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October 10

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October 2010

Volume 5 #10
Wading River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manorville Road, Wading River, NY 11792
(631) 929-3512; 929-6022

Antichrist and His Kingdom

Part 4: The Fall of His Kingdom: The Road to Armageddon
Antichrist’s rise to power consumes the In addition, the False Prophet (the worldwide dissatisfaction with Antichrist
first three and one-half years of the Tribu- second beast of v. 11), deceives the world by begins to manifest itself in open rebellion.
lation. He is a thoroughly irreligious man, virtue of his miracles, including calling fire First he experiences trouble with part of his
committed to military force, and although down from heaven (v. 13) and imposing the Muslim confederation. Again, the catalyst
an apostate with respect to the religion of infamous “mark of the beast” on the world may well be economic, as Antichrist hordes
his fathers, he does worship a hitherto un- as an act of economic hegemony, guaran- the world’s wealth in Babylon, creating
known “god of fortresses” (Dan 11:36-38). teeing that, in order to buy food, the entire shortages in other regions, such as is im-
As he consolidates his dominion, he subju- world will worship Antichrist (vv. 16-18). plied by the vision of the black horse in
gates the strongest military bases in the For a little while, he “will prosper and per- Revelation 6:5-6, where a mere quart of
world, aided by demonic powers (v. 39). form his will” (Dan 8:24), destroying many wheat is sold for a day’s wages. The King of
He is also politically shrewd, honoring mighty men and the Jewish people, appar- the South, probably the governor of Egypt
those who recognize his authority with ently while many of them are at ease (“liv- who allies himself with the “Libyans” (So-
positions of power and parceling out land ing securely,” v. 25). malis?) and the “Ethiopians” (Sudanese?)
to his own advantage. The violation of his treaty with Israel mounts a military offensive against Anti-
During the first half of the Tribulation, and his rapid ascent to the status of an ab- christ (Dan 11:40).
Antichrist makes a “firm covenant” with solute, repressive, and evil world dictator, While Antichrist is attempting to quell
Israel to last seven years. Towards the apparently doesn’t sit well with some world the rebellion in North Africa, however, the
middle of those seven years, however, he is leaders. Almost simultaneously with King of the North sees his opportunity to
killed, but brought back to life (the parallel reaching the pinnacle of his power, his make a move. This is the leader of a north-
with the Lord Jesus is obvious). Although kingdom begins its descent into destruc- ern coalition of armies which may well be
the resurrection of Christ has never im- tion. First, the coalition which forms the drawn from northern Europe and Russia,
pressed the world at large, the resurrection base of his power crumbles. The portion of and perhaps even those allied with those
of Antichrist will. At that point, and with that alliance located in the former Roman nations, such as those from North America.
the assistance of his miracle-working False Empire (southern Europe and North Af- Until now, these nations have not signifi-
Prophet, he will exalt himself as a god and rica) rebels against Babylon. We are not cantly figured in the events transpiring in
demand that the world worship him. He told why, but it is possible that there is a the Middle East, but with the exaltation of
will also break his treaty with Israel (Dan bias against the European-African element Antichrist to the status of world dictator
9:27), forbidding the practice of the Jewish by the Middle Eastern (Muslim) coalition and with the inauguration of the most bru-
religious sacrifices and emphasizing his (the seven heads). After all, Babylon is tal reign of terror in human history, these
latent Anti-Semitism by erecting the located in Muslim Iraq, and Revelation 18 nations decide that they must take the ini-
“abomination of desolation” in the rebuilt makes it clear that Babylon enriches herself tiative to act, which they do in an all-out
temple—probably the statue of him that is at the expense of the rest of the world, land and sea-based assault: “the king of
miraculously empowered to speak (Rev something which may well create resent- the South will collide with him [Antichrist],
13:14-15). ment. and the king of the North will storm
From this point on, Antichrist is dei- But here is the amazing thing. Some- against him with chariots [armored divi-
fied in the eyes of many. He is supernatu- thing will motivate Antichrist to turn sions], horsemen, and with many ships
rally given three and one-half years of au- against his own capital city right along with [navy]; and he will enter countries, over-
thority (Rev 13:5). At this juncture, the the ten-nation confederacy. John writes, flow them, and pass through” (Dan 11:40).
whole world is amazed and gives allegiance “And the ten horns which you saw, and the As the northern coalition advances
to him, by way of worshiping Satan (vv. 3- beast, these will hate the harlot” (Rev through the Mediterranean Sea and over
4). To resist him will be futile (v. 4). He 17:16). Whether the confederacy and Anti- land, probably through Eastern Europe
will speak blasphemy against God, against christ each spurn Babylon for the same and Turkey, Antichrist panics, and decides
the temple in Jerusalem, and against the reason is something we are not told. to abandon his North Africa campaign to
saints who are in heaven (v. 6). Here is a possible scenario. As the end deal with the ominous threat from the
of the three and one-half years approaches, north. By now, he knows that his economic
continued on page 2
continued from page 1
policies have generated hostility, and he dismay of the world’s political and eco- heaven, clothed in fine linen, white
decides something needs to be done to nomic leaders. “Babylon the great” has and clean, were following Him on
deflect the insurrection. Thoroughly en- fallen (the entire chapter of Revelation 18 white horses. From His mouth comes
raged, he and his military hastily retreat is devoted to this event)! Now he is ready a sharp sword, so that with it He may
