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Encouraging the Use of Generic Medicines: Implications for Transition Economies

Derek R. King, Panos Kanavos1,2

LSE Health and Social Care, and 1Department of Social Policy and LSE Health & Social Care, London School of
Economics and Political Science London, UK; and 2Harvard Medical School, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Boston,

Generic drugs have a key role to play in the efficient allocation of financial resources for pharmaceutical medicines.
Policies implemented in the countries with a high rate of generic drug use, such as Canada, Denmark, Germany, the
Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States, are reviewed, with consideration of the market structures
that facilitate strong competition. Savings in these countries are realized through increases in the volume of generic
drugs used and the frequently significant differences in the price between generic medicines and branded originator
medicines. Their policy tools include the mix of supply-side measures and demand-side measures that are relevant for
generic promotion and higher generic use. On the supply-side, key policy measures include generic drug marketing
regulation that facilitates market entry soon after patent expiry, reference pricing, the pricing of branded originator
products, and the degree of price competition in pharmaceutical markets. On the demand-side, measures typically en-
compass influencing prescribing and dispensing patterns as well as introducing a co-payment structure for consum-
ers/patients that takes into consideration the difference in cost between branded and generic medicines. Quality of ge-
neric medicines is a pre-condition for all other measures discussed to take effect. The paper concludes by offering a list
of policy options for decision-makers in Central and Eastern European economies in transition.
Key words: cost control; drug industry; drugs, generic; health care rationing; legislation, drug; pharmaceutical preparations

Countries seeking to limit increases in health economies as well as medium-income countries. Fol-
care spending are constrained by increasing pharma- lowing a section placing generic medicines into the
ceutical costs. Pharmaceutical costs are increasing, in policy context, we review data and evidence on ge-
part, as a result of changing demographics and ad- neric pharmaceutical sales in those countries where
vances in medical technologies (1-3). As the propor- generic medicines are most used, the structure of
tion of elderly persons grows, pharmaceutical spend- marketing regulation and pricing, market demand in-
ing also grows, as this group consumes more prescrip- centives, and generic substitution policy in these
tion medicines than any other. New patented medi- countries, taking account of the market conditions
cines, often replacing cheaper medicines on the basis that allow policy tools to be successful. We also dis-
of being more effective, also increase costs. Within cuss quality assurance regulations as it impacts on the
this policy environment, generic pharmaceuticals perception of the safety and effectiveness of generic
play an important role as an alternative to originator medicines, and point out policy lessons for transition
medicines in treating disease. The savings that result economies and other middle-income economies.
from generic medicines can be used to purchase
newer, more effective medicines where they exist. What are Generic Medicines?
Many of the world’s industrialized countries A generic drug is identical, or bioequivalent, to a
have in place policies encouraging the use of generic brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength,
medicines, alongside policies that encourage innova- route of administration, quality, performance charac-
tion and lead to the fast uptake and use of newer ther- teristics, and intended use (4). On expiration of the
apies. Our aim was not only to describe some effec- originator product’s patent term protection, other
tive policy tools for encouraging generic pharmace- manufacturing companies may file submissions to
uticals, but also to highlight the market conditions regulatory authorities for approval to market generic
necessary for growth in generic pharmaceutical mar- versions of the originator medicine. Generic drugs
kets. The evidence presented is predominantly from may be marketed under the non-propriety (rINN)
OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and name or as a branded generic. Branded generic drugs
Development) countries, but we also attempt to place have names derived from a combination of the manu-
our conclusions in the policy context of transition facturer’s name and the non-proprietary name. This

King and Kanavos: Generic Medicines in Transition Economies Croat Med J 2002;43:462-469

