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May 2008_April 2006.

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Mr Munir-ud-din Shams (Chairman)
Mr Naseer Ahmad Qamar
Mr Mubarak Ahmad Zafar The Life of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
Mr Mirza Fakhar Ahmad (compiled by Fareed Ahmad – UK)
Mr. Abdul Baqi Arshad
The Khilafat of the latter days continues to inspire,
lead and succeed. By Fareed Ahmad – UK. . . . . . . . . 3
Mansoor Ahmed Shah
Childhood and Youth
EDITORIAL BOARD A reflection of the early life of Hadhrat Sahibzada
Bockarie Tommy Kallon Mirza Masroor Ahmad. By Fazal Ahmad – UK. . . . . 5
Fareed Ahmad
Fazal Ahmad Service in Ghana
Mansoor Saqi A personal recollection of the devoted service in
Sarah Waseem Ghana. By Maulana Abdul Wahab Adam – Ghana .. . . 7
Tanveer Khokhar.
Election to Office
SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS Security in exchange for fear – a prophecy
Amatul Hadi Ahmad fulfilled. By Tommy Bockarie – UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Farina Qureshi
Historical Tour of Ghana
PROOFREADERS Narrating the blessed return to Ghana after
Abdul Ghany Jahangeer Khan election as Khalifatul Masih V.
Shaukia Mir By Maulana Abdul Wahab Adam – Ghana. . . . . . . . . . . 19
Tanveer Khokhar Tour of the Far East and South East Asia
Reaching the ends of the earth. By Sarah Waseem
DISTRIBUTION and Khalid Saifullah Khan. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Muhammad Hanif
Historical Visits to Canada and Qadian
PUBLISHER Huzur’s first visit to Canada and Qadian.
Al Shirkatul Islamiyyah By Fauzia Bajwa, Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
All correspondence should be
forwarded to the editor at: Ongoing Impact of Khilafat
The Review of Religions
How the unique system of Khilafat continues to
The London Mosque guide and chart a course to world peace
16 Gressenhall Road By Adam Walker, Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
London, SW18 5QL
United Kingdom Centenary Address
The keynote historic address delivered on 27 May
Email: 2008 at the ExCel Centre, London.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
© Islamic Publications, 2008
ISSN No: 0034-6721
The Baitul Futuh Mosque at night during Centenary Year. The
Views expressed in this publication are not mosque was inaugurated by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V on 3
necessarily the beliefs of the Ahmadiyya October 2003.
Muslim Community
All photos in May 2008 edition © Makhzan-e-Tasaweer, 2007
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© Makhzan-e-Tasaweer, 2007

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

Khalifatul Masih V

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One century has passed and the forget the Almighty and never to
renaissance promised 1400 years despair. He wants his community
ago is in full flow. focused on prayer and he keeps
reminding everyone to discharge
The Ahmadiyya Khilafat now the rights owed to the Creator
enters a historic phase, a critical and His creation. His sympathy
juncture, and with it comes the for mankind drives him and his
greatest test for both those who community to serve humanity in
have pledged their allegiance and the same spirit that the early
those who have not. For Ahmadi Muslims served the poor and the
Muslims, it is a test of faith to see needy. Indeed his very life and
whether they continue to be true mission reflect a pure spirit that
believers as set out in the Holy is ever wary of its responsibilities
Qur’an and to whom an and ever vigilant for the honour
everlasting and enduring of Islam its Holy Prophet(saw) and
Khilafat has been promised. For the one who loved him most, the
others, it is a test to overcome Prophet of the latter days.
their egos and ambitions and
recognise the truth. As the second century of Khilafat
emerges Hadhrat Mirza Masroor
Today the Ahmadiyya Muslim Ahmad, Khalifatul-Masih V
Community stands at one with its continues to spearhead this
Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor revolution that is destined for
Ahmad, whose life has been a victory. We must ensure that our
reflection of humility, dedication, duty of obedience is immovable
steadfastness, prayer and and true to the letter and spirit of
success. His unwavering and our Bai’at so that we remain true
absolute faith in the powers of believers.
the Almighty God lead him to
urge his community never to

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V

Childhood & Youth By Fazal Ahmad – UK

Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Successive authorities in Pakistan

Ahmad, the 5th Khalifa in the began to ignore the principle
Ahmadiyya Muslim community enshrined in Pakistan’s
was born on the 15th September constitution and abused their
1950 in Rabwah, Pakistan. He is positions against the minority
the son of the Late Hadhrat Ahmadi Muslims.
Sahibzada Mirza Mansoor
Ahmad Sahib and his mother’s Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad
name is Hadhrat Sahibzadi Nasira did his primary education at the
Begum Sahiba. Taleem-ul-Islam High School of
Rabwah and at the young age of
He came from a distinguished seventeen, he became a Musi (that
family background and was the is to say that he signed up for
great grandson of the Promised Wassiyyat or a Will, under the
Messiah(as), and the grandson of plan initiated by the Promised
Hadhrat Mirza Sharif Ahmad Messiah(as), thus committing a
Sahib, the youngest son of the portion, not less than one-tenth, of
Promised Messiah(as). He is also his lifetime earnings and any
the maternal grandson of Hadhrat property to the cause of Islam).
Khalifatul Masih II(ra). This was also to become his
passion when he would later
As a young boy, he grew up in become Khalifa. He has been
turbulent times. India had only consistent in encouraging other
recently gone through the painful Ahmadis around the world to also
partition that saw the creation of enter the institution of Wassiyyat,
Pakistan, and there was growing and has guided that it is better to
tension between Pakistan and make this commitment at a
India. The young state of Pakistan younger age when you are
was suffering growing pains. earning more and able to make

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greater sacrifices rather than at an Africa.(see next article)

older age when in the face of
other demands it is too late to Upon his return to Pakistan in
make those sacrifices. 1985, he was appointed as
Department In-Charge of
After gaining his BA from Financial Affairs. He held a
Taleemul-Islam (TI) College in number of senior posts in the
Rabwah he went on to complete community’s international
his Masters of Science degree in headquarters as follows:
Agricultural Economics from the
Agriculture University • In August 1988 he was
Faisalabad, Pakistan in 1976. appointed as Sadr (President)
Majlis Karpardaz
Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad (Management Body) of
Sahib got married on 31st January Bahishti Maqbarah. (Heavenly
1977 to Syeda Amtul Sabooh Graveyard)
Sahiba, the daughter of Begum
Sahibzadi Amtul Hakeem and Mr • Whilst he was Nazir A’ala
Syed Daud Muzaffar Shah. (Principal Director), he also
served as Nazir Dhiyafat
In 1977, he responded to the call (Hospitality) and Nazir Zira’at
of the Khalifa and devoted his life (Agriculture).
(that is to say that he became a
Waqf-i-Zindagi) for Islam, and as • He was a member of the Qadha
directed by Hadhrat Mirza Nasir (Jurisprudence) Board from
Ahmad(ru), Khalifatul Masih III, 1988 to 1995.
Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad
Sahib proceeded to Ghana under • From 1994 to 1997 he was the
the Nusrat-Jahan Scheme, a Chairman of the Nasir
social, educational and economic Foundation. At the same time
development scheme that he was President of Taza’een
supports a large number of Committee Rabwah
hospitals and schools in West (Committee for the

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Beautification of Rabwah). Jismani (Secretary Mental and

Although this Committee Physical Health and Fitness) in
existed at the time of Hadhrat 1995, and Qaid Talim-ul-
Khalifatul Masih IV, it was Qur’an (Qur’anic Education)
brought to life by Hadhrat from 1995 to 1997.
Mirza Masroor Ahmad. He
expanded the Gulshan-e- • In June 1994 he was appointed
Ahmad Nursery (adjacent to as Nazir Ta’lim (Director of
Jamia Ahmadiyya Senior Education).
Section Rabwah) and made
personal effort to make Rabwah In December 1997, he was
lush and green. appointed as Nazir A’ala
(Principal Director) and local
• In Central Majlis Khuddam-ul- Amir (the Executive Head). After
Ahmadiyya (association of Khilafat, the Nazir A’ala is the
Ahmadi male from the ages of highest administrative post in the
15-40), he was Muhtamim community. He remained in this
Sehat-e-Jismani (Secretary office until his election as Khalifa.
Mental and Physical Health and
Fitness) 1976-77; Muhtamim It is therefore evident that even in
Tajnid (Secretary Census) his early life he was devoted to
1984-85, from 1985-86 to the community and prepared to
1988-89; Muhtamim Majalis make every sacrifice for serving
Bairoon (Secretary External the Khalifa. This was a clear
Chapters); and in 1989-90 Naib reflection of his inner zeal to serve
Sadr (Vice President) Majlis Islam and it was this same zeal
Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya that was to drive him to even
Pakistan. greater sacrifices and service that
was always carried out with
• In Majlis Ansarulllah humility, steadfastness and a
(association of Ahmadi males humble spirit.
over the age of 40) Pakistan, he
was Qaid Zahanat and Sehat-e-

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V

Service in Ghana By Dr Maulana Abdul Wahab Adam – Ghana

An account of services rendered by Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad

during his posting to Ghana under the Nusrat Jahan scheme.

It is to the eternal glory of the understand that he should initiate

Almighty that a young man a scheme of establishing schools
would leave behind close and hospitals in different parts of
relations and loved ones and Africa. Doctors, teachers as well
travel to the “unknown” for the as financial contributions would
service of humanity in the cause be required for the success of the
of Allah. scheme.

Such was the case of Sahibzada The Launch of the Scheme

Mirza Masroor Ahmad (as he It was at the Fazl Mosque in
was then known), who, out of his London that the scheme was
own volition, dedicated his life to formally launched. On that
the service of Allah and braced occasion. Hudhur declared: ‘I do
himself to go wherever he may not know where the doctors and
be assigned in the world, to help the teachers will come from,
make a contribution to the neither do I know where the
betterment of the quality of life money will come from. What I
of humanity. do know is, it is Allah’s scheme
and He will provide!’
The organisation under whose
auspices he dedicated his life is Sahibzada Mirza Masroor
known as Majlis Nusrat Jahan, Ahmad is from the family of the
i.e. Service to Humanity Scheme. Promised Messiah(ru). In addition
When Hadhrat Mirza Nasir to his vast religious knowledge,
Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih III(ru) he also holds an M.Sc. in
made his maiden visit to Africa, agricultural science from
he was Divinely inspired to Faisalabad University in
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Pakistan and both these factors in a building of a defunct Middle

would prove critical during his School to start the Secondary
service in Africa. School. We were assured by the
then Kpembewura, the
From Pakistan to Ghana Paramount Chief of the area, as
On reaching Ghana, he was well as the then Regional
posted to Salaga, in the Northern Minister of the Northern Region,
Region, which is predominantly based in Tamale, the Regional
Muslim. True, other Capital, of maximum support.
Headmasters from Pakistan had The Minister happened to be an
served there before him. Yet, enlightened prince of Kpembi
there had been virtually no and appreciated the value of
change as far as accommodation education. He said he had tried
and other amenities were for 15 years in vain to persuade
concerned. This did not deter his people to embrace secular
him in his service to the cause of education.
In an area where people are
It was in 1971, under the adverse to secular education, it
auspices of Majlis Nusrat Jahan, takes a lot of patience and hard
that a Secondary School was work to get students to attend
established in Salaga for the first school. The question of fees did
time by the Ahmadiyya Muslim not arise. The Jama’at had to
Jama’at (Community). This was forgo the fees and offer students
no mean feat since Muslims of free or subsidised meals to
that area considered secular encourage them to attend school.
education as unIslamic and it
took a dedicated team of Steadfast and Contented
missionaries to convince the While in Accra, Sahibzada Mirza
Muslims that education was a Masroor Ahmad was found to be
key to the future of Ghana. cheerful, but it was after reaching
Salaga that he proved that he was
We were given a few classrooms also steadfast and contented.

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Accommodation in Salaga for “bone shaker” before he could

Headmasters consisted of two- get what he required to buy, be it
bedroom quarters. There was no a food item, or medicine or any
running water nor electricity in other item.
the quarters. He lived in that
condition for several years with Tree Planting
his family without ever The agriculturist that he is,
complaining. Sahibzada Mirza Masroor
Ahmad initiated a programme of
Salaga is located in a savannah tree planting on the school
area. The weather can, therefore, compound. This was to check the
be very harsh and oppressive, roof of the classroom block from
especially in harmattan when being ripped off during the
very dry wind from the Sahara frequent wind storms. It was also
blows and spreads dust in all to check erosion during rains,
directions. which could also be heavy. Of
course it offered shade and
It is not only dry but also it gets beauty to the environment but
cold at night and very hot in the also juicy mangoes when they
day. Not a pleasant weather, to be bore fruits.
sure. However, Sahibzada
Masroor Ahmad and family As the Headmaster, he had to try
braved all this with utmost to maintain good and friendly
patience. relations with the people of the
town as well as run the school to
The distance between Salaga and the satisfaction of the educational
Tamale, the Regional Capital, is authorities in the area and, of
about 90 miles. So, if he required course, to the entire satisfaction
anything to buy for himself or his also of the Khalifa who
family he had to traverse the appointed him.
countryside, on a rough and
dusty road to Tamale, on a There was no resident
vehicle popularly known as Missionary of the Jama’at then in

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Salaga. So he had to serve as a

Missionary too.

Being very far away from Accra,

the national capital and without
any means of transport, he could
scarcely travel to Accra. Life
then could be extremely boring.
Yet his was not to complain but
to give of his best, as humanly
possible, to serve the people of
the area, who were
predominantly Muslim, and the

From Salaga To Essarkyir

Some three of the eight years he Ahmadiyyat to the people of the
stayed in Ghana was spent in Gold Coast.
Salaga. He was transferred to the
Jama’at’s School at Essarkyir, as Alhaj Maulana Nayyar(ra) arrived
Headmaster. Essarkyir is only a in the Gold Coast in 1921. Chief
mile and half from Ekrawfo, the Mahdi Appah is said to be the
town of the first Ahmadi Muslim first Ahmadi in the Gold Coast.
in Ghana, Chief Mahdi Appah. The tomb of Chief Mahdi Appah
is at the Jama’at’s cemetery at
Alhaj Maulana Abdur Rahim Ekrawfo. This is the reason why
Nayyar(ra), who was then the successive Khalifas have, during
Imam of The London Mosque, their visits to Ghana, gone to
had been instructed by Hadhrat Ekrawfo, to pray for Chief
Alhaj Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahdi Appah and other pioneer
Mahmud Ahmad, Khalifatul Ahmadi Muslims.
Masih II(ra), to go to the then Gold
Coast to convey the message of

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In Essarkyir Sahibzada Mirza and walk back home after closing.

Masroor Ahmad was now close to
Saltpond, the National Permanent structures for the
Headquarters of the Jama’at in school had commenced on a 60
Ghana. There were many well- acre piece of land that had been
established Jama’ats in and around offered to the Jama’at for
Essarkyir. The Jama’at had a development.
hospital at Agona Swedru which
was run by an Ahmadi doctor With the approval of the Markaz,
from India, Dr. Tareque Ahmad, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad
presently In-Charge of the initiated the construction of a
Jama’at’s hospital in Qadian. This bungalow at the permanent site of
meant that in a way, the the school. This became a great
atmosphere here was different asset for the school. Succeeding
from that of Salaga. Yet so far as Headmasters to this day have lived
modern amenities were concerned in this building.
the conditions that prevailed here
were not very different from those Apart from the bungalow, he also
of Salaga. saw to the continued progress of
the construction of the other
Nana Akyin, the Pararnount Chief school buildings on the site.
of the Ekumfi Traditional Area
within which both Essarkyir and Respect for Authority
Ekrawfo were located, had a It is worthy of note that approval
house at Essarkyir, part of which was sought and granted before
was allotted to Sahibzada Mirza Sahibzada Mirza Masroor
Masroor Ahmad for his residence. Ahmad initiated the construction
Here too, there was neither regular of the school bungalow. The
running water nor electricity. The Majlis Nusrat Jahan has rules and
school site was some distance regulations, one of which being
away from Essarkyir. He, that expenditure must be
therefore, had to walk daily to according to budgetary allocation.
school, leaving his family behind Sahibzada Mirza Masroor

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adhered strictly to this and all the demise of Hadhrat Khaifatul

other rules and regulations of the Masih III(ru), Sahibzada Mirza
Scheme. Masroor Ahmad was devastated.

