Patient and Parent Sleep in A Children's Hospital: Continuing Nursing Education
Patient and Parent Sleep in A Children's Hospital: Continuing Nursing Education
Patient and Parent Sleep in A Children's Hospital: Continuing Nursing Education
omplaints of sleep problems
among hospitalized patients Although sleep complaints during pediatric hospitalization are common, few
are common; however, little studies have examined different aspects of sleep or the impact of pediatric hos-
research has focused on sleep pitalization on parent sleep. This study examined multiple aspects of sleep for 72
patterns, sleep quality, and causes of non-intensive care pediatric inpatients and 58 rooming-in parents who complet-
sleep disruptions in pediatric patients ed a self-report survey of sleep at home and in the hospital, and sleep distur-
and their parents. Because sleep is bances in the hospital. Younger children reported later bedtimes, later wake
linked to immune functioning and times, more night wakings, and shorter total sleep time while hospitalized.
healing in patients (Irwin et al., 1994, Adolescents had later wake times, more night wakings, and longer total sleep
1996; Moldofsky, 1995), as well as the time during hospitalization. Parents reported later bedtimes, later wake times,
mood and functioning of parents and more night wakings when rooming-in. Sleep was significantly disrupted dur-
(Diette et al., 2000; Meltzer & Mindell, ing hospitalization, more so for younger children and parents. Sleep disturbances
2006; Moore, David, Murray, Child, & due to noises, worries, pain, and vital sign checks were related to longer sleep
Arkwright, 2006), it is essential for onset latency, increased night wakings, and earlier wake time. Interventions that
nurses to optimize the sleep quality reduce these disruptions, many of which are amenable to nursing influence, are
and quantity of pediatric inpatients needed to improve child and parent sleep in hospital.
and their parents. Further, while sleep
may be disrupted due to pain, discom-
fort, or other sequelae of a child’s diag-
nosis, there are a number of addition- Literature Review cancer, but the sample size in this
al variables (including noise, light, study was small (N = 29). Together,
delayed bedtime, unfamiliar environ- Although a small number of studies these studies provide preliminary evi-
ment, homesickness) that may have have examined sleep in youth during dence for sleep problems (shortened
the potential to contribute to poor non-intensive care hospitalizations sleep duration, increased sleep disrup-
sleep (such as shortened total sleep and reported shortened sleep duration, tions) in hospitalized youth; however,
time, more sleep disruptions). increased night wakings, and greater each is limited by a restricted age
daytime fatigue, most of these studies range, small sample size, or poor
have been limited by methodology methodology (single-item questions,
(single-item question) and/or sample in-room observation of sleep).
Lisa J. Meltzer, PhD, was a Clinical
Psychologist, Sleep Center, Children’s (limited age range, single disease). As a construct, sleep cannot be
Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Hagemann (1981a, b) used an in- measured by a single dimension, but
and an Assistant Professor, Department of room observer in a small sample of rather, needs to include aspects of sleep
Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania School young children (N = 34, 3 to 8 years) to patterns (bedtime, wake time), sleep
of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, at the time this determine every five minutes if the continuity (frequency of night wak-
article was written. She is now an Assistant child was awake or asleep. White, ings and sleep duration), and causes of
Professor of Pediatrics, National Jewish Powell, Alexander, Williams, and sleep disruptions (pain, noise) (Meltzer
Health, Denver, CO. Conlon (1988) measured only self- & Davis, 2008). None of the studies
Katherine Finn Davis, PhD, RN, is a Nurse soothing bedtime behaviors related to reviewed here considered these three
Researcher, Center for Pediatric Nursing sleep onset latency, also in a small sam- dimensions together, yet each factor
Research and Evidence-Based Practice, ple of young children (N = 40, 3 to 8 (alone or in combination) can be relat-
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, years). In a study of 27 youth with sick-
ed to negative daytime functioning,
le cell disease, Jacob and colleagues including fatigue, sleepiness, and poor
Jodi A. Mindell, PhD, is Associate Director of (2006) measured sleep with a single health.
the Sleep Center, Children’s Hospital of question (“How much sleep did you Nurses also need to consider the
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, and Professor have last night?”) that relied on a 10-
of Psychology, Saint Joseph’s University,
parents’ sleep during a child’s hospital-
point Likert scale (“no sleep at all” to ization. Family-centered care has
Philadelphia, PA.