northward across Suez and into Israel (“He to take on the rebel armies (“he will go strike down the nations, and He will
will also enter the Beautiful Land, and forth with great wrath to destroy and anni- rule them with a rod of iron; and He
many countries will fall,” v. 41), wreaking hilate many,” Dan 11:44b). But it’s too late. treads the wine press of the fierce
destruction as they go, including on Egypt, The armies are converging—from the wrath of God, the Almighty. And on
but perhaps because of their proximity to north, from the east, and on his rear flank His robe and on His thigh He has a
Saudi Arabia, sparing “Edom, Moab and from Africa. In one last desperate move, name written, ‘KING OF KINGS, AND
the foremost of the sons of Ammon” (the and without a capital from which to gov- LORD OF LORDS.’ Then I saw an
territory of modern Jordan, v. 42). Read ern, Antichrist “will pitch the tents of his angel standing in the sun, and he
again the prophecy of Ezekiel 30:1-19 (An- royal pavilion between the seas [Mediter- cried out with a loud voice, saying to
tichrist is called “Nebuchadnezzar” in this ranean and Dead Seas] and the beautiful all the birds which fly in midheaven,
text.) Holy Mountain [Zion]” (v. 45a), thereby ‘Come, assemble for the great supper
Unable to resist the temptation to en- establishing a temporary base of opera- of God; so that you may eat the flesh
rich himself, he raids the treasuries of tions in Israel. of commanders and the flesh of
Egypt in the process: “he will gain control As the hostile armies approach from mighty men and the flesh of horses
over all the precious things of Egypt” (v. the north, Antichrist plays his final hand. and of those who sit on them and the
43), but the Libyans (Somalis?) and the He blames all of the world’s devastation, flesh of all men, both free men and
Ethiopians (Sudanese?) “will follow at his from the destruction of Babylon, to the slaves, and small and great.’ And I
heels,” apparently pursuing him. Just earthquakes and hail, and the severe eco- saw the beast and the kings of the
then, “rumors from the East and from the nomic devastation on . . . yes, Israel and earth and their armies assembled to
North will disturb him” (v. 44a). In fact, the Jews. Under the influence of demons make war against Him who sat on the
opposition is mounted against Antichrist (Rev 16:13-14), he succeeds in turning the horse and against His army. And the
by a military confederation from the Ori- advancing armies against Israel. From beast was seized, and with him the
ent. This is one of the bowl judgments: their staging area in the plains of Megiddo false prophet who performed the
“And the sixth angel poured out his bowl (Jezreel), they proceed to besiege Jerusa- signs in his presence, by which he de-
upon the great river, the Euphrates; and its lem: “And all the nations of the earth will ceived those who had received the
water was dried up, that the way might be be gathered against it” (Zech 12:3); “they mark of the beast and those who wor-
prepared for the kings from the east” (Rev. gathered them together to the place which shiped his image; these two were
16:12). “And the number of the armies of in Hebrew is called Har-Magedon” (Arma- thrown alive into the lake of fire
the horsemen was two hundred million” geddon, v. 16; see Joel 2). The nations are which burns with brimstone. And the
(Rev 9:16). They are described in omi- ready to destroy Israel once and for all, rest were killed with the sword which
nously ferocious terms (v. 17). when the Lord Jesus Christ himself inter- came from the mouth of Him who sat
venes: “And it will come about in that day on the horse, and all the birds were
As these immense armies approach
that I will set about to destroy all the na- filled with their flesh” (Rev 19:11-21).
from the north and from the east, with hos-
tile elements in hot pursuit from Africa, a tions that come against Jerusalem” (Zech It is a scene of unprecedented carnage
threatened, but outraged, Antichrist has to 12:9). as Antichrist “will come to his end, and no
make a strategic decision very quickly in “And I saw heaven opened, and be- one will help him” (Dan 11:45b). Thus, the
order to deliver himself. He now positions hold, a white horse, and He who sat Tribulation ends, Satan is bound (Rev
himself against his own capital city, agree- on it is called Faithful and True, and 20:1-3), and the Messianic (Millennial)
ing with his angry subjects that they have in righteousness He judges and wages Kingdom is inaugurated (Rev 20:4-7).
been economically raped by greedy Baby- war. His eyes are a flame of fire, and We must conclude, then, that although
lon (it’s not his fault!), and to prove his on His head are many diadems; and the prophetic Scriptures have a great deal
sincerity, turns his armies from the south- He has a name written on Him which to say about Antichrist, his rise, his king-
ern Europe-North Africa coalition against no one knows except Himself. He is dom, and his fall, we who live in this pre-
the city: “And the ten horns which you clothed with a robe dipped in blood, sent age of God’s grace will not know his
saw, and the beast, these will hate the har- and His name is called The Word of identity. It is fascinating, however, to see
lot [Babylon] and will make her desolate God. And the armies which are in world leaders appearing who increasingly
and naked, and will eat her flesh and will conform to the details of his description.
burn her up with fire” (Rev 17:16). This Will the current President of the United
attack coincides with the pouring out of the States be the Antichrist? We cannot know
seventh bowl judgment in which a huge one way or the other. Our responsibility,
earthquake levels a third of Jerusalem and however, is to heed our Lord’s exhortation:
many Gentile cities as well, rearranging the “But when these things begin to take place,
topography of the Middle East (Rev. 16:19- straighten up and lift up your heads, be-
20), and in which an unprecedented hail cause your redemption is drawing near”
storm with 100-pound hail stones deci- (Lk 21:28). Indeed, “MARANATHA” (“O
mates much of the land. Lord, Come!” 1 Cor 16:22).
Thus, Antichrist is responsible for de-
stroying his own capital, an event which The Jezreel Valley, scene of the
devastates the global economy, to the utter Battle of Armageddon ⎯ Pastor Ron Glass