Apart from furthering the cause of He left Essarkyir for Accra and
the Senior High Schools that he remained in Accra until the
headed, he cheerfully did announcement was made of the
whatever the Jama’at required of election of the Fourth Khalifa.
him. Thereafter, he signed the renewal’
of bai’at before he left for his duty
When Hadhrat Mirza Nasir post at Essarkyir.
Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih III(ru),
paid his second visit to Ghana in The Wheat Experiment
1980, Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru)
Ahmad was appointed the was skeptical about the popular
Coordinator of the Programmes notion in Ghana that wheat could
Committee for the visit. not grow in the country. Knowing
how useful an experiment in this
His spouse was also the direction could be, economically,
Coordinator of hospitality for the country, Hadhrat
Committee. Both discharged their Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) set up a
duties with the utmost sense of three-member Committee which
urgency and responsibility and included Sahibzada Mirza
thereby were instrumental in the Masroor Ahmad to prepare a
spectacular success of that feasibility study in this regard.
historic visit. Other members were Syed Qasim
Ahmad Shah and Mr.
Attachment to Khilafat Maqsoodullah Chattah. The two
He was strongly attached to other agriculturists were then
Khilafat. That is why he was so based in Nigeria. They proceeded
obedient to as well as cooperative to Ghana, and together with
with the Jama’at’s authorities. Sahibzada Mirza Masroor
When the news reached Ghana of Ahmad, the feasibility study was

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prepared and submitted to assigned him by Hadhrat

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) Khalifatul Masih IV(ru) of blessed
for his study and approval. memory.

Meanwhile, the two other Monumental Achievement

members of the Committee Through the grace of Allah, it was
returned to Nigeria. When the a great success. Alhamdulillah.
approval reached Ghana, it was
left to Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Meanwhile two full time
Ahmad to initiate the project. As agriculturists had indicated that
an experienced and accomplished they had tried a similar
agriculturist, he carefully studied experiment with government
not only the soil but also the support, without success.
weather pattern of various areas in According to them they had tried
Ghana. With the approval of with some 21 varieties of wheat,
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru), a also in the Northern Ghana but in
piece of land was acquired at vain! That Sahibzada Mirza
Depali, some 40 miles from Masroor Ahmad succeeded where
Tamale. He and his family, others failed can be attributed
therefore, moved from Essarkyir only to hard work and prayers and
to Tamale. A modest house of 2 the blessings of God.
bedrooms was purchased, at the
cost of ¢200,OOO Cedis which The research findings of
served as his residence and that of Sahibzada Mirza Masroor Ahmad
his family. were made available to Ghana’s
Ministry of Agriculture. The
For the first time, with Markazi wheat, significantly called
(Headquarter) approval, a second- “Ghana Wheat”, was also
hand pick-up was purchased to exhibited at an International
enable him to travel from Tamale Trade Fair held in Accra which
to Depali, 40 miles away – to was witnessed by about 1 million
work and return to Tamale on a people from both Ghana and
daily basis, in pursuit of the task abroad.

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This was a monumental It was then that the high

achievement and to show nutritional value of soya bean
appreciation for this remarkable was brought to the attention of
achievement by the Jama’at, the Ghanaian public.
Ghana Posts have decided to
release a commemorative Prediction Fulfilled
Postage Stamp with a picture of When Sahibzada Mirza Masroor
the “Ghana Wheat” on it to mark Ahmad was leaving Rabwah for
the Khilafat Centenary Jubilee Ghana, one of the things Hadhrat
year. Inshallah. Mirza Nasir Ahmad, Khalifatul
Masih III(ru) told him was that
All praise is due to Allah. Lord of there is a great untapped treasure
all the worlds! beneath the land of Ghana.

Soya Bean It is not surprising, therefore, that

There was yet another true to the prediction, oil, which
experiment which was carried turns the wheels of modern-day
out by Sahibzada Mirza Masroor economy, has been discovered in
Ahmad – that of the cultivation Ghana. It is believed that it is in
of soya bean. such commercial quantities that
it is mind boggling!
This experiment was done at the
Ahmadiyya Secondary School It is our sincere prayer to Allah
Farm at Essarkyir in the Central that Ghana is guided aright so
Region of Ghana. When the then she does not go the way of such
President of Ghana, His other countries which did not
Excellency Dr. Hillah Liman quite succeed in using their oil
went to the School on an for the prosperity of their people.
inspection tour, he was presented
with a sackful of the soya beans
produced at Essarkyir which
event was given maximum
publicity in the Ghanaian media.

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V

Election to Office By Tommy Bockarie Kallon – UK

April 19, 2003, is a day Ahmadi steps to ameliorate their plight; a

Muslims will never forget. man of kindness whose
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad, personage shone like light from
Khalifatul Masih IV(ru), had been Heaven. He was a man of
Head of the worldwide gentility but also of authority; a
Ahmadiyya Muslim community man of purity whose soul was at
for almost twenty-one years. A peace with his Lord. Whoever
whole generation of Ahmadi met him could not fail to feel
Muslims had grown up knowing they were in the presence of
him as their leader. Suddenly on greatness. He spoke pearls of
this day five years ago came the wisdom and his words had
shattering news of his sudden power and force. At the same
demise. time, he was humble and made
each and every Ahmadi feel
The news of his passing away special. His aura was truly
sent the length and breadth of indescribable as was the grief
the global Ahmadiyya Muslim that was now felt by the millions
community into shock and grief. who loved him above everyone
Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ru) else.
was no ordinary leader; he was a
fearless champion of Islam who However, as Muslims, the
had put the Ahmadiyya Muslim members of the Community
Community on the road to bowed their heads to the decree
worldwide spiritual triumph of Allah with full faith in
with masterly swiftness; a promise contained in the Ayat-
Khalifa of the people; a ul-Istakhlaf, dealing with the
charismatic man who felt the subject of Khilafat: ‘He will
suffering of the poor and took surely give them in exchange

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security and peace after their whose members live but

fear.’ (Ch.24:V.56) they are dormant as long as
I live. It is neither their
Speaking about a series of responsibility, nor yours,
revelations vouchsafed unto him nor anybody else’s. God
from on high which presaged his will decide who will be the
imminent departure from this next Khalifa and the
life, the Promised Messiah(as) had expression of God’s Will
prophesied in categorical terms will be made through the
that after him would be oracle of this Electoral
instituted the system of Khilafat College… When the next
and that it would remain Khalifa comes, either
unbroken until the Day of accept him or reject him
Judgement. but, I assure you, God will
accept him and whoever
All four successors to the opposes him, his efforts
Promised Messiah(as) up to then will be frustrated…”
had also re-affirmed the words (Quoted in Ahmadiyya
of the Promised Messiah(as) and Bulletin UK, May/June
given the community the glad- 2003 edition)
tidings that the great bounty of
Allah which was Khilafat would So it was with great hope and
remain with them. On being expectation that the members of
asked a question about his the Ahmadiyya Muslim
successor, for instance, Hadhrat Community converged upon the
Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Fazl Mosque, London, as the
Masih IV(ru), made the following Electoral college (Majlis
remarks in his answer: Intikhab) convened inside the
mosque on the night of April 22,
“…It is the Electoral 2003, to discharge the all-
College which has already important trust of electing the
been constituted and next Khalifa. Millions who

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could not travel to London exhilarating announcement.

stayed tuned to MTA awaiting Tears of joy were shed as
the announcement that would preparations were made for a
mark the beginning, for the first general pledge of allegiance
time in Islamic history, of the era from the members of the
of a fifth Khalifa. With full Community. Sadness and
cognizance that this was a most anxiety gave way to contentment
sensitive and critical time in the and equanimity. Once again the
life of the Community, everyone Promised Messiah’s(as) prophecy
was engaged in prayer for about Khilafat had materialised
Allah’s grace and mercy. before our eyes with full glory
and magnificence. Once again,
After what, at the time, seemed in accordance with the promise
like an eternity, the microphone of God Almighty, the Second
from the mosque crackled and Manifestation of His Power had
came to life and with it the news exchanged the state of fear into
by Mr Ataul Mujeeb Rashed, one of peace and security, in the
Secretary of the Electroral most dignified manner; the
College, that everyone was Community was united at the
waiting for. The Electoral hand of one Imam: a fitting
College had elected Hadhrat testament to the seamless
Sahibzada Mirza Masroor stability that Hadhrat Mirza
Ahmad – a distinguished Tahir Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih
agriculturalist, an estimable IV(ru) had imparted into the
teacher and an outstanding Community during his tenure of
administrator – as Khalifatul office.
Masih V and all members of the
Electoral College had already In Pakistan, he had served the
taken the pledge of allegiance at Community in various
his blessed hands. There was capacities, most notably, as
visible and palpable relief all Nazir A’la (Chief Executive
round at this spiritually Director) of the Sadr Anjuman

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Ahmadiyya Pakistan and local great reformist whose sermons

Amir where he proved to be an incite the members of the
administrator par excellence. Community to climb moral and
spiritual heights. At a time of
It was while he was serving as great global scepticism and
Nazir A’la that a fabricated animosity towards Islam, his
charge of blasphemy was lectures are helping to foster
brought against him and three greater understanding, tolerance
others. He had the honour of and respect for, and among, all
becoming a prisoner in the name faiths. He ensures that not only
of Allah in Pakistan for 10 days, Islam but all religions are
the case against him still open recognised for their true and
but never brought to trial.. It was peaceful teachings.
at this time that Lord Eric
Avebury of the Parliamentary Five years on from that eventful
Human Rights Group urged the day of his election to the exalted
British government and the office of Khalifatul Masih V he
Pakistan authorities to set him remains the uniting force of the
free and to withdraw the charges global Ahmadiyya Muslim
against him. Both had never met Community and under whose
each other but after Khilafat, a wise and blessed leadership, the
new friendship has emerged torch of Ahmadiyyat continues
amongst them that subsists to to burn and illuminate the whole
this day. world.

As Khalifatul Masih, he brings

to his task a simplistic yet highly
disciplined and thorough
approach to work. He has the
unique quality of getting down
to the heart of the matter and
dealing with it squarely. He is a

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Historic Visit of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V to

Ghana in 2004
A personal account of the historic visit of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V to Ghana
in 2004 – his first visit after election to the office of Khilafat.
By Maulana Abdul Wahab Adam Sb, Ghana

Ahmadi Muslims of Ghana came arrival was creating the euphoria,

to Kotoka International Airport in They did not have to wait for too
Accra from all over the country. long to see who that personality
Among them was a Member of was! He was of course Hadhrat
the Council of State, the Council Mirza Masroor Ahmad,
that is mandated by the Khalifatul Masih V, Fifth
Constitution of Ghana to advise Successor of the Founder of the
the President of the Republic. world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim
Also present were Ministers of Community the Spiritual Guide
State, Members of Parliament, and Leader of a Community of
high ranking civil servants, millions of peaceful, religious,
professionals as well as ordinary disciplined, and dedicated people
members of the Community – in 190 countries of the world,.
men, women and children.
Wild shouts of takbeer rent the air
Arrival when he appeared along with his
When the British Airways aircraft consort. This was the moment that
arrived at the airport, there was Ghanaian Ahmadis had been
jubilation already, but the moment waiting for: Hadhrat Khalifatul
the aircraft taxied to a stop and the Masih V on Ghanaian soil.
door got opened, the mood was
simply electrifying! After the presentation of the
bouquet, the decoration of the
It is said that those on the airplane august guest by the Amir with the
were wondering as to the traditional garland of rich hand-
personality on the aircraft whose woven Kente cloth with the

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inscription: ‘Welcome to Ghana’ Houses in Ghana. The plot on

said it all. which the magnificent Accra
Mission House now stands, was
Press Conference donated by the Jama’at’s ex-
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V and President, Alhaj Muhammad
members of his entourage were W.E. Arthur, the first Member of
ushered into the VIP Lounge after Parliament of Mfantsiman
shaking hands with all the Constituency of the Central
dignitaries who were at the airport Region of Ghana and the then
to receive him. After a brief press Chief Executive of the Ghana
conference, in which he said he Housing Corporation.
had come to Ghana to visit his
people, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih At the time, the National
V left the airport for the National Headquarters of the Mission was
Headquarters of the Ahmadiyya located at Saltpond. Today, apart
Muslim Mission at Osu, in Accra, from the Mission House, there is
escorted by motor cycle riders. on the plot of land, an imposing
Mosque of Moorish architecture a
Directive Guest House, Offices and an
It is worth mentioning that one of Exhibition Hall.
the directives received from
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V Courtesy Calls on Hudhur
before his maiden visit to Ghana It was here that our beloved
was that his stay would always be Spiritual Master stayed
at the Mission House, not at a throughout the period he was in
hotel or Government Guest Accra. It was here that H.E. Alhaj
House. Aliu Mahama, the Vice President
of the Republic of Ghana, called
The direct effect of this directive on him. It was here that the Ex
was the renovation of all the Vice President of Ghana, Prof.
buildings at the National Evans Atta Mills, also paid a
Headquarters of the Jama’at and courtesy call on him.
all the other Regional Mission

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Hudhur At The Castle highest honour conferred upon

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V had you by the Almighty Allah.’
arrived in the night. The
following day, he was received at Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
the Castle, the seat of expressed his gratitude to the
Government. by H.E. Mr. John President for his warm reception
Agyekum Kufuor, President of and prayed for the unity, peace
the Republic of Ghana. and progress of Ghana.

The President could not hide his National Annual Convention

feelings on seeing Hadhrat His Excellency, the President was
Khalifatul Masih V. Here is a kind enough to grace the National
person who had spent 8 years of Annual Convention of the
the prime of his life to render Jama’at held at its 25-acre
dedicated service to the people of Conference Centre in Accra,
Ghana. affectionately named by Hadhrat
Khatifatul Masih IV, Allah’s
The very first successful mercy be on him as Bustan-e-
experiment of wheat cultivation in Ahmad, i.e. the Garden of Ahmad.
Ghana had been done by this Here again, the President
dedicated son of Ahmadiyyat. He acknowledged the contribution of
had helped to bring quality the Ahmadiyya Muslim
education and moral excellence to Community to Ghana, in the
the doorsteps of people, both in fields of education, health,
the North and in the South of agriculture and manpower
Ghana. development.

The President’s Remarks Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, in a

No wonder the President said to passionate address, set out the
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V, ‘We peaceful message of Islam and
consider you as a Ghanaian. called on the people of the world
Yours is a home-coming. We to live together in love, amity and
share with you the glory of the harmony.

