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Oracle SOA 11g Developers Guide

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite

11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

April 2008

Beta Draft
Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite, 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Copyright © 2005, 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Primary Author: Virginia Beecher, Deanna Bradshaw, Rima Dave, Mark Kennedy, and Alex Prazma

Contributor: Oracle SOA Suite development, product management, and quality assurance teams

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Preface ............................................................................................................................................................ xxvii

Audience.................................................................................................................................................. xxvii
Documentation Accessibility ................................................................................................................ xxvii
Related Documents ............................................................................................................................... xxviii
Conventions ........................................................................................................................................... xxviii

Part I SOA Suite Introduction

1 Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite

1.1 Introduction to Service-Oriented Architecture....................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite............................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components ..................................................................... 1-3
1.3.1 Oracle Enterprise Service Bus ............................................................................................ 1-4 Oracle Mediator ............................................................................................................ 1-4 Service Infrastructure................................................................................................... 1-5 Oracle Adapters ............................................................................................................ 1-5 Business Events and the Events Delivery Network ................................................ 1-6 Oracle Business Rules .................................................................................................. 1-6 Oracle Policy Manager................................................................................................. 1-6 Metadata Service Repository ...................................................................................... 1-6
1.3.2 Oracle BPEL Process Manager........................................................................................... 1-6 About Using Oracle ESB with Oracle BPEL Process Manager .............................. 1-7
1.3.3 Human Task ......................................................................................................................... 1-7
1.3.4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring................................................................................ 1-7
1.3.5 Oracle Complex Event Processing .................................................................................... 1-7
1.3.6 Oracle User Messaging Service.......................................................................................... 1-8 Messaging Processing Engine..................................................................................... 1-8 User Messaging Preferences ....................................................................................... 1-8 Messaging API .............................................................................................................. 1-8 Messaging Drivers........................................................................................................ 1-8 Sample Applications .................................................................................................... 1-9
1.3.7 Separately Licensed Products ............................................................................................ 1-9 Oracle JDeveloper......................................................................................................... 1-9 Universal Description Discovery and Integration................................................... 1-9 Oracle Business Process Analysis Suite.................................................................. 1-10

Beta Draft iii Oracle Data Integrator .............................................................................................. 1-10 Oracle Business Intelligence..................................................................................... 1-10 Oracle B2B................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.4 Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA Technologies.................... 1-11
1.4.1 Binding Components ....................................................................................................... 1-14
1.4.2 Service Engines and Service Components .................................................................... 1-14
1.4.3 Deployed Service Archives ............................................................................................. 1-15
1.5 How to Use This Guide........................................................................................................... 1-15

2 Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

2.1 Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor ............................................................................ 2-1
2.1.1 Introduction to Services ...................................................................................................... 2-3
2.1.2 Introduction to a Composite and the SCA Descriptor ................................................... 2-4
2.1.3 Introduction to Service Components ................................................................................ 2-6
2.1.4 Introduction to References ................................................................................................. 2-8
2.1.5 Introduction to Wires .......................................................................................................... 2-9
2.1.6 Introduction to SOA Composite Application in Oracle JDeveloper ............................ 2-9
2.2 Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper ................................................................... 2-10
2.2.1 Task 1: Creating an Application ..................................................................................... 2-11
2.2.2 Task 2: Creating an SOA Composite.............................................................................. 2-11
2.2.3 Task 3: Adding a Service Component ........................................................................... 2-14 What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting a Service Component..
2.2.4 Task 4: Editing a Service Component ............................................................................ 2-16
2.2.5 Task 5: Adding a Service ................................................................................................. 2-18 What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting Services .............. 2-21
2.2.6 Task 6: Wiring a Service and a Service Component .................................................... 2-21 What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting Wires .................. 2-22
2.2.7 Task 7: Adding a Reference............................................................................................. 2-22 What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting References ......... 2-23
2.2.8 Task 8: Wiring a Service Component and a Reference................................................ 2-24
2.2.9 Task 9: Updating Message Schemas of Components (Optional)............................... 2-25 What You May Need to Know About Updating Message Schemas of Components
2.2.10 Task 10: Deploying the Project........................................................................................ 2-26
2.2.11 Task 11: Testing the SOA Composite Application....................................................... 2-26

3 Life Cycle of an Application

3.1 Introduction to Application Life Cycles .................................................................................. 3-1
3.2 Methods for Designing Applications ....................................................................................... 3-1
3.3 Considerations for Collaborative Development..................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Deploying Applications ............................................................................................................. 3-2
3.4.1 Deploying Applications with Oracle JDeveloper ........................................................... 3-2 Task 1: Configuring an SOA Project Deployment Profile (Optional) ................... 3-3 Task 2: Creating an Application Deployment Profile (Optional) ......................... 3-3 Task 3: Deploying the Application Profile................................................................ 3-5
3.5 Testing Applications................................................................................................................... 3-8

iv Beta Draft
3.6 Troubleshooting Applications .................................................................................................. 3-8
3.6.1 Recovering from Faults....................................................................................................... 3-8 Design Time Configuration......................................................................................... 3-8 BPEL Process and Oracle Mediator Fault Handling Features ............................ 3-10 Recovering from Faults in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console 3-11
3.6.2 Viewing Log Files ............................................................................................................. 3-11 Log File and Location................................................................................................ 3-11 Log Level Settings ..................................................................................................... 3-12 Setting Logging Levels.............................................................................................. 3-13 Writing Logs to Text Files ........................................................................................ 3-15 Displaying Debug Information ............................................................................... 3-15
3.6.3 Viewing Deployment Error Files.................................................................................... 3-16

Part II Enterprise Service Bus Infrastructure

4 XSLT Mapper and Transformations

4.1 Use Case for Transformation..................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2 Creating an XSL Map File .......................................................................................................... 4-1
4.2.1 Creating a New XSL Map File in Oracle BPEL Process Manager................................. 4-2
4.2.2 Creating an XSL Map File from Imported Source and Target Schema Files in Oracle
BPEL Process Manager 4-3
4.2.3 Creating an XSL Map File in Oracle Mediator ................................................................ 4-5
4.3 Introduction to the XSLT Mapper ............................................................................................ 4-8
4.3.1 XSLT Creation Overview.................................................................................................... 4-9
4.3.2 Notes on the XSLT Mapper ............................................................................................. 4-12
4.4 Using the XSLT Mapper.......................................................................................................... 4-12
4.4.1 Adding Additional Sources............................................................................................. 4-13
4.4.2 Simple Copy by Linking Nodes ..................................................................................... 4-14
4.4.3 Setting Constant Values................................................................................................... 4-14
4.4.4 Adding Functions ............................................................................................................. 4-15 Editing Function Parameters ................................................................................... 4-16 Chaining Functions ................................................................................................... 4-16 Named Templates ..................................................................................................... 4-17 Importing User-Defined Functions......................................................................... 4-17
4.4.5 Editing XPath Expressions .............................................................................................. 4-19
4.4.6 Adding XSLT Constructs................................................................................................. 4-21 Conditional Processing with xsl:if .......................................................................... 4-21 Conditional Processing with xsl:choose................................................................. 4-22 Creating Loops with xsl:for-each ............................................................................ 4-23 Cloning xsl:for-each .................................................................................................. 4-24 Copying Nodes with xsl:copy-of............................................................................. 4-24 Including External Templates with xsl:include .................................................... 4-25
4.4.7 Automatically Mapping Nodes ...................................................................................... 4-25 Auto Map with Confirmation.................................................................................. 4-27
4.4.8 Viewing Unmapped Target Nodes ................................................................................ 4-28
4.4.9 Generating Dictionaries ................................................................................................... 4-29
4.4.10 Creating Map Parameters and Variables ...................................................................... 4-29

Beta Draft v Creating a Map Parameter ....................................................................................... 4-30 Creating a Map Variable........................................................................................... 4-30
4.4.11 Searching Source and Target Nodes .............................................................................. 4-31
4.4.12 Controlling Generation of Unmapped Target Elements............................................. 4-32
4.4.13 Ignoring Elements in the XSLT Document ................................................................... 4-32
4.4.14 Replacing a Schema in the XSLT Mapper ..................................................................... 4-32
4.4.15 Using Type Substitution in the XSLT Mapper ............................................................. 4-33
4.5 Testing the Map........................................................................................................................ 4-35
4.5.1 Test XSL Map Window .................................................................................................... 4-36
4.5.2 Generating Reports........................................................................................................... 4-38 Correcting Memory Errors When Generating Reports........................................ 4-39
4.5.3 Sample XML Generation ................................................................................................. 4-39
4.6 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 4-40

5 Getting Started with Oracle Mediator

5.1 Introduction to Oracle Mediator............................................................................................... 5-1
5.2 Overview of Mediator Designer Environment....................................................................... 5-2
5.3 Creating a Mediator Component.............................................................................................. 5-5
5.3.1 Creating a Medator Component Without Interface Definition..................................... 5-5 How to Create a Mediator With No Interface Definition ....................................... 5-5
5.3.2 Creating a Mediator Based on a WSDL File .................................................................... 5-5 How to Create a Mediator based on a WSDL File ................................................... 5-5
5.3.3 Creating a Mediator with One-Way Interface Definition .............................................. 5-6 How to Create a Mediator with One-Way Interface Definition ............................ 5-6 What Happens When You Create a Mediator Component with One-Way Interface
Definition 5-6
5.3.4 Creating a Mediator with Synchornous Interface Definition........................................ 5-7 How to Create a Mediator with Synchronous Interface Definition ...................... 5-7 What Happens When You Create a Mediator Component with Synchronous
Interface Definition 5-8
5.3.5 Creating a Mediator with Asynchornous Interface Definition ..................................... 5-8 How to Create a Mediator with Asynchronous Interface Definition ................... 5-8 What Happens When You Create a Mediator Component with Asynchronous
Interface Definition 5-9
5.3.6 Creating a Mediator for Event Subscription................................................................. 5-10 How to Create a Mediator component for Event Subscription .......................... 5-10
5.4 Defining Interface for an Empty Mediator Component..................................................... 5-13
5.4.1 Subscribing to Events ....................................................................................................... 5-14
5.4.2 Defining Services for a Mediator component............................................................... 5-14
5.5 Generating a WSDL File.......................................................................................................... 5-17
5.6 Specifying Operation or Event Subscription Properties .................................................... 5-19
5.7 Modifying a Mediator component ........................................................................................ 5-20
5.7.1 Modifying Mediator component Operations ............................................................... 5-20
5.7.2 Modifying Mediator component Event Subscriptions................................................ 5-21
5.8 Deleting a Mediator component ............................................................................................ 5-22

vi Beta Draft
6 Creating Routing Rules
6.1 Introduction to Routing Rules .................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Defining Routing Rules.............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.2.1 Creating Dynamic Routing Rules...................................................................................... 6-4
6.2.2 Creating Static Routing Rules ............................................................................................ 6-4 Specifying Target Service ............................................................................................ 6-4 Specifying Expression for Filtering Messages.......................................................... 6-7 Specifying Sequential or Parallel Execution .......................................................... 6-13 Using Semantics Validation ..................................................................................... 6-13 Creating Transformations ........................................................................................ 6-14 Assigning Values ....................................................................................................... 6-16 Callback, Synchronous Reply, and Fault Handling ............................................. 6-19
6.2.3 Callback, Synchronous Reply, and Fault Handling..................................................... 6-19
6.3 Use Case .................................................................................................................................... 6-19
6.3.1 Step-By-Step Instructions for Creating the CustomerRouter Use Case.................... 6-20 Task 1: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project........................ 6-20 Task 2: Creating CustomerRouter Mediator ......................................................... 6-22 Task 3: Creating a File Adapter Service ................................................................. 6-22 Task 4: Creating External References ..................................................................... 6-25 Task 5: Specifying Routing Rules ............................................................................ 6-26 Task 6: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection............................... 6-34 Task 7: Deploying CustomerRouterProject ........................................................... 6-35
6.3.2 Running and Monitoring the CustomerRouterProject Application.......................... 6-36

7 Oracle Mediator Error Handling

7.1 Introduction to Oracle Mediator Error Handling .................................................................. 7-1
7.1.1 Fault Policies......................................................................................................................... 7-1 Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 7-2 Actions ........................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.1.2 Fault Bindings ...................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.2 Using Error Handling................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.3 XML Schema Files for Error Handling .................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.1 Fault-policies.xml Schema File .......................................................................................... 7-5
7.3.2 Fault-bindings.xml Schema File ........................................................................................ 7-9

8 Business Events and the Event Delivery Network

8.1 Introduction to Business Events ............................................................................................... 8-1
8.1.1 Local and Remote Events Boundaries .............................................................................. 8-3
8.1.2 Synchronous Subscriptions ................................................................................................ 8-3
8.2 Using Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper.......................................................................... 8-4
8.2.1 Creating a Business Event .................................................................................................. 8-4
8.2.2 Subscribing to a Business Event ........................................................................................ 8-6
8.2.3 Publishing a Business Event............................................................................................... 8-8
8.2.4 Integrating ADF BC Business Events with Oracle Mediator ........................................ 8-9

Beta Draft vii

9 Working with Domain Value Maps
9.1 Introduction to Domain Value Maps ....................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Domain Value Map Features ............................................................................................. 9-1 Qualifier Support.......................................................................................................... 9-2 Qualifier Order Support .............................................................................................. 9-2 One-to-Many Mapping Support ................................................................................ 9-3
9.2 Creating Domain Value Maps................................................................................................... 9-4
9.2.1 How to Create Domain Value Maps................................................................................. 9-4
9.2.2 What Happens When You Create a Domain Value Map .............................................. 9-6
9.3 Editing a Domain Value Map.................................................................................................... 9-8
9.3.1 Adding Columns to a Domain Value Map ...................................................................... 9-9
9.3.2 Adding Rows to a Domain Value Map ............................................................................ 9-9
9.3.3 Reordering the Columns in a Domain Value Map ......................................................... 9-9
9.4 Using Domain Value Map Functions....................................................................................... 9-9
9.4.1 Understanding Domain Value Map Functions ............................................................... 9-9 dvm:lookupValue......................................................................................................... 9-9 dvm:lookupValue1M ................................................................................................ 9-10
9.4.2 Using Domain Value Map Functions in Transformation ........................................... 9-11
9.4.3 Using a Domain Value Map Functions to Create XPath Expressions....................... 9-14
9.4.4 What Happens at Run Time............................................................................................ 9-15
9.5 Domain Value Map Use Case ................................................................................................ 9-15
9.5.1 Step-By-Step Instructions for Creating the Use Case .................................................. 9-15 Task 1: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project........................ 9-16 Task 2: Creating a Domain Value Map .................................................................. 9-16 Task 3: Creating a File Adapter Service ................................................................. 9-18 Task 4: Creating ProcessOrders Mediator ............................................................. 9-19 Task 5: Creating a File Adapter Reference............................................................. 9-20 Task 6: Specifying Routing Rules ............................................................................ 9-21 Task 7: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection............................... 9-26 Task 8: Deploying the Composite Application ..................................................... 9-26
9.5.2 Running and Monitoring the HierarchicalValue Application ................................... 9-26

10 Working with Cross References

10.1 Introduction to Cross References........................................................................................... 10-1
10.2 Creating and Modifying Cross Reference Tables................................................................ 10-4
10.2.1 Creating a Cross Reference Table................................................................................... 10-4
10.2.2 Adding a Column to a Cross Reference Table.............................................................. 10-6
10.2.3 Deleting a Column from a Cross Reference Table ....................................................... 10-7
10.3 Populating Cross Reference Tables ....................................................................................... 10-7
10.3.1 xref:populateXRefRow Function .................................................................................... 10-7 Using xref:populateXRefRow Function ................................................................. 10-9
10.3.2 xref:populateXRefRow1M Function ............................................................................ 10-12
10.4 Looking Up Cross Reference Tables ................................................................................... 10-13
10.4.1 xref:lookupXRef Function ............................................................................................. 10-13 Using xref:lookupXRef Function........................................................................... 10-14
10.4.2 xref:lookupXRef1M Function........................................................................................ 10-16
10.5 Deleting a Cross Reference Table Value............................................................................. 10-17

viii Beta Draft

10.6 Schema Definition(XSD) File for Cross References........................................................... 10-20
10.7 Cross Reference Use Case ..................................................................................................... 10-21
10.7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 10-21
10.7.2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 10-21
10.7.3 Step-By-Step Instructions for Creating the Use Case ................................................ 10-22 Task 1: Configuring Oracle Database and Database Adapter .......................... 10-22 Task 2: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project...................... 10-23 Task 3: Creating a Cross Reference ....................................................................... 10-23 Task 4: Creating a Database Adapter Service...................................................... 10-24 Task 5: Creating EBS and SBL External References............................................ 10-27 Task 6: Creating Logger External Reference........................................................ 10-30 Task 7: Creating Mediator Components .............................................................. 10-31 Task 8: Specifying Routing Rules for Mediator1 ................................................ 10-32 Task 9: Specifying Routing Rules for Common Mediator................................. 10-44 Task 10: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection........................... 10-56 Task 11: Deploying the Composite Application ................................................. 10-56
10.7.4 Running and Monitoring the XrefCustApp Application.......................................... 10-56

Part III BPEL Process Service Component

11 Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager

11.1 Starting Oracle SOA Suite Components ............................................................................... 11-1
11.2 Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment ............................................................... 11-2
11.2.1 Introduction to BPEL Process Service Component Creation and Oracle JDeveloper .......
11-2 Application Navigator .............................................................................................. 11-5 Design Window ......................................................................................................... 11-5 Source Window.......................................................................................................... 11-7 History Window ........................................................................................................ 11-8 Component Palette .................................................................................................... 11-9 Property Inspector ................................................................................................... 11-11 Structure Window ................................................................................................... 11-11 Log Window............................................................................................................. 11-12
11.3 Introduction to Activities...................................................................................................... 11-12
11.4 Introduction to Partner Links............................................................................................... 11-14
11.5 Partner Link Creation and the SOA Composite Editor.................................................... 11-15
11.5.1 Creating a Partner Link For an Outbound Adapter .................................................. 11-15
11.5.2 Creating a Partner Link for an Inbound Adapter ...................................................... 11-16
11.5.3 Creating a Partner Link from an Abstract WSDL to Call a Service......................... 11-16
11.5.4 Creating a Partner Link from an Abstract WSDL to Implement a Service ............ 11-16
11.5.5 Creating a Human Task or Decision Service .............................................................. 11-17
11.5.6 Creating a Partner Link From an Existing Human Task, Decision Service, or Mediator
Routing Service 11-18
11.6 Introduction to Oracle BPEL Server .................................................................................... 11-18
11.7 Introduction to Oracle BPEL Process Manager Technology Adapters .......................... 11-18

Beta Draft ix
12 Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes
12.1 Use Cases for Manipulating XML Data in BPEL................................................................. 12-1
12.2 Introduction to Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Concepts ............................................ 12-2
12.2.1 How XML Data Works in BPEL ..................................................................................... 12-2
12.2.2 About Data Manipulation and XPath Standards ......................................................... 12-2
12.3 Delegating XML Data Operation to Data Provider Services ............................................. 12-4
12.3.1 Addressing XML Data Operation Challenges.............................................................. 12-5
12.3.2 How the Entity Variable Works ..................................................................................... 12-6 Inbound Direction ..................................................................................................... 12-6 Outbound Direction .................................................................................................. 12-7
12.3.3 Example of Defining an Entity Variable........................................................................ 12-7 Create an Entity Variable and Choose a Partner Link ......................................... 12-7 Create a Binding Key ................................................................................................ 12-8
12.4 Initializing a Variable with Expression Constants or Literal XML................................... 12-9
12.5 Copying Between Variables ................................................................................................. 12-10
12.6 Accessing Fields Within Element-Based and Message Type-Based Variables ............. 12-10
12.7 Assigning Numeric Values................................................................................................... 12-11
12.8 Mathematical Calculations with XPath Standards ........................................................... 12-11
12.9 Assigning String Literals....................................................................................................... 12-12
12.10 Concatenating Strings ........................................................................................................... 12-12
12.11 Assigning Boolean Values .................................................................................................... 12-13
12.12 Assigning Date or Time ........................................................................................................ 12-13
12.13 Manipulating Attributes ....................................................................................................... 12-14
12.14 Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions ............................................................... 12-14
12.14.1 bpelx:append ................................................................................................................... 12-15
12.14.2 bpelx:insertBefore ........................................................................................................... 12-15
12.14.3 bpelx:insertAfter ............................................................................................................. 12-16
12.14.4 bpelx:remove ................................................................................................................... 12-17
12.14.5 bpelx:rename and XSD Type Casting .......................................................................... 12-18
12.14.6 bpelx:copyList ................................................................................................................. 12-19
12.15 Validating XML Data with bpelx:validate ......................................................................... 12-20
12.16 Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays ........................................... 12-20
12.16.1 Statically Indexing into an XML Data Sequence That Uses Arrays ........................ 12-21
12.16.2 Determining Sequence Size ........................................................................................... 12-22
12.16.3 Dynamically Indexing by Applying a Trailing XPath to an Expression ................ 12-22 Dynamic Indexing Example................................................................................... 12-22 Using the bpelx:append Extension to Append New Items to a Sequence...... 12-23 Merging Data Sequences ........................................................................................ 12-24 Generating Functionality Equivalent to an Array of an Empty Element........ 12-24
12.16.4 Limited Support for SOAP-Encoded Arrays .............................................................. 12-25
12.17 Converting from a String to an XML Element................................................................... 12-25
12.18 Differences Between Document-Style and RPC-Style WSDL Files ................................ 12-26
12.19 Manipulating SOAP Headers in BPEL ............................................................................... 12-27
12.19.1 Receiving SOAP Headers in BPEL ............................................................................... 12-27
12.19.2 Sending SOAP Headers in BPEL.................................................................................. 12-28

x Beta Draft
13 Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from BPEL Processes
13.1 Use Case for Synchronous Web Services.............................................................................. 13-1
13.2 Introduction to Synchronous Service Concepts .................................................................. 13-2
13.2.1 Establishing the Partner Link.......................................................................................... 13-2 Defining the Partner Link in the BPEL Code......................................................... 13-2 Using the WSDL File to Enable the Web Services to Work with a BPEL Process
Service Component 13-3
13.2.2 Using the Invoke Activity to Perform a Request ......................................................... 13-4
13.3 Calling a Synchronous Service............................................................................................... 13-5
13.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 13-6

14 Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from BPEL Processes

14.1 Use Case for Asynchronous Web Services........................................................................... 14-1
14.2 Introduction to Asynchronous Callback Concepts ............................................................. 14-3
14.2.1 partnerLinkTypes for Asynchronous Services ............................................................. 14-3
14.2.2 Calling the Service from BPEL........................................................................................ 14-4
14.2.3 How the Invoke and Receive Activities Work ............................................................. 14-5
14.2.4 Managing Multiple Active BPEL Process Service Component Instances Using
Correlation Methods 14-6 WS-Addressing .......................................................................................................... 14-7 Using Correlation Sets to Coordinate Asynchronous Message Body Contents..........
14.2.5 Using the Reply Activity to Send Messages in Response to a Receive Activity ... 14-10
14.2.6 Using Dehydration Points to Maintain Long-Running Asynchronous Processes 14-10
14.3 Calling an Asynchronous Service........................................................................................ 14-10
14.3.1 Step 1: Adding a Partner Link for an Asynchronous Service................................... 14-10
14.3.2 Step 2: Adding an Invoke Activity ............................................................................... 14-11
14.3.3 Step 3: Adding a Receive Activity ................................................................................ 14-13
14.3.4 Step 4: Performing Additional Activities .................................................................... 14-13
14.4 Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service ........................................................ 14-14
14.4.1 Step 1: Creating a Project ............................................................................................... 14-14
14.4.2 Step 2: Configuring Partner Links and File Adapter Services ................................. 14-15 Creating an Initial Partner Link and File Adapter Service ................................ 14-15 Creating a Second Partner Link and File Adapter Service ................................ 14-17 Creating a Third Partner Link and File Adapter Service................................... 14-18
14.4.3 Step 3: Creating Three Receive Activities.................................................................... 14-19 Creating an Initial Receive Activity ...................................................................... 14-19 Creating a Second Receive Activity ...................................................................... 14-20 Creating a Third Receive Activity......................................................................... 14-20
14.4.4 Step 4: Creating Correlation Sets .................................................................................. 14-21 Creating an Initial Correlation Set ........................................................................ 14-21 Creating a Second Correlation Set ........................................................................ 14-21
14.4.5 Step 5: Associating Correlation Sets with Receive Activities ................................... 14-22 Associating the First Correlation Set with a Receive Activity .......................... 14-22 Associating the Second Correlation Set with a Receive Activity ..................... 14-22 Associating the Third Correlation Set with a Receive Activity ........................ 14-23
14.4.6 Step 6: Creating Property Aliases................................................................................. 14-23

Beta Draft xi Creating Property Aliases for NameCorr ............................................................ 14-23 Creating Property Aliases for IDCorr................................................................... 14-24
14.4.7 Step 7: Reviewing WSDL File Content ........................................................................ 14-25
14.5 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 14-25

15 Parallel Flow in BPEL Processes

15.1 Use Case for Parallel Flows .................................................................................................... 15-1
15.2 Introduction to Parallel Flow Concepts................................................................................ 15-1
15.3 Customizing the Number of Flow Activities by Using the flowN Activity.................... 15-2
15.3.1 BPEL Code Example of the FlowN Activity ................................................................. 15-4
15.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 15-6

16 Conditional Branching in BPEL Processes

16.1 Use Case for Conditional Branching ..................................................................................... 16-1
16.2 Introduction to Conditional Branching Concepts ............................................................... 16-1
16.3 Using a Switch Activity to Define Conditional Branching ................................................ 16-2
16.4 Using a While Activity to Define Conditional Branching.................................................. 16-4
16.5 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 16-4

17 Fault Handling in BPEL Processes

17.1 Use Case for Fault Handling .................................................................................................. 17-1
17.2 Defining a Fault Handler ........................................................................................................ 17-1
17.3 BPEL Standard Faults.............................................................................................................. 17-3
17.4 Categories of BPEL Faults....................................................................................................... 17-3
17.4.1 Business Faults .................................................................................................................. 17-3
17.4.2 Run-time Faults................................................................................................................. 17-3 bindingFault ............................................................................................................... 17-4 remoteFault................................................................................................................. 17-5 replayFault.................................................................................................................. 17-5 Catching Run-time Faults Example ........................................................................ 17-5
17.5 Getting Fault Details with the getFaultAsString XPath Extension Function .................. 17-5
17.6 Using the Scope Activity to Manage a Group of Activities ............................................... 17-6
17.7 Throwing Internal Faults ........................................................................................................ 17-6
17.8 Returning External Faults ....................................................................................................... 17-7
17.8.1 Returning a Fault in a Synchronous Interaction .......................................................... 17-7
17.8.2 Returning a Fault in an Asynchronous Interaction ..................................................... 17-7
17.9 Using a Fault Handler within a Scope .................................................................................. 17-7
17.9.1 Using the Empty Activity to Insert No-Op Instructions into a Business Process ... 17-8
17.10 Using Compensation After Undoing a Series of Operations ............................................ 17-8
17.11 Using the Terminate Activity to Stop a Business Process Instance .................................. 17-9

18 Incorporating Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Processes

18.1 Introduction to Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Concepts ..................................................... 18-1
18.1.1 Using Java Code Wrapped as a SOAP Service............................................................. 18-1
18.1.2 Directly Embedding Java Code in a BPEL Process...................................................... 18-2 Using the bpelx:exec Tag to Embed Java Code Snippets into a BPEL Process. 18-2

xii Beta Draft Using an XML Facade to Simplify DOM Manipulation ...................................... 18-3 bpelx:exec Built-in Methods..................................................................................... 18-4
18.1.3 Using Java Code Wrapped in a Service Interface ........................................................ 18-4
18.2 Using Java Embedding in a BPEL Process ........................................................................... 18-5
18.3 Using PL/SQL Procedures with SOA Applications........................................................... 18-6
18.3.1 Initiating a SOA Application with PL/SQL Procedures............................................. 18-6
18.3.2 Accessing a Service Implemented as a PL/SQL Procedure ....................................... 18-7
18.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 18-7

19 Events and Timeouts in BPEL Processes

19.1 Use Case for Events and Timeouts........................................................................................ 19-1
19.2 Introduction to Event and Timeout Concepts ..................................................................... 19-1
19.3 Using the Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or Waiting ................. 19-2
19.4 Using the Wait Activity to Set an Expiration Time............................................................. 19-4
19.5 Setting Timeouts for Synchronous Processes ...................................................................... 19-4
19.6 Defining a Timeout .................................................................................................................. 19-4
19.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 19-6

20 Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component

20.1 Use Case for Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component ............................................. 20-1
20.2 Sending Messages to a BPEL Process Service Component................................................ 20-1
20.2.1 Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component with the Web Service/SOAP Interface ....

21 Coordinating Master and Detail Processes

21.1 Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations ................................................ 21-1
21.2 Master and Detail Process Definitions in the BPEL Files ................................................... 21-3
21.2.1 BPEL File Definition for the Master Process ................................................................. 21-4 Correlating a Master Process with Multiple Detail Processes ............................ 21-5
21.2.2 BPEL File Definition for Detail Processes ..................................................................... 21-6
21.3 Coordinating Master and Detail Processes in Oracle JDeveloper .................................... 21-6
21.3.1 Create a Master Process ................................................................................................... 21-6
21.3.2 Create a Detail Process..................................................................................................... 21-8
21.3.3 Create an Invoke Activity.............................................................................................. 21-10

22 Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes

22.1 One-Way Message ................................................................................................................... 22-1
22.2 Synchronous Interaction ......................................................................................................... 22-2
22.3 Asynchronous Interaction ...................................................................................................... 22-3
22.4 Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout ............................................................................. 22-4
22.5 Asynchronous Interaction with a Notification Timer ........................................................ 22-4
22.6 One Request, Multiple Responses ......................................................................................... 22-5
22.7 One Request, One of Two Possible Responses .................................................................... 22-6
22.8 One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response................................... 22-7
22.9 Partial Processing..................................................................................................................... 22-8

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22.10 Multiple Application Interactions ......................................................................................... 22-9
22.11 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 22-10

23 Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service

23.1 Use Cases for Notifications..................................................................................................... 23-1
23.2 Introduction to Oracle User Messaging Service and Notification Concepts................... 23-1
23.2.1 Reliable Notifications ....................................................................................................... 23-3
23.3 Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper..................................................................... 23-3
23.3.1 The E-mail Notification Channel.................................................................................... 23-5 Setting E-mail Attachments ..................................................................................... 23-6 Sending Actionable E-mails ..................................................................................... 23-8 Formatting the Body of an E-mail Message as HTML ......................................... 23-9
23.3.2 The SMS Notification Channel ....................................................................................... 23-9
23.3.3 The Voice Notification Channel.................................................................................... 23-10
23.3.4 Setting E-mail Addresses and Telephone Numbers Dynamically .......................... 23-11
23.3.5 Selecting Notification Recipients by Browsing the User Directory......................... 23-12
23.3.6 Setting Automatic Replies to Unprocessed Messages............................................... 23-12
23.3.7 XML Validation Failure with the Oracle User Messaging Service ......................... 23-13
23.4 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 23-13

24 Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors

24.1 Use Cases for Sensors .............................................................................................................. 24-1
24.2 Introduction to Sensor Concepts ........................................................................................... 24-1
24.3 Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper.................................... 24-2
24.3.1 Configuring Sensors ......................................................................................................... 24-3
24.3.2 Configuring Sensor Actions ............................................................................................ 24-6
24.3.3 Publishing to Remote Topics and Queues .................................................................... 24-8
24.3.4 Creating a Custom Data Publisher................................................................................. 24-8
24.3.5 Registering the Sensors and Sensor Actions in composite.xml ............................... 24-10
24.4 Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console ..... 24-11
24.4.1 Viewing Sensor and Sensor Action Definitions ......................................................... 24-11
24.4.2 Viewing Sensor Data ...................................................................................................... 24-14
24.5 Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring ....................................... 24-15
24.5.1 Creating a Connection to Oracle BAM Server............................................................ 24-16
24.5.2 Creating a Sensor ............................................................................................................ 24-17
24.5.3 Creating a BAM Sensor Action ..................................................................................... 24-17
24.6 Sensor Public Views............................................................................................................... 24-19
24.6.1 BPM Schema .................................................................................................................... 24-20
24.7 Sensor Actions XSD File........................................................................................................ 24-23
24.8 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 24-32

25 Business Rule Service Component

25.1 Business Rule Concepts........................................................................................................... 25-1
25.1.1 Business Rules and Business Rule Engines................................................................... 25-1
25.1.2 Business Rule Service Component ................................................................................. 25-2
25.1.3 Oracle SOA Suite .............................................................................................................. 25-2

xiv Beta Draft

25.2 Business Rule Architecture..................................................................................................... 25-3
25.2.1 Business Rule Service Component Metadata File........................................................ 25-4
25.2.2 Rule Dictionary ................................................................................................................. 25-5
25.2.3 SCA Component Type ..................................................................................................... 25-6
25.2.4 Decision Services............................................................................................................... 25-6 Decision Services that Expose an RL Function...................................................... 25-9
25.2.5 Stateful Interactions with a Decision Component ..................................................... 25-12
25.3 Use Cases for Integration of Business Processes and Business Rules ............................ 25-13
25.4 Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules ............................... 25-13
25.4.1 Business Rule Service Component ............................................................................... 25-14
25.4.2 Business Rule Activity of a Business Process ............................................................. 25-16
25.4.3 Human Task Component .............................................................................................. 25-18
25.5 Deploying a Business Rule ................................................................................................... 25-19
25.6 Running a Business Rule in a SOA Composite Application ........................................... 25-20

Part IV Human Workflow Service Component

26 Designing Human Tasks

26.1 Introduction to Workflow Services ....................................................................................... 26-1
26.1.1 Workflow Functionality: A Procurement Process Example....................................... 26-4
26.2 Use Cases for Workflow Services .......................................................................................... 26-5
26.2.1 Assigning a Task to a User or Role ................................................................................ 26-5
26.2.2 Using the Various Participant Types ............................................................................. 26-6
26.2.3 Escalation, Expiration, and Delegation ......................................................................... 26-6
26.2.4 Automatic Assignment and Delegation ........................................................................ 26-7
26.2.5 Work Queues and Proxy Support .................................................................................. 26-7
26.2.6 The Oracle BPEL Worklist Application ......................................................................... 26-7
26.3 Workflow Services Components ........................................................................................... 26-8
26.4 Participant Types in Workflow Services ............................................................................ 26-10
26.4.1 Chaining Multiple Tasks................................................................................................ 26-11
26.5 Introduction to the Modeling Process................................................................................. 26-11
26.5.1 Create a Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor .............................. 26-12
26.5.2 Optionally Associate the Human Task Definition with a BPEL Process................ 26-12
26.5.3 Generate the Task Display Form .................................................................................. 26-12
26.6 Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor.............................. 26-12
26.6.1 Creating a Human Task Service Component and Accessing the Human Task Editor .....
26.6.2 Reviewing the Sections of the Human Task Editor ................................................... 26-15
26.6.3 Specifying the Task Title, Priority, Outcome, and Owner........................................ 26-16 Specifying a Task Title and Priority...................................................................... 26-16 Specifying a Task Outcome.................................................................................... 26-17 Specifying a Task Description ............................................................................... 26-18 Specifying a Task Category.................................................................................... 26-18 Specifying a Task Owner........................................................................................ 26-18
26.6.4 Specifying the Task Payload Data Structure .............................................................. 26-21
26.6.5 Assigning Task Participants.......................................................................................... 26-22 Specifying Task Approvers .................................................................................... 26-23

Beta Draft xv Configuring the Single Approver Participant Type ........................................... 26-24 Configuring the Group Vote Participant Type ................................................... 26-27 Configuring the Management Chain Participant Type ..................................... 26-31 Configuring the Sequential List of Approvers Participant Type...................... 26-34 Configuring the FYI Assignee Participant Type ................................................. 26-37 Configuring the External Routing Service Participant Type............................. 26-38 Allowing All Participants to Invite Other Participants...................................... 26-40 Adding Reviewers ................................................................................................... 26-40 Routing Tasks to All Participants in the Specified Order.................................. 26-40 Abruptly Completing a Condition........................................................................ 26-41 Advanced Task Routing Using Business Rules .................................................. 26-42
26.6.6 Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task.................................................................. 26-46 Introduction to Escalation and Expiration Policy............................................... 26-47 Never Expire Policy................................................................................................. 26-49 Expire After Policy .................................................................................................. 26-49 Renew After Policy.................................................................................................. 26-50 Escalate After Policy................................................................................................ 26-51 Specifying a Due Date............................................................................................. 26-52
26.6.7 Specifying Participant Notification Preferences......................................................... 26-53 Notifying Recipients of Changes to Task Status ................................................. 26-54 Editing the Notification Message .......................................................................... 26-55 Setting Up Reminders ............................................................................................. 26-55 Securing Notifications, Making Messages Actionable, and Sending Attachments ....
26.6.8 Specifying Advanced Settings ...................................................................................... 26-57 Specifying Escalation Rules.................................................................................... 26-58 Specifying WordML Style Sheets for Attachments ............................................ 26-59 Specifying Style Sheets for Attachments.............................................................. 26-59 Specifying Multilingual Settings ........................................................................... 26-59 Overriding Default Exception Management ....................................................... 26-60 Specifying Callback Classes on Task Status ........................................................ 26-61 Allowing Task and Routing Customization in BPEL Callbacks....................... 26-62 Specifying a Workflow Signature Policy ............................................................. 26-62 Specifying Access Rules on Task Content............................................................ 26-63
26.6.9 Specifying Annotations.................................................................................................. 26-68
26.6.10 Exiting the Human Task Editor and Saving Your Changes ..................................... 26-69
26.7 Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process ...................... 26-69
26.7.1 Associating a Human Task with a BPEL Process....................................................... 26-69
26.7.2 Defining the Human Task Activity Title, Initiator, Priority, and Parameter Variables ....
26-70 Specifying the Task Title......................................................................................... 26-71 Specifying the Task Initiator and Task Priority .................................................. 26-72 Specifying Task Parameters ................................................................................... 26-72
26.7.3 Viewing the Generated Human Task Activity ........................................................... 26-73 BPEL Callbacks ........................................................................................................ 26-75
26.7.4 Defining the Human Task Activity Advanced Features .......................................... 26-77 Specifying a Scope Name and a Global Task Variable Name........................... 26-78 Specifying a Task Owner........................................................................................ 26-78

xvi Beta Draft Specifying an Identification Key ........................................................................... 26-78 Including the Task History of Other Human Tasks ........................................... 26-78 Using Task and Routing Customizations in BPEL Callbacks ........................... 26-79
26.7.5 Outcome-Based Modeling ............................................................................................. 26-80 Payload Updates...................................................................................................... 26-80 Case Statements for Other Task Conclusions...................................................... 26-80
26.8 End-to-End Workflow Examples......................................................................................... 26-81
26.8.1 Help Desk Request Example......................................................................................... 26-82
26.8.2 Prerequisites .................................................................................................................... 26-82
26.8.3 Modeling the Help Desk Request................................................................................. 26-82 Creating an Application ......................................................................................... 26-83 Creating the SOA Project........................................................................................ 26-83 Create the Human Task Service Component ...................................................... 26-85 Designing the Human Task ................................................................................... 26-86 Associating the Human Task and BPEL Process Service Components........... 26-88 Deploying the SOA Composite Application ....................................................... 26-90 Initiating the Process Instance ............................................................................... 26-90 Creating an Oracle BPM Worklist SOA Project .................................................. 26-90 Designing the Task Display Form......................................................................... 26-92 Resolving the Task in Oracle BPM Worklist ....................................................... 26-98

27 Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks

27.1 Introduction to the Task Display Form ................................................................................ 27-1
27.2 Creating an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task Definition .................................... 27-2
27.2.1 How to Create an ADF Task Flow Within the Same Application as the Human Task.....
27.2.2 How to Create an ADF Task Flow Within the Same Composite Application as the
Human Task 27-3
27.2.3 What Happens When You Create an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task
Definition 27-4
27.3 Creating a Task Display Form ............................................................................................... 27-5
27.3.1 Custom Drop Handlers.................................................................................................... 27-5 Task Header................................................................................................................ 27-6 Task History ............................................................................................................... 27-7 System Actions........................................................................................................... 27-7 Custom Actions.......................................................................................................... 27-8 Task Comments ......................................................................................................... 27-9 Task Attachments ...................................................................................................... 27-9 Complete Task without Payload ............................................................................. 27-9 Complete Task with Payload................................................................................... 27-9 Task Display for Notification................................................................................. 27-10
27.3.2 Standard Drop Handlers ............................................................................................... 27-10
27.3.3 How to Create a Task Display Form Using Individual Drop Handlers................. 27-11
27.3.4 How to Create a Task Display Form Using the Complete Task with Payload Drop
Handler 27-17
27.3.5 What Happens When You Create a Task Display Form........................................... 27-18
27.4 Creating an E-Mail Notification .......................................................................................... 27-18

Beta Draft xvii

27.4.1 How to Create an E-Mail Notification ......................................................................... 27-19 Creating a Task Flow with a Router ..................................................................... 27-19 Creating an E-Mail Notification Page................................................................... 27-22
27.4.2 What Happens When You Create an E-Mail Notification Page .............................. 27-24
27.5 Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow ................................................... 27-24
27.5.1 Before Deploying the Task Display Form: Port Changes ......................................... 27-24
27.5.2 How to Deploy a Composite Application with a Task Flow ................................... 27-26
27.5.3 How to Deploy a Task Flow as a Separate Application............................................ 27-27
27.5.4 What Happens When You Deploy the Task Display Form...................................... 27-28
27.6 Displaying a Task Display Form in the Worklist .............................................................. 27-28
27.6.1 How to Display the Task Display Form in the Worklist........................................... 27-29
27.7 Troubleshooting the Task Display Form ............................................................................ 27-30

28 Human Task Services

28.1 Human Task Services .............................................................................................................. 28-1
28.1.1 EJB, SOAP, and Java Support for the Human Task Services...................................... 28-1
28.1.2 Security Model for Services............................................................................................. 28-3 Limitation on Propagating Identity to Workflow Services when Using SOAP Web
Services 28-3 Security in EJBs .......................................................................................................... 28-3 Creating Human Task Context on Behalf of a User ............................................. 28-4
28.1.3 Task Service ....................................................................................................................... 28-4
28.1.4 Task Query Service ........................................................................................................... 28-7
28.1.5 Identity Service.................................................................................................................. 28-8 Identity Service Providers ...................................................................................... 28-10
28.1.6 Notification Service ........................................................................................................ 28-11
28.1.7 Task Metadata Service ................................................................................................... 28-11
28.1.8 User Metadata Service.................................................................................................... 28-12
28.1.9 Runtime Config Service ................................................................................................. 28-13 Internationalization of Attribute Labels............................................................... 28-15
28.1.10 Digital Signatures and the Evidence Store Service .................................................... 28-16 Prerequisites ............................................................................................................. 28-17 Interfaces and Methods .......................................................................................... 28-18
28.2 Notifications from Human Workflow ................................................................................ 28-20
28.2.1 Configuring the Notification Channel......................................................................... 28-21
28.2.2 Contents of Notification................................................................................................. 28-22
28.2.3 Configuring Notification Messages in Different Languages.................................... 28-23
28.2.4 Sending Actionable Messages....................................................................................... 28-24 Sending Actionable E-mails for Human Tasks ................................................... 28-24 Sending Actionable Instant Messages .................................................................. 28-26
28.2.5 Error Message Support .................................................................................................. 28-26
28.2.6 Sending Inbound and Outbound Attachments.......................................................... 28-27
28.2.7 Sending Inbound Comments ........................................................................................ 28-27
28.2.8 Reliability Support.......................................................................................................... 28-27
28.2.9 Sending Secure Notifications ........................................................................................ 28-28
28.2.10 Channels Used for Notifications .................................................................................. 28-28
28.2.11 Notification Services for SMS, Voice Mail, and IM Channels .................................. 28-28

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28.2.12 Sending Reminders......................................................................................................... 28-28
28.2.13 Custom Notification Headers ....................................................................................... 28-29
28.2.14 Managing the Notification Service............................................................................... 28-29
28.3 Configuring the Assignment Service .................................................................................. 28-30
28.3.1 Dynamic Assignment Functions .................................................................................. 28-30 Implementing a Dynamic Assignment Function................................................ 28-31 Configuring Dynamic Assignment Functions .................................................... 28-31 Configuring Display Names for Dynamic Assignment Functions .................. 28-32
28.3.2 Dynamically Assigning Task Participants with the Assignment Service .............. 28-32 Assignment Service Overview .............................................................................. 28-33 Implementing an Assignment Service.................................................................. 28-33 Example of Assignment Service Implementation............................................... 28-34 Deploying a Custom Assignment Service ........................................................... 28-36
28.3.3 Custom Escalation Function.......................................................................................... 28-36
28.4 Human Task Service and Identity Service Related XPath Extension Functions .......... 28-36
28.4.1 Deprecated Human Task Service and Identity Service Functions .......................... 28-37
28.5 NLS Configuration................................................................................................................. 28-38
28.6 Changes to APIs ..................................................................................................................... 28-38
28.7 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 28-38

29 Using Oracle BPM Worklist

29.1 Introduction to Oracle BPM Worklist ................................................................................... 29-1
29.2 Logging In to Oracle BPM Worklist ..................................................................................... 29-2
29.2.1 How to Log In to the Worklist ........................................................................................ 29-2
29.2.2 What Happens When You Log In to the Worklist....................................................... 29-3
29.3 Customizing the Task List Page ............................................................................................ 29-5
29.3.1 How to Filter Tasks........................................................................................................... 29-5
29.3.2 How to Create and Customize Worklist Views ........................................................... 29-7
29.3.3 How to Customize the Task Status Chart ................................................................... 29-12
29.3.4 How to Create a To-Do Task......................................................................................... 29-13
29.4 Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page ............................................................................. 29-15
29.4.1 System Actions ................................................................................................................ 29-17
29.4.2 Task History .................................................................................................................... 29-18
29.4.3 How to Act on Tasks ...................................................................................................... 29-20
29.4.4 How to Act on Tasks That Require a Digital Signature ............................................ 29-24
29.5 Setting Vacation and Other Rules........................................................................................ 29-28
29.5.1 How to Set Vacation and Other Rules ......................................................................... 29-28
29.6 Using the Worklist Administration Functions .................................................................. 29-33
29.6.1 How to Manage Other Users’ or Groups’ Rules (as an Administrator) ................. 29-33
29.6.2 How to Set the Worklist Display (Application Preferences) .................................... 29-35
29.6.3 How to Map Flex Fields................................................................................................. 29-36
29.7 Creating Worklist Reports .................................................................................................... 29-40
29.7.1 How to Create Reports................................................................................................... 29-41
29.7.2 What Happens When You Create Reports ................................................................. 29-42 Unattended Tasks Report....................................................................................... 29-43 Tasks Priority Report .............................................................................................. 29-43 Tasks Cycle Time Report ........................................................................................ 29-44

Beta Draft xix Tasks Productivity Report...................................................................................... 29-45
29.8 Accessing Oracle BPM Worklist in Local Languages ....................................................... 29-45
29.8.1 How to Change the Language Used in the Worklist................................................. 29-46
29.8.2 How to Change the Time Zone Used in the Worklist ............................................... 29-47
29.9 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 29-47

30 Human Task and Approval Management Integration

n Introduction to AMX ............................................................................................................... 30-1
n AMX Components ............................................................................................................ 30-3
n Human Task and AMX Concepts................................................................................... 30-4
n Approval Task............................................................................................................ 30-4
n Approver Groups ...................................................................................................... 30-4
n Approver List ............................................................................................................. 30-4
n Chain ........................................................................................................................... 30-4
n Configuration Variables .......................................................................................... 30-4
n Dimensions (or Message Attribute Group) ........................................................... 30-7
Figure 30–2 Human Task Editor .................................................................................................. 30-7
Figure 30–2 List Builders................................................................................................................ 30-7
n List Builder Usage ..................................................................................................... 30-8
n Notification................................................................................................................. 30-8
n Parts of an Approver List ........................................................................................ 30-8
Figure 30–3 Routing Slip ................................................................................................................ 30-9
Figure 30–3 Stages........................................................................................................................... 30-9
Figure 30–4 .task file ....................................................................................................................... 30-9
n User Task .................................................................................................................. 30-10
n Worklist Application............................................................................................... 30-10
n Decision Service and Oracle Business Rules Concepts ............................................. 30-10
n Approval Routing Policies ..................................................................................... 30-10
n Approval Policy Type ............................................................................................. 30-10
n Action ........................................................................................................................ 30-11
n Conditions ................................................................................................................ 30-11
n Criteria....................................................................................................................... 30-11
n Priority ...................................................................................................................... 30-11
n Response Type ......................................................................................................... 30-11
n Rule Context ............................................................................................................. 30-11
n Terms ......................................................................................................................... 30-12
n Validity Period ......................................................................................................... 30-12
n Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper................................................... 30-12
n Review Prerequisites ...................................................................................................... 30-13
Table 30–4 Select the Composite Approver Participant Type ..................................................... 30-13
n Create a Dimension ........................................................................................................ 30-15
7. Create the Stages ............................................................................................................. 30-16
14. Configure Approval List Builders for a Stage ............................................................ 30-19
n Arranging the Order of Approval List Builders ................................................. 30-19
2. Deleting Approval List Builders ........................................................................... 30-20
2. Adding Approval List Builders............................................................................. 30-21
3. Adding Approval List Builder Policy Actions .................................................... 30-21

xx Beta Draft
31 Human Task and Microsoft Excel Integration
31.1 Invoking a BPEL Process from Excel Workbook................................................................. 31-1
31.2 Attaching Excel Workbooks to E-mail Notifications .......................................................... 31-2

Part V Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

32 Creating Data Objects

32.1 Defining Data Objects.............................................................................................................. 32-1
32.1.1 Adding Fields .................................................................................................................... 32-2
32.1.2 Adding Lookup Fields ..................................................................................................... 32-3
32.1.3 Adding Calculated Fields ................................................................................................ 32-4
32.1.4 Adding Time Stamp Fields.............................................................................................. 32-4
32.2 Adding Permissions on Data Objects ................................................................................... 32-4
32.2.1 Copying Permissions from Other Data Objects ........................................................... 32-5
32.3 Viewing Existing Data Objects............................................................................................... 32-6
32.3.1 Viewing Data Object General Information ................................................................... 32-6
32.3.2 Viewing Data Object Layouts ......................................................................................... 32-7
32.3.3 Viewing Data Object Contents........................................................................................ 32-7
32.4 Using Data Object Folders ...................................................................................................... 32-8
32.4.1 Creating Folders................................................................................................................ 32-8
32.4.2 Working with Folders ...................................................................................................... 32-8
32.4.3 Setting Folder Permissions .............................................................................................. 32-9
32.4.4 Moving Folders ............................................................................................................... 32-10
32.4.5 Renaming Folders ........................................................................................................... 32-10
32.4.6 Deleting Folders .............................................................................................................. 32-10
32.5 Adding Security Filters ......................................................................................................... 32-10
32.5.1 Copying Security Filters from Other Data Objects .................................................... 32-12
32.6 Adding Dimensions............................................................................................................... 32-12
32.6.1 Time Dimensions ............................................................................................................ 32-13
32.7 Renaming and Moving Data Objects .................................................................................. 32-14
32.8 Adding Indexes ...................................................................................................................... 32-14
32.9 Clearing Data Objects............................................................................................................ 32-15
32.10 Deleting Data Objects ............................................................................................................ 32-15
32.11 System Data Objects .............................................................................................................. 32-15

33 Using External Data Sources

33.1 Introducing External Data Sources........................................................................................ 33-1
33.2 Listing External Data Sources ................................................................................................ 33-1
33.3 Defining External Data Sources ............................................................................................. 33-2
33.4 Editing External Data Sources................................................................................................ 33-2
33.5 Deleting External Data Sources ............................................................................................. 33-2
33.6 External Data Source Example............................................................................................... 33-2

34 Creating Alerts
34.1 Introducing Alerts.................................................................................................................... 34-1

Beta Draft xxi

34.2 Creating Alert Rules ................................................................................................................ 34-1
34.3 Using Alert Rule Options ....................................................................................................... 34-2
34.3.1 Events ................................................................................................................................. 34-2
34.3.2 Conditions.......................................................................................................................... 34-3
34.3.3 Actions................................................................................................................................ 34-3
34.3.4 Frequency Constraint ....................................................................................................... 34-4
34.4 Creating Alert Rules From Templates .................................................................................. 34-5
34.5 Creating Alert Rules With Messages .................................................................................... 34-5
34.6 Creating Complex Alerts ........................................................................................................ 34-6
34.7 Modifying Rules for Alerts ..................................................................................................... 34-6
34.8 Viewing Alert History ............................................................................................................. 34-7
34.9 Clearing Alert History............................................................................................................. 34-7
34.10 Activating Alerts ...................................................................................................................... 34-7
34.11 Launching Alerts by URL ....................................................................................................... 34-8
34.12 Deleting Alerts.......................................................................................................................... 34-8
34.13 Parameterized Alerts ............................................................................................................... 34-8

35 Using the Oracle BAM Data Control

35.1 Introduction to the Oracle BAM Data Control .................................................................... 35-1
35.2 Creating Oracle BAM Server Connections........................................................................... 35-1
35.2.1 How to Modify Oracle BAM Data Control Connections to Oracle BAM Servers .. 35-2
35.3 Creating ProjectsThat Can Use Oracle BAM Data Controls.............................................. 35-3
35.4 Exposing Oracle BAM with Oracle ADF Data Controls .................................................... 35-4
35.4.1 How to Create Oracle BAM Data Controls................................................................... 35-4
35.4.2 What Happens in Your Project When You Create an Oracle BAM Data Control .. 35-5 How an Oracle BAM Data Control Appears in the Data Controls Panel ......... 35-5
35.5 Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries ....................................................................... 35-6
35.5.1 Choosing a Query Type ................................................................................................... 35-6
35.5.2 How to Create Parameters .............................................................................................. 35-7
35.5.3 How to Create Calculated Fields.................................................................................... 35-7 Creating Groups in Calculated Fields .................................................................... 35-8
35.5.4 How to Select, Organize, and Sort Fields...................................................................... 35-8
35.5.5 How to Create Filters ....................................................................................................... 35-8 How to Create Filter Headers .................................................................................. 35-8 How to Create Filter Entries .................................................................................... 35-9 Entering Comparison Values................................................................................. 35-10 Using Active Now ................................................................................................... 35-11
35.5.6 How to Select and Organize Groups ........................................................................... 35-11 How to Configure Time Groups and Time Series .............................................. 35-12
35.5.7 How to Create Aggregates ............................................................................................ 35-13
35.5.8 How to Modify the Query ............................................................................................. 35-13
35.6 Using Oracle BAM Data Controls in ADF Pages .............................................................. 35-13

36 Creating Enterprise Message Sources

36.1 Introducing Enterprise Message Sources ............................................................................. 36-1
36.2 Listing Enterprise Message Sources ...................................................................................... 36-2
36.3 Defining Enterprise Message Sources................................................................................... 36-2

xxii Beta Draft

36.3.1 Using Advanced XML Formatting................................................................................. 36-4
36.3.2 XSL Processing and Example Code ............................................................................... 36-5 XSL Processing in an Example Enterprise Message Source ................................ 36-5 Handling Complex Messages .................................................................................. 36-6 Phoenix Debt Order Example .................................................................................. 36-7 Sequence Numbers.................................................................................................... 36-8 XSLT Code .................................................................................................................. 36-8
36.4 Editing Enterprise Message Sources ................................................................................... 36-10
36.5 Copying Enterprise Message Sources................................................................................. 36-10
36.6 Deleting Enterprise Message Sources ................................................................................. 36-10

37 Using ICommand
37.1 Introducing ICommand .......................................................................................................... 37-1
37.2 Executing ICommand.............................................................................................................. 37-1
37.3 General Command and Option Syntax ................................................................................ 37-2
37.3.1 Specifying the Command ................................................................................................ 37-2
37.4 Object Name Syntax ................................................................................................................ 37-2
37.5 Command-line-only Parameters............................................................................................ 37-3
37.6 Running ICommand Remotely .............................................................................................. 37-4
37.7 Summary of Individual Commands ..................................................................................... 37-5
37.8 Detailed Command Descriptions .......................................................................................... 37-6
37.8.1 Export ................................................................................................................................. 37-6
37.8.2 Import ............................................................................................................................... 37-10
37.8.3 Delete ................................................................................................................................ 37-13
37.8.4 Rename ............................................................................................................................. 37-14
37.8.5 Clear.................................................................................................................................. 37-15
37.9 Format of Command File...................................................................................................... 37-15
37.9.1 Inline Content.................................................................................................................. 37-16
37.9.2 Command IDs ................................................................................................................. 37-16
37.9.3 Continue On Error .......................................................................................................... 37-17
37.10 Format of Log File.................................................................................................................. 37-17
37.11 Sample Export File................................................................................................................. 37-18
37.12 Regular Expressions .............................................................................................................. 37-19
37.13 Using ICommand Web Service............................................................................................ 37-21
37.13.1 Differences between the ICommand Web Service and the ICommand Command-Line
Utility 37-22
37.13.2 Using the ICommand Web Service .............................................................................. 37-22
37.13.3 Security Issues ................................................................................................................. 37-23 IIS Security (HTTP 401 error) [remove for 11g?] ................................................ 37-23 Active Data Cache Security.................................................................................... 37-23

Part VI Oracle User Messaging Service

38 Configuring User Messaging Service

38.1 Overview of Oracle User Messaging Service Configuration............................................. 38-1
38.2 Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers ..................................................................... 38-2

Beta Draft xxiii

38.2.1 Configuring Driver Properties........................................................................................ 38-4
38.2.2 Configuring the E-Mail Driver ....................................................................................... 38-6
38.2.3 Configuring the SMPP Driver....................................................................................... 38-10
38.2.4 Configuring the XMPP Driver ...................................................................................... 38-12
38.2.5 Configuring the VoiceGenie Driver ............................................................................. 38-15
38.2.6 Configuring the Proxy Driver....................................................................................... 38-16
38.3 Deploying Drivers ................................................................................................................. 38-17
38.4 Configuring Messaging Preferences ................................................................................... 38-20
38.4.1 Managing Devices .......................................................................................................... 38-21 Creating a Device..................................................................................................... 38-21 Editing a Device....................................................................................................... 38-22 Deleting a Device..................................................................................................... 38-22 Setting a Default Device ......................................................................................... 38-22
38.4.2 Creating Contact Rules using Filters ........................................................................... 38-22 Creating Filters......................................................................................................... 38-23 Editing a Filter.......................................................................................................... 38-25 Deleting a Filter........................................................................................................ 38-25

39 Parlay X Web Services Multimedia Messaging API

39.1 Overview of Parlay X Messaging Operations...................................................................... 39-1
39.2 Send Message Interface ........................................................................................................... 39-1
39.2.1 sendMessage Operation................................................................................................... 39-2
39.2.2 getMessageDeliveryStatus Operation ........................................................................... 39-3
39.3 Receive Message Interface ...................................................................................................... 39-3
39.3.1 getReceivedMessages Operation.................................................................................... 39-4
39.3.2 getMessage Operation...................................................................................................... 39-5
39.3.3 getMessageURIs Operation............................................................................................. 39-5
39.4 Oracle Extension to Parlay X Messaging .............................................................................. 39-6
39.4.1 ReceiveMessageManager Interface ................................................................................ 39-6 startReceiveMessage Operation .............................................................................. 39-6 stopReceiveMessage Operation............................................................................... 39-7
39.5 Parlay X Messaging Client API and Client Proxy Packages.............................................. 39-7

40 User Messaging Preferences

40.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 40-1
40.1.1 Terminology ...................................................................................................................... 40-1
40.1.2 Configuration of Notification Delivery Preferences.................................................... 40-2
40.1.3 Delivery Preference Rules ............................................................................................... 40-2 Data Types .................................................................................................................. 40-2
Table 40–1 System Terms ............................................................................................................. 40-3 Business Terms........................................................................................................... 40-3
40.1.4 Rule Actions....................................................................................................................... 40-4
40.2 Configuring Filters and Conditions ...................................................................................... 40-4
40.2.1 Sample Conditions............................................................................................................ 40-4
40.2.2 Rule Activation Flow........................................................................................................ 40-4
40.3 Configuring Device Destination Addresses......................................................................... 40-5

xxiv Beta Draft

41 Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application
41.1 Overview................................................................................................................................... 41-1
41.1.1 Provided Files.................................................................................................................... 41-1
41.2 Installing and Configuring SOA and User Messaging Service ......................................... 41-2
41.3 Building the Sample ................................................................................................................ 41-2
41.4 Creating a Deployment Profile ............................................................................................ 41-15
41.5 Creating a New Application Server Connection............................................................... 41-16
41.6 Deploying the Application ................................................................................................... 41-18
41.7 Configuring Drivers .............................................................................................................. 41-21
41.8 Configuring User Messaging Preferences .......................................................................... 41-22
41.9 Testing the Sample................................................................................................................. 41-23
41.9.1 Verifying the Execution of Sending the E-mail .......................................................... 41-24

42 Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case

42.1 Overview of the Expense Report Use Case.......................................................................... 42-1
42.1.1 Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................... 42-2 Required Files............................................................................................................. 42-2 Configuring the User Messaging Service E-Mail Driver to Send and Receive
Messages 42-5 Creating the Database Tables that Define the Business Components ............... 42-6
42.2 Deploying the Pre-Built Sample Applications................................................................... 42-10
42.2.1 Deploying the SOA Composite and Task Flow Applications
(ExpenseReportCompositeApp) 42-10
42.2.2 Deploying the ADF BC Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp) ........................ 42-11
42.3 Running the Sample Application ........................................................................................ 42-11
42.4 Building the Expense Report Applications ........................................................................ 42-13
42.4.1 Creating the ADF BC Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp)............................ 42-13 Creating the Business Component Project........................................................... 42-13 Exposing the ExpenseReport Object as a Web Service ...................................... 42-18 Creating the Deployment Profile for the ExpenseReportModel Project ......... 42-20 Creating the ADF View Project ............................................................................. 42-22 Creating the Deployment Profile for the ADF BC Application ........................ 42-26
42.4.2 Creating the SOA Composite Application (ExpenseReportComposite) ................ 42-27 Creating the Mediator............................................................................................. 42-27 Creating the BPEL Process ..................................................................................... 42-30 Wiring the Mediator to the BPEL Process............................................................ 42-32 Transforming the Data............................................................................................ 42-34 Creating the Human Workflow............................................................................. 42-36 Deploying the Composite Application................................................................. 42-40
42.4.3 Creating the Task Flow Application (ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow)................... 42-40 Creating the Task Flow Project.............................................................................. 42-41

Part VII Composite Test Framework

43 Testing SOA Composite Applications

43.1 Overview of the Composite Test Framework...................................................................... 43-1

Beta Draft xxv

43.1.1 Test Cases Overview ........................................................................................................ 43-2
43.1.2 Test Suites Overview........................................................................................................ 43-2
43.1.3 Emulations Overview ...................................................................................................... 43-2
43.1.4 Assertions Overview ........................................................................................................ 43-2
43.1.5 BPEL Process Code Coverage Overview ...................................................................... 43-3
43.2 Components of a Test Suite .................................................................................................... 43-3
43.2.1 Process Initiation............................................................................................................... 43-3
43.2.2 Emulations ......................................................................................................................... 43-4
43.2.3 Assertions........................................................................................................................... 43-5
43.2.4 Message Files..................................................................................................................... 43-5
43.3 Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle JDeveloper ................................................ 43-6
43.4 Creating the Contents of Test Cases...................................................................................... 43-8
43.4.1 Initiating Inbound Messages........................................................................................... 43-9
43.4.2 Emulating Outbound Messages ................................................................................... 43-10
43.4.3 Emulating Callback Messages ...................................................................................... 43-13
43.4.4 Emulating Fault Messages............................................................................................. 43-15
43.4.5 Creating Value or XML Assertions .............................................................................. 43-16 Variable Assertions ................................................................................................. 43-17 XML Assertions ....................................................................................................... 43-19
43.5 Deploying a Test Suite........................................................................................................... 43-21
43.5.1 Deploying from Oracle JDeveloper.............................................................................. 43-21
43.6 Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results ........................................................... 43-22
43.6.1 Running from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control ............... 43-22

Part VIII Appendices

A Building a Custom Worklist Client

A.1 Introduction to Building Clients for Workflow Services ..................................................... A-1
A.2 Packages and Classes for Building Clients............................................................................. A-3
A.3 Workflow Service Clients ......................................................................................................... A-3
A.3.1 The IWorkflowServiceClient Interface ............................................................................ A-6
A.4 Classpaths for Clients Using SOAP......................................................................................... A-6
A.5 Classpaths for Clients Using Remote EJBs ............................................................................. A-7
A.6 Classpaths for Clients Using Local EJBs................................................................................. A-7
A.7 EJB References in Web Applications ....................................................................................... A-7
A.8 Initiating a Task.......................................................................................................................... A-8
A.8.1 Creating a Task.................................................................................................................... A-8
A.8.2 Creating a Payload Element in a Task ............................................................................. A-9
A.8.3 Initiating a Task Programmatically.................................................................................. A-9
A.9 Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample ...................................... A-10


xxvi Beta Draft


This manual describes how to use Oracle SOA Suite.

This preface contains the following topics:
■ Audience
■ Documentation Accessibility
■ Related Documents
■ Conventions

This manual is intended for anyone who is interested in using Oracle SOA Suite.

Documentation Accessibility
Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation
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Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The
conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an
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Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or
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Beta Draft
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Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services
within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY
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Related Documents
For more information, see the following Oracle resources:
■ Oracle BPEL Process Manager Administrator’s Guide
Printed documentation is available for sale in the Oracle Store at
To download free release notes, installation documentation, white papers, or other
collateral, visit the Oracle Technology Network (OTN). You must register online before
using OTN; registration is free and can be done at
To download Oracle BPEL Process Manager documentation, technical notes, or other
collateral, visit the Oracle BPEL Process Manager site at Oracle Technology Network
If you already have a username and password for OTN, then you can go directly to the
documentation section of the OTN Web site at
See the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Specification, available at the
following URL:
See the XML Path Language (XPath) Specification, available at the following URL:
See the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1 Specification, available at the
following URL:

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
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italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
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monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code
in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
Beta Draft
Part I SOA Suite Introduction

This part introduces the components that comprise Oracle SOA Suite and how these
components interact in a SOA composite application. This section also introduces the
SOA Composite Editor that you use to design SOA composite applications. An
introduction into the life cycle of a SOA composite application is also provided.
This part contains the following chapters:
■ Chapter 1, "Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite"
■ Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor"
■ Chapter 3, "Life Cycle of an Application"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
1 Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle
SOA Suite

This chapter introduces Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and describes how

Oracle SOA Suite provides support for SOA. An overview of how Oracle SOA Suite
components interact in an SOA composite application is provided. An introduction to
the contents of this guide is also provided.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 1.1, "Introduction to Service-Oriented Architecture"
■ Section 1.2, "Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite"
■ Section 1.3, "Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components"
■ Section 1.4, "Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA
■ Section 1.5, "How to Use This Guide"

See Also:
■ Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for details
on using the SOA Composite Editor to create an SOA composite

1.1 Introduction to Service-Oriented Architecture

Changing markets, increasing competitive pressures and evolving customer needs are
placing greater pressure on IT to deliver greater flexibility and speed. Today every
organization is faced with the need to predict change in a global business
environment, to rapidly respond to competitors, and to best exploit organizational
assets for growth. In response to these challenges, leading companies are adopting
SOA as a means of delivering on these requirements by overcoming the complexity of
their application and IT environments.
SOA provides an enterprise architecture that supports building connected enterprise
applications. SOA facilitates the development of enterprise applications as modular
business Web services that can be easily integrated and reused, creating a truly
flexible, adaptable IT infrastructure.

1.2 Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle SOA Suite provides a complete set of service infrastructure components for
designing, deploying, and managing composite applications. Oracle SOA Suite

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-1

Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite

enables services to be created, managed, and orchestrated into composite applications

and business processes. Composites enable you to easily assemble multiple technology
components into one SOA composite application. Oracle SOA Suite plugs into
heterogeneous IT infrastructures and enables enterprises to incrementally adopt SOA.
The components of the suite benefit from common capabilities including a single
deployment and management model and tooling, end-to-end security, and unified
metadata management. Oracle SOA Suite is unique in that it provides the following
set of integrated capabilities:
■ Messaging
■ Service discovery
■ Orchestration
■ Activity monitoring
■ Web services management and security
■ Business rules
■ Events framework
■ Complex event processing
Oracle SOA Suite puts a strong emphasis on standards and interoperability. Among
the standards it leverages are:
■ Service Component Architecture (SCA) assembly model — Provides the service
details and their interdependencies to form composite applications. SCA enables
you to represent business logic as reusable service components that can be easily
integrated into any SCA-compliant application. The resulting application is known
as an SOA composite application. The specification for the SCA standard is
maintained by the Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information
Standards (OASIS) .
■ Service Data Objects (SDO) — Specifies a standard data method and can modify
business data regardless of how it is physically accessed. Knowledge is not
required about how to access a particular back-end data source to use SDO in an
SOA composite application. Consequently, you can use static or dynamic
programming styles and obtain connected and disconnected access.
■ Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) — Provides enterprises with an
industry standard for business process orchestration and execution. Using BPEL,
you design a business process that integrates a series of discrete services into an
end-to-end process flow. This integration reduces process cost and complexity.
■ XSL Transformations (XSLT) — Processes XML documents and transforms
document data from one XML schema to another.
■ Java Connector Architecture (JCA) — Provides a Java technology solution to the
problem of connectivity between the many application servers in Enterprise
Information Systems (EIS).
■ Java Messaging Service (JMS) — Provides a messaging standard that allows
application components based on the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) to
access business logic distributed among heterogeneous systems.
■ Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file — Provides the entry points into
an SOA composite application. The WSDL file provides a standard contract
language and is central for understanding the capabilities of a service.

1-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

■ Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) — Provides the default network protocol
for message delivery.

See Also:
■ Section 1.4, "Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using
SCA Technologies" on page 1-11
■ Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for
additional details about these key building blocks
■ The following URL for SCA and SDO specifications and related

1.3 Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

Figure 1–1 shows Oracle SOA Suite and its interoperability with other Oracle

Figure 1–1 Oracle SOA Suite Components



ESB B2B add-ons

Business EDI
Service / Event Delivery API
Registry HL7
Policy Manager
Service Infrastructure
Optional Adapters

Oracle Bundled Adapters

· Files · AQ
· DB · MQSeries
B2B SES · JMS · Oracle Applications

Oracle Mediator (Mediator), Oracle Business Rules (Business Rules), and Oracle
Adapters plug into the Service Infrastructure, a normalized transport infrastructure,
making up the Enterprise Service Bus (ESB). With the addition of the Oracle BPEL
Process Manager (BPEL) and Human Task service components, the suite forms a
complete Business Process Management (BPM) platform. Oracle Business Activity
Monitoring (BAM) and Complex Event Processing (CEP) consume data transported
over the Service Infrastructure, providing powerful business insight capabilities.
Separately licensable products, such as Oracle Business Process Analysis Suite (BPA),
Oracle Business Intelligence (BI), Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), and other adapters
interoperate with Oracle SOA Suite components.

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-3

Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

The following components comprise Oracle SOA Suite:

■ Oracle Enterprise Service Bus
■ Oracle BPEL Process Manager
■ Human Task
■ Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
■ Oracle Complex Event Processing
■ Oracle User Messaging Service
■ Separately Licensed Products

1.3.1 Oracle Enterprise Service Bus

Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (Oracle ESB) provides the following components for
moving data among multiple endpoints, both within and outside of an enterprise. It
uses open standards to connect, transform, and route business documents as
Extensible Markup Language (XML) messages among disparate applications.
■ Oracle Mediator
■ Service Infrastructure
■ Oracle Adapters
■ Business Events and the Events Delivery Network
■ Oracle Business Rules
■ Oracle Policy Manager
■ Metadata Service Repository Oracle Mediator

Analogous to a load balancer routing HTTP traffic, Oracle Mediator routes incoming
data to consumers. In addition, it can subscribe to and publish business events.
Using Oracle Mediator, you create routing services and rules for them. A routing
service is the key component for moving a message across the enterprise service bus –
from its entry point to its exit point. The rules determine how a message instance
processed by the routing service gets to its next destination. Using the rules, Oracle
Mediator performs the following:
■ Routing: Determines the service engine container (BPEL process, human task,
business rule, or mediator routing service) to which to send the messages
■ Validation: Provides support for validating the incoming message payload by
using a schematron or an XSD file.
■ Filtering: If specified in the rules, applies a filter expression that specifies the
contents (payload) of a message be analyzed before any service is invoked
■ Transformation: If specified in the rules, transforms document data from one XML
schema to another, thus enabling data interchange among applications using
different schemas
During deployment, Oracle Mediator evaluates routing rules, performs
transformations, and either invokes another service or raises another business event. A
mediator routing service can handle returned responses, callbacks, faults, and
time-outs. Oracle Mediator can also be used to implement a variety of integration

1-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

patterns, such as service virtualization, service aggregation, publish and subscribe,

fan-in, and fan-out. Service Infrastructure

The Service Infrastructure provides the internal message transport infrastructure
capabilities for connecting components and enabling data flow:
■ Receives messages from the service providers or external services through SOAP
services or adapters, and transforms them into XML messages
■ Sends messages to the appropriate service engine
■ Receives messages back from the service engine and sends them to any additional
service engines in the composite based on the wiring
Together, Oracle Mediator and the Service Infrastructure provide the following
■ Routing services to provide data movement
■ Common data model
■ Routing rules to specify routing, document transformation, and filtering
■ Subscriptions to business events
■ Error handling provides insight into data-movement issues Oracle Adapters

Oracle Adapters, which are used to connect external systems to Oracle SOA Suite,
follow the Java Connector Architecture (JCA) standard.
Oracle SOA Suite automatically includes the following adapters to integrate with
transport protocols, data stores, and messaging middleware:
■ Java Messaging Service (JMS)
■ Advanced Queuing (AQ)
■ Files
■ Message Queuing (MQ) Series
■ Database
■ Oracle Applications
Oracle provides the following separately licensed packaged-application adapters for
integrating Oracle SOA Suite with various packaged applications, such as SAP and
■ Oracle Applications
■ PeopleSoft
■ SAP R/3
■ Siebel
■ J.D. Edwards OneWorld
Oracle provides the following separately licensed legacy adapters for integrating
Oracle SOA Suite with legacy and mainframe applications:
■ Tuxedo

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-5

Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components


Note: Additional JCA adapters are provided by Oracle or other

third-party companies. Visit the Oracle Technology Network for
details about these adapters. Business Events and the Events Delivery Network

You can raise business events when a situation of interest occurs. Business events are
messages sent as the result of an occurrence or situation, such as a new order or
completion of an order. In Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle Mediator is the principal tool used
for subscribing to or publishing events. CEP can also subscribe to or publish events.
Business events are deployed to the Metadata Service Repository, and then published
in the Event Delivery Network (EDN).

See Also: Chapter 8, "Business Events and the Event Delivery

Network" Oracle Business Rules

Oracle Business Rules enable dynamic decisions at runtime allowing, among other
features, applications to rapidly adapt to regulatory and competitive pressures. This
increased agility is possible because business analysts using Oracle Business Rules can
create and change business rules that are separated from the application code. By
using Oracle Business Rules, business analysts can change business rules without
stopping business processes. Also, externalizing business rules allows business
analysts to manage business rules directly, without involving programmers. Oracle Policy Manager

Oracle Policy Manager provides security in a policy-oriented fashion. It provides the
infrastructure for enforcing global security and auditing policies in the Service
Infrastructure. By securing various endpoints and setting and propagating identity, it
secures applications. Oracle Policy Manager provides a standard mechanism for
signing messages, for doing encryption, for doing authentication, and for enabling
role-based access control. Since you can declaratively change a policy without having
to modify the endpoints, applying or modifying security and monitoring is a much
simpler task. Metadata Service Repository

The Metadata Service Repository stores business event definitions, business rulesets,
XSLT transformations, XSD schemas, WSDL interfaces, and CEP metadata files.

1.3.2 Oracle BPEL Process Manager

BPEL provides the standard for assembling a set of discrete services into an end-to-end
process flow, radically reducing the cost and complexity of process integration
initiatives. Oracle BPEL Process Manager enables you to develop synchronous and

1-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

asynchronous services into end-to-end BPEL process flows. It provides process

orchestration and storage of long running, asynchronous processes.
You integrate BPEL processes with external services (known as partner links). You also
integrate technology adapters and services, such as human tasks, transformations,
notifications, sensors, and business rules within the process.

See Also: Part III, "BPEL Process Service Component" About Using Oracle ESB with Oracle BPEL Process Manager
SOA architects have traditionally had to choose between an ESB and a BPM platform,
such as Oracle BPEL Process Manager, upon starting a new SOA project. An ESB was
seen as a lightweight, fast, stateless transport and connectivity tool, while BPM
provided some of these features along with more logic capabilities, often at the cost of
lesser performance.
With the Oracle SOA Suite, such a choice is no longer necessary. One SOA composite
application can be started as an ESB project and then enhanced with orchestration
logic using BPEL, all in a single set of artifacts, deployed on a single server. Architects
no longer need to worry about what to run where, and what patterns will require what
product when starting a new SOA project.
A typical SOA composite application uses a Mediator to create an inbound interface
that could then filter and route messages to various BPEL processes. In turn, BPEL
process would use other Mediators to fan out the results.

1.3.3 Human Task

The components described previously focus mostly on integrating systems. However,
most applications also require human input. People have very different characteristics
than computer systems, such as response time, availability, and so on. Therefore,
integration of people in business processes requires special consideration and tools.
The human task component enables you to interleave human functions with
connectivity to systems and services within the BPEL process flow. A human task
assigns a task, such as approval for an order, to a user or role and waits for a response.
The users act on the task using a worklist application. This inclusion of human tasks
within a business process creates a tight integration between process and task.

See Also: Part IV, "Human Workflow Service Component"

1.3.4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Oracle BAM provides business executives the ability to monitor their business services
and processes in the enterprise, to correlate KPIs down to the actual business process
themselves, and most important, to change business processes quickly or to take
corrective action if the business environment changes.
Oracle BAM is a complete solution for building real-time operational dashboards and
monitoring and alerting applications over the Web. Using this technology, business
users get the ability to build interactive, real-time dashboards and proactive alerts to
monitor their business services and processes.

1.3.5 Oracle Complex Event Processing

Oracle Complex Event Process is a tool that enables queries to be easily written to look
for patterns in event streams. Oracle Complex Event Process listens on these streams,

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-7

Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

caches all the necessary individual, seemingly unrelated events and tries to correlate
them into specific patterns.
Users write queries using Continuous Query Language (CQL).
The potential applications of Oracle Complex Event Process are numerous, from
electronic trading and risk management to intrusion detection and compliance
The data provided from complex event processing queries has many uses, including
real-time Oracle BAM dashboards.

1.3.6 Oracle User Messaging Service

Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS) provides a common service that sends messages
from applications to user devices and routes incoming messages from user devices to
UMS includes the following components:
■ Messaging Processing Engine
■ User Messaging Preferences
■ Messaging API
■ Messaging Drivers
■ Sample Applications Messaging Processing Engine

Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS) includes a core user messaging processing
engine and client hooks that plug into both BPEL and human workflows. As a result,
UMS enables you compose BPEL and human workflows that to support sending
messages to, or receiving messages from, any server. All of these components are
J2EE-compliant. User Messaging Preferences

UMS also supports User Messaging Preferences, an application which enables users to
tailor their message delivery options by registering their devices and e-mail clients to
their user accounts and by creating messaing filters that designating the message
content sent by UMS to these devices. Messaging API

The Messaging API library enables a client application to send and receive messages
through Oracle User Messaging Service.
The Messaging Java API provides a single API that interacts with UMS through either
EJB or Web Service interfaces. Messaging Drivers

Messaging drivers implement transport protocols that transfer messages through a
specified communication channel or an external protocol gateway. Oracle User
Messaging Service ships with an e-mail driver already deployed to support the
sending and receiving of e-mail. In addition, UMS supports SMS through the SMPP
(Short Message Peer-to-Peer) driver, IM and presence through the XMPP (Extensible
Messaging and Presence Protocol) driver, and TTS (text-to-speech) conversion of voice
messages through its Voice driver. These drivers, which you deploy to the server

1-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

through Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console, are available in the
distribution at SOA_ORACLE_HOME/archives/applications. [[Question: Is this
location correct??]] Sample Applications

User Messaging Service provides samples for developing applications that send
notifications from BPEL processes and human task workflows. These applications,
which are available at [[Question: file location??]], provide such use-case scenarios as:
■ An application containing a BPEL process that looks up a user’s e-mail address
and creates an e-mail message with an attachment to a the user’s device, one
created by the user through User Messaging Preferences.
■ An application that demonstrates a BPEL process that allows a message to be sent
to a user through a channel specified in User Messaging Preferences. Once a user
configures a device for each supported channel and sets the default device, Oracle
User Messaging Service routes the message based on these device settings.
■ A help desk request where a customer files a help desk ticket assigned to a help
desk agent who can then resolve this request, or route it to other help desk agents.
■ An expense report notification that can be either resolved by its recipients, or
routed to others.

1.3.7 Separately Licensed Products

You can use the following separately licensed products with Oracle SOA Suite:
■ Oracle JDeveloper
■ Universal Description Discovery and Integration
■ Oracle Business Process Analysis Suite
■ Oracle Data Integrator
■ Oracle Business Intelligence
■ Oracle B2B

See Also: Section, "Oracle Adapters" on page 1-5 for details
about separately licensed adapters Oracle JDeveloper

Oracle JDeveloper is the development component of Oracle SOA Suite. It forms a
comprehensive Integrated Service Environment (ISE) for creating and deploying
composite applications and managing the composite.
Oracle JDeveloper enables developers to model, create, discover, assemble, orchestrate,
test, deploy, and maintain composite applications based on services. The SOA
Composite Editor enables you to manage all your composite components. Oracle
JDeveloper supports SOA principles and XML Web services standards, as well as
traditional Java, J2EE, and PL/SQL component and modular code mechanisms. Universal Description Discovery and Integration

The Universal Description Discover and Integration (UDDI) publishes the MDS
services to the outside world. UDDI provides a key component of any SOA with a
configurable, scalable, secure repository of Web services that can be managed,
discovered and governed by Oracle Fusion Middleware. To advertise the existence of

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-9

Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite Components

these services to potential consumers, you use Oracle Application Server UDDI
Registry. The Oracle Application Server UDDI Registry meets the core service
management needs of any enterprise:
■ Enables service providers to publish and advertise their offerings
■ Allows service consumers to find, access, and invoke services that meet defined
■ Provides critical features for SOA governance Oracle Business Process Analysis Suite

Oracle Business Process Analysis (Oracle BPA) Suite allows process owners, business
analysts, and architects to perform process modeling and analysis, simulation, and
publishing of process models. The Oracle BPA Suite further supports the execution
and monitoring of these process models with Oracle BPEL Process Manager and
Oracle BAM.
As part of the process analysis, organizational, structural, and technological weak
points in business process management (BPM) processes are revealed and
improvement potential is identified. Oracle Data Integrator

Oracle Data Integrator helps you to integrate the vast amounts of information stored
in disparate systems. Oracle Data Integrator streamlines the high-performance
movement and transformation of data between disparate systems in batch, real-time,
synchronous, and asynchronous modes, with a focus on batch processing and large
amounts of data.
Together, the Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Data Integrator allow enterprises to
perform any kind of data transfer and transformations: from real-time to batch, from
small data changes propagation to complete replications. It enables companies to more
easily handle initiatives related to business intelligence (BI), data warehousing, master
data management (MDM), Oracle BAM, application migration and consolidation, and
SOA. Oracle Business Intelligence

Oracle Business Intelligence enables you to obtain information about your business
from available data. This information helps you to understand your business better.
Oracle Business Intelligence helps answer key business questions by:
■ Using historical data for time-based analysis and trend analysis.
■ Leveraging Oracle OLAP and Oracle Data Mining database options to provide
advanced analytic features. Oracle B2B

Oracle B2B provides business-to-business (B2B) exchange of services, information, and
products. If you know who you want to trade with (for example, a specific supplier),
what you want to do (for example, send a purchase order), and how you want to do it
(for example, send the purchase order over the Internet), then you have defined a basic
B2B transaction.
Oracle B2B interoperates with Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle ESB to
address an enterprise's end-to-end integration needs and exploit SOA.

1-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA Technologies

1.4 Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA

SCA is the executable model for the assembly of service components into composite
applications. SCA provides a programming model for the following:
■ Creating service components written with a wide range of technologies, including
programming languages such as Java, BPEL, C++, and declarative languages such
as XSLT. The use of specific programming languages and technologies (including
Web services) is not required with SCA.
■ Assembling the service components into an SOA composite application. In the
SCA environment, service components are the building blocks of applications.
SCA lets you describe the details of a service and how services and service
components interact by providing a model for assembling distributed groups of
service components into an application. Composites are used to group service
components and wires are used to connect service components. SCA aims to remove
middleware concerns from the programming code by applying infrastructure concerns
declaratively to compositions, including security and transactions.
Key benefits of SCA include the following:
■ Loose coupling — Service components integrate with other service components
without needing to know how other service components are implemented
■ Flexibility — Service components can easily be replaced by other service
■ Services invocation — Services can be invoked either synchronously or
■ Productivity — Service components are easily integrated to form an SOA
composite application
Figure 1–2 describes the operability of an SOA composite application using SCA
technology. In this example, an external application (.NET payment calculator)
initiates contact with the SOA composite application.

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-11

Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA Technologies

Figure 1–2 Introduction to an SOA Composite Application

Service Archive: Composite (deployment unit)

Loan APR Manager EBS

Process Rule Review Customer
Task View

Process Business Oracle Human CEP Service Engines
Manager Rules Mediator Task (Containers that host the
component business logic)

Service Infrastructure
(Picks up SOAP message
from binding component
and determines the
MDS intended component

HTTP SDO JCA Binding Components

(Connect SOA applications
to the outside world)

.NET Sends a SOAP message

Payment to the SOA application

Table 1–1 describes the operability of the SOA composite application shown in
Figure 1–2. References are made to sections that provide additional details.

1-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA Technologies

Table 1–1 Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA Technologies

Part Description Example of Use in Figure 1–2 See Section
Binding Make SOA composite The SOAP binding component service: "Binding
Components applications accessible to the Components" on
■ Advertises its capabilities in the WSDL
outside world. There are two page 1-14
■ Receives the SOAP message from the
■ Service binding
.NET application
components provide an
entry point to the SOA ■ Sends the message through the policy
composite application infrastructure for security checking
■ Reference binding ■ Translates the message to a normalized
components enable message (an internal representation of the
messages to be sent from service’s WSDL contract in XML format)
the SOA composite
■ Posts the message to the Service
application to external
An example of a binding component reference
in Figure 1–2 is the Loan Process application.
This can be an external partner link to which
the BPEL service engine sends messages to
obtain loan information.
Service Provides internal message The Service Infrastructure: "Service
Infrastructure transport Infrastructure"
■ Receives the message from the SOAP
on page 1-5
binding component service
■ Submits the message for processing to the
BPEL process service engine first and the
human task service engine second
Service Engines Host the business logic or The BPEL service engine: "Service Engines
(containers processing rules of the and Service
■ Receives the message from the Service
hosting service service components. Each Components" on
Infrastructure for processing by the BPEL
components) service component has its page 1-14
Loan Process application
own service engine.
■ Completes processing and returns the
message to the Service Infrastructure,
which reviews the composite wiring and
sends the message onto the human task
service engine for manager approval
UDDI and MDS The MDS repository stores The SOAP service used in this composite "Universal
descriptions of available application is stored in the MDS and can also Description
services. The UDDI publishes be published to UDDI. Discovery and
these services to the outside Integration" on
world page 1-9
Service Archive: The deployment unit that The service archive (SAR) of the composite "Deployed
Composite describes the composite application to the Service Infrastructure is Service
application deployed. Archives" on
page 1-15

See Also:
■ Section 1.2, "Introduction to Oracle SOA Suite" on page 1-1 for a
definition of the SCA assembly model
■ Section 2.2, "Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper" on
page 2-10 for a tutorial that uses the functionality described in
Table 1–1

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-13

Introduction to an SOA Composite Application Using SCA Technologies

1.4.1 Binding Components

Binding components are network protocols and services that connect the SOA
platform with the outside world. There are two types of binding components:
■ Services — Provide the outside world with an entry point to the SOA composite
application. The WSDL file of the service advertises its capabilities to external
applications. These capabilities are used for contacting the SOA composite
application components.
■ References — Enable messages to be sent from the SOA composite application to
external services in the outside world (for example, the same functionality as
partner links provide for BPEL processes, but at the higher SOA composite
application level). Each BPEL partner link has a corresponding reference at the
composite level.
The following binding components are provided:
■ SOAP over HTTP
■ JCA Adapters — For integrating services and references with database tables,
database queues, file systems, FTP servers, Java Message Services (JMS), IBM
WebSphere MQ, BAM servers, or Oracle E-Business Suite applications
■ B2B binding component — For browsing B2B metadata in the MDS repository and
selecting document definitions
■ SDO adapter — For connecting ADF applications using SDO with the SOA
■ RFID — For providing a bridge to RFID edge sensors and providing business
events to the SOA composite application
■ WSIF — For providing access to custom protocols developed in-house by
companies or protocols in the WSIF stack that are not yet compliant with binding
component standards. Binding components functionality essentially replaces the
WSIF binding functionary of previous releases.

Note: Business events provide an alternative to using the direct

service invocation of the WSDL file contract. Business events are
messages sent as the result of an occurrence or situation. When a
business event is published, other applications can subscribe to it.

See Also:
■ Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for details
about using service and reference binding components in an SOA
project in Oracle JDeveloper
■ Section, "Business Events and the Events Delivery
Network" on page 1-6
■ Chapter 8, "Business Events and the Event Delivery Network" for
details about creating and using business events

1.4.2 Service Engines and Service Components

Service components are the building blocks that you use to construct an SOA
composite application. Service engines are containers that host the business logic or

1-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
How to Use This Guide

processing rules of these service components. Service engines process the message
information received from the Service Infrastructure.
The following service components are available. There is a corresponding service
engine of the same name for each service component. All service engines can interact
together in a single composite.
■ BPEL process — for process orchestration and storage of synchronous or
asynchronous process. You design a business process that integrates a series of
business activities and services into an end-to-end process flow.
■ Business rules — for designing a business decision based on rules.
■ Human task — for modeling a workflow that describes the tasks for users or
groups to perform as part of an end-to-end business process flow.
■ Mediator — for routing events (messages) between different components.
(provides enterprise service bus (ESB) functionality)
■ Complex Event Processing — for continuous queries on event streams

See Also: The following sections for additional details about service
components hosted by the service engines:
■ Section 2.1.3, "Introduction to Service Components" on page 2-6
■ Section 2.2.3, "Task 3: Adding a Service Component" on page 2-14

1.4.3 Deployed Service Archives

The SAR is a SOA archive deployment unit that describes the SOA composite
application. The SAR file is deployed to the Service Infrastructure. The SAR packages
service components such as BPEL processes, business rules, human tasks, and
mediator routing services into a single application. The SAR file is analogous to the
BPEL suitcase archive of previous releases, but at the higher composite level and with
any additional service components that your application includes (for example,
human tasks, business rules, and mediator routing services).

1.5 How to Use This Guide

Now that you have a basic understanding of Oracle SOA Suite components and an
SOA composite application, it is time to review the parts of this guide. This guide is
divided into multiple parts to describe the various Oracle SOA Suite integration
technologies. Table 1–2 describes the guide layout.

Table 1–2 Developer’s Guide Contents

Part Description
Part I, "SOA Suite Chapters in this part provide an introduction to the following
Introduction" topics:
■ SCA concepts and capabilities
■ SOA Composite Editor concepts and a simple tutorial
■ SOA composite application life cycle and security

Beta Draft Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite 1-15

How to Use This Guide

Table 1–2 (Cont.) Developer’s Guide Contents

Part Description
Part II, "Enterprise Service Chapters in this part describe how to use the functionality
Bus Infrastructure" included with Oracle ESB:
■ XSLT Mapper
■ Mediator
■ Business events
■ Domain-value maps
Part III, "BPEL Process Chapters in this part provide the following information:
Service Component"
■ Introduce you to key BPEL development concepts and
associated code samples. These chapters are useful for any
developer interested in understanding the underlying
functionality of BPEL.
■ Describe how Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides value
and ease of use to BPEL functionality
Part IV, "Human Workflow Chapters in this part describe the following:
Service Component"
■ How to design and deploy human tasks
■ How to access and act upon human tasks in the Oracle BPM
Part V, "Oracle Business Chapters in this part describe how to do the following:
Activity Monitoring"
■ Create and manage data objects
■ Create and manage external data sources
■ Use alerts
■ Design ADF pages with Oracle BAM data controls
Part VI, "Oracle User Chapters in this part describe how to do the following:
Messaging Service"
■ Send and receive messages and develop applications using
Oracle Messaging Server
■ Configure the packaged user preferences of the Oracle User
Messaging Service
■ Develop drivers
Part VII, "Composite Test This part describes how to create, deploy, and run test cases that
Framework" automate the testing of SOA composite applications.

1-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
2 Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

This chapter introduces the Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) Composite Editor.

The SOA Composite Editor provides a single environment for designing SOA
composite applications.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 2.1, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor"
■ Section 2.2, "Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper"

See Also: Chapter 1, "Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA

Suite" for SCA conceptual details

2.1 Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

An SOA composite application is typically referred to as a composite application
because it consists of numerous services and applications. The SOA Composite Editor
enables you to create, edit, and deploy services, but also to assemble them in a
composite application, all from a single location. These components are integrated
together into one application and communicate with the outside world through
binding components such as Web services and JCA adapters.
An SOA composite application can consist of multiple projects (for example, an SOA
project, a web project, business components project, and so on). You deploy the
application a single time into a single runtime environment instead of deploying
components separately to multiple runtime environments.
Once deployed, you can monitor and manage an SOA composite application from the
Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console.
Before designing and deploying an SOA composite application in Section 2.2,
"Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper" on page 2-10, you must first
understand the key entities of the SOA Composite Editor. Figure 2–1 provides an
overview of the entities that you use to design an SOA project in the SOA Composite

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-1

Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

Figure 2–1 Key Entities of SCA Projects in the SOA Composite Editor

Services Composite References

Advertise service Consists of service components that implement Connect service components
capabilities to the the business logic or processing rules to external partners in the
outside world outside world

Wire Order Processor Fulfillment Wire

Client Fedex DB
Wire Mediator
Service USPS File
Batch JMS

Order DB

Credit Java

Require Approval?

Process Service Service
Component Component

Customer Java

· Operation1
· Operation2
Order Approval · Operation3
· Operation4



The layout shown in Figure 2–1 appears in the SOA Composite Editor during
design-time. See Figure 2–3 on page 2-10 for an example of an application in the SOA
Composite Editor.
Table 2–1 briefly describes the entities shown in Figure 2–1 and provides references to
sections that provide more specific details.

2-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

Table 2–1 SOA Composite Editor Key Entities

Element Description See Section
Services Provide the outside world with an entry Section 2.1.1, "Introduction to Services"
point to the SOA composite application on page 2-3
Composite Describes the entire assembly of the SOA Section 2.1.2, "Introduction to a
composite application. Included in the Composite and the SCA Descriptor"
composite are service components, which on page 2-4
implement the business logic or processing
Service components The building blocks of the composite that Section 2.1.3, "Introduction to Service
you construct to implement the business Components" on page 2-6
logic or processing rules. Examples of
service components are:
■ BPEL processes
■ Human tasks
■ Business rules
■ Mediator routing services
■ Complex event processing
References Enable messages to be sent from the SOA Section 2.1.4, "Introduction to
composite application to external services in References" on page 2-8
the outside world
Wires Provides the connections between services, Section 2.1.5, "Introduction to Wires"
service components, and references in an on page 2-9
SOA composite application

See Also:
■ Chapter 1, "Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite"
for specific descriptions of SCA concepts
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for SOA Suite for
details about managing and monitoring the SOA composite
application from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware
Control Console

2.1.1 Introduction to Services

Services are a type of binding component that advertise and provide an entry point for
messages sent from the outside world to an SOA composite application. Services
contain the following:
■ A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file that describes service
■ The binding connectivity that describes the protocols that can communicate with
the service (for example, a Web service or a JCA adapter)
Services display on the left side (swim lane) of the SOA Composite Editor, as shown in
Figure 2–1. You drag and drop a service to the swim lane to invoke the appropriate
property editor of the service, as described in Table 2–2.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-3

Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

Table 2–2 Service Editors

Dragging and Dropping
This Service... Invokes This Editor...
Adapters Adapter Configuration Wizard — Guides you through integration
of the service with database tables, database queues, file systems,
FTP servers, Java Message Services (JMS), IBM WebSphere MQ,
BAM servers, or Oracle E-Business Suite applications.
When complete, the service displays in the left swim lane.
To make updates later, double-click the service to re-enter the
Adapter Configuration Wizard.
Web Service Create Web Service — Creates a Web (SOAP) invocation service.
When complete, the service displays in the left swim lane.
To make updates later, double-click the service to display the
Update Service window. SOAP is the default network protocol in
SOA composite applications.
SDO Service Create SDO Service — Creates a service data object (SDO)
invocation service.
When complete, the service displays in the left swim lane.
To make updates later, double-click the service to display the
Update Service window. The SDO service connects Application
Development Framework (ADF) applications using SDO data
formats with the SOA application. SDOs simplify the representation
of associated data in SOA applications.
B2B B2B Wizard — Guides you through selection of a document

See Also:
■ Section 1.4.3, "Deployed Service Archives" on page 1-15 for
additional details about binding component services
■ Figure 2–3 on page 2-10 for an example of a service in Oracle
■ Section 2.2.5, "Task 5: Adding a Service" on page 2-18 for an
example of creating a service in Oracle JDeveloper

2.1.2 Introduction to a Composite and the SCA Descriptor

A composite is an assembly of services, service components, and references designed
and deployed together in a single application. The composite processes the
information described in the messages.
Figure 2–2 provides an example of a composite that includes two BPEL process service
components (named C1 and C2), an inbound service binding component, and an
outbound reference binding component.

2-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

Figure 2–2 Composite


C1 Wire
Y C2
Service Service
Component Component
Type: BPEL Type: BPEL
(SayHello) (SayGoodbye)

The SOA composite application is described in the composite.xml file. This file is
automatically created when you create an SOA project and describes the entire SOA
composite. There is one composite.xml file per SOA project.
The contents of the composite.xml file for the composite shown in Figure 2–2 are
described below.
In the initial lines of the file, the service binding component that provides the entry
point to the composite is defined. For this example, a binding component Web service
named Service1 is defined. The Web service binding port for delivering messages
and policy management details are also defined.
<composite name="SayHello">
. . .
. . .
<service name="Service1">
< port=

In the following lines, a BPEL process service component named SayHello (C1 in
Figure 2–2) is defined:
<component name="SayHello">
<implementation.bpel src="SayHello.bpel"/>

In the following lines, a second BPEL process service component named SayGoodbye
(C2 in Figure 2–2) is defined:
<component name="SayGoodbye">
<implementation.bpel src="SayGoodbye.bpel"/>

In the following lines, a binding component reference named WriteFile is defined.

This reference is a JCA file adapter. The reference provides access to the external
partner in the outside world.
<reference name="WriteFile">
<interface.wsdl interface=
<binding.jca config="WriteFile_file.jca"/>

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-5

Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor


In the remaining lines of the file, the communication (or wiring) between service
components is described:
■ The Web service is wired to the SayHello BPEL process service component
(represented by C1 in Figure 2–2). Wiring enables Web service message
communication with this specific BPEL process.
■ The SayHello BPEL process service component (represented by C2 in Figure 2–2)
is wired to the SayGoodbye BPEL process service component.
■ The SayGoodbye BPEL process is wired to the WriteFile binding component
reference. This is the reference to the external partner in the outside world.

See Also: Section 1.4.3, "Deployed Service Archives" on page 1-15

for details about message delivery

2.1.3 Introduction to Service Components

Service components are the building blocks of the composite. Each service component
(BPEL process, human task, business rules, and mediator routing service) is hosted in
its own service engine container. Messages sent to the service engine are targeted at
specific service components. For example, a message targeted for a BPEL process is
sent to the BPEL service engine.
Service components can implement two types of information:
■ Business logic
■ Processing rules (declarative rules for processing XML)
Service components display in the canvas workspace (middle area) of an SOA
composite application, as shown in Figure 2–1. You drag and drop a service
component to the canvas workspace. This action invokes the initial property editor of
the service component. After completing the property editor, the service component is
created with its initial values. You can specifically design the service component now
or at a later time by double-clicking the service component icon. This invokes the
specific editor of the service component. Table 2–3 provides an overview.

2-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

Table 2–3 Service Component Editors

Dragging and
Dropping This Service
Component... Invokes This Editor... After Initial Creation...
BPEL Process Create BPEL Process window — Double-click the process to
Enables you to create a BPEL display the BPEL process in
process that integrates a series Oracle JDeveloper for further
of business activities and designing.
services into an end-to-end
process flow.
Business Rule Create Business Rules — Double-click the business rule to
Enables you to create a business display the Business Rules editor
decision based on rules. for further designing.
Human Task Create Human Task — Enables Double-click the human task to
you to create a workflow that display the Human Task editor for
describes the tasks for users or further designing.
groups to perform as part of an
end-to-end business process
Mediator Create Mediator window — Double-click the mediator task to
Enables you to define services display the mediator service in
that perform message and event Oracle JDeveloper for further
routing, filtering, and designing.
CEP Create CEP window — Enables Double-click the CEP icon to
you to write queries to search access an editor for writing
for patterns in event streams. queries.
Oracle Complex Event
Processing (CEP) listens on
these streams, caches individual,
seemingly unrelated events, and
tries to correlate them into
specific patterns.
Each stream is mapped to a
business event to which the CEP
component subscribes.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-7

Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

See Also:
■ Section 1.4.2, "Service Engines and Service Components" on
page 1-14
■ Section 2.2.3, "Task 3: Adding a Service Component" on page 2-14
for an example of creating a service component in the SOA
Composite Editor
■ Section 2.2.4, "Task 4: Editing a Service Component" on page 2-16
for an example of editing a service component in Oracle
■ Chapter 5, "Getting Started with Oracle Mediator" for mediator
design details
■ Chapter 11, "Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager"
for Oracle BPEL Process Manager design details
■ Chapter 26, "Designing Human Tasks" for human task design
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware User’s Guide for Oracle Business Rules for
business rule design details

2.1.4 Introduction to References

References are a type of binding component that enables messages to be sent from the
SOA composite application to external service partner links in the outside world.
References display on the right side (swim lane) of an SOA composite application, as
shown in Figure 2–1. You drag and drop a reference to the swim lane to invoke the
appropriate property editor of the reference, as shown in Table 2–3.

Table 2–4 Reference Editors

Dragging and Dropping
This Reference... Invokes This Editor...
Adapters Adapter Configuration Wizard — Guides you through
integration of the service with database tables, database queues,
file systems, FTP servers, Java Message Services (JMS), IBM
WebSphere MQ, BAM servers, or Oracle E-Business Suite
When complete, the service displays in the right swim lane.
To make updates later, double-click the service to re-enter the
Adapter Configuration Wizard.
Web Service Create Web Service — Creates a Web invocation service.
When complete, the service displays in the right swim lane.
To make updates later, double-click the service to display the
Update Service window.
SDO Service Create SDO Service — Creates an SDO invocation service.
When complete, the service displays in the right swim lane.
To make updates later, double-click the service to display the
Update Service window.
B2B B2B Wizard — Guides you through selection of a document

2-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor

See Also: Section 11.5, "Partner Link Creation and the SOA
Composite Editor" on page 11-15 for details about how creating
partner links in the BPEL process of Oracle JDeveloper impacts the
services and references in the SOA Composite Editor

See Also:
■ Section 1.4.3, "Deployed Service Archives" on page 1-15
■ Section 2.2.7, "Task 7: Adding a Reference" on page 2-22 for an
example of adding a reference in Oracle JDeveloper

2.1.5 Introduction to Wires

Wires enable you to graphically connect the following entities in a single SOA
composite application for message communication:
■ Services to service components
■ Service components to other service components
■ Service components to references

See Also: Section 2.2.6, "Task 6: Wiring a Service and a Service

Component" on page 2-21 for an example of creating wiring in Oracle

2.1.6 Introduction to SOA Composite Application in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 2–3 shows an example of an SOA composite application in the SOA Composite
Editor of Oracle JDeveloper. Note the use of the entities described in previous sections:
■ A Web service named Service1 displays in the left swim lane.
■ A synchronous BPEL process service component named SayHello displays in the
canvas workspace.
■ A file adapter reference named WriteFile displays in the right swim lane.
■ Wiring between the service, service component, and reference enable message
Subsequent sections of this chapter describe how to create and design a simple SOA
composite application.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-9

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 2–3 SOA Composite application in the SOA Composite Editor

2.2 Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Now that the key entities of an SOA composite application have been described, an
overview is provided on how to create and design an SOA composite application in
Oracle JDeveloper.
The SOA Composite Editor enables you to use either of two approaches for designing
SOA composite applications:
■ The top-down approach of building a composite application puts interfaces first
and implementation next. For example, you first add BPEL processes, human
tasks, business rules, and mediator routing services components to an application,
and later define the specific content of these service components.
■ The bottom-up approach takes existing implementations of service components
and wraps them with Web service interfaces for assembly into a composite
application. For example, you first create and define the specific content of BPEL
processes, human tasks, business rules, and mediator routing services
components, and later create an SOA composite application to which you add
these service components.
This example describes the top-down approach. This section contains the following
■ Section 2.2.1, "Task 1: Creating an Application"
■ Section 2.2.2, "Task 2: Creating an SOA Composite"
■ Section 2.2.3, "Task 3: Adding a Service Component"
■ Section 2.2.4, "Task 4: Editing a Service Component"
■ Section 2.2.5, "Task 5: Adding a Service"
■ Section 2.2.6, "Task 6: Wiring a Service and a Service Component"
■ Section 2.2.7, "Task 7: Adding a Reference"
■ Section 2.2.8, "Task 8: Wiring a Service Component and a Reference"
■ Section 2.2.9, "Task 9: Updating Message Schemas of Components (Optional)"

2-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

■ Section 2.2.10, "Task 10: Deploying the Project"

■ Section 2.2.11, "Task 11: Testing the SOA Composite Application"

WARNING: Always save your changes by selecting Save All from

the toolbar menu.

2.2.1 Task 1: Creating an Application

You first create an application for the SOA project.
1. Start Oracle JDeveloper.
2. If Oracle JDeveloper is running for the first time, specify the location for Java JDK
3. Create a new SOA composite application.

If Oracle JDeveloper... Then...

Has no open applications Click New Application in the System Navigator in the
upper left.
Has existing applications Select New > Application from the File main menu or
select New Application from the Application menu.

4. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Application Name Enter an application name (for this example,
MySOAApplication is entered).
Application Template Select No Template [All Technologies].

5. Accept the default values for all remaining settings, and click OK.
The Create Project window appears.
6. Enter a name for the project (for this example, MySOAProject), click OK.

2.2.2 Task 2: Creating an SOA Composite

You now create an SOA composite inside the SOA project.
1. Right-click the project name in the Application Navigator and select New.

The New Gallery window appears.

2. Select SOA Tier in the Categories list.
3. Double-click SOA Composite in the Items field.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-11

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

The Create SOA Composite window appears.

4. Select Empty Composite.
5. Click OK.
The SOA Composite Editor appears.

The SOA Composite Editor consists of the following sections:

Section Location in Figure Description

Application Left side Displays the key files for the specific service components included in
Navigator your SOA project:
■ Business rules service component file (rules_name.decs).
Additional business rules files display under the Oracle > rules
subfolder (rules_name.rules).
■ Mediator service component file (mediator_name.mplan)
■ BPEL process service component files (process_name.bpel and
■ Human task service component files (task_name.task and
■ A composite.xml file is automatically created when you create a
project, and describes the entire composite assembly of services,
service components, and references.
■ The componentType file that describes the services and references
for each service component
■ Additional subfolders for class files, XSDs, and XSLs.

2-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Section Location in Figure Description

Canvas Middle You drag and drop service components into the canvas workspace.
Workspace When you initially drag and drop these service components, an
appropriate property editor is invoked for performing configuration
For all subsequent editing sessions, you double-click these service
components to invoke their editors.
Left swim Lane Left side of canvas The left swim lane is for services providing an entry point to the SOA
(Exposed workspace composite application, such as a Web service or JCA adapters. Services
Services) always display in the left swim lane.
Right swim Lane Right side of canvas The right swim lane is for references that send messages to external
(External workspace services in the outside world, such as Web services and JCA adapters.
References) References always display in the right swim lane.
Component Upper right Displays the following service components and adapters (binding
Palette components):
■ Service Components — Displays the BPEL Process, business rule,
human task, mediator service, and CEP components that can be
dragged and dropped into the canvas workspace.
■ Service Adapters — Displays the JCA adapter (AQ, file, FTP,
Database, JMS, MQ, Oracle Applications, and BAM), B2B binding
component, SDO binding component, and Web service binding
component that can be dragged into the left or right swim lanes.
Resource Palette Lower right Provides a single window from which to share and access catalogs of
resources in the current application and in the metadata. For example,
you can access:
■ Shared application metadata such as customer XSDs, WSDLs,
business rules, and so on
■ Seeded metadata that service components in the composite must
use such as event definitions, component schemas, component
WSDLs, and so on
■ WSIL browser functionality that uses an HTTP connection or file
■ WSIL browser functionality that uses an Oracle Application Server
connection. This functionality is equivalent to the 10.1.3 WSIL
browser for discovering deployed services and processes.
■ UDDI browser functionality
If the Resource Catalog does not display, select Resource Palette from
the View main menu.
You select these resources for the SOA composite application through
the SCA Resource Lookup window. This window is accessible through
a variety of methods. For example, when you select the WSDL file to use
with a service binding component or a mediator service component or
select the schema file to use in a BPEL process, the SCA Resource
Lookup window appears. Click Resource Palette at the top of this
window to access available resources.
See Also: Section 2.2.5, "Task 5: Adding a Service" on page 2-18
Log Bottom Displays messages about application compilation, validation, and
Property Bottom Displays properties for the selected service component, service, or
Inspector reference.
If the Property Inspector does not display, select Property Inspector
from the View main menu.

6. Select Save All from the File main menu.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-13

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

2.2.3 Task 3: Adding a Service Component

You create service components that implement the business logic or processing rules.
You drag and drop service components into the canvas workspace to invoke the initial
property editor. This enables you to define the service interface (and, for asynchronous
BPEL processes, an optional callback interface).
Table 2–5 describes the available service components.

Table 2–5 Starting Service Component Editors

Dragging and Dropping
This Service
Component... Starts The...
BPEL Process Create BPEL Process window — Enables you to create a BPEL
Business Rule Create Business Rules — Enables you to create a business rule.
Human Task Create Human Task — Enables you to create a human task.
Mediator Create Mediator window — Enables you to define services from
the WSDL and subscribe to events.
CEP Create CEP window — Enables you to write queries to search for
patterns in event streams.

The following example describes the procedures to perform when a BPEL process is
dropped into the canvas workspace.
1. Select SOA from the Component Palette.
2. Drag a BPEL Process from the Service Components list into the canvas
The Create BPEL Process window appears.

3. Enter the following details.

2-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Field Value
Name Enter a name (for this example, SayHello is
Namespace Accept the default value.
Template Select Synchronous BPEL Process.
See Also: The online help for additional details
about available templates.
Expose as Composite Service Deselect this check box. This creates a standalone
BPEL process. If you select this check box, a BPEL
process and inbound Web service binding
component are each created and connected

4. Note that the Input and Output fields also appear in the Create BPEL Process
window. These fields enable you to select or import specific input and output
schemas from the Type Chooser window or SCA Resource Lookup window,
respectively. For this example, the default schemas are used, which consist of
string input and output values. This schema defines the structure of the message
to submit.
The SCA Resource Lookup window also provides access to the Resource Palette,
which provides a single window from which to share and access schemas in
multiple applications.
5. Accept the default values for all remaining settings.
6. Click OK.
The BPEL process displays in the canvas workspace. The single arrow in a circle
indicates this is a synchronous, one-way BPEL process service component. An
asynchronous process is indicated by two arrows in a circle, with each pointing in
the opposite direction. The two arrows represent an interface and callback

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-15

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

You can more fully define the content of your BPEL process now or at a later time.
For this top-down example, the content is defined now.
7. Select Save All from the File main menu. What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting a Service
Note the following details about adding service components:
■ A service component can be newly created or used from another service
component. For example, you can create a human task within the BPEL process
service component of Oracle JDeveloper or use a human task that was already
created in the SOA Composite Editor or deployed to a server. The reference and
the wire is created to the newly created service component.
■ The Resource Palette can be used to browse for service components defined in the
SOA Composite Editor as well as those deployed. A reference and wire is created
when a service component from the SOA Composite Editor or from the deployed
list is used.
Note the following details about deleting service components:
■ You can delete a service component as follows:
– Right-clicking it and selecting Delete from the context menu
– Highlighting it and selecting Delete from the View main menu
When a service component is deleted, all references pointing to it are invalidated
and all wires are removed. The service component is also removed from the
Application Navigator.
■ A service component created from within another service component can be
deleted. For example, a human task created within the BPEL process service
component of Oracle JDeveloper can be deleted from the SOA Composite Editor.
In addition, the partner link to the task can be deleted. Deleting the partner link
removes the reference interface from its .componentType file and removes the
wire to the task.

2.2.4 Task 4: Editing a Service Component

To model specific details for the service component, you double-click the service
component to display the appropriate editor, as described in Table 2–6.

Table 2–6 Starting SOA Service Component Wizards and Windows

Double-Clicking This
Service Component... Displays The...
BPEL Process BPEL process in Oracle JDeveloper for further designing
Business Rule Business rule in the Business Rules editor of Oracle JDeveloper
for further designing
Human Task Human task in the Human Task editor of Oracle JDeveloper for
further designing
Mediator Mediator service in Oracle JDeveloper for further designing
CEP CEP editor for specifying a query in the CQLX file.

1. Double-click the SayHello BPEL process.

2-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

This opens the BPEL process in Oracle JDeveloper.

To return to the SOA Composite Editor from within any service component,
double-click composite.xml in the Application Navigator or single-click
composite.xml above the canvas workspace.
2. Go to the Component Palette in the upper right.

3. Drag and drop an Assign activity into the canvas workspace below the
receiveInput receive activity.
4. Double-click the Assign activity.
5. Click the Copy Operation tab.
6. Select Copy Operation from the drop-down list.

7. Enter the appropriate details. For this example, the following details are entered.

Field Value
■ Type Expression
■ Variables concat('Hello
Note: Press Ctl and then the space bar to access the XPath Expression
Builder. Scroll through the list of values that appears and double-click
the value you want. As you enter information, a red underscore can
appear. This means you are being prompted for additional information.
Either enter additional information, or press the Esc key and delete the
trailing slash to complete the input of information.
■ Type Variable

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-17

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Field Value
■ Variables Expand and select Variables > Process > Variables > outputVariable >
payload > client:SayHelloProcessResponse > client:result

8. Click OK to close the Create Copy Operation window and the Assign window.
9. Double-click composite.xml in the Application Navigator or single-click
composite.xml above the canvas workspace.
This returns you to the SOA Composite Editor.
10. Select Save All from the File main menu.

2.2.5 Task 5: Adding a Service

You add a binding component service to act as the entry point to the SOA composite
application from the outside world.

Note: This section describes how to manually create a binding

component service. You can also automatically create a binding
component service by selecting Expose as Composite Service when
you create a service component. This selection creates an inbound Web
service binding component that is automatically connected to your
BPEL process or human task service component.

1. Select SOA from the Component Palette.

2. Drag and drop a Web Service to the left swim lane.
This invokes the Create Web Service window.

3. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Name Enter a name for the service (for this example, Service1 is entered).

2-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

Field Value
Type Select the type (message direction) for the Web service. Since you
dragged the Web service to the left swim lane, the Service type is the
correct selection, and displays by default.
■ Service (default) — Creates a Web service to provide an entry point
to the SOA composite application.
■ Reference — Creates a Web service to provide access to an external
partner link in the outside world.
Since this example describes how to create an entry point to the SOA
composite application, Service is selected.

4. Select the WSDL file for the service. There are three methods for selection:
a. Click the first icon to the right of the WSDL File field, and select an existing
WSDL file from the local file system (for this example, SayHello.wsdl is
selected). Note that the File button at the top of the window is automatically

b. Click the first icon to the right of the WSDL File field, and select Resource
Palette at the top of the window. This enables you to use existing WSDL files
from other applications.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-19

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

c. Click the second icon to the right of the WSDL File field to automatically
generate a WSDL file from a schema.

5. Click OK to return to the Create Web Service window.

6. Enter the following additional details:

Field Value
Port Type Disabled, since there is only one port type and no choice can be
made. This field would be enabled if there was more than one
port type from which to choose.
Callback Port Type Disabled, since this WSDL file is for a synchronous service.

7. Click OK.

2-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

The SOA composite application now looks as follows:

8. Select Save All from the File main menu.

Note: WSDL namespaces must be unique. Do not just copy and

rename a WSDL. Ensure that you also change the namespaces. What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting Services
Note the following detail about adding services:
■ When a new service is added for a service component, the service component is
notified so it can make appropriate metadata changes. For example, when a new
service is added to a BPEL service component, the BPEL service component is
notified to create a new partner link that can be connected to a receive or an
on-message activity.
Note the following detail about deleting services:
■ When a service provided by a service component is deleted, all references to that
service component are invalidated and the wires removed.

2.2.6 Task 6: Wiring a Service and a Service Component

You wire (connect) the Web service and BPEL process service component. Note the
■ Since the Web service is an inbound service, a reference handle displays on the
right side. Web services that are outbound references do not have a reference
handle on the right side.
■ You can drag a defined interface to an undefined interface in either direction
(reference to service or service to reference). The undefined interface then inherits
the defined interface. There are several exceptions to this rule:

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-21

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

– A component has the right to reject a new interface. For example, a mediator
can only have one inbound service. Therefore, it rejects attempts to create a
second service.
– You cannot drag an outbound service (external reference) to a business rule
because business rules do not support references. When dragging a wire, the
user interface does highlight the interfaces that are valid targets.
■ You cannot wire services and composites that have different interfaces. For
example, you cannot connect a Web service configured with a synchronous WSDL
file to an asynchronous BPEL process.

The service and reference must match, meaning the interface and the callback
must be the same.
1. Drag and drop a wire from the Service1 reference handle to the SayHello BPEL
process interface.

2. Create additional service components and wire them together, as needed.

See Also: Section 2.1.2, "Introduction to a Composite and the SCA

Descriptor" on page 2-4 for a description of composite.xml file

3. Select Save All from the File main menu. What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting Wires
Note the following detail about adding wires:
■ A service component can be wired to another service component if its reference
matches the service of the target service component. Note that the match implies
the same interface and callback interface.
Note the following detail about deleting wires:
■ When a wire is deleted, the component's reference is automatically deleted and the
component is notified so that it can clean up (delete the partner link, clear routing
rules, and so on).

2.2.7 Task 7: Adding a Reference

You can add binding component references that enable the SOA composite application
to send messages to external services in the outside world.

2-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

1. Select SOA in the Component Palette.

2. Drag and drop a File Adapter to the right swim lane.
This invokes the Adapter Configuration wizard.
3. Provide appropriate responses to the windows that appear.
When complete, the canvas workspace looks as follows:

See Also: Section 11.5, "Partner Link Creation and the SOA
Composite Editor" on page 11-15 for details about how creating
partner links within a BPEL process service component impacts how
partner links display in the SOA Composite Editor

4. Double-click the SayHello BPEL process.

5. Complete the remaining portions of the BPEL process design:
■ Create an invoke activity to invoke the partner link
■ Create a variable
■ Assign a return value to the variable
6. Select Save All from the File main menu. What You May Need to Know About Adding and Deleting References
Note the following details about adding references:
■ The only way to add a new reference in the SOA Composite Editor is by wiring
the service component to the desired target service component. When a new
reference is added, the service component is notified so it can make appropriate
changes to its metadata. For example, when a reference is added to a BPEL service
component, the BPEL service component is notified to add a partner link that can
then be used in an invoke activity.
Note the following details about deleting references:
■ When a reference for a service component is deleted, the associated wire is also
deleted and the service component is notified so it can update its metadata. For
example, when a reference is deleted from a BPEL service component, the service
component is notified to delete the partner link in its BPEL metadata.
■ Deleting a reference connected to a wire clears the reference and the wire.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-23

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

2.2.8 Task 8: Wiring a Service Component and a Reference

You now wire (connect) the BPEL process and the file adapter reference.
1. Double-click composite.xml in the Application Navigator or single-click
composite.xml above the canvas workspace.
2. Drag and drop a wire from the SayHello BPEL process to the WriteFile reference.

3. Double-click the SayHello BPEL process and note that the WriteFile reference
displays as a partner link in the right swim lane.

4. Select Save All from the File main menu.

SOA project design is now complete.

2-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

2.2.9 Task 9: Updating Message Schemas of Components (Optional)

You can update the message schemas used by service components or binding
1. Double-click an interface handle of a component. For this example, the inbound
interface handle of the SayHello BPEL process service component is selected.

The Update Interface window appears. This window shows all schemas used by
the interface’s WSDL and enables you to choose a new schema for a selected
message part.

2. Use one of the following methods to select the message schema to update.
■ Double-click the message schema row.
■ Select a row and click the Update icon in the upper right corner above the
The Type Chooser window appears.
3. Select a new schema element, and click OK.
4. Click OK in the Update Interface window. This updates the interface WSDL to use
the new schemas. What You May Need to Know About Updating Message Schemas of
■ It is possible that several operations (or an input and an output) can use the same
WSDL message. In this case, the same message is seen in multiple rows of the
table. If you update the schema in one row, the change appears in the other rows.

Beta Draft Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor 2-25

Creating an SOA Project in Oracle JDeveloper

■ When the schema used by an interface is changed, it may invalidate previously

configured features within a component that depend on the schema. For example,
a transformation step in a BPEL process or mediator service component may be
invalid because it is using a transformation map created for the old schema.
■ If the interface does not have a callback (as is the case for the BPEL process in this
example), the Update Interface window does show a Callback Port Type table.
■ Since multiple interfaces can be defined by the same WSDL, the modification to
one interaction (WSDL) also modifies the other interfaces.
■ When an interface is wired to another interface, changing one interface does not
necessarily change the other interface. If they both use the same WSDL (which is
common), then updating one interface automatically updates the other. However,
if the wired interfaces use different but compatible WSDLs, then updating one
interface does not update the other interface and this can result in a wire between
incompatible interfaces. You must then fix the interface on the other side of the
■ When you select Show Details, the table shows fully qualified names and
complete file paths.
■ When the interface belongs to a service component (and not a binding component
service or reference), the Create Composite Service with SOAP bindings check
box appears. This check box provides the same functionality as the Expose as
Composite Service check box on the BPEL process and human task creation
windows. If you check this box and click OK, a service and wire are automatically
generated. If it is already checked (service already exists) and you unselect it and
click OK, the service and wire are deleted.

2.2.10 Task 10: Deploying the Project

Deploying the project involves creating an application deployment profile for the SOA
composite application. When you deploy an application deployment profile, a service
assembly archive (SAR) file is created. The SAR file consists of an EAR file and Oracle
metadata. The SAR file replaces the BPEL suitcase archive of previous releases.

See Also: Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications" on page 3-2 for

instructions on creating an application deployment profile

2.2.11 Task 11: Testing the SOA Composite Application

You can run and test instances of deployed SOA composite applications from Oracle
Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console.

See Also:
■ Section 3.5, "Testing Applications" on page 3-8 for instructions on
testing a SOA composite application
■ Section 3.6, "Troubleshooting Applications" on page 3-8 for
instructions on troubleshooting application errors

2-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
3 Life Cycle of an Application

This chapter provides details about the entire life cycle of an application.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 3.1, "Introduction to Application Life Cycles"
■ Section 3.2, "Methods for Designing Applications"
■ Section 3.3, "Considerations for Collaborative Development"
■ Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications"
■ Section 3.5, "Testing Applications"
■ Section 3.6, "Troubleshooting Applications"

3.1 Introduction to Application Life Cycles

The life cycle of an application can be divided into the following phases:
■ Designing the application
■ Collaborating or sharing files during design time
■ Deploying the application to a server
■ Running and testing the application
■ Troubleshooting the application
This chapter describes these phases and provides references to other documentation
for additional information.