Getting Acquainted with Ruth Kerr
There are some understanding as a five-year-old what had Ruth enjoyed working with people
individuals for happened. Ruth’s uncle lifted her up in with needs and became a nurse’s aide. She
whom the Getting order to kiss him one last time and as he worked at various hospitals including St.
Acquainted lifted her down close to him, Ruth slid out Charles Hospital, Methodist Hospital, and
column is perfectly of her uncle’s arms and into the coffin next East End Hospice. Sadly, her marriage
suited, and Ruth to her beloved father. The incident re- ended after 26 years.
Kerr is one of mains a strong memory and the beginning She adopted a “gypsy” lifestyle moving
those precious of a struggling relationship with her back and forth several times from Pennsyl-
individuals about mother. It initiated many visits with her vania to Long Island to be closer to her
whom we rarely grandmother, some of them months at a children; most recently she moved to North
hear. She is time. Her grandmother’s caring heart Carolina with her son. Ruth finally decided
faithful to Senior Saints, bringing a won- promoted much healing and provided her that Calverton is where she desires to be.
derful edge to the seniors’ fellowshipping. with a peaceful retreat.
She was raised a Methodist not fully
Most of the time she is quiet, pondering Ruth remembers her young life as a understanding Biblical truths. A couple of
her next item of crocheting, but not letting struggle but was able to develop a caring years ago she let Jesus into her life and a
her sense of humor and enduring smile be and nurturing heart. Maybe it was the friend suggested she attend the WRBC in
hidden away from others. years she became a Girl Scout, an organiza- order to nourish her new relationship with
Ruth is a native New Yorker, born in tion that teaches compassion among other Jesus Christ. That was 2 years ago. Her
Brooklyn on December 10, 1927. Her fa- things⎯for Ruth developed a very kind faith is new but it is growing under Pastor
ther, John Kerr, was a bricklayer and her and compassionate heart. Glass’s preaching.
mother, Beatrice Kerr, was a housewife and She remained in Brooklyn for the first She is a warm-hearted individual and
mother to her four children: Ruth (the old- 30 years of her life. In the earlier days of loves to write and crochet. Without a
est), William, Gordon, and Mary. those years she liked to sing; Ruth sang in doubt, Ruth’s crocheting skills are on the
Ruth’s early memories of her father her church choir and occasionally went professional level and she is available to
are very sketchy because he died when she roller skating where she met her husband crochet for you that special gift or maybe
was only five years old. She does remem- when he asked to dance/roller skate. Ruth an item you have been wanting. She is
ber her Methodist days at the Central continued her education at Suffolk Com- most generous not only with the love she
Methodist Church in Brooklyn; her father munity College and completed two years of has to give but when she can, in the gifts
helped build the church and he also served college in the nursing curriculum. She had she gives to those around her. Ruth is a
as a deacon in the church. six children: Charles, now 62; Barbara, lady to appreciate if given the opportunity.
The funeral of her father was a sad day now 60; Dorothy, now 55; Joanne, now 49;
⎯ Joan Tyska
for her and a day she will never forget. She and the twins, John and Maryann, now 47.
wanted to say goodbye to her Dad, not fully

