major challenge for planners to minimize the loss of lives and damage to


property. Advance research is being planned to be carried out for non-linear data
assimilation of satellite derived parameters in numerical weather prediction models.
ISRO is aiming at improving short to long range weather forecasting using satellite based
observations. For this activity various satellite observations are ingested in Numerical
Weather Prediction (NWP) model using various data assimilation (DA) techniques.

A2.6 Seasonal prediction of Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) using climate model (SAC)
In the Indian subcontinent, the most well-known seasonal phenomenon is the Indian
summer monsoon (ISM) occurring every year from June through September. This is one
of the most dominant features of the global hydrological cycle as well. Though the onset
of the monsoon over Kerala in India takes place at the start of June with the seasonal
reversal of wind over the Arabian Sea with a consistent manner from year after year, the
monsoon rainfall is characterized by significant intra-seasonal and inter-annual variability
over and around India. Therefore, there is a recognized need for seasonal prediction of
ISM well in advance describing the spatial and temporal variability of AIR.

A2.7 Diagnostic studies for monsoon (SAC/NESAC)

For better prediction of Indian Monsoon, it is necessary to understand the physical
mechanism of convective processes and monsoon dynamics. The data from Indian
satellites are extensively used to understand the meteorological and oceanographical
processes that govern the Indian summer monsoon and its variability. A lot of diagnostic
studies are being carried out using satellite data like vertical profiles of atmospheric
temperature and humidity.

A2.8 Satellite derived cloud microphysical parameters (SAC)

Clouds are modulators of Earth’s climate and hydrological cycle. Microphysical
parameters are also important for studying the evolution of high impact cloud system and
understanding cloud-aerosol interactions

A2.9 Satellite based weather now casting for heavy rainfall events (SAC)
Timely alert of extreme precipitation events has a huge societal impact. Data acquired
from geostationary satellites are helpful in predicting the evolution of convective systems.
Weather now casting over a time scale of few hours play a very important role.To further
improve the skills of thunderstorm forecasting, new techniques will be developed using
satellite data(Environmental, thermodynamic and stability parameters, Stability indices
like Lifted Index, CAPE, CINE, K-Index), NWP model forecast and forthcoming dense
DWR networks.

A3 Sub Area Convection/Precipitation/Boundary Layer (NARL)

A3.1 Understanding the decadal changes in solar radiation flux at surface and relation
with sunspot activity/ solar cycle (NARL)
Pyrheliometer can be used to measure direct beam radiation from the Sun and it can
be used to measure the total hemispherical radiation (beam + diffuse radiation). The
duration of sunshine intensity can be measured using a photoelectric sunshine recorder.
Changes in solar radiation fluxes during active Sun period vs. quiet period over a longer
period of time is proposed to be studied for one or more latitudes.


A3.2 Understanding the decadal longwave emission by atmosphere and by earth (NARL)
Earth emits longwave radiation which is responsible for keeping the atmospherewarm.
Longwave radiation from earth’s surface can be measured using a pyrgeometer. Long
term analysis needs to be done to understand the decadal changes in longwave emissions
by the earth.

A3.3 Studies on logarithmic wind profile of boundary layer (NARL)

Wind speed and direction data obtained from anemometers fixed at logarithmic spacing
in a 50 m tower is to be analysed to understand the log-profile of wind in the boundary
layer. The study needs to extended over a longer period to understand the robustness
and changes for the season and for different weather conditions.

A3.4 Understanding cloud characteristics and properties using lidars (VIS & IR) (NARL)
Visible and IR lidar data range-time-intensities need to analysed to detect clouds passing
over the location.
Cloud characteristics like base, top height, thickness, optical thickness, frequency of
occurrence, non-sphericity of particle can be studied for a longer period.

A3.5 Cloud radiative forcing studies over Gadanki (NARL)

The radiation fluxes reaching the earth surface measured using shortwave, longwave
and broadband radiometers/ pyranometer, pyrheliometer could be utilised. Differences in
fluxes in the presence and absence of clouds gives the cloud radiative forcing.

