PVT, RC Variation, Ocv
PVT, RC Variation, Ocv
PVT, RC Variation, Ocv
PVT is abbreviation for Process, Voltage and Temperature. In order to make our chip to work in all
possible conditions, like it should work in Siachen Glacier at -40°C and also in Sahara Desert at 60°C, we
simulate it at different corners of process, voltage and temperature which IC may face after fabrication.
These conditions are called as corners. All these three parameters affect the delay of the cell. We will see
each and every parameter and its effect on delay in detail.
Process variation is the deviation in attributes of transistor during the fabrication.
During manufacturing a die, the area at the centre and that at the boundary will have different process
variation. This happens because layers which will be getting fabricated can not be uniform all over the die.
As we go away from the centre of the die, layers can differ in their sizes.
Process variation is gradual . It can not be abrupt.
Process variation is different for different technologies but is more dominant in lower node technologies
Below are few important factors which can cause process variation;
1. Wavelength of the UV light
2. Manufacturing defects
The affects of process varition are listed below;
1. Oxide thickness variation
2. Dopant and mobility fluctuation
3. Transistor width, length etc.
4. RC Variation
These variations will cause the parameters like threshold voltage to change its value from expected.
Threshold voltage depends on oxide thickness, source-to-body voltage and implant impurities. Consider
the drain current equation for NMOS;
ID = (1/2)μnCox (W/L)(VGS – VTh)2
As we are talking about process variation, it deals with physical properties of MOSFET. So, current
flowing through the channel directly depends upon mobility ( μn ), oxide capacitance Cox (and hence
thickness of oxide i.e. tox) and ratio of width to length.
Any of these parameters change, it will result in changing the current. In other words, it will affect the
delay of the circuit. Delay decreases with increase in current.
The relation between process and delay can be better understood with the following curve shown in Figure
From this relation, we say that delay is more for slow process MOSFETs and it is less for fast process
There are separate model files for every process corner.
Figure 1: Process Vs Delay Graph
Now a days, supply voltage for a chip is very less. Lets say chip is operating at 1V. So there are chances
that at certain instance of time this voltage may vary. It can go to 1.1V or 0.9V. To take care of this
scenerio, we consider voltage variation.
There are multiple reasons for voltage variation. These are discussed below.
The important reason for supply voltage fluctuations is IR drop. IR drop is caused by the current flow over
the parasitic resistance of the power grid. IR drop reduces the supply voltage from the required value.
The second important reason for voltage variation is supply noise caused by parasitic inductance in
combination with resistance and capacitance. The current through parasitic inductance causes the voltage
bounce. Both these effects together can not only lead to voltage drops but also voltage overshoot.
Supply voltage that any chip works on is given externally. It can come from DC source or some voltage
regulator. Voltage regulator will not give same voltage over a period of time. It can go above or below the
expected voltage and hence it will cause current to change making the circuit slower or faster than earlier.
Because of all these factors, we have to consider the voltage variation. Figure 2 shows the relation between
supply voltage and delay.
Figure 2: Voltage Vs Delay Graph
The temperature variation is with respect to junction and not ambient temperature. The temperature at the
junction inside the chip can vary within a big range and that’s why temperature variation need to be
considered. Figure 3 shows the variation of delay with respect to temperature. Delay of a cell increases
with increase in temperature. But this is not true for all technology nodes. For deep sub-micron
technologies this behaviour is contrary. This phenomenon is called as temperature inversion.