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Automobile Management System Project Report

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1. Introduction Of Project


Objective of project

Advantage of proposed system

2.      System Requirment

Hardware Requirements

Software Requirements

 3.     Technologies Used

Visual Basic 6.0

Oracle 8i

4.      System  Analysis

Feasibility Study
Operational feasibility
 Technical feasibility
 Economical feasibility

System Requirement Specification
Functional Requirement
Non – Functional Requirement 
System Analysis

5.       System Design

Dataflow Diagram
E­R Diagram
Data Base 

6.       User Interface

Screen Layout

7.       Limitations of Project

8.       Bibliography
Introduction of Project

This is a software which can be used by a automobile center for keeping the records of
items which is to be transacted for purchase and sell. It helps to keep a record of all the
transactions and a password login is created for security.

In proposed system we do not have to maintain everything manually. Throught

this system if any transaction occurs it is corresponding entries is done automatically
because database management system gives facility of having relationship between the

In proposed system we do not have to maintain different accounting books.

Advantages of proposed System

Easy to generate report for any transaction.

It is very much faster than manual system.

Easy and fastest record finding technique.

It is very much flexible to work.

Man power required is very less.

Data can be stored for a longer period.


In manual system we have to maintain accounting Books, bills etc. In

manual system we make four entries for any one transaction in different books. Then we prepare
the cash book. And book advantage and disadvantage of manual system is list below:-

Advantage :-1) There is no requirement of power.

Disadvantage:-1) Difficult to maintain accounting and Transaction books.

2) Difficult to generate a report.

3) It is very much time consuming.

4) Difficult to search a record

5) Data may not be perfect human error.

Automobile system deals with the purchase and sales of the good and
maintains the stock. It contains various forms and reports with different function. It has the
menus created for different forms and reports. When you click the menu, It opens the related
forms about the customer, vendor, Items and Transaction.

 Easy to generate report for any transaction.

 It is very much faster than manual system.

 Easy and fastest record finding technique.

 It is very much flexible to work.

 Man power required is very less.

 Data can be stored for a longer record.


Hardware requirement:-

This software requires following minimum hardware configuration:

 Processor: Pentium-iii

 RAM: 256 MB

 Hard Disk: 4.3GB

 Floppy Disk: 1.44 MB

 CD Drive

 Monitor-15” Color Monitor

Software Requirement:-

 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0

 Oracle 8i

Visual Basic 6.0
Oracle 8i

Visual Basic 6.0:-

Visual Basic syntax ideally suited for producing windows application. Ms Word, Ms
Access and Ms PowerPoint all share Visual Basic for application, the exact same language
syntax in Visual Basic-6.0.

What is to Visual Basic? “Visual” part reflects to the method used to create the graphical
user interface. Rather than writing numerous lines of codes to describe the appearance and to
location of interface elements, we simply add pre-built object into place on screen.

The “Basic” part refers to the BASIC language, a language used by more programmers
then any other language in the history of computing. Visual Basic has evolved from the original
BASIC language and how contains several tools, objects, functions etc. We can apply GUI
animation. Beginners can create useful application by learning just a few of the language.

Visual Basic continues the tradition of simple, powerful And easy to learn a language yet
adds enough extended capabilities to satisfy the most jaded developer.

Several significant facts contribute to Visual Basic is bright future. First, Visual Basic is
huge product. Millions of developers of all skills levels are producing application with Visual
Basic. Secondly, Visual Basic is powerful development system. It contains built-in functions to
its intrinsic feature Visual Basic provides the object that can be loaded at run time or bound the
distributable application. Thirdly, Visual Basic also well supported by third party products.
Microsoft is indisputably the largest and most successful company in the world.

In contrast to the absolute system of the past, Visual Basic has an undesirably bright and
shining future.

Whether your goal is to create a small utility for yourself or your work group, a large
enterprise-wide system or even distributed applications spanning the globe via the tools Internet,
Visual Basic has the tools we need.

Oracle 8i:-

Basic concept of database

A database is coherent collection of data with some inherent meaning, built and populated
with data for a specific purpose.
Database stores data that is useful to us. This data is only a part of entire data available in
the world around us.

To be able to successfully design and maintain databases we have to do the following:

1. Identify which part of the world’s data is of interest to us.

2. Identify what specific objects in that part of the world’s data are Of interest to us.

So from above, we come to know that the objects, their attributes and their
relationship between them are of interest to us are stored in the databases that is designed,

built and populated with data for a specific purpose.


It represents complex relationships between data.

Keeps a tight control of data redundancy.

Enforces user-defined rules to ensure the integrity of table data.

