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Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Method: J C E U

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Copyright © 2015 Scienceline Publication

Journal of Civil Engineering and Urbanism

Volume 5, Issue 1: 35-37 (2015) ISSN-2252-0430

Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Method

Nima Farshidfar1*, Arash Nayeri2
Department of Civil Engineering, Bushehr Branch, Islamic Azad University Bushehr, Iran
PhD of Geotechnical Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Arak branch, Islamic Azad University, Arak, Iran
*Corresponding author’s E-mail:

ABSTRACT: This research uses the shear strength reduction method to study soil slopes stability. In this

method shear strength is considered to be reduced as less as failure occurs. It uses Plaxis, which is capable of

PII: S225204301500008-5
Accepted 20 Dec. 2014

Received 27 Jun. 2014

Revised 18 Aug. 2014
calculating deformations rates and safety factors by gaining geometry data of a problem and soil
specifications and using the finite element method (FEM). The analysis is performed at both static and
pseudo-static modes. The effects of different parameters on slopes stability are shown by performing several
analyses. Finally, the analyses performed by this method are compared with the ones obtained by finite
difference method (FDM).
Keywords: Finite Differential Method, Finite Element Method, Limit Equilibrium Method, Shear Strength
Reduction, Soil slopes, Plaxis, Pseudo-Static.

INTRODUCTION One of the problems of studying slopes stability is

modeling method of the forces caused by an earthquake.
One of the major issues in geotechnical engineering Such simulation was carried out through pseudo-static
is to study slopes stability. Due to appropriate behavior of method in most of the analyses performed earlier. That is,
slopes at the time of an earthquake, their reasonable prices forces caused by an earthquake were supposed as fixed
and simple implementation, their usages have been and static forces in horizontal and vertical modes and
developed quickly during recent years. Therefore, various dynamic behavior of forces caused by an earthquake,
methods have been formulated to study slopes stability. time, and phase difference were not considered. Also,
One of the very common methods to study stability vertical forces caused by an earthquake has been
of these structures is the limit equilibrium method with neglected in most of the earlier studies. Choudhury and
horizontal components (Lo and Xu, 1992), which are Nimbalkar studied rigid and vertical earth retaining wall
applied instead of vertical components. In this method, under the influence of harmonic force and performed
horizontal components, instead of vertical components, analysis using pseudo-dynamic method (Choudhury and
are used for investigating soil mass stability. One of the Nimbalkar, 2006). ‘Time’ and ‘phase difference’
superiority of this method to vertical components method parameters are effective in this method. Finally, they
is that the mobilized forces do not appear on the inter- compared the results with the ones of the pseudo-static
component borders. method and achieved more accurate analysis.
Determination of critical failure surface is one of In this study, the shear strength reduction method
the fundamental challenges when using limit equilibrium investigates slopes stability by applying finite element
methods. Many methods were used for determining technique. Today, the use of the shear strength reduction
critical failure surface (Chenget al., 2007; Cheng et al., method has been developed considerably than before.
2008). Linear failure surface used to apply for Superiority of this method to limit equilibrium method has
investigating slopes stability through limit equilibrium developed this method and many engineering software.
method. Unacceptable results of linear failure surface Slopes stability was analysed at static mode and
made researchers propose other failure surface. Among under seismic forces in this research. Seismic forces were
proposed failure surface methods, log-spiral failure modelled through pseudo-static method.
surface can be considered as one of the most accurate and Modelling was performed by Plaxis in this paper.
applicable methods. Other disadvantages of investigating Safety factors were calculated in different modes and the
slopes stability through limit equilibrium method is lack effects of different parameters on slopes stability were
of prediction of the deformations occurring over time evaluated. The results were then compared with the ones
(This method assumes that the soil behavior on failure obtained from the modelling performed through FDM,
surface is rigid and plastic). which were executed by Dawsonet al. (1999) and Flac
In addition to limit equilibrium method, other software.
methods including numerical methods such as FDM and
FEM (Chen et al., 2003; Li, 2007 and Zheng et al., 2006), MATERIAL AND METHODS
the method of stress characteristics (Keshavarz, 2006;
Jahanandish and Keshavarz, 2005) and other useful Generally, determination of safety factor for slopes
methods (Bathurst et al., 2002) were used. is defined as proportion of soil shear strength to the