Missionaries of the Month – Jim and Tessie Wroth

After not being after Labor Day. (The Wroths also have ers and to come alongside leaders either
able to relocate in two younger children, Hannah and Caleb.) one-on-one or in small groups. The vision
2009 and being Their home assignment will also be a time also includes reaching out to couples in
denied proper to visit supporting churches such as the East Asia, providing retreats and work-
visas, World Ven- WRBC. shops. Another possibility that they are
ture’s Paraclete For now, Jim and Tessie are once praying for is an opportunity tied to the
Center (a center again searching for opportunities in the concept of “Business as Mission”, where
that embodies the mission field as World Venture is placing a they might support a business that demon-
commitment to great emphasis on their part of East Asia. strates and proclaims Christian values.
come alongside Jim has studied eight semesters of Manda- They had been blessed with financial
others to encourage, equip, and empower rin Chinese, which together with his teach- support up until the last few months before
them in their journey with Christ, and par- ing background makes Jim an excellent returning to the US; the economy here in
ticipate in a ministry with Him around the candidate for a job to teach English. They the US was making it difficult for support-
world) advised Jim and Tessie Wroth to envision Jim continuing to mentor believ- ers to continue with their financial support.
come back to the states to rest before re- Some supporters have had to cut back their
engaging in ministry. giving; others have dropped their support
As a result, Jim and Tessie Wroth have completely. One of their goals while here
returned to Southern California and were in the US is to work with current and new
offered the parsonage of the Bonsall Com- partners until their support level is once
munity Church to live in rent-free for one again at 100%. Jim and Tessie have ex-
year. This is certainly a blessing to the pressed their gratefulness that WRBC has
Wroths because the Bonsall Elementary remained faithful in their support and hope
School is directly across the road from to visit with WRBC sometime in early 2011.
where they are living; their children Esther ⎯ Joan Tyska
and James were able to start school just
WRBC on the Web
An Interview with Christopher Glass
Working from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Another part of your vision was to What is the second tool you use?
Chris Glass is the WRBC webmaster, and increase the visibility of the church Facebook. Facebook is a way to get our
in this article, he answers questions you on the web. How are you doing that? name out on the web. I remember meeting
may have about our media resources. What resources are you using? This is one person at WRBC whom I asked how he
WRBC’s new web site was rolled out a great question because a lot of people found us and he said, “Well, I didn’t know
two months ago. What was involved think that putting a website together is just you existed until I drove by.” Facebook will
in the process of developing it? A lot throwing some information together and help people on Long Island know that we
of work was invested in it. What you cur- slapping it up on a site. That is how many exist and will help direct them to our site.
rently see is just the beginning. There are churches do it and that is the reason I These web tools are great resources to help
additional components currently being started my own business which I call Lil us increase our exposure.
developed; however, the basic parameters Blue Box. My goal for this company is to You mention using Facebook along
of the site are in place. We have had a site help ministries and non-profit organiza- with the website. Can you explain to
for several years, but in order to maximize tions to develop a plan to get them on the us what Facebook is for and why it is
the potential provided by the current state web with an effective site, or to assess their a good resource? Sure! Facebook is a
of web resources, we evaluated our content current sites with an eye to improving social networking site. Social networking
to see if it was compatible with the vision them. Technology plays a huge role in our enables people to connect with old friends
and purpose of the church. Then I lives today; it’s everywhere, impacting vir- and facilitates letting one’s circle of friends
matched the church’s vision and purpose tually everything we do. That is a reality know what’s going on in his life. Over half
with my vision, and, in constant consulta- we cannot resist or change. We need to ask a billion people around the world are on
tion with my Dad (Pastor Glass) and the ourselves, “How can we use these tools to Facebook. Many ministries are seeing the
deacons, I went to work. Overall, it took help proclaim the Gospel?” A website is a value of maintaining a presence there too.
me about a month and a half to build the good start. After we got married, my wife Obviously, social networking has always
new site. and I looked for a new church; instead of been around—it’s called talking! Facebook
looking in the phone book, I went to is just another way of communicating with
You use the word vision and purpose
Google and checked out churches. I was family, friends, and co-workers. So why
of the church, what do you mean by
able to explore what they believe and was use Facebook? It gives us a presence on
this? I believe that every organization
able to identify churches we could visit. the web to which other people can connect.
needs a set of goals—the direction it seeks
Think about the grass in front of the When people link to us, it creates some-
to move—and this is what I mean by vision.
church. We spend time making sure all the thing of a domino effect, helping people
A vision guides an organization as it strives
grass is cut and the weeds are picked be- around the world to know who and where
to fulfill its calling. When I look at this site,
cause we want to make a good first impres- we are. Facebook has also helped some of
my vision is not primarily to have more
sion upon those who come and visit us. us to rekindle and maintain relationships
people to visit the site (although that is
Our website is our front door on the inter- with former church members that may go
certainly desirable), but to convey a mes-
net. People are simply not using the yellow back many years.
sage of who Wading River Baptist Church
pages as they used to do.
is. I want people to know that we as a So you’re saying that people have
church want to be open to the community So what tools do you use to “cut the come together because of the Face-
and to maintain an outreach to the lost. grass”? Well first, there is Google Ana- book page? Sure. I have read people
That is why I want to offer as many re- lytics. This is a tool that helps me as a web saying to Facebook friends how nice it was
sources as I can to help those who visit the developer to understand who is visiting the to talk to them again.
site to have a clear understanding of who site, how long they are there, and what they
What else has it done? Facebook can
we are, whether by exploring our minis- are accessing. I can give you statistics
also help us communicate concerning
tries, considering our doctrinal convictions about almost everything except the per-
church events. If you are on Facebook, we
or ministry priorities, or by listening to son’s identity and their web address. Now
could possibly send an event notification
Pastor Glass’s sermons, or reading his blog. why is this critical? The information I
and ask if you are coming. In other words,
My vision is not only to clearly communi- glean tells me what pages they are seeing
it could function as just another form of a
cate who we are, but to make it a place and how long they are on that page com-
sign-up sheet!
which first-time users can easily navigate. pared to pages that are visited less fre-
quently. I can understand what people are What about security? Most of us are
In my opinion, our previous site was not
seeking on our site. To give you some being more cautious in light of iden-
organized for maximum efficiency. The
numbers: last year, we had 3,190 visits to tity theft. I can understand that there
new site, however, assists visitors in decid-
the site with an average of 8 pages per visit. may be a concern as to whether personal
ing where they want to go and how to get
We had visits from 42 states and four dif- information might be used on this site.
there. Many churches crowd their home
ferent countries. But this information The Wading River Baptist Church Face-
pages with so much information that it can
doesn’t even scratch the surface of what’s book page will not be used to share per-
be overwhelming. I was striving to develop
available. sonal information and if there is any type
a clean and simple look.
of inappropriate communication, the web-
You mean something like Apple or Did you expect this kind of response?
master will remove those communications
Google? That’s right. Their home pages No. I had an idea of who knew about
quickly. However, there may be times when
project a clear and clean message. WRBC, but this was more than I expected.
it may not be caught and so we ask that
It’s encouraging. continued on page 5

