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Life After Death

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The narrator had a near-death experience after an overdose and saw visions of the afterlife.

The narrator had been out with friends the night before and had done something that could be 'chalked up as a big oops'.

The narrator's soul traveled to an 'in between place' where souls wait and he saw visions of the solar system and planets.

Life After Death

A Journey Beyond Time and Space

Stephen K. Miller

© 2017 Stephen K. MIller and Temple of Inner Light

All rights reserved.

Unless otherwise indicated, all materials on these pages are copyrighted by Stephen K. Miller and
Temple of Inner Light. All rights reserved. No part of these pages, either text or image may be used
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Therefore, reproduction, modification, storage in a retrieval system or retransmission, in any form or

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I​t was the summer of 1994 and I was 20 years old at the time. I cannot recall the exact
date this took place. The night before I had been out with my best friend George Dickie
IV and another close friend at the time, Travis Gooding. We had been up to no go good
in the Rose City.

Three twenty something guys who all grew up in a small town. Back in those days we
made a few stupid mistakes in the name of adventure. That night was one that could be
chalked up as a big oops. It certainly brought a big surprise the next day.

After dropping Travis off in Vancouver at his Mom’s house, George and I returned to my
house in Newberg. It was early in the morning after a crazy all nighter in Portland. We
both needed sleep to rest and recover.

After dozing off for most of the day, I awakened from a dead sleep. Literally.

Gasping for breath and shaking like a leaf, I snapped to attention as if waking up from
an intense dream. George was there asleep on the bottom bunk bed. As soon as I sat up
I looked at him and exclaimed:

“George! You won't believe what I just saw… or what just happened to me. I am not
sure how to explain it all, but…”

He looked at me with an almost frightened look on his face. George replied:

“Oh, no. Buddy, I will believe whatever you tell me you saw. What was it? Light? Did you
go somewhere? Wait. First, you need to let me show you something.”

George stood up and motioned to follow him out into the hall.

“Are you feeling alright?” he asked me.

“Yes. I'm alright. Why?”

“Are you cold?” George asked me.

“Yeah. Freezing! Why is it so cold?”

“Because.” he said as he flipped on the bathroom light and showed me my face in the

“All you need is a toe tag, buddy. You look like you just crawled off a slab at the morgue.
Now, go slowly… start from the beginning, and tell me EVERYTHING you saw.”

So, after staring at my pale blue face in the mirror for a few minutes, I knew it was real.

I had a near death experience.

I won't get into all the details, but it was an overdose. Yours truly broke a personal code
and crossed a line. I betrayed myself by making that choice. However, it must have been
a necessary part of the Divine Plan because I was sent back.

Yep. I asked to stay and God said I was created to fulfill a purpose. So my journey was a
round trip flight to an in between place where souls are in a sort of waiting room.

After leaving my body, I recall darkness and then light. I had been thrust out of the sun
and was floating weightless in the solar system. Except all of it looked much different.
The planets were all aligned on the same equatorial belt in a motionless orbit.

Someone on one of the planets below spotted me and called out, “Look! There he is!”
and another said “Wait a minute. Give him a chance to see if he can figure out how to
get down here on his own.”

I was unable to move, so they both flew up and retrieved me. Once we had settled on
the planet, I could see the sun was black. The sky in space was pure bright light. The
planet, everyone and everything on it looked almost bizarre. I could see all the other
planets in our solar system and far beyond, as well. Time stood still in this place.

Two of the spirit people on a planet below flew up to me and brought me down to the
surface of that planet. It was very strange there, as the sky was loud and if I tried to
open my mouth and yell out words, it was as if no sound was able to travel. The best
way to try and describe it is kind of like two people trying to talk at a very loud rock
concert, but even more intense, and in reverse. It was like you could yell your loudest
and the sound disappeared in a vacuum as the words left your mouth.

Everyone communicated using thoughts instead of speaking. You could feel it like the
polarity of very strong magnets. Asking questions created a sort of pulling or receiving
mental quality or sensation, while telling the answers was carried along by a pushing or
projecting feeling.

It was also possible to focus our minds on a point and our “bodies” would follow. This is
how many things were shown to me during that time frame where my body was
physically dead. This could've been as little as perhaps 10-20 minutes, or maybe even
longer. Once I regained consciousness, I was very pale and cold, but not excessively

stiff or showing signs of rigor mortis. However, the time span of my journey beyond the
veil seemed to last indefinitely. Time stood still while it also felt like I had traversed the
entire galaxy and beyond during the experience.

