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1997 TCASII I. Galton Spectral Shaping of Circuit Errors in Digital To Analog Converters

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1, JANUARY 2004

Systematic Design Exploration of Delta-Sigma ADCs

Ovidiu Bajdechi, Student Member, IEEE, Georges E. Gielen, Fellow, IEEE, and Johan H. Huijsing, Fellow, IEEE

and a simulated annealing optimization, based on topology-spe-

Abstract—An algorithm for architecture-level exploration of
the A/D converter (ADC) design space is presented. Starting cific equations, is used to find the architecture coefficients and
from the desired specification, the algorithm finds an optimal circuit parameter values.
solution by exhaustively exploring both single-loop and cascaded
architectures, with a single-bit or multibit quantizer, for a range This paper presents a global optimization approach which
of oversampling ratios. A fast filter-level step evaluates the outputs a list of the best ADC architectures in terms of
performance of all loop-filter topologies and passes the accepted peak SNDR versus power consumption ratio. The optimality is
solutions to the architecture-level optimization step which maps guaranteed by exhaustive search of the entire design space, as
the filters on feasible architectures and evaluates their perfor- opposed to other design automation software reported so far.
mance. The power consumption of each accepted architecture is
estimated and the best top-ten solutions in terms of the ratio of The search is conducted in two steps. In a first step, called
peak signal-to-noise+distortion ratio versus power consumption filter-level design, the loop filter(s) is analyzed using the linear
are further optimized for yield. Experimental results for two model approximation [13] for all possible combinations of loop
different design targets are presented. They show that previously order, number of cascaded loops, number of bits in the quan-
published solutions are among the best architectures for a given
tizer, oversampling ratio, and peak gain of the noise transfer
target but that better solutions can be designed as well.
function (NTF). The DR of each solution is evaluated [6] and
Index Terms—Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), analog-to-dig- qualifying solutions that satisfy the input DR specification are
ital, computer-aided design (CAD), delta-sigma, design automa- delivered to the next step. The second step, called architecture-
level design, maps the filter-level qualified solutions on pos-
sible system architectures. Each architecture is designed and
I. INTRODUCTION its performance analyzed from time-domain simulations. Ac-
cepted solutions are then subjected to power consumption esti-
A MONG the many architectures of analog-to-digital con-
verters (ADCs), designs are used in a large class of
applications ranging from low-frequency [1] and audio [2] to
mation, assuming switched-capacitor (SC) differential circuits
for discrete-time (DT) designs [2], [14] and active-RC differen-
down-converted intermediate-frequency [3] and digital video tial circuits for continuous-time (CT) designs, respectively. A
[4]. Their property to trade speed for accuracy makes them more reduced set of solutions are selected based on the peak SNDR
attractive in the context of present CMOS technology evolu- versus power consumption ratio. Only these solutions are sub-
tion [5]. The spread of designs and the absence of an ac- jected to Monte Carlo analysis to optimize their yield with re-
curate analytical model for their nonlinear behavior caused a spect to process-induced mismatch of architecture coefficients.
rapid evolution of dedicated simulation software. There are a The resulting designs are then returned to the designer in ranked
number of simulators readily available, some of them as free order.
software toolboxes [6] and some developed in universities [7], The paper is organized as follows. Section II contains a de-
[9]. However, even using fast, dedicated simulators, it is all but scription of the filter-level design step. Section III presents the
impossible for a designer to explore the entire range of topology architecture-design step with details on the performance tests
and design parameters that can yield the optimal solution for a and architecture-level power estimation. Experimental results
target dynamic range (DR) or peak signal-to-noise+distortion are shown in Section IV for two different targets, an audio and
ratio (SNDR). CAD tools for design and optimization of an xDSL ADC. The conclusions are presented in Section V.
ADCs have also been reported. In [10], a tool is described which
helps the designer choose the optimal solution from a predefined
set of topologies with fixed filter coefficients, which might be II. FILTER-LEVEL DESIGN
a local optimum in the entire ADC design space. The tool A generic DT representation of a ADC, given in Fig. 1,
also determines the minimum values for the circuit-level param- is best used to explain the functioning of the ADC modeled as a
eters like operational amplifier gain and bandwidth. The tool in linear system. The loop filter has two sections, a forward filter
[11] also requires the designer to input topology specifications, and a feedback filter . The input signal is ap-
plied and compared with the signal fed back by , filtered
through , and quantized to give the digital output .
Manuscript received January 31, 2003; revised October 1, 2003. This paper
was recommended by Guest Editors A. Rodríguez-Vázquez, F. Mediero, and The quantization introduces an error which is modeled as
O. Feely. input-signal-independent and directly added to the output in the
O. Bajdechi and J. H. Huijsing are with the Delft University of Technology, quantizer (represented as a summation point).
2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands (e-mail:
G. E. Gielen is with Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven 3001, Belgium. The two transfer functions are defined on the system
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSI.2003.821293 above: the signal transfer function (STF) to characterize the
1057-7122/04$20.00 © 2004 IEEE