“slept a lot”). Finally, Franck and col- become the standard in pediatric nurs-
Statements of Disclosure: The authors leagues (2007) used three single-item ing, particularly during hospitalization
reported no actual or potential conflict of inter- questions to measure tiredness in the
est in relation to this continuing nursing edu-
when parents are typically present
morning, tiredness in the evening, and throughout their child’s hospital stay
cation activity.
sleep quality. Only Hinds and col- (American Academy of Pediatrics
The Pediatric Nursing journal Editorial Board leagues (2007) used a more compre- [AAP], 2003; Dudley & Carr, 2004;
reported no actual or potential conflict of inter- hensive approach (actigraphy, diary,
est in relation to this continuing nursing edu-
Stremler, Wong, & Parshuram, 2008).
entry checklist on door) to study sleep There are significant benefits of
cation activity.
during hospitalization in youth with parental presence not only for the hos-
Note: Bedtime and wake time expressed by 24-hour clock; SD expressed in minutes.
reported more night wakings and examined the role of cognitions in sleep evening to diminish homesickness)
poorer sleep quality while rooming-in disruptions during hospitalization, but and support/education for parents to
with their child than at home. the findings from this study suggest reduce stress and improve sleep would
Specific noises, including alarms on that thoughts and worries may be asso- be valuable.
medical equipment and doors opening ciated with disrupted sleep. Approxi- Vital sign checks and pain were
and closing, were identified as bother- mately 20% to 30% of the hospitalized commonly identified as sleep disrup-
some for a number of patients and par- youth reported being homesick, worry- tors and were found to be associated
ents in the hospital. These findings are ing about missing school, and worrying with sleep continuity variables.
similar to studies of medical and surgi- about being sick/hospitalized as disrup- Although vital sign checks and pain
cal hospitalized adults, as well as pedi- tive to their sleep. Nurses should are an unfortunate consequence of
atric ICU and oncology patients encourage visits and phone calls from pediatric hospitalization, when med-
(Cureton-Lane & Fontaine, 1997; family, friends, and teachers to help ically appropriate, it would be benefi-
Hinds et al., 2007; Topf, 1985; Topf & lessen homesickness and worries about cial for health care teams to work with
Thompson, 2001; Tranmer et al., school. For parents, sleep disruptions families to manage these concerns. For
2003). Laboratory-based studies have due to cognitive worries were consistent example, nurses should advocate for
demonstrated that simulated noises with a previous study that found stress less frequent vital sign checks for med-
during sleep are related to negative related to the child’s health was as dis- ically stable patients (every six to eight
self-reported sleep quality and daytime ruptive to sleep as nighttime caregiving hours instead of every four hours).
performance (Marks & Griefahn, 2007; in mothers of children with chronic ill- This would reduce night waking fre-
Schapkin, Falkenstein, Marks, & nesses (Meltzer & Mindell, 2006). quency and prolong sleep opportunity
Griefahn, 2006). Being the largest con- Therefore, nurses should identify par- in the morning, resulting in increased
tingent of care providers, it is impor- ents whose coping may be negatively sleep duration for patients and par-
tant for nurses to work toward noise impacted by disrupted or insufficient ents. Similar recommendations have
reduction on inpatient pediatric floors. sleep, referring them to an appropriate been made by Hinds and colleagues
For example, unit noise could be psychosocial care provider for brief (2007) in their study of youth with
reduced with policies that include interventions to address thoughts and cancer. In addition, a study of flexible
“quiet zones” outside patient rooms worries that may interfere with sleep medication times suggested that shift-
and at the typically boisterous nurses’ onset or sleep maintenance. Further, as ing administration times to follow the
station, encouraging bedside report, part of family-centered care, health care normal medication regimen of
and using slow release mechanisms on team members can work to facilitate patients allows for longer sleep, espe-
doors. Equipment alarms can be antic- timely and appropriate communication cially in the morning (Jarman, Jacobs,
ipated and intercepted while alarm with parents regarding their hospital- Walter, Witney, & Zielinski, 2002).