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The then High Commissioner of premier University, the

Canada to Ghana who had been University of Ghana, Legon.
privileged to listen to Hudhur’s
address met Hudhur after the They all paid glowing tribute to
historic session of the Conference the peaceful disposition of the
and remarked: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community
in Ghana, thereby practically
‘This is a message for confirming the peaceful message
everybody in the world.’ delivered by Hadhrat Khalifatul
Masih V .
At the Convention were leaders of
various religions, including, the The Friday Prayer Service
then only Ghanaian Cardinal of The following day was a Friday.
the Catholic Church, His The sermon as usual was
Eminence, Cardinal Peter Appiah delivered in Urdu and was
Turkson, also H.E. the simultaneously interpreted into
Ambassador of the Holy See, the local Akan language. For the
Heads of other Christian first time in the history of
Churches, and a Representative of Ahmadiyyat in Ghana, a Khalifa’s
the National Chief Imam. sermon was being carried LIVE
by satellite through the MTA
Also present were diplomats (Muslim Television Ahmadiyya)
including the then British High International to the farthest ends
Commissioner to Ghana, the of the world. Ghanaian Ahmadis
Canadian High Commissioner, across the world who watched the
and the Algerian Ambassador. programme were beside
There were traditional rulers themselves with wonder and joy!
among whom was the King of
the Ga Traditional Area. Travel to the Hinterland
Academics were also not left out. The Convention over, Hadhrat
They included the Vice Khalifatul Masih V decided to
Chancellor. Prof. Kwadwo leave Accra – the nation’s capital
Assenso Okyere, of Ghana’s and travel to the regions and to the

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hinterland. Here again Hadhrat He also inspected, the Ahmadiyya

Khalifatul Masih V’s preference Muslim Mission’s Homoeopathic
was to travel by road, not by air, to Clinic in Buadi, near Kumasi, and
enable him to see and feel the the Tahir Homoeopathic
remarkable progress that had been Complex, where homoeopathic
made by the Jama’at in Ghana globules and medicines are
through the grace of Allah. manufactured and supplied to
almost all the countries of Africa
This meant journeying on rough and beyond.
roads in the heat of the sun and
through a dusty terrain to some of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V was
the towns in far off areas, where visibly moved when he visited the
the mosques, Mission Houses, educational institutions he headed
Senior High Schools, the Teacher while here many years ago.
Training College, the Missionary
Training College and the Girls Guards of Honour formed by
Vocational Institute of the Jama’at School Cadet Corps, were
and the kindergartens were mounted in his honour at these
located high schools.

Inspection of Schools and He inspected facilities in these

Hospitals institutions and gave instructions
It also afforded him the to the Amir or Heads of the
opportunity to inspect almost all Institutions, where necessary, for
the Jama’at’s Medical Centres, the improvement of teaching and
the hospitals at Swedru in the learning in the institutions. These
Central Region, Daboase in the included the provision of more
Western Region, Asokore and computers, air conditioners in the
Kokofu in the Ashanti Region, computer laboratories, the
Techiman in the Brong/Ahafo construction of Mosques and the
Region. and Kaleo in the Upper improvement of facilities in the
West Region of Ghana. hostels and boarding houses. He
was requested that trees be

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planted in all the schools he Secondary School. Also the

visited. He wrote in the remarks Amir & Mr Ibrahim K. Gyasi are
he graciously left in the schools’ Members of the Board of
Visitors’ Books that he had been Trustees of the King’s initiated
highly impressed with the Otumfuo Education Fund, the
progress made. He added, first of its kind in Ghana, to help
however, that there was room for brilliant but needy students to
further improvement and that he sail through their educational
hoped we would not relent in our pursuits.
efforts towards the achievement
of excellence. Mention of the list of Otumfuo’s
Ghanaian Ahmadi subjects cannot
Durbars be complete without mentioning
Mini durbars were held in his H.E. Mr. Ismail .B.K. Addo,
honour in the Southern and former Ambassador of Ghana to
Northern parts of Ghana. That of Ethiopia, well known to Ahmadis
the South was held by the King all over the world, as ‘Bara
of Asante, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II. Bacha’ an affectionate accolade
Apart from the fact that the given him by Hadhrat Khalifatul
Jama’at’s very first Secondary Masih IV, of blessed memory.
School and three health facilities
are located in the Ashanti region, The porcupine is the symbol of
among the King’s subjects are the Asante nation. It symbolises
Maulvi A. Wahab Adam, the the numerical strength as well as
Amir & Missionary-In-Charge of the resilience of the Asantis. The
Ghana, Mr. Abdullah Nasir King, during the mini durbar,
Boateng, the first Ghanaian decorated Hudhur with an
Headmaster of the Jama’at’s insignia of the Asante nation, the
premier School, T. I. Ahmadiyya porcupine, in solid gold.
Secondary School in Kumasi,
Mr. Ibrahim. K. Gyasi, also Near Salaga in the Northern
former Headmaster of the Region of Ghana, is Kpembi the
Kumasi TI. Ahmadiyya traditional seat of the

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Kpembiwura, the traditional Head and fervent prayers bring the

of the Gonja people. It would be whole nation into the fold of
recalled that Hadhrat Khalifatul Ahmadiyyat – the true Islam. May
Masih V had served as the Allah bless the Jama’at’
Headmaster of the Salaga
Ahmadiyya Muslim Senior High Spectacular Expansion
School. While inspecting the new
magnificent Ahmadiyya Muslim
The Traditional Ruler of the area Mosque at Tamale, the Capital of
also held a mini durbar in honour the Northern Region, Hudhur
of Hudhur. The Paramount Chief remarked:
presented a special traditional
hand-woven gown to Hudhur ‘During our stay in Ghana
with a traditional cap to match, At one could not even imagine
both durbars, Hadhrat Khalifatul that such a Mosque could be
Masih V expressed his deep built here.
appreciation and gratitude for the
honour conferred on him By the grace of Allah, it is
not only the Jama’at’s
Hudhur’s Comments Mosques in Northern Ghana
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V had that would strike one as
graciously set out his impressions spectacular but also the
of the Ghana Jama’at in the numerous newly established
Jama’at’s Visitors Book as schools in the region and in
follows: particular, the growing
Ahmadi Muslim congre-
‘Mashallah, By the grace of gations in the North,
Allah, the pace of progress of comprising, among others,
Ghana Jama’at is very Paramount Chiefs, Imams
encouraging. May Allah enable and highly learned Islamic
the Jama’at Ghana to continue scholars. It is a complete
with this pace and with humble transformation, Allah be
service of the people of Ghana praised!’

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Natural Beauty served in other countries gathered

It is a fact that a lot of together, with their families and
misconceptions exist about Africa had the rare opportunity of an
in the minds of people, all over audience with their Spiritual
the world. leader in an informal setting.
Children recited the Holy Qur’an
To help remove these and poems of the Promised
misconceptions, Hudhur went to Messiah(as).
all lengths to direct the MTA crew
to film the captivating natural Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
beauty of Ghana, in order to interacted with all of them and
illustrate to the viewers that though he did not make a formal
Ghana. an African country, speech, it was apparent that he
abounds in natural beauty, was grateful to Allah for His
comparable to any other part of grace in endowing the
the world: Green forests Community of the Promised
captivating waterfalls, sparkling Messiah(as), with such dedicated
rivers and lakes as well as servants from so many and such
beautiful sandy beeches. There diverse countries, in fulfillment of
are also intimidating hills and His promise to the Promised
mountains, not to talk of the Messiah(as) that ‘Men will assist
dancing monkeys, friendly you whom We will inspire from the
crocodiles and colourful heavens’.
Mention has been made of
The Aburi Get-Together Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s
To this end he went to Bunso and engagements in different parts of
Aburi gardens, both in the Eastern the country. These included
Region of Ghana. In the beautiful formal opening and foundation
garden of Aburi, all the Markazi laying ceremonies of mosques
staff, made up of Missionaries, and printing press etc. For some
doctors and teachers - those who time now, the Jama’at’s Printing
served in Ghana and those who Press had remained, in one of the

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halls of the National Headquarters the Accra Mission House and the
of the Jama’at. During his visit, magnificent mosque, Hadhrat
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V laid a Khalifatul Masih V interacted
foundation for the construction of with dignitaries from various
a Printing Press on a permanent walks of life. The occasion was
site at Tema in the Greater Accra graced among others, by H.E. the
Region of Ghana. It has since Vice President of the Republic of
been built. Ghana, the Pope’s Ambassador to
Ghana and the Acting. King of the
For the record, Hadhrat Khalifatul Ga Traditional Area.
Masih V travelled extensively in
Ghana – Accra, the capital, Departure
Potsin, Saltpond. Essarkyir, Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
Ekrawfo in the Central Region. decided to travel by road to
Daboase in the Western Region, Burkina Faso. It was a long
Kumasi. Asokore, Kokofu and journey and the construction of
Buadi in the Ashanti Region, some parts of the roads which was
Techiman in the Brong/Ahafo then on-going, impeded the
Region, Tamale, Kperiga, Salaga. progress of the journey. However,
& Kpembi in the Northern led by Police cars with lights
Region, Bolgatanga in the Upper flashing and siren blaring, this
East Region and Wa in the Upper facilitated the journey time.
West Region. This was the most
extensive tour to have been Ahmadi Muslims, especially
undertaken by any Khalifa in those who did not have the
Ghana. privilege of meeting him during
the Jalsa had the unique
Reception opportunity of seeing and meeting
A day before Hadhrat Khalifatul with him in their own towns and
Masih V left Accra, a reception villages. The welcome scenes
was held in his honour at the everywhere was overwhelming
National Headquarters of the but that of Kumasi and Wa were
Jama’at. On the lawns between simply fantastic.

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Ghana-Burkina Faso Border most African countries has

Significantly at the Ghana – monetary difficulties. Building
Burkina Faso border, an roads costs money and building
individual Ahmadi had single- dual carriage roads costs greatly.
handedly constructed a Yet, after Hadhrat Khalifatul
magnificent mosque. Though its Masih V’s visit, over 90% of all
formal opening was not the rough and dusty roads
preplanned, Hudhur graciously Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
accepted our request to open the used during his visit have been
mosque. It was a grand finale to covered in tarmac and some
a spectacularly successful visit. expanded into dual carriage
Arrangements had been made in
advance, at the Ghana - Burkina One wonders where from the
Faso border to facilitate Hadhrat money was found to do all that!
Khalifatul Masih V entry to Allah Be Praised!
Burkina Faso. Some officials of
the Jama’at accompanied To me, that is one of the many
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V to blessings of Hadhrat Khalifatul
Burkina Faso. Masih V’s visit to our country.

And so ended a splendid And our last words are: All

opportunity to welcome Hadhrat praise is due to Allah, Lord of
Khalifatul Masih V to Ghana on all the worlds.
his very first visit to any country
of the world, after his elevation
to the highest office of Khalifa
tul Masih.

Let me conclude this article on a
development seen as nothing
short of a miracle: Ghana, like

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s Tour of The Far

East and South East Asia in 2006
By Khalid Saifullah – Australia

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V also Messiah(as) that are a guiding light

toured various countries in the Far for each Ahmadi to this day,
East and South East Asia – these Hudhur counselled the ways and
included Singapore, Fiji, means to attain love and nearness
Australia, New Zealand and to God.
Hudhur explained that the
Australia Promised Messiah(as) has left us
One of the first countries Hudhur the institution of Khilafat, through
visited in this part of the world which we may take the message
was Australia. The Australians of God and His Prophet(saw) to the
had the privilege of the presence corners of the earth and through
of Hudhur at their Jalsa which which we may discipline
took place on the 14th, 15th and ourselves in terms of obedience
16th April during which Hudhur and compliance. For service of
gave a Friday Sermon, an address troubled humanity he initiated and
to the Lajna and the concluding left us the institution of Wasiyyat
address on the final day. Hudhur ‘The Will’, which was in
spoke with reference to the accordance to Divine
pioneer Ahmadi of Australia; commandment.
Hadhrat Sufi Musa Khan Sahib(ra),
who brought Ahmadiyyat to the Hudhur said Hadhrat Sufi Sahib(ra)
continent of Australia in 1903, was the first ever Musi (subscriber
during the lifetime of the to the institution of Wasiyyat)
Promised Messiah(as). outside of the Indian
subcontinent. With his sub-
Expounding the contents of a scription of March 1906, a
letter sent to Hadhrat Sufi Sahib(ra) centenary of the fruit of Wasiyyat
on behalf of the Promised in Australia has been reached.

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Hudhur said it was not just a New Zealand

coincidence that he should be Hudhur attended the Jalsa in New
visiting Australia at the time of Zealand convened on the 5th and
the completion of exactly one 6th of May. Hudhur said
hundred years of the first Musi of Ahmadiyyat came to Fiji forty to
Australia. Hudhur said he did not fifty years ago and the few elders
have any knowledge of this brought about pure changes in
particular fact. themselves and made many
sacrifices and succeeded in taking
Hudhur said the letter to Hadhrat the message of Ahmadiyyat, the
Sufi Sahib also drew attention to true Islam to others. Today, as the
taking the message of people were greater in number
Ahmadiyyat to others; certainly and the resources were better,
the current world situation endeavours needed to be made to
demands that people are shown demonstrate good practical
the way; we need to benefit others models of the teachings of Islam
from the water of spirituality that and the message taken to the
has been granted to us. people of the country.

Fiji Hudhur said when divine

Hudhur also delivered the Friday chastisement is impending
sermon in Fiji on the occasion of everyone cries out for help; a true
its 39th Jalsa and the concluding believer is one who prays
speech the following day. More beforehand. He said that the
than 500 people attended this geology of the area was such that
session. In his address Hudhur there was always the danger of
expressed the need for people to earthquakes and tsunamis there;
speak the truth. He stated that if indeed that there had been such a
one was able to leave the vice of [tsunami] warning the day before
lying then one would eventually which had been averted by Allah.
leave all vices, because one would While in New Zealand, he met a
not be able to hide his misdoings. descendant of Mr. Clement
He gave inspiring examples from Lindley Wragge, a famous
the life of the Holy Prophet(saw). Australian meteorologist, who
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met the Promised Messiah(as) but war progress especially in the

joined the community later. field of technology. This has
inclined them to worldly things,
Japan yet they remain interested in
Hudhur also graced the 26th Jalsa religion and have a desire to learn
Salana in Japan on the Friday 12th about Islam.
and Saturday 13th of May. In his
Friday Sermon from Nagoya Hudhur said many in the
which opened the Jalsa Salana, congregation were from the
Hudhur referred to taking the families of the companions of the
message of the Promised Promised Messiah(as) and they
Messiah(as), which is indeed the should be mindful that they are
teaching of the Holy Prophet(saw) to representative of Islam in the
the people of Japan and said that it land. It was the Promised
was the wish of the Promised Messiah’s(as) desire to spread
Messiah(as) to arrange for books Islam in this country as its
and literature to be published for inhabitants are good-natured
the Japanese people whom he people. Hudhur said this task
considered to be searching for a should not be simply left for the
good religion. missionaries; indeed members of
the Community should self-reflect
It was in 1935 that Hadhrat and analyse themselves, reform
Musleh Mau’od(ra) sent mission- their ways and mould their lives in
aries to this country – these people accordance to Islam. In doing so,
worked with great dedication and it is their practices that will attract
devotion. people to the Islamic teaching.
Hudhur urged that this should be
However, after the Second World sought via prayers.
War the situation changed and
there were obstacles. The country
suffered a great loss in the War;
nevertheless, being a courageous
nation they have made great post-

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Historic Visit to Canada and Qadian

By Fauzia Bajwa – Canada

Before his 2008 visit, Hadhrat representatives. From there he

Khalifatul Masih V visited was driven to Peace Village, the
Canada twice after being elected small township populated mainly
Khalifa, first in 2004 and then in by Ahmadis and whose landscape
2005. On both occasions he is dominated by the impressive
celebrated Canada Day and Bai’tul Islam mosque. On his
presided over the 28th and 29th arrival there, he was greeted by
Jalsa Salana respectively. 6,000 Ahmadis and was given a
guard of honour by the local
2004 Visit police.
The Jama’at Ahmadiyya Canada
is headquartered in Maple, Ten thousand people were present
Ontario, close to Toronto. It was at the first Jumu’ah service held at
here in the summer of 2004 that the International Centre near the
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V airport. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih
stayed for the entire duration of V also had the opportunity to visit
his first visit to Canada which the Ahmadiyya Abode of Peace.
lasted for two weeks. The 28th This is a 14 storey apartment
Jalsa Salana, Canada was the building housing 150 Ahmadi
centre point of this visit. families located in the town of
Hudhur arrived at Toronto’s
Pearson International Airport on Canada Day falls every year on
June 21, 2004 and was greeted July 1st. It is a national holiday,
at the airport by an assembly of commemorating the establish-
dignitaries headed by Maulana ment of the Canadian Federal
Naseem Mahdi (then Amir of Government in 1867.
Canada), and including federal
ministers and MPs as well as Jalsa Salana was held from July 2-
provincial and municipal 4, 2004 at the International
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Centre, in Mississauga. More than 2005 visit

21,000 people were in attendance. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V flew
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V from the UK to Vancouver
addressed the delegates on all International Airport on Saturday
three days. In addition to the June 4, 2005. He was greeted at
thousands of Ahmadis, a number the airport by a delegation of
of federal and provincial MPs dignitaries led by Maulana
participated in the Jalsa on the Naseem Mahdi. Vancouver is the
final day. The Honourable Joseph third largest city in Canada.
Volpe, then Federal Minister for
Human Resources, paid tribute to Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s
the Ahmadiyya Jama’at in the journey through the Western part
following words: of Canada began in Vancouver
and lasted for 17 days. On
‘…The Prime Minister Saturday June 11, Hadhrat
wanted me to add a few Khalifatul Masih V laid the
words. He wanted me to foundation stone for the first
indicate that what makes this Ahmadiyya Mosque in
country strong is what is here Vancouver. He named it Bait-ur-
before us today. People with Rahman. Members of Federal and
great initiative, with great Provincial parliaments were
enterprise, a sense of present at the ceremony.
adventure, those who would
leave other places and bring In Calgary, he laid the foundation
all of those attributes to a stone for the new mosque Baitun
place like ours – Canada, Noor. The Calgary mosque is
their country, our country.’ being built on 4 acres of land,
north-east of Calgary. The
The Monday after Jalsa, Hadhrat construction plans include a
Khalifatul Masih V returned to Mission House, offices, a guest
the UK. house and multi-purpose halls.