Fig. 1. Linear model of a 16 ADC.

transfer from to , and the noise transfer function

(NTF) for the contribution of to as


These functions can be independently defined because a linear

model for the quantizer is assumed, thus making the whole
system a linear one where superposition rules apply. The
definitions of the two transfer functions are based on the two Fig. 2. Design space exploration algorithm for the filter level (linear model).
sections of the loop filter:
(useful especially in audio applications) and to increase the re-
STF jection of off-band input spectral components (useful when no
signal conditioning is available in front of the ADC). At this
NTF (2) stage, the two filters are not connected to any particular
loop topology; they only share the same poles.
The order of the loop is given by the order of the polynomial After the two filter transfer functions are generated, the
product . A higher loop order improves the rejection in-band noise power is calculated from the NTF to estimate the
of in-band quantization noise, thus increasing the DR. Another DR (see Section II-B). A test is applied with two thresholds
method to increase DR is to increase the number of bits in the derived from the target DR (in dB)
quantizer, reducing the power of the quantization noise .
A. Exploration Algorithm
Both DR and DR are positive numbers expressed in
A fast design space exploration is performed first, using a lin-
dB. The lower limit tests if, after the circuit (white) noise is
earized model of the ADC. The search algorithm is shown
added, the converter still reaches the target DR. A typical value
in Fig. 2. A separation is made between the topology design
for DR is 6 dB. The upper limit is set to reject solutions
space defined by the order, number of loops (for single loops
which offer much more quantization-noise DR than actually
this value is one, for cascades it shows how many loops are cas-
needed at the expense of overloading level (OVL) value. A typ-
caded) and number of bits (a vector with the length equal to
ical value of DR is 12 dB. If the test is passed, the solution
loops), and the parameter design space defined by the oversam-
is saved in a database.
pling ratio (OSR) and peak NTF magnitude. Other design pa-
The algorithm investigates all possible solutions character-
rameters, like the input signal bandwidth or the value of the ref-
ized by (order, bits, loops). For every single-loop solution, the
erence level, are not useful at this design level since they are only
search stops when a combination of minimal OSR and NTF gain
scaling quantities. All of these dimensions of the search space
is found that satisfies the DR requirement in (3). For cascaded
are browsed using constant stepping, linearly in the topology
designs, however, because significant architectural details are
space and exponentially in the parameter space [15].
not available at the filter level, the algorithm continues searching
At each step, a set of two filter transfer functions are gen-
for solutions even after finding the first valid one, until the entire
erated, the NTF and the STF. The NTF has Chebyshev poles
(OSR, NTF) space has been explored for every topology. This
and reduced ripple at high frequencies. The software can opti-
ensures that no valid solution is prematurely rejected.
mize the NTF’s in-band zeros by linear search from dc to the
upper limit of the signal bandwidth to reduce the total in-band
noise power [6]. Off-band STF zeros can also be optimized by B. Dynamic Range Evaluation
linear search from the upper limit of the signal bandwidth to half A fast yet accurate method to estimate the DR is used. It over-
the sampling frequency to reduce the in-band STF gain ripple comes the drawbacks of both time-domain behavioral simula-

Fig. 3. Error of calculated and estimated DR for single-loop solutions.

Fig. 4. Error of calculated and estimated DR for fifth-order, cascaded
solutions. Linked points show multiple solutions (number of loops, order of
tions, which are slow because the loop must first be de- each loop in the cascade) with the same number of bits in the last loop.
signed, and of the classical formula [13]
ORDER with the loop order. At large loop orders the approximation of a
DR OSR ORDER (4) stable NTF with an ideal high-pass discrete filter [used to derive
(4)] becomes less accurate than at low orders. The error of the
which is inaccurate for high-order loops. DR estimation method used in our approach, however, is always
The method is as follows. First the magnitude of the NTF is lower than 3 dB. The estimation also yields more accurate re-
calculated in n points equally distributed from dc to as sults than the classical formula for cascaded designs, as can be
ORDER seen in Fig. 4 where the errors of the calculated and estimated
DR are compared for a large set of fifth-order ADCs with
NTF (5) two, three and four loops in cascade. The calculated DR is in
large error, especially for a large number of quantizer bits in the
last loop.
Estimation of the DR value is very fast because only polyno-
using mial calculations are required, as opposed to behavioral time-
domain simulations which would require the ADC to be
(6) designed first, a process implying many additional behavioral
simulations. A typical design space search at the filter level eval-
The total integrated power of the quantization noise is assumed uates a few thousand solutions in less than 10 min on a 1-GHz
to be [13] computer.