A4 Sub Area Radiation, Aerosols and Trace gases (NARL/IIRS/NRSC)

A4.1 Development of low cost nephelometer (NARL)

Nephelometer is an important instrument for aerosol optical properties which are needed
to be known for the climatic effects. Current nephelometer technology uses halogen
lamp and heavier parts, which are not suitable for balloon borne observations. Recent
advancement in LED technology makes it possible to develop light weight low cost
nephelomter with similar performance. This will be employed for the developing space-
borne nephelometer for the regular and campaign mode observations.

A4.2 Development of OH analyzer (NARL)

Hydroxyl radical (OH-) is an important oxidiser in troposphere and responsible for the
removal of green house gases. However due to high reactivity, very short life time, their
concentrations are difficult to measure. Since there is no commercially available OH
analyzer, it will be developed in house.

A4.3 Chemistry of minor and trace constituents that are precursors to ozone chemistry
Ozone is a secondary pollutant, a greenhouse gas and an oxidizing agent in the troposphere.
It is produced in the atmosphere from the chain reactions of several primary pollutants
like CO, NO, NO2 and hydrocarbons in the presence of sunlight. Ozone photochemistry
is highly complex and varies from one location to other significantly. It is particularly
important over the Indian region due to availability of sufficient water vapor and intense


solar radiation. Measurement of these gases are scarce over the Indian Subcontinent
and satellite observations do not provide information on these gases with much accuracy
specifically near the earth surface. Development of a dense network of these observations
is required over India. A regional/global chemistry transport model based studies can
help in better understanding on various processes influencing the distribution of these
pollutant gases over the Indian Subcontinent.

A4.4 Atmospheric modelling (NESAC)

Pixel based Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) estimation by radiative transfer modelling using
TOA radiance and validation with field instruments.
Development of image based aerosol retrieval techniques over satellite imagery.

A4.5 Aerosol characterization and its impact on solar radiation (NRSC)

Absorbing aerosols over Himalayas assume importance not only because of their
enhanced radiative impacts when they reside over high albedo surfaces, but also due to
their effects on snow whiteness and glacier retreat after deposition. In addition, absorbing
aerosols over foot hills of Himalayas and Tibetan plateau are reported to have significant
impacts on Indian summer monsoon and associated rainfall. Though several studies
have been carried out, aerosol impacts on Indian summer monsoon are not yet clearly
understood. In view of these, impacts of aerosols over Himalayan regions are being
examined using satellite remote sensing and ground based measurements. Aerosol
vertical distribution and contribution of dust in aerosol loading over Himalayas are
examined using multi-year satellite observations. Measurements of Black Carbon (BC)
concentration in atmosphere; snow and changes in spectral albedo due to BC deposition
will be carried out by conducting field experiments over different regions of Himalayas.

B Area Space Physics (VSSC-SPL)

B1 Sub Area Atmospheric Studies (VSSC-SPL)

B1.1 Development of state-of-the-art inversion techniques for the retrieval of aerosol

parameters over the ocean and land areas from the satellite-measured radiance
Assessment of the regional distribution of aerosols can be best carried out using satellite
remote sensing of spectral radiances observed at the top-of-the-atmosphere. However,
in addition to aerosols, theses radiances are contributed by several other sources,
including surface reflectance, absorption, emission and scattering by air molecules,
and multiple scattering by aerosols and molecules. Hence, determination of aerosol
properties from satellite data requires several assumptions and adequate inversion
schemes. Development of state-of-the-art inversion techniques for the retrieval of
aerosol parameters over the ocean and land areas from the satellite-measured radiances
(including polarization and angular measurements) observed at multiple wavelength
bands, which incorporate multiple scattering, surface reflectance and absorption and
scattering by aerosols and molecules is a challenging problem. The study can have two
parts: (i) theoretical formulation, algorithm and software development, simulations and


sensitivity analysis, (ii) inversion of the satellite data based on the above algorithm to
derive aerosol properties and its validation based on comparison with other observations
(including in-situ observations).

