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Patriotic Front Manifesto 2016 2021 PDF

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MANIFESTO 2016-2021

Towards an Industrious, Prosperous, Peaceful, Stable, United, Democratic, and Inclusive

Zambia, under One Zambia, One Nation

His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu

President of the Republic of Zambia and
Patriotic Front Party


On 20thSeptember, 2011 the Zambian people decided to entrust the five-year mandate of
managing the affairs of this great nation in the hands of the Patriotic Front under the able
leadership of that great son of the soil, His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata – May His Soul
Rest in Peace – who sadly passed on, on 28thOctober,
2014. The late President, who was also the founding
father of our Party, was a gallant leader who served the
people of Zambia selflessly and with a passion to
improve the living standards of our people especially the
poorest. We are fortified by the fact that he was able to
live to witness our Golden Jubilee, as an independent

As heir to the late President Sata’s legacy, l was in September, 2015 privileged to lay out a
vision of Zambia’s development.

On 11thAugust, 2016 the Zambian people go to the polls to elect a government that will run
the affairs of this country for the next five years. When we sought the first mandate from the
Zambian people, we set out our goals for our time in office. In our quest to make Zambia a
better place for all, we set out goals that were realistic and achievable. As our mandate
comes to a close, we believe the Zambian people have taken stock of what we
accomplished, with appreciation. We are humbled to know that the Zambian people are
able to see and point at the various projects that we had promised to implement during our
five-year tenure of office.

Indeed as the nation goes to the polls, the Zambian people will be fully cognisant of the fact
that the elections will be held under a new Constitution. After so many costly attempts by
previous administrations, the Patriotic Front Government was able to fulfill its pledge to
deliver a people-driven Constitution that reflects the will and aspirations of the Zambian
people. To conclude our promise to deliver an expanded Bill of Rights, we have called a
referendum to amend Part III of the old Constitution and Article 79 to make it possible for any
changes to be made to this most sacrosanct part of our Constitution. Our party the PF, is
campaigning for the Yes Vote during the August 11, 2016 referendum.

Through appropriate interventions, such as raising the tax free income threshold threefold
from K1, 000 in 2011 to K3, 000 in 2014, revision of the minimum wage, salary increases, the
Patriotic Front has fulfilled its pledge to put more money in people’s pockets.

By building infrastructure, we have also saved our people time and money as they travel to
access services and facilities.

The Patriotic Front has also gone a long way in reducing poverty amongst the most
vulnerable households in Zambia by casting the Social Protection Safety Net wider from
42,000 beneficiary households in eight districts in 2011 to 242,000 households in seventy-eight
districts in 2016. Through the Social Cash Transfer Programme, our vulnerable members of
society have regained their dignity and hope for a better future.

Under the road sector, the Patriotic Front Government has been implementing the Link-
Zambia 8000 programme and other road projects aimed at transforming Zambia into a land-
linked country. Apart from creating jobs, the road projects have been instrumental in
contributing to the opening up of new business opportunities in the country. In the health
and education sectors, there has been unprecedented infrastructure development. Inspite
of the drought occasioned by the “El Nino” weather phenomenon, the country is set for
another maize bumper harvest of 2.8 million metric tonnes due to appropriate policy
interventions, thereby making Zambia food secure.

Under the stewardship of the Patriotic Front, the economy has performed favourably
registering strong positive growth. Inspite of external shocks as well as adverse weather
conditions and the energy deficits on the domestic front, which have combined to
negatively affect production and productivity in various sectors, the economy is resilient and
projected to post higher growth rates. Appropriate policy interventions have seen a
resurgence of investor confidence in our economy. The exchange rate is stablising, while
the rate of inflation is slowly but surely heading towards the single digit.

In the next five years, the Patriotic Front undertakes as a priority to complete all projects that
commenced in our first term. In the education and health sectors, we have outlined
measures to build on what we started in our first term. In the agriculture sector, we intend to
make diversification a reality and create more jobs through value addition. A major part of
our focus will be to reduce dependency on copper and rain-fed agriculture. With the
valuable lessons that nature has taught us, we undertake to wipe out the energy deficit
within the next one year and make Zambia a net exporter of energy.

It is my fervent hope that through our performance the Patriotic Front has earned the trust
and confidence of the Zambian people so as to entrust us with another mandate for the
period 2016-2021. We shall use that mandate to create a better Zambia for all.

I call on all members of our Party to use this Manifesto to articulate to the Zambian people,
our priority focus areas in the next five years at the strategies that we shall apply in our
commitment to make Zambia a land of opportunity and advancement towards a
prosperous and secure future.

Edgar Chagwa Lungu



The PF Manifesto 2016-2021 aims to consolidate the gains made in the implementation of the
2011-2016 Manifesto. It has been segmented into the following sections and key priorities:
Vision; Education and Development; Health Services; Agriculture; Local Government and
Housing Development; Social Protection; Persons with disabilities; Women in Socio-Economic
Development and Gender.

Other priority areas include: Youth in Socio-Economic Development and Gender; Arts and
Cultural Development; Sports and Recreation; Infrastructure Development; Tourism
Development; Land Development; Environment and Natural Resources; Labour and
International Relations; Finance and National Development Planning; Energy Development;
Mines and Minerals Development; Commerce, Trade and Industry; Science and Technology;
Governance and Administration of the State.

The Manifesto concludes by noting that the years ahead for Zambian’s future are of promise
and opportunity.


The preparation of this PF Manifesto 2016-2021, like the previous ones is a result of
contributions made from all segments of our Party. I would, therefore, like to thank all
members of our Party for their invaluable contributions. Acting together, we are making our
Party stronger. Moving in one direction, we will deliver more to the Zambian people.

Davis Chama


The Vision of the Patriotic Front for the next five years is to make Zambia more industrious,
prosperous, peaceful, stable, united, democratic, and inclusive society, under the motto of
One Zambia, One Nation.

Guided by this Vision, we present the key priorities to take us to the promised destination, in
the following sections.



In the last five years, the Patriotic Front in Government (2011 – 2016) has scored
unprecedented achievements in the education Sector in all the eight sub-sectors that
is, Early Childhood Education; Primary and Secondary School Education; Youth and
Adult literacy; Teacher education; Skills development; Science, Technology and
Innovation; and University Education. Despite the strides that Government has made in
the last five years, there is still much to be done in the post- 2016 period to achieve
quality and equitable education provision for all in Zambia. For the period 2016 – 2021,
the Patriotic Front will, therefore, be working on continued expansion of all the eight
sub-sectors as well as the provision of quality education and skills development.

The Patriotic Front Government’s achievements in the 2011-2016 as well as, its focus in
the 2016-2021 period in the education sector (sub-sector by sub-sector) will be as

(a) Early Childhood Education (ECE)

(i) 2011 – 2016 Milestones

Prior to 2011, Early Childhood Education was dominated by private sector providers. To
ensure that children aged 3-6 years have access to Early Childhood Education,
Government has in the last five years:

 Developed a National Policy and Implementation Plan, and Curriculum and

teaching – learning materials;
 Established a total of 1,526 Government Early Childhood Education Centres with
an enrolment of over 70,000 children (mainly in remote and rural areas where
hitherto there was no provision);
 Recruited and deployed a total of 1,025 teachers;
 Established Early Childhood Education Directorate to enhance the growth of the
 Increased the number of Grade one (1) entrants with Early Childhood
experience to 15.4 percent by 2016; and

 Developed the Early Childhood Education Teacher Training Curriculum which is
being implanted in Colleges of Education.

(ii) 2016 – 2021 priorities

In order to enhance access to and improve the quality of Early Childhood Education,
the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Establish community – based Early Childhood Education Centres in all provinces;

 Train, recruit and deploy more Early Childhood Education teachers annually;
 Develop and distribute teaching – learning materials; and
 Monitor closely Early Childhood Centres.

(b) Primary School Education

2011 – 2016 Milestones

Zambia has made remarkable progress in the last five years towards achieving the
Education for All (EFA) Goal number two (2) on access to primary school education.
The notable achievements include:

 Increased number of schools totaling 8,754 with an enrolment of 3,691,486

learners and a net enrolment rate of 94.3%;
 The Gender Parity Index for Grades 1 – 7 at 0.99 in 2015 from 0.97 in 2011;
 The introduction of a revised curriculum which introduced, among other things,
the use of the seven local languages as medium of instruction in Grades 1 – 4;
 The introduction of ICT as a compulsory subject;
 The recruitment and deployment of primary schools teachers;
 The expansion of the School Feeding Programme to 2,200 schools benefitting
890,000 annually;
 The implementation of the Early Grade Reading Assessment and Early Grade
Mathematics Assessment at lower levels to improve literacy and numeracy
 Continued construction of school infrastructure including classrooms and
teachers’ houses especially in rural areas;
 Continued implementation of Free Primary Education Policy;
 Continued professional development of teachers; and
 Continued upgrading of community schools;

(ii) 2016 – 2021 Priorities

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In order to enhance the quality of primary school education, the Patriotic Front
Government shall in the next five years:

 Upgrade the 510 pole, mud and grass thatched Government and
schools into fully fledged primary schools;
 Improve the 59.3% transition rate and absorb the 200,000 out of school children
aged 7 – 13 years;
 Recruit and deploy more teachers;
 Procure and distribute teaching – learning materials;
 Construct more teachers’ houses;
 Work with the Teaching Council to register teachers and accredit Colleges of
 Monitor more closely the quality of teaching and learning;
 Scaling up the School Feeding Programme to reach two million learners by
 Retain teachers in rural areas.

(c) Secondary School Education

The secondary school education subsector has undergone the most visible
transformation in the last five (5) years. The number of boarding and day secondary
schools has increased and so have learner numbers. The revised curriculum which has
been introduced since 2014 has brought new opportunities for learners, hitherto,
unheard of in the country.

(i) The Junior Secondary School Education

2011 – 2016 Milestones

In the last five years the following milestones were achieved:

 A total of 118 secondary schools have been constructed creating 56,640

classrooms and 2,360 housing units for teachers;
 A total of 220 (22 per province) Basic Schools have been upgraded into Day
Secondary Schools creating over 100,000 spaces for learners;
 The implementation under the Revised Curriculum of a two-tier system which
provides learners with an option of following either an academic or vocational
career path;
 The annual recruitment and deployment of Diploma and Degree holder
 The Fast-Track teacher upgrading programme in selected universities to obtain
Diploma or Degree qualifications;
 The production and distribution of teaching-learning materials including
mobile laboratories and computers; and
 The continuing phasing out of the Basic Schools and replacing them with distinct
Secondary schools offering 1-12 or 8-12 separately.
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2016 – 2021 Priorities

In the period 2016-2021, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Continue with upgrading of the remaining 1,800 Basic Schools into Day
Secondary Schools;
 Sustain the Fast-Track upgrading programme for teachers in Mathematics and
 Produce and distribute mobile laboratories and computers alongside other
teaching-learning materials;
 Rehabilitate all old Secondary Schools constructed during the First Republic;
 Strengthen Vocational career pathways;
 Amend the 2011 Education Act; and
 Review the 1996 National Education Policy.

