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Mobility of Included Soda in Sodalite

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Smith P*, Wingate C and De Silva L

Parker CRC for Integrated Hydrometallurgy Solutions
(CSIRO Minerals Light Metals Flagship), WA, Australia
Bayer sodalite is the main form of desilication product. Its zeolite type cage structure contains included ions, and the
leaching of these ions is a possible way to recover “fixed soda”. The ions leach through the windows of the sodalite cage
structure and thus recovery should be restricted to those anions that are smaller than the cage openings. This paper
examines the mobility of different ions within the structure of sodalite by water washing and re-digestion of the sodalite
in water.
Whether dominated by sulphate, carbonate or hydroxide, soda leaches from sodalite with cold water washing only sparingly,
and to a maximum of ~15% under a “standard” washing procedure used. When re-digested in water the sodalites
leached soda more extensively. In particular all included soda can be removed from a hydroxide dominated sodalite by
re-digestion and washing. Both “standard” washing and enhanced washing by re-digestion showed evidence of carbonate
leaching despite the carbonate ion being too large to pass through the sodalite cage window. In addition, washed samples
sometimes showed an imbalance of included soda and total included anions. This has led to the proposal that neutral CO2
forms from carbonate during washing, a portion of which can exit through the sodalite cage openings.

Notation and units

Standard North American Bayer notation A= gL-1 Al2O3, C= gL-1 sodium hydroxide and sodium aluminate (as Na2CO3) and S=C + sodium carbonate (all as Na2CO3).

1. Introduction From the discussion above, the extent to which included soda
is recoverable will be related to the distribution of anions in the
“Desilication Product” (DSP) is a collective term used to describe
sodalite as it is formed and the mobility of these ions during
several silica containing compounds that precipitate as a result of
the extraction process. Before any soda recovery process can
the dissolution of “reactive silica” from bauxite into Bayer liquor,
be considered it will be important to understand the relative
- mostly during the operations of pre-desilication and digestion.
leachability of anions from sodalite, particularly those typical of
Bayer sodalite is the main desilication product, consisting of a caged
refineries processing high reactive silica bauxites.
aluminosilicate structure (a feldspathoid) with charge balancing
sodium cations. Included in the cage structure are sodium salts of
the common anion impurity ions in Bayer liquor (Riley et al. 1999).
This distinguishes Bayer sodalite from the natural form of the
mineral which contains only chloride. The process of desilication
has positive and negative aspects. It scavenges significant
quantities of inorganic impurities from the liquor but also results
in the loss of caustic soda (NaOH) from the same liquor. Since
in almost all cases, DSP is discarded with the red mud residue,
the loss of this caustic (fixed soda) is a major cost for refineries
processing bauxites with high levels of reactive silica.

In refineries processing low reactive silicas, sodalites contain a

variety of included anions, including sulphate, chloride, carbonate
and aluminate. Previous work from our laboratory (unpublished)
has shown that while included soda can inadvertently be washed
out of sodalites by “over-washing”, the sulphate and chloride ions
of these sodalites do not leach and remain in the solid phase. Figure 1. Unit cell of sodalite DSP (two aluminosilicate cages) showing full
aluminate occupancy (upper) or full carbonate occupancy (lower). The
This immobility indicates that the sodalite cages remain intact,
carbonate ion is larger than the cage opening and should not be exchanged/
and that any anions that are released must come from ions washed out. The aluminate is roughly the same size as the opening.
migrating through the sodalite cage openings (windows). Both
sulphate and chloride are large ions (~5 and ~3.6 Å respectively) 2. Aims and Methodology
compared to the cage openings (~2.3 Å) and therefore would not This paper reports the preparation of sodalite with three different
be expected to be released. inclusion distributions:
In refineries processing high silica bauxites, concentrations 1. Inclusions of sulphate, chloride, aluminate and hydroxide
of sulphate and chloride in the process liquor are generally 2. Inclusions dominated by carbonate
low. Consequently sodalites formed from such liquors tend to 3. Inclusions dominated by hydroxide.
be dominated by carbonate, aluminate and possibly hydroxide.
Carbonate is also a large ion (~3.7 Å) and thus would not be The paper compares the effect of a “standard” washing procedure
expected to leach, but the aluminate ion is of comparable size to on the release of included ions (both cations and anions) by
the cage window and the hydroxide ion even smaller (Figure 1). examining the elemental composition before and after washing.
Sodium aluminate and sodium hydroxide are thus expected to be Extensive washing was simulated by re-digesting these sodalites
the ions released when sodalites are washed. in water at 150oC and washing again.