From Calgary Hadhrat Khalifatul

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Masih V continued his journey conclusion of the meeting,

eastward; he inspected the Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
Jama’at land in Edmonton and presented the Prime Minister with
Lloyd Minster. Saskatoon was his a shield and a copy of the book
last stop on his tour of Western ‘The Philosophy of the Teachings
Canada. of Islam’ by the Promised
Messiah(as). Hadhrat Khalifatul
He flew into Toronto’s Pearson Masih V flew back to Toronto the
International Airport three days same day.
before the 29th Jalsa Salana was
to commence. The following day was Canada
Day, which Hadhrat Khalifatul
Jalsa was held on Friday 24th Masih V celebrated with the
June through to Sunday 26th June Jama’at in a park near the Baitul
at the International Centre where Islam Mosque.
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V led
the Friday prayers, inaugurated Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V also
the Jalsa and presided over four of laid the foundation stone for the
its sessions. Brampton Mosque (Brampton is a
suburb of Toronto) and then
Many dignitaries attended the last travelled east, by road, to Ottawa
day of Jalsa and addressed the and Montreal to Toronto via
congregation. One of the Cornwall, a small town in
dignitaries was Mr. Stephen Ontario, before returning to
Harper, the present Prime Toronto on Monday July 4th. He
Minister of Canada. (At that time left for the UK on Wednesday
he was a Federal MP and leader of July 6th.
the Official Opposition).
Six days after Jalsa Hadhrat Hudhur’s historic visit to
Khalifatul Masih V flew to Qadian in 2005
Ottawa where he met the then Although Hudhur had addressed
Prime Minister of Canada, Mr. the 2003 Qadian Jalsa via satellite
Paul Martin for 45 minutes. At the from London, in which he spoke

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on the need for tolerance, his visit including his mother and other
to the blessed town of Qadian in family members.
India was to take place two years
later in 2005. Apart from the Jalsa, Hudhur
visited over 300 homes meeting
This Jalsa was especially historic members of the Jama’at. He was
as it was only the second one to also able to meet with all the
have been blessed with the office bearers and met all the
presence of the Khalifa of the Dervesh (those who stayed
time. The 1991 Qadian Jalsa was behind to protect Qadian after the
held in the presence of Hadhrat partition of India and Pakistan.)
Khalifatul Masih IV(ru). Hudhur also visitied the many
blessed places where the
Before reaching Qadian, Hadhrat Promised Messiah(as) lived, prayed
Khalifatul Masih V was in Delhi and worked as well as the
where among other tours, he Bahishti Maqbara where he and
visited the tomb of Bakhtiya other blessed companions are
Kaki, a Muslim saint from the buried.
twelfth century. The visit was of
significance as it was exactly a He also gave detailed instructions
hundred years earlier in on the development of Qadian
November 1905 that the Promised and the relocation of adminis-
Messiah(as) had also paid a visit to trative offices to the growing
this tomb. outer ares.

Hudhur spent the majority of his It was a truly memorable event.

visit in Qadian The Jalsa was
attended by around 70,000
people. This was the first time
also that many members of the
jamaat from Pakistan were able to
see Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V
since his election to office,

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Ongoing Impact of Khilafat

By Adam Walker – UK

Mujadid Alf Thani, Hadhrat Shah which cannot be underestimated

Wali Ullah of Delhi(ru), has in terms of human value but
expressed in his writings that a should be recognised and
rightly guided Khalifa can be respected. Our life here is only a
likened to the human heart. The short period of time and it is only
spiritual light of Allah enters the through a continuous enhance-
heart of the Khalifa (who is the ment in our awareness of our
heart of the Ummah) which is Lord, comprehension of His
then pumped around the body Tauhid (Unity), and an
which is representative of the improvement in good works that
Muslim Community (Ummah). we attain a noble status in the next
Each Khalifa has a unique and life. In this journey of ours we are
unparalleled role to play in the blessed to have the Khalifa to
world. During their term as guide us in a way which facilitates
Khalifa, they are charged with and advances our journey. Whilst
unique missions which they fulfil we are each accountable for our
on behalf of the Prophet they own personal actions and choices
represent. in life, it has always been the case
that we, the Muslims, can be
This article seeks to outline how, likened to a flock of sheep guided
over the past five years, Hadhrat by Allah’s appointed shepherd in
Mirza Masroor Ahmad has the person of a Prophet, Khalifa or
impacted mankind and in reflect Mujadid.
on a few areas that illustrate
Hudhur’s invaluable contribution Continuing the Mission of the
to the world as a Khalifa thus far. Promised Messiah(as)
Since Hudhur became Khalifatul
Matters of the soul and human Masih he has been spending a
spiritual advancement are things great deal of time focusing on the

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spiritual enhancement of man- Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

kind. The recent influx of people In effect, he has concentrated on
entering the Ahmadiyya Jama’at ensuring that the mass influx of
has meant that much of the past new Ahmadi Muslims are
twenty years has been focused on building their revived Islamic
facilitating the Jama’at’s lives as Ahmadi Muslims on the
tremendous growth through solid spiritual foundations which
various initiatives which include the Promised Messiah(as)
the Waqf Nau scheme (a scheme instructed. In essence, Hadhrat
which will enable the Ahmadiyya Khalifatul Masih V has been
Jama’at to have at its disposal a tireless in his efforts to relay the
large number of trained message of the Promised
professionals all dedicating their Messiah(as). Therefore, for us to
lives to the service of mankind), better understand some of the
the opening of additional spiritual goals of Hadhrat
missionary training colleges, and Khalifatul Masih V, it is important
the advancement of the Jama’at’s that we refer ourselves back to the
global humanitarian effort. When Promised Messiah(as). In one place
Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad he has written:
began in his role as Khalifa, some
of these systems of expansion ‘O ye people who consider
were already in place due to the yourselves members of my
forward thinking of the late and Jama‘at! You will be
beloved Khalifatul Masih IV(ru). accounted as such in heaven
when you truly tread upon
Whilst Hadhrat Mirza Masroor the path of righteousness. So
Ahmad has continued to expand, offer the five daily prayers in
develop and consolidate these such fear and with such
projects he has also turned the complete attention as if you
majority of his attention to are actually beholding God
matters of spirituality. His Almighty. Observe your
Khilafat has, thus far, focused Fasts in full sincerity for the
upon the moral training of the sake of God. Let everyone

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who is assessable to Zakat, Hudhur has continuously been

pay the Zakat. Let him upon admonishing mankind to rush
whom the Pilgrimage is towards adopting those righteous
obligatory and there is no practices which would invoke
obstruction in his way, Allah’s Rahmaniyyah (Mercy)
perform the Pilgrimage. Do and in turn open the ‘gates of
good in a handsome way and spiritual firmament’ for the
discard vice with disgust. believers to enter. In this period
of great temporal and worldly
Bear well in mind that no temptations (Fitn) Hudhur has
action of yours which is empty been in effect offering the
of righteousness can reach Ummah the necessary guidance
God Almighty. Righteousness it requires in order to remain on
is the root of all goodness. No the path to God and thus save
action that is rooted in themselves from the punishment
righteousness will go in vain. of damnation.
What God desires from you by
way of faith is that He is One Throughout Hudhur’s Friday
and Muhammad(saw) is His Sermons and spiritual lectures he
Prophet and that he is has been fervent in his efforts to
Khatamul-Aƒbiya’ [Seal of establish the teachings of the
the Prophets] and above all the Promised Messiah(as) which are
other Prophet(as). There is no strictly derived from the Holy
Prophet after him except one Qur’an and blessed Sunnah. One
who, by way of reflection, is need not search for long to find a
clad in the mantle of reference of this for there has not
Muhammadiyyat, for a been a single sermon or lecture
servant cannot be considered delivered by Hudhur in which he
separate from his master, nor a has not included some of the
branch from the trunk.’ teachings of the Promised
(Kashti-e-Nuh, Ruhani Messiah(as). In his special
Khaza’in, vol. 19, pp. 15-16) message to the world, published
shortly after becoming Khalifatul

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Masih, Hudhur outlined his firm (Divine system of law) and

conviction as to the desperate Sunnah of the Holy Prophet(saw),
need of the time writing: the ultimate goal being to create
a clear understanding and
‘How Dear is our Lord Who awareness of Allah and His
has sent the Promised Tawhid.
Messiah (on whom be peace)
in this era to reform the world Sermons
and to establish the Shariah of Since becoming Khalifatul
the Holy Prophet(sa)’ Masih, Hudhur has delivered
(Alfazl International 23rd over 250 Friday Sermons in
May 2003) which he has, generally
speaking, focused on five
If Muslims obediently, adhere to principle subject areas:
the many instructions of the
Khalifa of the Age they will 1. Moral teachings and attribute
certainly become spiritual human of the Creator;
beings and men and women of
God. The Holy Prophet(saw) is 2. Islamic Creed and
famously reported to have said: spirituality;

‘You must follow my Sunnah and 3. Admonitions;

the Sunnah of my Orthodox and
guided Khulufah.’ 4. Affirmation of Nizam-e-
Jama’at (the agreed upon
It would be no understatement to system/governance of the
assert that the greatest impact Jama’at); and
Hudhur has had on the world has
been to re-affirm the mission of 5. Seerah an-Nabawiyya wal
the Promised Messiah(as) which Ashab (the history and lives
is, in essence, to remove of the Holy Prophet(saw) and
innovation (bida’ah) and guide his Companions).
the world back to the Shari’ah

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The first Khutbah of Hadhrat standing of the value of prayer

Mirza Masroor Ahmad was a that despite the intense emotion
beautiful contrast to this in which and sorrow he must have been
man, upon reflection, comes to feeling when he was elected as
realise that whilst Allah is al- Khalifa, the first words which
Khabir He is also al-Mujib and, rushed to his blessed tongue were
by virtue of this Attribute, He not Dua, Dua, Dua! One cannot help
only hears prayers of sincere but observe a similarity between
repentance but will respond to Hudhur’s initial words and
those prayers with His favours admonishments and those of
and spiritual gifts. In reference to Hadhrat Abu Bakr(ra) who
this Hudhur cited in his sermon concluded his first Khutbah with
the verse, the words, ‘Stand up now to pray,
may Allah have mercy on
And when My servants ask you.’(al-Bidayah Wan-Nihayah.
thee about Me, say ‘I am 6/305)
near. I answer (Ujeebu) the
prayer of the supplicant The five years which then
when he prays to Me’ So followed have, in reality,
they should hearken to Me amounted to one consistent
and believe in Me, that they extension of this original
may follow the right way message of salvation through
(Ch.2:V.187). prayer (for example, Hudhur’s
first year of Sermons were
In effect Hudhur here reaffirmed predominantly on the subjects of
that through al-Mujib, an al-Sami’, Hamd, Remembrance
attribute closely attached to of Allah etc…). Hudhur has
Allah’s Rahmaniyyah, man can expanded this subject week after
find salvation. In this first week by advising mankind as to
Khutbah, Hudhur continuously the greatest means for attaining
stressed the importance of prayer personal salvation. Human
to man’s eventual salvation. Such excellence is not something
was Hudhur’s great under- attained overnight but demands a

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relentless and perpetual spiritual establishing the ten conditions of

development of the inner self the Bai’at in the minds and hearts
(nafs). In his wisdom Hadhrat of the believers. It can be thus
Khalifatul Masih V has thus been observed that before admoni-
increasing the spiritual level of shing the community for various
the Ummah by a periodic raising transgressions on their part, he
of the spiritual bar as it were. He first set out their duties as
has equipped us with the Muslims and the principle
knowledge necessary for teachings of Islam. This marks
combating the lower /com- an important part of the Khilafat
manding self (Nafs-e- of Hudhur as it is a clear
‘Ammarah). indication of the just nature of
Khilafat. Hudhur opened his first
Admonishments and Moral Khutbah on this subject (27th
Training July, 2003), and also begins his
As the Khalifa, Hudhur has spent book ‘Conditions of Bai’at &
the entirety of his Khilafat as the Responsibilities of an Ahmadi’,
Imam of the Ummah. The pulpit, with the words:
has served as a key platform
from which Hudhur has taught ‘Some members of the
and admonished the Muslim Jama‘at have written to me
community. Another of the saying that: ‘We have
greatest impacts of Hudhur’s renewed our bai‘at [pledge of
Khilafat has been the vast initiation] at your hand and
knowledge and wisdom he has have pledged to abide by the
imparted. One of the initial conditions of bai‘at, but we
subjects addressed by Hudhur in do not have full awareness
his Sermons, lectures and and knowledge of those ten
publications was the re- conditions.’
affirmation of the conditions of
Bai’at (pledge of allegiance). I thought that I should
Throughout these lectures address this subject on the
Hudhur succeeded in re- occasion of the Annual

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Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad immediately after his election

as Khalifatul Masih V

Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad putting on the ring of the Promised Messiah(as)
following his election as Khalifatul Masih V

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A group photo of students and staff at the TI Ahmadiyya Secondary Commercial

School, Ghana, 1977. Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad is seated on the 8th chair
from the left.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih delivering the sermon at Baitul Futuh Mosque, London

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih leading silent prayer following the flag hoisting
ceremony at the UK Annual Convention in 2005.

The Oath of Initiation at the hand of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V during the UK
Annual Convention, 2007.

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih addressing the Qadian Jalsa, India.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih addressing the concluding session of the USA Annual
Convention from London broadcast via MTA (satellite TV).

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Baitul Futuh – one of the largest mosques in Europe. The Foundation Stone of
this mosque was laid by the Fourth Khalifa and the mosque was inaugurated on
3rd October 2003 by Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V.