enables the manufacturer to market the product in a ceuticals saved Canadians CDN$875 million, or a
way similar to the proprietary product. saving of 14.6% of total pharmaceutical expenditure
Therapeutic and safety equivalence between (8).
drug products is assumed, from a regulatory perspec-
tive, on the basis of quality equivalence. This is evi- Generic Pharmaceutical Policy Tools
denced from bioequivalence and chemical data. A wide range of policies have been or can be em-
Products are considered to be bioequivalent if their ployed to bring about these savings (5,9). These
rates and extent of absorption do not show a signifi- broadly can be categorized as pertaining to the sup-
cant difference. In the United States, marketing ap- ply-side and the demand-side. Supply-side measures
proval for generic drugs is subject to successful sub- relate to market entry and penetration of generic med-
mission of an Abbreviated New Drug Application. icines, as well as issues around pharmaceutical pric-
Generic drug applications are termed “abbreviated” ing, setting a reimbursement price and determining
because they are generally not required to include pharmaceuticals available in a reimbursement (posi-
preclinical and clinical data to establish safety and ef- tive) list. Demand-side measures are associated
ficacy (4). “Abridged” applications in the EU require mostly with interventions at prescribing and dispens-
demonstration that the active ingredients in generic ing levels and, less so, purchasing by consumers. It is
pharmaceuticals are qualitatively and quantitatively difficult, however, to quantify the savings for the
the same as the originator drug (5). health care system attributable to any one of these
broad categories, let alone a single policy measure.
Large Generic Pharmaceutical Markets No country has introduced policies and followed
The use of generic pharmaceuticals is most fre- their impact without making further changes to their
quent in industrialized countries, where price levels health system, but some research evidence has been
for pharmaceuticals are usually high, the latter being produced that attempts to estimate the savings of spe-
a necessary but not sufficient condition for the pro- cific policies (5). While recognizing that these esti-
motion and use of generic medicines. In Canada, mates are subject to other influences, we can identify
Denmark, the UK, and the US, sales of generic medi- these policies as having some effect as they appear
cines exceed 40% of total volume of pharmaceutical across countries with strong generic markets.
sales (Table 1) (6,7). The next largest generic drug Supply-side Measures
markets are Germany and the Netherlands. Regulation regarding marketing authorization.
When measured as a percentage of total spend- Regulatory approval to market a generic medicine has
ing on pharmaceuticals, the rate of generic penetra- a direct impact on competition within the pharma-
tion is typically lower than the percentage of sales ceutical market. Competition is impacted by both the
volume. This is attributed to the usually low prices of timing of generic approval applications and the
generic medicines vs branded originator products. length of time for processing such applications. Cur-
Significantly, the percentage of generic drug rent legislation in the European Union does not allow
sales by value relative to the percentage of generic preparatory work, such as bioequivalence studies and
drug sales by volume differs across the countries (Ta- the submission of samples necessary to register a ge-
ble 1). In particular, Germany has achieved a high neric product before patent expiry , although several
volume of generic sales, with an average price differ- Eastern European countries do have such a provision
ence between generics and branded in the order of (10). In Canada and the US, activities required to se-
30% – much lower than the 50% shown for Canada, cure regulatory authorization to market a generic
the 80% for the UK, and the 50-90% for the US. A drug can take place, and applications for approval
similarly small spread in average price levels is shown should be submitted before patent expiry (11). This
for the Netherlands. This leads to the conclusion that, provision, otherwise known as a Bolar amendment,
ceteris paribus, generic policies have the capacity to allows generic firms to compete in the post-patent
create significant savings in health care systems. In market almost immediately following patent expiry.
Canada, where the price differential in 1997 was esti- This should in theory result in some price competi-
mated to be 50%, the Canadian Drug Manufacturer’s tion and lower prices for the substance in question, al-
Association estimated that, for 1996, generic pharma- though the extent of price competition would depend

Table 1. The price differentials between originator and generic drugs and rates of generic dispensing in selected countries in
Generics as a percentage of total market
Country Average difference between originator and generic drug price (%) value (year) volume (year)
UK 80 18 48
US 50-90 (1997) 11 (1997) 49 (1997)
Canada 50 14 41
Germany 30c (1997) 27 (1998) 39 (1998)
Denmark data not available 35 60
The Netherlandsd 20 12 31 (specialists)
43 (GPs in 1998)
Unless otherwise stated.
Source: ref. 6.
For “blockbuster” drugs, the difference in price could be as high as 80-90%.
1996 estimates.