3.2 Methods for Designing Applications

See the Application Development Framework Developer’s Guide for details about use cases
to follow when designing applications with the Application Development Framework
(ADF) and Oracle SOA Suite. Most of these use cases fall into three basic patterns:
■ Using business events to initiate business processes
■ Orchestrating over business logic implemented with ADF, Java, PL/SQL, and SOA
composite applications
■ Modeling human task service component flows in ADF applications
Guidance on additional, less common use cases that may be useful to applications
developers is also provided. For each use case, use of the technology is described and
code samples are provided. Details about securing applications are also provided.

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-1

Considerations for Collaborative Development

See Also: The following documentation for details about securing

■ Oracle Fusion Applications Developer Standards and Guidelines
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Application Security Developer's Guide

3.3 Considerations for Collaborative Development

When you have two separate developer environments collaborating on applications
development, it is recommended that you use a source control software system to
share files. Two file sharing uses cases involving an ADF business component (BC)
developer and Oracle SOA Suite developer are described briefly below:
■ Use case 1 — Business event file sharing
1. An ADF BC developer creates a service that uses a business event. This results
in the creation of an XSD file and an event definition language (EDL) file for
the business event.
2. The ADF BC developer checks in the XSD and EDL files to a source control
software system.
3. The ADF BC developer advertises the availability of these files.
4. An Oracle SOA Suite developer checks out the business event XSD and EDL
5. The Oracle SOA Suite developer creates an SOA composite application in
which a mediator service component subscribes to this business event.
■ Use case 2 — WSDL file sharing
1. An ADF BC developer creates a service and its associated WSDL file.
2. The ADF BC developer checks in the WSDL file to a source control software
3. The ADF BC developer advertises the availability of the WSDL file.
4. An Oracle SOA Suite developer checks out the service WSDL file.
5. The Oracle SOA Suite developer creates an SOA composite application and
imports the WSDL file.
6. The Oracle SOA Suite developer fully designs the SOA composite application
to include a BPEL process that invokes the ADF BC service through a SOAP
reference binding component.

See Also: Application Development Framework Developer’s Guide for

specific details about these use cases

3.4 Deploying Applications

You deploy an SOA composite application from Oracle JDeveloper.

3.4.1 Deploying Applications with Oracle JDeveloper

Oracle JDeveloper requires the use of profiles for SOA projects and applications to be
deployed. This section describes how to create and deploy profiles with Oracle

3-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying Applications

■ Section, "Task 1: Configuring an SOA Project Deployment Profile

■ Section, "Task 2: Creating an Application Deployment Profile (Optional)"
■ Section, "Task 3: Deploying the Application Profile" Task 1: Configuring an SOA Project Deployment Profile (Optional)

The SOA project deployment profile is automatically created as a SOA archive (SAR)
profile, and requires no user input. The contents of the SAR profile are deployed to a
JAR file.
If you want, you can specify the revision ID value to use. The revision ID value is
added to the JAR file name during application deployment and also to the
composite.xml file of the SOA project.
1. Right-click the SOA project in the Application Navigator.
2. Select Project Properties.
The Project Properties window appears.
3. Click Deployment.
4. Note that sca_ is automatically prefixed to the composite name of the SAR profile.
This prefix is a requirement, and must not be changed.
5. Click Edit.
6. View the following values and change if necessary:

Field Value
Revision ID Enter the revision ID value to use. This value is added to the JAR
file name of the deployed SAR profile name.
Revision Check Box Select this check box if you want to use the specified revision ID
value continually without being prompted again during
If you do not select this check box, you are prompted to specify a
revision number when the application profile is deployed.
This functionality is similar to the BPEL process versioning feature
of previous releases, but at the higher SOA composite application

7. Click OK to close the SAR Deployment Profile Properties window and the Project
Properties window.

Note: You cannot deploy the SOA project to Oracle Application

Server. This is because an enterprise archive (EAR) file is required for
deployment. Deployment at the SOA project level only creates a JAR
file. Instead, you deploy the application that includes the SOA project. Task 2: Creating an Application Deployment Profile (Optional)

A required deployment profile is automatically created for your application. The
application profile includes the JAR files of your SOA projects. Additional profiles are
useful for environments in which you want to create multiple deployment profiles for
the same application (for example, one profile for a development environment and
another profile for a production environment).

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-3

Deploying Applications

If you want, you can manually create a deployment profile.

1. Select the Application Menu for the application you want to deploy.

2. Select Application Properties.

The Application Properties window appears.
3. Select Deployment, and click New.
The Create Deployment Profile window appears.
4. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Archive Type Select OAR File. This type must be selected. An OAR file is an
Oracle Application archive file.
Name Enter a deployment profile name.

Note: You can change the deployment profile name at a later time by
selecting the General tab in the OAR Deployment Profile Properties
window and changing the name in the Application name field.

5. Click OK.
The deployment profile displays in the Application Properties window.

3-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying Applications

6. Click Edit.
7. Click Application Assembly.
All SOA projects in this application display in the Java EE Modules section. For
this example, there is only one application (named sca_MySOAComposite).
8. Select the SOA projects to include in the deployment profile.

You must select a project. Otherwise, the generated EAR file is empty. The EAR file
is what is deployed to Oracle Application Server.
9. Click OK to close the OAR Deployment Profile Properties and Application
Properties windows. Task 3: Deploying the Application Profile

You now deploy the application profile. The application profile includes the JAR files
of the SOA projects you selected in Step 8.
1. Select the Application Menu again and select Deploy > deployment_profile_
The value for deployment_profile_name is what you entered in Step 4 on page 3-4.

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-5

Deploying Applications

2. Note that the following deployment options exist:

■ to Application_Server_Connection_Name — Creates an EAR file of the
application deployment profile that includes JAR files of all selected SOA
projects and deploys it to Oracle Application Server. An EAR file is required
for deployment to the server. To deploy to Oracle Application Server, you
must first create a connection to it.
■ to OAR file — Creates an EAR file of the application deployment profile that
includes JAR files of all selected SOA projects, but does not deploy it to Oracle
Application Server. This option is useful for environments in which:
– Oracle Application Server may not be running, but you want to create the
EAR file.
– You want to deploy multiple OAR files to Oracle Application Server from
a batch script. This option offers an alternative to opening all application
profiles (which you may not have) and deploying them from Oracle
3. Select the option appropriate for your environment.
If you did not check the Revision check box in Step 6 on page 3-3, the Revision ID
window appears. Otherwise, go to Step 6.

4. Provide a response when prompted for the revision number of the application.
5. Click OK.
The Deployment Plan window appears.
6. Perform the following procedures based on the component to which you are
■ If you are deploying to a standalone OC4J instance, do not modify any
■ If you are deploying to the Middleware Administration Server (MAS), click
MDS Configuration and select the Metadata Service (MDS) repository.
7. Click OK.
8. If you are deploying an application profile that was previously deployed, you are
prompted to undeploy and redeploy the new version of the profile. If you select
not to redeploy, deployment does not proceed any further.

3-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying Applications

9. View the messages that display in the Log window at the bottom of Oracle
If deployment is successful, the following files are created:
■ An EAR file under the application_name > deploy folder in Windows
Explorer with a naming convention of deployment_profile_name.ear (for
example, MyDeployProfile.ear).

■ JAR files for each of the SOA projects in the EAR file are created under the
deploy folder in Oracle JDeveloper with a naming convention of sca_project_
name_revision_number_.ear (for example, sca_MySOAComposite_rev1.0.jar)

This JAR file can also be viewed in the project_name > deploy directory in
Windows Explorer:

You are now ready to run your application from Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid
Control Console.

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-7

Testing Applications

If deployment is unsuccessful, view the messages that display in the Log window
and take corrective actions. See Section 3.6.3, "Viewing Deployment Error Files" on
page 3-16 for details about files that are provided for debugging deployment

3.5 Testing Applications

You can run and test instances of deployed SOA composite applications from Oracle
Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console. This enables you to:
■ Manage a composite application
■ Initiate an instance of a composite
■ Track an instance of a composite
■ View detailed component instance audit trails

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for instructions on testing applications

3.6 Troubleshooting Applications

Oracle SOA Suite provides the following tools for troubleshooting SOA composite
application errors:
■ Section 3.6.1, "Recovering from Faults"
■ Section 3.6.2, "Viewing Log Files"
■ Section 3.6.3, "Viewing Deployment Error Files"

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Order Demo Developer's Guide for
Oracle SOA Suite for additional information on debugging

3.6.1 Recovering from Faults

You can recover from faults that occur in BPEL process and Oracle Mediator service
components by defining a fault policy. You define the fault policy in two files during
design time. This policy describes how to handle runtime faults. If a fault is defined, it
is automatically handled by the fault policy during runtime. If a defined fault results
in a condition in which human intervention is the prescribed action, you perform
recovery actions from Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console. Both
individual fault recovery and bulk fault recovery are supported.
You can recover from individual faults in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control
Console by modifying the following:
■ Variable values in BPEL process service components
■ Payloads in Oracle Mediator service components Design Time Configuration

You must define fault policy details in the following files prior to SOA composite
application deployment. You must create both files manually and include each in the
directory path of your SOA project. There is no support for fault policy file creation
from Oracle JDeveloper. When you create and deploy your project deployment profile,
these files are included in the deployed EAR file.

3-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Troubleshooting Applications

■ Section, "fault-policies.xml"

■ Section, "fault-bindings.xml"

See Also: Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications" on page 3-2 fault-policies.xml This file defines fault conditions and their corresponding
actions. Each fault policy consists of condition and action sections. Both sections
enable you to define one or more fault conditions and actions, respectively. Each fault
condition specifies a particular fault or group of faults, which it attempts to handle,
and the corresponding action for it.
. . .
. . .
<faultName xmlns:bpelx=""
<!-- Condition with a filter criteria -->
<action ref="ora-terminate"/>
<!-- Catch all condition for remoteFault -->
<action ref="ora-java"/>
. . .
. . .

All actions defined in the condition section must be associated with an action in the
action section.
Each action has a user-defined unique ID and is based on a system-defined action.
Action IDs must be unique across a fault policy. Each action ID can have its own set of
attributes. The following syntax shows several attributes, including retryCount and
retryInterval. Available system actions are retry, human intervention (recoverable
from Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console), replay, rethrow, Java callout
and abort. The following syntax shows examples of retry and Java callout.
. . .
<Action id="ora-retry">
<!-- User defined unique id -->
<!-- System defined action -->
<!-- System defined action atttributes -->
<retryFailureAction ref="ora-java"/>
<retrySuccessAction ref="ora-java"/>
<Action id="ora-java">
<returnValue value="ABORT" ref="ora-terminate"/>
<returnValue value="RETRY" ref="ora-retry"/>

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-9

Troubleshooting Applications

<returnValue value="MANUAL" ref="ora-human-intervention"/>

. . .

Other available action IDs include ora-abort, ora-replay-scope,

ora-human-intervention, ora-rethrow-fault, and ora-terminate. fault-bindings.xml This file associates the fault policies defined in

fault-policies.xml with a composite, a particular service component in the
composite, a reference binding component, or a port type.
<faultPolicyBindings version="2.0.1"
<composite faultPolicy="ConnectionFaults"/>
<component faultPolicy="ServiceFaults">
<reference faultPolicy="CRM_ServiceFaults">
<portType xmlns:db="">
<reference faultPolicy="test1">

The order of precedence for fault bindings resolution is reference binding component,
port type, service component, and composite, if all are defined in the same
fault-bindings.xml file. If you have only defined a fault policy on a single
composite in the fault-bindings.xml file, all service components, port types, and
reference binding components of that composite use the same fault policy. BPEL Process and Oracle Mediator Fault Handling Features

Table 3–1 describes the fault recovery actions that you can use in BPEL processes and
Oracle Mediator.

Table 3–1 Available Fault Recovery Actions

Action Supported By BPEL Processes Supported By Oracle Mediator
Retry Yes Yes (with count, exponential
break off)
Manual recovery Yes Yes
(human intervention)
Replay Yes No
Rethrow Yes No
Java callout Yes Yes
Abort Yes Yes

3-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Troubleshooting Applications

Table 3–1 (Cont.) Available Fault Recovery Actions

Action Supported By BPEL Processes Supported By Oracle Mediator
Payload-based filter Yes No

■ The fault policy framework, if defined, takes precedence over the
fault handling features of BPEL processes described in this
■ Business faults (defined through the WSDL file) in Oracle
Mediator are currently handled through routing rules (as was the
case in 10.1.3). Recovering from Faults in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console
After defining your fault policy in the fault-policies.xml and fault-bindings.xml files,
you perform fault recovery for a SOA composite application from Oracle Enterprise
Manager Grid Control Console.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for instructions on recovering from faults

3.6.2 Viewing Log Files

As you test and troubleshoot your application, you can encounter errors. Oracle SOA
Suite captures these errors in log files. You can view these log files and use the
information provided to take corrective actions.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Log File and Location"
■ Section, "Log Level Settings"
■ Section, "Setting Logging Levels"
■ Section, "Writing Logs to Text Files"
■ Section, "Displaying Debug Information" Log File and Location

You set logging properties for Oracle SOA Suite in the ORACLE_
HOME\j2ee\home\config\j2ee-logging.xml file. Logging information is
written to a file named log.xml file in a directory that you specify. You can then view
the contents of this file to troubleshoot errors. For example, you can search for the time
stamp (msg time) to indicate when a process was invoked. Or, if an exception error
occurred, you can search for the string exception.
Information in the j2ee-logging.xml file is divided into two main sections:
■ The log_handlers section — for specifying logging property values such as log
file directory location and maximum log file size
■ The loggers section — for specifying logging properties and logging levels of

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-11

Troubleshooting Applications log_handlers section The log_handlers section displays at the top of the
j2ee-logging.xml file. The BPEL process, human task, business rule, Oracle Mediator,
and notification service use the OC4J log handler properties (oc4j-handler):
. . .
. . .

<log_handler name='console-handler' class='java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler'


<log_handler name='oc4j-handler'
<property name='path' value='../log/oc4j'/>
<property name='maxFileSize' value='10485760'/>
<property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>
<property name='encoding' value='UTF-8'/>
<property name='supplementalAttributes' value=',J2EE_,,'/>

The path value specifies the directory in which to write log information. In this
example, the directory is ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\home\log\oc4j. Logging output is
always written to a file named log.xml file.
The maxFileSize value specifies the maximum size of the log file. The maxLogSize
value specifies the maximum number of log files. For example, if maxFileSize is set to
10 MB and maxLogSize is set to 20 MB, you can have two log files that add up to 20
MB in size. When this limit is reached, the files are recycled and restarted at 0 MB. loggers section The loggers section lets you set the logging properties and
levels for individual components. In the following example, Web services auditing
logging is set to NOTIFICATION:1.
. . .
. . .
<logger name='' level='NOTIFICATION:1'
<handler name='oracle-webservices-management-auditing-handler'/>

The useParentHandlers property is set by default to false, which indicates that

the logger does not inherit the log level set for its parent, the root logger. This setting
causes the logger to use its own handler and create its own log file. If
useParentHandlers is set to true, the logger uses the parent’s log file. Log Level Settings

Table 3–2 describes the values to which you can set log properties for the BPEL
process, human task, business rule, Oracle Mediator, and notification service. Values
are listed from highest to lowest levels. For example, if you specify a logging level of
NOTIFICATION:1, this includes logging for WARNING:1, ERROR:1, and INCIDENT_

3-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Troubleshooting Applications

Table 3–2 Logging Levels

Logging Level This Selection... Performance Impact
INCIDENT_ Logs serious problems caused by No performance impact. This is
ERROR:1 unknown factors. Contact Oracle the highest setting.
Support Services to resolve this error.
ERROR:1 Logs serious problems that require No performance impact.
immediate attention from a system
administrator. These errors are not
caused by a problem in Oracle SOA
WARNING:1 Logs potential problems that must be No performance impact.
reviewed by a system administrator.
NOTIFICATION:1 Logs major lifecycle events such as the No performance impact.
(the default setting) activation or deactivation of a primary
subcomponent or feature.
NOTIFICATION:16 Provides a finer level of logging Minimal performance impact.
granularity for reporting normal You can enable this level
events. broadly in a production
environment without
significantly impacting
TRACE:1 Logs trace or debugging information Small performance impact. You
for events that are meaningful to end can enable this level broadly on
users of Oracle SOA Suite, such as occasion in a production
public API entry and exit points. environment to debug issues
by writing to a circular
memory buffer (memory
handler). Enabling logging at
this level may have a small
performance impact, but does
not make Oracle SOA Suite
TRACE:16 Logs detailed trace or debugging High. Do not enable this level
information that assists Oracle Support in a production environment,
Services in diagnosing problems with a except for special situations in
particular subsystem. which to debug issues. This
level is not to be enabled
broadly, but rather for a few
specific subsystems.
TRACE:32 Logs very detailed trace or debug Very high. Do not enable this
information typically intended for a level in a production
developer working on Oracle SOA environment. It is intended for
Suite with enough knowledge about debugging Oracle SOA Suite in
the implementation of the subsystem a test or development
that generates the message. environment.
This is the lowest setting. Setting Logging Levels

This section describes how to set logging levels for the BPEL process, human task,
business rule, notification service, and Oracle Mediator:
■ Section, "Setting BPEL Process Logging"
■ Section, "Setting Human Task, Business Rule, and Notification Service
■ Section, "Setting Oracle Mediator Logging"

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-13

Troubleshooting Applications Setting BPEL Process Logging BPEL process logging is enabled by specifying
the properties described in Table 3–3 on page 3-14. For example, you add the following
block of code for the oracle.orabpel.system and oracle.orabpel.domain
properties to the loggers section and set their logging levels to NOTIFICATION:1 as
. . .

<logger name="oracle.orabpel.system" level="NOTIFICATION:1"

<handler name="oc4j-handler"/>
<handler name="console-handler"/>

<logger name="oracle.orabpel.domain" level="NOTIFICATION:1"

<handler name="oc4j-handler"/>
<handler name="console-handler"/>

The console-handler setting for both of these properties enables you to also output
logging information to a DOS window or Linux shell.
Table 3–3 describes the BPEL process properties that you can add to the loggers

Table 3–3 Property Settings

Logger Name Description
oracle.orabpel.system System level logging
oracle.orabpel.domain.activation Activation agent logging (inbound adapters)
oracle.orabpel.domain XML message logging
oracle.orabpel.domain.agents Internal agent framework logging (for
example, expiration agents)
oracle.orabpel.domain.bpel BPEL process logging. If enabled, each
executed BPEL activity logs messages. Persistence and dehydration layer logging Delivery service and manager logging; this
logger is responsible for callbacks and
initiating delivery
oracle.orabpel.domain.deployment Deployment logging
oracle.orabpel.domain.dispatch Asynchronous message logging
oracle.orabpel.domain.sensor Sensor publisher layer logging
oracle.orabpel.domain.translation Adapter translation layer logging (the
transformation between adapter protocol and
inbound XML documents) Communication-related logging (for example,
SOAP and adapters)
oracle.orabpel.domain.xml XML processing and transformation, XPath,
and XML documents (BPEL variables) logging

3-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Troubleshooting Applications

Note: Starting with this release, there is no domain level

configuration logging. Domains no longer exist in Oracle BPEL
Process Manager. Setting Human Task, Business Rule, and Notification Service Logging Human task,
business rule, and notification service logging is enabled by adding the following
block of code for the property. In the following
example, the logging level for this property is set to NOTIFICATION:1:
<logger name="" level="NOTIFICATION:1"
<handler name="oc4j-handler"/>
<handler name="console-handler"/>
</logging_configuration> Setting Oracle Mediator Logging Oracle Mediator logging is enabled by adding
the following block of code for the oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch property. In
the following example, the logging level for this property is set to NOTIFICATION:1:
<logger name='oracle.tip.mediator.dispatch' level='NOTIFICATION:1'
<handler name='oc4j-handler'/>
<handler name="console-handler"/>
</logger> Writing Logs to Text Files

By default, log file information is output in XML format. If you want log file output to
display in text format, set the format property to ODL-Text in the
j2ee-logging.xml file. For example, set it for the BPEL process component as
<log_handler name='oracle-orabpel-handler'
<property name='path' value='../log/oc4j/bpel'/>
<property name="maxFileSize" value="10485760"/>
<property name="maxLogSize" value="104857600"/>
<property name="encoding" value="UTF-8"/>
<property name='format' value='ODL-Text'/>
<property name="supplementalAttributes" value=",J2EE_,,"/>
</log_handler> Displaying Debug Information

By default, debug information is not output to the console window (for example, a
DOS window or a Linux shell). To display this information in a console window, set
the console handler level to TRACE in the j2ee-logging.xml file as follows:
. . .
. . .<log_handler name='console-handler-orabpel'

Beta Draft Life Cycle of an Application 3-15

Troubleshooting Applications

formatter='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.SimpleFormatter' level=’TRACE:1’/>

3.6.3 Viewing Deployment Error Files

If you receive errors during application compilation and deployment, two additional
debugging files are created in Oracle JDeveloper by default in the SOA Content >
classes directory. These files are for advanced users.
■ scac.log.txt — Shows compilations errors for the entire SOA composite
■ scac_out.xml — Shows compilation messages that also display in the Log

Note: You can change the default output directory location by

selecting Tools > Project Properties, and changing the directory path
in the Output Directory field.

3-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Part II Enterprise Service Bus Infrastructure

This part describes the components that comprise the Enterprise Service Bus
This part contains the following chapters:
■ XSLT Mapper
– Chapter 4, "XSLT Mapper and Transformations"
■ Oracle Mediator
– Chapter 5, "Getting Started with Oracle Mediator"
– Chapter 6, "Creating Routing Rules"
– Chapter 7, "Oracle Mediator Error Handling"
■ Oracle Business Events
– Chapter 8, "Business Events and the Event Delivery Network"
■ Domain-Value Maps
– Chapter 9, "Working with Domain Value Maps"
■ Cross References
– Chapter 10, "Working with Cross References"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
4 XSLT Mapper and Transformations

This chapter describes features of the XSLT Mapper. The XSLT Mapper enables you to
create data transformations between source schema elements and target schema
elements in either Oracle BPEL Process Manager or Oracle Mediator. This chapter
provides step-by-step instructions for mapping a sample purchase order schema to an
invoice schema.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 4.1, "Introduction to the XSLT Mapper"
■ Section 4.2, "Creating an XSL Map File"
■ Section 4.3, "Using the XSLT Mapper"
■ Section 4.4, "Testing the Map"
■ Section 4.5, "Use Case for Transformation"

4.1 Introduction to the XSLT Mapper

You use the XSLT Mapper transformation tool to create the contents of a map file.
Figure 4–1 shows the layout of the XSLT Mapper.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-1

Introduction to the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–1 Layout of the XSLT Mapper

The Source and the Target schemas are represented as trees and the nodes in the trees
are represented using a variety of icons. The displayed icon reflects the schema or
property of the node. For example:
■ An XSD attribute is denoted with an icon that is different from an XSD element
■ An optional element is represented with an icon that is different from a mandatory
■ A repeating element is represented with an icon that is different from a
nonrepeating element, and so on
The various properties of the element and attribute are displayed in the Property
Inspector in the lower right of Figure 4–1 (for example, type, cardinality, and so on).
The Component Palette in the upper right of Figure 4–1 is the container for all
functions provided by the XSLT Mapper. The mapper pane or canvas is the actual
drawing area for dropping functions and connecting them to source and target nodes.
When an XSLT map is first created, the target tree shows the element and attribute
structure of the target XSD. An XSLT map is created by inserting XSLT constructs and
XPath expressions into the target tree at appropriate positions. When executed, the
XSLT Mapper generates the appropriate elements and attributes in the target XSD.
Editing can be done in design view or source view. When a map is first created, you
are in design view. Design view provides a graphical display and enables editing of
the map. To see the text representation of the XSLT being created, switch to source
view. To switch views, click the Source or Design tabs at the bottom of the mapper
While in design view, the following pages from the Component Palette can be used:
■ General — Commonly used XPath functions and XSLT constructs
■ Advanced — More advanced XPath functions such as database and
cross-reference functions

4-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the XSLT Mapper

■ User Defined — User-defined functions and templates

■ All Pages — Provides a view of all functions together in one page
■ My Components — Contains user favorites and recently-used functions. To add a
function to your favorites, right-click the function in the Component Palette and
select Add to Favorites.
While in source view, the XML and the pages
can be used.
The XSLT Mapper provides three separate context sensitive menus:
■ One in the source panel
■ One in the target panel
■ One in the mapper pane or canvas in the middle
Right-click each of the three separate panels to see what the context menus look like. A
full set of Undo Auto Map, Redo, Delete, and Delete All functions are also available.
By default, design view shows all defined prefixes for all nodes in the source and
target trees. You can elect not to display prefixes by selecting Hide Prefixes from
context menu on the center canvas. Once prefixes are hidden, select Show Prefixes to
display them again.

4.1.1 Overview of XSLT Creation

It is important to understand how design view representation of the map relates to the
generated XSLT in source view. This section provides a brief example.
After creating an initial map as described in Section 4.2, "Creating an XSL Map File" on
page 4-6, the mapper displays a graphical representation of the source and target
schemas, as shown in Figure 4–2.

Figure 4–2 Source and Target Schemas

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-3

Introduction to the XSLT Mapper

At this point, no target fields are mapped. Switching to source view displays an empty
XSLT map. XSLT statements are built graphically in design view, and XSLT text is then
generated. For example, design view mapping is shown in Figure 4–3.

Figure 4–3 Design View Mapping

The design view results in the generation of the following XSLT statements in source
■ The OrderDate attribute from the source tree is linked with a line to the
InvoiceDate attribute in the target tree in Figure 4–3. This results in a value-of
statement in the XSLT, as shown in Example 4–1.

Example 4–1 value-of Statement

<xsl:attribute name="InvoiceDate">
<xsl:value-of select="/ns0:PurchaseOrder/@OrderDate"/>

■ The First and Last name fields from the source tree in Figure 4–3 are concatenated
together using an XPath concat function. The result is linked to the Name field in
the target tree. This results in the XSLT statement shown in Example 4–2:

Example 4–2 concat Function

<xsl:value-of select="concat(/ns0:PurchaseOrder/ShipTo/Name/First,

■ Note the inserted XSLT for-each construct in the target tree in Figure 4–3. For each
HighPriorityItems/Item in the source tree, a ShippedItems/Item element is
created in the target tree and ProductName and Quantity are copied for each. The
XSLT shown in Example 4–3 is generated:

4-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the XSLT Mapper

Example 4–3 for-each Construct

<xsl:value-of select="ProductName"/>
<xsl:value-of select="Quantity"/>

The line linking Item in the source tree to the for-each construct in the target tree
in Figure 4–3 determines the XPath expression used in the for-each select attribute.
In general, XSLT constructs have a select or test attribute that is populated by an
XPath statement typically referencing a source tree element.
Note that the XPath expressions in the value-of statements below the for-each
construct are relative to the XPath referenced in the for-each. In general, the XSLT
Mapper creates relative paths within for-each statements.
If you need to create an absolute path within a for-each construct, you must do
this within source view. When switching back to design view, it is remembered
that the path is absolute and the mapper does not modify it.
The entire XSLT map generated for this example is shown in Example 4–4:

Example 4–4 Entire XSLT Map

<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:attribute name="InvoiceDate">
<xsl:value-of select="/ns0:PurchaseOrder/@OrderDate"/>
<xsl:value-of select="concat
<xsl:for-each select="/ns0:PurchaseOrder/Items/HighPriorityItems/Item">
<xsl:value-of select="ProductName"/>
<xsl:value-of select="Quantity"/>

Subsequent sections of this chapter describe how to link source and target
elements, add XSLT constructs, and create XPath expressions in design view.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-5

Creating an XSL Map File

4.1.2 Guidelines for Using the XSLT Mapper

■ A node in the target tree can be linked only once (that is, you cannot have two
links connecting a node in the target tree).
■ An incomplete function and expression does not result in an XPath expression in
source view. If you switch from design view to source view with one or more
incomplete expressions, the Mapper Messages window displays warning
■ When you map duplicate elements in the XSLT Mapper, the style sheet becomes
invalid and you cannot work in the Design view. The Log Window shows the
following error messages when you map an element with a duplicate name:
Error: This Node is Already Mapped :
Error: This Node is Already Mapped :
Error: This Node is Already Mapped :

The workaround is to give each element a unique name.

4.2 Creating an XSL Map File

Transformations are performed in an XSL map file in which you map source schema
elements to target schema elements. This section describes methods for creating the
XSL map file:
■ Section 4.2.1, "How to Create an XSL Map File in Oracle BPEL Process Manager"
■ Section 4.2.2, "How to Create an XSL Map File from Imported Source and Target
Schema Files in Oracle BPEL Process Manager"
■ Section 4.2.3, "How to Create an XSL Map File in Oracle Mediator"

Note: You can also create an XSL map file from an XSL stylesheet.
Click New > General > XML > XSL Map From XSL Stylesheet from
the File main menu in Oracle JDeveloper.

4.2.1 How to Create an XSL Map File in Oracle BPEL Process Manager
A transform activity enables you to create a transformation using the XSLT Mapper in
Oracle BPEL Process Manager. This tool enables you to map one or more source
elements to target elements. For example, you can map incoming source purchase
order schema data to outgoing invoice schema data.
1. Drag and drop a transform activity from the Component Palette into your BPEL
process diagram. Figure 4–4 provides an example.

4-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an XSL Map File

Figure 4–4 Transform Activity

2. Double-click the transform activity.

The Transform dialog shown in Figure 4–5 appears.

Figure 4–5 Transform Dialog

3. Specify the following information:

■ Source variable from which to map elements
■ Source part of the variable (for example, a payload schema consisting of a
purchase order request) from which to map. You can select multiple source

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-7

Creating an XSL Map File

variables. These variables can be in a single schema file or in multiple schema

■ Target variable to which to map elements
■ Target part of the variable (for example, a payload schema consisting of an
invoice) to which to map
4. Specify a map file name or accept the default name in the Mapper File field. The
map file is the file in which you create your mappings using the XSLT Mapper
transformation tool.
5. Click the magic wand icon (second icon) to create a new mapping. If the file
already exists, click the note pad icon (third icon) to edit the mapping.
The XSLT Mapper appears.
6. Go to Section 4.1, "Introduction to the XSLT Mapper" on page 4-1 for an overview
of using the XSLT Mapper.

4.2.2 How to Create an XSL Map File from Imported Source and Target Schema Files in
Oracle BPEL Process Manager

Note: If you select a file with a.xslt extension such as

xform.xslt, it opens the mapper pane to create a new XSL file
named xform.xslt.xsl, even though your intension was to use the
existing xform.xslt file. A .xsl extension is appended to any file
that does not already have a .xsl extension, and you must create the
mappings in the new file. As a workaround, ensure that your files first
have an extension of .xsl. If the XSL file has an extension of .xslt,
then rename it to .xsl.

The following steps provide a high level overview of how to create an XSL map in
Oracle BPEL Process Manager using a po.xsd and invoice.xsd file.
1. In Oracle JDeveloper, select the application project in which you want to create the
new XSL map.
2. Import the po.xsd and invoice.xsd files into the project (for example, by
right-clicking Schemas and selecting Import Schemas in the Structure section of
Oracle JDeveloper).
3. Right-click the selected project and select New.
The New Gallery window appears.
4. In the Categories tree, expand General and select XML.
5. In the Items list, double-click XSL Map.
The Create XSL Map File window appears. This window enables you to create an
XSL map file that maps a root element of a source schema file or WSDL file to a
root element of a target schema file or WSDL file.
– Schema files that have been added to the project appear under Project
Schema Files.
– Schema files that are not part of the project can be imported using the
Import Schema File facility. Click the Import Schema File icon (first icon
to the right and above the list of schema files).

4-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an XSL Map File

6. Enter a name for the XSL map file in the File Name field.
7. Under Source, expand Project Schema Files > po.xsd > PurchaseOrder as the root
element for the source.
8. Under Target, expand Project Schema files > invoice.xsd > Invoice as the root
element for the target. Figure 4–6 provides an example.

Figure 4–6 Expanded Target Section

9. Click OK.
A new XSL map is created, as shown in Figure 4–7.

Figure 4–7 New XSL Map

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-9

Creating an XSL Map File

10. Save and close the file now or begin to design your transformation. Information on
using the XSLT Mapper is provided in Section 4.1, "Introduction to the XSLT
Mapper" on page 4-1.
11. Drag and drop a transform activity from the Component Palette into your BPEL
12. Double-click the transform activity.

13. Specify the following information:

■ Source variable from which to map elements

■ Source part of the variable (for example, a payload schema consisting of a
purchase order request) from which to map
■ Target variable to which to map elements
■ Target part of the variable (for example, a payload schema consisting of an
invoice) to which to map
14. Click the flashlight icon (first icon) to the right of the Mapper File field to browse
for the map file name you specified in Step 6.
15. Click Open.

16. Click OK.

The XSLT Mapper displays your XSL map file.
17. Go to Section 4.1, "Introduction to the XSLT Mapper" on page 4-1 for an overview
of using the XSLT Mapper.

4.2.3 How to Create an XSL Map File in Oracle Mediator

The XSLT Mapper enables you to create an XSL file to transform data from one XML
schema to another in Oracle Mediator. After you define an XSL file, you can reuse it in
multiple routing rule specifications. This section provides an overview of creating a
transformation map XSL file with the XSLT Mapper.
The XSLT Mapper tool is available through the Mediator editor or from the mediator
icon in the Design tab of Oracle JDeveloper. You can either create a new
transformation map or update an existing one.
To launch the XSLT Mapper from the Mediator editor and create or update a data
transformation XSL file, follow these steps:
1. Open the Mediator editor.
2. Open the Routing Rules panel by clicking on the + icon to the left of Routing
The transformation map icon is visible in the routing rules panel.
3. Click the appropriate transformation map icon to the right of the Using
Transformation field shown in Figure 4–8 to open the Transformation Map

4-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an XSL Map File

Figure 4–8 Routing Rules

The appropriate Transformation Map window displays with options for selecting
an existing transformation map (XSL) file or creating a new map file. For example,
if you select the transformation map icon in the Synchronous Reply section, the
dialog shown in Figure 4–9 appears.

Figure 4–9 Reply Transformation Map Dialog

If the routing rule includes a synchronous reply or fault, the Reply Transformation
Map window or Fault Transformation Map window contains the Include Request
in the Reply Payload option. When you enable this option, you can obtain
information from the request message. The request message and the reply and
fault message can consist of multiple parts, meaning you can have multiple source
schemas. Callback and callback timeout transformations can also consist of
multiple parts.
Each message part includes a variable. For a reply transformation, the reply
message includes a schema for the main part (the first part encountered) and an
in.partname variable for each subsequent part. The include request message
includes an initial.partname variable for each part.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-11

Creating an XSL Map File

For example, assume the main reply part is the out1.HoustonStoreProduct

schema and the reply also includes two other parts that are handled as variables,
in.HoustonStoreProduct and in.HoustonStoreProduct2. The request message
includes three parts that are handled as the variables initial.expense,
initial.expense2, and initial.expense3. Figure 4–10 provides an example.

Figure 4–10 Reply Part

4. Choose one of the following options:

■ Use Existing Mapper File and then click the flashlight icon to browse for an
existing mapper file (or accept the default value).
■ Create New Mapper File and then enter a name for the file (or accept the
default value). If the source message in the WSDL file has multiple parts,
variables are used for each part, as mentioned in Step 3. When the target of a
transformation has multiple parts, multiple transformation files map to these
targets. In this case, the mediator’s transformation window has a separate
panel for each target part. For example, here is a request where the target has
three parts:
Figure 4–11 provides an example.

Figure 4–11 Request Transformation Map Dialog

5. Click OK.

4-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

If you chose Create New Mapper File, the XSLT Mapper opens to enable you to
correlate source schema elements to target schema elements.
6. Go to Section 4.1, "Introduction to the XSLT Mapper" on page 4-1 for an overview
of using the XSLT Mapper.
You can directly launch the XSLT Mapper by double-clicking on a data transformation
icon in a mediator icon in the Design tab. If the transformation exists, the XSLT
Mapper opens for you to update the transformation file. If the transformation file has
not been specified yet, the Request Transformation Map window displays and enables
you to create a new transformation file or select an existing transformation map file for

4.3 Using the XSLT Mapper

The following sections describe how to use the XSLT Mapper in Oracle BPEL Process
Manager or Oracle Mediator.
■ Section 4.3.1, "How to Add Additional Sources"
■ Section 4.3.2, "How to Perform a Simple Copy by Linking Nodes"
■ Section 4.3.3, "How to Set Constant Values"
■ Section 4.3.4, "How to Add Functions"
■ Section 4.3.5, "How to Edit XPath Expressions"
■ Section 4.3.6, "How to Add XSLT Constructs"
■ Section 4.3.7, "How to Automatically Map Nodes"
■ Section 4.3.8, "How to View Unmapped Target Nodes"
■ Section 4.3.9, "How to Generate Dictionaries"
■ Section 4.3.10, "How to Create Map Parameters and Variables"
■ Section 4.3.11, "How to Search Source and Target Nodes"
■ Section 4.3.12, "How to Control the Generation of Unmapped Target Elements"
■ Section 4.3.13, "How to Ignore Elements in the XSLT Document"
■ Section 4.3.14, "How to Replace a Schema in the XSLT Mapper"
■ Section 4.3.15, "How to Use Type Substitution in the XSLT Mapper"

4.3.1 How to Add Additional Sources

You can add additional sources to an existing XSLT map. These sources are defined as
global parameters and have schema files defining their structure.
1. Right-click the source panel to display the context menu.
2. Select Add Source.
The Add Source window shown in Figure 4–12 appears.
3. Enter a parameter name for the source (the name can also be qualified by a
namespace and prefix).

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-13

Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–12 Add Source Dialog

4. Click Select in the Source Schema section to select a schema for the new source.
The Type Chooser window appears.
5. Select or import the appropriate schema or WSDL file for the parameter in the
same manner as when creating a new XSLT map. For this example, the Customer
element from the sample customer.xsd file is selected.
6. Click OK.
The schema definition appears in the Source Schema section of the Create Source
as Parameter window.
7. Click OK.
The selected schema is imported and the parameter appears in the source panel
above the main source. The parameter can be expanded as shown in Figure 4–13 to
view the structure of the underlying schema.

Figure 4–13 Expanded Parameter

The parameter can be referenced in XPath expressions by prefacing it with a $. For

example, a parameter named CUST appears as $CUST in an XPath expression.
Nodes under the parameter can also be referenced (for example,

4-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

4.3.2 How to Perform a Simple Copy by Linking Nodes

To copy an attribute or leaf-element in the source to an attribute or leaf-element in the
target, drag and drop the source to the target. For example, copy the element
PurchaseOrder/ID to Invoice/ID and the attribute PurchaseOrder/OrderDate to
Invoice/InvoiceDate, as shown in Figure 4–14.

Figure 4–14 Linking Nodes

4.3.3 How to Set Constant Values

Perform the following steps to set a constant value.
1. Select a node in the target tree.
2. Invoke the context menu by right-clicking the mouse.
3. Select the Set Text menu option.
4. Enter text in the Set Text window (for example, Discount Applied, as shown in
Figure 4–15).
5. Click OK to save the text.
A T icon is displayed next to the node that has text associated with it.
6. If you want to remove the text associated with the node, right click the node to
invoke the Set Text window again. Delete the contents and click OK.

Figure 4–15 Set Text Window

For more information about the fields, see the online Help for the Set Text dialog.

4.3.4 How to Add Functions

In addition to the standard XPath 1.0 functions, the XSLT Mapper provides a number
of prebuilt extension functions and has the ability to support user-defined functions

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-15

Using the XSLT Mapper

and named templates. The extension functions are prefixed with xp20 or orcl and
mimic XPath 2.0 functions.
Perform the following steps to view function definitions and use a function:
1. Select a category of functions (for example, String Functions) from the
Component Palette.
2. Right-click an individual function (for example, lower-case).
3. Select Help. A dialog with a description of the function appears, as shown in
Figure 4–16. You can also click a link at the bottom to access this function’s
description at the World Wide Web Consortium at

Figure 4–16 Description of Function

4. Drag a concat function into the mapper pane. This function enables you to connect
the source parameters from the source tree to the function and the output of the
function to the node on the target tree.
5. Concatenate PurchaseOrder/ShipTo/Name/First and
PurchaseOrder/ShipTo/Name/Last. Place the result in Invoice/ShippedTo/Name
by dragging threads from the first and last names and dropping them on the left
side on the concat function. Also drag a thread from the ShippedTo name and
connect it to the right side on the concat function, as shown in Figure 4–17.

Figure 4–17 Using the Concat Function

4-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper Editing Function Parameters

To edit the parameters of the concat function, double-click the function icon to launch
the Edit Function - concat window. This window enables you to add, remove, and
reorder parameters. If you want to add a new comma parameter so that the output of
the concat function is Last, First, then click Add to add a comma and reorder the
parameters to get this output.

Figure 4–18 Editing Function Parameters

For more information about how to add, remove, and reorder function parameters, see
the online Help for the Edit Function dialog. Chaining Functions

Complex expressions can be built by chaining functions. To remove all leading and
trailing spaces from the output of the above concat function, use the left-trim and
right-trim functions and chain them as shown in the Figure 4–19.
The chaining function can also be defined by dragging and dropping the function to a
connecting link.

Figure 4–19 Chaining Functions

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-17

Using the XSLT Mapper Using Named Templates

Some complicated mapping logic cannot be represented or achieved by visual
mappings. For these situations, named templates are useful. Named templates enable
you to share common mapping logic. You can define the common mapping logic as a
named template and then use it as often as you want.
You can define named templates in two ways:
■ Add the template directly to your XSL map in source view
■ Add the template to an external file that you include in your XSL map
The templates you define appear in the User Defined Named Templates list of the
User Defined page in the Component Palette. You can use named templates in almost
the same way as you use other functions. The only difference is that you cannot link
the output of a named template to a function or another named template; you can only
link its output to a target node in the target tree.
To create named templates, you must be familiar with the XSLT language. See any
XSLT book or visit the following URL for details about writing named templates:

For more information about including templates defined in external files, see
Section, "Including External Templates with xsl:include." Importing User-Defined Functions

Follow these steps to create and use your own functions. All sample documents
mentioned in these steps are found in the following directory:

1. Create an XML extension function configuration file. This file defines the functions
and their parameters. For example, the XML code shown in Example 4–5 is from
the SampleExtensionFunctions.xml file.

Example 4–5 XML Extension Function Configuration File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- converts a value in pounds to kilograms -->
<function name="sample:toKilograms" as="number">
<param name="pounds" as="number"/>

<!-- returns a new string resulting from replacing all

occurrences of oldChar in this string with newChar -->
<function name="sample:replaceChar" as="string">
<param name="inputString" as="string"/>
<param name="oldChar" as="string"/>
<param name="newChar" as="string"/>


This file defines the following sample functions:

4-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

■ replaceChar(inputString, oldChar, newChar) returns a new string

resulting from replacing all occurrences of oldChar with newChar. For
example, replaceChar('_*_','*','_') is '___'.
■ toKilograms(pounds) takes a number in pounds and converts it to kilos.
For example, toKilograms(number('10')) is 4.5359237. You must
convert the toKilograms() input value to a number before calling it.
Observe the following rules in the creation of the XML file:
■ Your functions need a namespace prefix and a namespace. In this sample, they
are sample and
■ For extension functions to work with the Oracle XSLT processor, the function
namespace must start with
■ The last portion of the namespace, in this sample
oracle.sample.SampleExtensionFunctions, must be the fully
qualified name of the Java class that implements the extension functions.
■ The following types are accepted (the as attribute):
– string
– boolean
– number
– node-set
– tree
2. Code and build your functions.
The XSL Mapper extension functions are coded differently then the Oracle BPEL
Process Manager extension functions. Two examples are provided in the file. Example 4–6 provides an example.

Example 4–6 XSL Mapper Extension Functions

package oracle.sample;
This is a sample XSL Mapper User Defined Extension Functions implementation
public class SampleExtensionFunctions
public static Double toKilograms(Double lb)
return new Double(lb.doubleValue()*0.45359237);
public static String replaceChar(String inputString, String oldChar, String
newChar )
return inputString.replace(oldChar.charAt(0), newChar.charAt(0));

3. Copy your JAR file to the JDEV_HOME\jdev\lib\patches directory. This is

required for the implementation of your functions to be part of the Oracle

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-19

Using the XSLT Mapper

JDeveloper class path. For example, to use the sample functions, copy
SampleExtensionFunctions.jar to the patches directory.
4. Go to Tools > Preferences > XSL Map in Oracle JDeveloper and add your
extension function configuration XML file name to the User Defined Extension
Functions Config File field. (For example, to use the sample functions, add
5. Restart Oracle JDeveloper.
New functions appear in the Component Palette under the User Defined page in
the User Defined Extension Functions group. If you are using the sample
functions, replaceChar() and toKilograms() appear under the User Defined page
in the User Defined Extension Functions group when an XSL map is open.
6. If the XSL generated by the XSLT Mapper is to be used by Oracle Application
Server, add the JAR file to the Oracle Application Server class path. For OC4J,
copy the JAR file to the following location:

Note: This path is version dependent.

■ For 11.1.3, copy the JAR file to OC4J_HOME\j2ee\home\applib.
■ For 10.1.2, copy the JAR file to ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_

4.3.5 How to Edit XPath Expressions

To use an XPath expression in a transformation mapping, select the Advanced page
and then the Advanced Function group from the Component Palette and drag and
drop xpath-expression from the list into the transformation window. This is shown in
Figure 4–20.

Figure 4–20 Editing XPath Expressions

When you double-click the icon, the Edit XPath Expression window appears, as shown
in Figure 4–21. You can press the Ctrl key and then the spacebar to invoke the XPath
Building Assistant.

4-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–21 Edit XPath Expression Window

Figure 4–22 shows the XPath Building Assistant.

Figure 4–22 The XPath Building Assistant

For more information about using the XPath Building Assistant, see the online Help
for the Edit XPath Expression dialog.

4.3.6 How to Add XSLT Constructs

While mapping complex schemas, it is sometimes essential to conditionally map a
source node to a target or map a node-set of elements in the source to a node-set of
elements in the target. The XSLT Mapper provides various XSLT constructs.
There are two ways to add XSLT constructs such as for-each, if, or choose to the target
XSLT tree:
■ Through drag and drop
1. Select the General page of the Component Palette and open the XSLT
Constructs group.
2. Drag and drop an XSLT construct from the group onto a node in the target
tree. If the XSLT construct can be applied to the node, it is inserted in the target
tree. Note that the when and otherwise constructs must be applied to a
previously-inserted choose node.
■ Through the context menu on the target tree
1. Right-click the element in the target tree before which you want to insert an
XSLT construct. A context menu is displayed.
2. Select Add XSL Node and then the XSLT construct you want to insert.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-21

Using the XSLT Mapper

The XSLT construct is inserted. In most cases, an error icon initially appears next to the
construct. This indicates that the construct requires an XPath expression to be defined
for it.
In the case of the for-each construct, for example, an XPath expression defines the
node set over which the for-each statement loops. In the case of the if construct, the
XPath expression defines a Boolean expression that is evaluated to determine if the
contents of the if construct are executed.
The XPath expression can be created in the same manner as mapping elements and
attributes in the target tree. In previous sections, the following methods for mapping
elements and attributes were described:
■ Creating a simple copy by linking nodes
■ Adding functions
■ Adding XPath expressions
Each of these methods creates an underlying XPath expression in the XSLT. You can
perform all of these methods on XSLT constructs in the target tree to set their XPath
The following sections describe specific steps for inserting each supported XSLT
■ Section, "Using Conditional Processing with xsl:if"
■ Section, "Using Conditional Processing with xsl:choose"
■ Section, "Creating Loops with xsl:for-each"
■ Section, "Copying Nodes with xsl:copy-of"
■ Section, "Including External Templates with xsl:include" Using Conditional Processing with xsl:if

Note that HQAccount and BranchAccount are part of a choice in the PurchaseOrder
schema; only one of them exists in an actual instance. To illustrate conditional
mapping, copy PurchaseOrder/HQAccount/AccountNumber to
Invoice/BilledToAccount/AccountNumber, only if it exists. To do this:
1. Select Invoice/BilledToAccount/AccountNumber in the target tree and right-click
to bring up the context sensitive menu.
2. Select Add XSL Node > if and connect
PurchaseOrder/HQAccount/AccountNumber to Invoice/BilledToAccount/if.
3. Connect PurchaseOrder/HQAccount/AccountNumber to
Figure 4–23 shows the results.

4-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–23 Conditional Processing with xsl:if Using Conditional Processing with xsl:choose

You can copy PurchaseOrder/HQAccount/AccountNumber to
Invoice/BilledToAccount/AccountNumber, if it exists. Otherwise, copy
PurchaseOrder/BranchAccount to Invoice/BilledToAccount/AccountNumber as
1. Select Invoice/BilledToAccount/AccountNumber in the target tree and right-click
to bring up the context sensitive menu.
2. Select Add XSL Node > choose and connect
PurchaseOrder/HQAccount/AccountNumber to
Invoice/BilledToAccount/choose/when to define the condition.
3. Connect PurchaseOrder/HQAccount/AccountNumber to
4. Select XSL Add Node > choose in the target tree and right-click to bring up the
context sensitive menu.
5. Select Add XSL node > otherwise from the menu.
6. Connect PurchaseOrder/BranchAccount/AccountNumber to
Figure 4–24 shows the results.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-23

Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–24 Conditional Processing with xsl:choose Creating Loops with xsl:for-each

The XSLT Mapper enables you to create loops with the xsl:for-each command. For
example, copy PurchaseOrder/Items/HighPriorityItems/Item to
Invoice/ShippedItems/Item as follows:
1. Select Invoice/ShippedItems/Item in the target tree and right-click to bring up the
context sensitive menu.
2. Select Add XSL Node > for-each and connect
PurchaseOrder/Items/HighPriorityItems/Item to Invoice/ShippedItems/for-each
to define the iteration.
3. Connect PurchaseOrder/Items/HighPriorityItems/Item/ProductName to
4. Connect PurchaseOrder/Items/HighPriorityItems/Item/Quantity to
5. Connect PurchaseOrder/Items/HighPriorityItems/Item/USPrice to
Figure 4–25 shows the results.

Figure 4–25 Creating Loops with xsl:for-each

Note: Executing an auto map automatically inserts xsl:for-each. To

see the auto map in use, drag and drop
PurchaseOrder/Items/LowPriorityItems to Invoice/UnShippedItems;
for-each is automatically created.

4-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper Cloning xsl:for-each

You can create additional loops by cloning an existing xsl:for-each. For example, copy
all LowPriorityItems to ShippedItems, in addition to HighPriorityItems, as follows:
1. Select for-each under Invoice/ShippedItems.
2. Right-click and select Add XSL Node > Clone ’for-each’.
This inserts a copy of the for-each node below the original for-each.
3. Drag PurchaseOrder/Items/LowPriorityItems/Item to the copied for-each to
define the iteration.
4. Connect PurchaseOrder/Items/LowPriorityItems/Item/ProductName to
Item/ProductName in the copied for-each.
5. Connect PurchaseOrder/Items/LowPriorityItems/Item/Quantity to
Item/Quantity in the copied for-each.
6. Connect PurchaseOrder/Items/LowPriorityItems/Item/USPrice to
Item/PriceCharged in the copied for-each. Copying Nodes with xsl:copy-of

You may need to use the XSLT copy-of command to copy a node, along with any child
nodes, from the source to the target tree. This is typically done when working with
anyType or any element nodes.
Insert a copy-of command as follows:
1. Select the node in the target tree to be created by the copy-of command.
2. Right-click the node and select Add XSL Node > copy-of.
If the node is not an any element node, a window appears requesting you to either
replace the selected node or replace the children of the selected node.
3. Select the correct option for your application and click OK.
If you select Replace the selected node with the copy-of, a processing directive is
created immediately following the copy-of in the XSL indicating which node is
replaced by the copy-of. Without the processing directive in the XSL, the
conversion back to design view is interpreted incorrectly. For this reason, do not
remove or edit this processing instruction while in source view.
4. Set the source node for the copy-of by dragging and dropping from the source tree
or by creating an XPath expression.

Note: Always create the copy-of command in design view so that

the correct processing directive can be created in the XSLT Mapper to
indicate the correct placement of the copy-of command in the target

WARNING: The XSLT Mapper does not currently validate the

mapping of data performed through use of the copy-of command.
You must ensure that copy-of is used to correctly map elements to
the target tree so that the target XML document contains valid data.
You can test the validity by using the test tool.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-25

Using the XSLT Mapper Including External Templates with xsl:include

You can reuse templates that are defined in external XSL files by including them in the
current map with an include statement.
Insert an include statement as follows:
1. Select and then right-click the root node of the target tree.
2. Select Add Include File from the menu.
A window prompts you for the include file name.
3. Select the file and click OK.
The file is copied to the same project directory as the existing map file. A relative
path name is created for it and the include statement instruction is inserted in the
target tree.
The include file can only contain named template definitions. These are parsed
and available to you in design view of the Component Palette under the User
Defined Named Templates category in the User Defined page.

4.3.7 How to Automatically Map Nodes

Mapping nonleaf nodes starts the auto map feature. The system automatically tries to
link all relevant nodes under the selected source and target. Try the auto map feature
by mapping PurchaseOrder/ShipTo/Address to Invoice/ShippedTo/Address. All
nodes under Address are automatically mapped, as shown in Figure 4–26.

Figure 4–26 Auto Mapping

The behavior of the auto map can be tuned by altering the settings in Oracle
JDeveloper preferences or by right-clicking the transformation window and selecting
Auto Map Preferences. This displays the window shown in Figure 4–27.

4-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–27 Auto Map Preferences

This window enables you to customize your auto mapping as follows:

■ Invoke the automatic mapping feature, which attempts to automatically link all
relevant nodes under the selected source and target. When disabled, you must
individually map relevant nodes.
■ Display and review all potential source-to-target mappings detected by the XSLT
Mapper, and then confirm to create them.
■ Be prompted to customize the auto map preferences before the auto map is
■ Select the Basic or Advanced method for automatically mapping source and target
nodes. This enables you to customize how the XSLT Mapper attempts to
automatically link all relevant nodes under the selected source and target.
■ Manage your dictionaries. The XSLT Mapper uses the rules defined in a dictionary
when attempting to automatically map source and target elements.
For more information on the fields, see the online Help for the Auto Map
Preferences window.
Follow these instructions to see potential source mapping candidates for a target node.
1. Right-click the target node and select Show Matches.
2. Click OK in the Auto Map Preferences window.
The Auto Map window appears, as shown in Figure 4–28.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-27

Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–28 Auto Mapping Candidates

For more information on the fields, see the online Help for the Auto Map dialog. Using Auto Mapping with Confirmation

When the Confirm Auto Map Results check box shown in Figure 4–27 is selected, a
confirmation window appears. If matches are found, the potential source-to-target
mappings detected by the XSLT Mapper are displayed, as shown in Figure 4–29. The
window enables you to filter one or more mappings.

4-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–29 Auto Map with Confirmation

For more information about the fields, see the online Help for the Auto Map dialog.

4.3.8 How to View Unmapped Target Nodes

You can view a list of target nodes that are currently unmapped to source nodes.
1. Right click in the mapper pane and select Completion Status.
This window provides statistics at the bottom about the number of unmapped
target nodes. This window enables you to identify and correct any unmapped
nodes before you test your transformation mapping logic on the Test XSL Map
2. Select a target node in the list. The node is highlighted. A check mark indicates
that the target node is required to be mapped. If not required, the check box is
Figure 4–30 provides an example of the Completion Status window.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-29

Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–30 Completion Status

4.3.9 How to Generate Dictionaries

A dictionary is an XML file that captures the synonyms for mappings. You can reuse
these mapping definitions. For example, you may want to map a purchase order to a
purchase order acknowledgment, then reuse most of the mapping definitions later.
1. Right-click the mapper pane and select Generate Dictionary. This prompts you
for the dictionary name and the directory in which to place the dictionary. The
XSLT Mapper uses the rules defined in the dictionary when attempting to
automatically map source and target elements.
2. Build all the mapping logic for the purchase order and purchase order
3. Generate a dictionary for the created map.
4. Create a new map using a different purchase order and purchase order
5. Load the previously created dictionary by selecting Preferences > XSL Maps >
Auto Map in the Tools main menu of Oracle JDeveloper.
6. Perform an automatic mapping from the purchase order to the purchase order

4.3.10 How to Create Map Parameters and Variables

You can create map parameters and variables. You create map parameters in the
source tree and map variables in the target tree.
Note the following issues:
■ Parameters are created in the source tree, are global, and can be used anywhere in
the mappings.

4-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

■ Variables are created in the target tree, and are either global or local. Where they
are defined in the target tree determines if they are global or local.
– Global variables are defined immediately below the <target> node and
immediately above the actual target schema (for example, POAcknowledge).
Right-click on the <target> node to create a global variable.
– Local variables are defined on a specific node below the actual target schema
(for example, subnode name on schema POAcknowledge). Local variables
can have the same name provided they are in different scopes. Local variables
can only be used in their scopes, while global variables can be used anywhere
in the mappings. Creating a Map Parameter

1. Right-click the source tree root and select Add Parameter.
The Add Parameter window shown in Figure 4–31 appears.
2. Specify details for the parameter. For this example, a parameter named discount
with a numeric default value of 0.0 is added.

Figure 4–31 Add Parameter Dialog

3. Click OK. Creating a Map Variable

1. Right-click the target tree root or any node in the target tree and select Add
The Add Variable window shown in Figure 4–32 appears.
2. Specify details.
Since variables appear in the target tree, their XPath expression can be set in the
same manner as other XSLT constructs in the target tree after inserting the
variable. Therefore, the only required information in this window is a name for the
variable. If you want to set content for the variable, you must do it through this

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-31

Using the XSLT Mapper

window. Content is handled differently from the XSLT select attribute on the

Figure 4–32 Add Variable Dialog

3. Click OK.
The variable is added to the target tree at the position selected.
The variable initially has a warning icon beside it. This indicates that its select
XPath statement is undefined. Define the XPath through linking a source node,
creating a function, or defining an explicit XPath expression as done for other
target elements and XSLT constructs.

4.3.11 How to Search Source and Target Nodes

You can search source and target nodes. For example, you can search in a source node
named invoice for all occurrences of the subnode named price.
1. Right-click a source or target node. Figure 4–33 shows the Find Node dialog.
2. Enter a keyword for which to search.
3. Specify additional details, as necessary. For example:
■ Select Search Annotations if you want annotations text to also be searched.
■ Specify the scope of the search. You can search the entire source or target tree,
search starting from a selected position, or search within a selected subtree.

4-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper

Figure 4–33 Find Node Dialog

The first match found is highlighted, and the Find window closes. If no matches
are found, a message displays on-screen.
4. Select the F3 key to find the next match in the direction specified. To search in the
opposite direction, select the Shift and F3 keys.

Note: You cannot search on functions or text values set with the Set
Text option.

4.3.12 How to Control the Generation of Unmapped Target Elements

There are three options for controlling the generation of empty elements in the target
■ Do not generate unmapped nodes (default option).
■ Generate empty nodes for all unmapped target nodes.
■ Generate empty nodes for all required unmapped target nodes.
Set these options as follows:
■ At the global level — Select Tools > Preferences > XSL Maps. The global setting
applies only when a map is created.
■ At the map level — Select XSL Generation Options from the map context menu.
Each map can then be set independently by setting the options at the map level.

4.3.13 How to Ignore Elements in the XSLT Document

When the XSLT Mapper encounters any elements in the XSLT document that cannot be
found in the source or target schema, it is unable to process them and displays an
Invalid Source Node Path error. XSL map generation fails. You can create and
import a file that directs the XSLT Mapper to ignore and preserve these specific

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-33

Using the XSLT Mapper

elements during XSLT parsing by selecting Preferences > XSL Maps in the Tools main
menu of Oracle JDeveloper.
For example, preprocessing may create elements named myElement and
myOtherElementWithNS that you want the XSLT Mapper to ignore when it creates
the graphical representation of the XSLT document. You create and import a file with
these elements to ignore that includes the following syntax:
<element name="myElement"/>
<element name="myOtherElementWithNS" namespace="NS"/>

You must restart Oracle JDeveloper after importing the file.

4.3.14 How to Replace a Schema in the XSLT Mapper

You can replace the map source schema and map target schema that currently display
in the XSLT Mapper.
1. Right click in either the source or target panel and select Replace Schema.
This opens the Select Source and Target Schema window shown in Figure 4–34,
which enables you to select the new source or target schema to use.

Figure 4–34 Replacing a Schema

4.3.15 How to Use Type Substitution in the XSLT Mapper

The xsi:type attribute in the XML schema instance namespace enables you to
substitute a defined global type for a type used in the target schema if the substituted
type is derived from the type used in a schema element. For example, assume your
XSD file contains the global type definitions shown in Example 4–7:

Example 4–7 XSD File with Global Type Definitions

<complexType name="Address">
<element name="name" type="string"/>
<element name="street" type="string"/>
<element name="city" type="string"/>

4-34 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the XSLT Mapper


<complexType name="USAddress">
<extension base="ipo:Address">
<element name="state" type="string"/>
<element name="zip" type="positiveInteger"/>

<complexType name="UKAddress">
<extension base="ipo:Address">
<element name="postcode" type="string"/>
<attribute name="exportCode" type="positiveInteger" fixed="1"/>

If a schema element is defined to be of type Address, you may substitute USAddress

or UKAddress for that schema element by adding an xsi:type attribute to the
resulting target XML.
You must currently add the specific mappings to the substituted type in source view,
but some features have been added to design view to aid in the process.
To use type substitution in the target schema:
1. Right-click the element in the target schema for which substitution applies.
2. Select Substitute Type from the context menu. The dialog shown in Figure 4–35

Figure 4–35 Substitute Type

3. Select Substitute a type derived from type to display a list of possible global types
for substitution. To remove a substitution, select Make no Substitution. If you
select Make no Substitution, note the following details:
■ If no type was substituted for the base type and this is the first time you are
seeing this window, the behavior is the same as clicking Cancel.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-35

Using the XSLT Mapper

■ If a type was substituted earlier and you are returning to this window, a
warning message appears indicating that if you continue, your mappings are
removed. Click Yes to continue. All mappings under the node are removed
and you can continue from there.
4. Click OK.
The originally-selected element becomes uneditable in design view and appears
grayed out in the tree. The type that is substituted is indicated. For example, the
tree shown in Figure 4–36 indicates that the billTo element, which was defined as
the Address type, has now been substituted with the USAddress type.

Figure 4–36 billTo Element Substituted with USAddress Type

5. Switch to source view and note that the code shown in Example 4–8 appears for
the billTo element:

Example 4–8 billTo Element Code

<xsl:attribute name="xsi:type">
<xsl:value-of select="'ipo:USAddress'"/>
<!--Add custom mapping below-->

6. Add your own mapping code below the comment. Example 4–9 provides an

Example 4–9 Mapping Code

<xsl:attribute name="xsi:type">
<xsl:value-of select="'ipo:USAddress'"/>
<!--Add custom mapping below-->
<xsl:value-of select="/ipo:purchaseOrder/billTo/name"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/ipo:purchaseOrder/billTo/street"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/ipo:purchaseOrder/billTo/city"/>
<xsl:value-of select="/ipo:purchaseOrder/billTo/state"/>

4-36 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Testing the Map

<xsl:value-of select="/ipo:purchaseOrder/billTo/zip"/>

7. Switch back to design view. Your code is preserved, and not removed. However,
the code is only editable in source view.
Note that no features are provided to perform type substitution on the source schema.
However, it is possible to create an XPath statement referencing nodes in the source
tree that are not defined in the XSD. This XPath should not create an error, but should
be kept as a constant XPath expression. An XPath of this type can be created using the
xpath-expression function under the Advanced page/Advanced Function group of
the Component Palette.

4.4 Testing the Map

The XSLT Mapper provides a test tool to test the style sheet or map. The test tool can
be invoked by selecting the Test menu item, as shown in Figure 4–37.

Figure 4–37 Invoking the Test Window

4.4.1 How to Test the Transformation Mapping Logic

The Test XSL Map window shown in Figure 4–38 enables you to test the
transformation mapping logic you designed with the XSLT Mapper. The test settings
you specify are stored and do not need to be entered again the next time you test. Test
settings must be entered again if you close and reopen Oracle JDeveloper.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-37

Testing the Map

Figure 4–38 Test XSL Map Window

1. Choose to allow a sample source XML file to be generated for testing or click
Browse to specify a different source XML file in the Source XML File field.
When you click OK, the source XML file is validated. If validation passes,
transformation occurs, and the target XML file is created.
If validation fails, no transformation occurs and a message displays on-screen.
2. Select the Generate Source XML File check box to create a sample XML file based
on the map source XSD schema.
3. Select the Show Source XML File check box to display the source XML files for
the test. The source XML files display in an Oracle JDeveloper XML editor.
If the map has defined parameters, the Parameters With Schema or Parameters
Without Schema tables can appear.
a. If the Parameters With Schema table appears, you can specify an input XML
file for the parameter using the Browse button. Select the Generate File check
box if you want to generate a file.
b. If the Parameters Without Schema table appears, you can specify a value by
selecting the Specify Value check box and making appropriate edits to the
Type and Value columns.
4. Enter a file name in the Target XML File field or browse for a file name in which to
store the resulting XML document from the transformation.
5. Select the Show Target XML File check box to display the target XML file for the
test. The target XML file displays in an Oracle JDeveloper XML editor.
6. If you select to show both the source and target XML, you can customize the
layout of your XML editors. Select Enable Auto Layout in the upper right corner
and click one of the patterns.

4-38 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Testing the Map

7. Click OK.
The test results shown in Figure 4–39 appear.
For this example, the source XML and target XML display side-by-side, with the
XSL map underneath (the default setting). Additional source XML files
corresponding to the Parameters With Schema table are displayed as tabs in the
same area as the main source file. You can right-click an editor and select Validate
XML to validate the source or target XML against the map source or target XSD

Figure 4–39 Test Results

4.4.2 How to Generate Reports

You can generate an HTML report with the following information:
■ XSL map file name, source and target schema file names, their root element names,
and their root element namespaces
■ Target document mappings
■ Target fields not mapped (including mandatory fields)
■ Sample transformation map execution
Follow these instructions to generate a report.
1. Right-click the transformation window and select Generate Report.
The Generate Report window appears in the transformation window, as shown in
Figure 4–40. Note that if the map has defined parameters, the appropriate
parameter tables appear.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-39

Testing the Map

Figure 4–40 The Generate Report Window

For more information about the fields, see the online Help for the Generate Report
dialog. Correcting Memory Errors When Generating Reports

If you attempt to generate a report and receive an out-of-memory error, increase the
heap size of the JVM as follows:
1. Open the JDev_Oracle_Home\jdev\bin\jdev.conf file.
2. Go to the following section:
# Set the maximum heap to 512M
AddVMOption -Xmx512M

3. Increase the size of the heap as follows (for example, to 1024):

AddVMOption -Xmx1024M

In addition, you can also unselect the Open Report option on the Generate Report
window before generating the report.

4.4.3 How to Customize Sample XML Generation

You can customize sample XML generation by specifying the following parameters.
Select Preferences > XSL Maps in the Tools main menu of Oracle JDeveloper to
display the Preferences window.
■ Number of repeating elements
Specifies how many occurrences of an element are created if the element has the
attribute maxOccurs set to a value greater than 1. If the specified value is greater

4-40 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Use Case for Transformation

than the value of the maxOccurs attribute for a particular element, the number of
occurrences created for that particular element is the maxOccurs value, not the
specified number.
■ Generate optional elements
If selected, any optional element (its attribute minOccurs set to a value of 0) is
generated the same way as any required element (its attribute minOccurs set to a
value greater than 0).
■ Maximum depth
To avoid the occurrence of recursion in sample XML generation caused by
optional elements, specify a maximum depth in the XML document hierarchy tree
beyond which no optional elements are generated.

4.5 Use Case for Transformation

Transformation use is demonstrated in several use cases.

Note: The XSLMapper tutorial demonstrated in this chapter is not

included in the file for beta 2.

Beta Draft XSLT Mapper and Transformations 4-41

Use Case for Transformation

4-42 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Getting Started with Oracle Mediator

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Mediator and describes how to create an
Oracle Mediator service component by using a service invocation or an event
subscription as entry point.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Introduction to Oracle Mediator
■ Overview of Mediator Designer Environment
■ Creating a Mediator Component
■ Generating a WSDL File
■ Specifying Operation or Event Subscription Properties
■ Modifying a Mediator component
■ Deleting a Mediator component

5.1 Introduction to Oracle Mediator

Oracle Mediator provides a lightweight framework to mediate between various
producers and consumers of services and events. In most business environments,
customer data resides in disparate sources including business partners, legacy
applications, enterprise applications, databases, and custom applications. The
challenge of integrating this data can be met by using Oracle Mediator to deliver
appropriate real-time data access to all applications that update or have a common
interest in the same data. For example, an Oracle Mediator service component
(mediator component) can accept data contained in a text file from an application or
service, transform it to a format appropriate for updating a database that serves as a
customer repository, and then route and deliver the data to that database.
Oracle Mediator facilitates integration between events and services where services
invocations and events can be mixed and matched. You can use a mediator component
to consume a business event or to receive a service invocation. A mediator component
can evaluate routing rules, perform transformations, validate, and either invokes
another service or raises another business event. You can use a mediator component to
handle returned responses, callbacks, faults, and timeouts. In addition, you can also
implement a variety of integration patterns such as service virtualization, publish and
subscribe, fan-in, and fan-out and various synchronous and asynchronous request
response patterns.

Beta Draft 1
5.2 Overview of Mediator Designer Environment
You can create a Mediator component in the SOA Composite Application of Oracle
JDeveloper and then design it by using the Mediator Editor, which is displayed, when
you double-click a Mediator component in SOA Composite Editor.

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

information about SOA Composite Editor.

Figure 5–1 shows the Mediator Editor along with Application Navigator, Structure,
and Messages windows.

Figure 5–1 Mediator Design Window

Each section of the view shown in Figure 5–1 enables you to perform specific design
and deployment tasks. The following list describes these sections and their
■ Application Navigator
The Application Navigator shown in the upper left part of Figure 5–1 displays the
Mediator component files. Figure 5–2 shows the files that appear under the SOA
Content folder when you create a Mediator component in a SOA Composite

2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 5–2 Mediator Files in Application Navigator

As shown in Figure 5–2, a SOA Composite application consists of the following

Mediator files:
– Composite.xml: The file that describes the entire SOA composite

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

specific details about this file.

– CustomerDataRouter.componentType: The.componentType file

describes the services and references for a service component.
– CustomerDataRouter.mplan: The.mplan file contains Mediator metadata.
– CustomerDataRouter.wsdl: A Web Service Description File (WSDL) file
specifies how other services call a Mediator. A WSDL file defines the input
and output messages and operations of a mediator.
■ Mediator Editor
The Mediator Editor, shown in the middle of Figure 5–1, provides a visual view of
the Mediator component that you have created. This view is displayed when you
perform one of the following actions:
– Double-click a Mediator component in the SOA Composite Editor.
– Double-click the.mplan file name in the Application Navigator.
■ Source View
The Source View enables you to view the source code of a Mediator component.
Click Source at the bottom of the Design window shown in Figure 5–1 to view to
source code. The code in the source view is immediately updated to reflect the
changes in a Mediator.
The following example shows a sample Mediator component source code:
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<!--Generated by Oracle SCA Modeler version 1.0 at [4/16/07 10:05 PM].-->
<Mediator name="CustomerDataRouter"

■ History Window
The History window enables you to perform tasks as viewing the revision history
of a file and viewing read-only and editable versions of a file side-by-side. Click

Beta Draft 3
History at the bottom of the Design window shown in Figure 5–1 to open the
History window. Figure 5–3 shows the History view for a Mediator component

Figure 5–3 History Window

■ Property Inspector
The Property Inspector shown at the bottom of Figure 5–1 enables you to view
details about Mediator component properties.
■ Structure Window
The Structure Window shown in the lower left part of Figure 5–1 provides a
structural view of the data of a Mediator component.
■ Log Window
The Log Window displays messages about the status of validation and

5.3 Creating a Mediator Component

You can create a Mediator component in a SOA Composite application of Oracle
JDeveloper by using one of the following methods:
■ By dragging and dropping a Mediator component component from the
Component Palette.
■ By selecting Composite with Mediator component in the Create SOA Composite
dialog or Create SOA Project dialog.
■ By selecting Service Components from Categories and Mediator from Items in the
New Gallery dialog.
Each method opens the Create Mediator dialog where you specify the name of the
Mediator component and select a template. A template provides a basic set of default
files with which you can begin designing your Mediator.

5.3.1 Creating a Medator Component Without Interface Definition

You can create an empty Mediator component with no interface definition. This
provides you the flexibility to create the SCA components in the order you want.For

4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

example, you can create a Mediator componentt irst and then create a service or an
event that will initiate the Mediator component. How to Create a Mediator With No Interface Definition

You can create an empty Mediator component by using the Define Interface Later
template in the Create Mediator dialog.

To create a Mediator with no interface definition:

1. Drag a Mediator component from the SOA list of the Component Palette and drop
it in the Components section of the SOA Composite Editor.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Mediator component.
3. In the Template list, select Define Interface Later and click OK.

5.3.2 Creating a Mediator Based on a WSDL File

You can create a Mediator component based on an existing WSDL file. A WSDL file
describes the interface of a Mediator component such as schemas and operations. How to Create a Mediator based on a WSDL File

You can create a Mediator based on a WSDL file by using the Interface Definition from
WSDL template in the Create Mediator dialog.

To create a Mediator based on a WSDL File Interface:

1. Drag a Mediator component from the SOA list of the Component Palette and drop
it in the Components section of the SOA Composite Editor.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Mediator component.
3. In the Template list, select Interface Definition From WSDL.
4. Deselect the Create Composite Service with SOAP Bindings option if you do not
want to create an exposed service with SOAP bindings that is automatically
connected to your Mediator component.
5. In the WSDL File field, enter name of the WSDL file.
You can either use an existing WSDL file or create a new WSDL file. Click Find
Existing WSDLs to use an existing WSDL file or Generate WSDL From
Schema(s) to create a new WSDL file.
For more information on these options, refer to Section 5.5, "Generating a WSDL
6. In the Port Type list, select a port. Oracle JDeveloper parses the WSDL file that you
specify in the WSDL File field to display the list of port types.
7. In the Callback Port Type list, select a callback port. A callback port is the one to
which response is sent in asynchronous communication.
8. Click OK.

Beta Draft 5
5.3.3 Creating a Mediator with One-Way Interface Definition
A Mediator component supports one-way interaction. In a one-way interaction, the
client sends a message to the service, and the service does not need to reply. How to Create a Mediator with One-Way Interface Definition

You can create a Mediator for a one-way interaction by using the One-Way Interface
template in the Create Mediator dialog.

To create a Mediator with one-way interface definition:

1. Drag a Mediator component from the SOA list of the Component Palette and drop
it in the Components section of the SOA Composite Editor.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Mediator component.
3. In the Template list, select One-Way Interface.
4. Deselect the Create Composite Service with SOAP Bindings option if you do not
want to create an exposed service with SOAP bindings that is automatically
connected to your Mediator component component.
5. Click Search to the right of the Input field to select a schema element for the input
message. By default, singleString schema element is selected for the input
6. Click OK. What Happens When You Create a Mediator Component with One-Way
Interface Definition
A Mediator component for one-way interaction with port types defined for input
message is created. Figure 5–5 shows how a Mediator created with one-way interface
looks like in Mediator Editor. The arrows to the left of the execute operation in
Figure 5–5, represent a one-way operation.

Figure 5–4 One-Way Interface Mediator component in Mediator Editor

5.3.4 Creating a Mediator with Synchornous Interface Definition

A Mediator component supports synchronous request-response interaction. In a
synchronous interaction, a client sends a request to a service and receives an
immediate response. The client does not preceed further until the response arrives.

6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft How to Create a Mediator with Synchronous Interface Definition
You can create a Mediator component for synchronous interaction by using the
Synchronous Interface template in the Create Mediator dialog.

To create a Mediator with synchornous interface definition:

1. Drag a Mediator component from the SOA list of the Component Palette and drop
it in the Components section of the SOA Composite Editor.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Mediator component.
3. In the Template list, select Synchronous Interface.
4. Clear the Create Composite Service with SOAP Bindings option if you do not
want to create an exposed service with SOAP bindings that is automatically
connected to your Mediator component.
5. Click Search to the right of the Input field to select a schema element for the input
message. By default, singleString schema element is selected for the input
6. Click Search to the right of the Output field to select a schema element for the
output message. By default, singleString schema element is selected for the output
7. Click OK. What Happens When You Create a Mediator Component with Synchronous
Interface Definition
A Mediator component with port types defined for request message is created. In a
synchronous interaction, because the response is sent to the same port as request, only
one port is defined. Figure 5–5 shows how a Mediator created with synchronous
interface looks like in Mediator Editor. The arrows to the left of the execute operation
in Figure 5–5, represent a synchronous operation.

Figure 5–5 Synchronous Mediator component in Mediator Editor

5.3.5 Creating a Mediator with Asynchornous Interface Definition

A Mediator component supports asynchronous request-response interaction. In an
asynchronous interaction, a client sends a request to a service but does not block and
wait for a reply.

Beta Draft 7 How to Create a Mediator with Asynchronous Interface Definition
You can create a Mediator for asynchronous interaction by using the Asynchronous
Inteface template in the Create Mediator dialog.

To create a Mediator with asynchornous interface definition:

1. Drag a Mediator component from the SOA list of the Component Palette and drop
it in the Components section of the SOA Composite Editor.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Mediator component.
3. In the Template list, select Asynchronous Interface.
4. Deselect the Create Composite Service with SOAP Bindings option if you do not
want to create an exposed service with SOAP bindings that is automatically
connected to your Mediator component component.
5. Click Search to the right of the Input field to select a schema element for the input
message. By default, singleString schema element is selected for the input
6. Click Search to the right of the Output field to select a schema element for the
output message. By default, singleString schema element is selected for the output
7. Click OK. What Happens When You Create a Mediator Component with Asynchronous
Interface Definition
A Mediator component for asynchronous interaction with port types defined for
request and response message is created. Figure 5–6 shows how a Mediator created
with asynchronous interface looks like in Mediator Editor. The Port Type field displays
the port on which the request message is sent. Callback Port Type displays the port on
which the response is sent. The arrows to the left of the execute operation in
Figure 5–6, represent an asynchronous operation.

Figure 5–6 Asynchronous Mediator component in Mediator Editor

5.3.6 Creating a Mediator for Event Subscription

You can create a Mediator component for subscribing to a business event that is raised
when a situation of interest occurs. A business event consists of message data sent as
the result of an occurrence in a business environment.

8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

See Also: Chapter 8, "Business Events and the Event Delivery
Network" for information about business events. How to Create a Mediator component for Event Subscription

You can create a Mediator for subscribing to events by using the Subscribe to Events
template in the Create Mediator dialog.

To create a Mediator for subscribing to events:

1. Drag a Mediator component from the SOA list of the Component Palette and drop
it in the Components section of the SOA Composite Editor.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter a name for the Mediator component.
3. In the Template list, select Subscribe to Events.
4. Click Add.
The Event Chooser dialog is displayed.
5. Click Search to the right of Event Definition field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
6. Select an event definition file (.edl) and click OK.
The Event field is populated with the events described in the.edl file that you

See Also: Chapter 8, "Business Events and the Event Delivery

Network" for information on how to create.edl files.

7. Select one or more events in the Event field as shown in Figure 5–7, and click OK.

Figure 5–7 Event Chooser Dialog

8. Select a level of delivery consistency for the event.

■ one and only one: A global (JTA) transaction is used for event delivery. If the
event call fails, the transaction is rolled back and the call is retried a
configurable amount of times.
■ guaranteed: A local transaction is used to guarantee delivery. There are no
retries upon failure.

Beta Draft 9
■ immediate: Events are delivered on the same thread and on the same
transaction as the caller.
9. Enter a security role under which an event subscription is run. By default, event
subscription runs under the security of the event publisher $publisher.
10. To filter the event, perform any of the following:

■ Double-click the Filter column of the selected event.

■ Select the event and then click the filter icon (first icon).
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
11. In the Expression field, enter an XPath expression and click OK. Figure 5–8 shows
a sample Expression Builder dialog box.

Figure 5–8 Business Event Filter

The Filter column of the Create Mediator dialog box is populated as shown in
Figure 5–9.

10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 5–9 Create Mediator Dialog with Filter Expression

12. Click OK.

A Mediator component is created as shown in Figure 5–10. An icon on the left side
indicates that Mediator component is configured for an event subscription.

Figure 5–10 Mediator component Created with Subscribe to Events Template

13. Double-click the Mediator component.

The Mediator Editor shown in Figure 5–11 is displayed.

Figure 5–11 Subscribe to Event Mediator component in Mediator Editor

Beta Draft 11
5.4 Defining Interface for an Empty Mediator Component
You can define the interface of an empty mediator by subscribing to events or by
defining services.

5.4.1 Subscribing to Events

To subscribe to events:
1. Double-click the Mediator component in SOA Composite Editor.
The Mediator editor is displayed.
2. Click Add to the right of Event Subscriptions.
The Subscribed Events dialog box is displayed.
3. Click Add.
The Event Chooser dialog box is displayed.
4. Click Search to the right of the Event definition field and select an .edl file.
The Event field is populated with the events defined in the .edl file.
5. Select one or more events and click OK.
6. In the Consistency list, select a level of delivery consistency for the event.
7. In the Run as Roles field, enter a security role under which an event subscription is
8. Double-click the Filter field to specify an expression for filtering the event.
9. Click OK.

See Also: Section 5.3.6, "Creating a Mediator for Event Subscription"

for detailed information about Consistency, Run as Roles, and Filter
fields of an event.

5.4.2 Defining Services for a Mediator component

You can define service for a Mediator component by connecting the Mediator
component to a service through a wire in SOA Composite Editor. The service for a
Mediator component is automatically defined by using the WSDL file from the wire
source. For example, if you connect the ReadFile service shown in Figure 5–12 to the
CustomerDataRouter mediator, then the CustomerDataRouter mediator
automatically inherits the service definition of the ReadFile service.

12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 5–12 Connecting Mediator to a Service

On double-clicking the Mediator Editor would appear as shown in Figure 5–13.

Figure 5–13 Mediator Editor

You can also use the Define Service option in the Mediator Editor to define services for
a mediator component.

Beta Draft 13
To define service for a Mediator component in Mediator Editor:
1. Double-click the Mediator component in SOA Composite Editor.
The Mediator editor is displayed.
2. Click Add to the right of WSDL File.
The Define Service dialog box is displayed, as shown in Figure 5–14.

Figure 5–14 Define Service Dialog

3. Click Find Existing WSDLs to use an existing WSDL file or Generate WSDL
From Schema(s) to create a new WSDL file.

See Also: Section 5.5, "Generating a WSDL File" for information

about how to generate a WSDL file.

4. In the Port type list, select a port.

5. In the Callback Port Type list, select a port for the response mesage in
asynchronous interaction.
6. Click OK.

5.5 Generating a WSDL File

You can generate a WSDL file from an existing XSD file or a file in a native file format
such as a comma-separated value (CSV) file, a fixed-length file, a document type
definition (DTD) file, or a COBOL copybook file.
Oracle JDeveloper uses the schema files to define the request, reply, fault, and callback
messages. You can specify the same or different schema files for the request, response,
fault, and callback messages. Minimally, you must specify the schema for the request
You can generate a WSDL file by using either of the following methods:
■ By using the Generate WSDL from Schema(s) option that is displayed when you
select Interface Definition from WSDL template in the Create Mediator dialog.
■ By using the Generate WSDL from Schema(s) option in the Define Service dialog
that is displayed while defining services for an empty mediator.

14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Each of this method opens the Create WSDL dialog shown in Figure 5–15.

Figure 5–15 Create WSDL Dialog

To generate a WSDL file from an existing XSD file:

1. In the Request tab of the Create WSDL dialog, click Search to access the schema
The Type Chooser dialog is displayed containing a list of the schema files (XSD

Figure 5–16 Type Chooser Dialog

2. Expand the Project Schema Files and Project WSDL Files nodes to locate the
schema that you want to use.
You can also import a schema XSD file or WSDL file into a project by using the
Import Schema File or Import WSDL icons respectively.

Beta Draft 15
Note: If you want to use a schema XSD file that resides on your local
file system, then ensure that the XSD file, and any XSD files that it
imports, all reside in the Oracle JDeveloper project directory.

After you specify a file, Oracle JDeveloper parses it to determine the defined
schema elements and displays them in a list from which you can make a selection.
3. Select the root element of the XSD file and click OK.
4. In the Operation Name field, enter the operation name. For example:
Oracle JDeveloper converts the specified operation into an operation element in
the WSDL file.

Note: Spaces are not allowed in an Operation name.

5. In the Port Type Name field, enter the port name.

6. In the Namespace field, enter a namespace or accept the current value.
For example:
The namespace that you specify is defined as the tns namespace in the WSDL file.
7. In the Reply tab, if entering any information, click Search to access a schema and
then select a schema element.
The Reply tab enables you to specify the schema for a response message in
synchronous communication.
8. In the Fault tab, if entering any information, click Search to access a schema
location and then select a schema element. You cannot specify a fault message
schema, unless you also specify a response.
9. In the Callback tab, if entering any information, click Search to access a schema
and then select a schema element.
The Callback tab enables you to specify the schema for a response message in
asynchronous communication.
10. In the Operation Name field, enter the operation name.
For example: returnQuery
11. In the Port Type Name field, enter the port name to which the response will be
12. Click OK.

Generating the WSDL File Based on a Sample File

The steps for generating a WSDL file from a sample file are similar to steps mentioned
in "To generate a WSDL file from an existing XSD file:". The only difference is that
instead of clicking the Search button in the request, response, fault, and callback tabs
of Create WSDL dialog, you need to click Define Schema for Native Format button.
This opens the Native Format Builder wizard. A WSDL file is generated after you
complete the wizard. If you need assistance on a wizard page, then click Help. You
can also refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Technology Adapters for
information about Native Format Builder wizard.

16 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

5.6 Specifying Operation or Event Subscription Properties
After creating a Mediator component, you can use the Mediator Editor to specify the
following properties of an operation or event subscription.
■ Priority
You can specify the priority of an event or an operation. The priority determines
the order in which the services or events are processed. For example, if two events,
to which a Mediator component is subscribing, are raised at the same time, then
the event with higher priority is processed first.
The priority value can range from 0 to 9. The message with priority 9 has a highest
priority during dequeue. The default priority is set to 4.
■ Validate Syntax (XSD)
You can select this option to validate the schemas of the inbound messages. By
default, validate schema is set to false.

5.7 Modifying a Mediator component

You can modify the operations or event subscriptions of a Mediator component by
using the Mediator Editor.

5.7.1 Modifying Mediator component Operations

Perform the following steps to modify operations of a Mediator component:
1. In Mediator Editor, click the Refresh Operations From WSDL icon to the right of
the WSDL File field.
The Refresh WSDL dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 5–17.

Figure 5–17 Refresh WSDL Dialog

2. Specify a WSDL file in the WSDL File field.

Click Find Existing WSDLs to use an existing WSDL file or Generate WSDL
From Schema(s) to create a new WSDL file.
The Refresh WSDL dialog is updated based on the operations defined in the
specified WSDL file as shown in Figure 5–18.

Beta Draft 17
Figure 5–18 Refresh WSDL Dialog with Updated Operations

3. Click OK.
4. From the File menu, select Save All.

5.7.2 Modifying Mediator component Event Subscriptions

Perform the following steps to modify events subscription of a Mediator component:
1. In Mediator Editor, click the Manage Event Subscriptions icon to the right of the
Event Subscriptions.
The Manage Event Subscriptions dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 5–19.

Figure 5–19 Manage Event Subscriptions Dialog

2. You can perform any one of the following functions:

■ Subscribe to a new event.
■ Unsubscribe from an event.
■ Modify or specify the filter criteria for an event.
■ Modify the Consistency or Run as Roles properties of an event subscription.

18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

See Also: Section 5.3.6, "Creating a Mediator for Event Subscription"
for detailed information about Consistency, Run as Roles, and Filter
fields of an event.

3. Click OK.
4. From the File menu, select Save All.

5.8 Deleting a Mediator component

To delete a Mediator component, perform the following steps:
1. Select the Mediator component in the SOA Composite Editor.
2. Click Delete at the top of SOA Composite Editor tab or right-click the Mediator
component and select Delete.
3. Confirm that you want to delete the selected component.
4. Save your changes.
You can also delete multiple Mediator components in SOA Composite Editor. To do
this, press Ctrl and select the Mediator components that you want to delete and then
click Delete.

Note: Do not delete a Mediator component in the Application


Beta Draft 19
20 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft
Creating Routing Rules

This chapter provides an overview of mediator routing rules and describes how to
specify routing rules for an Oracle Mediator service component (Mediator
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Section 6.1, "Introduction to Routing Rules"
■ Section 6.2, "Defining Routing Rules"
■ Section 6.3, "Creating CustomerRouter Mediator for Routing Messages"

6.1 Introduction to Routing Rules

Oracle Mediator enables you to route data between service consumers and service
providers. As the data flows from service to service, it might need to be transformed.
These two tasks, routing and transformations, are the core responsibilities of the
Oracle Mediator. You can use the routing rules to specify how a message processed by
a Mediator component reaches its next destination. Routing rules specify where a
Mediator component sends the message, how it sends it, and what changes should be
made to the message structure before sending it to the target service.
You can specify routing rules only if a service or an event has been defined for a
Mediator component.

See Also: Chapter 5, "Getting Started with Oracle Mediator" for

information about how to define services or events for a Mediator

When you configure routing rules, you can specify the following details:
■ Target service
The service to which the message should be sent. See Section, "Specifying
Target Service" for more information about how to invoke a target service.
■ Filter expression
The filter expression to be applied. A filter expression specifies that the contents
(payload or headers) of a message be analyzed before any service is invoked. For
example, you might apply a filter expression that specifies that a service be
invoked only if the message includes a customer ID. See Section,
"Specifying Expression for Filtering Messages" for information about how to
specify filter expressions.
■ Execution type

Beta Draft 1
Specify the way in which routing rules are executed. You can specify either of the
following execution types: sequential or parallel.
See Section, "Specifying Sequential or Parallel Execution" for information
about how to specify an execution type.
■ Schematron based validations
Specify the schematron files for validating different parts of an inbound message.
See Section, "Using Semantics Validation" for information about how to
perform schematron based validations.
■ Transformations
Document transformation to be applied. You can use transformation to set a value
on the target payload. You can perform transformation by using mappings or by
assigning values.
The XSLT mapper enables you to transform data from one XML schema to
another, thus enabling data interchange among applications using different
schemas. However, to set the target message properties irrespective of the source
properties, payload part or constants, you can use the assign value feature. See
Section, "Creating Transformations" and Section, "Assigning Values"
for information about how to create transformations.
■ Reply, callback, and fault handlers
You can specify how to handle synchronous reply, callback, and fault messages.
See Section, "Handling Response Messages" for information about
synchronous reply, callback, and fault messages handling.

6.2 Defining Routing Rules

Routing rules can be defined only for a Mediator component which has a service or an
event defined. Routing rules can be defined using Oracle JDeveloper. To access the
Mediator Editor, use either of the following two methods.
■ From the SOA Composite Editor:
a. Double-click the icon that represents the Mediator component for which you
want to specify the routing rules.
b. Click the Plus (+) icon next to the Routing Rules panel.
■ From the Applications Navigator:
a. In the Applications Navigator, expand the SOA project, followed by the SOA
Content folder.
b. In the SOA Content folder, double click the name of the Mediator component
for which you want to specify the routing rules. The Mediator component file
has mplan extension.
c. Click the Plus (+) icon next to the Routing Rules panel.
Figure 6–1 shows the Routing Rules panel in Mediator Editor.

2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–1 Mediator Editor- Routing Rules Panel

The icons in the Routing Rules panel are summarized in Figure 6–2.

Figure 6–2 Routing Rule Panel Icons

6.2.1 Creating Routing Rules

You can create the following routing rules for a sevice or event subscription:
■ Specifying Target Service
■ Specifying Expression for Filtering Messages
■ Specifying Sequential or Parallel Execution
■ Using Semantics Validation
■ Creating Transformations
■ Assigning Values
■ Handling Response Messages

Beta Draft 3 Specifying Target Service
A target service specifies the next service to which a mediator should send the
message and the operation to perform on that message when it reaches the target
You can specify multiple routings to one inbound operation or event. Each routing is
mapped to one target service invocation or event. Therefore, if you want to specify
multiple service invocations or raise multiple events, you must specify one routing
rule for each target service operation. For example, based on a message payload, you
want to invoke an operation from the following operations defined in a service:
■ insert
■ update
■ updateid
■ delete
You need to create four routings, one for each operation. Later, when you specify a
filter expression, you can specify which target service and operation is applied to each
message instance on the basis of the message payload as shown in Figure 6–3.

Figure 6–3 Multiple Routings for an Inbound Operation

How to Invoke a Service

Perform the following steps in Mediator Editor to specify the service to be invoked by
the routing rule:
1. In the Routing Rules panel, click Add.
The Target Type dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 6–4.

4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–4 Target Type Dialog

2. Click Service.
3. In the Target Services dialog, navigate to, and then select an operation provided
by a service, as shown in Figure 6–5.

Figure 6–5 Target Services Dialog

Note: A service can consist of multiple operations as shown in

Figure 6–5.

4. Click OK.

How to Raise an Event

Perform the following steps to specify the event to be raised by the routing rule:
1. In the Routing Rules panel, click Add.
The Target Type dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 6–6.
2. Click Event.
The Event Chooser dialog is displayed.
3. Click Search to the right of Event Definition field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
4. Select an event file and click OK.

Beta Draft 5
The Event field is populated with the events defined in the selected file as shown
in Figure 6–6.

Figure 6–6 Event Chooser Dialog

5. Select an event.
6. Click OK. Specifying Expression for Filtering Messages

The filter expression routing rule enables you to filter messages based on their
payload. If the expression filter for a given message instance evaluates to true, then the
message is not delivered to the target service/operation pair specified within the
routing rule.
For example, you want notices of new product launches from headquarters to be
routed to three different stores: one in New York, one in Houston, and one in San
Francisco. However, you only want notices regarding the product line of type
MOBILE to be sent to the New York store. To implement this, you need to define a
routing rule for each component/operation pair that sends messages to the target
stores. In addition, for the routing rule that send messages to the New York store, you
specify a filter expression.
You can specify a filter expression by using the Expression Builder dialog as shown in
Figure 6–7. This dialog is displayed when you click the icon to the right of the filter
expression field in the routing rules panel.

6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–7 Expression Builder Dialog

The Expression Builder dialog contains the components and controls that assist you in
designing a filter expression. Briefly, you double-click a value in the Variables field or
the Functions palette, to add the value to the Expression field. Using a combination of
Variable elements, functions, and manually entered text, you can build an expression
by which you want message payloads to be filtered for a given routing rule.
The following list describes each of the fields in the Expression Builder dialog:
■ Expression field
You can enter the filter expression – either manually, or by using the Variable field
and the Functions palette in this field.
The icons on the upper right side of this field enable you to undo the last edit
made, redo the last edit made, or clear the entire Expression field, respectively.
■ Variables field
This field contains the message defined for a Mediator component. Oracle
JDeveloper parses the Mediator component WSDL file and presents the message
definition in the Variables field. The input message is stored in the $in variable.
You can use $ to access properties of an input message.
An input message can consists of multiple parts. You can use $in.<partname>
to access a part of an input message.
■ Functions Palette
This list enables you to select different functions to include in an expression. When
you select a function, a preview of how that function will appear when added to
the Expression field is presented in the Content Preview field, and a description of
the function is presented in the Description field.

Beta Draft 7
■ Content Preview
This field indicates how a value selected from the Variables field or Functions
palette will appear when it is inserted into the Expression field.
■ Description
This field provides a description of a value selected from the Variables field or
Functions palette.
To specify a filter expression on a message payload, follow these steps:
1. In the Routing Rules panel, click the Add Filter Expression icon, shown in
Figure 6–2.
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
2. In the Variables field, expand the message definition and select the message
element on which you want to base the expression. For example, CustomerID
element is shown selected in Figure 6–8.

Figure 6–8 Expression Builder Dialog – Variables Element Selected

3. Click Insert Into Expression.

The expression is added in the Expression field, as shown in Figure 6–9.

8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–9 Expression Builder Dialog – Variables Element Inserted

4. From the Function list, select the function that you want to apply to the message
payload. For example, equals.
Functions are grouped in categories that are listed when you click the down arrow
in the Functions list. For example, if you click the down arrow and select Logical
Functions, the list appears as shown in Figure 6–9. When you select a function
within the Logical Functions list, a description of that function is presented in the
Description box.
5. Click Insert Into Expression.
The XPath expression for the selected function is inserted in to the Expression
6. Complete the expression. In this example, a value of 1001 is entered, as shown in
Figure 6–10.

Beta Draft 9
Figure 6–10 Sample Expression Builder Dialog – Value Entered

7. You can edit the expression manually, or use the expression editing icons, which
are summarized in Figure 6–11.

Figure 6–11 Expression Editing Icons

8. Click OK.
The expression is added to the Routing Rule panel.
To modify or delete a filter expression, double-click the Add Filter Expression icon,
and then modify or delete the expression in the Expression field of the Expression
Builder. Specifying Sequential or Parallel Execution

You can specify execution type for a routing rule. A routing rule execution type can be
parallel or sequential.
In sequential execution, routings are evaluated and actions are performed
sequentially. The caller is blocked during the sequential execution. Sequential routings
are evaluated in the same thread and transaction of the caller.
In parallel execution, routings are queued and evaluated in parallel in different
threads. The caller is not blocked during the parallel execution.

10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

If an operation or event has both sequential and parallel routing rules, first sequential
routing rules are evaluated and actions are performed, and then parallel routings are
queued for parallel execution.
To specify an execution type for a routing rule, select Sequential or Parallel execution
type from the Routing Rules panel. Using Semantics Validation

An inbound message can consists of multiple parts. You can specify schematron files
for validating an inbound message and its various parts. A schematron file has.sch
extension and can be used in the following way:
1. Click the Select Validation File icon to the right of Validate Semantics field.
The Validations dialog is displayed.
2. Click Add.
The Add Validation dialog is displayed.
3. From the Part list, select a message part.
4. Click Search to the right of the File field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
5. Select a schematron file and click OK.
The Add Validation dialog is updated, as shown in Figure 6–12.

Figure 6–12 Add Validation Dialog

6. Click OK.
The Validation dialog is updated, as shown in Figure 6–13.

Figure 6–13 Validation Dialog

Beta Draft 11
7. Click Add to specify a schematron file for another message part or click OK. Creating Transformations

Oracle JDeveloper provides an XSLT Data Mapper tool that enables you to specify a
mapper file(xsl file) to transform data from one XML schema to another. This enables
data interchange among applications using different schemas. For example, you can
map incoming source purchase order schema to an outgoing invoice schema. After
you define an xsl file, you can reuse it in multiple routing rule specifications.
When you click the transformation map icon to the right of the Transformation Map
field in the Routing Rules panel, the Request Transformation Map dialog is displayed.
You can select an existing xsl file or create a new xsl file with the Data Mapper tool to
perform the required transformation.
You can also specify transformations for a synchronous reply, callback response
message, or a fault message. In case of synchronous reply or fault message, the Reply
Transformation Map dialog or the Fault Transformation Map dialog contains the
Include Request in the Reply Payload option. Figure 6–14 shows a Reply
Transformation Map dialog with this option.

Figure 6–14 Reply Transformation Map Dialog

When you select this option, an $initial variable is created which contains the
original message of a synchronous interaction as shown in Figure 6–15.

Figure 6–15 Initial Variable in XSL File

An initial message can also consists of multiple parts. You can use
$initial.<partname> to access a part of the initial message.
For information about the Data Mapper tool, see Chapter 4, "XSLT Mapper and

12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft Assigning Values
You can use the assign value field to specify the properties of a target message.
Figure 6–16 shows the Assign Values dialog that is displayed when you click the
Assign Values icon in the routing rules panel.

Figure 6–16 Assign Values Dialog

To set the properties of the target message, perform the following tasks:
1. Click Add in the Assign Values dialog.
The Assign Value dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 6–17.

Figure 6–17 Assign Value Dialog

2. In the From section, select any of the following options:

■ Property: Select this option to assign value of a property to the target message.
The property list contains a list of predefined message properties. You can also
enter any user-defined property name.
■ Expression: Select this option to assign value of an expression to the target
message. When you click the Invoke Expression Builder icon to the right of
Expression field, the Expression Builder dialog similar to the one shown in
Figure 6–7 is displayed.

See Also: Section, "Specifying Expression for Filtering

Messages" for information about Expression Builder dialog.

■ Constant: Select this option to assign a constant value to the target message.

Beta Draft 13
3. In the To section, select any of the following options:
■ Property: Select this option to copy the value to a message property.
■ Expression: Select this option to copy the value to an expression. When you
click the Invoke Expression Builder icon to the right of Expression field, the
Expression Builder dialog is displayed. The Variable field of the Expression
Builder dialog contains an $out variable which contains the output message.
You can use $ to access properties of an output message
and $out.<partname> to access a part of an output message.
Figure 6–18 shows a sample Assign Value dialog in which a constant value
output.csv is specified as the name for an outbound file written by a file
adapter service.

Figure 6–18 Populated Assign Value Dialog

4. Click OK in the Assign Value dialog. The Assign Values dialog is populated as
shown in Figure 6–19.

Figure 6–19 Populated Assign Values Dialog

5. Click OK. The expression is added to Assign Values field of the Routing Rules
panel. Handling Response Messages

You can specify how to handle the response messages in synchronous and
asynchronous interactions. In case of synchronous interactions, you can specify the

14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

transformations and assignments for the response and the fault message. You can
forward the response and the fault message to another service or event.
In case of asynchronous interaction, you can specify a timeout period by when the
response should come. The timeout period can be specified in seconds, hours, days,
months, or years. By default the timeout period is infinite. If a callback response does
not come within specified timeout period then a timeout response can be forwarded to
another service, event, or back to the initial caller. This can be done by performing the
following steps:
1. Click the Browse for target service operation icon next to the <<Target
Operation>> field in the Callback section.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service or Event.
The Target Service or the Event Chooser dialog is displayed depending upon the
selection you made.
3. Select an event or service.
4. Click OK.
The timeout response will be forwarded to the specified service or event.

6.3 Creating CustomerRouter Mediator for Routing Messages

This section provides step-by-step instructions on creating and running the
CustomerRouter use case that provides an overview of how to use a Mediator in a
SOA composite application to route messages based on the payload. The
CustomerRouter use case consists of the following steps:
1. Legacy customer files are picked up from a directory by an adapter service named
2. The ReadCust adapter service sends the file data to the CustomerRouter
3. The CustomerRouter mediator applies a filter to the XML message payload to
determine whether the message should be routed to the USCustomer reference or
CanadaCustomer reference.
4. The CustomerRouter mediator then transforms the message to the structure
required by the adapter reference.
5. The external reference delivers the message to its associated external application.
Figure 6–20 provides an overview of the CustomerRouter use case.

Beta Draft 15
Figure 6–20 Overview of CustomerRouter Use Case

6.3.1 Step-By-Step Instructions for Creating the CustomerRouter Use Case

This section provides the design-time tasks for creating, building, and deploying the
use case. These tasks should be performed in the order in which they are presented.
■ Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project
■ Creating CustomerRouter Mediator
■ Creating a File Adapter Service
■ Creating External References
■ Specifying Routing Rules
■ Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection
■ Deploying CustomerRouterProject Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project

To create an application and a project for the use case, follow these steps:
1. Start Oracle JDeveloper.
2. In the upper left panel, click the Applications Navigator tab.
3. Right-click Applications, then select New Application.
The Create Application dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 6–21.

16 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–21 The Create Application Dialog

4. In the Application Name field, enter CustomerRouter, and then click OK.
The Create Project dialog is displayed.
5. In the Project Name field, enter CustomerRouterProject and click OK.
6. Right-click in the Applications Navigator pane and select New.
The New Gallery dialog is displayed.
7. From the Categories navigator, select SOA Tier.
8. From the Items list, select SOA Composite.
9. Click OK.
The Create SOA Composite dialog is displayed.
10. From the Composite Template list, select Empty Composite and then click OK.
Oracle JDeveloper is displayed, as shown in Figure 6–22. The Applications
Navigator is updated with the new application and project and the Design Tab
contains, a blank palette.

Beta Draft 17
Figure 6–22 Oracle JDeveloper – Application and SOA Project Added

11. From the File menu, click Save All. Creating CustomerRouter Mediator

Perform the following steps to create a Mediator named CustomerRouter:
1. From the Component Palette, select SOA.
2. Drag and drop a Mediator to the Components design area.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
3. Enter CustomerRouter in the Name field.
4. Select Define Interface Later from Templates.
5. Click OK.
A mediator with name CustomerRouter is created. Creating a File Adapter Service

Perform the following steps to create a file adapter service, named ReadCust to read
the XML files from a directory:
1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select File Adapter and drag it to the Exposed Services design area.
The Adapter Configuration wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.

18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

4. In the Service Name field, enter ReadCust.
5. Click Next.
The Operation page is displayed.
6. In the Operation Type field, select Read File.
7. In the Operation Name field, replace Read with ReadFile.
8. Click Next.
The File Directories page is displayed.
9. In the Directory for Incoming Files (physical path) field, enter the directory from
which you want to read the files. For example, C:\Customer\In.
10. Click Next.
The File Filtering page is displayed.
11. In the Include Files with Name Pattern field, enter *.xml, and then click Next.
The File Polling page is displayed.
12. Change the Polling Frequency field value to 10 seconds, and then click Next.
The Messages page is displayed.
13. Click Search.
The Type Chooser dialog is displayed.
14. Click Import Schema File.
The Import Schema File dialog is displayed.
15. Click Search and select the LegacyCustomer.xsd file present in the Samples
16. Click OK.

17. Expand the navigation tree to Type Explorer\Imported

Schemas\LegacyCustomer.xsd and select CustomerData, as shown in
Figure 6–23.

Beta Draft 19
Figure 6–23 Type Chooser - CustomerData

18. Click OK.

The Adapter Configuration wizard appears as shown in Figure 6–24.

Figure 6–24 Adapter Configuration Wizard – Messages page

19. Click Next.

The Finish page is displayed.
20. Click Finish.

21. From the File menu, click Save All.

20 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft Creating External References
Perform the following steps to create a file adapter reference, named USCustomer:
1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select File Adapter and drag it to the External References design area.
The Adapter Configuration wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.
4. In the Service Name field, enter USCustomer.
5. Click Next.
The Operation page is displayed.
6. In the Operation Type field, select Write File.
7. In the Operation Name field, enter WriteFile.
8. Click Next.
The File Configuration page is displayed.
9. In the Directory for Outgoing Files (physical path) field, enter the name of the
directory where you want to write the files.
For example, C:\Customer\out.
10. In the File Naming Convention field, enter customer_%SEQ%.xml and click
The Messages page is displayed.
11. Click Search.
The Type Chooser dialog is displayed.
12. Click Import Schema File.
The Import Schema File dialog is displayed.
13. Click Search and select the USCustomer.xsd file present in the Samples folder.

14. Click OK.

15. Expand the navigation tree to Type Explorer\Imported

Schemas\USCustomer.xsd and then select Customer.
16. Click OK.

17. Click Next.

The Finish page is displayed.
18. Click Finish.

19. From the File menu, click Save All.

Create another file adapter reference CanadaCustomer in similar way by using the
CanCustomer.xsd file.
Figure 6–25 shows how the SOA composite editor appears after performing this task.

Beta Draft 21
Figure 6–25 Mediator Component with Adapter Services and References Specifying Routing Rules

Follow these steps to specify the path that messages take from the ReadCust adapter
service to external references:
1. Connect the ReadCust service to the CustomerRouter mediator as shown in
Figure 6–26.
This specifies the file adapter service to invoke the CustomerRouter mediator
while reading a file from the input directory.

Figure 6–26 Connecting ReadCust Service to the CustomerRouter Mediator

22 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

2. Double-click CustomerRouter mediator to open the CustomerRouter.mplan
editor shown in Figure 6–27.

Figure 6–27 CustomerRouter Mediator in Mediator Editor

3. In the Routing Rules section, click Add to the extreme right side of ReadFile.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
4. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
5. Navigate to CustomerRouterProject, References, USCustomer and select
WriteFile as shown in Figure 6–28.

Figure 6–28 Target Services Dialog

Beta Draft 23
6. Click OK.
The Routing Rules panel is displayed, as shown in Figure 6–29.

Figure 6–29 The Routing Rules Panel - MapCustomerData Added

7. Click the filter icon next to the <<Filter Expression>> field to create a filter
expression for this routing rule.
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
8. In the Variables field, navigate to Variables, in, CustomerData and then select
9. Double-click Country.
The Country node is added in the Expression text field as shown in Figure 6–30.

24 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–30 Expression Builder Dialog

10. Modify the expression to the following:


11. Click OK.

The filter field of the Routing Rules panel is populated with the expression as
shown in Figure 6–31.

Figure 6–31 Populated Filter Field of Routing Rules Panel

12. Click the icon to the right of the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation Map dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 6–32.

Beta Draft 25
Figure 6–32 Request Transformation Map

13. Select Create New Mapper File and click OK.

A CustomerData_To_Customer.xsl tab is added, as shown in Figure 6–33.

Figure 6–33 CustomerData_To_Customer.xsl Tab – Initially

14. Drag and drop the imp1:CustomerData source element to imp1:Customer target
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
15. From the During Auto Map options, deselect Match Elements Considering their
Ancestor Names.
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is shown in Figure 6–34.

26 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–34 Auto Map Preferences Dialog

16. Click OK.

The CustomerData_To_Customer.xsl tab appears as shown in Figure 6–35.

Figure 6–35 CustomerData_To_Customer.xsl Tab – Auto Mapped Connections

17. From the File menu, click Save All.

18. Repeat the steps mentioned in Step 3 through 17 to specify CanadaCustomer

reference as the target service. In the Expression builder dialog, specify the
following expression:

Figure 6–36 shows how the mediator editor would appear after you have specified
CanadaCustomer reference as target service.

Beta Draft 27
Figure 6–36 Routing Rules Panel with Target Services Defined

After performing all the steps mentioned in this section, the SOA composite editor
would appear as shown in Figure 6–20. Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection

Perform the following steps to create a connection to Oracle Application Server, which
is required for deploying your SOA composite application:
1. In the Application Navigator, select Application Resources.
2. Right-click Connections and select New.
3. Select Connections from Categories and then select Application Server
Connection from Items.
The Create Application Server Connection wizard is displayed.
4. Click Next.
The Create Application Server Connection Type page is displayed.
5. Enter MyAppServerConnection in the Connection Name field and select
Standalone OC4J 11g from the Connection Type list, as shown in Figure 6–37.

28 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–37 The Create Application Server Connection Type Page

6. Click Next.
The Connection Authentication page is displayed.
7. Enter the following details:
■ Username: Accept the default value of oc4jadmin.
■ Password: Enter welcome1.
8. Click Next. The Create Application Server Connection page is displayed.
9. Enter the local host name on which the Oracle SOA Suite infrastructure is
10. Click Next.
11. Click Test Connection.
The following message should appear:

If the test is unsuccessful, ensure that Oracle Application Server is running, and
retry the test.
12. Click Next.

13. Click Finish. Deploying CustomerRouterProject

Deploying the CustomerRouterProject composite application to Oracle
Application Server consists of following steps:
■ Creating an Application Deployment Profile
■ Deploying the Application Deployment Profile to Oracle Application Server
For detailed information about these steps, see "Deploying Applications" on page 3-2.

Beta Draft 29
6.3.2 Running and Monitoring the CustomerRouterProject Application
After deploying the CustomerRouterProject application, you can run it by
copying the input xml files to the input folder. Based on the payload, the files will be
written to the specified output directories.
For monitoring the running instance, you can use the SOA Console at the following

where hostname is the host on which you installed the Oracle SOA Suite
In the SOA Console, you can click the CustomerRouterProject to see the project
dashboard as shown in Figure 6–38.

Figure 6–38 CustomerRouterProject Dashboard in SOA Console

You can also navigate through the Last 5 instances section to open the instance of your
To view the detailed execution trail of the CustomerRouter mediator, click the
instance id in the instance column. The Audit Trail page is displayed as shown in
Figure 6–39.

30 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 6–39 CustomerRouterProject Audit Trail in SOA Console

Beta Draft 31
32 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft
7Oracle Mediator Error Handling

Oracle Mediator provides sophisticated error handling capabilities that enables you to
configure an Oracle Mediator service component(mediator component) for error
occurrences and corresponding corrective actions. This chapter describes how to
handle errors with Oracle Mediator.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Introduction to Oracle Mediator Error Handling
■ Using Error Handling
■ XML Schema Files for Error Handling

7.1 Introduction to Oracle Mediator Error Handling

Error handling enables a mediator component to handle errors that occur during the
processing of messages and also the exceptions returned by outside Web services. You
can handle both business faults and system faults with Oracle Mediator.
Business faults are application-specific, and are explicitly defined in the service WSDL
file. You can handle business faults by defining the fault handlers in Oracle JDeveloper
at design time. System faults occur because of some problem in the underlying system
such as network not being available. Oracle Mediator provides fault policy based error
handling for system faults.
Fault policies enables you to handle errors automatically or through human
intervention. Oracle Mediator fault policy based error handling consists of following
two components:
■ Fault Policies
■ Fault Bindings

7.1.1 Fault Policies

A fault policy defines error conditions and corresponding actions. Fault policies are
defined in the fault-policies.xml file. The fault-policies.xml file should be
created based on the XML schema defined in "Fault-policies.xml Schema File" on
page 7-5. A sample fault policy file is shown in the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faultPolicy version="2.0.1" id="CRM_ServiceFaults">
<faultName xmlns:medns=""

Beta Draft 1
<action ref="ora-retry"/>
<Action id="ora-retry">
<retryFailureAction ref="ora-java"/>
<retrySuccessAction ref="ora-human-intervention"/>

A fault policy consists of the following two components:

■ Conditions
■ Actions Conditions
Conditions identify error or fault conditions along with reference to the actions to be
taken. You can use conditions to identify the action to be taken when a particular error
or fault condition occurs. For example, for a particular error occurring because of a
service not being available, you can perform an action such as retry. Similarly, for
another error occurring because schema validation is failing, you can edit the payload
and resubmit the process.
Conditions are defined in the fault-policies.xml file, as shown in the following
<faultName xmlns:medns=""
<action ref="ora-java"/>
<faultName xmlns:medns=""
<action ref="ora-retry"/>
<faultName xmlns:medns=""
<action ref="ora-retry-crm-endpoint"/>

You can specify an action for an error type or error group while defining the
conditions in a fault policy. In the previous example, medns:2101 refers to a specific
error whereas medns:TYPE_FATAL_MESH refers to an error group. An error group

2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

consists of one or more child error types. TYPE_ALL is an error group that contains all
mediator errors.
The following list describes various errors groups contained in the TYPE_ALL error
■ TYPE_DATA: Contains errors related to data handling.
– TYPE_DATA_ASSIGN: Contains errors related to data assignment.
– TYPE_DATA_FILTERING: Contains errors related to data filtering.
– TYPE_DATA_TRANSFORMATION: Contains errors that occur during
– TYPE_DATA_VALIDATION: Contains errors that occur during the payload
■ TYPE_METADATA: Contains errors related to mediator metadata.
– TYPE_METADATA_FILTERING: Contains errors that occur while processing
the filtering conditions.
– TYPE_METADATA_TRANSFORMATION: Contains errors that occur during
getting the metadata for transformation.
– TYPE_METADATA_VALIDATION: Contains errors that occur during validation
of metadata for mediator(.mplan file).
– TYPE_METADATA_COMMON: Contains other errors that occur during the
handling of metadata.
■ TYPE_FATAL: Contains fatal errors, that are not easily recoverable.
– TYPE_FATAL_DB: Contains database related fatal errors such as Datasource
not found error.
– TYPE_FATAL_CACHE: Contains mediator cache related fatal errors.
– TYPE_FATAL_ERRORHANDLING: Contains fatal errors that occur during error
handling such as Resubmission queues not available.
– TYPE_FATAL_MESH: Contains fatal errors from the Service Infrastructure such
as Invoke service not available.
– TYPE_FATAL_MESSAGING: Contains fatal messaging errors raising from the
Service Infrastructure.
– TYPE_FATAL_TRANSACTION: Contains fatal errors related to transactions
such as Commit can't be called on a transaction which is
marked for rollback.
– TYPE_FATAL_TRANSFORMATION: Contains fatal transformation errors such
as error occurring because of the XPath functions used in a transformation.
■ TYPE_TRANSIENT: Contains transient errors, that can be recovered on retrying.
– TYPE_TRANSIENT_MESH: Contains errors related to the Service
– TYPE_TRANSIENT_MESSAGING: Contains errors related to JMS such as
enqueue, dequeue.
■ TYPE_INTERNAL: Contains internal errors.

Beta Draft 3 Actions
Actions specify the tasks that should be performed when an error occurs. Oracle
Mediator provides a list of actions that you can use in a fault policy. These predefined
actions are described in the following list:
■ Human intervention: This action can be applied only in case of errors that occur
while executing asynchronous routing rules. You can perform the following
– Retry: You can use this option to retry the process. For example, if a service is
not available, then you might want to try accessing it again.
– Change payload and resubmit: You can select this option to change the
payload and resubmit it. This is useful in case of data errors such as data
validation and data transformation. You can change message payload by
using the SOA Console.
– Abort the flow: You can select this option to end the process.
■ Retry: This action enables you to retry the error in following ways:
– ’N’ times: Retry is performed ’N’ number of times. Each time a retry is carried
out, the retry count is stored in the mediator instance table to keep track of the
retry count.
– With constant delay/exponential back off: Retry handler computes the retry
interval based on the configuration in the policy file. Exponential back off
increases the retry interval exponentially for each retry attempt.
■ Java call out: This action enables you to call a customized class that implements interface.
■ Abort: This action enables you to abort the flow.
Fault policies can be created at the following levels:
■ Composite: You can define one fault policy for all mediator components in a
■ Component: You can define fault policy for a mediator component exclusively. A
component-level fault policy overrides the composite-level fault policy.
Human intervention is the default action for errors, which do not have a fault policy

7.1.2 Fault Bindings

Fault bindings associate fault policies with composites or components and are defined
in the fault-bindings.xml file. The fault-bindings.xml file should be created
based on the XML schema defined in "Fault-bindings.xml Schema File" on page 7-9.
Fault bindings can be done based on the fully qualified name of a composite. A sample
fault binding file is shown in the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<faultPolicyBindings version="2.0.1"
<composite faultPolicy="ConnectionFaults"/>
<component dn="RetryDemo/TestResubmit!1.0*2007-04-09-23-34-36/FileInToFileOut"

4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

7.2 Using Error Handling
To enable the error handling for mediator components in a SOA composite, perform
the following steps:
1. Create a fault-policies.xml file based on the schema defined in the
"Fault-policies.xml Schema File" on page 7-5.
2. Create a fault-bindings.xml file based on the schema defined in the
"Fault-bindings.xml Schema File" on page 7-9.
3. Copy the fault-policies.xml and the fault-bindings.xml file to your
SOA Composite project directory.
4. Deploy the SOA Composite project.
All the fault policies for a composite are loaded when the first error occurs. At run
time, mediator checks whether there is any policy defined for the current error. If a
fault policy is defined, then mediator performs the action according to the
configuration done in the fault policies file. If there is no fault policy defined, then the
default action of human intervention is performed.

7.3 XML Schema Files for Error Handling

This section describes the schema files for fault-policies.xml and
fault-bindings.xml files and consists of the following topics:
■ "Fault-policies.xml Schema File" on page 7-5
■ "Fault-bindings.xml Schema File" on page 7-9

7.3.1 Fault-policies.xml Schema File

The fault-policies.xml file should be based on the following schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<!-- Conditions contain a list of fault names -->
<xs:element name="Conditions">
<xs:element name="faultName" type="tns:faultNameType"
<!-- action Ref must exist in the same file -->
<xs:complexType name="actionRefType">
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<!-- one condition has a test and action, if test is missing, this is the
catch all condition -->
<xs:complexType name="conditionType">
<xs:element name="test" type="tns:idType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="action" type="tns:actionRefType"/>
<!-- One fault name match contains several conditions -->

Beta Draft 5
<xs:complexType name="faultNameType">
<xs:element name="condition" type="tns:conditionType"
<xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:QName"/>
<xs:complexType name="ActionType">
<xs:element name="retry" type="tns:RetryType"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:rethrowFault"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:humanIntervention"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:abort"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:replayScope"/>
<xs:element name="javaAction" type="tns:JavaActionType">
<xs:key name="UniqueReturnValue">
<xs:selector xpath="tns:returnValue"/>
<xs:field xpath="@value"/>
<xs:attribute name="id" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="Actions">
<xs:documentation>Fault Recvorey Actions</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Action" type="tns:ActionType"
<xs:complexType name="JavaActionType">
<xs:documentation>This action invokes java code
<xs:element name="returnValue" type="tns:ReturnValueType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="className" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="defaultAction" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="propertySet" type="tns:idType"/>
<xs:complexType name="RetryType">
<xs:documentation>This action attempts retry of activity
<xs:element ref="tns:retryCount"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:retryInterval"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:exponentialBackoff" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="retryFailureAction"
type="tns:retryFailureActionType" minOccurs="0"/>
<xs:element name="retrySuccessAction"
type="tns:retrySuccessActionType" minOccurs="0"/>

6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

<xs:simpleType name="idType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:complexType name="ReturnValueType">
<xs:documentation>Return value from java code can chain another action
return values</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="value" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="exponentialBackoff">
<xs:documentation>Setting this will cause retry attempts to use
exponentialBackoff algorithm</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="humanIntervention">
<xs:documentation>This action causes the activity to
<xs:element name="replayScope">
<xs:documentation>This action will replay the immidiate enclosing
<xs:element name="rethrowFault">
<xs:documentation>This action will rethrow the
<xs:element name="retryCount" type="xs:positiveInteger">
<xs:documentation>This value is used to identify number of
<xs:complexType name="retryFailureActionType">
<xs:documentation>This is the action to be chained if retry attempts
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="retrySuccessActionType">
<xs:documentation>This is the action to be chained if retry attempts

Beta Draft 7
is successful</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="ref" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="retryInterval" type="xs:unsignedLong">
<xs:documentation>This is the delay in milliseconds of retry
<xs:element name="abort">
<xs:documentation>This action terminates the
<xs:element name="Properties">
<xs:documentation>Properties that can be passes to a custom java
<xs:element name="propertySet" type="tns:PropertySetType"
<xs:complexType name="PropertySetType">
<xs:element name="property" type="tns:PropertyValueType"
<xs:attribute name="name" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="PropertyValueType">
<xs:extension base="tns:idType">
<xs:attribute name="name" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="faultPolicy">
<xs:element ref="tns:Conditions"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:Actions"/>
<xs:element ref="tns:Properties" minOccurs="0"/>
<!--Every policy has on Conditions and and one Actions, however,
Properties is optional -->
<xs:attribute name="id" type="tns:idType" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" default="2.0.1"/>
<xs:key name="UniqueActionId">
<xs:selector xpath="tns:Actions/tns:Action"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:key name="UniquePropertySetId">

8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

<xs:selector xpath="tns:Properties/tns:property_set"/>
<xs:field xpath="@id"/>
<xs:keyref name="RetryActionRef" refer="tns:UniqueActionId">
<xs:field xpath="@ref"/>
<xs:keyref name="RetrySuccessActionRef" refer="tns:UniqueActionId">
<xs:field xpath="@ref"/>
<xs:keyref name="JavaActionRef" refer="tns:UniqueActionId">
<xs:field xpath="@ref"/>
<xs:keyref name="ConditionActionRef" refer="tns:UniqueActionId">
<xs:field xpath="@ref"/>
<xs:keyref name="JavaDefaultActionRef" refer="tns:UniqueActionId">
<xs:selector xpath="tns:Actions/tns:Action/tns:javaAction"/>
<xs:field xpath="@defaultAction"/>
<xs:keyref name="JavaPropertySetRef" refer="tns:UniquePropertySetId">
<xs:selector xpath="tns:Actions/tns:Action/tns:javaAction"/>
<xs:field xpath="@property_set"/>
<xs:element name="faultPolicies">
<xs:element ref="tns:faultPolicy" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

7.3.2 Fault-bindings.xml Schema File

The fault-bindings.xml file should be based on the following schema:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace=""
xmlns:xs="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<xs:element name="faultPolicyBindings">
<xs:documentation>Bindings to a specific fault policy </xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="composite" type="tns:compositeType"/>
<xs:element name="component" type="tns:componentType"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xs:attribute name="version" type="xs:string" default="2.0.1"/>

Beta Draft 9
<xs:simpleType name="nameType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:minLength value="1"/>
<xs:complexType name="componentType">
<xs:documentation>Bindings for a component. Overrides composite level
<xs:attribute name="dn" type="tns:nameType" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="faultPolicy" type="tns:nameType" use="required"/>
<xs:complexType name="compositeType">
<xs:documentation>Binding for the entire composite</xs:documentation>
<xs:attribute name="faultPolicy" type="tns:nameType" use="required"/>

10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

8 Business Events and the Event Delivery

This chapter describes how to publish and subscribe to business events in a SOA
composite application. Business events consist of message data sent as the result of an
occurrence in a business environment. When a business event is published, other
service components can subscribe to it.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 8.1, "Introduction to Business Events"
■ Section 8.2, "Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper"

8.1 Introduction to Business Events

You can raise business events when a situation of interest occurs. For example, in a
loan flow scenario, a BPEL process executing a loan process can raise a loan completed
event at the completion of the process. Other systems within the infrastructure of this
application can listen for these events and upon receipt of one instance of an event:
■ Use the event context to derive business intelligence or dashboard data
■ Signal to a mail department that a loan package must be sent to a customer
■ Invoke another business process
Business events are typically a one-way, fire-and-forget, asynchronous way to send a
notification of a business occurrence. The business process does not:
■ Rely on any service component receiving the business event to complete
■ Care if any other service components receive the business event
■ Need to know where subscribers (if any) are and what they do with the data
These are important distinctions between business events and direct service
invocations that rely on the WSDL file contract (for example, a SOAP service client). If
the author of the event depends on the receiver of the event, then messaging typically
must be accomplished through service invocation rather than through a business
event. Unlike direct service invocation, the business event separates the client from the
A business event is defined using the event definition language (EDL). EDL is a
schema used to build business event definitions. Applications work with instances of
the business event definition.
EDL consists of the following:

Beta Draft Business Events and the Event Delivery Network 8-1
Introduction to Business Events

■ Global name — Typically a Java package name (for example,

com.acme.ExpenseReport.created), though this is not required.
■ Custom headers — Used for fast routing. For example, if an event named Expense
Report Created has a Currency header, the component that creates the event at
runtime is responsible for populating the Currency header. The event can be
routed based on the value of the header more quickly than doing an XPath query
into the event payload.
■ Payload definition — Most common use for a definition is an XML Schema (XSD).
The payload of a business event is defined using an XSD. The schema URI is
contained in the root element of the payload.
Example 8–1 shows an EDL file with two business events in the BugReport event
definition: bugUpdated and bugCreated. The namespace (BugReport) and
associated schema file (BugReport.xsd) are referenced.