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One of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s main objectives

for the community is the expansion of mosques all over
the world representing symbols of peace.
Above: Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V laying the
Foundation Stone for Khadeeja Mosque, Berlin,
Germany in 2007 and Right: The Foundation Stone
laying of Hartlepool Mosque in 2005

The Review of Religions – May 2008

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Guest of the President of Ghana King of Porto Novo with the Khalifa

With the
Governor of
Gibraltar and left
with the
Governor of

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Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V upon his arrival in Mauritius, 2005

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V upon his arrival in Fiji, 2006

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Students Forum with Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V.

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V teaching a special class of young girls in open

countryside (Hadeeqatul Mahdi) also broadcast on the community’s television
satellite channel for the benefit of others.

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A Peace Symposium on 29th March, 2008 held at Baitul Futuh and attended by
over 500 guests from all faiths.

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Khilafat Centenary Reception for

VIPs held at the Queen Elizabeth
Conference Centre, London, on 10th
June, 2008 that included included
speeches from senior political figures.
Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V’s
keynote speech promoted mutual
respect and justice to procure peace
for all mankind.

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Convention today. Since the doubt, that the most perfect

subject is long I cannot cover example of this com-
all conditions now but I will mandment of Allah is not to
only cover a few. I will be seen anywhere except in
insha’Allah continue this the person of the Holy
subject in a subsequent Prophet(saw).’ (Hadhrat Mirza
Friday Sermon or some other Masroor Ahmad. 23rd
occasion.’ February, 2007)
(Hadhrat Mirza Masroor
Ahmad, Conditions of Bai’at He has been consistently
and Responsibilities of an stressing the importance of, and
Ahmadi.) calling people to, Salat (prayer).
In 2008 alone Hudhur has
Another focus of Hudhur is the delivered five Friday sermons,
blessed Attributes of Allah. He on the subject of Salat (prayer)
has delivered lectures and and its importance. Throughout
sermons on many of Allah’s these sermons Hudhur has
Attributes in order to mould the explained the importance of Salat
community towards becoming a through various verses of the
spiritual community. This is Holy Qur’an:
perhaps best explained by
Hudhur himself who stated: Hudhur has on several occasions
admonished and sanctioned
‘Allah the Exalted, as we members of the community when
know, manifests Himself a transgression or lack of faith
upon us through His has occurred. As a reaction to
attributes. He also says to His Hudhur’s admonitions, the
servants that they should community has continuously
colour themselves in His been subject to a process of
colours and reflect His purification and cleansing.
attributes. Only then will they Admonishing and advising some
be deserving of being called of the ladies of the community
His real servants. There is no about a laxity in adherence to the

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Islamic principles of the Hijab future generations. I am

(spiritual and physical covering) hopeful that every decent
Hudhur said: Ahmadi woman who has
even the slightest doubt about
‘OK you can use your right to any of Allah’s commands will
relax and I will use my right. rid herself of it and will
It cannot be that you keep on become one who is truly
using your rights and tell me “resigned, believing, obe-
that I should not use my dient, always turning to God,
rights. I have to, under all devout in worship’” (Ch.66:
circumstances and by the V.6). May Allah make it so.
Grace of Allah, enforce Amin’
compliance with Allah’s
commandments that He has Love of the Holy Prophet(saw)
taught us through the Holy It is clear from the words and
Qur’an. Otherwise, as I have heartfelt sentiments of Hudhur
stated, the door is open. during his defence of the honour
Whoever wants to leave is of the Holy Prophet(saw) that his
free to go. I do not understand only motive for his great Jihad of
the reason behind this the Pen is one of deep love for
complex’. the Holy Prophet(saw). How could
it ever have been any different
(Hadhrat Mirza Masroor that the Khalifatul Masih could
Ahmad. Lajna Annual Ijtema, have anything but complete and
UK on 19th November, 2006) selfless love for the Holy
Prophet(saw). Hudhur is constantly
Hudhur concluded by saying: trying to emulate the spiritual
master of this age, Hadhrat Mirza
‘Come and join us and by Ghulam Ahmad(as), who, when
obeying the commands of discussing the slurs of the
Allah try to win His pleasure. opponents of Islam upon the
This is what will make you Master Prophet Hadhrat
content and safeguard your Muhammad (saw) wrote:

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‘My heart cries out with tears of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih

that if these people had IV(ru) , the Jama’at duly defended
murdered my children before the honour of the Holy
my eyes, and had cut to Prophet(saw) against the
pieces my sincere friends, and derogatory book ‘The Satanic
had killed me with great Verses’ by Salman Rushdie.
humiliation, and had
possessed themselves of all It therefore should come as no
my property, I would not have surprise that, in the current era of
been so pained and my heart globalisation and the mass
would not have been so hurt media, there have been numerous
as it has been pained and hurt publications against the Holy
by the insults offered to the Prophet(saw) during the Khilafat of
Holy Prophet(saw).’ Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih V. This
(Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam occurred most prominently on
Ahmad. A’ina-e-Kamalat-e- 30th September 2005 when the
Islam, Ruhani Khaza’in, Vol. Danish newspaper Jyllands-
5, pp. 51-52) Posten published blasphemous
cartoons against the Holy
During the time of the Promised Prophet(saw). The response of
Messiah(as) there was an intense Hudhur to this was so powerful
barrage of filthy attacks on the and unrelenting that his Friday
honour of the Holy Prophet(saw). sermons alone were substantial
These were so intense that in enough to form a book (The
excess of 50,000 publications in Blessed Model of the Holy
opposition to Islam were spread Prophet Muhammad and the
across India alone. During the Caricatures). It quickly became
Khilafat of Hadhrat Khalifatul clear that Hudhur was greatly
Masih II(ra) a vulgar book was pained by the vulgar nature of the
published by the title of ‘Rangila publications and that he felt
Rasul’ and a filthy article was compelled to address the
printed in the magazine situation and defend the pure and
Wartamam. During the Khilafat noble honour of the Holy

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Prophet(saw). Hudhur set out his, Over the next five Sermons,
and the Ahmadiyya Hudhur set out some of the
Community’s, clear intentions in exalted characteristics of the
a sermon delivered on 10th Holy Prophet(saw) and demolished
February, 2006 in which he the baseless inferences made by
opened with the words: the caricatures. Hudhur also set
out, by both his example and
‘We should tell the world instructions, what the appropriate
about the character of the Islamic response to these types of
Excellent Exemplar, the Holy attacks upon Islam must be.
Prophet(saw), particularly, with
regard to his mercy and love The second most notable defence
for humanity. We should of Islamic integrity by Hudhur
enlighten the public, in each was on 15th September, 2006
country, about the noble when he delivered a Sermon in
character of the Holy response to the unfounded
Prophet(saw), and we should try remarks made by Pope Benedict
to become righteous. XVI during a speech on 12th
September, 2006 which he
We strongly condemn delivered at the University of
publication of the extremely Regensburg, Germany. Hudhur
contemptible, provocative, responded to the Pope’s remarks
and blasphemous caricatures stating:
of the Holy Prophet(saw).
Ahmadiyya Muslim ‘It was in the news yesterday
Jama‘at’s reaction to the that during a lecture at a
incident while remaining university in Germany, the
within the Islamic teachings Pope spoke with reference to
and its positive results.’ another writer about certain
(Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Islamic teachings, the Holy
Ahmad. The Blessed Model of Qur’an and the Holy Prophet
the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah
and the Caricatures, p.1) be on him) which do not have

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the remotest connection with brought to the attention of the

Islam. This is their way to world that the attacks upon Islam
most cleverly speak with are increasing in their number
reference to another person, and veracity. In order to
thus trying to save their own overcome the opponents, it is
skin yet putting across what necessary to call out to the only
they wish to say. The Pope true Friend of a Muslim, who is
has tried to create a false Al-Rafiq. A specific attack upon
impression about the Holy Islam was the provocative film
Qur’an, Islam and the produced by the Dutch MP, Geert
Founder of Islam (peace and Wilders, called ‘Fitna’ (division
blessings of Allah be on him) or trial).
by saying certain things…
In response to each of these
I thought that the Pope was a attacks Hudhur championed the
sagacious scholarly person cause of Islam and, rather than
and would have some resort to the more emotional
knowledge of Islam; responses witnessed across the
however, he has shown his world, he suppressed each attack
total lack of knowledge with knowledge and reasoned
through this. In light of the argument. During Hudhur’s five
teachings of the Messiah (on years as Khalifa he has
whom be peace) of whose vigorously taken the lead
successorship he claims, he whenever Islam and human
should have tried to create dignity were been attacked.
peace in the world, indeed
[the Messiah] gave the The Temporal World
teaching of even treating As illustrated, the spiritual
one’s enemy with decency.’ impact of hudhur upon the world
has been consistent and
One of the most recent defence profound. Such progress must be
of Islam was in his sermon dated matched and facilitated by an
28th March, 2008. Hudhur expansion of the temporal

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machinery required to facilitate build new schools and hospitals

spiritual progress. The Holy which indiscriminately treat
Prophet(saw) is reported to have people free of charge. A big drive
said: has also been made by Hudhur to
initiate various agricultural
‘…the whole earth has been projects in Africa and the Far
made a mosque for us…’ East. These have mainly centred
(Sahih Muslim. Bk.4, on developing natural and
No.1060) manipulated ways of bringing
clean water and power to areas of
By the Grace of Allah, Hudhur the world which have previously
has been expanding the number been without them. The
of Mosques across the world advancements made in these
with a significant increase in the areas have added benefit to many
number of mosques in Europe, thousands of people and form an
Africa and Northern America. important part of Hudhur’s great
The worshiper capacities of the drive to serve mankind
new mosques have also been (Khidmat-e-Khalq).
increasing which is reflective of
the rapid growth of the Jama’at. Under the auspices of Hudhur,
By way of example, the largest the great and peaceful Jihad of
mosques in both Western Europe the Pen has been tirelessly
and Northern America are /were maintained. In addition to the
built by the Jama’at. In Nigeria countless books which have been
alone, there are said to be no less published a team was also
than two hundred mosques. established by the name of Sultan
al-Qalam which comprises of a
The expansion of houses of group of writers and researchers
worship has been taking place who respond to the great
side by side with an expansion of injustices committed across the
humanitarian projects. The main world against Islam and
efforts of the Jama’at, under humanity. The initiative has
Hudhur’s guidance, has been to become so successful that

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various smaller teams of writers Masroor Ahmad) (Urdu)

have been established across the
world and the just voice of the • Exemplary Compassion of
Jama’at is now more coherently The Holy Prophet(saw)
heard on local, regional and
national levels. The role of MTA (Muslim
Television Ahmadiyya) should
Hudhur himself has published also be included amongst the
several books which address initiatives of Hudhur which have
wide ranging issues with the most impacted the world.
main subject of his books Hudhur has developed MTA,
pertaining to matters of which was established under the
spirituality and the spiritual path auspices of our beloved
one must tread in order to Khalifatul Masih IV(ru), and
become a believer. Hudhur’s enhanced both its target audience
publications have thus far been: and quality of broadcasting.
There has been vast development
• Conditions of Bai’at and in both these areas across the
Responsibilities of an world but with specific impact in
Ahmadi. the Middle East and North Africa
with the launch of MTA 3 Al-
• Islam – A Peaceful Religion. Arabiyya, devoted to presenting
• The Blessed Model of The true Islam to the Arab world.
Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw)
and the Caricatures. With increased numbers of
Ahmadi Muslims across the
• A Response to the Pope’s globe there is a great need for
Remarks about Islam. Murabiyan (plural of Murabi
meaning ‘one who trains and
• Masha’le Rah (5 volumes) nurtures others in matters of
spirituality). In response to this
• Khutubat-e-Masroor need Hudhur has increased the
[Sermons of Hadhrat Mirza number of Missionary Training

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Colleges across the world. All of these beneficial and noble

Additionally, Hudhur has region- initiatives require a great deal of
alised these colleges by creating financial input. The vast costs
new colleges in both Europe and have, by the grace of Allah, been
Northern America. The obvious met by the contributions of
benefit of this is that having been Ahmadi Muslims across the
trained in specific regions, the globe.
trainees will be able to better
integrate and meet the needs of Hudhur has been able to meet
the local communities. many of the growing costs of the
Jama’at by prompting the blessed
Hudhur has also been able to scheme of Wasiyyat established
carry out two world tours and by the Promised Messiah(as). This
dozens of additional visits to scheme asks the individual to
central Europe, Northern America willingly make a covenant that
and Africa. During his tours they will become more devout in
Hudhur has been able to impress their belief both spiritually and
the Islamic principles upon world financially. The financial aspect
leaders of various capacities. It is of the scheme calls upon the
also appropriate to mention that individual to pledge one tenth,
each of Hudhur’s visits have been one fifth or one third of their
soaked with immense love and monthly income to the Jama’at.
affection. In each place visited the In light of the growing needs of
local Ahmadi Muslims have been the Jama’at it is very likely that
greatly affected and inspired by the increased number of Musiyan
the love and affection shown to (plural of Musi) will greatly
them by Hudhur which they have facilitate the progress of the
duly reciprocated. This is a Jama’at over the coming years.
unique feature of each of the
previous Khulafas and is more Concluding Observations
visible in the modern era due to As we enter the centenary year
the global village in which we we have much to reflect upon
live. from the past one hundred years.

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More specifically, over the past and physical sacrifice would be

five years of the Jama’at, most powerfully felt over the
marking the first part of the years to come. The crucial
Khilafat of Hadhrat Mirza preparation being made now
Masroor Ahmad, there has been would undoubtedly go a long
great progress of the Jama’at. way to safeguard the future, God
Perhaps the past five years Willing.
should be looked upon as an
indicator of the future Ultimately, Hudhur’s most
responsibilities to come. It is powerful impact, or piece of
evident that the future years look advice, with which he has
likely to see further increases of affected the world over the past
people entering the fold of Islam five years, and will continue to
through Ahmadiyya, an expan- impact the world over the years
sion of our humanitarian efforts, to come, was his initial, and
an increase in demand for continued, call for Dua, Dua,
scholarly publications and an Dua. (Prayer, Prayer, Prayer).
even greater drive to build
mosques. All of this will require May Allah strengthen his hands.
of the community greater Amin.
steadfastness, more people
dedicating their lives and time to
the service of the Jama’at and an
increase in financial sacrifices.

Over the past five years the

global Ahmadi community,
under the guidance of Hadhrat
Mirza Masroor Ahmad, has been
focused on adding strength to its
spiritual and physical founda-
tions. The impact of Hudhur’s
training and drive for financial

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Ahmadiyya Muslim Khilafat Centenary Jalsa

held at Excel Centre on 27th May, 2008
Address by Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih V.

Today, by the grace of Allah, on right now, but I can see it

the completion of one hundred reflecting to a TV screen near the
years of Khilafat Ahmadiyya, we podium: the town that is before
have gathered here to express our us was a small hamlet not known
sentiments of gratitude to Allah, by any. Today, not only does the
the Almighty, and through MTA, entire world know this town of
Ahmadis all over the world are the Messiah of Muhammad(saw).
participating in this celebration. but they can also see the streets
and alleys of his town as well as
On this important occasion, I its white minaret that was erected
firstly extend my congratulations as a proclamation and symbol of
to you and to all Ahmadis of the his coming.
world. Today, we are witnessing
a spectacle of unity in accordance Today, according to the promises
with the prophecy of the Holy made by God Almighty to His
Prophet(saw) by virtue of our beloved Messiah, we are
joining the community of his true witnessing in this celebration
servant, the Messiah and Mahdi. scenes of the transformation of a
barren land into a lush green
Today, as a result of the favours town, full of flowers and fruits;
of Allah the Almighty that He indeed that was amongst the
showers and continues to shower, greatest achievements wrought
according to His promise, upon by the Promised son, who was a
the community of the Promised man of great resolve – and these
Messiah(as), we are also images of Rabwah are also before
witnessing scenes of that town. us today.