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3. Experimental Na2X represents the cage contents with a variety of anions (X).
“Occupancy” is defined as the fraction (or %) of Na2X that is
3.1 Materials
associated with a particular anion. For example the occupancy
All reagents used were AR grade, with the exception of gibbsite of sulphate can be calculated from measured composition of
(C31 hydrate, Alcoa) and kaolin (Eckalite 1a, English China Clay sodalite using the expression:
company). The Eckalite was found to contain a quartz impurity,
quantified by an industry standard wet chemical method to be moles SO4
2.5%. When this was taken into account, the kaolin in Eckalite Occupancy = 100 *
had a calculated molar Al:Si ratio of 1.00.
6 * moles SiO2
Occupancies of soda (as Na2) and X (the total of all anions) should
Synthetic Bayer liquors and other solutions were prepared by
match to ensure charge balance. Consequently, occupancies of
dissolving reagents in deionised water (sometimes with heating).
Na2 (or X) less than 100% indicate the presence of empty cages.
Once solutions had cooled to room temperature they were made
up to volume using deionised water. Final liquors and solutions Previous work by our laboratory (Riley et al. 1999) has indicated
were titrated for A, C and S where applicable using the Connop a problem using the measured alumina content of the sodalite to
titration method (Connop 1996). A 1:10 dilution in water was calculate an aluminate occupancy. This may be due to problems
also prepared for ICP analysis (Si, Al, Na). associated with co-precipitation of an extraneous alumina
containing phase, or with our assumption of the Al:Si molar ratio
3.2 Formation of sodalites
for the aluminosilicate cage. These problems surfaced again in
Kaolin (4 g) was digested in caustic solution or synthetic Bayer the early stages of this work and thus in the following results an
liquor (100 mL) at 150°C for 30 minutes in a sealed bomb using assumption has been made that the difference of soda occupancy
a gas fired reactor capable of heat-up rate of ~35oC.min-1 and and total measured anion occupancy indicates the presence of
a faster cool-down rate. The start liquor composition varied non-measurable anions. In this work non-measurable anions are
depending on which test series was being carried out. defined as aluminate and hydroxide.
3.3 Filtration and washing 4.2 Sodalite DSP formed from synthetic liquor containing
Digested slurries were filtered through a Supor membrane carbonate, sulphate and chloride
(0.45μm) using a pressure filter. The exit liquor was collected, The inclusion composition of sodalite formed from a solution
weighed and titrated for A, C and S where applicable. A 1:10 of C=260, A/Cexit=0.65, Na2CO3=50 gL-1, Na2SO4=30 gL-1 and
dilution was prepared for ICP analysis (Si, Al, Na). A fixed amount NaCl=25 gL-1 then washed 5 times is given in Figure 2.
of pure caustic solution (C = 170g/L) was used to rinse the
remaining contents of the reaction vessel into the filter press.

The residue was then subjected to a sequential “standard” water

wash program that involved:

i. Re-suspending the residue in approximately 40 mL of

deionised water (equivalent to roughly 10 mL per gram
ii. Stirring the suspension for 10 minutes using a magnetic
stirrer, then filtering through a Supor membrane (0.45 μm)
using a pressure filter.