Example 8–1 EDL File with Two Business Events

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<definitions targetNamespace="/model/events/edl/BugReport"
<schema-import namespace="/model/events/schema/BugReport"

<event-definition name="bugCreated">
<content element="ns0:bugCreatedInfo"/>

<event-definition name="bugUpdated">
<content element="ns0:bugUpdatedInfo"/>

These two events are available for subscription in Oracle Mediator.

Business events are deployed to the metadata service (MDS) repository. Deploying a
business event to MDS along with its artifacts (for example, the XSDs) is known as
publishing the EDL (or event definition). This action transfers the EDL and its artifacts
to a shared area in MDS. An object in an MDS shared area is visible to all applications
in the Resource Palette of Oracle JDeveloper. Once an EDL is published, it can be
subscribed to by other applications. EDLs cannot be unpublished; the definition
always exists.
There are three levels of event subscription:
■ All events with a specific qualified name (QName) (for example,
x.y.z/newOrders). A QName is a tuple (URI, localName) that may be derived
from a string prefix:localName in conjunction with a namespace declaration
such as xmlns:prefix=URI or a namespace context.
■ All events within a given namespace (for example, x.y.z/*)
■ All events broadcast on the EDN
Business events are published in the Event Delivery Network (EDN). The EDN runs
within every SOA instance. Raised events are delivered by EDN to the subscribing
service components.
For this release, the following SOA service components and actions are supported:

8-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Business Events

■ Oracle Mediator can subscribe to and publish events.

■ Complex event processing (CEP) can subscribe to and publish events.

■ BPEL processes cannot directly publish events. However, you can
use a BPEL process to invoke Oracle Mediator and have Oracle
Mediator send the event.
■ There are two implementations of the EDN: JMS and AQ
(provides support for PL/SQL APIs).

8.1.1 Local and Remote Events Boundaries

A single SOA composite application instance can reside in a single OC4J container or
can be clustered across multiple OC4J containers. Another application (for example, an
ADF BC application) can be configured to run in the same OC4J container as the SOA
composite application instance or in a different container.
Raising an event outside of an SOA composite application instance can be done
through a local event connection or a remote event connection.
■ Local event connection — If the caller resides in the same OC4J container as the
application and the caller uses a local business event connection factory, the event
is raised through a local event connection. In this scenario, synchronous
subscriptions are executed synchronously.
■ Remote event connection — If the caller resides in a different OC4J container
(different JVM) as the application, then the event is raised through a remote event
connection. Only asynchronous subscriptions are supported for remote event
If another application (for example, an ADF BC application) is configured to run in the
same OC4J container as the SOA composite application, it is optimized to use local
event connections. The boundary for events is the application instance. When an event
is raised in the application instance, subscriptions registered in the application
instance are executed. Events are not propagated from one application instance to
another. Propagation can be achieved through a mediator in both instances, which
listens to events and publishes them to a JMS queue.

8.1.2 Synchronous Subscriptions

Table 8–1 provides a summary of the event publishing and subscription combinations
that support synchronous subscriptions. For synchronous subscriptions, the
subscriber’s logic is executed in the same transaction as the publisher.

Table 8–1 Synchronous Subscriptions

Same OC4J Container Subscription Executed
for Publisher and Synchronously (Local
Subscriber? Publisher Subscriber Event Connection)?
No (configurable) ADF BC event ESB routing rule No
object through
create, retrieve,
update, delete)
CRUD or through
the Event API

Beta Draft Business Events and the Event Delivery Network 8-3
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

Table 8–1 (Cont.) Synchronous Subscriptions

Same OC4J Container Subscription Executed
for Publisher and Synchronously (Local
Subscriber? Publisher Subscriber Event Connection)?
No (configurable) Same as above PL/SQL invoke No
Event API
No (configurable) Same as above Any Java invoke No
Event API
Yes (configurable) ADF BC event ESB routing rule Yes
object through
CRUD or through
Event API
Yes (configurable) Same as above PL/SQL invoke Yes
Event API
Yes (configurable) Same as above Any Java invoke Yes
Event API
Yes PL/SQL invoke ESB routing rule No
Event API
Yes Same as above PL/SQL invoke Yes
Event API
Yes Same as above Any Java invoke Yes
Event API
Yes Mediator ESB routing rule Yes
Yes Same as above PL/SQL invoke a Yes
Event API
Yes Same as above Any Java invoke Yes
Event API
No. The publisher and All All Not applicable.
subscriber are in Subscriptions across
different application application instances are
instances. not supported.
Implement the bridge
mechanism to propagate

8.2 Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

This section provides a high-level overview of creating a composite application in
which a Oracle Mediator service component subscribes to a business event and
invokes a BPEL process.

Note: If you want to use a business event with a BPEL process, you
must use Oracle Mediator to subscribe to the event. This is because
BPEL can only publish, and not subscribe, to events.

8.2.1 How to Create a Business Event

1. Create a SOA project as an empty composite.
2. Start the Event Definition Creation wizard in either of two ways:

8-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

a. Click the icon above the canvas workspace in the SOA Composite Editor.
Figure 8–1 provides an example.

Figure 8–1 Event Definition Creation

b. Select New > SOA Tier > Service Components > Event Definition from the
File main menu.
The Event Definition Creation wizard appears.
3. Enter the following details.

Field Value
Name Enter a name.
Directory Accept the default directory path or enter a specific
Namespace Accept the default namespace or enter a specific
value for the namespace in which to place the

4. Click Finish.
The Events editor appears. The events you define are saved in the event_
definition_name.edl file.
5. Click the + sign to add an event.
The Add an Event window appears.
6. Enter the following details.

Field Value
Element Click the flashlight icon to select the payload
(typically an XSD file).
Event Enter a name.

7. Click OK.
The added event now appears in the Events section.
8. Click the x next to event_definition_name.edl to close the Events editor.
9. Click Yes when prompted to save your changes. If you do not save your changes,
the event is not created and cannot be selected in the Event Chooser window.
The business event is published to MDS and you are returned to the SOA
Composite Editor. Figure 8–2 shows that the event displays for browsing in the
Resource Palette in Oracle JDeveloper.

Beta Draft Business Events and the Event Delivery Network 8-5
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 8–2 Business Event in the Resource Palette

8.2.2 How to Subscribe to a Business Event

1. Drag and drop a Mediator service component into the SOA Composite Editor.
This service component enables you to subscribe to the business event.
2. Enter a name in the Name field.
3. Select Subscribe to Event from the Options list.
The window is refreshed to display an events table.
4. Click the + sign to select an event.
The Event Chooser window appears.
5. Select the event you created and click OK.
You are returned to the Create Mediator dialog shown in Figure 8–3.

Figure 8–3 Create Mediator Dialog

8-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

6. Select a level of delivery consistency for the event.

■ one and only one — events are delivered to the subscriber in the context of its
own global (that is, JTA) transaction. Any changes made by the subscriber
within the context of that transaction are committed once the event processing
is complete. If the subscriber fails, the transaction is rolled back. Failed events
are retried a configured number of times before being delivered to the hospital
■ guaranteed — events are delivered to the subscriber asynchronously without
a global transaction. The subscriber can choose to create its own local
transaction for processing, but it is committed independently of the rest of the
event processing. The event is guaranteed to be handed to the subscriber, but
because there is no global transaction, there is a possibility that a system
failure can cause an event to be delivered more than once. If the subscriber
throws an exception (or fails in any way) the exception is logged, but the event
is not resent.
■ immediate — events are delivered to the subscriber on the same transaction
and same thread as the publisher. The publish call does not return until all
immediate subscribers have completed processing. If any subscribers throw an
exception, no additional subscribers are invoked and an exception is thrown to
the publisher.
7. If you want to filter the event, double-click the Filter column of the selected event
or select the event and click the filter icon (first icon) above the table. This displays
the Expression Builder window. This enables you to specify an XPath expression.
When the expression logic is satisfied, the event is accepted for delivery.
8. Click OK.
Figure 8–4 shws an icon on the left side that indicates that Mediator is configured
for an event subscription.

Figure 8–4 Configuration for Event Subscription

9. Click Source.
The source code in Example 8–2 provides details about the subscribed event of the
Oracle Mediator service component.

Example 8–2 Subscribed Event

<component name="BigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="BigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<subscribe xmlns:sub1=""
name="sub1:NewAccount" consistency="oneAndOnlyOne"/>

Beta Draft Business Events and the Event Delivery Network 8-7
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

While not explicitly demonstrated in this example, you can define XPath filters on
events. In Example 8–3, the event is accepted for delivery only if the initial deposit
is greater than 50000:

Example 8–3 Definition of XPath Filters on Events

<component name="BigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="BigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<subscribe xmlns:sub1=""
name="sub1:NewAccount" consistency="oneAndOnlyOne"/>
<xpath xmlns:be=""
<xpath expression= "/be:business-event/be:content/
sub1:AccountInfo/Details[@initialDeposit > 50000]" />

You can also subscribe to an entire namespace of events. In Example 8–4, all events
in the namespace are available for subscription.

Example 8–4 Subscription to an Entire Namespace of Events

<component name="BigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="BigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<subscribeNamespace namespace=""
" consistency="oneAndOnlyOne"/>

8.2.3 How to Publish a Business Event

You can create a second mediator to publish the event that you subscribed to in
Section 8.2.2, "How to Subscribe to a Business Event" on page 8-6.
1. Create a second mediator service component that publishes the event to which the
first mediator subscribes.
2. Return to the first mediator service component.
3. Click the + sign in the Routing Rules section.
4. Click Service when prompted by the Target Type window.
5. Select the second mediator service component.
6. Select Save All from the File main menu.
7. Click Source for the composite.xml file.
Note that the two mediator service components appear in Example 8–5. One
service component (BigNewAccountNotifier) subscribes to the event and the
other service component (PublishBigNewAccountNotifier) publishes the

8-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

Example 8–5 Event Subscription and Publication

<component name="PublishBigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="PublishBigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<publishes xmlns:pub1=""

<component name="BigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="BigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<subscribe xmlns:sub1=""
name="pub1:NewAccount" consistency="oneAndOnlyOne">

If you define an XPath filter on the subscribed event, the syntax can look as shown
in Example 8–6:

Example 8–6 Definition of XPath Filter on the Subscribed Event

<component name="PublishBigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="PublishBigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<publishes xmlns:pub1=""

<component name="BigNewAccountNotifier">
<implementation.mediator src="BigNewAccountNotifier.mplan"/>
<subscribe xmlns:sub1=""
name="sub1:NewAccount" consistency="oneAndOnlyOne"/>
<xpath xmlns:be=""
<xpath expression= "/be:business-event/be:content/
pub1:AccountInfo/Details[@initialDeposit > 50000]" />

8.2.4 How Integrate ADF BC Business Events with Oracle Mediator

While not shown in this example, you can also create Application Development
Framework (ADF) business component (BCs) event conditions to which you subscribe
in Oracle Mediator.
This section provides a high-level overview of the steps to follow.
1. Create a business component project.
2. Add a business event definition to the project. This action generates an EDL file
and an XSD file. The XSD file contains the definition of the payload. Ensure also
that you specify that the event be raised by the ADF BC upon creation.
3. Create a SOA composite application and manually include copies of the EDL and
XSD files in the project’s directory path.

Beta Draft Business Events and the Event Delivery Network 8-9
Creating Business Events in Oracle JDeveloper

4. Create a mediator service component as described in Section 8.2.2, "How to

Subscribe to a Business Event" on page 8-6.
5. Select the event’s EDL file in the Event Chooser window as described in
Section 8.2.2, "How to Subscribe to a Business Event" on page 8-6.
6. Create a BPEL process service component in the same SOA composite application
for the mediator to invoke. In the Input Element field of the Advanced tab, ensure
that you select the payload of the BC business event XSD created in Step 2.
7. Double-click the BPEL process.
8. Drag and drop an Email activity into the BPEL process.
9. Use the payload of the business event XSD to complete the Subject and Body
10. Return to the mediator service component in the SOA Composite Editor.

11. Design a second service component to publish the event, such as a BPEL process
or a second mediator service component.
SOA composite application design is now complete.
For more information about creating ADF BC business events, see Oracle Fusion
Applications Developer Standards and Guidelines.

8-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
9 Working with Domain Value Maps

This chapter describes how to use domain value maps to enable mapping of
vocabulary in one domain to another.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■ Introduction to Domain Value Maps
■ Creating Domain Value Maps
■ Using Domain Value Map Functions
■ Domain Value Map Use Case

9.1 Introduction to Domain Value Maps

Many a times, applications that you want to integrate use different vocabulary to
represent the same information. For example, one domain might represent a city with
the long name (Boston) while another domain may represent a city with a short name
(BO). In such cases, you can use a domain value map to directly map values between
multiple domains. A direct mapping of values between two or more domains is also
known as point-to-point mapping. Table 9–1 shows a point-to-point mapping for cities
between two domains:

Table 9–1 Point-to-Point Mapping

CityCode CityName
BELG_MN_STLouis BelgradeStLouis
BELG_NC BelgradeNorthCarolina
BO Boston
NP Northport
KN_USA KensingtonUSA
KN_CAN KensingtonCanada

Each domain value map typically holds a specific category of mappings among
multiple applications. For example, one domain value map might hold mappings for
city codes and another might hold mappings for state codes.

9.1.1 Domain Value Map Features

The domain value map functionality consists of the following features:
■ Qualifier Support

Beta Draft 1
■ Qualifier Order Support
■ One-to-Many Mapping Support Qualifier Support

Qualifiers qualify mappings. A mapping may not be valid unless qualified with
additional information. For example, a domain value map containing city code to city
name mapping may have multiple mappings from KN to Kensington as Kensington is
a city in Canada as well as USA. Hence this mapping requires a qualifier (USA or
Canada) to qualify when the mapping becomes valid as shown in Table 9–2.

Table 9–2 Qualifier Support Example

Country (Qualifier) CityCode CityName
USA BO Boston
USA BELG_NC Belgrade
USA BELG_MN_Streams Belgrade
USA NP Northport
USA KN Kensington
Canada KN Kensington

You can also specify multiple qualifiers for a domain value map. For example, as
shown in Table 9–3, BELG to Belgrade mapping can also be qualified with state

Table 9–3 Multiple Qualifier Support Example

(Qualifier) State (Qualifier) CityCode CityName
USA Massachusetts BO Boston
USA North Carolina BELG Belgrade
USA Minnesota BELG Belgrade
USA Alabama NP Northport
USA Kansas KN Kensington
Canada Prince Edward KN Kensington

Qualifiers are used only to qualify the mappings. Therefore, the qualifier values can
not be looked up. Qualifier Order Support

A qualifier order is used to find the best match during lookup at run time. The order of
a qualifier varies from highest to lowest depending on the role of the qualifier in
defining a more exact match. In Table 9–3, the state qualifier can have a higher order
than the country qualifier, as a matching state indicates a more exact match.
Domain value maps support hierarchical lookup. If you specify a qualifier value
during a lookup and no exact match is found, then the lookup mechanism tries to find
a more generalized match by setting the higher order qualifiers to "". It proceeds until
a match is found, or until a match is not found with all qualifiers set to "". Figure 9–1
describes hierarchical lookup performed for the following lookup on Table 9–3:

2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

State=Arkansas, Country=Canada, CityCode=KN_USA

In this example, the State qualifier has a qualifier value as 2 and the Country
qualifier has a qualifier value as 1.

Figure 9–1 Hierarchical Lookup Example

Level of
Step 3 State=" ", Country=" ", CityCode=KN_USA Generalization

Step 2 State=" ", Country=Canada, CityCode=KN_USA

Step 1 State=Arkansas, Country=Canada, CityCode=KN_USA Level of


As shown in Figure 9–1, the lookup mechanism sets the higher order qualifier STATE
to the exact lookup value Arkansas and uses Canada|"" for the lower order
qualifier Country.
When no match is found, the lookup mechanism sets the higher order qualifier, STATE
to value "" and sets the next higher qualifier Country to an exact value Canada.
When no match is found, the lookup mechanism sets the value of the previous higher
order qualifier Country to value "". One matching row is found where CityCode is
KN_USA and Kensington is returned as value.
Table 9–4 provides a summary of these steps.

Table 9–4 Domain Value Map Lookup Result

STATE COUNTRY ShortValue Lookup Result
Arkansas CANADA|" " KN_USA No Match
"" "" KN_USA Kensington One-to-Many Mapping Support

You can map one value to a multiple values in a domain value map. For example, a
domain value map for Payment Terms can contain mapping of payment terms to three
values such as discount percentage, discount period, and total payment period, as
shown in Table 9–5.

Table 9–5 One-to-Many Mapping Support

Discount Discount NetCredit
Percentage Period Period Payment Term
10 20 30 GoldCustomerPaymentTerm
5 20 30 SilverCustomerPaymentTerm
2 20 30 RegularPaymentTerm

Beta Draft 3
9.2 Creating Domain Value Maps
You can create one or more domain value maps, in a SOA Composite application of
Oracle JDeveloper and then at run time, use it to look up for column values.

9.2.1 How to Create Domain Value Maps


To create a domain value map:

1. In the Application Navigator, right-click the project in which you want to create a
domain value map and select New.
2. In the New Gallery dialog, expand the SOA Tier node, and then select the
Transformations category.
3. In the Items list, select Domain Value Map(DVM) and click OK to open the
Create Domain Value Map(DVM) File dialog.
4. In the File Name field, enter the name of the domain value map file. For example,
specify CityCodes to identify a domain value map for city names and city codes.
5. In the Description field, enter a description of the domain value map. For
example, Mappings of city names and city codes. This field is optional.
6. In the Domain Name field, enter a name for each domain. For example, you can
enter CityCode in one Domain Name field and CityName in another. Each
domain name must be unique in a domain value map.

Note: You can later add more domains to a domain value map by
using the domain value map editor.

7. In the Domain Value field, enter a value corresponding to each domain. For
example, enter BO for CityCode domain and Boston for CityName domain as
shown in Figure 9–2.

Figure 9–2 Populated Create Domain Value Map File Dialog

8. Click OK.
The domain value map editor is displayed, as shown in Figure 9–3.

4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 9–3 Domain Value Map Editor

9.2.2 What Happens When You Create a Domain Value Map

A file with extension .dvm gets created and appears in the Application Navigator, as
shown in Figure 9–4.

Figure 9–4 A Domain Value Map File in Application Navigator

All .dvm files are based on the following schema definition (XSD) file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Copyright (c) 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. -->
<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd=""

Beta Draft 5

<xsd:element name="dvm">
<xsd:documentation>The Top Level Element
<xsd:element name="description" minOccurs="0" type="xsd:string">
<xsd:documentation>The DVM Description. This is optional
<xsd:element name="columns">
<xsd:documentation>This element holds DVM's column List.
<xsd:element name="column" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xsd:documentation>This represents a DVM Column
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="qualifier" default="false"
<xsd:attribute name="order" use="optional"
<xsd:element name="rows" minOccurs="0">
<xsd:documentation>This represents all the DVM Rows.
<xsd:element name="row" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
Each DVM row of values
<xsd:element name="cell" minOccurs="2" maxOccurs="unbounded"
<xsd:documentation>This is the value for this row and for
each column in

6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

the same order as defined in Columns.
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:documentation>This Schema is used to validate the DVM Document got for
creation and
updation of a DVM.

9.3 Editing a Domain Value Map

After you have created a domain value map, you can edit it and make adjustments to
the presentation of data in the domain value map editor.

9.3.1 Adding Columns to a Domain Value Map

A domain value map column defines the domain whose values you want to map with
other domains.

To add a column to a domain value map:

1. Click Add.

2. Select Add Column.

The Create DVM Column dialog is displayed.
3. In the Name field, enter a column name.
4. Select True to set this column as a Qualifier.
5. In the Qualifier Order field, enter a qualifier number. This field is enabled only if
you have selected True in the Qualifier field.
6. Click OK.

9.3.2 Adding Rows to a Domain Value Map

A domain value map row contains the values of the domains.

To add a row to a domain value map:

1. In the domain value map editor, click Add.

2. Select Add Row.

Beta Draft 7
9.3.3 Reordering the Columns in a Domain Value Map
You can move a column from one position to another. This feature is provided to
support user preferences, it has no effect on how the domain value map is used at run

To reorder a column in a domain value map:

1. Select the column that you want to move.

2. Drag the column to move the selected column.

3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all the columns appear in the desired order.

9.4 Using Domain Value Map Functions

After creating a domain value map, you can use the domain value maps XPath
functions to look up for appropriate values and populate the targets for the
applications at run time.

9.4.1 Understanding Domain Value Map Functions

You can use the dvm:lookupValue and dvm:lookupValue1M XPath functions to
look up a domain value map for a single or multiple values at run time. dvm:lookupValue
The dvm:lookupValue function returns a string by looking up the value for the
target column in a domain value map, where the source column contains the given
source value.
■ Usage 1
dvm:lookupValue(dvmMetadataURI as string, SourceColumnName as string,
SourceValue as string, TargetColumnName as string, DefaultValue as string) as

dvm:lookupValue(’C:\dvms\cityMap.dvm’,’CityCodes’,’BO’, ’CityNames’,

■ Usage 2
dvm:lookupValue(dvmMetadataURI as string, SourceColumnName as string,
SourceValue as string, TargetColumnName as string, DefaultValue as string,
(QualifierSourceColumn as string, QualifierSourceValue as string)*) as string

dvm:lookupValue (’C:\dvms\cityMap.dvm',’CityCodes’,’BO’,’CityNames’,
’CouldNotBeFound’, ’State’, ’Massachusetts’)

■ dvmMetadataURI - The domain value map URI.
■ SourceColumnName - The source column name.
■ SourceValue - The source value (an XPath expression bound to the source
document of the XSLT transformation).

8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

■ TargetColumnName - The target column name.
■ DefaultValue - If the value is not found, then the default value is returned.
■ QualifierSourceColumn: The name of the qualifier column.
■ QualifierSourceValue: The value of the qualifier. dvm:lookupValue1M
The dvm:lookupValue1M function returns an xml document fragment containing
values for multiple target columns of a domain value map, where the value for source
column is equal to the source value.
dvm:lookupValue1M(dvmMetadataURI as string, SourceColumnName as string,
SourceValue as string,(TargetColumnName as string)?)as DocumentFragment

■ dvmMetadataURI - The domain value map URI.
■ SourceColumnName - The source column name.
■ SourceValue - The source value (an XPath expression bound to the source
document of the XSLT transformation).
■ TargetColumnName - The name of the target columns. At least one column name
should be specified. The question mark symbol (?) indicates that you can specify
multiple target column names.


9.4.2 Using Domain Value Map Functions in Transformation

The domain value map functions can be used for transformation with a BPEL service
component or a Mediator service component. Transformations are done by using the
XSLT Mapper window, which is displayed when you create an XSL file to transform
the data from one XML schema to another.

See Also: Chapter 4, "XSLT Mapper and Transformations" for

information about XSLT Mapper.

To use the lookupValue1M Function in Transformation:

1. In the Application Navigator, double-click an XSL file to open the XSLT Mapper
2. In the XSLT Mapper window, expand the trees in the Source and Target panes.
3. In the Component Palette, click down arrow and then select Advanced.
4. Select DVM Functions as shown in Figure 9–5.

Beta Draft 9
Figure 9–5 Domain Value Map Functions in Component Palette

5. Drag and drop lookupValue1M onto the line that connects the source to the target.
A dvm:lookupValue1M icon appears on the connecting line.
6. Double-click the lookupValue1M icon.
The Edit Function – lookupValue1M dialog is displayed as shown in Figure 9–6.

Figure 9–6 Edit Function – lookupValue1M Dialog

7. Specify values for the following fields in the Edit Function – lookupValue1M
a. In the dvmLocation field, enter the location URI of the domain value map file
or click Browse to the right of the dvmLocation field to select a domain value
map file. You can select an already deployed domain value map from MDS
and also from shared location in MDS. This can be done by selecting the
Resource Palette.
b. In the sourceColumnName field, enter the name of the domain value map
column that is associated with the source element value or click Browse to

10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

select a column name from the columns defined for the domain value map
you previously selected.
c. In the sourceValue field, enter a value or press Ctrl-Space to use XPath
Building Assistant. Press the up and down keys to locate an object in the list
and press enter to select an item.
d. In the targetColumnName field, enter the name of the domain value map
column that is associated with the target element value or click Browse to
select the name from the columns defined for the domain value map you
previously selected.
e. Click Add to add another column as target column and then enter the name of
the column.
A populated Edit Function - lookupValue1M dialog is shown in Figure 9–7.

Figure 9–7 Populated Edit Function – lookupValue1M Dialog

8. Click OK.
The XSLT mapper window is displayed with lookupValue1M function icon.
9. From the File menu, click Save All.

9.4.3 Using a Domain Value Map Functions to Create XPath Expressions

You can use the domain value map functions to create XPath expressions in the
Expression Builder dialog. You can access the Expression builder dialog through
Assign activity of a BPEL service component or through Assign Values functionality of
a Mediator service component.

Note: The lookupValue1M function is currently not supported in

the Expression Builder dialog.

See Also: Section, "Assigning Values" for information about

Assign Values functionality.

Beta Draft 11
To use the lookupValue function in the Expression Builder dialog:
1. In the Functions list, select DVM Functions.

2. Double-click the dvm:lookupValue function to add it to the expression field.

3. Specify the various arguments of the lookupValue function. For example:

This expression, also shown in Figure 9–8, looks up a domain value map for city
name equivalent of a city code. The value of the city code depends upon the value
specified at the run time.

Figure 9–8 Domain Value Map Functions in Expression Builder Dialog

9.4.4 What Happens at Run Time

At run time, a BPEL service component or a Mediator service component uses the
domain value map to look up appropriate values and populate the targets for the
applications which a BPEL service component or a mediator service component is

9.5 Domain Value Map Use Case

This sample demonstrates the hierarchical lookup feature of domain value map. The
hierarchical lookup use case consists of the following steps:
1. Files are picked up from a directory by an adapter service named ReadOrders.

12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

2. The ReadOrders adapter service sends the file data to the ProcessOrders
3. The ProcessOrders mediator then transforms the message to the structure
required by the adapter reference. During transformation, mediator looks up the
UnitsOfMeasure domain value map for an equivalent value of Common domain.
4. The ProcessOrders mediator sends the message to an external reference
5. The WriteOrders reference writes the message to a specified output directory.

9.5.1 Step-By-Step Instructions for Creating the Use Case

This section provides the design-time tasks for creating, building, and deploying your
SOA composite application. These tasks should be performed in the order in which
they are presented.
■ Task 1: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project
■ Task 2: Creating a Domain Value Map
■ Task 3: Creating a File Adapter Service
■ Task 4: Creating ProcessOrders Mediator
■ Task 5: Creating a File Adapter Reference
■ Task 6: Specifying Routing Rules
■ Task 7: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection
■ Task 8: Deploying the Composite Application Task 1: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project

To create an application and a project for the use case:

1. In Oracle JDeveloper, select the Applications Navigator tab.

2. In the Application Navigator, right-click and select New.

3. In the New Gallery, expand the General node, and select the Applications
4. In the Items list, select Application and click OK to open the Create Application
5. In the Application Name field, enter Hierarchical, and then click OK to open
the Create Project dialog.
6. In the Project Name field, enter HierarchicalValue and click OK.
7. In the Application Navigator, right-click the HierarchicalValue project and select
8. In the New Gallery, expand the SOA Tier node.
9. In the Items list, select SOA Composite and click OK to open the Create SOA
Composite dialog.
10. In the Composite Template list, select Empty Composite and then click OK.
The Applications Navigator of Oracle JDeveloper is updated with the new
application and project and the Design tab contains, a blank palette.

Beta Draft 13
11. From the File menu, click Save All. Task 2: Creating a Domain Value Map

After creating an application and a project for the use case, you need to create a
domain value map.

To create a domain value map:

1. In the Application Navigator, right-click the HierarchicalValue project and select
2. In the New Gallery dialog, expand the SOA Tier node, and then select the
Transformations category.
3. In the Items list, select Domain Value Map(DVM) and click OK to open the
Create Domain Value Map(DVM) File dialog.
4. In the File Name field, enter UnitsOfMeasure.dvm.
5. In the Domain Name fields, enter Siebel and Common.
6. In the Domain Value field corresponding to the Siebel domain, enter Ea.
7. In the Domain Value field corresponding to the Common domain, enter Each.
8. Click OK to open the domain value map editor.
9. Click Add and then select Add Column to open the Create DVM Column dialog.
10. In the Name field, enter TradingPartner.

11. In the Qualifier list, select true.

12. In the QualifierOrder field, enter 1 and click OK.

13. Repeat Step 9 through Step 12 to create another qualifier named StandardCode
with qualifier order as 2.
14. Click Add and then select Add Row.
Repeat this step to add two more rows.
15. Enter the following information in the newly added rows of the domain value
map table:

Siebel Common TradingPartner StandardCode

E-RN Each A.C.Networks RN
EO Each ABC Inc RN

The domain value map editor would appear as shown in Figure 9–9.

14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 9–9 UnitsOfMeasure Domain Value Map

16. From the File menu, click Save All and close the domain value map editor. Task 3: Creating a File Adapter Service

After creating the the domain value map, you need to create a File adapter service,
named ReadOrders to read the XML files from a directory.

To create a File adapter service:

1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select File Adapter and drag it to the Exposed Services design area.
3. If the Adapter Configuration Wizard Welcome page appears, click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.
4. In the Service Name field, enter ReadOrders and then click Next.
The Operation page is displayed.
5. In the Operation Type field, select Read File and then click Next.
The File Directories page is displayed.
6. In the Directory for Incoming Files (physical path) field, enter the directory from
which you want to read the files.
7. Click Next.
The File Filtering page is displayed.
8. In the Include Files with Name Pattern field, enter *.xml and then click Next.
The File Polling page is displayed.
9. Change the Polling Frequency field value to 10 seconds and then click Next.
The Messages page is displayed.
10. Click Search.
The Type Chooser dialog is displayed.

Beta Draft 15
11. Click Import Schema File.
The Import Schema File dialog is displayed.
12. Click Search and select the Order.xsd file present in the Samples folder.

13. Click OK.

14. Expand the navigation tree to Type Explorer\Imported Schemas\Order.xsd.

15. Select listOfOrder and click OK.

16. Click Next.

The Finish page is displayed.
17. Click Finish.

18. From the File menu, click Save All.

Figure 9–10 shows the ReadOrders service in SOA Composite Editor.

Figure 9–10 ReadOrders Service in the SOA Composite Editor Task 4: Creating ProcessOrders Mediator

Perform the following steps to create a Mediator named ProcessOrders:
1. Drag and drop a Mediator from Components Palette to the Components design
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. In the Name field, enter ProcessOrders.
3. In the Template list, select Define Interface Later.
4. Click OK.
A mediator with name ProcessOrders is created.
5. In the SOA Composite Editor, connect the ReadOrders service to the
ProcessOrders mediator, as shown in Figure 9–11.
This specifies the file adapter service to invoke the ProcessOrders mediator
while reading a file from the input directory.

16 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 9–11 ReadOrders Service Connected to the ProcessOrders Mediator

6. From the File menu, click Save All. Task 5: Creating a File Adapter Reference

Perform the following steps to create a file adapter reference, named
1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select File Adapter and drag it to the External References design area.
The Adapter Configuration wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.
4. In the Service Name field, enter WriteCommonOrder.
5. Click Next.
The Operation page is displayed.
6. In the Operation Type field, select Write File.
7. Click Next.
The File Configuration page is displayed.
8. In the Directory for Outgoing Files (physical path) field, enter the name of the
directory where you want to write the files.
9. In the File Naming Convention field, enter common_order_%SEQ%.xml and
click Next.
The Messages page is displayed.
10. Click Search.
The Type Chooser dialog is displayed.
11. Navigate to Type Explorer, Project Schema Files, Order.xsd and then select
12. Click OK.

13. Click Next.

The Finish page is displayed.
14. Click Finish.

Beta Draft 17
Figure 9–12 shows the WriteCommonOrder reference in SOA Composite Editor.

Figure 9–12 WriteCommonOrder Reference in SOA Composite Editor

15. From the File menu, click Save All. Task 6: Specifying Routing Rules

Follow these steps to specify the path that messages takes from the ReadOrders
adapter service to the external reference:
1. Connect the ProcessOrders mediator to the WriteCommonOrder reference as
shown in Figure 9–13.

Figure 9–13 ProcessOrders Mediator Connected to the WriteCommonOrder Reference

2. Double-click ProcessOrders mediator.

The Mediator Editor is displayed, as shown in Figure 9–14.

18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 9–14 ProcessOrders Mediator in Mediator Editor

3. Click the icon to the right of the Using Transformation field.

The Request Transformation Map dialog is displayed.
4. Select Create New Mapper File and click OK.
A listOfOrder_To_listOfOrder.xsl tab is displayed.
5. Drag and drop the imp1:listOfOrder source element to imp1:listOfOrder target
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
6. From the During Auto Map options, deselect Match Elements Considering their
Ancestor Names.
7. Click OK.
The listOfOrder_To_listOfOrder.xsl tab appears as shown in Figure 9–15.

Figure 9–15 imp1:listOfOrder To imp1:listOfOrder Transformation

8. In the Components Palette, select Advanced.

9. Click DVM Functions.
10. Drag and drop lookupValue on the line connecting the unitsOfMeasure
elements, as shown in Figure 9–16.

Beta Draft 19
Figure 9–16 Adding lookupValue Function to imp1:listOfOrder To imp1:listOfOrder.xsl

11. Double-click the lookupvalue icon.

The Edit Function-lookupValue dialog is displayed.

12. Click Search to the right of dvmLocation field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
13. Select UnitsofMeasure.dvm and click OK.

14. Click Search to the right of sourceColumnName field.

The Select DVM Column dialog is displayed.
15. Select Siebel and click OK.

16. In the sourceValue column, enter

17. Click Search to the right of targetColumnName field.
The Select DVM Column dialog is displayed.
18. Select Common and click OK.
19. In the defaultValue field, enter "No_Value_Found".

20. Click Add.

A qualifierColumnName row is added.
21. In the qualifierColumnName field, enter "StandardCode".

22. Click Add.

A qualifierValue row is added.
23. In the qualifierValue field, enter
24. Click Add to insert another qualifierColumnName row.

25. In the qualifierColumnName field, enter "TradingPartner".

26. Click Add to insert another qualifierValue row.

27. In the qualifierValue field, enter

The Edit Function-lookupValue dialog would appear as shown in Figure 9–17.

20 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 9–17 Edit Function-lookupValue Function Dialog: Hierarchical Lookup Use Case

28. Click OK.

The Transformation would appear as shown in Figure 9–18.

Figure 9–18 Complete imp1:listOfOrder To imp1:listOfOrder Transformation

29. From the File menu, click Save All and close the listOfOrder_To_listOfOrder.xsl
tab. Task 7: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection

An Oracle Application Server connection is required for deploying your SOA
composite application. For information on creating Oracle Application Server
connection, refer to Section, "Task 7: Configuring Oracle Application Server

Beta Draft 21 Task 8: Deploying the Composite Application
Deploying the HierarchicalValue composite application to Oracle Application
Server consists of following steps:
■ Creating an Application Deployment Profile.
■ Deploying the Application Deployment Profile to Oracle Application Server.
For detailed information about these steps, see Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications".

9.5.2 Running and Monitoring the HierarchicalValue Application

After deploying the HierarchicalValue application, you can run it by copying the
input xml file sampleorder.xml to the input folder. This file is available in the
samples folder. On successful completion, a file with name common_order_1.xml
is written to the specified output directory.
For monitoring the running instance, you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Console
at the following URL:

where hostname is the host on which you installed the Oracle SOA Suite
In Oracle Enterprise Manager Console, you can click the HierarchicalValue to see
the project dashboard, as shown in Figure 9–19.

Figure 9–19 HierarchicalValue Dashboard in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control


To view the detailed execution trail, click the instance id in the instance column. The
Flow Trace page is displayed as shown in Figure 9–20.

22 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 9–20 HierarchicalValue Flow Trace in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control

Beta Draft 23
24 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft
Working with Cross References

The cross referencing feature of Oracle SOA Suite enables you to associate identifiers
for equivalent entities created in different applications. For example, you can use cross
references to associate a customer entity created in one application (with native id
Cust_100) with an entity for the same customer in another application (with native id
This chapter explains how to create, populate, and use cross references. It contains the
following topics:
■ Introduction to Cross References
■ Creating and Modifying Cross Reference Tables
■ Populating Cross Reference Tables
■ Looking Up Cross Reference Tables
■ Deleting a Cross Reference Table Value
■ Schema Definition(XSD) File for Cross References
■ Cross Reference Use Case

10.1 Introduction to Cross References

Many a times, when you create or update objects in one application, you also want to
propagate the changes to other application. For example, when a new customer is
created in a SAP application, you might want to create a new entry for the same
customer in your Oracle E-Business Suite application named as EBS.
However, the applications that you are integrating could be using different entities to
represent the same information. For example, for a new customer in a SAP application,
a new row is inserted in its Customer database with a unique identifier such as SAP_
001. When the same information is propagated to an Oracle E-Business Suite
application and a Siebel application, a new row should be inserted with different
identifiers such as EBS_1001 and SBL001. In such cases, you need some kind of
functionality to map these identifiers with each other so that they could be interpreted
by different applications to be referring to the same entity. This can be done by using
cross references tables. Table 10–1 shows a cross reference table containing information
about customer identifiers in different applications.

Table 10–1 Cross Reference Table Sample

SAP_001 EBS_1001 SBL001

Beta Draft 1
Table 10–1 (Continued)Cross Reference Table Sample
SAP_002 EBS_1002 SBL002

The identifier mapping is also required when information about a customer is updated
in one application and the changes need to be propagated in other applications also.
You can also integrate different identifiers is by using a common value integration
pattern, which maps to all identifiers in a cross reference table. For example, you can
add one more column Common to the cross reference table shown in Table 10–1. The
updated cross reference table would appear, as shown in Table 10–2.

Table 10–2 Cross Reference Table with Common Column

SAP_001 EBS_1001 SBL001 CM001
SAP_002 EBS_1002 SBL002 CM002

Figure 10–1 shows how you can use common value integration pattern to map
identifiers in different applications.

Figure 10–1 Common Value Integration Pattern Example

Common value
to Siebel System
SAP system
Transform Siebel
SAP value to
Siebel System System
System Common value
C value to
M Common value
I Transform
E Common value to
Oracle E-Business
Suite System value
Reference Transform Oracle
Suite System
Database E-Business Suite
System value to
Common value

A cross reference table consists of following two parts: metadata and the actual data.
The metadata is the .xref file created in Oracle JDeveloper, and is stored in Metadata
Services (MDS) as an xml file. The actual data is stored in the database.
You can create a cross reference table in a SOA composite application of Oracle
JDeveloper and then use it to look up for column values at run time. However, before
using a cross reference to lookup a particular value, you need to populate it at run
time. This can de done by using the cross reference XPath functions. The XPath
functions enable you to populate a cross reference, perform lookups and delete a
column value. These XPath functions can be used in the Expression builder dialog to
create an expression or in the XSLT Mapper dialog to create transformations.

2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

You can access the Expression builder dialog through Assign activity of a BPEL service
component or through Assign value functionality of a Mediator service component.
Figure 10–2 shows how you can select the cross reference functions in the Expression
builder dialog.

Figure 10–2 Expression Builder Dialog with Cross Reference Functions

Note: The lookupXRef1M function is currently not supported in the

Expression Builder dialog.

The XSLT Mapper dialog is displayed when you create an XSL file to transform data
from one XML schema to another. Figure 10–3 shows how you can select the cross
reference functions in the XSLT Mapper dialog.

Beta Draft 3
Figure 10–3 XSLT Mapper Dialog with Cross Reference Functions

10.2 Creating and Modifying Cross Reference Tables

You can create cross references tables in a SOA composite application and then use it
with a BPEL service component or a mediator service component during
transformations. The following sections explain how to create, modify, and delete
cross references:
■ Creating a Cross Reference Table
■ Adding a Column to a Cross Reference Table
■ Deleting a Column from a Cross Reference Table

10.2.1 Creating a Cross Reference Table

Perform the following steps to create a cross reference table:
1. In Oracle JDeveloper, select the SOA project in which you want to create the cross
2. Right-click the project and select New. The New Gallery dialog is displayed.
3. Select SOA Tier from Categories and then select Transformations.
4. Select Cross Reference(XREF) from Items.
5. Click OK. The Create Cross Reference(XREF) File dialog is displayed.
6. Specify the name of the cross reference file in the File Name field. For example,
specify Customer.
A cross reference name is used to identify an cross reference table uniquely. Two
cross reference tables cannot have same name in the cross reference repository.
The cross reference filename is the name of the cross reference table with an
extension of .xref.
7. In the Description field, enter a description for the cross reference. For example,
Cross reference of Customer identifiers.
8. Specify end system names in the End System fields.

4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

The end systems map to the cross reference columns in a cross reference table. For
example, you can change the first end system name to SAP and second end system
name to EBS. Each end system name must be unique within a cross reference.
A sample Create Cross Reference(XREF) File dialog is displayed in Figure 10–4.

Figure 10–4 Create Cross Reference(XREF) File Dialog

9. Click OK. The Cross Reference(XREF) editor is displayed, as shown in

Figure 10–5. You can use this editor to modify the cross reference.

Figure 10–5 Cross Reference Editor

Beta Draft 5
Note: -Cross reference table names, cross reference column names,
and cross reference values are case-sensitive.

10.2.2 Adding a Column to a Cross Reference Table

Perform the following steps to add a column to a cross reference table:
1. Click Add. A new column is added.
2. Double-click the newly added column.
3. Enter the column name. For example, SBL.

10.2.3 Deleting a Column from a Cross Reference Table

Perform the following steps to delete a column from a cross reference table:
1. Select the Column that you want to delete.
2. Click Delete. The selected column is deleted from the cross reference table.

10.3 Populating Cross Reference Tables

A cross reference table needs be populated at run time before using it. This can be
done by using the following XPath extension functions:
■ xref:populateXRefRow Function
■ xref:populateXRefRow1M Function

10.3.1 xref:populateXRefRow Function

You can use the xref:populateXRefRow function to populate a cross reference
column with a value. This function returns a string value which is the cross reference
value being populated. The syntax of the xref:populateXRefRow function is as
xref:populateXRefRow(xrefLocation as string, xrefReferenceColumnName as string,
xrefReferenceValue as string, xrefColumnName as string, xrefValue as string, mode
as string) as string

■ xrefLocation: The cross reference table URI.
■ xrefReferenceColumnName: The name of the reference column.
■ xrefReferenceValue: The value corresponding to reference column name.
■ xrefColumnName: The name of the column to be populated.
■ xrefValue: The value to be populated in the column.
■ mode: The mode in which the xref:populateXRefRow function populates the
column. You can specify any of the following values: ADD, LINK, or UPDATE.
Table 10–3 describes these modes.

6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Table 10–3 xref:populateXRefRow Function Modes
Mode Description Exception Reasons
ADD Adds the reference value Exception can occur because
and the value to be added. of the following reasons:
For example, ■ The specified cross
xref:populateXRefRow( reference table is not
"customers.xref","SAP found.
■ The specified columns
are not found.
") adds the reference value
SAP_100 in the SAP ■ The values provided
reference column and value are empty.
CM001 in the Common
■ The value being added
is not unique across
that column for that
■ The column for that
row already contains a
■ The reference value
LINK Adds the cross reference Exception can occur because
value corresponding to the of the following reasons:
existing reference value. For
■ The specified cross
reference table is not
","SAP_100", ■ The specified columns
"Common","CM001","Lin are not found.
k") links the value CM001
■ The values provided
in the Common column to
are empty.
the SAP_100 value in the
SAP column. ■ The reference value is
not found.
■ The value being linked
exists in that column
for that table.
UPDATE Updates the cross reference Exception can occur because
value corresponding to an of the following reasons:
existing reference
■ The specified cross
column-value pair. For
reference table is not
"customers.xref","SAP ■ The specified columns
","SAP_100", are not found.
■ The values provided
are empty.
the value SAP_100 in the
SAP column to value SAP_ ■ Multiple values are
1001. found for the column
being updated.
■ The reference value is
not found.
■ The column for that
row does not have a

Beta Draft 7
Note: The mode parameter values are case-sensitive and should be
specified in the upper case only as shown in Table 10–3.

Table 10–4 describes the xref:populateXRefRow function modes and exception

conditions for these modes.

Table 10–4 xref:populateXRefRow Function Results with Different Modes

Mode Reference Value Value to be Added Result
ADD Absent Absent Success
Present Absent Exception
Present Present Exception
LINK Absent Absent Exception
Present Absent Success
Present Present Exception
UPDATE Absent Absent Exception
Present Absent Exception
Present Present Success Using xref:populateXRefRow Function

The xref:populateXRefRow can be used in transformation to populate a column of
a cross reference table by performing the following steps:
1. In the XSLT Mapper dialog, expand the trees in the Source and Target panes.
2. Drag and drop the source element to the target element.
3. In the Component Palette, click down arrow and then select Advanced.
4. Select XREF Functions.
5. Drag and drop populateXRefRow onto the line that connects the source object to
the target object.
A populateXRefRow icon appears on the connecting line.
6. Double-click the populateXRefRow icon.
The Edit Function – populateXRefRow dialog is displayed, as shown in
Figure 10–6.

8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–6 Edit Function – populateXRefRow Dialog

7. Specify the following values for the fields in the Edit Function – populateXRefRow
a. In the xrefLocation field, enter the location URI of the cross reference file.
Click Browse to the right of the xrefLocation field to select the cross reference
file. You can select an already deployed cross reference from MDS and also
from a shared location in MDS using the Resource Palette.
b. In the referenceColumnName field, enter the name of the cross reference
Click Browse to the right of the referenceColumnName field to select a
column name from the columns defined for the cross reference you previously
c. In the referenceValue field, you can manually enter a value or press
Ctrl-Space to launch XPath Building Assistant. Press the up and down keys to
locate an object in the list and press enter to select that object.
d. In the columnName field, enter the name of cross reference column.
Click the Browse to the right of the columnName field to select a column
name from the columns defined for the cross reference you previously
e. In the value field, you can manually enter a value or press Ctrl-Space to
launch XPath Building Assistant.
f. In the mode field, enter a mode in which you want to populate the cross
reference table column. For example, ADD.
You can also click Browse to select a mode. The Select Populate Mode dialog
is displayed from which you can select a mode.
8. Click OK.
A populated Edit Function – populateXRefRow dialog is shown in Figure 10–7.

Beta Draft 9
Figure 10–7 Populated Edit Function – populateXRefRow Dialog

10.3.2 xref:populateXRefRow1M Function

Many a times two values in a system can correspond to a single value in another
system. For example, as shown in Table 10–5, SAP_001 and SAP_0011 values refer to
one value of the EBS and the SBL application.

Table 10–5 Cross Reference Table with Multiple Column Values

SAP_001 EBS_1001 SBL001
SAP_002 EBS_1002 SBL002

To populate a column in the cross reference table with multiple values, you can use
the xref:populateXRefRow1M function. The syntax of the
xref:populateXRefRow1M function is as follows:
xref:populateXRefRow1M(xrefLocation as string, xrefReferenceColumnName as string,
xrefReferenceValue as string, xrefColumnName as string, xrefValue as string, mode
as string) as string

■ xrefLocation: The cross reference URI.
■ xrefReferenceColumnName: The name of the reference column.
■ xrefReferenceValue: The value corresponding to reference column name.
■ xrefColumnName: The name of the column to be populated.
■ xrefValue: The value to be populated in the column.
■ mode: The mode in which the xref:populateXRefRow function populates the
column. You can specify either of the following values: ADD or LINK. Table 10–6
describes these modes:

10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Table 10–6 xref:populateXRefRow1M Function Modes
Mode Description Exception Reasons
ADD Adds the reference value Exception can occur because
and the value to be added. of the following reasons:
For example,
■ The specified cross
reference table is not
"Common","CM002","ADD ■ The specified columns
")adds the reference value are not found.
SAP_100 in the reference
■ The values provided
column SAP and the value
are empty.
CM002 in the Common
column. ■ The value being added
is not unique across
that column for that
■ The reference value
LINK Adds the cross reference Exception can occur because
value corresponding to the of the following reasons:
existing reference value. For
■ The specified cross
reference table is not
AP","SAP_100", ■ The specified columns
"Common","CM001","Lin are not found.
k") links the value CM001
■ The values provided
in the Common column to
are empty.
the SAP_100 value in the
SAP column. ■ The reference value is
not found.
■ The value being added
is not unique across the
column for that table.

Table 10–7 describes the xref:populateXRefRow1M function modes and exception

conditions for these modes.

Table 10–7 xref:populateXRefRow1M Function Results with Different Modes

Mode Reference Value Value to be Added Result
ADD Absent Absent Success
Present Absent Exception
Present Present Exception
LINK Absent Absent Exception
Present Absent Success
Present Present Exception

The design time steps for using the xref:populateXRefRow1M function are similar
to the xref:populateXRefRow function described in "Using xref:populateXRefRow

Beta Draft 11
10.4 Looking Up Cross Reference Tables
After populating the cross reference table, you can use it to lookup for a value. This
can be done by using the following XPath extension functions:
■ xref:lookupXRef Function
■ xref:lookupXRef1M Function

10.4.1 xref:lookupXRef Function

You can use the xref:lookupXRef function to look up a cross reference column for a
value that corresponds to a specific value in a reference column. For example, the
following function looks up the Common column of the cross reference table described
in Table 10–2 for a value corresponding to SAP_001 value in SAP column.
xref:lookupXRef("customers.xref","SAP","SAP_001", "Common", true())

The syntax of the xref:lookupXRefRow function is as follows:

xref:lookupXRef(xrefLocation as string, xrefReferenceColumnName as string,
xrefReferenceValue as string, xrefColumnName as string, needAnException as
boolean) as string

■ xrefLocation: The cross reference URI.
■ xrefReferenceColumnName: The name of the reference column.
■ xrefReferenceValue: The value corresponding to reference column name.
■ xrefColumnName: The name of the column to be looked up for the value.
■ needAnException: When value is set to true, an exception is thrown if the
value is not found, else an empty value is returned.

Exception Reasons
An exception can occur because of the following reasons:
■ The cross reference table with the given name is not found.
■ The specified column names are not found.
■ The specified reference value is empty.
■ If multiple values are found. Using xref:lookupXRef Function

You can use the xref:lookupXRef function to look up a cross reference table
column by performing the following steps during transformation:
1. In the XSLT Mapper dialog, expand the trees in the Source and Target panes.
2. Drag and drop the source element to the target element.
3. In the Component Palette, click the down arrow and then select Advanced.
4. Select XREF Functions.
5. Drag and drop lookupXRef onto the line that connects the source object to the
target object.
A lookupXRef icon appears on the connecting line.

12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

6. Double-click the lookupXRef icon.
The Edit Function – lookupXRef dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 10–8.

Figure 10–8 Edit Function – lookupXRef Dialog

7. Specify the following values for the fields in the Edit Function – lookupXRef
a. In the xrefLocation field, enter the location URI of the cross reference file.
Click Browse to the right of the xrefLocation field to select the cross reference
file. You can select an already deployed cross reference from MDS and also
from shared location in MDS by using the Resource Palette.
b. In the referenceColumnName field, enter the name of the cross reference
Click Browse to the right of the referenceColumnName field to select a
column name from the columns defined for the cross reference you previously
c. In the referenceValue field, you can manually enter a value or press
Ctrl-Space to launch XPath Building Assistant. Press the up and down keys to
locate an object in the list and press enter to select that object.
d. In the columnName field, enter the name of the cross reference column.
Click Browse to the right of the columnName field to select a column name
from the columns defined for the cross reference you previously selected.
e. Click Browse to the right of needException field. The Need Exception dialog
is displayed. Select YES to raise an exception if no value is found else select
8. Click OK.
A populated Edit Function – lookupXRef dialog is shown in Figure 10–9.

Beta Draft 13
Figure 10–9 Populated Edit Function – lookupXRef Dialog

10.4.2 xref:lookupXRef1M Function

You can use the xref:lookupXRef1M function to look up a cross reference column
for multiple values corresponding to a specific value in a reference column. This
function returns a node-set containing the multiple nodes. Each node in the node-set
contains a value.
For example, the following function looks up the SAP column of Table 10–5 for
multiple values corresponding to EBS_1001 value in the EBS column:
xref:lookupXRef1M("customers.xref","EBS","EBS_1001", "Common", true())

The syntax of the xref:lookupXRefRow1M function is as follows:

xref:lookupXRef1M(xrefLocation as string, xrefReferenceColumnName as string,
xrefReferenceValue as string, xrefColumnName as string, needAnException as
boolean) as node-set

■ xrefLocation: The cross reference URI.
■ xrefReferenceColumnName: The name of the reference column.
■ xrefReferenceValue: The value corresponding to reference column name.
■ xrefColumnName: The name of the column to be looked up for the value.
■ needAnException: If value is set to true, an exception is thrown if the value is
not found else an empty value is returned.

Exception Reasons
An exception can occur because of the following reasons:
■ The cross reference table with the given name is not found.
■ The specified column names are not found.
■ The specified reference value is empty.

14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

The design time steps for using the xref:lookupXRef1M function are similar to the
xref:lookupXRef function explained in "Using xref:lookupXRef Function" on
page 10-12.

10.5 Deleting a Cross Reference Table Value

You can use the xref:markForDelete function to delete a value in a cross reference
table. The value in the column is marked as deleted. This function returns true if
deletion was successful else returns false.
A cross reference table row should have at least two mappings. Therefore, if you have
only two mappings in a row and you mark one value for delete, then the value in
another column is also deleted.
Any column value marked for delete is treated as if the value does not exist. Therefore,
you can populate the same column with xref:populateXRefRow function in ADD
However, using the column value marked for delete as a reference value in the LINK
mode of xref:populateXRefRow function, would raise an error.
The syntax for the xref:markForDelete function is as follows:
xref:markForDelete(xrefTableName as string, xrefColumnName as string,
xrefValueToDelete as string) return as boolean

■ xrefTableName: The cross reference table name.
■ xrefColumnName: The name of the column from which you want to delete a
■ xrefValueToDelete: The value to be deleted.

Exception Reasons
An exception can occur because of the following reasons:
■ The cross reference table with the given name is not found.
■ The specified column name is not found.
■ The specified value is empty.
■ The specified value is not found in the column.
■ Multiple values are found.
Perform the following steps to delete a value from a cross reference table column:
1. In the XSLT Mapper dialog, expand the trees in the Source and Target panes.
2. Drag and drop the source element to the target element.
3. In the Component Palette, click the down arrow and then select Advanced.
4. Select XREF Functions.
5. Drag and drop markForDelete onto the line that connects the source object to the
target object.
A markForDelete icon appears on the connecting line.
6. Double-click the markForDelete icon.

Beta Draft 15
The Edit Function – markForDelete dialog is displayed, as shown in Figure 10–10.

Figure 10–10 Edit Function – markForDelete Dialog

7. Specify the following values for the fields in the Edit Function – markForDelete
a. In the xrefLocation field, enter the location URI of the cross reference file.
Click the flashlight icon to the right of the xrefLocation field to select the cross
reference file. You can select an already deployed cross reference from MDS
and also from shared location in MDS by using the Resource Palette.
b. In the columnName field, enter the name of cross reference table column.
Click the flashlight icon to the right of the columnName field to select a
column name from the columns defined for the cross reference you previously
c. In the Value field, you can manually enter a value or press Ctrl-Space to
launch XPath Building Assistant. Press the up and down keys to locate an
object in the list and press enter to select that object.
A populated Edit Function – markForDelete dialog is shown in Figure 10–11.

16 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–11 Populated Edit Function – markForDelete Dialog

8. Click OK.

10.6 Schema Definition(XSD) File for Cross References

Example 10–1 shows the cross reference XSD file. All imported cross reference XML
files are validated against this schema definition file. All functions in the schema
definition file should be in the following namespace:

Example 10–1 Cross Reference XSD File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<schema xmlns=""
xmlns:tns="" elementFormDefault="qualified">
<element name="xref" type="tns:xrefType"/>
<complexType name="xrefType">
<element name="table">
<element name="description" type="string" minOccurs="0"
<element name="columns" type="tns:columnsType" minOccurs="0"
<element name="rows" type="tns:rowsType" maxOccurs="1"
<attribute name="name" type="string" use="required"/>

<complexType name="columnsType">
<element name="column" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">

Beta Draft 17
<attribute name="name" type="string" use="required"/>

<complexType name="rowsType">
<element name="row" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<element name="cell" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<attribute name="colName" type="string" use="required"/>

10.7 Cross Reference Use Case

This section provides step-by-step instructions for creating and running the cross
reference use case.

10.7.1 Introduction
This use case implements an integration scenario between instances of Oracle EBS,
SAP and Siebel. When an insert, update, delete operation is performed on the SAP_01
table, the corresponding data is inserted or updated in the EBS and SBL tables.
Figure 10–12 provides an overview of this use case.

Figure 10–12 XrefCustApp Use Case in SOA Composite Editor

18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

The sample files for this use case are available in the mediator-109-XRef folder of
samples folder.

10.7.2 Prerequisites
Following are the prerequisites for creating this use case:
■ Installed and configured Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle JDeveloper, and an Oracle
Database to use as your repository.
■ Started Oracle SOA Suite by running the version of startsoa for your operating
system from the ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

10.7.3 Step-By-Step Instructions for Creating the Use Case

This section provides the design-time tasks for creating, building, and deploying your
SOA Composite application. These tasks should be performed in the order in which
they are presented.
■ Task 1: Configuring Oracle Database and Database Adapter
■ Task 2: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project
■ Task 3: Creating a Cross Reference
■ Task 4: Creating a Database Adapter Service
■ Task 5: Creating EBS and SBL External References
■ Task 6: Creating Logger External Reference
■ Task 7: Creating Mediator Components
■ Task 8: Specifying Routing Rules for Mediator1
■ Task 9: Specifying Routing Rules for Common Mediator
■ Task 10: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection
■ Task 11: Deploying the Composite Application Task 1: Configuring Oracle Database and Database Adapter

Perform the following steps to configure Oracle Database and the Database adapter:
1. This use case uses SCOTT database account with password TIGER. You need to
ensure that the SCOTT account is unlocked.
You can log in as SYSDBA and then run the setup_user.sql script available in
the XrefCustApp/sql folder to unlock the account.
2. Run the create_schema.sql script available in the XrefCustApp/sql folder
to create the tables required for this use case.
3. Run the create_app_procedure.sql script available in the
XrefCustApp/sql folder to create a procedure that simulates the various
Applications participating in this integration.
4. Run the createschema_xref_oracle.sql script available in the
OH/rcu/integration/soainfra/sql/xref folder, under the scott schema,
to create a Cross Reference table to store runtime Cross Reference data.
5. Edit the oc4j-ra.xml file available in the OH/j2ee/oc4j_
soa/application-deployments/default/DbAdapter folder as follows:
connector-factory location="eis/DB/DBConnection1"

Beta Draft 19
connector-name="Database Adapter">
<config-property name="xADataSourceName" value="jdbc/DBConnection1"/>
<config-property name="dataSourceName" value=""/>
<config-property name="platformClassName"
<config-property name="usesNativeSequencing" value="true"/>
<config-property name="sequencePreallocationSize" value="50"/>
<config-property name="defaultNChar" value="false"/>
<config-property name="usesBatchWriting" value="false"/>

This sample uses eis/DB/DBConnection1 to poll SAP table for new messages
and to connect to the procedure that simulates Oracle EBS and Siebel instances.
6. Edit the data-sources.xml available in the OH/j2ee/oc4j_soa/config
folder to have the corresponding JNDI name for datasource
jdbc/DBConnection1 as specified in the Database Adapter's oc4j-ra.xml.
<managed-data-source connection-pool-name="XRefDemo-ConnectionPool"
jndi-name="jdbc/DBConnection1" name="DBConnection1"/>
<connection-pool name="XRefDemo-ConnectionPool">
<connection-factory factory-class="oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource"
user="scott" password="tiger" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@host:port:service"/>

This sample uses the scott schema. Task 2: Creating an Oracle JDeveloper Application and Project

Perform the following steps to create an application and a project for the use case:
1. Start Oracle JDeveloper.
2. In the upper left panel, click the Applications Navigator tab.
3. Right-click Applications, then select New Application.
The Create Application dialog is displayed.
4. In the Application Name field, enter XrefCustApp, and then click OK.
The Create Project dialog is displayed.
5. In the Project Name field, enter XrefCustApp and click OK.
6. Right-click in the Applications Navigator pane and select New.
The New Gallery dialog is displayed.
7. From the Categories navigator, select SOA Tier.
8. From the Items list, select SOA Composite and click OK.
The Create SOA Composite dialog is displayed.
9. From the Composite Template list, select Empty Composite and then click OK.
The Applications Navigator of Oracle JDeveloper is updated with the new
application and project and the Design tab contains, a blank palette.
10. From the File menu, click Save All. Task 3: Creating a Cross Reference

Perform the following steps to create a cross reference:
1. Right-click the project and select New.

20 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

2. Select SOA Tier from Categories and then select Transformations.
3. Select Cross Reference(XREF) from Items.
4. Click OK.
The Create Cross Reference(XREF) File dialog is displayed.
5. Enter customer in the File Name field.
6. Enter SAP_01 in one End System field and EBS_i76 in another.
7. Click OK.
The Cross Reference Editor is displayed.
8. Click Add.
A new row is added.
9. Enter SBL_78 as End System name in the newly added row.
10. Click Add and enter Common as End System name.
The Cross Reference Editor would appear as shown in Figure 10–13.

Figure 10–13 Customer Cross Reference

11. From the File menu, click Save All and close the Cross Reference Editor. Task 4: Creating a Database Adapter Service

Perform the following steps to create a Database adapter service, named SAP:
1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select Database Adapter and drag it to the Exposed Services design area.
The Adapter Configuration wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.
4. In the Service Name field, enter SAP.

Beta Draft 21
5. Click Next.
The Service Connection page is displayed.
6. In the Application Connection field, select DBConnection1.
7. In the JNDI Name field, enter eis/DB/DBConnection1.
8. Click Next.
The Operation Type page is displayed.
9. Select Poll for New or Changed Records in a Table and click Next.
The Select Table page is displayed.
10. Click Import Tables.
The Import Tables dialog is displayed.
11. Select Scott from Schema.

12. In the Name Filter field, enter %SAP% and click Query.
The Available field is populated with SAP_01 table name.
13. Double-click SAP_01.
The Selected field is populated with SAP_01.
14. Click OK.
The Select Table page now contains the SAP_01 table.
15. Select SAP_01 and click Next.
The Define Primary Key page is displayed.
16. Select ID as primary key and click Next.
The Relationships page is displayed.
17. Click Next.
The Attribute Filtering page is displayed.
18. Click Next.
The After Read page is displayed.
19. Select Update a Field in the [SAP_01] Table (Logical Delete) and click Next.
The Logical Delete page is displayed.
20. In the Logical Delete field, select LOGICAL_DEL.

21. In the Read Value field, enter Y.

22. In the Unread Value field, enter N.

Figure 10–14 shows the Logical Delete page of the Adapter Configuration Wizard.

22 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–14 Logical Delete Page: Adapter Configuration Wizard

23. Click Next.

The Polling Options page is displayed.
24. Click Next.
The Define Selection Criteria page is displayed.
25. Click Next.
The Finish page is displayed.
26. Click Finish.
A Database adapter service SAP is created, as shown in Figure 10–15.

Figure 10–15 SAP Database Adapter Service in SOA Composite Editor

27. From the File menu, click Save All.

Beta Draft 23 Task 5: Creating EBS and SBL External References
Perform the following steps to create two external references named EBS and SBL:
1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select Database Adapter and drag it to the External References design area.
The Adapter Configuration wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.
4. In the Service Name field, enter EBS.
5. Click Next.
The Service Connection page is displayed.
6. In the Application Connection field, select DBConnection1.
7. In the JNDI Name field, enter eis/DB/DBConnection1.
8. Click Next.
The Operation Type page is displayed.
9. Select Call a Stored Procedure or Function and click Next.
The Specify Stored Procedure page is displayed.
10. Select Scott from Schema.

11. Click Browse.

The Stored Procedures dialog is displayed.
12. Select POPULATE_APP_INSTANCE as shown in Figure 10–16.

Figure 10–16 Stored Procedure Dialog

13. Click OK.

24 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

The Specify Stored Procedure page appears as shown in Figure 10–17.

Figure 10–17 Specify Stored Procedure Page of Adapter Configuration Wizard

14. Click Next.

The Finish page is displayed.
15. Click Finish.
Figure 10–18 shows the EBS reference in SOA Composite Editor.

Figure 10–18 EBS Reference in SOA Composite Editor

16. From the File menu, click Save All.

17. Repeat Step 2 through Step 16 to create another external references names SBL.
After completing this task, the SOA Composite Editor would appear as shown in
Figure 10–19.

Beta Draft 25
Figure 10–19 SBL Reference in SOA Composite Editor Task 6: Creating Logger External Reference

Perform the following steps to create a file adapter reference, named Logger:
1. From the Components Palette, select SOA.
2. Select File Adapter and drag it to the External References design area.
The Adapter Configuration wizard Welcome page is displayed.
3. Click Next.
The Service Name page is displayed.
4. In the Service Name field, enter Logger.
5. Click Next.
The Operation page is displayed.
6. In the Operation Type field, select Write File.
7. Click Next.
The File Configuration page is displayed.
8. In the Directory for Outgoing Files (physical path) field, enter the name of the
directory where you want to write the files.
9. In the File Naming Convention field, enter output.xml and click Next.
The Messages page is displayed.
10. Click Search.
The Type Chooser dialog is displayed.
11. Navigate to Type Explorer, Project Schema Files, SCOTT_POPULATE_APP_
INSTANCE.xsd and then select OutputParameters.
12. Click OK.

13. Click Next.

The Finish page is displayed.

14. Click Finish.
Figure 10–20 shows the Logger reference in the SOA Composite Editor.

26 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–20 Logger Reference in SOA Composite Editor

15. From the File menu. click Save All. Task 7: Creating Mediator Components

Perform the following steps to create a Mediator named Mediator1:
1. Drag and drop a Mediator from Components Palette to the Components design
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
2. Select Define Interface Later from Template.
3. Click OK.
A mediator with name Mediator1 is created.
4. Connect the SAP service to the Mediator1 as shown in Figure 10–21.

Beta Draft 27
Figure 10–21 SAP Service Connected to Mediator1

5. Click Save All.

6. Drag and drop another Mediator from Components Palette to the Components
design area.
The Create Mediator dialog is displayed.
7. Select Interface Definition From WSDL from Template.
8. Deselect Create Composite Service with SOAP Bindings.
9. Click Find Existing WSDLs to the right of the WSDL File field.
10. Navigate to and then select the Common.wsdl file. The Common.wsdl file is
available in the Samples folder.
11. Click OK.
12. Click OK.
A mediator with name Common is created. Task 8: Specifying Routing Rules for Mediator1

You need to specify routing rules for following operations:
■ Insert
■ Update
■ UpdateID
■ Delete

Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for Insert operation:
1. Double-click Mediator1 mediator.
The Mediator Editor is displayed.
2. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.

28 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

The Target Type dialog is displayed.
3. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
4. Navigate to XrefCustApp, Mediators, Common, Services, Common.
5. Select Insert and click OK.
6. Click the Filter icon.
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
7. Enter the following expression in the Expression field:

8. Click OK.
9. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
10. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SAP_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl.

11. Click OK.

A SAP_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl tab is displayed.
12. Drag and drop top:SAP01 source element to the inp1:Customer target element.
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
13. From the During Auto Map options, deselect Match Elements Considering their
Ancestor Names.
14. Click OK.
The transformation is created as shown in Figure 10–22.

Figure 10–22 SAP_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl Transformation

15. From the Components Palette, select Advanced.

16. Select XREF Functions.

17. Drag and drop populateXRefRow from Components Palette to the line connecting
top:id and inp1:id elements.
18. Double-click the populateXRefRow icon.
The Edit Function-populateXRefRow dialog is displayed.
19. Click Search to the right of xrefLocation field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
20. Select customer.xref and click OK.

Beta Draft 29
21. In the referenceColumnName field, enter "SAP_01" or click Search to select the
column name.
22. In the referenceValue column, enter
23. In the columnName field, enter "Common" or click Search to select the column
24. In the value field, enter orcl:generate-guid().

25. In the mode field, enter "Add" or click Search to select this mode.
Figure 10–23 shows populated Edit Function – populateXRefRow dialog.

Figure 10–23 Edit Function – populateXRefRow Dialog: XrefCustApp Use Case

26. Click OK.

27. From the File menu, click Save All and close the SAP_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl
The Routing Rules panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–24.

Figure 10–24 Routing Rules Panel with Insert Operation

Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for Update operation:

30 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

1. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
3. Navigate to XrefCustApp, Mediators, Common, Services, Common.
4. Select Update and click OK.
5. Click the Filter icon.
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
6. Enter the following expression in the Expression field:

7. Click OK.
8. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
9. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SAP_TO_COMMON_UPDATE.xsl.
10. Click OK.
A SAP_TO_COMMON_UPDATE.xsl tab is displayed.
11. Drag and drop top:Sap01 source element to the inp1:Customer target element.
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
12. Click OK.

13. From the Components Palette, select Advanced.

14. Select XREF Functions.

15. Drag and drop lookupXRef from Components Palette to the line connecting
top:id and inp1:id elements.
16. Double-click the lookupXRef icon.
The Edit Function-lookupXRef dialog is displayed.
17. Click Search to the right of xrefLocation field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
18. Select customer.xref and click OK.

19. In the referenceColumnName field, enter "SAP_01" or click Search to select the
column name.
20. In the referenceValue column, enter
21. In the columnName field, enter "COMMON" or click Search to select the column
22. In the needException field, enter true() or click Search to select this mode.
Figure 10–25 shows populated Edit Function – looupXRef dialog.

Beta Draft 31
Figure 10–25 Edit Function – looupXRef Dialog: XrefCustApp Use Case

23. Click OK.

24. From the File menu, click Save All and close the SAP_TO_COMMON_
UPDATE.xsl tab.
The Routing Rules panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–26.

Figure 10–26 Insert Operation and Update Operation

Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for UpdateID operation:
1. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
3. Navigate to XrefCustApp, Mediators, Common, Services, Common.
4. Select updateid and click OK.
5. Click the Filter icon.
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
6. Enter the following expression in the Expression field:

32 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

$in.Sap01Collection/top:Sap01Collection/top:Sap01/top:operation = 'UPDATEID'

7. Click OK.
8. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
9. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SAP_TO_COMMON_UPDATEID.xsl.
10. Click OK.
A SAP_TO_COMMON_UPDATEID.xsl tab is displayed.
11. Drag and drop top:Sap01 source element to the inp1:Customer target element.
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
12. Click OK.
13. From the Components Palette, select Advanced.

14. Select XREF Functions.

15. Drag and drop populateXRefRow from Components Palette to the line connecting
top:id and inp1:id elements.
16. Double-click the populateXRefRow icon.
The Edit Function-populateXRefRow dialog is displayed.
17. Click Search to the right of xrefLocation field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
18. Select customer.xref and click OK.

19. In the referenceColumnName field, enter "SAP_01" or click Search to select the
column name.
20. In the referenceValue column, enter
21. In the columnName field, enter "SAP_01" or click Search to select the column
22. In the value field, enter /top:Sap01Collection/top:Sap01/top:Id.

23. In the mode field, enter "UPDATE" or click Search to select this mode.
Figure 10–27 shows a populated Edit Function – populateXRefRow dialog.

Beta Draft 33
Figure 10–27 Edit Function – populateXRefRow Dialog: XrefCustApp Use Case

24. Drag and drop lookupXRef from Components Palette to the line connecting
top:id and inp1:id elements.
25. Double-click the lookupXRef icon.
The Edit Function-lookupXRef dialog is displayed.
26. Click Search to the right of xrefLocation field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
27. Select customer.xref and click OK.

28. In the referenceColumnName field, enter "SAP_01" or click Search to select the
column name.
29. In the referenceValue column, enter
30. In the columnName field, enter "COMMON" or click Search to select the column
31. In the needException field, enter false() or click Search to select this mode.
Figure 10–28 shows a populated Edit Function – lookupXRef dialog.

34 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–28 Edit Function – lookupXRef Dialog: XrefCustApp Use Case

32. Click OK.

33. Click Save All and close the SAP_TO_COMMON_UPDATEID.xsl window.

The Routing Rules panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–29.

Figure 10–29 Insert, Update, and UpdateID Operations

Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for Delete operation:
1. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
3. Navigate to XrefCustApp, Mediators, Common, Services, Common.
4. Select delete and click OK.

Beta Draft 35
5. Click the Filter icon.
The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
6. Enter the following expression in the Expression field:
$in.Sap01Collection/top:Sap01Collection/top:Sap01/top:operation = 'DELETE'

7. Click OK.
8. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
9. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SAP_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl.
10. Click OK.
A SAP_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl tab is displayed.
11. Right-click <sources> and select Add Parameter.
The Add Parameter dialog is displayed.
12. In the Local Name field, enter COMMONID.

13. Select Set Default Value.

14. Select Expression.

15. In the XPath Expression field, enter

16. Click OK.

17. Drag and drop top:Sap01 source element to the inp1:Customer target element.
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
18. Click OK.

19. Delete the line connecting top:id and inp1:id.

20. Connect the COMMONID to inp1:id.

21. Right-click inp1:id and select Add XSL node and then if.
A new node if is inserted between inp1:customer and inp1:id.
22. Connect top:id to the if node.
23. From the Components Palette, select Advanced.

24. Select XREF Functions.

25. Drag and drop markForDelete from Components Palette to the line connecting
top:id and if node.
26. Double-click the markForDelete icon.
The Edit Function-markForDelete dialog is displayed.
27. Click Search to the right of xrefLocation field.
The SCA Resource Lookup dialog is displayed.
28. Select customer.xref and click OK.

29. In the columnName field, enter "SAP_01" or click Search to select the column

36 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

30. In the value field, enter /top:Sap01Collection/top:Sap01/top:Id.
Figure 10–30 shows a populated Edit Function – markForDelete dialog.

Figure 10–30 Edit Function – markForDelete Dialog: XrefCustApp Use Case

31. Click OK.

The SAP_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl would appear as shown in Figure 10–31.

Figure 10–31 SAP_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl

32. Click Save All and close the SAP_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl tab.

The Routing Rules panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–32.

Beta Draft 37
Figure 10–32 Insert, Update, UpdateID, and Delete Operations Task 9: Specifying Routing Rules for Common Mediator

You need to specify routing rules for following operations of Common mediator:
■ Insert Operation
■ Delete Operation
■ Update Operation
■ UpdateID Operation

Insert Operation
Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for Insert operation:
1. Double-click Common mediator.
The Mediator Editor is displayed.
2. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
3. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
4. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, SBL.
5. Select SBL and click OK.
6. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
7. Select Create New Mapper File and enter COMMON_TO_SBL_INSERT.xsl.
8. Click OK.
A COMMON_TO_SBL_INSERT.xsl tab is displayed.

38 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

9. Drag and drop inp1:Customers source element to the db:InputParameters target
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
10. Click OK.
The transformation is created as shown in Figure 10–33.

Figure 10–33 COMMON_TO_SBL_INSERT.xsl Transformation

11. From the File menu, click Save All and close the COMMON_TO_SBL_INSERT.xsl
12. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click Browse for target service operations.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
13. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
14. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, Logger.

15. Select Write and click OK.

16. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Reply Transformation map dialog is displayed.
17. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SBL_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl.

18. Select Include Request in the Reply Payload.

19. Click OK.
A SBL_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl window is displayed.
20. Connect inp1:Customers source element to the db:X:APP_ID.

21. Drag and drop an populateXRefRow function from Components Palette to the
connecting line.
22. Double-click the populateXRefRow icon.
The Edit Function-populateXRefRow dialog is displayed.
23. Enter the information in the following fields:

■ xrefLocation: "customer.xref"
■ referenceColumnName: "Common"
■ referenceValue: $initial.Customers/inp1:Customers/inp1:Customer/inp1:Id
■ columnName:"SBL_78"
■ value:/db:OutputParameters/db:X_APP_ID
■ mode:"LINK"

Beta Draft 39
24. Click OK.
The SBL_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl would appear as shown in Figure 10–34.

Figure 10–34 SBL_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl Transformation

25. From the File menu, click Save All and close the SBL_TO_COMMON_INSERT.xsl
26. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click the Assign Values icon.
The Assign Values dialog is displayed.
27. Click Add.
The Assign Value dialog is displayed.
28. In the From section, select Expression.

29. Click the Invoke Expression Builder icon.

The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
30. Enter the following expression in the Expression field and click OK.

31. In the To section, select Property.

32. Select jca.file.FileName property and click OK.

33. Click OK.

The insert operation panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–35.

Figure 10–35 Insert Operation with SBL Target Service

34. From the File menu, click Save All.

35. Repeat the Step 2 through Step 34 to specify another target service EBS and its
routing rules.
Figure 10–36 shows the insert operation panel with SBL and EBS target service.

40 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–36 Insert Operation with SBL and EBS Target Service

Delete Operation
Perform the following tasks to create the routing rules for delete operation:
1. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
3. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, SBL.
4. Select SBL and click OK.
5. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
6. Select Create New Mapper File and enter COMMON_TO_SBL_DELETE.xsl.
7. Click OK.
A COMMON_TO_SBL_DELETE.xsl tab is displayed.
8. Drag and drop inp1:Customers source element to the db:InputParameters target
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
9. Click OK.
The transformation is created as shown in Figure 10–33.

Beta Draft 41
Figure 10–37 COMMON_TO_SBL_DELETE.xsl Transformation

10. Drag and drop an lookupXRef function from Components Palette to the line
connecting inp1:id and db:XCUSTOMER_ID.
11. Double-click the lookupXRef icon.
The Edit Function: lookupXRef dialog is displayed.
12. Enter the information in the following fields:

■ xrefLocation: "customer.xref"
■ referenceColumnName: "Common"
■ referenceValue: /inp1:Customers/inp1:Customer/inp1:Id
■ columnName:"SBL_78"
■ needException:false()
13. Click OK.

14. From the File menu, click Save All and close the COMMON_TO_SBL_
DELETE.xsl window.
15. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click Browse for target service operations.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
16. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
17. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, Logger.
18. Select Write and click OK.

19. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Reply Transformation map dialog is displayed.
20. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SBL_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl.

21. Click OK.

A SBL_TO_COMMON_DELETE.xsl window is displayed.
22. Connect db:X_APP_ID source element to the db:X:APP_ID target.

23. Drag and drop an markForDelete function from Components Palette to the
connecting line.
24. Double-click the markForDelete icon.

The Edit Function-markForDelete dialog is displayed.

25. Enter the information in the following fields:

■ xrefLocation: "customer.xref"
■ columnName:"SBL_78"

42 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

■ value:/db:OutputParameters/db:X_APP_ID
26. Click OK.

27. From the File menu, click Save All and close the SBL_TO_COMMON_
DELETE.xsl tab.
28. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click the Assign Values icon.
The Assign Values dialog is displayed.
29. Click Add.
The Assign Value dialog is displayed.
30. In the From section, select Expression.

31. Click the Invoke Expression Builder icon.

The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
32. Enter following expression in the Expression field and click OK.

33. In the To section, select Property.

34. Select jca.file.FileName property and click OK.

35. Click OK.

The delete operation panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–38.

Figure 10–38 Delete Operation with SBL Target Service

36. From the File menu, click Save All.

37. Repeat the Step 1 through Step 36 to specify another target service EBS and specify
the routing rules.
Figure 10–36 shows the delete operation panel with SBL and EBS target service.

Beta Draft 43
Figure 10–39 Delete Operation with SBL and EBS Target Service

Update Operation
Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for Update operation:
1. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
3. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, SBL.
4. Select SBL and click OK.
5. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
6. Select Create New Mapper File and enter COMMON_TO_SBL_UPDATE.xsl.
7. Click OK.
A COMMON_TO_SBL_UPDATE.xsl tab is displayed.
8. Drag and drop inp1:Customers source element to the db:InputParameters target
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
9. Click OK.
The transformation is created as shown in Figure 10–37.
10. Drag and drop an lookupXRef function from Components Palette to the line
connecting inp1:id and db:XCUSTOMER_ID.
11. Double-click the lookupXRef icon.
The Edit Function: lookupXRef dialog is displayed.

44 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

12. Enter the information in the following fields:
■ xrefLocation: "customer.xref"
■ referenceColumnName: "Common"
■ referenceValue: /inp1:Customers/inp1:Customer/inp1:Id
■ columnName:"SBL_78"
■ needException:true()
13. Click OK.

14. From the File menu, click Save All and close the COMMON_TO_SBL_
UPDATE.xsl window.
15. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click Browse for target service operations.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
16. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
17. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, Logger.

18. Select Write and click OK.

19. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Reply Transformation map dialog is displayed.
20. Select Create New Mapper File and enter SBL_TO_COMMON_UPDATE.xsl.

21. Click OK.

A SBL_TO_COMMON_UPDATE.xsl window is displayed.
22. Connect db:X:APP_ID source element to the db:X:APP_ID.

23. From the File menu, click Save All and close the SBL_TO_COMMON_
UPDATE.xsl tab.
24. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click the Assign Values icon.
The Assign Values dialog is displayed.
25. Click Add.
The Assign Value dialog is displayed.
26. In the From section, select Expression.

27. Click the Invoke Expression Builder icon.

The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
28. Enter following expression in the Expression field and click OK.

29. In the To section, select Property.

30. Select jca.file.FileName property and click OK.

31. Click OK.

The update operation panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–40.

Beta Draft 45
Figure 10–40 Update Operation with SBL Target Service

32. From the File menu, click Save All.

33. Repeat the Step 1 through Step 32 to specify another target service EBS and its
routing rules.
Figure 10–41 shows the update operation panel with SBL and EBS target service.

Figure 10–41 Update Operation with SBL and EBS Target Service

UpdateID Operation
Perform the following tasks to create routing rules for UpdateID operation:
1. In Routing Rules panel, click the Create a new Routing Rule icon.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
2. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
3. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, SBL.
4. Select SBL and click OK.

46 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

5. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Request Transformation map dialog is displayed.
6. Select Create New Mapper File and enter COMMON_TO_SBL_UPDATEID.xsl.
7. Click OK.
A COMMON_TO_SBL_UPDATEID.xsl tab is displayed.
8. Drag and drop inp1:Customers source element to the db:InputParameters target
The Auto Map Preferences dialog is displayed.
9. Click OK.
The transformation is created as shown in Figure 10–37.
10. Drag and drop an lookupXRef function from Components Palette to the line
connecting inp1:id and db:X_CUSTOMER_ID.
11. Double-click the lookupXRef icon.
The Edit Function: lookupXRef dialog is displayed.
12. Enter the information in the following fields:

■ xrefLocation: "customer.xref"
■ referenceColumnName: "Common"
■ referenceValue: /inp1:Customers/inp1:Customer/inp1:Id
■ columnName:"SBL_78"
■ needException:false()
13. Click OK.

14. From the File menu, click Save All and close the COMMON_TO_SBL_
UPDATEID.xsl window.
15. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click Browse for target service operations.
The Target Type dialog is displayed.
16. Select Service.
The Target Services dialog is displayed.
17. Navigate to XrefCustApp, References, Logger.

18. Select Write and click OK.

19. Click the Transformation icon next to the Using Transformation field.
The Reply Transformation map dialog is displayed.
20. Select Include Request in the Reply Payload.

21. Click OK.

A SBL_TO_COMMON_UPDATEID.xsl window is displayed.
22. Connect inp1:Customers source element to the db:X:APP_ID.

23. Drag and drop an populateXRefRow function from Component Palette to the
connecting line.
24. Double-click the populateXRefRow icon.

Beta Draft 47
The Edit Function-populateXRefRow dialog is displayed.
25. Enter the information in the following fields:

■ xrefLocation: "customer.xref"
■ referenceColumnName: "Common"
■ referenceValue: $initial.Customers/inp1:Customers/inp1:Customer/inp1:Id
■ columnName:"SBL_78"
■ value:/db:OutputParameters/db:X_APP_ID
■ mode:"UPDATE"
26. Click OK.

27. From the File menu, click Save All and close the SBL_TO_COMMON_
UPDATEID.xsl tab.
28. In the Synchronous Reply panel, click the Assign Values icon.
The Assign Values dialog is displayed.
29. Click Add.
The Assign Value dialog is displayed.
30. In the From section, select Expression.

31. Click the Invoke Expression Builder icon.

The Expression Builder dialog is displayed.
32. Enter following expression in the Expression field and click OK.

33. In the To section, select Property.

34. Select jca.file.FileName property and click OK.

35. Click OK.

The updateid operation panel would appear as shown in Figure 10–40.

Figure 10–42 Updateid Operation with SBL Target Service

36. From the File menu, click Save All.

37. Repeat the Step 1 through Step 36 to specify another target service EBS and specify
the routing rules.

48 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Figure 10–43 shows the updateid operation panel with SBL and EBS target

Figure 10–43 Updateid Operation with SBL and EBS Target Service Task 10: Configuring Oracle Application Server Connection

An Oracle Application Server connection is required for deploying your SOA
composite application. For information on creating Oracle Application Server
connection, refer to Section, "Configuring Oracle Application Server
Connection". Task 11: Deploying the Composite Application

Deploying the XrefCustApp composite application to Oracle Application Server
consists of following steps:
■ Creating an Application Deployment Profile
■ Deploying the Application Deployment Profile to Oracle Application Server
For detailed information about these steps, see Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications".

10.7.4 Running and Monitoring the XrefCustApp Application

After deploying the XrefCustApp application, you can run it by using any command
from the insert_sap_record.sql file present in the XrefCustApp/sql folder.
On successful completion, the records are inserted or updated in EBS and SBL tables
and the Logger reference writes the output to the output.xml file.
For monitoring the running instance, you can use the SOA Console at the following

where hostname is the host on which you installed the Oracle SOA Suite

Beta Draft 49
In the SOA Console, you can click the XrefCustApp to see the project dashboard as
shown in Figure 10–44.

Figure 10–44 XrefCustApp Dashboard in SOA Console

To view the detailed execution trail of the XrefCustApp application, click the instance
id in the instance column. The Flow Trace page is displayed as shown in Figure 10–45.

Figure 10–45 XrefCustApp Flow Trace

50 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Part III BPEL Process Service Component

This part describes the BPEL process service component.

This part contains the following chapters:
■ Chapter 11, "Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager" through
Chapter 25, "Business Rule Service Component"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
Getting Started with

Oracle BPEL Process Manager

This chapter describes how to start key Oracle BPEL Process Manager components,
including Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle BPEL Server. An introduction to the main
sections of Oracle JDeveloper that you use to design BPEL process service components
is also provided. Key BPEL design features such as activities and partner links are also
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 11.1, "Starting Oracle SOA Suite Components"
■ Section 11.2, "Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment"
■ Section 11.3, "Introduction to Activities"
■ Section 11.4, "Introduction to Partner Links"
■ Section 11.5, "Partner Link Creation and the SOA Composite Editor"
■ Section 11.6, "Introduction to Oracle BPEL Server"
■ Section 11.7, "Introduction to Oracle BPEL Process Manager Technology Adapters"

11.1 Starting Oracle SOA Suite Components

When you start Oracle SOA Suite, Oracle BPEL Process Manager is also started.
Follow the instructions in Table 11–1 to start and stop Oracle SOA Suite.

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-1
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Table 11–1 Starting and Stopping Oracle BPEL Process Manager Components
To Access The... On Windows... On UNIX...
Oracle SOA Suite To start Oracle SOA Server: To start Oracle SOA Server:
From ORACLE_HOME\bin: From $ORACLE_HOME/bin:
To stop Oracle SOA Server: To stop Oracle SOA Server:
From ORACLE_HOME\bin: From $ORACLE_HOME/bin:
Note: Running startsoa from the operating
system command prompt causes server startup
messages, including errors and warnings, to
display on-screen instead of being written to a log
file. If you want to log these messages, redirect
them to a file using standard output. For example:
% startsoa.bat > logfile1 &
Oracle JDeveloper Click JDev_Oracle_ $ORACLE_HOME/jdev/bin/jdev
Home\JDev\bin\jdev.exe or create a

Note: Always use the Developer Prompt to open an operating

system command prompt when deploying services with ant. This
sets all required paths. Opening an operating system command
prompt in any other way is not supported.

11.2 Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

This section provides an introduction to the Oracle JDeveloper environment.

11.2.1 Introduction to BPEL Process Service Component Creation and Oracle

BPEL process service components are created in the SOA Composite Editor.
1. Create a BPEL process service component through one of the following methods:
■ Drag and drop a BPEL Process service component from the Component
■ Select Composite with BPEL in the Create SOA Composite window or Create
SOA Project window.
Each method causes the Create BPEL Process window to appear.

11-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

2. Provide the required details (including BPEL process name). Click Help for details
about the types of BPEL processes you can create.
Always use completely unique names when creating BPEL processes. Do not
■ A process name that begins with a number
■ A process name that includes a dash (for example, Loan-Flow)
■ Two processes with the same name, but with different capitalization
3. Click OK.
4. Double-click the BPEL process.
Oracle JDeveloper displays the sections shown in Figure 11–1.

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-3
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Figure 11–1 Oracle JDeveloper Sections

Each section of this view enables you to perform specific design and deployment
tasks. Table 11–2 identifies the sections listed in Figure 11–1 and provides references to
sections that describe their capabilities.

Table 11–2 Oracle JDeveloper Sections

Section Location in Figure 11–1 See Section
Application Navigator Upper left Section, "Application
Navigator" on page 11-5
Design window, Source Middle Section, "Design
window, and History Window" on page 11-5,
window Section, "Source
Window" on page 11-7, and
Section, "History
Window" on page 11-8
BPEL Activities selection of Upper right Section, "Component
the Component Palette Palette" on page 11-9
Property Inspector section Lower right or bottom (Not Section, "Property
shown in Figure 11–1, but Inspector" on page 11-11
viewable by selecting
Property Inspector from the
View main menu.)
Structure Window Lower left Section, "Structure
Window" on page 11-11
Log Window Bottom Section, "Log Window"
on page 11-12

11-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment Application Navigator

The Application Navigator shown in the upper left part of Figure 11–1 displays the
process files. Figure 11–2 shows the files that appear under the SOA Content folder
when you first create a SOA project in Oracle JDeveloper (in this example, named
MySOAProject inside an application named MySOAApplication).

Figure 11–2 Application Navigator

Table 11–3 describes these initial process files.

Table 11–3 Initial Process Files

File Description
composite.xml The file that describes the entire SOA composite application.
See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for
specific details about this file
SayHello.bpel The source file, which, depending upon the process type you selected,
initially contains a minimal set of activities (if you selected to create an
asynchronous process, then receive and invoke activities appear). You
add syntax to this file when you drag and drop activities, create
variables, create partner links, and so on.
SayHello.component The file that describes the services and references for each service
Type component.
SayHello.wsdl The WSDL client interface, which defines the input and output
messages for this BPEL process flow, the supported client interface and
operations, and other features. This functionality enables the BPEL
process flow to be called as a service.

As you design the BPEL process service component, additional files, folders, and
elements can appear in the Application Navigator.

Note: If you want to learn more about the Application Navigator,

place the cursor in this section and press F1 to display online Help. Design Window

The Design window shown in the middle of Figure 11–1 provides a visual view of the
BPEL process service component that you design. This view displays when you
perform one of the following actions:
■ Double-click the .bpel file name in the Application Navigator

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-5
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

■ Click the Design tab at the bottom of the window with the .bpel file selected
■ Double-click the BPEL process component in the SOA composite application
Figure 11–3 shows the activities automatically created with an asynchronous BPEL
process service component. You add to the BPEL process service component by
dragging and dropping activities, creating variables, creating partner links, and so on.

Figure 11–3 Design (After Creation of an Asynchronous BPEL Process Service


As you design the BPEL process service component by dragging and dropping
activities, creating partner links, and so on, the Design window changes. Figure 11–4
shows the Design window later in the design phase after adding a partner link (in this
example, named WriteDBRecord) and the additional activities (invoke, receive,
assign, transform, and others).

11-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Figure 11–4 Design (After Design Phase) Source Window

Click Source at the bottom to view the syntax inside the BPEL process service
component files. As you drag and drop activities and partner links, and perform other
tasks, the syntax in these source files is immediately updated to reflect these changes.
For example, Figure 11–5 shows the property sheet as it is being edited.

Figure 11–5 CreditRatingService Partner Link Icon and Property Sheet

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-7
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Click Source at the bottom of the window. Figure 11–6 shows part of the Source of a
.bpel file. Details about the CreditRatingService partner link you created appear in
the file.

Figure 11–6 Source View of a .bpel File

See Also: The following documentation for examples and

descriptions of the types of syntax that appear in BPEL process service
component files:
■ Chapter 12, "Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes" through
Chapter 22, "Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes" History Window

Click History at the bottom to perform such tasks as viewing the revision history of a
file and viewing read-only and editable versions of a file side-by-side. Figure 11–7
shows the History view for a BPEL file.

11-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Figure 11–7 History View

Note: If you want to learn more about the History view, place the
cursor in this section and press F1 to display online Help. Component Palette

Activities are the building blocks of the BPEL process service component. The BPEL
Activities selection of the Component Palette shown in the upper right part of
Figure 11–1 displays a set of activities that you drag and drop into the Design window
of the BPEL process service component. The Component Palette displays only those
pages relevant to the state of the Design window. BPEL Activities or BPEL Services
are nearly always visible. However, if you are designing a transformation in a
transform activity, the Component Palette only displays selections relevant to that
activity, such as String Functions, Mathematical Functions, and Node-set Functions.
Figure 11–8 shows the BPEL Activities selection of the Component Palette. This list
enables you to select activities to drag and drop into your BPEL process service

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-9
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Figure 11–8 Component Palette - BPEL Activities

Figure 11–9 shows the BPEL Services selection of the Component Palette. This list
enables you to drag and drop adapters, partner links, or decision services into your
BPEL process service component.

Figure 11–9 Component Palette - Services

Figure 11–10 shows the String Functions category of the Component Palette that
displays when you work in the transformation window of a transform activity.

11-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the BPEL Designer Environment

Figure 11–10 Component Palette - Functions

Note: If you want to learn more about the Component Palette, place
the cursor in this section and press F1 to display online Help. Property Inspector

The Property Inspector enables you to view details about an activity. Single-click an
activity in the Design window. For example, single-clicking the replyOutput receive
activity displays the information shown in Figure 11–11.

Figure 11–11 Property Inspector Structure Window

The Structure Window shown in the lower left part of Figure 11–1 offers a structural
view of the data in the BPEL process service component currently selected in the
Design window. You can perform a variety of tasks from this section, including:
■ Importing schemas
■ Defining message types
■ Managing (creating, editing, and deleting) elements such as variables, aliases,
correlation sets, partner links, and sensors

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-11
Introduction to Activities

■ Editing activities in the BPEL process flow sequence that displays in the Design
Figure 11–12 shows the Structure Window.

Figure 11–12 Structure Window (Expanded)

■ If you want to learn more about the Structure Window, place the
cursor in this section and press F1 to display online Help.
■ Do not import two schema files with the same name into a BPEL
process service component. Ensure that the files have unique
names. Log Window

Figure 11–1 displays messages about the status of validation and compilation.
To ensure that a BPEL process service component validates correctly, you must ensure
that the following information is correct:
■ The BPEL process service component must have an input variable.
■ A partner link must be selected.
■ A partner role must be selected.
■ The operation must not be empty.
■ The input variable type must match the partner link operation type.
If deployment is unsuccessful, messages appear that describe the type and location of
the error.

Note: If you want to learn more about the Log Window, place the
cursor in this section and press F1 to display online Help.

11.3 Introduction to Activities

Activities are the building blocks of a BPEL process service component. Oracle
JDeveloper includes a set of activities that you drag and drop into a BPEL process
service component. You then double-click an activity to define its attributes (property
values). Figure 11–4 on page 11-7 provides an example of this design process.

11-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Activities

Activities enable you to perform specific tasks within a BPEL process service
component. For example:
■ An assign activity enables you to manipulate data, such as copying the contents of
one variable to another.

■ An invoke activity enables you to invoke a service (identified by its partner link)
and specify an operation for this service to perform.

■ A receive activity waits for an asynchronous callback response message from a


Figure 11–13 shows an example of a property window (for this example, an invoke
activity). In this example, you invoke a partner link named Invoke_FileWrite and
define its attributes.

Figure 11–13 Invoke Activity Example

The invoke activity enables you to specify an operation you want to invoke for the
service (identified by its partner link). The operation can be one-way or
request-response on a port provided by the service. You can also automatically create
variables in an invoke activity. An invoke activity invokes a synchronous service or
initiates an asynchronous Web service.
The invoke activity opens a port in the process to send and receive data. It uses this
port to submit required data and receive a response. For synchronous callbacks, only
one port is needed for both the send and the receive functions.

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-13
Introduction to Partner Links

11.4 Introduction to Partner Links

The term partner link has also been mentioned frequently in this chapter. A partner link
enables you to define the external services with which the BPEL process service
component is to interact. You can define partner links as services or references (for
example, through a JCA adapter) in the SOA Composite Editor or within a BPEL
process service component in Oracle JDeveloper. Figure 11–14 shows the partner link
icon (in this example, named WriteRecord).

Figure 11–14 PartnerLink Icon

A partner link type characterizes the conversational relationship between two services
by defining the roles played by each service in the conversation and specifying the
port type provided by each service to receive messages within the context of the
conversation. Figure 11–4 on page 11-7 shows an example of a partner link named
WriteDBRecord being invoked by a BPEL process service component.
Figure 11–15 shows an example of the attributes of a partner link for a service named

Figure 11–15 PartnerLink Window

Table 11–4 describes the fields of the Create Partner Link window.

Table 11–4 Create Partner Link Window Fields

Field Description
Name A unique and recognizable name you provide for the partner link.
WSDL File The name and location of the Web Services Description Language
(WSDL) file that you select for the partner link. Click the SCA Service
Explorer flashlight icon (second icon from the left above the WSDL
File field) to access a window for selecting the WSDL file to use.
Partner Link Type The partner link defined in the WSDL file.
Partner Type The role performed by the partner link (in this example, the Write_role

11-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Partner Link Creation and the SOA Composite Editor

Table 11–4 (Cont.) Create Partner Link Window Fields

Field Description
My Role The role performed by the BPEL process service component. In this
case, the BPEL process service component does not have a role because
it is a synchronous process.

11.5 Partner Link Creation and the SOA Composite Editor

The method by which you create partner links within the BPEL process in Oracle
JDeveloper impacts how the partner link displays above in the SOA Composite Editor.
This section describes this impact.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 11.5.1, "Creating a Partner Link For an Outbound Adapter"
■ Section 11.5.2, "Creating a Partner Link for an Inbound Adapter"
■ Section 11.5.3, "Creating a Partner Link from an Abstract WSDL to Call a Service"
■ Section 11.5.4, "Creating a Partner Link from an Abstract WSDL to Implement a
■ Section 11.5.5, "Creating a Human Task or Decision Service"
■ Section 11.5.6, "Creating a Partner Link From an Existing Human Task, Decision
Service, or Mediator Routing Service"

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

details about using the SOA Composite Editor

11.5.1 Creating a Partner Link For an Outbound Adapter

Table 11–5 describes the impact on the SOA Composite Editor.

Table 11–5 Impact of Partner Link Creation on the SOA Composite Editor
Creating the Following for a BPEL Process in
Oracle JDeveloper... Displays the Following in the SOA Composite Editor...
A partner link for an outbound adapter ■ A reference handle for the BPEL service component.
■ A reference representing the outbound adapter in the
■ A wire connecting the BPEL service component to the
adapter reference

Figure 11–16 shows how this method of creation appears in the SOA Composite

Figure 11–16 SOA Composite Editor Impact

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-15
Partner Link Creation and the SOA Composite Editor

11.5.2 Creating a Partner Link for an Inbound Adapter

Table 11–6 describes the impact on the SOA Composite Editor.

Table 11–6 Impact of Partner Link Creation on the SOA Composite Editor
Creating the Following for a BPEL Process in
Oracle JDeveloper... Displays the Following in the SOA Composite Editor...
A partner link for an inbound adapter ■ A service for the BPEL service component.
■ A service representing the inbound adapter in the
■ A wire connecting the inbound adapter service to the
BPEL service component

Figure 11–17 shows how this method of creation appears in the SOA Composite

Figure 11–17 SOA Composite Editor Impact

11.5.3 Creating a Partner Link from an Abstract WSDL to Call a Service

Table 11–7 describes the impact on the SOA Composite Editor.

Table 11–7 Impact of Partner Link Creation on the SOA Composite Editor
Creating the Following for a BPEL Process in
Oracle JDeveloper... Displays the Following in the SOA Composite Editor...
A partner link from an abstract WSDL to call a A reference handle with an interface and callback interface
service defined for the BPEL service component

Figure 11–18 shows how this method of creation appears in the SOA Composite

Figure 11–18 SOA Composite Editor Impact

11.5.4 Creating a Partner Link from an Abstract WSDL to Implement a Service

Table 11–8 describes the impact on the SOA Composite Editor.

11-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Partner Link Creation and the SOA Composite Editor

Table 11–8 Impact of Partner Link Creation on the SOA Composite Editor
Creating the Following for a BPEL Process in
Oracle JDeveloper... Displays the Following in the SOA Composite Editor...
A partner link is created from an abstract WSDL to A service with an interface and callback interface for the
implement a service BPEL service component is created.
Note: If an external SOAP reference with the specified
interface and callback interface already exists in the SOA
Composite Editor, you can either create a new external
SOAP reference and wire to it or wire to the existing
external SOAP reference.

Figure 11–19 shows how this method of creation appears in the SOA Composite

Figure 11–19 SOA Composite Editor Impact

11.5.5 Creating a Human Task or Decision Service

Table 11–9 describes the impact on the SOA Composite Editor.

Table 11–9 Impact of Partner Link Creation on the SOA Composite Editor
Creating the Following for a BPEL Process in
Oracle JDeveloper... Displays the Following in the SOA Composite Editor...
A human task or decision service is created ■ A human task or decision service in the composite
■ A reference for the BPEL service component
■ A wire connecting the BPEL service component to the
new human task or decision service

Figure 11–20 shows how this method of creation appears in the SOA Composite

Figure 11–20 SOA Composite Editor Impact

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-17
Introduction to Oracle BPEL Server

11.5.6 Creating a Partner Link From an Existing Human Task, Decision Service, or
Mediator Routing Service
Table 11–10 describes the impact on the SOA Composite Editor.

Table 11–10 Impact of Partner Link Creation on the SOA Composite Editor
Creating the Following for a BPEL Process in
Oracle JDeveloper... Displays the Following in the SOA Composite Editor...
A partner link by dragging an existing human task, ■ A reference for the BPEL service component
decision service, or mediator routing service
■ A wire connecting the BPEL service component to the
component from the Resource Palette to the BPEL
existing human task, decision service, or mediator
routing service

Figure 11–21 shows how this method of creation appears in the SOA Composite

Figure 11–21 SOA Composite Editor Impact

11.6 Introduction to Oracle BPEL Server

After you complete the design of the BPEL process service component, you compile
and deploy the component to Oracle BPEL Server. If compilation and deployment are
successful, you can run and manage the BPEL process service component from Oracle
Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console.
Deploying the SOA project involves deploying the SOA composite application. When
you deploy an application, a service assembly archive (SAR) file is created (for
example, named sca_OrderBooking_rev1.0.sar). The SAR file consists of an
EAR file and Oracle metadata.

11.7 Introduction to Oracle BPEL Process Manager Technology Adapters

The Web Service Window shown in Figure 11–15 on page 11-14 also enables you to
take advantage of another key feature that Oracle BPEL Process Manager and Oracle
JDeveloper provide. Click the Define Adapter Service icon shown in Figure 11–22 to
access the Adapter Configuration wizard.

Figure 11–22 Defining an Adapter

Adapters enable you to integrate the BPEL process service component (and, therefore,
the SOA composite application as a whole) with access to file systems, FTP servers,

11-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Oracle BPEL Process Manager Technology Adapters

database tables, database queues, Java Message Services (JMS), MQ, and Oracle
E-Business Suite. This wizard enables you to configure the types of adapters shown in
Figure 11–23 for use with the BPEL process service component:

Figure 11–23 Adapter Types

The following adapter types are available:

■ Advanced Queuing (AQ) — For interaction with a queue. AQ provides a flexible
mechanism for bidirectional, asynchronous communication between participating
■ Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) — For publishing data to data objects in an
Oracle BAM Server
■ Database — For interaction with Oracle and non-Oracle databases through JDBC
and Oracle Business Intelligence (which is a special data source type)
■ FTP and File — For file exchange (read and write) on local file systems and remote
file systems (through use of the file transfer protocol (FTP))
■ Java Messaging Service (JMS) — For interaction with JMS. The JMS architecture
uses a one client interface to many messaging servers architecture.
■ Message Queue (MQ) — For message exchange with WebSphere MQ queuing
■ Oracle Applications — For interaction with Oracle Application’s set of integrated
business applications
When you select an adapter type, the Service Name window shown in Figure 11–24
prompts you to enter a name. For this example, File Adapter was selected in
Figure 11–23. When the wizard completes, a WSDL file by this service name appears in
the Application Navigator for the BPEL process service component (for this example,
named ReadFile.wsdl). This file includes the adapter configuration settings you
specify with this wizard. Other configuration files (such as header files and files
specific to the adapter) are also created and display in the Application Navigator.

Beta Draft Getting Started with Oracle BPEL Process Manager 11-19
Introduction to Oracle BPEL Process Manager Technology Adapters

Figure 11–24 Adapter Service Name

The Adapter Configuration wizard windows that appear after the Service Name
window are based on the adapter type you selected.
You can also add adapters to your SOA composite application as services or references
in the SOA Composite Editor.

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

details about adding adapters to SOA composite applications

11-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
12 Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes

This chapter describes how to manipulate XML data in BPEL, including the use of
XPath expressions.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 12.1, "Introduction to Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Concepts"
■ Section 12.2, "Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services"
■ Section 12.3, "Initializing a Variable with Expression Constants or Literal XML"
■ Section 12.4, "Copying Between Variables"
■ Section 12.5, "Accessing Fields Within Element-Based and Message Type-Based
■ Section 12.6, "Assigning Numeric Values"
■ Section 12.7, "Using Mathematical Calculations with XPath Standards"
■ Section 12.8, "Assigning String Literals"
■ Section 12.9, "Concatenating Strings"
■ Section 12.10, "Assigning Boolean Values"
■ Section 12.11, "Assigning a Date or Time"
■ Section 12.12, "Manipulating Attributes"
■ Section 12.13, "Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions"
■ Section 12.14, "Validating XML Data with bpelx:validate"
■ Section 12.15, "Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays"
■ Section 12.16, "Converting from a String to an XML Element"
■ Section 12.17, "Understanding the Differences Between Document-Style and
RPC-Style WSDL Files"
■ Section 12.18, "Manipulating SOAP Headers in BPEL"
■ Section 12.19, "Use Cases for Manipulating XML Data in BPEL"

12.1 Introduction to Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Concepts

This section covers the following topics:
■ Section 12.1.1, "XML Data in BPEL"
■ Section 12.1.2, "Data Manipulation and XPath Standards"

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-1

Introduction to Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Concepts

12.1.1 XML Data in BPEL

In a BPEL process service component, every piece of data is in XML format. This
includes the messages passed to and from the BPEL process service component, the
messages exchanged with external services, and local variables used by the process.
You define the types for these messages and variables with the XML schema, usually
in the WSDL file for the flow, the WSDL files for the services it invokes, or the XSD file
referenced by those WSDL files. Therefore, all variables in BPEL are XML data, and
any BPEL process service component uses much of its code to manipulate these XML
variables. This typically includes performing data transformation between
representations required for different services, and local manipulation of data (for
example, to combine the results from several service invocations).

12.1.2 Data Manipulation and XPath Standards

The starting point for data manipulation in BPEL is the assign activity, which builds on
the XPath standard. XPath queries, expressions, and functions play a large part in this
type of manipulation. In addition, more advanced methods are available that involve
using XQuery, XSLT, or Java, usually to do more complex data transformation or
This section provides a general overview of how to manipulate XML data in BPEL. It
summarizes the key building blocks used in various combinations and provides
examples. The remaining sections in this chapter discuss and illustrate how to apply
these building blocks to perform specific tasks.
You use the assign activity to copy data from one XML variable to another, or to
calculate the value of an expression and store it in a variable. A copy element within
the activity specifies the source and target of the assignment (what to copy from and
to), which must be of compatible types. Example 12–1 shows the formal syntax, as
described in the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Specification:

Example 12–1 Assign Activity

<assign standard-attributes>

This syntax is described in detail in that specification. The from-spec and to-spec
typically specify a variable or variable part, as shown in Example 12–2:

Example 12–2 from-spec and to-spec Attributes

<from variable="c1" part="address"/>
<to variable="c3"/>

When you use Oracle JDeveloper, you supply assign activity details in a Copy
Operation window that includes a From section and a To section. This reflects the
preceding BPEL source code syntax.

12-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Concepts

Rather than repeating all syntax details, this chapter shows and describes excerpts
taken primarily from sample projects provided in the SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\references directory.
XPath standards play a key role in the assign activity. Brief examples are shown here
as an introduction; examples with more context and explanation are provided in the
sections that follow.
■ XPath queries: An XPath query selects a field within a source or target variable
part. The from or to clause can include a query attribute whose value is an XPath
query string. Example 12–3 provides an example:

Example 12–3 query Attribute

<from variable="input" part="payload"

The value of the query attribute must be a location path that selects exactly one
node. You can find further details about the query attribute and XPath standards
syntax in the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Specification
(section 14.3) and the XML Path Language (XPath) Specification, respectively.
■ XPath expressions: You use an XPath expression (specified in an expression
attribute in the from clause) to indicate a value to be stored in a variable. For
<from expression="100"/>

The expression can be any general expression—that is, an XPath expression that
evaluates to any XPath value type. Similarly, the value of an expression attribute
must return exactly one node or one object only, when it is used in the from clause
within a copy operation. For more information about XPath expressions, see
section 9.1.4 of the XML Path Language (XPath) Specification.
Within XPath expressions, you can call the following types of functions:
■ Core XPath functions: XPath supports a large number of built-in functions,
including functions for string manipulation (such as concat), numeric functions
(like sum), and others.
<from expression="concat('string one', 'string two')"/>

For a complete list of the functions built into XPath standards, see section 4 of the
XML Path Language (XPath) Specification.
■ BPEL XPath extension functions: BPEL adds several extension functions to the
core XPath core functions, enabling XPath expressions to access information from
a process. The extensions are defined in the standard BPEL namespace and
indicated by the prefix bpws:
<from expression= "bpws:getVariableData('input', 'payload', '/p:value') + 1"/>

For more information, see sections 9.1 and 14.1 of the Business Process Execution
Language for Web Services Specification.
■ Oracle BPEL XPath extension functions: Oracle provides some additional XPath
functions that use the capabilities built into BPEL and XPath standards for adding
new functions.

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-3

Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services

These functions are defined in the namespace and indicated by the
prefix ora:.
■ Custom functions: You can also create custom XPath functions. If you do, you
must register them in the ORACLE_
h-functions-config.xml file:
Then, copy the class files under the oc4j\patch\classes directory.
For more information about writing custom XPath functions, refer to:
Sophisticated data manipulation can be difficult to perform with the BPEL assign
activity and the core XPath functions. However, you can perform complex data
manipulation and transformation by using XSLT, Java, or a bpelx operation under an
assign activity (See Section 12.13, "Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions" on
page 12-16), or as a Web service. For more information on calling Java code from
within BPEL, see the tutorial under the BPEL Tutorials link at For XSLT, Oracle BPEL Process
Manager includes XPath functions that execute these transformations.
For more information about XPath and XQuery transformation code examples, see the
■ SOA_Oracle_
■ Chapter 4, "XSLT Mapper and Transformations"
The following sections show related definitions in the BPEL and WSDL files that help
explain the examples.

12.2 Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services

You can specify BPEL data operations to be performed by an underlying data provider
service through use of the entity variable. The data provider service performs the data
operations in a data store behind the scenes and without use of other data store-related
features provided by Oracle BPEL Process Manager (for example, the database
adapter). This action enhances Oracle BPEL Process Manager runtime performance
and incorporates native features of the underlying data provider service during
compilation and runtime.
For this release, the entity variable can be used with an Application Development
Framework (ADF) Business Component (ADF BC) data provider service using service
data object (SDO)-based data.
In previous releases, variables and messages exchanged within a BPEL business
process were disconnected payload (a snapshot of data returned by a Web service)
placed into an XML structure. In some cases, the user required this type of fit. In other
cases, this fit presented challenges.
The entity variable addresses the following challenges of previous releases:
■ Extensive data conversion — If the underlying data was not in XML form, data
conversion (for example, translating delimited text to XML) was required. If the
underlying size of the data was large, the processing potentially impacted

12-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services

■ Stale snapshot data — Variables (including WSDL messages) in BPEL processes

were disconnected payload. In some cases, this was required. In other cases, you
wanted a variable to represent the most recent data being modified by other
applications outside Oracle BPEL Process Manager. This meant the disconnected
data model provided a stale data set that did not fit all needs. The snapshot also
duplicated data, which impacted performance when the data size was large.
■ Loss of native data behavior — Some data conversion implementation required
data structure enforcement or business data logic beyond the XML schema. For
example, the start date needed to be smaller than the end date. When the variable
was a disconnected payload, validation occurred only during related Web service
invocation. The need to optionally perform the extra business data logic after
certain operations, but before Web service invocation, was sometimes preferred.
To address these challenges with this release, you create an entity variable during
variable declaration. An entity variable acts as a data handle to access and plug in
different data provider service technologies behind the scenes. During compilation
and runtime, Oracle BPEL Process Manager delegates data operations to the
underlying data provider service.
Table 12–1 provides an example of how data conversion was performed in previous
releases (using the database adapter as an example) and in release 11g with the entity

Table 12–1 Data Manipulation Capabilities in Previous and Current Release

10.1.x Releases 11g Release When Using the Entity Variable
Data operations such as explicitly loading and Data operations such as loading and saving
saving data were performed by the database data are performed automatically by the data
adapter in Oracle BPEL Process Manager. All provider service (the ADF BC application),
data (for example, of a purchase order) was without asking you to code any service
saved in the database dehydration store. invocation.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager stores a key (for
example, purchase order ID (POID)) that
points to this data. Oracle BPEL Process
Manager fetches the key when access to the
data is required. Any data changes are
persisted by the data provider service in a
database that can be different from the
dehydration store database. This prevents data
Data in variables was in document object Data in variables is in SDO form, which
model (DOM) form provides for a simpler conversion process than
DOM, especially when the data provider
service already understands SDO forms.

Note: Only BPEL process service components currently allow the

use of SDO-formed variables. If your composite application has an
Oracle Mediator component wired with an SDO-based Java binding
component reference, the data form of the variable defaults to DOM.
In addition, the features described for 10.1.x releases in Table 12–1 are
still supported in release 11g.

12.2.1 How to Create an Entity Variable

This section describes how to create an entity variable and a binding key in Oracle

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-5

Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services

In previous releases of Oracle BPEL Process Manager, all variable data was in DOM
form. With release 11g, variable data in SDO form is also supported. DOM and SDO
variables in BPEL process service components are implicitly converted to the required
forms. For example, an Oracle BPEL process service component using DOM-based
variables can automatically convert these variables as required to SDO-based variables
in an assign activity, and vice versa. Both form types are defined in the XSD schema
file. No user intervention is required.
Entity variables also support SDO-formed data. However, unlike the DOM and SDO
variables previously described, the entity variable with SDO-based data enables you to
bind a unique key value to data (for example, a purchase order). Only the key is stored
in the dehydration store; the data requiring conversion is stored with the service of the
ADF BC application. The key points to the data stored in the service. When the data is
required, it is fetched from the data provider service and placed into memory. Understanding How SDO Works in the Inbound Direction

The SDO binding component service provides the outside world with an entry point
to the composite application, as shown in Figure 12–1.

Figure 12–1 Inbound Direction

SOA Composite Application

Process Service
ADF BC Application SDO
Using Binding Wire
SDO-Formed Component
Data Service

You use the SOA Composite Editor and Oracle JDeveloper to perform the following
■ Define an SDO binding component service and a BPEL process service component
in the composite application.
■ Connect (wire) the SDO service and BPEL process service component together.
■ Define the details of the BPEL process service component.
For more information about using the SOA Composite Editor, see Chapter 2,
"Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor". Understanding How SDO Works in the Outbound Direction

The SDO binding component reference enables messages to be sent from the
composite application to ADF BC application external partners in the outside world,
as shown in Figure 12–2.

12-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services

Figure 12–2 Outbound Direction

SOA Composite Application

Process Service
(using entity
SDO Binding ADF BC Application
Wire Component Using
Reference SDO-Formed

Pass key to
fetch data

When the ADF BC application is the external partner link in the outside world, there is
no SDO binding component reference in the SOA Composite Editor that you drag and
drop into the composite application to create outbound communication. Instead,
communication between the composite application and the ADF BC application occurs
as follows:
■ The ADF BC application is deployed and automatically registered as an SDO
service in the Service Infrastructure
■ You use Oracle JDeveloper to browse for and discover this application as an SDO
service and create a partner link connection
■ The composite.xml file is automatically updated with reference details (the property) when the ADF BC application service is discovered.
For more information about the Service Infrastructure, see Chapter 1,
"Service-Oriented Architecture and Oracle SOA Suite". Creating an Entity Variable and Choosing a Partner Link

You now create an entity variable and select a partner link for the ADF BC application.
1. Go to the Structure window of the BPEL process service component in Oracle
2. Right-click Variables and select Expand All Child Nodes.
3. Right-click the second Variables folder and select Create Variable.
The Create Variable window appears.
4. Enter a name in the Name field, as shown in Figure 12–3.

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-7

Delegating XML Data Operations to Data Provider Services

Figure 12–3 Create Variable Dialog

5. Click the Entity Variable check box and select the flashlight icon to the right of
the Partner Link field.
The Partner Link Chooser window appears with a list of available services,
including the SDO service.
6. Browse for and select the service for the ADF BC application.
7. Click OK to close the Partner Link Chooser and Create Variable windows. Creating a Binding Key

You now create a key to point to the data in the ADF BC data provider service.
1. Drag and drop a Bind Entity activity into your BPEL process service component.
The Bind Entity window appears.
2. Enter a name in the Name field, as shown in Figure 12–4.

Figure 12–4 Bind Entity Dialog

12-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Initializing a Variable with Expression Constants or Literal XML

3. Click the flashlight icon to the right of the Entity Variable field.
The Variable Chooser window appears.
4. Select the entity variable created in Section, "Creating an Entity Variable
and Choosing a Partner Link" on page 12-7 and click OK.
5. Click the + sign in the Unique Keys section.
The Create Key window appears.
6. Enter the following details to define the binding key:

Field Value
Key Local Part Enter the local part of the key.
Key Namespace URI Enter the namespace URI for the key.
Key Value Enter the key value expression. This expression must match the
type of a key. The following examples show expression value
keys for a POID key:
■ $inputMsg.payload/tns:poid
■ bpws:getVariableData(’inputmsg’,’payload’,’tns
The POID key for an entity variable typically comes from
another message. If the type of POID key is an integer and the
expression result is a string of ABC, the string-to-integer fails
and the Bind Entity activity also fails at runtime.

7. Click OK to close the Create Key window.

A name-pair value appears in the Unique Keys table. Design is now complete.
8. Click OK to close the Bind Entity window.
After the Bind Entity activity is executed at runtime, the entity variable is ready to
be used.

12.3 Initializing a Variable with Expression Constants or Literal XML

It is often useful to assign literal XML to a variable in BPEL, for example, to initialize a
variable before copying dynamic data into a specific field within the XML data content
for the variable. This is also useful for testing purposes when you want to hard code
XML data values into the process.

12.3.1 How To Assign a Literal XML Element

Example 12–4 assigns a literal result element to the payload part of the output

Example 12–4 Literal Element Assignment

<!-- copy from literal xml to the variable -->
<result xmlns="">

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-9

Copying Between Variables

<to variable="output" part="payload"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\Assign sample.

12.4 Copying Between Variables

When you copy between variables, you copy directly from one variable (or part) to
another variable of a compatible type, without needing to specify a particular field
within either variable. In other words, there is no need to specify an XPath query.

12.4.1 How to Copy Between Variables

Example 12–5 shows two assignments being performed, first copying between two
variables of the same type and then copying a variable part to another variable with
the same type as that part.