King and Kanavos: Generic Medicines in Transition Economies Croat Med J 2002;43:462-469

on whether the duopoly that exists at the time of first bility, however, on how they price each of their prod-
generic entry (brand manufacturer and first generic ucts. It is possible for the branded manufacturer to sig-
entrant) seizes to exist as further generic firms enter nificantly reduce prices of their older products to al-
the market after the expiry of the first generic’s market low them to fit under the profit threshold while setting
exclusivity period. Nevertheless, without a Bolar a high price on their newer products (15). Despite the
amendment in place, branded originator manufactur- relative freedom in pharmaceutical pricing, the UK
ers are effectively granted an extension of their patent has introduced price controls on generic products to
term for the length of time it takes for bioequivalence counteract adverse supply problems that occurred at
testing to be undertaken, thus eliminating savings that the end of 1990s, and were partly related to the qual-
could accrue during this period. ity of produced generics (16).
Drug application approval times are also signifi- There are additional elements that affect the na-
cant. In the US, the 1984 Hatch-Waxman Act (http://in- ture and extent of price competition in a patent-ex- in- pired market, including the number of entrants and
troduced the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) the nature and extent of (price) regulation. The num-
Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) scheme ber of manufacturers can greatly influence the degree
to attempt to decrease the time required for approval, of price competition, forcing prices even lower. If
thus allowing the savings attributable to generic drugs only a few generic manufacturers market a particular
to commence sooner. Under the ANDA, a generic product, there is less price competition and a greater
drug seeking marketing approval must have the same chance of (tacit) collusion on price. As the number of
active ingredient(s) as the innovator product; must competing manufacturers increases, the greater the
use the same route of administration; must have a competition on price among firms. Two studies con-
similar rate and extent of absorption of the active in- ducted in the US confirmed the inverse relationship
gredient; and must be produced in facilities that meet between the price of a generic drug and the number
good manufacturing process guidelines (12). Generic of competing firms (17,18).
manufacturers are not required, however, to include Direct price controls are a common phenome-
pre-clinical and clinical data to establish safety and ef- non, even in generic markets, and several examples
fectiveness. As a result of the abbreviated application, are in place to demonstrate this. Countries such as
the generic drug approval process in the US de- France, stipulate that prices of generics should be
creased to approximately 18 months in 1998 (12). 30% lower than the equivalent branded product (19).
Despite the ANDA process, however, the length of In late 1998, the Canadian Drug Manufacturers
approval times for generic drugs exceeds that of new Association (an association of generic drug manufac-
drugs. For the fiscal year 2000, the FDA approval time turers) and the Ontario government reached a new
for a new drug was, on average, 11.6 months, agreement to encourage more rapid inclusion of
whereas the average generic drug approval had risen newly regulated generic medicines in the Ontario
to 22.3 months (13). A potential cause of the increase Drug Formulary. Under the terms of the agreement,
in generic drug approval times may be patent-holders new generic drugs will come onto the Formulary at a
prolonging court battles against proposed generic maximum of 70% of the price of the originator drug,
drugs. down from the previous pricing level of 75% (estab-
In Canada, reviews of marketing approval appli- lished in 1994) (20). The second and subsequent
cations are conducted at the federal level of govern- products will be added at a maximum 63% of the
ment, but each province independently decides original cost (down from 65%). In return for accepting
whether a new generic drug should be included in lower prices, the generic industry receives more se-
their drug plans. This process varies widely across cure access to the Ontario marketplace through regu-
provinces. In British Columbia it takes 84 days on av- lar Formulary updates (20). By setting maximum ge-
erage, whereas in Ontario, the average is 314 days neric prices, however, the level of price competition
(3). Thus, the system does not achieve an optimally in the market may be constrained.
efficient allocation of resources due to the duplica- In the UK, a statutory maximum price scheme
tion of effort taking place at the provincial level. has been introduced to counter speculation in the ge-
Pharmaceutical pricing. Countries with well-es- neric drug supply chain (14). This covers the most
tablished generic pharmaceutical markets may or commonly prescribed generic drugs in primary care.
may not impose regulation on pharmaceutical prices. However, even subsequent to the introduction of the
The US and Germany do not impose price ceilings on maximum price scheme, many reimbursement prices
new pharmaceutical products, although Germany are significantly above real market prices as the maxi-
has a reference price system in place for patent-ex- mum price does not account for competition between
pired substances. France, Canada, the Netherlands, major wholesalers on price (21). As a result, the NHS
Denmark, and Italy, do have various regulatory ar- does not benefit from the full savings that result from
rangements in place controlling the prices of new competition between wholesalers. An investigation
medicines and, in France and Italy, the prices of into the extent of discounting offered by wholesalers
generics. In the UK, the price of a new pharmaceuti- to pharmacists in the Netherlands led to the introduc-
cal product is indirectly regulated as the pharmaceuti- tion of a claw-back applied to the maximum reim-
cal price regulation scheme (PPRS) stipulates the rate bursement price that pharmacists receive (22).
of return on capital employed in sales to the National Setting a reimbursement price: reference pric-
Health Service (NHS) (14). Manufacturers have flexi- ing. To promote the use of generic medicines, one ap-