Has a centralized data dictionary for the storage of information pertaining to

data and its manipulation.

Ensures data access authorization.

Have automatic, intelligent backup and recovery procedures for data.

Have different interfaces via which users can manipulate data.


Oracle is kernel package that has a number of tools, these tools allow the
programmer to create database objects, forms and reports, graphs etc. These are as


SQL*PLUS is made up of distinct parts. Interactive SQL is designed to create

access and maintain all data structures. Like tables, index etc. It can also be used for
interactive data manipulation.

PL/SQL is used to create programs for validation and manipulation of table data.
PL/SQL adds to the power interactive SQL and provides the user with all facilities of a
standard, Modern Day programming environment.


This tools is used to create a data entry screen along with suitable menu Objects.

It handles data gathering and data validation in a commercial application.


Report Writer allows programmers to prepare innovative reports using data from
the oracle structure like tables, Views etc.


Oracle graphics tools is used to prepare graphs using data from oracle structure
like table, views etc. It is part of commercial application.
A feasibility analysis is undertaken to determine the possibility or probability of
either improving the existing system or developing a completely new system.

It helps to obtain an overview of the problem and to get rough assessment of

whether feasible solution exists.

There are three aspects in feasibility study portion of the preliminary


1) Operational feasibility

2) Technical feasibility

3) Economical feasibility

Operational feasibility :-
It is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems, and takes
advantages of the opportunities identified during scope definition and how it satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development.

Operational feasibility covers two aspects. One is the technical performance

aspect and other is the acceptance within the organization. Operational feasibility
determines how the proposed system will fit the current operations and what, if any job
restructuring and retraining may be needed to implement the system.

In the system operational feasibility checks, whether the user who is going to use
the system is able to work with the software with which the system id coded and also the
mind of the user going to use system. If the user does not understand or is able to work on
the system further development is waste.

The system is easy to learn and it will require a vary short time to learn the
operation of the system for a person having knowledge in accounting. So that system was
operationally feasible

Technical feasibility :-
This involves questions such as whether the technology needed for the system
exists, how difficult it will be to build, and whether the firm has enough experience using
that technology. The assessment is based on an outline design of system requirements in
terms of Input, Processes, Output, Fields, Programs, and Procedures. This can be
quantified in terms of volumes of data, trends, frequency of updating, etc. in order to
estimate whether the new system will perform adequately or not.

The technical feasibility in the proposed system deals with the technology used in
the system. It deals with the hardware and software used in the system whether they are
of latest technology or not. It happens that after a system is prepared a new technology
arises and the user wants the system based on that technology. Thus it is important to
check the system to be technically feasible.
The minimum memory requirement is 32MB of RAM while 64MB is better to
have for better performance. As far as software is concerned, Oracle 8i and Visual Basic

6.0(Professional Version) should be installed on the server. There should be printer

attached for printing bills, purchase receipt, sales receipts and other reports.

Economic feasibility :-
Economic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the
effectiveness of a new system. More commonly known as cost/benefit analysis, the
procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are expected from a candidate
system and compare them with costs. If benefits outweigh costs, then the decision is
made to design and implement the system.

Implementation of this system will be a lifetime investment, which will ensure

returns to the store of good services and market value throughout the future. So the
system is found economically feasible.


A System Requirements Specification (SRS) is a document where the

requirements of a system that is planned to be developed are listed.


This project provides master data, and after entering the data, whenever required
the same is found automatically and displayed on the program entry is made manually
showing uniqueness of products and company so, they can differentiate every thing. This
provides the facility showing detail of company product by selecting a particular record.
This project retrieves the data on selecting the name of particular product. This project
provides the facility which shows the stock & transaction just by clicking so we check
that which item has less. There is requirement of some reports like daily selling, items
under minimum stock…etc. during the run time of system if user has input any wrong
data or some error is occurred then system inform his/her. Security also should be there
so that no other person can any type of changes in selling, stock or transaction because it
is all very confidential matter.

Also, the system should be user friendly and Window based so that no specialized
and extensive learning is required. Simple knowledge of the Computer is sufficient for
operating the system successfully.
b) Abstract:-

In manual system we have to maintain accounting Books, bills etc. In manual

system we make four entries for any one transaction in different books. Then we prepare
the cash book. And book advantage is no requirement of power and disadvantage is
Difficult to maintain accounting and Transaction books and Difficult to generate a report.

Automobile system deals with the purchase and sales of the good and
maintains the stock. It contains various forms and reports with different function. It has
the menus created for different forms and reports. When you click the menu, It opens the
related forms about the customer, vendor, Items and Transaction.