To cite this paper: Farshidfar N., Nayeri A. 2015. Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Method J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5 (1): 35-37.
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minimum shear stress required for creating preliminary of slopes. Table 4 studies the effects of groundwater level
failure. on slopes stability.
In shear strength reduction method, soil shear A slope with angle 1 to 3 and internal friction angle
strength is gradually decreased by applying finite element of 30° was considered in the calculations. Values of
and finite difference programs as long as the first groundwater level are of downstream.
indications of failure appear. Safety factor is defined as
the ratio of real shear strength of soil to reduced shear
The shear strength reduction method is superior to
the other methods investigating slopes stability. One of
the advantages is that there is no need to the primary
guess at determination of critical failure surface. Due to
the high-speed computer systems, this method is used
increasingly today than before. Figure 1. The scheme of constructed soil slope
To examine slopes stability through shear strength
reduction method, modeling is carried out using a set of Table 1: Characteristics of soils
safety factors as trial and error. In this method (RRS), Parameters γ γsat E ν C Characteristic
slopes stability is defined using soil strength 1-Sand 16 20 3000 0.3 1 Drained
characteristics as follows: 2-Clay 15 18 1000 0.33 2 Un Drained
3-Peat 8 11 350 0.35 5 Un Drained
C trial  C (1)
F trial Table 2. Safety Factor vs. slope angle
1 β
 trial
 arctan( tan  ) (2) 15 30 45 60 75 90
F trial F.S 1.557 1.262 1.020 0.702 0.500 0.259

Where Ctrial and φtrial are soil reduced strength Table 3. Safety Factor vs. slope friction angle
characteristics (adhesion and friction angle) in proportion
φ 10 20 30 40 45
to the real mode (C, φ).
As it is seen from Eq 1 and Eq 2, the increase in F.S 0.969 1.305 1.384 1.463 1.505
safety factor causes the reduction of soil strength
parameters and such strength reduction makes the slope Table 4. Safety Factor vs. slope level of water
closer to instable behavior. Evidently, higher safety factor Level of ground
0 1.5 3 4.5 6
denotes much more tendency of a slope to be stable
F.S 1.900 1.890 1.884 1.749 1.384
against driving and destructive forces.
As per the results of Table 4, with the groundwater
level increasing, the slope’s safety factor lowers and the
slope exposes to further risk of failure. The results
A cohesion less soil slope with 4-meter height was
achieved so far have been obtained from analyzing slopes
built on a bed of cohesive soils with 6 meter height
under static mode and no seismic force was imposed to
(Figure 1). Table 1 shows characteristics of soils
the slopes. However, as far as we know, most slopes
strengths. The backfill was built in two steps. Execution
destructions are caused by earthquakes and under the
period was considered as 7 days for each step and there
influence of seismic forces of an earthquake.
was a 100-day interval between the executions of the two
One of the problems of studying the slopes under
steps. Construction of the soil slope was modeled by
seismic forces has always been how to model seismic
Plaxis software. Lattice work of the model is in course
forces. Different methods have been proposed for
modeling seismic forces. One of the frequently used
The analyzed backfill along horizontal direction
methods is pseudo-static method. Some assumptions are
was considered as fixed with zero displacement. The back
considered in pseudo-static method for simplifying
fill’s lower boundary along horizontal and vertical
calculations; some of them are: ignoring time, ignoring
directions was also considered as fixed. Soils’ behavior
phase difference, and ignoring oscillatory nature of
was modeled using elasto-plastic and Mohr–Coulomb
earthquake forces.
Despite the unreal assumptions of pseudo-static
Table 2 shows the results obtained from
method in seismic analysis of slopes, it has had frequent
investigation slope stability with friction angle of 30 o and
applications, as it provides acceptable results during a
adhesion of 2 KN/m3 and 6-meter groundwater level from
short period. Here, seismic forces were modeled in a
downstream for different values of backfill slope (β). The
pseudo-static manner. Horizontal acceleration coefficient
results showed that slope’s safety factor lowers with the
(Kh) and vertical acceleration coefficient (kv) were
slope angle increasing and slope exposes to further risk of
considered equal to 0.2 and zero, respectively.
Calculations were made for a slope with angle 1 to
Table 3 shows the results obtained from studying
3 and internal friction angle of 30° and groundwater level
slope stability with angle 1 to 3 and 6-meter groundwater
of 6 meters. Figure 2 compares the results obtained for
level from downstream for different friction angles (φ).
such a slope under the influence of seismic forces using
The results of Table 3 shows that the increase of friction
pseudo-static method and the ones obtained from static
angle leads to increasing safety factor and further stability

