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Skin Aging: Ines Sjerobabski-Masnec and Mirna Šitum

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Acta Clin Croat 2010; 49:515-519

Original Scientific Papers

Ines Sjerobabski-Masnec and Mirna Šitum

University Department of Dermatovenereology, Sestre milosrdnice University Hospital, Zagreb, Croatia

SUMMARY – Skin aging is a multisystem degenerative process that involves the skin and skin
support system. Young faces tend to be convex with full lips, sweeping jaw line with full temples and
cheeks. Aged face tends to be concave with flat lips, sunken temples and cheeks, scalloped mandible
and more shadows. Aging caused by the genes we inherit and depending on the passage of time per se
is called chronological or intrinsic aging. Intrinsic akin aging is characterized by atrophy of the skin
with loss of elasticity and slowed metabolic activity. The signs of intrinsic aging are fine wrinkles,
thin and transparent skin, loss of underlying fat, facial bone loss, dry skin, inability to sweat suffi-
ciently to cool the skin, hair loss and unwanted hair. The other type of aging is known as extrinsic
aging and is caused by environmental factors. Among harmful environmental factors that contribute
to extrinsic aging, long-term effects of repeated exposure to ultraviolet light are most significant
and are referred to as photoaging. It is a cumulative process and depends primarily on the degree of
sun exposure and skin pigment. UV irradiation invokes a complex sequence of specific molecular
responses that cause damage to the skin connective tissue. Photoaging affects the sun-exposed areas
and is characterized clinically by fine and coarse wrinkling, roughness, dryness, laxity, telangiec-
tasias, loss of tensile strength and pigmentary changes. There is also an increase in development of
benign and malignant neoplasms on photoaged skin.
Key words: skin aging, photoaging, UV radiation

By the third decade of life, the skin begins to epidermal regeneration capacity do not decline until
change. Skin aging is a progressive process in which advanced age in areas not exposed to light, whereas
environmental damage superimposed on aging skin they do so prematurely in areas exposed to light 2.
determines the ultimate skin appearance. Aging is
a multisystem degenerative process that involves the Intrinsic Aging
skin and the skin support systems including the bone, Intrinsic aging, also known as the natural aging
cartilage, and subcutaneous compartments1. process, is a continuous process that normally begins
There are two distinct types of aging. Aging caused in the mid-twenties. Within the skin, collagen pro-
by the genes we inherit and depending on the passage duction slows down and elastin has a bit less spring.
of time per se is called chronological or intrinsic aging. Dead skin cells do not shed as quickly and turnover
The other type of aging is known as extrinsic aging and of new skin cells may decrease slightly. While these
is caused by environmental factors such as sun exposure. changes usually begin in the twenties, the signs of
Age is not the determining factor in the condition of intrinsic aging are typically not visible for decades.
mature skin. Environmental factors that influence ag- The signs of intrinsic aging are fine wrinkles, thin and
ing of the skin play a central role. Tone, elasticity and transparent skin, loss of underlying fat, bones shrink
away from the skin due to bone loss, which causes
Correspondence to: Ines Sjerobabski-Masnec, MD, University De-
partment of Dermatovenereology, Sestre milosrdnice University sagging skin, dry skin, inability to sweat sufficiently
Hospital, Vinogradska c. 29, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia to cool the skin, graying hair, hair loss and unwanted
E-mail: hair3..Young faces tend to be convex with full lips,

