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Instructions On Filling Out The Application For Project Grants

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This application form has a set format. The applicant should make sure that the following technical
requirements are fulfilled:
 Application is filled out with computer and has maximum 19 pages;
 Application is prepared in English language;
 Do not intervene in the format and the content of application form and do not change the font size
 Each question and section below is addressed accordingly;
 All documents specified in the section Mandatory Documents should be submitted along with the
application form;
 The completed application should be submitted electronically in “.pdf” and “word”. NGOs from
Kosovo should submit the documents at whereas NGOs from
Albania at with the subject titled “Application for project grant–
full name of applicant and acronym”.

Attention! Information should be accurate. Any false information may lead to rejection of your application.

After filling out the application, please remove this instruction sheet.
Date of DD/MM/YY
ORGANIZATION IDENTITY (maximum 2 pages. Write N/A for questions that are not applicable)
Applying lead and partner
organization when Full name of the organization and abbreviation in brackets
Legal status of the lead and
partner organization when Foundation or association (or Centre, for Albania only)
*Year of establishment:

Registration No.: Registration number

Clear and concise description of the mission of the organization, as per
Mission of the organization:
the Statute
Briefly elaborate the relevant interventions. Project title, overall
Relevant experience: objective, budget, donor, implementation period, geographical
coverage, targeted beneficiaries and results achieved should be included
Street, number, postal code, village/town; In cases of more than one
office, please include both addresses
Telephone number: Landline and mobile

Web-site: www.

Executive Director: Name and surname, e-mail address

Contact person: Name and surname, e-mail address

Technical capacities and
Provide a brief description of the technical capacities and infrastructure
Current staff members: Total no. of staff and distribution by full time, part time and volunteers

Budget in the last 3 years: 2017: ... EUR 2016: ... EUR 2015: ...EUR

Key donors: List the three key supporting donors and total budget
Administrative and financial List internal procedures regulating the administrative and financial
management system: management and indicate the applied financial management system
* Information on this and the following criteria applicable for the lead organization
PROJECT INFORMATION (maximum 3 pages. Write N/A for questions that are not applicable)

Project title “”
1. Non-discrimination and gender equality
2. Independent media
3. Minorities and marginalized groups
Thematic priority area 4. Environment protection
5. Anti-corruption
Underline the thematic area to which the application fits. Note that
maximum one thematic area can be selected.
Implementation period Period: DD/MM/YY - DD/MM/YY and no. of months

Total requested budget EUR xxx

Geographical coverage Specify clearly the intervention location

Project objective Provide a brief explanation of the project objective

Indicate the proposed project results. Project results should be clear,
Project results
measurable and achievable
If the project is a continuation of a previous or ongoing intervention,
New or continuation of a
provide a summary of this intervention containing the most important
previous or ongoing
information (for more info refer to relevant experience box in the
preceding page).
Do you have any co-funding If yes, please list donors and attach co-funding proof (e.g. contract,
for this project? decision, commitment letter, etc.).
Are project activities
dependent on active
If yes, please list them and attach the Memorandum of Cooperation,
participation and
Letter of support or any other document indicating clearly the
cooperation with any public
commitment of the respective entity.
institution, organization or
other entities?
Have you applied elsewhere If yes, to which donor, with what amount and when do you expect
with the same project? the answer.
Did you benefit any grant YES/NO; KCSF or PA
from KCSF or PA in the past? If yes, from which scheme
Project proposal (maximum 10 pages)

The project proposal should contain the following information:

a. Analysis of the need and possibilities relevant to the proposed intervention and implementation area.
Reference to relevant legislation, strategies, and/or plans at national, regional and/or local level and
description on how the proposal will relate to such plans is required.
b. Description of the project including the overall objective and proposed implementation methodology
and approach.

 If the proposed project is a continuation of a previous or ongoing intervention, clearly indicate

how it is intended to build on the activities/results of the previous intervention.