(ii) The Senior Secondary School Education

2011 – 2016 Milestones

The progression rate from Grades 9 to 10 has increased in the last five years reaching
48.89% in 2015. There is a large proportion of learners progressing to Grade 10 than in
the previous five years. The subsector has seen:
 The construction of 118 schools and upgrading of 220 Basic Schools (as under
Junior Secondary School level);
 The revised curriculum has created the two-tier system;
 The Fast-Track programme has 2,975 teachers in Mathematics and Science; and
 Vocational career pathways open in TEVET institutions.

2016 – 2021 Priorities

In the period 2016-2021, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

Continue with the expansion of the subsector to absorb the 120,000
Grade 9 graduates failing to enter Grade 10;
 Continue with the training of Mathematics and Science teachers at Diploma
and Degree levels;
 Provide laboratories and computers;
 Upgrade 1,800 Basic Schools into Day Secondary Schools to improve on the
42.2% transition rate from Grades 9 to 10;
 Improve on the 31.7% completion rate at Grade 12;
 Strengthen the Vocational career pathways;
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 Complete the rehabilitation of old Secondary Schools constructed in the First
Republic; and
 Amend the 2011 Education Act and review the National Policy.

(d) Colleges of Education

2011 – 2016 Milestones

The colleges have had their curriculum, re-oriented so that they are positioned to
better serve the primary schools and junior secondary schools. The following measures
were undertaken in the last five years:

 The colleges have been upgraded from offering certificate courses and
programmes to offering Primary or Secondary Diploma Programme;
 The training duration has been revised from two to three years;
 Early childhood and primary teacher qualification has been upgraded from
Certificate to Diploma and Degree through both in-service and pre-service
teacher training; and
 The Junior Secondary Teacher Education curriculum has been reviewed.

2016 – 2021 Priorities

In the next five years, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Give colleges a facelift and expand them in order to meet the demand for
teachers in the country;
 Increase grants to colleges;
 Ensure that colleges open new programmes outside teaching;
 Ensure that colleges satisfy the catchment area demands; and
 Revise the National Education Policy and amend the 2011 Education Act.

(e) Youth and Adult Literacy

2011 – 2016 Milestones

An estimated 300,000 children of primary school age (7 – 13) of whom girls remain the
majority, are out of school in the country. There has been need, therefore, to prioritize
informal and non-formal education provision in the last five years. As a result:

 Over 2,353 Adult Literacy Centres have been established with an enrolment of
over 37,648; and
 Digitalisation of teaching-learning materials has been done for use of television,
radio, computer and other means.

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2016 – 2012 Priorities

There is urgent need to implement robust programmes to liberate the youth and adults
trapped by illiteracy and consequently strangled by poverty.

(f) Skills Development

2011 – 2016 Milestones

In the last five years, the commitment of the Patriotic Front Government has been to
empower people with lifelong and survival skills by creating Trades institutions. As a

 The commitment toward constructing at least one Trades Training Institute per
district has resulted in the completion of Kalabo and Isoka Trades Institutes as
well as the construction of Lundazi, Mumbwa and Sesheke Institutes. Chitokoloki,
Luangwa and Kazungula institutes will add to the numbers of institutes in 2016;
 The two-tier system at Grade 10 is in TEVET institutions.

2016 – 2021 Priorities

In the period 2016-2021, the focus shall be to:

 Continue the construction of Trades Institutions in the Districts not yet serviced;
 Expand enrolment in the TEVET institutions of the two-tier system at Grade 10;
 Expand the capacity of institutes and the teaching staff; and
 Review the 1996 TEVET Policy.

(g) Science, Technology and Innovation

2011 – 2016 Milestones

Progress in this subsector in the past five years has been rather modest mainly because
there is a critical shortage of expertise in the subsector.Be that as it may:

 The National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research and the National
Remote Sensing Centre has been equipped with state-of-the art research and
development facilities and remote sensing equipment worth over K30 million.

2016 – 2021 Priorities

In the period 2016-2021 the Patriotic Front Government shall:

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 Revamp funding to the subsector so that it can attract expertise and equipment
for research and development;
 Expand research and development institutions;
 Amend the Science and Technology Act of 1997; and
 Review the 1996 Science and Technology Policy.

(h) University Education

2011 – 2016 Milestones

The number of universities both public and Private has continued to grow.
So too have the number of secondary school graduates accessing university
education. Public universities have increased in the last five years:

Newly built Robert Makasa University-Chinsali

 Nkrumah, Mukuba and Chalimbana Colleges of Education have been

upgraded into universities;
 Construction of the Robert Kapasa University has been completed;
 Construction of the Paul Mushindo and Palabana Universities is on-going;
 Construction of universities at provincial level are starting with University of
Luapula and King Lewanika University;
 Student hostel accommodation expansion at the University of Zambia,
Copperbelt University, Mulungushi University and Evelyn Hone College is on-
going and ear-marked to create 9,600 bed spaces when completed in 2016;
 The Fast-Track training of 2,700 teachers in Mathematics and Science at
University of Zambia, Zambian Open University, University of Lusaka and St.
Eugene University is on-going.

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2016 – 2021 Priorities

In the period 2016-2021, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Construct and establish universities in each province (Eastern,

Northern, Southern and North-Western Provinces);
 Launch the University Student Loan Scheme to replace the Bursaries
Committee arrangement;
 Capacity build the Higher Qualification Authority and the Zambia Qualifications
 Deal with the indebtedness of higher education institutions to improve their
service provision; and
 Upgrade institutions of higher learning to enable them continue attracting
students and researchers from other countries and earn foreign exchange for
the country.

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In the last five years, significant strides have been made to improve on the quality of
health services being provided to the Zambian people, especially in the areas of
infrastructure development, disease control and in curbing maternal and child deaths.
The country now has four fully fledged tertiary level hospitals after Livingstone was
upgraded to a Teaching Hospital joining Kitwe, Ndola and Lusaka.

The four tertiary level hospitals are fully equipped with modern diagnostic equipment
such as computerised tomography machines (CT) and renal dialysis units needed to
handle complicated cases. Government has also installed a modern cardiac
catheterisation laboratory at the University Teaching Hospital aimed at handling
cardiology interventional procedures.

Currently, some of the cardiac patients are being treated locally thereby saving
precious lives and the country’s hard-earned foreign exchange. In addition,
advanced ophthalmology equipment has also been installed at the University
Teaching Hospital to handle all eye related problems.

Government has completed phase II of the Cancer Diseases Hospital at the University
Teaching Hospital to provide complete treatment facilities with 252 bed space
capacity. These measures will enable the facility provide in-patient services and
enhance service delivery for cancer patients both within and in the region.

Government has also ensured a fair spread of District Hospitals in all the districts across
the country. A total of 39 district hospitals have been constructed and five of these
are already operational. Further, Government has constructed a total of 266 health
posts of which 170 have been operationalised and are being utilised by local

The on-going infrastructure development has not been limited to medical institutions
alone but also to health training institutions. So far, 27 such institutions have been
rehabilitated. Construction of a 3,000 student capacity training facility at Levy
Mwanawasa General Hospital in Lusaka is progressing well. Similar construction works
are underway across the country. Completion of these works will result in a significant
increase in the number of health professionals.

The construction of these health facilities has reduced the distance being travelled by
communities to improving access to health services. Maternal and infant mortality
have declined. Under-five mortality rates have also declined due to increased

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investment in health infrastructure. This has contributed to recorded progress in the
overall indicators of the health status of our people.

Latest statistics indicate that child and maternal indicators have improved significantly.
Maternal mortality ratio declined from 591 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2007 to 398
deaths per 100,000 live births in 2014.

Similarly, the under-five mortality rate has declined from 119 per 1,000 live births in 2007
to 75 per 1,000 live births in 2014. Infant mortality rates declined from 70 to 45 per 1,000
live births over the same period. Similarly, neonatal mortality rate declined from 37 per
1,000 live births to 24 over the same period.

In order to enhance the well-being of all Zambians, the Patriotic Front Government
shall in the period 2016-2021, continue to strengthen health systems and services using
the primary health care approach. Primary health care shall be the pillar of our health
system and will be central to preventing epidemics, improving women’s and children’s
health; controlling infectious diseases such as malaria, HIV and AIDS; and managing
the rising burden of non-communicable diseases such as diabetes, cardinal disease
and cancer.

(a) Service Delivery

 Ensure access to primary health services within a 5km radius by continuing to

construct more health posts and hospitals;
 Extend the modernisation programme to all the nine provincial hospitals;
 By 2021, end preventable maternal deaths;
 By 2021, end preventable deaths of new-borns and children under 5 years of
 By 2021, substantially reduce the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and
neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and
other communicable diseases;
 By 2021, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health care
services, including family planning;
 By 2021, reduce by one third premature mortality from non-communicable
diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and
 By 2021, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous
chemicals and air, water, and soil pollution and contamination;
 Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including
narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol;
 By 2020, halve the number of deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents;
 By 2021, achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection,
access to quality essential health care services and access to safe, effective,
quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all;
 Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organisation Convention on
Tobacco Control;

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 Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for
communicable and non-communicable diseases that primarily affect Zambia;
 Strengthen surveillance, for early warning, risk reduction and management of
national health risks; and
 Make Zambia a medical hub instead of referring patients abroad. We shall
transform selected health institutions into centres of excellence where our
people will access specialised services, thereby saving foreign exchange. These
facilities will also be open to foreign nationals to enable us establish medical

(b) Human Resource

 Build a well performing health workforce that shall be fairly distributed,

competent, responsive and productive;
 Continue to improve conditions of service and enhance retention strategies
both monetary and non-monetary;
 Prioritise the deployment of health workers, with the right mix, to primary health
facilities in the rural and urban areas; and
 Invest in a cadre of super specialised staff to anchor modernisation of tertiary
and provincial hospitals.

(c) Heath Information System

 Ensure a well-functioning health information system that ensures the production,

analysis, dissemination and use of reliable and timely information on health
determinants, health system performance and health status; and
 Continue to implement a vigorous Behavioural Change Communication (BCC)
Strategy, utilising all media and communication channel.

(d) Vaccines, Medicines, Medical supplies and Technologies

 Build our health system to ensure equitable access to essential medical

products, vaccines and technologies of assured quality, safety, efficacy and
cost effectiveness; and
 Promote local pharmaceutical manufacturing as part of the Patriotic Front
Government’s agenda to grow our economy, create jobs, prevent capital flight
and enhance commodity security.
 Grow medicinal plants such as Aloe Vera and its associated industries.

(e) Health Care Financing

 Invest in a National Social Health Insurance Scheme that shall raise adequate
funds for health in ways that shall ensure people can access health services,
and are protected from financial catastrophe or impoverishment associated
with paying for them.

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(f) Leadership and Governance

 Fortify strategic policy frameworks, provide effective oversight, facilitate

coalition building, ensure regulations, and pay particular attention to system-
design and accountability; and
 Form a formidable team of leaders for health at all levels of service delivery.

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The Patriotic Front remains committed to its objective of making the Agriculture sector the
main stay of Zambia’s economy. This unfettered commitment is premised on the fact that
Zambia’s Agriculture currently employs more than 70% of the labour force and provides the
main source of livelihood for more than 80% of the population living in the rural parts of the
country, while contributing 20% to the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country.

There is empirical evidence that investment in agriculture has 12 times the impact on poverty
alleviation compared to investment in any other sector. It follows therefore that this sector is
the panacea to the pervasive poverty that has been inherent in the rural areas of Zambia.