This software must be run in the windows platform.

This software also run on that pc which has vb 6.0 & oracle 8i programming
and database languages.

Product details will be not accepted then may be any data is missing.
Functional requirement:-
To computerized the manual work to increased the efficiency of the

To reduce the paper work.

It’s easy to maintain all date wise report.

One of the another powerful advantage of the computerized software is the it

will allow only authorized person to operate the system

It makes billing procedure very faster accurate one can easily come out
through the writing problems.

Non-Functional Requirement:-

The system is portable so if you have windows xp, vb 6.0 and oracle 8i
installed in any pc then you can easily run the software.

No need for any modification to run the software in another system.


The Shubh automobile sales all types of products. This automobile has to
purchase these products from Company and sell them to customer.

Each phase about automobile company activity is as under:


First of all the owner has to search manually, count and find out those
products from the stock, which are less then required (minimum stock) and order for
those product to the Company.

When Company supply these product then the record of the purchase invoice
is also be recorded manually.

At the end of each month the Company send a monthly statement, which
contains the total purchase of the month, and this statement is also be recorded.


Each time whenever the owner wants to know about the current stock of any
products then he has to count all the products manually. No registers are maintained
to store the stock database and hence whenever required the stock information cannot
be obtained.

In existing system the manual Bill-book is maintained for billing and the
accounts of all the customers who purchase by their credit are maintained in
separate register book.

Now whenever the reports about monthly purchase, stock and monthly sales
etc. are needed the work becomes very tough and time consuming.

The new system is proposed to computerize all the above activities so the

work becomes easy and accurate.


System testing is a series of different test whose primary purpose is to fully

exercise computer based system.

We can say that it will run according to its specifications and in the way users
expect. Special test data are input for processing, and the results examined. A limited
number of users may be allowed to use the system so that analyst can see whether they
try to use it in unforeseen ways. It is desirable to discover any surprises before the
organization implements the system and depends on it.

 We follow Black Box testing.

 Black box testing attempts to find errors in following

 Incorrect or missing function

 Interface errors

 Errors in data structure

 Initialization and termination errors

Desc P_cod
e Item_c
Ven_c E_mail P_cod P_date Qty
o e

Ven_nm Vendor_m Pur_mast Purchase_tr

City Amnt Desc

Ven_c Desc
PH o

Vehi_ nm Vehi_c
Cmp_ Addre Vehi_c
nm s
Item_c P_pric
Cmp_c Comp_m Vehi_mast Item_mast

stock S_pric
PH Desc Cmp_c e
Desc Desc
E_mail R_level

Cust_c Sales_ Item_c
City Sales_ date Sales_
c c

Desc Cust_mast Sales_trans


E_mail Qty Desc

PH Cust_c Desc Amount

UserID User_mast User_n


Company mast:-

Column Name Data Type Description

Company Code Text Primary Key
C_Name Text Company Name
City Text City
Address Text Address
PH Text Phone Number
E-mail Text E-mail Add
Desc Text Description

Customer mast:-

Column Name Data Type Description

Customer_Code Text Primary Key
C_Name Text Customer Name
City Text City
Address Text Adderss
PH Text Phone No
E_mail Text E_mail Add
Desc Text Description

Item mast:-

Column Name Data Type Description

Item_Code Text Primary Key
Item_Name Text Item Name
Vehicle_Code Text Vehicle Id
P_Price Currency Purchase Price
S_Price Currency Sales Price
Cur_Stock Number Current Stock
R_Level Number Reorder Level
Desc Text Description


Column Name Data Type Description

P_Code Text Primary Key
P_Date Date\Time Purchase Date
Vender_Code Text Vender Id Code
Desc Text Description


Column Name Data Type Description

P_Code Text Foreign Key
Item_Code Text Foreign Key
Qty Number Quantity forItem
Amount Number Amount Foritem
Desc Text Description

Column Name Data Type Description
S_Code Text Primary Key
S_Date Date\Time Sales Date
Customer_Code Text Cust Id Code
Desc Text Description


Column Name Data Type Description

S_Code Text Foreign Key
Item_code Text Foreign Key
Qty Number Quantity forItem
Amount Number Amount Foritem
Desc Text Description


Column Name Data Type Description

UserID Auto Number Primary Key
User_Name Text Name of User
Pass Text Pass of User
User_Type Text Type of User


Column Name Data Type Description

Vehicle_Code Text Primary Key
Vehicle_Name Text Vehicle Name
Company_Code Text Company Id
Desc Text Address


Column Name Data Type Description

Vender_Code Text Primary Key
Vender_Name Text Vender Name
City Text City
Address Text Address
PH Text Phone No
E_mail Text E_mail Add
Desc Text Description

Splash Screen
This is loading form from which our project will be started. It will display the name of
company name & loading process of the project. This screen says while loading is not complete
you can’t do any processing in your project. So this form just loads our project and displays
percentage of loading process.