Example 12–5 Copying Between Variables

<from variable="c1"/>
<to variable="c2"/>
<from variable="c1" part = "address"/>
<to variable="c3"/>

The BPEL file defines the variables shown in Example 12–6:

Example 12–6 Variable Definition

<variable name="c1" messageType="x:person"/>
<variable name="c2" messageType="x:person"/>
<variable name="c3" element="x:address"/>

The WSDL file defines the person message type shown in Example 12–7:

Example 12–7 Message Type Definition

<message name="person" xmlns:x="">
<part name="full-name" type="xsd:string"/>
<part name="address" element="x:address"/>

For more information about this code example, see Section 9.3.2 of the Business Process
Execution Language for Web Services Specification.

12-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Assigning Numeric Values

12.5 Accessing Fields Within Element-Based and Message Type-Based

Given the types of definitions present in most WSDL and XSD files, you must go down
to the level of copying from or to a field within part of a variable based on the element
and message type, which in turn uses XML schema complex types. To do this, you
specify an XPath query in the from or to clause of the assign activity.

12.5.1 How to Access Fields Within Element-Based and Message Type-Based Variables
In Example 12–8, the ssn field is copied from the CreditFlow process’s input
message into the ssn field of the credit rating service’s input message.

Example 12–8 Field Copying Levels

<from variable="input" part="payload"
<to variable="crInput" part="payload" query="/tns:ssn"/>

Example 12–9 shows how the BPEL file defines the variables involved in this

Example 12–9 BPEL File Definition

<variable name="input" messageType="tns:CreditFlowRequestMessage"/>
<variable name="crInput"

The crInput variable is used as an input message to a credit rating service. Its
message type, CreditFlowRequestMessage, is defined in
CreditFlowService.wsdl as shown in Example 12–10:

Example 12–10 CreditFlowRequestMessage Definition

<message name="CreditFlowRequestMessage">
<part name="payload" element="tns:CreditFlowRequest"/>

CreditFlowRequest is defined with a field named ssn. The message type

CreditRatingServiceRequestMessage is defined in
CreditRatingService.wsdl as shown in Example 12–11:

Example 12–11 CreditRatingServiceRequestMessage Definition

<message name="CreditRatingServiceRequestMessage">
<part name="payload" element="tns:ssn"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\utils\CreditRatingService sample.

12.6 Assigning Numeric Values

You can assign numeric values in XPath expressions.

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-11

Using Mathematical Calculations with XPath Standards

12.6.1 How to Assign Numeric Values

Example 12–12 shows how to assign an XPath expression with the integer value 100.

Example 12–12 XPath Expression Assignment

<!-- copy from integer expression to the variable -->
<from expression="100"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/p:result/p:quantity"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\Assign sample.

12.7 Using Mathematical Calculations with XPath Standards

You can use simple mathematical expressions like the one in Section 12.7.1, "How To
Use Mathematical Calculations with XPath Standards," which increments a numeric

12.7.1 How To Use Mathematical Calculations with XPath Standards

In Example 12–13, the BPEL XPath function getVariableData retrieves the value
being incremented. The arguments to getVariableData are equivalent to the
variable, part, and query attributes of the from clause (including the last two
arguments, which are optional).

Example 12–13 XPath Function getVariableData Retrieval of a Value

<from expression="bpws:getVariableData('input', 'payload',
'/p:value') + 1"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/p:result"/>

You can also use $variable syntax, as shown in Example 12–14:

Example 12–14 $variable Syntax Use

<from expression="$input.payload + 1"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/p:result"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\Assign sample.

12.8 Assigning String Literals

You can assign string literals to a variable in BPEL.

12-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Assigning Boolean Values

12.8.1 How to Assign String Literals

The code in Example 12–15 copies an expression evaluating from the string literal
'GE' to the symbol field within the indicated variable part. (Note the use of the
double and single quotes.)

Example 12–15 Expression Copy

<!-- copy from string expression to the variable -->
<from expression="'GE'"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/p:result/p:symbol"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\Assign sample.

12.9 Concatenating Strings

Rather than copy the value of one string variable (or variable part or field) to another,
you first can perform string manipulation, such as concatenating several strings

12.9.1 How to Concatenate Strings

The concatenation is accomplished with the core XPath function named concat; in
addition, the variable value involved in the concatenation is retrieved with the BPEL
XPath function getVariableData. In Example 12–16, getVariableData fetches
the value of the name field from the input variable’s payload part. The string literal
'Hello ' is then concatenated to the beginning of this value.

Example 12–16 XPath Function getVariableData Fetch of Data

<!-- copy from XPath expression to the variable -->
<from expression="concat('Hello ',
bpws:getVariableData('input', 'payload', '/p:name'))"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/p:result/p:message"/>

Other string manipulation functions available in XPath are listed in section 4.2 of the
XML Path Language (XPath) Specification.
For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\references\Assign sample.

12.10 Assigning Boolean Values

You can assign Boolean values with the XPath Boolean function.

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-13

Assigning a Date or Time

12.10.1 How to Assign Boolean Values

Example 12–17 provides an example of assigning Boolean values. The XPath
expression in the from clause is a call to XPath’s Boolean function true, and the
specified approved field is set to true. The function false is also available.

Example 12–17 Boolean Value Assignment

<!-- copy from boolean expression function to the variable -->
<from expression="true()"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/result/approved"/>

The XPath specification recommends that you use the "true()" and "false()"
functions as a method for returning Boolean constant values.
If you instead use "boolean(true)" or "boolean(false)", the true or false
inside the Boolean function is interpreted as a relative element step, and not as any
true or false constant. This means it attempts to select a child node named true under
the current XPath context node. In most cases, the true node does not exist. Therefore,
an empty result node set is returned and the boolean() function in XPath 1.0
converts an empty node set into a false result. This result can be potentially confusing.
For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\references\Assign sample.

12.11 Assigning a Date or Time

You can assign the current value of a date or time field by using the Oracle BPEL
XPath function getCurrentDate, getCurrentTime, or getCurrentDateTime,
respectively. In addition, if you have a date-time value in the standard XSD format,
you can convert it to characters more suitable for output by calling the Oracle BPEL
XPath function formatDate.
For related information, see section 9.1.2 of the Business Process Execution Language for
Web Services Specification.

12.11.1 How to Assign a Date or Time

Example 12–18 shows an example that uses the function getCurrentDate.

Example 12–18 Date or Time Assignment

<!-- execute the XPath extension function getCurrentDate() -->
<from expression="ora:getCurrentDate()"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload"

In Example 12–19, the formatDate function converts the date-time value provided in
XSD format to the string 'Jun 10, 2005' (and assigns it to the string field

12-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating Attributes

Example 12–19 formatDate Function

<!-- execute the XPath extension function formatDate() -->
<from expression="ora:formatDate('2005-06-10T15:56:00',
'MMM dd, yyyy')"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload"

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\XPathFunction sample.

12.12 Manipulating Attributes

You can copy to or from something defined as an XML attribute. An at sign (@) in
XPath query syntax refers to an attribute instead of a child element.

12.12.1 How to Manipulate Attributes

The code in Example 12–20 fetches and copies the custId attribute from this XML

Example 12–20 custId Attribute Fetch and Copy Operations

<invalidLoanApplication xmlns="">
<application xmlns = "">
<customer custId = "111" >
Mike Olive

The code in Example 12–21 selects the custId attribute of the customer field and
assigns it to the variable custId:

Example 12–21 custId Attribute Select and Assign Operations

<!-- get the custId attribute and assign to variable custId -->
<from variable="input" part="payload"
<to variable="custId"/>

The namespace prefixes in this example are not integral to the example.
The WSDL file defines a customer to have a type in which custId is defined as an
attribute, as shown in Example 12–22:

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-15

Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions

Example 12–22 custId Attribute Definiton

<complexType name="CustomerProfileType">
<element name="name" type="string"/>
<attribute name="custId" type="string"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\XPath sample.

12.13 Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions

You may want to perform various operations on XML data in assign activities. The
following bpelx extension types provide this functionality:
■ Section 12.13.1, "How to Use bpelx:append"
■ Section 12.13.2, "How to Use bpelx:insertBefore"
■ Section 12.13.3, "How to Use bpelx:insertAfter"
■ Section 12.13.4, "How to Use bpelx:remove"
■ Section 12.13.5, "How to Use bpelx:rename and XSD Type Casting"
■ Section 12.13.6, "How to Use bpelx:copyList"

12.13.1 How to Use bpelx:append

The bpelx:append extension in an assign activity enables a BPEL process service
component to append the contents of one variable, expression, or XML fragment to
another variable’s contents. Example 12–23 provides an example.

Example 12–23 bpelx:append Extension

<bpelx:from ... />
<bpelx:to ... />

The from-spec query within bpelx:append yields zero or more nodes. The node
list is appended as child nodes to the target node specified by the to-spec query.
The to-spec query must yield one single L-Value element node. Otherwise, a
bpel:selectionFailure fault is generated. The to-spec query cannot refer to a
partner link.
Example 12–24 consolidates multiple bills of material into one single bill of material by
appending multiple b:part’s for one BOM to b:parts of the consolidated BOM.

Example 12–24 Consolidation of Multiple Bills of Material

<from variable="billOfMaterialVar"
query="/b:bom/b:parts/b:part" />
<to variable="consolidatedBillOfMaterialVar"

12-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions

query="/b:bom/b:parts" />

12.13.2 How to Use bpelx:insertBefore

The bpelx:insertBefore extension in an assign activity enables a BPEL process
service component to insert the contents of one variable, expression, or XML fragment
before another variable’s contents. Example 12–25 provides an example.

Example 12–25 bpelx:insertBefore Extension

<bpelx:from ... />
<bpelx:to ... />

The from-spec query within bpelx:insertBefore yields zero or more nodes. The
node list is appended as child nodes to the target node specified by the to-spec
The to-spec query of the insertBefore operation points to one or more single
L-Value nodes. If more than one node is returned, the first node is used as the
reference node. The reference node must be an element node. The parent of the
reference node must also be an element node. Otherwise, a
bpel:selectionFailure fault is generated. The node list generated by the
from-spec query selection is inserted before the reference node. The to-spec query
cannot refer to a partner link.
Example 12–26 shows the syntax before the execution of <insertBefore>. The value
of addrVar is:

Example 12–26 Presyntax Execution


After the execution of the syntax in Example 12–27 in the BPEL process service
component file:

Example 12–27 Postsyntax Execution

<a:city>Redwood Shore></a:city>
<bpelx:to "addrVar" query="/a:usAddress/a:state" />

Example 12–28 shows the value of addrVar:

Example 12–28 addrVar Value


Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-17

Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions

<a:city>Redwood Shore</a:city>

12.13.3 How to Use bpelx:insertAfter

The bpelx:insertAfter extension in an assign activity enables a BPEL process
service component to insert the contents of one variable, expression, or XML fragment
after another variable’s contents. Example 12–29 provides an example.

Example 12–29 bpelx:insertAfter Extension

<bpelx:from ... />
<bpelx:to ... />

This operation is similar to the functionality described for Section 12.13.2, "How to Use
bpelx:insertBefore" on page 12-17, except for the following:
■ If multiple L-Value nodes are returned by the to-spec query, the last node is
used as the reference node.
■ Instead of inserting nodes before the reference node, the source nodes are inserted
after the reference node.
This operation can also be considered a macro of conditional-switch + (append
or insertBefore).
Example 12–30 shows the syntax before the execution of <insertAfter>. The value
of addrVar is:

Example 12–30 Presyntax Execution

<a:addressLine>500 Oracle Parkway</a:addressLine>

After execution of the syntax shown in Example 12–31 in the BPEL process service
component file:

Example 12–31 Postsyntax Execution

<a:addressLine>Mailstop 1op6</a:addressLine>
<bpelx:to "addrVar" query="/a:usAddress/a:addressLine[1]" />

Example 12–32 shows the value of addrVar:

12-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions

Example 12–32 addrVar Value

<a:addressLine>500 Oracle Parkway</a:addressLine>
<a:addressLine>Mailstop 1op6</a:addressLine>

The from-spec query within bpelx:insertAfter yields zero or more nodes. The
node list is appended as child nodes to the target node specified by the to-spec

12.13.4 How to Use bpelx:remove

The bpelx:remove extension in an assign activity enables a BPEL process service
component to remove a variable. Example 12–33 provides an example.

Example 12–33 bpelx:remove Extension

<bpelx:target variable="ncname" part="ncname"? query="xpath_str" />

Node removal specified by the XPath expression is supported. Nodes specified by the
XPath expression can be multiple, but must be L-Values. Nodes being removed from
this parent can be text nodes, attribute nodes, and element nodes.
The XPath expression can return one or more nodes. If the XPath expression returns
zero nodes, then a bpel:selectionFailure fault is generated.
The syntax of bpelx:target is similar to and a subset of to-spec for the copy
Example 12–34 shows addrVar with the value:

Example 12–34 addrVar

<a:addressLine>500 Oracle Parkway</a:addressLine>
<a:addressLine>Mailstop 1op6</a:addressLine>

After executing the syntax shown in Example 12–35 in the BPEL process service
component file, the second address line of Mailstop is removed:

Example 12–35 Removal of Second Address Line

<target variable="addrVar"
query="/a:usAddress/a:addressLine[2]" />

After executing the syntax shown in Example 12–36 in the BPEL process service
component file, both address lines are removed:

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-19

Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions

Example 12–36 Removal of Both Address Lines

<target variable="addrVar"
query="/a:usAddress/a:addressLine" />

12.13.5 How to Use bpelx:rename and XSD Type Casting

The bpelx:rename extension in an assign activity enables a BPEL process service
component to rename an element through use of XSD type casting. Example 12–37
provides an example.

Example 12–37 bpelx:rename Extension

<bpelx:rename elementTo="QName1"? typeCastTo="QName2"?>
<bpelx:target variable="ncname" part="ncname"? query="xpath_str" />

The syntax of bpelx:target is similar to and a subset of to-spec for the copy
operation. The target must return a list of one more element nodes. Otherwise, a
bpel:selectionFailure fault is generated. The element nodes specified in the
from-spec are renamed the QName specified by the elementTo attribute. The
xsi:type attribute is added to those element nodes to cast those elements to the
QName type specified by the typeCastTo attribute.
Assume you have the employee list shown in Example 12–38:

Example 12–38 xsi:type Attribute

<e:emp xsi:type="e:ManagerType">
<e:managing />

Promotion changes are now applied to Peter Smith in the employee list in
Example 12–39:

Example 12–39 Application of Promotion Changes

<bpelx:rename typeCastTo="e:ManagerType">
<bpelx:target variable="empListVar"
query="/e:empList/e:emp[./e:firstName='Peter' and
./e:lastName='Smith'" />

12-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating XML Data with bpelx Extensions


After executing the above casting (renaming), the data looks as shown in
Example 12–40 with xsi:type info added to Peter Smith:

Example 12–40 Data Output

<e:emp xsi:type="e:ManagerType">
<e:managing />
<e:emp xsi:type="e:ManagerType">

The employee data of Peter Smith is now invalid, because <approvalLimit> and
<managing> are missing. Therefore, <append> is used to add that information.
Example 12–41 provides an example.

Example 12–41 Use of append Extension to Add Information

<bpelx:rename typeCastTo="e:ManagerType">
<bpelx:target variable="empListVar"
query="/e:empList/e:emp[./e:firstName='Peter' and
./e:lastName='Smith'" />
<e:managing />
<bpelx:to variable="empListVar"
query="/e:empList/e:emp[./e:firstName='Peter' and
./e:lastName='Smith'" />

With the execution of both rename and append, the corresponding data looks as
shown in Example 12–42:

Example 12–42 rename and append Execution

<e:emp xsi:type="e:ManagerType">
<e:managing />

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-21

Validating XML Data with bpelx:validate

12.13.6 How to Use bpelx:copyList

The bpelx:copyList extension in an assign activity enables a BPEL process service
component to perform a copyList operation of the contents of one variable,
expression, or XML fragment to another variable. Example 12–43 provides an example.

Example 12–43 bpelx:copyList Extension

<bpelx:from ... />
<bpelx:to ... />

The from-spec query can yield a list of either all attribute nodes or all element nodes.
The to-spec query can yield a list of L-value nodes — either all attribute nodes or all
element nodes.
All the element nodes returned by the to-spec query must have the same parent
element. If the to-spec query returns a list of element nodes, all element nodes must
be contiguous.
If the from-spec query returns attribute nodes, then the to-spec query must return
attribute nodes. Likewise, if the from-spec query returns element nodes, then the
to-spec query must return element nodes. Otherwise, a
bpws:mismatchedAssignmentFailure fault is thrown.
The from-spec query can return zero nodes, while the to-spec query must return
at least one node. If the from-spec query returns zero nodes, the effect of the
copyList operation is similar to the remove operation.
The copylist operation provides the following features:
■ Removes all the nodes pointed to by the to-spec query
■ If the to-spec query returns a list of element nodes and there are leftover child
nodes after removal of those nodes, the nodes returned by the from-spec query
are inserted before the next sibling of the last element specified by the to-spec
query. If there are no leftover child nodes, an append operation is performed.
■ If the to-spec query returns a list of attribute nodes, those attributes are removed
from the parent element. Then, the attributes returned by the from-spec query
are appended to the parent element.

12.14 Validating XML Data with bpelx:validate

The bpelx:validate function enables you to verify code and identify invalid XML

12.14.1 How to Validate XML Data with bpelx:validate

Use this extension as follows:
■ With the validate attribute in an assign activity:
<assign bpelx:validate="yes|no">

12-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays

■ In <bpelx:validate> as a standalone extended activity that can be used

without an assign activity:
<bpelx:validate variables="NCNAMES" />

For example:
<bpelx:validate variables="myMsgVariable myPOElemVar" />

If you want to verify the validity of XML data, set the validateXML property to true
in oc4j\j2ee\oc4j_

12.15 Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays

Data sequences are one of the most basic data models used in XML. However,
manipulating them can be nontrivial. One of the most common data sequence patterns
used in BPEL process service components are arrays. Based on the XML schema, the
way you can identify a data sequence definition is by its attribute maxOccurs being
set to a value of more than one or marked as unbounded. See the XML Schema
Specification at for more information.
The examples in this section illustrate several basic ways of manipulating data
sequences in BPEL. However, there are other associated requirements, such as
performing looping or dynamic referencing of endpoints. For additional code samples
and further information regarding real-world use cases for data sequence
manipulation in BPEL, see
Each of the following sections describes a particular requirement for data sequence
manipulation. For a code example that describes all data sequences, see
ArraySample.bpel, which takes a data sequence as input and loops through it,
adding together individual line items in each data sequence element into a total value.
For more information, see the ArraySample.bpel sample file located at SOA_

12.15.1 How to Statically Index into an XML Data Sequence That Uses Arrays
The following two examples illustrate how to use XPath functionality to select a data
sequence element when the index of the element you want is known at design time. In
these cases, it is the first element.
In Example 12–44, addresses[1] selects the first element of the addresses data

Example 12–44 Data Sequence Element Selection

<!-- get the first address and assign to variable address -->
<from variable="input" part="payload"
<to variable="address"/>

In this query, addresses[1] is equivalent to addresses[position()=1], where

position is one of the core XPath functions (see sections 2.4 and 4.1 of the XML Path

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-23

Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays

Language (XPath) Specification). The query in Example 12–45 calls the position
function explicitly to select the first element of the addresses data sequence. It then
selects that address’s street element (which the activity assigns to the variable

Example 12–45 position Function Use

<!-- get the first address's street and assign to street1 -->
<from variable="input" part="payload"
<to variable="street1"/>

If you review the definition of the input variable and its payload part in the WSDL file,
you go several levels down before coming to the definition of the addresses field.
There you see the maxOccurs="unbounded" attribute. The two XPath indexing
methods are functionally identical; you can use whichever method you prefer.
For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\references\XPath sample.

12.15.2 How to Determine Sequence Size

If you need to know the run-time size of a data sequence—that is, the number of nodes
or data items in the sequence—you can get it by using the combination of the XPath
built-in count() function and the BPEL built-in getVariableData() function.
The code in Example 12–46 calculates the number of elements in the item sequence
and assigns it to the integer variable lineItemSize:

Example 12–46 Sequence Size Determination

<from expression="count(bpws:getVariableData(’outpoint’, ’payload’,
<to variable="lineItemSize"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\XPathFunction sample.

12.15.3 How to Dynamically Index by Applying a Trailing XPath to an Expression

Often a dynamic value is needed to index into a data sequence—that is, you need to
get the nth node out of a sequence, where the value of n is defined at run time. This
section covers the following methods for dynamically indexing by applying a trailing
XPath into expressions:
■ Section, "Applying a Trailing XPath to the Result of getVariableData"
■ Section, "Using the bpelx:append Extension to Append New Items to a

12-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays

■ Section, "Merging Data Sequences"

■ Section, "Generating Functionality Equivalent to an Array of an Empty
Element" Applying a Trailing XPath to the Result of getVariableData

The dynamic indexing method shown in Example 12–47 applies a trailing XPath to the
result of bwps:getVariableData(), instead of using an XPath as the last argument
of bpws:getVariableData(). The trailing XPath references to an integer-based
index variable within the position predicate (that is, [...]):

Example 12–47 Dynamic Indexing

<variable name="idx" type="xsd:integer"/>
<from expression="bpws:getVariableData('input','payload'
)/p:line-item[bpws:getVariableData('idx')]/p:line-total" />
<to variable="lineTotalVar" />

Assume at run time that the idx integer variable holds 2 as its value. The preceding
expression within the from is equivalent to:
<from expression="bpws:getVariableData('input','payload'
)/p:line-item[2]/p:line-total" />

There are some subtle XPath usage differences, when an XPath used trailing behind
the bwps:getVariableData() function is compared with the one used inside the
Using the same example (where payload is the message part of element
"p:invoice"), if the XPath is used within the getVariableData() function, the
root element name ("/p:invoice") must be specified at the beginning of the XPath.
For example:
bpws:getVariableData('input', 'payload',

If the XPath is used trailing behind the bwps:getVariableData()function, the root

element name does not need to be specified in the XPath.
For example:
bpws:getVariableData('input', 'payload')/p:line-item[2]/p:line-total

This is because the node returned by the getVariableData() function is already the
root element. Specifying the root element name again in the XPath is redundant and is
incorrect according to standard XPath semantics. Using the bpelx:append Extension to Append New Items to a Sequence

The bpelx:append extension in an assign activity enables BPEL process service
components to append new elements to an existing parent element. Example 12–48
provides an example.

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-25

Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays

Example 12–48 bpelx:append Extension

<assign name="assign-3">
<from expression="bpws:getVariableData('idx')+1" />
<to variable="idx"/>
<bpelx:from variable="partInfoResultVar" part="payload" />
<bpelx:to variable="output" part="payload" />

The bpelx:append logic in this example appends the payload element of the
partInfoResultVar variable as a child to the payload element of the output
variable. In others words, the payload element of output variable is used as the
parent element.
For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_
al sample. Merging Data Sequences

You can merge two sequences into a single data sequence. This pattern is common
when the data sequences are in an array (that is, the sequence of data items of
compatible types).
The two append operations shown in Example 12–49 under assign demonstrate
how to merge data sequences:

Example 12–49 Data Sequences Merges with append Operations

<!-- initialize "mergedLineItems" variable
to an empty element -->
<from> <p:lineItems /> </from>
<to variable="mergedLineItems" />
<bpelx:from variable="input" part="payload"
query="/p:invoice/p:lineItems/p:lineitem" />
<bpelx:to variable="mergedLineItems" />
<bpelx:from variable="literalLineItems"
query="/p:lineItems/p:lineitem" />
<bpelx:to variable="mergedLineItems" />

For more information, see the ArraySample.bpel sample file located at SOA_
Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\tutorials\112.Arrays. Generating Functionality Equivalent to an Array of an Empty Element

The genEmptyElem function generates functionality equivalent to an array of an
empty element to an XML structure. This function takes the following arguments:

12-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating XML Data Sequences That Resemble Arrays

genEmptyElem('ElemQName',int?, 'TypeQName'?, boolean?)

Note the following issues:

■ The first argument specifies the QName of the empty elements.
■ The optional second integer argument specifies the number of empty elements. If
missing, the default size is 1.
■ The third optional argument specifies the QName, which is the xsi:type of the
generated empty name. This xsi:type pattern matches the SOAPENC:Array. If
it is missing or is an empty string, the xsi:type attribute is not generated.
■ The fourth optional Boolean argument specifies whether the generated empty
elements are XSI - nil, provided the element is XSD-nillable. The default value
is false. If missing or false, xsi:nil is not generated.
Example 12–50 shows an append statement initializing a purchase order (PO)
document with 10 empty <lineItem> elements under po:

Example 12–50 append Statement

<bpelx:from expression="ora:genEmptyElem('p:lineItem',10)" />
<bpelx:to variable="poVar" query="/p:po" />

The genEmptyElem function in this example can be replaced with an embedded

XQuery expression:
== for $i in (1 to 10) return <p:lineItem />

The empty elements generated by this function are typically invalid XML data. You
perform further data initialization after the empty elements are created. Using the
same example above, you can perform the following:
■ Add attribute and child elements to those empty lineItem elements.
■ Perform copy operations to replace the empty elements. For example, copy from a
Web service result to an individual entry in this equivalent array under a flowN

12.15.4 What You May Need to Know About SOAP-Encoded Arrays

Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides limited support for SOAP-encoded arrays
Consider one of the following methodologies to deal with SOAP arrays:
■ A wrapper can be placed around the service so that the BPEL process service
component talks to the document literal wrapper service, which in turn calls the
underlying service with soapenc:arrayType.
■ Call a service with soapenc:arrayType from BPEL, but construct the XML
message more manually in the BPEL code. This enables you to avoid changing or
wrapping the service. However, each time you want to call that service from BPEL,
you must take extra steps.

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-27

Converting from a String to an XML Element

12.16 Converting from a String to an XML Element

Sometimes a service is defined to return a string, but the content of the string is
actually XML data. The problem is that, although BPEL provides support for
manipulating XML data (using XPath queries, expressions, and so on), this
functionality is not available if the variable or field is of type string. With Java, you use
document object model (DOM) functions to convert the string to a structured XML
object type. You can use the BPEL XPath function parseEscapedXML to do the same

12.16.1 How To Convert from a String to an XML Element

The parseEscapedXML function takes XML data, parses it through DOM, and
returns structured XML data that can be assigned to a typed BPEL variable.
Example 12–51 provides an example:

Example 12–51 String to XML Element Conversion

<!-- execute the XPath extension function
parseEscapedXML('&lt;item&gt;') and assign to a variable
<from expression="ora:parseEscapedXML(
'&lt;item xmlns=&quot;;
&lt;description&gt;sun ultra sparc VI server
<to variable="escapedLineItem"/>

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\XPathFunction sample.

12.17 Understanding the Differences Between Document-Style and

RPC-Style WSDL Files
The examples shown up to this point have been for document-style WSDL files, in
which a message is defined with an XML schema element, as in Example 12–52:

Example 12–52 XML Schema type Definition

<message name="LoanFlowRequestMessage">
<part name="payload" element="s1:loanApplication"/>

This is in contrast to RPC-style WSDL files, in which the message is defined with an
XML schema type, as in Example 12–53:

12-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating SOAP Headers in BPEL

Example 12–53 XML Schema type Definition

<message name="LoanFlowRequestMessage">
<part name="payload" type="s1:LoanApplicationType"/>

12.17.1 How To Use RPC-Style Files

This affects the material in this chapter because there is a difference in how XPath
queries are constructed for the two WSDL message styles. For an RPC-style message,
the top-level element (and therefore the first node in an XPath query string) is the part
name (payload in the previous example). In document-style, the top-level node is the
element name (for example, loanApplication).
Example 12–54 and Example 12–55 show what an XPath query string looks like if the
LoanServices used in BPEL demo applications (such as LoanFlow) were RPC style.

Example 12–54 RPC-Style WSDL File

<message name="LoanServiceResultMessage">
<part name="payload" type="s1:LoanOfferType"/>

<complexType name="LoanOfferType">
<element name="providerName" type="string"/>
<element name="selected" type="boolean"/>
<element name="approved" type="boolean"/>
<element name="APR" type="double"/>

Example 12–55 RPC-Style BPEL File

<variable name="output"
<from expression="9.9"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/payload/APR"/>

For more information, see the following samples:

■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\utils\AsyncLoanService
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\demos\LoanDemo\LoanFlow (BPEL
demo application)

12.18 Manipulating SOAP Headers in BPEL

BPEL's communication activities (invoke, receive, reply, and onMessage) receive and
send messages through specified message variables. These default activities permit
one variable to operate in each direction. For example, the invoke activity has
inputVariable and outputVariable attributes. You can specify one variable for

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-29

Manipulating SOAP Headers in BPEL

each of the two attributes. This is enough if the particular operation involved uses only
one payload message in each direction.
However, WSDL supports more than one message in an operation. In the case of
SOAP, multiple messages can be sent along the main payload message as SOAP
headers. However, BPEL's default communication activities cannot accommodate the
additional header messages.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager solves this problem by extending the default BPEL
communication activities with the bpelx:headerVariable extension. The extension
syntax is as follows:

Example 12–56 bpelx:headerVariable Extension

<invoke bpelx:inputHeaderVariable="inHeader1 inHeader2 ..."
bpelx:outputHeaderVariable="outHeader1 outHeader2 ..."

<receive bpelx:headerVariable="inHeader1 inHeader2 ..." .../>

<onMessage bpelx:headerVariable="inHeader1 inHeader2 ..." .../>
<reply bpelx:headerVariable="inHeader1 inHeader2 ..." .../>

12.18.1 How to Receive SOAP Headers in BPEL

This section provides an example of how to create BPEL and WSDL files to receive
SOAP headers.
1. Create a WSDL file that declares header messages and the SOAP binding that
binds them to the SOAP request. Example 12–57 provides an example.

Example 12–57 WSDL File Contents

<message name="MessageIDHeader">
<part name="MessageID" element="wsa:MessageID"/>
<message name="ReplyToHeader">
<part name="ReplyTo" element="wsa:ReplyTo"/>

<!-- custom header -->

<message name="CustomHeaderMessage">
<part name="header1" element="tns:header1"/>
<part name="header2" element="tns:header2"/>

<binding name="HeaderServiceBinding" type="tns:HeaderService">

<soap:binding style="document"
<operation name="initiate">
<soap:operation style="document" soapAction="initiate"/>
<soap:header message="tns:ReplyToHeader" part="ReplyTo"
<soap:header message="tns:MessageIDHeader" part="MessageID"
<soap:header message="tns:CustomHeaderMessage"
part="header1" use="literal"/>
<soap:header message="tns:CustomHeaderMessage"
part="header2" use="literal"/>
<soap:body use="literal"/>

12-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Manipulating SOAP Headers in BPEL


2. Create a BPEL source file that declares the header message variables and uses
bpelx:headerVariable to receive the headers.

Example 12–58 bpelx:headerVariable Use

<variables> <variable name="input"
<variable name="event"
<variable name="output"
<variable name="customHeader"
<variable name="messageID"
<variable name="replyTo"

<!-- receive input from requestor -->
<receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
portType="tns:HeaderService" operation="initiate"
bpelx:headerVariable="customHeader messageID replyTo"

12.18.2 How to Send SOAP Headers in BPEL

This section provides an example of how to send SOAP headers.
1. Define an SCA reference in the composite.xml to refer to the HeaderService.
2. Define the custom header variable, manipulate it, and send it using

Example 12–59 bpelx:inputHeaderVariable Use

<variable name="input" messageType="tns:HeaderTestRequestMessage"/>
<variable name="output" messageType="tns:HeaderTestResultMessage"/>
<variable name="request" messageType="services:HeaderServiceRequestMessage"/>
<variable name="response" messageType="services:HeaderServiceResultMessage"/>
<variable name="customHeader"messageType="services:CustomHeaderMessage"/>
<!-- initiate the remote process -->
<invoke name="invokeAsyncService"

Beta Draft Manipulating XML Data in BPEL Processes 12-31

Use Cases for Manipulating XML Data in BPEL

12.19 Use Cases for Manipulating XML Data in BPEL

This chapter covers a variety of use cases for manipulating XML data. Topics include
how to work with variables, sequences, and arrays, and how to perform tasks such as
mathematical calculations. The explanations are largely by example, and provide an
introduction to the supported specifications.
Most of the examples in this chapter assume that the WSDL file defining the associated
message types is document-literal style rather than the RPC style. There is a difference
in how XPath query strings are formed for RPC-style WSDL definitions. If you are
working with a type defined in an RPC WSDL file, see Section 12.17, "Understanding
the Differences Between Document-Style and RPC-Style WSDL Files" on page 12-28.

Note: The 103.XMLDocuments sample is not included in the file for beta 3.

12-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
13 Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a
BPEL Process

This chapter describes how to invoke a synchronous web service from a BPEL process.
This chapter demonstrates how to create a partner link and invoke activity and set up
the components necessary to perform a synchronous callback. This chapter also
examines how these components are coded.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 13.1, "Introduction to Invoking a Synchronous Web Services"
■ Section 13.2, "Invoking a Synchronous Web Service"
■ Section 13.3, "Use Case for Invoking a Synchronous Web Service"

13.1 Introduction to Invoking a Synchronous Web Services

Synchronous Web services provide an immediate response to a query. BPEL can
connect to synchronous Web services through a partner link, send data, and then
receive the reply using a synchronous callback.
A synchronous callback requires the following components:
■ Partner link: Defines the location and the role of the Web services that the BPEL
process service component connects to in order to perform tasks, as well as the
variables used to carry information between the Web service and the BPEL process
service component. A partner link is required for each Web service that the BPEL
process service component calls.
■ Invoke activity: Opens a port in the BPEL process service component to send and
receive data. It uses this port to submit the required data and receive the response.
In the credit rating service example, the invoke activity submits the stock code
entered by the customer to the stock quote service and receives a stock quote in
return. For synchronous callbacks, only one port is needed for both the send and
receive functions.
You can set timeout values with the attribute syncMaxWaitTime in the SOA_
xml file. If the BPEL process service component does not receive a reply within the
specified time, then the activity fails.
For more information about syncMaxWaitTime, see Oracle Application Server
Performance Guide .

Beta Draft Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 13-1
Invoking a Synchronous Web Service

13.2 Invoking a Synchronous Web Service

This section examines a synchronous callback operation using the
QuoteConsumer.bpel file. For a more step-by-step approach, see and download the files under
Training Material.

13.2.1 How to Invoke a Synchronous Web Service

To invoke a synchronous web service:
1. In the Component Palette, drag and the necessary partner link, invoke activity,
and assign activities into the designer.
2. Edit their dialogs.
Figure 13–1 shows the diagram of the QuoteConsumer.bpel file, which defines a
simple application with five activities.

Figure 13–1 Diagram of QuoteConsumer.bpel

The following actions take place (in order of priority):

1. The receiveInput receive activity receives input from the user (client), as defined
in the QuoteConsuter.wsdl file.
2. The first assign activity packages the data from the client so that it can be accepted
by the invokeStockQuote service.

13-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Invoking a Synchronous Web Service

3. The invokeStockQuoteService activity sends the repackaged data to the

StockQuoteService service and receives a response.
4. A second assign activity repackages this response into a replyOutput activity so
that it can be accepted by the client application.
5. The replyOutput activity sends the repackaged response back to the client.

13.2.2 What Happens When You Invoke a Synchronous Web Service

When you create a partner link and invoke activity, the necessary BPEL code for
invoking a synchronous web service is added to the appropriate BPEL and WSDL
files. Partner Link in the BPEL Code

In the BPEL code, the partner link defines the link name and type, and the role of the
BPEL process service component in interacting with the partner service.
From the BPEL source code, the StockQuoteService partner link definition is
shown in Example 13–1:

Example 13–1 Partner Link Definition

The 'client' role represents the requester of this service. It is
used for callback. The location and correlation information associated
with the client role are automatically set using WS-Addressing.
<partnerLink name="client" partnerLinkType="samples:QuoteConsumer"
myRole="QuoteConsumerProvider" partnerRole="QuoteConsumerRequester"/>

Following the partner link are global variable definitions that are accessible
throughout the BPEL process service component. The types for these variables are
defined in the WSDL for the process itself. Example 13–2 provides an example.

Example 13–2 Variable Definitions

<!-- Reference to the message passed as input during initiation -->
<variable name="input" messageType="tns:QuoteConsumerRequestMessage"/>
<!-- Reference to the message that will be sent back to the
requestor during callback
<variable name="output" messageType="tns:QuoteConsumerResultMessage"/>
<variable name="request" messageType="services:StockQuoteServiceRequest"/>
<variable name="response" messageType="services:StockQuoteServiceResponse"/>

The WSDL file defines the interface to your BPEL process service component—the
messages that it accepts and returns, operations that are supported, and other

Beta Draft Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 13-3
Invoking a Synchronous Web Service Partner Link Type and Port Type in the BPEL Code
The Web service’s QuoteConsumer.wsdl file contains two sections that enable the
web service to work with BPEL process service components:
■ Section, "partnerLinkType Section of the QuoteConsumer.wsdl File"
■ Section, "portType Section of the QuoteConsumer.wsdl File" partnerLinkType Section of the QuoteConsumer.wsdl File The partnerLinkType

section of the QuoteConsumer.wsdl file defines the following characteristics of the
conversion between a BPEL process service component and the loan application
approver Web service:
■ The role (operation) played by each
■ The portType provided by each for receiving messages within the context of the
Example 13–3 provides an example:

Example 13–3 partnerLinkType Definition

PartnerLinkType definition
<!-- the QuoteConsumer partnerLinkType binds the service and
requestor portType into an asynchronous conversation.
<plnk:partnerLinkType name="QuoteConsumer">
<plnk:role name="QuoteConsumerProvider">
<plnk:portType name="tns:QuoteConsumer"/>
<plnk:role name="QuoteConsumerRequester">
<plnk:portType name="tns:QuoteConsumerCallback"/>
</plnk:partnerLinkType> portType Section of the QuoteConsumer.wsdl File A port type is a collection of

related operations implemented by a participant in a conversation. A port type defines
what information is passed back and forth, the form of that information, and so forth.
A synchronous callback requires only one port type that both sends a request and
receives the response, while an asynchronous callback (one where the reply is not
immediate) requires two port types, one to send the request, and another to receive the
reply when it arrives.
Example 13–4 shows the portType section of the QuoteConsumer.wsdl file. This is
the stock quote Web service to which the client submits the stock code that the
customer has entered.

Example 13–4 portType Definition

PortType definition

<!-- portType implemented by the QuoteConsumer BPEL process -->

<portType name="QuoteConsumer">
<operation name="initiate">
<input message="tns:QuoteConsumerRequestMessage"/>

13-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Invoking a Synchronous Web Service

<!-- portType implemented by the requester of QuoteConsumer BPEL process

for asynchronous callback purposes
<portType name="QuoteConsumerCallback">
<operation name="onResult">
<input message="tns:QuoteConsumerResultMessage"/>

Synchronous services have one port type. The port initiates the synchronous process
and calls back the client with the response. In this example, the portType
CreditRatingService receives the stock code and returns the stock quote. Invoke Activity for Performing a Request

The invoke activity includes the request global input variable defined in the
variables section. The credit rating Web service uses this request global input
variable. This variable contains the customer’s social security number. The response
variable contains the credit rating returned by the credit rating service. Example 13–5
provides an example.

Example 13–5 Invoke Activity

<!-- Receive input from requestor. Note: This maps to operation defined in
<receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client" portType="samples:QuoteConsumer"
operation="initiate" variable="input" createInstance="yes"/>
<from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:symbol"/>
<to variable="request" part="symbol" query="/symbol"/>
<!-- Generate content of output message based on the content of the input message.
<invoke name="invokeStockQuoteService" partnerLink="StockQuoteService"/>
<from variable="response" part="result" query="/result"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/tns:result"/>
<!-- Asynchronous callback to the requester. Note: the callback location and
correlation id is transparently handled using WS-addressing. -->
<invoke name="replyOutput" partnerLink="client"
portType="samples:QuoteConsumerCallback" operation="onResult"
</sequence> Synchronous Callback in BPEL Code

The BPEL code shown in Example 13–6 performs the synchronous callback:

Example 13–6 Synchronous Callback


Beta Draft Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 13-5
Use Case for Invoking a Synchronous Web Service

<from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:symbol"/>

<to variable="request" part="symbol" query="/symbol"/>
<invoke name="invokeStockQuoteService" partnerLink="StockQuoteService"
portType="services:StockQuoteService" operation="process"
inputVariable="request" outputVariable="response"/>

<!-- Generate content of output message based on the content of the input message.
<from variable="response" part="result" query="/result"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/tns:result"/>

13.3 Use Case for Invoking a Synchronous Web Service

Note: The sample demonstrated in 104.SyncQuoteConsumer is
not included in the file for beta 3.

Using synchronous Web services is demonstrated in 104.SyncQuoteConsumer. This

sample shows a BPEL process service component sending a stock code to a Web
service and receiving a stock quote in return. It examines how synchronous
functionality is defined in the stock quote Web service’s
CreditRatingService.wsdl file (the Web service to be called) and the client’s
QuoteConsumer.bpel file and composite.xml deployment description file.
For more information, see the BPEL and WSDL files located in the SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\tutorials\104.SyncQuoteConsumer\bpel directory.

13-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
14 Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service
from a BPEL Process

This chapter describes how to call an asynchronous Web service. Asynchronous

messaging styles are very useful for environments in which a service, such as a loan
processor, can take a long time to process a client request. Asynchronous services also
provide a more reliable fault-tolerant and scalable architecture than synchronous
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 14.1, "Introduction to Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service"
■ Section 14.2, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service"
■ Section 14.3, "Using WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service"
■ Section 14.4, "Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service"
■ Section 14.5, "Use Case for Invoking a Asynchronous Web Service"

14.1 Introduction to Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

This section examines how asynchronous functionality is defined in the loan
application approver Web service’s LoanService.wsdl file (the Web service to be
called) and the client’s LoanBroker.bpel file and composite.xml file.
Figure 14–1 provides an overview of how this BPEL process service component works
with the asynchronous loan processor web service.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-1
Introduction to Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

Figure 14–1 Asynchronous Service Invocation

BPEL Process
Client WSDL <variable>
Application Client
d1 <receive>

Request LoanService
<variable> PartnerLink
<invoke> Initiate Port
d3 Async
Callback Port Processor
Wait for d4 Service

d2 <reply>
Dehydration Point
Output For scalability and reliability,
<variable> in-flight instances are pushed
to DB until callback is received

For the asynchronous Web service, which is indicated within the dotted rectangle
between the BPEL process service component’s receive and reply activities, the
following actions take place:
1. An assign activity (prepare LoanApp) prepares the loan application.
2. An invoke activity (initiate service) initiates the loan request. The contents of this
request are put into a request variable. This request variable is sent to the
asynchronous loan processor Web service.
When the loan request is initiated, a correlation ID unique to the client and partner
link initiating the request is also sent to the loan processor Web service. The
correlation ID ensures that the correct loan offer response is returned to the
corresponding loan application requester.
3. The loan processor Web service then sends the correct response to the receive
activity (Wait for callback), which has been tracked by the correlation ID.
4. An assign activity (Read offer) reads the loan application offer.
The remaining sections in this chapter provide specific details about the asynchronous
functionality shown in Figure 14–1.
For more information about asynchronous services, see the following files:
■ SOA_Oracle_

14-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

■ SOA_Oracle_

14.2 Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

To add asynchronous functionality to a BPEL process service component, complete the
tasks in this section:
■ Section, "Step 1: Adding a Partner Link for an Asynchronous Service"
■ Section, "Step 2: Adding an Invoke Activity"
■ Section, "Step 3: Adding a Receive Activity"
■ Section, "Step 4: Performing Additional Activities"

14.2.1 How to Invoke an Asynchronous Web Service Step 1: Adding a Partner Link for an Asynchronous Service

These instructions describe how to create a partner link named LoanService for the
loan application approver Web service.
1. Double-click the LoanBroker BPEL process service component in the composite
2. Expand BPEL Services in the Component Palette.
3. Drag and drop a Partner Link into one of the swim lanes.
The Create Web Service window appears.
4. Enter the following details to create a partner and select the loan application
approver Web service:
■ Name: Enter a name for the partner link.
■ Process: The BPEL process service component name
■ WSDL File: Enter the name of the WSDL file to use. Click the SCA Resource
Lookup icon above this field to locate the correct WSDL.
■ Partner Link Type: Refers to the external service with which the BPEL process
service component is to interface. Select from the list.
■ Partner Role: Refers to the role of the external source, for example, provider.
Select from the list.
■ My Role: Refers to role of the BPEL process service component in this
interaction, for example, requester. Select from the list.
Figure 14–2 shows the Create Web Service dialog.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-3
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

Figure 14–2 Create Web Service Dialog

5. Click OK.
A new partner link for the loan application approver Web service (United Loan)
appears in the Services area of the .bpel file’s diagram window.
For more information about partner links, see the following:
■ Section, "portType Section of the LoanService.wsdl File"
■ Section, "partnerLinkType Section of the LoanService.wsdl File" Step 2: Adding an Invoke Activity

Follow these instructions to create an invoke activity and a global input variable
named request. This activity initiates the asynchronous BPEL process service
component activity with the loan application approver Web service (LoanService). The
loan application approver Web service uses the request input variable to receive the
loan request from the client.
1. Expand BPEL Activities in the Component Palette.
2. Drag an invoke activity from the Component Palette to beneath the receive
3. Go to the Structure window.
4. Right-click Variables and select Expand All Child Nodes.
5. Right-click the second Variables folder in the navigation tree, and click Create
The Create Variable dialog box appears.
6. Enter the variable name and select Message Type from the options provided:
■ Simple Type: This option lets you select an XML schema simple type, for
example, string, Boolean, and so on.
■ Message Type: This option enables you to select a WSDL message file
definition of a partner link or of the project WSDL file of the current BPEL
process service component (for example, a response message or a request
message). You can specify variables associated with message types as input or
output variables for invoke, receive, or reply activities.
To display the message type, select the Message Type option, and then select
its flashlight icon to display the Type Chooser window. From here, expand the
Message Types navigation window to select Message Types > Partner Links >
Loan Service > LoanService.wsdl > Message Types >

14-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

■ Element: This option lets you select an XML schema element of the project
schema file or project WSDL file of the current BPEL process service
component, or of a partner link.
Figure 14–3 shows the Create Variable dialog.

Figure 14–3 Create Variable Dialog

7. Click OK.
8. Double-click the invoke activity to display the Invoke window.
9. In the Invoke window, select the LoanService partner link from the Partner Link
list and initiate from the Operation list.
10. Select the input variable you created in Step 6, by clicking the second icon to the
right of the Input Variable field.
The Variable Chooser window appears, where you can select the variable.
There is no output variable specified because the output variable is returned in the
receive operation. The invoke activity is created.
For more information about the invoke activity, see Section, "Invoke and
Receive Activities."
11. Click OK. Step 3: Adding a Receive Activity

Follow these steps to create a receive activity and a global output variable named
response. This activity waits for the loan application approver Web service’s callback
operation. The loan application approver Web service uses this output variable to send
the loan offer result to the client.
1. From the Component Palette, drag a receive activity to the location right after the
invoke activity you created in Section, "Step 2: Adding an Invoke
2. Create a variable to hold the receive information by invoking the Create Variable
window, as you did in Step 3 through Step 7, starting on page 14-4.
Figure 14–4 shows the Create Variable dialog.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-5
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

Figure 14–4 Create Variable Dialog

3. Double-click the receive activity and change its name to receive_invoke.

4. Select LoanService from the Partner Link list and onResult from the Operation
list. Do not select the Create Instance check box.
5. Select the variable you created in Step 3 through Step 7, starting on page 14-4.
6. Click OK.
The receive activity and the output variable are created. Because the initial receive
activity in the LoanBroker.bpel file created the initial BPEL process service
component instance, a second instance does not need to be created. Step 4: Performing Additional Activities

In addition to the asynchronous-specific tasks, you must perform the following tasks.
■ Create an initial assign activity for data manipulation in front of the invoke
activity that copies the client’s input variable loan application request document
payload into the loan application approver Web service’s request variable
■ Create a second assign activity for data manipulation after the receive activity that
copies the loan application approver Web service’s response variable loan
application results payload into the output variable for the client to receive.

14.2.2 What Happens When You Invoke an Asynchronous Web Service portType Section of the LoanService.wsdl File

The portType section of the LoanService.wsdl file defines the ports to be used for
the asynchronous service.
Asynchronous services have two port types. Each port type performs a one-way
operation: one port type initiates the asynchronous process and the other calls back the
client with the asynchronous response. In this example shown in Example 14–1, the
portType LoanService receives the client’s loan application request and the
portType LoanServiceCallback asynchronously calls back the client with the
loan offer response.

14-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

Example 14–1 portType Definition

<!-- portType implemented by the LoanService BPEL process -->

<portType name="LoanService">
<operation name="initiate">
<input message="tns:LoanServiceRequestMessage"/>

<!-- portType implemented by the requester of LoanService BPEL process

for asynchronous callback purposes
<portType name="LoanServiceCallback">
<operation name="onResult">
<input message="tns:LoanServiceResultMessage"/>
</portType> partnerLinkType Section of the LoanService.wsdl File

The partnerLinkType section of the LoanService.wsdl file defines the following
characteristics of the conversation between the BPEL process service component and
the loan application approver Web service:
■ The role (operation) played by each
■ The portType provided by each for receiving messages within the context of the
Partner link types in asynchronous services have two roles: one for the Web service
provider and one for the client requester.
In the conversation shown in Example 14–2, the LoanServiceProvider role and
LoanService portType are used for client request messages and the
LoanServiceRequester role and LoanServiceCallback portType are used for
asynchronously returning (calling back) response messages to the client.

Example 14–2 partnerLinkType Definition

<!-- the LoanService partnerLinkType binds the service and
requestor portType into an asynchronous conversation.
<plnk:partnerLinkType name="LoanService">
<plnk:role name="LoanServiceProvider">
<plnk:portType name="tns:LoanService"/>
<plnk:role name="LoanServiceRequester">
<plnk:portType name="tns:LoanServiceCallback"/>

Two port types are combined into this single asynchronous BPEL process service
component: portType="services:LoanService" of the invoke activity and
portType="services:LoanServiceCallback" of the receive activity. Port
types are essentially a collection of operations to be performed. For this BPEL process
service component, there are two operations to perform: initiate in the invoke
activity and onResult in the receive activity.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-7
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service Partner Links Section in the .bpel File

To call the service from BPEL, you use the BPEL file to define how the process
interfaces with the Web service. View the partnerLinks section of the
LoanBroker.bpel file. The services with which a process interacts are designed as
partner links. Each partner link is characterized by a partnerLinkType.
Each partner link is named. This name is used for all service interactions through that
partner link. This is critical in correlating responses to different partner links for
simultaneous requests of the same type.
Asynchronous processes use a second partner link for the callback to the client. In this
example, the second partner link, LoanService, is used by the loan application
approver Web service. Example 14–3 provides an example.

Example 14–3 partnerLink Definition

<!-- This process invokes the asynchronous LoanService. -->

<partnerLink name="LoanService"

The attribute myRole indicates the role of the client. The attribute partnerRole role
indicates the role of the partner in this conversation. Each partnerLinkType has a
myRole and partnerRole attribute in asynchronous processes. Composite Application File

Open the composite.xml file of
samples\tutorials\105.AsyncCompositeLoanBroker. The loan application
approver Web service appears, as shown in Example 14–4.

Example 14–4 Loan Application Approver Web Service

<component name="LoanBroker">
<implementation.bpel process="LoanBroker.bpel"/>

For more information, see Section, "Step 1: Adding a Partner Link for an
Asynchronous Service" for instructions on creating a partner link. Invoke and Receive Activities

View the variables and sequence sections of the LoanBroker.bpel file. Two
areas of particular interest concern the invoke and receive activities:
■ An invoke activity invokes a synchronous Web service (as discussed in
Chapter 13, "Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process") or
initiates an asynchronous service.
The invoke activity includes the request global input variable defined in the
variables section. The request global input variable is used by the loan
application approver Web service. This variable contains the contents of the initial
loan application request document.
■ A receive activity that waits for the asynchronous callback from the loan
application approver Web service. The receive activity includes the response

14-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service

global output variable defined in the variables section. This variable contains
the loan offer response. The receive activity asynchronously waits for a callback
message from a service. While the BPEL process service component is waiting, it is
dehydrated, or compressed and stored, until the callback message arrives.
Example 14–5 provides an example.

Example 14–5 Invoke and Receive Activities


<variable name="request"
<variable name="response"


<!-- initialize the input of LoanService -->

<!-- initiate the remote process -->
<invoke name="invoke" partnerLink="LoanService"
operation="initiate" inputVariable="request"/>

<!-- receive the result of the remote process -->

<receive name="receive_invoke" partnerLink="LoanService"
operation="onResult" variable="response"/>

When an asynchronous service is initiated with the invoke activity, a correlation ID

unique to the client request is also sent, using WS-Addressing (described in
Section 14.3, "Using WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service"). Because multiple
processes may be waiting for service callbacks, Oracle BPEL Server must know which
BPEL process service component instance is waiting for a callback message from the
loan application approver Web service. The correlation ID enables Oracle BPEL Server
to correlate the response with the appropriate requesting instance.
For more information, see the following sections for instructions on creating invoke
and receive activities:
■ Section, "Step 2: Adding an Invoke Activity"
■ Section, "Step 3: Adding a Receive Activity" createInstance Attribute for Starting a New Instance

You may have noticed a createInstance attribute in the initial receive activity of
the sequence section of the LoanBroker.bpel file. In this initial receive activity,
the createInstance element is set to yes. This starts a new instance of the BPEL
process service component. At least one instance startup is required for a conversation.
For this reason, you set the createInstance variable to no in the second receive
Example 14–6 shows the source code for the createInstance attribute:

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-9
Using WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service

Example 14–6 createInstance Attribute

<!-- receive input from requestor -->
<receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
operation="initiate" variable="input"
createInstance="yes"/> Dehydration Points for Maintaining Long-Running Asynchronous

To automatically maintain long-running asynchronous processes and their current
state information in a database while they wait for asynchronous callbacks, you use a
database as a dehydration store. Storing the process in a database preserves the
process and prevents any loss of state or reliability if a system shuts down or a
network problem occurs. This feature increases both BPEL process service component
reliability and scalability. You can also use it to support clustering and failover.
You insert this point between the invoke activity and receive activity. Figure 14–1
shows an example of a dehydration point in the loan application approver Web

14.3 Using WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service

Because there can be many active instances at any given point in time, Oracle BPEL
Server must be able to direct Web service responses to the correct BPEL process service
component instance. You can use WS-Addressing to identify asynchronous messages
to ensure that asynchronous callbacks locate the appropriate client.
Figure 14–5 provides an overview of Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing).
WS-Addressing uses simple object access protocol (SOAP) headers for asynchronous
message correlation. Messages are independent of the transport or application used.

14-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service

Figure 14–5 Callback with WS-Addressing Headers

WS-Addressing Header:
BPEL Process · callback location
HelloWorld.bpel · correlation id (relatesTo)

LoanService [2.05] receive
loanApp PartnerLink [2.06] process
<variable> [2.22] callback
Initiate Initiate Port
service d3 d3
loanOffer Loan
<variable> Processor
Wait for Callback Port
callback d3 d4

WS-Addressing Header:
· correlation id (relatesTo)
Note 1: the correlation id allows
the BPEL server to know which
instance of the process is
waiting for this callback
Note 2: The alternative
approach is to use
content-based correlation
using <correlationSet>

Figure 14–5 shows how messages are passed along with WS headers so that the
response can be sent to the correct destination.
The example in this chapter uses WS-Addressing for correlation. To view the
messages, you can use TCP tunneling, which is described in Section, "Using
TCP Tunneling to See Messages Exchanged Between Programs."
WS-Addressing defines the following information typically provided by transport
protocols and messaging systems. This information is processed independently of the
transport or application:
■ Endpoint location (reply-to address): The reply-to address specifies the location at
which a BPEL client is listening for a callback message.
■ Conversation ID: Use TCP tunneling to view SOAP messages exchanged between
the BPEL process service component flow and the Web service (including those
containing the correlation ID). You can see the exact SOAP messages that are sent
to, or received from, services with which a BPEL process service component flow
You insert a software listener between your BPEL process service component flow
and the Web service. Your BPEL process service component flow communicates
with the listener (called a TCP tunnel). The listener forwards your messages to the
Web service, and also displays them. Responses from the Web service are returned
to the tunnel, which displays and forwards them back to the BPEL process service

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-11
Using WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service

14.3.1 How to Use WS-Addressing in an Asynchronous Service

WS-Addressing is a public specification and is the default correlation method
supported by Oracle BPEL Process Manager. You do not need to edit the .bpel and
.wsdl files to use WS-Addressing. Using TCP Tunneling to See Messages Exchanged Between Programs

The messages that are exchanged between programs and services can be seen through
TCP tunneling. This is particularly useful with Web services and BPEL process service
components when you want to see the exact SOAP messages exchanged between the
BPEL process service component flow and Web services.
To monitor the SOAP messages, insert a software listener between your flow and the
service. Your flow communicates with the listener (called a TCP tunnel) and the
listener forwards your messages to the service, as well as displaying them. Likewise,
responses from the service are returned to the tunnel, which displays them and then
forwards them back to the flow.
To see all the messages exchanged between Oracle BPEL Server and a Web service, you
need only a single TCP tunnel for synchronous services because all the pertinent
messages are communicated in a single request and reply interaction with the service.
For asynchronous services, you must set up two tunnels, one for the invocation of the
service and another for the callback port of the flow. Setting up a TCP Listener for Synchronous Services Follow these steps to set up a
TCP listener for synchronous services initiated by an Oracle BPEL Process Manager
1. Start your TCP listener to listen on a port such as 1234 and send on a port such as
9700 (port 9700 is used in this example and is the default after Oracle BPEL
Process Manager for Developers installation). If you installed Oracle BPEL Process
Manager as part of an Oracle Application Server SOA install type, substitute the
correct port number throughout these instructions. For example, you can use the
TCP tunnel included with Apache Axis (bundled with Oracle BPEL Process
Manager) by executing the following from the operating system command
prompt> obsetenv
prompt> java -classpath %OB_CLASSPATH% orabpel.apache.axis.utils.tcpmon 1234
localhost 9700

2. Add an endpointURI property in the componentType file for your flow to

override the endpoint of the service. For example, to see the messages exchanged
between the LoanFlow demo sample and the CreditRatingService that it calls,
change the definition of the CreditRatingService location in the componentType
file found in SOA_Oracle_
3. Compile and deploy the LoanDemo from the operating system command prompt:
prompt> cd SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\demos\LoanDemo
prompt> ant

Note that while the CreditRatingService is also a BPEL process service component,
the same technique can be used to see the SOAP messages passed to invoke a
BPEL process service component as a Web service from another tool kit such as
Axis or .NET.

14-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

For more information, download the TCP Monitor tool from Setting up a TCP Listener for Asynchronous Services Follow these steps to set up
a TCP listener to display the SOAP messages for callbacks from asynchronous services:

Note: The optSoapShortcut and SoapServerURL parameters are

not enabled for beta 3.

1. Start a TCP listener to listen on a port such as 9710 and to send on the Oracle
BPEL Process Manager port (for example, 9700 is the default after installation of
Oracle BPEL Process Manager for Developers).
2. Turn off the optimization of local SOAP calls performed by Oracle BPEL Process
Manager to see the impact of changing the callback port:
a. Go to Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console.
b. Go to the Configuration tab for the deployed composite application.
c. Scroll down to the optSoapShortcut property.
d. Change the value from true to false.
3. Go to the SoapServerUrl property on the Configuration tab.
4. Change this property to http://localhost:9710.
5. Click the Apply button.
6. Restart Oracle BPEL Server to initialize these changes and initiate any flow that
invokes asynchronous Web services (for example the LoanFlow demonstration).
You can combine this with the synchronous TCP tunneling configuration to send
the UnitedLoan service initiation request through your first TCP tunnel.
The callbacks from the asynchronous services are shown in the TCP listener, such
as the UnitedLoan service callback.
If you are an Oracle JDeveloper user, you can also use the built-in Packet Monitor to
see SOAP messages for both synchronous and asynchronous services.
For more information, see the following documents:
■ Web Services Addressing (WS-Addressing) Specification for complete details about
WS-Addressing, which is accessible from
■ SOA_Oracle_Home/bpel/samples/demos/LoanDemo for the LoanFlow demo
used in this section

14.4 Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

Correlation sets provide another method for directing Web service responses to the
correct BPEL process service component instance. You can use correlation sets to
identify asynchronous messages to ensure that asynchronous callbacks locate the
appropriate client.
Correlation sets are a BPEL mechanism that provides for the correlation of
asynchronous messages based on message body contents. To use this method, define
the correlation sets in your .bpel file. This method is designed for services that do not
support WS-Addressing or for certain sophisticated conversation patterns, for

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-13
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

example, when the conversation is in the form A > B > C > A instead of A > B >
This section describes how to use correlation sets in an asynchronous service with
Oracle JDeveloper. Correlation sets enable you to correlate asynchronous messages
based on message body contents. You define correlation sets when interactions are not
simple invoke-receive activities. This example illustrates how to use correlation sets
for a process having three receive activities with no associated invoke activities.
For more information, see the following correlation set example at SOA_Oracle_

14.4.1 How to Use Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Step 1: Creating a Project"
■ Section, "Step 2: Configuring Partner Links and File Adapter Services"
■ Section, "Step 3: Creating Three Receive Activities"
■ Section, "Step 4: Creating Correlation Sets"
■ Section, "Step 5: Associating Correlation Sets with Receive Activities"
■ Section, "Step 6: Creating Property Aliases"
■ Section, "Step 7: Reviewing WSDL File Content" Step 1: Creating a Project

1. Start Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Select New > Application from the File main menu.
3. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Application Name Enter an application name (for this example,
Application Template Select No Template [All Technologies].

4. Accept the default values for all remaining settings, and click OK.
5. Click Cancel in the Create Project window.
6. Select the Application Menu list for the application you just created.
7. Select New Project from the list that appears.
The New Gallery window appears.
8. Double-click SCA Project in the Items field.
The Create SCA Project window appears.
9. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Project Name Enter a name in the field (for this example,

14-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

Field Value
Upon project creation, create Click the check box and select BPEL Process from the list.
This creates an SCA project with a BPEL process.

10. Click OK.

The Create BPEL Process window appears.

11. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Name Enter MyCorrelationSet.
Namespace Accept the default value.
Template Select Asynchronous BPEL Process.
Expose as Composite Service Select the check box. After process creation, note the
SOAP adapter service that appears in the Services
swimlane. This service provides the entry point to the
composite application from the outside world.

12. Click Finish. Step 2: Configuring Partner Links and File Adapter Services

You now create three partner links that use the adapter services.
This section contains these topics:
■ Section, "Creating an Initial Partner Link and File Adapter Service"
You create an initial partner link with an adapter service for reading a loan
■ Section, "Creating a Second Partner Link and File Adapter Service"
You create a second partner link with an adapter service for reading an application
■ Section, "Creating a Third Partner Link and File Adapter Service"
You create a third partner link with an adapter service for reading a customer
response. Creating an Initial Partner Link and File Adapter Service

1. Double-click the MyCorrelationSet BPEL process.
2. Expand BPEL Services in the Component Palette.
3. Drag and drop an initial PartnerLink activity into the right swim lane of the
designer window.
4. Click the third icon at the top (the Define Adapter Service icon). This starts the
Adapter Configuration Wizard, as shown in Figure 14–6.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-15
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

Figure 14–6 Adapter Configuration Wizard Startup

5. Select File Adapter on the Configure Service or Adapter window and click Next.
6. Click Next on the Welcome window.
7. Enter FirstReceive in the Service Name field on the Service Name window and
click Next.
8. Select Read File as the Operation Type on the Operation window and click Next.
The Operation Name field is automatically filled in with Read.
9. Select Directory Names are Specified as Physical Path.
10. Click Browse above to the Directory for Incoming Files (physical path) field.

11. Select a directory from which to read files (for this example,
C:\files\receiveprocess\FirstInputDir is selected).
12. Click Select.

13. Click Next.

14. Enter appropriate file filtering parameters in the File Filtering window.

15. Click Next.

16. Enter appropriate file polling parameters in the File Polling window.

17. Click Next.

18. Click Browse next to the Schema Location field in the Messages window to
display the Type Chooser window.
19. Select an appropriate XSD schema file. For this example, Book1_4.xsd is the
schema and LoanAppl is the schema element selected.
20. Click OK.
The Schema Location field (Book1_4.xsd for this example) and the Schema
Element field (LoanAppl for this example) are filled in.
21. Click Next.

22. Click Finish.

You are returned to the Partner Link window. All other fields are automatically
completed. The window looks as follows:

Field Value
Name FirstReceive
WSDL File file:/C:/JDeveloper/mywork/Application_Name/SOA_Project_
where C:/JDeveloper represents the Oracle JDeveloper home directory
for this example.
Partner Link Type Read_plt
Partner Role Leave unspecified.
My Role Read_role

14-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

23. Click OK. Creating a Second Partner Link and File Adapter Service 1.Drag and drop a
second PartnerLink activity below the FirstReceivePL partner link activity.
2. Click the third icon at the top (the Define Adapter Service icon).
3. Click Next on the Welcome window.
4. Select File Adapter in the Adapter Type window and click Next.
5. Enter SecondFileRead in the Service Name field on the Service Name window
and click Next. This name must be unique from the one you entered in Step 7 on
page 14-16.
6. Select Read File as the Operation Type in the Operation window
7. Change the name in the Operation Name field to Read1.
8. Click Next.
9. Select Directory Names are Specified as Physical Path.
10. Click Browse above to the Directory for Incoming Files (physical path) field.

11. Select a directory from which to read files (for this example,
C:\files\receiveprocess\SecondInputDir is entered).
12. Click Select.

13. Click Next.

14. Enter appropriate file filtering parameters in the File Filtering window.

15. Click Next.

16. Enter appropriate file polling parameters in the File Polling window.

17. Click Next.

18. Click Browse next to the Schema Location field in the Messages window to
display the Type Chooser window.
19. Select an appropriate XSD schema file. For this example, Book1_5.xsd is the
schema and LoanAppResponse is the schema element selected.
20. Click OK.
The Schema Location field (Book1_5.xsd for this example) and the Schema
Element field (LoanAppResponse for this example) are filled in.
21. Click Next.

22. Click Finish.

You are returned to the Partner Link window. All other fields are automatically
completed. The window looks as follows:

Field Value
Name SecondReceive
WSDL File file:/C:/JDeveloper/mywork/Application_Name/SOA_Project_
where C:/JDeveloper represents the Oracle JDeveloper home directory
for this example.
Partner Link Type Read1_plt

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-17
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

Field Value
Partner Role Leave unspecified.
My Role Read1_role

23. Click OK. Creating a Third Partner Link and File Adapter Service

1. Drag and drop a third PartnerLink activity below the SecondReceivePL partner
link activity.
2. Click the third icon at the top (the Define Adapter Service icon).
3. Click Next on the Welcome window.
4. Select File Adapter in the Adapter Type window and click Next.
5. Enter ThirdFileRead in the Service Name field of the Service Name window and
click Next. This name must be unique from the one you entered in Step 7 on
page 14-16 and Step 5 on page 14-17.
6. Select Read File as the Operation Type in the Operation window
7. Change the name in the Operation Name field to Read2. This name must be
8. Click Next.
9. Select Directory Names are Specified as Physical Path.
10. Click Browse above to the Directory for Incoming Files (physical path) field.

11. Select a directory from which to read files (for this example,
C:\files\receiveprocess\ThirdInputDir is entered).
12. Click Select.

13. Click Next.

14. Enter appropriate file filtering parameters in the File Filtering window.
15. Click Next.

16. Enter appropriate file polling parameters in the File Polling window.

17. Click Next.

18. Click Browse next to the Schema Location field in the Messages window to
display the Type Chooser window.
19. Select an appropriate XSD schema file. For this example, Book1_6.xsd is the
schema and CustResponse is the schema element selected.
20. Click OK.
The Schema Location field (Book1_6.xsd for this example) and the Schema
Element field (CustResponse for this example) are filled in.
21. Click Next.

22. Click Finish.

You are returned to the Partner Link window. All other fields are automatically
completed. The window looks as follows:

14-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

Field Value
Name ThirdReceive
WSDL File file:/C:/JDeveloper/mywork/Application_Name/SOA_Project_
where C:/JDeveloper represents the Oracle JDeveloper home directory
for this example.
Partner Link Type Read2_plt
Partner Role Leave unspecified.
My Role Read2_role

23. Click OK.

When complete, the designer window looks as shown in Figure 14–7:

Figure 14–7 BPEL Process Design Step 3: Creating Three Receive Activities

You now create three receive activities; one for each partner link. The receive activities
specify the partner link from which to receive information. Creating an Initial Receive Activity

1. Expand BPEL Activities in the Component Palette.
2. Drag and drop a Receive activity from the Process Activities list of the
Component Palette section to below the receiveInput receive activity in the
designer window.
3. Double-click the receive icon to display the Receive window.
4. Enter the following details to associate the first partner link (FirstReceive) with
the first receive activity:

Field Value
Name receiveFirst
Partner Link FirstReceive
Create Instance Select this check box.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-19
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

The Operation (Read) field is automatically filled in.

5. Click the first icon to the right of the Variable field. This is the automatic variable
creation icon.
6. Click OK on the Create Variable window that appears.
A variable named receiveFirst_Read_InputVariable is automatically created in
the Variable field.
7. Ensure that you selected the Create Instance check box, as mentioned in Step 4.
8. Click OK. Creating an Initial Receive Activity 1.Drag and drop a second Receive activity
from the Component Palette section to below the receiveFirst receive activity.
2. Double-click the receive icon to display the Receive window.
3. Enter the following details to associate the second partner link (SecondReceivePL)
with the second receive activity:

Field Value
Name receiveSecond
Partner Link SecondFileRead
Create Instance Do not select this check box.

The Operation (Read1) field is automatically filled in.

4. Click the first icon to the right of the Variable field.
5. Click OK on the Create Variable window that appears.
A variable named receiveSecond_Read1_InputVariable is automatically created
in the Variable field.
6. Click OK. Creating a Third Receive Activity

1. Drag and drop a third Receive activity from the Component Palette section to
below the receiveSecond receive activity.
2. Double-click the receive icon to display the Receive window.
3. Enter the following details to associate the third partner link (ThirdReceivePL)
with the third receive activity:

Field Value
Name receiveThird
Partner Link ThirdFileRead
Create Instance Do not select this check box.

The Operation (Read2) field is automatically filled in.

4. Click the first icon to the right of the Variable field.
5. Click OK on the Create Variable window that appears.

14-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

A variable named receiveThird_Read2_InputVariable is automatically created in

the Variable field.
6. Click OK.
Each receive activity is now associated with a specific partner link. Step 4: Creating Correlation Sets

You now create correlation sets. A set of correlation tokens is a set of properties shared
by all messages in the correlated group. Creating an Initial Correlation Set

1. Right-click Correlation Sets and select Expand All Child Nodes in the Structure
window of Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Right-click the second Correlation Sets folder and select Create Correlation Set.
3. Enter CorrelationSet1 in the Name field of the Create Correlation Set window.
4. Click the + sign in the Properties section to display the Property Chooser window.
5. Select Properties, then click the + sign (first icon at the top) to display the Create
Correlation Set Property window.
6. Enter NameCorr in the Name field and click the flashlight icon to the right of the
Type field.
7. Select string in the Type Chooser window and click OK.
8. Click OK to close the Create Correlation Set Property window, the Property
Chooser window, and the Create Correlation Set window. Creating a Second Correlation Set

1. Return to the Correlation Sets section in the Structure window of Oracle
2. Right-click the Correlation Sets folder and select Create Correlation Set.
3. Enter CorrelationSet2 in the Name field of the Create Correlation Set window.
4. Click the + sign in the Properties section to display the Property Chooser window.
5. Select Properties, then click the + sign to display the Create Correlation Set
Property window.
6. Enter IDCorr in the Name field and click the flashlight icon to the right of the
Type field.
7. Select double in the Type Chooser window and click OK.
8. Click OK to close the Create Correlation Set Property window, the Property
Chooser window, and the Create Correlation Set window. Step 5: Associating Correlation Sets with Receive Activities

You now associate the correlation sets with the receive activities. You perform the
following correlation set tasks:
■ For the first correlated group, the first and second receive activities are correlated
with the CorrelationSet1 correlation set.
■ For the second correlated group, the second and third receive activities are
correlated with the CorrelationSet2 correlation set.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-21
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service Associating the First Correlation Set with a Receive Activity

1. Double-click the receiveFirst receive activity to display the Receive window.
2. Click the Correlations tab.
3. Click the second + sign to display the Correlation Set Chooser window.
4. Select CorrelationSet1, then click OK.
5. Set the Initiate column to yes, as shown in Figure 14–8. When set to yes, the set is
initiated with the values of the properties occurring in the message being

Figure 14–8 Initiate Column Set to yes in Receive Dialog

6. Click OK. Associating the Second Correlation Set with a Receive Activity

1. Double-click the receiveSecond receive activity to display the Receive window.
2. Click the Correlations tab.
3. Click the second + sign to display the Correlation Set Chooser window.
4. Select CorrelationSet2, then click OK.
5. Set the Initiate column to yes.
6. Click Add and select CorrelationSet1.
7. Click OK.
8. Set the Initiate column to no for CorrelationSet1, as shown in Figure 14–9.

Figure 14–9 Initiate Column Set to no in Receive Dialog

9. Click OK.
This groups the first and second receive activities into a correlated group. Associating the Third Correlation Set with a Receive Activity

14-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

1. Double-click the receiveThird receive activity to display the Receive window.

2. Click the Correlations tab.
3. Click the second + sign to display the Correlation Set Chooser window.
4. Select CorrelationSet2, then click OK.
5. Set the Initiate column to no for CorrelationSet2, as shown in Figure 14–10.

Figure 14–10 Initiate Column Set to no in Receive Dialog

6. Click OK.
This groups the second and third receive activities into a second correlated group. Step 6: Creating Property Aliases

Property aliases enable you to map a global property to a field in a specific message
part. This enables the property name to become an alias for the message part and
location. The alias can be used in XPath expressions. Creating Property Aliases for NameCorr You create the following two property
aliases for the NameCorr correlation set.
■ Map NameCorr to the LoanAppl message type part of the receiveFirst receive
activity. This receive activity is associated with the FirstReceivePL partner link
(defined by the FirstReceive.wsdl file).
■ Map NameCorr to the incoming LoanAppResponse message type part of the
receiveSecond receive activity. This receive activity is associated with the
SecondReceivePL partner link (defined by the SecondFileRead.wsdl file).
1. Right-click Property Aliases in the Structure section of Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Select Create Property Alias.
3. Select NameCorr in the Property list.
4. Expand and select Message Types > Web Services > FirstReceivePL >
FirstReceive.wsdl > Message Types > LoanAppl_msg > Part - LoanAppl.
5. Press Ctrl and then the space bar in the Query field to define the following XPath

6. Click OK.
7. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 to create a second property alias for NameCorr.
8. Expand and select Message Types > Project WSDL Files > SecondFileRead.wsdl
> Message Types > LoanAppResponse_msg > Part - LoanAppResponse.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-23
Using Correlation Sets in an Asynchronous Service

9. Press Ctrl and then the space bar in the Query field to define the following XPath
/ns4:LoanAppResponse/ns4:APR Creating Property Aliases for IDCorr

You create the following two property aliases for the IDCorr correlation set.
■ Map IDCorr to the LoanAppResponse message type part of the receiveSecond
receive activity. This receive activity is associated with the SecondReceivePL
partner link (defined by the SecondFileRead.wsdl file).
■ Map IDCorr to the CustResponse message type part of the receiveThird receive
activity. This receive activity is associated with the ThirdReceivePL partner link
(defined by the ThirdFileRead.wsdl file).
1. Right-click Property Aliases in the Structure section.
2. Select Create Property Alias.
3. Select IDCorr in the Property list.
4. Expand and select Message Types > Project WSDL Files > SecondFileRead.wsdl
> Message Types > LoanAppResponse_msg > Part - LoanAppResponse.
5. Press Ctrl and then the space bar in the Query field to define the following XPath

6. Click OK.
7. Repeat Step 1 through Step 3 to create a second property alias for IDCorr.
8. Expand and select Message Types > Project WSDL Files > ThirdFileRead.wsdl >
Message Types > CustResponse_msg > Part - CustResponse.
9. Press Ctrl and then the space bar in the Query field to define the following XPath

Design is now complete. Step 7: Reviewing WSDL File Content

1. Refresh the Application Navigator.
The NameCorr and IDCorr correlation set properties are defined in the
MyCorrelationSet_Properties.wsdl file in the Application Navigator of
Oracle JDeveloper. Example 14–7 provides an example.

Example 14–7 Correlation Set Properties

<bpws:property name="NameCorr" type="xsd:string"/>
<bpws:property name="IDCorr" type="xsd:double"/>

14-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Use Case for Invoking a Asynchronous Web Service

The property aliases are defined in the MyCorrelationSet.wsdl file, as shown

in Example 14–8:

Example 14–8 Property Aliases

<bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="ns1:NameCorr"
part="LoanAppl" query="/ns2:LoanAppl/ns2:Name"/>

<bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="ns1:NameCorr"
part="LoanAppResponse" query="/ns4:LoanAppResponse/ns4:APR"/>

<bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="ns1:IDCorr"
part="LoanAppResponse" query="/ns4:LoanAppResponse/ns4:APR"/>

<bpws:propertyAlias propertyName="ns1:IDCorr"
part="CustResponse" query="/ns6:CustResponse/ns6:APR"/>

Because the BPEL process service component is not created as a Web services
provider in this example, the MyCorrelationSet.wsdl file is not referenced in
the BPEL process service component. Therefore, you must import the
MyCorrelationSet.wsdl file inside the FirstReceive.wsdl file to reference
the correlation sets defined in the former WSDL. Example 14–9 provides an

Example 14–9 WSDL File Import

<import namespace=""

14.5 Use Case for Invoking a Asynchronous Web Service

United Loan publishes an asynchronous Web service that processes a client’s loan
application request and then returns a loan offer. This use case discusses how to
integrate a BPEL process service component with this asynchronous loan application
approver Web service.
This use case illustrates the key design concepts for requesting information from an
asynchronous service, and then receiving the response. The asynchronous United Loan
service in this example is another BPEL process service component. However, the
same BPEL call can interact with any properly designed Web service. The target Web
service WSDL file contains the information necessary to request and receive the
desired information.

Note: The sample demonstrated in BPELCallingAsyncAXIS is not

included in the file for beta 3.

Beta Draft Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process 14-25
Use Case for Invoking a Asynchronous Web Service

14-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
15 Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process

Parallel flows enable a BPEL process service component to perform multiple tasks at
the same time, which is especially useful when you need to perform several
time-consuming and independent tasks.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 15.1, "Introduction to Parallel Flows in BPEL Processes"
■ Section 15.2, "Creating a Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process"
■ Section 15.3, "Customizing the Number of Flow Activities with the flowN
■ Section 15.4, "Use Case for Parallel Flows"

15.1 Introduction to Parallel Flows in BPEL Processes

Sometimes a BPEL process service component must gather information from multiple
asynchronous sources. Because each callback can take an undefined amount of time
(hours or days), it may take too long to call each service one at a time. By breaking the
calls into a parallel flow, a BPEL process service component can invoke multiple Web
services at once, and receive the responses as they come in. This method is much more
time efficient.
Figure 15–1 provides an overview of a BPEL process service component performing a
parallel flow to retrieve loan offers from two different Web services. Here, two
asynchronous callbacks execute in parallel, so that one callback does not have to wait
for the other to complete first. Each response is stored in a different global variable.

Beta Draft Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process 15-1

Creating a Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process

Figure 15–1 Parallel Flow Invocation


<sequence> <sequence>
Initiate Initiate
service service
<invoke> <invoke>
United Star
Loan Loan
Wait for Wait for
callback callback
<receive> <receive>

15.2 Creating a Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process

15.2.1 How to Create a Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process

1. From the Component Palette, drag a flow activity into the designer.

15.3 Customizing the Number of Flow Activities with the flowN Activity
In the flow activity, the BPEL code determines the number of parallel branches.
However, often the number of branches required is different depending on the
available information. The flowN activity creates multiple flows equal to the value of
N, which is defined at run time based on the data available and logic within the
process. An index variable increments each time a new branch is created, until the
index variable reaches the value of N.
The flowN activity performs activities on an arbitrary number of data elements. As the
number of elements changes, the BPEL process service component adjusts accordingly.
The branches created by flowN perform the same activities, but use different data.
Each branch uses the index variable to look up input variables. The index variable can
be used in the XPath expression to acquire the data specific for that branch.
For example, suppose there is an array of data. The BPEL process service component
uses a count function to determine the number of elements in the array. Then the
process sets N to be the number of elements. The index variable starts at a preset value
(zero is the default), and flowN creates branches to retrieve each element of the array
and perform activities using data contained in that element. These branches are
generated and performed in parallel, using all the values between the initial index
value and N. flowN terminates when the index variable reaches the value of N. For
example, if the array contains 3 elements, N is set to 3. Assuming the index variable
begins at 1, the flowN activity creates three parallel branches with indexes 1, 2, and 3.
The flowN activity can use data from other sources as well, including data obtained
from Web services.

15-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Number of Flow Activities with the flowN Activity

Figure 15–2 shows an Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control
Console view of a flowN activity that looks up three hotels. This is different from the
view because instead of showing the BPEL process service component, it shows how
the process has actually executed. In this case, there are three hotels, but the number of
branches changes to match the number of hotels available.

Figure 15–2 Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console View of
the Execution of a flowN activity

Figure 15–3 shows how a flowN activity appears in Oracle JDeveloper.

Beta Draft Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process 15-3

Customizing the Number of Flow Activities with the flowN Activity

Figure 15–3 FlowN Activity Setup in the Diagram Window

Figure 15–4 shows the flowN Window, which appears when you double-click the
flowN activity.

Figure 15–4 flowN Window

The flowN windows enables you to name the flowN activity, enter an expression for
calculating the value of N, and define the index variable.

15.3.1 How to Create a flowN Activity

1. From the Component Palette, drag a flowN activity into the designer.

15-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Number of Flow Activities with the flowN Activity

15.3.2 What Happens When You Create a FlowN Activity

The following code is a reference implementation from a .bpel file that uses the
flowN activity to look up information on an arbitrary number of hotels. The following
actions take place:
1. First, you name the sequence, as shown in Example 15–1:

Example 15–1 Sequence Name

<sequence name="main">
<!-- Received input from requestor.
Note: This maps to operation defined in NflowHotels.wsdl
The requestor send a set of hotels names wrapped into the "inputVariable"

2. The receive activity calls the client partner link to get the information that the
flowN activity needs to define N and look up hotel information. Example 15–2
provides an example.

Example 15–2 Receive Activity

<receive name="receiveInput" partnerLink="client"
portType="client:NflowHotels" operation="initiate" variable="inputVariable"
The 'count()' Xpath function is used to get the number of hotelName
noded passed in.
For lisibility, an intermediate varaible called "NbParallelFlow" is
used to store the number of N flows being executed
<assign name="getHotelsN">
<to variable="NbParallelFlow"/>
<!-- Initiating the FlowN activity
The N value is initialized with the value stored in the
"NbParallelFlow" variable
The variable call "Index" is defined as the index variable
NOTE: Both "NbParallelFlow" and "Index" variables have to be declared

3. The flowN activity begins next. After defining a name for the activity of flowN, N
is defined as a value from the inputVariable, which is the number of hotel
entries. The activity also assigns index as the index variable. Example 15–3
provides an example.

Example 15–3 FlowN Activity

<bpelx:flowN name="FlowN" N="bpws:getVariableData('NbParallelFlow')
<sequence name="Sequence_1">
<!-- Fetching each hotelName by indexing the "inputVariable" with the
"Index" variable.
Note the usage of the "concat()" Xpath function to create the
expression accessing the array element.

Beta Draft Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process 15-5

Use Case for Parallel Flows

4. Next, the copy rule shown in Example 15–4 uses the index variable to concatenate
the hotel entries into a list:

Example 15–4 Assign Activity

<assign name="setHotelId">
<from expression=
<to variable="InvokeHotelDetailInputVariable" part="payload"

5. Using the hotel information, an invoke activity looks up detailed information for
each hotel through a Web service. Example 15–5 provides an example.

Example 15–5 Invoke Activity

<!-- For each hotel, invoke the Web service giving detailed information
on the hotel -->
<invoke name="InvokeHotelDetail" partnerLink="getHotelDetail"
portType="ns2:getHotelDetail" operation="process"
<!-- This procees doesn't do anything with the retrieved inforamtion.
In the real life, it could be then used to continue the process.
Note: Meanwhile an indexing variable is used, unlike a while loop, the
activities a executed in parallel, not sequentially.

6. Finally, the BPEL process sends detailed information on each hotel to the client
partner link. Example 15–6 provides an example.

Example 15–6 Invoke Activity

<invoke name="callbackClient" partnerLink="client"
portType="client:NflowHotelsCallback" operation="onResult"

15.4 Use Case for Parallel Flows

In Chapter 14, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL Process" you
learned how to call an asynchronous Web service for the United Loan service. Because
the United Loan service can take up to several days to return a loan offer but you need
to collect another loan offer from Star Loan, you can define your BPEL process service
component so both tasks run in parallel.
This use case shows how to program the BPEL flow to perform two asynchronous
callbacks to loan services in parallel.

15-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Use Case for Parallel Flows

Note: The sample demonstrated in 106.ParallelFlows is not

included in the file for beta 3.

Beta Draft Parallel Flow in a BPEL Process 15-7

Use Case for Parallel Flows

15-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
16 Conditional Branching in BPEL Processes

This chapter describes conditional branching. Conditional branching introduces

decision points to control the flow of execution of a BPEL process service component.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 16.1, "Introduction to Conditional Branching"
■ Section 16.2, "Adding a Switch Activity to Define Conditional Branching"
■ Section 16.3, "Adding a While Activity to Define Conditional Branching"
■ Section 16.4, "Use Case for Conditional Branching"

16.1 Introduction to Conditional Branching

BPEL applies logic to make choices through conditional branching. You can use either
of the following activities to design your code to select different actions based on
conditional branching:
■ Switch activity: In this method, you set up two or more branches, with each
branch in the form of an XPath expression. If the expression is true, then the
branch is executed. If the expression is false, then the BPEL process service
component moves to the next branch condition, until it either finds a valid branch
condition, encounters an otherwise branch, or runs out of branches. If more than
one branch condition is true, then BPEL executes the first true branch. Section 16.2,
"Adding a Switch Activity to Define Conditional Branching" on page 16-1 explains
how to create switch activities.
■ While activity: You can use a while activity to create a while loop to select
between two actions. Section 16.3, "Adding a While Activity to Define Conditional
Branching" on page 16-4 describes while activities.
A number of branches are set up, and each branch has a condition in the form of an
XPath expression.
You can program a conditional branch to have a timeout. That is, if a response cannot
be generated in a specified period of time, the BPEL flow can stop waiting and resume
its activities. Chapter 19, "Events and Timeouts in BPEL Processes" explains this
feature in detail.

16.2 Adding a Switch Activity to Define Conditional Branching

In Chapter 15, the flow activity of the BPEL process service component gathered two
loan offers at the same time, but did not compare either of the offers. Each offer was

Beta Draft Conditional Branching in BPEL Processes 16-1

Adding a Switch Activity to Define Conditional Branching

stored in its own global variable. To compare the two offers and make decisions based
on that comparison, the BPEL flow requires a switch activity.
Figure 16–1 provides an overview of a BPEL conditional branching process that has
been defined in a switch activity.

Figure 16–1 Conditional Branching

condition 1 Boolean XPATH Expression


<switch> ?

<case <otherwise>
conditon 1>

Select Select
unitedLoan starLoan
<assign> <assign>

16.2.1 How to Add a Switch Activity

To add a switch activity to your BPEL flow in Oracle JDeveloper:
1. Select BPEL from the Component Palette list.
2. Expand BPEL Activities.
3. Drag a switch activity from the BPEL Activities list into your BPEL flow.
4. Click the + sign to expand the switch activity, as shown in Figure 16–2.
The switch activity has two switch case branches by default, each with a box for
functional elements. If you want to add more branches, select the entire switch
activity, right-click, and select Add Switch Case from the menu.

Figure 16–2 Switch Activity

5. Right-click the first branch and select Edit from the menu.

16-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Adding a Switch Activity to Define Conditional Branching

The Switch Case window appears.

6. Enter an XPath Boolean expression in the Expression field by pressing the Ctrl key
and then the space bar to start the XPath Building Assistant. Example 16–1
provides an example:

Example 16–1 XPath Expression

bpws:getVariableDate(’loanOffer1’,’payload’,’/loanOffer/APR’) >

7. Enter this expression on one line. To use the XPath Expression Builder, click the
XPath Expression Builder icon above the Expression field.
The two loan offers that the LoanFlow tutorial uses are stored in the global
variables loanOffer1 and loanOffer2. Each loan offer variable contains the
loan offer’s APR. The BPEL flow must choose the loan with the lower APR. One of
the following switch activities takes place:
■ If loanOffer1 has the higher APR, then the first branch selects loanOffer2
by assigning loanOffer2’s payload to selectedLoanOffer’s payload.
■ If loanOffer1 does not have the lower APR than loanOffer2, then the
otherwise case assigns loanOffer1’s payload to selectedLoanOffer’s
For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\references\Switch example of creating switch activities
in Oracle JDeveloper.

16.2.2 What Happens When You Add a Switch Activity

A switch activity, like a flow activity, has multiple branches. In Example 16–2, there are
only two branches. The first branch, which selects a loan offer from United Loan, is
executed if a case condition containing an XPath Boolean expression is met. Otherwise,
the second branch, which selects the Star Loan loan offer, is executed. By default, the
switch activity provides two switch cases, but you can add more if you want.

Example 16–2 Switch Activity

<switch name="switch-1">
<case condition="bpws:getVariableData('loanOffer1','payload',
'/autoloan:loanOffer/autoloan:APR') <;
<assign name="selectUnitedLoan">
<from variable="loanOffer1" part="payload">
<to variable="selectedLoanOffer" part="payload"/>
<assign name="selectStarLoan">
<from variable="loanOffer2" part="payload">
<to variable="selectedLoanOffer" part="payload"/>

Beta Draft Conditional Branching in BPEL Processes 16-3

Adding a While Activity to Define Conditional Branching


16.3 Adding a While Activity to Define Conditional Branching

Another way to design your BPEL code to select between multiple actions is to use a
while activity to create a while loop. The while loop repeats an activity until a
specified success criteria is met. For example, if a critical Web service is returning a
service busy message in response to requests, you can use the while activity to keep
polling the service until it becomes available. The condition for the while activity is
that the latest message received from the service is busy, and the operation within the
while activity is to check the service again. Once the Web service returns a message
other than service busy, the while activity terminates and the BPEL process service
component continues, ideally with a valid response from the Web service.

16.3.1 How To Add a While Activity

To create a while activity in Oracle JDeveloper:
1. Drag and drop a while activity from the BPEL Activities list of the Component
Palette into your BPEL flow.
The while activity has icons to allow you to build condition expressions and to
validate the while definition. It also provides an area for you to drop an activity to
define the while loop. Figure 16–3 provides an example.

Figure 16–3 While Activity

2. Drag the activity that you want to use to define the while condition onto the Drop
Activity Here area of the while activity.
The activity can be an existing activity or a new activity, such as an invoke activity
to launch a task.
For more information, see SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\samples\references\While for examples of defining a while
activity in Oracle JDeveloper.

16.4 Use Case for Conditional Branching

The BPEL process service component you created in Chapter 15, "Parallel Flow in a
BPEL Process" collected two loan offers, one from United Loan and another from Star
Loan. This chapter describes how to design the BPEL process service component to
select the loan with the lowest annual percentage rate (APR) automatically.

16-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Use Case for Conditional Branching

Note: The sample demonstrated in LoanFlow is not included in the file for beta 3.

Beta Draft Conditional Branching in BPEL Processes 16-5

Use Case for Conditional Branching

16-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
17 Fault Handling in BPEL Processes

Fault handling allows a BPEL process service component to handle error messages or
other exceptions returned by outside Web services, and to generate error messages in
response to business or run-time faults.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 17.1, "Use Case for Fault Handling"
■ Section 17.2, "Defining a Fault Handler"
■ Section 17.3, "BPEL Standard Faults"
■ Section 17.4, "Categories of BPEL Faults"
■ Section 17.5, "Getting Fault Details with the getFaultAsString XPath Extension
■ Section 17.6, "Using the Scope Activity to Manage a Group of Activities"
■ Section 17.7, "Throwing Internal Faults"
■ Section 17.8, "Returning External Faults"
■ Section 17.9, "Using a Fault Handler within a Scope"
■ Section 17.10, "Using Compensation After Undoing a Series of Operations"
■ Section 17.11, "Using the Terminate Activity to Stop a Business Process Instance"

17.1 Use Case for Fault Handling

This chapter uses an example of a credit rating service returning a negative credit
message instead of a credit rating number. You also learn how to add a fault handler to
a BPEL process service component to handle the message.

Note: The sample demonstrated with ResilientDemo is not

included in the file for beta 3.

17.2 Defining a Fault Handler

Fault handlers define how the BPEL process service component responds when the
Web services return data other than what is normally expected (for example, returning
an error message instead of a number). An example of a fault handler is where the
Web service normally returns a credit rating number, but instead returns a negative
credit message.
Figure 17–1 shows how a fault handler sets the credit rating variable at -1000.

Beta Draft Fault Handling in BPEL Processes 17-1

Defining a Fault Handler

Figure 17–1 Fault Handling


d1 <receive>

<scope> Negative
<assign> d3
call f1



credit to

d2 <reply>

The following code segment defines the fault handler for this operation:
<catch faultName="services:NegativeCredit" faultVariable="crError">
<assign name="crin">
<from expression="-1000">
<to variable="input" part="payload"

The faultHandlers tag contains the fault handling code. Within the fault handler is
a catch activity, which defines the fault name and variable, and the copy instruction
that sets the creditRating variable to -1000.
When you select Web services for the BPEL process service component, determine the
possible faults that may be returned and set up a fault handler for each one.

17-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Categories of BPEL Faults

17.3 BPEL Standard Faults

The Business Process Execution Language for Web Services Specification defines the
following standard faults in the namespace of
■ selectionFailure
■ conflictingReceive
■ conflictingRequest
■ mismatchedAssignmentFailure
■ joinFailure
■ forcedTermination
■ correlationViolation
■ uninitializedVariable
■ repeatedCompensation
■ invalidReply
Standard faults are defined as follows:
■ Typeless, meaning they do not have associated messageTypes
■ Not associated with any WSDL message
■ Caught without a fault variable:
<catch faultName="bpws:selectionFault">

17.4 Categories of BPEL Faults

A BPEL fault has a fault name called a Qname (name qualified with a namespace) and
a possible messageType. There are two categories of BPEL faults:
■ Business faults
■ Run-time faults

17.4.1 Business Faults

Business faults are application-specific faults that are generated when there is a
problem with the information being processed (for example when a social security
number is not found in the database). A business fault occurs when an application
executes a throw activity or when an invoke activity receives a fault as a response. The
fault name of a business fault is specified by the BPEL process service component. The
messageType, if applicable, is defined in the WSDL. A business fault can be caught
with a faultHandler using the faultName and a faultVariable.
<catch faultName="ns1:faultName" faultVariable="varName">

17.4.2 Run-time Faults

Run-time faults are the result of problems within the running of the BPEL process
service component or Web service (for example, data cannot be copied properly
because the variable name is incorrect). These faults are not user-defined, and are
thrown by the system. They are generated if the process tries to use a value incorrectly,

Beta Draft Fault Handling in BPEL Processes 17-3

Categories of BPEL Faults

a logic error occurs (such as an endless loop), a SOAP fault occurs in a SOAP call, an
exception is thrown by Oracle BPEL Server, and so on.
Oracle BPEL Server includes several run-time faults. These faults are included in the namespace. These faults are
associated with the messageType RuntimeFaultMessage. The following WSDL
file defines the messageType:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<definitions name="RuntimeFault"

<message name="RuntimeFaultMessage">
<part name="code" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="summary" type="xsd:string" />
<part name="detail" type="xsd:string" />

If a faultVariable (of messageType RuntimeFaultMessage) is used when

catching the fault, the fault code can be queried from the faultVariable, along with
the fault summary and detail. bindingFault
A bindingFault is thrown inside an activity if the preparation of the invocation
fails. For example, the WSDL of the process fails to load. A bindingFault is not
retryable. This type of fault usually must be fixed by human intervention. Table 17–1
describes the fault codes.

Table 17–1 bindingFault Fault Codes

Fault Code Description of Fault
VersionMismatch The processing party found an invalid namespace
for the SOAP envelope element.
MustUnderstand An immediate child element of the SOAP header
element that was either not understood or not
obeyed by the processing party contained a SOAP
MustUnderstand attribute with a value of 1.
Client.GenericError Generic error on the client side
Client.WrongNumberOfInputParts Input message part number mismatch
Client.WrongNumberOfOutputParts Output message part number mismatch
Client.WrongTypeOfInputPart Input message part type error
Client.WrongTypeOfOutputPart Output message part type error
Server.GenericError Generic error on the server side
Server.NoService Server is up, but there is no service
Server.NoHTTPSOAPAction Request is missing the HTTP SOAP action
Server.Unauthenticated Request is not authenticated
Server.Unauthorized Request is not authorized

17-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Getting Fault Details with the getFaultAsString XPath Extension Function remoteFault
A remoteFault is also thrown inside an activity. It is thrown because the invocation
fails. For example, a SOAP fault is returned by the remote service. A remoteFault
can be configured to be retried. Table 17–2 describes the fault codes.

Table 17–2 remoteFault Fault Codes

Fault Code Description of Fault
ConnectionRefused Remote server is unavailable
WSDLReadingError Failed to read the WSDL
GenericRemoteFault Generic remote fault replayFault
A replayFault replays the activity inside a scope. At any point inside a scope, this
fault is migrated up to the scope. Oracle BPEL Server then re-executes the scope from
the beginning. Catching Run-time Faults Example

BPEL run-time faults can be caught as a named BPEL fault. The bindingFault and
remoteFault can be associated with a message. This enables the faultHandler to
get details about the faults.
The following procedure shows how to use the provided examples to generate a fault
and define a fault handler to catch it. In this case, you modify a WSDL file to generate
a fault, and create a catch attribute to catch it.
1. Import RuntimeFault.wsdl into your process WSDL (located under the SOA_
Oracle_Home\bpel\system\xmllib directory).
2. Declare a variable with messageType bpelx:RuntimeFaultMessage.
3. Catch it using
<catch faultName="bpelx:remoteFault" | "bpelx:bindingFault"

See Also: The following sample, which describes how to handle

run-time binding faults:
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\demos\ResilientDemo

17.5 Getting Fault Details with the getFaultAsString XPath Extension

The catchAll activity is provided to catch possible faults. However, BPEL does not
provide a method for obtaining additional information about the captured fault. Use
the getFaultAsString() XPath extension function to obtain additional
<from expression="bpelx:getFaultAsString()"/>
<to variable="faultVar" part="message"/>
<reply faultName="ns1:myFault" variable="faultVar" .../>

Beta Draft Fault Handling in BPEL Processes 17-5

Using the Scope Activity to Manage a Group of Activities


17.6 Using the Scope Activity to Manage a Group of Activities

The scope activity provides a container and a context for other activities. A scope
provides handlers for faults, events, and compensation, as well as data variables and
correlation sets. Using a scope activity simplifies a BPEL flow by grouping functional
structures together. This allows you to collapse them into what appears to be a single
element in Oracle JDeveloper.
The following code example shows a scope activity. In this case, the process for getting
a credit rating based on a customer’s social security number has been placed inside a
scope named getCreditRating. This identifies functional blocks of code and sets
them apart visually. In Oracle JDeveloper, you can collapse the activities contained
inside the scope into a single visual element, or expand them when necessary.
<scope name="getCreditRating">
<variable name="crError"
<assign name="assign-2">
<to variable="input" part="payload"

To add a scope activity:

1. Click and drag a scope activity into the BPEL process service component diagram.
2. Open the scope by double-clicking it or by single-clicking the + sign.
3. Drag activities from the Component Palette to build the function within the scope.

17.7 Throwing Internal Faults

A BPEL application can generate and receive fault messages. The throw activity has
three elements: its name, the name of the faultName, and the faultVariable. If
you add a throw activity to your BPEL process service component, it automatically
includes a copy rule that copies the fault name and type into the output payload. The
fault thrown by a throw activity is internal to BPEL. You cannot use a throw activity
on an asynchronous process to communicate with a client. Here is a code sample of a
throw activity, which includes the fault elements, name, and partner link of the
service to which the BPEL process service component sends the fault, and the copy
rule that packages the message:
<throw name="delay" faultName="fault-1" faultVariable="fVar"/>
<invoke name="invokeStockQuoteService" partnerLink="StockQuoteService"/>
<from variable="response" part="result" query="/result"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload" query="/tns:result"/>

17-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using a Fault Handler within a Scope

See Also: The following documentation for examples of creating

throw activities:
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\references\Throw

17.8 Returning External Faults

A BPEL process service component can send a fault to another application to indicate a
problem, as opposed to throwing an internal fault. In a synchronous operation, the
reply activity can return the fault. In an asynchronous operation, the invoke activity
performs this function.

17.8.1 Returning a Fault in a Synchronous Interaction

The syntax of a reply activity that returns a fault in a synchronous interaction is as
<reply partnerlinke="partner-link-name"
variable="variable-name" (optional)

Always returning a fault in response to a synchronous request is not very useful. It is

better to make the activity part of a conditional branch, where the first branch is
executed if the data requested is available. If the requested data is not available, then
the BPEL process service component returns a fault with this information.

See Also:
■ Chapter 16, "Conditional Branching in BPEL Processes" for more
information on setting up the conditional structure
■ Chapter 13, "Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a BPEL
Process" for more information on synchronous interactions

17.8.2 Returning a Fault in an Asynchronous Interaction

In an asynchronous interaction, the client does not wait for a reply. The reply activity is
not used to return a fault. Instead, the BPEL process service component returns a fault
using a callback operation on the same port type that normally receives the requested
information, with an invoke activity.

See Also:
■ Chapter 14, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from a BPEL
Process" for more information on asynchronous interactions

17.9 Using a Fault Handler within a Scope

If a fault is not handled, it creates a faulted state that migrates up through the
application and can throw the entire process into a faulted state. To prevent this,
contain the parts of the process that have the potential to receive faults within a scope.
As described earlier, the scope activity includes fault handling capabilities. The catch
activity works within a scope to catch faults and exceptions before they can throw the
entire process into a faulted state.

Beta Draft Fault Handling in BPEL Processes 17-7

Using Compensation After Undoing a Series of Operations

You can use specific fault names in the catch activity to respond in a specific way to an
individual fault. To catch any faults that are not already handled by name-specific
catch activities, use the catchAll activity.

See Also: The following documentation for examples of creating

fault handling:
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\references\Catch

17.9.1 Using the Empty Activity to Insert No-Op Instructions into a Business Process
There is often a need to use an activity that does nothing. An example is when a fault
must be caught and suppressed. In this case, you can use the empty activity to insert a
no-op instruction into a business process. The syntax to use an empty activity is as
<empty standard-attributes>

If no catch or catchAll is selected, the fault is not caught by the current scope and
is rethrown to the immediately enclosing scope. If the fault occurs in (or is rethrown
to) the global process scope, and there is no matching fault handler for the fault at the
global level, the process terminates abnormally. This is as though a terminate
activity (described in Section 17.11, "Using the Terminate Activity to Stop a Business
Process Instance" on page 17-9) had been performed.
Consider the following example:
<catch faultName="x:foo">
<catch faultVariable="bar">
<catch faultName="x:foo" faultVariable="bar">

Assume that a fault named x:foo is thrown. The first catch is selected if the fault
carries no fault data. If there is fault data associated with the fault, the third catch is
selected if the type of the fault's data matches the type of variable bar. Otherwise, the
default catchAll handler is selected. Finally, a fault with a fault variable whose type
matches the type of bar and whose name is not x:foo is processed by the second
catch. All other faults are processed by the default catchAll handler.

17.10 Using Compensation After Undoing a Series of Operations

Compensation occurs when the BPEL process service component cannot complete a
series of operations after some of them have already completed, and the BPEL process
service component must backtrack and undo the previously completed transactions.
For example, if a BPEL process service component is designed to book a rental car, a
hotel, and a flight, it may book the car and the hotel and then be unable to book a

17-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the Terminate Activity to Stop a Business Process Instance

flight for the right day. In this case, the BPEL flow performs compensation by going
back and unbooking the car and the hotel.
You can invoke a compensation handler by using the compensate activity, which
names the scope for which the compensation is to be performed (that is, the scope
whose compensation handler is to be invoked). A compensation handler for a scope is
available for invocation only when the scope completes normally. Invoking a
compensation handler that has not been installed is equivalent to using the empty
activity (it is a no-op). This ensures that fault handlers do not have to rely on state to
determine which nested scopes have completed successfully. The semantics of a
process in which an installed compensation handler is invoked more than once are
If an invoke activity has a compensation handler defined inline, then the name of the
activity is the name of the scope to be used in the compensate activity. The syntax is as
<compensate scope="ncname"? standard-attributes>

The ability to explicitly invoke the compensate activity is the underpinning of the
application-controlled error-handling framework of Business Process Execution
Language for Web Services Specification. You can use this activity only in the following
parts of a business process:
■ In a fault handler of the scope that immediately encloses the scope for which
compensation is to be performed.
■ In the compensation handler of the scope that immediately encloses the scope for
which compensation is to be performed.
For example:
<compensate scope="RecordPayment"/>

If a scope being compensated by name was nested in a loop, the BPEL process service
component invokes the instances of the compensation handlers in the successive
iterations in reverse order.
If the compensation handler for a scope is absent, the default compensation handler
invokes the compensation handlers for the immediately enclosed scopes in the reverse
order of the completion of those scopes.
The compensate form, in which the scope name is omitted in a compensate activity,
explicitly invokes this default behavior. This is useful when an enclosing fault or
compensation handler must perform additional work, such as updating variables or
sending external notifications, in addition to performing default compensation for
inner scopes. The compensate activity in a fault or compensation handler attached to
the outer scope invokes the default order of compensation handlers for completed
scopes directly nested within the outer scope. You can mix this activity with any other
user-specified behavior except for the explicit invocation of the nested scope within
the outer scope. Explicitly invoking a compensation for such a scope nested within the
outer scope disables the availability of default-order compensation.

17.11 Using the Terminate Activity to Stop a Business Process Instance

The terminate activity immediately terminates the behavior of a business process
instance within which the terminate activity is performed. All currently running
activities must be terminated as soon as possible without any fault handling or

Beta Draft Fault Handling in BPEL Processes 17-9

Using the Terminate Activity to Stop a Business Process Instance

compensation behavior. The terminate activity does not send any notifications of the
status of a BPEL process service component. If you are going to use the terminate
activity, first program notifications to the interested parties.
The syntax for the terminate activity is as follows:
<terminate standard-attributes>

See Also: The following documentation for examples of creating

terminate activities:
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\references\Terminate

17-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
18 Incorporating Java and J2EE Code
in BPEL Processes

You can incorporate sections of Java code and PL/SQL procedures into BPEL process
service components in SOA applications.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 18.1, "Introduction to Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Concepts"
■ Section 18.2, "Using Java Embedding in a BPEL Process"
■ Section 18.3, "Using PL/SQL Procedures with SOA Applications"

18.1 Introduction to Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Concepts

This chapter explains how to incorporate sections of Java code and PL/SQL
procedures into a BPEL process. This is particularly useful when there is already Java
code that can perform the desired function, and you want to use the existing code
rather than start over with BPEL.
You can incorporate Java code using any of the following methods:
■ Section 18.1.1, "Use of Java Code Wrapped as a SOAP Service"
■ Section 18.1.2, "Direct Embedding of Java Code in a BPEL Process"
■ Section 18.1.3, "Using Java Code Wrapped in a Service Interface"

18.1.1 Use of Java Code Wrapped as a SOAP Service

You can wrap the Java code as a SOAP service. This method requires that the Java
application have a BPEL-compatible interface. A Java application wrapped as a SOAP
service appears as any other Web service, which can be used by many different kinds
of applications. There are also tools available for writing SOAP wrappers.
However, a Java application wrapped as a SOAP service has the following drawbacks:
■ It loses performance, because interactions are constantly being mapped back and
forth between the Java code and the SOAP wrapper.
■ It loses interoperability, that is, the ability to perform several operations in an
all-or-none mode (such as debiting one bank account while crediting another,
where either both transactions must be completed, or neither of them).

Beta Draft Incorporating Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Processes 18-1
Introduction to Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Concepts

18.1.2 Direct Embedding of Java Code in a BPEL Process

Another way to use Java in a BPEL process is to embed the code directly into the BPEL
process using the Java BPEL exec extension bpelx:exec. The benefits of this
approach are speed and transactionality. However, you can incorporate only fairly
small segments of code. If you want to incorporate larger segments of code, or if the
project requires the Java code to have the same look and feel throughout all the BPEL
processes being created, consider wrapping it as a SOAP service. Using the bpelx:exec Tag to Embed Java Code Snippets into a BPEL
The BPEL tag bpelx:exec enables you to embed a snippet of Java code within a
BPEL process. The server executes any snippet of Java code contained within a
bpelx:exec activity, within its Java Transaction API (JTA) transaction context.
The BPEL tag bpelx:exec converts Java exceptions into BPEL faults and then adds
them into the BPEL process.
The Java snippet can propagate its JTA transaction to session and entity beans that it
For example, a SessionBeanSample.bpel file uses the bpelx:exec tag shown in
Example 18–1 to embed the invokeSessionBean Java bean:

Example 18–1 bpelx:exec Tag

<bpelx:exec name="invokeSessionBean" language="java" version="1.4">
try {
Object homeObj = lookup("ejb/session/CreditRating");
Class cls = Class.forName(
CreditRatingServiceHome ratingHome = (CreditRatingServiceHome)
if (ratingHome == null) {
addAuditTrailEntry("Failed to lookup 'ejb.session.CreditRating'"
+ ". Please make sure that the bean has been"
+ " successfully deployed");
CreditRatingService ratingService = ratingHome.create();

// Retrieve ssn from scope

Element ssn =

int rating = ratingService.getRating( ssn.getNodeValue() );

addAuditTrailEntry("Rating is: " + rating);

setVariableData("output", "payload",
"/tns:rating", new Integer(rating));
} catch (NamingException ne) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
} catch (CreateException ce) {
} catch (RemoteException re) {

18-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Concepts

</bpelx:exec> Using an XML Facade to Simplify DOM Manipulation

You can use an XML facade to simplify DOM manipulation. Oracle BPEL Process
Manager provides a lightweight Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB)-like Java
object model on top of XML (called a facade). An XML facade provides a Java
bean-like front end for an XML document or element that has a schema. Facade classes
can provide easy manipulation of the XML document and element in Java programs.
You add the XML facade by using a createFacade method within the bpelx:exec
statement in the .bpel file. Example 18–2 provides an example:

Example 18–2 Addition of XML facade

<bpelx:exec name= ...
Element element = ...
//Create an XMLFacade for the Loan Application Document
LoanApplication xmlLoanApp=

To generate the facade classes, use the schemac tool, which is provided with Oracle
BPEL Process Manager. You can find the schemac tool in the following locations:
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\bin
To use schemac, run a command similar to the following to generate the facades from
WSDL or XSD files:
C:\BPEL_project_dir\> schemac *.wsdl /*.xsd

After you run schemac, it creates a src folder for a service
and a com folder for the generated Java classes. Oracle provides a sample in the
following directories that showcases the use of facade classes in Java bindings:
■ SOA_Oracle_
When it generates the facade, schemac uses the following files:
■ Using build.xml, schemac generates the source of the facade classes.
■ The schemac tool creates a Java binding provider class,
which in the 702.Bindings example is located under
702.Bindings\JavaBinding\src\com\otn\services. It has one method,
which uses the facade classes CommentsType and CommentType:
public CommentsType addComment(CommentsType payload, CommentType comment)

■ To map the XML types to the corresponding facade classes, a Java binding service
is defined in the HelperService.wsdl file. See the format:typeMapping
section of Java binding in Example 18–3:

Example 18–3 Definition of Java Binding Service

<format:typeMapping encoding="Java" style="Java">
<format:typeMap typeName="tns:commentType"
formatType="" />

Beta Draft Incorporating Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Processes 18-3
Introduction to Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Concepts

<format:typeMap typeName="tns:commentsType"
formatType="" />
</format:typeMapping> bpelx:exec Built-in Methods

Table 18–1 lists a set of bpelx:exec built-in methods that you can use to read and
update scope variables, instance metadata, and audit trails.

Table 18–1 Built in Methods for bpelx:exec

Method Name Description
Object lookup( String name ) JNDI access
Locator getLocator( ) BPEL Process Manager Locator
long getInstanceId( ) Unique ID associated with each instance
String setTitle( String title ) / Title of this instance
String getTitle()
String setStatus( String status ) / Status of this instance
String getStatus()
void setIndex( int i, String value ) Six indexes can be used for search
/ String getIndex( int i )
void setPriority( int priority ) / Priority
int getPriority()
void setCreator( String creator ) / Who initiated this instance
String getCreator()
void setCustomKey( String customKey Second primary key
) / String getCustomKey()
void setMetadata( String metadata ) Metadata for generating lists
/ String getMetadata ()
String getPreference( String key ) Access preference
void addAuditTrailEntry(String Add an entry to the audit trail
message, Object detail)
void addAuditTrailEntry(Throwable t) Access file stored in the suitcase
Object getVariableData(String name) Access and update variables stored in the
throws BPELFault scope
Object getVariableData(String name,
String partOrQuery) throws BPELFault
Object getVariableData(String name,
String part, String query)
void setVariableData(String name,
Object value)
void setVariableData(String name,
String part, Object value)
void setVariableData(String name,
String part, String query, Object

18-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using Java Embedding in a BPEL Process

18.1.3 Using Java Code Wrapped in a Service Interface

Not all applications expose a service interface. You may have a scenario in which a
business process must use custom Java code. For this scenario, you can:
■ Write custom Java code.
■ Create a service interface in which to embed the code.
■ Invoke the Java code as a Web service over SOAP.
For example, assume you create a BPEL process service component in a SOA
application that invokes a service interface through a SOAP reference binding
component. For this example, the service interface used is an Application
Development Framework (ADF) business component (BC).
The high-level instructions for this scenario are as follows:
1. Create an ADF BC service in Oracle JDeveloper.
This action generates a WSDL file and XSD file for the service.
2. Create a SOA application that includes a BPEL process service component. Ensure
that the BPEL process service component is exposed as a composite service. This
automatically connects the BPEL process to an inbound SOAP service binding
3. Import the ADF BC service WSDL into the SOA application.
4. Create a Web service binding to the ADF BC service interface.
5. Design a BPEL process in which you perform the following tasks:
a. Create a partner link for the ADF BC service portType.
b. Create an assign activity. For this example, this step copies data (for example, a
static XML fragment) into a variable that is passed to the ADF BC service.
c. Create an invoke activity and connect to the partner link you created in Step
6. Connect (wire) the partner link reference to the composite reference binding
component. This reference uses a Web service binding to enable the ADF BC
service to be remotely deployed.
7. Deploy the SOA application.
8. Invoke the SOA application from the Web service test page in Oracle Enterprise
Manager 11g Application Server Control Console.
For more information, see the following:
■ Oracle Fusion Applications Developer Standards and Guidelines for detailed
instructions on creating this scenario
■ Application Development Framework Developer’s Guide for instructions on creating

18.2 Using Java Embedding in a BPEL Process

In Oracle JDeveloper, you can add the bpelx:exec activity, and copy the code
snippet into a dialog box, as follows:

Beta Draft Incorporating Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Processes 18-5
Using PL/SQL Procedures with SOA Applications

18.2.1 How To Use Java Embedding in a BPEL Process

1. Drag and drop the Java Embedding activity (with the coffee cup icon) from the
Component Palette.
2. Double-click the Java Embedding activity to display the Java Embedding window.
3. Name the Java Embedding activity.
4. In the Code Snippet field, enter (or cut and paste) the Java code.
For example, the bpel:exec code example described under Section,
"Using the bpelx:exec Tag to Embed Java Code Snippets into a BPEL Process" on
page 18-2 on page 18-2 appears as shown in Figure 18–1:

Figure 18–1 bpel:exec Code Example

18.3 Using PL/SQL Procedures with SOA Applications

This section provides a high-level overview of how to use PL/SQL procedures with
SOA applications.
■ Section 18.3.1, "How to Initiate a SOA Application with PL/SQL Procedures"
■ Section 18.3.2, "How to Access a Service Implemented as a PL/SQL Procedure"

18.3.1 How to Initiate a SOA Application with PL/SQL Procedures

PL/SQL stored procedures can initiate a BPEL process in a SOA application by raising
an event through the event delivery network-database (EDN-DB). In the SOA
application, a mediator component can subscribe to the raised event and route it as
The high-level instructions for this scenario are as follows:

18-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using PL/SQL Procedures with SOA Applications

1. Create a SOA application with a mediator component that subscribes to an event.

Note the following:
■ The business event filter can be set by business event name or by specifying an
XPath expression on the event payload.
■ The event definition language (EDL) for the business event can either be
supplied in the composite.xml file of the SOA application or deployed
separately in a MAR.
2. Create a BPEL component.
3. Connect (wire) the mediator component reference (right side) to the BPEL
component service (left side).
4. Complete and deploy the SOA application.
5. Call the EDN-DB API method publish_event from a PL/SQL stored
procedure with the event namespace and the event payload as an xmltype.

Note: Business event publishing is an asynchronous action only.

For more information, see the following:

■ Chapter 8, "Business Events and the Event Delivery Network"
■ Oracle Fusion Applications Developer Standards and Guidelines for detailed
instructions on creating this scenario

18.3.2 How to Access a Service Implemented as a PL/SQL Procedure

You can create SOA applications that access logic implemented as PL/SQL in a
database. For instance, a BPEL process may need to orchestrate a variety of services,
including PL/SQL stored procedures. A recommended method for performing this is
to place an ADF BC in front of the PL/SQL code that is then accessed over SOAP by
the SOA application.
The high-level instructions for this scenario are as follows:
1. Create an ADF BC service.
2. Write a method in your application module that accesses the PL/SQL stored
procedure by following the instructions in Oracle Application Developer Framework
Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers.
3. Generate the service interface for the ADF BC. This action generates the WSDL
and XSD files for the service.
4. Invoke the service method through a SOAP binding as described in Section 18.1.3,
"Using Java Code Wrapped in a Service Interface" on page 18-5.
For more information about creating this scenario, see Oracle Fusion Applications
Developer Standards and Guidelines.

Beta Draft Incorporating Java and J2EE Code in BPEL Processes 18-7
Using PL/SQL Procedures with SOA Applications

18-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
19 Events and Timeouts in BPEL Processes

This chapter describes how to use events and timeouts. Because Web services can take
a long time to return a response, a BPEL process service component must be able to
time out and continue with the rest of the flow after a period of time.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 19.1, "Introduction to Event and Timeout Concepts"
■ Section 19.2, "Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or
■ Section 19.3, "Adding a Wait Activity to Set an Expiration Time"
■ Section 19.4, "Setting Timeouts for Synchronous Processes"
■ Section 19.5, "Use Case for Events and Timeouts"

19.1 Introduction to Event and Timeout Concepts

Because asynchronous Web services can take a long time to return a response, a BPEL
process service component must be able to time out, or give up waiting, and continue
with the rest of the flow after a certain amount of time. You can use the pick activity to
configure a BPEL flow to either wait a specified amount of time or to continue
performing its duties. To set an expiration period for the time, you can use the wait

19.2 Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or

The pick activity provides two branches, each one with a condition. The branch that
has its condition satisfied first is executed. In the following example, one branch’s
condition is to receive a loan offer, and the other branch’s condition is to wait a
specified amount of time.
Figure 19–1 provides an overview. The following activities take place:
1. An invoke activity initiates a service, in this case, a request for a loan offer from
Star Loan.
2. The pick activity begins next. It has the following conditions:
■ onMessage: This condition has code for receiving a reply in the form of a loan
offer from the Star Loan Web service. The onMessage code is the same as the
code for receiving a response from the Star Loan Web service before a timeout
was added.

Beta Draft Events and Timeouts in BPEL Processes 19-1

Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or Waiting

■ onAlarm: This condition has code for a timeout of one minute. This time is
defined as PT1M, which means to wait one minute before timing out. In this
timeout setting, S stands for seconds, M for one minute, H for hour, D for day,
and Y for year. In the unlikely event that you want a time limit of 1 year, 3
days, and 15 seconds, you enter it as PT1Y3D15S. The remainder of the code
sets the loan variables selected and approved to false, sets the annual
percentage rate (APR) at 0.0, and copies this information into the loanOffer
For more detailed information on the time duration format, see the duration
section of the most current XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes document at:

3. The pick activity condition that completes first is the one that the BPEL process
service component executes. The other branch then is not executed.

Figure 19–1 Overview of the Pick Activity



<pick> WSDL

Wait for Time out

callback in 1M
<onMessage> <onAlarm>
Logic Logic
Post Post
Callback Timeout

19.2.1 How To Add a Pick Activity

1. In the SOA Composite Editor, double-click the BPEL process service component.
2. From the Component Palette, drag a Pick activity into the designer.
3. Expand the Pick activity.
The Pick activity includes the onMessage (envelope icon) and onAlarm (alarm
clock icon) branches. Figure 19–2 provides an example.

19-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or Waiting

Figure 19–2 Pick Activity

4. Double-click the OnAlarm branch of the pick activity shown and set its time limit
to 1 minute instead of 1 hour. Figure 19–3 provides an example.

Figure 19–3 OnAlarm Branch

5. Click OK.
6. Double-click the onMessage branch, and edit its attributes to receive the response
from the loan service. Figure 19–4 provides an example.

Beta Draft Events and Timeouts in BPEL Processes 19-3

Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between Continuing a Process or Waiting

Figure 19–4 onMessage Branch

19.2.2 What Happens When You Add a Pick Activity

The code segment in Example 19–1 defines the pick activity for this operation:

Example 19–1 Pick Activity

<!-- receive the result of the remote process -->
<onMessage partnerLink="LoanService"
operation="onResult" variable="loanOffer">

<from variable="loanOffer" part="payload"/>
<to variable="output" part="payload"/>

<!-- wait for one minute, then timesout -->
<onAlarm for="PT1M">
<loanOffer xmlns="">
<selected type="boolean">false</selected>
<approved type="boolean">false</approved>
<APR type="double">0.0</APR>
<to variable="loanOffer" part="payload"/>

19-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Setting Timeouts for Synchronous Processes

For more information, see the SOA_Oracle_

Home\bpel\samples\references\Pick sample.

19.3 Adding a Wait Activity to Set an Expiration Time

The wait activity allows a process to wait for a given time period or until a time limit
has been reached.
For more information, see SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\references\Wait
for examples of defining a wait activity.

19.3.1 How To Add a Wait Activity

1. In the SOA Composite Editor, double-click the BPEL process service component.
2. From the Component Palette, drag a Wait activity into the designer.

19.3.2 What Happens When You Add a Wait Activity

Exactly one of the expiration criteria must be specified, as shown in Example 19–2.

Example 19–2 Wait Activity

<wait (for="duration-expr" | until="deadline-expr") standard-attributes>

19.4 Setting Timeouts for Synchronous Processes

For synchronous processes that connect to a remote database, you must increase the
syncMaxWaitTime timeout property in the

19.4.1 How To Set Timeouts for Synchronous Processes

1. Open the ORACLE_
ig.xml file.
2. Edit the value for the syncMaxWaitTime property. Example 19–3 provides an

Example 19–3 syncMaxWaitTime timeout property

<property id="syncMaxWaitTime">
<name>Delivery result receiver maximum wait time</name>
<![CDATA[The maximum time the process result receiver will wait for a
result before returning. Results from asynchronous BPEL processes are
retrieved synchronously via a receiver that will wait for a result from the
The default value is 45 seconds.]]>

Beta Draft Events and Timeouts in BPEL Processes 19-5

Use Case for Events and Timeouts

19.5 Use Case for Events and Timeouts

In this use case, you program a BPEL process service component to wait one minute
for a response from the Star Loan Web service. If Star Loan does not respond in one
minute, then the BPEL process service component automatically selects the United
Loan offer. In the real world, the time limit is more like 48 hours. However, for this
example, you do not want to wait that long to see if your BPEL process service
component is working properly.