The Patriotic Front is convinced that investment, both public and private, coupled with the
implementation of growth promoting policies in this sector shall impact positively on the lives
of the people of Zambia.

The Patriotic Front government shall from 2016-2021 pursue the following investments and
policies that are crucial in stimulating an agrarian revolution:
 Sustainable rural development;
 Agricultural Research and development;
 Agricultural education;
 Agricultural Extension and farmer support;
 Agricultural Credit and finance;
 Agricultural Input supply;
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 Agricultural mechanisation;
 Management and utilisation of water resources;
 Access to land and land tenure systems;
 Agricultural production and productivity;
 Commodity markets and prices;
 National and Household Food and Nutrition Security; and
 Weather vulnerabilities.

(i) Sustainable Rural Development

Most agricultural production takes places in the rural parts of the country. Unfortunately due
to uneven development whereby the urban areas are developing at a faster rate than rural
areas, there is rampant rural-urban migration. This is particularly affecting the youths who are
in search of jobs that are unfortunately not easily available even in the urban areas as well
as in search of ‘higher quality of life’ that urban areas are associated with. It is estimated
that by the year 2040, the urban population in Africa will have grown three-fold, as a result of
this phenomenon. The declining population of youths who are the
most productive segment of the labour force in rural areas threatens agricultural growth.

To this end, the Patriotic Front government shall continue to pursue its programme of
reinvigorating rural development and ‘taking the cities’ to the rural areas through, but not
limited to, establishing new districts in rural areas. More health, education, electricity,
communication, water and sanitation and related social infrastructure shall be developed in
the rural areas so as to reverse the rural-urban drift. The implementation of the decentralised
system of governance shall be expedited for further popular participation in decision making
at local level.

(ii) Agricultural Research and Development

Countries that have revolutionised their agricultural sectors have done so on the
premise of evidence-based practices which are informed by research and
development. In Zambia, Agricultural research and development has been faced with
the following challenges:

 Inadequate expenditure in research;

 Inadequate investment in research fellows and experts;
 Inadequate research centres; and
 Weak linkage between research and extension services

To address these challenges, the PF government shall:

 Promote Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the provision of research and


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 Establish a Research and Development Fund to be contributed to by all agro-
dealers and processors of agricultural commodities on an annual basis;
 Increase public allocation to National Agricultural Research and Development
to not less than 1% of the National Budget to Agriculture up from the 0.29% per
year allocated during the period 2001 to 2009;
 Offer and support further education and training in Agricultural Research and
 Construct at least two Agricultural Research Centres in each province;
 Establish Research centres in each college of Agriculture;
 Establish tissue culture Research and Development centre;
 Rehabilitate and equip the Zambia Agricultural Research Institute with modern
technology; and
 Develop linkages between Research centres and institutes with Extension staff.

(iii) Agriculture Education

Recognising that the Agricultural Sector requires a cadre of well-trained personnel

including but not in any way limited to agronomists; horticulturalists; apiculturists;
aquaculturists; livestock specialists; veterinarians; agricultural economists; agricultural
researchers; agricultural entrepreneurship development specialists; soil scientists, the
Patriotic Front government shall build skills at Technician, Managerial and Professional
levels. To date, Zambia has 10 Agricultural Institutions namely; Natural Resources
Development College, Zambia College of Agriculture (ZCA) Mpika, Zambia College of
Agriculture (ZCA) Monze, Katete College of Agriculture, Palabana Dairy Institute,
Zambia Institute for Animal Health (ZIAH), Zambia Centre for Horticultural Training –
Chapula, Popota Tobacco Institute, Kasaka Fisheries Institute and Cooperative
College. In pursuit of the goal of well qualified staff to run the agriculture sector, the PF
government shall:

 Rehabilitate all existing agricultural training institutions;

 Promote Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in running sustainable agricultural
production units in agricultural training institutions;
 Establish an agricultural training institute in each province;
 Promote cost sharing mechanisms in the operations of agricultural training
 Establish Research and Development centres in Agricultural Training Institutions;
 Encourage the introduction of Agriculture related training programmes in all
institutions of higher learning;
 Support advanced training of agriculture experts;
 Facilitate the development and adaptation of training curricula that meet
sector skill needs; and
 Facilitate and support the establishment of private Agricultural Training

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In addition, the PF is cognisant of the fact that farmers require much more than the
ordinary farm visit extension services. They require additional training particularly in the
assimilation and application of new technologies and concepts. Currently there are
nine Farm Training Institutes (FTIs), one in each province except for Muchinga Province
and 43 Farmers’ Training Centres (FTCs) in various districts. With a view to enhancing
farmers’ knowledge and skills, the PF government shall:

 Rehabilitate all Farmers Training Centres;

 Construct one Farmers Training Centre in each District;
 Facilitate at least two farmers’ residential training programmes per centre per
 Encourage cost-sharing mechanisms for the provision of farmers residential
training programmes; and
 Foster and support Public-Private partnerships in the provision of farmers’
residential training.

(iv) Agricultural Extension and farmer support

Timely and accurate Agricultural Information and skills backup for famers is a critical
component of successful agriculture. To this end the PF government shall:

 Increase the number of frontline (extension) officers to a ratio of 1 to 400 farmers

within five years from the current 1 to 1700 farmers;
 Facilitate the provision of refresher and retraining programmes for frontline
 Promote the coordinated provision of extension services by the private sector;
 Support the utilisation of audio/video mobile vans in extension services delivery;
 Establish a radio and television station dedicated to providing information on
 Promote the use of community radio stations in the dissemination of information
on agriculture;
 Utilise ICT in the dissemination of information on agriculture; and
 Maintain a database of all farmers in Zambia.

(v) Agricultural Credit and finance

Access to agricultural credit and finance is another critical aspect of improving

productivity and production and yet so far Zambian farmers large and small have
limited access to it. This is due to limited availability of tailor made agricultural finance
and the high cost of borrowed finance from the financial market. According to the
2015 Rural Agricultural Livelihoods Survey (RALS), only 15% of Zambian small scale
farmers had access to credit. This was an increase of only 2% from the figure
represented in an earlier RALS survey of 2011. The vast majority 9.7% accessed the
credit from out-grower schemes. A mere 0.5% accessed credit from Farmers’ union or
cooperative, 0.3% from the ZNFU Lima credit scheme and 4% from community based
savings groups.
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In order to increase access to agricultural credit for farmers, the PF government shall:

 Support the establishment of savings and credit cooperatives and a

cooperative bank to be owned by farmer cooperatives;
 Support the establishment of private agricultural micro-finance institutions;
 Support the development of out- grower schemes;
 Introduce legislation to safeguard out grower managers and farmers from price
fixing and side selling;
 Encourage the registration of farm land to make it acceptable collateral for
 Sensitise farmers on the modalities for accessing the recently introduced
legislation of moveable assets being registered as collateral;
 Encourage the development of the warehousing receipt system where
warehouse receipts allow farmers to use their stored stocks as collateral;
 Promote agriculture insurance; and
 Legislate to provide for all commercial financial institutions to provide at least
10% of their credit to the agricultural sector.

(vi) Agricultural Input supply

A regular, steady and timely supply of good quality agricultural inputs is an important
precondition to agricultural production and productivity. According to the Rural
Agricultural Livelihoods Survey (RALS) of 2015, for the 2015/16 farming season, 58.4% of
the farmers obtained their fertilisers from the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP),
0.8% acquired it through the Food Security Pack Programme of the Ministry of
Community Development. Cash purchases of fertilisers from private traders accounted
for 43.6% while loans from out-grower schemes accounted for 15.4%. The 58.4%
represents a remarkable increase from the 9.1% in 2008/09, 11.5% in 2009/10, 16.3% in
2010/11, 21.9% in 2011/12, 29% in 2012/13, 34.8% in 2013/14 and 33.5% in 2014/15. Over
the years that the PF has been in government, the number of farmers that have
received support from the FISP has increased more than three-fold (16.3% in 2010/11 to
58.4% in 2015/16).

In addition to the above, the 2015 RALS states that among the FISP recipients on
average 64.7% and 66.8% reported to have received basal dressing and top dressing
fertilisers on time respectively. This is a marked departure from the previous years when
basal dressing fertilisers were received when the maize was tussling and top dressing
fertilisers when the maize cobs were forming.

However, the PF is concerned by the low rate of fertiliser application by the small scale
farmers as this has a negative impact on productivity. The average application of
basal dressing and top dressing fertilisers per hectare is 154.6kg and 153kg respectively
as opposed to the recommended rate of 200kg in either case.
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With regard to seed, the 2015 RALS indicates that approximately 37% of the farmers
purchased their maize seed from agro-dealers while 33.6% and 23.9% acquired their
seed from own harvest (open pollinated seed) and the FISP respectively.

The e-voucher piloted in 13 Districts in 2015/2016 farming season confirmed that the
FISP is weak in targeting beneficiary farmers and is therefore, vulnerable to abuse. The
pilot removed 20,000 unintended beneficiaries from a list of a total of 241,000 farmers.
In view of the above, the PF government shall:

 Promote private sector participation in agricultural markets for inputs;

 Roll-out the e-voucher system to cover the majority of farmers;
 Promote out-grower schemes for the provision of inputs to farmers;
 Review the FISP to make it more robust in empowering beneficiary farmers to
eventually graduate from the programme;
 Facilitate the local production and or packaging of fertilisers and other
agricultural inputs;
 Promote the utilisation of conservation farming methods;
 Promote diversification in agricultural production with particular emphasis to
aquaculture and livestock production, particularly in the drier regions of the
 Conduct soil surveys covering the country for the application of soil-type specific
 Promote the utilisation of lime particularly in the high rainfall areas and
 Promote the production of organic food commodities.

(vii) Agricultural mechanisation

Globally, 35% of the effort in agriculture is from the human muscle, whereas in Africa,
human muscle provides 65% of the effort. This is an indication of how lowly
mechanised Africa’s agriculture is. This is the explanation for 77% of the 60 million
African farmers are subsistence farmers. Using hand held hoes and other archaic
implements is a hindrance to expansion in land use. In Zambia, only 0.2% of the small
scale farmers own tractors! The most commonly owned assets among small holder
farmers are ox-drawn ploughs (21%) trained oxen (19%) and scotch carts (8%).

To enhance productivity through increased utilisation of modern farming equipment,

the PF government shall embark on a vigorous farm mechanisation programme which
shall include:

 Procuring Tractors and front and back equipment for hiring to farmers;

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 Setting up Farm Power and Mechanisation Centres in every district to be run by
the cooperative movement to supervise and manage the utilisation of the farm
 Availing Zambia National Service equipment and expertise to farmers for land
clearing and preparation and construction of irrigation dams and ponds;
 Setting up of a Tractor and associated equipment assembly factories and
service centres in each province;
 Promoting the production of appropriate agriculture technologies/equipment in
skills training centres;
 Providing tax and non-tax incentives for the importation of selected agricultural
 Providing incentives for financial institutions to lend for acquisition of farm
equipment and
 Promote the utilisation of farm equipment by small holder farmers.

(viii) Management and utilisation of water resources

Zambia is blessed with immense underground and surface water resources. It is estimated to
have 45% of all the water resources in Southern Africa. The mean annual runoff is around 100
billion cubic metres while 60 billion cubic meters is stored in rivers, lakes, streams and swamps.
With all this water, the country has only 1,700 dams. Zambia’s irrigation potential is estimated
at 2.75 million hectares.