(7) C. Peak NTF Magnitude Database

where is the quantizer step and is equal to the reference level The one parameter of ADC’s which cannot be predicted
divided by the number of quantizer steps, accurately by linear modeling is the overloading level (OVL)
. This yields a (white) quantization noise amplitude in each [13]. In the algorithm presented here, the overloading levels for
spectrum bin from dc to , referred to , as each single-loop ADC in the entire range of loop orders and
quantizer bits are computed once from behavioral time-domain
simulations and stored in a database which is then used during
the design space exploration. This one-time OVL computation
is done as follows. The peak magnitude of the NTF is varied in
if the quantizer has BITS number of bits [15]. a range from 1.0 (0 dB) to 16.0 (24 dB). For each peak NTF
The value of the NTF magnitude, given by (5) expressed in magnitude, each single-loop ADC is designed and its coef-
decibels, is added to the value of and a curve showing ficients are optimized to bound the integrator outputs, in a range
the quantization noise amplitude in each bin is drawn. Its inte- of input signal amplitudes from below the target DR up to 0 dB.
gral in the band of interest yields the estimated DR value. Fig. 3 The overloading level is detected as the input signal amplitude
shows the error of the calculated DR using (4) and the error of which causes at least one integrator to clip even if the integrator
the estimated DR using (5)–(8) compared to the ideal, time-do- coefficient is close to zero.
main (behavioral) simulated value for a set of single-loop de- Fig. 5 contains part of the entries in the peak NTF database
signs. It can be seen that the error for the calculated DR is signif- for the single-bit, fourth-order ADC designed with DT and
icantly greater than the one for the estimated DR and it increases CT loop filters, respectively. It shows the variation of the over-

Fig. 5. Peak NTF magnitude database entry example (ORDER = 4, BITS =

1, V =V = 1).

Fig. 7. Design space exploration algorithm for single-loop solutions at

architecture level, starting from filter-level (FL) search results.

. This takes about 24 hours on a 1 GHz computer

but the same database can be used for any target DR (SNDR)
design as long as the ratio does not change. During
the testing of our software there was only need for a set of three
databases, for of 0.7, 1.0 and 1.3. As an example, if
the actual is 0.8, using the database for 0.7 will not
reduce the optimality of the final design, since the database is
only used to verify that a stable solution exists for a given peak
Fig. 6. Limits of peak NTF magnitudes yielding stable modulators for NTF magnitude.
fifth-order loops with different number of quantizer bits.


loading level (OVL) and the coefficient of the first integrator in
the NTF range where the loop can be stabilized. The CT loop fil- A. Exploration Algorithm
ters are generated from DT equivalents, therefore a comparison The architecture-level exploration algorithm evaluates the
of the NTF ranges can be performed for the two filter types. performance of the remaining filter-level solutions, mapped on
The stable NTF range for DT loop filters proves to be larger a specific architecture. Two different algorithms are used for
than for the CT equivalents. The lower value of the first inte- single-loop and cascaded solutions, respectively.
grator’s coefficient, , also shows a better stability of the The algorithm in Fig. 7 is applied if a single-loop solution is
ADC designed with DT loop filters compared to the CT equiv- processed. Starting from a filter-level solution, an architecture
alent. The stable NTF range is also dependent on the number of is generated and its coefficients are calculated. The feedforward
bits in the quantizer, as can be seen in Fig. 6 for a fifth-order and feedback connectivity should be specified by the user, ac-
loop with 1–8-b quantizer. The stability ranges for DT designs cording to project-specific requirements, and is not explored as
quickly increase with the number of quantizer bits while the sta- an additional design space dimension since it is not expected to
bility ranges for CT equivalents are always lower and increase generate major differences in the performance of the ADC.
much slower than the ones for DT designs. A wide range of input signal amplitudes is then used to detect
The results shown in Figs. 5 and 6 are obtained for the overloading level. The input signal applied at this stage is
nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) DAC pulses in the CT design. If a pulse (a busy signal [13]) with a fundamental frequency three
return-to-zero (RZ) DACs are used in the CT solutions, a times lower than the signal bandwidth. The next step is the coef-
different peak NTF database has to be generated and used. ficient optimization, performed with an input signal amplitude
Because there is a tight relationship between the OVL value at the OVL previously detected, which sizes all the loop coeffi-
and the ratio of the clipping voltage over reference voltage, cients to limit the integrators outputs to a range defined by the
the database has to be generated for each different ratio of designer. The SNDR and DR variations as a function of the input

