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PropertyDigest - Director of Lands Vs Bengzon

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Director of Lands vs Bengzon


 On Feb. 10, 1975, Dynamarine Corporation filed an application with the lower court for the registration
and confirmation of its title of 10 parcels of land in Bauan, Batangas.

 Before acquisition by the Dynamarine Corporation, all the lot in question have been in the possession
of the corporation’s predecessors-in-interest for more than 30 years.

 On April 3, 1978, a Real Estate Chattel Mortgages was executed by Dyanamarine Corporation in favor
of Citibank, N.A. and the Manila Banking Corporation. Later, these Mortgages were foreclosed and the
properties were sold at public auction wherein the Manila Banking Corporation was the highest bidder.

 On Oct. 10, 1978, Dynamarine Corporation, for valauable consideration, executed a Deed of
Assignment of Redemption Rights in favor of Engineering Equipment, Inc.(heretofore called
respondent corporation), covering it redemption rights over the lots. Thereafter, Manila Banking
Corporation executed a Deed of Assignment in favor of respondent corporation.

 On Aug.2, 1979, lower court issued an order allowing the substitution by respondent corporation of
Dynamarine Corporation as applicant in the case.

 On May 7, 1980, lower court rendered the questioned decision decreeing the registration of ten parcels
of land in favor of respondent corporation. The said decision was based on the following findings: that
the subject properties are ancestral properties transferred hereditarily fromancestors to descendants;
that respondent corporation owned and possessed the propertied under a bona-fide claim of ownership;
and, that by itself and through predecessors in interest, respondent corporation had been in open,
peaceful, continuous, public and uninterrupted possession of properties as owner in simple fee for no
less than 50 years.

 In this petition, Director of Lands assails the lower court’s decision as being violative of Art.14Sec11
of the 1973 Constitution. Petitioner contends that under the constitutional provision, respondent
corporation being a private corporation, may not acquire the 10 parcels of lands as they are part of
public domain.

 It is maintained by the petitioner that mere possession for more than 30years did not vest in respondent
corporation’s predecessors-in-interest any title which could be transmitted to respondent corporation.

Whether or not the lands in question are part of the public domain.
The ten parcels of land are private lands. Petitioner’s position that the properties in question are lands of
public domain must be rejected as it is directly opposed to the doctrine laid down in The Director of Lands
vs Intermediate Appellate Court & Acne Plywood & Veneer Co.Inc.,which the Court states,… “that
alienable public land held by a possessor, personally or through his predecessor-in-interest, openly,
continuously and exclusively for the prescribed statutory period (30yrs under the Public Land Act, as
amended), is converted to private property by the mere lapse or completion of said period ipso jure.” It is a
reaffirmation of the principle in earlier cases that open, exclusive and undisputed possession of alienable
public land for the period prescribed by law creates the legal fiction whereby the land, upon completion of
the requisite period ipso jure and without the need of juridical or other sanction, ceases to be public land
and becomes private property.
The court cannot subscribe to the view of petitioner that it is only after a possessor has been issued a
certificate of title that the land can be considered private land. In interpreting Sec48(b) of Commonwealth
Act No.1, the Court said in Herico case that “when the conditions as specified in the foregoing provision
are complied with, the possessor is deemed to have acquired, by operation of law, a right to a grant, a
government grant, without the necessity of a certificate of title being issued. The land, therefore, ceases to
be of public domain, and beyond the authority of the Director of Lands to dispose of. The application for
confirmation is mere formality, the lack of which does not affect the legal sufficiency of the title as would
be evidenced by the patent and the Torrens title to be issued upon the strength of said patent.”

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