continued from page 4
users of Facebook take full responsibility this, we could accomplish the task more Is there a way for people to get in
for their use of the site. quickly, but we don’t so we just have to be touch with the church? Sure. I wanted
It’s good to know that we are using patient. However, we do have the sermons to have a place for people to ask questions
these available resources. What on iTunes so you are able to use your or just find out more information. You can
other resources are there on our iPhones or iTouches. We have the links go to the Contact Us tab and fill out the
site? We have many pages of resources page which lists all the other places on the form that will be sent to the church office.
such as the sermon page, where all our web you can visit on various subjects. And If you want to contact Pastor Glass, you can
latest sermons are uploaded for digital use. then don’t forget The Beacon. You can email him at
read the current issue and download al- How about you? What if they want to
How far back can we go? We know,
most all of the past issues. There is also respond to this Q&A session or ask
for example, that John MacArthur’s
Pastor Glass’s blog which is really the tran- you some further questions⎯how
complete sermon archive is accessi-
script of his monthly radio devotional on can they contact you? They can email
ble through his website. Well, we’re
the Mars Hill Network. Due to time con- me at and I will
not quite there yet! We go back about two
siderations, Pastor Glass does not himself respond as quickly as I can. You can also
years. We are planning on trying to move
write on the blog, but it is there for those visit my website:
all the sermons over, but to transfer 17
who wish to comment.
years of sermons can be very time consum-
ing. If we had full-time employees doing