B1.2 Development of state-of-the-art inversion techniques for the retrieval of trace

gases over ocean and land from the spectral radiances in the UV, visible, and IR
wavelength bands (VSSC-SPL)
Three-dimensional distribution of trace gases, their time evolution and long-range
transport is a major aspect to be studied in the contest of increased greenhouse gas
emission and climate change. This can be achieved by satellite remote sensing of the
spectral radiances observed at the top-of-the-atmosphere in suitable configurations (e.g.,
limb viewing, nadir viewing, solar occultation).
Development of state-of-the-art inversion techniques for the retrieval of trace gases over
ocean and land from the spectral radiances in the UV, visible, and IR wavelength bands is
a major problem which requires extensive radiation transfer simulations and development
of appropriate mathematical inversion schemes. This study should comprise of theoretical
formulation, algorithm and software development, simulations and sensitivity analysis,
retrieval based on the available satellite data and its comparison with other observations.

B1.3 Numerical modelling of the impact of aerosols and trace gases on regional climate
over the Indian region incorporating space-based observations (VSSC-SPL)
It is well known that the atmospheric aerosols and greenhouse gases play a crucial role
in modifying the climate, including changes in the atmospheric and surface temperatures,
cloud development and precipitation pattern. Quantification of this aspect is a major ch
allenge in the present scenario. Numerical modelling of the impact of aerosols and trace
gases on regional climate (including atmospheric and surface temperature, rainfall,
extreme weather events) over the Indian region incorporating space-based observations
can be a problem to be taken up through RESPOND. This also includes the potential
impact on monsoon circulation and associated rainfall changes.

B1.4 Modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer parameters and processes based on
improved parameterization schemes for tropical regions (VSSC-SPL)
Dynamics and time evolution of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) plays a crucial
role in the transfer of mass, momentum and energy from the surface to the atmosphere,
mixing of aerosols, water vapour and pollutants (including trace species), exchange
with free-troposphere, and development of convection and clouds. The boundary
layer parameters and processes are parameterized in numerical models. Often, the
ABL characteristics represented in models do not agree with those observed and is a
major source of error in the numerical models, especially over the tropics. This requires
the modification of the parameterization schemes for ABL parameters in numerical
models. Modelling of the atmospheric boundary layer parameters and processes based
on improved parameterization schemes suitable for tropical regions that reproduce
the observed boundary layer fluxes and mixing height is a major problem that needs to
be addressed.


B1.5 Modelling of the propagation of atmospheric gravity waves and planetary waves,
their dissipation and role in regulating the mean winds and temperatures in the
middle and upper atmosphere (VSSC-SPL)
Atmospheric waves of various scales and sources generated in the lower atmosphere
propagate through the middle atmosphere, carrying the momentum and energy to the
middle and upper atmosphere. This is one of the most importance mechanisms of
coupling between different atmospheric layers. Dissipation of these waves in the middle
atmosphere is a major source for regulating the thermodynamics and circulation of the
mioddle atmosphere. The generation of stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO)
and stratospheric and mesospheric semi-annual oscillations are classical examples of
these processes. Dissipation of these waves in the upper atmosphere is a major cause
for the ionospheric variabilities. Modelling of the propagation of atmospheric gravity
waves and planetary waves, their dissipation and role in regulating the mean winds and
temperatures in the middle and upper atmosphere is a challenging problem.

B1.6 Modelling the space weather impacts over the equatorial and low latitude regions
Earth’s ionosphere plays a pivotal role in the propagation of radio waves and has
applications in GPS navigation. This requires a detailed understanding and modelling of
the ionospheric processes and characteristics. There are several important aspects to
be investigated in this direction. This include the modelling of development and decay of
different layers and phenomena (e.g., Spread-F, Counter Electrojet, Ionospheric ledges),
spatio-temporal evolution of total electron content (TEC) over the low latitude and
equatorial region, effect of dynamical forcing from the lower atmosphere, geomagnetic
effects and space weather, and lateral and vertical coupling.

C Area Signal and Data Processing (NARL/ NESAC)

C1 Sub Area Parameter Retrieval Algorithm Developments (NARL/

C1.1 Lidar signal inversion methods (NARL)

There are different types of light scattering, namely, Rayleigh, Mie, Resonance, and
Raman. These scattered signals can be used to retrieve atmospheric parameters,
namely temperature, scattering ratio, density of metal species, lidar depolarization ratio.
Improvements in the retrieval methods are needed to retrieve these parameters more

C1.2 Retrieval of temperature and minor constituents in the atmosphere from the
satellite based radiance measurements (NARL)
The radiance measured from the satellite borne radiometer at the limb viewing for different
wavelength channels can be used to retrieve temperature and minor constituents.
Usually the 15 um CO2 emission is used as the mixing ratio of CO2 is nearly constant.
By inverting radiative transfer equation, the temperature and mixing ratios of chemical
constituents can be derived.