I kept trying to yell out words to ask questions to the beings standing around me.
Everything looked so different compared to the temporal, material world we currently
live in. When I kept asking where I was and why it was so bizarre, I was told I could ask
questions about anything and the answers would be given. What was to follow blew my
mind wide open and would change my life forever.

There is an old saying “as above, so below” that is used in mystical circles to express a
principle that our material world is a reflection of the spiritual world. If my experience is
any indication of the truth or reality of this, hopefully one day it can be accurately
explained in a reasonable and scientific manner. Until then, I'll try my best to describe
the experience in as much detail as possible, using the tool of creative expression
through the written word.

First, my consciousness drifted through a dark tunnel toward a point of light. Once I
reached this light, I seemed to enter through the dark sun in the center of this opposite
solar system or anti-matter galaxy. I'll be bold and say this now. I believe that our sun is
a sort of spiritual portal and there is a dark star at the center of our Milky Way galaxy,
and all galaxies. It isn't a black hole. Inside is a secret galaxy that is opposite of this

In the book of John 14:2 in the Holy Bible, Jesus the Christ tells us there are many
mansions in his Father's house. This may be the best way to describe the way stars and
planets appeared in this place. The stars all radiate anti-light to shield the planetary
spheres from the pure white light in space. Imagine looking at a photograph negative of
space. It was much like this, except time and space were opposite. There was also
clearly an order to things unlike this physical reflection.

In each solar system planets orbit stars in a balanced ring of equal distance around the
equatorial belt of their sun. The sun is smooth and dark, yet reflective; much like a
hematite rock. It is opposite of ours, so it has a force of anti-gravity at its core and is a
sphere of dark matter that cools inwardly. This absorbs light to make life on the
surrounding planets possible.

The planets are similar, but also have a thick glass like surface that you can almost see
into. Except, it is dark inside, like a glass orb filled with black liquid. Within each planet is
all the history of all time on that planet. All you need to do is think of the question and
the answer is revealed below the glass like surface, in the form of symbolic imagery.

One way to sum it up is that if we call this galaxy “outer space” then the dark star galaxy
could be thought of as an “inner space” of sorts.

My first question was where am I and what is this place? I was told it was a place
opposite of the material world. It was very peaceful and still. We all felt immense joy
and shouted from our hearts to the heavens above. The pure light space hummed with
this energy. It was as if humankind and all of creation were in perfect harmony and
praising the Creator for this balance, joy and peace. It was everlasting and without end.

The earth was much different. All the solar systems had populated planets. All of them.
But things looked much different. It was as if there were no mountains or valleys.
Building structures were beautiful and glass like. Everyone wore a type of one piece
clothing that was almost like a silvery layer of light. All the inhabitants of all the
populated dark sun systems seemed to be constantly offering prayerful gestures
upward toward the sky. This was like a form of heavenly, heartfelt, devoted energy
projection using body postures and focused prayerful intention and seemed fuel or
maintain the feelings of balance and unity that pervaded everywhere.

Next, something below the surface of the glass earth sphere caught my attention. It was
a dark, fuzzy creature that appeared angry and fearful, yet curious about me.

When I asked what or who this was, the answer I was given was that it was Cain, who
killed his brother Abel. In response to my asking why he looked so strange and small, I
was told he looks bigger where I came from. We know him as Sasquatch. They told me
it was because God placed a mark upon Cain for murdering Abel and he was cursed to
roam in the earth as a vagabond forever. After explaining this to me, my guides used
mental force to command Cain's spirit back into the center of the earth. As I watched
this I saw fiery human spirits trapped inside this glass like planetary sphere.

Almost suddenly thereafter, something in the sky caught the attention of all beings at
once. Looking up, I saw a silvery object that stood motionless, but was very out of place.
It appeared to be moving or causing some kind of disturbance by its action.

Immediately, I asked if it was the Hindenburg or a blimp. No, wait. Was it a UFO instead?
The answer was that we are like them and we all came from the same place, but that
they were not supposed to leave and go to earth. By doing so, they went against the will
of God. I asked to see the object closer. I was told we could go up to it and look inside.