Note: The sample demonstrated in 108.Timeouts is not included

in the file for beta 3.

19-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
20 Invoking a BPEL Process Service

This chapter shows how to invoke a BPEL process service component to perform
functions or use services.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 20.1, "Use Case for Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component"
■ Section 20.2, "Sending Messages to a BPEL Process Service Component"

20.1 Use Case for Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component

In this use case, you learn how to invoke synchronous and asynchronous BPEL
processes through the simple object access protocol (SOAP). The BPEL process service
component accepts a social security number and sends a credit rating in return.

Note: The sample demonstrated in 102.InvokingProcesses is

not included in the file for beta 3.

20.2 Sending Messages to a BPEL Process Service Component

You can invoke a BPEL process service component as a Web service through a WSDL
or SOAP interface. The application puts the request in the form of a payload that then
goes to the BPEL process service component. The BPEL process service component
receives the payload and responds with a payload containing the information that the
application requested.
Figure 20–1 shows how an application interacts with a BPEL process service
component through a client partner link, using one of a number of possible protocols.

Beta Draft Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component 20-1

Sending Messages to a BPEL Process Service Component

Figure 20–1 Application Interaction with a BPEL Process Service Component

BPEL Process
SOAP / PartnerLink



20.2.1 Invoking a BPEL Process Service Component with the Web Service/SOAP
After you deploy a BPEL process service component to Oracle BPEL Server, it is
automatically published as a Web service. This means that the process can be accessed
through its XML/SOAP/WSDL interface without any additional developer effort.
Supporting a standard Web services interface means that BPEL processes can be
invoked from any client technology that supports Web services. This includes
Microsoft .NET, Sun’s JAX-RPC implementation, Apache Axis, Oracle JDeveloper, and
many other Web services tool kits. In addition, it means that BPEL and Oracle BPEL
Process Manager can publish Web services. Those services, both synchronous and
asynchronous, can be invoked from applications and services implemented with
nearly any technology and language.
You access a BPEL process service component through its Web service interface in the
standard way you access any Web service: by writing a client that uses the BPEL
process service component WSDL interface definition and SOAP as a protocol.

20-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
21 Coordinating Master and Detail Processes

This chapter describes master and detail process coordinations. This coordination
enables you to specify the tasks performed by a master BPEL process and its related
detail BPEL processes. This is sometimes referred to as a parent and child relationship.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 21.1, "Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations"
■ Section 21.2, "Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle
For more information about master and detail coordinations, see the sample located in
the bpel\tutorials\T116_MasterDetailApp directory of the file

21.1 Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations

Master and detail coordinations consist of a one-to-many relationship between a single
master process and multiple detail processes.
For example, assume a business process imports sales orders into an application. Each
sales order consists of a header (customer information, ship-to address, and so on) and
multiple lines (item name, item number, item quantity, price, and so on).
The following tasks are performed to execute the order:
■ Validate the header. If the header is invalid, processing stops.
■ Validate each line. If any lines are invalid, they are marked as invalid and
processing stops.
■ Perform inventory checks for each item. If an item is not available, a work order is
created to assemble it.
■ Stage items at the shipping dock after items for each line are available.
■ Ship the order to the customer.
To perform these tasks, create a master process to check and validate each header and
multiple BPEL processes to check and validate each line item.
Potential coordination points are as follows:
■ The master process must signal the detail processes that header validation is
successful and to continue processing.
■ Each detail process must signal the master process after line item validation is

Beta Draft Coordinating Master and Detail Processes 21-1

Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations

■ Each detail process must signal the master process after the line item is available in
■ After all line items are available, the master must signal each detail process to
move its line item to the shipping dock (the dock may become too crowded if
items are simply moved as soon as they are available).
■ After all lines have been moved, the master process must execute logic to ship the
fulfilled order to the customer.
Figure 21–1 provides an overview of the header and line item validation coordination
points between one master process and two detail processes.

Figure 21–1 Master and Detail Coordination Overview (One BPEL Process to Two Detail Processes)

Sales Order 1 Sales Order 2

Header Master BPEL Header
Validates Header Process Validates Header
· Customer Information · Customer Information
· Ship-To Address · Ship-To Address

Completes Header Line Items

Validation and · Item Names
Signals Detail · Item Number
Process to · Price
Line Items Continue Completes
LineValidation · Quantity
· Item Names and Signals
· Item Number Master
· Price Process
· Quantity Completes Completes
Detail BPEL Header Line Validation
Process 1 Validation and and Signals
Signals Detail Master
Process to Process
Detail BPEL
Process 2
Validates Line Items

The following BPEL process activities coordinate actions between the master and
detail processes:
■ signal — notifies the other processes (master or detail) to continue processing
■ receive signal — waits until it receives the proper notification signal from the other
process (master or detail) before continuing its processing
Both activities are coordinated with label attributes defined in the BPEL process files.
Labels are declared per master process definition.
Figure 21–2 provides an overview of the BPEL process flow coordination.

21-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations

Figure 21–2 Master and Detail Syntax Overview (One BPEL Process to One Detail Process)

Master Process Detail Process

Signal Activity

Invoke Activity Receive Signal Activity

partnerlink="DetailProcess" label="StartDetailProcess"
... from="master"

Receive Signal Activity Signal Activity

label="CompleteDetailProcess" label="CompleteDetailProcess"
from="details" to="master"

As shown in Figure 21–2, each master and detail process includes a signal and receive
signal activity. Table 21–1 describes activity responsibilities based on the type of
process in which they are defined.

Table 21–1 Master and Detail Process Coordination Responsibilities

If A... Contains A... Then...
Master process Signal activity The master process signals all of its associated
detail processes at runtime.
Detail process Receive signal activity The detail process waits until it receives the signal
executed by its master process.
Detail process Signal activity The detail process signals its associated master
process at runtime that processing is complete.
Master process Receive signal activity The master process waits until it receives the
signal executed by all of its detail processes.

If the signal activity executes before the receive signal activity, the state set by the
signal activity is persisted and still effective for a later receive signal activity to read.

21.1.1 BPEL File Definition for the Master Process

The BPEL process file for the master process defines coordination with the detail
processes. The BPEL file shows that the master process interacts with the partner links
of four detail processes. Example 21–1 provides an example.

Example 21–1 BPEL File Definition for the Master Process

<process name="MasterProcess"
. . .
. . .
<partnerLink name="client"

Beta Draft Coordinating Master and Detail Processes 21-3

Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations

<partnerLink name="DetailProcess"
<partnerLink name="DetailProcess1"
<partnerLink name="DetailProcess2"

A signal activity shows the label value and the detail process coordinated with this
master process. The label value (startDetailProcess) matches with the label value
in the receive signal activity of all four detail processes. This ensures that the signal is
delivered to the correct process. There is one signal process per receive signal process.
The master process signals all four detail processes at runtime.
<bpelx:signal name="notifyDetailProcess" label="startDetailProcess" to="details"/>

Assign, invoke, and receive activities describe the interaction between the master and
detail processes. This example shows interaction between the master process and one
of the detail processes (DetailProcess). Similar interaction is defined in this BPEL
file for all detail processes.
Within the invoke activity, the bpelx:invokeAsDetail attribute is set to true. This
attribute creates the partner process instance (DetailProcess) as a detail instance.
You must manually add this attribute and set the value to true in the master process
file for each detail process with which to interact. Example 21–2 provides an example.

Example 21–2 bpelx:invokeAsDetail Attribute

<from variable="input" part="payload" query="/tns:processInfo/tns:value"/>
<to variable="detail_input" part="payload" query="/dp:input/dp:number"/>

<invoke name="receiveInput" partnerLink="DetailProcess"


<!-- receive the result of the remote process -->

<receive name="receive_DetailProcess" partnerLink="DetailProcess"
operation="onResult" variable="detail_output"/>

The master BPEL process includes a receive signal activity. This activity indicates that
the master process waits until it receives a signal from all of its detail processes. The
label value (detailProcessComplete) matches with the label value in the signal
activity of each detail process. This ensures that the signal is delivered to the correct
process. Example 21–3 provides an example.

21-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Master and Detail Process Coordinations

Example 21–3 Receive Signal Activity

<bpelx:receiveSignal name="waitForNotifyFromDetailProcess"
from="details"/> Correlating a Master Process with Multiple Detail Processes

For environments in which you have one master and multiple detail processes, use the
bpelx:detailLabel attribute for signal correlation. The following example shows
how to use this attribute.
The first invoke activity invokes the DetailsProcess detail process and associates it
with a label of detailProcessComplete0. Example 21–4 provides an example.

Example 21–4 First Invoke Activity

<invoke name="invokeDetailProcess" partnerLink="DetailProcess"

The second invoke activity invokes the DetailsProcess1 detail process and
associates it with a label of detailProcessComplete1. Example 21–5 provides an

Example 21–5 Second Invoke Activity

<invoke name="invokeDetailProcess1" partnerLink="DetailProcess1"

The third invoke activity invokes the DetailsProcess2 detail process again through
a different port and with a different input variable. It associates the
DetailsProcess2 detail process with a label of detailProcessComplete1-2:

Example 21–6 Third Invoke Activity

<invoke name="invokeDetailProcess2" partnerLink="DetailProcess2"

The receive signal activity of the master process shown in Example 21–7 waits for a
return signal from detail process DetailProcess0.

Example 21–7 Receive Signal Activity

<!-- This is a receiveSignal waiting for 1 child to signal back -->
<bpelx:receiveSignal name="waitForNotifyFromDetailProcess0"
label="detailProcessComplete0" from="details"/>

The second receive signal activity of the master process shown in Example 21–8 also
waits for a return signal from DetailProcess1 and DetailProcess2.

Beta Draft Coordinating Master and Detail Processes 21-5

Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

Example 21–8 Second Receive Signal Activity

<!-- This is a receiveSignal waiting for 2 child (detail) process to signal back
<bpelx:receiveSignal name="waitForNotifyFromDetailProcess1-2"
label="detailProcessComplete1-2" from="details"/>

Note: If there is only one receive signal activity in the BPEL process,
do not specify the bpelx:detailLabel attribute in the invoke
activity. In these situations, a default bpelx:detailLabel attribute is
assumed and does not need to be specified.

21.1.2 BPEL File Definition for Detail Processes

The BPEL process file of each detail process defines coordination with the master
A receive signal activity indicates that the detail process shown in Example 21–9 waits
until it receives a signal executed by its master process. The label value
(startDetailProcess) matches with the label value in the signal activity of the
master process.

Example 21–9 startDetailProcess Label Value

<bpelx:receiveSignal name="waitForNotifyFromMasterProcess"
label="startDetailProcess" from="master"/>

A signal activity indicates that the detail process shown in Example 21–10 signals its
associated master process at runtime that processing is complete. The label value
(detailProcessComplete) matches with the label value in the receive signal
activity of each master process.

Example 21–10 Signal Activity

<bpelx:signal name="notifyMAsterProcess" label="detailProcessComplete"

21.2 Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle

This section provides an overview of how to define master and detail process
coordination in Oracle JDeveloper. In this example, one master process and one detail
process are defined.
■ Section 21.2.1, "How to Create a Master Process"
■ Section 21.2.2, "How to Create a Detail Process"
■ Section 21.2.3, "How to Create an Invoke Activity"

Note: This section only describes the tasks specific to master and
detail process coordination. It does not describe the standard activities
that you define in a BPEL process, such as creating variables, creating
assign activities, and so on.

21-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

21.2.1 How to Create a Master Process

1. Create a BPEL process service component in the SOA Composite Editor. For this
example, the process is named MasterProcess.
2. Double-click the MasterProcess BPEL process.
3. Expand BPEL Activities in the Component Palette.
4. Drag and drop a Signal activity into your BPEL process service component.
5. Double-click the Signal activity.
This activity signals the detail process to perform processing at runtime.
6. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Name Enter a name (for this example, contactDetailProcess).
Label Enter a label name (for this example, beginDetailProcess). This label
must match the receive signal activity label you set in the detail
process in Step 5 on page 21-8.
To Select details as the type of process to receive this signal.

Figure 21–3 shows the Signal dialog.

Figure 21–3 Signal Dialog

7. Click OK.
8. Drag and drop a Receive Signal activity into your BPEL process service
9. Double-click the Receive Signal activity.
This activity enables the master process to wait until it receives the signal executed
by all of its detail processes.
10. Enter the following details:

Beta Draft Coordinating Master and Detail Processes 21-7

Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

Field Value
Name Enter a name (for this example, waitForDetailProcess).
Label Enter a label name (for this example, completeDetailProcess). This
label must match the signal activity label you set in the detail process
in Step 9 on page 21-9.
To Select details as the type of process from which to receive the signal.

Figure 21–4 shows the Receive Signal dialog.

Figure 21–4 Receive Signal Dialog

11. Click OK.

The master process has now been designed to:
■ Signal the detail process to perform processing at runtime.
■ Wait until it receives the signal executed by the detail process.

21.2.2 How to Create a Detail Process

1. Create a second BPEL process service component in the SOA Composite Editor.
For this example, the process is named DetailProcess.
2. Double-click the DetailProcess BPEL process.
3. Drag and drop a Receive Signal activity into your BPEL process service
4. Double-click the Receive Signal activity.
This activity enables the detail process to wait until it receives the signal executed
by its master process.
5. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Name Enter a name (for this example, WaitForContactFromMasterProcess).

21-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

Field Value
Label Enter a label name (for this example, beginDetailProcess). This label
must match the signal activity label you set in the master process in
Step 6 on page 21-7.
To Select master as the type of process from which to receive the signal.

Figure 21–5 shows the Receive Signal dialog.

Figure 21–5 Receive Signal Dialog

6. Click OK.
7. Drag and drop a Signal activity into your BPEL process service component.
8. Double-click the Signal activity.
This activity enables the detail process to signal its associated master process at
runtime that processing is complete.
9. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Name Enter a name (for this example, contactMasterProcess).
Label Enter a label name (for this example, completeDetailProcess). This
label must match the receive signal activity label you set in the master
process in Step 10 on page 21-7.
To Select master as the destination.

Figure 21–6 shows the Signal dialog.

Beta Draft Coordinating Master and Detail Processes 21-9

Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 21–6 Signal Dialog

10. Click OK.

The detail process has now been designed to:

■ Wait until it receives the signal executed by its master process.
■ Signal the master process at runtime that processing is complete.

21.2.3 How to Create an Invoke Activity

1. Return to the MasterProcess master process.
2. Drag and drop an Invoke activity into your BPEL process service component.
3. Double-click the Invoke activity.
4. Select the DetailProcess BPEL process you created in Step 1 on page 21-8 as the
partner link.
5. Complete all remaining fields in the Invoke window, and click OK.
6. Click Source in the BPEL process diagram window.
7. Add bpelx:invokeasdetail to the invoke activity and set it to true, as shown
in Example 21–11.

Example 21–11 bpelx:invokeasdetail Attribute

<invoke name="MyInvoke" partnerLink="DetailProcess"
<bpelx:invokeasdetail name="true"/>

This attribute creates the partner process (DetailProcess) as a detail instance.

8. If this is an environment in which one master process is interacting with multiple
detail processes, perform the following tasks:
a. Specify the bpelx:detailLabel attribute for correlating with the receive
signal activity, as shown in Example 21–12.

21-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

Example 21–12 bpelx:detailLabel Attribute

<invoke name="MyInvoke" partnerLink="DetailProcess"
<bpelx:invokeasdetail name="true"/>

b. Specify the same label value of detailProcessComplete0 in the receive

signal activity of the master process, as shown in Example 21–13.

Example 21–13 detailProcessComplete0 Label Value

<bpelx:receiveSignal name="waitForNotifyFromDetailProcess0-1"
label="detailProcessComplete0" from="details"/>

c. Repeat these steps as necessary for additional detail processes, ensuring that
you specify a different label value.
9. Select Save All from the File main menu.
Master and detail coordination design is now complete.

Beta Draft Coordinating Master and Detail Processes 21-11

Defining Master and Detail Process Coordination in Oracle JDeveloper

21-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
22 Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes

This chapter identifies common interaction patterns between a BPEL process service
component and another application, and shows the best use practices for each.
This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 22.1, "One-Way Message"
■ Section 22.2, "Synchronous Interaction"
■ Section 22.3, "Asynchronous Interaction"
■ Section 22.4, "Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout"
■ Section 22.5, "Asynchronous Interaction with a Notification Timer"
■ Section 22.6, "One Request, Multiple Responses"
■ Section 22.7, "One Request, One of Two Possible Responses"
■ Section 22.8, "One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response"
■ Section 22.9, "Partial Processing"
■ Section 22.10, "Multiple Application Interactions"
■ Section 22.11, "Summary"

22.1 One-Way Message

In a one-way message, or fire and forget, the client sends a message to the service, and
the service does not need to reply. Figure 22–1 provides an overview.

Beta Draft Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes 22-1

Synchronous Interaction

Figure 22–1 One-Way Message

Client BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

<invoke> d1 <receive>

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

As the client, the BPEL process service component needs a valid partner link and an
invoke activity with the target service and the message. As with all partner activities,
the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

To accept a message from the client, the BPEL process service component needs a
receive activity.

22.2 Synchronous Interaction

In a synchronous interaction, a client sends a request to a service, and receives an
immediate reply. The BPEL process service component can be at either end of this
interaction, and must be coded based on its role as either the client or the service.
Figure 22–2 provides an overview.

Figure 22–2 Synchronous Interaction

BPEL Process BPEL Process

Call PartnerLink
service d1 <receive>

f1 <reply>

22-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Asynchronous Interaction

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of a synchronous
transaction, it needs an invoke activity. The port on the client side both sends the
request and receives the reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

When the BPEL process service component is on the service side of a synchronous
transaction, it needs a receive activity to accept the incoming request, and a reply
activity to return either the requested information or an error message (a fault).

See Also: Chapter 13, "Invoking a Synchronous Web Service from a

BPEL Process"

22.3 Asynchronous Interaction

In an asynchronous interaction, a client sends a request to a service and waits until the
service replies. Figure 22–3 provides an overview.

Figure 22–3 Asynchronous Interaction

Client BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

service d1 <receive>

response d2 <invoke>

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of an asynchronous
transaction, it needs an invoke activity to send the request and a receive activity to
receive the reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

As with a synchronous transaction, when the BPEL process service component is on
the service side of an asynchronous transaction, it needs a receive activity to accept the
incoming request and an invoke activity to return either the requested information or a

See Also: Chapter 14, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from

a BPEL Process"

Beta Draft Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes 22-3

Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout

22.4 Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout

In an asynchronous interaction with a timeout, a client sends a request to a service and
waits until it receives a reply, or until a certain time limit is reached, whichever comes
first. Figure 22–4 provides an overview.

Figure 22–4 Asynchronous Interaction with Timeout

Client BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

service d1 <receive>

d2 <invoke>
Wait for Time out
callback in 1M
<onMessage> <onAlarm>

Logic Logic
Post Post
Callback Timeout

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of an asynchronous
transaction with a timeout, it needs an invoke activity to send the request and a pick
activity with two branches: an onMessage branch and an onAlarm branch. If the reply
comes after the time limit has expired, the message goes to the dead letter queue. As
with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

See Also: Section 19.2, "Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between

Continuing a Process or Waiting" on page 19-1

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The behavior of the service BPEL process service component is the same as with the
asynchronous interaction with the BPEL process service component as the service, as
described in "BPEL Process Service Component as the Service" on page 22-3.

22.5 Asynchronous Interaction with a Notification Timer

In an asynchronous interaction with a notification time, a client sends a request to a
service and waits for a reply, although a notification is sent after a timer expires. The
client continues to wait for the reply from the service even after the timer has expired.
Figure 22–5 provides an overview.

22-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
One Request, Multiple Responses

Figure 22–5 Asynchronous Interaction with a Notification Time

BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

<scope> PartnerLink

Call d1 <receive>

Wait for
Callback d2 <invoke>



BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it
needs a scope activity containing an invoke activity to send the request, and a receive
activity to accept the reply. The onAlarm handler of the scope activity has a time limit
and instructions on what to do when the timer expires. For example, wait 30 minutes,
then send a warning indicating that the process is taking longer than expected. As
with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The behavior for the service BPEL process service component is the same as with the
asynchronous interaction with the BPEL process service component as the service, as
described in "BPEL Process Service Component as the Service" on page 22-3.

22.6 One Request, Multiple Responses

In this interaction type, the client sends a single request to a service and receives
multiple responses in return. For example, the request can be to order a product
online, and the first response can be the estimated delivery time, the second response a
payment confirmation, and the third response a notification that the product has
shipped. In this example, the number and types of responses are expected. Figure 22–6
provides an overview.

Beta Draft Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes 22-5

One Request, One of Two Possible Responses

Figure 22–6 One Request, Multiple Responses

Client BPEL Process WSDL Service BPEL Process

service d1 <receive>

<sequence> <sequence>

<receive> d2 <invoke>

<receive> d3 <invoke>

<receive> d4 <invoke>

</sequence> </sequence>

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it
needs an invoke activity to send the request, and a sequence activity with three receive
activities, one for each reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a receive activity to accept the message from the client, and a
sequence attribute with three invoke activities, one for each reply.

22.7 One Request, One of Two Possible Responses

In an interaction using one request and one of two possible responses, the client sends
a single request to a service and receives one of two possible responses. For example,
the request can be to order a product online, and the first response can be either an
in-stock message, or an out-of-stock message. Figure 22–7 provides an overview.

22-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response

Figure 22–7 One Request, One of Two Possible Responses

Client BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

service d1 <receive>

<pick> <switch>

<onMessage A> <onMessage B> Item in stock? <otherwise>

Msg A <invoke> <invoke>

Logic A Logic B or Msg A Msg B
Msg B

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it
needs the following:
■ An invoke activity to send the request
■ A pick activity with two branches: one onMessage for the in-stock response and
instructions on what to do if an in-stock message is received
■ A second onMessage for the out-of-stock response and instructions on what to do
if an out-of-stock message is received
As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

See Also: Section 19.2, "Adding a Pick Activity to Select Between

Continuing a Process or Waiting" on page 19-1

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a receive activity to accept the message from the client, and a
switch activity with two branches, one with an invoke activity sending the in-stock
message if the item is available, and a second branch with an invoke activity sending
the out-of-stock message if the item is not available.

22.8 One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response

In this type of interaction, the client sends a single request to a service and receives one
or two responses. Here, the request is to order a product online. If the product is
delayed, the service sends a message letting the customer know. In any case, the
service always sends a notification when the item ships. Figure 22–8 provides an

Beta Draft Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes 22-7

Partial Processing

Figure 22–8 One Request, a Mandatory Response, and an Optional Response

Client BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

<scope> PartnerLink

Call d1 <receive>

Wait for Msg A
Callback (maybe)
<receive Msg B>
Delay? <otherwise>

<onMessage A>

Notify User
of Delay <invoke>
Msg A


Msg B Msg B

BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

When the BPEL process service component is on the client side of this transaction, it
needs a scope activity containing the invoke activity to send the request, and a receive
activity to accept the mandatory reply. The onMessage handler of the scope activity is
set to accept the optional message and instructions on what to do if the optional
message is received (for example, notify you that the product has been delayed). The
client BPEL process service component waits to receive the mandatory reply. If the
mandatory reply is received first, the BPEL process service component continues
without waiting for the optional reply. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file
defines the interaction.

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a scope activity containing the receive activity and an invoke
activity to send the mandatory shipping message, and the scope’s onAlarm handler to
send the optional delayed message if a timer expires (for example, send the delayed
message if the item is not shipped in 24 hours).

22.9 Partial Processing

In partial processing, the client sends a request to a service and receives an immediate
response, but processing continues on the service side. For example, the client sends a
request to purchase a vacation package, and the service sends an immediate reply
confirming the purchase, then continues on to book the hotel, the flight, the rental car,

22-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Multiple Application Interactions

and so on. This pattern can also include multiple shot callbacks, followed by
longer-term processing. Figure 22–9 provides an overview.

Figure 22–9 Partial Processing

Client BPEL Process Service BPEL Process

service d1 <receive>

<receive> d2 <receive>

<invoke> d3 <invoke>

<receive> d4 <receive>


BPEL Process Service Component as the Client

In this case, the BPEL client is simple; it needs an invoke activity for each request and a
receive activity for each reply for asynchronous transactions, or just an invoke activity
for each synchronous transaction. Once those transactions are complete, the remaining
work is handled by the service. As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the

BPEL Process Service Component as the Service

The BPEL service needs a receive activity for each request from the client, and a reply
activity for each response. Once the responses are finished, the service BPEL process
service component can continue with its processing, using the information gathered in
the interaction to perform the necessary tasks without any further input from the

22.10 Multiple Application Interactions

In some cases, there are more than two applications involved in a transaction, for
example, a buyer, seller, and shipper. In this case, the buyer sends a request to the
seller, the seller sends a request to the shipper, and the shipper sends a notification to
the buyer. This A-to-B-to-C-to-A transaction pattern can handle many transactions at
once. Therefore, a mechanism is required for keeping track of which message goes
where. Figure 22–10 provides an overview.
As with all partner activities, the WSDL file defines the interaction.

Beta Draft Interaction Patterns in BPEL Processes 22-9


Figure 22–10 Multiple Party Interactions

BPEL Process A BPEL Process B

Buyer WSDL Seller
<invoke> d1 <receive>

<receive> <invoke>

d3 d2

PartnerLink PartnerLink

BPEL Process C



See Also: Chapter 14, "Invoking an Asynchronous Web Service from

a BPEL Process" for more information about WS-addressing and
correlation sets

22.11 Summary
BPEL process service components can serve as both clients or services, and this
chapter lists several common interaction patterns and describes best practices for
implementing these interactions.

22-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
23 Notifications and the Oracle User
Messaging Service

The Oracle User Messaging Service in Oracle SOA Suite enables you to send
notifications from a BPEL process using a variety of channels. These notifications are
delivered by e-mail, voice message, instant messaging (IM), or short message service
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 23.1, "Use Cases for Notifications"
■ Section 23.2, "Introduction to Oracle User Messaging Service and Notification
■ Section 23.3, "Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper"
■ Section 23.4, "Summary"

23.1 Use Cases for Notifications

Various scenarios may require sending e-mail messages or other types of notifications
to users as part of the process flow. For example, certain types of exceptions that
cannot be handled automatically may require manual intervention. In this case, a
BPEL process or human task can use the Oracle User Messaging Service to alert users
by voice, IM, SMS, or e-mail. In an approval workflow (for example, an expense report
approval), you can send notifications to the task assignee when a specific task requires
action, or you can notify the task creator by e-mail when the approval is complete. In
some cases, contact information (e-mail address or telephone number) is obtained
dynamically as part of the process and in other cases the details are looked up from a
user directory.
The tutorial 130.SendEmailWithAttachments demonstrates how to model a
notification in Oracle JDeveloper and send an e-mail with an attachment.

Note: The sample demonstrated in

130.SendEmailWithAttachments is not included in the file for beta 3.

23.2 Introduction to Oracle User Messaging Service and Notification

Terms used include:

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-1
Introduction to Oracle User Messaging Service and Notification Concepts

■ Notification—an asynchronous message sent to a user by a specific channel. The

message can be sent as an e-mail message, a voice message, IM message, or an
SMS message.
■ Actionable notification—a notification to which the user can respond. For
example, workflow sends an e-mail or IM message to a manager to approve or
reject a purchase order. The manager approves or rejects the request by replying to
the e-mail or IM with appropriate content.
■ Human task e-mail notification layer—sends e-mail notifications directly from a
BPEL process or implicitly from the human task part of a BPEL process. Implicit
notifications are modeled from the Human Task editor.
For sending e-mail notifications directly from a BPEL process, you must explicitly
specify the user information in the BPEL process and can be inside or outside of a
human task scope.
For sending e-mail notifications implicitly from the human task part of a BPEL
process, you only specify the recipient based on the relationship of the user with
regards to the task (that is, the creator, assignee, and so on).
You can send e-mail through the SMTP protocol and receive e-mail from IMAP-
and POP-based e-mail accounts.

Note: Implicit notifications are processed through more layers of

code than explicit notifications. If explicit notifications are functioning
correctly, it does not mean that implicit notifications also function

■ Oracle User Messaging Service —works with the human task e-mail notification
layer to improve message reliability and handles the sending and receiving of
messages to and from devices, such as IM, SMS, or voice. The Oracle User
Messaging Service is a new feature for release 11g. Oracle BPEL Process Manager
is preconfigured to send notifications using the Oracle User Messaging Service.
Figure 23–1 shows the Oracle User Messaging Service interfaces and supported service

Figure 23–1 Service Interfaces and Supported Service Types

Web Services
(WSIF binding) Oracle User
BPEL Email Server
SMS Server
Java Voice Gateway
Call IM Server


23-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

See Also:
■ Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow" on page 28-20
■ Section 26.6.7, "Specifying Participant Notification Preferences" on
page 26-53 for instructions on specifying e-mail notifications in
the Human Task editor

23.2.1 Reliable Notifications

Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides support for the reliable notifications. The
outbound notification creates a notification message with a unique notification ID and
stores the message and unique ID in the dehydration store. It then enqueues this
unique ID in the JMS queue and commits the transaction. A message driven-bean
(MDB) listening on this queue dequeues the message and sends a notification to the
user. If there is any notification failure, the notification retries three times. If the retries
all fail, it marks this notification as errored.
To send an error notification after resolving the problem, you must write a script to
update the BPELNotification table status to SEND. For example:
UPDATE BPELNotification
SET status = 'RETRY',
WHERE ID = <notification id>

By default, the notification retries three time. If you want to add more retries (for
example, 5), add the following property in SOA_ORACLE_
fig.xml and restart Oracle BPEL Server:
<property name="" value="5" />

The notification thread that is running tries to send the notification every 15 minutes.
You can change this interval by adding the following property in
workflow-config.xml. For example, to retry every 10 minutes:
<property name="" value="10"

See Also: Section 28.2.8, "Reliability Support" on page 28-27

23.3 Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

The diagram window in Oracle JDeveloper includes the notification channels in the
Component Palette, as shown in Figure 23–2.

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-3
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 23–2 Diagram Window in Oracle JDeveloper—Notification Channel

To use a notification channel, do the following:

1. Select BPEL from the Component Palette list.
2. Expand BPEL Activities.
3. Drag and drop a notification channel from the Component Palette list:
■ Email
■ Voice
4. See the following section based on the notification channel you selected.

If You Selected... See...

Email Section 23.3.1, "The E-mail Notification Channel" on page 23-5 to configure
e-mail notification
SMS Section 23.3.2, "The SMS Notification Channel" on page 23-9 to configure
SMS notification
Voice Section 23.3.3, "The Voice Notification Channel" on page 23-10 to configure
voice message notification

■ After configuring Oracle User Messaging Service for e-mail and
other channels in Oracle JDeveloper, set the NotificationMode
parameter to either ALL or EMAIL in the
workflow-notification-config.xml file, as described in
Section 28.2.1, "Configuring the Notification Channel" on
page 28-21.
■ There is currently no support for the IM notification channel in
Oracle JDeveloper. IM can be used for sending actionable
messages. See Section, "Sending Actionable Instant
Messages" on page 28-26 for configuration instructions.

23-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

23.3.1 The E-mail Notification Channel

When you select Email from the Component Palette, the Edit Email window appears.
Figure 23–3 shows the required e-mail notification parameters.

Figure 23–3 Edit Email Window

1. Enter information for each field as described in Table 23–1.

Table 23–1 E-mail Notification Parameters

Name Description
From Account The name of the account used to send this message. The
configuration details for this e-mail account name must exist on
Oracle BPEL Server.
To The e-mail address to which the message is to be delivered. This
can be a) a static e-mail address entered at the time the message
is created, or b) an e-mail address looked up using the identity
service, or c) a dynamic address from the payload. The XPath
Expression Builder can be used to get the dynamic e-mail
address from the input. See Section 23.3.4, "Setting E-mail
Addresses and Telephone Numbers Dynamically" on page 23-11.
CC and Bcc The e-mail addresses to which the message is copied and blind
copied. This can be a static or dynamic address as described for
the To address.
Reply To The e-mail address to use for replies. This can be a static or
dynamic address as described for the To address.
Subject Subject of the e-mail message. This can be free text or dynamic
text. The XPath Expression Builder can be used to set dynamic
text based on data from process variables that you specify.
Body Message body of the e-mail message. This can be plain text,
XML, free text, or dynamic text, as described for the Subject
Multipart message with n Select to specify e-mail attachments. See Section, "Setting
attachments E-mail Attachments" on page 23-6.
The number of attachments if Multipart message is selected.
The number includes the body. For example, if you have a body
and one attachment, specify 2 here.

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-5
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

2. Click OK.
The BPEL fragment that invokes the Oracle User Messaging Service to send the
e-mail message is created.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for details about e-mail configuration instructions to
perform outside of Oracle JDeveloper Setting E-mail Attachments

When you send e-mail attachments, you mark the e-mail as a multipart message and
set the number of attachments to send. The number of attachments includes the body
plus the attachments. (For example, to send an e-mail message with one file as an
attachment, set the number to 2.) When sending attachments, set the content body to
have a MultiPart element that contains as many BodyPart elements as the number
of attachments. Each BodyPart has three elements: ContentBody, MimeType, and
BodyPartName. All three elements must be set for each attachment.
To add one attachment to an e-mail message, do the following:
1. Select Email as the notification channel from the Component Palette.
2. Specify values for To, Subject, and Body.
3. Select Multipart message and enter 2 for the number of attachments. (Note that
the number of attachments must include the body part.)
The MultiPart element with two body parts is generated. The first body part is
for the message body and the other is used for the attachment. The BPEL fragment
with an assign activity with multiple copy rules is generated. One of the copy
rules copies the attachment, as follows:
<assign name="Assign">
<from expression="string('Default')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<!-- copy statements relate to body and attachment -->
<Content xmlns="">

23-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<from expression="string('text/html')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<from expression="string('NotificationAttachment1.html')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<from expression="string(‘This is a test message from John Cooper')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<from expression="string('text/html')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<from expression="string('NotificationAttachment2.html')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"
<from expression="string('message2')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"

4. Search for BodyPart[2] and set the required values. The steps to send the
attachment MyImage.gif, for example, are as follows:

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-7
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

a. Search for BodyPart[2] MimeType and change the from expression to

copy ’image/gif’ as the MimeType (instead of the autogenerated
b. Search for BodyPart[2] BodyPartName and change the from
expression to copy ’MyImage.gif’ (instead of the autogenerated
c. Search for BodyPart[2] ContentBody and change the from expression
to copy the content of MyImage.gif (instead of the autogenerated expression
You can use the readFile XPath function to read the contents of the file:
ora:readFile(‘<name of the file in the project | HTTP URL | File URL>’)

ora:readFile(‘MyImage.gif’) will read the file from the bpel project
ora:readFile(‘file:///c:/MyImage.gif’) will read file from c:\ directory

The new BPEL copy statement is as follows:

<from expression="string('image/gif')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload" query=
<from expression="string('MyImage.gif')"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload" query=
<from expression="ora:readFile(‘file:///c:/MyImage.gif’)"/>
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload" query=

for an example of sending attachments using e-mail Sending Actionable E-mails

You can send e-mail notifications through the e-mail notification channel.
1. Edit the Outgoing properties to configure the e-mail driver in the SOA_ORACLE_
l file. These properties are shown in Step 3 on page 28-25.
2. Set the NotificationMode property to ALL or EMAIL to enable notifications in
the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\oc4j_
n-config.xml file.

23-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper Formatting the Body of an E-mail Message as HTML

You can format the body of an e-mail message as HTML rather than as straight text. To
do this, apply an XSLT transform to generate the e-mail body. Add in the XSLT tag
you want to use. Tools such as XMLSpy can provide assistance in writing and testing
the XSLT. The MIME type should be string(’text/html;charset=UTF-8’).
The e-mail notification assignment should look as follows:
<to variable="varNotificationReq" part="EmailPayload"

23.3.2 The SMS Notification Channel

When you select SMS from the Component Palette, the Edit SMS window appears.
Figure 23–4 shows the required SMS notification parameters.

Figure 23–4 Edit SMS Window

1. Enter information for each field as described in Table 23–2.

Table 23–2 SMS Notification Parameters

Name Description
From number The telephone number from which to send the SMS notification.
This can be a static telephone number entered at the time the
message is created or a dynamic telephone number from the
payload. The XPath Expression Builder can be used to get the
dynamic telephone number from the input. See Section 23.3.4,
"Setting E-mail Addresses and Telephone Numbers
Dynamically" on page 23-11.
Telephone number The telephone number to which the message is to be delivered.
This can be a) a static telephone number entered at the time the
message is created, or b) a telephone number looked up using
the identity service, or c) a dynamic telephone number from the
payload. The XPath Expression Builder can be used to get the
dynamic telephone number from the input.

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-9
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

Table 23–2 (Cont.) SMS Notification Parameters

Name Description
Subject Subject of the SMS message. This can be free text or dynamic
text. The XPath Expression Builder can be used to set dynamic
text based on data from process variables that you specify.
Body SMS message body. This must be plain text. This can be free text
or dynamic text as described for the Subject parameter.

2. Click OK.
The BPEL fragment that invokes the Oracle User Messaging Service for SMS
notification is created.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for details about SMS configuration instructions to perform
outside of Oracle JDeveloper

23.3.3 The Voice Notification Channel

When you select Voice from the Component Palette, the Edit Voice window appears.
Figure 23–5 shows the required voice notification parameters.

Figure 23–5 Edit Voice Window

1. Enter information for each field as described in Table 23–3.

Table 23–3 Voice Notification Parameters

Name Description
Telephone number The telephone number to which the message is to be delivered.
This can be a) a static telephone number entered at the time the
message is created, or b) a telephone number looked up using
the identity service, or c) a dynamic telephone number from the
payload. The XPath Expression Builder can be used to get the
dynamic telephone number from the input.
Body Message body. This can be plain text or XML. Also, this can be
free text or dynamic text. The XPath Expression Builder can be
used to set dynamic text based on data from process variables
that you specify.

23-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

2. Click OK.
The BPEL fragment that invokes the Oracle User Messaging Service for voice
notification is created.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for details about voice configuration instructions to perform
outside of Oracle JDeveloper

23.3.4 Setting E-mail Addresses and Telephone Numbers Dynamically

You may need to set e-mail addresses or telephone numbers dynamically based on
certain process variables. You can also look up contact information for a specific user
using the built-in XPath functions for the identity service.
■ To get the e-mail address or telephone number directly from the payload, use the
following XPath:
bpws:getVariableData('<variable name>', '<part>','input_xpath_to_get_an_

For example, to get the e-mail address from variable inputVariable and part
payload based on XPath /client/BPELProcessRequest/client/mail:

You can use the XPath Expression Builder to select the function and enter the
XPath expression to get an address from the input variable.
■ To get the e-mail address or telephone number dynamically from the payload, use
the following XPath:
ids:getUserProperty(userName, attributeName, realmName)

The first argument evaluates to the user ID. The second argument is the property
name. The third argument is the realm name. Table 23–4 lists the property names
that can be used in this XPath function.

Table 23–4 Properties for the Dynamic User XPath Function

Property Name Description
mail Look up a user’s e-mail address
telephoneNumber Look up a user’s telephone number
mobile Look up a user’s mobile telephone number
homephone Look up a user’s home telephone number

The following example gets the e-mail address of the user identified by the
variable inputVariable, part payload, and query
‘payload’,‘/client:BPELProcessRequest/client:userid’), ‘mail’)

If realmName is not specified, then the default realm name is used. For example, if
the default realm name is, the following XPath expression searches for
the user in the realm:
ids:getUserProperty('jcooper', 'mail');

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-11
Configuring the Service in Oracle JDeveloper

The following XPath expression provides the same functionality as the one above.
In this case, however, the realm name of is explicitly specified:
ids:getUserProperty('jcooper', 'mail', '');

23.3.5 Selecting Notification Recipients by Browsing the User Directory

You can select users or groups to whom you want to send notifications by browsing
the user directory (OID, JAZN/XML, LDAP, and so on) that is configured for use by
Oracle BPEL Process Manager. Click the first icon (the flashlight) to the right of To (or
any recipient field) on any assignee window to start the Identity Lookup dialog.

See Also: Chapter 28, "Human Task Services" for additional details
about using the Identity lookup dialog

23.3.6 Setting Automatic Replies to Unprocessed Messages

The Oracle User Messaging Service sends you an automatic reply message when it
cannot process an incoming message (due to system error, exception error, user error,
and so on). You can modify the text for these messages in the file. This file is located in the ORACLE_
# String to be prefixed to all auto reply mesages
AUTO_REPLY_PREFIX_MESSAGE=Oracle Human Workflow Service

# String to be sufixed to all auto reply mesages

AUTO_REPLY_SUFFIX_MESSAGE=This message was automatically generated by Human \
Workflow Mailer. Please do not reply to this mail.

# Message indicating closed status of a notified task

TaskClosed=You earlier received the notification shown below. That notification \
is now closed, and no longer requires your response. You may \
simply delete it along with this message.

# Message indicating that notification was "replied" to instead of "responded" by

# using the response link.
EMailRepliedNotification=The message you sent appeared to be a reply to a \
notification. To respond to a notification, please use the \
response link that was included with your notification.

EMailUnSolicited= The message you sent did not appear to be in response to a \
notification. If you are responding to a notification, please \
use the response link that was included with your notification.

EMailUnknownContent= The message you sent did not appear to be in response to a \

notification. If you are responding to a notification, please \
use the response link that was included with your notification.

ResponseNotProcessed=Your response to notification could not be processed. \

Please login to worklist application for more details.

ResponseProcessed=Your response to notification was sucessfully processed.

23-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft

You can also internationalize the messages. is a

resource for Java PropertyResourceBundle. Therefore, you can create one
property file for each language that must be supported.

See Also: Sun Microsystem’s documentation on

PropertyResourceBundle for additional details about

23.3.7 XML Validation Failure with the Oracle User Messaging Service
If you set the validateXML property to true (the default is false) in the ORACLE_
xml file, each message exchanged with each of the Web services is validated against its
schema. However, Oracle User Messaging Service fails during XML validity checks at
run time. This is because the BPEL variables exchanged with the Oracle User
Messaging Service are not completely initialized in the BPEL process. Part of the
initialization happens in the service itself.

23.4 Summary
This chapter describes how you can send an e-mail, voice, IM, or SMS from Oracle
BPEL Process Manager.

Beta Draft Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service 23-13

23-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
24 Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors

Using sensors, you can specify BPEL activities, variables, and faults that you want to
monitor during run time. This chapter describes how to use and set up sensors for a
BPEL process. This chapter also describes how to create sensor actions in Oracle BPEL
Process Manager to publish sensor data as data objects in an Oracle BAM Server.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 24.1, "Use Cases for Sensors"
■ Section 24.2, "Introduction to Sensor Concepts"
■ Section 24.3, "Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper"
■ Section 24.4, "Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server
Control Console"
■ Section 24.5, "Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring"
■ Section 24.6, "Sensor Public Views"
■ Section 24.7, "Sensor Actions XSD File"
■ Section 24.8, "Summary"

24.1 Use Cases for Sensors

Using sensors is demonstrated in the sample 125.ReportsSchema. The sample uses
sensors to identify key data during an employee update process and a sensor action to
publish information about the update to the database.

Note: The sample demonstrated in 125.ReportsSchema is not

included in the file for beta 3.

24.2 Introduction to Sensor Concepts

You can define the following types of sensors, either through Oracle JDeveloper or
manually by providing sensor configuration files.
■ Activity sensors
Activity sensors are used to monitor the execution of activities within a BPEL
process. For example, they can be used to monitor the execution time of an invoke
activity or how long it takes to complete a scope. Along with the activity sensor,
you can also monitor variables of the activity.
■ Variable sensors

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-1

Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

Variable sensors are used to monitor variables (or parts of a variable) of a BPEL
process. For example, variable sensors can be used to monitor the input and
output data of a BPEL process.
■ Fault sensors
Fault sensors are used to monitor BPEL faults.
You typically add or edit sensors as part of the BPEL modeling of activities, faults, and
When you model sensors in Oracle JDeveloper, two new files are created as part of the
BPEL process suitcase:
■ bpel_process_name_sensor.xml—contains the sensor definitions of a BPEL
■ bpel_process_name_sensorAction.xml—contains the sensor action
definitions of a BPEL process
See Section 24.3.1, "Configuring Sensors" on page 24-3 and Section 24.3.2, "Configuring
Sensor Actions" on page 24-6 for how these files are created.
After you define sensors for a BPEL process, you must configure sensor actions to
publish the data of the sensors to an endpoint. You can publish sensor data to the
BPEL reports schema, which is located in the BPEL dehydration store, to a JMS queue
or topic, or to a custom Java class.
The following information is required for a sensor action:
■ Name
■ Publish type
The publish type specifies the destination where the sensor data must be
presented. You can configure the following publish types:
– Database—used to publish the sensor data to the reports schema in the
database. The sensor data can then be queried using SQL.
– JMSQueue—used to publish the sensor data to a JMS queue
– JMSTopic—used to publish the sensor data to a JMS topic
– Custom—used to publish the data to a custom Java class
– JMS Adapter—uses the JMS adapter to publish to remote queues or topics and
a variety of different JMS providers. The JMS Queue and JMS Topic publish
types only publish to local JMS destinations.
■ List of sensors—the sensors for a sensor action

24.3 Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

In Oracle JDeveloper, sensor actions and sensors are displayed as part of the process
tree structure, as shown in Figure 24–1.

24-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 24–1 Sensors and Sensor Actions Displayed in Oracle JDeveloper

You typically add or edit sensors as part of the BPEL modeling of activities, faults, and
variables. You can add sensor actions by right-clicking the Sensor Actions folders and
selecting Create > Sensor Action. To add activity sensors, variable sensors, or fault
sensors, expand the Sensors folder, right-click the appropriate Activity, Variable, or
Fault subfolder, and click Create.
Using LoanDemoPlus as an example, the following sections describe how to
configure sensors and sensor actions.

See Also: The LoanDemoPlus tutorial, at SOA_Oracle_


24.3.1 Configuring Sensors

If you are monitoring the LoanFlow application, you may want to know when the
getCreditRating scope is initiated, when it is completed, and, at completion, what
the credit rating for the customer is. The solution is to create an activity sensor for the
getCreditRating scope in Oracle JDeveloper, as shown in Figure 24–2. Activities
that have sensors associated with them are identified with a magnifying glass in
Oracle JDeveloper.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-3

Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 24–2 Creating an Activity Sensor

The Evaluation Time attribute shown in Figure 24–2 controls the point at which the
sensor fires. You can select from the following:
■ All—Monitoring occurs during all of the preceding phases.
■ Activation—The sensor fires just before the activity is executed.
■ Completion—The sensor fires just after the activity is executed.
■ Fault—The sensor fires if a fault occurs during the execution of the activity. Select
this value only for sensors that monitor simple activities.
■ Compensation—The sensor fires when the associated scope activity is
compensated. Select this value only for sensors that monitor scopes.
■ Retry—The sensor fires when the associated invoke activity is retried.
A new entry is created in the bpel_process_name_sensor.xml file, as follows:
<sensor sensorName="CreditRatingSensor"


<activityConfig evalTime="all">
<variable outputNamespace=""

If you want to record all the incoming loan requests, create a variable sensor for the
variable input, as shown in Figure 24–3.

24-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 24–3 Creating a Variable Sensor

A new entry is created in the bpel_process_name_sensor.xml file, as follows:

<sensor sensorName="LoanApplicationSensor"
<variableConfig outputNamespace=""

If you want to monitor faults from the identity service, create a fault sensor, as shown
in Figure 24–4.

Figure 24–4 Creating a Fault Sensor

A new entry is created in the bpel_process_name_sensor.xml file, as follows:

<sensor sensorName="IdentityServiceFault"

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-5

Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper


24.3.2 Configuring Sensor Actions

When you create sensors, you identify the activities, variables, and faults you want to
monitor during run time. If you want to publish the values of the sensors to an
endpoint (for example, you want to publish the data of LoanApplicationSensor to
a JMS queue), then create a sensor action, as shown in Figure 24–5, and associate it
with the LoanApplicationSensor.

Figure 24–5 Creating a Sensor Action

A new entry is created in the bpel_process_name_sensorAction.xml file, as

<action name="BAMFeed"
<property name=“JMSConnectionFactory“>

If you want to publish the values of LoanApplicationSensor and

CreditRatingSensor to the reports schema in the database, create an additional
sensor action, as shown in Figure 24–6, and associate it with both
CreditRatingSensor and LoanApplicationSensor.

Figure 24–6 Creating an Additional Sensor Action

24-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

A new entry is created in the bpel_process_name_sensorAction.xml file, as

<action name="PersistingAction"

The data of one sensor can be published to multiple endpoints. In the two preceding
code samples, the data of LoanApplicationSensor is published to a JMS queue
and to the reports schema in the database.
If you want to monitor loan requests for which the loan amount is greater than
$100,000, you can create a sensor action with a filter, as shown in Figure 24–7.

Figure 24–7 Creating a Sensor Action with a Filter

A new entry is created in the bpel_process_name_sensorAction.xml file, as

<action name="BigMoneyBAMAction"
/autoloan:loanAmount > 100000)"
<property name=“JMSConnectionFactory“>

■ You must specify all the namespaces that are required to configure
an action filter in the sensor action configuration file.
■ You must specify the filter as a Boolean XPath expression.

If you have special requirements for a sensor action that cannot be accomplished by
using the built-in publish types (database, JMS queue, JMS topic, and JMS Adapter),
then you can create a sensor action with the custom publish type, as shown in

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-7

Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

Figure 24–8. The name in the Publish Target field denotes a fully qualified Java class
name that must be implemented.

Figure 24–8 Using the Custom Publish Type

24.3.3 Publishing to Remote Topics and Queues

The JMS Queue and JMS Topic publish types only publish to local JMS destinations. If
you want to publish sensor data to remote topics and queues, use the JMS adapter
publish type, as shown in Figure 24–9.

Figure 24–9 Using the JMS Adapter Publish Type

In addition to enabling you to publish sensor data to remote topics and queues, the
JMS adapter supports a variety of different JMS providers, including:
■ Third-party JMS providers such as Tibco JMS, IBM WebSphere MQ JMS, and
■ Oracle Enterprise Messaging Service (OEMS) providers such as memory/file and
If you select the JMS Adapter publish type, you must create an entry in the
oc4j-ra.xml file. Use the JMS connection name property in the Sensor Actions
dialog to point to the proper entry in the oc4j-ra.xml file.

See Also: Oracle Application Server Adapter for Files, FTP, Databases,
and Enterprise Messaging User’s Guide for details about the JMS adapter

24.3.4 Creating a Custom Data Publisher

To create a custom data publisher, double-click your BPEL project in Oracle
JDeveloper and do the following:

24-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

1. Select Project Properties > Libraries > Add Jar/Directory from the Tools main
2. Browse and select SOA_ORACLE_

3. Create a new Java class.

The package and class name must match the publish target name of the sensor
4. Implement the interface.
This updates the source file and fills in the methods and import statements of the
DataPublisher interface.
5. Using the Oracle JDeveloper editor, implement the publish method of the
DataPublisher interface, as shown in the following sample custom data
publisher class.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-9

Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in Oracle JDeveloper

6. Ensure that the class compiles successfully.

The next time that you deploy the BPEL process, the Java class is added to the
SOA archive (SAR) and deployed.

Note: Ensure that additional Java libraries needed to implement the

data publisher are in the CLASSPATH of the Oracle BPEL Server.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager can execute multiple process instances
simultaneously, so ensure that the code in your data publisher is
thread safe, or add appropriate synchronization blocks. To guarantee
high throughput, do not use shared data objects that require

24.3.5 Registering the Sensors and Sensor Actions in composite.xml

Oracle JDeveloper automatically updates the composite.xml file to include
appropriate properties for sensors and sensor actions, as follows:
<composite name="JMSQFComposite" applicationName="JMSQueueFilterApp"
revision="1.0" label="2007-04-02_14-41-31_553" mode="active" state="on">
<import namespace=""

24-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console

location="JMSQueueFilter.wsdl" importType="wsdl"/>
<service name="client">
<interface.wsdl interface="
<component name="JMSQueueFilter">
<implementation.bpel src="JMSQueueFilter.bpel"/>
<property name="configuration.sensorLocation" type="xs:string"
<property name="configuration.sensorActionLocation" type="xs:string"

You can specify additional properties with <property name= ...>, as shown in the
preceding code sample.

24.4 Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server

Control Console
The Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console provides
support to view the metadata of sensors and sensor actions as well as the sensor data
created as part of the process execution.
1. Access the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console at

or select Start > All Programs > Oracle - Oracle_Home > Oracle Application
Server Control.
2. Log in with fmwadmin/password when prompted.

24.4.1 Viewing Sensor and Sensor Action Definitions

After the composite application that includes the BPEL process service component is
deployed, you can view the definitions of sensors and sensor actions without going
back to Oracle JDeveloper.
1. Click the composite application to view.
2. Click the BPEL process service component of the composite application for which
you want to see sensor definitions.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-11

Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console

3. Click the Configuration tab.

4. Click the Sensors subtab.
5. Select Sensor Definitions from the View list. A page similar to Figure 24–11
displays definitions of the sensors in the BPEL process.

24-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console

Figure 24–10 Sensor Definitions

6. Select Action Definitions from the View list. A page similar to Figure 24–11
displays definitions of the sensor actions in the BPEL process.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-13

Sensors and Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control Console

Figure 24–11 Sensor Action Definitions

24.4.2 Viewing Sensor Data

You can monitor sensors for which a sensor action is defined.
1. Click the instance number of the BPEL process service component.
2. Click the Sensors tab. A page similar to Figure 24–12 is displayed.
This displays the sensor data created as the result of process execution.

24-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Figure 24–12 Sensor Data

Note: Only sensors associated with a database sensor action are

displayed in Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server
Control Console. Sensors associated with a JMS queue, JMS topic, or
custom sensor action are not displayed.

24.5 Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Oracle Business Activity Monitoring (BAM) enables you to monitor business services
and processes in an enterprise, correlate key performance indicators (KPIs), and
change business processes or take corrective actions if the business environment
Oracle BAM enables you to build real-time operational dashboards and monitoring
and alerting applications over the Web. Using this technology, you build interactive,
real-time dashboards and proactive alerts to monitor business services and processes.
You can create sensor actions in Oracle BPEL Process Manager to publish sensor data
as data objects on an Oracle BAM Server. When you create the sensor action, you can
select an Oracle BPEL Process Manager variable or activity sensor that you want to
monitor and the data object in Oracle BAM Server in which you want to publish the
sensor data. Oracle BAM Server publishes the data objects and types information in
WSDL files.
This section contains the following topics:

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-15

Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

■ Section 24.5.1, "Creating a Connection to Oracle BAM Server"

■ Section 24.5.2, "Creating a Sensor"
■ Section 24.5.3, "Creating a BAM Sensor Action"
These instructions assume you have installed and configured Oracle BAM.

Note: You can also use Oracle BPEL Process Manager sensor
actions to publish sensor data as data objects on Oracle BAM Server

See Also: Oracle SOA Suite Administrator’s Guide

24.5.1 Creating a Connection to Oracle BAM Server

■ Do not create a BAM Server connection through the Resource
Palette that displays when you select View > Resource Palette.
■ Only one Oracle BAM Server per BPEL project is currently

You must create a connection to Oracle BAM Server to browse the available data
objects. This connection information is automatically used during deployment.
1. Select New from the File main menu in Oracle JDeveloper.
The New Gallery dialog opens.
2. Choose Connections from the General category.
3. Select BAM Connection in the Items list, and click OK.
The BAM Connection wizard opens.
4. Ensure that Application Resources is selected.
5. Provide a name for the connection.
6. Click Next.
7. Enter the following connection information about the Oracle BAM Server host.

Field Description
BAM Web Host Enter the name of the host on which the BAM report server and
Web server are installed. In most cases, the BAM Web host and
Oracle BAM Server host are the same.
BAM Server Host Enter the name of the host on which the Oracle BAM Server is
User Name Enter the Oracle BAM Server user name (typically bamadmin).
Password Enter the password of the user name.
HTTP Port Enter the port number or accept the default value of 8888. This is
the HTTP port for the BAM Web host.

24-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Field Description
RMI Port Enter the port number or accept the default value of 9085. The
RMI port is for the BAM report cache, which is part of the Oracle
BAM Server.
Use HTTPS Select this check box if you want to use secure HTTP (HTTPS) to
connect to the Oracle BAM Server during design time.
Otherwise, HTTP is used.

8. Click Next.
9. Test the connection by clicking Test Connection. If the connection was successful,
the following message appears:

10. Click Finish.

24.5.2 Creating a Sensor

You must create one of the following types of sensors prior to creating a BAM sensor
■ A variable sensor. Since you map the sensor data to Oracle BAM Server data
objects, only one variable is allowed for the sensor. If the variable has message
parts, then there should be only one message part. This variable must not be
defined inline in the WSDL. Only XSD element definitions are supported.
■ An activity sensor containing exactly one sensor variable.

See Also: Section 24.3, "Implementing Sensors and Sensor Actions in

Oracle JDeveloper" on page 24-2 for instructions on creating sensors

24.5.3 Creating a BAM Sensor Action

When you create the sensor action, you select the BPEL variable or activity sensor that
you want to monitor and the data object in Oracle BAM Server in which you want to
publish the sensor data.
1. Go to your BPEL process in Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Right click Sensor Actions in the Structure window.
3. Select Create > BAM Sensor Action.
The Create Sensor Action window appears. You create BAM sensor actions to
publish sensor data to data objects on Oracle BAM Server.
4. Enter the following details:

Field Description
Action Name Enter a unique and recognizable name for the sensor action.
Sensor Select a BPEL sensor to monitor. This is the sensor that you created in
Section 24.5.2, "Creating a Sensor" on page 24-17 for mapping sensor
data to a data object in Oracle BAM Server.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-17

Sensor Integration with Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

Field Description
Data Object Click the flashlight icon to open the BAM Data Object Chooser window
to select the data object in Oracle BAM Server in which you want to
publish the sensor data.
If you have not already created a connection to Oracle BAM Server in
order to select data objects, click the icon in the upper right corner of
the BAM Data Object Chooser window.
Operation Select to Delete, Update, Insert, or Upsert a row in the Oracle BAM
Server database. Upsert first attempts to update a row if it exists. If the
row does not exit, it is inserted.
Available If you selected the Delete, Update, or Upsert operation, you must also
Keys/Selected Keys select a column name in the Oracle BAM server database to use as a key
to determine the row with which this sensor object corresponds. A key
can be a single column or a composite key consisting of multiple
columns. Select a key and click the > button. To select all, click the >>
Map File Provide a file name to create a mapping between the sensor (selected in
the Sensor list) and the Oracle BAM Server data object (selected in the
Data Object list). You can also invoke a mapper window by clicking the
Create Mapping icon (second icon) or Edit Mapping icon (third icon).
Network Protocol Select RMI, HTTP, or HTTPS as the network protocol to use. Oracle
BAM Server publishes the data objects and types information in WSDL
files. It uses the selected protocol to transport these files.
Enable Batching The data cached by default by the Oracle BAM component of the Oracle
BPEL Process Manager run time is flushed (sent) to Oracle BAM Server
periodically. The Oracle BAM component may decide to send data prior
to a batch timeout if the cache has a number of data objects between
automatically defined lower and upper limit values. Disable batching
by unselecting this check box.

An example of the Create Sensor Action window with a selected data object is
shown below.

24-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Public Views

WARNING: If you restart Oracle BPEL Server, any messages

currently being batched are lost. Ensure that all messages have
completed batching before restarting Oracle BPEL Server.

Notes: After you click the Create Mapping or Edit Mapping, or the
OK button on the Create Sensor Action window, you must explicitly
save the BPEL file.

5. Click OK to close the Create Sensor Action window.

24.6 Sensor Public Views

The sensor framework of Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides the functionality to
persist sensor values created by processing BPEL instances in a relational schema
stored in the dehydration store of Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The data is used to
display the sensor values of a process instance in Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g
Application Server Control Console.
A set of public views is exposed to allow SQL access to sensor values from literally any
application interested in the data.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-19

Sensor Public Views

24.6.1 BPM Schema

The database publisher persists the sensor data in a predefined relational schema in
the database. The following public views can be used from a client (Oracle Warehouse,
OracleAS Portal, and so on) to query the sensor values using SQL.

Note: In Table 24–1 through Table 24–4, the Indexed or Unique?

column provides unique index names and the order of the attributes.
For example, U1,2 means that the attribute is the second one in a
unique index named U1. PK means primary key.

This view provides an overview of all the process instances of Oracle BPEL Process


Attribute Indexed or
Attribute Name SQL Type Size Unique? Null? Comment
INSTANCE_KEY NUMBER -- PK N Unique instance ID
APPLICATION_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined application name
COMPOSITE_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined composite name
REVISION VARCHAR2 50 -- N User-defined revision number
LABEL VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined label
COMPONENT_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined component name
TITLE VARCHAR2 50 -- Y User-defined title of the BPEL process
STATE NUMBER -- -- Y State of the BPEL process instance
STATE_TEXT VARCHAR2 -- -- Y Text presentation of the state attribute
PRIORITY NUMBER -- -- Y User-defined priority of the BPEL
process instance
STATUS VARCHAR2 100 -- Y User-defined status of the BPEL
STAGE VARCHAR2 100 -- Y User-defined stage property of a BPEL
CONVERSATION_ VARCHAR2 100 -- Y User-defined conversation ID of a
ID BPEL process
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP -- -- N Creation time stamp of the process
MODIFY_DATE TIMESTAMP -- -- Y Time stamp when the process instance
was modified
TS_DATE DATE -- -- Y Date portion of modify_date
TS_HOUR NUMBER -- -- Y Hour portion of modify_date
EVAL_TIME NUMBER -- -- Y Evaluation time of the process instance
in milliseconds

24-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Public Views

This view contains all the activity sensor values of the monitored BPEL processes.


Attribute Indexed or
Attribute Name SQL Type Size Unique? Null? Comment
INSTANCE_KEY NUMBER -- U1,1 N ID of process instance
APPLICATION_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined application name
COMPOSITE_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined composite name
REVISION VARCHAR2 50 -- N User-defined revision number
LABEL VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined label
COMPONENT_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined component name
SENSOR_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 U1,2 N The name of the sensor that fired
SENSOR_TARGET NVARCHAR2 256 -- N The target of the fired sensor
ACTION_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 U1,3 N The name of the sensor action
ACTION_FILTER NVARCHAR2 256 -- Y The filter of the action
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP -- -- N The creation date of the activity sensor
MODIFY_DATE TIMESTAMP -- -- Y The time stamp of last modification
TS_DATE DATE -- -- Y Date portion of modify_date
TS_HOUR NUMBER -- -- Y Hour portion of modify_date
ACTIVITY_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 -- N The name of the BPEL activity
ACTIVITY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 -- N The type of the BPEL activity
ACTIVITY_ VARCHAR2 30 -- Y The state of the BPEL activity
EVAL_POINT VARCHAR2 20 -- N The evaluation point of the activity
ERROR_MESSAGE NVARCHAR2 2000 -- Y An error message
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER -- -- Y The number of retries of the activity
EVAL_TIME NUMBER -- -- Y Evaluation time of the activity in

This view contains all the fault sensor values.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-21

Sensor Public Views


Attribute Indexed or
Attribute Name SQL Type Size Unique? Null? Comment
APPLICATION_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined application name
COMPOSITE_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined composite name
REVISION VARCHAR2 50 -- N User-defined revision number
LABEL VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined label
COMPONENT_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined component name
SENSOR_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 U1,2 N The name of the sensor that fired
SENSOR_TARGET NVARCHAR2 256 -- N The target of the fired sensor
ACTION_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 U1,3 N The name of the sensor action
ACTION_FILTER NVARCHAR2 256 -- Y The filter of the action
CREATION_DATE TIMESTAMP -- -- N The creation date of the activity sensor
MODIFY_DATE TIMESTAMP -- -- Y The time stamp of last modification
TS_DATE DATE -- -- Y Date portion of modify_date
TS_HOUR NUMBER -- -- Y Hour portion of modify_date
CRITERIA_ VARCHAR2 1 -- Y NULL if no action filter specified; Y if
SATISFIED action filter is specified and evaluates
to true; N otherwise
ACTIVITY_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 -- N The name of the BPEL activity
ACTIVITY_TYPE VARCHAR2 30 -- N The type of the BPEL activity
MESSAGE CLOB -- -- Y The fault message

This view contains all the variable sensor values.


Attribute Indexed or
Attribute Name SQL Type Size Unique? Null? Comment
APPLICATION_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined application name
COMPOSITE_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined composite name
REVISION VARCHAR2 50 -- N User-defined revision number
LABEL VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined label

24-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Actions XSD File


Attribute Indexed or
Attribute Name SQL Type Size Unique? Null? Comment
COMPONENT_ VARCHAR2 100 -- N User-defined component name
SENSOR_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 U1,2 N Name of the sensor that fired
SENSOR_TARGET NVARCHAR2 256 -- N Target of the sensor
ACTION_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 U1,3 N Name of the action
ACTION_FILTER NVARCHAR2 256 -- Y Filter of the action
ACTIVITY_ NUMBER -- -- Y ID of corresponding activity sensor
SENSOR value
TS_DATE DATE -- -- N Date portion of creation_date
TS_HOUR NUMBER -- -- N Hour portion of creation_date
VARIABLE_NAME NVARCHAR2 256 -- N The name of the BPEL variable
EVAL_POINT VARCHAR2 30 -- Y Evaluation point of the corresponding
activity sensor
TARGET NVARCHAR2 256 -- -- --
UPDATER_NAME NVARCHAR2 100 -- N The name of the activity or event that
updated the variable
UPDATER_TYPE NVARCHAR2 100 -- N The type of the BPEL activity or event
SCHEMA_ NVARCHAR2 256 -- Y Namespace of variable sensor value
SCHEMA_ NVARCHAR2 256 -- Y Datatype of the variable sensor value
VALUE_TYPE SMALLINT -- -- N The value type of the variable
(corresponds to java.sql.Types
VARCHAR2_ NVARCHAR2 2000 -- Y The value of string-like variables

24.7 Sensor Actions XSD File

The section provides a sample sensor action schema that you can import into Oracle
JDeveloper. This schema is also relevant to custom data publishers.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This schema contains the sensor definition. Sensors monitor data
and execute callbacks appropriately.
<xsd:schema blockDefault="#all" elementFormDefault="qualified"

<xsd:simpleType name="tSensorActionPublishType">

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-23

Sensor Actions XSD File

This enumeration lists the possibe publishing types for probes.
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="BpelReportsSchema"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="JMSQueue"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="JMSTopic"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="Custom"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tSensorActionProperty">
<xsd:extension base="xsd:string">
<xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>

Attributes of a sensor action
<xsd:attributeGroup name="tSensorActionAttributes">
<xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
<xsd:attribute name="enabled" type="xsd:boolean" use="optional"
<xsd:attribute name="filter" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="publishName" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>
<xsd:attribute name="publishType" type="tns:tSensorActionPublishType"
the name of the JMS Queue/Topic or custom java API, ignored for other
<xsd:attribute name="publishTarget" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>

The sensor action type. A sensor action consists:
+ unique name
+ effective date
+ expiration date - Optional. If not defined, the probe is active
+ filter (to potentially suppress data publishing even if a sensor marks
it as interesting). - Optional. If not defined, no filter is
+ publishName A name of a publisher
+ publishType What to do with the sensor data?
+ publishTarget Name of a JMS Queue/Topic or custom publisher.
+ potentially many sensors.
<xsd:complexType name="tSensorAction">
<xsd:element name="sensorName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"
<xsd:element name="property" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
<xsd:attributeGroup ref="tns:tSensorActionAttributes"/>

24-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Actions XSD File


define a listing of sensor actions in a single document. It might be a good
idea to
have one sensor action list per business process.
<xsd:complexType name="tSensorActionList">
<xsd:element name="action" type="tns:tSensorAction" minOccurs="0"

<xsd:simpleType name="tSensorKind">
<xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
<xsd:enumeration value="fault"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="variable"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="activity"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tActivityConfig">
The configuration part of an activity sensor comprises of a mandatory
'evalTime' attribute
and an optional list of variable configurations
<xsd:extension base="tns:tSensorConfig">
<xsd:element name="variable" type="tns:tActivityVariableConfig"
maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:attribute name="evalTime" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tAdapterConfig">
The configuration part of a adapter activity extends the activty
configuration with additional attributes for adapters
<xsd:extension base="tns:tActivityConfig">
<xsd:attribute name="headerVariable" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="partnerLink" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="portType" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="operation" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tVariableConfig">

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-25

Sensor Actions XSD File

<xsd:extension base="tns:tSensorConfig">
<xsd:attribute name="outputDataType" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="outputNamespace" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="queryName" use="optional" type="xsd:string"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tActivityVariableConfig">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tVariableConfig">
<xsd:attribute name="target" type="xsd:string" use="required"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tFaultConfig">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tSensorConfig"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tNotificationSvcConfig">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tActivityConfig">
<xsd:attribute name="inputVariable" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="outputVariable" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="operation" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tSensorConfig">
<xsd:element name="action" type="tns:tInlineSensorAction" minOccurs="0"

<xsd:complexType name="tInlineSensorAction">
<xsd:restriction base="tns:tSensorAction"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tSensor">
<xsd:element name="activityConfig" type="tns:tActivityConfig"
<xsd:element name="adapterConfig" type="tns:tAdapterConfig" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="faultConfig" type="tns:tFaultConfig" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="notificationConfig" type="tns:tNotificationSvcConfig"
<xsd:element name="variableConfig" type="tns:tVariableConfig"
<xsd:attribute name="sensorName" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="kind" use="required" type="tns:tSensorKind"/>
<xsd:attribute name="classname" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="target" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>

24-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Actions XSD File


<xsd:complexType name="tSensorList">
<xsd:element name="sensor" type="tns:tSensor" minOccurs="0"

<xsd:complexType name="tRouterData">
<xsd:element name="header" type="tns:tHeaderInfo"/>
<xsd:element name="payload" type="tns:tSensorData"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tHeaderInfo">
<xsd:element name="processName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="processRevision" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="domain" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="instanceId" type="xsd:integer"/>
<xsd:element name="midTierInstance" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="timestamp" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
<xsd:element name="sensor" type="tns:tSensor"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tSensorData">
<xsd:element name="activityData" type="tns:tActivityData" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="faultData" type="tns:tFaultData" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="adapterData" minOccurs="0" type="tns:tAdapterData"/>
<xsd:element name="variableData" type="tns:tVariableData" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="notificationData" type="tns:tNotificationData"

<xsd:complexType name="tFaultData">
<xsd:element name="activityName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="activityType" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="data" type="xsd:anyType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tActivityData">
<xsd:element name="activityType" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="evalPoint" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="errorMessage" nillable="true" minOccurs="0"

xml type that will be provided to sensors for variable Datas. Note the
any element represents variable data.

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-27

Sensor Actions XSD File

<xsd:complexType name="tVariableData">
<xsd:element name="target" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="queryName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="updaterName" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="updaterType" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="1"/>
<xsd:element name="data" type="xsd:anyType"/>
<xsd:element name="dataType" type="xsd:integer"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tNotificationData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tActivityData">
<xsd:element name="messageID" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="fromAddress" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="toAddress" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="deliveryChannel" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>

<xsd:complexType name="tAdapterData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tActivityData">
<xsd:element name="endpoint" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="direction" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="adapterType" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="priority" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="messageSize" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0"/>
The header of the document contains some metadata.
<xsd:complexType name="tSensorActionHeader">
<xsd:element name="processName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="processVersion" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="processID" type="xsd:long"/>
<xsd:element name="midTierInstance" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:attribute name="actionName" use="required" type="xsd:string"/>

Sensor Action data is presented in the form of a header and potentially many
data elements depending on how many sensors associated to the sensor action
marked the data as interesting.
<xsd:complexType name="tSensorActionData">
<xsd:element name="header" type="tns:tHeaderInfo"/>

24-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Actions XSD File

<xsd:element name="payload" type="tns:tSensorData" minOccurs="1"

<xsd:simpleType name="tActivityEvalPoint">
<xsd:enumeration value="start"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="complete"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="fault"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="compensate"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="retry"/>

<xsd:simpleType name="tNotificationAction">
<xsd:enumeration value="creation"/>
<xsd:enumeration value="statusUpdate"/>

The process sensor value header comprises of a timestamp
where the sensor was triggered and the sensor metadata
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessSensorValueHeader">
<xsd:element name="timestamp" type="xsd:dateTime"/>
<xsd:element ref="tns:sensor"/>

Extend tActivityData to include more elements
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessActivityData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tActivityData">
<xsd:element name="creationDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="modifyDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="evalTime" type="xsd:long" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="retryCount" type="xsd:int" minOccurs="0"

Extend tVariableData to include more elements
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessVariableData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tVariableData">

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-29

Sensor Actions XSD File

<xsd:element name="creationDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="modifyDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"

Extend tFaultData to include more elements
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessFaultData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tFaultData">
<xsd:element name="creationDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="modifyDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"

Extend tAdapterData to include more elements
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessAdapterData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tAdapterData">
<xsd:element name="creationDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="modifyDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"

Extend tNotificationData to include more elements
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessNotificationData">
<xsd:extension base="tns:tNotificationData">
<xsd:element name="creationDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="modifyDate" type="xsd:dateTime" minOccurs="0"
Copy of tSensorData type with some modified types.

24-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Sensor Actions XSD File

<xsd:complexType name="tProcessSensorData">
<xsd:element name="activityData" type="tns:tProcessActivityData"
<xsd:element name="faultData" type="tns:tProcessFaultData" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element name="adapterData" minOccurs="0"
<xsd:element name="variableData" type="tns:tProcessVariableData"
minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
<xsd:element name="notificationData" type="tns:tProcessNotificationData"
A single process sensor value comprises of the sensor value metadata
(sensor and timestamp) and the payload (the value) of the sensor
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessSensorValue">
<xsd:element name="header" type="tns:tProcessSensorValueHeader"/>
<xsd:element name="payload" type="tns:tProcessSensorData"/>

Process instance header.
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessInstanceInfo">
<xsd:element name="processName" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="processRevision" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="domain" type="xsd:string"/>
<xsd:element name="instanceId" type="xsd:integer"/>

The list of sensor values comprises of a process header describing the
BPEL process with name, cube instance id etc. and a list of sensor values
comprising of sensor metadata information and sensor values.
<xsd:complexType name="tProcessSensorValueList">
<xsd:element name="process" type="tns:tProcessInstanceInfo" minOccurs="1"
<xsd:element name="sensorValue" type="tns:tProcessSensorValue" minOccurs="0"

<!-- The sensor list is the root element of the sensor.xml document in the
bpel process suitcase and is used to define sensors. -->
<xsd:element name="sensors" type="tns:tSensorList"/>

<!-- A sensor is used to monitor a particular aspect of a bpel process -->

<xsd:element name="sensor" type="tns:tSensor"/>

<!-- The actions element is the root element of the sensorAction.xml document
in the bpel process suitcase and is used to define sensor actions.
Sensor actions define how to publish data captured by sensors -->

Beta Draft Oracle BPEL Process Manager Sensors 24-31


<xsd:element name="actions" type="tns:tSensorActionList"/>

<!-- actionData elements are produced by the sensor framework and sent to the
appropriate data publishers when sensors 'fire' -->
<xsd:element name="actionData" type="tns:tSensorActionData"/>

<!-- This element is used when the client API is used to query sensor values
stored in the default reports schema -->
<xsd:element name="sensorValues" type="tns:tProcessSensorValueList"/>

24.8 Summary
This chapter describes how to set up and use sensors to monitor BPEL activities,
variables, and faults during run time. This chapter also describes how to create sensor
actions in Oracle BPEL Process Manager to publish sensor data as data objects in an
Oracle BAM Server.

24-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
25 Business Rule Service Component

This chapter describes how to use a business rule service component to integrate a
SOA composite application with a business rules engine.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 25.1, "Business Rule Concepts"
■ Section 25.2, "Business Rule Architecture"
■ Section 25.3, "Use Cases for Integration of Business Processes and Business Rules"
■ Section 25.4, "Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules"
■ Section 25.5, "Deploying a Business Rule"
■ Section 25.6, "Running a Business Rule in a SOA Composite Application"

See Also: Business rule sample files located in the file

25.1 Business Rule Concepts

This section provides an overview of Oracle SOA Suite support for business rules and
business rule engines.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 25.1.1, "Business Rules and Business Rule Engines"
■ Section 25.1.2, "Business Rule Service Component"
■ Section 25.1.3, "Oracle SOA Suite"

25.1.1 Business Rules and Business Rule Engines

Business rules are statements that describe the policies of a company. Examples of
business rules can include the following:
■ All customers that buy more than $100 worth of products at one time or who are
over the age of 65 receive a 10% discount.
■ A sales department is notified when inventory quantity is lower than ten and there
are more than five pending orders on a given day.
■ If the annual income of a customer is less than $10,000, a loan request is denied.
■ If a customer submitted a late payment for a previous purchase, an additional
charge of 2% is added to their next purchase.

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-1

Business Rule Concepts

A business rules engine is a system that manages and executes business rules. A
business rule system typically consists of a rule repository, rule author, and rules
engine. The rule author allows business rules to be specified separately from
application code. Separating the business rules from code allows business analysts to
change business policies quickly with graphical tools. The rules engine evaluates the
business rule and returns decisions or facts that are then used in the business process.
The rules are typically stored in a rule repository in a database or file system.

25.1.2 Business Rule Service Component

Oracle SOA Suite provides support for a business rule service component. A business
rule service component is a mechanism for publishing rules and rule sets as a reusable
service that can be invoked from multiple business processes. The business rule
service component consists of the following components:
■ A Web service that wraps the rule session to the underlying rule engine. This
service lets business processes assert and retract facts as part of the process. In
some cases, all facts can be asserted from the business process as one unit. In other
cases, the business process can incrementally assert facts and eventually consult
the rule engine for inferences. Therefore, the service has to support both stateless
and stateful interactions.
■ Rules that are evaluated by the business rule service component using the rule
engine. These are defined using the rule author and loaded into the rule
■ Metadata that describes facts required for specific rules to be evaluated. Each rule
exposed as a service uses different types of facts. These facts must be exposed
through XSD definitions. Appropriate WSDL operations must be exposed for rule
For example, a credit rating rule set may expect a customer’s SSN, and previous
loan history as facts, but a pension payment rule may expect an employee’s years
of service, salary, and age as facts.
The business rule service component can be integrated into a SOA composite
application in the following ways:
■ Create a business rule service component as a standalone component in the SOA
Composite Editor
■ Create a business rule service component in the SOA Composite Editor that you
later associate with a BPEL process
■ Create a business rule service component within the Human Task editor of a
human task component

See Also: Section 25.2, "Business Rule Architecture" on page 25-3

25.1.3 Oracle SOA Suite

Oracle SOA Suite provides support for Oracle Business Rules. Business analysts use
Oracle Business Rules to create and change business rules that are separate from the
application code. This enables analysts to change business rules without stopping
business processes or having to involve programmers.
In Oracle Business Rules, facts are data objects asserted in the rules engine. For
■ For a car rental company to create a rule to match a driver's age, the driver's age
represents the fact used in the rule.

25-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Business Rule Architecture

■ For a loan company to create a rule denying a loan request to customers whose
incomes fall below a specific level, the income level represents the fact used in the
Each data object instance corresponds to a single fact. Rules are expressions that can be
evaluated on this factual information.
If an object is re-asserted (whether or not it has changed), the rules engine is updated
to reflect the new state of the object. Re-asserting the object does not create a new fact.
In order to have multiple facts of a particular fact type, separate object instances must
be asserted.
Using the Oracle Business Rules Designer (Rule Designer) in Oracle JDeveloper, you
create rules that operate on facts that are part of a data model. You make business
objects and their methods known to Oracle Business Rules using fact definitions.
Oracle Business Rules consist of the following key components:
■ Rule Designer — An editor integrated with Oracle JDeveloper that enables you to
create and edit rules.
■ Oracle Business Rules Rules Engine (Rules Engine) — A Java library that applies
rules to facts and defines and processes rules. The Rules Engine defines a
declarative rule language, provides a language processing engine, and provides
debugging tools.
Oracle SOA Suite provides support for a Rules Engine file repository to store
business rules. A repository stores dictionaries. A dictionary is a set of XML files
that stores the application's rule sets and the data model. Rule sets are a group of
business rules that are typically evaluated together and generated as one unit.
Dictionaries can have different versions. Dictionaries and dictionary versions can
be created, deleted, exported, and imported into a repository.
■ Oracle Business Rules SDK (Rules SDK) — A Java library that provides business
rule management features to use for writing customized rules programs.
■ Oracle Business Rules RL Language (RL Language) —A language that defines the
syntax for Rules Engine programs. RL Language includes an intuitive Java-like
syntax for defining rules that supports Java semantics.
This integration provides the following benefits:
■ Dynamic processing (provides for intelligent routing, validation of policies within
a process, and constraint checks)
■ Integration with adhoc human tasks (provides policy-based task assignment,
various escalation policies, and load balancing of tasks)
■ Integration with business activity monitoring (sends alerts based on certain
policies and dynamic processing-based key performance indicator (KPI)

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business

25.2 Business Rule Architecture

This section describes the business rule architecture.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 25.2.1, "Business Rule Service Component Metadata File"

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-3

Business Rule Architecture

■ Section 25.2.2, "Rule Dictionary"

■ Section 25.2.3, "SCA Component Type"
■ Section 25.2.4, "Decision Services"

25.2.1 Business Rule Service Component Metadata File

The business rule metadata file (business_rule_name.decs) defines the contract
between the components involved in the interaction of the business rule with the
design time and backend Rules Engine.
The following example shows a business_rule_name.decs file for a business rule
service component named AutoLoanRules:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<decisionServices xmlns="" name="AutoLoanRules">
<ruleEngineProvider name="OracleRulesSDK" provider="Oracle_11.">
<repository type="SCA-Archive">
<decisionService targetNamespace=""
ruleEngineProviderReference="OracleRulesSDK" name="CreditRatingService">
<pattern name="Assert">
<pattern name="AssertExecute">
<pattern name="Watch">
<pattern name="AssertExecuteWatchStateless">
<pattern name="AssertExecuteWatchStateful">
<decisionService targetNamespace=""
ruleEngineProviderReference="OracleRulesSDK" name="LoanAdvisorService">
<pattern name="CallFunctionStateless">

25-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Business Rule Architecture

<pattern name="CallFunctionStateful">

The configuration file includes the following elements:

■ ruleEngineProvider — Specifies metadata about the backend Rules Engine
connection. Apart from the Rules Engine provider, information on the rule
repository is specified.
■ decisionService — Consists of a name, an optional target namespace, and a
mandatory reference to the Rules Engine to use for the interaction. A complete
interaction with the Rules Engine is specified, which includes the catalog and
catalog version to use, and the rule set to execute. Various interaction patterns are
supported. Apart from the name of the pattern, the pattern signature is specified
in terms of input and output facts or function names.

25.2.2 Rule Dictionary

The business_rule_name.decs file includes details about the rule dictionary to
<ruleEngineProvider name="OracleRulesSDK" provider="Oracle_11.">
<repository type="SCA-Archive">

The repository type is set to SCA-Archive for business rule service components. This
indicates that the rule dictionary is located in the service component architecture
archive. The path is relative and interpreted differently by the following:
■ Design time — The path is prefixed with Oramds:/. Metadata service (MDS) APIs
open the rule dictionary. Therefore, the full path to the dictionary is as follows:

■ Runtime (business rule service engine) — The business rule service engine uses
the metadata manager to open the rule dictionary. The composite name prefix
(AutoLoancomposite) is removed from the path and the metadata manager
assumes the existence of oracle/rules/AutoLoanRules.rules relative to the
composite home directory.

■ The concept of dictionary links is not exposed through business
rule metadata. It is assumed that all linked dictionaries exist at an
appropriate location in the SOA archive.
■ The Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) rule
repository is not supported in release 11g.

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-5

Business Rule Architecture

25.2.3 SCA Component Type

An SCA business_rule_name.componentType file is included with each business
rule service component. This file lists the services exposed by the business rules
service component. In the following sample, two services are exposed:
CreditRatingService and LoanAdvisorService.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SOA Modeler version 1.0 at [5/24/07 9:27 AM]. -->
<componentType xmlns="">
<service name="CreditRatingService">
<service name="LoanAdvisorService">

25.2.4 Decision Services

A decision service is a Web service (or SOA) enabler of business rules. It is a service in
the sense of a Web service, thus opening the world of business rules to service-oriented
architectures (SOA). In release 11g, a decision service consists of metadata and a WSDL
contract for the service.
A decision service includes the following elements:
■ Target namespace
■ Reference to the backend Rules Engine (this is the link to the rule dictionary). Note
that OracleRulesSDK is the reference name that matches the name of the Rules
Engine provider in Section 25.2.2, "Rule Dictionary" on page 25-5.
■ Name (CreditRatingService in the following example)
■ Additional information about the dictionary name and rule set to use
■ List of supported operations (patterns)
The following example shows the most commonly-used interaction with a rules
engine, execute ruleset.
. . .
. . .
<decisionService targetNamespace=""
ruleEngineProviderReference="OracleRulesSDK" name="CreditRatingService">
<pattern name="Assert">
<pattern name="AssertExecute">
<pattern name="Watch">

25-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Business Rule Architecture

<pattern name="AssertExecuteWatchStateless">
<pattern name="AssertExecuteWatchStateful">
<decisionService targetNamespace=""
ruleEngineProviderReference="OracleRulesSDK" name="LoanAdvisorService">
<pattern name="CallFunctionStateless">
<pattern name="CallFunctionStateful">

Apart from the operations (patterns), the parameter types (or fact types) of operations
are specified (and validated later at runtime). Therefore, every decision service exposes
a strongly-typed contract.
There is a one-to-one relationship between decision service metadata and the WSDL
file being generated for a decision service. Operation
AssertExecuteWatchStateless provides an example:
<pattern name="AssertExecuteWatchStateless">

The following WSDL artifacts are generated for AssertExecuteWatchStateless:

<element name="assertExecuteWatchStateless">
<element name="configURL" type="string" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1"/>
<element name="bpelInstance" type="bpelpm:tBpelProcess" minOccurs="0"
<element name="assertList" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<element ref="ns1:ratingrequest"/>

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-7

Business Rule Architecture

<attribute name="name" type="NCName" use="required"/>

The preceding syntax also showed the XML-schema definition for the input message
of pattern AssertExecuteWatchStateless. As an analogy, an XML-schema
element is being created for the output message:
<element name="assertExecuteWatchStatelessDecision">
<element name="resultList" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<element ref="ns1:rating"/>
. . .
. . .
<message name="assertExecuteWatchStatelessMessage">
<part name="payload" element="tns:assertExecuteWatchStateless"/>
<message name="assertExecuteWatchStatelessDecisionMessage">
<part name="payload" element="tns:assertExecuteWatchStatelessDecision"/>
. . .
. . .
<portType name="IDecisionService">
<operation name="assert">
<input name="assertInput" message="tns:assertMessage"/>
<operation name="assertExecute">
<input name="assertExecuteInput" message="tns:assertExecuteMessage"/>
<operation name="watch">
<input name="watchInput" message="tns:watchMessage"/>
<output name="watchOutput" message="tns:watchDecisionMessage"/>
<fault name="operationErroredFault" message="tns:decisionServiceError"/>
<operation name="assertExecuteWatchStateless">
<input name="assertExecuteWatchStatelessInput"
<output name="assertExecuteWatchStatelessOutput"
<fault name="operationErroredFault"
<operation name="assertExecuteWatchStateful">
<input name="assertExecuteWatchStatefulInput"
<output name="assertExecuteWatchStatefulOutput"
<fault name="operationErroredFault"

25-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Business Rule Architecture


Note the following details about decision services:

■ Multiple decision services of a business rule service component cannot share an
XML schema namespace. This is because there cannot be two messages with the
same namespace, but using different XML schema definitions.
■ The WSDL contract is relaxed in that at runtime, the input message elements are
optional. In the preceding sample, you can pass a ratingrequest element, or
leave the element empty. The decision service checks for empty parameter
elements and ignores them when asserting facts.
■ For the Rules Engine, the decision service provides supplemental rule sets. These
rule sets are pushed on the rule set stack, but not executed at runtime.
■ One decision service can only expose one function. This is no real limitation since
you may model one decision service per function. The benefit is that you comply
with the strongly-typed interface.
■ The rule dictionary unifies a decision component, although this is a limitation of
design-time and not the decision service. Decision Services that Expose an RL Function

As described in Section 25.2.4, "Decision Services" on page 25-6, executing a rule set is
the most common interaction pattern used with a business rules engine. However,
Oracle Business Rules provides a function (with parameters and return type).
Functions are useful for setup purposes or to hide the complexity of executing
multiple rule sets. The biggest advantage to using a function is the well-defined
contract in terms of function parameters and return type.
The decision service has the capability to expose RL functions as services. As with the
execute ruleset interaction, a decision service that exposes a function is defined by
<decisionService targetNamespace=""
<pattern name="CallFunctionStateless">
<pattern name="CallFunctionStateful"

For a decision service exposing an RL function, you only need the information about
the rule dictionary and the fully-qualified function name. The function signature can
be queried from the rule dictionary. Note also that no rule set name must be specified
because functions hang off a dictionary.
Note the following details about decision services that expose an RL function:

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-9

Business Rule Architecture

■ As with the execute ruleset interaction, a decision service that exposes an RL

function is identified by its name, target namespace, reference to a rule dictionary,
the dictionary name itself, and the fully-qualified function name.
■ Stateless and stateful interactions can be modeled. A stateful interaction is useful
when the rule session requires setup (for example, you must set the value of rule
variables) prior to executing a rule set or if some status information must be
retrieved between rule set executions.
The function signature is needed when the WSDL for the service is created:
<element name="callFunctionStateless">
<element name="parameterList" minOccurs="1"maxOccurs="1">
<element ref="ns1:setupParameter"/>
<attribute name="name" type="NCName" use="required"/>
<element name="callFunctionStatelessDecision">
<element name="resultList" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<element ref="rules:int"/>

In the preceding sample, the function consists of one parameter of XML schema
element ns1:setupParameter and a return type of rules:int.
The following messages and operations are also part of the WSDL contract:
<message name="callFunctionStatelessMessage">
<part name="payload" element="tns:callFunctionStateless"/>
<message name="callFunctionStatelessDecisionMessage">
<part name="payload" element="tns:callFunctionStatelessDecision"/>

<portType name="IDecisionService">
<operation name="callFunctionStateless">
<input name="callFunctionStatelessInput"
<output name="callFunctionStatelessOutput"
<fault name="operationErroredFault"

25-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Business Rule Architecture

A decision service is a lightweight entity. It consists only of the service description. All
other artifacts are shared within a decision component. The heart of runtime is the
decision service cache, which is organized in a tree structure. Every decision
component owns a subtree of that cache (depending on the composite distinguished
name (DN), component, and service name). In this regard, decision services of a
decision component share the following data:
■ Metadata of the decision component
– Fact type metadata
– Function metadata
– Rule Set metadata
■ Rule session pool
– One rule session pool is created per decision component
– The rule sessions in the pool are preinitialized with the data model RL and the
rule set RL already executed
– New rule sessions are created on demand
– Rule sessions can be reused for a configurable number of times
– The initial size of the rule session pool is configurable
■ Stateful rule session cache
– A special cache is maintained for stateful rule sessions (see Section 25.2.5,
"Stateful Interactions with a Decision Component" on page 25-12)
■ Deployment artifacts
– Decision component deployment can end up in class generation for JAXB fact
types. The classes can be shared across the composite.
Figure 25–1 provides an overview.

Figure 25–1 Shared Component Data

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-11

Business Rule Architecture

25.2.5 Stateful Interactions with a Decision Component

Figure 25–2 shows stateful rule session usage for a decision service request.

Figure 25–2 Rule Session Usage for a Decision Service Request

Note the following details about stateful interactions with a decision component:
■ The following operations are final. A rule session is removed from the cache after a
final operation finishes (therefore, querying for results clears the state).
– Retrieve the result
– Assert facts, execute the rule set, and retrieve the result
– Call the function (stateless)
■ The following operations are stateful operations
– Assert the facts
– Assert the facts and execute the rule set
– Call the function (stateful)

25-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

■ Rule sessions from the cache and those from the pool are mutually exclusive
– The rule session pool is for simple, stateless interactions only
– The rule session cache keeps the state of a rule session across decision service

25.3 Use Cases for Integration of Business Processes and Business

You can create a SOA composite application that includes BPEL process, business rule,
and human task service components. These components are complementary
technologies. BPEL processes focus on the orchestration of systems, services, and
people. Business rules focus on decision making and policies. Human tasks enable you
to model a workflow that describes the tasks for users or groups to perform as part of
an end-to-end business process flow.
Some examples of where business rule can be used include:
■ Dynamic processing — Rules can perform intelligent routing within the business
process based on service level agreements or other guidelines. For example, if the
customer requires a response within one day, send the loan application to the
StarLoan loan agency only. If the customer can wait longer, then route the request
to three different loan agencies.
■ Externalize decision points in the process — There are typically many conditions
that must be evaluated as part of a business process. However, the parameters to
these can be changed independently of the process. For example, you provide
loans only to customers with a credit score of at least 650. This value may be
changed dynamically based on new guidelines set by business analysts.
■ Data validation and constraint checks — Rules can validate input documents or
apply additional constraints on requests. For example, a new customer request
must always be accompanied with an employment verification letter and bank
account details.
■ Human task — Rules are frequently used in the context of human tasks in the
business process:
– Policy-based task assignments dispatch tasks to specific roles or users. For
example, a process that handles incoming requests from a portal can route
loan requests and insurance quotes to a different set of roles.
– Load balancing of tasks among users – When a task is assigned to a set of
users or a role, each user in that role acquires a set of tasks and acts on them in
a specified time. For new incoming tasks, policies may be applied to set
priorities on the task and put them in specific user queues. For example, a
specific loan agent is assigned a maximum of 10 loans at any time.

See Also: Section, "Advanced Task Routing Using Business

Rules" on page 26-42 to create business rules in the Human Task editor
of a human task component

25.4 Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides the following design-time components that
enable you to integrate BPEL process, business rule, and human task service

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-13

Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

■ Section 25.4.1, "Business Rule Service Component"

■ Section 25.4.2, "Business Rule Activity of a Business Process"
■ Section 25.4.3, "Human Task Component"

See Also: Business rule sample files and tutorial that uses all three
service components located in the file

25.4.1 Business Rule Service Component

The business rule service component enables you to integrate your SOA composite
application with a business rule (for example, a rule set or function). This enables you
to execute the business rule and make business decisions based on the rules.
1. Go to the SOA Composite Editor.
2. Drag and drop a Business Rule from the SOA section of the Component Palette
into the designer.
3. Enter a name in the Dictionary Name field or click the Import icon to import an
existing dictionary into this component. The dictionary name becomes part of the
.decs business rule metadata file name (for example,
4. Provide a package name for your business rule.
5. Accept the default path or specify a different path in which to create the business
rule service component files.

6. Click OK.
This creates a business rule service component.

25-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

7. Double-click the business rule service component.

This displays the Rule Designer.

8. Create and edit business rules as necessary. The rules you create in this editor are
added to the business_rule_name.rules file. Business rules modeling is a
multistep process. For example, you can:
■ Specify the rules data model:
– Import XML-schema definitions for XML-fact declarations
– Create variables that are required for rule modeling
– Create helper RL functions that can be used during rule modeling
■ Create Rulesets:
– A ruleset can be considered as an execution unit
– A ruleset comprises of one or more rules
■ Create Services:
– Expose a ruleset as a service
– Expose a RL function as a service

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-15

Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

See Also: The following documentation for details about using the
Rule Designer:
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Rules
■ Tutorial included in the file

25.4.2 Business Rule Activity of a Business Process

If you want, you can associate a business rule service component created in the SOA
Composite Editor with a BPEL process service component. You create this association
with the business rule activity of the BPEL process. This activity creates a business rule
partner link. This activity also enables you to create copy operation assignments
between the fact data in your rule set or function and BPEL variables.
When complete, a business rule activity is created that consists of assign and invoke
activities to the business rule partner link.
1. Go to the SOA Composite Editor.
2. Drag and drop a BPEL Process from the SOA section of the Component Palette
into the designer.
3. Double-click the BPEL process in the SOA Composite Editor.
4. Select BPEL from the Component Palette.
5. Expand BPEL Activities and Components.
6. Drag and drop a Business Rule activity into your BPEL process.
The Edit Business Rule window appears.
7. Enter a name for the activity. When complete, this name becomes the partner link
8. Select the business rule service component you created in the Rule Designer in the
SOA Composite Editor in Section 25.4.1, "Business Rule Service Component" on
page 25-14. If you have not created a business rule, click the Create icon to the
right of the Business Rule field to open the Create Business Rule window.
9. Select the service name that you specified in the Rule Designer.
10. Select the operation to perform that you specified in the Oracle Business Rules
■ If you created rule sets in the Rule Designer:
– Assert facts only — Select the Rules Engine facts you want to assert (send
factual data to the Rules Engine) in the future. You assign the required
data for the facts with a BPEL assign activity. The underlying rule session
must be stateful. Otherwise, the asserted facts are not visible to
subsequent Rules Engine invocations.
– Assert facts and execute rule set — The same as Assert facts only, except
that the rule set is executed after the facts are asserted. A stateful rule
session is created (or used). Otherwise, the result of executing this pattern
is lost. No results are retrieved from the business Rules Engine.
– Retrieve results — Retrieve a result from the business Rules Engine. The
values of these results may have changed by past execution of a rule set
acting on these facts. The activity assumes that it has a stateful rule session
in its cache from which a result can be retrieved. This is the case if the

25-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

invocation pattern Assert facts and execute rule set operation was
executed before in the BPEL process.
– Assert facts, execute rule set, retrieve results, and reset the session —
The same as Assert facts, execute rule set, and retrieve results, except that
the results are reset for the next time that you invoke the Web service.
Resetting the session clears the previously asserted fact values.
– Assert facts, execute rule set, and retrieve results — The same as Assert
facts and execute rule set, except that the results are retrieved from the
business Rules Engine. You map the results of rule set execution to BPEL
variables with an assign activity. The rules session remains active. This
enables you to reuse previously asserted facts.
■ If you created functions in the Rule Designer:
– Execute function — Executes a function. Functions are also defined in
dictionaries. For rule sets, you select input and output facts. For functions,
there are a fixed set of input parameters and a single return value.
– Execute function and reset the session — The same as Execute function,
except that a stateful rule session is created for this pattern. All fact values
are reset after retrieving the return value of the function.
11. Click Assign Input Facts, then click the Create icon to create mappings for the
input facts.

This enables you to create assignments that map BPEL input variables to
automatically created BPEL variables that correspond to the input fact type
specified in the Rule Designer.
12. If you selected an invocation pattern that retrieves results, click Assign Output
Facts, then click the Create icon to create mappings for the output facts.

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-17

Integration of BPEL Processes, Human Tasks, and Business Rules

This enables you to create assignments that map automatically created BPEL
variables that correspond to the output fact type specified in the Rule Designer.
13. Click OK when complete.
This creates:
■ A new business rule partner link for this Web service that interfaces with the
Rules Engine.
■ A business rule activity consisting of assign and invoke activities to the
business rule partner link.
■ A WSDL file based on the rule set is generated.

Business rule service component association with the BPEL process component is
now complete.

25.4.3 Human Task Component

You can define state machine routing rules using Oracle Business Rules. This enables
you to create business rules that are evaluated:
■ After a task participant sets the outcome of a task
■ Before the task is assigned to the next participant
This enables you to override the standard task routing method described in
Section, "Routing Tasks to All Participants in the Specified Order" on
page 26-40 and build complex routing behavior into tasks. You create business rules by
clicking Advanced Routing Rules in the Assignment and Routing Policy section of
the Human Task editor, as shown in Figure 25–3.

25-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying a Business Rule

Figure 25–3 Business Rule Integration with a Human Task Component

This starts the Rule Designer.

Figure 25–4 Rule Designer

See Also: Section, "Advanced Task Routing Using Business

Rules" on page 26-42

25.5 Deploying a Business Rule

Business rules are deployed as part of the SOA composite application for which you
create a deployment profile in Oracle JDeveloper.

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-19

Running a Business Rule in a SOA Composite Application

See Also: Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications" on page 3-2 for

instructions on creating and deploying a deployment profile in Oracle

25.6 Running a Business Rule in a SOA Composite Application

1. Log into Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control.

2. Create and run a test instance of the SOA composite application that includes the
business rule. See Section 3.5, "Testing Applications" on page 3-8 for instructions
on creating and running a test instance.
This creates an instance of the SOA composite application.
3. Refresh the page after instance creation.
4. Click the instance ID of the SOA composite application in the Last 5 Instances

The Trace section displays the flow of service components and service and
reference binding components in the SOA composite application.
5. Click a business rule service component to view the flow trace of the component
(for this example, ApprovalRequired).

25-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Running a Business Rule in a SOA Composite Application

This enables you to view flow trace and audit details for the business rule service
6. Return to the page shown in Step 4 on page 25-20 and click a business rule service
component shown in the Components table (for this example, ApprovalRequired
is selected).

This page displays details about the completion success rate of business rule
service component details.

Beta Draft Business Rule Service Component 25-21

Running a Business Rule in a SOA Composite Application

7. Click the instance IDs takes to view flow trace details.

25-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Part IV Human Workflow Service Component

This part describes the human workflow service component.

This part contains the following chapters:
■ Chapter 26, "Designing Human Tasks"
■ Chapter 31, "Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks"
■ Chapter 28, "Human Task Services"
■ Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM Worklist"
■ Chapter 30, "Human Task and Approval Management Integration"
■ Chapter 31, "Human Task and Microsoft Excel Integration"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
26 Designing Human Tasks

A company's business processes drive the integration of systems and people that
participate in it. The business process and associated systems have a life cycle and
certain behavior. The users who participate in the business process have roles and
privileges to perform tasks in the business process. Using the workflow services of
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, you can blend the integration of systems and services
with human workflow into a single end-to-end process flow, while providing visibility
and enabling exception handling and optimization at various levels.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 26.1, "Introduction to Workflow Services"
■ Section 26.2, "Use Cases for Workflow Services"
■ Section 26.3, "Workflow Services Components"
■ Section 26.4, "Participant Types in Workflow Services"
■ Section 26.5, "Introduction to the Modeling Process"
■ Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor"
■ Section 26.7, "Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL
■ Section 26.8, "End-to-End Workflow Examples"

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

details about creating a human task service component in the SOA
Composite Editor

26.1 Introduction to Workflow Services

Workflow services enable you to interleave human interactions with connectivity to
systems and services within an end-to-end process flow. As shown in Figure 26–1,
workflow services are typically linked to a BPEL process service component through a
WSDL contract, like any other Web service. The process assigns a task to a user or role
and waits for a response. The users act on the task using Oracle BPM Worklist.
The human workflow service is responsible for handling all interactions with users or
groups participating in the business process. It does this by creating and tracking tasks
for the appropriate users in the organization. Users typically access tasks through a
variety of clients, including the worklist application, e-mail, portals, or custom

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-1

Introduction to Workflow Services

Figure 26–1 High-Level View of Workflow Services in Oracle BPEL Process Manager

SOA Composite Editor


Assign Task Update

BPEL Process Human Task Worklist Task
Service Service Application
Component Task Complete Component


Terms used in workflow services include:

■ Task—work that needs to be done by a user, role, or group. In some cases, tasks
are also referred to as work items.
■ Notification—an e-mail, voice, instant message, or short message service (SMS)
message that is sent when a user is assigned a task or informed that the status of
the task has changed
■ Worklist application—an enumeration of the tasks, or work items, assigned to or
of interest to a user
■ SOA Composite Editor — A tool that enables you to create SOA composite
applications consisting of components such as BPEL processes, human tasks,
business rules, and Oracle Mediator routing services.
■ Human Task editor—A tool that enables you to specify task settings such as task
outcome, payload structure, task participants, assignment and routing policy,
expiration and escalation policy, notification settings, and so on
■ .task file —The metadata task configuration file that stores the task settings
specified with the Human Task editor
■ routing slip—Contains information about the flow pattern for the workflow,
assignees, escalation policy, expiration duration, signature policy, sequence in
which the participants interact in the task, and so on.
For this release, significant enhancements have been made to the workflow services in
Oracle BPEL Process Manager. Key workflow features include the following:
■ Systems and services and human workflow integrations are blended into a single
BPEL-based process flow.
■ Multiple workflow patterns:
– Many out-of-the-box patterns (participant types) including simple approval,
sequential approval, parallel approval, adhoc workflow, FYI tasks, and so on
– Support for variations such as automatic escalation, renewal, and reminders
– Human Task editor includes wizards to create and configure patterns
– Ability to mix and match built-in patterns to create complex patterns
– Use business rules to define complex workflow patterns

See Also: Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with
the Human Task Editor" on page 26-12

26-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to Workflow Services

■ Task Assignment and routing:

– Model human interactions as part of a business process and assign to users,
roles, or groups
– Support for task expiration, due dates, automatic renewal, and so on
– Support for task delegation, escalation, and reapproval.
– Storage of task history information for auditing purposes
– Expression- or message-based task routing rules as well as adhoc routing
– Pluggable assignment server
– Ability to define task access control policies — what can be seen and edited by
task creator, assignees, reviewer, and administrator

See Also: Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with
the Human Task Editor" on page 26-12

■ Sophisticated task forms:

– Automatically-generated task forms
– Integration with Oracle application development framework (ADF) for
custom forms using Faces technology
– Integration with Microsoft Excel for initiating and acting on tasks

See Also: Chapter 31, "Designing Task Display Forms for Human

■ Worklist Application:
– An out-of-the-box fully customizable worklist
– Support for various user profiles — end user, supervisor, process owner,
group owner, and administrator
– Ability to perform authorized actions on tasks in the worklist, acquire and
check out shared tasks, define personal to-do tasks, and define subtasks
– Ability to filter tasks in a worklist view based on various criteria
– Work queues — standard work queues such as high priority tasks, tasks due
soon, and so on. Ability to define custom work queues.
– Users can define custom vacation rules and delegation rules
– Group owners can define task dispatching rules for shared tasks
– Proxy access to selected subset of a user’s worklist
– Complete workflow history and audit trail
– Digital signatures for tasks
– Internationalization support — out-of-the-box support for eight languages

See Also: Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM Worklist"

■ Workflow reports:
– Out-of-the-box reports — productivity report, tasks priority report, cycle time
report, and assignee time distribution report

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-3

Introduction to Workflow Services

– Workflow performance and error statistics in Oracle Enterprise Manager

Fusion Middleware Control Console

See Also: Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM Worklist"

■ Notification services:
– Send notifications to specified users upon changes to specified tasks
– Notifications through different delivery channels (e-mail, phone, instant
message, and SMS)
– Ability to customize content of the notifications for different types of tasks
– Perform actions on tasks through e-mail
– Guaranteed delivery of messages — support for bad e-mail format detection
and blacklisted addresses (for incoming messages)

See Also:
■ Chapter 23, "Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service"
■ Section 28.1.6, "Notification Service" on page 28-11

■ Identity Services:
– Role-based access control — assign permissions to roles and link an
organization hierarchy to the role model for authorization
– Assign worklist privileges to users, groups, and roles
– Maintain user properties such as name, location, phone, and e-mail and
capture organizational hierarchy (reporting structure) and group information
– Integration with standard (for example, LDAP-based) directory services for
user and role provisioning

See Also: Section 28.1.5, "Identity Service" on page 28-8

26.1.1 Workflow Functionality: A Procurement Process Example

The functionality of workflow services can be illustrated using a simple order
approval business process to approve or reject an order, as shown in Figure 26–2.
requested items. Approval and rejection is a two-step process involving an initial
approver and the manager of the initial approver. The order is first assigned to the
Supervisor role. Once a user belonging to the Supervisor role approves the order, it is
sent to this user’s manager for final approval.

26-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Use Cases for Workflow Services

Figure 26–2 BPEL Workflow

Business Process
Purchase List

Vendor Pricing

<scope> Workflow Service

<invoke> Assign to
Assign Task via Pricing
Task Service Group

Get Outcome via Assign to
Task Service Manager

Approved Rejected

Vendor Order


26.2 Use Cases for Workflow Services

Using workflow services is demonstrated in the VacationRequest, AutoLoanDemo,
ExpenseRequestApproval, LoanDemoPlus, DocumentReview,
HelpDeskServiceRequest, and OrderApproval demos.

See Also:
■ Section 26.8, "End-to-End Workflow Examples" on page 26-81
■ SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\samples\demos

The following sections describe multiple use cases for workflow services.

26.2.1 Assigning a Task to a User or Role

A vacation request process may start with getting the vacation details from a user and
then routing the request to their manager for approval. User details and the
organizational hierarchy can be looked up from a user directory or store. This scenario,
shown in Figure 26–3, is described in the OrderApproval sample.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-5

Use Cases for Workflow Services

Figure 26–3 Assigning Tasks to a User or Role from a Directory

Assign Task Workflow

Process Services
Task Complete



26.2.2 Using the Various Participant Types

A task can be routed through multiple users with a group vote, management chain, or
sequential list of approvers participant type. For example, consider a loan request that
is part of the loan approval flow. The loan request may first be assigned to a loan agent
role. After a specific loan agent acquires and accepts the loan, the loan may be routed
further through multiple levels of management if the loan amount is greater that
$100,000. This scenario, shown in Figure 26–4, is described in the LoanDemoPlus

Figure 26–4 Flow Patterns and Routing Policies

Workflow Service
Get Approvals
BPEL Change Routing
All Approvals


See Section 26.4, "Participant Types in Workflow Services" on page 26-10 for the
various flow types supported by workflow services. You can use these types as
building blocks to create complex workflows.

26.2.3 Escalation, Expiration, and Delegation

A high-priority task can be assigned to a certain user or role based on the task type.
However, if the user does not act on it in a certain time, the task may expire and in
turn be escalated to the manager for further action. As part of the escalation, you may
also notify the users by e-mail, telephone voice message, or SMS. Similarly, a manager
may delegate tasks from one reportee to another to balance the load between various
task assignees. All tasks defined in BPEL have an associated expiration date.
Additionally, you may specify escalation or renewal policies, as shown in Figure 26–5.
For example, consider a support call, which is part of the HelpDeskServiceRequest

26-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Use Cases for Workflow Services

process. A high-priority task may be assigned to a certain user and if the user does not
respond in two days, then the task is routed to the manager for further action.

Figure 26–5 Escalation and Notification

Workflow Services
Escalate Task
1 2 3 4 5 6

BPEL 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Process Notify Manager 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Task Resolved
28 29 30 Calendar


26.2.4 Automatic Assignment and Delegation

A user may decide to have another user perform tasks on their behalf. Tasks can be
explicitly delegated from the Oracle BPM Worklist or can be automatically delegated.
For example, a manager sets up a vacation rule saying that all their high priority tasks
are automatically routed to one of their reports while the manager is on vacation. In
some cases, tasks can be routed to different individuals based on the content of the
task. Another example of automatic routing is to allocate tasks among multiple
individuals belonging to a group. For example, a help desk supervisor decides to
allocate all tasks for the western region based on a round robin basis or assign tasks to
the individual with the lowest number of outstanding tasks (the least busy).

26.2.5 Work Queues and Proxy Support

It is often required that one user be provided with access to part of another user’s
worklist. For example, an executive decides to provide access to expense approvals
within a certain limit to their secretary. Work queues allow you to create a custom view
to group a subset of tasks in the worklist (say high priority tasks, tasks due in 24
hours, expense approval tasks, and so on). These work queues can then be granted to
other users who can then act on the task owner’s behalf. For example, in the scenario
described above, the executive can create a delegated expense approvals work queue
for expenses below $5000.

26.2.6 The Oracle BPEL Worklist Application

Users typically access tasks assigned to them by using the Oracle BPM Worklist, as
shown in Figure 26–6. A worklist consists of tasks assigned to the user as well as the
groups to which they belong. A task may also include forms and attachments in
addition to other task details such as history, comments, and approval sequence. The
worklist may also be accessed from Oracle Portal or other clients to act on tasks as well
as get productivity reports. The Oracle BPM Worklist can be customized and extended
based on the specific needs of an application. See Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM
Worklist" for details about worklist functionality and the sample Oracle BPM Worklist.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-7

Workflow Services Components

Figure 26–6 Oracle BPM Worklist—Access Tasks, Forms, Attachments, and Reports

Workflow Services
List Work Items

Complete Task

Get Weekly
Report Task Details
and History

26.3 Workflow Services Components

Starting with release 11g, all human task metadata is stored and managed in the
Metadata Service (MDS) repository. The workflow service consists of a number of
services that handle various aspects of human interaction with a business process.
Figure 26–7 shows the following workflow services components:
■ Task Service
The task service provides task state management and persistence of tasks. In
addition to these services, the task service exposes operations to update a task,
complete a task, escalate and reassign tasks, and so on. The task service is used by
the Oracle BPM Worklist to retrieve tasks assigned to users. This service also
determines if notifications are to be sent to users and groups when the state of the
task changes. The task service consists of the following services.
– Task Routing Service
The task routing service offers services to route, escalate, and reassign the task.
The service makes these decisions by interpreting a declarative specification in
the form of the routing slip.
– Task Query Service
The task query service queries tasks for a user based on a variety of search
criterion such as keyword, category, status, business process, attribute values,
history information of a task, and so on.
– Task Metadata Service
The task metadata service exposes operations to retrieve metadata information
related to a task.
■ Identity Service
The identity service is a thin Web service layer on top of the Oracle Application
Server 11g security infrastructure or any custom user repository. It enables
authentication and authorization of users and the lookup of user properties, roles,
group memberships, and privileges.
■ Notification Service
The notification service delivers notifications with the specified content to the
specified user to any of the following channels: e-mail, telephone voice message,

26-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Workflow Services Components

instant message, and SMS. See Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow"
on page 28-20 for more information.
■ User Metadata Service
The user metadata service manages metadata related to workflow users, such as
user work queues, preferences, vacation, and delegation rules.
■ Runtime config service
The runtime config service provides methods for managing metadata used in the
task service run time environment. It principally supports management of task
payload flex field mappings.
■ Evidence service
The evidence service supports storage and nonrepudiation of digitally-signed
workflow tasks.

Figure 26–7 Workflow Services Components

Workflow Services

Task Evidence
Metadata Store
Service Service

User Identity
BPEL Metadata Service Users
Process Workflow Service
Service Services Worklist
Task Task
Service Query
E-mail Client
Metadata Task Notification
MDS Assignment Service
.task Metadata Service

Identity Notification
Management Channels
· OID · E-mail
· LDAP Database · Application Server Wireless
· JAZN - Voice
· other user - SMS

Figure 26–8 shows the interactions between the services and the business process.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-9

Participant Types in Workflow Services

Figure 26–8 Workflow Services and Business Process Interactions

Worklist application
BPEL Process Web application to search
Service Component for tasks, view tasks, and
act on tasks

Task Service Task Query Service

Provides task persistence Queries tasks for a user
and exposes operations based on keyword,
to update a task, complete category, status,
a task, escalate and business process,
reassign tasks, attribute values,
and so on task history information,
and so on

Task Assignment Service

Offers services to route, User Metadata Service
escalate, and reassign Manages metadata related
tasks to workflow (user work
queues, preferences,
vacation, and delegation
Notification Service Task Metadata Service
Sends notifications to Exposes operations to
users by e-mail, voice retrieve metadata
message, pager, fax, or information related to Runtime Config Services
short message service a task Provides methods for
managing metadata used
in the task service runtime
Evidence Store Service
Captures digital signatures
and checkpoints for
digitally signed tasks
Identity Service
· user / group / role lookup
· user authentication
· authorization
· organization hierarchy

User Directory
(one of)

Policy Store
Oracle Information
Internet JAZN LDAP,
XML Custom about
Directory application
roles and

26.4 Participant Types in Workflow Services

Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides a library of participant types (known in
pre-10.1.3 releases as workflow patterns). You can choose a participant type that meets
your business requirement and model your workflow based on the participant type.
Oracle BPEL Process Manager supports the following participant types:
■ Single Approver — used for a single user to act on a task. If the task is assigned to
a role or group with multiple users, one of the members must claim the task and
act on it. Based on the user's action, you define what the business process does.
■ Group Vote — used when multiple users, working in parallel, must take action
simultaneously, such as in a hiring situation when multiple users vote to hire or

26-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to the Modeling Process

reject an applicant. You specify the voting percentage that is needed for the
outcome to take effect, such as a majority vote or a unanimous vote.
■ Management Chain—used to route tasks for approval to multiple users in a
management chain hierarchy. You specify the task participants as a management
chain list or a list of users.
■ Sequential list of approvers (extension of a sequential workflow)—used to create a
list of sequential participants for a workflow. This type is similar to the
management chain participant type, except that with that type, the users are part
of an organization hierarchy. For the sequential list of approvers participant type,
they can be any list of users or groups.
■ FYI assignee — used when a task is sent to a user, but the business process does
not wait for a user response; it just continues. FYI assignees cannot directly impact
the outcome of a task, but in some cases can provide comments or add
■ External Routing Service —used to configure an external routing service that
dynamically determines the participants in the workflow. If this participant type is
specified, all other participant types are ignored. It is assumed that the external
routing service provides a list of participant types (single approver, list of
approvers, group vote, and so on) at run time to determine the routing of the task.
■ Rule-based assignments — in addition to the built-in patterns, you can use the
state-based routing rules to create complex, dynamic workflows
■ Mixing and matching patterns — mix and match patterns to create complex

26.4.1 Chaining Multiple Tasks

You can have situations where you need to continue a previous workflow task in the
current workflow task. Oracle BPEL Process Manager enables you to include the task
history, comments, and attachments from the previous task. This provides you with a
complete end-to-end audit trail.

See Also: Section, "Including the Task History of Other

Human Tasks" on page 26-78

26.5 Introduction to the Modeling Process

The modeling process consists of creating and modeling a human task service
component in the SOA Composite Editor, optionally associating it with a BPEL
process, and generating the task form for displaying the human task during run time
in the Oracle BPM Worklist.
This section provides a brief overview of these modeling tasks and provides references
to specific modeling instructions.
■ Section 26.5.1, "Create a Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor"
■ Section 26.5.2, "Optionally Associate the Human Task Definition with a BPEL
■ Section 26.5.3, "Generate the Task Display Form"

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

details about using the SOA Composite Editor

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-11

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

26.5.1 Create a Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor
The Human Task editor enables you to define the metadata for the task. This editor
enables you to specify human task settings, such as task outcome, payload structure,
task participants, assignment and routing policy, expiration and escalation policy,
notification settings, and so on. This information is saved to a metadata task
configuration file with a .task extension.

See Also: Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with
the Human Task Editor" on page 26-12 for specific instructions

26.5.2 Optionally Associate the Human Task Definition with a BPEL Process
You can optionally associate the .task file that consists of the human task settings
with a BPEL process. Association is made with a human task activity that you drag
and drop into your BPEL process for configuring. You also define the task definition,
task initiator, task priority, and map the task parameter that carries the input data to a
BPEL variable. You can also define advanced features, such as the scope and global
task variables names (instead of accepting the default names), task owner,
identification key, BPEL callback customizations, and whether to extend the human
task to include other workflow tasks.
When association is complete, a Task Service partner link is created. The Task Service
exposes the operations required to act on the task.
You can also create the human task as a standalone component only in the SOA
Composite Editor and not associate it with a BPEL process. Standalone human task
service components are useful for environments in which there is no need for any
automated activity in an application. In the standalone case, the client can create the
task themselves.

See Also: Section 26.7, "Associating the Human Task Service

Component with a BPEL Process" on page 26-69 for specific

26.5.3 Generate the Task Display Form

You generate the Oracle ADF layout of the task display form used for displaying the
task details at run time in Oracle BPM Worklist.

See Also: Chapter 31, "Designing Task Display Forms for Human

26.6 Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor
The Human Task editor enables you to define the metadata for the task. The editor
enables you to specify human task settings, such as task outcome, payload structure,
task participants, assignment and routing policy, expiration and escalation policy,
notification settings, and so on.
When a human task is created, the following folders and files appear:
■ The human task settings specified in the Human Task editor are saved to a
metadata task configuration file in the MDS repository with a .task extension.
This file appears in the Application Navigator under SOA_Project_Name > SOA
Content. You can re-edit the settings in this file by double-clicking the following:
– The .task file in the Application Navigator in either the SOA Composite
Editor or Oracle JDeveloper

26-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

– The human task icon in the SOA Composite Editor or in your BPEL process in
Oracle JDeveloper
This reopens the .task file in the Human Task editor.
■ A Human Tasks folder containing the human task you created appears in the
Structure window of the SOA Composite Editor.
Figure 26–9 shows these folders and files.

Figure 26–9 Human Task Folders and Files

This section contains the following topics:

■ Section 26.6.1, "Creating a Human Task Service Component and Accessing the
Human Task Editor"
■ Section 26.6.2, "Reviewing the Sections of the Human Task Editor"
■ Section 26.6.3, "Specifying the Task Title, Priority, Outcome, and Owner"
■ Section 26.6.4, "Specifying the Task Payload Data Structure"
■ Section 26.6.5, "Assigning Task Participants"
■ Section 26.6.6, "Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task"
■ Section 26.6.7, "Specifying Participant Notification Preferences"
■ Section 26.6.8, "Specifying Advanced Settings"
■ Section 26.6.10, "Exiting the Human Task Editor and Saving Your Changes"

26.6.1 Creating a Human Task Service Component and Accessing the Human Task
You create a human task service component in the SOA Composite Editor. After
creation, you design the component in the Human Task editor. The method by which
you create the human task service component determines whether the component can

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-13

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

be associated later with a BPEL process service component or is a standalone

component in the SOA Composite Editor.
1. Go to the SOA project in which to create a human task service component in the
SOA Composite Editor.
2. Select SOA from the Component Palette.
3. Drag and drop a Human Task from the list.
The Human Task Wizard - Project Settings window appears.
4. Enter a name in the Human Task Definition Name field.
The name you enter is added as the .task file name in the directory path of the
Directory field.

5. Note the Expose as Composite Service check box. You selection of this check box
determines how the human task service component is created.
a. If you want to create a human task service component that you later associate
with a BPEL process service component, do not select the Expose as
Composite Service check box. The human task service component is created
as a component that you explicitly associate with a BPEL process service

b. If you want to create the human task service component as a standalone

component in the SOA Composite Editor, select the Expose as Composite
Service check box. This creates a human task service component that is
automatically wired to a SOAP adapter service:

This service provides external customers with an entry point into the human
task service component of the SOA composite application.
6. Click Finish.
The Human Task icon appears in the SOA Composite Editor canvas workspace
and a Human Task folder appears in the Structure window in the lower left
section of the SOA Composite Editor.
7. Double-click the Human Task icon.
The Human Task editor appears.
8. Go to section Section 26.6.2, "Reviewing the Sections of the Human Task Editor" on
page 26-15.

26-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Note: You can also create a human task that you later associate with a
BPEL process by selecting New from the File main menu, then
selecting SOA Tier > SOA Components > Human Task.

See Also: Chapter 2, "Introduction to the SOA Composite Editor" for

details about creating a human task service component in the SOA
Composite Editor

26.6.2 Reviewing the Sections of the Human Task Editor

The Human Task editor consists of the following main sections shown in Figure 26–10.
These sections enable you to create a human task.

Figure 26–10 Human Task Editor

Instructions for using these main sections of the Human Task editor to create a
workflow task are listed in Table 26–1.

Table 26–1 Human Task Editor

For This Main Section... See...
Task Configuration Section 26.6.3, "Specifying the Task Title, Priority,
Outcome, and Owner" on page 26-16
(title, outcomes, priority, and owner)
Parameters Section 26.6.4, "Specifying the Task Payload Data
Structure" on page 26-21
Assignment and Routing Policy Section 26.6.5, "Assigning Task Participants" on
page 26-22
Expiration and Escalation Policy Section 26.6.6, "Escalating, Renewing, or Ending
the Task" on page 26-46
Notification Settings Section 26.6.7, "Specifying Participant
Notification Preferences" on page 26-53

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-15

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Table 26–1 (Cont.) Human Task Editor

For This Main Section... See...
Advanced Settings Section 26.6.8, "Specifying Advanced Settings" on
page 26-57
For specifying:
■ Custom escalation rules
■ Custom style sheets for attachments
■ Multilingual settings
■ Error messages
■ Callback classes
■ Workflow signature policies
■ Access rules to task content
Annotations Section 26.6.9, "Specifying Annotations" on
page 26-68

26.6.3 Specifying the Task Title, Priority, Outcome, and Owner

Figure 26–11 shows the Task Configuration section of the Human Task editor.
This section enables you to specify details such as the task title, task priority, task
outcomes, and task owner.