This is just a login form. That validates the username and password from the database. If
you want to work with project you have to log on, otherwise you can’t access the project. For
login just type username in first textbox and password in second textbox and click on ok or just
press enter. If you don’t want to login then just click on Cancel.
Main Form

Above screen is the main form of our application. Means it is the form from where
all the activities of application can perform. When we click on Company Master
command button it opens the company master form. When we click on Vehicle master it
opens the vehicle master form. All the forms opens as above clicks on command button
of associated form. Status
User Master

This form displays the details of user. Through this form we can change the
password of the user by entering user name, user type and old password. Only Admin
user can open this form and change the password. Either user has not rights to open this
form to change the password.
Company Master

This screen displays the information about company. We can view, add, delete and
edit the company information. These companies are standard companies which
manufacture the new design cars which likes Mitsubishi, Ford etc. We can view, add, edit
and delete through the navigation controls. We can view the report of current record with
vehicles manufactured by that company or all the records of company. If you want to find
any record just enter company code or company name and click on find button.
Customer Master

This screen displays the information about the Customers who purchases the
parts of the Vehicles. We can view, add, delete and edit the Customer details information.
We can view, add, edit and delete through the navigation controls. We can view the report
of all the records of Customers by clicking on All Customers button. If you want to find
any record just enter Customer Code and customer name and click on find button.
Item Master

This screen displays the information about the parts of the Vehicles. We can view,
add, delete and edit the Vehicle parts information. We can view, add, edit and delete
through the navigation controls. We can view the report of all the records of Vehicle. If
you want to find any record just enter Vehicle code and click on find button.
Purchase Transaction

This screen displays the information about Purchase transaction details of the
parts of the Vehicles. We can choose items from purchase item frame which contain items
combo. Item purchased in this grid will be updated in item master table. We can also
delete the item from gird box if we don’t want to purchase. It also show the report.
Sales Transaction

This screen displays the information about Sales transaction details of the parts
of the Vehicles. We can choose items from sales item frame which contain items combo.
Item sales in this grid will be updated in item master table. If stock is not available then it
prompt the messagbox. We can also delete the item from gird box if we don’t want to
purchase. It also show the report.
Vehicle Mast

This screen displays the information about Vehicles. We can view, add, edit and
delete through the navigation controls. We can view the report of all the records of
Vehicle. If you want to find any record just enter Vehicle code or vehicle name and click
on find button.
Vendor Master

This screen displays the information about the details of vender who sales the parts
of the Vehicles. We can view, add, edit and delete through the navigation controls. We can
view the report of all the records of venders by clicking on show button. If you want to
find any record just enter vendor Code or Vendor name and click on find button.
Company Report

This report displays all the information of Company which manufactures of

vehicles. This companies like Mitsubishi, Ford, Maruti etc.
Customer Report

This report displays all the information of the Customers who buys our
items. It displays whole Customer code, Customer name, Address of customer, Phone
number, E-mail address.
Vendor Report

This report displays all the information of Vendor for sale. This means that The
Car Zone is dealer from whom we purchase of cars and sales it. So Car Zone is a
Vehicle Master

This report displays all the information of Vehicle which Company manufactures
it. This means that The Company manufactures various models like tata safiry, cbz etc.
Item Report
This report displays all the information of Parts or Item which you sales in your
shop. This means that The Ford Company manufacture models like Ford IKON, Ford
MONDIO etc. whose parts you sales.

Sales Report

This report displays all the information of the sold items. It also displays the name
of the Customer who bought items and date. And it displays Name of the Item, Quantity
of Item, Rate of Item and Total amount of sold Items.
Purchase Report

This report displays all the information of the transaction of purchased items. It
displays the quantity of items, the rate of the item and the total amount of all the items
purchased. This report is same as Purchase Details Report.
Limitation Of Project

Due to manual error report generated will be wrong.

Backup is required.

Without system it is not possible to use the project.


Visual Basic 6.0

-Paul Sherrif
Proposed Enhancement:-

Due to the specific time for the project, the current project has limited information and
can be developed and enhanced for the better future use. The various enhancements that can be
made in this software are as below:

We can add the facilities for help in the software.

We can add the facilities to provide the global environment for the user by
connecting it to the server.

We can add the facilities for virus scanning so that the work of user does
not get interrupted.

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