In most cases this digestion/washing procedure was repeated 4

times, giving a total of 5 sequential washes.
Figure 2. Distribution of included ions in sodalite and the change in distribution
3.4 Re-digestion of sodalites on washing.
For some experiments a bulk sodalite was prepared under the
same experimental conditions as above but using a Parr reactor. Figure 2 shows ~ 100% occupancy and that anion inclusions
This resulting sodalite (caustic and singly water washed) was re- are dominated by sulphate and carbonate2. In fact the total
digested in water in the gas fired reactor (4g 100 mL-1) and then aluminate and hydroxide inclusions (indicated by the difference
re-washed according to the procedure above. in soda and total anion occupancy) is very small. Washing this
sodalite does not show a change in either sulphate or chloride
3.5 Analyses (as expected). The decrease in included soda is shown to come
In each case the washed residues were collected and dried from not only the aluminate / hydroxide but surprisingly, the
in an oven at 100°C overnight. Samples were submitted for carbonate. As indicated previously, this ion should not leach
XRF analysis and total carbon measurements with appropriate because of its size.
standards. Selected residues were also analysed by a Philips
To focus attention on mobile rather than immobile ions, sulphate
X’Pert XRD analyser using Co Kα radiation.
and chloride were excluded from further tests. In addition, and
4. Results to circumvent the problems of defining aluminate inclusions,
sodalites were formed in aluminate free caustic solutions.
4.1 Presentation of results
Kaolin provided only enough aluminium to form the sodalite cage
The majority of results in this paper are presented as cage structure thus effectively forcing the aluminate inclusions to zero.
occupancies of sodalite DSP as prepared or as subsequently These changes to the liquor composition restricted the inclusions
washed. These are calculated from the elemental composition to carbonate and hydroxide, a model of a sodalite formed from
of the residues as follows. high reactive silica.
Sodalite is assumed to be the only mineral in the residue1 and
have the stoichiometry Na6[AlSiO4]6.Na2X.6H2O, where the
1 The kaolin used has a minor quartz impurity and this concentration is taken into account 2 Other work from our laboratory (Lowe et al. 2002) has indicated these ions are “preferred”
when performing the calculation of sodalite composition. (ie more energetically stable than others (aluminate, hydroxide and perhaps chloride).

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4.3 Sodalite formed from caustic-carbonate solution
Sodalite was formed from a caustic-carbonate solution containing
no aluminate - C=260, S=300 (Na2CO3=40 gL-1). The result is
given in Figure 3 which shows not only the washing of the sodalite
(3a), but the re-digestion of a duplicate sample (labelled “0” in
3b) and its subsequent washing.




Figure 4. (a) Washing of sodalite formed caustic only solution (b) The re-
digestion of this sodalite in water and its subsequent washing.

Re-digestion of this sodalite (Figure 4b) shows a most dramatic

(b) reduction in soda. A ~90% reduction in included soda is
Figure 3. (a) Washing of sodalite formed caustic-carbonate solution (b) The re- accompanied by a ~50% reduction of carbonate. Washing doesn’t
digestion of this sodalite (labelled (0) in water and its subsequent washing. appear to significantly reduce carbonate further, but the soda is
effectively reduced to zero after 5 washes. This corresponds to
In the absence of sulphate and chloride, this sodalite is dominated a sodalite with a molar soda to silica = 0.5 (i.e. cage soda only).
by carbonate, although the total inclusion level (now ~ 85-90%) Zero included soda should imply no associated anions (ie the
indicates some empty cages. Whether this represents cages total removal of the hydroxide and the carbonate).
that were never occupied, or ions that were removed during the
first wash is not clear. In common with Figure 2, the reduction of The evidence from both Figure 3 and Figure 4 therefore implies
included soda is matched by a reduction in carbonate and non- that carbonate can be removed from sodalite cages, and that
measurable anions (this time exclusively assigned to hydroxide). some of the residual carbonate does not have adequate charge
balancing soda.
More extensive leaching conditions provided by a re-digestion
of this sodalite in water shows a greater drop in both soda and The change in sodalite cage contents affects the structural
carbonate. Thereafter washing appears to have little effect. The properties of the sodalite crystal which is reflected in changes
most significant aspect of Figure 3b is that soda occupancy has to the XRD pattern. Figure 5 shows detail from the XRD patterns
fallen below total anion occupancy. This implies that there is of sodalites from Figure 2 (full anion occupancy) and Figure 4b
no remaining hydroxide, but more importantly, that there is (minimal anion occupancy).
insufficient soda to charge balance the remaining carbonate.

4.4 Sodalite formed from caustic only solution

Sodalite was formed from a caustic solution only (C=260, no
carbonate or aluminate). This should produce a sodalite with
substantial hydroxide which, so far, has been largely excluded by
more dominant ions. The result is given in Figure 4a. Carbonate
is present in the caustic solution as an impurity in the caustic
soda used to prepare it, and also from CO2 pickup. This carbonate
has preferentially concentrated in the sodalite, but to a level
below that in Figure 3. Hydroxide inclusions are significant, and
the total inclusions are now restricted to ~70%. The standard
washing has produced a reduction of soda of equivalent extent
to the two previous figures (~15% of the Na2X sites).
Figure 5. Detail of the XRD pattern of washed residues from Figure 2 (full cage
occupancy, lower) and from Figure 4b (minimal cage occupancy, upper).