Irrigated agriculture has shown to increase yields two to four fold when compared to rain-fed
agriculture. In addition, irrigated agriculture is more resilient to occasional droughts than rain
fed agriculture. Livestock are also prone to high disease burden and stunted growth when
denied adequate water.

The PF government has already commenced and intends to expand its programme of
increasing the management and utilisation of water resources for agricultural development.
This will be achieved by:

 Rehabilitating all non-functional irrigation dams and schemes;

 Constructing at least one large scale dam per province to irrigate at least 6,000
hectares each;
 Establishing irrigation schemes;
 Opening up at least 6,000 hectares to irrigation per year;
 Procuring irrigation equipment for onward lending to farmers through the
Zambia Cooperative Federation;
 Withdrawing duty on all imported irrigation equipment;
 Facilitating private investment in dams and irrigation infrastructure;
 Encouraging Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) in the development and
operating of irrigation schemes;
 Promoting investment in appropriate, affordable and cost effective irrigation
technologies and infrastructure suitable for different agro-ecological regions;
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 Promoting high value irrigable crops among small and medium scale farmers;
 Rehabilitating all earth dams;
 Promote water harvesting techniques;
 Constructing new earth dams for livestock especially in high cattle rearing
regions of Southern, Western, Eastern and Central provinces; and
 Providing matching grants to farmer groups for the construction of irrigation and
earth dam infrastructure.

(ix) Access to land and land tenure systems

Of the total arable land of 43.5 million hectares, (58% of total land mass of 75 million
hectares) only 5.3 million hectares (12% of arable land and 7% of total land) is currently
under cultivation, and of this, only 29,000 hectares is under permanent crops.

Land access and acquisition has been a challenge for many farmers, small and large.
The mean land availability among small and medium scale farmers is approximately 3
hectares. On the other hand, farm land around the cities has rapidly been diverted to
real estate development. In view of the artificial scarcity of land arising from the
hurdles inherent in the customary and statutory land tenure systems covering 94% and
6% of the total land mass respectively, the PF government shall continue and expand
the programme of opening up more land for agriculture by:

 Establishing at least one Farm Block of not less than 100,000 hectares each in
every province;
 Allocating farm plots from 5 hectares through 50 hectares, 100 hectares, 1,000
hectares to a maximum of 10,000 hectares to potential farmers based upon
viable development plan agreed upon between the investor and the
government, particularly for those accessing above 1,000 hectares;
 Encouraging Their Royal Highnesses to avail their subjects and others
appropriate sizes of land to enable agricultural activities at economic levels;
 Developing a legal framework that prevents the selfish and unjustified diversion
of farm land to other uses; and
 Establishing and managing a data base of all farm land;

(x) Agricultural Production and Productivity

Farming in Zambia is scanty and characterised by low yields and predominated by the
production of maize to the near exclusion of other crops and livestock and fisheries.
This is largely the reason for the paradox of the poverty and malnutrition that is
pervasive among the producers of food – the rural populations.

The PF government shall pursue the following subsector policies to increase production
and productivity:

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(a) Fisheries

 Expand the Fish Development Fund;

 Establish one Aquaculture park in each province;
 Encourage the establishment of fish feed processing plants in each province;
 Promote investment in cage and pond fish farming;
 Promote the establishment of out-grower schemes in aquaculture;
 Provide incentives for the importation of sex-reversal hormones for fish breeding;
 Promote stocking and restocking of natural water bodies;
 Promote the production of fish seed; and
 Expand the Fisheries department for fish research and breeding and for extension

(b) Livestock

 Establish a livestock disease free zone and qualify for exporting animal products
to the EU market;
 Strengthen disease control and prevention measures;
 Establish a livestock electronic tracer system;
 Rehabilitate all dip tanks and establish new ones in close proximity to cattle
 Promote Public-Private Partnerships in the construction and operation of dip
tanks and other animal services;
 Establish Livestock Breeding Centres;
 Establish Livestock Service Centres;
 Promote diversification in Livestock production;
 Promote range management practices; and
 Increase Livestock extension and veterinary coverage.

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(c) Horticulture

 Promote the production of high value vegetables, particularly in irrigation

schemes and in green houses;
 Promote the production of fruits;
 Develop the Cashew industry; and
 Promote out-grower schemes for horticulture production.

(d) Crops

 Promote the use of improved crop varieties;

 Promote crop diversification
 Promote out grower schemes particularly for the production of legumes and oil
 Promote the production of certified seeds of a variety of crops; and
 Promote agro-forestry and organic farming.

(xi) Commodity markets and prices

For farming to be a business, commodity markets and prices ought to be guaranteed. Long
distances to markets coupled with low commodity prices lead to farming being a loss
making venture which does not reward the farmer, particularly those who produce relatively
small surpluses above their requirements for household food security. Artificially high prices on
the other hand push producers to sell off all their produce and resorting to buying their food
requirements from the commercial market, particularly when a consumer subsidy is included
in the value chain.

One of the most held perceptions in Zambia’s maize market is the concern of smallholder
farmers’ poor access to markets. Hence the government’s crop marketing policy through
FRA (Food Reserve Agency) has been conceived fundamentally as a response to this
perceived market failure and weak access to markets. To the contrary, evidence points to
the fact that only 40% of all smallholder farmers sold their maize to the FRA in 2015. The rest
either sold it to small scale traders (25.9%), other households for consumption (17.5%), and to
Large Scale traders, retailers/markteers and to millers (16.6%). Consistent with the Survey of
2010, the 2015 survey revealed that despite the poor conditions of many feeder roads in
Zambia, most small scale farmers either sold their maize directly on their farms or travelled
very short distances to sell their maize to private buyers. About 50% of the households selling
to small scale traders and 25% of those selling to large scale traders sold their maize right in
their villages.

As was experienced in the 2015 marketing season, the private sector is capable of buying all
the agricultural commodities that are produced in Zambia. However, when the FRA sets into
the market and fixes its floor price it has the effect of crowding out the private sector. As for
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the millers, they always wait for the FRA to buy the maize for eventual offloading to them
almost always at a price lower than the cost.

The other challenge that has been faced especially with maize marketing has been Policy
unpredictability related to import or export restrictions, timing and pricing of ex-FRA maize.

To avoid market distortions, the PF government shall:

 Promote the participation of the private sector in agricultural commodity

 Promote warehouse receipt systems through the Zambia Agriculture Marketing
and Commodity Exchange (ZAMACE) for agricultural commodities where by the
farmers can use their stock as collateral to borrow as they wait for price
increases thereby circumventing the need to sell their produce at lower prices
early in the harvest season;
 Promote the construction and management of commodity warehouses by the
private sector as close to the production centres as possible;
 Promote value addition such as milling plants run by the private sector and
cooperatives as close to the production centres as possible;
 Promote the export of value added agricultural commodities rather than
primary commodities;
 Encourage contract-farming intended for the export market;
 Promote easy and regular access to agricultural market information for farmers;
 Promote equitable out-grower schemes that will ascertain price stability and
commodity availability to the farmer and out grower institution, respectively;
 Maintain an open border policy for the export of agricultural commodities and
only use the issuance of export permits to ensure national food security;
 Maintain restricted importation of agricultural commodities that are readily
available from local famers and only use the issuance of import permits to
ensure price stability; and
 Review the FRA Act so as to make the FRA buyer of last resort and strictly for
National Strategic Reserves and to curtail the offloading of FRA maize on the
local market, except during extenuating circumstances such as the need to
ensure availability of the commodity and price stabilisation;

(xii) National and Household Food and Nutrition Security

Food and nutrition security focuses on issues including affordable food prices,
steady supply of food, and knowledge and skills in processing and preservation
of diverse foods.

The Rural Agricultural Livelihood Surveys conducted in 2012 and in 2015 indicate
that for the period May 2011 to April 2012, 42% of rural households experienced
31 | P a g e
food shortages while 52% had sufficient food access and that during the period
May 2014 to April 2015, 54% of rural households had sufficient food access.

Results from the Zambia Demographic Health Survey 2013/2014 show that
stunting is at 40% from 45% (ZDHS 2007). Wasting rates show an increase from 5%
(ZDHS 2007) and are now at 6% ZDH 2013/2014. Meanwhile, statistics for
underweight have remained constant at 15%.

These poor statistics on food and nutrition security are caused largely by
dominance of mono-cropping and mono diet, poor coordination among
players dealing with food and nutrition, inadequate and inappropriate food
storage facilities at household level, and inadequate education on nutrition.

To address the above, the PF government shall:

 Promote diversification of agricultural production;

 Promote diversification of diets;
 Promote food processing and preservation at the farm and household level;
 Promote nutrition education;
 Strengthen the School feeding programme; and
 Introduce supplementary feeding for expectant and lactating mothers and

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The Patriotic Front recognises the critical role of local government as an engine of
delivering services, infrastructure and development to the communities. The Patriotic
Front is committed to promoting decentralisation, democracy and good governance
through local authorities and strengthening their financial capacities. In line with our
Decentralisation Policy, the Patriotic Front Government has in the last five years
established 33 new districts across the country with the objective of bringing services
closer to the people. In each of the new districts, a police station; housing units;
administration blocks; and post office are under construction. These are in addition to
the public health and school infrastructure projects.

In order to build on its current success, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Improve service delivery in big cities such as Lusaka, Ndola, Kitwe,

Livingstonethrough decentralisation by establishing township management
 Improve service delivery in rural districts by establishing sub-centres;
 Outsource certain specialised services in major urban centres;
 Strengthen the capacity of councils with respect to, among other things,
management efficiency, resource mobilisation, strategic planning, climate
change resilience etc;
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 Disburse council grants efficiently taking into account the population increase
and the level and standard of infrastructure development in a particular district;
 Give full political support to the creation of realistic valuation rolls, and the
charging of fair levels and land rates;
 Devise an appropriate formula for sharing national taxes collected within the
jurisdiction authority in order to strengthen the revenue base of local authorities.
 Establish water and sewerage utility companies in provinces where there are
none in order to ensure improved access to public water supplies and sewage
 Subsidise water pricing for the vulnerable households;
 Strengthen institutional capacity and infrastructure construction and
maintenance in order to eradicate seasonal outbreaks of cholera in urban
areas as well as rural areas such as high-density fishing zones;
 Continue with programmes to improve access to clean water and sanitation in
rural areas and the eradication of Open Defecation (ODF);
 Introduce a social housing scheme that will empower councils to construct low
cost houses from government guaranteed loans and Public Private Partnerships;
 Upgrade squatter settlements through Urban Renewal in order to improve the
living standards of the inhabitants;
 In order to develop Zambia equitably and bring services close to the people
and continue with the creation of new districts;
 Place deliberate emphasis on the development of infrastructure projects using
labour intensive techniques such as paving of urban towns and tarring and
grading of rural roads in rural areas in order to create employment opportunities
for the rural population;
 Introduce Ward Village Councils, District Chiefs Councils and Provincial Chiefs
Councils to establish a link in the public service governance system below the
District Councils and promote active involvement of traditional authorities in the
public governance system;
 Provide these institutions with adequate professional advisory services to ensure
good land use planning and other services; and
 Review the Local Government and the Chiefs Acts to achieve the above.