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2009 515

Ines Sjerobabski-Masnec, Mirna Šitum Skin aging

sweeping jaw line and full temples and cheeks. Aged leads to lentigines, poikiloderma, and melasma and
face tends to be concave with flat lips, sunken temples prominent telangiectasias lead to erythema8.
and cheeks, scalloped mandible and more shadows4. With aging, the loss of extracellular matrix and
The skin support system includes the bone, carti- its major component hyaluronate, which stabilizes
lage, and subcutaneous compartments, which provide the intracellular structures by forming viscoelas-
the architectural support for the dermis, epidermis and tic network in which collagen and elastin fibers
stratum corneum. A multipronged approach to aging are embedded, induces loss of the skin mechani-
involves reversing the undesirable changes in each of cal functions. Hyaluronate provides a cushion ef-
these structures. One of the most important areas for fect to the skin structures including the epidermis.
consideration is the bony architecture over which the Solidity of the skin is provided by the extracellular
skin lies. Without a strong framework, the skin hangs matrix and the loss of hyaluronate and consequent-
formless over the face. Bone demineralization begins ly of the viscoelastic buffering system would con-
at around 25 and leads to dulling of the facial features. tribute to easy tearing resulting in skin lacerations9.
Bone replacement therapy, such as bisphosphonates, The treatable stratum corneum problem that leads to
is usually not initiated until overt evidence of osteo- fine wrinkling is dehydration. The corneocytes and
porosis is present. The architecture of the cartilage of intercellular lipids can be restored to their normal
the face with bones defines the shape of the face. The brick-and-mortar lamellar organization1.
most important facial structure dependent on carti-
lage is the nose. The cartilage does not disappear with Extrinsic Aging
advancing age, but does change in shape. The change A number of extrinsic or external factors often act
occurs during pregnancy due to relaxins that are se- together with the normal aging process to premature-
creted at high levels during the final trimester1. ly age our skin. External factors that prematurely age
The subcutaneous compartment undergoes much the skin are repetitive facial expressions, sun, gravity,
of the change that contributes to the aged appearance sleeping positions, and smoking.
of the face. In intrinsic aging, there is a decreased fat Repetitive facial movements actually lead to fine
cell size, diminished fat cell function, impaired fat cell lines and wrinkles. When we use a facial muscle, a
differentiation and redistribution of fat cells. Subcuta- groove forms beneath the surface of the skin, which is
neous fat from all over the body is removed and lost, why we see lines to form with each facial expression. As
including facial fat, and redeposited intra-abdominal- skin ages and loses its elasticity, the skin stops springing
ly, probably to lower growth hormone levels5. The face back to its line-free state, and these grooves become per-
shows excess concavity with prominent muscles and manently etched on the face as fine lines and wrinkles.
bony landmarks as the result of lipoatrophy4. Fat re- Changes related to gravity become more pronounced
distribution in the body occurs with menopause6,7. In with aging. When the skin elasticity declines in mid-
postmenopausal women, fat is typically redistributed dle age, the effects of gravity become evident. Gravity
to the breast, arms, waist, thighs and buttock with causes the tip of the nose to droop, the ears to elongate,
loss of facial fat. Volume loss begins to occur under the eyelids to fall, the jowls to form, and the upper lip to
the eyes in the tear troughs, as well as in the cheek disappear while the lower lip becomes more pronounced.
area. Volume loss becomes evident around the naso- Resting your face in the same way every night for
labial folds due to the loss of volume in the cheek and years eventually also leads to wrinkles. Sleep wrinkles
perioral area. Prominence of the nasolabial fold is a become etched on the surface of the skin and no lon-
major change associated with midface aging. This fold ger disappear.
has a dynamic stage in earlier life and a static appear- Cigarette smoking causes biochemical changes in
ance with aging. the body that accelerate aging. People who smoke for a
Viable epidermis and dermis are the essence of the number of years tend to develop an unhealthy yellow-
skin. Structural destruction and loss of dermal collagen ish hue and deeply wrinkled, leathery skin not seen in
fiber bundles lead to wrinkling and increased appear- non-smokers. These signs can be greatly diminished
ance of muscular attachments. Irregular melanization by stopping smoking2,3.