King and Kanavos: Generic Medicines in Transition Economies Croat Med J 2002;43:462-469

proach is to regulate reimbursement of pharmaceuti- Thus while Sweden still has a relatively low generic
cals, as opposed to regulating launch prices. One penetration, reference pricing is credited for savings
such option is reference pricing, which involves of SEK 400-500 million (27).
grouping together similar products and defining a rel- In Germany, the prices of drugs declined, includ-
ative price that will be reimbursed by health insur- ing the prices of reference pricing groups, but
ance funds. Thus, if a pharmaceutical product is branded drug manufacturers partly compensated for
priced above the reference price, the insured is re- this by increasing the price of non-reference-priced
quired to pay the difference in price (23). The degree drugs (23). For German Sickness Funds, the savings
to which reference pricing encourages generic medi- brought about by reference pricing are estimated to
cines is dependent on how this policy tool is imple- be 1.8 billion per year (28). This equates to 9% of
mented. pharmaceutical expenditure. However, in May 2001,
Policy makers wishing to implement reference legislation was passed suspending the current regula-
pricing as a reimbursement mechanism for pharmaceu- tions on reference prices until the end of 2003 (14).
ticals are faced with three main policy choices (9). The Canadian province of British Columbia in-
Firstly, it needs to be decided how the clustering of simi- troduced a reference-based system in 1994 in its pro-
lar medicines is going to take place. One option is to grams for seniors. It was later applied to social assis-
group medicines with identical active ingredients. An- tance recipients and members of households with
other option is for medicines with therapeutically com- high drug costs (though the latter group pay a deduct-
parable active ingredients to be grouped together. The ible). The system includes in-patent products and
third option is for medicines with therapeutically com- clusters medicines that have therapeutically compara-
parable effects (rather than active ingredients) to be ble effects. Grootendorst et al (29) estimated savings
grouped together. This latter grouping includes poten- of CDN$14.9 million to British Columbia’s (BC)
tially a wide class of medicines that are all effective for Pharmacare expenditure on nitrates prescribed to the
the treatment of a given condition. population over the age of 65 years during the three
The second decision that policy makers need to and a half years after reference pricing was intro-
take is to decide whether patented medicines are to be duced. The authors noted, however, that the effect of
included in the defined clusters. If patented drugs are reference pricing needed also to be evaluated in its ef-
not included in the groupings, there is much lower im- fect on associated health care and administrative costs.
pact of reference pricing on increasing generic prescrib-
ing and reducing overall spending (24). As long as pa- Demand-side Measures
tients receive reimbursement for newer, patented prod- Policies impacting on the demand for generic med-
ucts, these are the medicines they are likely to choose, icines may be imposed to elicit a response from physi-
and savings will accrue only in choices between ge- cians, pharmacists, and/or patients. Incentives have
neric products. The third policy-related issue relates to been traditionally directed at physicians, although, in-
the fixing of the reference price. For example, the reim- creasingly, pharmacists are the target of financial incen-
bursement price may be set at the lowest priced drug in tives (30). The way to influence patients is through a sys-
the defined cluster (25) or may be based on the average tem of cost-sharing that favors generic medicines. This
price within the cluster (26). may or may not work, depending on other parameters
It is important to note that where originator and ge- of the health care system, such as overall price levels for
neric pharmaceuticals are both included in drug group- medicines and insurance coverage. With regards to the
ings and the price is set at the (average) generic price, insurance, in Canada, policies designed to influence pa-
the degree to which reference pricing will encourage tient demand are likely to be ineffective as the majority
the use of the generic drug will depend upon the re- of the Canadian population have some form of supple-
sponse of the manufacturer of the originator drug. If the mentary insurance that covers most of the cost of pre-
price of the originator drug is not lowered from its origi- scription medicines (31).
nal price, reference pricing offers a strong incentive for Policies directed at physicians –- physician bud-
preference of the generic drug (23). If, however, the gets. Physician fixed budgets, relevant for primary
price of the originator drug is lowered to approach the care physicians, provide an explicit incentive to con-
reference price, this incentive is reduced. If the focus is tain costs, which in turn encourages generic prescrib-
on savings in pharmaceutical spending, as opposed to ing, among other things. The incentives may be struc-
more strictly encouraging generics, the lower originator tured to reward physicians who underspend or penal-
price will have a positive effect. ize those that overspend, or both.
Consideration must also be made of the effect of Evidence exists from a comparison of general
the degree of market competition in the market at the practitioners (GPs) in UK who were limited by a
time the reference price is set. As previously noted, ge- spending budget (fundholders) and those without this
neric drug prices decrease substantially as more manu- restriction. Any savings that fundholders made could
facturers enter the market. If the reference price is set at be reinvested in the practice. GP fundholding, while
a point where few manufacturers are competing on it was in place, led to (modest) increases in generic
price, it may have the effect of removing the incentive prescribing (32-34). Also, Bateman et al (35) studied
for further price competition to take place. the effect of using financial incentives to change ge-
In Sweden, the response to the introduction of neric prescribing behavior of non-fundholding GPs
reference pricing in 1993 was the lowering of prices and found that the incentives increased generic pre-
to the reference price, or below, by most producers. scribing and resulted in the achievement of target sav-