Figure 26–11 Human Task Editor — Task Configuration Section

Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Task Configuration

section are listed in Table 26–2:

Table 26–2 Human Task Editor — Task Configuration Section

For This Subsection... See...
Title Section, "Specifying a Task Title and Priority"
on page 26-16
Outcomes Section, "Specifying a Task Outcome" on
page 26-17
Description Section, "Specifying a Task Description" on
page 26-18
Category Section, "Specifying a Task Category" on
page 26-18
Owner Section, "Specifying a Task Owner" on
page 26-18 Specifying a Task Title and Priority

1. Enter the following details.

26-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Field Description
Title Enter an optional task title. The task title displays in the Oracle BPM
Worklist. If you enter a title in the Task Title field of the General tab of
the Human Task window described in Section, "Specifying the
Task Title" on page 26-71, the title you enter here is overridden.
Priority Specify the priority of the tasks. Priority can be 1 through 5, with 1
being the highest. By default, the priority of a task is 3. The priority can
be used to sort tasks in the Oracle BPM Worklist. This priority value is
overridden by any priority value you select in the General tab of the
Add a Human Task window.
See Also: Section, "Specifying the Task Initiator and Task
Priority" on page 26-72 for instructions on specifying a priority value in
the Add a Human Task window Specifying a Task Outcome

Task outcomes capture the possible outcomes of a task. The Oracle BPM Worklist
displays the outcomes you specify here as the possible actions to perform during run
time. You can specify the following types of task outcomes:
■ Select a seeded outcome
■ Enter a custom outcome
The task outcomes can also have run time display values that are different from the
actual outcome value specified here. This permits outcomes to be displayed in a
different language in the Oracle BPM Worklist. See Section, "Specifying
Multilingual Settings" on page 26-59 for more information about internationalization.
1. Click the Browse icon to the right of the Outcomes field.
The Outcomes window displays the possible outcomes for tasks. APPROVE and
REJECT are selected by default.

2. Select additional task outcomes or deselect the default outcomes.

3. Enter any custom outcomes separated by commas in the Custom Outcomes field.
4. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.
Your selections display in the Outcomes field.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-17

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

The seeded and custom outcomes selected here display for selection in the
Majority Voted Outcome section of the group vote participant type.

See Also: Section, "Specifying Group Voting Details" on

page 26-30 Specifying a Task Description

You can optionally specify a description of the task in the Description field. The
description does not display in the Oracle BPM Worklist. Specifying a Task Category

You can optionally specify a task category in the Category field. This categorizes tasks
created in a system. This displays in Oracle BPM Worklist. Specifying a Task Owner

The task owner can view the tasks belonging to business processes they own and
perform operations on behalf of any of the assigned task participant types.
Additionally, the owner can also reassign, withdraw, or escalate tasks. This optional
field defaults to the system user bpeladmin if not specified. The task owner can also
be specified in the Advanced tab of the Human Task window described in
Section, "Specifying a Task Owner" on page 26-78. The task owner specified in
the Advanced tab overrides any task owner you enter here.
1. Select a method for specifying the task owner:
■ Section, "Specifying a Task Owner By Browsing the User Directory"
■ Section, "Specifying a Task Owner Dynamically" Specifying a Task Owner By Browsing the User Directory

Task owners can be selected by browsing the user directory (Oracle Internet Directory
(OID), Java AuthoriZatioN (JAZN)/XML, LDAP, and so on) that is configured for use
with Oracle BPEL Process Manager.
1. Click the first icon to the right of the Owner field to display the Identity Lookup
2. Search for the owner by entering a search string such as jcooper, j*, *, and
so on. Clicking Lookup fetches all the users that match the search criteria.

26-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

One or more users or groups can be highlighted and selected by clicking Select.
3. View the hierarchy of a user by highlighting the user and clicking Hierarchy.
Similarly, clicking Reportees displays the reportees of a selected user or group.

4. View the details of a user or group by highlighting the user or group and clicking

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-19

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

5. Click OK to return to the Identity Lookup dialog.

6. Click Select to add the user to the Selected user section.
7. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.
Your selection displays in the Owner field. Specifying a Task Owner Dynamically

Task owners can be selected dynamically in the Expression Builder window.
1. Click the second icon to the right of the Owner field to display the Expression
Builder window:

2. Browse the available variable schemas and functions to create a task owner.
3. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.
You selection displays in the Owner field.

26-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

See Also:
■ Click Help for instructions on using the Expression Builder
window and XPath Building Assistant
■ Section 28.4, "Human Task Service and Identity Service Related
XPath Extension Functions" on page 28-36 for information about
workflow service dynamic assignment functions and identity
service functions

26.6.4 Specifying the Task Payload Data Structure

Figure 26–12 shows the Parameters section of the Human Task editor.
This section enables you to define the structure (message attributes) of the task
payload (the data in the task). Task payload data consists of one or more elements or
types. Based on your selections, an XML schema definition is created for the task

Figure 26–12 Human Task Editor — Parameters Section

1. Click the + sign to display the Add Task Parameter window.

2. Enter the following details:

Field Description
Parameter Type Select Type or Element and click the Browse icon to display the
Type Chooser window for selecting the task parameter.
Name Accept the default name or enter a custom name. This field only
displays if Type is the selected parameter type.
Modifiable via worklist Select this check box to enable users to edit task payload data in the
footer of the Oracle BPM Worklist. For example, the approver in the
application may need to add approver comments.

Note:You can only define payload flex field mappings in the Oracle
BPM Worklist for payload parameters that are simple XML types.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-21

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

3. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.

Your selection displays in the Parameters section.
4. If you want to edit your selection, highlight it and click the first icon in the upper
right part of the Parameters section.

26.6.5 Assigning Task Participants

Figure 26–13 shows the Assignment and Routing Policy section of the Human Task
This section enables you to select a participant type that meets your business
requirement. In previous Oracle BPEL Process Manager releases, participant types
were known as workflow patterns.
You can easily mix and match multiple participant types to model the human task to
create a complex workflow routing policy. This enables you to extend the functionality
of a previously configured human task to model more complex workflows.
Each of the participant types has an associated editor that you use for configuration
tasks. The sequence in which the assignees are added indicates the execution

Figure 26–13 Human Task Editor — Assignment and Routing Policy Section

1. Click the + sign to display the Add Participant Type window.

This enables you to select a specific participant type.
2. Select a participant type from the Type list.

The configuration tasks for each participant type are described in subsequent
3. See the following section based on your selection:

26-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

For This
Subsection... See...
Add Participant
Section, "Configuring the Single Approver Participant Type" on
■ Single approver page 26-24
■ Group vote Section, "Configuring the Group Vote Participant Type" on
page 26-27
■ Management
chain Section, "Configuring the Management Chain Participant Type"
on page 26-31
■ Sequential list of
approvers Section, "Configuring the Sequential List of Approvers
Participant Type" on page 26-34
■ FYI assignee
Section, "Configuring the FYI Assignee Participant Type" on
■ External routing
page 26-37
Section, "Configuring the External Routing Service Participant
Type" on page 26-38

4. See the following task assignment and routing policy sections shown in
Figure 26–13 after you have configured a participant type. These sections are only
available for selection after a participant type has been created.

For This Subsection... See...

Allow all participants Section, "Allowing All Participants to Invite Other
to invite other Participants" on page 26-40
Add Reviewers Section, "Adding Reviewers" on page 26-40
Route task to all Section, "Routing Tasks to All Participants in the Specified
participants, in order Order" on page 26-40
Complete task when a Section, "Abruptly Completing a Condition" on page 26-41
participant chooses
Using Advanced Rules Section, "Advanced Task Routing Using Business Rules" on
page 26-42 Specifying Task Approvers

There are three types of task participants:
■ Users
■ Groups — These are sets of users or other groups or roles in the enterprise identity
store (OID, LDAP, and so on)
■ Application roles — These are application-specific roles. These define permissions
that a certain set of users have with respect to a specific application. These are
generally stored locally in the application server policy store and not in the
enterprise identity store
Users and groups for each of the participant types can be specified either statically or
When the users, groups, and application roles are specified statically (or by browsing
the identity service), the values can be either of the following:

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-23

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

■ A single user, group, or application role (for example, jstein), which in the case
of a single approver, is captured as follows:
<participant name="Assignee1">
<resource isGroup="false" type="STATIC">jstein</resource>

■ A delimited string of users, groups, or application roles (for example, jstein,

wfaulk, cdickens), which in the case of a single approver, is captured as
<participant name="Assignee1">
<resource isGroup="false" type="STATIC">jstein, wfaulk, cdickens</resource>

You may have a business requirement to create a dynamic list of task approvers
specified in a payload variable. This XPath expression can resolve to zero or more
XML nodes. Each node value can be either of the following:
■ A single user, group, or application role
■ A delimited string of users, groups, or application roles. For example, the
following task shows that the payload message attribute is of type xsd:String
and its value is a comma-delimited string of approvers. This node can be used to
specify the participants.
. . .

The default delimiter for the assignee delimited string is a comma (,). This delimiter
can be changed using the assigneeDelimiter XML element in the
wf-config.xml file. This delimiter applies to all workflows in the system.
Specifying participants in this manner is applicable to all participant types, although
they are interpreted differently for each type. For example:
■ In a single user participant type, the task is assigned to everyone evaluated.
■ In a sequential list of approvers participant type, the task is sequentially assigned
to users and groups evaluated in the list.
■ In a group vote participant type, a task is created for each user and group
evaluated in the list.
This interpretation of resource XPath expressions provides
orcl:create-nodeset-from-delimited-string-equivalent functionality to
enable you to specify a dynamic list of one or more task approvers (resource element
members) from the payload variable. Configuring the Single Approver Participant Type

Figure 26–14 displays the Single Approver window.
This participant type requires a single user to act on a task. If the task is assigned to a
role or group with multiple users, one of the members must claim the task and act on
it. Based on the user's action, you define what the business process does.
For example, a vacation request is assigned to a manager. The manager must act on the
request task three days before the vacation starts. If the manager formally approves or

26-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

rejects the request, the employee is notified with the decision. If the manager does not
act on the task, the request is treated as rejected. Notification actions similar to the
formal rejection are taken.

Figure 26–14 Add Participant Type — Single Approver

1. Enter a recognizable label for this participant in the Label field. This label must be
unique among all the participants in the task definition (for example, Approval
Manager, Primary Reviewers, and so on).
Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Add Participant Type
- Single Approver window are listed in Table 26–3:

Table 26–3 Add Participant Type — Single Approver

For This Subsection... See...
Requires action from one of the Section, "Assigning Participants to the Single
participants below Approver Task" on page 26-25
Specify skip rule Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on
page 26-26
Limit allocated duration to (under Section, "Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on
the Advanced section) a Task" on page 26-27
Allow this participant to invite Section, "Inviting Additional Participants to a
other participants (under the Task" on page 26-27
Advanced section) Assigning Participants to the Single Approver Task

1. Select a method for assigning a user, group, or application role to participate in
performing actions on this task.
■ By name

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-25

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

– User Id or Group Id — Enter a user or group name or click the first icon
(Browse) to the right of the field to display a window for selecting a user
or group configured through the identity service. The identity service
enables user authorization and the lookup of user properties, roles, group
memberships, and privileges. User information is obtained from the user
directory or repository that is configured with the Identity Service. (JAZN,
LDAP, OID, or any third party user store). For group assignments, the
task must be performed by one of the members in the group. Therefore,
the user must first claim it in order to act on it.
– Application Role — Enter an application role that contains specific
permissions for acting on tasks. For example, assume you have two roles:
worker and supervisor. The worker role can only view tasks assigned to
the worker group. The supervisor role can view all tasks for their direct
reports and reassign tasks. Application roles must be mapped to
enterprise roles that are typically in the enterprise LDAP server. During
deployment time, you map application roles to enterprise roles in Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. You can also use
Java Platform Security (JPS) policy store APIs to map enterprise roles to
application roles.

See Also: Section 28.1.5, "Identity Service" on page 28-8

■ By expression
– Dynamic User XPath or Dynamic Group XPath — Dynamically assign
this task to a user (for example, jcooper) or group (for example,
administrators) by clicking the icon to the right of the field to display the
Expression Builder window. Users who are members of a group are
assigned this task. For a user to act on a task assigned to a group, they
must first claim the task in the Oracle BPM Worklist during run time.
– Dynamic Application Role XPath — Dynamically assign this task to an
application role.
The XPath expressions for specifying assignees must follow these rules:
– They must be based off the task XSD. This includes the payload as defined
in the payload section. For example,
/task:task/task:payload/order:orderAssignee is an example of an XPath
expression based of the task XSD.
– The XPath expressions cannot contain BPEL-specific XPath functions such
as bpws:getVariableData(), and so on because these XPath expressions are
not evaluated from the context of a BPEL instance.
– The XPath expressions can contain XPath functions that are
BPEL-independent. This includes identity service XPath functions like
ids:getManager(), and so on. Bypassing a Task Participant

You can bypass a task participant (user, group, or application role) if a specific
condition is satisfied. For example, if a user submits a business trip expense report that
is below a specific amount, no approval is required by their manager.
1. Select the Specify skip rule check box. This action displays an icon for accessing
the Expression Builder window for building a condition.

26-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

The expression to bypass a task participant must evaluate to a Boolean value. For
example, /task:task/task:payload/order:orderAmount < 1000 is a valid XPath
expression for skipping a participant.

See Also: Section, "Advanced Task Routing Using Business

Rules" on page 26-42 for instructions on creating dynamic rule
conditions Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on a Task

You can specify the amount of time a user, group, or application role receives to act on
a task. If the user, group, or role does not act in the time specified, the global escalation
and renewal policies that you set in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section
(known as the routing slip level) of the Human Task editor are applied. For example, if
the global policy is set to escalate the task and this participant does not act in the
duration provided, the task is escalated to the manager or another user, as appropriate.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section shown in Figure 26–14.
2. Select Limit allocated duration to.
3. Specify the amount of time.

See Also: Section 26.6.6, "Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task"

on page 26-46 for instructions on setting the global escalation and
renewal policies in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section of the
Human Task editor Inviting Additional Participants to a Task

You can allow a task assignee to invite other participants into the workflow before
routing it to the next assignee in this workflow. For example, assume the approval
workflow goes from James Cooper to John Steinbeck. If this option is checked, James
Cooper can decide to first route it to Irving Stone before it goes to John Steinbeck.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section (if not already expanded).
2. Select the Allow this participant to invite other participants. Configuring the Group Vote Participant Type

Figure 26–15 and Figure 26–16 display the upper and lower sections of the Group Vote
This participant type is used when multiple users, working in parallel, must take
action simultaneously, such as in a hiring situation when multiple users vote to hire or
reject an applicant. You specify the voting percentage that is needed for the outcome to
take effect, such as a majority vote or a unanimous vote.
For example, a business process collects the feedback from all interviewers in the
hiring process, consolidates it, and assigns a hire or reject request to each of the
interviewers. At the end, the candidate is hired if the majority of interviewers vote for
hiring instead of rejecting.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-27

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–15 Add Participant Type — Group Vote (Upper Section of Window)

Figure 26–16 Add Participant Type — Group Vote (Lower Section of Window)

1. Enter a recognizable label for this participant in the Label field. This label must be
unique among all the participants in the task definition (for example, Approval
Manager, Primary Reviewers, and so on).
Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Add Participant Type
- Group Vote window are listed in Table 26–4:

Table 26–4 Add Participant Type — Group Vote Window

For This Subsection... See...
Required consensus between the Section, "Assigning Participants to the Group
participants below: 50 Vote Task" on page 26-29
Specify skip rule Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on
page 26-30
Share attachments and comments Section, "Sharing Attachments and Comments
with Task Participants" on page 26-30

26-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Table 26–4 (Cont.) Add Participant Type — Group Vote Window

For This Subsection... See...
Default Outcome Section, "Specifying Group Voting Details" on
page 26-30
Consensus Percentage
Immediately trigger voted outcome
when minimum percentage is met
Wait until all votes are in before
triggering outcome
Limit allocated duration to Section, "Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on
a Task" on page 26-31 Assigning Participants to the Group Vote Task

1. Select a method for assigning a user, group, or application role to participate in
this task. A subtask is created for each group vote task participant. The assigned
participants must establish a consensus on when a task is considered complete.
■ By name
– User Id or Group Id — Enter a user or group name or click the first icon
(Browse) to the right of the field to display a window for selecting a user
or group configured through the identity service. The identity service
enables user authorization and the lookup of user properties, roles, group
memberships, and privileges. User information is obtained from the user
directory or repository that is configured with the Identity Service. (JAZN,
LDAP, OID, or any third party user store). For group assignments, the
task must be performed by one of the members in the group. Therefore,
the user must first claim it in order to act on it.
– Application Role — Enter an application role that contains specific
permissions for acting on tasks. For example, assume you have two roles:
worker and supervisor. The worker role can only view tasks assigned to
the worker group. The supervisor role can view all tasks for their direct
reports and reassign tasks. Application roles must be mapped to
enterprise roles that are typically in the enterprise LDAP server. During
deployment time, you map application roles to enterprise roles in Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. You can also use
JPS policy store APIs to map enterprise roles to application roles.
■ By expression
– Dynamic User XPath or Dynamic Group XPath — Dynamically assign
this task to a user (for example, jcooper) or group (for example,
administrators) by clicking the icon to the right of the field to display the
Expression Builder window. Users who are members of a group are
assigned this task. For a user to act on a task assigned to a group, they
must first claim the task in the Oracle BPM Worklist during run time. For
group assignments, the task must be performed by one of the members in
the group. Therefore, the user must first claim it in order to act on it. If you
want to create a task that must be voted on by each member of the group,
use the orcl:getUsersInGroup XPath function.
– Dynamic Application Role XPath — Dynamically assign this task to an
application role.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-29

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

See Also: Section, "Assigning Participants to the Single

Approver Task" on page 26-25 for rules to follow when specifying
assignees with XPath expressions Bypassing a Task Participant

You can bypass a task participant (user, group, or application role) if a specific
condition is satisfied. For example, if a user submits a business trip expense report that
is below a specific amount, no approval is required by their manager.
1. Select the Specify skip rule check box. This action displays an icon for accessing
the Expression Builder window for building a condition. The expression must
evaluate to a Boolean value.

See Also: Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on

page 26-26 for an example of a valid XPath expression for skipping a
participant Sharing Attachments and Comments with Task Participants

You can share comments and attachments with all group collaborators or workflow
participants for a task. This information typically displays in the footer region of the
Oracle BPM Worklist.
1. Select the Share attachments and comments check box. Specifying Group Voting Details

1. Specify a method for selecting the outcome for the final task. If you select By
Expression from the lists below, you can dynamically specify the details by
clicking the icon to the right of the field to display the Expression Builder window.
■ Default Outcome
Select the default outcome or enter an XPath expression for this task to take
effect if the consensus percentage value is not satisfied. This happens if there is
a tie or if all participants do not respond before the task expires. Seeded and
custom outcomes that you entered in the Outcomes window in
Section, "Specifying a Task Outcome" on page 26-17 display in this list.
■ Consensus Percentage
Select a percentage value or enter an XPath expression required for the
outcome of this task to take effect; for example, a majority vote (51) or a
unanimous vote (100). For example, assume there are two possible outcomes
(ACCEPT and REJECT) and five subtasks. If two subtasks are accepted and
three are rejected, and the required acceptance percentage is 50%, the outcome
of the task is rejected.
2. Specify additional group voting details:
■ Immediately trigger voted outcome when minimum percentage is met
If selected, the outcome of the task can be computed early with the outcomes
of the completed subtasks, enabling the pending subtasks to be withdrawn.
For example, assume four users are assigned to act on a task, the default
outcome is APPROVE, and the consensus percentage is set at 50. If the first
two users approve the task, the third and fourth users do not need to act on
the task, since the consensus percentage value has already been satisfied.
■ Wait until all votes are in before triggering outcome

26-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

If selected, the workflow waits for all responses before an outcome is initiated. Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on a Task

You can specify the amount of time a user, group, or application role receives to act on
a task. If the user, group, or role does not act in the time specified, the global escalation
and renewal policies that you set in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section
(known as the routing slip level) of the Human Task editor are applied. For example, if
the global policy is set to escalate the task and this participant does not act in the
duration provided, the task is escalated to the manager or another user, as appropriate.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section shown in Figure 26–16.
2. Select Limit allocated duration to.
3. Specify the amount of time.

See Also: Section 26.6.6, "Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task"

on page 26-46 for instructions on setting the global escalation and
renewal policies in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section of the
Human Task editor Configuring the Management Chain Participant Type

Figure 26–17 and Figure 26–18 display the upper and lower sections of the
Management Chain window.
This participant type routes tasks for approval to multiple users in a management
chain hierarchy. You specify the task participants as a management chain list or a list of
users. During the modeling process, you specify the first user to whom the task is
assigned and the number of levels. The rest of the users are calculated based on the
organization hierarchy with respect to this user.
For example, a purchase order is assigned to a manager. If the manager approves the
order, it is assigned to their manager. If that manager approves it, it is assigned to their
manager, and so on until three managers approve the order. If any of the managers
reject the request or the request expires, the order is rejected.

Figure 26–17 Add Participant Type — Management Chain (Upper Section of Window)

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-31

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–18 Add Participant Type — Management Chain (Lower Section of Window)

1. Enter a recognizable label for this participant in the Label field. This label must be
unique among all the participants in the task definition (for example, Approval
Manager, Primary Reviewers, and so on).
Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Add Participant Type
- Management Chain window are listed in Table 26–5:

Table 26–5 Add Participant Type - Management Chain

For This Subsection... See...
Requires management chain Section, "Assigning Participants to the
approval of one of the participants Management Chain Task" on page 26-32
Specify skip rule Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on
page 26-33
Maximum Number of Chain Levels Section, "Specifying the Number of
Up Approvers" on page 26-33
Highest Title of Approver
Limit allocated duration to Section, "Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on
a Task" on page 26-34
Allow this participant to invite Section, "Inviting Additional Participants to a
other participants Task" on page 26-34 Assigning Participants to the Management Chain Task

1. Select a method for assigning a user, group, or application role to participate in
this task.
■ By name
– User Id or Group Id — Enter a user or group name or click the first icon
(Browse) to the right of the field to display a window for selecting a user
or group configured through the identity service. The identity service
enables user authorization and the lookup of user properties, roles, group
memberships, and privileges. User information is obtained from the user
directory or repository that is configured with the Identity Service. (JAZN,
LDAP, OID, or any third party user store). For group assignments, the

26-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

task must be performed by one of the members in the group. Therefore,

the user must first claim it in order to act on it.
– Application Role — Enter an application role that contains specific
permissions for acting on tasks. For example, assume you have two roles:
worker and supervisor. The worker role can only view tasks assigned to
the worker group. The supervisor role can view all tasks for their direct
reports and reassign tasks. Application roles must be mapped to
enterprise roles that are typically in the enterprise LDAP server. During
deployment time, you map application roles to enterprise roles in Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. You can also use
JPS policy store APIs to map enterprise roles to application roles.
■ By expression
– Dynamic User XPath or Dynamic Group XPath — Dynamically assign
this task to a user (for example, jcooper) or group (for example,
administrators) by clicking the icon to the right of the field to display the
Expression Builder window. Users who are members of a group are
assigned this task. For a user to act on a task assigned to a group, they
must first claim the task in the Oracle BPM Worklist during run time.
– Dynamic Application Role XPath — Dynamically assign this task to an
application role.

See Also: Section, "Assigning Participants to the Single

Approver Task" on page 26-25 for rules to follow when specifying
assignees with XPath expressions Bypassing a Task Participant

You can bypass a task participant (user, group, or application role) if a specific
condition is satisfied. For example, if a user submits a business trip expense report that
is below a specific amount, no approval is required by their manager.
1. Select the Specify skip rule check box. This action displays an icon for accessing
the Expression Builder window for building a condition. The expression must
evaluate to a Boolean value.

See Also: Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on

page 26-26 for an example of a valid XPath expression for skipping a
participant Specifying the Number of Approvers

You can specify two types of task routing parameters. When both parameters are
specified, task routing is determined by both parameters. The routing continues until
one of these parameters is satisfied. If you select By Expression from the lists below,
you can dynamically specify the details by clicking the icon to the right of the field to
display the Expression Builder window.
1. Specify the following task routing parameters.
■ Maximum Number of Chain Levels Up
Enter a value or specify an XPath expression for the number of levels in the
management chain to include in this task. For example, if set to 2 and the task
is initially assigned to user jcooper, both the user jstein (manager of jcooper)
and the user wfaulk (manager of jstein) are included in the list (apart from
jcooper, the initial assignee). This is a mandatory field.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-33

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

■ Highest Title of Approver

Select the title or specify an XPath expression of the last (highest) user in the
management chain. The title is retrieved from the identity service. Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on a Task

You can specify the amount of time a user, group, or application role receives to act on
a task. If the user, group, or role does not act in the time specified, the global escalation
and renewal policies that you set in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section
(known as the routing slip level) of the Human Task editor are applied. For example, if
the global policy is set to escalate the task and this participant does not act in the
duration provided, the task is escalated to the manager or another user, as appropriate.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section shown in Figure 26–17.
2. Select Limit allocated duration to.
3. Specify the amount of time.

See Also: Section 26.6.6, "Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task"

on page 26-46 for instructions on setting the global escalation and
renewal policies in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section of the
Human Task editor Inviting Additional Participants to a Task

You can allow a task assignee to invite other participants into the workflow before
routing it to the next assignee in this workflow. For example, assume the approval
workflow goes from James Cooper to John Steinbeck. If this option is checked, James
Cooper can decide to first route it to Irving Stone before it goes to John Steinbeck.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section (if not already expanded).
2. Select Allow this participant to invite other participants.

Note: For the management chain participant type, the additional

participants can be invited only by the last user in the management
chain. Configuring the Sequential List of Approvers Participant Type

Figure 26–19 displays the Sequential List of Approvers window.
This enables you to create a list of sequential participants for a workflow. For example,
if you want a document to be reviewed by John, Mary, and Scott in sequence, use this
participant type. This is similar to the management chain participant type, except that
with that type, the users are part of an organization hierarchy. For the sequential list of
approvers participant type, they can be any list of users or groups.

26-34 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–19 Add Participant Type — Sequential List of Approvers

1. Enter a recognizable label for this participant in the Label field. This label must be
unique among all the participants in the task definition (for example, Approval
Manager, Primary Reviewers, and so on).
Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Add Participant Type
- Sequential List of Approvers window are listed in Table 26–6.

Table 26–6 Add Participant Type — Sequential List of Approvers

For This Subsection... See...
Requires sequential approval of all Section, "Assigning Participants to the
participants below Sequential List of Approvers Task" on page 26-35
Specify skip rule Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on
page 26-36
Limit allocated duration to Section, "Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on
a Task" on page 26-36
Allow this participant to invite Section, "Inviting Additional Participants to a
other participants Task" on page 26-36 Assigning Participants to the Sequential List of Approvers Task

1. Select a method for assigning a user or group to participate in this task.
■ By name
Enter a user or group name or click the first icon (Browse) to the right of the
field to display a window for selecting a user or group configured through the
identity service. The identity service enables user authorization and the
lookup of user properties, roles, group memberships, and privileges. User
information is obtained from the user directory or repository that is
configured with the Identity Service. (JAZN, LDAP, OID, or any third party

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-35

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

user store). For group assignments, the task must be performed by one of the
members in the group. Therefore, the user must first claim it in order to act on
■ By expression
Dynamically assign this task to a user (for example, jcooper) or group (for
example, administrators) by clicking the icon to the right of the field to
display the Expression Builder window. Users who are members of a group
are assigned this task. For a user to act on a task assigned to a group, they
must first claim the task in the Oracle BPM Worklist during run time.

See Also: Section, "Assigning Participants to the Single

Approver Task" on page 26-25 for rules to follow when specifying
assignees with XPath expressions Bypassing a Task Participant

You can bypass a task participant (user, group, or application role) if a specific
condition is satisfied. For example, if a user submits a business trip expense report that
is below a specific amount, no approval is required by their manager.
1. Select the Specify skip rule check box. This action displays an icon for accessing
the Expression Builder window for building a condition. The expression must
evaluate to a Boolean value.

See Also: Section, "Bypassing a Task Participant" on

page 26-26 for an example of a valid XPath expression for skipping a
participant Specifying a Time Limit for Acting on a Task

You can specify the amount of time a user, group, or application role receives to act on
a task. If the user, group, or role does not act in the time specified, the global escalation
and renewal policies that you set in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section
(known as the routing slip level) of the Human Task editor are applied. For example, if
the global policy is set to escalate the task and this participant does not act in the
duration provided, the task is escalated to the manager or another user, as appropriate.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section shown in Figure 26–19.
2. Click Limit allocated duration to.
3. Specify the amount of time.

See Also: Section 26.6.6, "Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task"

on page 26-46 for instructions on setting the global escalation and
renewal policies in the Expiration and Escalation Policy section of the
Human Task editor Inviting Additional Participants to a Task

You can allow a task assignee to invite other participants into the workflow before
routing it to the next assignee in this workflow. For example, assume the approval
workflow goes from James Cooper to John Steinbeck. If this option is checked, James
Cooper can decide to first route it to Irving Stone before it goes to John Steinbeck.
1. Click the + sign to expand the Advanced section (if not already expanded).
2. Select Allow this participant to invite other participants.

26-36 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Note: For the sequential list of approvers participant type, the

additional participants can be invited only by the last user in the
sequential list. Configuring the FYI Assignee Participant Type

Figure 26–20 displays the FYI Assignee window.
This participant type is used when a task is sent to a user, but the business process
does not wait for a user response; it just continues. FYI assignees cannot directly
impact the outcome of a task, but in some cases can provide comments or add
For example, a magazine subscription is due for renewal. If the user does not cancel
the current subscription before the expiration date, the subscription is renewed. This
user is reminded weekly until the request expires or the user acts on it.

Figure 26–20 Add Participant Type — FYI Assignee

1. Enter a recognizable label for this participant in the Label field. This label must be
unique among all the participants in the task definition (for example, Approval
Manager, Primary Reviewers, and so on).
Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Add Participant Type
- FYI Assignee window are listed in Table 26–7:

Table 26–7 Add Participant Type - FYI Assignee

For This Subsection... See...
Send an FYI copy of this task to all Section, "Assigning Participants to the FYI
participants below Assignee Task" on page 26-37
Share attachments and comments Section, "Sharing Attachments and Comments
with Task Participants" on page 26-38 Assigning Participants to the FYI Assignee Task

1. Select a method for assigning a user, group, or application role to participate in
this task.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-37

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

■ By name
– User Id or Group Id — Enter a user or group name or click the first icon
(Browse) to the right of the field to display a window for selecting a user
or group configured through the identity service. The identity service
enables user authorization and the lookup of user properties, roles, group
memberships, and privileges. User information is obtained from the user
directory or repository that is configured with the Identity Service. (JAZN,
LDAP, OID, or any third party user store). For group assignments, the
task must be performed by one of the members in the group. Therefore,
the user must first claim it in order to act on it.
– Application Role — Enter an application role that contains specific
permissions for acting on tasks. For example, assume you have two roles:
worker and supervisor. The worker role can only view tasks assigned to
the worker group. The supervisor role can view all tasks for their direct
reports and reassign tasks. Application roles must be mapped to
enterprise roles that are typically in the enterprise LDAP server. During
deployment time, you map application roles to enterprise roles in Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Console. You can also use
JPS policy store APIs to map enterprise roles to application roles.
■ By expression
– Dynamic User XPath or Dynamic Group XPath — Dynamically assign
this task to a user (for example, jcooper) or group (for example,
administrators) by clicking the icon to the right of the field to display the
Expression Builder window. Users who are members of a group are
assigned this task. For a user to act on a task assigned to a group, they
must first claim the task in the Oracle BPM Worklist during run time.
– Dynamic Application Role XPath — Dynamically assign this task to an
application role.

See Also: Section, "Assigning Participants to the Single

Approver Task" on page 26-25 for rules to follow when specifying
assignees with XPath expressions Sharing Attachments and Comments with Task Participants

You can share comments and attachments with all group collaborators or workflow
participants for a task. This information typically displays in the footer region of the
Oracle BPM Worklist.
1. Select the Share attachments and comments check box. Configuring the External Routing Service Participant Type

Figure 26–21 displays the External Routing Service window.
This participant type enables you to configure an external routing service that
dynamically determines the participants in the workflow. If this participant type is
specified, all other participant types are ignored. It is assumed that the external
routing service provides a list of participant types (single approver, list of approvers,
group vote, and so on) at run time to determine the routing of the task.
Use this participant type if you do not want to use any of the built-in workflow
participant types or the advanced workflow routing rules to determine task assignees.
In this case, all the logic of task assignment is delegated to the external routing service.

26-38 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–21 Add Participant Type — External Routing Service

1. Enter a recognizable label for this participant in the Label field. This label must be
unique among all the participants in the task definition (for example, Approval
Manager, Primary Reviewers, and so on). Specifying a Class Name

1. Enter the fully qualified class file name or click the Browse icon to select the name
(for example, the org.mycompany.tasks.RoutingService class name). This
class must implement the interface.
2. Add name and pair value parameters by name or XPath expression that can be
passed to the external service.

If You Select... Then...

By Name Enter a name in the Name field and a value in the Value field.
By Expression Enter a name and dynamically enter a value by clicking the icon to
the right of the field to display the Expression Builder window.

3. Click the + sign to add additional name and pair value parameters.

Note: IAssignmentService interface details are described in the

Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API Reference

See Also: Section 28.3.2, "Dynamically Assigning Task Participants

with the Assignment Service" on page 28-32 for details about using
this interface

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-39

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor Allowing All Participants to Invite Other Participants

After you configure a participant type and are returned to the Human Task editor, the
Allow all participants to invite other participants check box is enabled, as shown in
Figure 26–22.

Figure 26–22 Human Task Editor — Assignment and Routing Policy Section

This check box is the equivalent of the Adhoc workflow pattern of pre-10.1.3 Oracle
BPEL Process Manager releases. This applies when there is at least one participant. In
this case, each user selects users or groups as the next assignee when approving the
1. If you want this task assignee to invite other participants into the workflow before
routing it to the next assignee in this workflow, select the Allow all participants to
invite other participants check box. Adding Reviewers

You can add additional review participants to a task. Participants added through this
field can only add comments and attachments to a task. This differs from the task
assignees, who can perform actions on the task like reassign, escalate, custom actions
(for example, approve and reject), add comments, add attachments, and so on.
You can assign additional reviewers to this task.
1. Select the Add Reviewers check box.
2. Select to assign reviewers by name or expression.

If You Select... Then...

By Name Enter a user or group name or click the Browse icon to the right of
the field to display the Identity Lookup window for selecting a
user or group configured through the identity service.
By Expression Dynamically assign this task to a user (for example, jcooper) or
group (for example, administrators) by clicking the icon to the
right of the field to display the Expression Builder window. Routing Tasks to All Participants in the Specified Order

You can select to have a task reviewed by all selected participants. This is known as
default routing because the task is routed to each of the participants in the order in
which they appear. This type of routing differs from state machine-based routing.

26-40 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

1. Click Route task to all participants, in order specified to route tasks to all
participants in the specified order.

See Also: Section, "Introduction to Advanced Task

Routing Using Business Rules" on page 26-42 for details about state
machine-based routing Abruptly Completing a Condition

You can specify conditions under which to complete a task early, regardless of the
other participants in the workflow.
1. Select the Complete task when a participant chooses <outcome> check box.
The Abrupt Completion Details window appears.
For example, assume an expense report goes to the manager, and then the director.
If the first participant (manager) rejects it, you can end the workflow without
sending it to the next participant (director).
There are two methods for specifying the abrupt completion of a task:
■ Outcomes
■ XPath expression routing condition
If outcomes are specified, any time the selected task outcome occurs, the task
completes. If both outcome and routing condition are specified, the workflow
service performs a logical OR on the two.
2. Select appropriate outcomes and click the > button. To select all, click the >>

3. Click the icon to the right of the Routing Condition field to display the Expression
Builder window for dynamically creating a condition under which to complete
this task early. For example, if a user submits a business trip expense report that is
below a specific amount, no approval is required by their manager.
4. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.
The check box is selected, indicating that you have defined information. You can
click the icon to the right of the Complete task when a participant chooses
<outcome> check box to edit this information.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-41

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor Advanced Task Routing Using Business Rules

The Human Task editor is integrated with the functionality of advanced task routing
using business rules.
Use advanced routing rules to create complex workflow routing scenarios. The
participant types described in previous sections (such as sequential, management
chain, and so on) are used to create a linear flow from one set of users to another with
basic conditions such as abrupt termination, skipping assignees, and so on. However,
there is often a need to perform more complex back and forth routing between
multiple individuals in a workflow. One option is to use the BPEL process as the
orchestrator of these tasks. Another option is to specify it declaratively using business
rules. This section describes how you can model such complex interactions by using
business rules in conjunction with the Human Task editor.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Introduction to Advanced Task Routing Using Business Rules"
■ Section, "Fact Types"
■ Section, "Actions"
■ Section, "Sample Rule Set"
■ Section, "Creating Advanced Routing Rules" Introduction to Advanced Task Routing Using Business Rules You can define
state machine routing rules using Oracle Business Rules. This enables you to create
Oracle Business Rules that are evaluated:
■ After a routing slip task participant sets the outcome of the task
■ Before the task is assigned to the next routing slip participant
This enables you to override the standard task routing slip method described in
Section, "Routing Tasks to All Participants in the Specified Order" on
page 26-40 and build complex routing behavior into tasks. Fact Types A fact is an object with certain business data. Each time a
routing slip assignee sets the outcome of a task, instead of automatically routing the
task to the next assignee, the task service performs the following steps:
■ Asserts facts into the decision service
■ Executes the advanced routing rule set
Rules can test values in the asserted facts and specify the routing behavior by setting
values in a TaskAction fact type.
Table 26–8 describes the fact types asserted by the task service.

Table 26–8 Fact Types Asserted By the Task Service

Fact Type Description
Task This fact contains the current state of the workflow task instance. All task
attributes can be tested against it. The task fact also contains the current
task payload. This enables you to construct tests against payload values
and task attribute values.

26-42 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Table 26–8 (Cont.) Fact Types Asserted By the Task Service

Fact Type Description
PreviousOutcome This fact describes the previous task outcome and the assignee who set the
outcome. The previous outcome fact contains the following attributes:
■ actualParticipant — The name of the participant who set the task
outcome (for example, jstein)
■ logicalParticipant — The logical name (or label) for the routing slip
participant responsible for setting the task outcome (for example,
■ outcome — The outcome that was set (for example, APPROVE or
■ level — If the previous participant was part of a management chain,
then this attribute records their level in the chain, where 1 is the first
level in the chain. For other participant types, the value is -1.
■ totalNumberOfApprovals — The total number of users that have set
the outcome of the task at this time.
TaskAction This fact is not intended for writing rule tests against it. Instead, it is
updated by rules to indicate how to route the task if the rule is triggered.
Rules should not directly update the TaskAction fact. Instead, they should
pass the TaskAction fact to one of the RL functions described in
Section, "Actions" on page 26-43. The task service always asserts
a TaskAction set with a GO_FORWARD action. This means that the default
routing slip behavior (move forward to the next participant in the routing
slip) is followed if no rules are triggered by the asserted facts. This
eliminates the need for having to write a catch-all rule to implement the
default behavior, and makes rule execution more robust.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business
Rules for details on facts Actions In order to instruct the task service on how to route the task, rules
can specify one of a number of task actions. This is done by updating the TaskAction
fact asserted into the rule session. However, rules should not directly update the
TaskAction fact. Instead, rules should call one of the action RL functions, passing the
TaskAction fact as a parameter. These functions handle the actual updates to the fact.
For example, to specify an action of go forward, you must add a call GO_
FORWARD(TaskAction) to the action part of the rule.
Each time a state machine routing rule is evaluated, the rule takes one of the actions
shown in Table 26–9:

Table 26–9 Business Rule Actions

Action Parameters Description
GO_FORWARD TaskAction fact Goes to the next participant in the routing slip
(default behavior).
PUSHBACK TaskAction fact Goes back to the previous participant in the routing
slip (the participant prior to the one that just set the
task outcome).
GOTO TaskAction fact, Goes to a specific participant in the routing slip.
String identifying
the logical
participant name

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-43

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Table 26–9 (Cont.) Business Rule Actions

Action Parameters Description
COMPLETE TaskAction fact Finishes routing and completes the task. The task is
marked as completed, and no further routing is
ESCALATE TaskAction fact Escalates and reassigns the task according to the task
escalation policy (usually to the manager of the
current assignee) Sample Rule Set This section describes how to use rules to implement
custom routing behavior with a simple example. A human workflow task is created
for managing approvals of expense requests. The outcomes for the task are APPROVE
and REJECT. The task definition includes an ExpenseRequest payload element. One of
the fields of ExpenseRequest is the total amount of the expense request. The routing
slip for the task consists of three single participants (Assignee1, Assignee2, and
By default, the task gets routed to each of the assignees, with each assignee choosing to
APPROVE or REJECT the task.
Instead of this behavior, the desired routing behavior is as follows:
■ If the total amount of the expense request is less than $100, approval is only
required from one of the participants. Otherwise, it must be approved by all three.
■ If an expense request is rejected by any of the participants, it must be returned to
the previous participant for re-evaluation. If it is rejected by the first participant,
the expense request is rejected and marked as completed.
This behavior is implemented using the following rules. Note that when a rule
dictionary is generated for advanced routing rules, it is created with a template rule
that implements the default GO_FORWARD behavior. You can edit this rule, and
make copies of the template rule by right-clicking and selecting Copy Rule in the
Oracle Business Rules Rule Author.
If the amount is greater than $100 and the previous assignee approved the task, it is
not necessary to provide a rule for routing a task to each of the assignees in turn. This
is the default behavior that is reverted to if none of the rules in the rule set are
■ Early approval rule

(for each case where) Task is a Task

Task.payload.expenseRequest.amount < 100

(for each case where) PreviousOutcome is a PreviousOutcome
PreviousOutcome.outcome == "APPROVE"

(for each case where) TaskAction is a TaskAction


call COMPLETE(TaskAction)

■ Push back on the rejected rule

26-44 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor


(for each case where) Task is a Task

(for each case where) PreviousOutcome is a PreviousOutcome
PreviousOutcome.outcome == "REJECT" and

PreviousOutcome.logicalAssignee != "Assignee1"

(for each case where) TaskAction is a TaskAction


call PUSHBACK(TaskAction)

■ Complete the Assignee1 rejected rule


(for each case where) Task is a Task

(for each case where) PreviousOutcome is a PreviousOutcome
PreviousOutcome.outcome == "REJECT" and

PreviousOutcome.logicalAssignee == "Assignee1"

(for each case where) TaskAction is a TaskAction


call COMPLETE(TaskAction)

See Also: The iterative design sample located in the

workflow\workflow-106-IterativeDesign directory of the file Creating Advanced Routing Rules

1. Click Use Advanced Rules.
2. Click Advanced Routing Rules.
This starts the Oracle Business Rules Rule Author with a preseeded repository
containing all necessary fact definitions. A template rule dictionary is generated
that can be used to specify the advanced routing behavior using business rules.
The template rule dictionary contains a sample rule that can be copied by
right-clicking it. A decision service component is created for the dictionary, and is
associated with the task service component.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-45

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

3. Define state machine routing rules for your task using Oracle Business Rules.
This automatically creates a fully-wired decision service in the human task and the
associated rule repository and data model.

See Also:
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware User’s Guide for Oracle Business Rules
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Language Reference Guide for Oracle
Business Rules

26.6.6 Escalating, Renewing, or Ending the Task

Figure 26–23 shows the Expiration and Escalation Policy section of the Human Task
You can specify expiration duration of a task in this global policy section (also known
as the routing slip level). If expiration duration is specified at the routing slip level
instead of at the participant type level, then this duration is the expiration duration of
the task across all the participants. However, if you specify expiration duration at the
participant type level (through the Limit allocated duration to field), then those
settings take precedence over settings specified in the Expiration and Escalation
Policy section (routing slip level).

Figure 26–23 Human Task Editor — Expiration and Escalation Policy Section

26-46 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor Introduction to Escalation and Expiration Policy

This section provides an overview of how specifying the expiration duration at this
level makes this setting the expiration duration of the task across all the participants.
For example, participant LoanAgentGroup and participant Supervisor have 3 days to
act on the task between them, as shown in Figure 26–24:

Figure 26–24 Expire After Policy

If there is no expiration specified at either the participant level or this routing slip
level, then that task has no expiration duration.
If expiration duration is specified at any of the participant’s level, then for that
participant, the participant expiration duration is used. However, the global expiration
duration is still used for the participants that do not have participant level expiration
duration. The global expiration duration is always decremented by the time elapsed in
the task.
The policy to interpret the participant level expiration for the participants is described
■ Management Chain — Each participant in the management chain gets the same
expiration duration. The duration is not for all the assignments resulting from this
assignment. If the task expires at any of the assignments in the management chain,
the task expires and the escalation and renewal policy is applied.
■ Sequential list of approvers — Each assignment in the management chain gets the
same expiration duration as the one specified in the sequential list of approvers.
Note that the duration is not for all the assignments resulting from this
assignment. If the task expires at any of the assignments in the management chain,
the task expires and the escalation and renewal policy is applied.
■ Group vote
– In a group vote workflow, if the parallel participants are specified as a
resource, a routing slip is created for each of the resources. The expiration
duration of each created routing slip follows these rules:

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-47

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

* The expiration duration is the same as the expiration duration of the

parallel participant if it has an expiration duration specified.
* The expiration duration that is left on the task if it was specified at the
routing slip level.
* No expiration duration, otherwise.
– If parallel participants are specified as routing slips, then the expiration
duration for the parallel participants are determined by the routing slip.

Note: When the parent task expires in a parallel task, the subtasks
are withdrawn if those tasks have not expired or completed.

In the following routing slip sample, participant Loan Agent Group has an
expiration duration of 1 day and participant Loan Agent Supervisor does not
have any expiration duration on the task, even though an expiration duration is
specified at the routing slip level. In this example, the routing slip is treated just as if
there were no expiration duration specified at the routing slip level.
<routingSlip xmlns="">
<expirationDuration>PT10D </expirationDuration>


<participant name="Loan Agent 1" expirationDuration="PT2D">

<resource isGroup="true" type="STATIC">jcooper</resource>
<participant name="Loan Agent 2">
<resource isGroup="true" type="STATIC">jstein</resource>

<managementChain name="Loan Approval Chain"

<resource isGroup="true" type="STATIC">wfaulk</resource>
<levels type="STATIC">1</levels>
<title type="STATIC">Vice President</title>

<participant name="Reviewer">
<resource isGroup="true" type="STATIC">sfitzger</resource>


Table 26–10 demonstrates the expiration policy. Note that the management chain in the
above example evaluates to two users — wfaulk and cdickens (manager of

Table 26–10 Expiration Policy

Actual Time Taken to
Participant Expiration Approve
Loan Agent 1 – jcooper 2 days (participant level) One day
Loan Agent 2 – jstein 9 days (10 – 1 days) (global One day

26-48 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Table 26–10 (Cont.) Expiration Policy

Actual Time Taken to
Participant Expiration Approve
Loan Approval Chain – 2 days (participant level) One day
wfaulk (first user in chain)
Loan Approval Chain – 2 days (participant level) One day
cdickens (second user in
Reviewer - sfitzger 6 days (10 – 4 days) (global

1. Select an escalation and expiration policy. You can enter a fixed time or a dynamic
time by clicking the icon to the right of the By Expression field to display the
Expression Builder window.
■ Section, "Never Expire Policy"
■ Section, "Expire After Policy"
■ Section, "Renew After Policy"
■ Section, "Escalate After Policy" Never Expire Policy

You can specify for a task to never expire.
1. Select Never Expire from the list shown in Figure 26–23 on page 26-46. Expire After Policy

You can specify for a task to expire.
1. Select Expire after from the list shown in Figure 26–23 on page 26-46.
2. Specify the maximum time period for the task to remain open.
When the task expires, either the escalation policy or the renewal policy at the
routing slip level is applied. If neither is specified, the task expires. The expiration
policy at the routing slip level is common to all the participants.
The expiration policy for parallel participants is interpreted as follows.
■ If parallel participants are specified as resources in parallel elements, there is
no expiration policy for each of those participants.
■ If parallel participants are specified as routing slips, then the expiration policy
for the routing slip applies to the parallel participants.
Figure 26–25 indicates that the task expires in 3 days.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-49

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–25 Expire After Policy Renew After Policy

You can extend the expiration period when the user does not respond within the
allotted time.
1. Select Renew after from the list shown in Figure 26–23 on page 26-46.
2. Specify the maximum number of times to continue renewing this task.
The renewal policy specifies the number of times the task can be renewed on
expiration and the renewal duration. In Figure 26–26, when the task expires, it is
renewed at most 3 times. It does not matter if the task expired at the
LoanAgentGroup participant or the Supervisor participant.

26-50 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–26 Renew After Policy Escalate After Policy

You can escalate the task (for example, to the user’s manager) if the user does not
respond within the allotted time.
1. Select Escalate after from the list shown in Figure 26–23 on page 26-46.
2. Specify the following additional values:
■ Maximum Escalation Levels
Number of management levels to which to escalate the task
■ Highest Approver Title
The title of the highest approver (for example, self, manager, director, or CEO).
These titles are compared against the title of the task assignee in the
corresponding user repository.
The escalation policy specifies the number of times the task can be escalated on
expiration and the renewal duration. In Figure 26–27, when the task expires, it is
escalated at most 3 times. It does not matter if the task expired at the
LoanAgentGroup participant or the Supervisor participant.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-51

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Figure 26–27 Escalate After Policy Specifying a Due Date

You can enter a due date for a task, as shown in Figure 26–23 on page 26-46. A task is
considered overdue once it is past the specified due date. This date is in addition to the
expiration policy. A due date can be specified irrespective of whether an expiration
policy has been specified. The due date enables the Oracle BPM Worklist to display a
due date, list overdue tasks, highlight overdue tasks in the inbox, and so on. Overdue
tasks can be queried using a predicate on the
TaskQueryService.queryTask(...) API.
1. Select Use Due Date.
2. Select By Date to enter a specific due date or select By Expression to dynamically
enter a value as an XPath expression.
Note the following details:
■ The due date can be set on both the task (using the task dialog) and in the
.task file (using the Human Task editor). This is to allow to-do tasks without
task definitions to set a due date during initiation of the task. A due date that
is set in the task (a run-time object) overrides a due date that is set in the
.task file.
■ In the task definition, the due date can only be specified at the global level,
and not for each participant.
■ If the due date is set on the task, the due date in the .task file is ignored.
■ If the due date is not set on the task, the due date in the .task file is
evaluated and set on the task.
■ If there is no due date on either the task or in the .task file, there is no due
date on the task.

See Also: Section 33.3.4, "How to Create a To-Do Task" on

page 33-14

26-52 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

26.6.7 Specifying Participant Notification Preferences

Figure 26–28 shows the Notification Settings section of the Human Task editor (when
fully expanded).
Notifications indicate when a user is assigned a task or informed that the status of the
task has changed. Notifications can be sent through e-mail, voice message, instant
message, or SMS. Notifications are sent to different types of participants for different
actions. Notifications are configured by default with default messages. For example, a
notification message is sent to indicate that a task has completed and closed. You can
create your own or modify existing configurations.

Figure 26–28 Human Task Editor — Notification Settings Section

1. Click the + sign to expand the Notification Settings section (displays as shown in
Figure 26–28).
Instructions for configuring the following subsections of the Notification Settings
section are listed in Table 26–11.

Table 26–11 Human Task Editor — Notification Settings Section

For This Subsection... See...
Task Status Section, "Notifying Recipients of Changes to
Task Status" on page 26-54
Notification Header Section, "Editing the Notification Message" on
page 26-55
Reminders Section, "Setting Up Reminders" on page 26-55
Make notifications secure (exclude Section, "Securing Notifications, Making
details) Messages Actionable, and Sending Attachments" on
page 26-56
Make e-mail messages actionable
Send task attachments with email

See Also: Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow" on

page 28-20

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-53

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor Notifying Recipients of Changes to Task Status

Three default status types display in the Task Status column: Assign, Complete, and
Error. You can select other status types for which to receive notification messages.
1. Click a type in the Task Status column to display the complete list of task types:
■ Assign—when the task is assigned to users or a group. This action captures
the following actions:
– Task is assigned to a user
– Task is assigned to a new user in a sequential list of approvers workflow
– Task is renewed
– Task is delegated
– Task is reassigned
– Task is escalated
– Information for a task is submitted
■ Complete
■ Error
■ Expire
■ Request Info
■ Update Outcome
■ Suspend
■ Resume
■ Withdraw
■ Update
– Task payload is updated
– Task is updated
– Comments are added
– Attachments are added and updated
■ All Other Actions
– Any action not covered in the above task types. This includes acquiring a
2. Select a task status type.
Notifications can be sent to users involved in the task in various capacities. This
includes when the task is assigned to a group, each user in the group is sent a
notification if there is no notification endpoint available for the group.
3. Click an entry in the Recipient column to display a list of possible recipients for
the notification message.
■ Assignees—the users or groups to whom the task is currently assigned
■ Initiator—the user who created the task
■ Approvers—the users who have approved the task so far. This applies in a
sequential list of approvers participant type where multiple users have
approved the task and a notification must be sent to all of them.

26-54 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

■ Owner—the task owner

See Also: Section 28.2.1, "Configuring the Notification Channel" on

page 28-21 Editing the Notification Message

A default notification message is available for delivery to the selected recipient. If you
want, you can modify the default message text.
1. Click the icon in the Notification Header column to modify the default
notification message.
The Edit Notification Message window appears.

This message applies to all the supported notification channels: e-mail, voice,
instant message, and SMS. E-mail messages can also include the worklist task
detail defined in this message. The channel by which the message is delivered is
based upon the notification preferences you specify.
2. Modify the message wording as necessary.
3. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.

See Also: Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow" on

page 28-20 for notification preference details Setting Up Reminders

You can send task reminders, which can be based on the time the task was assigned to
a user or the expiration time of a task. The number of reminders and the interval
between the reminders can also be configured.
1. Select the number of reminders to send from the Remind list.
2. If you selected to remind the assignee one, two, or three times, select the interval
between reminders, and whether to send the reminder before or after the

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-55

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

See Also: Section 28.2.12, "Sending Reminders" on page 28-28 Securing Notifications, Making Messages Actionable, and Sending

You can perform additional notification tasks in this section.
1. Select the corresponding check box for functionality you want to use.

Field Value
Make notifications secure 1. Select to make the notification message secure. If
(exclude details) selected, a default notification message is used. There
are no HTML worklist task details, attachments, or
actionable links in the e-mail. Only the task number is in
the message.
See Also: Section 28.2.9, "Sending Secure Notifications"
on page 28-28
Make e-mail messages 1. Select to make e-mail notifications actionable. This
actionable enables you to perform task actions through e-mail.
See Also: Section 28.2.4, "Sending Actionable Messages"
on page 28-24 for additional configuration details and
Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle
SOA Suite for instructions on configuring outbound
and inbound e-mails

26-56 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Field Value
Send task attachments with 1. Select to send task attachments with the notification
e-mail notifications message.
2. If you want to customize the notification headers, select
Custom Notification Headers.
Custom notification headers are used to specify name
and value pairs to identify key fields within the
notification. These entries can be used by users to define
delivery preferences for their notifications. For example:
You can set Name to ApprovalType and value to
Expense or maybe Name to Priority and value to High.
Users can then use specify delivery preferences in the
worklist application. These preferences can be based on
the contents of the notification.
Note that the rule-based notification service is only used
to identify the preferred notification channel to use. The
address for the preferred channel is still obtained from
the identity service.
3. Add name and pair value parameters by name or XPath
See Also: "Sending Inbound and Outbound
Attachments" on page 28-27, "Custom Notification
Headers" on page 28-29, Chapter 40, "User Messaging
Preferences", and preferences details in the Using Oracle
BPM Worklist chapter.

26.6.8 Specifying Advanced Settings

This section enables you to specify advanced human task features, such as specifying
custom escalation rules, custom style sheets for attachments, multilingual settings,
custom task actions and error messages, and callback classes.
Figure 26–29 shows the advanced settings section of the Human Task editor.

Figure 26–29 Human Task Editor — Advanced Settings Section

Table 26–12 describes the sections available.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-57

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Table 26–12 Advanced Settings Sections

Section See...
Specify escalation rule Section, "Specifying Escalation Rules" on page 26-58
Specify WordML Stylesheet Section, "Specifying WordML Style Sheets for
for attachments Attachments" on page 26-59
Specify stylesheet for Section, "Specifying Style Sheets for Attachments" on
attachments page 26-59
Specify multilingual settings Section, "Specifying Multilingual Settings" on
page 26-59
Override default exception Section, "Overriding Default Exception
management Management" on page 26-60
Specify callback class on task Section, "Specifying Callback Classes on Task Status"
status on page 26-61
Specify workflow signature Section, "Specifying a Workflow Signature Policy" on
policy page 26-62
Allow task and routing Section, "Allowing Task and Routing Customization
customization in BPEL in BPEL Callbacks" on page 26-62
Override default access to task Section, "Specifying Access Rules on Task Content"
content on page 26-63 Specifying Escalation Rules

This option allows a custom escalation rule to be plugged in for a particular workflow.
For example, to assign the task to a current user’s department manager on task
expiration, you can write a custom task escalation function, register it with the
workflow service, and use that function in task definitions.
The default escalation rule is to assign a task to the manager of the current user. To add
a new escalation rule, follow the steps below.
1. Implement interface
EscalationFunction. This implementation has to be available in the classpath
for the server.
2. Change the file SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\system\services\config\wf-dynamic-assign-cfg.xml to
add a new function:

<function name="Department_supervisor"


26-58 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

Note: For 11g Release 1, this parameter must be configured from the
Task Service page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console.
Access this page by selecting Administration > Human Workflow
from the SOA Infrastructure menu, then selecting the Task Service

3. Enter the function name as defined in the wf-dynamic-assign-cfg.xml file

for the escalation rule in the Specify Escalation Rule field.

See Also: Section 28.3.3, "Custom Escalation Function" on

page 28-36 Specifying WordML Style Sheets for Attachments

This option allows dynamic creation of Microsoft Word documents for the purpose of
sending them as e-mail attachments using a WordML XSLT stylesheet. The XSLT
stylesheet is applied on the task document.
1. Click the Browse icon to select a WordML style sheet as an attachment.

See Also: Oracle Application Server Developer’s Guide for Microsoft

Office Interoperability for specific details Specifying Style Sheets for Attachments

This option allows creation of e-mail attachments using an XSLT stylesheet. The XSLT
stylesheet is applied on the task document.
1. Click the Browse icon to select a stylesheet as an attachment. Specifying Multilingual Settings

You can specify resource bundles for displaying task details in different languages in
the Oracle BPM Worklist. Resource bundles are supported for the following task
■ Displaying the value for task outcomes in plain text or with the message(key)
■ Displaying the XML element and attributes names in the payload display of the
Oracle BPM Worklist. The key name in the resource bundle must be the same as
the name of the XML element and attributes for internationalization of XML
element names in the Oracle BPM Worklist.
■ Making e-mail notification messages available in different languages. At run time,
specify the XPath extension function
hwf:getTaskResourceBundleString(taskId, key, locale?) to obtain
the internationalized string from the specified resource bundle. The locale of the
notification recipient can be retrieved with the function
Resource bundles can also simply be property files. For example, a resource bundle
that configures a display name for task outcomes can look as follows:
■ APPROVE=Approve
■ REJECT=Reject
1. Click Configure Resource.
The Resource Details window appears.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-59

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

2. Enter the name of the resource used in the resource bundle.

3. Click the Browse icon to select the JAR or ZIP resource bundle file to use. The
resource bundle is part of your system archive (SAR) file.
4. Click OK to return to the Human Task editor.

See Also: Section 28.2.3, "Configuring Notification Messages in

Different Languages" on page 28-23 Overriding Default Exception Management

Tasks can error due to incorrect assignments. Incorrect assignments can occur for any
of the following reasons:
■ Invalid assignees — The task assignee user or group is not a valid user in the
■ Invalid dynamic assignment — When assignees are specified to be dynamic, the
dynamic XPath expression is not evaluated.
In the above cases, the task is marked as errored. By default, the life cycle of the task is
completed with that action.
During modeling of workflow tasks, you can specify error assignees for the workflow.
If error assignees are specified, they are evaluated and the task is assigned to them.
The error assignee can perform one of the following actions:
■ Adhoc route — route the task to the actual users assigned to the task. Adhoc route
allows the task to be routed to users in sequence, parallel, and so on.
■ Reassign — reassign the task to the actual users assigned to this task
■ Error task — indicate that this task cannot be rectified.
If there are any errors in evaluating the error assignees, the task is marked as errored.
This window enables you to specify the users or groups to whom the task is assigned
if an error in assignment has occurred.
1. Click Configure Assignment.
2. Select the error assignees.

26-60 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor Specifying Callback Classes on Task Status

You can register callbacks for the workflow service to call during the life cycle of a
task. The callback class has to implement the interface Make the
callback class available in the classpath of the server.
1. Click Configure Callbacks.
2. Click the + sign to add a callback to the table. A callback named OnAssigned is
automatically added to the Callback column.

3. Click OnAssigned to display a list of additional callback values to select for this
The following callbacks are available:
■ OnCompleted — This callback is invoked when the task is completed,
expired, withdrawn, or errored.
■ OnAssigned — This callback is invoked when the task is assigned to a new set
of assignees due to the following actions:
– outcome update
– skip current assignment
– override routing slip
■ OnUpdated — This callback is invoked for any other update to the task that
does not fall in the OnTaskComplete or OnTaskAssigned callback. This

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-61

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

includes updates on a task due to request for information, submit information,

escalation, reassign, and so on.
■ OnSubtaskUpdated — This callback is invoked for any update to a subtask.
4. Click Java in the Type column to display a list of additional values for this column.
5. Click the empty field in the Value column to enter a value. The value is the
complete class name of the Java class that implements
6. Click OK. Allowing Task and Routing Customization in BPEL Callbacks

In general, the BPEL process calls into the workflow component to assign tasks to
users. When the workflow is complete, the human workflow service calls back into the
BPEL process. However, if you want fine-grained callbacks (for example,
onTaskUpdate or onTaskEscalated) to be sent to the BPEL process, you must use
this option. In addition, you must enable this in the human task activity in the BPEL
The Allow task and routing customization in BPEL callbacks check box must be
selected if you select the check box of the same name on the Human Task - Advanced
tab shown in Figure 26–36 on page 26-77. Selecting both check boxes updates the
metadata for callbacks.

See Also: Section, "Using Task and Routing Customizations

in BPEL Callbacks" on page 26-79 for details on using callbacks Specifying a Workflow Signature Policy

Digital signatures provide a mechanism for the nonrepudiation of digitally-signed
human tasks. This ability to ensure that the original signed message arrived means
that the sender cannot repudiate it later.
1. Click Configure Policy.
2. Specify the signature policy for task participants to use:
■ No signature required — Participants can send and act upon tasks without
providing a signature. This is the default policy.
■ Password required — Participants must specify a signature before sending
tasks to the next participant. Participants must re-enter their password while
acting on a task. The password is used to generate the digital signature. A
digital signature authenticates the identity of the message sender or document
signer. This ensures that the original content of the sent message is unchanged.
This enables the recipient to be sure of the sender's identity.
■ Digital certificate required —Participants must possess a digital certificate for
the nonrepudiation of digitally-signed human tasks. A digital certificate
establishes the participant’s credentials. It is issued by a certification authority
(CA). It contains your name, a serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the
certificate holder's public key (used for encrypting messages and digital
signatures), and the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so that
a recipient can verify that the certificate is real. The CA names and CA CRL
and URLs of the issuing authorities must be configured separately.
3. Click OK.

26-62 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

See Also: Section 28.1.10, "Digital Signatures and the Evidence Store
Service" on page 28-16 Specifying Access Rules on Task Content

You can specify access rules that determine the parts of a task that participants can
view and update. Access rules are enforced by the workflow service by applying rules
on the task object during the retrieval and update of the task.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Introduction to Access Rules"
■ Section, "Specifying Task Content Access Rules"
■ Section, "Specifying Task Actions Access Rules"

Note: Task contents access rules and task actions access rules exist
independently of one another. Introduction to Access Rules Access rules are computed based on the
following details:
■ Any attribute configured with access rules declines any permissions for roles not
configured against it. For example, assume you configure the payload to be read
by assignees. This means only assignees and nobody else have read permissions.
No one, including assignees, has write permissions.
■ Any attribute not configured with access rules has all permissions.
■ If any payload message attribute is configured with access rules, any
configurations for the payload itself are ignored due to potential conflicts. In this
case, the returned map by the API does not contain any entry for the payload.
Write permissions automatically provide read permissions.
■ If only a subset of message attributes is configured with access rules, all message
attributes not involved have all permissions.
■ Only comments and attachments have add permissions.
■ Write permissions on certain attributes are meaningless. For example, write
permissions on history do not grant or decline any privileges on history.
■ The following date attributes are configured as one in the Human Task editor. The
map returned by TaskMetadataService.getVisibilityRules() contains
one key for each. Similarly, if the participant does not have read permissions on
DATES, the task does not contain any of the following task attributes:
■ The following assignee attributes are configured as one in the Human Task editor.
The map returned by TaskMetadataService.getVisibilityRules()

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-63

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

contains one key for each of the following. Similarly, if the participant does not
have read permissions on ASSIGNEES, the task does not contain any of the
following task attributes:
■ Flex fields do not have individual representation in the map returned by
■ All message attributes in the map returned by
TaskMetadataService.getVisibilityRules() are prefixed by
An application can also create pages to display or not display task attributes based on
the access rules. This can be achieved by retrieving a participant’s access rules by
calling the API on
public Map<String, IPrivilege> getTaskVisibilityRules(IWorkflowContext context,
String taskId)
throws TaskMetadataServiceException;

See Also: Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API

Reference for additional details about this method Specifying Task Content Access Rules You can specify the access levels that
specific users (such as the approval manager) have to act on task attributes (such as a
1. Click Configure Visibility.
The Configure Task Content Access window appears.
2. Click the Create icon and select Add Content Access Rule.

The Configure Task Content Access window appears.

3. Select the task attribute on which to specify access levels:

26-64 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

■ ASSIGNEES (covers assignees, assignee users, and assignee groups)
■ DATES (Covers the start date, end date, assigned date, created date,
expiration date and updated date of comments, task, and so on)
■ Payload message attributes
4. Select the participants and their privileges (no access, read access, or write access)
for acting upon the selected task attribute. Participants that you do not select have
complete access.
■ Approval Manager
■ Individual participants as specified in the routing slip of the task definition
For example, if you provide the Approval Manager and CREATOR users
with write access, the APPROVERS user with read access, and the PUBLIC
and ASSIGNEES users with no access on the PAYLOAD task attribute, the
window appears as follows:

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-65

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

5. Click OK.
The Configure Task Content Access window displays details about your

6. Click OK. Specifying Task Actions Access Rules You can specify the actions that specific
users (such as the approval manager) have to act on task attributes (such as a payload)
that you specified in the Configure Task Content Access window.
1. Click Configure Visibility.
The Configure Task Content Access window appears.
2. Click the Create icon and select Add Action Access Rule.

26-66 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

The Configure Task Actions Access window appears.

3. Select the actions that can be performed on task attributes.
4. Select the participants and whether they are permitted or restricted to perform the
selected actions:
■ Approval Manager
For example, if you permit the approval manager to have the REJECT action,
the window appears as follows:

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-67

Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor

5. Click OK.
The Configure Task Content Access window appears.

26.6.9 Specifying Annotations

Annotations are used to label different attributes of the task definition. This
functionality is used with Oracle Business Process Analysis where a model designed
by a business user is transformed to a complete Oracle BPEL Process Manager human
task definition. During translation, any comments the business user has included for
the developer or IT user are stored as annotations. These annotations are then used by
the developer or IT user to complete the modelling process.

26-68 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

26.6.10 Exiting the Human Task Editor and Saving Your Changes
You can save your human task changes at any time. The task can be re-edited at a later
time by clicking the metadata task configuration .task file in the Application
1. Select Save from the File main menu or click the X sign to close the .task
metadata task configuration file.

2. If you click the X sign, select Yes when prompted to save your changes.

26.7 Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL

If you want to associate the human task service component created in the SOA
Composite Editor with a BPEL process, follow these instructions. When association is
complete, a Task Service partner link is created. The Task Service exposes the
operations required to act on a task.

See Also: Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with
the Human Task Editor" on page 26-12 for instructions on creating a
human task

26.7.1 Associating a Human Task with a BPEL Process

Note: You must already have created a human task service

component in the SOA Composite Editor before you can associate it
with a BPEL process. If you have not, you are unable to provide a
value in the Task Definition field of the Add Human Task window.

1. Go to the SOA Composite Editor.

2. Double-click the BPEL process service component with which to associate the
.task file of the human task service component.
3. Select BPEL from the Component Palette.
4. Expand BPEL Activities.
5. Drag and drop a new Human Task activity into the BPEL process.
The Add a Human Task window appears.

Note: When you first drag and drop this activity into Oracle
JDeveloper, the window is named Add a Human Task. After you finish
specifying details on this window and click OK, the name of this
window changes to simply Human Task.

6. Select the human task from the Task Definition list.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-69

Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

The .task file of the human task service component is associated with the BPEL
7. See the following sections to configure the human task activity:
■ Section 26.7.2, "Defining the Human Task Activity Title, Initiator, Priority, and
Parameter Variables"
■ Section 26.7.4, "Defining the Human Task Activity Advanced Features"

Note: After you complete association of your human task activity

with a BPEL process and close the Add a Human Task window, you
can always re-access this window by double-clicking the human task
activity in Oracle JDeveloper.

26.7.2 Defining the Human Task Activity Title, Initiator, Priority, and Parameter
Figure 26–30 shows the General tab that displays after you select the human task.

26-70 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

Figure 26–30 Human Task — General Tab (After Selection)

The General tab of the Human Task activity enables you to perform the tasks shown in
Table 26–13:

Table 26–13 Human Task - General Tab

For this Field... See...
Task Title Section, "Specifying the Task Title" on page 26-71
Initiator Section, "Specifying the Task Initiator and Task Priority"
on page 26-72
Task Parameters Section, "Specifying Task Parameters" on page 26-72 Specifying the Task Title

1. Enter the task title in the Task Title field through one of the following methods.
This is a mandatory field. Your entry in this field overrides the task title you
entered in the Title field of the Human Task editor described in Section,
"Specifying a Task Title and Priority" on page 26-16. The title displays the task in
the Oracle BPM Worklist during run time.
■ Enter the title manually.
■ Click the icon to the right of the field to display the Expression Builder
window to dynamically create the title.
You can also combine static text and dynamic expressions in the same title. To
include dynamic text, place your cursor at the appropriate point in the text and
click the icon on the right to invoke the Expression Builder window.

See Also: Section, "Associating the Human Task and BPEL
Process Service Components" on page 26-88 for an example of
specifying the task title name

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-71

Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process Specifying the Task Initiator and Task Priority

You can specify a task initiator. The initiator is the user who initiates a task. The
initiator can view their created tasks from the Oracle BPM Worklist and perform
specific tasks defined in the System Action Details window, such as withdrawing or
suspending a task.
1. Enter the initiator (for example, jcooper) or click the icon to the right of the
Initiator field to display the Expression Builder window for dynamically
specifying an initiator. This field is optional. If not specified, the initiator defaults
to the task owner specified on the Advanced tab of the Human Task window. The
initiator defaults to bpeladmin if a task owner is also not specified.
2. Select a priority value between 1 (the highest) and 5 from the Priority list. This
field is provided for user reference and does not make this task a higher priority
during run time. The priority can be used to sort tasks in the Oracle BPM Worklist.
This priority value overrides the priority value you select in the Priority list of the
Human Task editor.

See Also: Section, "Specifying a Task Title and Priority" on

page 26-16 for instructions on specifying the priority in the Human
Task editor Specifying Task Parameters

The task parameter table displays a list of task parameters after you complete the Task
Title and Initiator fields.

1. Double-click the dots in the BPEL Variable column to map the task parameter to
the BPEL variable. You must map only the task parameters that carry input data.
For output data that is filled in from the worklist, you do not need to map the
corresponding variables.
The Task Parameters window appears.
2. Expand the Variables navigation tree and select the appropriate task variable.

26-72 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

3. Click OK.
The Human Task window appears as follows.

4. Click OK.
5. If you want to define advanced features for the human task activity, click the
Advanced tab and go to section Section 26.7.4, "Defining the Human Task Activity
Advanced Features" on page 26-77. Otherwise, click OK to close the Human Task

26.7.3 Viewing the Generated Human Task Activity

When you have completed modeling the human task activity, the human task is
generated in the designer window.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-73

Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

Figure 26–31 shows how a workflow interaction is modeled in Oracle BPEL Process
Manager. Figure 26–31 also illustrates the interaction when no BPEL callbacks are
modeled. In this case, once a task is complete, the BPEL process is called back with the
completed task. No intermediary events are propagated to the BPEL process instance.
It is recommended that any user customizations be done in the first assign,
AssignTaskAttributes, and that AssignSystemTaskAttributes not be changed.

Figure 26–31 Workflow Interaction Modeling

Captures the user-defined attributes of the task
such as title, payload, creator, priority, and so on

Captures the system task attributes such as
process id, process version, and so on

Initiates the task by invoking the task service

Receives the completed task from the task service

Click the + sign next to the human task activity in Oracle JDeveloper to display its
contents, as shown in Figure 26–32.

Figure 26–32 Expanding the Human Task Activity

Figure 26–33 shows the workflow interaction in Oracle JDeveloper.

26-74 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

Figure 26–33 Workflow Interaction Modeling in Oracle JDeveloper BPEL Callbacks

If intermediary events need to be propagated to the BPEL process instance, select the
Allow task and routing customization in BPEL callbacks check box in both the
Advanced tab of the Human Task window and the Advanced Settings section of the
Human Task editor. When these options are selected, the workflow service invokes
callbacks in the BPEL instance during each update of the task. The callbacks are listed
in the TaskService.wsdl file and described below:
■ onTaskCompleted — This callback is invoked when the task is completed,
expired, withdrawn, or errored.
■ onTaskAssigned — This callback is invoked when the task is assigned to a new
set of assignees due to the following actions:
– Outcome update
– Skip current assignment
– Override routing slip
■ onTaskUpdated — This callback is invoked for any other update to the task that
does not fall in the onTaskComplete or onTaskAssigned callback. This
includes updates on tasks due to request for information, submit information,
escalation, reassign, and so on.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-75

Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

■ onSubTaskUpdated — This callback is invoked for any update to a subtask.

Figure 26–34 shows how a workflow interaction with callbacks is modeled in Oracle
BPEL Process Manager. Once this task is initiated, a while loop is used to receive
messages until the task is complete. The while loop contains a pick with four
onMessage branches — one for each of the above-mentioned callback operations. The
workflow interaction works fine even if nothing is changed in the onMessage
branches, meaning that customizations in the onMessage branches are not required.
In this scenario, a workflow context is captured in the BPEL instance. This context can
be used for all interaction with the workflow services. For example, if you want to
reassign a task if it is assigned to a group, then you need the workflow context for the
reassignTask operation on the Task Service.
It is recommended that any user customizations be done in the first assign,
AssignTaskAttributes, and that AssignSystemTaskAttributes not be changed.

Figure 26–34 Workflow Interaction Modeling (with Callbacks)

Captures the user-defined attributes of the task
such as title, payload, creator, priority, and so on

Captures the system task attributes such as
process id, process version, and so on

Initiates the task by invoking the task service

Assigns the workflow context to use for
interactions with the workflow service

While the task is not

completed/expired/errored Pick

Receive Receive Receive Receive

onTaskCompleted onTaskAssigned onTaskUpdated onSubTaskUpdate
message message message message

User User User User

customizations customizations customizations customizations

26-76 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

Figure 26–35 shows a workflow interaction in Oracle JDeveloper.

Figure 26–35 Workflow Interaction Modeling (with Callbacks) in Oracle JDeveloper

26.7.4 Defining the Human Task Activity Advanced Features

Figure 26–36 shows the Advanced tab.

Figure 26–36 Human Task — Advanced Tab

The Advanced tab of the Human Task activity enables you to perform the tasks shown
in Table 26–14:

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-77

Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

Table 26–14 Human Task - Advanced Tab

For this Field... See...
Scope Name Section, "Specifying a Scope Name and a Global
Task Variable Name" on page 26-78
Global Task Variable Name
Owner Section, "Specifying a Task Owner" on
page 26-78
Identification Key Section, "Specifying an Identification Key" on
page 26-78
Include task history from Section, "Including the Task History of Other
Human Tasks" on page 26-78
Allow task and routing Section, "Using Task and Routing
customization in BPEL callbacks Customizations in BPEL Callbacks" on page 26-79 Specifying a Scope Name and a Global Task Variable Name

You are automatically provided with default scope and global task variable names
during human task activity creation. However, you can specify custom names that are
used to name the scope and global variable during human task activity creation.
1. Enter the name for the BPEL scope to be generated in the Scope Name field.
This BPEL scope encapsulates the entire interaction with the workflow service and
BPEL variable manipulation.
2. Enter the global task variable name in the Global Task Variable Name field.
This is the name of the BPEL task variable used for the workflow interaction. Specifying a Task Owner

1. Enter the task owner name in the Owner field or click the icon to the right to use
the Expression Builder to dynamically specify the owner of this task.
The task owner can view tasks belonging to business processes they own and
perform operations on behalf of any of the task assignees. Additionally, the owner
can also reassign, withdraw, or escalate tasks.
If you do not specify a task initiator on the General tab of the Human Task
window, it defaults to the owner specified here. If an owner is not specified, it
defaults to the bpeladmin administrator. Specifying an Identification Key

The identification key can be used as a user-defined ID for the task. For example, if the
task is meant for approving a purchase order, the purchase order ID can be set as the
identification key of the task. Tasks can be searched from the Oracle BPM Worklist
using the identification key. This attribute has no default value.
1. Enter an optional identification key value in the Identification Key field. Including the Task History of Other Human Tasks

This feature enables one human task to be continued with another human task. There
are many scenarios where you have related tasks in a single BPEL process. For
example, assume you have a procurement process to obtain a manager’s approval for
a computer, then several BPEL activities in between, and then another task for the IT
department to buy the computer. The participant of the second task may want to see
the approval history, comments, and attachments created when the manager approved

26-78 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

the purchase. You can link these different tasks in the BPEL process by chaining the
second task to the first task with this option.
1. Select the Include task history from check box to extend a previous workflow task
in the BPEL process. Selecting this check box includes the task history, comments,
and attachments from the previous task. This provides you with a complete
end-to-end audit trail.
When a human task is continued with another human task, the following
information is carried over to the new workflow:
■ Task payload and the changes made to the payload in the previous workflow
■ Task history
■ Comments added to the task in the previous workflow
■ Attachments added to the task in the previous workflow
In the Include task history from list, all existing workflows are listed.
2. Select a particular human task to extend (continue) the selected human task.
For example, a hiring process is used to hire new employees. Each interviewer
votes to hire or not hire a candidate. If 75% of the votes are to hire, then the
candidate is hired; otherwise, the candidate is rejected. If the candidate is to be
hired, an entry in the HR database is created and the human resources contact
completes the hiring process. The HR contact also needs to see the interviewers
and the comments they made about the candidate. This process can be modeled
using a group vote for the hiring. If the candidate is hired, a database adapter is
used to create the entry in the HR database. After this, a simple workflow can
include the task history from the group vote so that the hiring request, history, and
interviewer comments are carried over. This simple workflow is assigned to the
HR contact.
3. Select a payload to use:
■ Clear old payload and recreate — This option is applicable when the payload
attributes in the XML files of the human tasks involved in this extended
workflow are different. For example, the payload attribute for the human task
whose history you are including has three extra attributes than the payload of
the other human task.
■ Use existing payload — This option is applicable when the payload attributes
in the XML files of the human tasks involved in this extended workflow are
exactly the same. Using Task and Routing Customizations in BPEL Callbacks

1. Select the Allow task and routing customizations in BPEL callbacks check box to
notify the BPEL process using OnMessage callbacks every time a task is routed to
a different user or when the task status changes. You must also select the check
box of the same name in the Advanced Settings section of the Human Task editor
shown in Figure 26–29 on page 26-57 in order to update the metadata for callbacks.
In these callbacks, you can call the Task Service to change the routing or update
the current assignees. This option impacts the BPEL code generated to interact
with the Task Service.
If this option is not selected, the client process gets notified only when the task
completes or when it expires or errors out.
2. Click OK to close the Human Task window.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-79

Associating the Human Task Service Component with a BPEL Process

3. Go to the Human Task editor for this human task (the .task file).
4. Expand the Advanced Settings section at the bottom of the editor.
5. Click Allow task and routing customization in BPEL callbacks.
This check box must be selected to use callbacks. This enables you to update the

See Also:
■ Section, "Allowing Task and Routing Customization in
BPEL Callbacks" on page 26-62
■ Section, "BPEL Callbacks" on page 26-75

26.7.5 Outcome-Based Modeling

In many cases, the outcome of a task determines the flow of the business process. To
facilitate modeling of the business logic, when a user task is generated, a BPEL switch
activity is also generated with prebuilt BPEL case activities. By default, one case
branch is created for each outcome selected during creation of the task. An otherwise
branch is also generated in the switch to represent cases when the task is withdrawn,
expired, or errored. Payload Updates

The task carries a payload in it. If the payload is set from a business process variable,
then an assign activity with the name copyPayloadFromTask is created in each of
the case and otherwise branches to copy the payload from the task back to its source. If
the payload is expressed as other XPath expressions (such as ora:getNodes(...)),
then this assign is not created because of the lack of a process variable to copy the
payload back. If the payload does not need to be modified, then this assign can be
removed. Case Statements for Other Task Conclusions

By default, the switch activity contains case statements for the outcomes only. The
other task conclusions are captured in the otherwise branch. These conclusions are as
■ The task is withdrawn
■ The task is errored
■ The task is expired
If business logic must be added for each of these other conclusions, then case
statements can be added for each of the preceding conditions. The case statements can
be created as shown in the following BPEL segment. The XPath conditions for the
other conclusions in the case activities for each of the preceding cases are shown in
<switch name="taskSwitch">
<case condition="bpws:getVariableData('SequentialWorkflowVar1',
'/task:task/task:state') = 'COMPLETED' and
bpws:getVariableData('SequentialWorkflowVar1', '/task:task/task:conclusion') =
<bpelx:pattern>Task outcome is ACCEPT

26-80 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

<case condition=
"bpws:getVariableData('SequentialWorkflowVar1', '/task:task/task:state') =
<bpelx:pattern>Task is withdrawn
<case condition=
"bpws:getVariableData('SequentialWorkflowVar1', '/task:task/task:state') =
<bpelx:pattern>Task is expired
<case condition=
"bpws:getVariableData('SequentialWorkflowVar1', '/task:task/task:state') =
<bpelx:pattern>Task is errored
<bpelx:pattern>Task is EXPIRED, WITHDRAWN or ERRORED

26.8 End-to-End Workflow Examples

Table 26–15 shows the end-to-end workflow examples included in the file.
In addition to the demonstration features listed in Table 26–15, all samples show the
use of worklist applications and workflow notifications.

Table 26–15 End-to-End Examples

Sample Description Location in
Vacation Request Provides a sample in which a user workflow\workflow-100-
submits a vacation request that gets VacationRequest
assigned to their manager for approval
or rejection. This sample also describes
how to create ADF task forms for the
vacation request to act on the task.
Help Desk Request Provides a simple workflow sample workflow\workflow-101-
using ADF task forms for task approval. HelpDeskRequest
Sales Quote Request Provides a complex workflow sample workflow\workflow-102-
with chaining of multiple tasks. SalesQuote

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-81

End-to-End Workflow Examples

Table 26–15 (Cont.) End-to-End Examples

Sample Description Location in
Expense Application Provides a sample that integrates workflow\workflow-103-
workflow with ADF business ExpenseApp
components (BC). Events are raised to
the BPEL process and the human
workflow is invoked for task approval.
Contract Approval Provides a sample of approving a workflow\workflow-104-
contract. This sample uses digital ContractApproval
signatures for tasks.
Document Workflow Provides a sample in which a document workflow\workflow-105-
is reviewed by a group of participants documentworkflow
in parallel. In the end, voting
determines if the document is approved
or rejected.
Iterative Design Provides a sample in which a workflow workflow\workflow-106-
task can be passed multiple times IterativeDesign
between assignees during the design
process. Advanced routing rules
implement the routing behavior.
Office Integration Provides a sample in which Microsoft workflow\workflow-107-
Excel attachments are enabled with OfficeIntegration
workflow notifications.

26.8.1 Help Desk Request Example

This describes how to create a help desk request business process. In this example, a
customer files a help desk ticket, which is assigned to a help desk agent who either
resolves this request or routes it to other agents for resolution.
This example illustrates the usage of BPEL process and human task service
components in a SOA composite application. This example also describes how to
create ADF task forms that the agent uses to act on the task.
This example highlights the use of the following:
■ Using the SOA Composite Editor
■ Modeling a single approval workflow using Oracle JDeveloper
■ Creating an ADF-based Oracle BPM Worklist
■ Using the Oracle BPM Worklist to view and respond to the task

26.8.2 Prerequisites
This example assumes you are familiar with basic BPEL constructs, including BPEL
activities and partner links, and basic XPath functions. Familiarity with the SOA
Composite Editor and Oracle JDeveloper—the environment for designing and
deploying BPEL processes—is also assumed.

26.8.3 Modeling the Help Desk Request

In this tutorial, you create a new application and SOA project and design the human
task service component, a single approver workflow in which the order is either
resolved or unresolved by a single help desk employee. You also create a second
application and project in which you design an ADF-based Oracle BPM Worklist from
which to act upon the help desk request.

26-82 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

This section contains these tasks:

■ Section, "Creating an Application"
■ Section, "Creating the SOA Project"
■ Section, "Create the Human Task Service Component"
■ Section, "Designing the Human Task"
■ Section, "Associating the Human Task and BPEL Process Service
■ Section, "Deploying the SOA Composite Application"
■ Section, "Initiating the Process Instance"
■ Section, "Creating an Oracle BPM Worklist SOA Project"
■ Section, "Designing the Task Display Form"
■ Section, "Resolving the Task in Oracle BPM Worklist" Creating an Application

You first create an application for the SOA project.
1. Start Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Select New > Application from the File main menu.
3. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Application Name Enter an application name (for this example,
Application Template Select No Template [All Technologies].

4. Accept the default values for all remaining settings, and click OK.
5. The Create Project window appears.
6. Enter a name for the project (for this example, HelpDeskRequestComposite), and
click OK. Creating the SOA Project

1. Locate the file in the
workflow\workflow-101-HelpDeskRequest directory of the file.
2. Unzip the file into the
workflow\workflow-101-HelpDeskRequest directory.
3. Right-click the project name in the Application Navigator and select New.
4. Select SOA Tier in the Categories list.
5. Double-click SOA Composite in the Items field.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-83

End-to-End Workflow Examples

The Create SOA Composite window appears.

6. Select Composite with BPEL. This creates an SOA project with a BPEL process.
7. Click OK.
The Create BPEL Process window appears.
8. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Project Name Enter HelpDeskRequestProcess.
Template Select Asynchronous BPEL Process.
Expose as Composite Service Select the check box. After process creation, note the
SOAP adapter service that appears in the Services swim
lane. This service provides the entry point to the SOA
composite application from the outside world.

9. Click the Browse icon to the right of the Input field.

The Type Chooser window appears.
10. Click the Import Schema File icon.
The Import Schema File window appears.
11. Click the Browse icon.

12. Select the serviceRequest.xsd file located in the

workflow\workflow-101-HelpDeskRequest directory.
13. Click OK.
You are returned to the Type Chooser window.
14. Expand and select Project Schema Files > serviceRequest.xsd >
15. Click OK.

16. Click the Browse icon to the right of the Output field.

17. Repeat Steps 14 through 15.

18. Click OK.

The BPEL process displays in the SOA Composite Editor.

26-84 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples Create the Human Task Service Component

1. Drag and drop a Human Task into the canvas workspace from the SOA list of the
Component Palette.
The Create Human Task window appears.
2. Enter the following details.

Field Value
Human Task Definition Enter HelpDeskRequestHumanTask.
Expose as Composite Service Do not select the check box.

3. Accept the default settings for all other fields.

4. Click OK.
The Human Task icon appears in the SOA Composite Editor canvas workspace.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-85

End-to-End Workflow Examples

5. Double-click the Human Task icon.

The Human Task editor appears. Designing the Human Task

1. Enter the following values:

Field Value
Title Enter Help desk request for .
Note: Ensure that you enter a blank space after for.
Description Leave unspecified.
Priority Accept the default value.
Category Leave unspecified.
Owner Leave unspecified.

2. Click the Add icon on the right side of the Parameters section to specify the task
The Add Task Parameter window is displayed.
3. Click Element and then the Browse icon to the right of this field.
The Type Chooser window appears.
4. Expand and select Project Schema Files > serviceRequest.xsd > Requester, and
click OK.

5. Ensure that the Modifiable via worklist check box is not selected.
6. Click OK on the Add Task Parameter window.
7. Click the Add icon again on the right side of the Parameters section.
8. Click Type and then the Browse icon to the right of this field.
9. Expand and select XML Schema Simple Types > string.
10. Click OK.

26-86 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

11. Enter Location in the Name field

12. Ensure that the Modifiable via worklist check box is not selected, and click OK.

13. Repeat Steps 7 through 11 and create the remaining parameters with the following

Select the Modifiable via

Name Select This Type... Worklist Check Box?
Type XML Schema Simple Types > string No
ProblemDescription XML Schema Simple Types > string No
Severity XML Schema Simple Types > int Yes
Status XML Schema Simple Types > string Yes
Resolution Project Schema Files > serviceRequest.xsd Yes
> resolutionType

When complete, the Parameters section looks as follows:

14. Click the Add icon on the right side of the Assignment and Routing Policy
The Add Participant Type window appears.
15. Select Single Approver from the Type list.
This participant type acts alone on the task.
16. Enter Help Desk Agent in the Label field.

17. Enter jstein in the User Id(s) field.

18. Expand Advanced at the bottom of the window.

19. Select the Allow this participant to invite other participants check box to enable
adhoc routing.
20. Click OK.

21. Click the + sign to expand the Expiration and Escalation Policy section.

22. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Drop-Down List Select Escalate after.
Fixed Duration Day Select this button.
Day Select 1.
Minutes Select 10.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-87

End-to-End Workflow Examples

Field Value
Maximum Escalation Levels Enter 3.
Highest Approver Title Select CEO.

23. Expand the Notification Settings section.

Notifications are enabled by default for assignees, initiator, and owner.

24. Select the Make email messages actionable check box.
This enables e-mails to be sent to assignees with an actionable link.
25. Select Save All from the File main menu.

26. Click the x next to HelpDeskRequestHumanTask.task above the editor to close

the Human Task editor. Associating the Human Task and BPEL Process Service Components
1. Double-click the BPEL process service component in the SOA Composite Editor.
The BPEL process displays in Oracle JDeveloper.
2. Select BPEL from the Component Palette.
3. Expand BPEL Activities and Components.
4. Drag and drop a Human Task below the receiveInput receive activity.
The Add a Human Task window appears.
5. If it is not currently displaying, select HelpDeskRequestHumanTask from the
Task Definition list.
The window refreshes to display additional fields.

6. Note that Help desk request for appears in the Task Title field. You entered this
name in Step 1 on page 26-86.
7. Click the XPath Expression Builder icon to the right of this field to display the
Expression Builder window.

26-88 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

8. Press Ctl and then the space bar in the Expression field and select the following
XPath expression:
9. Click Insert Into Expression.
10. Click OK.
The XPath expression displays in the Task Title field.
11. Click the BPEL Variable entry for the requester parameter.

The Task Parameters window appears.

12. Select Variable from the Type list.

13. Expand Process > Variables > inputVariable > payload > ns1:HelpDeskRequest
> ns1:Requester.

14. Click OK.

15. Repeat Step 11 through 14 to select the following BPEL variables.

Select Process > Variables > inputVariable > payload >

Variable ns1:HelpDeskRequest >...
Location ns1:location
Type ns1:type
ProblemDescription ns1:problemDescription

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-89

End-to-End Workflow Examples

Select Process > Variables > inputVariable > payload >

Variable ns1:HelpDeskRequest >...
Severity ns1:severity
Status ns1:status
Resolution ns1:resolution

When complete, the window looks as follows:

16. Click OK to close the Add a Human Task window.

The HelpDeskRequestTaskService_1 partner link now appears. Deploying the SOA Composite Application

See Section 3.4, "Deploying Applications" on page 3-2 for instructions on how to
deploy the SOA composite application. Initiating the Process Instance

1. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for
instructions on accessing the page for initiating the process instance.
2. Copy and paste the contents of
workflow\workflow-101-HelpDeskRequest\serviceRequest.xml as
input. Creating an Oracle BPM Worklist SOA Project

1. Select the Application Menu for the HelpDeskRequestApp application you
created in Section, "Creating an Application" on page 26-83.

26-90 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

2. Select New Project.

3. Select Empty Project and click OK.
4. Enter HelpDeskRequestTaskFlow in the Project Name field.
5. Accept the default setting for all other fields.
6. Click OK.
7. Click Cancel on the Create Project window.
8. Select Save All from the File main menu.
9. Select the Application Menu list for the application you just created.
10. Select New Project from the list that appears.
The New Gallery window appears.
11. Select Empty Project from the Items list.

12. Click OK.

13. Enter HelpDeskRequestTaskFlow in the Project Name field, and click OK.

14. Right-click HelpDeskRequestTaskFlow in the Application Navigator and select

15. Select Web Tier > JSF > ADF Task Flow Based on Human Task.

16. Click OK.

The SOA Resource Lookup window appears.
17. Select the HelpDeskRequestHumanTask.task file you created in previous
This creates the ADF data controls and displays the Create ADF Task Flow
18. Click OK.

19. Select Save All from the File main menu.

20. Double-click the taskDetails icon that appears.

This starts the Create JSF JSP window to create the JSPX file.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-91

End-to-End Workflow Examples

21. Click OK.

22. Select Save All from the File main menu. Designing the Task Display Form

1. Go to the Data Controls panel in the Application Navigator.
2. Expand loadData(String, String, String) > Return > task.

3. Drag and drop a task icon into the JSPX window.

A menu appears.
4. Select Human Task > Custom Actions.

26-92 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

5. Click OK when prompted in the Edit Action Bindings window.

This creates two buttons: Resolved and Unresolved.
6. Drag and drop a second task icon into the JSPX window.
7. Select Human Task > System Actions.
This creates two additional buttons: Delegate and Route.
8. Drag and drop a third task icon into the JSPX window.
9. Select Human Task > Task Header.
With each element that you drag and drop, the JSPX window continues to expand:

10. Drag and drop additional task icons into the JSPX window and select these
■ Human Task > Task Comments.
■ Human Task > Task Attachments.
■ Human Task > Task History
When complete, the bottom part of the JSPX window appears as follows:

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-93

End-to-End Workflow Examples

11. Select ADF Faces from the Component Palette. If this entry does not appear in the
Component Palette, select All Pages from the list.
12. Drag and drop Panel Group Layout between the Header and Comment sections.
This displays a small blue box between the two sections.

13. Return to the Data Controls panel in the Application Navigator.

14. Expand payload.

15. Drag and drop requester in front of the small blue box that represents the Panel
Group Layout.

26-94 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

A menu appears.
16. Select the read-only drop handler for requester by selecting Forms > ADF
Read-only Form.

17. Click OK on the Edit Form Fields window.

This creates the following section between the Header and Comments sections:

18. Drag and drop payload below the Panel Group Layout and select ADF Form >

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-95

End-to-End Workflow Examples

19. Click OK on the Edit Form Fields window.

The window appears as follows:

20. Drag and drop resolution below the payload and select Forms > ADF Form.
21. Click OK when prompted on the Edit Form Fields window.
The JSPX window appears as follows:

26-96 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
End-to-End Workflow Examples

22. Go to folder hierarchy in the Application Navigator.

23. Select and double-click Application Sources > WEB-INF >

24. Add the following line at the bottom of this file:


25. Right-click the HelpDeskRequestTaskFlow project name and select Project

26. Select Deployment and click New.
The Create Deployment Profile window appears.
27. Select WAR File from the Archive Type list.

28. Enter HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp in the Name field.

29. Click OK.
30. Click Edit and select the Specify Java EE Web Context Root radio button.

31. Enter HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp in the field immediately below.

32. Click OK to close the WAR Deployment Profile Properties window and the Project
Properties window.
33. Right-click HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp and select Deploy >
HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp > to > application_server_connection. If you do
not have a connection, select New Connection and provide responses to the
prompts in the Application Server Connection wizard.
34. The Configure Application window appears.

35. Select HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp > parentApp as soa-infra.

Beta Draft Designing Human Tasks 26-97

End-to-End Workflow Examples

36. Click OK. Resolving the Task in Oracle BPM Worklist

1. Go to the Oracle BPM Worklist:

2. Log in as jstein/welcome1.
3. Select HelpDeskRequestSCAApp.

26-98 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
31 Designing Task Display Forms for Human

As described in Chapter 26, "Designing Human Tasks," the human workflow service
creates tasks for users to interact with the business process. Each task has two
parts—the task metadata and the task form. The task form is used to display the
contents of the task to the user’s worklist.
Oracle BPM Worklist displays all worklist tasks that are assigned to a user or a group.
When a worklist user drills down into a specific task, the task display form renders the
details of that task For example, an expense approval task may show a form with line
items for various expenses, and a help desk task form may show details such as
severity, problem location, and so on.
The task display form renders custom actions and system actions. Custom actions are
created using task outcomes. The task display form is created using ADF task flows in
Oracle JDeveloper. This chapter describes how to design and customize task display
This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Section 31.1, "Introduction to the Task Display Form"
■ Section 31.2, "Associating the Task Flow with the Task Service"
■ Section 31.3, "Creating an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task"
■ Section 31.4, "Creating a Task Display Form"
■ Section 31.5, "Creating an E-Mail Notification"
■ Section 31.6, "Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow"
■ Section 31.7, "Displaying a Task Display Form in the Worklist"
■ Section 31.8, "Troubleshooting the Task Display Form"

31.1 Introduction to the Task Display Form

If your SOA composite includes a human task, then you need a way for users to
interact with the task. The integrated development environment of Oracle SOA Suite
includes Oracle ADF for this purpose. With Oracle ADF, you can design a task display
form that depicts the human task in the SOA composite.
The task display form is a Java Server Page XML (.jspx) file that you create in the
same Oracle JDeveloper visual editor where you created the SOA composite
containing the human task. Figure 31–1 shows the Oracle JDeveloper ADF Task Flow
Based on Human Task option where you start creating a task display form.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-1
Associating the Task Flow with the Task Service

Figure 31–1 ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task, in Oracle JDeveloper

31.2 Associating the Task Flow with the Task Service

When you create an ADF task flow based on a human task, you must select a task
metadata file to generate the data control. This data control is used to lay out the
content on the page and to connect to the workflow service engine at execution time to
retrieve task content and act on tasks.
The hwtaskflow.xml file is used to capture the details on connecting with the
service engine. By default, it uses remote EJBs to connect to the workflow server. The
SOA Server URL and port are automatically determined by using the resource
discover y service in MAS. However, you can override these by explicitly specifying
the URL and port information here.

31.3 Creating an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task

ADF task flows are used to model the user interface for the task details page. You can
create the task flow in the following ways:
■ Within the same application that contains the human workflow task
■ In a separate application

31.3.1 How to Create an ADF Task Flow Within the Same Application as the Human
[Summary to come]

To create an ADF task flow within the same application as the human task
1. Open the BPEL process (in this example, HelpDeskRequestProcess.bpel) within
the SOA composite application.

31-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task

2. Right-click the human task activity (in this example,

HelpDeskRequestHumanTask_1) and select Auto generate Task Form, as shown
in Figure 31–2.

Figure 31–2

3. Provide a project name.

The taskDetails.jspx window appears.
To continue creating the task display form, see Step 1 in Section 31.4.3, "How to Create
a Task Display Form Using Individual Drop Handlers."

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-3
Creating an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task

31.3.2 How to Create an ADF Task Flow Within the Same Composite Application as the
Human Task
The ADF Task Flow Based on Human Task function prompts you for the .task file to
use for the ADF task flow, which you find using the file browser or the resource
catalog. You must have previously created a human task (.task file) as part of a SOA
composite before you can create a task flow. See Chapter 26, "Designing Human
Tasks," for how to create the .task file for the help desk request example used in the
following steps. When the .task file is selected, data controls are automatically
created based on the task parameters and outcomes.
You can also follow these steps to create the task flow in the same application. Instead
of steps 1 and 2, select the application that contains the human task (for this example,

To create an ADF task flow in a separate application:

1. In the Application Navigator, select New Application.

2. Provide an application name (for this example, HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp).

3. Create an empty project (for this example, HelpDeskRequest).
4. Right-click the project and select New.
5. From Filter By, select All Technologies.
6. Expand Web Tier and select JSF.
7. Select ADF Task Flow Based on Human Task and click OK.
8. In the SCA Resource Lookup dialog, find the .task file where you defined the
human task (for this example, HelpDeskRequestHumanTask.task) and click OK.
a. If the human task is in the same application as the task definition, then click
File to use the file browser to navigate to the .task file, which is typically in
the composite directory.
b. If the human task is in a different application, then click Resource Palette to
use the MDS resource catalog and find the .task file in the composite
This displays the Create ADF Task Flow dialog and creates the data controls.
9. In the Create ADF Task Flow dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
The taskDetails icon appears in the visual editor.
10. From File, select Save All.
To continue creating the task display form, see Step 1 in Section 31.4.3, "How to Create
a Task Display Form Using Individual Drop Handlers."

31.3.3 What Happens When You Create an ADF Task Flow Based on a Human Task
With an ADF task flow based on a human task, the task flow application has task data
controls that wire the task form with the workflow services. The data controls provide
the following:
■ Various parameters and operations to access task data and act on it
■ Drop handlers with which you can rapidly create interface regions to display
contents of the task

31-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

The human task-aware data controls appear in the Data Controls panel of the Oracle
JDeveloper Application Navigator, as shown in Figure 31–3. The data controls for the
task (represented by the task node in the figure) have custom drop handlers to render
specific regions of the task, for example, the task header, system actions, custom
actions, comments, and so on. In addition, the standard ADF drop handlers, used to
create tables, forms, and so on, are available for rendering the payload.

Figure 31–3 The Task Collection in the Data Controls Panel

31.4 Creating a Task Display Form

Creating a task display form is an iterative process in that you repeatedly drag the
data control for the task (the task node in the Data Controls panel) into the visual
editor and then use Oracle ADF drop handlers to build the regions of the task display
form. The following Oracle ADF drop handlers are available:
■ Custom drop handlers
These render specific regions of the task details page: the task header, task history,
system actions, custom actions, task comments, and task attachments.
■ Standard drop handlers
These render the payload region of the task details page, including forms and

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-5
Creating a Task Display Form

31.4.1 Custom Drop Handlers

Custom drop handlers appear in the context menu of the visual editor, as shown in
Figure 31–4.

Figure 31–4 Custom Drop Handlers for Creating the Task Display Form for a Human

The custom drop handlers are designed to autogenerate the following regions of the
task details page:
■ Task header
■ Task history
■ System actions
■ Custom actions
■ Task comments
■ Task attachments
■ Complete task without payload
■ Complete task with payload
■ Task display for notification Task Header

All the standard header fields are added to the task display form. This includes the
task number and title; the state, outcome, and priority of the BPEL process, and
information about who created, updated, claimed, or is assigned to the task. The
header also displays dates related to task creation, last modification, and expiration.
You can add or remove header fields as required for your task display.
Figure 31–5 shows an example of header information for the help desk request

31-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

Figure 31–5 Header Information Task History

The short history appears on the task details page and lists the approval history. It
includes the following attributes:
■ state
■ outcome
■ comments
■ updatedDate
■ version
■ versionReason
■ updatedBy
■ Id System Actions

The following system actions are available as buttons on the worklist. The actual
buttons that appear depend on the state of the task (assigned, completed, and so on)
and the privileges that are granted to the user viewing the task. For example, when a
task is assigned to a group, only the Claim button appears. After the task is claimed,
other actions such as approve and reject appear.
■ Show History—This action shows the details of the task history.
■ Claim—A task that is assigned to a group or multiple users must be claimed first.
Claim is the only action available in the Task Action list for group or multiuser
assignments. After a task is claimed, all applicable actions are listed.
■ Reassign—Managers can reassign a task to reportees. A user with
BPMWorkflowReassign privileges can reassign a task to anyone.
■ Delegate—A task can be delegated to another user or group. The delegated task
will show up in both the original user’s and the delegated user’s worklists. The
delegated user can act on behalf of the original assignee, and has the same
privileges for that task as the original assignee.
■ Route—If there is no predetermined sequence of approvers or if the workflow was
designed to permit ad hoc routing, then the task can be routed in an ad hoc
fashion. For such tasks, a Route button appears on the task details page. From the
Routing page, you can look up one or more users for routing. When you specify
multiple assignees, you can choose whether the list of assignees is for simple
(group assignment to all users), sequential, or parallel assignment. In the case of
parallel assignment, you provide the percentage of votes required for approval.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-7
Creating a Task Display Form

■ Request More Information—You can request more information from the task
creator or any of the previous assignees. If reapproval is not required, then the
task is assigned to the next approver or the next step in the business process.
■ Go—This button is used to update a system action that you selected from a list.
The list can contain the following simple actions:
– Escalate—An escalated task is assigned to the user’s manager. The Comments
area is available for an optional comment.
– Pushback—This action sends a task up one level in the workflow to the
previous assignee.
– Release—Releasing a task makes it available to other assignees. A task
assigned to a group or multiple users can then be claimed by the other
– Renew—Renewing a task extends the task expiration date seven days (P7D is
the default). The renewal duration is controlled from Oracle Enterprise
Manager Grid Control Console. [Cross-reference to come. Will point to screen
and instructions in the SOA Admin Guide.]
A renewal appears in the task history. The Comments area is available for an
optional comment.
– Suspend/Resume—These options are available only to users who have been
granted the BPMWorkflowSuspend role. Other users can access the task by
selecting Previous in the task filter or by looking up tasks in the Suspended
status. Buttons that update a task are disabled after suspension.
– Withdraw—Only the task creator can withdraw (cancel) the task. The
Comments area is available for an optional comment. The business process
determines what happens next.
■ Save—Changes to the task are saved.
While you are creating a task display form, all possible system action buttons appear,
although only those actions that are appropriate for the task state and fit the user’s
privileges will appear in the worklist. Figure 31–6 shows an example of system action
buttons on a task display form.

Figure 31–6 System Action Buttons Custom Actions

Custom actions create buttons on the task details page that represent actions defined
in the human task. Figure 31–7 shows an example of custom action buttons for the
help desk request example.

31-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

Figure 31–7 Custom Action Buttons Task Comments

A trail of comments and the comment writer’s user name is maintained throughout
the life cycle of a task. Figure 31–8 shows the comment region for the help desk request

Figure 31–8 Comment Information Task Attachments

Files or reference URLs associated with a task can be added by any of the human task
participants. Figure 31–9 shows an example of an attachment region.

Figure 31–9 Attachment Region Complete Task without Payload

This option creates the combination of all of the preceding task display form
components (the task header, task history, custom actions, system actions, task
comments, and task attachments). Complete Task with Payload

This option creates the combination of all the preceding task display form components
(the task header, task history, custom actions, system actions, task comments, and task
attachments), plus the interface for the payload. The payload interface is created as
■ All text nodes are created as text input fields.
■ If an element has maxOccurs="unbounded", then it appears as a table.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-9
Creating a Task Display Form

■ Nested tables are not rendered; that is, if an element has

maxOccurs="unbounded" and it has a child with maxOccurs="unbounded",
then the child element is not rendered.
■ If there are multiple levels of nesting, then you should drag and drop the
individual sections and use one of the standard ADF drop handlers, as described
in Section 31.4.2, "Standard Drop Handlers." Task Display for Notification

This option creates an ADF region that renders well when sent by e-mail. It generates
the form shown in Figure 31–10.

Figure 31–10

See Section 31.5, "Creating an E-Mail Notification," for more information.

31.4.2 Standard Drop Handlers

Standard drop handlers are used for the payload section of the task details page.
Depending on the element type (attribute, list, and so on) and whether the field must
be editable or not, use the appropriate drop handler, as described in Table 31–1.

31-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

Table 31–1 Standard ADF Drop Handlers

Drop Handler Options
Forms ■ ADF Form—In the Edit Form Fields dialog, select individual attributes for which
fields are created, or allow fields to be created for all attributes by default. You
can also select the label and UI component used for each attribute. The default
names for components are inputText and selectInputDate. Validation for
the attributes is handled by a validator tag.
■ ADF Read-Only Form—Same as the ADF form, except the default name for
components is outputText (including for attributes of type date), and there is
no validator tag.
Tables ■ ADF Table—Select the specific attributes for the table columns to display and UI
components for data display. Each attribute is displayed in an inputText
■ ADF Read-Only Table—Same as the ADF table, except each attribute is displayed
in an outputText component.
■ ADF Read-Only Dynamic Table—The attributes returned and displayed are
determined dynamically.
Master-Details ■ ADF Master Form, Detail Form—The master and detail objects are displayed in
separate forms. When a specific master data object is displayed in the top form,
the first related detail data object is displayed in the form below it.
■ ADF Master Form, Detail Table—The master object is displayed in a read-only
form and the detail object is displayed in a read-only table under the form. When
a specific master data object is displayed in the form, the related detail data
objects are displayed in a table below it.
■ ADF Master Table, Detail Form—The master object is displayed in a table and
the detail object is displayed in a read-only form under the table. When a specific
data object is selected in the master table, the first related detail data object is
displayed in the form below it.
■ ADF Master Table, Detail Table—The master and detail objects are displayed in
separate tables. When a specific master data object is selected in the top table, the
first set of related detail data objects are displayed in the table below it.
Single Selections ■ ADF Select One Radio
■ ADF Select One Listbox—With the selectOneListbox component, create a
static list of items.
■ ADF Select One Choice—With the selectOneChoice component, create a
static list of items or a list that is populated dynamically.
Trees ■ ADF Tree Table—A hierarchy of master-detail collections is displayed in a tree
table. The advantage of using a tree table (rather than a tree) is that the tree table
enables users to focus the view on a particular node in the tree.
■ ADF Tree—A hierarchy of master-detail related objects is displayed. An ADF
tree can display multiple root nodes that are populated by a binding on a master
data collection. Each node in the tree can have any number of branches, which
are populated by bindings on detail objects.
Navigation ■ ADF Navigation List
■ ADF Navigation Buttons—Navigate using First, Last, Next, and Previous

See Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development
Framework for more information about standard ADF drop handlers.

31.4.3 How to Create a Task Display Form Using Individual Drop Handlers
The following steps describe how to create the task display form—a .jspx file—for a
help desk request business process. When you finish, the task display form will have

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-11
Creating a Task Display Form

six regions, for the custom action buttons, system action buttons, task header,
comments, attachments, and task history.
See the alternative discussed in Section 31.4.5, "How to Create a Task Display Form
Using the Complete Task with Payload Drop Handler."
Before you create this task display form, you must have created the following:
■ A new application and SOA project, and a human task service—a single approver
workflow in which the help desk request is either resolved or unresolved by a
single help desk employee. See Section 26.8.3, "Modeling the Help Desk Request,"
for more information.
■ An ADF task flow based on the human task. See Section 31.3.2, "How to Create an
ADF Task Flow Within the Same Composite Application as the Human Task," for
more information.

To create a task display form for the help desk request example:

Note: Click Save All frequently, especially after each drag and drop.

1. In the visual editor, double-click taskDetails.

2. In the Create JSF Page dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
3. In the Application Navigator Data Controls panel, expand
HelpDeskRequestHumanTask, then loadData(String, String, String), and then
4. Drag and drop the task icon into the taskDetails.jspx window.
5. Select Human Task, then Custom Actions, as shown in Figure 31–11.

Figure 31–11

6. In the Edit Action Bindings dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
This creates buttons for custom actions: Resolved and Unresolved, as shown in
Figure 31–12.

31-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

Figure 31–12

Temporary Workaround: The buttons may not be displayed due to a bug. Go to

the source view, add an empty space anywhere, click Save, and return to the design
view. The buttons are displayed.
7. Drag and drop the task icon again, this time to the immediate right of the
Unresolved button, so that you stay inside the panel of buttons
8. Select Human Task, then System Actions.
9. In the Edit Action Bindings dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
This creates buttons for system actions, as shown in Figure 31–13.

Figure 31–13

10. Drag and drop the task icon again, this time below the panel of buttons.

11. Select Human Task, then Task Header.

With each element that you drag and drop, the JSPX window continues to expand,
as shown in Figure 31–14.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-13
Creating a Task Display Form

Figure 31–14

12. Drag and drop additional task icons into the JSPX window, selecting these options
with each iteration:
■ Human Task, then Task Comments.
■ Human Task, then Task Attachments.
■ Human Task, then Task History
The task display form now has six regions, for custom action buttons, system
action buttons, the task header, comments, attachments, and task history.

31.4.4 How to Add the Payload to the Task Display Form

Content to come.

To add the payload to the task display form:

1. From the Component Palette, select ADF Faces.

2. Expand Layout.
3. Drag and drop Panel Group Layout between the Header and Comment sections,
as shown in Figure 31–15

Figure 31–15

4. In the Data Controls panel, expand task, and then payload.

5. Drag and drop requester in front of the area that represents the Panel Group
Layout, as shown in Figure 31–16.

31-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

Figure 31–16

6. From the context menu, select Forms, then ADF Read-only Form, as shown in
Figure 31–17.

Figure 31–17

7. In the Edit Form Fields dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
This creates the following portion of the payload region, between the Header and
Comments, as shown in Figure 31–18.

Figure 31–18

8. Drag and drop payload below the Panel Group Layout and select Forms, then
ADF Forms.
9. In the Edit Form Fields dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
10. Drag and drop resolution below the payload region and select Forms, then ADF
11. In the Edit Form Fields dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-15
Creating a Task Display Form

The payload regions appear, as shown in Figure 31–19.

Figure 31–19

The task display form, shown in Figure 31–20, is completed and ready to be deployed.

31-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Task Display Form

Figure 31–20 The Task Display Form (taskDetails.jspx)

31.4.5 How to Create a Task Display Form Using the Complete Task with Payload Drop
The following steps describe how to use a drop handler that creates the task display
form, including the payload, without having to individually build each region.
See the alternative discussed in Section 31.4.3, "How to Create a Task Display Form
Using Individual Drop Handlers."

To create a task display form using the Complete Task with Payload drop

Note: Click Save All frequently, especially after each drag and drop.

1. In the visual editor, double-click taskDetails.

2. In the Create JSF Page dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-17
Creating an E-Mail Notification

3. In the Application Navigator Data Controls panel, expand the human task name,
then loadData(String, String, String), and then Return.
4. Drag and drop the task icon into the taskDetails.jspx window.
5. Select Human Task, then Complete Task with Payload.
6. In the Edit Action Bindings dialog, select a data collection and the action you want
the data control to initiate and click OK.



You are ready to add the payload region to the task display form.

31.4.6 What Happens When You Create a Task Display Form

The form you designed is saved in the taskDetails.jspx file at

The task display form is ready to be deployed. See Section 31.6, "Deploying a
Composite Application with a Task Flow," for more information.

31.5 Creating an E-Mail Notification

A task display form is used to provide an e-mail notification if e-mail notification is
defined as part of the human task. You have the following options for an e-mail
■ Default e-mail notification—Use the first page of the task display form that you
create for the human task. The content is sent as an HTML-based e-mail. Images in
the task flow are included as attachments so that the notification can be viewed in
disconnected mode.
■ Custom e-mail notification—Create an e-mail notification task page that is
different from the task display form used in the worklist. When creating this
e-mail notification page, you use the same human task-aware data controls that
you use for other task display forms.
See Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow," to review notification settings
as part of a human task definition (.task file).

31.5.1 How to Create an E-Mail Notification

To send a custom e-mail notification whose content and layout you have specified
(instead of sending the default page), you create another JSPX file in which you design
an e-mail notification page. You can create the notification page from scratch by using
the custom and standard drop handlers, or you can use the e-mail notification drop
handler. In addition, do the following:
■ Add a router to the task flow. The router directs the task flow to send either the
e-mail notification page or the default page, depending on the control flow based
on the bpmClientType page flow scope value.
■ Specify inline styles to use for the layout, because a cascading style sheet (CSS) is
not attached to the e-mail and the default ADF CSS is not included

31-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an E-Mail Notification

■ Reference images directly from the HTML or JSF page. (Indirect references, for
example, an included JSF that in turn includes the image, are not allowed.) Creating a Task Flow with a Router

The control flow case with a router lets you direct the request to a specific page based
on certain parameters. (Figure 31–21 shows the router directing the request to an
e-mail page.) For an ADF task flow based on a human task, you may need a special
page for e-mail notifications or for digital signatures. This section describes how to
create a special page for e-mail notifications.

Figure 31–21 Task Flow with a Router

To create a task flow with a router:

1. In the Application Navigator, expand the HelpDeskRequestFlow project and
double-click HelpDeskRequestHumanTask_TaskFlow.
The HelpDeskRequestHumanTask_TaskFlow.xml file opens in the visual
editor. In the diagram view, you see the taskDetails icon.
2. From the Component Palette, drag and drop the View icon into the visual editor.
3. Click view1 below the icon and enter EmailPage, as shown in Figure 31–22

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-19
Creating an E-Mail Notification

Figure 31–22

4. From the Component Palette, drag and drop the Router icon into the visual
5. Click router1 below the icon and enter PageRouter.
6. Click the router - PageRouter - Property Inspector tab.
7. In the default-outcome field, enter default.
8. Add more cases.
9. In the outcome field, enter EmailPage.
10. Use the Expression Builder to enter the following in the expression field:
11. In the Component Palette, click Control Flow Case.
12. In the visual editor, drag a control flow from PageRouter to taskDetails.
The control flow is automatically labeled default, as shown in Figure 31–23.

31-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating an E-Mail Notification

Figure 31–23

13. In the Component Palette, click Control Flow Case.

14. In the visual editor, drag a control flow from PageRouter to EmailPage.

15. Click the control flow to see the control-flow-case - EmailPage - Property
16. In the from-outcome field, enter EmailPage.
Figure 31–24 shows the completed control flow.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-21
Creating an E-Mail Notification

Figure 31–24 Creating an E-Mail Notification Page

Creating an e-mail notification page is similar to creating a task display form, with the
addition of defining inline styles.

To create an e-mail notification page:

1. In the visual editor, double-click EmailPage.

2. In the Create JSF Page dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.
The EmailPage.jspx tab opens in the visual editor.
3. From the Component Palette, drag and drop Panel Group Layout into the visual
4. In the Panel Group Layout - vertical - Property Inspector tab, from the Layout
list, select vertical, as shown in Figure 31–25.

31-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow

Figure 31–25

5. Click Style, and, in the InlineStyle field, enter the following:

margin: 2px; border: 1px solid black; padding: 3px; overflow: auto; width: 95%

6. From the Component Palette, drag and drop Image into the panel group layout
7. In the Insert Image dialog, search for an image, in this example, oracle.gif.
If you are asked if you want to put the image in the current document root, click
8. Click Finish.
9. From the Data Controls panel, expand HelpDeskRequestHumanTask, then
loadData(String, String, String), and then Return.
10. Drag and drop task into the panel group layout area.

11. Select Human Task, and then Task Header.

12. In the Edit Action Binding dialog, accept the defaults and click OK.

13. Drag and drop additional task icons into the JSPX window, selecting these options
with each iteration:
■ Human Task, then Task Comments.
■ Human Task, then Task Attachments.
■ Human Task, then Task History
To continue adding the task payload, see Step 1 in Section 31.4.4, "How to Add the
Payload to the Task Display Form."

31.5.2 What Happens When You Create an E-Mail Notification Page

The e-mail notification page is sent as HTML content in the e-mail message body.
Images on the page are inlined as attachments. Relative URLs are converted to
absolute URLs.

31.6 Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow

The composite application containing the task flow must be deployed to the
application server as a Web archive (WAR) module before you can use the task
display form in the Worklist Application. The WAR module is created as an
application assembly in an Oracle archive (OAR) module when you create the task
flow project.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-23
Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow

31.6.1 Before Deploying the Task Display Form: Port Changes

If you are not using the default values for RMI or HTTP ports, open the
hwtaskflow.xml file in Oracle JDeveloper to change values. Figure 31–26 shows the
file in the Application Navigator.

Figure 31–26 The hwtaskflow.xml File

Example 31–1 shows a sample hwtaskflow.xml file with comments on which values
can and cannot be changed.

Example 31–1 Sample hwtaskflow.xml File

<!--Sample hwtaskflow.xml file. This is required for successful deployment of an
ADF Task Flow Based on Human Task application. -->

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>

<hwTaskFlows xmlns="">

<!-- Name of the client application used to view the tasks, defaults to
'worklist' -->

<!-- Type of ejb lookup used. If not specified, remote lookup is used. Values -

<!-- Do not modify this element. Value must be 'false' for deployment to
complete successfully -->

<!-- Connection details for soa server for remote ejb lookup.

31-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow

If not specified, default values for ejbProviderUrl is http://localhost/soa-infra

, aliasKeyName is BPM_SERVICES, keyName is BPM_SERVICES -->

<!-- Connection details for server on which task flow is deployed.

If not specified, default values for hostname is localhost,
httpPort is 8888 and httpsPort is 443 --> -->

<!-- Miscellaneous configurable properties for Task Flow -->

<Property name = "" value = ""/>

<!-- Task Flow specific properties -->



31.6.2 How to Deploy a Composite Application with a Task Flow

The following instructions require an application server connection.

To deploy a composite application with a task flow:

1. Right-click the composite application name, select Deploy, and then application_
name > to > application_server_connection.
The Configure Application dialog appears.
If you do not have a connection, select New Connection and use the Application
Server Connection wizard.
2. In New Revision ID, enter 1.0.
3. Click OK.
If you are using a local EJB, then do the following:
a. Edit the LookupType value in hwtaskflow.xml as follows:

See Section 31.6.1, "Before Deploying the Task Display Form: Port Changes,"
for more information.
b. Select soa-infra as the parent app during deployment.

31.6.3 How to Redeploy the Task Display Form

If you change the task display form and want to redeploy it, repeat the deployment
step. (Right-click the task form application name, select Deploy, and then application_

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-25
Deploying a Composite Application with a Task Flow

name > to > application_server_connection.) A message asking you if you want to

undeploy the form is displayed. Click OK and deploy the task form again.

31.6.4 How to Deploy a Task Flow as a Separate Application

If you want to deploy the task flow as a separate application, outside of the SOA
composite application, then create a new application and project as a container for the
task flow. After you deploy the SOA composite application, deploy the task flow

To deploy a task flow as a separate application:

1. Select New > Application from the File menu.

2. Enter HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp in the Application Name field.

3. Accept the default setting for all other fields.
4. Click OK.
5. Click Cancel on the Create Project window.
6. Select Save All from the File main menu.
7. Select the Application Menu list for the application you just created.
8. Select New Project from the list that appears.
The New Gallery window appears.
9. Select Empty Project from the Items list.
10. Click OK.

11. Enter HelpDeskRequestTaskFlow in the Project Name field, and click OK.

12. Right-click the composite application name, select Deploy, and then application_
name > to > application_server_connection.
The Configure Application dialog appears.
If you do not have a connection, select New Connection and use the Application
Server Connection wizard.
13. In New Revision ID, enter 1.0.