34 | P a g e
Government Housing Project Government Housing Project




Upon assuming office in 2011, the Patriotic Front Government promised to develop a
comprehensive National Social Protection Policy. The Patriotic Front Government has
since developed it and is implementing the National Social Protection Policy to
contribute to the well-being of all Zambian by ensuring that the vulnerable people
have sufficient income security to meet basic needs and protection from worst
impacts of risks and shocks. To demonstrate the Patriotic Front Government’s resolve
to reducing poverty amongst the most vulnerable households, we increased the
budgetary allocation to the Social Cash Transfer Programme from K42.7 million in 2011
to K302 million in 2016. The number of beneficiary households has increased from
42,000 in 8 districts in 2011 to 242,000 in 78 districts in 2016. The total number of
individuals benefiting today stands at 1.2 million.

In the period 2016-2021, the Patriotic Front Government shall continue to implement
the National Social Protection Policy by:

 Increasing budgetary allocation to the Social Cash Transfer Programme;

 Providing literacy and nutrition programmes in low income communities;
 Rehabilitating and providing community development infrastructure such as
welfare centres, community libraries and recreational facilities;
 Deploying qualified staff and upgrading skills of existing staff through in-service
training; and

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 Promoting the participation of faith-based and non-governmental organisations
in the provision of community development and social welfare services.



The Patriotic Front recognises that disability and poverty are concentric circles linked in
a cycle of exclusion and marginalisation. Exclusion from education leads to exclusion
from labour markets and this in turn leads to greater poverty and dependency on
others for income and support.

Upon forming government in 2011, the Patriotic Front undertook to domesticate the
2008 United Nations General Assembly Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities as well as to carry out a comprehensive review of the Persons with
Disabilities Act of 1996. To that end, the Persons with Disabilities Act No.6 of 2012 was
enacted on 24th July, 2012 whose objects are among other things to:

 Promote the participation of persons with disabilities with equal opportunities in

the civil, political, economic, social and cultural spheres;
 Provide for mainstreaming of disability issues as an integral part of national
policies and strategies of sustainable development;
 Incorporate a gender perspective in the promotion of the full enjoyment of
human rights and fundamental freedoms by persons with disabilities;
 Ensure accessibility by persons with disabilities to the physical, social, economic
and cultural environment, and to health, education, information,
communication and technology;

36 | P a g e
 Provide for the regulation and registration of institutions that provide services to
persons with disabilities and organisations of, and for, persons with disabilities;
 Continue the existence of the National Trust Fund for Persons with Disabilities;
 Provide for the domestication of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities and its Optional Protocol and other international instruments on
persons with disabilities to which Zambia is party, in order to promote, protect
and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental
freedoms by persons with disabilities and to promote respect for their inherent
dignity; and
 Repeal and replace the Persons with Disabilities Act, 1996.

In order to protect and promote the rights of persons with disabilities in the next five
years the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Ensure that the education system is inclusive at all levels to enable persons with
disabilities realise their full potential and effective participation in society;
 Continue to establish special schools for persons with disabilities to enable
persons who by reason of their disability cannot be enrolled in inclusive
educational facilities;
 Provide persons with disabilities access to some range, quality and standard of
free or affordable health care and programmes as provided to other persons;
 Progressively establish in every district, habilitation and rehabilitation centres for
persons with disabilities.
 Prescribe safeguards to promote the rights of a person with disability to
employment including the reservation of a prescribed percentage of positions in
employment in the public and private sectors;
 Prescribe safeguards to promote the right of persons with disabilities to social
 Take effective measures to ensure accessibility by persons with disabilities to the
physical environment, transportation, information and other facilities and
services open to or provided to the public in both urban and rural areas;
 Take effective measures to ensure personal mobility with the greatest
 Provide appropriate sports and recreational facilities;
 Carry out a baseline survey of persons with disabilities so as to determine the
nature and extent of disabilities in Zambia.
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Since 2011, the Patriotic Front Government has worked towards achieving the
prescribed threshold of women representation in decision making as prescribed in the
Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995); the SADC Declaration on Gender
and Development (1997); and, the Millennium Declaration and Development Goals
(2000). To this effect many women have been appointed to positions of decision
making such as the Republican Vice-President, Chief Justice, Head of the Anti-
Corruption Commission, Auditor General, Head of the Drug Enforcement Commission,
President of the Constitutional Court, and Judge President of the Court of Appeal,
among others.

During the five years of the Patriotic Front Government, the Gender Policy has been
revised, the SADC protocol of 50/50 has been passed by Cabinet, the Gender Equity
and Equality Bill was passed by Parliament and the President of the Republic of
Zambia has assented to the Constitution, re-affirming Patriotic Front’s commitment to
Gender Equality. Additionally, Zambia has co-sponsored with Canada a United
Nations Resolution on ending child marriages; and co-sponsored with Switzerland a
United Nations Resolution on stopping the spread of HIV and AIDS by 2030.

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In the period 2016-2021, the Patriotic Front will continue to adopt the greatest number
of women as parliamentary candidates as well as at Councillor level to help achieve
the 50/50 threshold.

In order to achieve the above, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Continue domesticating international protocols relating to women and gender

in development so as to enhance representation of women in decision making;
 Enhance educational opportunities and promote the rights of the girl child,
particularly in removing the impediments that inhibit their progression at present;
 Introduce programmes to enhance girls and women’s participation in national
development in collaboration with relevant non-governmental organisations;
 Continue and introduce new programmes to eradicate Gender Based
Violence, Child Marriage and teenage pregnancies;
 Eradicate all forms of discrimination against girls and women including the
creation of equal employment opportunities for men and women;
 Promote programmes around Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and
nutrition amongst women and girls; and
 Introduce appropriate legislation to achieve the above, such as the Child Code
Bill, Marriage Bill, Sexual Abuse Bill, and Divorce Bill.

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With approximately 74% of its total population being under the age of 30, Zambia is
one of the many youthful African countries. This is a huge and energetic human
resource potential that requires to be harnessed towards national development. In
2015 the Patriotic Front Government launched the 2015 National Youth Policy and
National Action Plan whose theme was “Towards Skilled, Enlightened, Economically
empowered and Patriotic Youth Impacting positively on National Development.” The
2015 National Youth Policy defines a youth as a person aged between 15 and 35

In order to integrate the youths in national development the Patriotic Front

Government shall in the next five years:

 Promote the economic participation of the youth in national development

through employment creation and entrepreneurship development;
 Increase access to quality and equitable education and skills development
relevant to the aspirations of the youth and society;
 Improve the health and general well-being of the adolescents and youth in
order to enhance their productivity and contribution to national development;
 Promote youth participation in creative industries (art, culture and recreation) as
a major source of livelihood;
 Mainstream youth issues in all government and private sector institutions for
effective youth responsive programming;
 Professionalise youth work practice in Zambia; and
 Integrate cross cutting issues into youth development.

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In the last five years the Patriotic Front Government has made significant strides in
promoting the arts and culture sector. Prominent among these has been the creation
of the Ministry of Tourism and Arts to mainstream the Arts in tourism development as
well as the creation of the Ministry of Traditional Affairs for cultural heritage
preservation and strengthening of traditional governance systems. In 2015, the
Patriotic Front Government enacted the Protection of Traditional Knowledge, Genetic
Resources and Expression of Folklore Bill. In the same period, not only was the
Hologram for the protection of audio/visual products against piracy introduced but
Zambia Reprographics Society for the Protection of Artists’ Work from Unauthorised
Reproduction was also launched. The creation of the Arts, Culture and Heritage
Commission to unify the sector has led to the updating and harmonisation of several
pieces of legislation, including the National Arts Council of Zambia Act, the National
Museums Act and the National Heritage Conservation Act. Since 2011, the increase in
budget support to the Arts and Culture sector has resulted in a marked increase in the
number of Arts and Culture activities, including the construction various infrastructure
such as the Maramba Cultural Village, Masala Cultural Village, The Livingstone Art
Gallery and Mwandi Cultural Village. Also under construction are the Arts and Culture
Centres in Solwezi, Kasama, Mongu, Mansa, Chinsali and Kabwe. New cultural
products have been and continue to be created in this sector, including the Pamodzi
Carnival, Festivals in music, theatre and film which have helped create new job

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In the next five years, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Construct a National Cultural Centre;

 Complete construction of Provincial Arts and Culture Centres;
 Promote investment in the creative industry through the Private Public
Partnership model;
 Promote the export of creative industry products;
 Enhance job creation in the sector through decentralisation;
 Upgrade new media technology; and
 Promote research in the Arts and Culture.

Pamodzi Carnival at the Lusaka Agriculture Showgrounds, courtesy Zambia Daily Mail

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The Patriotic Front Government recognises the critical role sports and recreation play in
helping to shape the fabric of the nation by contributing to the building of the physical
and mental faculties of citizens. For the youth especially, sport builds character,
discipline and the positive values of team work, all of which are important attributes for
national development.

For the first time ever in 2012, Zambia was crowned the African Football Champion. In
the last five years the Patriotic Front Government has endeavoured to create
incentives for the private sector to support sport disciplines other than football.

In order to promote sports and recreation, the Patriotic Front Government shall in the
next five years:

 Increase budgetary allocation for the construction, rehabilitation and upgrading

of sports and recreation infrastructure, particularly in schools;
 Introduce incentives for private investment in the development of sports and
recreation infrastructure;
 Promote the manufacture of sports equipment locally; and
 Promote the concept of ‘Sports for All’.

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Upon forming Government in 2011, the Patriotic Front Government prioritised

infrastructure development as a key strategy for realising sustainable development.
The main thrust under infrastructure development has been road construction and
rehabilitation; construction of schools, trades training institutes, colleges and
universities; construction of office accommodation and staff housing in the newly
created districts; construction and upgrading of health facilities; rehabilitation,
expansion and construction of hydro-power stations; and construction and
modernisation of airports.

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Under the road sector, the Patriotic Front Government has been implementing the Link
Zambia 8,000 project which aims at transforming Zambia into a truly land-linked
country. So far, 3,947 Kilometres of trunk roads have been constructed with at least
one major road for each province constructed or under construction. The Patriotic
Front Government has combined the construction of trunk roads with that of township
roads in various districts. In Lusaka, 291 Kilometres of township roads have so far been
constructed under the L-400 project while construction of 400 Kilometres of township
roads on the Copperbelt under the C-400 project is on-going. Major bridges
completed include the Michael Chilufya Sata bridge across the Kafue river in the
Chiawa area in Lusaka Province, the Sioma bridge across the Zambezi river on the
Senanga-Sesheke road in Western Province, the Mufuchane bridge across the Kafue
river in Kitwe, and the Lubosi Imwiko II bridge across the Zambezi river on the Mongu-
Kalabo road in the Western Province. Construction of the Kazungula bridge which will
connect Zambia and Botswana on the Zambezi River is expected to be completed in

In terms of road maintenance, the Patriotic Front Government has rehabilitated 1,541
Kilometres of roads out of the planned 2,768 Kilometres. The Patriotic Front
Government has also prioritised rehabilitation and maintenance of primary feeder
road networks in order to provide for the transportation of farm produce to markets.
To this end the Rural Roads Unit has been transferred to the Zambia National

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In order to raise resources for road maintenance the Patriotic Front Government has
put in place a road tolling programme which has so far raised K915 million in the first
three years.

With regard to the construction, upgrading and rehabilitation of airport infrastructure

the Patriotic Front Government has finalised construction of the Harry Mwaanga
Nkumbula International Airport in Livingstone. The upgrading of the Kenneth Kaunda
International Airport in Lusaka in on-going.