volumes can be adjusted lower (or to ized child’s current health status and Further, pain and sleep have a bidirec-
silent, if appropriate) during rest times test results. Such access to patient infor- tional relationship, with pain disrupt-
and at nighttime. Noisy pagers can be mation has the potential to lessen some ing sleep, and sleep loss exacerbating a
set to vibrate. Along with reducing of the worries parents experience patient’s pain (Lewin & Dahl, 1999;
noise, clustering care to reduce inter- (Hopia et al., 2005). Research investigat- Raymond, Nielsen, Lavigne, Manzini,
ruptions and dimmed lights at night ing the effectiveness of these potential & Choiniere, 2001). Nurses should
may have a synergistic effect in creat- interventions on sleep, including advocate for increased pain manage-
ing a calm, restful environment. behavioral strategies (such as the use of ment when needed to achieve ade-
Previous studies in youth have not child life activities for distraction in the quate sleep. Careful attention to both
pharmacological and behavioral pain studies of sleep in hospitalized youth, Closs, S.J. (1988). Assessment of sleep in
management by nurses and the psy- this was a cross-sectional study that hospital patients: A review of methods.
chosocial team (regarding relaxation only captured one night of hospital Journal of Advanced Nursing, 13, 501-
strategies, cognitive distraction) may sleep. Future studies should not only 510.
Cureton-Lane, R.A., & Fontaine, D.K. (1997).
also contribute to improved sleep. examine sleep patterns over several Sleep in the pediatric ICU: An empirical
Finally, more than half of the consecutive nights, but also sleep pat- investigation. American Journal of
study’s sample of parents reported terns post-discharge. A longitudinal Critical Care, 6, 56-63.
that an uncomfortable bed disrupted design would allow for a more in- Diette, G.B., Markson, L., Skinner, E.A.,
their sleep, similar to previous reports depth examination of illness factors Nguyen, T.T., Algatt-Bergstrom, P., &
(Dudley & Carr, 2004; McCann, 2008). related to child and parent sleep qual- Wu, A.W. (2000). Nocturnal asthma in
Thus, it is important to provide room- ity. Second, all data were self-report children affects school attendance,
ing-in parents a comfortable bed for with no objective measures of sleep school performance, and parents’ work
sleeping. Nurses can also assure that patterns or sleep disruptions. Future attendance. Archives of Pediatrics and
Adolescent Medicine, 154, 923-928.
small comforts, such as adequate pil- studies should use multi-method, Dinges, D.F., Pack, F., Williams, K., Gillen,
lows, blankets, and sheets, are avail- multi-reporter measurement (includ- K.A., Powell, J.W., Ott, G.E., …. Pack, A.
able to parents. Whenever possible, in ing actigraphy as an objective measure (1997). Cumulative sleepiness, mood
2-parent families, parents should be of sleep patterns); door-checklists to disturbance, and psychomotor vigilance
encouraged to alternate nights of track the frequency and timing of peo- performance decrements during a week
rooming-in so one parent can be at ple who enter the patient’s room dur- of sleep restricted to 4-5 hours per night.
home in a familiar sleeping environ- ing the night; and light and sound Sleep, 20, 267.
ment. For prolonged hospitalizations, meters that identify potential sleep Dudley, S.K., & Carr, J.M. (2004). Vigilance:
parents should be encouraged to have disruptions (Closs, 1988; Hinds et al., The experience of parents staying at the
bedside of hospitalized children. Journal
at least one night per week in a quieter 2007; Topf & Thompson, 2001). of Pediatric Nursing, 19, 267-275.
and often more comfortable sleep Third, this study was conducted in a Franck, L.S., Kools, S., Kennedy, C., Kong,
environment (for example, the Ronald large tertiary academic children’s hos- S.K., Chen, J.L., & Wong, T.K. (2004).