 If the proposed project is part of a larger programme, clearly explain how it fits or is coordinated
with that programme or any other planned project (a and b are applicable for interventions
implemented by your or other organizations/entities).
c. Clear, measurable and achievable project results that ensure accomplishment of the proposed project
d. List and describe the proposed activities including information on timeframe, implementation method
and interconnections. In case of partnership, elaborate the role of the partner;
e. Present the principal beneficiaries/target groups and final project beneficiaries1 including the
description of their benefit from the proposed intervention. Whenever possible, data on the
distribution of beneficiaries by gender and under-represented group should be provided.
f. Project stakeholders2 and explanation of their role in project implementation.
g. Brief presentation of the monitoring plan and proposed indicators to measure the implementation
quality and timeframe.
h. Potential risks that might have a negative impact on project implementation along with the probability
of occurrence (high, medium or low) and proposed mitigation measures.
i. Proposed methodology for visibility and outreach.
j. Possibility for replication and expansion of activities.

Response to every question is mandatory. Answer the questions in the order they appear.
Please do not delete the questions.

1 All those involved in activities funded by the project and benefiting from its implementation may be defined as principal
beneficiaries/target groups. On the other hand, final beneficiaries may be qualified as those individuals who are affected by project
results, even though they are not actively involved in the project.
Stakeholders are all parties who in one way or another have a stake in the field or issue tackled by the project. The list of stakeholders
usually includes central and /or local institutions, political parties, media, other NGOs, international community and donors, private
business sector, religious institutions, etc. From the diversity of this list it is to be understood that not all stakeholders share same
concerns on an issue, and consequently have different opinions or priorities.
Organizational capacity building (maximum 1/2 page)

When financial support for organizational capacity building is requested, information provided should explain
the grounds and type of the requested support. In addition, this section should contain a clear and concise
plan justifing the request along with the benefits that this support brings to the organization.

Mandatory documents (section to be removed from the application)

NGOs from Albania: NGOs from Kosovo:

- Court decision/registration - Certificate of registration issued by the

- Certificate of Registration released from the court Ministry of Public Administration
with the latest updates, no older than 3 months
- Statute of the organization
- Statute and the Establishment Act of the organization
- Fiscal number certificate (first three
- Certificate of tax payment obligations (no debt)
documents to be submitted in scanned copy)
- Latest two (2) Financial Statements of the
organization (first five documents to be submitted in - Application form
scanned copy)
- Logical framework
- Application form
- Plan of activities
- Logical framework
- Budget
- Plan of activities
- In case of co-funding for this project, the
- Budget co-funding proof (e.g. contract, decision,
- In case of co-funding for this project, the co-funding letter of commitment, etc.)
proof (e.g. contract, decision, letter of commitment, - When active participation/cooperation
etc.) with other institutions, organizations or
- When active participation/cooperation with other other entities is compulsory for the
institutions, organizations or other entities is implementation of the project, the scanned
compulsory for the implementation of the project, the copy of the Memorandum of Cooperation,
scanned copy of the Memorandum of Cooperation, Letter of support or any other document
Letter of support or any other document indicating indicating clearly the commitment of the
clearly the commitment of the respective entity respective entity

Whenever applicable, certificate of registration (first document for both Albania and Kosovo) of the partner
organization to be submitted as well.


Yes No

1. Application is submitted within the deadline

2. Lead NGO submitted only 1 application for project grants

4. Application is typed in computer and has maximum 19 pages

5. Application is in English

6. Format and content of the application form is unchanged

7. Each question and section of the application form is addressed accordingly

8. Mandatory documents are submitted

9. Project will be implemented within the designated geographical area

10. Budget is within the specified threshold (EUR 25,000-EUR 40,000)

11. Project duration is within the specified timeframe (12-24 months)

Declaration of the applicant

I, the Executive Director of the NGO (name of the NGO) declare that the information provided in this
application is true and correct and I am conscious that any false information may lead to rejection of the



Declaration from Partner Organisation (if applicable)

The Partner Organisation <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> authorises the Lead Applicant < XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX >
to submit on its behalf the present application form for applicant, as well as, to be represented by the Lead
Applicant in all matters concerning this grant application.

I have read and approved the contents of the proposal submitted. I undertake to comply with the principles
of good partnership practice.





Date and place:

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