C1.3 Retrieval of electron density from GPS occultation measurements (NARL)

Through receiving the GPS signals on the low-earth orbiting (LEO) satellite, the total
electron content (TEC) along the GPS ray can be obtained. Under some specific
configuration of the LEOGPS locations, the elevation angle of continuous LEO ‐GPS
rays can change from positive (negative) to negative (positive), which is recognized
as an occultation event. The electron density profile (EDP) along the tangent points of
these GPS rays under some assumptions using the TEC observations by employing Abel
inversion method.

C1.4 Radar signal processing (NARL)

From the time series of in phase and quadrature phase of the radar signals, noise
removal and coherent integration for desired number of pulses, spectrum is obtained to
compute the mean Doppler, Doppler width. The Doppler frequency obtained from three
non coplanar directions is used to obtain wind information and the Doppler width is used
to study turbulence.

C1.5 Improvements in satellite rain retrievals using advanced statistical or physics

based algorithms (NARL)
There was large variation among algorithms in the magnitude of the satellite-estimated
rainfall, but the patterns of rainfall tend to be similar among algorithm types. Compared to
the radar observations, most of the satellite algorithms overestimated the amount of rain
falling in the region, typically by about 30%. Patterns of monthly observed rainfall were
well represented by the satellite algorithms.

D Area Radar and Lidar Instrumentation for Atmospheric

Probing (NARL)
D1 Sub Area Development of Radar and Lidar Accessories/Techniques

D1.1 Time dependent attenuator for Lidar signal (NARL)

The time-dependent variable attenuator is used to reduce the dynamic range
of lidar signals. The attenuator consists of a Pocket cell between two crossed
polarizers that is incorporated into the receiving optic. The transmission is controlled
electronically to attenuate the large signals from close ranges but to transmit far-range
signal returns to their full extent. The signal dynamic range can be reduced even by a
factor of 100.

D1.2 Development of a fiber optic based IF filter for lidar to solve the problem of
temperature dependence of filters (NARL)
Optical fibers are made from silica (glass) and hence carry some inherent advantages
such as usability in harsh, high temperature and rugged environments, and immunity to
electromagnetic interference. Besides, silica is also a chemically passive material and
hence it is not affected by corrosive factors that might be present in the environment.
Multiplexing capabilities that allow distributed sensing applications.


D1.3 Digital up-converters (NARL)

Analog Devices digital up/down converters serve as the frequency translator and
digital filter between data converters and digital signal processing blocks.
These products enable highly programmable and configurable receive and
transmit signal chains, allowing multichannel, multicarrier radio platforms. They also
meet the digital data conversion requirements for many types of radar and
communication applications

D1.4 Digital synthesizer for radar exciter (NARL)

A radar exciter provide coherent frequency and timing relationships performed
by direct digital synthesis, capable of creating high-resolution wideband waveforms
for radar systems. The exciter provides fully coherent receiver local oscillator
signals at radar frequency band as well as requisite, auxiliary high frequency
clock signals.

D1.5 Digital receiver for radar system (NARL)

With the development of digital processing technology, there are emerging trends
toward digitization in radar receivers design. By applying direct intermediate
frequency-to-digital conversion (IF sampling) and direct digital synthesis (DDS), digital
radar receivers can be designed. The digital radar receivers can obtain much higher
precision and stability than analog ones; moreover, it can retain the extreme flexibility of
digital techniques.

D1.6 Digital beam forming techniques (NARL)

Beam forming is a signal processing technique used in antenna arrays for directional
signal transmission or reception by combining elements in an antenna array in such a
way that signals at particular angles experience constructive interference while others
experience destructive interference and it be used at both the transmitting and receiving
ends in order to achieve spatial selectivity. Digital beamforming has the advantage over
its analog counterpart that the digital data streams can be manipulated and combined
in many possible ways in parallel, to get many different output signals in parallel. The
signals from every direction can be measured simultaneously, and the signals can be
integrated for a longer time when studying far-off scatters and simultaneously integrated
for a shorter time to study fast-moving scatterers. Imaging radars need to be tested with
different beam forming techniques (Fourier, capon to state a few) to select the technique,
which will give high spatial and temporal resolution.