The “Thelein” Universe – Part 1

In the Wading River Baptist Church “Sun- fering and death. But if the fossil record own desires, and will turn away their ears
day College,” we recently completed a was laid down before the Fall, as virtually from the truth and will turn aside to
study entitled “God’s Universe,” including all compromise positions hold, then death myths” (2 Tim 4:3-4).
the attendant ungodly claims on the part is a natural part of life and it was in the Recently, there has been a coalescing
of the scientific community for its origin world (along with cancer and other suffer- of several independent groups who have
compared to God’s Word. We covered the ing) for millions of years before man ap- combined their talent and notoriety to cap-
big bang theory and have demonstrated peared on the scene. Death therefore has ture an intellectual and theological agree-
its scientific, logical, and scriptural short- no relationship to man’s sin. Indeed, in the ment among evangelicals that “creation”
comings sufficiently to the point that no theistic evolutionary views, death is not does not have to be recent. They have re-
Christian should place any faith in it over just a natural part of life; it is an essential jected the notion that creation occurred
the plain teaching of Scripture of creation part of life because death is fundamental to during six “normal” (24-hour) days as is
in six ordinary-length days. There is a the Darwinian mechanism of natural selec- indicated by the words of Scripture, con-
tremendous amount of good scientific and tion. The “unfit” die, but the “fit” survive tending that Scripture can be understood
Christian scriptural evidence to refute the long enough to reproduce. to mean “natural development over time,”
secular idea of evolution, of which most If death is a natural part of life, there- as allegedly “proven” by modern science.
Christians are unaware. As you read the fore, then it cannot be the special penalty Their arguments are not new. Theistic
following, I urge you to review the verses for sin, in which case the death of Christ, as evolution has been taught in one form or
quoted for yourself and allow God’s Holy payment of the penalty for sin, is an empty another for 150 years. The so called “Day-
Spirit to convince you of their authority myth! The logic of the Atonement is shat- Age” interpretation of Genesis is equally
and accuracy. tered at its very foundation! As a conse- long-lived, and various harmonizing theo-
The “Thelein” Universe (pronounced quence of this, theistic evolutionists must ries have been proposed, such as the “Gap
“THELL-ain,” the New Testament Greek deny the “penal substitution” view of the Theory”, “progressive Creation” (as es-
word for “will”) is an excellent way to de- Atonement (i.e., the doctrine that Christ poused by Dr. Hugh Ross), and, more re-
scribe God’s creation. The Thelein Uni- paid the penalty for our sins by dying in cently, “creation by evolution” postulated
verse is the universe in which God’s will is our place). They have to invent some other by evangelical Hebrew scholar Bruce
the dominant force. In fact, God’s will is meaning to replace it, putting their faith in Waltke.
the key to understanding the universe. man, science, and evolution. Unregenerate
The organization that has risen to be-
That will is expressed in God’s written man will not—indeed, cannot—see the
come the “umbrella” under which most of
Word. “All things came into being through truth.
these various proponents gather is the
Him, and apart from Him nothing came The wonder is not that unsaved people BioLogos Foundation, founded by Francis
into being that has come into being” (Jn get caught up in lies, confidence scams, Collins and funded by the Templeton
1:3); “Worthy are You, our Lord and our news “spin,” or outright efforts to deceive, Foundation under the leadership of its
God, to receive glory and honor and but that those who claim to be the people president, Darrell Falk. BioLogos has co-
power; for You created all things, and of God—those who have been born again sponsored a new initiative called “The Vi-
because of Your will they existed, and and have been given the “mind of Christ”— brant Dance of Faith & Science”, the stated
were created” (Rev 4:11). In light of mod- can be taken in by such nonsense. Paul’s mission of which is to “… inspire, educate,
ern science, however, Christians can be warning to Timothy, after urging him to and unify pastors, scientists, Christian
deceived. “preach the Word,” however, was that such leaders, and concerned lay people, as well
For example, the Genesis chronology would be the case in a time to come. “For as seekers and skeptics, with the growing
suggests that most of the fossils were laid the time will come when they will not en- congruence of scientific discovery with our
down during the great flood of Noah and dure sound doctrine; but wanting to have Christian faith and to explore the implica-
its aftermath. They stand as a visual re- their ears tickled, they will accumulate for tions and applications of that congruence.”
minder that the consequence of sin is suf- themselves teachers in accordance to their This “series of symposia and on-line re-
continued on page 6
continued from page 5
sources” is led by a number of well-known with Christian theology and should not first producing the stars, planets, earthly
speakers from Reasons to Believe, BioLo- have been embraced by Christians. With life and then, ultimately, man. This way of
gos, Discovery Institute, and several emi- all due respect to my friends who hold this thinking says that evolution is God’s
nent universities and world-renowned view, I would venture to say it borders on method of creation and it is still going on,
churches that espouse a harmonization of the heretical–certainly it is scientifically so there is no reason to disbelieve the
naturalistic science with the biblical text: heretical, but I wonder if it is not theologi- claims of the secular scientists when they
“More than ever before, recent scientific cally so as well. God is not the engineer say that all of reality is the result of a long
discovery is both confirming and illuminat- that built these intricate little terror ma- series of accidents, which do not require
ing our Christian faith. From progressive- chines. And the Satan that we know from God.
creationism to theistic-evolution, there is a Christian theology is not a designer of life’s How should Christians respond to
wide spectrum of interpretations of both machinery. Those who wish to believe this these scientific experts who claim to be-
science and the fact-and-mode of God’s are free to do so, but they have moved lieve both the Bible and evolutionary sci-
creative activity. Informed, non- onto an island of scientific fantasy and ence? Paul warned the Romans: “Now I
confrontational discourse will be the key to perhaps even theological heterodoxy. The urge you, brethren, keep your eye on those
furthering the gospel of Christ.” greatest beauty in the universe emerges who cause dissensions and hindrances
The BioLogos project states: “Some of through processes that arise through God- contrary to the teaching which you
the byproducts of natural selection are in- ordained freedom. Let us celebrate that learned, and turn away from them. For
tricate structures that can fashion cellular beauty, even as we, in the presence of such men are slaves, not of our Lord
machines that are able to harm us, just like God’s Spirit, grit our teeth, and endure the Christ but of their own appetites; and by
the machines that we humans make. It hardships that come as a byproduct” (Dar- their smooth and flattering speech they
happens in the context of freedom – God- rell Falk, president of BioLogos). deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting”
granted freedom. However, the notion that Falk believes in a form of Deism, the (Rom 16:17-18). A proper biblical response
irreducibly complex structures are built idea that God created the universe through will introduce the next article in this series.
and put in place by a meticulous detail- the big bang and left it alone with the “free- ⎯ Dr. Vic Bellard
driven intelligent designer is not consistent dom” to evolve for many billions of years,