There is not a screen before you So these pictures coming from

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East to West and then according celebration is for this very

to the promises of God Almighty, purpose.
as a manifestation of His eternal
power along with the voice and This day which Allah the
the picture of the Khalifa of the Almighty has shown us opens a
time, we are witnessing and new chapter in the history of
listening to the blessings of Allah Islam through the community of
coming down like rain in the East the true servant of Holy
and in the West, in the North and Prophet(saw). Therefore, if with
in the South, in Europe and in this intention and in gratitude of
America, and in Asia too and also this bounty, we are celebrating
in Africa. this event – both here and in other
countries – while making
All this draws the attention of reference to this, then not only is
every Ahmadi towards the fact it permissible but it is in fact in
that Allah Almighty has already total accord with the
kept His promise and that He is commandment of Allah, the
still doing so. He has spread the Almighty. Allah, the Almighty,
message to the ends of the earth
and continues to do so. Through says:
the establishment of Khilafat and
divine support, we have
witnessed progress in our past In other words, do express your
history and also do so today: one thanks for the bounties of your
hundred years of benevolence Lord.
shown by God Almighty to
Khilafat Ahmadiyya is The Promised Messiah(as)
strengthening and inspiring our observes:
faith. Does all this not compel us
to be grateful to Allah, the ‘Humility and modesty are a
Almighty, and to express our precondition for being a
thanks to Him? Indeed, today’s servant of God, but according

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to the verse of the Holy ‘Remember that man should

Qur’an: be committed to prayers at all
times and in all conditions,
and should act upon

mentioning divine blessings is

also absolutely necessary. Then
he further say: the bounties given by God should
be recounted. Love of Allah
“this humble self, in the light of increases through this. And this
this verse: creates a passion for obedience
and submission to Him. Tahdith
does not mean that man should
merely pay lip service to it, but
sees no harm in stating that that its effect should be felt
Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful, physically.’
out of His sheer grace and
benevolence has given me an These bounties are bestowed by
ample share in all these matters Allah, the Almighty, and their
and has not sent this worthless flow is kept constant without any
one empty-handed, nor has he hindrance, and it has been
appointed him without signs. promised that they will continue
Rather these are the signs that are in the future as well. As grateful
being manifested and will servants of Allah, we should
continue to be so. And until that express our gratitude for this
time when Allah the Almighty bounty, so that there is no
establishes His arguments diminution in this bounty; on the
convincingly, all these signs will contrary, every new day brings a
continue to be manifested’. fresh glory.

Then he states: As the Promised Messiah(as) says,

humility and modesty are a

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important condition in view; the bounties. However, this display

more we bow before Allah, the should divert our intentions
Almighty, the more humility we towards the path of
show not only outwardly but righteousness. If it is only about
from the depths of our heart, outward hue and cry, or showing
treading along the path of taqwa off, or worldliness in the
(that is, righteousness), the more programmes, or trying to outdo
we will continue to receive the one another in worldly displays,
bounties of Allah, the Almighty. then this act is worthy of shame
in the same way as someone who
This day that we are celebrating returns home from annual
with great dignity on the gathering without making any
completion of the hundredth year pious changes, or any
of Khilafat Ahmadiyya, and all unrighteous act that does not
that we commemorate generally merit the treasures of Allah.
each year, should remind us to
tread along the path of taqwa So today is the day for making a
(righteousness), to adopt humble fresh pledge; today is the day to
ways and to try to follow all the be aware of our history. It is also
commandments and the do’s and a day to remind us of that day
don’ts of Allah. when members of the Jama’at
had experienced a severe
Our objective today is not just to upheaval. One hundred years
recite poems, or to float balloons, ago, one day before this day, an
or to arrange programmes of incident happened that shook the
merrymaking, or to enjoy good Jama’at. It was the 26th of May,
food or sweets. This programme 1908, when the beloved of God,
taking place now or that has yet the Promised Messiah(as), passed
to take place in various Jama’ats, away. Allah, the Almighty, had
is not for celebrations only; yes, been informing him about this
of course that is also one purpose, incident for some time, and he
according to what I have said had begun to mention this before
about the display of Allah’s the Jama’at.
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Excel Centre, London on 27th May 2008,

marking 100 years of Khilafat

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Thus, in Risalah Al-Wasiyyat in “The departure is nigh. Yes,

very clear terms he drew the the time of departure has come
attention of the Jama’at by and death is near…”
exhorting it to progress in the faith
and in righteousness, and When the members of the Jama’at
consoled the Jama’at, saying that realised that this was for real, the
it should not think that the narrators state that at the time of
supporting Hand of God would be Maghrib prayer, the rooftop of the
lifted from it, but that the promise Masjid Mubarak in Qadian looked
of Allah, the Almighty, would like the day of reckoning because
continue to be fulfilled even after of their wailing and cries.
him; in any case, it is the divine
law that everybody who comes to On the other hand, the shameful
this world has to leave it. All deeds of the opponents were at its
Prophets, in accordance with this peak. Near the Ahmadiyya
law, had passed away and had building in Lahore, where the holy
become the inhabitants of the body lay, the opponents of the city
divine eternal paradise of their had assembled the local
Lord for which they were restless vagabonds and street urchins they
and very desirous to go there. were raising slogans of joy and
singing songs; the vulgarity and
At every moment, the Promised shamelessness shown by the
Messiah(as) was desirous of the life people at that time were atits peak.
that is everlasting. Upon his death,
people could not believe that he One could expect this from
had passed away from this world, rogues; but some narrow-minded
but they realised that it was a fact, and cheap newspaper reporters
and indeed the Promised also displayed their bigotry by
Messiah(as) himself had been showing their glee and reporting
preparing the Jama’at for this that after the death of the Mirza
event; there were also revelations sahib this movement will – God
in this context: forbid – now end. But those foul
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mouthed fools did not know that

this was nothing but a mistake on
their part; it was naught but the
base desire of those worms of the
earth. It was the folly of those
people who were bereft of any
knowledge of the jealousy shown
by Allah for His appointees. Their
intellect was shrouded and their
eyes were blind. That person who
had passed away on that day was
the embodiment of the prophecies
made by Hadhrat Muhammad(saw),
his master and obeyed one. That the latter days, the Holy Prophet
person founded a community of states(saw) – and this has been
believers about whom God narrated by Hadhrat Hudhaifah(ra)
Almighty has clearly stated: I will who relates that the Holy
turn their fear into a state of peace. Prophet(saw) said:
And He will bless them with His
support and help. ‘Prophethood will remain
among you as long as Allah
Allah, the Almighty, had given the wills. He will bring about its
glad tiding to true believers end and follow it with
through the Holy Prophet(saw) that Khilafat on the precepts of
after the departure of the Messiah Prophethood as long as he
and Mahdi from this world, the wills and then bring about its
joy of the opponents would only end. A tyrannical monarchy
be temporary. Furthermore, Allah will then follow according to
would envelop the servants of His the decree of Allah as a result
Messiah with His Grace and of which people will be
Mercy. disheartened and will be
In a Hadith spanning the period extremely grieved. When this
starting from his time to that of era ends according to another

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decree of Allah another even people or by those who think too

greater despotic monarchy much of themselves.
will follow (until God’s
Mercy is awakened). And this Further expounding this matter,
will terminate the period of the Promised Messiah(as) has very
despotism. There will then clearly expressed in his book,
emerge Khilafat on the The Will, and has assured the
precept of prophethood.’ Jama’at, that he knew that it has
After saying this, the Holy been the practice and way of the
Prophet said no more. opponent that after the death (of
prophets), they think that now
These words of consolation, they are about to be finished and
given by him to the believers who come to an end. Thus, the
were to join the community of the opponents and hypocrites wait to
true lover of the Holy see how this Jama’at
Messenger(saw) say that the mercy disintegrates. But that God, Who
of Allah the Almighty will flow sends His prophet, shows His
for the followers of the Messiah might. And that God is the One
and Mahdi; despite the bragging who sent the most superior
of the opponents, despite all the prophet, the Seal of Prophets, that
trumpets of joy that they blow, is the Holy Prophet
this never-ending Khilafat on the Muhammad(saw) to the world. He
precept of Prophethood has been also made him proclaim that his
connected with the believers of shari’ah (law) would be
that Messiah, a Khilafat which everlasting and never-ending,
will continue to bring tidings of though there would be some trials
peace whenever there is fear. And for his followers after his death,
this is a decree of Allah, the as is evident from the Hadith. But
Almighty, which is unchange- ultimately, after the coming of
able. It is in fact the destiny of the the Messiah of Muhammad(saw) , a
true believers. This destiny fresh period of victory for Islam
cannot be changed by a few would begin and would continue
rogues or by narrow-minded to the last day. Although there
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would be opposition, it would truthfulness as well as the

nevertheless dissipate like the truth they wish to spread in
dust of a trodden path. Therefore, the world. He lets them sow
in view of this knowledge the seed of it [the truth], but
acquired from Almighty Allah, He does not let it come to full
the Promised Messiah(as) assured fruition at their hands. Rather
us that when the opponent would He causes them to die at such
mock and ridicule, you should time as apparently forebodes
not worry. a kind of failure and thereby
provides an opportunity for
Therefore, giving this assurance the opponents to laugh at,
to the Jama’at, he says in Risalah ridicule, taunt, and reproach
Al-Wasiyyat: the Prophets(as). And after they
have had their fill of ridicule
This is the Way of God. And and reproach, He reveals yet
ever since He created man on another dimension of His
earth He has always been Might and creates such means
demonstrating this Divine by which the objectives which
practice. He helps His had to some extent remained
Prophets(as) and Messengers(as) incomplete are fully realised.
and grants them success and Thus He manifests two kinds
predominance, as He says: of Power. (1) First He shows
the Hand of His Power at the
hands of His Prophets(as)
themselves. (2) Second, when
And by predominance is with the death of a Prophet(as),
meant that as Messengers(as) difficulties and problems arise
and Prophets(as) desire that and the enemy feels stronger
God’s Hujjat is established in and thinks that things are in
the world and no one is able disarray and is convinced that
to oppose it, so, in turn, does now this Jama‘at will become
God demonstrate with extinct and even members of
powerful signs their the Jama‘at, too, are in a

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quandary and their backs are

broken, and some of the So dear friends! since it is the
unfortunate ones choose paths Sunnatullah,(way of Allah)
that lead to apostasy, then it is from time immemorial, that
that God, for the second time, God Almighty shows two
shows His Mighty Power and Manifestations so that the two
supports and takes care of the false joys of the opponents be
shaken Jama‘at. Thus one put to an end, it is not possible
who remains steadfast till the now that God should
end witnesses this miracle of relinquish His Sunnah of old.
God. This is what happened at So do not grieve over what I
the time of Hadhrat Abu Bakr have said to you; nor should
Siddiq(ra), when the demise of your hearts be distressed. For
the Holy Prophet(saw) was it is essential for you to
considered untimely and witness the second
many an ignorant Bedouin Manifestation also, and its
turned apostate. The Coming is better for you
companions(ra) of the Holy because it is everlasting the
Prophet(saw), too, stricken with continuity of which will not
grief, became like those who end till the Day of Judgement.
lose their senses. Then Allah And that second
raised Abu Bakr Siddiq(ra) and Manifestation cannot come
showed for the second time unless I depart. But when I
the manifestation of His depart, God will send that
Power and saved Islam, just second Manifestation for you
when it was about to fall, and which shall always stay with
fulfilled the promise which you just as promised by God
was spelled out in the verse: in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya.
And this promise is not for
“that is, after the fear We my person. Rather the
shall firmly re-establish promise is with reference to
them”. you, as God [addressing me]

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says: I shall make this Jama‘at Power, you all together keep
who are your followers, yourselves busy praying.
prevail over others till the
Day of Judgment. Thus it is The full verse – a part of which I
inevitable that you see the day have recited and mentioned in the
of my departure, so that after excerpts – this full verse is
that day the day comes which known as Aayat-i-Istikhlaaf:
is the day of ever-lasting
promise. Allah has promised to those
among you who believe and
Our God is He Who keeps His do good works that He will
promise and is Faithful and is surely make them successors
the Truthful God. He shall in the earth, as He made
show you all that He has successors from among those
promised. Though these days who were before them; and
are the last days of this world He will surely establish for
and there are many a disaster them their religion which He
waiting to happen, yet it is has chosen for them; and that
necessary that this world He will surely give them in
continues to exist until all exchange security and peace
those things about which God after their fear: they will
has prophesied come to pass. I surely worship Me, and they
came from God as a will not associate anything
Manifestation of Divine with Me. Then whoso is
Providence and I am a ungrateful after that, they will
personification of His Power. be the rebellious.
And after I am gone there will (Ch.24:V.56)
be some other persons who
will be the manifestation of This verse contains great news
the second Power [of God]. for the believers and is a balm
So, while waiting for the that gives consolation to the
second Manifestation of His hearts; no matter how much we

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thank God, it will be inadequate. inadequate; rather it is important

But it is also a matter of concern. to pay attention to the good deeds
Allah, the Almighty, says: This is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an by
my promise to the believers, who Allah, the Almighty.
are firm in their faith, who
observe prayers, who pay the In fact, faith and good deeds are
Zakat, and who obey all the an integral part of one another.
divine commandments. Without faith, deeds are nothing.
And without good deeds, faith is
Allah, the Almighty, has incomplete. Therefore, God
clarified the meanings of ‘faith’ Almighty wants to establish a
in various places, the foremost of society through the attachment
which is belief in the unseen. If with Khilafat, in which people
this belief is comprehensive, then discharge both the rights of the
man will be considered a true Creator and of the Creation.The
servant of God Almighty. All his Promised Messaih(as) says, in
affections will be for the pleasure connection with faith and good
of God Almighty. Then the hearts deeds:
of such believers will be filled
with awe and fear of Allah, and ‘God Almighty has
they will walk on the path of mentioned good deeds along
taqwa (righteousness). They will with faith in the Holy Qur’an.
obey the commands of Allah and The A’maal-Saalihah are
of His Prophet with total those in which there is not an
submission. Then for Allah, the iota of disorder. Remember
Almighty, along with their faith that the actions of human
they will perform good deeds, beings are under constant
because just offering the prayers threat from thieves, who are
will not suffice, solely fasting those? Who are ostentatious,
will not be enough, only paying when a person does
Zakat will not be sufficient, something to show off. By
simply performing Hajj will be Ujub or self pride, that is, to

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feel elated at one’s own states: ] Good deeds are not

doings and also by various according to your whim and
types of wicked deeds and determination. In fact good
sins which one commits, deeds are those in which there
one’s actions are completely is no disorder of any sort. The
ruined. A’maal-Saalihah are Word Saalih is an antonym of
those in which there is no Fasaad (disorder). For
thought of injustice, self- example, just as food is
praise, showing off, wholesome (Tayyab) when it
arrogance, or usurping the is neither raw nor burnt nor
rights of others. As good stale nor substandard – it
deeds lead to salvation in the should be such which is
Hereafter so is a person assimilated quickly –
protected in this life. If there likewise, it is necessary that
is one person in the household there should be no disorder in
and he says, “If there is one good deeds, that is, they
person in the household should be sanctioned by
performing good deeds the Allah, the Almighty, and by
entire household is saved. the traditions of the Holy
Remember that until you have Prophet(saw) . Moreover, there
good deeds, mere belief is should be no laziness, nor
useless.’ self-praise, nor showing off,
nor selfishness. When a deed
Then he says: is like that, it is called a good
deed. Like a philosopher’s
Good deeds are not according stone (and that is a very rare
to your own whim and thing), it is invaluable. This is
determination. [ ie. Good a deed that a true believer
deeds are not those done should adopt.
according to one’s own liking.
‘Amaal Saaliah is not to be Thus Allah, the Almighty, says
interpreted on one’s own. He that those who create this