To cite this paper: Farshidfar N., Nayeri A. 2015. Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Method J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5 (1): 35-37.
Journal homepage:
analysis for the same slope without considering seismic seismic aspects, in Geosynthetics and their
forces. applications, Chapter 14, Thomas Telford, pp: 327-
As per the results of Figure 2, the slopes under the 392.
influence of seismic forces have safety factor lower than Chen, J., Yin, J. H., and Lee, C. F., (2003), Upper bound
the static mode, which indicates lower stability of the limit analysis of slope stability using rigid finite
slopes under seismic mode. Here, we study stability of a elements and nonlinear programming, Canadian
slope with height of 10 meters and angle of 45° using the Geotechnical Journal, 40: 742–752.
FEM and Plaxis. Table 5 shows the results of this research Cheng, Y. M., Liang, L., Chi, S. C., and Wei, W. B.,
and the results of the analysis of Dawson (1999) (2008), Determination of the Critical Slip Surface
performed by FDM and Flac. Using Artificial Fish Swarms Algorithm, ASCE
It showed that the results obtained at lower angles Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
of internal friction are almost similar; however, with the Engineering, 134 (2): 244-251.
internal friction angle of soil increasing, FEM obtains Cheng, Y. M., Liang, L., Chi, S., and Wei, W. B., (2007),
bigger safety factor. Particle swarm optimization algorithm for the
location of the critical non-circular failure surface
in two-dimensional slope stability analysis,
Computers and Geotechnics, 34: 92–103.
Choudhury, D., Nimbalkar S. S., (2006), Pseudo-
Daynamic approach of seismic active earth
pressure behind retaining wall, Geotechnical and
Geological Engineering, 24: 1103-1113.
Dawson, E. M., Roth, W. H., and Drescher, A., (1999),
Slope stability analysis by strength reduction,
Geotechnique, 49(6): 835-84
Jahanandish, M., and Keshavarz, A., (2005), Seismic
bearing capacity of foundations on reinforced soil
slopes, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 23 (1): 1–
Keshavarz, A., (2006), The Analysis of seismic stability
reinforced soil structures, PhD Thesis, Shiraz
Figure 2. Comparison of Safety Factor obtained from University, Shiraz, Iran.
Static & Pesudo-Static method by SSR technique Li, X., (2007), Finite element analysis of slope stability
using a nonlinear failure criterion, Computers and
Table 5. Comparison of Safety Factor obtained from Geotechnics, 34: 127–136.
FEM&FDM method Lo, S. C. R. and Xu, D. W., (1992), A strain based design
φ 10 20 30 40 method for the collapse limit state of reinforced
F.S (This Study) 0.898 1.071 1.357 1.699 soil walls and slopes, Canadian Geotechnical
F.S (Reff. 11) 1.019 1.026 1.031 1.080 Journal, 29 (8): 832–842.
Zheng, H., Tham, L. G., and Liu, D., (2006), on two
definitions of the factor of safety commonly used
CONCLUSION in the finite element slope stability analysis,
Computers and Geotechnics, 33: 188–195.
The studies and calculations of the earlier sections
show some facts on the slopes behavior, a summary of
which is explained here:
 The use of shear strength reduction method of
soils led to some simple analyses with acceptable results.
 With the slopes angle increasing, safety factors of
slopes reduce and slopes expose to further destructions
 Increasing internal friction angle of a backfill
leads to slopes stability.
 Rising groundwater level increases failure risk of
slopes to some extent.
 The results of FEM and FDM at lower internal
friction angles are similar.
 Soil shear strength reduction method predicts the
deformations occurred over time.


Bathurst, R. J., Hatami, K., and Alfaro, M. C., (2002),

Geosynthetic-reinforced soil walls and slopes-

To cite this paper: Farshidfar N., Nayeri A. 2015. Slope Stability Analysis by Shear Strength Reduction Method J. Civil Eng. Urban., 5 (1): 35-37.
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