King and Kanavos: Generic Medicines in Transition Economies Croat Med J 2002;43:462-469

ings, albeit modest. One potential confounder, how- view that as an opportunity to influence generic dis-
ever, is the fact that fundholding GPs were partly in- pensing positively (39). In most Canadian provinces,
hibited by the threat of having their future budgets re- pharmacists have an incentive to dispense generics as
duced. they are reimbursed by the provincial drug plans for
Budgets for physicians have also been present only the cost of the generic drug equivalent, if one ex-
for a long time in Germany, up until they were for- ists. Similar arrangements hold in the US for federal or
mally abolished in 2001-2002. There, financial pen- state pharmaceutical assistance programs, such as
alties were in operation for prescriptions exceeding payment of pharmaceutical benefits of veterans by
the budget for pharmaceuticals. The 1993 Public the Department of Veterans Affairs (40) and Medicaid
Health Reform Law set a global GP pharmaceutical (41), respectively. The majority of pharmacy remunera-
budget of US$15 billion (36). The amount spent tion in the US, however, is based on reimbursement
above this limit would be paid from physician’s remu- limits (42). Pharmacists can, therefore, increase their
neration budgets. After the introduction of this policy, margins by negotiating discounts from suppliers and
generic medicines increased their market share from there is no (federal or state) government or insurance in-
30.8% to 35.8% in number and from 24.9% to tervention on margin determination.
28.5% in value (37). An unwanted side effect of the Another potential financial incentive for pharma-
policy, however, was an increase in the in number of cists is to allow them to keep some or part of the dis-
patients transferred to hospitals, to save on GP’s bud- counts that accrue from dispensing cheaper products.
gets (37). The problem with budgets in Germany was An example of a system that rewards cost conscious
that the penalties envisaged in the legislation were dispensing is the Netherlands. Through their Drug
never enforced. As a result, adherence to the limits Reimbursement Scheme of 1991, pharmacists al-
imposed was poor and budgets were eventually abol- lowed to keep one-third of the savings made via the
ished only to be reintroduced in 1998 and to be
use of less costly generic alternative (30). Another op-
re-abolished in 2001-2002 once again. One impor-
tion is to establish negotiated income targets for phar-
tant policy conclusion, therefore, relates to enforce-
ment of the actual legislation. In this particular case,
failure to enforce it led to its eventual abolition. Information systems. Information systems can
Pharmacists’ reimbursement policy. For policies play a significant role both at prescribing and dispens-
encouraging the use of generics to be successful, it is ing levels. An electronic prescribing database can
important that pharmacists are reimbursed in such a serve as a quick, simple guide to effective prescribing,
way as to not discourage them from dispensing the and can facilitate accurate, up-to-date knowledge of
least expensive product. Pharmacists may be receiv- generic medicines. An international comparative