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condition, for them Allah hundred year history of Khilafat

promises that they will continue Ahmadiyya, has given an
to get the blessings of Khilafat. understanding of the true
They will be such people who meaning of the Aayat-i-
will safeguard the Khilafat, and Istikhlaaf. Also, practically every
Khilafat will safeguard them; and Ahmadi has been blessed by the
the scenes of this blessing and favours of Allah. Today, this
protection will be seen when they matter is very clear to every
will hold fast to the religion of Ahmadi and should remain clear,
Allah, that is, this promise is not that only those people are eligible
for those who wish to follow their for these blessings who try to
own will. Today in the Muslim perfect their faith and perform
Ummah, however much effort is good deeds. Today, even others
being spent on establishing openly admit, after seeing these
Khilafat, it cannot be fruitful and scenes – and indeed they are
can never be so. This is because compelled to do so – that if
instead of God’s will they want to anyone wishes to see the state of
introduce a religion of their own fear turning into peace, they
choosing. Rather than obeying should see it in the Ahmadiyya
the Khilafat sent by Allah, they Jama’at. How fortunate we are!
want to establish a man-made Having joined the community of
Caliphate. Promised Messiah(as), we have
become eligible for this favour.
Despite the feeling that they are
committing an error, they are So, this verse known as Aayat-i-
denying the verdict of Allah, the Istikhlaaf, a portion of which we
Almighty. However, in the verse have listened to in the excerpts
of Istikhlaf, the consolation given from Promised Messiah(as), draws
by God Almighty to the Jama’at our attention towards faith and
has been clarified by the good deeds, as stated earlier.
Promised Messiah(as).
Today, the history of Jama’at As I was saying, other people are
Ahmadiyya, in particular the one trying to establish Khilafat
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amongst themselves, and they into security, that He will guide

feel the need for it, but it cannot the Khalifa of the time; his
be established amongst them attention will continue to be
because they want to define it drawn towards worship, and he
according to their own liking; will not set up worldly fears and
instead of the Khilafat of Allah, attractions as associates to God
they want to impose their own Almighty. He will not be
Khilafat. So how can it be that ungrateful towards God
their state of fear should change Almighty. And indeed God’s
into that of peace and security? support will be ample proof of
How can it be that the institution that. If such a condition is ever
of Khilafat is established among experienced by the Khalifa of the
them, whereas this is the bounty time because of human weakness
of Allah, the Almighty, appointed then Allah, the Almighty,
by Him? Where Almighty Allah Himself will set the right
changes the state of fear into one direction for the Khalifa of the
of peace, He removes all kinds of time. Allah, the Almighty,
fear from the heart of His because of His favour and
appointed Khalifa and gives him because of His own choice in
the strength to confront the state every situation, will produce
of fear. He offers him consolation better results.
in every difficult situation by His
grace. Thus, it is upon the Khalifa Nevertheless, the members of the
of the time to console the Jama’at should also pay attention
community. to worship and should try to shun
even the minute conditions of
So, can worldly plans match the Shirk (association of partners to
divine design? Allah, the Allah). Moreover, they should
Almighty, states in this verse, that always hold His bounties in high
He will change your fears into regard and remain His grateful
peace and security. Allah the servants. I was saying that we
Almighty offers the consolation should endeavour so that the
that He will change your fears members of the Jama’at always

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try to hold His bounties in high Mirzais (derogatory terms for

esteem and remain His grateful Ahmadis)were renouncing and
servants. When this will be so, converting to their side – that is
then have no worries: for God to say leaving Ahmadiyyat and
will be before them, and behind joining their version of Islam –
them, on their right and on their whereas true Islam is in fact in
left and no one will be able to Ahmadiyyat. Anyway, that was
harm them. what they were saying.

So, this condition was witnessed Even today this is still the wish of
by us when God’s established the pitiable Mullahs who are our
community was stunned by the opponents, a wish that was
demise of the Promised neither ever fulfilled before nor
Messiah(as) which shook every will it be now. Today, witnessing
Ahmadi; and as I had said, the progress of the Jama’at, they
trumpets of exultation were are flabbergasted; on the one
blown on the premise that this hand they claim that they have
Jama’at of the Promised brought Ahmadiyyat to an end,
Messiah(as) was about to reach its but on the other, they are pressing
end. Islamic governments to arrest the
expansion of the Jama’at, saying
I present examples of the that otherwise these people will
vulgarity and nonsense of the mislead the entire Muslim
opponents so that our new Ummah! At any rate, this is what
generation and newcomers can they declare.
also be aware of how the
opponents of the Jama’at spread How these people gave vent to
rumours. An example of propa- their rage on the demise of the
ganda was the one created by the Promised Messiah(as)? Listen to
disciples of Pir Jama’at ‘Ali one or two examples of this also.
Shah, to the effect that a Maulvi Sanaullah wrote about the
supposedly large number of Mirza (that is how they call the

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Promised Messiah(as)) declaring nature is inclined towards

that all the books of the Mirza disorder were engaged in ridicule
should be thrown not into the sea in any case. Sober-minded people
but rather into a burning furnace; also began to give vent to their
and not only that, but that in feelings. Because their eyes were
future no Muslim or non-Muslim directed towards the world, they
historian should ever mention his did not see the divine promises
name! nor could they perceive that.
They could never have
Khawaja Hasan Nizami, who was understood the proclamation of
considered to be a very sober- the Promised Messiah, stating:
minded and reserved person, when I will leave, God Almighty
advised Ahmadis to clearly deny will show you the second
Mirza Sahib’s claim of being the manifestation.
Messiah and Mahdi. Otherwise,
there would be a danger that in Thus, a world saw with what
the absence of a wise and glory the promises of God were
disciplined Mirza Sahib, the fulfilled in support of the
Ahmadiyya Jama’at would not be Promised Messiah of
able to withstand the uproar of Muhammad . Their boastful

the opponents and its unity would claims and base desires of the
be dismantled. opponents were thrown back at
them. The literature which they
He used very gentle words and had urged to be burnt is now
mentioned the name (of the being translated into many
Promised Messiah(as)) with great languages and has become the
respect, but it is the same old means of guiding many good-
story that Ahmadis should natured people. As for the name
abandon their allegiance to the of the person whom they wanted
Promised Messiah(as) and deny his to erase from history, today, the
claims. So, this was the state of slogans of his victory are being
affairs at that time. People whose raised in Europe, Africa, Asia

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and America. Today the in matters of faith. Masha Allah,

Promised Messiah’s name, every intelligent, mature person
photograph and literature are can distinguish between good and
being carried by the winds to evil. Then what are they afraid
every home, to every corner of of? Nobody can force anyone to
the world. Had those who used to become an Ahmadi. These
say that the Ahmadiyya Jama’at opponents continue to shout
would not be able to withstand slogans to stop the MTA channel.
the uproar of the opponents been They try to do so in several
alive, they would have seen that, places, and though they have
let alone tolerance of the uproar, made such attempts, God creates
the name of Ahmadiyyat has such means that if in one place
reached all cities of the world. they try to halt it, it emerges in
Furthermore, the moment the another place with even greater
opponents hear the name of glory. What has the onslaught
Ahmadiyyat they try to escape to against the Jama’at achieved?
save their skins in every country Today, MTA has truly made them
of the world. Yes, listen to as fearful. These are the mani-
much abuse from them as you festations of the fulfilment of the
want. If they have the courage to divine promises. If anyone wants
do so, then the television and to confront Allah, the Almighty,
radio services of every Muslim then let him do so. They have
country, in order to fulfil the seen the results of such attempts
requirements of justice, should previously, but they can always
allow and facilitate Ahmadis to try once again today!
present their stand on their
national channels. In any case, upon the demise of
Promised Messiah(as), they tried
The national governments should their level best to uproot
discharge their responsibilities Ahmadiyyat with full force, and
and provide protection to left no stone unturned. However,
Ahmadis. There is no compulsion Allah, the Almighty, revealed to

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the Promised Messiah(as): under its shade in the beginning

and that is continuing to do so,
‘I have planted for you (the was not going to be moved by the
tree of) my Mercy and my buffeting of these puny men.
Power with my own hand.’ Allah, the Almighty, told the
Promised Messiah:
It was sheer folly on the part of
the opponents to think that the ‘I am with you and with your
tree of the Ahmadiyyat was in its beloved ones.’
formative stages, and that after
the Promised Messiah(as) – God This revelation is fulfilled with
forbid – it would be finished. ever-greater glory day after day.
Allah, the Almighty, said: I have [slogans:Allah is Greatest]
planted such a tree with My
mercy and My power, which is Hudhur says: You may express
destined to flourish and grow, your emotions through slogans,
whose roots are firmly anchored but I have yet many things to say,
in the ground and whose so be a little patient with your
branches reach into the sky. slogans, particularly those in
Qadian who appear to be greatly
After receiving intimation from charged!
Allah the Almighty, the Promised
Messiah(as) gave the glad tiding of I was saying that God’s
the second manifestation of His revelation is being fulfilled with
power and announced that it ever-increasing glory day after
would be everlasting: as per the day and this is still continuing.
prophecy about the tree planted The first manifestation of this
by the mercy of God being phenomenon occurred on the
fruitful and strong. That tree, demise of the Promised
planted by God Almighty with Messiah(as) , thereby creating the
His own hand, that was to grant means of consoling the believers,
shelter to all good-natured souls when the entire Jama’at was

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united at the hand of Hadhrat which the institution of Khilafat

Khalifat-ul-Masih the First. At was started in the Ahmadiyya
that time, the others thought: Jama’at, but the eye of the world
How will this eighty-year-old could not recognise this great
man be able to manage the objective.
Jama’at? One paper, The Curzon
Gazzette declared: In any case, remarking upon this,
‘Now, nothing is left of the Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih I(ra)
Mirzais and their head has said:
been cut off. The man who
has been elected as their ‘May God so will that I
Imam is not capable of doing should teach you the Qur’an.’
anything except teach you the
Qur’an in a mosque…’ However, the opponents and also
(Tarikh-i-Ahmadiyyat, Vol III, some members of the Jama’at
page 221). whose hearts were full of
hypocrisy, thought that since
However, the man about whom Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masih the
they said that he was not capable First was so aged, what control
of doing anything, certainly did would he exercise on the
the job that had no importance Jama’at? The enemy thought that
according to them: that is, to because of his administrative
expound the truth and wisdom of weakness, the Jama’at would
the Holy Qur’an; and in fact this gradually come to an end. As for
is the real task for which, in the hypocrites who thought
response to the prayer of the themselves to be the pillars of the
Hadhrat Ibrahim(as) , Allah, the Jama’at, according to them, the
Almighty, had appointed the Anjuman (or executive
Holy Prophet(saw), and it is for this committee) was the true
mission that God Almighty sent successor and deputy of the
the Promised Messiah(as) amongst Promised Messaih(as) So (they
others. This was the task for reasoned that) all works should

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be entrusted to them. require my approval. I

undertake this responsibility
These two types of attacks and solely for the sake of Allah,
revolts were suppressed by Who has ordained: Let there
Hadhrat Khaliftul-Masih I(ra) with be from among you a body of
such a forcefulness that it can persons who should enjoin
only be the work of God-given good and forbid evil
Khilafat. Immediately after (Ch.3:V.105) Remember all
assuming the office of Khilafat, good proceeds from unity; a
at the end of his maiden address, leaderless people are dead”
he said:
Thus, the desire of the others to
Now whatever may be your see the Jama’at being
inclinations, you will have to disintegrated was not fulfilled,
carry out my orders. If this is but some internal dangers
acceptable to you I shall take continued to erupt, because of
on this responsibility certain hypocrites and some
willingly or unwillingly. The others exploited by them. When
ten conditions of the bai’at Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih came
laid down by the Promised to know about these he dealt with
Messiah(as) shall continue to them with wisdom. On a similar
be in force. I shall include occasion he gave a brilliant
among them and would address at Masjid Mubarak, and
emphasize the teaching of the after hearing the words of the
Holy Qur’an, the collection of opponents, said: “You have given
Zakat, the training of me so much pain that I have
preachers and such other stood up to address you, not in
projects with which Allah the portion of this mosque
may be pleased to inspire me. constructed under your
Religious instructions and the supervision, but in a part built by
courses of study in the the Promised Messiah himself.”
theological seminary will (a part of Masjid Mubarak had

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been extended later, the first leaves this Jama’at and

construction having taken place becomes an apostate, I will
during the time of the Promised bestow upon you a
Messiah(as) . Thus, he stood in that community in his place.’
part which was erected during the
time of the Promised Messiah(as) ; He said:
that part which was made through
the contributions of the members ‘It is being said that the work,
of the Jama’at is a separate the function, the purpose and
extension.) He said: You have the duty of the Khalifa is only
grieved me so much that I am not to lead prayers in the mosque
even standing in that part of the or funeral prayers or to
mosque that has been made by solemnise marriages or take
you people, but I am standing in the baia’t; this work can also
the part of the mosque of my be done by any Mullah. For
Mirza. doing this, no Khalifa is
needed and this is a kind of
He further said: allegiance on which I would
not even care to spit. The real
‘The Khalifa is to be obeyed allegiance is one which is
by the people and the accompanied by immediate
Anjuman; both of them are and implicit obedience,
subservient to him. The without the slightest deviation
Anjuman is the advisor; its anywhere.’
existence is necessary for
Khalifa. The one who has So this address was such a
written that the work of the brilliant speech that the narrators
Khalifa is to only accept the state that the thousands gathered
bai’at and the Anjuman (the from various Jama’ats and upon
executive body) is the true whom the opponents of Khilafat
ruler, should seek forgiveness. were trying to exert their
God has told me: If anybody influence, began to cry with

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anguish and extreme pain, like Khalifatul Masih I. It was again a

fish squirming out of water. time of catastrophe. The
prominent members of the
So, this is the first instance of Anjuman who were silent
changing the state of fear into one because of Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-
of peace. This appeared in the Masih I(ra) raised their heads again
members of the Jama’at and it and tried to have all power vested
was also manifested in the person in the Anjuman instead of in
of the Khalifa of the time. Khilafat, and to make the
Without any fear of danger, Anjuman become the exclusive
Hadhrat Khalifat-ul-Masih I(ra) authority.
proclaimed: If anyone wants to
be an apostate, let him be so; God As a result of the death of the
will grant me a community in his Hadhrat Khalifatul-Masih I(ra),
place. If one person leaves, a sincere ones were overcome with
community will be received. grief. They were supplicating for
the emergence of a new Power.
So whereas the opponents were But these prominent ones who
reformed by this proclamation, considered themselves very
sincere ones were also reformed knowledgeable were busy in their
and led to an enhancement in conspiracy. They tried to
their faith; moreover, the group persuade Hadhrat Mirza Bashir-
of hypocrites was suppressed and ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad(ra) to
the Jama’at continued to advance accept that in any case there
on the road of progress. should not be a Khalifa of the
Jama’at, and that they must rely
Then, at last, in accordance with: upon the Anjuman, and said that
this was what the Promised
All that is on it (earth ) will pass Messiah(as) had said. Hadhrat
away. (Ch.55:V.27), on the 13th Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud
of March 1914 he joined his Ahmad sahib(ra) said:
Companion on High Hadhrat

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‘At whichever hand you take Anjuman and its treasury,

your oath of allegiance, I and disappeared from there. It was in
my family will owe allegiance this way that God Almighty, in
at the same hand. Do not be accordance with His promise,
afraid of me, I have no strengthened the Jama’at through
interest in becoming the Khilafat Ahmadiyya and changed
Khalifa.’ fear into security.