14. Click OK.

If you are using a local EJB, then do the following:
a. Edit the LookupType value in hwtaskflow.xml as follows:

See Section 31.6.1, "Before Deploying the Task Display Form: Port Changes,"
for more information.
b. Select soa-infra as the parent app during deployment.
15. Right-click HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp, select Deploy, and then
HelpDeskRequestTaskFlowApp module to SOAConnection.
16. Click OK.
If you are using a local EJB, then do the following:
a. Edit the LookupType value in hwtaskflow.xml as follows:

31-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Displaying a Task Display Form in the Worklist

See Section 31.6.1, "Before Deploying the Task Display Form: Port Changes,"
for more information.
b. Select soa-infra as the parent app during deployment.

31.6.5 What Happens When You Deploy the Task Display Form
After deployment, the task display form is available for display in the worklist. Users
log in to the worklist to act on their tasks.
See the following for more information:
■ Section 31.7.1, "How to Display the Task Display Form in the Worklist," for how to
log in
■ Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM Worklist," for how to act on tasks

31.7 Displaying a Task Display Form in the Worklist

The task display form is displayed in Oracle BPM Worklist, a Web-based interface for
users to act on their assigned human tasks. Specific actions are available or unavailable
depending on a user’s privileges.
Figure 31–27 shows how the task display form for the help desk request example is
displayed in the worklist task details page.

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-27
Displaying a Task Display Form in the Worklist

Figure 31–27 Worklist Task Details Page

See Section 33.4, "Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page," for more information.

31.7.1 How to Display the Task Display Form in the Worklist

Use Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox to access the worklist.

To log in to the worklist:

1. Go to

■ host_name is the name of the host on which Oracle BPEL Process Manager is
■ The port_number used at installation (typically 8888) is noted in

31-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Troubleshooting the Task Display Form

2. Enter the username and password.

You can use jstein and welcome1, or oc4jadmin and welcome1 to log in as
an administrator.
The user name and password must exist in the user community provided to
3. Select a realm.
4. Click Login.

31.8 Troubleshooting the Task Display Form

If you are unable to see the human task details when you click on the task in the
Worklist Application, then use the following steps to troubleshoot the problem.
■ Design-time troubleshooting: Ensure that you start JDeveloper using jdev.exe
instead of jdevw.exe. This will bring up a console window in the background
that shows any error messages or stack traces.
■ Deployment issues: If you see any errors during deployment of the ADF task flow,
check the following:
– Note that you must deploy the "ADF task flow based on human task" on the
same instance as the SOA server. Additionally, make sure you specify
"soa-infra" as the parent application when you deploy this ADF task flow
– Check if the file exists in your project and has the
following settings:
– Ensure that the ADF run-time libraries are installed on the OC4J instance
where the task flow is deployed. You can verify this by checking if the shared library exists in Oracle_
■ Run-time issues: If you see the task in the task list but you get an error when
clicking on the task title, use the following steps to troubleshoot the problem:
– Check if you had any errors during deployment as described above.
– Enable logging for ADF as described in the "logging" section below. Set the log
level to FINE and deploy the task flow again. After this you should see error
messages in the OC4J_HOME/j2ee/home/log/oc4j/log.xml file.
– If you get errors on the task details screen when performing any operations,
check the following log files:

ADF task flow logging: To enable ADF logging, add following fragments in OC4J_
HOME/j2ee/home/config/j2ee-logging.xml and restart the server.

Example 31–2 Enabling ADF Logging

<logger name='oracle.adf' level='FINE' useParentHandlers='false'>
<handler name='oc4j-handler'/>

Beta Draft Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks 31-29
Troubleshooting the Task Display Form

<handler name='console-handler'/>
<logger name='oracle.adfinternal' level='FINE' useParentHandlers='false'>
<handler name='oc4j-handler'/>
<handler name='console-handler'/>
<logger name='oracle.jbo' level='FINE' useParentHandlers='false'>
<handler name='oc4j-handler'/>
<handler name='console-handler'/>

31-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
28 Human Task Services

Human task services and functions are responsible for a variety of tasks. This chapter
describes the human task services.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 28.1, "Human Task Services"
■ Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow"
■ Section 28.3, "Configuring the Assignment Service"
■ Section 28.4, "Human Task Service and Identity Service Related XPath Extension
■ Section 28.5, "NLS Configuration"
■ Section 28.6, "Changes to APIs"
■ Section 28.7, "Summary"

28.1 Human Task Services

This section describes the responsibilities of the following human task services:
■ Section 28.1.1, "EJB, SOAP, and Java Support for the Human Task Services"
■ Section 28.1.2, "Security Model for Services"
■ Section 28.1.3, "Task Service"
■ Section 28.1.4, "Task Query Service"
■ Section 28.1.5, "Identity Service"
■ Section 28.1.6, "Notification Service"
■ Section 28.1.7, "Task Metadata Service"
■ Section 28.1.8, "User Metadata Service"
■ Section 28.1.9, "Runtime Config Service"
■ Section 28.1.10, "Digital Signatures and the Evidence Store Service"

See Also: Section 26.3, "Workflow Services Components" on

page 26-8

28.1.1 EJB, SOAP, and Java Support for the Human Task Services
Table 28–1 lists the type of SOAP, EJB, and Java support provided for the task services.
Most human task services are accessible through SOAP and local and remote EJB APIs.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-1

Human Task Services

You can use these services directly by using appropriate client proxies. Additionally,
the client libraries are provided to abstract out the protocol details and provide a
common interface for all transports.

Table 28–1 EJB, SOAP, and Java Support

Supports SOAP Supports Supports
Service Name Web Services Remote EJB Local EJB
Task Service — Provides task state Yes Yes Yes
management and persistence of tasks. In
addition to these services, the task service
exposes operations to update a task, complete
a task, escalate and reassign tasks, and so on.
Task Query Service — Queries tasks for a user Yes Yes Yes
based on a variety of search criterion such as
keyword, category, status, business process,
attribute values, history information of a task,
and so on.
Task Metadata Service — Exposes operations Yes Yes Yes
to retrieve metadata information related to a
Task Reports Service — Provides workflow Yes Yes No
report details
User Metadata Service — Manages metadata Yes Yes Yes
related to workflow users, such as user work
queues, preferences, vacation, and delegation
Runtime Config Service — Provides methods Yes Yes Yes
for managing metadata used in the task service
run time environment.
Evidence Store Service — Supports storage and Yes Yes Yes
nonrepudiation of digitally-signed workflow
Identity Service (BPM authentication and Yes No No
authorization services) — Enables
authentication and authorization of users and
the lookup of user properties, roles, group
memberships, and privileges.

Table 28–2 lists the location for the SOAP WSDL file for each task service.

Table 28–2 SOAP WSDL Location for the Task Services

Service name SOAP WSDL location
Task Service http://host:port/integration/services/TaskServi
Task Query Service http://host:port/integration/services/TaskQuery
Identity Service http://host:port/integration/services/IdentityS
Notification Service http://host:port/integration/services/Notificat

28-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Table 28–2 (Cont.) SOAP WSDL Location for the Task Services
Service name SOAP WSDL location
Task Metadata Service http://host:port/integration/services/TaskMetad
User Metadata Service http://host:port/integration/services/UserMetad
Runtime Config Service http://host:port/integration/services/RuntimeCo
Evidence Store Service http://host:port/integration/services/EvidenceS

See Also: Appendix A, "Building a Custom Worklist Client" for

details about the client library for worklist services

28.1.2 Security Model for Services

With the exception of IDM, all services that use the above-mentioned APIs (SOAP,
remote EJB, local EJB, and Java WSIF) require authentication to be invoked. All the
above channels support passing the user identity using the human task context. The
human task context contains either of the following:
■ Login and password
■ Token
The task query service exposes the authenticate operation that takes the login and
password and returns the human task context used for all services. Optionally, with
each request, you can pass the human task context with the login and password.
The authenticate operation also supports the concept of creating the context on behalf
of a user with the admin ID and admin password. This enables you to create the
context for a logged-in user to the Oracle BPEL Worklist Application if the password
for that user is not available. Limitation on Propagating Identity to Workflow Services when Using SOAP

Web Services
SOAP Web services also support Web service security. When Web service security is
used, the human task context does not need to be present in the SOAP input. The Web
service security can be configured from the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application
Server Control Console.

Note: Human task service SOAP clients cannot be used when Web
service security is used.

See Also: "Configuring Single Sign-on Using SAML" in the Oracle

Application Server Web Services Security Guide for details about
propagating the identity of a user from a Web application to the Web
service Security in EJBs

If EJB identity propagation is enabled, the name of the user currently authenticated by
the EJB container is automatically propagated to the various workflow services. A null

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-3

Human Task Services

value can be specified for IWorkflowContext in workflow service methods in this

These steps provide a high-level overview of how to enable identity propagation.
1. Enable subject propagation.
■ Modify to include the -Dsubject.propagation=true
on both the server and client OC4Js.
■ Set jaas-mode="doAs" or jaas-mode="doAsPrivileged" in the
orion-application.xml file of the client web application.
2. Set the subject propagation restrictions.
3. Make the implementation available in the client
4. If there are multiple realms, you must set the property

See Also: Oracle Containers for J2EE Security Guide for configuration
instructions Creating Human Task Context on Behalf of a User

The authenticate API operation on the task query service can create the human
task context on behalf of a user by passing the user ID and password of an admin user
in the request. An admin user is a user with the workflow.admin privilege. This
created context is as if it was created using the password on behalf of the user.
In this example, the human task context is created for user jcooper.
ITaskQueryService taskQueryService = ….
String realm = …;
IWorkflowContext wfCtx =
taskQueryService.authenticate(‘bpeladmin’, ‘welcome1’, realm, ‘jcooper’);

28.1.3 Task Service

The task service exposes operations to act on tasks. Table 28–3 describes the operations
of the task service. Package corresponds
to the task service.

Table 28–3 Task Service Methods

Method Description
acquireTask Acquire a task.
acquireTasks Acquire a set of tasks.
addAttachment Add an attachment to a task.
addComment Add a comment to a task.
createToDoTask Create a to-do task
delegateTask Delegate a task to a different user. Both the current assignee and
the user to whom the task is delegated can view and act on the

28-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Table 28–3 (Cont.) Task Service Methods

Method Description
delegateTasks Delegate a list of tasks to a different user. Both the current
assignee and the user to whom the list of tasks is delegated can
view and act on the tasks.
deleteTask Perform a logical deletion of a task. The task still exists in the
deleteTasks Perform a logical deletion of a list of tasks. The tasks still exists
in the database.
errorTask Cause the task to error. This operation is typically used by the
error assignee.
escalateTask Escalate a task. The default escalation is to the manager of the
current user. This can be overridden using escalation functions.
escalateTasks Escalate tasks in bulk. The default escalation is to the manager
of the current user. This can be overridden using escalation
getApprovers Get the previous approvers of a task.
getFutureParticipants Get the future participants of a task. The future participants are
returned in the form of a routing slip that contains simple
participants — (participant node and parallel nodes that
contain routing slips in them).
getUsersToRequestInfo Get the users from whom a request for information can be
ForTask requested.
initiateTask Initiate a task.
mergeAndUpdateTask Merge and update a task. Use this operation when a partial task
should be updated. A partial task is one in which not all the
task attributes are present. In this partial task, only the
following task attributes are interpreted:
■ Task payload
■ Comments
■ Task state
■ Task outcome
overrideRoutingSlip Override the routing slip of a task instance with a new routing
slip. The current task assignment is nullified and the new
routing slip is interpreted as its task is initiated.
purgeTask Remove a task from the persistent store
purgeTasks Remove a list of tasks from the persistent store
pushBackTask Push back a task to the previous approver or original assignees.
The original assignees do not need to be the approver as they
may have reassigned the task, escalated the task, and so on. The
property pushbackAssignee in workflow-config.xml
controls whether the task is pushed back to the original
assignees or the approvers.
reassignTask Reassign a task
reassignTasks Reassign tasks in bulk
reinitiateTask Reinitiate a task. Reinitiating a task causes a previously
completed task to be carried forward so that the history,
comments, and attachments are carried forward in a new task.
releaseTask Release a previously acquired task.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-5

Human Task Services

Table 28–3 (Cont.) Task Service Methods

Method Description
releaseTasks Release a set of previously acquired tasks.
removeAttachment Remove a task attachment.
renewTask Renew a task to extend the time it takes to expire.
requestInfoForTask Request information for a task.
requestInfoForTaskWit Request information for a task with reapproval. For example,
hReapproval assume jcooper created a task and jstein and wfaulk
approved the task in the same order. When the next approver,
cdickens, requests information with reapproval from
jcooper, and jcooper submits the information, jstein and
wfaulk approve the task before it comes to cdickens. If
cdickens requests information with reapproval from jstein,
and jstein submits the information, wfaulk approves the
task before it comes to cdickens.
resumeTask Resume a task. Operations can only be performed by the task
owners (or users with the BPMWorkflowSuspend privilege) to
remove the hold on a workflow. After a human task is resumed,
actions can be performed on the task.
resumeTasks Resume a set of tasks.
routeTask Allow a user to route the task in an adhoc fashion to the next
user(s) who must review the task. The user can specify to route
the tasks in sequential, parallel, or simple assignment. Routing
a task is permitted only when the human task permits adhoc
routing of the task.
skipCurrentAssignment Skip the current assignment and move to the next assignment
or pick the outcome as set by the previous approver if there are
no more assignees.
submitInfoForTask Submit information for a task. This action is typically
performed after the user has made the necessary updates to the
task or has added comments or attachments containing
additional information.
suspendTask Allows task owners (or users with the BPMWorkflowSuspend
privilege) to put a human task on hold temporarily. In this case,
task expiration and escalation do not apply until the workflow
is resumed. No actions are permitted on a task that has been
suspended (except resume and withdraw).
suspendTasks Suspend a set of tasks.
updateOutcomeOfTasks Update the outcome of a set of tasks.
updateTask Update the task.
updateTaskOutcome Update the task outcome.
updateTaskOutcomeAndR Update the task outcome and route the task. Routing a task
oute allows a user to route the task in an adhoc fashion to the next
user(s) who must review the task. The user can specify to route
the tasks in sequential, parallel, or simple assignment. Routing
a task is permitted only when the human task permits adhoc
routing of the task.
withdrawTask The creator of the task can withdraw any pending task if they
are no longer interested in sending it further through the
human task. A task owner can also withdraw a task on behalf
of the creator. When a task is withdrawn, the business process is
called back with the state attribute of the task set to

28-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Table 28–3 (Cont.) Task Service Methods

Method Description
withdrawTasks Withdraw a set of tasks.

See Also: Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API

Reference located in the SOA_Oracle_Home\bpel\docs\workflow

28.1.4 Task Query Service

The task query service queries tasks based on a variety of search criterion such as
keyword, category, status, business process, attribute values, history information of a
task, and so on. Table 28–4 describes the operations of the task query service, including
how to use the service over SOAP. Package corresponds to the task query service.

Table 28–4 Task Query Service Methods

Method Description
authenticate Authenticates a user with the identity authentication service
and passes back a valid IWorkflowContext object.
Authentication can optionally be made on behalf of another
createContext Creates a valid IWorkflowContext object from a
preauthenticated HTTP request.
getWorkflowContext Gets a human task context with the specified context token.
destroyWorkflowContext Cleans up a human task context that is no longer needed. This
method is typically used when a user logs out.
getTaskDetailsById Gets the details of a specific task from the task's taskId
getTaskDetailsByNumber Gets the details of a specific task from the task's task number
getTaskHistory Gets a list of the task versions for the specified task ID.
getTaskVersionDetails Gets the specific task version details for the specified task ID
and version number.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-7

Human Task Services

Table 28–4 (Cont.) Task Query Service Methods

Method Description
queryTasks Returns a list of tasks that match the specified filter conditions.
Tasks are listed according to the ordering condition specified (if
any). The entire list of tasks matching the criteria can be
returned or clients can execute paging queries, in which only a
specified number of tasks in the list are retrieved. The filter
conditions are as follows:
■ assignmentFilter — Filters tasks according to whom
the task is assigned, or who created the task. Possible
values for the assignment filter are as follows:
ADMIN — No filtering; returns all tasks regardless of
assignment or creator.
ALL — No filtering; returns all tasks regardless of
assignment or creator.
CREATOR — Returns tasks where the context user is the
GROUP — Returns tasks that are assigned to a group,
application role, or list of users of which the context user is
a member.
MY — Returns tasks that are assigned exclusively to the
context user.
MY_AND_GROUP — Returns tasks that are assigned
exclusively to the context user, or to a group, application
role, or list of users of which the context user is a member.
OWNER — Returns tasks where the context user is the task
PREVIOUS — Returns tasks the context user previously
REPORTEES — Returns tasks that are assigned to reportees
of the context user.
REVIEWER — Returns tasks for which the context user is a
■ keywords — An optional search string. This only returns
tasks where the string is contained in the task title, task
identification key, or one of the task text flex fields.
■ predicate — An optional
te object that allows clients to specify complex, SQL-like
query predicates.
Note: To use the task query service over SOAP, call
Predicate.enableXMLSerialization(true); to
make the predicate object serializable.
queryViewTasks Returns a list of tasks according to the criteria in the specified
view. The entire list or paged list of tasks can be returned.
Clients can specify additional filter and ordering criteria to
those in the view.

See Also: Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API

Reference in the documentation library

28.1.5 Identity Service

The identity service is a thin Web service layer on top of the Oracle Application Server
11g security infrastructure, namely OracleAS Identity Management (IDM) and Java

28-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Platform Security (JPS), or any custom user repository. The identity service enables
authentication and authorization of users and the lookup of user properties, roles,
group memberships, and privileges. IDM is the sole identity service provider for
Oracle Application Server 11g. IDM handles all storage and retrieval of users and roles
for various repositories, including XML, LDAP, and so on. More, specifically IDM
provides the following features:
■ All providers are consolidated under IDM. The OracleAS JAAS Provider (JAZN)
and LDAP providers are no longer supported. The custom provider is deprecated
and supported only for backward compatibility. All customization of providers is
performed through the custom provider to IDM, through configuring Oracle
Virtual Directory (OVD) as an LDAP provider to IDM, or through both. OVD
aggregates data across various repositories.
■ Application roles are supported through the JPS policy store and groups are
supported through the IDM identity store. The JSP layer handles all
security-related functionality at the OC4J container level. The policy store of JPS
handles all policies defined at the application level. Properties related to IDM are
stored in the jps-config.xml file. The enterprise roles (groups) and application
roles of previous releases are no longer supported.
■ All privileges are validated against permissions, as compared to actions in
previous releases.
■ The following set of application roles are defined. These roles are automatically
defined in the soa-infra application of the JPS policy store.
– SOAAdmin — Grant this role to users who must perform administrative
actions on any SOA module. This role is also granted the
BPMWorkflowAdmin and B2BAdmin roles.
– BPMWorkflowAdmin — Grant this role to users who must perform any
workflow administrative action. This includes actions such as searching and
acting on any task in the system, creating and modifying user and group rules,
performing application customization, and so on. This role is granted the
BPMWorkflowCustomize role and the following permissions:
* workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField
* workflow.admin.evidenceStore
* workflow.admin
– BPMWorkflowCustomize—Grant this role to business users who must
perform flex field mapping to public flex fields. This role is also granted the
workflow.mapping.publicFlexField permission.
■ The following workflow permissions are defined:
– workflow.admin — Controls who can perform administrative actions
related to tasks, user and group rules, and customizations
– workflow.admin.evidenceStore — Controls who can view and search
evidence records related to digitally-signed tasks (tasks that require a
signature with the use of digital certificates).
– workflow.mapping.publicFlexField — Controls who can perform
mapping of task payload attributes to public flex fields.
– workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField — Controls who can perform
mapping of task payload attributes to protected flex fields.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-9

Human Task Services

See Also:
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
for details about configuring the identity service
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Security Guide and Oracle Fusion
Middleware Application Security Developer’s Guide for details about
■ Oracle Identity and Access Management Application Developer's Guide
for details about IDM
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle Virtual
Directory for details about OVD Identity Service Providers

IDM is the only supported provider for release 11g, as shown in Figure 28–1.

Figure 28–1 Identity Service Providers

Oracle BPEL
Process Manager

Identity Service

Provider Plug-ins

11g IDM

Third Party Oracle Custom

XML Internet Database
LDAP Directory

Oracle Custom
LDAP Internet
Directory Provider

XML Database

Database Database

Repository Repository Custom User Repository Plug-ins This mode enables you to plug in a
non-LDAP-based user repository by registering a custom identity service provider.
This mode is provided only for backward compatibility. The custom identity service
plug-in must implement the BPMIdentityService interface (see the Javadoc). This
identityservice class name must be registered in

28-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

See Also:
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA
Suite for configuration instructions
entity for Javadoc on the BPMIdentityService interface

28.1.6 Notification Service

The notification service exposes operations that can be invoked from the BPEL
business process to send notifications through e-mail, voice, instant messaging (IM), or
short message service (SMS) channels.

See Also:
■ Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow" on page 28-20
for specific details about the notification service
■ Chapter 23, "Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service"
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
for instructions on configuring notification service delivery

28.1.7 Task Metadata Service

Task metadata service exposes operations to retrieve metadata information related to a
task. Table 28–5 describes these methods. Package corresponds to the task metadata

Table 28–5 Task Metadata Service Methods

Method Description
getOutcomes Get the permitted outcomes of a task. The outcomes are returned
with their display values.
getResourceBundleInfo Get the resource bundle information of the task. The resource
bundle information contains the location and the name of the
getRestrictedActions Get the actions that are restricted for a particular task.
getTaskAttributes Get the task message attributes.
getTaskAttributesForT Get the message attributes for a particular task definition.
getTaskDefinition Get the task definition associated with the task.
getTaskDefinitionById Get the task definition by the task definition ID.
getTaskDefinitionOutc Get the outcomes given the task definition ID.
getTaskDisplay Get the task display for a task.
getTaskDisplayRegion Get the task display region for a task.
getVersionTrackedAttr Get the task attributes that when changed causes a task version
s creation.
listTaskMetadata List the task definitions in the system.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-11

Human Task Services

See Also: Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API

Reference located in the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bpel\docs\workflow

28.1.8 User Metadata Service

The user metadata service provides methods for managing metadata specific to
individual users and groups. It is used for getting and setting user worklist
preferences, managing user custom views, and managing human task rules for users
and groups.
For most methods in the user metadata service, the authenticated user can query and
update their own user metadata. However, they cannot update metadata belonging to
other users.
In the case of group metadata (for example, human task rules for groups), only a user
designated as an owner of a group (or a user with the workflow.admin privilege)
can query and update the metadata for that group. However, a user with the
workflow.admin privilege can query and update metadata for any user or group.
Table 28–6 describes the methods in the user metadata service. Package corresponds to the user metadata

Table 28–6 User Metadata Service Methods

Method Description
setVacationInfo Sets a date range over which the user is unavailable for the
assignment of tasks. (Dynamic assignment functions do not assign
tasks to a user that is on vacation.)
getVacationInfo Retrieves the date range (if any) during which a user is unavailable
for the assignment of tasks.
getRuleList Retrieves a list of rules for a particular user or group.
getRuleDetail Gets the details for a particular human task rule.
createRule Creates a new rule.
updateRule Updates an existing rule.
deleteRule Deletes a rule.
increaseRulePriorit Increases the priority of a rule by one. Rules for a user or group are
y maintained in an ordered list of priority. Higher priority rules
(those closer to the head of the list) are executed before rules with
lower priority. This method does nothing if this rule already has
the highest priority.
decreaseRulePriorit Decreases the priority of a rule by one. This method does nothing if
y this rule already has the lowest priority.
getRuleSetInfo Returns information relating to the Oracle Business Rules rule set
being used to store the rules for a particular user or group. This is
useful if a client wants to make use of the rules SDK directly for
manipulating rules, rather than using the user metadata service.
getUserTaskViewList Gets a list of the user task views that the user owns.
getGrantedTaskViewL Gets a list of user task views that have been granted to the user by
ist other users. Users can use granted views for querying lists of tasks,
but they cannot update the view definition.
getStandardTaskView Gets a list of standard task views that ship with the human task
List service, and are available to all users.

28-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Table 28–6 (Cont.) User Metadata Service Methods

Method Description
getUserTaskViewDeta Gets the details for a single view.
createUserTaskView Creates a new user task view.
updateUserTaskView Updates an existing user task view.
deleteUserTaskView Deletes a user task view.
updateGrantedTaskVi Updates details of a view grant made to this user by another user.
ew Updates are limited to hiding or unhiding the view grant (hiding a
view means that the view is not listed in the main inbox page of the
worklist application), and changing the name and description that
the granted user sees for the view.
getUserPreferences Gets a list of user preferences for the user. User preferences are
simple name-value pairs of strings. User preferences are private to
each user (but can still be queried and updated by a user with the
workflow.admin privilege).
setUserPreferences Sets the user preference values for the user. Any preferences that
were previously stored and are not in the new list of user
preferences are deleted.
getPublicPreference Gets a list of public preferences for the user. Public preferences are
s similar to user preferences, except any user can query them.
However, only the user that owns the preferences, or a user with
the workflow.admin privilege, can update them. Public
preferences are useful for storing application wide preferences
(preferences can be stored under a dummy user name, such as
setPublicPreference Sets the public preferences for the user.

See Also:
■ Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM Worklist" for details about the rule
configuration and user preference pages
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
for details on how to designate a user as a group owner
■ Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API Reference
located in the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bpel\docs\workflow

28.1.9 Runtime Config Service

The runtime config service provides methods for managing metadata used in the task
service run time environment. It principally supports the management of task payload
flex field mappings and the URIs used for displaying task details.
The task object used by the task service contains a number of flex field attributes,
which can be populated with information from the task payload. This allows the task
payload information to be queried, displayed in task listings, and used in human task
The runtime config service provides methods for querying and updating the URI used
for displaying the task details of instances of a particular task definition in a client
application. For any given task definition, multiple display URIs can be supported,
with different URIs being used for different applications. The method

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-13

Human Task Services

getTaskDisplayInfo can query the URIs for a particular task definition. The
method setTaskDisplayInfo can define new URIs or update existing ones. Only
users with the workflow.admin privilege can call setTaskDisplayInfo, but any
authenticated user can call getTaskDisplayInfo.
The runtime config service allows administrators to create mappings between simple
task payload attributes and these flex field attributes.
Only a user with the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField or
workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can make updates to payload
mappings for public flex fields. Only a user with the
workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField privilege can make updates to payload
mappings for protected flex fields. Any authenticated user can use the query methods
in this service.
An administrator can create attribute labels for the various flex field attributes. These
attribute labels provide a meaningful label for the attribute (for example, a label
Location may be created for the flex field attribute TextAttribute1). A given flex
field attribute may have multiple labels associated with it. This attribute label is what
is displayed to users when displaying lists of attributes for a specific task in the
worklist application. The attribute labels for a specific task type can be determined by
calling the getTaskAttributesForTaskDefinition method on the task metadata
When defining attribute labels, the following fields are automatically populated by the
service. You do not need to specify values for these attributes when creating or
updating attribute labels:
■ Id
■ CreatedDate
■ WorkflowType
■ Active
Valid values for the task attribute field for public flex fields are as follows:
■ TextAttribute1 through TextAttribute10
■ FormAttribute1 through FormAttribute5
■ UrlAttribute1 through UrlAttribute5
■ DateAttribute1 through DateAttribute5
■ NumberAttribute1 through NumberAttribute5
Values for protected flex fields are as follows:
■ ProtectedTextAttribute1 through ProtectedTextAttribute10
■ ProtectedFormAttribute1 through ProtectedFormAttribute5
■ ProtectedUrlAttribute1 through ProtectedUrlAttribute5
■ ProtectedDateAttribute1 through ProtectedDateAttribute5
■ ProtectedNumberAttribute1 through ProtectedNumberAttribute5
Mappings can then be created between task payload fields and the attribute labels. For
example, the payload field customerLocation can be mapped to the attribute label
Location. Different task types can share the same attribute label. This allows payload
attributes from different task types that have the same semantic meaning to be
mapped to the same attribute label.

28-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Note: Only payload fields that are simple XML types can be

The runtime config service also provides methods for querying the dynamic
assignment functions supported by the server.
Table 28–7 describes the methods in the runtime config service. Package corresponds to the runtime
config service.

Table 28–7 Runtime Config Service

Method Description
CreateAttributeLabel Creates a new attribute label for a particular task flex field
createPayloadMapping Creates a new mapping between an attribute label and a task
payload field.
DeleteAttributeLabel Deletes an existing attribute label.
deletePayloadMapping Deletes an existing payload mapping.
getAttributeLabelUsag Gets a list of attribute labels (either all attribute labels or labels
es for a specific type of attribute) for which mapping (if any) the
labels are currently used.
getGroupDynamicAssign Returns a list of the dynamic assignment functions that can
mentFunctions select a group that are implemented on this server.
getTaskDisplayInfo Retrieves information relating to the URIs used for displaying
task instances of a specific task definition.
getTaskStatus Gets the status of a task instance corresponding to a particular
task definition and composite instance.
getUserDynamicAssignm Returns a list of the dynamic assignment functions that can
entFunctions select a user that are implemented on this server.
GetWorkflowPayloadMap Gets a list of all the flex field mappings for a particular human
pings task definition.
setTaskDisplayInfo Sets information relating to the URIs to be used for displaying
task instances of a specific task definition.
updateAttributeLabel Updates an existing attribute label.

See Also:
■ Section 28.3.1, "Dynamic Assignment Functions" on page 28-30 for
additional details
■ Chapter 33, "Using Oracle BPM Worklist" for details about flex
field mapping
■ Oracle BPEL Process Manager Workflow Services API Reference
located in the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bpel\docs\workflow
directory Internationalization of Attribute Labels

Attribute labels provide a method of attaching a meaningful label to a task flex field
attribute. It can be desirable to present attribute labels that are translated into the
appropriate language for the locale of the user.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-15

Human Task Services

To achieve this, you can add entries to the resource

property file, and associated resource bundles in other languages. This file exists in the
SOA_ORACLE_HOME\admin\template\bpel\services\wfresource directory.
Entries for flex field attribute labels must be of the form:
FLEX_LABEL.[label name]=Label Display Name

For instance, the entry for a label named Location is:


Note that adding entries to these files for attribute labels is optional. If no entry is
present in the file, the name of the attribute label as specified using the API is used

28.1.10 Digital Signatures and the Evidence Store Service

The evidence store service is used for digital signature storage and nonrepudiation of
digitally-signed human tasks. A digital signature is an electronic signature that
authenticates the identity of a message sender or document signer. This ensures that
the original content of the message or document sent is unchanged. Digital signatures
are transportable, cannot be imitated by others, and are automatically time-stamped.
The ability to ensure that the original signed message arrived means that the sender
cannot repudiate it later. Digital signatures ensure that a human task document is
authentic, has not been forged by another entity, has not been altered, and cannot be
repudiated by the sender. A cryptographically-based digital signature is created when
a public key algorithm signs a sender's message with a sender's private key.
During design time, signatures are enabled for the task. During runtime in the
Worklist Application, when a user approves or rejects the task, the Web browser:
■ Asks the user to choose the certificate to use for signing
■ Generates a digital signature using the user certificate and task content provided
by the Worklist Application
Figure 28–2 provides an example.

28-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Figure 28–2 Digital Signature and Certificate

Upload Certificate: One time uploading
of each user's certificate (user action)


Create Evidence: Create evidence by
digitally signing a task update (user action)


Certificate + Content

= Signature

3 Human
Validate: Human workflow validates the Workflow
certificate used for evidence creation with
the Certificate Revocation List (CRL)
issued by the Certifying Authorities (CAs)


Nonrepudiation: Prove that the user
generated the signature by creating
the content from the user certificate
and signature

Worklist Application Admin Screen

Stored + Stored
Certificate Signature

= Task Content

The following digital signature features are supported:

■ PKCS7 signatures based on X.509 certificates
■ Browser-based, digitally-signed content without attachments Prerequisites
Prerequisites for using digital signatures and certificates are as follows:
■ Users of the Worklist Application must have certificates
■ The administrator must specify the CAs and corresponding CRL URL whose
certificates must be trusted. Users are expected to upload only certificates issued
by these CAs. This is done by editing the following entry in the
workflow-config.xml file:
. . .

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-17

Human Task Services

. . .
<trustedCA CAName="CN = Intg, OU =AppServ, O =Oracle, C = US"
<trustedCA CAName=”CN = Intg1, OU =AppServ, O =Oracle, C = US"
<trustedCA CAName=”CN = Intg2, OU =AppServ, O =Oracle, C = US"
</workflowConfigurations> Interfaces and Methods

Table 28–8 through Table 28–11 describe the methods in the evidence store service.
Package corresponds to the
evidence service.

Table 28–8 ITaskEvidenceService Interface

Method Description
createEvidence Creates evidence and stores it in the repository for
getEvidence Gets a list of evidences matching the given criteria. The result
also depends on the privileges associated with the user querying
the service. If the user has been granted the
workflow.admin.evidenceStore permission (points to a
location detailing how to grant the permission), all matching
evidence is visible. Otherwise, only that evidence created by the
user is visible.
uploadCertificate Uploads certificates to be used later for signature verification.
This is a prerequisite for creating evidence using a given
certificate. A user can only upload their certificates.
updateEvidence Updates the CRL verification part of the status. This includes
verified time, status, and error messages, if any.
validateEvidenceSigna Validates the evidence signature. This essentially performs a
ture nonrepudiation check on the evidence. A value of true is
returned if the signature is verified. Otherwise, false is

Table 28–9 IEvidence Interface

Method Description
getCertificate Gets the certificate used to sign this evidence.
getCreateDate Gets the creation date of the evidence.
getErrorMessage Gets the error message associated with the CRL validation.
getEvidenceId Gets the unique identifier associated with the evidence.
getPlainText Gets the content that was signed as part of this evidence.
getPolicy Gets the signature policy of the evidence. This is either
getSignature Gets the signature of this evidence.
getSignedDate Gets the date on which the signature was created.

28-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Services

Table 28–9 (Cont.) IEvidence Interface

Method Description
getStatus Gets the CRL validation status. This can be one of the following:
■ AVAILABLE — The evidence is available for CRL
■ FAILURE — CRL validation failed.
■ SUCCESS — CRL validation succeeded.
■ UNAVAILABLE — The CRL data could not be fetched.
■ WAIT — CRL validation is in process.
getTaskId Gets the unique identifier of the task with which this evidence is
getTaskNumber Gets the task number of the task with which this evidence is
getTaskPriority Gets the task priority of the task with which this evidence is
getTaskStatus Gets the task status of the task with which this evidence is
getTaskSubStatus Gets the task substatus of the task with which this evidence is
getTaskTitle Gets the task title of the task with which this evidence is
getTaskVersion Gets the task version of the task with which this evidence is
getVerifiedDate Gets the date on which the CRL validation of the certificate used
was performed.
getWorkflowType Gets the workflow type of the task with which this evidence is
associated. This is typically BPELWF.

Table 28–10 ICertificate Interface

Method Description
getCA Gets the certificate issuer’s distinguished name (DN).
getCertificate Gets the certificate object that is abstracted by the interface.
getID Gets the certificate’s serial number.
getIdentityContext Gets the identity context with which the uploader of this
certificate is associated.
getUserName Gets the user name with whom this certificate is associated.
isValid Returns true if the certificate is still valid.

Table 28–11 PolicyType and WorkflowType Interface

Method Description
fromValue Constructs an object from the string representation.
value Returns the string representation of this object.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-19

Notifications from Human Workflow

See Also:
■ Section, "Specifying a Workflow Signature Policy" on
page 26-62 for details about specifying digital signatures and
digital certificates in the Human Task editor
■ Chapter 31, "Designing Task Display Forms for Human Tasks" for
details about digitally signing a task action in the Oracle BPEL
Worklist Application

28.2 Notifications from Human Workflow

Notifications are sent to alert users of changes to the state of a task. Notifications can
be sent through any of the following channels: e-mail, telephone voice message, IM, or
SMS. Notifications can be sent from a human task in a BPEL process or from a BPEL
process directly.
In releases prior to 11g, e-mail notifications were sent through the human task e-mail
notification layer. Voice and SMS notifications were sent through Oracle’s hosted
notification service. IM notifications were not supported.
Starting with release 11g, the human task e-mail notification layer works with the
Oracle Application Server Wireless Notification Service to alert users to changes in the
state of a task. The Oracle Application Server Wireless Notification Service supports
features such as:
■ Sending and receiving messages and statuses
■ Sending notifications to a specific address on a particular channel
■ Sending notifications to a set of failover addresses
For e-mail notifications, the human task e-mail notification layer works with the
Oracle Application Server Wireless Notification Service to enhance message reliability.
For the remaining notification channels, you can now use the Oracle Application
Server Wireless Notification Service.
On application servers other than Oracle Application Server, the human task e-mail
notification layer can be used for e-mail notifications.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 28.2.1, "Configuring the Notification Channel"
■ Section 28.2.2, "Contents of Notification"
■ Section 28.2.3, "Configuring Notification Messages in Different Languages"
■ Section 28.2.4, "Sending Actionable Messages"
■ Section 28.2.5, "Error Message Support"
■ Section 28.2.6, "Sending Inbound and Outbound Attachments"
■ Section 28.2.7, "Sending Inbound Comments"
■ Section 28.2.8, "Reliability Support"
■ Section 28.2.9, "Sending Secure Notifications"
■ Section 28.2.10, "Channels Used for Notifications"
■ Section 28.2.11, "Notification Services for SMS, Voice Mail, and IM Channels"
■ Section 28.2.12, "Sending Reminders"

28-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Notifications from Human Workflow

■ Section 28.2.13, "Custom Notification Headers"

■ Section 28.2.14, "Managing the Notification Service"

See Also: The following guides for details about configuring the
Oracle Application Server Wireless Notification Service:
■ Oracle Notification Service Administrator’s Guide
■ Oracle Notification Service Developer’s Guide

28.2.1 Configuring the Notification Channel

Configure the notification channel preferences in the following order:
1. Configure the appropriate channel (for example, e-mail) from the messaging
server pages of Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console.
2. Configure the notification service for e-mail and other channels in Oracle
3. Set the NotificationMode parameter for the notification service to either ALL or
notification-config.xml file.

Note: For 11g Release 1, this parameter must be configured from the
Mailer page in Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Console.
Access this page by selecting Administration > Human Workflow
from the SOA Infrastructure menu, then selecting the Mailer tab.

By default, this value is set to NONE, meaning that no notifications are sent. The
possible values for the NotificationMode attribute are:
■ ALL – the e-mail, IM, SMS, and voice channels are configured and notification is
sent through any channel.
■ EMAIL – Only the e-mail channel is configured for sending notification messages.
■ NONE – No channel is configured for sending notification messages. This is the
default setting.
The notifications for a task can be configured during the creation of a task in the
Human Task editor. Notifications can be sent to different types of participants for
different actions.
The actions for which a task notification can be sent are as follows:
■ Assigned — when the task is assigned to users or a group. This action captures the
following task actions — adhoc route, delegate, escalate, information for a task is
submitted, push back, reassign, release, and resume.
■ Task is completed
■ Task is errored
■ Task is expired
■ Information is requested for a task
■ Task outcome is updated
■ Task is suspended

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-21

Notifications from Human Workflow

■ Task is resumed
■ Task is withdrawn
■ Task is updated
– Task payload is updated
– Task is updated
– Comments are added
– Attachments are added and updated
■ All Other Actions
– Any action not covered in any of the actions listed above. This includes
acquiring a task.
Notifications can be sent to users involved in the task in various capacities. This
■ Assignees – the users or groups to whom the task is currently assigned
■ Initiator - the user who created the task
■ Creator – the user who created the task
■ Approvers – the users who have approved the task so far
– This applies to a sequential list of approvers participant type where multiple
users have approved the task and a notification must be sent to all.
■ Owner – the owner of the task
When the task is assigned to a group, each user in the group is sent a notification if no
notification endpoint is available for the group.

See Also:
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
for details about configuring the notification channel
■ Section 26.6.7, "Specifying Participant Notification Preferences" on
page 26-53 to configure task notifications in the Human Task
■ Chapter 23, "Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service"

28.2.2 Contents of Notification

Each e-mail notification can contain the following parts:
■ The notification message
■ The HTML content from the worklist application — This is a read-only view of the
worklist application on the task.
■ Task attachments — If the notification includes task attachments
■ Actionable links
Notifications through SMS, IM, and voice contain only the notification message.
The notification message is an XPath expression that can contain static text and
dynamic values. In creating the messages, only the task BPEL variable is available for
dynamic values. This restriction is because the messages are evaluated outside the
context of the BPEL process. The payload in the task variable is also strongly typed to

28-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Notifications from Human Workflow

contain the type of the payload for XPath tree browsing. The XPath extension function
hwf:getNotificationProperty(propertyName) is available to get properties
for a particular notification. The function evaluates to corresponding values for each
notification. The propertyName can one of the following values:
■ recipient — The recipient of the notification.
■ recipientDisplay — The display name of the recipient.
■ taskAssignees — The task assignees.
■ taskAssigneesDisplay — The display names of the task assignees.
■ locale — The locale of the recipient.
■ taskId — The ID of the task for which the notification is meant.
■ taskNumber — The number of the task for which the notification is meant.
■ appLink — The HTML link to the worklist application task details page.
The following example demonstrates the use of hwf:getNotificationProperty
and hwf:getTaskResourceBundle together:
concat('Dear ', hwf:getNotificationProperty('recipientDisplay'), ' Task ',
/task:task/task:systemAttributes/task:taskNumber, ' is assigned to you. ',
'CONGRATULATIONS', hwf:getNotificationProperty('locale')))

This results in a message similar to the following:

Dear Cooper, James Task 1111 is assigned to you. Congratulations

28.2.3 Configuring Notification Messages in Different Languages

A notification consists of four types of data generated from multiples sources and
internationalized differently. However, for all internationalizations, the locale is
obtained from the BPMUser object of the identity service.
■ Prepackaged strings (action links, comments, Worklist Application, and so on)
These strings are internationalized in the product as part of the following package:

The user's locale is used to get the appropriate message.

■ Task details attachment
The user's locale is used to retrieve the task details HTML content.
■ Task outcome strings (APPROVE, REJECT, and so on)
The resource bundle for outcomes is specified when the task definition is modeled
in the Advanced Settings section of the Human Task editor. The key to each of the
outcomes in the resource bundle is the outcome name itself.
■ Notification message
Use one of the following methods to internationalize messages in the notification
– If you want to use values from the resource bundle specified during the task
definition, then use the following XPath extension function:
hwf:getTaskResourceBundleString(taskId, key, locale?)

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-23

Notifications from Human Workflow

This function returns the internationalized string from the resource bundle
specified in the task definition.
The locale of the notification recipient can be retrieved with the function

The task ID corresponding to a notification can be retrieved with the function


– If a different resource bundle is used, then use the following XPath extension
to retrieve localized messages:

See Also: Section, "Specifying Multilingual Settings" on

page 26-59

28.2.4 Sending Actionable Messages

There several methods for sending actionable messages:
■ Section, "Sending Actionable E-mails for Human Tasks"
■ Section, "Sending Actionable Instant Messages" Sending Actionable E-mails for Human Tasks

Task actions can be performed through e-mail if the task is set up to enable actionable
e-mail (the same actions can also be performed from the Oracle BPEL Worklist
Application). An actionable e-mail account is the account in which task action-related
e-mails are received and processed. This e-mail account name is identified by the
element actionableEmailAccountName in the configuration file SOA_ORACLE_
1. Select Make e-mail messages actionable in the Notification Settings section of
the Human Task editor to make e-mail notifications actionable. (See Figure 26–28
on page 26-53.) This enables you to perform task actions through e-mail.
If a notification is actionable, the e-mail contains links for each of the custom
outcomes. Clicking on the links invokes the compose window of the e-mail client.
You do not have to change anything in the subject or the body in this e-mail. If you
change the content with the NID substrings, the e-mail is not processed.

28-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Notifications from Human Workflow

2. If you want to send task attachments with the notification message, choose Select
task attachments with email notifications in the Notification Settings section of
the Human Task editor.
3. Edit the following properties to configure the e-mail driver in the SOA_ORACLE_
l file. Ensure that you specify the host names of the incoming and outgoing e-mail
servers, instead of their IP addresses.
<config-property name="ReceiveFolder" value="INBOX"/>
<config-property name="OutgoingDefaultFromAddr"
<config-property name="OutgoingPassword" value=""/>
<config-property name="OutgoingUsername" value=""/>
<config-property name="OutgoingMailServer" value=""/>
<config-property name="IncomingMailServer"
<config-property name="IncomingUserIDs"
<config-property name="IncomingUserPasswords"
<config-property name="IncomingMailIDs"
<config-property name="OutgoingMailServerPort" value="25"/>
<config-property name="OutgoingMailServerTLS" value="false"/>
<config-property name="IncomingMailServerPort" value="143"/>
<config-property name="IncomingMailServerSSL" value="false"/>

4. Edit the following properties to configure the human task mailer in the SOA_
n-config.xml file. Setting the NotificationMode property to ALL or EMAIL
enables notification.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-25

Notifications from Human Workflow



5. Set the actionable email account name in the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\oc4j_


6. Add the following under the fmwadmin user in the SOA_ORACLE_

HOME\j2ee\oc4j_soa\config\system-jazn-data.xml file.
<property name="business_email" value=""/>

See Also: Section, "Securing Notifications, Making Messages

Actionable, and Sending Attachments" on page 26-56 Sending Actionable Instant Messages

Task actions can be performed through IM if the task is set up to enable actionable IM.
Task action-related IMs are received and processed in the actionable IM account.
The IM account name is identified by the IMRespondToAddress element in the SOA_
ification-config.xml configuration file.
Actionable email notification works only when the host name of the mail server is
Ensure that you select Make e-mail messages actionable in the Notification Settings
section of the Human Task editor to make IM notifications actionable. (See
Figure 26–28 on page 26-53.)

See Also: Section, "Securing Notifications, Making Messages

Actionable, and Sending Attachments" on page 26-56

28.2.5 Error Message Support

The human task e-mail notification layer is automatically configured to warn an
administrator about error occurrences in which intervention is required. Error
notifications and error response messages are persisted.
You can view messages in Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server Control

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for details about viewing messages

28-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Notifications from Human Workflow

28.2.6 Sending Inbound and Outbound Attachments

If the include attachments flag is checked; only e-mail is sent. The e-mails include all
the task attachments as e-mail attachments. Select Send task attachments with e-mail
notifications in the Notification Settings section of the Human Task editor. (See
Figure 26–28 on page 26-53.)
In the actionable e-mail reply, the user can add attachments in the e-mail and these
attachments are added as task attachments.

See Also: Section, "Securing Notifications, Making Messages

Actionable, and Sending Attachments" on page 26-56

28.2.7 Sending Inbound Comments

In the actionable e-mail reply, the user can add comments in the e-mail between
Comments[[‘ and ‘]] and those contents are added as task comments. For
example, Comments[[looks good]]. See Step 1 on page 28-24 for an example.

28.2.8 Reliability Support

The human task e-mail notification layer works with the Oracle Application Server
Wireless Notification Service to provide the following reliability support:
■ Messages are not lost:
– If the human task e-mail notification layer crashes after acknowledging receipt
of a message from the human task
– If the human task e-mail notification layer and Oracle Application Server
Wireless Notification Service both crash before the Oracle Application Server
Wireless Notification Service acknowledges receipt of a message from the
human task
– If the Oracle Application Server Wireless Notification Service is down;
message delivery is retried until successful
– If a notification channel is down
■ Once an address has been identified as invalid, it is added to the bad address list.
Outgoing notifications are not resent until the address is corrected. The
administrator then removes the invalid address from the list.
■ Incoming notification responses from an address that has been identified as a
spam source are ignored
■ Incoming notification messages are persisted.
■ Incoming notification responses that indicate notification delivery failure (for
example, an unknown host mail) are not ignored; instead corrective actions are
automatically taken (for example, the bad address list is updated).
■ Incoming notification responses can be configured to send acknowledgements
indicating notification status to the sender
■ Validation of incoming notification responses is performed by correlating the
incoming notification message with the outgoing notification message

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-27

Notifications from Human Workflow

See Also:
■ Chapter 23, "Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service"
for additional details about the reliable notification service
■ Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
for details about administering notification messages

28.2.9 Sending Secure Notifications

If a notification is marked as secure in the Notification Settings section of the Human
Task editor, a default notification message is used. (See Figure 26–28 on page 26-53.) In
this case, the notification message does not include the content of the task. Also, this
notification is not actionable. The default notification message includes a link to the
task in the Oracle BPEL Worklist Application. You must log in to see task details.

See Also: Section, "Securing Notifications, Making Messages

Actionable, and Sending Attachments" on page 26-56

28.2.10 Channels Used for Notifications

Users can set up preferred notification channels by using the preferences user interface
in the worklist application. The channel is dynamically determined by querying the
user preference store before sending the notification. If the user preference is not
specified, then email channel is used.

See Also: Oracle Identity Management Guide to Delegated

Administration for more information on the Oracle Delegated
Administration Service

28.2.11 Notification Services for SMS, Voice Mail, and IM Channels

Starting with release 11g, you can use Oracle User Messaging Service for notification

See Also: Chapter 38, "Configuring User Messaging Service" for

details about configuring Oracle User Messaging Service

28.2.12 Sending Reminders

Tasks can be configured to send reminders, which can be based on the time the task
was assigned to a user or the expiration time of a task. The number of reminders and
the interval between the reminders can also be configured. The message used for
reminders is the message that is meant for ASSIGNEES when the task is marked as
You set reminders in the Notification Settings section of the Human Task editor. (See
Figure 26–28 on page 26-53.) Reminder configuration involves these parameters.
■ Recurrence — The recurrence specifies the number of times reminders are sent.
The possible values for recurrence are EVERY, NEVER, 0, 1, 2 …, 10.
■ RelativeDate — The relativeDate specifies if the reminder duration is
computed relative to the assigned date or to the expiration date of the task. The
possible values for the relativeDate are ASSIGNED and EXPIRATION.
■ Duration — The duration from the relativeDate and the first reminder and
each reminder since then. The data type of duration is xsd:duration, whose
format is defined by ISO 8601 under the form PnYnMnDTnHnMnS. The capital

28-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Notifications from Human Workflow

letters are delimiters and can be omitted when the corresponding member is not
used. Examples include PT1004199059S, PT130S, PT2M10S, P1DT2S, -P1Y, or
The following examples illustrate when reminders are sent.
■ The relativeDate is ASSIGNED, the recurrence is EVERY, and the reminder
duration is PT1D. If the task is assigned at 3/24/2005 10:00 AM, then
reminders are sent at 3/25/2005 10:00 AM, 3/26/2005 10:00 AM,
3/27/2005 10:00 AM, and so on until the user acts on the task.
■ If the relativeDate is EXPIRATION, the recurrence is 2, the reminder
duration is PT1D, and the task expires at 3/26/2005 10:00 AM, then reminders
are sent at 3/24/2005 10:00 AM and 3/25/2005 10:00 AM if the task was
assigned before 3/24/2005 10:00 AM.
■ If the relativeDate is EXPIRATION, the recurrence is 2, the reminder
duration is PT1D, the task expires at 3/26/2005 10:00 AM, and the task was
assigned at 3/24/2005 3:00 PM, then only one reminder is sent at 3/25/2005
10:00 AM.

See Also: Section, "Setting Up Reminders" on page 26-55

28.2.13 Custom Notification Headers

Some task participants may have access to multiple notification channels. You can use
custom notification headers to enable this type of participant to specify a single
channel as the preferred channel on which to receive notifications.
You create custom notification headers in the Custom Notification Headers field of
the Notification Settings section of the Human Task editor that specify the preferred
notification channel to use (such as voice, SMS, pager, and so on). The human task
e-mail notification layer provides these header values to the rule-based notification
service of the Oracle Application Server Wireless Notification Service for use.
For example, set the Name field to deliveryType and the Value field to FAX.
Note that the rule-based notification service is only used to identify the preferred
notification channel to use. The address for the preferred channel is obtained from
IDM. The notification message is created from the information provided by both

See Also:
■ Section, "Securing Notifications, Making Messages
Actionable, and Sending Attachments" on page 26-56 for
specifying custom notification headers in the Human Task editor.
■ Chapter 40, "User Messaging Preferences"

28.2.14 Managing the Notification Service

An administrator can perform the following management tasks from Oracle Enterprise
Manager 11g Application Server Control Console:
■ View failed notifications and erroneous incoming notification responses and take
corrective actions
■ Perform corrective actions such as delete, resend, and edit on outgoing
notifications and addresses
■ View bad e-mails and block e-mail address for incoming notification responses.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-29

Configuring the Assignment Service

■ Manage the bad e-mail address list

■ Access runtime data of failed notifications. You can purge this data when it is no
longer needed.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for details

28.3 Configuring the Assignment Service

This section describes how to configure the assignment service.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 28.3.1, "Dynamic Assignment Functions"
■ Section 28.3.2, "Dynamically Assigning Task Participants with the Assignment
■ Section 28.3.3, "Custom Escalation Function"

28.3.1 Dynamic Assignment Functions

When tasks are assigned to a group, users in the group must typically claim a task to
act on it. However, you can also automatically send work to users in the group by
using various dispatching mechanisms. Automatic task dispatching is done through
dynamic assignment functions. Dynamic assignment functions select a particular user
or group from either a group, or from a list of users or groups. Three functions are
automatically provided. However, you can also create your own functions and register
them with the workflow service. Table 28–12 describes the three dynamic assignment

Table 28–12 Dynamic Assignment Functions

Function Description
ROUND_ROBIN Picks each user or group in turn.
LEAST_BUSY Picks the user or group with the least number of tasks currently
assigned to it.
MOST_PRODUCTIVE Picks the user or group that has completed the most tasks over a
certain time period (by default, the last seven days).

These functions all check a user’s vacation status. A user that is currently unavailable
is not automatically assigned tasks.
These dynamic assignment functions can be called using the custom XPath functions
in a BPEL process or task definition.
■ wfDynamicUserAssign
■ wfDynamicGroupAssign
These XPath functions must be called with at least two, and optionally more
■ The name of the dynamic assignment function being called.
■ The name of the group on which to execute the function (or a list of users or
■ (Optional) the identity realm to which the user or group belongs (default value is
the default identity realm).

28-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Assignment Service

■ Additional optional parameters specific to the dynamic assignment function. In

the case of the MOST_PRODUCTIVE assignment function, this is the length of time
(in days) to calculate a user’s productivity. The two other functions do not use
additional parameters.
In addition, human task rules created for a group can use dynamic assignment
functions to select a member of that group for reassignment of a task.
In addition to the three functions, a dynamic assignment framework is provided that
allows you to implement and configure your own dynamic assignment functions. Implementing a Dynamic Assignment Function

To implement your own dynamic assignment function, write a Java class that
implements one or both of the following interfaces: IDynamicUserAssignmentFunction IDynamicGroupAssignmentFunction

If your dynamic assignment function selects users, implement the first interface. If it
selects groups, implement the second interface. If it allows the selection of both users
and groups, implement both interfaces.
The two interfaces above both extend the interface
Your Java class should also implement the methods in that interface. These interfaces
as shown in the Javadoc.
The dynamic assignment framework also provides the utility class
This class provides a number of methods that are useful when implementing dynamic
assignment functions.

See Also: SOA_ORACLE_HOME\javadoc\soa-infra for the

Javadoc on dynamic assignment interfaces and utilities Configuring Dynamic Assignment Functions

Dynamic assignment functions are configured along with other human task
configuration parameters in the workflow-config.xml file in the SOA_ORACLE_
HOME\j2ee\home\applications\soa-infra\configuration directory. You
configure these parameters from the Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application
Server Control Console.
Each dynamic assignment function must have an entry in this file, in the form of a
<function> tag.
The function tag must contain two attributes:
■ name — the name of the function.
■ classpath — the classpath of the class that implements the function.
In addition, the function tag can optionally contain any number of <property> tags.
These tags pass initialization parameters to the dynamic assignment function. Each
property tag must contain a name attribute. The value of the property is specified in
the body of the tag.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-31

Configuring the Assignment Service

The property values specified in these tags are passed as a map (indexed by the value
of the name attributes) to the setInitParameters method of the dynamic
assignment functions.
Two of the functions have initialization parameters. These are:
■ ROUND_ROBIN — The parameter MAX_MAP_SIZE specifies the maximum number
of sets of users or groups for which the function can maintain ROUND_ROBIN
counts. The dynamic assignment function holds a list of users and groups in
memory for each group (or list of users and groups) on which it is asked to execute
the ROUND_ROBIN function.
■ MOST_PRODUCTIVE — The parameter DEAFULT_TIME_PERIOD specified the
length of time (in days) over which to calculate the user’s productivity. This value
can be overridden when calling the MOST_PRODUCTIVE dynamic assignment
function. Use an XPath function by specifying an alternative value as the third
parameter in the XPath function call.

See Also: Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle

SOA Suite for details about configuring the dynamic assignment
functions from Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Application Server
Control Console Configuring Display Names for Dynamic Assignment Functions

The runtime config service provides methods for returning a list of available user and
group dynamic assignment functions. These functions return both the name of the
function, and a user-displayable label for the function. The functions support
localization of the display name, so that it displays in the appropriate language for the
context user. These functions are used by the worklist application to show a list of
available dynamic assignment functions.
To specify display names (and appropriate translations) for your dynamic assignment
functions, add entries to the resource property file,
and associated resource property files in other languages. This file exists in the SOA_
Oracle_Home\admin\template\bpel\services\wfresource directory.
Entries for dynamic assignment functions must be of the form:
DYN_ASSIGN_FN.[function name]=Function Display Name

For instance, the entry for the ROUND_ROBIN function is:


Note that adding entries to these files for dynamic assignment functions is optional. If
no entry is present in the file, then the name of the function (for example, ROUND_
ROBIN’) is used instead.

28.3.2 Dynamically Assigning Task Participants with the Assignment Service

Human task participants are specified declaratively in a routing slip. The routing slip
guides the human task by specifying the participants and how they participate in the
human task (for example, management chain hierarchy, sequential list of approvers,
and so on).
The Human Task Editor enables you to declaratively create the routing slip using
various built-in patterns. In addition, you can use advanced routing based on business
rules to do more complex routing. However, if you want to do more sophisticated
routing using custom logic, then you implement a custom assignment service to do

28-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Assignment Service

routing. To support a dynamic assignment, an assignment service is used. The

assignment service is responsible for determining the task assignees. You can also
implement your own assignment service and plug in that implementation for use with
a particular human task.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Assignment Service Overview"
■ Section, "Implementing an Assignment Service"
■ Section, "Example of Assignment Service Implementation"
■ Section, "Deploying a Custom Assignment Service" Assignment Service Overview

The assignment service determines the following task assignment details in a human
■ The assignment when the task is initiated
■ The assignment when the task is reinitiated
■ The assignment when a user updates the task outcome. When the task outcome is
updated, the task can either be routed to other users or completed.
■ The assignees from whom information for the task can be requested
■ If the task supports reapproval from the Oracle BPEL Worklist Application, a user
can request information for reapproval.
■ The users who reapprove the task if reapproval is supported.
The human task service identifies and invokes the assignment service for a particular
task to determine the task assignment.
For example, a simple assignment service iteration is as follows:
1. A client initiates an expense approval task whose routing is determined by the
assignment service.
2. The assignment service determines that the task assignee is jcooper.
3. When jcooper approves the task, the assignment service assigns the task to
jstein. The assignment service also specifies that a notification must be sent to
the creator of the task, jlondon.
4. jstein approves the task and the assignment service indicates that there are no
more users to which to assign the task. Implementing an Assignment Service

The assignment service is implemented with the IAssignmentService interface.
The human task service passes the following information to the assignment service to
determine the task assignment:
■ Task document — The task document that is executed by the human task. The task
document contains the payload and other task information like current state, and
so on.
■ Map of properties — When an assignment service is specified, a list of properties
can also be specified to correlate callbacks with backend services that determine
the task assignees.

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-33

Configuring the Assignment Service

■ Task history — The task history is a list of chronologically ordered task documents
to trace the history of the task. The task documents in this list contain a subset of
attributes in the actual task (such as state, updatedBy, outcome,
updatedDate, and so on). Example of Assignment Service Implementation

■ The assignment service class cannot be stateful because every time
human task services need to call the assignment service, it creates
a new instance.
■ The getAssigneesToRequestForInformation method can
be called multiple times because one of the criteria to show the
request-for-information action is that there are users to request
information. Therefore, this method is called every time the
human task service tries to determine the permitted actions for a

You can implement your own assignment service plug-in that the human task service
invokes during human task execution.
The following example provides a sample IAssignmentService implementation
/* $Header: 24-may-2006.18:26:16 rarangas Exp $ */
/* Copyright (c) 2004, 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved. */
Interface IAssignmentService defines the callbacks an assignment
service will implement. The implementation of the IAssignmentService
will be called by the workflow service
<list of private classes defined - with one-line descriptions>
<other useful comments, qualifications, etc.>
rarangas 01/30/06 -
* @version $Header: 29-jun-2004.21:10:35 rarangas Exp
* @author rarangas
* @since release specific (what release of product did this appear in)
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class TestAssignmentService implements

28-34 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring the Assignment Service {
static int numberOfApprovals = 0;
static String[] users = new String[]{"jstein", "wfaulk", "cdickens"};
public Participants onInitiation(Task task,
Map propertyBag) {
return createParticipant();
public Participants onReinitiation(Task task,
Map propertyBag) {
return null;
public Participants onOutcomeUpdated(Task task,
Map propertyBag,
String updatedBy,
String outcome) {
return createParticipant();
public Participants onAssignmentSkipped(Task task,
Map propertyBag) {
return null;
public List getAssigneesToRequestForInformation(Task task,
Map propertyBag) {
List rfiUsers = new ArrayList();
return rfiUsers;
public List getReapprovalAssignees(Task task,
Map propertyBag,
ITaskAssignee infoRequestedAssignee) {
List reapprovalUsers = new ArrayList();
return reapprovalUsers;
private Participants createParticipant() {
if (numberOfApprovals > 2) {
numberOfApprovals = 0;
return null;
String user = users[numberOfApprovals++];

ObjectFactory objFactory = new ObjectFactory();

Participants participants = objFactory.createParticipants();
Participant participant = objFactory.createParticipantsTypeParticipant();
participant.setName("Loan Agent");
ResourceType resource2 = objFactory.createResourceType(user);

return participants;

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-35

Human Task Service and Identity Service Related XPath Extension Functions Deploying a Custom Assignment Service

You must use one of the following methods to make an assignment service
implementation class and its related classes available in the class path of Oracle BPEL
Process Manager:
■ Load your classes in the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bpel\system\classes directory
and unzip your JAR files in the same directory.
■ Change the Oracle BPEL Process Manager shared library to include your JAR files.

■ You cannot create different versions of the assignment service for
use in different BPEL processes unless you change package names
or class names.
■ Java classes and JAR files in the suitcase are not available in the
class path and therefore cannot be used as a deployment model
for the assignment service.
■ The steps must be repeated for each node in a cluster.

28.3.3 Custom Escalation Function

The custom escalation function enables you to integrate a custom rule in a human task.
You create a custom task escalation function and register this with the human task
service that uses that function in task definitions. The Advanced Settings section of
the Human Task editor enables you to integrate the rule in a human task.

See Also: Section, "Specifying Escalation Rules" on

page 26-58 for details

28.4 Human Task Service and Identity Service Related XPath Extension
Oracle BPEL Process Manager provides XPath extension functions for use with the
human task services and IDM. XPath extension functions mimic XPath 2.0 standards.
Table 28–13 lists the supported human task service functions and Table 28–14 lists the
supported identity service functions.

Table 28–13 Human Task Service Functions

Function Description
hwf:clearTaskAssignees() Clears the task assignees in a task.
hwf:createWordMLDocument() Creates a Word document by transforming the
given XSLT to WordML
hwf:getNotificationProperty() Gets properties for a particular notification.
hwf:getNumberOfTaskApprovals() Gets the number of task approvals.
hwf:getPreviousTaskApprover() Gets the previous task approver.
hwf:getTaskAttachmentByIndex() Gets the task attachment by attachment index.
hwf:getTaskAttachmentByName() Gets the task attachment by attachment name.

28-36 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Human Task Service and Identity Service Related XPath Extension Functions

Table 28–13 (Cont.) Human Task Service Functions

Function Description
hwf:getTaskAttachmentContents() Gets the task attachment contents by attachment
hwf:getTaskAttachmentsCount() Gets the number of task attachments.
hwf:getTaskAttachmentByIndex() Gets the resource string for a particular task
hwf:wfDynamicGroupAssign() Gets the name of an identity service group,
selected according to the specified assignment
hwf:wfDynamicUserAssign() Gets the name of an identity service user,
selected according to the specified assignment

Table 28–14 Identity Service Functions

Function Description
ids:getDefaultRealmName() Gets the default realm name.
ids:getGroupProperty() Gets a group property.
ids:getManager() Gets the manager of a given user.
ids:getReportees() Gets the direct reportees of the user.
ids:getSupportedRealmNames() Gets the supported realm names.
ids:getUserProperty() Gets a user property.
ids:getUserRoles() Gets the user roles.
ids:getUsersInGroup() Gets the users in a group.
ids:isUserInRole() Verifies if a user has a given role.
ids:lookupGroup() Gets the group object.
ids:lookupUser() Gets the user object.

28.4.1 Deprecated Human Task Service and Identity Service Functions

Table 28–15 lists the human task and identity service functions that were deprecated
for release 10.1.3.

Table 28–15 Deprecated Human Task Service and Identity Service Functions
Human Task Function Identity Service Functions
ora:getNumberOfTaskApprovals() ora:getGroupProperty()
ora:getPreviousTaskApprover() ora:getManager()
ora:getTaskAttachmentByIndex() ora:getReportees()
ora:getTaskAttachmentByName() ora:getUserRoles()
ora:getTaskAttachmentContents() ora:getUsersInGroup()
ora:getTaskAttachmentCount() ora:isUserInRole()

Beta Draft Human Task Services 28-37

NLS Configuration

28.5 NLS Configuration

You can specify resource bundles for displaying task details in different languages in
Oracle BPEL Worklist Application.
In addition, the resource property file can be used
for setting display names for the following:
■ Dynamic assignment functions
■ Payload mapping attribute labels
■ Task attributes

See Also:
■ Section, "Specifying Multilingual Settings" on page 26-59
for details about resource bundles
■ Section, "Internationalization of Attribute Labels" on
page 28-15 and Section, "Configuring Display Names for
Dynamic Assignment Functions" on page 28-32 for additional
details about the resource property file

28.6 Changes to APIs

Due to licensing issues, use of the org.exolab.* packages has been removed. This
impacts the following public APIs in the workflow service.
es().getExpirationDuration() now returns instead of
es().setExpirationDuration(…) now takes as an argument
instead of org.exolab.types.Duration.
now takes as an
argument instead of org.exolab.types.Duration.

28.7 Summary
This chapter describes how you can integrate systems and services with a human task
into a single end-to-end process flow using Oracle BPEL Process Manager. The
predefined human task participant types are described, as are the components of
human task services—the task service, task routing service, identity service, worklist
service, notification service, and others.

28-38 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
33 Using Oracle BPM Worklist

This chapter describes how worklist users and administrators interact with Oracle
BPM Worklist, and how to customize the worklist display to reflect local business
needs, languages, and time zones.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 33.1, "Introduction to Oracle BPM Worklist"
■ Section 33.2, "Logging In to Oracle BPM Worklist"
■ Section 33.3, "Customizing the Task List Page"
■ Section 33.4, "Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page"
■ Section 33.5, "Setting Vacation and Other Rules"
■ Section 33.6, "Using the Worklist Administration Functions"
■ Section 33.7, "Creating Worklist Reports"
■ Section 33.8, "Accessing Oracle BPM Worklist in Local Languages"
■ Section 33.9, "Summary"
See Appendix A, "Building a Custom Worklist Client," for how to use the APIs
exposed by the workflow service.

33.1 Introduction to Oracle BPM Worklist

The BPM Worklist application enables users to access and act on tasks assigned to
them. For example, from a worklist, a loan agent can review loan applications or a
manager can approve employee vacation requests. These processes are defined in
human tasks.
The worklist application provides different functionality based on the user profile.
Standard user profiles include task assignee, supervisor, process owner, and
administrator. For example, worklist users can update payloads, attach documents or
comments, and route tasks to other users, in addition to completing tasks by providing
conclusions such as approvals or rejections. Supervisors or group administrators can
use the worklist to analyze tasks assigned to the group and route them appropriately.
The worklist is rendered in a browser or in e-mail by a task display form that you
create using ADF task flows in Oracle JDeveloper. See Chapter 31, "Designing Task
Display Forms for Human Tasks," for more information.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-1

Logging In to Oracle BPM Worklist

33.2 Logging In to Oracle BPM Worklist

Table 33–1 lists the different types of users recognized by Oracle BPM Worklist, based
on the privileges assigned to the user.

Table 33–1 Worklist User Types

Type of User Access
End user (user) Acts on tasks assigned to him or his group and has access to system and custom
actions, routing rules, and custom views
Supervisor (manager) Acts on the tasks, reports, and custom views of his reportees, in addition to his own
end-user access
Process owner Acts on tasks belonging to the process but assigned to other users, in addition to his
own end-user access
Group administrator Manages group rules and dynamic assignments, in addition to his own end-user
Workflow administrator Administers tasks that are in an errored state, for example, tasks that must be
reassigned or suspended. The workflow administrator can also change application
preferences and map flex fields, and manage rules for any user or group, in addition
to his own end-user access.

See Section 28.1.5, "Identity Service," for more information about the predefined roles
that can be associated with worklist user types.

33.2.1 How to Log In to the Worklist

Use Internet Explorer 7 or Firefox to access Oracle BPM Worklist.

To log in:
1. Go to

■ host_name is the name of the host on which Oracle BPEL Process Manager is
■ The port_number used at installation (typically 8888) is noted in

2. Enter the user name and password.

You can use the preseeded user fmwadmin and welcome1 to log in as an
administrator. If you have loaded the demo user community in the identity store,
then you can use other users such as jstein or jcooper.
The user name and password must exist in the user community provided to
JAZN. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite for
the organizational hierarchy of the demo user community used in examples
throughout this chapter.
3. If more than one realm has been configured, select a realm. (This field does not
appear if your organization has only one realm.)
4. Click Login.

33-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Logging In to Oracle BPM Worklist

33.2.2 What Happens When You Log In to the Worklist

Identity service workflow APIs authenticate and authorize logins using a user name,
password, and realm set. A realm is defined as an organization—a company, country,
division, department, and so on. See Section 33.6.2, "How to Set the Worklist Display
(Application Preferences)," for information on how administrators can set a preference
to change the realm label displayed in the interface, or specify an alternative location
for the source of the login page image.
After a user logs in, the task list page displays tasks for the user based on the user’s
permissions and assigned groups and roles. The My Tasks tab and the Inbox are
displayed by default. The actions allowed from the Actions list also depend on the
logged-in user’s privileges.
Figure 33–1 shows an example of the worklist for the user jstein (who is a manager in
the demo user community).

Figure 33–1 Oracle BPM Worklist—The Task List Page

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-3

Logging In to Oracle BPM Worklist

Table 33–2 describes the components of the task list page.

Reviewers—Row 1 of the table is changed. Please review. (12-11-07/db)

Table 33–2 Components of the Task List Page

Component Description
Tabs The tabs displayed depend on the role granted to the logged-in user.
■ Everyone (the user role) sees My Tasks and Initiated Tasks.
■ Users who are also managers see the My Tasks, Initiated Tasks, and My Staff Tasks tabs.
■ Users who are also owners (of a process) see the My Tasks, Initiated Tasks, and
Administration Tasks tabs.
■ Users who are also administrators (the BPMWorkflowAdmin), but not managers, see the My
Tasks, Initiated Tasks, Administration Tasks, Administration, Evidence Search, and
Approval Groups tabs.
■ Users who are managers and administrators see all the tabs— My Tasks, Initiated Tasks, My
Staff Tasks, Administration Tasks, Administration, Evidence Search, and Approval
■ Users with the workflow.admin.evidenceStore permission also see the Evident Search tab.
See the following for more information:
■ Section 33.4.4, "How to Act on Tasks That Require a Digital Signature," for information about
evidence search
■ Section 33.6.1, "How to Manage Other Users’ or Groups’ Rules (as an Administrator)"
■ Chapter 30, "Human Task and Approval Management Integration," for information about
approval groups
Links (top Reports—The following reports are available: Unattended Tasks Report, Tasks Priority Report,
right) Tasks Cycle Time Report, Tasks Productivity Report. See Section 33.7.1, "How to Create Reports,"
for more information.
Rules—Set vacation and other rules for users or groups. See Section 33.5.1, "How to Set Vacation
and Other Rules," for more information.
Worklist Inbox, My Work Queues, Proxy Work Queues—See Section 33.3.2, "How to Create and
Views Customize Worklist Views," for more information.
Task Status A bar chart shows the status of tasks in the current view. See Section 33.3.3, "How to Customize
the Task Status Chart," for more information.
Display Filters Specify search criteria from the Priority, Assignee or Status fields. The category filters that are
available depend on which tab is selected. From the My Tasks tab, the assignee filters are My,
Group, My & Group, and Previous (tasks worked on in the past). From the Initiated Tasks tab,
the only assignee filter is Creator. From the My Staff Tasks tab, the only assignee filter is
Or use Search to enter a keyword. Or use Advanced Search. See Section 33.3.1, "How to Filter
Tasks," for more information.

33-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Task List Page

Table 33–2 (Cont.) Components of the Task List Page

Component Description
Actions List Select a group action (Claim) or a custom action (for example, Accept and Reject) that was defined
for the human task. Other possible actions for a task, such as system actions, are displayed on the
task details page for a specific task.
Default Title—The title specified when the human task was created. Tasks associated with a purged or
Columns archived process instance do not appear.
Number—The task number generated when the BPEL process was created.
Priority—The priority specified when the human task was created.
Users—The assignments specified when the human task was created.
Groups—The assignments specified when the human task was created.
State—One of the following: Assigned, Completed, Errored, Expired, Info Requested, Stale,
Suspended, and Withdrawn.
Created—Date and time the human task was created
Expires—Date and time the tasks expires, specified when the human task was created
Task Details The lower section of the worklist displays the inline view of the task details page.
Buttons indicate available actions. See Section 33.4, "Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page,"
for more information.

33.3 Customizing the Task List Page

You can customize your task list in a number of ways, including adding worklist
views, selecting which columns to display, and displaying a subset of the tasks based
on filter criteria.

33.3.1 How to Filter Tasks

Filters are used to display a subset of tasks, based on the following filter criteria:
■ Priority—Select from Any or Highest (1) through Lowest (5).
■ Assignee—Select from the following:
■ My—Retrieves tasks directly assigned to the logged-in user
■ Group—Tasks assigned to the groups to which the logged-in user belongs
■ My & Group—Tasks assigned to the user and the groups to which the
logged-in user belongs
■ Previous—Tasks that the logged-in user has updated
■ Status—Select from the following: Any, Assigned, Completed, Suspended (can
be resumed later), Withdrawn, Expired, Errored (while processing), Information
■ Search—Enter a keyword to search task titles, comments, identification keys, and
the flex string fields of tasks that qualify for the specified filter criterion.
■ Advanced—Provides additional search filters.
Figure 33–2 shows the filter fields.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-5

Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–2 Filters—Priority, Assignee, Status, Search, and Advanced Search

The filter criteria for a worklist view are saved when you log out and restored when
you log in again.

To filter tasks based on priority, assignee, or status:

1. Select any combination of options from the Priority, Assignee, or Status lists.

2. Click Refresh.

To filter tasks based on keyword search:

1. Enter a keyword to search task titles, comments, identification keys, and the flex
string fields of tasks that qualify for the specified filter criterion.
2. Click Refresh.

To filter tasks based on an advanced search:

1. Click Advanced.

2. Optionally check Save As View.

3. Search on a task type.
4. Select Any or All for matching multiple filters.
5. Add filters, shown in Figure 33–3.

33-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–3 Adding Filters for an Advanced Search on Tasks

6. Add parameters, shown in Figure 33–4.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-7

Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–4 Advanced Search

7. Click Search.
The task list page with the tasks filtered according to your criteria appears.

33.3.2 How to Create and Customize Worklist Views

The Worklist Views area, shown in Figure 33–5, displays the following:
■ Inbox—Shows all tasks that result from any filters you may have used. The
default shows all tasks.
■ My Work Queues—Shows standard views and views that you defined.
■ Proxy Work Queues—Shows shared views

33-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–5 Worklist Views

Use Worklist Views to create, share, and customize views.

Reviewers—The following section was updated. Please review. (12-11-07/db)

To create a worklist view:

1. In the Worklist Views section, click the + icon.

2. Use the Definition tab of the Create User View dialog, shown in Figure 33–6.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-9

Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–6 Defining a Worklist View

■ Create View or Use Public View—Create your own view or browse for a
public view to copy.
■ Name—Specify a name for your view.
■ Task Type—Browse for a task type or leave the field blank for all types.
■ Match any of these conditions—Select All or Any.
■ Add Filter—Select an item from the list and click Add Filter. For example, if
you select startDate, and click Add Filter, then a calendar and a list including
on, equals, not equals, greater than, less than, and so on appears.
■ Share View—You can grant access to another user to either the definition of
this view, in which case the view conditions are applied to the grantee’s data,
or to the data itself, in which case the grantee can see the grantor’s worklist
view, including the data. Sharing a view with another user is similar to
delegating all tasks that correspond to that view to the other user; that is, the
other user can act on your behalf. Shared views are displayed under Proxy
Work Queues.
■ Assignees—Specify the users (grantees) who can share your view.

33-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Task List Page

3. Use the Display tab of the Create User View dialog, shown in Figure 33–6, to
customize the fields that appear in the view.

Figure 33–7 Displaying Fields in a Worklist View

■ Select View Columns—Specify which columns you want to display in your

task list. They can be standard task attributes or flex fields that have been
mapped for the specific task type. The default columns are the same as the
columns in your inbox.
■ Sort by Column—Select a column to sort on.
■ Sort Order—Select ascending or descending order.
4. Click OK.
Reviewers—The following section was updated. Please review. (12-11-07/db)

To customize a worklist view:

1. In the Worklist Views section, click the view name that you want to edit.

2. Click the Edit icon.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-11

Customizing the Task List Page

3. Use the Definition and Display tabs of the Edit User View dialog to customize the
view, as shown in Figure 33–8 and Figure 33–9, and click OK.

Figure 33–8 Customizing a Worklist View

33-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–9 Customizing Fields in a Worklist View

Reviewers—What happened to the Number of tasks per fetch field? Can users set the
number of tasks that appear in the task display list? (12-11-07/db)

33.3.3 How to Customize the Task Status Chart

The bar chart shows tasks broken down by status, with a count of how many tasks in
each status category. The chart applies to the filtered set of tasks within the current

To customize the task status chart:

1. Click the Edit icon.

2. Add or remove status states for display, as shown in Figure 33–10, and click OK.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-13

Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–10 Customizing the Task Status Chart

33.3.4 How to Create a To-Do Task

Use the Create To-Do Task dialog, shown in Figure 33–11, to create a to-do list for
yourself or others. List items can be ad hoc tasks, created irrespective of a task
definition, or they can be subtasks to break down a business task into measurable
subtasks, or they can be associated with a task definition. To-do tasks associated with
a task definition inherit task default values such as priority and category if those
values are not specified for the to-do task. To-do tasks appear in the assignee’s Inbox.
You can create to-do tasks that are children of other to-do tasks or business tasks.
When all child to-do tasks are 100% complete, the parent to-do task is also marked as
completed. If the parent is a business task, it is not marked as completed. You must set
the outcome and complete it.
To-do tasks can be reassigned, escalated, and so on, as well as deleted (logical delete)
and purged (physical delete).

33-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Customizing the Task List Page

Figure 33–11 The Create To-Do Task Dialog

To create a to-do list:

1. From the Actions list, select Create To-Do Task and click Perform Action, as
shown in Figure 33–12.

Figure 33–12 Creating a To-Do List

2. Provide details in the Create To-Do Task dialog, shown in Figure 33–13, and click
■ Task Title and Category: Enter anything that is meaningful to you.
■ Percentage Complete: This attribute indicates how much of the task is
completed. 100% sets the attribute as completed.
■ Due Date: The due date doe not trigger an expiration. You can also see
overdue tasks. The start date need not be the current date.
■ Assignee: You can assign yourself or someone else.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-15

Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

Figure 33–13 Creating a To-Do Task

33.4 Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

Task details can be viewed inline (see the lower section in Figure 33–1, "Oracle BPM
Worklist—The Task List Page") or in a pop-up browser window. (Click the task title
link to open the pop-up window; click any other column or the task icon to view the
inline details page.)
The task details page, shown in Figure 33–14, has the following components:
■ Action bar—Displays buttons for custom actions that are defined in the human
task, such as setting task outcomes (for example, resolving a help desk request or
approving a loan request). The Other Actions list displays other system actions—
possible actions that do not require additional input that users can take depending
on their privileges. For example, actions such as Renew, Suspend, and Escalate
often appear under Other Actions. For the task initiator or a manager, Withdraw
may also appear.
■ Header—Displays task attributes, including the task title, number, state, priority,
assignees, and other flex fields. It also displays dates related to task creation, last
modification, and expiration, and information about who created, updated,
claimed, or is assigned to the task.
■ Payload—Displays the task form that was generated using Oracle ADF. The fields
displayed reflect how the human task was created; for example, a loan application
in the Loan Demo sample or support ticket details in the Help Desk Request
■ Comments—Displays comments entered by various users who have participated
in the workflow. A newly added comment and the comment writer’s username
are appended to the existing comments. A trail of comments is maintained
throughout the life cycle of the task. To add or delete a comment, you must have
permission to update the task.

33-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

■ Attachments—Displays documents or reference URLs that are associated with a

task. These are typically associated with the workflow as defined in the human
task or attached and modified by any of the participants using the worklist. To
add or delete an attachment, you must have permission to update the task. When
adding file attachments, you can use an absolute path name or browse for a file.
■ History—Displays the approval sequence and the update history for the task. See
Section 33.4.2, "Task History," for more information about the full history and the
graphical view, available from the Show History button.

Figure 33–14 Task Details Page

A user can view a task when associated with the task as one of the following: current
assignee (directly or by group membership), current assignee’s manager, creator,
owner, or a previous actor.
A user’s profile determines his group memberships and roles. The roles determine a
user’s privileges. Apart from the privileges, the exact set of actions a user can perform

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-17

Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

is also determined by the state of the task, the custom actions, and restricted actions
defined for the task flow at design time.
The following algorithm is used to determine the actions a user can perform on a task:
1. Get the list of actions a user can perform based on the privileges granted to him.
2. Get the list of actions that can be performed in the current state of the task.
3. Create a combined list of actions that appear on the preceding lists.
4. Remove any action on the combined list that is specified as a restricted action on
the task.
The resulting list of actions is displayed in the task list page and the task details page
for the user. When a user requests a specific action, such as claim, suspend, or
reassign, the workflow service ensures that the requested action is contained in the list
determined by the preceding algorithm.
Step 2 in the preceding algorithm deals with many cases. If a task is in a final,
completed state (after all approvals in a sequential flow), an expired state, a
withdrawn state, or an errored state, then no further update actions are permitted. In
any of the these states, the task, task history, and subtasks (parent task in parallel flow)
can be viewed. If a task is suspended, then it can only be resumed or withdrawn. A
task that is assigned to a group must be claimed before any actions can be performed
on it.

33.4.1 System Actions

The action bar displays system actions, which are available on all tasks based on the
user’s privileges. Table 33–3 lists system actions.

Table 33–3 System Task Actions

Action Description
Claim If a task is assigned to a group or multiple users, then the task must be claimed first.
Claim is the only action available in the Task Action list for group or multiuser
assignments. After a task is claimed, all applicable actions are listed.
Escalate If you are not able to complete a task, you can escalate it and add an optional
comment in the Comments area. The task is reassigned to your manager.
Pushback Use this action to send a task up one level in the workflow to the previous assignee.
Reassign If you are a manager, you can delegate a task to reportees. A user with
BPMWorkflowReassign privileges can delegate a task to anyone.
Release If a task is assigned to a group or multiple users, it can be released if the user who
claimed the task cannot complete the task. Any of the other assignees can claim and
complete the task.
Renew If a task is about to expire, you can renew it and add an optional comment in the
Comments area. The task expiration date is extended one week. A renewal appears in
the task history. The renewal duration for a task can be controlled by an optional
parameter, oracle.tip.worklist.samples.taskactin.renew.duration, in
the file, which appears in SOA_Oracle_
Home\bpel\system\services\config. The default value is P7D (seven days).

33-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

Table 33–3 (Cont.) System Task Actions

Action Description
Submit More Information Use these actions if another user requests that you supply more information or if you
and Request More want to request more information from the task creator or any of the previous
Information assignees. If reapproval is not required, then the task is assigned to the next approver
or the next step in the business process.
Suspend and Resume If a task is not relevant at present, you can suspend it. These options are available
only to users who have been granted the BPMWorkflowSuspend role. Other users
can access the task by selecting Previous in the task filter or by looking up tasks in the
Suspended status. Buttons that update a task are disabled after suspension.
Withdraw If you are the creator of a task and do not want to continue with it, for example, you
want to cancel a vacation request, you can withdraw it and add an optional comment
in the Comments area. The business process determines what happens next. You can
use the Withdraw action on the home page by using the Creator task filter.

33.4.2 Task History

The task history maintains an audit trail of the actions performed by the participants
in the workflow and a snapshot of the task payload and attachments at various points
in the workflow. The short history for a task lists all versions created by the following
■ Initiate task
■ Reinitiate task
■ Update outcome of task
■ Completion of task
■ Erroring of task
■ Expiration of task
■ Withdrawal of task
■ Alerting of task to the error assignee
You can include the following actions in the short history list by modifying the
shortHistoryActions element in

■ Acquire
■ Adhoc route
■ Auto release of task
■ Delegate
■ Escalate
■ Information request on task
■ Information submit for task
■ Override routing slip
■ Update outcome and route
■ Push back
■ Reassign
■ Release

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-19

Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

■ Renew
■ Resume
■ Skip current assignment
■ Suspend
■ Update
The full history is available from the Show History button. The full history provides a
graphical view of a task flow, as shown in Figure 33–15.

Figure 33–15 Full History: Graphical View

The full history also provides the details of each action on a task, as shown in
Figure 33–16.

Figure 33–16 Full History: Details

The full history provides a snapshot of the task details, as shown in Figure 33–17.

Figure 33–17 Full History: Snapshot of Task Details

33.4.3 How to Act on Tasks

If the human task was designed to permit ad hoc routing, or if no predetermined
sequence of approvers was defined, then the task can be routed in an ad hoc fashion in
the worklist. For such tasks, a Route button appears on the task details page. From the

33-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

Route page, you can look up one or more users for routing. When you specify multiple
assignees, you can choose whether the list of assignees is for simple (group assignment
to all users), sequential, or parallel assignment.
Parallel tasks are created when a parallel flow pattern is specified for scenarios such as
voting. In this pattern, the parallel tasks have a common parent. The parent task is
visible to a user only if the user is an assignee or an owner or creator of the task. The
parallel tasks themselves (referred to as subtasks) are visible to whomever the task is
assigned, just like any other task. It is possible to view the subtasks from a parent task.
In such a scenario, the task details page of the parent task contains a View SubTasks
button. The SubTasks page lists the corresponding parallel tasks. In a voting scenario,
if any of the assignees updates the payload or comments or attachments, the changes
are visible only to the assignee of that task. A user who can view the parent task (such
as the final reviewer of a parallel flow pattern), can drill down to the subtasks and
view the updates made to the subtasks by the participants in the parallel flow. In the
worklist, you provide the percentage of votes required for approval.

To reassign a task:
1. Click Reassign.
2. Provide an individual user or group name, as shown in Figure 33–18.

Figure 33–18 Reassigning a Task

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-21

Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

A supervisor can always reassign tasks to any of his reportees. Users with the
BPMWorkflowReassign role can assign tasks to any users in the organization.
3. Move the names to the Selected area and click OK.

To request information:
1. Click Request for Info.
2. Provide an individual user or group name, or push back the task to the previous
assignee, as shown in Figure 33–19.

Figure 33–19 Requesting Information from a User or Group

3. Click Request Info.

To route a task:
1. Click Route.
2. Select an action and provide a routing option, as shown in Figure 33–20.

33-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

Figure 33–20 Routing a Task

■ Single Approver: Use this option for a single user to act on a task. If the task is
assigned to a role or group with multiple users, one of the members must
claim the task and act on it.
■ Group Vote: Use this option when multiple users, working in parallel, must
take action simultaneously, such as in a hiring situation when multiple users
vote to hire or reject an applicant. You specify the voting percentage that is
needed for the outcome to take effect, such as a majority vote or a unanimous

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-23

Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

■ Chain of Single Approvers: Use this option for a sequential list of approvers.
The list can comprise any users or groups. (Users are not required to be part of
an organization hierarchy.)
3. Provide user or group names. move the names to the Selected area, and click OK.
4. For a group vote, provide consensus information, as shown in Figure 33–21.

Figure 33–21 Providing Consensus Information

5. Click Route.

33.4.4 How to Act on Tasks That Require a Digital Signature

The worklist supports the signature policy created in the human task:
■ No signature required — Participants can send and act upon tasks without
providing a signature.
■ Password required — Participants must specify their login passwords.
■ Digital certificate (signature) required —Participants must possess a digital
certificate before being able to send and act upon tasks. A digital certificate
contains the digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so that anyone can
verify that the certificate is real. A digital certificate establishes the participant’s
credentials. It is issued by a certification authority (CA). It contains your name, a
serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the certificate holder's public key (used
for encrypting messages and digital signatures), and the digital signature of the
certificate-issuing authority so that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real.
When you act on a task that has a signature policy, the Sign button appears, as shown
in Figure 33–22.

33-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

Figure 33–22 Digital Signature Task Details

The evidence store service is used for digital signature storage and nonrepudiation of
digitally signed human tasks. You can search the evidence store, as shown in
Figure 33–23.

Figure 33–23 The Evidence Store

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-25

Acting on Tasks: The Task Details Page

See Section 28.1.10, "Digital Signatures and the Evidence Store Service," for more

To provide a digital signature:

1. For a task that has a signature policy, click Sign.

2. To authorize the creation of a digital signature, click Yes, as shown in Figure 33–24.

Figure 33–24 Providing a Digital Signature

3. Upload the certificate you need, as shown in Figure 33–25.

33-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Setting Vacation and Other Rules

Figure 33–25 Uploading a Certificate

33.5 Setting Vacation and Other Rules

Rules act on tasks, either a specific task type or all the tasks assigned to a user or
A rule cannot always apply in all circumstances in which it is used. For example, if a
rule applies to more than one task type, it may not be possible to set the outcome for
all tasks, since different tasks can have different outcomes.
Rules are executed in the order in which they are listed. Rules can be reordered by
using the up and down buttons in the header, as shown in Figure 33–26.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-27

Setting Vacation and Other Rules

Figure 33–26 Rules

If a rule meets its filter conditions, then it is executed and no other rules are evaluated.
For your rule to execute, you must be the only user assigned to that task. If the task is
assigned to multiple users (including you), the rule does not execute.

33.5.1 How to Set Vacation and Other Rules

You specify the following when creating a rule:
■ Rule name
■ Which task or task type the rule applies to—If unspecified, then the rule applies to
all tasks.
■ When the rule applies
■ Conditions on the rule—These are filters that further define the rule, such as
specifying that a rule acts on priority 1 tasks only, or that a rule acts on tasks
created by a specific user. The conditions can be based on standard task attributes
as well as any flex fields that have been mapped for the specific tasks. See
Section 33.6.3, "How to Map Flex Fields," for more information.
User rules do one of the following actions:
■ Reassign to—You can reassign tasks to subordinates or groups you manage. If
you have been granted the BPMWorkflowReassign role, then you can reassign
tasks to any user or group.
■ Delegate to—You can delegate to any user or group. Any access rights or
privileges for completing the task are determined according to the original user
who delegated the task. (Any subsequent delegations or re-assignments do not
change this from the original delegating user.)
■ Set outcome to—You can specify an automatic outcome if the workflow task was
designed for those outcomes, for example, accepting or rejecting the task. The rule
must be for a specific task type. If a rule is for all task types, then this option is not

33-28 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Setting Vacation and Other Rules

■ Take no action—Use this action to prevent other more general rules from
applying. For example, if you want to reassign all your tasks to another user while
you are on vacation, with the exception of loan requests, for which you want no
action taken, then create two rules. The first rule specifies that no action is taken
for loan requests; the second rule specifies that all tasks are reassigned to another
user. The first rule will prevent reassignment for loan requests.
Creating a group rule is similar to creating a user rule, with the addition of a list of the
groups that you (as the logged-in user) manage. Examples of group rules include:
■ Assigning tasks from a particular customer to a member of the group
■ Ensuring an even distribution of task assignments to members of a group by using
round-robin assignment
■ Ensuring that high-priority tasks are routed to the least busy member of a group
Group rules do one of the following actions:
■ Assign to member via—You can specify a criterion to determine which member
of the group gets the assignment. This dynamic assignment criterion can include
round-robin assignment, assignment to the least busy group member, or
assignment to the most productive group member. You can also add your custom
functions for allocating tasks to users in a group.
■ Assign to—As with user rules, you can assign tasks to subordinates or groups you
directly manage. If you have been granted the BPMWorkflowReassign role, then
you can reassign tasks to any user or group (outside your management hierarchy).
■ Take no action—As with user rules, you can create a rule with a condition that
prevents a more generic rule from being executed.

To create a vacation rule:

1. On the task list page, click Rules (upper right area).

2. Click Vacation Period (Disabled), as shown in Figure 33–27

Figure 33–27 Creating a Vacation Rule

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-29

Setting Vacation and Other Rules

3. Click Enabled and provide start and end dates.

4. Click Create Vacation Rule.
5. Provide a name for the rule.
6. Browse for task types to which the rule applies.
7. Provide rule execution dates.
8. Select the actions to be taken (or none) while on vacation (Reassign to, Delegate
to, and so on), as shown in Figure 33–28.

Figure 33–28 Selecting Vacation Actions

9. Click Save.
The new vacation rule appears under the My Rules node.

To create a user rule:

1. Click the Add icon.

2. Provide rule information and click Save.

■ Provide a name for the rule.
■ Browse for task types to which the rule applies.
■ Provide rule execution dates.
■ Set rule conditions.

33-30 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Setting Vacation and Other Rules

■ Select the actions to be taken (or none) (Reassign to, Delegate to, Set outcome
to, or Take no action), as shown in Figure 33–29.

Figure 33–29 Selecting User Rule Actions

The new rule appears under the My Rules node.

To create a group rule:

1. Click a group name under Group Rules.
2. Click the Add icon.
3. Provide group rule information and click Save.
■ Provide a name for the rule.
■ Browse for task types to which the rule applies.
■ Provide rule execution dates.
■ Set rule conditions.
■ Select the actions to be taken (or none) (Assign to member via, Assign to, or
Take no action), as shown in Figure 33–30.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-31

Using the Worklist Administration Functions

Figure 33–30 Selecting Group Rule Actions

The new rule appears under the Group Rules node.

33.6 Using the Worklist Administration Functions

Administrators are users who have been granted the BPMWorkflowAdmin role.
Administration functions include the following:
■ Managing other users’ or groups’ rules
■ Setting the worklist display (application preferences)
■ Mapping flex fields
An administrator can view and update all tasks assigned to all users. An
administrator’s Assignee filter displays Admin when the Admin tab is selected.

33.6.1 How to Manage Other Users’ or Groups’ Rules (as an Administrator)

This function is useful for fixing a problem with a rule. Also, for a user who no longer
works for the company, administrators can set up a rule for that user so that all tasks
assigned to the user are automatically assigned to another user or group.

To create a rule for another user or group:

1. From the task list page, click the Rules link (upper right area).

2. Click the Other Rules tab.

3. Search for the user or group for whom rules are to be created, as shown in
Figure 33–31.

33-32 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the Worklist Administration Functions

Figure 33–31 Creating Rules for Another User or Group

4. Click a user rules node, or click a group name (for a group rule).
5. Click the Add icon to create a rule.
6. Provide rule information, as shown in Figure 33–32, and click Save.

Figure 33–32 Defining Rules for Another User or Group

See Section 33.5.1, "How to Set Vacation and Other Rules," for details about the
fields on the Other Rules dialog.

33.6.2 How to Set the Worklist Display (Application Preferences)

Application preferences customize the appearance of the worklist. Administrators can
specify the following:

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-33

Using the Worklist Administration Functions

■ Login page realm label—If the identity service is configured with multiple realms,
then the Oracle BPM Worklist login page displays a list of realm names. LABEL_
LOGIN_REALM specifies the resource bundle key used to look up the label to
display these realms. The term realm can be changed to fit the user
community—terms such as country, company, division, or department may be more
appropriate. Administrators can customize the resource bundle, specify a resource
key for this string, and then set this parameter to point to the resource key.
■ Global branding icon—This is the image displayed in the top left corner of every
page of the worklist. (The Oracle logo is the default.) Administrators can provide a
.gif, .png, or .jgp file for the logo. This file must be in the public_html
■ Resource bundle—An application resource bundle provides the strings displayed
in the worklist. By default, this is the class at:

Administrators can change the strings shown in the application by copying

WorkflowResourceBundle and creating their own. This parameter allows
administrators to specify the classpath to this custom resource bundle.
Administrators must extend by adding their
resource strings. Administrators can change the strings shown in the application
by copying WorkflowResourceBundle and creating their own. This parameter
allows administrators to specify the classpath to this custom resource bundle.
Then administrators create a JAR file from the compiled resource bundle and copy
it under

To specify application preferences:

1. Click the Administration tab.

2. Click Application Preferences.

3. Browse for the locations of the application preferences (login page realm label,
branding icon, or resource bundle).

33-34 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the Worklist Administration Functions

4. Click Save.

33.6.3 How to Map Flex Fields

An administrator, or users with special privileges, use flex field mapping, shown in
Figure 33–33, to promote data from the payload to inline attribute flex fields. By
promoting data to flex fields, the data becomes searchable and can be displayed as
columns on the task list page.
Administrators can map both public flex fields and protected flex fields. Users who
have been granted the workflow.mapping.publicFlexField privilege can map
public flex fields, and see a Public Flex Fields node under the Administration tab.
Users who have been granted the workflow.mapping.protectedFlexField
privilege can map protected flex fields, and see a Protected Flex Fields node under the
Administration tab.

Figure 33–33 Flex Field Mapping

To create labels:
To create a flex field mapping, an administrator first defines a semantic label, which
provides a more meaningful display name for the flex field attribute. Click the Add
icon (+) to use the Create Label dialog, shown in Figure 33–34.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-35

Using the Worklist Administration Functions

Figure 33–34 Creating a Label

As the figure shows, labelName is mapped to the task attribute TextAttribute3. The
payload attribute is also mapped to the label. In this example, the Text attribute type is
associated with labelName. The end result is that the value of the Text attribute is
stored in the TextAttribute3 column, and labelName is the column label displayed in
the user’s task list. Labels can be reused for different task types. You can delete a label
only if it is not used in any mappings.
A mapped payload attribute can also be displayed as a column in a custom view, and
used as a filter condition in both custom views and workflow rules. The display name
of the payload attribute is the attribute label that is selected when doing the mapping.
Note the following restrictions:
■ Only simple type payload attributes can be mapped. Mapping specific simple
types within a complex type is not supported.
■ A flex field (and thus a label) can be used only once per task type.
■ Data type conversion is not supported for the number or date data types. For
example, you may not map a payload attribute of type string to a label of type

To browse all mappings:

1. Click Browse all mappings.
2. Select a row in the label table to display all the payload attributes mapped to a
particular label.

33-36 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Using the Worklist Administration Functions

Figure 33–35 Browsing Mappings

To edit mappings by task type:

1. Click Edit mappings by task type, optionally provide a task type, and click
2. Select a task type and click OK.

3. With the task type displayed in the Edit mappings by task type field, click Go.
All current mappings for the task type are displayed, as shown in Figure 33–36.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-37

Creating Worklist Reports

Figure 33–36 Selecting a Label

4. Select a mapping label and click Select.

Figure 33–37 shows a completed mapping.

Figure 33–37 Flex Field Mapping Created

See Section, "Internationalization of Attribute Labels," for more information.

See Also: "Internationalization of Attribute Labels"

33.7 Creating Worklist Reports

The reports listed in Table 33–4 are available for task analysis.
Reviewers—The last row of the table is new. Please review. (12-11-07/db)

33-38 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating Worklist Reports

Table 33–4 Worklist Report Types

Report Name Description Input Parameters
Unattended Tasks Provides an analysis of ■ Assignee—This option (required) selects tasks assigned to the user's
tasks assigned to users' group (My Group), tasks assigned to the reportee's groups (Reportees),
groups or reportees' groups tasks where the user is a creator (Creator), or tasks where the user is an
that have not yet been owner (Owner).
claimed (unattended tasks).
■ Creation Date—an optional date range
■ Expiration Date—an optional date range
■ Task State—The state (optional) can by Any, Assigned, Expired, or Info_
Tasks Priority Provides an analysis of the ■ Assignee—Depending on the assignee that you choose, this required
number of tasks assigned to option includes tasks assigned to the logged-in user (My), tasks assigned
a user, reportees, or their to the user and groups that the user belongs to (My & Group), or tasks
groups, broken down by assigned to groups to which the user’s reportees belong (Reportees).
■ Creation Date—an optional date range
■ Ended Date—an optional date range for the end dates of the tasks to be
included in the report
■ Task Priority—The priority (optional) can by Any, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Tasks Cycle Time Provides an analysis of the ■ Assignee—Depending on the assignee that you choose, this required
time taken to complete option includes your tasks (My) or tasks assigned to groups to which
tasks from creation to your reportees belong (Reportees).
completion based on users'
■ Creation Date—an optional date range
groups or reportees'
groups. ■ Ended Date—an optional date range for the end dates of the tasks to be
included in the report
■ Task Priority—The priority (optional) can by Any, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Tasks Productivity Provides an analysis of ■ Assignee—Depending on the assignee that the user chooses, this
assigned tasks and required option includes the user’s tasks (My & Group) or tasks
completed tasks in a given assigned to groups to which the user’s reportees belong (Reportees).
time period for a user,
■ Date (range)—an optional creation date range. The default is one week.
reportees, or their groups.
■ Task Type—Use the Search (flashlight) icon to select from a list of task
titles. All versions of a task are listed on the Select Workflow Task Type
page (optional).
Tasks Time Provides the time an ■ Assignee—Depending on the assignee that the user chooses, this
Distribution assignee takes to perform a required option includes the user’s tasks (My & Group) or tasks
task. assigned to groups to which the user’s reportees belong (Reportees).
■ Date (range)—an optional creation date range. The default is one week.
■ Task Type—Use the Search (flashlight) icon to select from a list of task
titles. All versions of a task are listed on the Select Workflow Task Type
page (optional).

33.7.1 How to Create Reports

Reports are available from the Reports link. Report results cannot be saved.

To create a report:
1. Click the Reports link.

2. Click the type of report you want to create.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-39

Creating Worklist Reports

3. Provide inputs to define the search parameters of the report.

See Table 33–4 for information about input parameters.

4. Click Run.

33.7.2 What Happens When You Create Reports

As shown in Figure 33–38, report results (for all report types) are displayed in both a
table format and a bar chart format. The input parameters used to run the report are
displayed under Report Inputs, in the lower-left corner (may require scrolling to
Reviewers--These report output images are from 10.1.3. Have they changed for 11g? If
so, how can I get new images? (12-11-07/db)

Figure 33–38 Report Display—Table Format, Bar Chart Format, and Report Inputs

33-40 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating Worklist Reports Unattended Tasks Report

Figure 33–39 shows an example of an Unattended Tasks report.

Figure 33–39 Unattended Tasks Report

The report shows that the California group has 15 unattended tasks, the Supervisor
group has 7 unattended tasks, and the LoanAgentGroup has 11 unattended tasks. The
unattended (unclaimed) tasks in this report are all DocumentReview tasks. If more
than one type of unattended task exists when a report is run, all task types are
included in the report, and the various task types are differentiated by color. Tasks Priority Report

Figure 33–40 shows an example of a Tasks Priority report.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-41

Creating Worklist Reports

Figure 33–40 Tasks Priority Report

The report shows that the California group, the Supervisor group, and the
LoanAgentGroup each have 16 tasks of normal priority. The users rsteven and jcooper
have 5 and 22 tasks, respectively, all normal priority. Priorities (highest, high, normal,
low, lowest) are distinguished by different colors in the bar chart. Tasks Cycle Time Report

Figure 33–41 shows an example of a Tasks Cycle Time Report.

Figure 33–41 Tasks Cycle Time Report

The report shows that it takes 1 hour and 6 minutes on average to complete
DocumentReview tasks, and 1 hour and 28 minutes on average to complete
VacationApproval tasks. The bar chart shows the average cycle time in milliseconds.

33-42 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Accessing Oracle BPM Worklist in Local Languages Tasks Productivity Report

Figure 33–42 shows an example of a Tasks Productivity Report.

Figure 33–42 Tasks Productivity Report

The report shows the number of tasks assigned to the California, LoanAgentGroup,
and Supervisor groups. For individual users, the report shows that jcooper has 22
assigned tasks. In addition to his assigned tasks, jcooper has completed 2 tasks. The
report shows that mtwain and rsteven have completed 6 and 11 tasks respectively. In
the bar chart, the two task states—assigned and completed—are differentiated by
color. Tasks Time Distribution Report

Reviewers—Can someone provide a sample report?

33.8 Accessing Oracle BPM Worklist in Local Languages

The identity service determines a user’s preferred language and time zone. This
information is extracted from either the JAZN file-based community or from an
external directory service such as Oracle Internet Directory. If no preference
information is available, then the user’s preferred language and time zone are set to
the system defaults, en_US and America/Los_Angeles.If an LDAP-based provider
such as OID is used, then language settings are changed in the OID community.
When a user logs in, the worklist screens are rendered in the browser’s locale and time
zone. Most strings in the worklist come from the Worklist Application bundle. By
default, this is the class

However, this can be changed to a custom resource bundle by setting the appropriate
application preference. See Section 33.6.2, "How to Set the Worklist Display
(Application Preferences)," for more information.

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-43

Accessing Oracle BPM Worklist in Local Languages

For task attribute names, flex field attribute labels, and dynamic assignment function
names, the strings come from configuring the resource property file This file exists in the wfresource subdirectory of
the services config directory. See Chapter 28, "Human Task Services," for information
on adding entries to this file for dynamic assignment functions and attribute labels.
For custom actions and task titles, the display names come from the message bundle
specified in the task configuration file. If no message bundle is specified, then the
values specified at design time are used. See Chapter 28, "Human Task Services," for
information on how to specify message bundles so that custom actions and task titles
are displayed in the preferred language.

33.8.1 How to Change the Language Used in the Worklist

The following instructions are based on extracting a user’s preferred language from a
JAZN XML file.

To change the language:

1. Open the following file:

2. Change the bits in bold to set the user's preferred language.


Oracle BPM Worklist supports the locales shown in Table 33–5.

Table 33–5 Languages and Java Locales Supported by Oracle BPM Worklist
Language Java Locale
English (en)
English (United States) (en_US)
German (de)
Spanish (International) (es)
Spanish (Spain) (es_ES)
French (fr)
French (Canada) (fr_CA)
Italian (it)
Japanese (ja)
Korean (ko)
Portuguese (pt)
Portuguese (Brazil) (pt_BR)
Chinese (Simplified) (zh_CN)
Chinese (Traditional) (zh_TW)

33.8.2 How to Change the Time Zone Used in the Worklist

The following instructions are based on extracting a user’s time zone from a JAZN
XML file.

33-44 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft

To change the time zone:

1. Open the following file:

2. Change the string in bold to set the user's preferred time zone.

Reviewers—Do we need to doc where users look up the allowable values?

33.9 Summary
This chapter describes how to access tasks, view task details, and perform actions on
the tasks in the sample Oracle BPM Worklist. It also discusses how you can create and
share custom views, manage user and group rules, customize task display settings,
and perform administrative tasks such as flex field mapping and application

Beta Draft Using Oracle BPM Worklist 33-45


33-46 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
30 30

Human Task and Approval Management


This chapter describes Approval Management Service (AMX) integration with the
human task services of Oracle SOA Suite. AMX replaces the E-Business Suite (EBS)
R12 Approvals Management Engine (AME) and the PeopleSoft 8.48 Approval
Workflow Engine (AWE) of previous releases. AMX provides a unified method for
defining and controlling approval tasks. You define the approval task in the Human
Task Editor of Oracle JDeveloper, and associate the task with a BPEL process.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 30.1, "Introduction to AMX"
■ Section 30.2, "Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper"

30.1 Introduction to AMX

AMX provides the following key features:
■ A unified way to define and control approval management processes
■ Tight integration with human workflow services. This provides for easy
integration of AMX with a business process.
■ Ability to work with a static approver list or have the approver list regenerated
each time
■ An intuitive method for defining serial and parallel approval paths
■ Graphical representation of the approver list, which is easy to read and
■ Intuitive user interface for a business analyst to use with ease
■ Capability to define different notifications for different participant types
■ Reuse of existing contexts to get attribute values or terms. These terms can then be
used to define conditions or criteria. You define rules with these conditions based
on your business needs.
■ Terms are inferred from view object (VO) definitions, which are preseeded.
■ Approver list builders work like AME handlers to build the approver list.
■ Ability to decide which approver list builders to use for your approval process.
Figure 30–1 shows the key AMX and human task integration components. These
components are described in subsequent sections of this chapter.

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-1

Introduction to AMX

Figure 30–1 Overall Architecture

Human Workflow

Create / Maintain Task Management

Service AMX Data
Approval Task Store
AM Developer / Process Owner Task Rules

Monitor and Administer

Approvals Task AMX Plugin
AM System Administrator File

Create / Maintain
Approval Groups
AM Business Analyst Persistency
View / Act on
User Task
End User File

Generate / View Runtime Config

Approver List Service

From Product Code or Approval Task

Create / Maintain Decision

Approval Policies Service

AM Business Analyst

This section contains the following topics:

■ Section 30.1.1, "AMX Components"
■ Section 30.1.2, "Human Task and AMX Concepts,"
■ Section 30.1.3, "Decision Service and Oracle Business Rules Concepts"

See Also:
■ Chapter 26, "Designing Human Tasks"
■ Chapter 28, "Human Task Services"

30-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to AMX

30.1.1 AMX Components

Note: For Applications Drop 4, the status of AMX components is as

■ Decision service and Oracle business rules are not currently
integrated with AMX.
■ HR hierarchies are not available within the identity service. A
supervisory hierarchy has been seeded in the identity service and
is available for use.
■ Only the Oracle JDeveloper-based AMX setup UI is available.
■ The AMX monitor, AMX admin, and AMX test workbench are not
currently available.
■ The default worklist application is supported.

AMX consists of the following main components:

■ Human task service — Provides a method for adding a predefined approval task
service to a process flow from the Component Palette of Oracle JDeveloper. This
service also provides a graphical worklist application to securely act on approvals
currently assigned to the user.
■ Decision service and Oracle business rules — Evaluate rules and identify the
approval list builders that must be implemented for a transaction.
■ Identity service — Provides a single source for verifying the existence of all types
of participants.

Note: The identity service, decision service, and Oracle business

rules are all used together to process rules and validate approvers.

■ AMX setup user interface — Provides a graphical user interface for defining and
modifying approval taxonomy and rules.
■ Worklist application — Provides a Web interface that enables users to act on their
assigned tasks.
■ AMX monitor — Provides the ability to monitor current flows and view history
and audit approvals for previous transactions.
■ AMX admin — Provides the administrator with a graphical user interface to
configure the approval process and monitor and control the initiated approval
■ AMX test workbench — Provides methods to run simulation tests for specific
approval flows.

Note: The AMX test workbench, worklist application, and AMX

monitor provide business analysts with graphical user interfaces for
performing their responsibilities.

■ Oracle JDeveloper and AMX setup graphical components — Provide the design
time user interfaces for creating approval processes.

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-3

Introduction to AMX

30.1.2 Human Task and AMX Concepts

This section provides an overview of human task and AMX concepts. Approval Task

An approval task is a special human task that handles approvals. A different approval
task is created for each approval requirement based on the business served by it. This
is similar to the AME transaction type (for example, an approve new expense report
task, approve new purchase order task, and so on). Approver Groups

Approver groups are statically or dynamically generated groups of approvers.
Approver groups typically represent functional or subject matter experts outside the
transaction's managerial chain of authority (such as human resources or legal counsel)
that must approve the transaction before or after management approval.
Approver groups also simulate a forced hierarchy across multiple types of approvers
or chain approvers across multiple approver types.
Static approval groups are groups with named members and correspond to a routing
slip pattern. The dynamic approval group is treated as an assignment service Java
plug-in. Approver List

The approval list is the list of participants generated by AMX for a transaction defined
within the approval task. The list is based on the approval policies defined for the
approval task. Chain
A chain is a subpath of an approval list builder. This is used in a dual chain approver
list builder and an approval group list builder. In the dual chain approver list builder,
the approval goes up two separate job level hierarchies. In the approval group list
builder, if multiple groups are to be included for a stage, then each group is processed
as a separate chain. These chains are always processed in parallel. Configuration Variables

Configuration variables control the behavior of AMX. They are defined for each
approval service. Configuration parameters are typically defined when you define the
task, such as push back, escalate, and expire. They can be set to a static value or Java
code can be executed to identify the value at run time. A parameter also determines
whether to execute this code once for the service or every time this configuration value
must be checked.

Note: For Applications Drop 4, only static variables are supported.

For example, one variable dictates whether the approver list generation is static or
dynamic. If static, AMX must only evaluate the rules to determine the applicable
approval list builders for each stage and use them to build the approver list once.
The following sections describe the available configuration variables:
■ Section, "Administrative Configurations"
■ Section, "Approval Configurations"

30-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to AMX

■ Section, "Workflow Configurations" Administrative Configurations The control of administrative behavior and

value of this configuration variable can come from a higher layer (for example, the
enterprise manager).
Table 30–1 describes the available administrative configuration variable.

Table 30–1 Administrative Configuration Variable

Name Description Value
purgeFrequency Frequency to purge Positive integers — Specify the frequency in the
number of days Approval Configurations These configuration variables impact the way in

which you build the approver list.

Note: For Applications Drop 4, the approval configuration variables

shown in Table 30–2 are not supported.

Table 30–2 describes the available approval configuration variables.

Table 30–2 Approval Configuration Variables

Name Description Values
repeatedApprovers For aggregate notifications ■ OncePerApproval — This is per
■ OncePerStage — This is per
■ OncePerChain — This is per
■ OncePerOccurrence — No
allowSkippingRule Allows authorized users to ■ True — Allow skip
GeneratedApprover remove approvers based on
■ False — Disallow skip
the definitions of Oracle
business rules (versus
resulting from adhoc
allowSelfApproval Allows a requester to be the ■ True — Allows (Automatically
final approver and the only approved if the requirement is met.
approver within this list The starting point is set to
builder. The starting point requester).
must be null. Otherwise, it
■ False — Disallow (Starting point
may consider that the list
is set to the requester’s manager).
builder wants to be excluded
from the self approval
rejectionResponse The behavior when someone ■ StopLine — Continues all except
rejects on the subordinate the particular instance that was
dimension. If it is a header rejected.
dimension, only StopAll is
■ StopStage — Continues all other
parallel stages.
■ StopAll — Stops the approval
and returns a reject outcome.

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-5

Introduction to AMX Workflow Configurations

Table 30–3 describes the available workflow configuration variables.

Note: The following features appear in the AMX setup user

interface, but are not supported for Applications Drop 4:
■ Pushback
■ Reassign
■ Escalate

Table 30–3 Workflow Configuration Variables

Name Description Values
continuousRuleEval Controls whether or not the Note: For Applications Drop 4, only a
uation routing slip interpreter value of True is supported.
returns to the task rule
■ True — Returns to ask for the
service for the next set of
routing slip of the next set of
approvers at every possible
■ False — Requests a full routing
slip once
Pushback Allows previous approvers ■ True — Allows
to redo their decisions
■ False — Disallows
Delegate Allows a different user to ■ True — Allows
decide on behalf of another
■ False — Disallows
Reassign Allows a user to reassign a ■ True — Allows
task to a different user
■ False — Disallows
(chain of authority
Expire The time at which a task ■ Days — Time in days
■ Hours — Time in hours
■ Minutes — Time in minutes
Escalate The time at which to ■ Days — Time in days
escalate a task
■ Hours — Time in hours
■ Minutes — Time in minutes
Escalated Approver The assigned approver This is typically a dynamic value.
when a task is escalated
Withdraw Allows the requester or ■ True — Allows
admin to retract an
■ False — Disallows
Skip Allows the current ■ True — Allows
approver to be skipped.
■ False — Disallows
Adhoc Insertion Allows for adhoc routing ■ True — Allows
■ False — Disallows
Request Requests for additional ■ True — Allows
Information information
■ False — Disallows
onErrorNotify Identifies the participant to The participant
notify when an error occurs

30-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to AMX Dimensions (or Message Attribute Group)

Dimensions categorize the rule context. Dimensions normally have a one-to-one
mapping to collection terms defined in Oracle business rules. For instance, expense
vouchers can have hierarchical groupings of header, lines, and cost centers. For
approvals, the dimensions defined can be header, lines, and cost centers.
It is not necessary for all dimensions to be mapped to a stage. If rules are not necessary
for the dimension, then dimensions do not need to be mapped to a stage. In the human
task context, this is referred to as the message attribute group. Figure 30–2 provides an

Figure 30–2 Entity Hierarchy Being Mapped to Dimensions

Hierarchy Dimensions

Expense Voucher Header Header

Expense Lines Lines


Cost Centers Cost Centers

See Also: Section 30.2.3, "Create a Dimension" Human Task Editor

This editor enables you to specify task settings such as task outcomes, payload
structure, task participants, assignment and routing policy, expiration and escalation
policy, notification settings, and so on.

See Also: Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with
the Human Task Editor" List Builders

List builders abstract the specification of similar types of actions. An approver list
builder moves up a hierarchy and, based on the list builder constraints, returns an
approver list. The following approver list builders are supported:
■ Supervisory — Ascends the primary supervisory hierarchy starting at the
requester or at a given approver, generating a chain that has a fixed number of
approvers in it
■ Job level — Ascends the supervisory hierarchy starting at a given approver and
continuing until an approver with a sufficient job level is found.
■ Position — Ascends the position hierarchy starting at the requester’s or at a given
approver’s position and going up a specified number of levels or to a specific
■ Dual chain — Ascends two separate job level hierarchies
■ Approval group — Includes a predefined approver group in the approver list. This
group can be a static or dynamic group.

See Also: Section 30.2.5, "Configure Approval List Builders for a


Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-7

Introduction to AMX List Builder Usage

Note: Since Oracle business rules integration is not available with

Applications Drop 4, the action configurations and constraints are
currently defined with list builder usage.

Approval list builder usage defines how an approval list builder is used for a stage
within an approval service. It defines the following:
■ Preference — Specifies the order in which to process the list builder for a stage
■ Default voting regime — Specifies the voting behavior to follow Notification
Notification refers to the e-mail, short message service (SMS), or instant message (IM)
channel that notifies a user or role that a certain task requires their attention.

See Also:
■ Chapter 23, "Notifications and the Oracle User Messaging Service"
■ Section 26.6.7, "Specifying Participant Notification Preferences"
■ Section 28.2, "Notifications from Human Workflow" Parts of an Approver List

An approver list can be broken into the following parts:
■ Stages
■ List builders
■ Chains
■ Approver
The shape of the approver list is defined while defining the approval structure.
Figure 30–3 provides an overview.

Figure 30–3 Approver List Structure

Approver List

Header Approval

Approval Group
List Builder
Job Level
Chain 2 List Builder
Chain 1



Line Receipt
Approval Verification

30-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to AMX Routing Slip

The routing slip definition dynamically routes tasks to multiple users. It includes
information such as workflow sequence, assignment policy, notification policy,
callback policy, escalation policy, renewal policy, and so on.

See Also: Chapter 26, "Designing Human Tasks" Stages
A stage is a specific approval point associated with a dimension. However, a
dimension can be associated with multiple approval stages. A set of rules or approval
policies are associated with each stage. A separate list of approvers is generated for
each stage, based on the rules applicable and the approver list builders defined in the
For example, an expense report can have the following stages defined:
■ Header approval stage associated with the header dimension
■ Line approval stage associated with the lines dimension
■ Receipt verification stage associated with the header dimension
■ Payment stage associated with the header dimension
Stages can be modeled to be serial or parallel with respect to each other. This is
performed while defining the approval structure. Figure 30–4 provides an overview.

Figure 30–4 Dimensions Being Mapped to Stage

Dimensions Stage

Header Header Approval

Receipt Verification


Lines Line Approval

Cost Centers

See Also: Section 30.2.4, "Create the Stages" .task file

The .task file is the metadata task configuration file that stores the task settings
specified with the Human Task Editor in Oracle JDeveloper.

See Also:
■ Section 30.2, "Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle
■ Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition with the
Human Task Editor"

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-9

Introduction to AMX User Task

The user task refers to a work item or some task that requires manual intervention.
This was referred to as notification in previous releases of Oracle Workflow (OWF). Worklist Application

The worklist application interacts with the workflow service to retrieve user tasks and
enable users to perform actions on their tasks.

See Also: Part IV, "Human Workflow Service Component" for

chapters on using the worklist application

30.1.3 Decision Service and Oracle Business Rules Concepts

This section provides an overview of decision service and Oracle business rules

Note: These features are not available with Applications Drop 4. Approval Routing Policies

Approval routing policies or rules determine the approver list builders to use to
identify the approvers or FYI notification recipients required for a business
In some cases, routing policies are seeded for out-of-the-box approval capability.
However, these are typically defined by the customer, since approval policies vary
between organizations.
Each routing policy defines the following details:
■ Approval policy type
■ Action
■ Criteria
■ Priority
■ Response type
■ Validity period Approval Policy Type

Note: List modification and substitution actions are not available

with Applications Drop 4.

This type describes the specific action being performed on the approver list. The policy
types supported are:
■ List creation
■ List modification
■ Approver substitution

30-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Introduction to AMX Action
Based on the approval policy type, different information must be defined for each
action. These are also known as the action configurations.
List creation policy instructs AMX to create the approver list based on the following
■ Approver list builder to be used
■ Stopping rule
■ Response type
■ All members included in the list
■ Voting regime for the rule (only for the approval group list builder)
List modification policy instructs AMX to modify the approver list based on the
following criteria:
■ Action (for extend list or truncate list)
■ List builder to use (for extend list)
■ Stopping rule for the action (for extend list)
Approver substitution policy instructs AMX to replace one approver in the approver
list with another (if present in the list). Conditions
Conditions in Oracle business rules are Boolean expressions that compare a term to
other terms or constant values. Conditions can also be created as standalone entities
for re-use in other rules. The operators used in conditions are defined in metadata and
can be extended by application developers. Criteria
The criteria is the set of conditions under which a rule is applicable. If all the
conditions in a routing policy are true, then that routing policy is active for the
transaction. Priority
Rule arbitration is carried out by means of prioritizing rules. This is performed in
Oracle business rules. Response Type

This type describes the specific response expected from the approver for the approval
task. The various responses allowed are:
■ Required (for approval notification)
■ Not required (FYI)
■ Optional (for review). This response is not available in Applications Drop 4. Rule Context

Rule context is the entity being considered for approval. It can be a purchase order, an
expense report, or any other document. It typically points to the VO created to define
the terms and context in Oracle business rules. The VO is the business component for
Java (BC4J) object used to create the rule context. The shape of a given rule context

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-11

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

provides an execution model for rule evaluation, depending on which items from the
rule context are used to define a given rule. Terms
Terms are semantic units of information relevant to a business user. Most terms
originate from member fields of business objects, such as the first name attribute of a
The decision service does not maintain its own library of terms. Instead, the decision
service uses the existing Siebel Business Analytics (SBA) and BC4J layers. A term is a
data element from the BC4J or SBA layers that has been designated for use either in
one or more contexts, rules, conditions, or actions.
The decision service uses the Oracle Fusion Middleware BC4J as a data source. The
Oracle Fusion Middleware BC4J stack is used for accessing the intratransactional and
transient data present during the online application runtime. BC4J is also used as a
source of persistent data, initially through the BC4J APIs. Once SBA delivers sufficient
BC4J integrations, offline BC4J entity objects (EOs) are accessed through the SBA layer
instead of directly through the BC4J APIs. This allows for more efficient correlation to
other data sources. Validity Period

The validity period represents the time period for which the rule is valid. This also
includes the time stamp.
Rules with the following validity period can be created:
■ Rules starting on the current date and at the current time
■ Rules starting at a date and time in the future
■ Rules ending on the current date and at the current time
■ Rules ending at a date and time in the future
The following validity periods are not allowed:
■ Rules starting before the current date and time
■ Rules ending before the current date and time
■ Rules with the ending date and time less than or equal to the starting date and
■ The same rule implemented multiple times with overlapping validity periods

30.2 Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

This section describes how to design an approval task. You design this task by creating
a human task service component and selecting the Composite Approver participant
type in the Human Task Editor of Oracle JDeveloper. When complete, this task
invokes the AMX approval service as an assignment service to retrieve the set of
approvers and populates the routing slip.
This section describes the following tasks:
■ Section 30.2.1, "Review Prerequisites"
■ Section 30.2.2, "Select the Composite Approver Participant Type"
■ Section 30.2.3, "Create a Dimension"

30-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

■ Section 30.2.4, "Create the Stages"

■ Section 30.2.5, "Configure Approval List Builders for a Stage"

Note: This section only describes how to create and configure the
composite approver participant type. The composite approver
participant type enables you to integrate the AMX approval task with
a human task. For instructions on creating and designing all parts of a
human task, see Section 26.6, "Creating the Human Task Definition
with the Human Task Editor."