McDonald House). pital, limiting the generalizability of The symptom experience of hospitalised
Several areas not considered in this findings to smaller children’s hospitals Chinese children and adolescents and
study were related to rooming-in par- or pediatric units housed within an relationship to pre-hospital factors and
ents. First, parents often provide adult hospital. behaviour problems. International
nighttime care and assistance to their Journal of Nursing Studies, 41, 661-669.
child. Several studies have shown that Freedman, N.S., Kotzer, N., & Schwab, R.J.
most rooming-in parents are not only
Conclusion (1999). Patient perception of sleep qual-
ity and etiology of sleep disruption in the
vigilant, but want to be involved in Nurses are well positioned to influ- intensive care unit. American Journal of
their child’s medical care during the ence many of the sleep disruptors Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,
night (Balling & McCubbin, 2001; identified in this study through small 159, 1155-1162.
Dudley & Carr, 2004; McCann, 2008). changes in practice and advocacy for Haack, M., & Mullington, J.M. (2005).
Hospital staff may also expect that the patient and family. In addition, Sustained sleep restriction reduces
parents will provide care throughout identifying families who are experi- emotional and physical well-being. Pain,
the night (Stremler et al., 2008). Such encing sleep disruptions due to wor- 119, 56-64.
nighttime care has the potential to Hagemann, V. (1981a). Night sleep of children
ries and working with the psychoso- in a hospital. Part I: Sleep duration.
further disrupt parents’ sleep; there- cial team may result in significant Maternal-Child Nursing Journal, 10, 1-
fore, nurses should work with parents reductions in common sleep disrup- 13.
to create a plan that takes into consid- tors at little to no cost in time or Hagemann, V. (1981b). Night sleep of children
eration the parent’s need for sleep and money. Overall, this study demon- in a hospital. Part II: Sleep disruption.
the child’s need for support and care strates the need for additional research Maternal-Child Nursing Journal, 10,
during the night. Further research is examining the causes and conse- 127-142.
necessary to evaluate the frequency of quences of disrupted sleep for patients Hinds, P.S., Hockenberry, M., Rai, S.N.,
nighttime medical care provided by and parents in a children’s hospital. Zhang, L., Razzouk, B.I., McCarthy, K.,
parents, as well as its impact on … Rodriguez-Galindo, C. (2007).
Sleep plays an important role in the Nocturnal awakenings, sleep environ-
parental sleep and daytime function- health and well-being of patients and ment interruptions, and fatigue in hospi-
ing. A rooming-in parent may also their parents. For patients, sufficient talized children with cancer. Oncology
contribute to a child’s sleep disrup- good quality sleep contributes to the Nursing Forum, 34, 393-402.
tions because most children are not healing and immune process. For par- Hopia, H., Tomlinson, P.S., Paavilainen, E., &
used to having a parent in the same ents, sufficient good quality sleep con- Astedt-Kurki, P. (2005). Child in hospital:
room while sleeping. Finally, future tributes to the ability to make impor- Family experiences and expectations of
research needs to consider the impact tant medical decisions and provide how nurses can promote family health.
of rooming-in on parent health. emotional support for their child. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14, 212-222.
Rooming-in parents are not only vul- Irwin, M., Mascovich, A., Gillin, J.C.,
Willoughby, R., Pike, J., & Smith, T.L.
nerable to increased illness due to (1994). Partial sleep deprivation reduces
insufficient sleep, but they are also References natural killer cell activity in humans.
exposed to a significant number of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Psychosomatic Medicine, 56, 493-498.
potential infections while in-hospital. (2003). Family-centered care and the Irwin, M., McClintick, J., Costlow, C., Fortner,
While benefits of rooming-in parents pediatrician’s role. Pediatrics, 112, 691- M., White, J., & Gillin, J.C. (1996). Partial
seem to outweigh potential conse- 696. night sleep deprivation reduces natural
Balling, K., & McCubbin, M. (2001). Hospi- killer and cellular immune responses in
quences for both patients and parents, talized children with chronic illness:
more research is needed in this area. humans. Federation Proceedings, 10,
Parental caregiving needs and valuing 643-653.
There are several limitations to this parental expertise. Journal of Pediatric
study. First, as with most previous Nursing, 16, 110-119.
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