Nevertheless, the self-conceited During the 52-year period of

scholars, thinking themselves to Khilafat of the Promised
be most intelligent, remained Messiah’s firm and resolute son
adamant about the premise that and Promised Reformer, the
the Anjuman had the true right to Jama’at witnessed such
power. At last when their spectacles of progress that would
obstinacy did not move, a large not have been possible without
part of the Jama’at gathered in the special support of Allah, the
Masjid Nur and on the 14th of Almighty. As for those who had
March 1914, the election of the emptied the treasury and
Second Khilafat took place. From proclaimed that Qadian would be
a crowd of two thousand, people ruled by Christians, were alive
began to shout the name of Mirza today, would behold that far
Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad from seeing Christians rule
sahib(ra) all over; and people Qadian, the firm and resolute
began to clamber over each other Promised Son has gathered
in an attempt to take their oath of thousands of Christians under the
allegiance. The narrator of this banner of the Messiah of
spectacle relates that angels were Muhammad(saw)
dragging the hearts of the people
to this choice of Allah. Having When the uprising of Ahrar
witnessed this scene, the deniers erupted, with the proclamation
of Khilafat, who incidentally that they would annihilate
were also controllers of the Qadian, Hadhrat Muslih

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Mau’oud initiated Tahrik Jadid there were many great leading

and laid the foundation of a scholars, and when the choice of
network for preaching-missions Allah fell on him when he
all over the world. became the manifestation of
second power, he attained
His commentary of the Holy success after success like a
Qur’an and other literature that triumphant general. And with the
was always filled with his help and support of Allah, he
knowledge and deep insight, continued to change the condition
became a witness to the of his followers from fear to
fulfilment of this prophecy. This security.
was spread all over the world.
When the time for migration Finally according to divine
came, this resolute one guided decree, when he passed away in
the Jama’at in such a manner that November 1965, Allah the
with the least possible loss, Almighty showed us the third
members of the Jama’at managed manifestation of Qudrate
to settle in Pakistan. Despite Thania(Khilafat). The 52 year
great difficulties, he left behind period of the second khilafat was
such devotees, including his sons so long that several generations
in Qadian, to protect the signs of benefited. By that time every
Allah at any cost. Ahmadi had developed a
personal connection with him. It
Realising the need for a centre in seemed that the community
Pakistan, he made a barren and would not be able to cope with
desolate land into an evergreen the grief of his death. However,
lush town with his supreme when there is a promise of Allah,
leadership and great wisdom, Allah the Almighty changes the
whose scenes we can witness state of fear into peace and
today. So when the 25 years of security.
age young man received the Hence, we experienced the same
support of Allah, against whom phenomenon in the third

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Khilafat: progress at every step; opponents. He brought Hadhrat

opening of the schools and Khalifatul Masih the fourth
hospitals; expansion in tabligh miraculously here [in London].
activity; then, the situation of And the enemy who wanted to
Jama’at in Pakistan was very crush khilafat, Allah the
critical. Because of the presence Almighty crushed him instead in
of the Khalifa of the time in such a way that not a particle of
Pakistan, it was a matter of deep him was left. Upon the arrival of
concern for the Jama’ats all over Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IV(ru)
the world. But under the shield of here, a new period of the
Khilafat, the community, propagation of Islam started.
emerged victorious from this, and
started marching on the road of MTA was launched and the
progress. message of the Promised
Messiah(as) reached the ends of
Then came 1982, when Hazrat the earth with renewed glory.
Khalifatul Masih the third(ru) Another promise of our God
passed away too. Allah the made to the Promised Messiah(as)
Almighty once again lent His was fulfilled in glorious manner.
support and the election of the The enemy wanted to lay their
fourth khilafat took place. hands on Khilafat to make it non-
functional. But the design of
In his time, a new era of progress Allah the Almighty was to reach
of Jama’at started. The opponents the homes of people in such a
were taken aback and planned to way that there were no
cripple Khilafat. They tried to geographic impediments. If I
crush the leadership of the begin to recount the
Jama’at but fulfilling His promise achievements of the Jama’at, it
and lending support to the will not be exhausted even after
beloved of the Promised hours. It is being mentioned in
Messiah(as), Allah the Almighty the speeches of Jalsas and it will
frustrated the designs of the continue to be related. In any

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case, the golden era of the Fourth As the Promised Messiah(as) said
Khilafat, crossing several that khilafat is everlasting. The
milestones, finally ended in world saw scenes of this through
accordance with Divine decree in MTA. If Khilafat-i-Rashida in the
April 2003. early period of Islam remained
for a short time, and there were
Once again, the Jama’at was four khilafats, and that too was in
immersed in fear and fell in accordance with the prophecy of
prostration, because this is the the Holy Prophet(saw) as narrated
command for a believer, and this in the Hadith by me earlier, but
is what behoves a believer that he after the advent of the Promised
should submit to Allah whenever Messiah(as) a fresh chapter was to
in distress. In any case, the be opened in the history of Islam.
process of the fulfilment of So the fifth phase of the second
Divine promise is never-ending. manifestation is also a new
This assurance has been given by chapter according to the promises
God Almighty that the state of of Allah the Almighty. It is a kind
peace bestowed after the state of of thrashing to the opponents. It
fear after the demise of the is a way of rubbing the noses of
Promised Messiah(as) and the the opponent’s false joys in the
saying of the Promised dust. Today the opponents view
Messiah(as) that this promise is not the progress of the Jama’at with
related to his self, rather the greater envy than before, because
promise is with reference to you, they see with regret that despite
and his saying that God Almighty their opposition Jama’at
shows two manifestations so that Ahmadiyya continues to progress
He thereby demolishes false joys in the shade of the
of the opponents. khilafat…[there is more delay in
Rabwah’s (TV) than Qadian.
So, therefore, after the fourth Alright… I should wait.]
Khilafat, God Almighty created Because they see with regret that,
the means for peace once again. despite their opposition, Jama’at

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Ahmadiyya continues to progress khilafat continues after his

in the shade of the khilafat. And demise.
becoming the inheritors of God’s
proclamation that He would I present to you one or two
establish Khilafat amongst examples of their jealousies
believers, Allah the Almighty about Khilafat:
continues to strengthen the
Jama’at. Even its foundations are A Maulana Abdul Rehman Sahib,
getting stronger day by day. By in charge of the Jamia Ashrafia,
the grace of Allah the Almighty, Karachi says:
every fear of the believers is
being protected behind the shield ‘As far as the institution of the
of khilafat. Khilafat-e-Islamia on the
precept of Prophethood is
Despite all the efforts of the concerned, there is no better
opponents, Ahmadis are system than it. Because Allah
spreading the message of the the Almighty has said that
Promised Messiah(as) in every Allah the Almighty has
corner of the earth, only because purchased the life and
they hold fast to the rope of property of the believers in
Allah, and bringing back exchange for paradise, but,
mankind gone astray under the unfortunately, the internal
banner of the Holy Prophet(saw) so strife of Muslims is at its
that it can recognise its Creator. peak. As far as Khilafat is
The opponents themselves admit concerned, which Khalifa
that unity amongst the Muslim is should be accepted, and if a
impossible save through Khilafat. khalifa should be elected from
Neither is the progress of Islam the sacred city of Makkah, the
possible nor the unity. But being first ones to object will be the
blindfolded, they deny the one ‘Brelavis’; and I have also
who has been sent by Allah as the discussed the matter with my
Seal of the Khulafa, whose friends, and it appears that the

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system of khilafat is not world witnessed how in the

possible in Pakistan,’ election of the fifth Khilafat, the
Jama’at united on one hand.
There is an intellectual Some of them openly admitted
‘Humayon Gohar’ who in his that it seems that the testimony of
article, “Safar Ka Aghaz Hota God’s support is with you.
He” (December 2005) says: Instead of inclining towards
reformation, it has led to further
‘Today we find ourselves jealousy.
backward, old-costumed and
in the pit of ignorance; and In Pakistan today, Mullahs are
surrounded by social and holding gatherings against the
cultural evils; injustice is at its Jama’at because they cannot
height; and environmental stand the unity and progress of
pollution is increasing day by the Jama’at.
day. This is why we need a
breath of fresh air that should These jealousies and hatred has
reform the followers. It become their destiny. The winds
requires a lot of effort and of God’s support and help are
passion, which requires a blowing in favour of the Jama’at.
determined spirit and strong Inshallah, their wishes and
faith. This is only possible efforts will be blown by the wind.
through the institution of
khilafat of the Muslims.’ O, enemies of Ahmadiyyat! I tell
you in plain words! If you are
These are the jealousies that they sincere about setting up Khilafat,
can sense it but they cannot then come and by accepting the
establish it. The scenes of the servitude of Messiah of
election and bai’at of the Fifth Muhammad(saw) , become a part of
Khilafat were shown by MTA the this continuing and never- ending
world over. The matter that they institution of khilafat. Otherwise,
refer to with great envy is that the you will die in your efforts and

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you will not be able to set up which we enter the new century
khilafat. And if your future of Khilafat, is, Inshallah (if Allah
generations tread along your so wills), the time of progress and
path, they too will not be able to triumph. I assure you that such
establish any khilafat. Even if doors of divine succour are open
your generations after and continue to remain so, that
generations keep trying till every coming day brings closer
Dooms Day, they will not the days of victory.
succeed. Fear God! And do not
confront Allah. Try to create the When I assess myself, I am
means for your and for your ashamed. I am a humble,
future generation’s survival. worthless, incapable and sinful
These matters mentioned by me But I state this on firm grounds
about the jalousies of others that Allah the Almighty, with His
should not become a source of uncountable blessings, will lead
enjoyment for us. The hearts of the Jama’at on the avenues of
the few compassionate ones progress Insha Allah. No one can
should not feel sorry for them but stop the progress of Ahmadiyyat
the enemy tries to cause harm in this period nor will it ever halt
because he is burning in the in the future. The succession of
inferno of jealousy. He attacks khilafat will continue and
weaker Ahmadis. Today, it is the Ahmadiyyat will march on and
duty of the Ahmadis who are on. Allah’s blessings are being
attached with khilafat that they mentioned in the speeches of
should pray for the consolidation Jalsa over last five years, and will
and strength of khilafat and also also be presented in future.
for each other that Allah the
Almighty safeguards them from Thus, the progress which is
the evil and jealousy of the integral to Khilafat Ahmadiyya
wicked and envious ones. This and, that has also been mentioned
period of the fifth Khilafat, with by the Promised Messiah(as) in Al-

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Wasiyyat (The Will), is a never the blessed souls whom Allah the
ending movement, Each person Almighty has made them stand
who remains attached with like the unsheathed sword in
khilafat, and improves in faith defence of Khilafat.
and good deeds, will witness
these bounties of Allah conferred Over the past few days, a friend
upon every member of the has written to me, saying that
Jama’at through attachment with whereas we are happy on the
khilafat. completion of the hundred year
of khilafat, at the same time, it is
And Allah the Almighty will a matter of concern that it is a
continue to bless khilafat with hundreds year since the time of
such persons, who will increase the Promised Messiah (as) and that
in sincerity and loyalty and they this distance should not increase
will leave no stones unturned for us in weaknesses. The concern is
the establishment and very genuine, but if you keep in
consolidation of khilafat. Allah view the promises of Allah the
Himself has imbued their hearts Almighty, the saying of the Holy
with love for khilafat and Prophet(saw) and the directive of
continues to fill them, and has the Promised Messiah(as), then
filled them with affection. absorbing the grace of Allah the
Almighty and by being bonded
I witness these scenes every day, with khilafat, we will continue to
in every country and nation. You be rightful beneficiaries of
have recently seen the events in Divine bounties.
Africa how saturated they were
with love. I have been assured by Accompanying this letter, and I
Allah the Almighty about this a consider this to be a Divine
long time ago that He Himself coincidence, another letter was
will prepare the faithful ones. So, received from one of our
come forth, assessing your faith missionaries in America, who
and your righteous deeds and join drew attention to a pledge that

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Hadhrat Musleh Ma’ud (ra) took promise of Allah the Almighty.

from Khuddam in 1959 at the So, with this reference, I take this
Ijtema of Khuddam. And he pledge. My request is that those
stated that this is such a pledge who are before me should stand
that the Ansar should also repeat, up, ladies should stand up, people
and continue to repeat, and in the world (who are present)
should be repeated at every should also stand up and repeat
gathering and continued to pass this pledge:
to future generation until Islam
and Ahmadiyyat become I bear witness that there is none
supreme in every place. worthy of worship except Allah,
Who is One and has no partner;
On receipt of the first letter, I was and I bear witness that
conscious but my attention was Muhammad is His Servant and
heightened on receipt of the Messenger
second and I liked the proposal
that upon the completion of the Today on the completion of 100
hundred years, Ahmadis of the years of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya,
whole world should repeat this we make a solemn pledge, in the
pledge. name of Allah the Exalted, that we
shall continue to strive until the
Therefore, with a minor last moments of our lives for the
amendment, with reference to propagation of Islam and
Khilafat Centenary, I take this Ahmadiyyat and shall convey the
pledge from you so that despite name of Muhammad the
the passage of time our actions Messenger of Allah (peace and
should not take us away from the blessings of Allah be upon him), to
teachings and example of the the ends of the world. For the
Promised Messiah(as) and the accomplishment of this sacred
commandments of Allah the obligation, we shall always keep
Almighty. But each day should our lives dedicated to God and His
make us [hold in high] value the Messenger (peace and blessings of

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Allah be upon him) and, by this pledge would have created in

offering the greatest sacrifice, you, a new passion and zeal, that
shall keep the flag of Islam aloft in renewed feelings of gratitude will
every country of the world. We emerge…so with this passion and
also pledge that for the zeal and gratitude enter the new
safeguarding of the system of century of Khilafat Ahmadiyya.
Khilafat and for its consolidation, May this 27th of May breathe a
we shall continue to strive, till our new life in us and cause such a
last breath, and exhort our children revolution that continues to cause
and their progenies, to always revolution in our generations as
remain attached to Khilafat and well till the Day of Judgement.
benefit from its blessings, so that Our entry in this new era by
Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya continues Allah the Almighty shows that
safely till the end of time and the we should strive to become the
propagation of Islam continues till ever green branches of the tree of
the Day of Judgment through the the Promised Messaih(as). The
Ahmadiyya movement and the love that the Promised Messiah(as)
flag of Muhammad the Messenger had for his Jama’at and good
of Allah (peace and blessings of opinion is expressed as follows:
Allah be upon him), flies higher
than all other flags of the world. O, ‘the progress and the change
God enable us to fulfil this pledge. that is found in our Jama’at
Allah humma Amin, Allah humma cannot be found in this age
Amin, Allah humma Amin amongst others.’

Does this good opinion not

Be seated. require that we should cause a
revolution in ourselves; that we
So, O, servants of the Messiah of should try more than before, to
Muhammad(saw)! You the ever fulfil our pledge; and that we
green branches of the tree of the should be ready for every
Promised Messiah(as)! I hope that sacrifice. Because Allah the

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Almighty has bestowed on us this

favour in the form of khilafat, we So O, my beloved and the
should identify new milestones beloved of my beloved! Rise up
for our spiritual progress. On this for the defence of this bounty
favour of Allah the Almighty, we with determination and courage
should try to comply with this to fulfil the pledge, bowing
pledge more than ever before. before God Almighty seeking His
On this favour of Allah the help, march forth, because in this
Almighty, we should raise the alone lies your survival. In it is
standard of loyalty and obedience the survival of your generations
to Khilafat to new heights. In and the survival of humanity.
gratitude of this favour, we
should spread the message of Allah enable you to do so, Allah
love and affection amongst enable me also that we are able to
ourselves and others. Indeed fulfil our pledge. Allahhumma
these good works and gratitude Amin
should be our sole purpose. Most
certainly the springs of love and
affection should sprout forth [Translation produced at
from our hearts. Indeed the exclusive responsibility of The
identification of new ways of Review of Religions]
sincerity and loyalty should be
the purpose of our lives. When
this will be so, then we will be the
one who hold the bounties of God
in high regard. When this will be
so, we will continue to be the
beneficiaries of the blessings of
ever lasting khilafat. The never
ending showers of grace and
favours of Allah the Almighty
will descend on us.

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