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The figure shows a reasonable match of Figure 2 sodalite trace iii. Under more extreme leaching conditions (re-digestion), all
to ICDD card 15-469 (a synthesized carbonate rich sodalite) ion inclusions are more leachable. In particular hydroxide
whereas the Figure 5b trace shows evidence of both this sodalite inclusions can be (totally) removed from sodalite.
and 16-612 which is described as a synthesized sodalite iv. In some cases after re-digestion there is residual carbonate
molecular sieve with no reported inclusions. present with insufficient charge balancing soda.
v. A mechanism has been proposed whereby during leaching
5. Discussion carbonate disproportionates into hydroxide and hydrated
The data in the preceding figures demonstrate a number of CO2. The CO2 thus formed can either stay within the sodalite
features for sodalite with different inclusions and the reaction or leave with the associated hydroxide through the cage
of these compounds to washing. It appears that whether openings.
dominated by sulphate, carbonate or hydroxide, washing can
reduce the soda content by up to ~15% under our “standard”
washing conditions. Julian Gale (Curtin University) and Greg Power (Parker Centre)
are thanked for valuable discussions.
Sodalites containing carbonate or hydroxide exhibit included
soda contents <100% after an initial wash. Since these soda
contents are either stable or exhibit very slow leaching with
continued washing it is likely that the cages are empty (of ions)
during the formation rather than leached during the first wash.
Although this implies that these sodalites remove less soda
from Bayer process liquors it is apparent that they leach soda
during washing at much the same rate as those that have a full
complement of included ions.

Re-digestion of the sodalites has resulted in enhanced leaching.

Significant reduction in included soda has been only partially
offset by a reduction in total anion inclusion leading to an
apparent charge imbalance. In particular the re-digestion of
hydroxide-dominated sodalite has shown an almost total removal
of included soda whilst some residual carbonate remains.

One possible explanation of the leaching of carbonate or continued

presence of carbonate without charge balancing soda is the
formation of neutral CO2 within the cages. The following reaction
produces sodium hydroxide which, as has been demonstrated,
can be washed out of the cage openings. The proposal is that
CO2 can either remain within the cage or be (partially) removed
through the cage window depending on the extent of washing:

Na2CO3 + H 2O → NaHCO3 + NaOH → CO2 + 2 NaOH

This reaction assumes some enhanced stability of the CO2 within
the cage structure3. In fact it is likely that if some CO2 is removed
through the window in this way, it recombines with NaOH to
form sodium bicarbonate / carbonate in the washings. A similar
mechanism could be postulated for aluminate inclusions, leaving
neutral Al(OH)3 in the cages. It should be pointed out that this
concept is purely speculative and would require further work to

6. Conclusions
The main conclusions of this work therefore are:

i. Under mild washing conditions, sodalites that are dominated

by sulphate, carbonate, or hydroxide all leach soda at an
equivalent (slow) rate. It is presumed that this release is via
ion migration through the sodalite cage openings.
ii. Carbonate can be removed from sodalite despite the size of
the ion being greater than the cage window.

3 Caged zeolites have been used to sequester neutral CO2 from the gas phase for many
years. A recent study examines the stability of CO2 in faujasites, Plant et al. (2006).

Connop W., (1996) Proceedings of the Alumina Quality Workshop (AQW 4, Darwin), pp321-330.
Hassan I., (1997) Kuwati Journal of Science and Engineering 24, pp163-183.
Plant, D.F., Maurin G., Deroche I., Gaberova L. and Llewellyn P.L., (2006) Chemical Physics Letters 426, pp387-392.
Riley G., Smith P., Binet D., and Pennifold R., (1999) Proceedings of the Alumina Quality Workshop (AQW 5, Bunbury), pp404-414.
Smith P., Lowe J.L., Rohl A.L., Pennifold R. and Parkinson G.M., (2002) Proceedings of the Alumina Quality Workshop (AQW 6, Brisbane), pp191-194.

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