Fig. 9. Example of SNDR and DR curves for a rejected architecture

(ORDER = 3, OSR = 32, BITS = 2, LOOPS = 3 [1; 1; 1; ], 2 b in the
first loop).

by the peak value of SNDR. The slope of the SNDR curve is

tested to be within 10% of the desired conversion gain (typically
unity). A slope outside this range shows a strong dependency of
Fig. 8. Design space exploration algorithm for cascaded solutions at the quantization noise power on the input signal level, which is
architecture level, starting from filter-level (FL) search results. not desired. The mean of the DR curve is then tested against the
target DR value to verify if the target DR is attained. Finally, the
signal are then (behavioral) simulated. The two curves are tested peak regression residual of the DR curve is tested to be lower
for performance (see Section III-B) and passing solutions have than 6 dB (1 bit) to verify if the required integral nonlinearity
their power estimated and are then saved for further processing (INL) is attained. Finally, the overloading level is tested to be
in an architecture-level solutions pool. larger than dB.
The algorithm in Fig. 8 is applied for cascaded solutions. In As an example, the SNDR and DR curves for an ar-
this case the only architectural details predefined at the filter chitecture rejected by the performance test algorithm are shown
level are the number of loops and the number of quantizer bits in Fig. 9. The dotted lines are the linear regression fitted values
in the last loop. Therefore, the filter orders of the individual cas- for both simulated curves. The drop in DR at high input levels
caded loops are generated as one additional design space di- (larger than dB) shows that the peak NTF value needed
mension named ORDERS in Fig. 8. Another new design space to reach the target DR is too high, so premature clipping oc-
dimension is the number of BITS in the first loop of the cas- curs [6]. The peak SNDR which still keeps a good overall INL
cade. For simplicity, the last loops in a cascade of loops is about 85 dB instead of almost 95 dB, as shown by its abso-
have the same number of bits as the last one. Each derivative of lute peak value. But the detection of this effect requires a set of
the input solution in the extended design space, as built based linear regressions with each point in the curve used as higher
on ORDERS and BITS by the “Loop to MASH” step, is ana- limit, which would increase the computation time tenfold. In-
lyzed as an independent solution. Each loop in the cascade is stead, because the decrease in peak SNDR already disqualifies
designed following a procedure similar to the processing of the this solution, the simple yet effective criterion of peak regres-
single-loop solutions and the coupling coefficients along with sion residual limiting is used as rejection reason. The slope of
the digital filter gains are calculated. Behavioral time-domain the DR fitted line shows that the test for the SNDR slope also
simulations are performed to analyze the performance of each works toward rejecting the solution, even if the curves would
architectural variant and passing variants are saved in the so- pass the DR mean value test.
lutions pool after their power consumption is estimated. If the
currently processed architectural variant is not the last one in C. Power Estimation
the (ORDERS, BITS) subspace, the next one is generated for the The power of each solution accepted by the performance tests
same filter-level solution; otherwise, the next filter-level solu- explained in Section III-B is evaluated, considering that SC cir-
tion is processed. cuits are used for DT solutions and active-RC circuits for CT
solutions. Fully differential circuits are considered, with inde-
B. Performance Test pendent paths for input and DAC signal integration, as shown
Performance testing is based on characteristics of the SNDR in Figs. 10 and 11.
and DR curves as functions of the input signal level. One linear The power consumption of the SC integrator shown in Fig. 10
regression is performed on each curve, in a range defined from can be expressed as a function of the amplifier’s input stage
the SNDR zero-crossing to the overloading level, as defined transconductance , which is designed considering the settling

performance, considering a slewing followed by settling model



where is the biasing current (tail current) of the op-amp MOS

input pair and is the clock period. , the residual voltage
at the input of the opamp after the passive charge redistribution
[2], is calculated in the worst case as


Fig. 10. Schematic of a typical SC integrator. The number of needed time constants, in (12), is given
by the settling time required to reach bits of linearity [14] as
. The required linearity of an integrator is deter-
mined by allocating equal distortion power to each integrator
and considering the loop gains to input-refer individual distor-
tion powers, with the sum of the distortion powers set to 3 dB
(0.5 b) below the target DR.
Assuming that MOS transistors operated in weak inversion
are used in the input stage of the op-amp, and a
compact expression for is obtained