516 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2010

Ines Sjerobabski-Masnec, Mirna Šitum Skin aging

Most premature aging is caused by sun exposure. creased and decreased numbers. The Langerhans cell
Unlike chronological aging, which depends on the population in the epidermis is reduced, which con-
passage of time per se, photoaging depends primar- tributes to an impaired immune response to antigen
ily on the degree of sun exposure and skin pigment. and skin cancer cells10,11. The roughness of photoaged
Individuals who have outdoor lifestyles, live in sunny skin is the result of a combination of changes in stra-
climates and are lightly pigmented will experience the tum corneum and changes in the glycosaminoglycan
greatest degree of photoaging10. content of the dermis. With age, there is a decrease in
Among harmful environmental factors that con- glycosaminoglycans in the dermis. In photoaged skin,
tribute to extrinsic aging, long-term effects of repeat- there is a paradoxical increase in glycosaminoglycans
ed exposure to UV radiation are most significant and when compared with intrinsically aged skin. But,
are referred to as photoaging. Photoaging is directly they are deposited on the abnormal elastotic material
correlated to the quantity of UV rays received dur- rather than in the papillary dermis and this location
ing the course of lifetime. The effects of photodamage may make them unavailable as a source of hydra-
are often evident many years before intrinsic aging is tion12. Photoaged skin displays thickened basement
apparent. Young people who are exposed to a great membrane. Dermal changes in photoaged skin are
amount of UV rays appear prematurely aged. reduction in collagen and precursors of types I and III
Mechanisms of Photoaging
collagen, degeneration of elastic fibers, which are re-
placed with time by an amorphous mass, and chronic
Photoaging is a multisystem degenerative process inflammation with an increase in degranulated mast
that involves the skin and the skin support system. In cells, macrophages and lymphocytes. Blood vessels
skin with long-term sun exposure, the ratio of mel- are dilated and tortuous13. In addition, because of the
anocyte density is approximately twice that of non- diminution of the collagen framework, the blood ves-
exposed skin11. Prominent telangiectasias lead to ery- sels are poorly supported; they can easy rupture, re-
thema and loss of hydration in stratum corneum leads sulting in solar purpura.
to fine wrinkling. Photoaging affects the sun exposed
areas and is characterized clinically by fine and coarse Conclusion
wrinkling, roughness, dryness, laxity, telangiectasias,
Skin aging is the end result of both intrinsic aging,
loss of tensile strength and pigmentary changes. There
is also an increased development of benign and malig- which is the result of the passage of time, and pho-
nant neoplasms on photoaged skin. It is a cumulative toaging, which refers to alterations in skin structure
process and depends primarily on the degree of sun and function that result from chronic sun exposure,
exposure and skin pigment. The epidermis and dermis in addition to the passage of time. It is important to
are both affected by UVB, but the dermis is also af- distinguish between chronological skin aging and
fected to a significant extent by UVA. It has long been photoaging.
thought that the majority of human photolesions are Chronological skin aging can be summarized as
due to UVB rays, while now it is believed that UVA atrophy with structural and functional decline of the
play a substantial role in photoaging. Because UVB is skin. Sun-protected aged skin is finely wrinkled with
essentially completely absorbed in the epidermis, it is exaggeration of facial expression lines, laxity, and pal-
important to understand that photoaging changes can lor.
be produced by UVA alone. Indeed, these changes are Extrinsic skin aging involves hypertrophy as an
produced in photoprotected skin by a small number of inflammatory, protective response to the damaging
low-dose exposures of UVA radiation12. effects of UV rays. Photoaging is manifested by xe-
With chronic skin exposure to UV rays, the epider- rosis, leathery skin, irregular pigmentation (freckles,
mis responds with hypertrophy. The stratum corneum lentigines), and more pronounced wrinkling. Telangi-
thickens, the epidermis becomes acanthotic, and there ectasias, purpura, comedones, and a variety of benign
is progressive dysplasia with cellular atypia, and ana- and premalignant skin tumors including seborrheic
plasia. Keratinocytes are irregular with the loss of po- keratoses, acrochordons, sebaceous gland hyperplasia,
larity. Melanocytes are irregular with pockets of in- and actinic keratoses are frequent findings. Ultraviolet

Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2010 517

Ines Sjerobabski-Masnec, Mirna Šitum Skin aging

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I. Sjerobabski-Masnec i M. Šitum

Starenje kože je degenerativni proces koji uz kožu zahvaća i potporne strukture kože. Mlado lice je konveksno s punim
usnama i obrazima, a linija mandibule je uzdignuta prema obrazima. Lice koje pokazuje znakove starenja obilježavaju
tanke usne, nejednolikosti pigmentacije, opušteni obrazi i čelo, opuštena mandibula i cijelo lice se doima konkavnim.
Starenje uzrokovano genskim nasljeđem i koje ovisi o prolasku vremena zovemo kronološkim starenjem ili intrinzičnim
starenjem. Ono je obilježeno atrofijom kože, gubitkom elastičnosti i usporenjem metaboličnih aktivnosti. Znakovi kro-
nološkog starenja su sitne bore, tanka i transparentna koža, gubitak podložećeg masnog tkiva i koštane strukture lica,
suhoća kože, nemogućnost žlijezda znojnica da dostatno hlade kožu, gubitak kose i pojava neželjene dlakavosti. Drugi
tip starenja naziva se ekstrinzično starenje i uzrokovano je utjecajem vanjskih čimbenika. Između brojnih štetnih utjecaja
okoline koji sudjeluju u starenju dugotrajno i opetovano izlaganje ultravioletnim zrakama je najznačajnije te uzrokuje foto-
starenje kože. To je kumulativni proces koji prvenstveno ovisi o stupnju izloženosti sunčevim zrakama i pigmentu kože.
UV zračenje uzrokuje složene procese na specifičnim molekulama odgovor kojih uzrokuje oštećenja vezivnog tkiva kože.
Foto-starenje se očituje pojavom naboranosti, crvenilom kože, suhoćom, gubitkom elastičnosti, pojavom telangiektazija
te pigmentnim promjenama. Izloženost UV zračenju povećava pojavu dobroćudnih i zloćudnih novotvorina kože na foto-
eksponiranim dijelovima.
Ključne riječi: starenje kože, fotostarenje, ultravioletno zračenje

518 Acta Clin Croat, Vol. 49, No. 4, 2010

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