In order to improve the infrastructure back bone created, the Patriotic Front
Government shall in the period 2016-2021:

 Continue to rehabilitate and upgrade the road network to three star status
including feeder roads in all districts to prescribed standards;
 Continue to construct additional inter district roads to open up the country to
facilitate accelerated development and improve trade;
 Replace existing pontoons with bridges in order to promote connectivity both
internally and externally and hence social and economic activities in the
 Establish new road maintenance systems in order to reduce costs;
 Continue to construct ring roads around major towns and cities so as to
decongest central business centres;
 Promote employment creation by use of local resources and labour intensive
technologies without compromising the product quality;
 Review the current maintenance of building infrastructure and come up with a
more cost effective and efficient way;
 Review Trades and Technical Colleges curriculum with a view of providing skills
that are relevant to infrastructure development in Zambia.
 Enhance road safety through construction of dual carriage ways of at least 50
kilometres out of each city;
 Construct or extend the rail network to areas of economic activities through
Public Private Partnerships;
 Construct and upgrade airports an airstrips in districts;
46 | P a g e
 Rehabilitate and upgrade existing harbours and canals;
 Expand the toll gate programme so as to raise more funds for road
maintenance; and
 Complete phase II of the construction of communication towers across the

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The tourism industry in Zambia is one sector with great potential for growth and
employment. Having recognised that poor infrastructure and uneconomical routes
were hampering the growth of the industry, the Patriotic Front upon forming
government in 2011, embarked on massive infrastructure development. This includes
construction of the new international terminal at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula
International Airport; the new Kenneth Kaunda International Airport under
construction; new road to Sioma Ngwezi National Park completed; new road (Mongu-
Kalabo) to Liuwa National Park nearing completion, Chipata-Mfuwe road completed;
Chama –Matumbo road near completion; Lusaka National Park officially opened with
good access roads through the Lusaka MFEZ; Lusaka-Chiawa road near completion
with the Michael Chilufya Sata road completed; Mulobezi rail line overhauled and
allowing access to southern section of the Kafue National Park.

In order to address the poor marketing of Zambia as a tourist destination of choice,

Zambia co-hosted the 20th General Assembly of the UNWTO in Livingstone in 2013
thereby making Zambia more visible. This has been augmented by marketing efforts
at international tourism fairs such as FITUR (Spain), ITB (Germany), World Travel Market
(UK), Tourism Indaba (South Africa). Zambia has also earned recognition from the
global tourism fraternity and has been elected as a member of the UNWTO Executive
Council. Further, the Patriotic Front Government has successfully negotiated an end to
the Yellow Fever Certificate problem with South Africa.

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In order to facilitate an enabling environment for provision of better services and a
regulatory framework that will ensure sustainability as well contribution of the sector to
national development, the Patriotic Front Government has repealed the Old Tourism
Policy and replaced it with a new one. Further, Government has repealed the Tourism
and Hospitality Act of 2007 and replaced it with the Tourism and Hospitality Act No. 13
of 2015. This has resulted in the transfer of standards and inspection mandates to the
Zambia Tourism Agency (formerly Zambia Tourism Board).

Further in order to improve management of the country’s wildlife resource government

has repealed the Zambia Wildlife Act of 1998 and replaced it with the Zambia Wildlife
Act No.12 of 2015.

As a result of the conducive policy environment and increased investments in the last
five years, tourism contribution to the gross domestic product has increased from 2.1%
to 4.7% with the sector attracting an average of over US$3 million per annum in foreign
direct investment. In the last five years, Zambia has received over 4.5 million
international tourists. Direct employment in the sector has grown from 31,900 in 2011 to
57,337 in 2013.

In order to further grow the tourism sector the Patriotic Front Government shall in the
next five years:

 Encourage and facilitate Public Private Partnerships;

 Promote private sector investment and local community participation in the
development of tourism and tourism related services;
 Promote well targeted infrastructure development in order to open up new
tourist sites in the country;
 Promote cultural and ethno-tourism in all provinces in order to create job
opportunities in rural areas;
 Collaborate with the private sector so as to enhance the marketing of the
sector both locally and internationally;
 Introduce regulations to address the human-animal conflict in Game
Management Areas so as to protect wildlife and local communities;
 Establish a wildlife research institute as well as enhance the capacity of the two
training schools at Chunga in the Kafue National Park and Nyamuluma in the
South Luangwa National Park;
 Enhance community benefits from wildlife resource;
 Enhance the employment of village scouts to increase rural employment;
 In partnership with local communities share the responsibilities of management
in Community Partnership Parks and Game Management Areas; and
 Ensure that growth in resource based tourism is environmentally sustainable and
should be accessible to future generations.

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Land as a factor of production is critical to Zambia’s social and economic

development. In Zambia land is either customary land which constitutes almost 90% of
all land in the country or state land (leasehold tenure) which constitutes 10% of total
land in Zambia. In the last five years the Patriotic Front Government has been
promoting the decentralisation of land administration in Zambia.

In order to accelerate social and economic development, the Patriotic Front

Government shall in the next five years:

 Work with traditional authorities to promote security of tenure for customary land
in rural areas;
 Prevent displacement of local communities by the urban elite or foreign
investors in rural areas;
 Promote good governance, decentralisation and transparency in land
 Regularise ownership of untitled properties in towns and cities; and
 Curb illegal allocation of land in Zambia.

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The Patriotic Front recognises that the social and economic development of Zambia in
all its forms should be governed by safeguards for the environment and ensuring
sustainable use of natural resources. The Patriotic Front is committed to the United
Nations Global National Conservation Strategy which was adopted to form Zambia’s
National Environmental Action Plan as a basis for environmental policy in Zambia.

In line with the Environmental Policy, the Patriotic Front Government enacted the
Forestry Act of 2014 in order to improve the conservation and management of forest

In the next five years the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Promote decentralisation and local community participation in collaboration

with the private sector to underpin sustainable management of natural
 Amend and harmonise all pieces of legislation governing environmental policy
to reduce inter-sectoral conflicts in environmental management;
51 | P a g e
 Encourage public private partnership in the management of watersheds on a
sustainable basis;
 Employ Forest Rangers in order to control deforestation;
 Control deforestation through sustainable agricultural methods by both
commercial and small scale farmers;
 Promote and invest in research to develop alternative sources of energy for
domestic use so as to control deforestation; and
 Domesticate international conventions on climate change.



In the last five years, the Patriotic Front

Government has made strides in improving the
conditions of service for Zambian workers. The Employment Act was amended by the
Employment Act No.15 of 2015, thereby effectively banning the practice of
casualisation. Two reviews of the minimum wage were undertaken in 2011 and 2012 in
order to promote the welfare of workers. More Labour Inspectors have been recruited
covering at least 60% of labour offices across the country.

Further, a National Call Centre has been set up to receive calls from workers across the
country, thus serving even areas where there are no labour offices. The Labour
Department has been re-established to maintain a register of available skills in the
country. To this end, it conducted a skills survey in conjunction with the Central
Statistical Office, and skills available have since been collated.

In 2015 the Patriotic Front Government revised the retirement age from 55 years by
providing for an early retirement option at 55 years, to normal retirement at 60 years
with a late retirement option at 65 years.

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In the next five years the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Formulate implementation guidelines to enforce provisions of the amended

Employment Act No.15 of 2015;
 Complete the process of establishing a sector based minimum wage;
 Finalise the Occupational Safety Health (OHS) Policy and consequently review
the outdated Factories Act;
 Enhance capacity of newly recruited Labour Officers for effective handling of
labour cases;
 Finalise the Labour Law reforms process in order to domesticate ratified
 Reactivate the jobs portal as an added avenue to collect skills data and
monitor jobs on demand to guide training;
 Enact the Social Protection Bill and relevant regulation;
 Decentralise and ensure prompt payments of terminal benefits to retirees
through established outlets in districts;
 Introduce a formula for monitoring the value of the annuity by taking into
account annual inflation;
 Use the social security schemes to advance loans to local authorities for
investment in low and medium cost housing as a way of increasing the housing
stock in Zambia; and
 Review all relevant pieces of legislation governing social security schemes.

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The principal objective of the PF economic policy is to address the needs of the
underprivileged society in our country with the ultimate view of ensuring improved
living standards. The PF approach is an all embracing balanced policy that will ensure
that the poor people actively participate and benefit from the economic
development of the country. Other than the poor in our society, PF wants to see active
participation of the Youths and Women in the country’s development agenda and
hence the establishment of the Women’s Bank and the Youth Empowerment Fund
and re-establishment of Co-operatives.

(a) Development Planning

In order to execute our economic development agenda in an orderly and systematic

manner, planning is critical. PF recognises that planning is a pre-requisite to achieving
and executing an integrated social and economic development and transformation
agenda. This will be achieved through the following:

54 | P a g e
 Restructuring of Ministries to ensure only key related activities which are clearly
measurable are retained with each Ministry. For instance separation of Ministry of
Energy from the Ministry of Mines;
 Creation of the Ministry of Development Planning;
 Formulation of the 7th National Development Plan through extensive stakeholder
engagement (5 year plan);
 Strengthening of the Monitoring and Evaluation function within the Ministry of
Development Planning;
 Creation of the Office of Projects Evaluation and Monitoring within the President’s
Office to oversee overall performance of projects with particular focus to ensuring
timely execution and implementation of projects; and
 Development of home grown social and economic development programmes.

At the heart of our development planning is the need to undertake economic

diversification programmes that will ensure that the country moves away from being
dependent on the extractive industry sector. In this regard the following areas will be
aggressively targeted to achieve the economic diversification agenda and also
ensure incorporation of youth and women’s programmes:

 Agriculture, covering crop, livestock and fisheries management;

 Energy;
 Transport;
 ICT;
 Tourism; and
 Manufacturing which should drive import substitution for non-essential imports
which are currently draining the country’s foreign exchange and consequently
adversely affecting the exchange rate.

(b) Monetary Policy

A clearly defined, stable and predictable monetary policy environment is critical to

achieving sustainable economic growth for any country. In this regard the PF wants to
achieve the following:

 Low interest rates which will allow SME’s and individuals access to affordable
 Stable exchange rate;
 Reduction in inflation to single digit;
 Reduction of domestic government debt stock to create space for private sector
on the credit market. It is acknowledged that high government debt stock crowds
out private sector borrowing, thereby constraining private sector driven economic
growth due to high costs of borrowing;
 Ensure that the financial markets have sufficient liquidity to meet private sector
demands and remain profitable; and
 Review business laws that are greater than 10 years old to ensure these reflect the
demands of current business dynamics. For instance revision of the Insurance Act
and the Banking and Financial Services which are already under review.
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(d) Fiscal Policy

The role of the fiscal is earmarked to change arising from changes that the PF
government has introduced since assuming power. The roles and responsibilities within
the Ministry of Finance in its relation to the Central Bank will be reviewed and clearly
defined. In addition, previously the Ministry of Finance whose key responsibility is
treasury management was crowded with other responsibilities such as National
Planning and Development. By separating the Planning and Development role from
the Ministry of Finance, we expect a more focused approach in implementing a sound
fiscal regime.