We saw two faceless beings standing with a mortal earth woman between them. The
two beings wore a seamless, silvery type of suit. It was similar to the vestments worn by
the beings who inhabited this place, but seemed to differ slightly. The woman was
clothed in a white gown or robe that looked like a poncho. It was a single cloth with one
circular opening for her head, and it covered her upper arms and her body down to just
above her knees. Her eyes were closed.

The inside of this flying craft was very interesting. Once inside, you could see outside,
as if the hull was transparent, but I got the impression it was all very advanced

technology. There were no doors, windows or flight controls present. The beings
appeared to be piloting this vessel by mental will alone, as if their minds were somehow
connected or interfaced with it.

Originally, I believed what I was told was this was human beings from a future time and
place, visiting earth. However, after over 20 years the actual meaning has been clarified
for me, by the grace and guidance of God.

It is written of in the book of Genesis, chapter 6 in the Holy Bible.

When I asked why I had been shown these things, I was told it was because I would
return and reveal these things to the world. Then, I was shown a beautiful woman
(incarnate) with two small spirit beings on each side of her, her arms around them. She
was smiling at me. Her face shone like the sun and her eyes were like bright stars in the
sky. The angelic beings surrounding me said she was my wife, my soulmate and my
eternal companion and that I would eventually meet her during my mortal sojourn.

Finally, I was taken to a place that looked kind of different, as it had almost a layer of
cloudy mist that appeared like a flooring and there were no solar systems except for
one large dark star at the very center. It looked like the other dark stars at the center of
the planetary systems I saw earlier, except inside was a fiery dragon, swimming around
in circles inside.

After seeing this, I saw Jesus Christ. He pointed at this sphere and said:

“Behold… it is Lucifer, The Devil and Satan, for I have bound him eternally with chains of
fire in the abyss of outer darkness.”

I replied asking, “...but Lord, the fire burning the serpent inside that dark star isn't bright
enough to create all of this light. Where is all of it coming from?”

“I am the way, the truth and the light...” was His thunderous reply!

A man stood beside the sphere with the fiery serpent, and seemed to be listening to it.
The dragon was whispering to him. When I asked what was taking place, the Lord told
me that the man was listening to the lies and that the burning serpent was the father of
all lies. He said when the man touches the sphere, he will be born into mortal existence.

I asked why I was there and what was happening to me. Christ told me that The Father
created me and sent me to earth for a great purpose, to testify and witness of His only
begotten Son and to share things I had just been shown with the world.

However, I liked it there. So I asked if I could stay. Jesus told me it was not my time yet.
He asked me if I would go back and do these things for Him and help prepare a way for
His return, and I felt such an overwhelming love from Him that I agreed immediately and
said, “Yes, of course. I must go. I will go. It is the least I can do for He who has given me
eternal life!” and I thought I would be returning through the sphere with the serpent, but
that was not to be. He smiled back at me and instantly I was returned to that glass like
planetary sphere from whence I came, with the same angelic beings surrounding me.
This time there was also a white being who looked like a empty, hollow shell. His eyes
were like two black holes. A loud, high pitched noise seemed to be emanating from
inside of it, deep within his belly.

I asked what or who this was? The white man? Hitler? The Antichrist? Why did it look
like a hollow white statue? Why did the eyes look like empty black holes? What was that
loud sound coming from within it? Why was it here and how come I was being shown

Suddenly, the face smiled as this hollow statue like “being” appeared to smile at me or
something that attracted me and my attention to it. His right hand raised up, with his
hand in a the gesture that says “come closer” using the extended index finger pointing
upward, curling it in toward the body several times. A bit of apprehensive fear arose
inside of me. I asked who or what it was. No reply. Was it the ghost of Hitler? Was it a
sign the white man is destroying our planet? What am I supposed to learn from this?

One of the angelic beings looked at me with a warm smile and replied:

“No, silly boy. This is you. It is your empty body. Time to go back!”

The next thing I knew it felt like I was being pulled forward toward “myself” and pushed
from behind by a great, irresistible force. All of a sudden...

It felt like I jumped off a skyscraper and hit the ground below. I sat up in my room,
gasping for air, back inside my physical body.

“George! George! Wake up! I don't know if it was a dream, or what. It felt so real. If it was
a dream, it was the weirdest dream ever. I have to tell you everything I just saw!”

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