After is calculated, the noise budget can be adjusted for the
rest of the integrators to accommodate the (typically slight) in-
Fig. 11. Schematic of a high-linearity CT integrator.
crease in the budget of the so designed integrator.
The power consumption of the active-RC integrator shown in
requirements for specific linearity performance [2], [14]. The Fig. 11 is also defined by the of the operational amplifier.
capacitive load driven by is derived from the noise perfor- It can be calculated to reduce the nonlinearity introduced by
mance of each integrator. Considering a one-stage amplifier, the the residual voltage below the limit derived from the target
total noise power at the input of the integrator is SNDR [16].
With a one-stage amplifier, the noise power introduced by the
(9) CT integrator is proportional with the signal bandwidth

with (15)

(10) and is referred to the input of the loop by an expression similar to

(11). From the noise performance, the input and DAC resistors
where is a fraction of the integration capacitor (parasitic ca- and are calculated and their values are used to evaluate
pacitance of , between the lowest plate of and the grounded the nonlinearity introduced in the integration current (single-
chip substrate) connected at the opamp’s output. The first part ended case)
of the noise power in (9) is the noise of the switch on-resistance
and the second part is the noise of the of the opamp. This (16)
power is referred at the input of the converter as
by the nonlinear residual voltage . The calculation requires a
(11) large-signal expression of and yields two different values for
OSR MOS transistors operated in weak inversion and in strong
inversion , respectively, shown as
where is the order of the integrator in the converter.
With a given noise budget, (9) can be simplified to be only
dependent on the integration capacitor and on the loop
coefficients and used to calculate good starting values for all
capacitors. The is then calculated from the required settling

Fig. 12. Power consumption for g as a function of the noise power ratio R.
Fig. 13. Yield of single-loop solutions for different noise margins.

if is the target third-order harmonic amplitude,

coefficients using a user-supplied distribution. For CT designs,
for bits of linearity [13]. By assuming a linear de-
a process-induced spread (as large as 35% in CMOS processes)
pendency of and in weak inversion, a more compact ex-
is also considered from the early design stages, since it reduces
pression can be obtained. However, the expression for strong
the available integrator output range. The user can specify for
inversion cannot be compacted furthermore.
each integrator coefficient a spread (initial accuracy) value,
The noise power of each integrator is allocated based on an
along with the coefficient-to-coefficient mismatch value.
exploration of the noise power distribution across the converter.
A minimal capacitor and maximal resistor are specified that
A part of the noise power of the previous integrator is allocated
guarantee, in a given IC process, the coefficient-to-coefficient
to the next one in the loop:
mismatch. A few hundreds of Monte-Carlo simulation steps
are run for each of the top-ten solutions and the performance
tests explained in Section III-C are applied. The single-loop
solutions can be designed from the early stages to give 100%
and the value of (smaller than one) is chosen to minimize the
yield with relaxed matching requirements. This involves
total power consumption. Fig. 12 illustrates the dependence of
placing the in-band quantization noise power sufficiently low
the power consumption on the noise power allocation through
compared to the circuit noise (white noise) so that the latter
the ratio . The top curve is the power (expressed as the supply
one dominates the in-band noise floor. This margin should be
current) consumed for the total for a fifth-order, 3-loop,
large enough to guarantee the yield under process variations, as
2–2-1 architecture, with 5 b in the first loop and 3 bits in the
shown in Fig. 13. With a noise margin of only 1 dB the yield of
other two loops. It is operated at an OSR of 16 times, with a
the single-loop design can drop to 70% when the coefficient
signal bandwidth of 2 MHz, as in [4]. It is worth noting the
mismatch is 5%. Even with a 1% mismatch the yield is only
25% reduction in current consumption by the optimization of
88%, below the lowest yield considered acceptable at this
and the fact that the minimum current of 14 mA, is well related
abstraction level, which is 90%.
to the reported consumption of 36 mA if folded-cascode am-
For cascaded solutions there is another parameter that can be
plifiers are used [2]. The second curve in Fig. 12 is the current
used to optimize their yield. The number of bits in the first loop
consumption for a fourth-order, one-bit single-loop ADC
in the cascade is increased for solutions which do not attain
for audio applications kHz . The supply current
90% yield and another Monte Carlo yield analysis iteration is
of 200 A estimated in the best case also matches the design
started for the improved solution. If the maximal number of bits
reported in [2].
is reached and the yield is still not large enough, the solution is
D. Yield-Based Optimization
From the remaining architecture-level solutions pool, the IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
“top-ten” most performant ones are selected based on their
ratio of peak SNDR versus power consumption. Only these The algorithms described so far were implemented in a com-
selected solutions are passed to time-consuming, advanced bination of C and Fortran languages and compiled on Linux
behavioral simulations, which are used to find the limits for computers. The filter-level code has a total of 3700 lines. The ar-
more circuit-level parameters, like dc gains for amplifiers, chitecture-level code has 5000 lines and also makes heavy use of
clock jitter for CT DACs, or multi-bit DAC mismatch. The functions written in the filter-level code. There is no user inter-
“top-ten” solutions are then passed to an even more time-con- face bound with the code, so porting it to other Unix computers
suming Monte Carlo analysis which varies the ADC can be done fast.