ing discounts and rebates from wholesalers and/or analysis identified two countries, the Netherlands
manufacturers. Discounts typically provide incen- and Australia, where an increase in demand for
tives for pharmacists to dispense one drug versus an- generics resulted from the introduction of electronic
other. Discounts are, nevertheless, outside the scope databases supplying physicians with comparative in-
of public policy, unless they are disallowed. This formation on price and substitutability between phar-
would leave only the regulation of margins to influ- maceutical products (5). In the UK, when a doctor en-
ence pharmacists’ dispensing practices. ters a brand name medicine name into the computer-
ized prescription writing system, it automatically fills
The European experience, where pharmacy mar-
in the generic name (34). The impact of such a policy
gins are regulated, suggests that pharmacists are typi-
cally remunerated by health insurance organizations is also likely to be dependent on the financial respon-
by means of fixed fees per prescription, progressive sibility of the physicians. Without financial incen-
(percentage) margins or regressive margins. Flat fees tives, it may be less likely that physicians will access
per prescription or fixed percentage margins do not such price comparative data to their patient’s benefit.
provide an incentive for pharmacists to dispense ge- Generic substitution. Through generic substitu-
neric medicines. Under a fixed fee per prescription, tion a pharmacist is authorized to dispense the ge-
the pharmacist receives the same reimbursement for neric version of a medicine even when a GP has pre-
dispensing an original drug as for a generic drug. In scribed it by brand name. There are various levels of
countries where pharmacists are reimbursed based generic substitution. Pharmacists may have wide sub-
on a fixed percentage of the drug’s retail price, there stitution rights, in other words they can substitute
is a disincentive to dispense generics (38), as pharma- freely for a generic, but their rights may also be lim-
cists receive more in monetary terms for dispensing a ited, which may mean that they need to obtain autho-
branded product, than for dispensing a generic, given rization to dispense a generic or be allowed to dis-
the latter’s lower retail price. A regressive margin that pense a generic in emergencies only. Generic substi-
pays pharmacists a greater percentage of the cost on tution is potentially a significant policy tool in in-
lower priced pharmaceutical products removes this creasing the market share of generic medicines and is
disincentive, provided that the structure of the regres- allowed in some form in Canada, Denmark, Ger-
sive margins is such that ensures profitability for ge- many, the Netherlands, and the US (30,43-45).
neric dispensing. Typically, the physician is given some control to pre-
Experience from the European Union (EU) sug- vent substitution where a particular situation warrants
gests that most member states are now remunerating this. Generic substitution rights and pharmacy reim-
pharmacists on the basis of regressive margins and bursement incentives through regressive margins are

King and Kanavos: Generic Medicines in Transition Economies Croat Med J 2002;43:462-469