Another source of concern has been the taxation system both at corporate and
individual which is deemed and perceived to be inconsistent.
To achieve a solid fiscal regime, the following will be addressed:

 Tight control on government expenditure to eliminate any wasteful expenditure

such us unnecessary foreign trips and domestic workshops;
 Reduce the budget deficit on an annual basis with a long term view of achieving
a balanced budget in 5 years’ time;
 Establishment of a stabilization fund to smooth to mitigate against future
unforeseen calamities such as the recently experienced drought, drop in copper
 Establishment of a sinking fund to ensure external debt is liquidated as it falls due;
 Sell of government vehicles at a prescribed staff grade which will be reviewed
from time to time. Presently government spends approximately ZMW2.1 billion per
annum on vehicle maintenance which can be diverted to other worthwhile
 Continuously review PAYE annual credit thresholds and ensure tax benefits are
passed on to the society at large where practicable;
 Implement a mining tax system that ensures future sustainability of the mines in
both good and bad times on a sliding scale basis;
 Simplify existing tax rules. For example removal of variable tax from mining profits
(two tier tax system instead of the previous 3 tier system);
 Continuously engage with private sector to ensure active private sector
participation in the economy;
 Streamline the VAT system to ensure collections and refunds are made on a timely
 Maximise revenue collection through technology and expanding the tax base;
 Improve turnaround times at border posts to efficiency purposes which ultimately
results in reduction of costs of doing business;
 Ensure huge investments made in strategic roads infrastructure is recovered
through implementation of Toll Gates;
 Strengthen the budgeting arm of Ministry of Finance to ensure a streamlined
budgeting process;
 Review the organization structure in the Ministry of Finance to ensure it reflects the
vision set by the Ministry is achieved; and
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 Introduction of a Single Treasury Account (STA) which allows the Secretary to the
Treasure to have greater control of the spending of all sectors.

(d) Loans and Grants

In order to allow for greater transparency on debt contraction, the PF government

introduced the following measures:

 Legislation in parliament that requires parliamentary approval for the debt

ceiling, which is the maximum limit which government is allowed to contract
in debt;
 Revision of the debt ceiling requires parliamentary approval;
 Establishment of a sinking fund to cover external debt maturities;
 Domestic debt ceiling which also requires parliamentary; and
 Close monitoring debt sustainability benchmarks in order to ensure zero
default on external debt.

(e) Foreign Aid

Zambia historically relied on foreign aid for budget support. The PF undertook before
coming into power to reverse this trend and reduce foreign aid to bare minimum.
Presently, the budget is substantially funded from internally generated revenues as
opposed to reliance on donor aid.

This remains the PF philosophy going forward to ensure the self-reliance and
consequently reduce dependency on foreign aid support to critical areas where
government resources cannot reach.

(f) The Smart Zambia Vision

During the opening of the National Assembly in September, 2015, the President of the
Republic of Zambia Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, outlined a long term vision of
transforming Zambia into a developed Country by 2064. During the 2016 to 2021
mandate, the Patriotic Front will lay out the groundwork for achieving that vision by
implementing the Presidents Smart Zambia Initiative through which the vision is being

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Energy is a prerequisite for the proper functioning of all sectors of the economy. It is an
essential service whose availability and quality determines the success or failure of
national development endeavours.

The importance of energy as a sector in the national economy cannot therefore be

overemphasised. Yet energy cannot be developed and managed in isolation from
other sectors. The current national energy consumption statistics indicate that wood
fuel accounts for 79%, followed by electrical energy at 10% with petroleum energy at
9%. Other energy sources such as coal, solar, bio-fuels and wind only contribute 2% to
the total national energy consumption. In the electricity sector the hydro potential is
about 6,000 MW of which 3,000 MW could be harvested through planned projects.
Currently, the country’s installed capacity is about 2,300.

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Zambia is currently facing an electricity supply deficit and has low electrification rates,
45% in urban and 3% in rural areas. The country is aiming to reach 90% and 51% access
by 2030 in urban and rural areas, respectively. In order to exploit the potential and
attract independent power producers (IPPs) to invest in power generation, the
Patriotic Front government has commenced the revision of the electricity tariff with a
view of arriving at a cost reflective tariff.

In the next five years the PF government shall:

 Accelerate and scale up public-private partnership investment in hydro power

generation to raise the installed capacity in order to meet national demand and
generate surplus for export;
 Attain cost reflective tariffs by 2019, thereby promoting IPPs to invest in power
generation. Additionally, to allow ZESCO to make a profit and recapitalise.
 Promote investment in alternative energy sources such as thermos electricity
generation from coal and nuclear reactors;
 Promote investment in the development of renewable energy sources such as solar,
bio-fuels and wind;
 Accelerate the provision of electricity to rural and peri-urban households at
subsidised rates;
 Promote the development and use of other alternative fuels in households such as
liquid petroleum gas (LPG) and ethanol gel fuel so as to reduce dependency on
wood fuel;
 Promote transparent procurement of crude oil and petroleum products from such
sources and on such terms as are consistent with the need to maintain steady and
reliable supplies at minimum landed cost;
 Rehabilitate and upgrade the national strategic storage facilities;
 Rehabilitate and upgrade the TAZAMA pipeline infrastructure;
 Standardise the price of petroleum products countrywide so as to remove
distortions in the fuel cost;
 Review the tax regime on petroleum products;
 Promote exploration for oil and gas;
 Unbundle the electricity industry into (i) Generation (ii) Distribution and Customer
Service to improve efficiency. Transmission will still remain under the government’s
 Promote private sector involvement in generation, particularly using renewable
energy such as bio-fuel or small-scale hydro;
 Review regulation of the energy sector;
 Compile Network Development Master Plans, namely; medium and long term;
 Implement projects arising from Network Development Plans (NDP);
 Implement fuel marking techniques to avoid fuel contamination, smuggling, fuel
dumping, etc., which save the country millions of kwacha;
 Put maintenance plans in place; and
 Introduce Network Performance Management.

59 | P a g e
Itezhi Tezhi Hydro power project Maamba Collieries Project



The Mining Industry has been characterised by uncertainty in the policy framework
and frequent amendments to the legislative regime of the sector giving rise to erratic
investment in mining and minerals development.

The small scale mining activities which would contribute significantly to national
economic development have also not performed well due to lack of credit financing
and poor marketing in this sector.

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Despite the availability of mineral occurrence data, there has not been any
meaningful effort in diversifying from copper to other minerals. Additionally there has
been no deliberate policy to promote value addition industries in the mining sector
which has led to colossal loss of revenue and lack of creation of job opportunities.

In order to enhance the development of the mining sector the PF government shall:

 Diversify mining minerals from base metals (e.g. Copper) to other minerals such as
Industrial and energy minerals;
 Rump up copper production to 2 million tons per annum by the year 2017;
 Review the mining policy framework so as to bring about stability in the sector;
 Review the legislative framework in order to restore confidence in the sector by
mining investors;
 Establish micro credit financing for small scale mining;
 Establish a centre for the marketing of minerals from small scale mines so as to
assist small scale miners realise value for their products;
 Promote investment in the exploitation of other minerals other than copper;
 Promote investment in value addition industries in the mining sector by providing
 Review the regulatory framework for mining rights with a view to extending the
period of validity of mining permits;
 Provide incentives to encourage the adoption of environmentally sustainable
mining technologies incorporating energy saving, reduction of health hazards,
pollution control and safe disposal of waste;
 Promote ownership of large scale mines by indigenous Zambians; and
 Increase the contribution of the mining industry to governments’ revenue base in
line with trends and best practice in the mining sector emerging markets.



Commerce, trade and industry is an engine for economic growth and thus strategic
for job creation, raising incomes, consumption and living standards of the people.

In the last five years the Patriotic Front Government has reformed the regulatory
framework so as to reduce the cost of doing business by curtailing the administrative
burdens as well as the number of licences and permits. In order to empower Zambians
to participate in the economy, certain business have been reserved for citizens.
Further, The Industrial Development Corporation (IDC), has since been established as a
special purpose vehicle for investment and joint ventures with the private sector. A

61 | P a g e
recent example in joint ventures is the 100MW solar plant being constructed in the
Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone - MFEZ.

In the next five years, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Provide incentives for value addition in order to expand the manufacturing base
and create employment;
 Establish micro credit financing for small scale enterprises;
 Promote the establishment of small and medium scale enterprises and prescribe
supporting curricula to enhance entrepreneurial skills;
 Introduce appropriate legislation to revamp the cooperative movement;
 Negotiate appropriate trade agreements in order to expand the export base;
 Accelerate industrialisation through identification and initiation of appropriate
industries by the Industrial Development Corporation;
 Establish special Economic Zones - industrial parks, logistics parks, industrial
estates and innovation hubs;
 Promote labour intensive industries to create employment;
 Enhance Zambia’s participation in the regional economic integration initiatives;
 Review the Zambia Competition and Consumer Protection Act in order to
further protect consumer interests;
 Enhance the capacity of the Zambia Bureau of Standards.



After more than 50 years of independence, the volume of research activity in science
and technology still remains negligible. In the last five years, the Patriotic Front
Government has reviewed legislation with respect to Patents as well as Industrial
Designs and Integrated Circuits. The construction of Paul Mushindo University of
Science and Technology is on-going.
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In order to enhance research and technological innovation in Zambia, the Patriotic
Front Government shall:

 Give priority to the teaching of science subjects in educational institutions at all

 Improve and expand facilities for teaching science and technical subjects;
 Create exclusively science and technical schools, colleges and universities;
 Revamp the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research;
 Enhance the budgetary support to scientific research institutions;
 Enhance capacity by expanding training programmes for scientists;
 Promote collaboration between industry and research institutions;
 Introduce innovation awards in the field of scientific and technological
research; and
 Enact appropriate legislation to achieve the above.




As promised, the Patriotic Front Government has fulfilled its pledge to deliver a people-
driven Constitution that reflects the will and aspirations of the Zambian people. This

63 | P a g e
was after so many costly attempts by previous administrations. The Patriotic Front
Government has also amended the Referendum Act to constitute the Electoral
Commission of Zambia as the Referendum Commission with the mandate to conduct
all referenda in Zambia. This will enable the Electoral Commission of Zambia to
conduct a Referendum on the Bill of Rights alongside the General Elections on
11thAugust, 2016. With respect to other legal reforms, the Patriotic Front Government
appointed the Justice and Legal Reforms Commission with a view to recommending
appropriate legal reforms to strengthen the justice and legal sector.

In the next five years, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Enact consequential legislation to give effect to the provisions of the amended

 Decentralise the operations of the National Prosecutions Authority by opening
provincial offices;
 Enhance the capacity of the Law Development Commission in order enhance
law reforms;
 Harmonise the principles of Customary Law and Statutory Law;
 Review all archaic Laws on our statute books; and
 Domesticate international conventions that Zambia has ratified.

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The Electoral Commission of Zambia has suffered from various perceptions in the eyes
of some of its stakeholders such as lack of independence from influence of the
executive arm of government. The Patriotic Front Government is committed to
working with all stakeholders to arrive at electoral reforms that will remove such
perceptions so that all stakeholders have maximum confidence in the electoral system
in our country.