Fig. 14. Histogram of the power consumption for all audio 16 ADC
Fig. 15.
OSR = 32.
Results of global search for the audio ADC. All solutions found have

Two examples are presented to show the effectiveness of

global optimization through exhaustive design-space explo-
ration. The first one is an audio ADC supplied from 1.5 V
with rail-to-rail input and 1.5 V reference voltage. A designed
circuit has been reported [2] which consumes 0.95 mW (only
the analog part, without voltage reference buffers) for a DR
of 98 dB and a peak SNR of 89 dB at a signal bandwidth
of 20 kHz. The second one is an ADC for xDSL type of
applications, supplied from 2.5 V, also with rail-to-rail input
and the reference voltage equal to the supply voltage. The
signal bandwidth is 2 MHz. A design has been reported [4]
which consumes 90 mW in the analog circuits to attain 95 dB
DR and 90 dB peak SNR.
The designs mentioned above are state-of-the-art examples.
The results presented here show that an architectural exploration Fig. 16. Results of LOOPS = 1 constrained search for the audio ADC.
program can find other architectures than the above reported
ones that offer better figures of merit (FOM) but the published
designs are still among the best options. The FOM that we used
is defined as the ratio of peak SNDR to the power consumption 1 mW, but there is also a significant number of solutions placed
(in one-stage amplifiers) around 100 mW. This part of the histogram should definitely
be avoided by the optimization algorithm. The global optimiza-
SNDR tion results are shown in Fig. 15. It is worth noting the massive
FOM (19)
presence of cascaded solutions. The axis contains pairs of
(LOOPS, BITS) showing, for each data point, the order of each
The yield optimizations have been conducted assuming a 1% loop in the cascade and the number of bits in each quantizer.
(fair capacitor/capacitor matching) coefficient-to-coefficient The solutions have virtually the same figure-of-merit FOM. All
mismatch for single-loop architectures and a 0.5% (good solutions have OSR and a large number of bits in the first
capacitor/capacitor matching) for cascaded architectures, based loop, which increases the overloading level. Since in the simpli-
on the properties of the technologies in the two reference fied power model used in our tool more complex quantizers and
designs [2] and [4]. DACs do not add power penalties, the FOM is also higher.
In order to compare the results with the reported
A. Audio Delta-Sigma ADC state-of-the-art solution, restricted sets in terms of number of
The search for an optimal audio has been first performed loops and number of bits have been analyzed. Fig. 16 contains
in the entire design space to find the global optimum. A power- the optimization results for a set of solutions restricted by
based histogram of the complete set of possible solutions is the number of loops . The best solution is
shown in Fig. 14. It shows that from all 207 solutions fit for the the third-order, 4-b loop, again working at OSR . This
target specs more than half have a power consumption around solution is also remarkable for its low number of bits compared

Fig. 17. Global solutions for the xDSL 16 ADC. Fig. 18. Search results for the xDSL ADCs, with the design space constrained
at ORDER =5 and OSR = 16 .