two different facets of the same policy that would pro- becomes more complicated when interchangeable or
mote generic use more widely. therapeutically similar drugs are included in a given
Patients usually respond positively in generic cluster.
substitution, especially when they are presented with Summary of Policy Tools Used to Increase the
the option to purchase and contribute towards the Use of Generics
cost of a more expensive branded product by means
of a higher (tiered) co-payment. A UK study found evi- The policies described above are often used in
dence that patients do not object to being changed combination to facilitate a high prevalence of generic
from originator to generic medicines (46). Of 1,917 pharmaceuticals (Table 2). It can be seen that systems
patients who had their original prescriptions changed that either facilitate early market entry of generic
from an originator to a generic drug, 90.5% were still pharmaceuticals or put in place financial incentives for
taking the generic drug six months later. their use, are best able to achieve the dual aims of in-
creasing the consumption of generic drugs and creating
The introduction of generic substitution compli- a competitive market in which substantial differences in
cates the establishment of liability for adverse drug re- prices exist between the generic and branded, origina-
actions. With generic substitution, the physician tor versions of a pharmaceutical product. In Germany,
transfers some of his or her professional authority to the presence of financial incentives for physicians and
the pharmacist, and with it the blame for prescribing a pharmacists are offset by fixed reimbursement limits
cheaper drug if anything goes wrong. that remove the incentive for generic drug manufactur-
Evidence of the benefits associated with generic ers to compete on price.
substitution can be observed in the Health Mainte- A policy of allowing generic substitution is preva-
nance Organizations experience in US. The expan- lent in the selected countries. However, generic substi-
sion of managed care and the constant pressure to tution, although desirable, is not a necessary and suffi-
contain health care costs have led hospital pharma- cient condition for high generic use. For instance, the
cies to rely increasingly on generic substitution (47). UK is unique in achieving a high level of generic drug
In the US, in 1999, 76.9% of Health Maintenance Or- use despite not employing a policy of generic substitu-
ganizations required generic substitution when ge- tion. The UK policy of using generic drug names in
neric products were available (48). medical education programs is credited with setting in
Measures targeting patients/consumers. Patients place a prescribing behavior over the career of the phy-
may also have a say in the case of substitutable medi- sician with substantial impact on increasing generic pre-
cines. One such way is through the structure of the scribing (49). This policy is also in place in Canada. The
co-payment system and another is through the reference high level of generic prescribing in the UK illustrates
pricing system. Typically, co-payments are flat fees per that other policy tools, particularly at prescribing level,
prescription, percentage of the prescription cost or de- are effective and warrant consideration by policy mak-
ductibles. A flat fee would not, in principle, promote ge- ers wishing to increase the use of generic medicines.
neric use, unless there is a tiered flat co-payment struc-
ture in place. In other words, patients would pay less for Quality Control of Generic Medicines
a generic and more for a branded drug. This system pre-
vails in the US, where Health Maintenance Organiza- In many countries the perception of the safety
tions and indemnity insurance companies view tiered and effectiveness of generic medicines is not good.
co-payments as a means to leave consumers with the fi- This may be partly due to cultural norms that will re-
nal choice of drug selection. The percentage co-pay- quire time to reverse. In the Netherlands, the govern-
ment can also promote generic use, as, ceteris paribus, ment has run an information campaign with the aim
consumers pay a proportion of the cost of the drug dis- of increasing their knowledge of generic medicine al-
pensed. Reference pricing also leaves the choice of final ternatives to originator medicines (9). If consumers
drug selection with the consumer, since it reimburses a harbor doubts regarding the standards of generic
cheaper generic. Patients who wish to purchase the drugs, they are often in a position to refuse them.
more expensive brand will have to cover the difference Thus ensuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of ge-
between the reimbursable drug and their drug of neric medicines is an important policy imperative.
choice. This arrangement works well in reference pric- Generics have in the past been criticized for being
ing systems that include identical drugs only, whereas it substandard or suffering from major quality prob-

Table 2. Generic pharmaceutical policies in countries with high prevalence of the use of generic pharmaceuticals
Policy Canada Denmark Germany The Netherlands UK US
Bioequivalence testing and marketing application conducted prior to patent expiry yes no no no no yes
Reference pricing yesa yesb yesb yes no no
Physician budgets no no yes no yesc no
Financial incentives for pharmacists yes no yes yes yes yes
Prescribing information systems no no no yes yes no
e f
Generic substitution yes yes yes yesf no yes
Patient co-payments yes yes yes no yes yes
Reference pricing exists in the provinces of British Columbia and New Brunswick.
Excludes patented drugs.
Existed as part of GP fundholding but was discontinued in 1998. Primary Care Groups and Primary Care Trusts (PCG/PCTs) will also have fixed budgets.
Pharmacist remuneration is only slightly regressive.
Pharmacists must dispense the cheapest product, unless otherwise indicated by the physician.
With doctor’s permission.

King and Kanavos: Generic Medicines in Transition Economies Croat Med J 2002;43:462-469

lems. Part of the problem related to poor compliance 4 US Food and Drug Administration, Center for Drug
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