Thodaya Mangalam
Thodaya Mangalam
Thodaya Mangalam
1: jaya = Hail !, jAnakI ramaNa = Husband of Sita, jaya vibhISaNa sharaNa = Hail
protector of vibhISaNa, jaya sarOruha caraNa = Hail lotus footed, jaya dIna
karuNa = Hail the compassionate of the oppressed,
2: jaya lOka sharaNya = Hail protector of the worlds, jaya bhakta kAruNya = Hail
protector of devotees, jaya divya lAvaNya = Hail one with divine beauty, jaya
jagadpuNya = Hail the auspiciousness of the world,
3: sakala lOkAvAsa = Abode of the whole world, sAkEtapura vAsa = Resident of
the city of Saketa, akaLanka nija dAsa = served by spotless, abjamukha hAsa =
smile resembling lotus flower,
4: shukamuni stuti pAtra =Praised by sukamuni, shubada nija caritra = Auspicious
life history, makara kuNDala karNa = Ears adorned with large ear rings, mEgha
sama varNa = body hue similar to the cloud.
5: kamanIya kOTIra = beautiful crown, kaustubhAlankAra = adorned with
Kausthubha, kamalAkSa = eyes resembling the petals of lotus, raghuvIra = The
hero of the clan of Raghu, kamalA vihAra = one who wanders among Lotuses,
6: samaripu jaya = vanquisher of all foes, dhIra = Brave, sakala guNa gambhIra =
profound with all virtues, amala hrt-sancAra = resider in the hearts of the pure,
akhilArthi hara = remover of all difficulties,
7: rUpa nindita mAra = excelled cupid in beauty, rucira = brilliant, sadguNa =
abode of virtues, shUra = valourous, bhUpa dasharatha kumAra = son of king
Dasaratha, bhUbhAra hAra = remover of the load of the world.
8: pApa sanga vidAra = breaker and separater of sins, panktimukha samhAra =
killer of ten headed demon, shrIpatE = husband of Sri, Goddess Lakshmi,
sukumAra = good and ideal son, sItA vihAra = who moves around with Sita,
IV.Thodaya Mangalam
IV.Thodaya Mangalam
(Preliminary songs composed by saints praising Gods.)
Translated By
Thodaya Mangalam is the set of songs welcoming the God with auspiciousness
, generally composed by devotees like Annamacharya and Vijaya Gopala
Swamigal. The sampradaya Bhajana begins with this.
Prayer to Ganesa
Raga Nata Thala Jambha
Thodaya Mangalam
1.Narayana they namo nama , bhava,
Naradha sannutha Namo nama
Caution to the one who removes the problems of man in Kai age,
The one who has a spotless fame ,
And the one with pretty form attracts Alamelu manga.
Caution to one who roams the forest of sandal and Bakula trees,
Who is very clever and takes care of all our Vedas.
Caution to Narayana who takes care of humans, who killed Narakasura and
And the very courageous one who destroyed the pride of Ravana.
Madhava bhavathu they mangalam,
Madhu mura hara they mangalam.
Let all good come to you Madhava,
Let all good come to killer of Madhu and Mura
Let all good come oh God with jasmine bud like teeth,
Whose anklets sing and who has a very pretty face.