September in Review
In reviewing September, may we back up a bit up. A hot dog buffet with all the re- On September 26, 2010, WRBC wel-
few days into August to begin with the gional favorite toppings was definitely a comed Michael and Debbie Bannon, mis-
birth of Evan James Kelleher? Congratula- fun luncheon bringing the child out in eve- sionaries to Lithuania. First it was break-
tions to Tom and Laura Kelleher and big ryone. That youthful desire was also ful- fast with the Bannons combined with a
brother, Luke, as they welcomed home filled with ice cream sundaes for dessert. PowerPoint presentation of their work in
healthy nine-pound Evan James, born on Mike Pandolfini brought a very sensitive Lithuania. Both Michael and Debbie de-
August 29, 2010. We and spiritual moment to the luncheon with scribed how they reach all ages as well as
also provide a photo- his touching testimony and all types of people. We have always known
graph of the Perry a thought to ponder. The of how they mentor growing Christians and
family taken on Au- thought was initiated by one teach English to those in Lithuania, but it
gust 22nd. Two-year- of Mike’s coworkers who was a joy to hear how they work within the
old Jake is one of our asked if the criminal minded schools via the Good News Club; how a
prayer are eligible for salvation. colleague, Robertas, has devised a method
concerns; Mike’s message was quite clear that all are to send out a daily Bible verse to mobile
please offered salvation just by asking to be saved phones; how Robertas uses the computer
refer to by our Lord Jesus Christ. for pre-evangelistic online games for the
the Sep- On September 24th, Awana kicked off youth using the Scriptures as the basis of
tember their season with promises of a full calen- the games; Debbie’s teas for the local
issue of dar of meetings that are not just unique women where they meet for social pur-
The Beacon for details. and fun but full of God’s Gospel. Some of poses and the Word of God is gradually
Bill Mallman led prayer meeting while the scheduled events are: Crazy Hair introduced to them; the Samaritan’s Purse;
Pastor Glass was on vacation. On Wednes- Night, Crazy Shoes Night, Pajama Night, and the Bible study for artists. Rev. Ban-
day, September 1st, Bill showed up with his and Beach Night (just to mention a few) non later preached at the 11 o’clock service
harmonica and banjo in hand which initi- along with one of the Awana favorites, The on Psalm 90:
ated a background study of the gospel Grand Prix. Under the leadership of Chris “Establish
hymn “God Leads Us Along” by G. A. and Jackie Hallstrom, Awana is offered to the Work of
Young. Bill strummed his banjo to a few children from 3 years old up to and includ- Our Hands”.
choruses of the hymn as those in atten- ing 8th grade. Awana is The Bannons
dance joined to sing along with him. open not only to those enjoyed the
September 11th is a day to remember from WRBC but from the hospitality of George and Judy Ehmann as
and the Senior Saints did as a handful of surrounding community. their overnight guests on Saturday.
seniors met for a Hot Dog Extravaganza Returning to Awana from
Luncheon in the fellowship hall of the the community are 3 ⎯ Joan Tyska
WRBC. Attendance was down a bit but the siblings: Ryan, Samantha, and Lorraine
enthusiasm could be easily recognized as a Conley (shown in picture), anxious and
eager to advance in the Awana program.
October Bible Quiz Questions September Bible Quiz Answers
1) When was a Jewish son given his name? 1) Moses (Ps 90:4).
2) Which prophet was commanded by God to marry a harlot 2) 22,000 oxen and 120,000 sheep (2 Chr 7:5).
named Gomer to illustrate Israel’s spiritual adultery?
3) The 4th and 5th commandments (Ex 20:8-12).
3) Who was Abraham’s first son?
Note: Regarding these two commandments: if disobeyed,
4) What were the two reasons that God gave Israel the one does not do what should be done. All other
Promised Land? commandments: if disobeyed, one does what should not
be done.
5) Why did David take refuge with the Philistines for one year
4) “That you love one another, even as I have loved
and four months?
you, that you also love one another” (Jn 13:34).
Bonus: Who told Joseph, Mary’s husband, that those who
5) 2 Tim 3:16-17; 2 Pet 1:20-21.
sought Jesus’s life were dead and that Joseph and his family
were to depart from Egypt and return to the land of Israel? Bonus: Thomas (Jn 11:16; 20:24).
― Felix Acerra
The Birthday Corner
Submit the answers and Bible references to: September 21st – Debbie Bristoll
The answers for this month’s quiz will be announced in October 2nd – John Moses Piraino
the next newsletter! October 16th – Ann Williamson
October 20th – Helen Bryan
October 2010
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
1 6:30 PM 2