D1.7 Clutter removal techniques (NARL)

Various non-atmospheric signals contaminate radar wind profiler data, which produce
bias in estimation of moments and wind velocity. Especially, in ultra high frequency (UHF)
wind profilers, ground clutter severely degrades wind velocity estimation. Moreover, noise
dominates the clear air signal at higher heights. It is necessary to eliminate the clutter
signal to detect the weak atmospheric signals buried inside the noise and to improve the
SNR. Wavelet analysis is a powerful tool to differentiate the characteristics of the ground
clutter and noise from the atmospheric turbulence echo at the time series level.


D1.8 Radar imaging techniques (NARL)

An imaging radar is a kind of radar equipment used for imaging. A typical radar technology
includes emitting radio waves, receiving their reflection, and using this information to
generate data. For an imaging radar, the returning waves are used to create an image.
When the radio waves reflect off objects, this will make some changes in the radio waves
and can provide data about the objects, including how far the waves traveled and what
kind of objects they encountered. Using the acquired data, a computer can create a two or
three dimensional image of the scatterers. Current radar imaging techniques rely mainly
on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) imaging.
Monopulse radar 3-D imaging is an emerging technology.

D1.9 Dual-polarized patch antenna for radar applications (NARL)

The dual-polarized broadband antenna array is used for UHF wind profiler radar
applications. It needs to have differentially probe-fed, stacked patch antenna features high
port-to-port isolation and correspondingly good cross-polarization characteristics. Besides,
it should have high efficiency and good port-to-port matching. It has to give good polarimetric
performance over a wide scan range without excessive calibration requirements.

D1.10 Design and development of solid state TR modules for radar applications (NARL)
The transmit/receive (T/R) module is a key component of radar antennas. Significant
improvements in T/R module efficiency will reduce overall power consumption, simplify the
thermal design and increase reliability. By miniaturizing the T/R modules, they can be used
for both conventional ground based phased array antennas and in lightweight antennas for
the ISRO space missions.

Annexure - 1
Addresses of ISRO/DOS Centres for the submission of Research Proposals
Sl. No. ISRO/DOS Centre/Unit
1 Director
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC)
ISRO P.O, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 022
e-mail :
2 Director
Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC), SHAR
Sriharikota Range P.O. - 524 124
Nellore District. Andhra Pradesh
e-mail :
3 Director
Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC)
Valiamala P.O. Thiruvananthapuram- 695 547
e-mail :
4 Director
UR Rao Satellite Centre (URSC)
P B No. 1795, HAL Airport Road
Vimanapura Post, Bengaluru- 560 017
e-mail :
5 Director
Space Applications Centre (SAC)
Jodhpur Tekra, Ambawadi Vistar P.O.
Ahmedabad- 380 015
e-mail :
6 Director
National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC)
Balanagar, Hyderabad - 560 037(A.P.)
e-mail :
7 Director
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS)
4, Kalidas Road, PB No. 135
Dehra Dun- 248 001
e-mail :
8 Director
Physical Research Laboratory (PRL)
Ahmedabad - 380 009
e-mail :

Sl. No. ISRO/DOS Centre/Unit
9 Director
ISRO Inertial Systems Unit (IISU)
Vattiyoorkavu PO
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 013
e-mail :
10 Director
National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL)
Gadanki - 517 112 Pakala Mandal, Chittoor Dist.,
Andhra Pradesh
e-mail :
11 Director
Semi Conductor Laboratory (SCL)
Sector 72,S.A.S Nagar -160 071
(Near Chandigarh), Punjab
e-mail :
12 Director
ISRO Propulsion Complex
Mahendragiri - 627 133
Tirunelveli District
Tamil Nadu
e-mail :
13 Director
North Eastern Space Application Centre
Department of Space,
Umiam-793103, Shillong
e-mail :

Respond & AI
Capacity Building Programme Office
ISRO HQ, Bengaluru

Respond & AI
Capacity Building Programme Office
ISRO HQ, Bengaluru

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