to the other top performers. It shows that, for audio frequencies,

a high OSR is still a good option. opamps’ is found here to be 14 mA, which is well correlated
Further design space restriction to 1-b single-loop architec- with the reported analog supply current of 36 mA, considering
tures yields only the state-of-the-art fourth-order, single-loop that folded-cascode amplifiers are used in the reported design.
solution with OSR reported in [2]. The 1-b DAC is often
preferred for its inherent linearity but it requires a larger OSR. V. CONCLUSION
The solution is chosen from a set of four possible, three of which
do not pass the yield test. The bandwidths of the one-stage oper- An exhaustive architectural design-space exploration algo-
ational amplifiers used here in the power model match with the rithm for global optimization of ADC designs has been
ones reported in [2], but the power consumption reported in [2] presented. The algorithm examines all possible architectural so-
is larger since the first integrator contains a two-stage amplifier. lutions in two steps to increase overall efficiency. The large
Note that this feature of the exploration tool that the designer total number of possible solutions is first explored by the fast
can incrementally constrain the search space adds to its flexi- filter-level design step which rejects the ones which can not at-
bility in practical use. tain the required dynamic range. A reduced set of solutions is
then forwarded to the architecture-level design step which eval-
B. Delta-Sigma ADC for xDSL Applications uates their behavior by time-domain simulations. The power
consumption of each solution is estimated and the ten most
The results of the global optimization for a 4-MS/s ADC
promising solutions are subjected to the time-consuming yield
are shown in Fig. 17.
analysis. The generation of the entire set of possible solutions
Again, a third-order solution with OSR and 4-b quan-
for a particular set of specifications takes approximately 24 h on
tizer has good performance, but most of the solutions operate at
a 1-GHz computer. Yield analysis can be run on subsets of solu-
16 times oversampling. They also have a large number of bits in
tions to find only those architectures which have certain required
the (first-loop) quantizer to attain high overloading levels.
properties. Experimental results show that previously published
To avoid solutions like the ones requiring 32 times OSR, the
state-of-the-art design solutions are among the best designs but
designer can conduct the search in a limited space, for example
not necessarily the best and that our method returns other, some-
for (ORDER , OSR ). Furthermore, the number of bits
times better, architectural solutions as well.
can be limited, for example, to 6 to keep a low DAC complexity.
The solutions for this search are shown in Fig. 18. They are
all cascaded ADCs except two which, even with their low
[1] Y. Perelman and R. Ginosar, “A low-light-level sensor for medical
FOM, can be good choices for low-voltage, mismatch-tolerant
diagnostic applications,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 36, pp.
designs. 1553–1558, Oct. 2001.
The best are the three-loop designs with a 2–2-1 configura- [2] A. L. Coban and P. E. Allen, “A 1.5 V 1.0 mW audio 16 modulator
tion. The state-of-the-art solution reported so far [4] is among with 98 dB dynamic range,” in Dig. Tech. Papers ISSCC’99 , Feb. 1999,
pp. 50–51.
them, (2–2-1, 5–3-3) on the axis with an FOM of 101. During [3] L. Breems, E. J. van den Swan, and J. H. Huijsing, “A 1.8-mW CMOS
the initial optimization stages, only 3 b were needed in the first 61 modulator with integrated mixer for A/D conversion of IF signals,”
loop, but yield optimization reached the 5-b solution reported IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 35, pp. 468–475, Apr. 2000.
[4] K. Vleugels, S. Rabii, and B. A. Wooley, “A 2.5 V broadband multi-bit
in [4], the increase being needed to accommodate capacitor/ 16 modulator with 95 dB dynamic range,” in Dig. Tech. Papers
capacitor mismatch effects. The supply current needed for the ISSCC’01, Feb. 2001, pp. 50–51.