3 9:45 AM Sunday 4 5 6 8:00 AM Ladies Prayer 7 8 6:30 PM 9 6:45 AM

School– “God’s Word – Joan Tyska (727-5998) AWANA Meet at WRBC
and Everyday Ethics” 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting for our trip to
11:00 AM Morning and Exposition of Psalms Taconic
Worship Service State Park

10 9:45 AM 11 12 7:00 PM 13 8:00 AM 14 15 6:30 PM 16

Sunday School Board of Ladies Prayer AWANA
11:00 AM Morning Deacons 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service Meeting and Exposition of Psalms
Harvest Coffee Hour

17 9:45 AM 18 19 20 8:00 AM 21 22 6:30 PM 23 9:00 AM

Sunday School Ladies Prayer AWANA All-Church
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting Work Day
Worship Service and Exposition of Psalms
6:00 PM WRBC
Business Meeting

24 9:45 AM 25 26 27 8:00 AM 28 29 6:30 PM 30 7:30 AM

Sunday School Ladies Prayer AWANA Meet at WRBC
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting for King Tut
Worship Service and Exposition of Psalms exhibit in NYC

31 9:45 AM
Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning
Worship Service

PO Box 438
Wading River, NY 11792

Wading River Baptist Church Our Purpose

1. To glorify God through sharing
the good news of salvation by God’s
sovereign grace through faith in His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. To nurture believers through a

strong program of Christian educa-
tion, youth ministries, and expository
Biblical preaching.

3. To provide an opportunity for

Biblical worship, service, and fellow-

4. To extend our ministry through-

out America and around the world
• For the Exaltation of God in All Things through participation in home and
• For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ foreign missions.
• For the Transformation of God’s People WRBC is affiliated with the Conserva-
tive Baptist Association of America
and the Conservative Baptist Mission
to the Northeast.

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