65 | P a g e
In order to address the above, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Enhance consultation with all stakeholders to arrive at consensus in order to

review and amend the law relating to the system of administering elections so
as to achieve maximum confidence in the electoral system;
 Introduce regulations to enable Zambians living in the diaspora to exercise their
entitlement to be registered as voters and vote in an election;
 In consultation with all stakeholders through the Zambia Centre for Inter-Party
Dialogue enact the Political Parties Act so as to provide among other things, for
the registration of political parties and financing of political parties;
 In consultation with all stakeholders to review and amend the Public Order Act;
 Review the recommendations of the Electoral Reforms Technical Committee
and implement those recommendations which are progressive in achieving
democratic elections; and
 Enhance budgetary allocation to enable the ECZ carry out its mandate of
continuous voter registration.



(i) Civil Service

Recognising that the Civil Service is the engine for service delivery, the Patriotic Front
Government set out to improve conditions of service of Civil Servants by harmonising

66 | P a g e
salaries and conditions of service across the Public Service, Local Authorities and
Defence and Security Agencies. The Service Commissions Act has been enacted to
bring into force the merit principles for the Public Service as enshrined in the
Constitution. In order to enhance public service delivery, the Patriotic Front
Government, has established the Centre of Excellence for e-Government and ICT to
spearhead the transformation of the public service delivery through information
communication technology.

The Patriotic Front Government, shall in the next five years:

 Ensure that appointments and promotions to all public service positions are
made on merit and progression basis;
 Ensure that appointments of members of service commissions are made on
 Extend the range of public service delivery through ICT to enable the members
of the public to access more services remotely using electronic devices such as
mobile phones and computers;
 Update the General Orders and Civil Service Regulations;
 Re-introduce civil service examinations;
 Re-introduce in-service training;
 Enhance the capacity and curriculum of the National Institute for Public
Administration (NIPA);
 Ensure that Permanent Secretaries are appointed by the President on
recommendation of the Public Service Commission and subject to ratification by
the National Assembly;
 Improve conditions of service for personnel in the public service;
 Establish a disciplinary tribunal for constitutional office holders and
commissioners in order to provide security of tenure; and
 Introduce reforms in respect of the following institutions.

(ii) Office of Auditor General

The role of Office of the Auditor General in the public sector is very critical in that it is
responsible for ensuring accountability and transparency in the use of public funds
from taxes and donors. The Auditor General is also responsible for reporting on the
appropriation of public funds to Parliament and the general public on how the money
has been used and benefits realised.

As a consequence of the amended Constitution, the Patriotic Front Government has

since enacted the State Audit Act and the Public Audit Act to give effect to the new
provisions in the Constitution which provide for the establishment of the State Audit
Commission. The new legislation has further strengthened the independence of the
office of the Auditor General and extended its mandate to undertake forensic and
value for money audits.

In the period 2016-2021, the Patriotic Front Government shall ensure that the Auditor
General’s budget is funded adequately to enable it carry out its mandate.
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(c) Anti-Corruption Commission

Corruption is a cancer which retards the social and economic development of a

country by diverting the scarce national resources from intended areas of investment,
thereby leading to increased levels of poverty, social injustice, distortions in the cost of
goods and services, poor quality education and health services, high levels of
unemployment, reduced life expectancy, increased cost of doing business, as well as
erosion of confidence by foreign investors and cooperating partners.

Upon assuming office in 2011, the Patriotic Front Government promptly re-instated the
abuse of office provision in the Anti-Corruption Commission Act in the new Anti-
Corruption Commission Act No.13 of 2012. As further promised, the Patriotic Front
Government also established a special investigations unit in the ACC to deal with
complex financial and other related white collar crimes.

In the next five years the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Enhance the capacity of the ACC to prosecute white collar crime;

 Increase budgetary allocation to the ACC;
 Introduce stiffer penalties for corruption offences;
 Domesticate international protocols on the fights against corruption; and
 Review and amend the Anti-Corruption Commission Act to achieve the above.

(d) Drug Enforcement Commission

Currently the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) is a department in the

Ministry of Home Affairs responsible to the Minister of Home Affairs. This
arrangement has affected the effectiveness of DEC.

In order to strengthen DEC the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Ensure that the DEC is autonomous by establishing an independent

supervisory body;
 Ensure that the Commissioner’s appointment is subject to ratification by
the National Assembly;
 Ensure that the DEC submits periodic reports to the National Assembly for
consideration and direction;
 Enhance capacity of the DEC to prosecute white collar crime by
establishing a specialised wing;
 Increase the budgetary allocation to the DEC;
 Enhance capacity of DEC for rehabilitation of substance abuse;
 Enhance close liaison between the DEC and other investigative wings;
 Introduce appropriate legislation to strengthen the DEC.

(e) Office of the Public Protector

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As a consequence of the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia
(Amendment) Act No.2 of 2016, the Public Protector Act has since been
enacted by the Patriotic Front to give effect to the Constitutional provisions.

The office of the Public Protector is intended to enhance and promote the
smooth administration of the public service. Currently the Public Protector’s
office is underutilised by the intended stakeholders. This has led to numerous
and costly litigation by public officers which in turn has overburdened the
conventional judicial system.

In order to strengthen the Public Protector carry out its mandate, the Patriotic
Front Government shall:

 Introduce programmes to sensitise public service workers on the

responsibilities and duties of the office as well as the rights of the workers;
 Publicise the responsibilities and duties of the Public Protector;
 Increase budgetary allocation to the office of the Public Protector;
 Ensure security of tenure of the Public Protector and the Commissioners;
 Create liaison between the Office of the Public Protector and the Human
Rights Commission;
 Enhance capacity of the office of the Public Protector.

(f) Human Rights Commission

The main objective of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) as enshrined in

Article 230 of the Constitution is to ensure that the Bill of Rights is upheld and

In order to strengthen the Human Rights Commission carry out its mandate, the
Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Establish the positions of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson to full time;

 Empower the HRC to grant quasi-judicial remedies and orders which are
binding on the State;
 Create liaison between the HRC and the Office of the Public Protector;
 Enhance the capacity of the HRC;
 Increase budgetary allocation to the HRC; and
 Introduce appropriate legislation to achieve the above.

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Following the enactment of the Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act NO.2 of

2016, there has been some fundamental changes to the justice delivery system in
Zambia. As promised, a Constitutional Court has been established for the first time in
Zambia, specialised courts as also promised in the form of divisions of the High Court
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have also been established. A Court of Appeal to hear appeals from the High Court
has also been established. The clerking system for Supreme Court and High Court
Judges has since been introduced with the appointment of Research Advocates. All
these measures are intended to enhance not only the quality but also speedy delivery
of justice.

In order to ensure an efficient and accessible justice delivery system, the Patriotic Front
Government shall in the next five years:

 Prioritise infrastructure development;

 Establish a High Court in each provincial capital;
 Progressively establish Magistrates Court at all District Headquarters;
 Ensure adequate budgetary allocation;
 Upgrade lay Magistrate to professional magistrates through in-service training;
 Review the composition of the Judicial Service Commission; and
 Ensure that appointments and promotions in the judiciary are made on merit
and progression basis.



(a) The State and the Church

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The Patriotic Front Government recognises and appreciates the pivotal role the
Church plays, especially in the areas of education, health services, social justice and
good governance. The Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act No.2 of 2016
delivered by the Patriotic Front Government has upheld the Declaration of Zambia as
a Christian Nation. It also upholds a person’s right of freedom of conscience, belief or

National Day of Prayer, Fasting and Reconciliation

In order to enhance the role of the Church and its relationship with the State, the
Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Work hand in hand with the Church to enhance the social and economic
development of the country;
 Ensure that the Church provides spiritual guidance in State affairs;
 Harmonise the relationship between the Church and the State;
 Harmonise the relationship amongst and between various Church organisations;

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 Promote social justice and good governance in collaboration with the Church;
 Support the Church in providing social services.

(b) The State and Civil Society

The Patriotic Front Government recognises the role of Civil Society Organisation as
partners in national development and the Patriotic Front shall endeavour to create an
enabling environment to enable the Civil Society play its meaningful role in the area of
social justice, good governance and national development.

In order to enhance the role of the Civil Society and its relationship with the State, the
Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Recognise the State and Civil Society as mutually interdependent and

complementary partners in national development;
 Guarantee the active participation of Civil Society in matters of social justice
and good governance;
 Promote constant dialogue between the State and the Civil Society; and

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 Review the Non-Governmental Organisations Act of 2009 so as to promote the

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Upon assuming office in 2011, the Patriotic Front Government operationalised the
Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) in 2013 which had remained inoperable
since 2002 when it was established under the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act
of 2002 to enhance accountability and a level playing field in the media sector. The
IBA has accelerated the issuance of broadcasting licenses to establish radio and
television station across Zambia. So far a total of 20 television licences and 36 radio
licences have been issued since the IBA was set up in 2013. In 2015, Zambia
successfully migrated from analogue to digital television.

In order to enhance the role of the media in its critical role of informing, educating
and entertaining, the Patriotic Front Government shall:

 Implement the provisions of the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation

Amendment Act of 2002 so as to allow ZNBC operate as a public service
 Review and implement the provisions of the Independence Broadcasting
Authority Act of 2002;
 Promote the autonomy of the government print media so as to enable them to
compete with the private media;
 Review and reconcile the provisions of the Official Secrets Act and the Freedom
of Information Bill of 2002 in order to enact the Freedom of Information Bill of
2002 into law;
 Support self-regulation of the media in Zambia; and
 Review operations of the public media.

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As a member of the international community, Zambia maintains membership of

several regional and international organisations, such as SADC, COMESA, African
Union, Commonwealth, the Non-Aligned Movement, and the United Nations.

SADC leaders at the 35th Ordinary Summit in Botswana

In order to maintain and enhance international relations and cooperation the Patriotic
Front Government shall:

 Retain Zambia’s membership to these international organisations and agencies;

 Promote friendly and cordial relations with Zambia’s neighbours, all African
States and other foreign countries;
 Pursue a foreign policy based on the mutuality of common interest and respect;

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 Ratify, domesticate and implement all international conventions that Zambia
has signed, especially in relation to human and people’s rights, rights of women
and children and cultural rights;
 Develop a professional career diplomatic service to serve in Zambia’s missions
 Establish a coordinating unit to support Zambian nationals wishing to pursue
careers in international organisations especially those of which Zambia is a
member; and
 Develop a diaspora policy to enable Zambians living in the diaspora participate
in national development.

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Highlighted in this manifesto are the achievements, along with the mid and long term solid
investments aimed at uplifting our people and repositioning Zambia made by our
government in its first five-year term. In light of these and the practical roadmap detailed for
the next five years, we can say the Patriotic Front has delivered on its campaign promises of
2011, and is best placed to lift Zambia and all Zambians to greater socio-economic heights.
We have in the process of delivering on our promises, gained invaluable experience in
government. On this firm and tested foundation, we are even more assured in our ability to
continue with our commitment to improving the welfare of all Zambians

The way ahead is one of expectation, and heightened aspirations of all Zambians for a
better life for themselves, their children, and posterity. We are committed to meeting and
exceeding these expectations of the Zambian people. We take this opportunity to invite
every Zambian to partner with us, the Patriotic Front, so that together in 2021, we can look
back at the 2016 to 2021 period, as an era of fulfilment of economic growth and
diversification. The period will also be one in which an enabling environment for our people
to achieve their social and economic aspirations will be actualised. Through this practical
roadmap set by the Patriotic Front from our first five years to the next five years and beyond,
a firm foundation for our vision for a fully developed nation by 2064, is an achievable reality.
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