[5] K. Bult, “Analog design in deep submicron CMOS,” in Proc. Eur. Solid- Georges E. Gielen (S’87–M’92–SM’99–F’02)
State Circuits Conf., Sept. 2000, pp. 11–17. received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
[6] R. Schreier. Delta-Sigma Toolbox for Matlab. [Online]. Available: engineering from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, in 1986 and 1990,
[7] K. Francken, M. Vogels, and G. Gielen, “Dedicated system-level sim- respectively.
ulation of 16 modulators,” in Proc. IEEE CICC’00, May 2001, pp. From 1986 to 1990, he was appointed as a
Research Assistant by the Belgian National Fund
[8] K. Francken and G. Gielen, “A high-level simulation and synthesis en- of Scientific Research. In 1990, he was appointed
vironment for 16 modulators,” IEEE Trans. Computer-Aided Design, a Postdoctoral Research Assistant and Visiting Lec-
turer with the Department of Electrical Engineering
vol. 22, pp. 1049–1061, Aug. 2003.
and Computer Science, University of California,
[9] V. Liberali, V. F. Dias, M. Ciapponi, and F. Maloberti, “TOSCA: A simu-
Berkeley. From 1991 to 1993, he was a Postdoctoral Research Assistant of the
lator for switched-capacitor noise-shaping A/D converters,” IEEE Trans.
Belgian National Fund of Scientific Research, ESAT Laboratory, Katholieke
Computer-Aided Design, vol. 12, pp. 1376–1386, Sept. 1993.
Universiteit Leuven. In 1993, he was appointed as a tenured Research Associate
[10] K. Francken, P. Vancorenland, and G. Gielen, “DAISY: A simula- of the Belgian National Fund of Scientific Research and also an Assistant
tion-based high-level synthesis tool for delta-sigma modulators,” in Professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. In 1995, he was promoted
Proc. IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. Computer-Aided Design, Nov. 2000, pp. to Associate Professor at the same university, where he is now a full-time
188–192. Professor. His research interests are in the design of analog and mixed-signal
[11] F. Medeiro, B. P. Verdu, and A. R. Vasquez, Top-Down Design of integrated circuits, and especially in analog and mixed signal CAD tools
High-Performance Sigma-Delta Modulators. Boston, MA: Kluwer, and design automation (modeling, simulation and symbolic analysis, analog
1999. synthesis, analog layout generation, and analog and mixed-signal testing). He
[12] F. Medeiro, B. P. Verdu, A. R. Vasquez, and J. L. Huertas, “A vertically is coordinator or partner of several (industrial) research projects in this area.
integrated tool for automated design of 16 modulators,” IEEE J. Solid- He has authored or coauthored one book and more than 100 papers in edited
State Circuits, vol. 30, pp. 762–777, July 1995. books, international journals, and conference proceedings.
[13] S. R. Norsworthy, R. Schreier, and G. C. Temes, Delta-Sigma Data Con- Dr. Gielen has been Associate Editor of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
[14] A. Marques, V. Piuri, M. S. Steyaert, and W. M. Sansen, “Optimal pa- and recently also of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—PART
rameters for 16 modulator topologies,” IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. II, II: ANALOG AND DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING. He is also a member of the
vol. 45, pp. 1232–1241, Sept. 1998. Program Committees of international conferences (ICCAD, DATE, ISCAS).
[15] O. Bajdechi, J. H. Huijsing, and G. Gielen, “Fast exploration of delta He received the Best Paper Award of the International Journal on Circuit
sigma ADC design space,” in Proc. IEEE ISCAS’02, vol. 2, May 2002, Theory and Applications in 1995. He was the 1997 Laureate of the Belgian
pp. 49–52. National Academy of Sciences, Literature, and Arts and is a member of the
[16] L. J. Breems, E. J. van der Zwan, and J. H. Huijsing, “Design of Editorial Board of the International Journal on Analog Integrated Circuits and
optimum performance-to-Power ratio of a continuous-time sigma-delta Signal Processing.
modulator,” in Proc. Eur. Solid-State Circuits Conf., Sept. 1999, pp.
Johan H. Huijsing (SM’81–F’97) was born on May
21, 1938. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical
engineering and the Ph.D. degree from the Delft
University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands,
in 1969 and 1981, respectively. His dissertation
focused on operational amplifiers.
He has been an Assistant and Associate Professor
in Electronic Instrumentation with the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering of the Delft University of
Technology since 1969, where he has been a full
Ovidiu Bajdechi (S’95) was born on April 24, 1971. Professor in the chair of Electronic Instrumentation
He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering since 1990. From 1982 through 1983, he was a Senior Scientist at Philips Re-
from the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Ro- search Laboratories, Sunnyvale, CA. Since 1983, he has been a consultant for
mania, in 1996 and the Ph.D. degree from the Delft Philips and, since 1998, for Maxim, Sunnyvale, CA. His research is focused on
University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands, in the systematic analysis and design of operational amplifiers, analog-to-digital
2003. converters, and integrated smart sensors. He is the author or coauthor of some
From 1996 to 1998, he was a Teaching Assistant 200 scientific papers, 40 patents and 9 books, and coeditor of 11 books.
at the Laboratory for Microelectronic Systems, Dr. Huijsing was awarded the title of Simon Stevin Meester for applied Re-
“Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Bucharest, search by the Dutch Technology Foundation. He is initiator and co-chairman of
Romania. He is currently working in the field the international Workshop on Advances in Analog Circuit Design, which has
of analog-to-digital conversion for low-power, been held annually since 1992. He is a member of the program committee of
low-voltage applications. His reasearch interests are in systematic design of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference and of Eurosensors. He has been
analog circuits and analog circuits synthesis. He is currently a Guest Researcher Chairman of the biennial national Workshop on Sensor Technology since 1991
with Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory, Delft University of Technology. and Chairman of the Dutch STW Platform on Sensor Technology.

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