30.2.1 Review Prerequisites

Before designing an approval task in the Human Task Editor, you must satisfy the
following prerequisites:
■ You must identify the primary business object and create the approval content
type. For example, the primary business object can be an expense voucher. Identify
and construct the entity hierarchy of this object using infrastructure services such
as BC4J. You define this context in the decision service and Oracle business rules,
and reference it as the content type within AMX. This entity hierarchy determines
the dimensions available within AMX.

■ VO introspection is not supported with Applications Drop 4.
■ It is important to define as many VO attributes as possible so they
do not require extensions.

■ You must define the payload to pass to the human task. Table 30–4 describes the
required contents of the payload.

Table 30–4 Payload Requirements

Name Description
requestor (maps to the The principal that initiated the approval process
creator in the human task)
requestorRole The principal role that initiated the approval process
identificationKey The fully-qualified key to uniquely identify this instance. This
key can look up an approval at a later time.
transactionDate (map The timestamp to identify the version of rules to use for
to rule property later on) evaluation
pk{n} (map to context keys The primary key for the business entity. These attributes are
later on, n can be 1, 2, 3 and passed to Oracle business rules.
so on)

30.2.2 Select the Composite Approver Participant Type

1. Create a human task service component in which to design the approval task.
When you create a human task service component, the Human Task Editor is
automatically invoked and a .task file is automatically created. This editor can
also be invoked at a later time by double-clicking the human task service
component in the SOA Composite Editor. See Section 26.6, "Creating the Human
Task Definition with the Human Task Editor" for the following instructions:

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-13

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

■ Adding a human task service component to a SOA composite application

■ Invoking the Human Task Editor to design the approval task
2. Enter a name in the Title field (for example, AMX Generated Approvers can be
3. Click the Add Participant Type icon in the Assignment and Routing Policy
section of the Human Task Editor.

The Add Participant Type window appears.

4. Enter the following details.

Field Description
Type Select Composite Approver. This refreshes the window to display
new fields.
View Object Definition Specify the complete path for the defined VO (for example, can be
Note: Be aware of the following issues for Applications Drop 4:
■ The Browse icon is disabled.
■ The VOs are not used by AMX for validation.
List Substitution Policy Note: For Applications Drop 4, The Create icon is disabled and list
substitution policies are not supported.
List substitution type policies enable you to substitute approvers on
the list with other approvers. For example, you can substitute one
supervisor in the approval hierarchy with a second supervisor if the
first approver is on vacation.
List Modification Policy Note: For Applications Drop 4, The Create icon is disabled and list
modification policies are not supported.
List modification type policies allow for the modification of the
approver list generated by the applicable policies calculated using
the list creation rules. For example, you can extend the approval
hierarchy to additional levels or truncate the approval hierarchy
after a specific approver has acted.

When complete, the General section of the Add Participant Type page appears as

30-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

30.2.3 Create a Dimension

You now create a dimension. Dimensions categorize the rule context. The first
dimension you create is usually based on the view object defined in the View Object
Definition field of the Add Participant Type window. For Applications Drop 4, this
feature is not available. For all subsequent dimensions that you create, view links must
be entered.
1. Click the Create icon in the Dimensions section of the Add Participant Type
The Add Dimension window appears.
2. Enter the following details.

Field Description
Dimension Enter a dimension name (for example, HeaderDimension can be
View Link Enter the complete path of the view link (VL) (for example,
purchaseOrderVO can be specified). This VL should be linked
to the main VO. There must be only one main VO. The other
dimensions are linked to the main object by VLs.
Note: In Applications Drop 4, the VO/VL information is not used
at runtime, so no validation is performed here.

3. Click the Create icon in the Keys section.

4. Enter a value in the Parameter field for key1. For example, OrderId can be

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-15

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

5. Click the Create icon in the Keys section again.

6. Enter a value in the Parameter field for key2. For example, PurchaseId can be
These mapping keys link the primary keys passed in the payload to the terms in
the VO/VL for this dimension. When complete, the window appears as follows.

7. Click OK.
You are returned to the Add Participant Type window. The Dimensions section
displays the following information.

See Also: Section, "Dimensions (or Message Attribute


30.2.4 Create the Stages

You now create and associate stages with the dimension that is processed in it. A set of
rules or approval policies are associated with each stage. A stage is always associated
with one and only one dimension. However, one dimension can be associated with
more than one stage. For example, an expense header can be completed in three stages:
header approval, receipt verification, and payment.
1. Select No Stage Defined.

30-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

2. Click the Create icon in the Stages section of the Add Participant Type window.

3. Select Add Stage from the dropdown list.

The Add Stage window appears.
4. Enter the following details.

Field Description
Stage Enter a name (for example, HeaderStage can be entered).
Dimension Select a dimension with which to associate this stage. You created
this dimension in Section 30.2.3, "Create a Dimension."
Continuous Evaluation Note: This feature is not supported in Applications Drop 4.
This field is for specifying if the routing slip interpreter must
return to the task rule service for the next set of approvers at
every possible point.
■ True — Returns to ask for the routing slip of the next set of
■ False — Requests a full routing slip only once

When complete, the window appears as follows:

5. Click OK.
6. Select the stage (for example, HeaderStage can be selected).
7. Click the Create icon in the Stages section again.
8. Select Add Parallel Stage from the dropdown list. This creates a stage in parallel
with the one created in Step 4.

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-17

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

The Add Parallel Stage window appears.

9. Enter the following details.

Field Description
Stage Enter a name (for example, CostCenter can be entered).
Dimension Select a dimension with which to associate this stage.
Continuous Evaluation This feature is not supported for Applications Drop 4.

When complete, the window appears as follows:

10. Click OK.

The Stages section displays both stages in parallel to one another.

11. Select a stage under which to create a sequential stage. (for example, HeaderStage
can be selected).
12. Click the Create icon in the Stages section.

13. Select Add Sequential Stage from the dropdown list. This creates a new stage
immediately below the stage selected in Step 11.
The Add Sequential Stage window appears.

30-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

14. Enter details similar to those entered in Step 9 (for example,

ReceiptVerification can be entered as the stage name), and click OK.
The Stages section appears as follows:

Note the ^ and v icons above the stages. These icons enable you to change the
order of stages. For this example, assume you select the lower stage
(ReceiptVerification) and click the ^ icon. This moves the lower stage
(ReceiptVerification) above the upper stage (HeaderStage). As another example,
assume you select the new upper stage (ReceiptVerification) and click the v icon.
This moves ReceiptVerification back below HeaderStage.

See Also: Section, "Stages"

30.2.5 Configure Approval List Builders for a Stage

You now define approval steps using the available approver list builders. Approval list
builder usage defines how an approval list builder is used for a stage within an
approval service.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section, "Arranging the Order of Approval List Builders"
■ Section, "Deleting Approval List Builders"
■ Section, "Adding Approval List Builders"
■ Section, "Adding Approval List Builder Policy Actions" Arranging the Order of Approval List Builders

You can arrange appoval list builders in either serial or parallel order. The serial and
parallel orders govern the order in which approvers identified by the stage receive
notifications and are assigned to the approval task. By changing the serial and parallel
order, users can change the order of approvals. For example, some companies need
management approvals performed before receipt verification, In another company,
employees must first get their receipts verified from the payables team and then seek
management approval.

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-19

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

1. Double-click a stage (for example, HeaderStage can be selected).

This displays the default approver list builders included with each stage. By
default, these list builders are executed in parallel.

2. Change the order of the approver list builders from parallel to serial. For this
example, assume you select the Job Level and Position approval list builders and
click the v icon to move both builders below the Supervisory, Approval Group,
and Dual Chain approval list builders. This configures the list builders to be
executed in serial order, instead of parallel. Deleting Approval List Builders

You can delete approval list builders that are not required.
1. Delete two of the approval list builders. For this example, assume you select the
Dual Chain and Position approval list builders and click Delete. These builders
are not required for this example.

When complete, the window appears as follows:

30-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

Note: Use of the Create icon of the Approval Policy field is not
supported for Applications Drop 4. In a future Applications Drop, this
link will provide access to Oracle business rules.

2. Select and delete additional approval list builders as necessary (for example, the
Approval Group and Job Level approval list builders can be selected). Adding Approval List Builders

You can add approval list builders.
1. Click the Create icon.
The Add List Builder Dialog window appears.
2. Select the approval list builders to add to the current builders. For this example,
the Position and Dual Chain check boxes can be selected.

3. Click OK. Adding Approval List Builder Policy Actions

You can specific policy actions for each approval list builder.
1. Double-click the Supervisory approval list builder.

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-21

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

The Supervisory List Builder window appears. This enables you to specify the
approval policy actions.

2. Enter the following details:

Field Description
Voting Regime Select a voting behavior to follow. Voting is a method of decision
making that enables a group to determine its opinion. For
example, Minimum percentage of Approvers can be selected.
This selection refreshes the window to display a second list, from
which 39 is selected.
This selection enables the task to be computed as soon as the
minimum percentage is met. For example, assume four users are
assigned to act on a task, the default outcome is APPROVE, and
the minimum percentage is set at 50. If the first two users approve
the task, the third and fourth users do not need to act on the task,
since the consensus percentage value has already been satisfied.
The Voting Regime list also offers additional selections:
■ Consensus — Select to process an approval in parallel and
require all participants to respond.
■ Serial — Select to force the approvers to act serially in the
order defined in the approver list. For example, assume users
Joe and Mike both have sequence 1. If user Joe comes first,
that user is notified prior to user Mike.
■ First Responder Wins — Select to process an approval in
parallel but only take the first response.

30-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

Field Description
Constraint Type Select a voting constraint type. The values that appear are based
upon the type of approval list builder selected.
■ At Most or At Least (displays for Supervisory, Job Level,
Dual Chain, and Position)
When climbing a hierarchy with missing levels, this selection
decides whether to stop below or above the level in the rule.
■ Absolute or Relative (displays for Job Level, Dual Chain,
and Position)
Select to use absolute or relative levels.
■ Level (displays for Supervisory, Job Level, Dual Chain, and
Enter a positive integer to indicate the number of steps.
■ Chain Number (displays for Dual Chain)
Specify the chain number.
■ Group Name (displays for Approval Group)
The approval group name.
Constraint Level Select a voting constraint level.
Response Type Select a response type.
See Also: Section, "Response Type" for descriptions of
available values
Starting Point This field is left blank for this example. This field enables you to
build an XPath expression for passing data by clicking the XPath
Expression Builder icon to the right of this field.
Top Approver This field is left blank for this example. This field specifies the top
level participant in the approval hierarchy. You do not go past the
top approver in a hierarchy.

The Supervisory List Builder window displays the following details:

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-23

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

3. Click OK.
The Supervisory List Builder window shown in Step 2 contains fields for Voting
Regime, Starting Point, Top Approver, and so on. The fields that display can
differ based on the approval list builder selected. Table 30–5 identifies and
describes the fields that appear for all five approval list builders.

Table 30–5 Fields of the List Builder Property Window

List Builder Job Dual Approval
Window Field Source Description Supervisory Level Position Chain Group
Requester Payload Requester of this approval as a Yes Yes No No No
Requester Role Payload Requester of this approval as a No No Yes No No
Allow Self Global Indicates if the requester is Yes Yes Yes No No
Approval configura allowed to approve their own
tion approval as the only and final
approver within this list builder.
The Starting Point field must be
set to the requester. The requester
is skipped if they do not have
sufficient authority.
Starting Point List The starting point of a list. This Yes Yes Yes No No
builder field is normally left empty. A
map value is automatically selected,
which in most cases is the
requester’s manager.
Top Approver List Indicates to not go beyond this Yes Yes Yes Yes No
builder principal in a hierarchy

30-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

Table 30–5 (Cont.) Fields of the List Builder Property Window

List Builder Job Dual Approval
Window Field Source Description Supervisory Level Position Chain Group
Include All At List Include all approvers at the same No Yes No Yes No
Same Level builder job level
Include List Indicates who to include. Values No Yes No Yes No
Approvers builder can be All, Final Approver Only,
map and Manager Final Approver
Starting Point List The starting point for chain one No No No Yes No
Chain 1 builder
Starting Point List The starting point for chain two No No No Yes No
Chain 2 builder
Allow Empty List Allows an empty approval No No No No Yes
Group builder group. If set to True, an exception
map is not raised if the approval
group to insert into the approver
list does not have a member (for
example, if a dynamic approval
group does not return an

AMX task approval configuration is now complete. Proceed with the remaining steps
of human task design such as defining notification methods and associating the
human task with a BPEL process by following the procedures in Section 26.6,
"Creating the Human Task Definition with the Human Task Editor."

See Also: Section, "List Builders"

Beta Draft Human Task and Approval Management Integration 30-25

Designing AMX Approval Tasks in Oracle JDeveloper

30-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
31 Human Task and Microsoft Excel Integration

This chapter describes how to integrate the desktop application capabilities of

Microsoft Excel 2003 with the enterprise system capabilities of Oracle SOA Suite. This
type of integration enables you to invoke a BPEL process from Microsoft Excel and
attach Microsoft Excel Workbooks to e-mail notifications. This eliminates the need for
switching between tools to integrate Microsoft Office with Oracle SOA Suite.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 31.1, "Invoking a BPEL Process from Excel Workbook"
■ Section 31.2, "Attaching Excel Workbooks to E-mail Notifications"

31.1 Invoking a BPEL Process from Excel Workbook

You can invoke a BPEL process from Excel Workbook. This is achieved through use of
an Application Development Framework desktop integration (ADF DI) plug-in
installed on the host from which the Excel document invokes the BPEL process.
Figure 31–1 provides an overview.

Figure 31–1 Invoking a BPEL Process from Excel



Beta Draft Human Task and Microsoft Excel Integration 31-1

Attaching Excel Workbooks to E-mail Notifications

31.2 Attaching Excel Workbooks to E-mail Notifications

You can attach an Excel Workbook with task details as part of a human task workflow
e-mail notification. Excel Workbook provides you with an alternative to the worklist
application for viewing current task details and performing necessary actions.
You receive an e-mail notification about a new task with the Excel attachment. When
the attachment is opened, you are directed to a login page and prompted to enter your
user name and password. This login page is similar to the login page for the worklist
The Excel Workbook includes the task details, such as task ID, payload, and so on.
There are buttons corresponding to actions to perform. If you click one of these
buttons, the resulting action invokes the BPEL process.
Figure 31–2 provides an overview.

Figure 31–2 Attaching Excel Workbooks to E-mail Notifications


31-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Part V Oracle Business Activity Monitoring

This part describes Oracle Business Activity Monitoring.

This part contains the following chapters:
■ Chapter 32, "Creating Data Objects"
■ Chapter 33, "Using External Data Sources"
■ Chapter 34, "Creating Alerts"
■ Chapter 35, "Using the Oracle BAM Data Control"
■ Chapter 36, "Creating Enterprise Message Sources"
■ Chapter 37, "Using ICommand"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
32 Creating Data Objects

This chapter contains the information needed to create and manage data objects,
including assigning permissions, managing folders, creating security filters, and
adding dimensions and hierarchies.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 32.1, "Defining Data Objects"
■ Section 32.2, "Adding Permissions on Data Objects"
■ Section 32.3, "Viewing Existing Data Objects"
■ Section 32.4, "Using Data Object Folders"
■ Section 32.5, "Adding Security Filters"
■ Section 32.6, "Adding Dimensions"
■ Section 32.7, "Renaming and Moving Data Objects"
■ Section 32.8, "Adding Indexes"
■ Section 32.9, "Clearing Data Objects"
■ Section 32.10, "Deleting Data Objects"
■ Section 32.11, "System Data Objects"

32.1 Defining Data Objects

This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 32.1.1, "Adding Fields"
■ Section 32.1.2, "Adding Lookup Fields"
■ Section 32.1.3, "Adding Calculated Fields"
■ Section 32.1.4, "Adding Time Stamp Fields"
Data objects contain the information that displays in reports created in Active Studio.
You can design data objects to be used in certain types of views such as KPIs, gauges,
or columnar reports.
The data objects you define are based on the types of data available from enterprise
message sources. You must define fields in the data object. The data object contains no
data when you create it. You must load or stream data into data objects using Plans.
When a data object is viewed while creating a report in Active Studio, the data object
fields are displayed in alphabetical order regardless of the order that fields were added
to the data object.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-1

Defining Data Objects

WARNING: Do not read or manipulate data directly in the

database. All access to data must be done using Architect or the

To define a data object:

1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Click Create Data Object.
3. Enter a name for the data object.
4. Enter the path to the location in the folder tree where the data object will be stored.
Click Browse to use the Select a Folder dialog.
5. Optionally, enter a description of the data object.
6. If this data object will be using an External Data Source select the checkbox and
configure the following:
■ Select an External Data Source from the list. External Data Sources are
configured on the External Data Sources screen. See Chapter 33, "Using
External Data Sources" for more information.
■ Enter the External Table Name.
7. Add fields to the data object using the Add a field or Add one or more lookup
fields options.
See Section 32.1.1, "Adding Fields" and Section 32.1.2, "Adding Lookup Fields" for
more information.
8. Click Create Data Object when you are finished adding fields or lookup fields.

32.1.1 Adding Fields

To add fields to a data object:
1. In a data object you are creating or editing, click Add a field.
2. Specify the field name, data type, maximum size (scale for decimal fields),
whether or not it is nullable, whether or not it is public, and tip text.
If you are adding a field in a data object based on an External Data Source you
must also supply the External field name.
The data types include:
■ String. Text fields containing a sequence of characters.
■ Integer. Numeric fields containing whole numbers from -2,147,483,648 to
■ Float. Double-precision floating point numbers.
■ Decimal. Integers including decimal points with scale number defined,
containing up to 17 digits. The number is stored as a string which uses a
character for each digit in the value.
■ DateTime. Dates and times combined as a real number.
■ Boolean. Boolean fields with true or false values.
■ Auto-incrementing integer. Automatically incremented integer field.

32-2 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Defining Data Objects

■ Timestamp. Date time stamp generated to milliseconds. See Section 32.1.4,

"Adding Time Stamp Fields" for more information.
■ Calculated. Calculated field generated by an expression and saved as another
data type. See Section 32.1.3, "Adding Calculated Fields" for more information.
Keep adding fields using Add a field and Add one or more lookup fields until all
the required fields are listed. Click Remove to remove a field in the data object.
3. Click Save changes.

32.1.2 Adding Lookup Fields

You can add lookup fields to a data object. This performs lookups on key fields in a
specified data object to return fields to the current data object. You can match multiple
fields and return multiple lookup fields.
To add a lookup field to a data object:
1. In a data object you are creating or editing, click Add one or more lookup fields.
The Define Lookup Field dialog displays.
2. Select the data object to use for the lookup.
3. Select the lookup fields from the data object. You can select one or more fields by
holding down the Shift or Control key when selecting. Selecting multiple fields
will create multiple lookup fields in the data object. These are the fields you want
to return.
4. Select the field to match from the lookup data object.
5. Select the field to match from the current data object. You must have already
created other fields in this data object so that you have a field to select.
6. Click Add.
The matched field names are displayed in the list. You can click Remove to
remove any matched pairs you create.
7. You can repeat steps 4 through 6 to create multiple matched fields. This is also
known as a composite key.
8. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.
The new lookup fields are added to the data object. Click Modify Lookup Field to
make changes to a lookup field. Multiple selection of return fields is possible when
defining a new lookup but not when modifying an existing one.
You can click Remove to remove any lookups you create.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-3

Adding Permissions on Data Objects

Note: Oracle Business Activity Monitoring supports two types of

schema models: unrelated tables or Star Schemas. Any other kind of
schema that does not conform to these models may result in
performance issues or deadlocks. Snowflake dimensions
(daisy-chained lookups) are not supported.
Table 1 (with no lookups to any other tables)
Table 1 > Lookup > Table 2

Not supported:
Table 1 > Lookup > Table 2 > Lookup > Table 3

32.1.3 Adding Calculated Fields

When creating calculated fields in a data object you can use operators and expression
functions, combined with field names, to produce a new field.
Table 32–1 Describes the operators you can use to build calculated fields.
The Oracle Fusion Middleware User’s Guide for Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
provides the syntax and examples for expressions you can use in a calculated field.

Table 32–1 Operators Used in Calculated Fields

Operator Function
+ (plus sign) Add
- (minus sign) Subtract
* (asterisk) Multiply
/ (forward slash) Divide
% (percent sign) Modulus
() (parentheses) Parentheses

WARNING: If you enter a calculated field with incorrect syntax in a

data object, you could lose the data object definition.

32.1.4 Adding Time Stamp Fields

You can create a date time stamp field generated to milliseconds by selecting the
Timestamp data type. This column in the data object must be empty when the data
object is populated by the ADC so that the time stamp data can be created.

32.2 Adding Permissions on Data Objects

You can add permissions for users and groups on data objects. When users have at
least a read permissions on a data object they can choose the data object when creating
To add permissions a data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.

32-4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Adding Permissions on Data Objects

2. Select the data object.

The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Click Permissions.
4. Click Edit Permissions.
Alternatively you can copy permissions from another data object. See
Section 32.2.1, "Copying Permissions from Other Data Objects" for more
5. Click the Restrict access to Data Object to certain users or groups checkbox.
The list of users and groups and permissions displays.
6. You can choose to display the following by clicking the radio buttons:
■ Show all users and groups
■ Show only users and groups with permissions
■ Show users only
■ Show groups only
7. You can set permissions for the entire list by clicking the buttons at the top of the
list. The permissions are Read, Update, and Delete. You can set permissions for
individual users or groups in the list by clicking the checkbox in the permission
column that is next to the user or group name.
8. After indicating the permissions with selected checkboxes, click Save changes.
A message displays to confirm that your changes are saved.
9. Click Continue to display the actions for the data object.
Users assigned to the Administrator role have access to all data objects. The
Administrator role overrides the data object permissions.
To add a group to the list:
1. Click Add a group to the list.
2. Type the Windows group name in the field. The group must already exist as a
domain group.
3. Click OK.
The group is added to the list.

32.2.1 Copying Permissions from Other Data Objects

You can copy the permissions from another data object and then make additional
changes to the permissions before saving.
In Architect for a data object, click Permissions and then click Copy from. Select the
data object that contains the permissions to copy and click OK. You can edit the copied
permissions and click Save changes.
To copy permissions from another data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Click the data object to add a security filter to.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Click Permissions.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-5

Viewing Existing Data Objects

4. Click Copy from.

The Choose Data Object dialog displays.
5. Select the data object that contains the permissions to copy and click OK.
6. If the data object previously had no permissions assigned, select the Restrict
access to Data Object checkbox.
7. You can edit the copied permissions or add a group to the list.
8. Click Save changes.

32.3 Viewing Existing Data Objects

This section describes how to view information about data objects. It contains the
following topics:
■ Section 32.3.1, "Viewing Data Object General Information"
■ Section 32.3.2, "Viewing Data Object Layouts"
■ Section 32.3.3, "Viewing Data Object Contents"

32.3.1 Viewing Data Object General Information

The general information of a data object displays the owner, when it was created,
when it was last modified, and a row count.
To view the general information of a data object:
■ Click the data object in the list.
If you are already viewing the layout or contents of a data object, click General.
The general information displays in the right frame. It contains the following
■ Created. Date and time the data object was created.
■ Last modified. Date and time the data object was last modified.
■ Row count. Numbers of rows of data in the data object.
■ Location.
■ Type.
■ Data Object ID. The ID used to identify the data object. This is based on the
name although the ID is used throughout the system so that you can edit the
name without affecting any dependencies.

Note: If the row count is over 500,000 rows, an approximate row

count is displayed in the General information for increased
performance purposes. The approximate row count is accurate within
5-10% of the actual count. If you want to view an exact row count
instead of the approximation, click Show exact count. The exact count
is displayed. This could take a few minutes if the data object has
millions of rows.

32-6 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Viewing Existing Data Objects

32.3.2 Viewing Data Object Layouts

The layout describes the fields in a data object. The fields are described by name, field
ID, data type, maximum length allowed, scale, nullable, public, calculated, text tip,
and lookup.
To view the layout of a data object:
1. Select the data object.
2. The general information displays in the right frame.
3. Click Layout.
The layout information displays in the right frame. It contains the following
■ Field name. Name of the field
■ Field ID. Generated by the system
■ External name. External field name from the External Data Source (only
appears in data objects based on External Data Sources)
■ Field type. Data type of the field
■ Max length. Maximum number of characters allowed in field value
■ Scale. Number of digits on the right side of the decimal point
■ Nullable. Whether or not the data type can contain null values
■ Public. This setting determines whether or not the field will be available in
Active Studio to use in a report. If the box is unchecked, the field will not
appear in Active Studio. This is useful for including fields for calculations in
data objects that should not appear in reports.
■ Lookup. Displays specifics of a lookup field
■ Calculated. Displays the expression of a calculated field
■ Tip Text. Helpful information about the field

32.3.3 Viewing Data Object Contents

You can view the rows of data stored in a data object by viewing the data object
contents. You can also edit the contents of the data object.
To view the contents of a data object:
1. Select the data object.
The general information displays in the right frame.
2. Click Contents.
The first 50 rows of the data object display in the right frame.
3. Click Next, Previous, First, and Last to navigate to other rows of data displayed 50
at a time.
Rows are listed with a Row ID column. Displaying only Row ID provides faster
paging for large data objects. Row IDs are assigned once in each row and maintain
a continuous row count when you clear and reload a data object.
You can click Show row numbers to display an additional column containing a
current row count starting at 1. Click No row numbers to hide the row count
column again.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-7

Using Data Object Folders

4. Click Refresh to get the latest available contents.

32.4 Using Data Object Folders

This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 32.4.1, "Creating Folders"
■ Section 32.4.2, "Working with Folders"
■ Section 32.4.3, "Setting Folder Permissions"
■ Section 32.4.4, "Moving Folders"
■ Section 32.4.5, "Renaming Folders"
■ Section 32.4.6, "Deleting Folders"
You can organize data objects by creating folders and subfolders for them. When you
create a folder for data objects, you can assign permissions by associating users and
actions with the folder.

32.4.1 Creating Folders

You can create new folders for organizing data objects. Then you can move or create
data objects into separate folders for different purposes or users. After creating folders,
you can set folder permissions to limit which users can view the data objects it
To create a new folder:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
The current data object folders display in a tree hierarchy.
2. Click Create subfolder.
A field for naming the new folder displays.
3. Enter a name for the folder and click Create folder.
The folder is created as a subfolder under the Data Objects folder and a message
displays confirming that the new folder was created.
4. Click Continue to view the folder.

32.4.2 Working with Folders

To open a folder:
1. Expand the tree of folders by clicking the + (plus sign) next to the Data Objects
The System subfolders contain data objects for running Oracle Business Activity
Monitoring. For more information about these data objects see Section 32.11,
"System Data Objects."
2. Click the link next to a folder to open it.
The folder is opened, and the data objects in the folder are shown in the list
underneath the folder tree. The general properties for the folder display in the
right frame and the following links apply to the current folder:

32-8 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Using Data Object Folders

View. Displays the general properties of this folder such as name, date created,
date last modified, user who last modified it. View is selected when you first click
a folder.
Create subfolder. Creates another folder within the selected folder.
Delete. Removes the selected folder and all the data objects it contains.
Rename. Changes the folder name.
Move. Moves this folder to a new location, for example, as a subfolder under
another folder.
Permissions. Sets permissions on this folder.
Create Data Object. Creates a data object in this folder.

32.4.3 Setting Folder Permissions

When you create a folder, you can set permissions on it so that other users can access
the data objects contained in the folder.
To set permissions on a folder:
1. In the Data Objects folder, select the folder to change permissions on.
2. Click Permissions.
3. Click Edit permissions.
4. Select the Restrict access to Data Object to certain users or groups checkbox.
The list of users and groups and permissions displays.
5. You can choose to display the following by selecting one of the radio buttons:
■ Show all users and groups
■ Show only users and groups with permissions
■ Show users only
■ Show groups only
6. You can set permissions for the entire list by clicking the column headers at the top
of the list. The permissions are Read, Update, and Delete. You can set permissions
for individual users or groups in the list by selecting the checkbox in the
permission column that is next to the user or group name.
7. After indicating the permissions with selected checkboxes, click Save changes.
A message displays to confirm that your changes are saved.
8. Click Continue to display the actions for the data object.
To add a group to the list:
1. Click the Add a group to the list link.
2. Type the Windows group name in the field. The group must already exist as a
domain group.
3. Click OK.
The group is added to the list.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-9

Adding Security Filters

32.4.4 Moving Folders

To move a folder:
1. Select the folder to move.
2. Click Move.
3. Click Browse to select the new location for the folder.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.
5. Click Move folder.
The folder is moved.
6. Click Continue.

32.4.5 Renaming Folders

To rename a folder:
1. Select the folder to rename.
2. Click Rename.
3. Enter a new name and click Rename folder.
The folder is renamed. You must assign unique folder names within a containing
4. Click Continue.

32.4.6 Deleting Folders

When you delete a folder, you also delete all of the data objects in the folder.
To delete a folder:
1. Select the folder to delete.
2. Click Delete.
A message displays to confirm that you want to delete the folder and all of its
3. Click OK.
The folder is deleted.
4. Click Continue.

32.5 Adding Security Filters

You can add security filters to data objects so that only specific users can view specific
rows in the data object. This can be useful when working with data objects that contain
sensitive or confidential information that is not intended for all report designers or
report viewers.
Security filters perform a lookup using another data object, referred to as a security
data object, containing user names or group names. Before you can add a security
filter, you must create a security data object containing the user names or group names
and the value in the column to allow for each user name or each group name. Security
data objects cannot contain null values.
To add a security filter to a data object:

32-10 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Adding Security Filters

1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.

2. Select the data object to add a security filter to.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Select Security Filters.
If the data object includes security filters, the filter name and a plus sign displays
so that you can expand and view the information.
4. Click Add filter.
The fields for defining the security filter display.
5. Enter the following information:
Name of this Security Filter. Type a name for this filter.
Security Data Object. Select the name of the security data object containing the
mapped columns.
Type of identification. Select either By user or By group from the dropdown list.
The security data object must already include either domain or local users or
groups mapped to values in the identification column.
Identification column in Security Data Object. Select the name of the column for
containing user names or group names.
Match column in Security Data Object. Select the column to match in the security
data object.
Match column in this Data Object. Select the name of the column to match in this
data object.
6. Click Add.
For example, to add a security filter to the following data object, you need a security
data object containing Region information to perform the security lookup.
Example data object:

User Region Sales

John Smith 1 $55,000
Bob Wright 1 $43,000
Betty Reid 2 $38,000

Security data object:

Login Region ID
DomainName\jsmith 1
DomainName\jsmith 2
DomainName\bwright 1
DomainName\breid 2

When the bwright account views a report that accesses the data object with a security
filter applied based on Region ID and Region, it is only able to access information for
jsmith and bwright. It is not able to view the breid information because it is not able to

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-11

Adding Dimensions

view data for the same region. On the other hand, the jsmith account is set up to view
data in both region 1 and 2.

32.5.1 Copying Security Filters from Other Data Objects

You can copy security filters from another data object and apply them to the data
object you are editing.
To copy security filters from another data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Select the data object to add a security filter to.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Select Security Filters.
If the data object includes security filters, the filter name and a plus sign displays
so that you can expand and view the information.
4. Click Copy from.
The Choose Data Object dialog displays.
5. Select the data object that contains the security filters to copy and click OK.
6. You can make changes to the security filters by viewing the filter details and
clicking Edit.
7. Click Save.

32.6 Adding Dimensions

In Architect, you can add dimensions to data objects to define drill paths for charts in
Active Studio. Dimensions contain fields in a hierarchy. When a hierarchy is selected
in chart, the end user can drill down and up the hierarchy of information. When a user
drills down in a chart, they can view data at more and more detailed levels within a
specific value.
Hierarchies are an attribute of a dimension in a data object. Multiple dimensions can
be created in each data object. Each field in a data object can belong to one dimension
only. You can create and edit multiple, independent hierarchies.
To use hierarchies as drill paths in charts, the report designer must select the hierarchy
to use as the drill path. To create a dimension, you must select multiple fields to save
as a dimension. Then you organize the fields into a hierarchy.
An example dimension and hierarchy:

Dimension Hierarchy
Sales Category

To add a dimension and hierarchy:

1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Select the data object to add a dimension to.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.

32-12 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Adding Dimensions

3. Select Dimensions.
4. Click Add a new dimension.
5. Enter a dimension name.
6. Enter a description for the dimension.
7. Select the field names that you want to include in the dimension. An example is
Sales, Category, Brand, and Description.
The field names are moved from the Data Objects Fields list to the Dimension
Fields list to show that they are selected.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Continue.
The new dimension is listed. You must still define a hierarchy for the fields.
10. Click Add new hierarchy.

11. Enter a hierarchy name.

12. Enter a description for the hierarchy.

13. Select the field names that you want to define as attributes for the dimension. An
example is Sales remains in the Dimension Field list, and you click Category,
Brand, and Description to arrange them in a general to more specific order. The
order that you click the fields is the order that they are listed in the Hierarchy Field
list. Arrange the more general grouping field at the top of the Hierarchy Fields list
and the most granular field at the bottom of the Hierarchy Fields list.
14. Click Save.

15. Click Continue.

The new hierarchy is listed. You can edit or remove hierarchies and dimensions by
clicking the links. You can also continue defining multiple hierarchies for the
dimension or add new dimensions to the data object.

32.6.1 Time Dimensions

If your dimension contains a time date data type field, you can select the time levels to
include in the hierarchy.
To select time levels:
1. In a dimension containing a time date data type field, add a hierarchy.
2. Select the time date data type field. If you are editing existing time levels, click
Edit Time Levels.
The Time Levels Definition dialog opens.
3. Click the levels to include in the hierarchy. The levels include:
■ Year. Year in a four digit number.
■ Quarter. Quarter of four quarters starting with quarter one representing
January, February, March.
■ Month. Months one through 12, starting with January.
■ Week of the Year. Numbers for each week starting with January 1st.
■ Day of the Year. Numbers for each day of the year starting with January 1st.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-13

Renaming and Moving Data Objects

■ Day of the Month. Numbers for each day of the month.

■ Day of the Week. Numbers for each day of the week, starting from Sunday to
■ Hour. Numbers from one to twenty four.
■ Minute. Numbers from one to 60.
■ Second. Numbers from one to 60.
4. Click OK to close the dialog.

32.7 Renaming and Moving Data Objects

You can rename and move a data object without editing or clearing the data object. If
you only want to change the data object name or description, use the Rename option.
To rename a data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Select the data object to rename.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Select Rename/Move.
4. Enter the new name, tip text, and description for the data object.
5. Click Save changes.
To move a data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the list.
2. Select the data object to rename.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Select Rename/Move.
4. Click Browse to enter the new location for the data object.
5. Click Save changes.

32.8 Adding Indexes

Indexes improve performance for large data objects containing many rows. Without
any indexes, accessing data requires scanning all rows in a data object. Scans are
inefficient for very large data objects. Indexes can help find rows with a specific value
in a column. If the data object has an index for the fields requested, the information is
found without having to look at all the data. Indexes are most useful for locating rows
by values in columns, aggregating data, and sorting data.
You can add indexes to data objects by selecting fields to be indexed as you are
creating a data object. You cannot add indexes after loading the data object unless you
edit and clear the data object.
To add an index:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Click the data object to add an index to.
3. Select Indexes.

32-14 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
System Data Objects

4. Click Add Index.

The Add Index dialog opens.
5. Enter a Name and Description for the index
6. Add as many fields as needed to create an index for the table.
Click a field in the list on the right to remove the field from the index.
7. Click OK.
The index is added and is named after the fields it contains. You can create more
than one index. To remove an index you created, click Remove Index next to the
Index name.

32.9 Clearing Data Objects

You might want to clear a data object before loading it. Clearing a data object removes
the current contents without deleting the data object from the ADC.
To clear a data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Select the data object to clear.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Click Clear.

32.10 Deleting Data Objects

When deleting data objects, make sure that no Plans are accessing the data objects. You
should also edit or delete reports and alerts referring to the data object that you want
to delete.
To delete a data object:
1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Click the data object to delete.
The general information for the data object displays in the right frame.
3. Click Delete.

32.11 System Data Objects

The System data objects folder contains data objects used to run Oracle Business
Activity Management. You should not make any changes to these data objects, except
for the following:
■ Custom Parameters lets you define global parameters for Action Buttons.
■ Action Form Templates lets you define HTML forms for Action Form views.
■ Chart Themes lets you add or change color themes for view formatting.
■ Matrix Themes lets you add or change color themes for the Matrix view.
■ Util Templates lets you define templates that are used by Action Form views to
transform content.

Beta Draft Creating Data Objects 32-15

System Data Objects

For more information about matrix and color themes, Action Buttons, and Action
Forms see Oracle Fusion Middleware User's Guide for Oracle Business Activity Monitoring.

32-16 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
33 Using External Data Sources

This chapter contain the information needed to create and manage External Data
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 33.1, "Introducing External Data Sources"
■ Section 33.2, "Listing External Data Sources"
■ Section 33.3, "Defining External Data Sources"
■ Section 33.4, "Editing External Data Sources"
■ Section 33.5, "Deleting External Data Sources"
■ Section 33.6, "External Data Source Example"

33.1 Introducing External Data Sources

An external data source is a connection to an external database. External data sources
usually contain data that does not change very much or data that is too large to bring
into the Active Data Cache.
External data source configurations can be exported and imported using ICommand,
but you cannot import or edit the contents using ICommand, Enterprise Link, or
Passwords are entered in clear text. You cannot use DSNs (data source names).

33.2 Listing External Data Sources

To view the existing external data sources:
■ Select External Data Sources from the Architect function list.

Figure 33–1 Architect Function List

Beta Draft Using External Data Sources 33-1

Defining External Data Sources

33.3 Defining External Data Sources

To define an external data source:
1. Select External Data Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Click Create.
3. Enter a name and a description for the external data source.
4. Enter Driver, for example, Microsoft ODBC for Oracle.
5. Enter database user credentials in the Login and Password fields.
6. Enter Connection string/URL.
For a complete example of defining an External Data Source against an Oracle
database, see Section 33.6, "External Data Source Example."

33.4 Editing External Data Sources

To edit an external data source:
1. Select External Data Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Select the external data source to edit.
The external data source properties display.
3. Select Edit.
4. Make the changes and click Save.

33.5 Deleting External Data Sources

To delete an external data source:
1. Select External Data Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Select the external data source to delete.
The data source properties display.
3. Select Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the data source.
The data source is deleted.

33.6 External Data Source Example

This example uses the sample scott/tiger user account and the EMP table in the Oracle
database. You may need to unlock the scott/tiger account before proceeding with this

Step 1: Create an External Data Source

1. Select External Data Sources from the Architect function list.

2. Click Create.
3. Enter myDataSource in the External Data Source Name field.
4. Enter My Example External Data Source in the Description field.
5. Enter Microsoft ODBC for Oracle in the Driver field.

33-2 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
External Data Source Example

6. Enter scott in the Login field and tiger in the Password field.
This sample account comes with your Oracle database installation. If you do not
have this sample account you can create a new account and use it for this example.
7. Enter server=net_service_name in the Connection string/URL.
This entry needs to be a Net Service Name defined in your tnsnames.ora file.
8. Click Save.
9. Click Continue.
The External Data Source information is displayed on the screen.

Step 2: Create a Data Object using the External Data Source

1. Select Data Objects from the Architect function list.
2. Click Create Data Object.
3. Enter Employees in the Name for new Data Object field.
4. Leave the slash (/) in the Location for new Data Object field.
The data object will appear in the top level Data Objects folder.
5. Leave the Tip text field blank.
6. Enter Oracle Database Sample EMP Table in the Description field.
7. Select the External Data Source checkbox.
8. Select myDataSource from the External Data Source list.
9. Enter emp in the External Table Name field.
10. Add the following fields to the data object:

Table 33–1 Fields in Employees Data Object

Field External Field Name Field Type
ename ename String
empno empno Integer
job job String
mgr mgr Integer
hiredate hiredate DateTime
sal sal Decimal
comm comm Decimal
deptno deptno Integer

Keep default settings for field attributes not specified in the table.
11. Click Create Data Object.

12. Click Continue.

13. Click Contents to view the contents of the data object

The data in the Employees data object should match the data in the Oracle
database sample EMP table.

Beta Draft Using External Data Sources 33-3

External Data Source Example

33-4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
34 Creating Alerts

This chapter describes how to use Alerts.

This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 34.1, "Introducing Alerts"
■ Section 34.2, "Creating Alert Rules"
■ Section 34.3, "Using Alert Rule Options"
■ Section 34.4, "Creating Alert Rules From Templates"
■ Section 34.5, "Creating Alert Rules With Messages"
■ Section 34.6, "Creating Complex Alerts"
■ Section 34.7, "Modifying Rules for Alerts"
■ Section 34.10, "Activating Alerts"
■ Section 34.11, "Launching Alerts by URL"
■ Section 34.12, "Deleting Alerts"
■ Section 34.13, "Parameterized Alerts"

34.1 Introducing Alerts

Alerts are launched by a set of specified events and conditions, known as a rule. Alerts
can be launched by data changing in a report or can be used to send a report to users
daily, hourly, or at set intervals. Events in an alert rule can be an amount of time, a
specific time, or a change in a specific report. Conditions restrict the alert rule to an
event occurring between two specific times or dates. As a result of events and
conditions, reports can be sent to users through email.
Alerts can be created in both the Architect and Active Studio web applications.

34.2 Creating Alert Rules

A rule specifies the events and conditions under which an alert will fire.

To create a rule:
1. Select Alerts in the Architect function list.
In Active Studio, select the Alerts tab.
2. Click Create A New Alert.
The Rule Creation and Edit dialog displays.

Beta Draft Creating Alerts 34-1

Using Alert Rule Options

3. Click Create A Rule.

4. Enter a name for the rule.
5. Select an event that will launch the alert.
See Section 34.3.1, "Events" for descriptions of each event.
6. Click Next.
7. Select one or more conditions, if needed.
See Section 34.3.2, "Conditions" for descriptions of each condition.
8. Select one or more actions. See Section 34.3.3, "Actions" for descriptions of each
9. In the rule expression, click each underlined item and specify a value to complete
the alert rule.
For example, click select report, and choose a report in the dialog that displays.
Other values you define include user names receiving reports, dates and times,
time intervals, and filter expressions for a specific field. To continue adding
conditions or actions, click the last line in the expression and then select another
condition or action.
You can click the Back and Next buttons to navigate between the events page and
the page containing actions and conditions, and make changes to those parts of the
rule expression you have already constructed.
10. You can click the Frequency Constraint button to set a limit to how often an alert
can launch.
The default frequency constraint for alerts is five seconds. Type a number and
select a time measurement such as seconds, minutes, or hours, and click OK. To
turn off the frequency constraint, uncheck the Constraint Enabled checkbox. For
more information about frequency constraint see Section 34.3.4, "Frequency
11. Click Delete this expression to remove lines from the alert rule.

12. Click OK.

The alert rule is added to list and is active.

34.3 Using Alert Rule Options

The following sections describe the options for creating alert rules:
■ Section 34.3.1, "Events"
■ Section 34.3.2, "Conditions"
■ Section 34.3.3, "Actions"
■ Section 34.3.4, "Frequency Constraint"

34.3.1 Events
Events launch the rule and trigger the action. Each rule contains only one event.

In a specific amount of time

Select a time interval in seconds, minutes, or hours.

34-2 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Using Alert Rule Options

At a specific time today

Select a time.

On a certain day at a specific time

Select a specific date and a time.

Every interval between two times

Select a time interval and two times.

Every date interval starting on certain date at a specific time

Select a date interval such as day, week, month, or year, and a specific date and time.

When a report changes

Select a report to monitor.

When a data field changes in data object

Select a data object and a data field to monitor.

When a data field in a report meets specified conditions

Select a report, the data object, and create a filter on the field to monitor.

When a data field in a data object meets specified conditions

Select a data object and create a filter on the field to monitor.

When this rule is launched

No options to select. When this rule is launched is the event to create dependencies
between rules.

34.3.2 Conditions
Conditions are optional settings for constraining the period of time in which the alert
is fired. You can select any number of conditions.

If it is between two times

Select two times.

If It is between two days

Select two dates.

If it is a particular day of the week

Select a day of the week.

34.3.3 Actions
Actions are the results of a launched alert. You can select any number of actions.

Send a report via email

Select a report, select to send the report as a report link or as a rendered report, and
select a recipient.

Beta Draft Creating Alerts 34-3

Using Alert Rule Options

Send a message via email

Create a message to send and select a recipient.

Send a report via email and escalate to another user after a specific amount of
Create a message and send to a recipient. Select a secondary recipient to receive the
message if the first recipient does not respond within the specified time period.

Send a parameterized message

You can use this option to send reports to other users under the conditions specified.
This action is available for the events When a data field changes in data object and
When a data field in a data object meets specified conditions. See Section 34.13,
"Parameterized Alerts" for more information.

Launch a rule
Select a dependent rule that includes the when this rule is launched event. For an
example of constructing a dependent rule see Section 34.6, "Creating Complex Alerts."

Launch rule if an action fails

Select a dependent rule to launch if any of the actions included in the rule fail. For an
example of constructing a dependent rule see Section 34.6, "Creating Complex Alerts"

Delete rows from a Data Object

Select the data object, and construct a filter entry such that when the filter condition is
met the row is removed from the data object.

Call a Web Service

When this action is selected, do the following steps to configure the web service:
1. Enter the web service or WSIL end point URL. If it is a secure web service check
the box and enter the required credentials.
2. Click Display Services to display the available services of the URL entered in the
3. Click Map Parameters. To map the paraemters choose the Data Object Field
option, and select a data object field from the list next to each web service
parameter listed in the Alert Web Service - Parameter Mapping dialog.
4. Click OK to closethe Alert Web Service - Parameter Mapping dialog and the Alert
Web Service Configuration dialog.

Run an ODI Scenario

Select the ODI Scenario to run under the specified conditions.

34.3.4 Frequency Constraint

Frequency Constraint can be edited only if it is appropriate for the event selected.
otherwise it will be disabled. It can be set to a value of time which could be in seconds,
minutes, or hours.
Rules have a five second frequency constraint by default. This limits the number of
times the rule will launch in a given time period. With real-time data, transactions can
occur every millisecond, so alerting frequency must be controlled. If the rule is

34-4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Creating Alert Rules With Messages

satisfied many times within five seconds, users would not want alerting more than
once in five seconds.

34.4 Creating Alert Rules From Templates

Alert rule templates are a convenient preselected group of events and conditions based
on some common use cases.
To create an alert rule from a template:
1. Click Create A New Alert.
The Create Alert Rule dialog displays.
2. Click Create A Rule From A Template.
3. Enter a name for the alert rule.
4. Select a template from the list.
5. In the Rule Expression box, click each underlined item and specify a value to
complete the alert rule. For example, click select report, and choose a report in the
dialog that displays. Other values you define include user names receiving
reports, dates and times, time intervals, and filter expressions for a specific field.
6. You can click Frequency Constraint to specify how often an alert can launch. The
default frequency constraint for alerts is five seconds. Enter a number and select a
time measurement such as seconds, minutes, or hours, and click OK.
7. You can click Modify this rule to modify the rule without using the template. This
provides more options for creating rules.
8. Click OK.
The alert rule is added to list and is active.

34.5 Creating Alert Rules With Messages

You can create alert rules that send messages. The messages can contain information
such as report names, links to reports, and user names. Messages can also include
variables that are set when the alert is launched, such as the time that an event
occurred and the data that launched the event. To use data variables, the event must be
based on data.
To create an alert rule that includes a message:
1. Start building an alert rule.
2. Select one of the following actions:
■ Send a message via email
■ Send a message via the recipient's alert delivery settings
3. Click create message in the rule expression.
The Alert Message dialog displays.
4. Enter a subject in the Subject line.
5. Enter the message in the Message Text box.
6. Include special fields into the message.

Beta Draft Creating Alerts 34-5

Creating Complex Alerts

Special fields are listed in the box in the lower left corner of the Alert Message
dialog. The special fields listed change when reports are selected on the right side
of the dialog.
To insert a special field into the message:
a. Select a special field from the list.
b. Click Insert into subject or Insert into text.
You can insert multiple values of the same type, for example, multiple links to
different reports.
■ Send Report Name inserts name of selected report.
■ Send Report Owner inserts owner name of selected report.
■ Send Report Link inserts link to selected report.
■ Changed Report Name inserts name of the changed report.
■ Changed Report Owner inserts Owner Name Of Changed Report.
■ Target User inserts user name of message recipient.
■ Date/Time Sent inserts date and time of message sent.
7. Click OK.

34.6 Creating Complex Alerts

You can create nested rules with many actions and chained rules that launch other
You can chain rules by creating two types of rules:
■ A dependent rule that must be launched by another rule.
■ A rule with an action to launch a dependent rule.
To create dependent rules:
1. Create a rule that includes the event When this rule is launched. There is no value
to specify for this event.
2. Create a rule that includes the action Launch a rule or Launch rule if an action
fails. The Launch rule if action fails applies to any of the actions contained in the
3. Click select rule in the action.
The Select Dependent Rule dialog displays.
4. Select a dependent rule. Only rules that include the When this rule is launched
event display in the list.
5. Click OK.
To handle a failing action, add the action Launch rule if action fails. For example, if a
rule is supposed to send a message, and for some reason the message does not send,
you could launch another rule to notify you.

34.7 Modifying Rules for Alerts

You modify alert rules from the Alerts tab.
To modify an alert rule:

34-6 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Activating Alerts

1. Select the alert rule to edit.

2. Click Edit in the Alert Actions list.
The Rule Creation and Edit dialog displays.
3. Make changes to the alert and click OK.
When you modify alert rules created from a template, you can add new lines and
select conditions and actions the same as when you build alert rules without

34.8 Viewing Alert History

This functionality is only availble in Active Studio.
You can view recent history of alert activity on the Alerts tab. The Alerts History list
displays the 25 most recent alerts launched.
In the Alerts History list, you can view recently launched alerts, the user who created
the alerts, and the time and date that the alerts launched. Alerts that included report
links in them provide links to the report from the report history list.

34.9 Clearing Alert History

This functionality is only availble in Active Studio.
When many alerts are actively launching and the alert history list becomes long, you
might want to clear your alert history list.
To clear the alert history:
1. On the Alerts tab, click Clear alert history.
A message displays to confirm that you want to clear alert history.
2. Click OK.
The alert history list is deleted. New alerts launched after clearing will appear in
the alert history list.

34.10 Activating Alerts

When you create an alert rule, it is automatically active. If you want an alert to be
temporarily inactive but you do not want to delete it, you can turn it off by deselecting
the Activate checkbox.
To change the activity status of an alert rule:
1. Select Alerts from the Architect function list.
2. Select the Activate checkbox for the alert rule.
A checked box means the alert rule is active.
An unchecked box means the alert rule is inactive.
Checking the Activate checkbox does not cause an alert to launch, it only enables the
rule so that if the specified event occurs, the alert will launch.
An exclamation mark on the alert icon indicates it has launched and will not be valid
again or because items that it references are missing and it cannot launch.

Beta Draft Creating Alerts 34-7

Launching Alerts by URL

34.11 Launching Alerts by URL

You can use the alerts web service to manually launch alerts. For more information,
refer to:

You define the rule name using the format:


Note: Active Studio URLs used in alerts and report links contain a
virtual directory using the product build number for caching and
performance purposes. This directory must be included in links, and it
is not recommended to edit these links. Links created with a previous
version of Oracle BAM will not work after a product upgrade. The
alert will require editing or the report shortcut will need to be copied

34.12 Deleting Alerts

To delete an alert:
1. Select the alert to delete.
2. Click Delete in the Alert Actions list.
A dialog displays to confirm that you want to delete the alert.
3. Click OK.
The alert is deleted.

34.13 Parameterized Alerts

When creating a parameterized alert, you must populate the set parameters section. In
this section, populate the User, Delivery, and Report fields with either predefined
values or dynamically from a Data Object field.
■ User field
If you populate this field with predefined values, the value that appears must
follow a format such as MY-DOMAIN\myhost-pc. If you populate this field from a
Data Object field, the value also follows a format such as
■ Delivery field
If you populate this field with predefined values, the value that appears in this
field is Email (or something similar). If you populate this field from a Data Object
field, the value must be smtp.
■ Report field
If you populate this field with predefined values, the value that appears in this
field is Emp_Report (or something similar) If you populate this field from a Data
Object field, the value must be the report ID of that report, and not the name. To
get the report ID, click the report (for example, Emp_Report) and click the Copy
Shortcut link. A window displays with a link such as:

34-8 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Parameterized Alerts

In this link the ReportDef value, 1, is the report ID of the report Emp_Report.
Every report in Oracle Business Activity Monitoring has a unique report ID.

Beta Draft Creating Alerts 34-9

Parameterized Alerts

34-10 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
35 Using the Oracle BAM Data Control

The Oracle BAM data control is a binding component in the Oracle ADF Model. This
chapter provides information about creating and using the Oracle BAM data control.
For more comprehensive information about using Oracle ADF Model data binding,
refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application
Development Framework.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 35.1, "Introduction to the Oracle BAM Data Control"
■ Section 35.2, "Creating Oracle BAM Server Connections"
■ Section 35.3, "Creating Projects That Can Use Oracle BAM Data Controls"
■ Section 35.4, "Exposing Oracle BAM with Oracle ADF Data Controls"
■ Section 35.5, "Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries"
■ Section 35.6, "Using Oracle BAM Data Controls in ADF Pages"

35.1 Introduction to the Oracle BAM Data Control

The Oracle BAM data control allows ADF developers to build applications with a
dynamic user interface that changes based on real-time business events. The Oracle
BAM data control is used to bind data from Oracle BAM data objects to databound UI
components in an ADF page.
The Oracle BAM data control abstracts a query on Oracle BAM data objects using
standard metadata interfaces to describe the Oracle BAM data collections. Using
JDeveloper, you can view that information as icons which you can drag and drop onto
a page. Using those icons, you can create databound UI components (for JSF JSP
pages) by dragging and dropping them from the Data Controls panel onto the visual
editor for a page. JDeveloper automatically creates the metadata that describes the
bindings from the page to the Oracle BAM data objects. At runtime, the ADF Model
layer reads the metadata information from appropriate XML files for both the data
controls and bindings and implements the two-way connection between your user
interface and your Oracle BAM data objects.

35.2 Creating Oracle BAM Server Connections

You must create a connection to Oracle BAM to browse the available data objects in
JDeveloper. This connection information is automatically used during deployment.

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-1

Creating Oracle BAM Server Connections

Note: You can create connections to Oracle BAM in the Oracle

JDeveloper Resource Palette as well as the Application Resources
panel of a specific application. It is recommended that you create these
connections in the Application Resources pane rather than the
Resource Palette.

To create an Oracle BAM connection:

1. Select New from the File main menu in Oracle JDeveloper.
The New Gallery dialog opens.
2. Choose Connections from the General category.
3. Select BAM Connection in the Items list, and click OK.
The BAM Connection wizard opens.
4. Provide a name for the connection. Leave the Create Connection In selection as
Application Resources.
5. Click Next.
6. Enter the following connection information about the Oracle BAM instance.

Field Description
BAM Web Host Enter the name of the host on which the BAM report server and
Web server are installed. In most cases, the BAM Web host and
Oracle BAM Server host are the same.
BAM Server Host Enter the name of the host on which the Oracle BAM Server is
User Name Enter the Oracle BAM Server user name (typically bamadmin).
Password Enter the password of the user name.
HTTP Port Enter the port number or accept the default value of 8888. This is
the HTTP port for the BAM Web host.
RMI Port Enter the port number or accept the default value of 9085. The
RMI port is for the BAM report cache, which is part of the Oracle
BAM Server.
Use HTTPS Select this check box if you want to use secure HTTP (HTTPS) to
connect to the Oracle BAM Server during design time.
Otherwise, HTTP is used.

7. Click Next.
8. Test the connection by clicking Test Connection. If the connection was successful,
the following message appears:

9. Click Finish.

35.2.1 How to Modify Oracle BAM Data Control Connections to Oracle BAM Servers
Each Oracle BAM data control has an associated Oracle BAM connection. When a
connection has changed name or has been removed from the application resources,
you will get an error when you attempt to use any data controls that are associated
with the connection. You can do one of the following to resolve the lost connection:

35-2 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Creating Oracle BAM Server Connections

■ Create a new Oracle BAM connection with the same name as the connection that is
referred to by the data control. See Section 35.2, "Creating Oracle BAM Server
Connections" for more information.
■ Update the current project’s DataControls.dcx file with the name of a new or
existing Oracle BAM connection. See Section 35.2.1, "How to Modify Oracle BAM
Data Control Connections to Oracle BAM Servers" for more information. How to Associate a BAM Data Control with a New Oracle BAM Connection
To change the Oracle BAM connection associated with a particular data control you
must edit the DataControls.dcx file in the current project. Change the connection
attribute of the BAMDataControl element with the name of the desired Oracle BAM

To modify the Oracle BAM connection in an Oracle BAM data control:

1. Optionally, create a new Oracle BAM connection in the application.
If you do not already have a BAM connection in the Application Resources that
you want to use for this data control, create a new one. See Section 35.2, "Creating
Oracle BAM Server Connections" for more information.
2. Locate the DataControls.dcx file in the project, and open it for editing.
The DataControls.dcx file is located in the Application Sources directory under the
node named for the project.

Each project in a JBuilder application has a DataControl.dcx file associated with it.
Each DataControls.dcx file may have one or more data control definitions. If the
current project does not contain the definition for the data control you wish to
modify, look through the other projects in the current application to locate it.
3. In the Source view, locate the appropriate data control definition, and locate the
BAMDataControl element within it.
In the source view find the AdapterDataControl block with the id that matches the
display name of your data control.

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-3

Creating Projects That Can Use Oracle BAM Data Controls

4. Change the connection attribute to the name of the new Oracle BAM
5. Save and close the DataControls.dcx file.

35.3 Creating Projects That Can Use Oracle BAM Data Controls
A limited set of ADF Faces components support active data, therefore a limited set of
ADF Faces components can make use of the main functionality of an Oracle BAM data
control. These technologies must be part of the project; either they are added when the
application is created on an ADF-ready template, or the appropriate tag libraries can
be added to the project later.
Note that an Oracle BAM data control can still be used by view components that do
not support active data.
The Oracle BAM data control requires that the project contain the ADF Faces and ADF
Pages Flow technologies. The Fusion Web Application (ADF) template in JDeveloper
contains these technologies.
However, if you are planning to add an Oracle BAM data control to a project and
application that was not created using an ADF template, you can add the ADF Data
Visualization and ADF Faces Components tag libraries to the project.

To add ADF Data Visualization and ADF Faces Components tag libraries to a
1. In the Application Navigator, right-click the project node and select Project
2. In the Project Properties dialog, select JSP Tag Libraries, and click Add.
3. Select both ADF Data Visualization and ADF Faces Components tag libraries,
and click OK.
4. Click OK to close the Project Properties dialog.

35.4 Exposing Oracle BAM with Oracle ADF Data Controls

Once you have created your Oracle BAM data objects and established a connection to
an Oracle BAM server from JDeveloper, you can use JDeveloper to create data controls
that provide the information needed to declaratively bind UI components to those

35-4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Exposing Oracle BAM with Oracle ADF Data Controls

data objects. Data controls consist of a number of XML metadata files that define the
capabilities of the service that the bindings can work with at runtime.
See Chapter 32, "Creating Data Objects" for information about creating Oracle BAM
data objects. For information about creating a connection to your Oracle BAM
instance, see Section 35.2, "Creating Oracle BAM Server Connections."

35.4.1 How to Create Oracle BAM Data Controls

You create Oracle BAM data controls from within the Application Navigator of

To create a data control:

1. In the Application Navigator, Application Resources panel, right-click the Oracle
BAM data object for which you want to create a data control.
2. From the context menu, choose Create Data Control.

Figure 35–1 Oracle BAM Data Object Context Menu

3. Complete the BAM Data Control wizard to create the data control query.
See Section 35.5, "Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries" for more

35.4.2 What Happens in Your Project When You Create an Oracle BAM Data Control
When you create a data control based on an Oracle BAM data object, the data control
contains a representation of a query on all of the selected fields that is constructed
based on the groupings, aggregates, filters, parameters, and additional calculated
fields that you configure using the BAM Data Control wizard in JDeveloper.
For the data control to work directly with the service and the bindings, JDeveloper
creates the following metadata XML files:
■ Data control definition file (DataControls.dcx)
■ Structure definition files for every structured object that this service exposes
■ Design time XML files

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-5

Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

JDeveloper also adds the icons to the Data Controls panel that you can use to create
data bound UI components. How an Oracle BAM Data Control Appears in the Data Controls Panel
The Data Controls panel lists all the data controls that have been created for the
application’s business services and exposes all the queries that are available for
binding to UI components. The panel is a direct representation of the metadata XML
files created when creating a data control. By editing the data control, you can change
the elements displayed in the panel.

Figure 35–2 Data Controls Panel in JDeveloper

35.5 Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

You can design a databound user interface by dragging an item from the Data Controls
panel and dropping it on a page as a specific UI component. When you use Oracle
BAM data controls to create a UI component, JDeveloper automatically creates the
various code and objects needed to bind the component to the data control you
You can create an Oracle BAM data control query using the Oracle BAM Data Control
wizard. The wizard lets you choose between creating a flat query or a group query.
The following sections explain how to use each page in the wizard to create your
■ Section 35.5.1, "Choosing a Query Type"
■ Section 35.5.2, "How to Create Parameters"
■ Section 35.5.3, "How to Create Calculated Fields"
■ Section 35.5.4, "How to Select, Organize, and Sort Fields"
■ Section 35.5.5, "How to Create Filters"
■ Section 35.5.6, "How to Select and Organize Groups"
■ Section 35.5.7, "How to Create Aggregates"

35-6 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

35.5.1 Choosing a Query Type

On the Name page of the Oracle BAM Data Control wizard you can choose to create
either a flat query or a group query.
Create a flat query for the Oracle BAM Data Control when you want to show the data
in a flat table or list.
Create a group query for the Oracle BAM Data Control when you want to create
groups and aggregates of data to display in trees or charts.

35.5.2 How to Create Parameters

On the Parameters page of the Oracle BAM Data Control wizard you can create
parameters that are used to pass values to filters on the Filters page of the wizard.

To create parameters:
1. Click Add to add a parameter.

2. To rename the parameter enter the text in the Name field.

3. Select the data type from the Type list.

Table 35–1 Oracle BAM and Java Type Mapping

Java Type Oracle BAM Type
java.lang.Integer Integer
java.lang.String String
java.util.Date DateTime, Timestamp
java.lang.Boolean Boolean
java.lang.Long Decimal
jave.lang.Double Float

4. To provide a default value for the parameter when loading the data control query,
select Enable Default Value and choose a default value.
To enter a default value for the parameter, select one of the available defaults, or
enter a value in the field.
Returns rows containing all values.
Returns rows containing null values
Returns rows containing blank string values.

35.5.3 How to Create Calculated Fields

Calculated fields allow you to create new columns based on data derived from existing
fields without updating the physical data object. Use the Oracle BAM Data Control
wizard Calculated Fields page to create them.

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-7

Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

To create calculated fields:

1. Click Add to add a calculated field.
The new default field name appears in the list of calculations.
2. Click Rename to change the display name of a calculated field.
3. To enter an expression, choose an expression from the expressions list, and click
Insert Expr and complete the expression.
There are several preformed expressions available. See Oracle Fusion Middleware
User’s Guide for Oracle Business Activity Monitoring for examples and more
information about each expression.
4. To use a data object field in a calculation, select the field from the field list, and
click Insert Field. Creating Groups in Calculated Fields

You can create groups in the calculations page.

To create groups on calculations:

1. Select a calculation in the calculations list.

2. Click Group By.

3. Choose a field to group by, and click OK.

35.5.4 How to Select, Organize, and Sort Fields

To deselect all of the fields, uncheck the ALL check box, and select individual fields.
The field at the top of the list will appear in the left-most column of the final table in
the ADF page. To change the order in which the fields appear, select a field and use the
blue arrows to move it up or down the list.
To apply sorting on a field, click the sorting type in the Sorting column, and choose a
new sorting type from the list.

Note: If you use Active Data, sorting will be preserved on Update,

Upsert operations, but not on Insert operations.

35.5.5 How to Create Filters

You can apply filters to both Group Query and Flat Query types of Oracle BAM data
controls. Add combinations of entries and headers to create complex filter expressions. How to Create Filter Headers

To create a sub-header under an existing header:

1. In the Filters page of the Create BAM Data Control wizard, select a header under
which to add the sub-header, and click Add Header.
You can select the main header at the top of the filter expression to create a
sub-header under it.
2. To change the operator (default ALL), select the header, and click Edit. For the
following operator options, data is returned when:
■ ALL. All of the included entries are true.

35-8 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

■ NONE. None of the included entries are true.

■ AT LEAST ONE. At least one and maybe more of the included entries are
■ NOT ALL. Some or none of the included entries are true, but not all of the
included entries are true.
3. Select an operator from the Filters list, and click OK. How to Create Filter Entries

To create a filter entry:

1. In the Filters page of the Create BAM Data Control wizard, select a header under
which to add the filter entry. For information about creating headers in the filter
expression see <creating header xref>.
2. Click Add Filter Entry.
The Add Filter Entry dialog opens.
3. Choose a field from the Field list.
4. Choose an expression from the Comparison list. Choices include:
■ is equal to returns rows containing an exact value match.
■ is not equal to returns rows containing all values except specified value.
See Section, "Entering Comparison Values" for information on
configuring comparison values.
■ is less than returns rows containing values less than specified value.
■ is less than or equal to returns rows containing values less than or equal to
specified value.
■ is greater than returns rows containing values greater than specified value.
■ is greater than or equal to returns rows containing values greater than or
equal to specified value.
■ is like returns rows containing values that match a string pattern. Include an
underscore (_) as a wildcard for a single character in a string and a percent
symbol (%) as a wildcard for one character or more. Wildcard characters can
be combined, for example, %mm _00 would return all columns (35mm 200,
35mm 400, 35mm 800). Do not enter any spaces in the expression since spaces
are treated as characters in the data match.
■ is not like returns rows containing values that do not match a string pattern.
■ is null returns rows containing values where the column is null. If you select
this comparison, your filter configuration is complete. Click OK to create the
filter. For numeric data types, nulls are not returned for filters returning values
equal to zero. In other words, zeroes are not treated as null values. A null
represents missing data in the field.
■ is not null returns rows containing values where the column is not null. If you
select this comparison, your filter configuration is complete. Click OK to
create the filter. For numeric data types, nulls are not returned for filters
returning values equal to zero. In other words, zeroes are not treated as null
values. A null represents missing data in the field.

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-9

Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

■ is in list returns rows containing values included in a list. To build a list, click
Edit. Type a value in the field and click Add to add it to the list. Add as many
values as needed. Click Browse to choose values currently present in the Data
Object. Click Remove to remove a value. Click OK to close the dialog.
■ is not in list returns rows containing values not included in the list. To build a
list, click Edit. Type a value in the field and click Add to add it to the list. Add
as many values as needed. Click Browse to choose values currently present in
the Data Object. Click Remove to remove a value. Click OK to close the
■ is within a time interval returns rows containing values that occur within the
specified time interval. Configure the time interval using the provided lists.
Select a Type, enter a multiplier in the field and select a Unit.
When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, you can enable Active Now
to keep the displayed time interval current as time passes. Configure the
Active Now Interval to specify how often to refresh the display. See
Section, "Using Active Now" for more information.
■ is within the current time period returns rows containing values that occur
within the current specified time unit. Select a Unit from the list.
When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, you can enable Active Now
to keep the displayed time period current as time passes. See Section,
"Using Active Now" for more information.
■ is within a time period returns rows containing values that occur within the
specified time period. Configure the time period using the provided lists.
Enter a value in the Offset field, select a Unit, and select a Type.
When filtering on a datetime or timestamp field, you can enable Active Now
to keep the displayed time period current as time passes. See Section,
"Using Active Now" for more information.
5. Click OK to add the entry to the filter expression. Entering Comparison Values

For most Comparison values you must choose Value, Field, or Calculation from the
Value list. Comparison With a Value If you select Value, do one of the following:
■ Click Browse to see a list of values present in the Data Object. Select a value from
the list. Up to 50 values display in the list. The field can be left blank to create a
filter on a blank string.

Note: If there are more than 50 values in the field, not all of the
values are shown in the Browse list. Your Oracle Business Activity
Monitoring administrator can configure the number of rows to display
in the list. See the Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Installation Guide
for more information.

■ Manually enter a value in the field. Comparison With a Field If you select Field, select a field from the last list to
compare with the field selected in the Field list.

35-10 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries Comparison With a Calculation If you select Calculation, enter an expression in

the field to compare with the first field.
For example, if you create a list view using the sample Call Center data object and
create a filter with the following attributes:
■ Field. Total
■ Comparison. is equal to
■ Value. Calculation
■ Calculation field. Quantity*2
This filter will yield only those rows where the value in the Total column is equal to
twice the value in the Quantity column. Using Active Now

The Active Now feature in data filtering enables you to display in your views a
segment of the data that is always within a defined time window. As time passes, the
view is updated with the data within the defined time interval in the filter. Older data
is removed from the view and newer data is added as time passes.
Active Now is available when you choose one of the following comparison
■ is within a time interval
■ is within the current time period
■ is within a time period
Active Now behaves differently depending on which comparison expression you
When you choose is within a time interval, you can control how often the data is
refreshed using the Active Now Interval setting.
For example, if you create a filter using is within a time interval, previous type, 1,
Hours unit, and Active Now, set the Active Now Interval to 60 seconds, and the
current time is 3:25 p.m., data from 2:25 p.m. - 3:25 p.m. is displayed in the view. When
the current time changes to 3:26 p.m., data from 2:26 p.m. - 3:26 p.m. is displayed in
the view. Every 60 seconds the oldest minute of data is removed from the view and the
newest minute is added.
When you choose is within the current time period or is within a time period, the
data is refreshed when the time period changes.
For example, when you create a filter using is within the current time period, the
Hours unit, and Active Now, and the current time is 3:25 p.m., only data from 3:00
p.m. - 3:59 p.m. is displayed in the view until the current time is 4:00 p.m. At 4:00 p.m.
all the data from 3:00 p.m. - 3:59 p.m. is removed from the view, and data that
accumulates during the 4:00 p.m. - 4:59 p.m. time interval is displayed in the view.

35.5.6 How to Select and Organize Groups

To specify a group:
1. In the Groups page of the Create BAM Data Control wizard, select one or more
fields in the Group Fields list.
To group by numeric fields, first select Show Numeric Fields at the bottom of the

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-11

Creating Oracle BAM Data Control Queries

2. To change the display order in which the groups will be presented in a graph,
select a sorting option from the Sorting list for any selected field.
3. If a datetime field is selected in the Fields list, several options are enabled for
configuring Time Groups on the right side of the wizard page.
See Section, "How to Configure Time Groups and Time Series" for more
information. How to Configure Time Groups and Time Series

You can create a chart where the grouping (x axis) is based on a datetime field.

To configure time groups:

1. In the Groups page of the Create BAM Data Control wizard, select a single field of
type datetime in the Group Fields list.
This action enables the Time Groups options on the right side of the wizard page.
2. Select Continuous Time Series to display empty groups for time intervals where
no data is available.
There may be time gaps where the data object did not have entries. The
Continuous Time Series feature adds groups to the result whose values are zero, so
that when the results are shown on the graph, the x axis represents a smooth time
Continuous Time Series is valid only if you have chosen a single datetime field to
group by. Continuous Time Series is not supported if any additional group fields
are selected.
3. Select either Use Time Series or Use Time Groups.
■ Use Time Series displays the data from the first datetime data point available
in the data object to the last in the configured time interval.
■ Use Time Groups displays data grouped into a set number of time intervals.
For example, if you select Month from the time unit list, all data from January
from all years where data is available will be grouped in one data point on the
4. Select a time unit from the list.
If you selected Use Time Groups, the groups are described in the following list.
– Year displays groups for all of the years where data is available.
– Quarter displays four groups representing the quarters of a year
(January-March, April-June, July-September, and October-December).
– Month displays twelve groups representing the months of the year.
– Week displays 52 groups representing the weeks in a year.
– Day of Year displays groups representing the 365 possible days in a year.
– Day of Month displays 31 groups representing the possible days of a month.
– Day of Week displays seven groups representing the days of the week.
– Hour displays 24 groups representing the hours of a day.
– Minute displays 60 groups representing the minutes in an hour.
– Second displays 60 groups representing the seconds in a minute.

35-12 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Using Oracle BAM Data Controls in ADF Pages

5. Enter a quantity of the time unit to group by. For example, entering a 2 next to the
Month time unit will display the groups in two month increments (January and
February will be grouped as one data point on the chart).
6. Click Next or Finish.

35.5.7 How to Create Aggregates

To specify an aggregate on a field:

1. In the Aggregates page of the Create BAM Data Control wizard, select a field in
the Fields list.
The valid Summary Functions for the data type of that field are enabled.
2. Select one or more valid Summary Functions.
The expressions appear in the Summary Values list.

35.5.8 How to Modify the Query

To edit the Oracle BAM data control, right click the data control node, and select Edit
Definition. The Edit BAM Data Control wizard opens and you can jump to any page
to edit that part of the query.

35.6 Using Oracle BAM Data Controls in ADF Pages

Oracle BAM data controls can be used a subset of ADF Faces components in a JSF

To use the Oracle BAM data control in a JSF page:

1. Set the default browser:

a. In the JDeveloper Tools menu, select Preferences.

b. In the Preferences dialog, select Web Browser and Proxy.
c. Choose a default browser by entering the path to the browser’s executable in
the Browser Command Line field, enter any applicable proxy information,
and click OK.
2. Create a JSF page:
■ Right click project, select New, select JSF under the Web Tier category, and
select JSF JSP in Items list.
■ Check the option Create as XML Document (*.jspx) and uncheck Render in
Mobile Device.
3. Drag and drop an accessor nodefrom the Data Controls panel to the JSF page

4. Select a data visualization component.

A subset of ADF components support active data. See the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework for more
information about binding data controls with data visualization components.
5. Save all, and in the Oracle JDeveloper toolbar, click Run Project.

Beta Draft Using the Oracle BAM Data Control 35-13

Using Oracle BAM Data Controls in ADF Pages

35-14 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
36 Creating Enterprise Message Sources

This chapter contain the information needed to create and manage oracle BAM
enterprise message sources.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 36.1, "Introducing Enterprise Message Sources"
■ Section 36.2, "Listing Enterprise Message Sources"
■ Section 36.3, "Defining Enterprise Message Sources"
■ Section 36.4, "Editing Enterprise Message Sources"
■ Section 36.5, "Copying Enterprise Message Sources"
■ Section 36.6, "Deleting Enterprise Message Sources"

36.1 Introducing Enterprise Message Sources

Enterprise message sources are used by applications to provide direct Java Message
Service (JMS) connectivity to the Oracle BAM server. JMS is the standard messaging
API for passing data between application components and allowing business
integration in heterogeneous and legacy environments.
Each enterprise message source connects to a specific JMS topic or queue and the
information is delivered into a data object in the Oracle BAM Active Data Cache. The
Oracle BAM Architect web application is used to configure enterprise message
The following JMS providers are supported:
■ Oracle Enterprise Message Service JMS In-Memory and File-Based resource
■ Oracle Enterprise Message Service Database resource provider
■ Non-Oracle JMS providers
– WebSphereMQ
– Tibco
– SonicMQ
The following message types are supported:
■ Map message
■ Text message with XML payload
The following XML formatting options are supported for Text message transformation:

Beta Draft Creating Enterprise Message Sources 36-1

Listing Enterprise Message Sources

■ Pre-processing
■ Message specification
■ Column value (Column values can be provided either as elements or attributes in
the XML payload.)

36.2 Listing Enterprise Message Sources

To view the existing enterprise message sources:
■ Select Enterprise Message Sources from the Architect function list.

Figure 36–1 Architect Function List

36.3 Defining Enterprise Message Sources

When you define an enterprise message source, you specify all of the fields in the
messages to be received. Some messaging systems have a variable number of
user-defined fields, while other systems have a fixed number of fields.
For any string type field, you can apply formatting to that field to break apart the
contents of the field into separate, individual fields. This is useful for messaging
systems where you cannot create user-defined fields and the entire message body is
received as one large field. The formatting specifications allow you to specify the path
to a location in the XML tree, and then extract the attributes or tags as fields.
Before defining an enterprise message source, you must be familiar with the third
party application providing the messages so that you can specify the message source
connection details in Architect.
To define an enterprise message source:
1. Select Enterprise Message Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Click Create.
3. Using Table 36–1 as a guide, enter the appropriate values in each of the fields.
4. If you are using TextMessage type, configure the appropriate parameters in the
XML Formatting sections, using Table 36–2 as a guide.
5. Source Value Formatting.
6. Map fields from the source message to the Oracle BAM data object in the Source
to Data Object Field Mapping section.

Table 36–1 Enterprise Message Source Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
Name A unique display name that appears in the Enterprise Message
Sources list in Architect.

36-2 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Defining Enterprise Message Sources

Table 36–1 (Cont.) Enterprise Message Source Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
Initial Context Factory The initial context factory to be used for looking up specified
JMS connection factory or destination. For example:
JNDI Service Provider URL Configuration information for the service provider to use. Used
to set javax.naming.Context.PROVIDER_URL property and
passed as an argument to initialContext(). An incorrect provider
URL is the most common cause of errors. For example:
Topic/Queue The name used in a JNDI lookup of a previously created JMS
ConnectionFactory Name connection factory. For example:
Topic/Queue Name The name used in the JNDI lookup of a previously created JMS
topic or queue. For example:
JNDI Username The indentity of the principal for authenticating the JNDI service
caller. This user must have RMI login permissions.
Used to set javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPLAL and
passed to initialContext().
JNDI Password The indentity of the principal for authenticating the JNDI service
Used to set javax.naming.Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS
and passed to initialContext().
JMS Message Type TextMessage or MapMessage.
If TextMessage is selected, XML is used to specify the contents of
the payload, and an additional set of XML Formatting
configuration paraemters must be completed. See Table 36–2 for
more information.
Durable Subscriber Name
Message Selector (Optional) A single name-value pair (currently only one name-value pair os
supported) that allows an application to have a JMS provider
select, or filter, messages on its behalf using application-specific
criteria. When this parameter is set, the application-defined
message property value must match the specified criteria for it
to receive messages. To set message property values, use
stringProperty() method on the Message interface.
Data Object Name Data object in Oracle BAM in which to deposit message data.
Operations can be performed on only one data object per
enterprise message source. The data object can have Lookup
Click Browse to choose a data object.
Operation Select the operation from the list:
Insert inserts all new data as new rows
Upsert merges data into existing rows
Update updates exsisting rows
Delete removes rows from the data object

Beta Draft Creating Enterprise Message Sources 36-3

Defining Enterprise Message Sources

Table 36–1 (Cont.) Enterprise Message Source Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
Start when BAM Server
JMS Username (Optional) You can optionally provide this information when a new JMS
connection is created by a connection factory.
JMS Password (Optional)
Used to authenticate a connection to a JMS provider for either
application-managed or container-managed authentication.

Table 36–2 Enterprise Message Source XML Formatting Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description
Pre-Processing XSL transformation can be applied to an incoming Text Message
before message retrieval and column mapping are done. See
Section 36.3.1, "Using Advanced XML Formatting" for more
XML names can be qualified. If qualified, check the Namespace
Qualified box and enter the namespace URI in the field.
Message Element Name The parent element that contains column values in either its
sub-elements or attributes.
XML names can be qualified. If qualified, check the Namespace
Qualified box and enter the namespace URI in the field.
Message Batching Multiple messages can be batched in a single JMS message. If
this is the case, a wrapper element must be specified as the
containing element in Batch Element Name.
Column Value Column values can be provided using either elements or
attributes in an XML payload. Specify which column value type
will be provided in the payload.

Table 36–3 Enterprise Message Source Source Value Formatting Configuration

Parameter Description

36.3.1 Using Advanced XML Formatting

The Advanced formatting options allow an enterprise message source to contain a
user-supplied XSL Transformation (XSLT) for each formatted field in the message.
Uses for XSL transformations include:
■ Handling of hierarchical data. The Data Flow does not handle hierarchical data.
The XSL transformation can flatten the received XML into a single record with
repeating fields.
■ Handling of message queues that contain messages of more than one type in a
single queue. The Data Flow requires that all records from the Message Receiver
be of the same schema. The enterprise message source output can be defined as a
combined superset of the message schemas that will be received, and the XSL
transformation can identify each message type and map it to the superset schema
as appropriate.

36-4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Defining Enterprise Message Sources

■ Handling of XML that, while not expressing hierarchical data, does contain
needed data at more than one level in the XML. EMS formatting can only read
from one level with the XML. The XSL transformation can identify the data
needed at various levels in the input XML and output it all in new XML that
contains all of the data combined at one level.
■ Handling changes to message formats without affecting Plans. If a complex
message-processing Plan exists and the format of the messages, or the data in
them, is changed slightly, the XSL transformation could compensate for this
change so that changes to the Plan are not required.
To specify an XSL transformation:
1. In an enterprise message source that you are defining or editing, select one of the
XML formatting options in the Formatting column.
2. Click Advanced formatting options.
The Advanced Formatting dialog displays.
3. Type or paste the XSL code for the transformation for the XML in this field. You
might want to write the XSL in another editing tool and then copy and paste the
code into this dialog.
4. In the Sample XML to transform field, type sample XML to test the
transformation against. The sample XML is not saved in this dialog and will not be
displayed if you close and open this dialog.
5. Click Verify transformation syntax to check the XSL syntax.
6. Click Test transformation on sample XML to test your transformation.
The results are displayed in the field underneath the links. If any errors are found
in the XSL syntax, the sample XML syntax, or during the transformation, the error
text is shown in this field.

36.3.2 XSL Processing and Example Code

This section presents an example. XSL Processing in an Example Enterprise Message Source

The Enterprise Message Receiver Transform receives messages from the queue, and
converts them to a traditional row and column format to send into the Data Flow.
The records in the Data Flow must be flat records because hierarchical data is not
supported. The Message Receiver can generate multiple Data Flow records for each
received message, but all records must have the same schema.
In the Enterprise Message Source definition, a formatting specification can be
provided for any fields in the message of type String to parse XML inside the string
field. Typically for MSMQ, the Body field of the message contains the XML for the
The formatting specification indicates how the received XML is to be converted into
one or more records. It assumes that the fields of data are contained within a particular
single node-type within the XML, either as attributes of that node or as tags directly
contained in that node. Although this formatting can handle multiple instances of the
node, it cannot handle multiple node types, nor can it handle hierarchies in the XML.
The following example shows how a simple message might look:

Beta Draft Creating Enterprise Message Sources 36-5

Defining Enterprise Message Sources

<description>Fuel pump</description>
<description>Fuel filter</description>

The generated records for the preceding message might look like the following:

Description Price Quantity

Fuel pump 128.95 1
Fuel filter 12.95 1 Handling Complex Messages

To handle complex XML, or do formatting or parsing not supported by the Enterprise
Message Receiver, the Enterprise Message Source can contain an XSL-T specification to
"preprocess" the received XML before it is passed to the Message Receiver formatting.
This transformation can be complex, and can contain any code supported by the
Microsoft .NET XSL-T Processor, including scripting. Any field in the received
message of type String can have an XSL-T preprocessor. In the case of MSMQ, this is
almost always the Body field of the message.
The XSL-T code can be used for any purpose required. For this example, it is used to
translate hierarchical message XML into simpler XML that can be handled by the
formatting. Typically, this would mean flattening of the hierarchical message into
multiple records, where the higher-level field values repeat.

Phoenix Debt Order Messages

The XML in these messages expresses a hierarchy. Each message contains a root
PhoenixDebtOrder tag, which contains one or more PhoenixDebtOrderProduct tags,
which each contain one or more PhoenixDebtOrderIOI tags:
<PhoenixDebtOrder attr1 attr2>
<PhoenixDebtOrderProduct attr3 attr4>
<PhoenixDebtOrderIOI attr5 attr6>
The values at each level are contained in attributes on the tags.
The purpose of the XSL transformation is to convert the preceding hierarchy into a flat
structure containing a node for each PhoenixDebtOrderIOI node, with the values for
the parent tags repeated in each instance:
<Flat attr1 attr2 attr3 attr4 attr5 attr6>
The XSL assumes that the attribute names are different at each level, or if they are not
different, that they represent the same information and do not need to be repeated.
The XSL does a generic copy of all of the attributes at each level, and no specific
attribute names are referenced. If attributes are added or removed at any level, it is not
necessary to change the XSL code, although in such cases, it is necessary to change the
formatting in the Enterprise Message Source.

36-6 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Defining Enterprise Message Sources Phoenix Debt Order Example

The following text shows a sample Phoenix Debt Order message:
<PhoenixDebtOrder ord_id="1847494630" rgn_id="0"
last_modified_dt="2003-06-23T16:56:35.900" ae_up_id="0" deleted_ind="0"
iss_id="1847492081" brk_id="1877504017" inst_inv_id="0" swap_ind="0"
<PhoenixDebtOrderProduct ord_id="1847494630" prd_id="1847494611"
price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827" canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty=""
<PhoenixDebtOrderIOI ord_ioi_id="1847558620" ord_id="1847494630"
ioi_prd_id="1847494611" ioi_size="4770000000" ioi_px="14.123512"/>
<PhoenixDebtOrderIOI ord_ioi_id="1847558621" ord_id="1847494630"
ioi_prd_id="1847494611" ioi_size="5540000000" ioi_px="15.252500"/>
<PhoenixDebtOrderIOI ord_ioi_id="1847558619" ord_id="1847494630"
ioi_prd_id="1847494611" ioi_size="3330000000" ioi_px="12.500000"/>
<PhoenixDebtOrderProduct ord_id="1847494630" prd_id="1847494612"
price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827" canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty=""
<PhoenixDebtOrderIOI ord_ioi_id="1847558620" ord_id="1847494630"
ioi_prd_id="1847494612" ioi_size="5880000000" ioi_px="14.124512"/>
<PhoenixDebtOrderIOI ord_ioi_id="1847558621" ord_id="1847494630"
ioi_prd_id="1847494612" ioi_size="4430000000" ioi_px="12.252500"/>

The following text shows the transformed XML produced for the previous example:
<Flat ord_id="1847494630" rgn_id="0"
last_modified_dt="2003-06-23T16:56:35.900" ae_up_id="0" deleted_ind="0"
iss_id="1847492081" brk_id="1877504017" inst_inv_id="0" swap_ind="0"
identity_nm="" prd_id="1847494611" price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827"
canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty="" ret_alloc_qty="" ord_ioi_id="1847558620"
ioi_prd_id="1847494611" ioi_size="4770000000" ioi_px="14.123512"/>
<Flat ord_id="1847494630" rgn_id="0"
last_modified_dt="2003-06-23T16:56:35.900" ae_up_id="0" deleted_ind="0"
iss_id="1847492081" brk_id="1877504017" inst_inv_id="0" swap_ind="0"
identity_nm="" prd_id="1847494611" price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827"
canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty="" ret_alloc_qty="" ord_ioi_id="1847558621"
ioi_prd_id="1847494611" ioi_size="5540000000" ioi_px="15.252500"/>
<Flat ord_id="1847494630" rgn_id="0"
last_modified_dt="2003-06-23T16:56:35.900" ae_up_id="0" deleted_ind="0"
iss_id="1847492081" brk_id="1877504017" inst_inv_id="0" swap_ind="0"
identity_nm="" prd_id="1847494611" price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827"
canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty="" ret_alloc_qty="" ord_ioi_id="1847558619"
ioi_prd_id="1847494611" ioi_size="3330000000" ioi_px="12.500000"/>
<Flat ord_id="1847494630" rgn_id="0"
last_modified_dt="2003-06-23T16:56:35.900" ae_up_id="0" deleted_ind="0"
iss_id="1847492081" brk_id="1877504017" inst_inv_id="0" swap_ind="0"
identity_nm="" prd_id="1847494612" price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827"
canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty="" ret_alloc_qty="" ord_ioi_id="1847558620"
ioi_prd_id="1847494612" ioi_size="5880000000" ioi_px="14.124512"/>
<Flat ord_id="1847494630" rgn_id="0"
last_modified_dt="2003-06-23T16:56:35.900" ae_up_id="0" deleted_ind="0"
iss_id="1847492081" brk_id="1877504017" inst_inv_id="0" swap_ind="0"
identity_nm="" prd_id="1847494611" price_basis="spread" ioi_ccy_id="1847483827"
canceled_ind="0" inst_alloc_qty="" ret_alloc_qty="" ord_ioi_id="1847558621"
ioi_prd_id="1847494612" ioi_size="4430000000" ioi_px="12.252500"/>

Beta Draft Creating Enterprise Message Sources 36-7

Defining Enterprise Message Sources Sequence Numbers

A single parameter is passed to the XSL transformation from the Message Receiver
Transform, called "SequenceNumber". This is an integer that starts at one and
increments for each message received. This number can be used to identify the set of
records generated for a single original message, or for any other purpose desired by
the XSL code.
In this case, the XSL code does use this number to identify the set of records that are
generated for a single message, but with a twist.
The goal is for an iterating SubPlan within the Data Flow to iterate once for each set of
records produced by a single message, using the Iterate each time a key field changes
value option for the SubPlan. The XSL passes the sequence number in the Data Flow
records as a field named "seq_no", and this is the key field used for SubPlan iteration.
The SubPlan does not actually iterate until the key value changes. If a gap in time
exists between messages, completion of processing for the prior message is delayed
until the next message is received since changes are not committed until the SubPlan
iterates through using the "Group Transaction" feature. To solve this problem, the XSL
always generates an extra "dummy" record, or tag, at the end of the set of records for
each message. Since the sequence numbers are incremented by one, the XSL can know
what the next sequence number will be, unlike with an MSMQ message ID. It can use
the sequence number that the next message will use. The Data Flow contains logic to
recognize and ignore the dummy records, which are denoted by an "ord_id" attribute
value of "dummy". XSLT Code

Example 36–1 shows the XSLT code contained within the Enterprise Message Source.

Example 36–1 Enterprise Message Source XSLT

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="">
<xsl:param name="SequenceNumber"/>
<xsl:output method="xml" omit-xml-declaration="yes"/>
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:when test="PhoenixDebtOrder">
<xsl:apply-templates select="PhoenixDebtOrder"/>
<!-- There is no root PhoenixDebtOrder tag -->
<!-- Generate a tag with no attribute values -->
<xsl:attribute name="seq_no">
<xsl:value-of select="$SequenceNumber"/></xsl:attribute>
<!-- Dummy row, always generated at the end, with the sequence number
that the next set of rows will have. Used to cause the SubPlan
to iterate immediately after the receipt of all rows for this order-->
<Flat ord_id="Dummy">
<xsl:attribute name="seq_no">
<xsl:value-of select="$SequenceNumber + 1"/></xsl:attribute>

36-8 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Defining Enterprise Message Sources

<xsl:template match="PhoenixDebtOrder">
<xsl:when test="PhoenixDebtOrderProduct">
<xsl:apply-templates select="PhoenixDebtOrderProduct"/>
<!-- There are no products -->
<!-- Generate a tag with only the attributes from the root
PhoenixDebtOrder tag -->
<xsl:for-each select="@*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<xsl:attribute name="seq_no">
<xsl:value-of select="$SequenceNumber"/></xsl:attribute>
<xsl:template match="PhoenixDebtOrderProduct">
<xsl:when test="PhoenixDebtOrderIOI">
<xsl:apply-templates select="PhoenixDebtOrderIOI"/>
<!-- This product has no IOIs -->
<!-- Generate a tag with only the attributes from the root
PhoenixDebtOrder tag and the parent PhoenixDebtOrderProductTag -->
<xsl:for-each select="../@*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<xsl:for-each select="@*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<xsl:attribute name="seq_no">
<xsl:value-of select="$SequenceNumber"/></xsl:attribute>
<!-- Add a linebreak to the output XML, just for appearance -->
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&#10;</xsl:text>
<xsl:template match="PhoenixDebtOrderIOI">
<!-- Root PhoenixDebtOrder attributes -->
<xsl:for-each select="../../@*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<!-- PhoenixDebtOrderProduct attributes -->
<xsl:for-each select="../@*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<!-- PhoenixDebtOrderIOI attributes -->
<xsl:for-each select="@*">
<xsl:copy-of select="."/>
<xsl:attribute name="seq_no">
<xsl:value-of select="$SequenceNumber"/></xsl:attribute>

Beta Draft Creating Enterprise Message Sources 36-9

Editing Enterprise Message Sources

<!-- Add a linebreak to the output XML, just for appearance -->
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes">&#10;</xsl:text>

36.4 Editing Enterprise Message Sources

To edit an enterprise message source:
1. Select Enterprise Message Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Click the name of the enterprise message source.
The message source properties display.
3. Click Edit.
4. Make the changes and click Save.

36.5 Copying Enterprise Message Sources

To copy an enterprise message source:
1. Select Enterprise Message Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Click the name of the enterprise message source to copy.
The message source properties display.
3. Click Copy.
4. Type a new name for the copy of the enterprise message source and click Copy.
The new message source is created and added to the list.

36.6 Deleting Enterprise Message Sources

To delete an enterprise message source:
1. Select Enterprise Message Sources from the Architect function list.
2. Click the name of the enterprise message source to delete.
The message source properties display.
3. Click Delete.
4. Click OK to confirm that you want to delete the message source.
The message source is deleted.

36-10 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
37 Using ICommand

This chapter provides usage and reference material for the ICommand command-line
utility and web service. It contains the following topics:
■ Section 37.1, "Introducing ICommand"
■ Section 37.2, "Executing ICommand"
■ Section 37.3, "General Command and Option Syntax"
■ Section 37.4, "Object Name Syntax"
■ Section 37.5, "Command-line-only Parameters"
■ Section 37.7, "Summary of Individual Commands"
■ Section 37.8, "Detailed Command Descriptions"
■ Section 37.9, "Format of Command File"
■ Section 37.10, "Format of Log File"
■ Section 37.11, "Sample Export File"
■ Section 37.12, "Regular Expressions"
■ Section 37.13, "Using ICommand Web Service"

37.1 Introducing ICommand

ICommand is a command-line utility and web service that provides a set of commands
that perform various operations on items in the Active Data Cache. You can use
ICommand to export, import, rename, clear, and delete items from Active Data Cache.
The commands can be contained in an input XML file, or a single command can be
entered on the command line. Informational and error messages may be output to
either the command window or to an XML file.

37.2 Executing ICommand

Before attempting to execute ICommand, the JAVA_HOME environment variable must
be set to point to the root directory of the supported version of JDK (JDK 1.5 or later).
ICommand can be executed using the SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bin\icommand.bat file
on the Microsoft Windows platform and SOA_ORACLE_HOME\bin\icommand shell
script on Unix platforms.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-1

General Command and Option Syntax

37.3 General Command and Option Syntax

The basic structure of the ICommand command line entry is as follows:
icommand -cmd command_name -name value -type value [-parameter value]

All parameters given on the command line are in the following form:
-parameter value

The parameter portion is not case sensitive. If the value portion must contain
spaces or other special characters, it may be enclosed in double quotes. For example
icommand -cmd export -name "/Samples/Call center" -type dataobject -file

It is required to use quotes around report names and file names that contain spaces
and other special characters.
For some parameters, the value may be omitted.

37.3.1 Specifying the Command

On the command line, commands are specified by the value of the cmd parameter.
Options for the command are specified by additional parameters. For example
icommand -cmd export -name TestDO -type dataobject -file C:\TestDO.xml

In an XML command file, commands are specified by the XML tag. Options for the
command are given as XML attribute values of the command tag, in the form
Command names and parameter values (except for Active Data Cache item names) are
not case sensitive.

37.4 Object Name Syntax

Whenever an object name is specified in a command, the following rules apply.

General rules
When specified on a command line, if the name contains spaces or characters that have
special meaning to DOS or Unix, the name must be quoted according to the rules for
command lines.
When specified in an XML command file, if the name contains characters that have
special meaning within XML, the standard XML escaping must be used.

Data Objects
If the Data Object is not at the root, the full path name must be given, as in the
following example:
/My Folder/My Subfolder/My Data Object

If the Data Object is at the root, the leading slash (/) is optional. The following two
examples are equivalent:
/My Data Object
My Data Object

37-2 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Command-line-only Parameters

The full path name must be specified as in the following examples.
For shared reports:
"/public/Report/Subfolder1/My Report"

For private reports:

"/private:user_name/Report/Subfolder1/My Report"

For private reports the /private:user_name/ prefix may be omitted if the user
running ICommand is the user that owns the report.
The path information without the public or private prefix is saved in the export

Alert Rules
Either the name of the Alert, or the full name of the Alert may be specified. The
following two examples are equivalent for Alerts if the user running ICommand is the
user that owns Alert1:


If the user running ICommand is not the owner of Alert1, then only the second form
may be used.

All other object types

Specify the full name of the object.

37.5 Command-line-only Parameters

The following parameters can appear only on the command line:
■ Cmd
-cmd commandname

Optional parameter that specifies a single command to be executed. Any

parameters needed for the command must also be on the command line.
The Cmdfile and cmd parameters are mutually exclusive. Exactly one of them
must be present.
■ Cmdfile
-cmdfile filename

Optional parameter that specifies the name of the file that contains commands to
be processed. Since this is an XML file, it would usually have the XML extension,
although that is not required.
The Cmdfile and cmd parameters are mutually exclusive. Exactly one of them
must be present.
■ Debug
-debug flag

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-3

Running ICommand Remotely

Optional parameter that indicates whether extra debugging information is to be

output in the event of an error. Any value other than 0 (zero), or the absence of
any value, indicates that debugging information is to be output. If this parameter
is not present, no debugging information will be output.
■ Domain
-domain domain_name

Optional parameter that specifies the domain name to use to login to the Active
Data Cache (the name of the machine on which the Active Data Cache server is
If this parameter is omitted, main is used, which means the server information
will be obtained from the ADCServerName key in the ICommand.exe.config file.
If the reserved value ADCInProcServer is used, then ICommand will directly
access the Active Data Cache database (which must be local on the same machine
on which ICommand is running) rather than contacting the Active Data Cache
server. This option should be used only when the Active Data Cache server is not
running; otherwise corruption of the database could occur. The information about
the location and structure of the Active Data Cache database is obtained from
various keys in the ICommand.exe.config file.
■ Logfile
-logfile filename

Optional parameter that specifies the name of the file to which results and errors
are logged. If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the file does exist, any
contents will be overwritten. Since this is an XML file, it would usually have the
XML extension, although that is not required.
If this parameter is not present, results and errors will be output to the console.
■ Logmode
-logmode mode

Optional parameter that indicates whether an existing log file is to be overwritten

or appended to. The possible values for this parameter are append or
overwrite. In either case, if the log file does not exist it will be created.
If this parameter is not present, overwrite is assumed.
Note that because it is XML that is being added to the log file, if the append
option is used the XML produced may not be strictly legal, as there will be no top
level root tag in the XML produced by successive appends (ICommand will
append the same tag each time it is run). It is left up to the user to handle this.
■ Username
-username user_name

■ Password
-password password

37.6 Running ICommand Remotely

You can run ICommand from a remote machine (where Oracle BAM is installed) and
execute the commands on a server located remotely. To do this, we need to add the

37-4 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Summary of Individual Commands

properties ServerName and ServerPort in SOA_ORACLE_

HOME\config\BAMICommandConfig.xml, as shown below.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns0:BAMICommand xmlns:ns0=""
ServerPort = "9085"

The Oracle BAM version installed on the remote machine should be same as the
Oracle BAM server version (that is, both servers should be from the same label).

37.7 Summary of Individual Commands

Table 37–1 summarizes the commands.

Table 37–1 ICommand Command Summary

Command Parameters
export -file filename
[-name itemname]
[-type [dataobject|folder|report|rule|securityfilters|user|
[-match pattern]
[-regex regularexpression]
[-all [0|1]]
[-systemobjects [0|1]]
[-dependencies [0|1]]
[-layout [0|1]]
[-contents [0|1]]
[-permissions [0|1]]
[-privileges [0|1]]
[-members [0|1]]
[-owner [0|1]]
[-header [0|1]]
[-footer [0|1]]
[-append [0|1]]
[-preview [0|1]]
For more information about export see Section 37.8.1, "Export."

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-5

Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–1 (Cont.) ICommand Command Summary

Command Parameters
import -file filename
[-delay milliseconds]
[-mode [preserveid|update|overwrite|append|rename|error]]
[-setcol col_name/[null|now|value:override_value]]
For more information about import see "Import" on page 37-10.
delete [-name itemname]
[-type [dataobject|folder|report|rule|securityfilters|user|
[-match pattern]
[-regex regularexpression]
[-all [0|1]]
[-systemobjects [0|1]]
For more information about delete see Section 37.8.3, "Delete."
rename -name itemname
-newname newitemname
[-type [dataobject|folder|report|rule|user|
For more information about rename see Section 37.8.4, "Rename."
clear -name itemname
[-type [dataobject|folder|distributionlist]]
For more information about clear see Section 37.8.5, "Clear."

37.8 Detailed Command Descriptions

This section details each of the ICommand commands, their parameters, and gives

37.8.1 Export
Exports information about one or more objects in the Active Data Cache to an XML
file. See Section 37.11, "Sample Export File" for an example of an exported Data Object.

Table 37–2 Export Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-file filename The name of the file to export to. Required.
If the file does not exist, it will be created. If the file does exist,
any contents will be overwritten, unless the append parameter
is used. Since the file will contain XML, it would usually have
an XML extension.
-name itemname The name of the item to be exported.

37-6 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–2 (Cont.) Export Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-type itemtype The type of the item to be exported. Must be one of the
■ dataobject
■ folder
■ report
■ rule
■ securityfilters (For the specified Data Objects)
■ user
■ distributionlist
■ ems (Enterprise Message Source)
■ eds (External Data Source)
■ all
dataobject is assumed if this parameter is omitted.
-match pattern A DOS-style pattern matching string, using the asterisk (*) and
question mark (?) characters. The items whose names match
the pattern will be exported.
-regex regularexpr A regular expression pattern matching string. The items whose
names match the pattern will be exported. See Section 37.12,
"Regular Expressions" for more information.
-all [0|1] Controls whether all items of the specified type will be
A nonzero or omitted value means export all items of the
specified type, a zero value means only export the named (or
matched) items. Zero (0) is assumed if this parameter is
For Reports, Folders and Rules, only the items owned by the
user running ICommand are exported, unless the user running
ICommand is an Administrator. When an Administrator runs
ICommand, any user's items may be exported.
-systemobjects [0|1] Controls whether Data Objects in the System folder are
included when the all, match, or regex parameters are used.
Zero (0) means these data objects are not included. Zero is
assumed if this parameter is omitted.
-dependencies [0|1] Applies to only to Data Objects. Controls whether other Data
Objects that the exported Data Objects depend on in the
lookup columns will also be exported.
A nonzero value or the parameter present with no value
specifies that if the Data Objects being exported contain lookup
columns, then the Data Objects that are looked up will also be
-layout [0|1] Applies only to Data Objects. Controls whether layout
information is to be exported.
A nonzero value means export layout information. Zero (0)
means do not export layout information. nonzero is assumed if
this parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-contents [0|1] Applies only to Data Objects. Controls whether content
information (row, column values) is to be exported.
A nonzero value means export content information. Zero (0)
means do not export content information. nonzero is assumed
if this parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-7

Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–2 (Cont.) Export Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-permissions [0|1] Applies only to Data Objects and Folders. Controls whether
permissions information is to be exported.
A nonzero value means export information about the
permission settings of the exported Data Objects or Folders.
Zero (0) means do not export permission information. nonzero
is assumed if this parameter is omitted, or if the value is
For Data Objects, only the permissions of the Data Object itself
are exported. Any permissions that might be on the folders or
subfolders that the Data Objects are contained within are not
For Folders, the permissions reflect the cumulative permissions
of all parent Folders of the Folders being exported.
-privileges [0|1] Applies only to Roles. Controls whether the privilege settings
in the Roles being exported are exported.
A nonzero value means export the privilege settings. Zero (0)
means do not export the privilege settings. nonzero is assumed
if this parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-members [0|1] Applies only to Roles. Controls whether the list of users in the
Roles being exported are exported.
A nonzero value means export the list of users. Zero (0) means
do not export the list of users. nonzero is assumed if this
parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-owner [0|1] Applies only to Folders, Reports, and Rules. Controls whether
the information about the owner of the items being exported is
included in the export.
A nonzero value means export the owner information. Zero (0)
means do not export the owner information. nonzero is
assumed if this parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-header [0|1] Controls whether XML header information is written to the
front of the export file. This can be used to allow successive
executions of ICommand to assemble one XML file by
repeatedly appending to the same file.
A nonzero value means write the header. Zero(0) means do not
write the header. nonzero is assumed if this parameter is
omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-footer [0|1] Controls whether closing XML information is written to the
end of the export file. This can be used to allow successive
executions of ICommand to assemble one XML file by
repeatedly appending to the same file.
A nonzero value means write the closing information. Zero (0)
means do not write the closing information. nonzero is
assumed if this parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-append [0|1] Controls whether the exported information is appended to any
existing file.
A nonzero value means append. Zero (0) means overwrite the
contents of any existing files. nonzero is assumed if this
parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.

37-8 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–2 (Cont.) Export Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-preview [0|1] In preview mode, ICommand goes through the motions of
exporting all of the specified items, but does not actually
output any information. This can be used to see what would be
exported for a given command line, and what errors might
occur. In this mode, ICommand export continues processing
even after some errors that would cause non-preview mode to
stop the export.
A nonzero value means preview mode. nonzero is assumed if
the value is omitted. Zero (0) is assumed if the parameter is

Example 37–1 Exporting a Data Object in a Folder

icommand -cmd export -name "/Samples/Call Center" -file "C:\CallCenter.xml"

Note that the type parameter was not included in this example. By default
dataobject is assigned to type if it is not specified.

Example 37–2 Exporting a Data Object at the Root

icommand -cmd export -name TestDataObject -file "C:\TestDataObject.xml"

Note that the data object name was not preceded by the slash (/). When a Data Object
is in the root Data Objects folder, a slash is not required.

Example 37–3 Exporting a Folder from My Reports

In the first case, the private:owner/Report prefix is used in the name parameter
because the user exporting the folder is not the folder owner.
icommand -cmd export -name "/private:bamadmin/Report/TestMainFolder/TestSubFolder"
-type folder -file C:\FolderExportTest.xml

In the second case, the private:owner/Report prefix was not used in the name
parameter because the user exporting the folder is the folder owner.
icommand -cmd export -name "/TestMainFolder/TestSubFolder" -type folder -file

Example 37–4 Exporting a Folder from Shared Reports

icommand -cmd export -name "/public/Report/MainFolderInShared" -type folder -file

Note that the public prefix is added to the name parameter.

Example 37–5 Exporting a Folder from Data Objects

icommand -cmd export -name "/public/DataObject/Test Sub folder" -type folder -file

Example 37–6 Exporting a Private Report

As in Example 37–3, there are two methods of exporting private reports.
icommand -cmd export -name "/private:bamadmin/Report/MyReport" -type report -file

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-9

Detailed Command Descriptions

icommand -cmd export -name MyReport -type report -file C:\MyReport.xml

Example 37–7 Exporting a Shared Report

icommand -cmd export -name "/public/Report/SharedReport" -type report -file

Example 37–8 Exporting All of the Reports in the System

icommand -cmd export -type report -all -file C:\temp\TestAll.xml

Example 37–9 Exporting an Alert Rule

icommand -cmd export -name Alert1 -type rule -file C:\Alert1.xml

Example 37–10 Exporting a Security Filter

icommand -cmd export -type securityfilters -name "TestDO" -file

Note that in the name parameter the name of the Data Object is specified rather than
the name of the security filter.

Example 37–11 Exporting a User

icommand -cmd export -name bamadmin -type user -file C:\TestUser.xml

Example 37–12 Exporting a Distribution List

icommand -cmd export -name MyDistList -type distributionlist -file

Example 37–13 Exporting an Enterprise Message Source

icommand -cmd export -type ems -name TestEMS -file C:\TestEMS.xml

Example 37–14 Exporting an External Data Source

icommand -cmd export -type eds -name TestEDS -file C:\TestEDS.xml

Example 37–15 Exporting All Oracle BAM System Objects

icommand -cmd export -type all -file C:\temp\TestAll.xml

37.8.2 Import
Imports the information from an XML file to an object in the Active Data Cache. The
object may be created, replaced, or updated.
If the object does not exist, it will be created if possible. For Data Objects, the input file
must contain layout information in order to create the Data Object, and if the file
contains no content information, then an empty Data Object will be created.

37-10 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Detailed Command Descriptions

If the user running ICommand is not an Administrator, Reports are always imported
to the private folders of the user running ICommand. If the path information in the
import file exactly matches existing private folders of the user running ICommand, the
imported report is placed in that location. Otherwise, it is placed into the root of that
user's private folders.
If the user running ICommand is an Administrator, then the preserveowner option
may be used to allow Folders, Reports and Rules to be imported with their original
ownership and to their original location.

Table 37–3 Import Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-file filename The name of the file to import from. Required. This would
usually be a file that was created through the export command.
-continueonerror [0|1] While importing objects from a file, by default, ICommand
stops whenever an error is encountered. If you are importing
several objects and do not want to stop when an error is found
in one, use the continueonerror parameter to continue
importing the rest of the objects specified in the command.
Specify a one (1) to ignore errors and continue importing other
-delay millisec Applies only to Data Objects. A value that specifies a delay that
is to occur between each row insertion or update.
This can be used to simulate active data at a specified rate.
The number is the number of milliseconds to wait between
each row. It must be greater than zero.
If this parameter is omitted, there will be no delay.
-preserveowner Applies only to Folders, Reports, and Rules. Controls whether,
when the item is imported, the ownership of the item is set as
specified in the import file.
This setting of ownership can only be done if the ownership
was included in the file during export, and if the user running
ICommand is an Administrator.
A nonzero value means set the ownership as specified in the
import file. Zero (0) means the imported items remain owned
by the user running ICommand. nonzero is assumed if this
parameter is omitted, or if the value is omitted.
-updatelayout Applies only to Data Objects. Controls whether, if the Data
Object being imported already exists, the layout (schema) of
the Data Object is updated according to the layout information
in the import file.
True if parameter is present; false if parameter is not present.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-11

Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–3 (Cont.) Import Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-mode mode The following mode values are valid for Folders, Reports,
Users, EMS, and EDS objects:
■ overwrite
If the item already exists, replace it with the imported
■ rename
If the item already exists, change the name of the imported
item. The new name is computed automatically and
reported in a message.
■ error
If the item already exists, terminate the import with an
The following values are valid for Distribution List objects:
■ overwrite
If the item already exists, replace it with the imported
■ rename
If the item already exists, change the name of the imported
item. The new name is computed automatically and
reported in a message.
■ append
If the item already exists, append the users in the imported
list to the already existing list.
■ error
If the item already exists, terminate the import with an
Only the following values are valid for Data Objects:
■ preserveid
If the imported Data Object does not already exist and
must be created, ICommand will attempt to assign the
Data Object the same internal ID that the exported Data
Object had. If it is unable to, the import will be terminated
with an error.
This option is important because some other items, such as
Reports, point to the Data Objects they use by ID, not by
■ update
Normally, when ICommand imports a Data Object, it
creates a new Data Object or locates the existing Data
Object and inserts the imported rows into that Data Object.
In update mode, ICommand instead attempts to locate
existing matching rows by Row ID, and updates those
existing rows with the values in the import file.
Unmatched rows are inserted. For matching Row IDs in
the import file that have no data columns specified, the
rows are deleted from the existing Data Object.
For Security Filters, the only value supported is overwrite. If
overwrite is not specified and the Data Object already
contains at least one Security Filter, the import will be aborted
with an error.
This parameter is not supported for Rules.

37-12 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–3 (Cont.) Import Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-setcol Allows override of column values from the command line
during import, including setting to current date/time.
-setcol column_name/NULL
-setcol column_name/NOW
-setcol column_name/VALUE:override-value
column_name is the name of one of the columns in the Data
Object being imported. This cannot be a column of type lookup
or calculated. Column names that are not contained in the
input XML being imported can be specified, as long as they are
columns in the Data Object being imported into.
The portion after the slash specifies a value that should be
substituted for that column on each row that is imported -- any
value for that column in the import file will be ignored
(overridden). Note that slash is the one character that is not
permitted in column names, so there is no potential conflict
with any column names in this syntax.
NULL specifies that the column value should be set to null. The
column must be defined as "nullable" in the Data Object's
NOW specifies that the column value should be set to the current
date/time at the time that the column value is being set into
the row. This option can only be used for columns of type
datetime, timestamp, and string.
VALUE:override-value specifies an arbitrary constant value
(after the colon) that the column should be set to. The value
must be a legal value for the type of the column.
In order to allow more than one column to be overridden, any
number of setcol parameters may be present. However, since
duplicate parameters are not permitted, ICommand will
recognize any parameter name that starts with setcol as a
setcol parameter (for example, setcol1, setcol2, and so
Example command line:
icommand -cmd import -file myfile.xml -setcol1
Field1/null -setcol2 Field3/now -setcol3
"Customer Name/value:John Q. Public"

Example 37–16 Importing a Data Object With Delay

icommand -cmd import -file C:\TestDO.xml -delay 1000 -continueonerror 1

37.8.3 Delete
Deletes an item from the Active Data Cache.

Table 37–4 Delete Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name itemname The name of the item to be deleted.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-13

Detailed Command Descriptions

Table 37–4 (Cont.) Delete Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-type itemtype The type of the item to be deleted. Must be one of the following:
■ dataobject
■ folder
■ report
■ rule
■ securityfilters (For the specified Data Objects)
■ user
■ distributionlist
■ ems (Enterprise Message Source)
■ eds (External Data Source)
■ all
dataobject is assumed if this parameter is omitted.
-match pattern A DOS-style pattern matching string, using the asterisk (*) and
question mark (?) characters. The items whose names match the
pattern will be deleted.
-regex regularexpr A regular expression pattern matching string. The items whose
names match the pattern will be deleted. See Section 37.12,
"Regular Expressions" for more information.
-all [0|1] Controls whether all items of the specified type will be deleted.
A nonzero or omitted value means delete all items of the
specified type, a zero (0) value means only delete the named (or
matched) items. Zero is assumed if this parameter is omitted.
-systemobjects [0|1] Controls whether Data Objects in the System folder are
included when the all, match, or regex parameters are used.
Zero (0) means these data objects are not included. Zero is
assumed if this parameter is omitted.

Example 37–17 Deleting a Data Object

icommand -cmd delete -type dataobject -name TestDO

37.8.4 Rename
Renames an item in the Active Data Cache.

Table 37–5 Rename Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name itemname The name of the item to be renamed. Required.
-newname newitemname The new name for the item. Required.
For Data Objects, Reports and Folders, only the new base name
should be given, with no path (for example MyReport).

37-14 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Format of Command File

Table 37–5 (Cont.) Rename Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-type itemtype The type of object to be renamed. Must be one of the following:
■ dataobject
■ folder
■ report
■ rule
■ user
■ distributionlist
■ ems (Enterprise Message Source)
■ eds (External Data Source)
dataobject is assumed if this parameter is omitted.

Example 37–18 Renaming a Distribution List

icommand -cmd rename -type distributionlist -name TestList -newname MyDistList

37.8.5 Clear
Clears the contents of an item in the Active Data Cache.
What it means to be cleared depends upon the item type:
■ For Data Objects, all existing rows within the Data Object are deleted.
■ For Folders, all contents of the Folder are deleted.
■ For Distribution Lists, all members (users) are removed from the distribution list.

Table 37–6 Clear Command Parameters

Parameter Description
-name itemname The name of the item to be cleared. Required.
-type itemtype The type of the item to be cleared. Must be one of the following:
■ dataobject
■ folder
■ distributionlist
dataobject is assumed if this parameter is omitted.

Example 37–19 Clearing a Data Object

icommand -cmd clear -name "/Samples/Call Center" -type dataobject

37.9 Format of Command File

This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 37.9.1, "Inline Content"
■ Section 37.9.2, "Command IDs"
■ Section 37.9.3, "Continue On Error"
The command file contains the root tag OracleBAMCommands.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-15

Format of Command File

Within the root tag is a tag for every command to be executed. The tag name is the
command name, and the parameters for the command are attributes.
Sample command file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OracleBAMCommands ContinueOnError="1">
<Export name="Samples/Media Sales" file="MediaSales.xml" contents="0" />
<Rename name="Samples/Call Center" newname="Call Centre" />
<Delete type="EMS" name="WebLog" />
<Delete type="EMS" name="WebLog2" />

37.9.1 Inline Content

When using a command file to import, the inline option enables you to include the
import content inside the command file, rather than in a separate import file. Here is
an example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Import inline="1">
<Export Version="504.0" Build="3.0.3697.0">
<DataObject Version="13" Name="Employees" ID="_Employees" Path="/Samples"
<Column Name="Salesperson" ID="_Salesperson" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
Nullable="1" />
<Column Name="Sales Area" ID="_Sales_Area" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
<Column Name="Sales Number" ID="_Sales_Number" Type="integer" Nullable="1"
<Column Name="Timestamp" ID="_Timestamp" Type="timestamp" Nullable="0" />
<Indexes />
<Row ID="1">
<Column ID="_Salesperson" Value="Greg Masters" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Area" Value="Northeast" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Number" Value="567" />
<Column ID="_Timestamp" Value="2004-09-14T14:07:41.5600000-07:00" />

37.9.2 Command IDs

This feature is only used when output is being sent to a log file. To make the parsing of
log results easier, each command can be given an ID. This ID will be included in the
Result or Error elements of any output related to that command.
Sample Input:
<Delete id="1" type="role" name="Report Creator" />
<Delete id="2" type="user" name="joeschmoe" />

37-16 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Format of Log File

Sample Output:
<ICommandLog Login="MSOLNIT-PC\ASPNET">
<Results Command="Delete" ID="1">Role "Report Creator" deleted.</Results>
<Error Command="Delete" ID="2">
<![CDATA[Error while processing command "Delete".
[ErrorSource="ICommandEngine", ErrorID="ICommandEngine.Error"] There is no User
named "joeschmoe". [ErrorSource="ICommandEngine",

37.9.3 Continue On Error

Ordinarily, ICommand will execute commands in a command file until a failure
occurs, or until they all complete successfully. In other words, if a command file
contains 20 commands, and the second command fails for any reason, then no further
commands will be executed. This behavior can be changed by using the
continueonerror attribute at either a global level or for each command.
Example 37–20 shows how to use the continueonerror attribute so that all
commands will be executed regardless of if any failures occur

Example 37–20 Enabling Global Continue-On-Error

<OracleBAMCommands continueonerror="1">
<Delete id="1" type="role" name="Report Creator" />
<Delete id="2" type="user" name="joeschmoe" />

In Example 37–21, continueonerror only applies to the command that deletes user
joeschmoe. If this command fails, then ICommand will output the error and continue.
But if any other command fails, ICommand will immediately stop.

Example 37–21 Enabling Command Continue-On-Error

<Delete id="1" type="role" name="Report Creator" />
<Delete id="2" type="user" name="joeschmoe" continueonerror="1" />
<Delete id="3" type="user" name="user2" />
<Delete id="4" type="user" name="user3" />

37.10 Format of Log File

The log file contains the root tag ICommandLog.
Within the root tag is an entry for every error or informational message logged.
Errors are logged with the tag Error.
Informational messages are logged with the tag Results.
Both Results and Error tags optionally contain an attribute of the form
Command=cmdname, if appropriate, that contains the name of the command that
generated the error or informational message.
Sample log file (output from the preceding sample command file):

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-17

Sample Export File

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<ICommandLog Login="MYDOMAIN\myaccount">
<Results Command="Export">Data Object "/Samples/Media Sales" exported
successfully (0 rows).</Results>
<Results Command="Export">1 items exported successfully.</Results>
<Results Command="Rename">Data Object "/Samples/Call Center" renamed to
"/Samples/Call Centre".</Results>
<Results Command="Delete">Enterprise Message Source "WebLog"
<Error Command="Delete"><![CDATA[Error while processing command "Delete".
[ErrorSource="ICommand", ErrorID="ICommand.Error"]
There is no Enterprise Message Source named "WebLog2".
[ErrorSource="ICommand", ErrorID="ICommand.EMSExist"]]]></Error>

37.11 Sample Export File

The following example shows a sample file resulting from exporting a Data Object.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OracleBAMExport Version="504.0" Build="3.0.3697.0">
<DataObject Version="13" Name="Employees" ID="_Employees" Path="/Samples"
<Column Name="Salesperson" ID="_Salesperson" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
Nullable="1" />
<Column Name="Sales Area" ID="_Sales_Area" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
Nullable="1" />
<Column Name="Sales Number" ID="_Sales_Number" Type="integer"
Nullable="1" />
<Column Name="Timestamp" ID="_Timestamp" Type="timestamp" Nullable="0" />
<Indexes />
<Row ID="1">
<Column ID="_Salesperson" Value="Greg Masters" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Area" Value="Northeast" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Number" Value="567" />
<Column ID="_Timestamp" Value="2004-09-14T14:07:41.5600000-07:00" />
<Row ID="2">
<Column ID="_Salesperson" Value="Lynette Jones" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Area" Value="Southwest" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Number" Value="228" />
<Column ID="_Timestamp" Value="2004-09-14T14:07:41.5600000-07:00" />
<Row ID="3">
<Column ID="_Salesperson" Value="Noel Rogers" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Area" Value="Northwest" />
<Column ID="_Sales_Number" Value="459" />
<Column ID="_Timestamp" Value="2004-09-14T14:07:41.5600000-07:00" />

37-18 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Regular Expressions

37.12 Regular Expressions

The export and delete commands optionally accept a regular expression with the
regex parameter.
A regular expression is a pattern of text that consists of ordinary characters (for
example, letters a through z) and special characters, known as metacharacters. The
pattern describes one or more strings to match when searching for items by name.
The following table contains the complete list of metacharacters and their behavior in
the context of regular expressions:

Table 37–7 Metacharacters for Regular Expressions

Character Description
\ Marks the next character as a special character, a literal, a
backreference, or an octal escape. For example, 'n' matches the
character "n". '\n' matches a newline character. The sequence
'\\' matches "\" and "\(" matches "(".
^ Matches the position at the beginning of the input string. If the
RegExp object's Multiline property is set, ^ also matches the
position following '\n' or '\r'.
$ Matches the position at the end of the input string. If the RegExp
object's Multiline property is set, $ also matches the position
preceding '\n' or '\r'.
* Matches the preceding character or subexpression zero or more
times. For example, zo* matches "z" and "zoo". * is equivalent to
+ Matches the preceding character or subexpression one or more
times. For example, 'zo+' matches "zo" and "zoo", but not "z". + is
equivalent to {1,}.
? Matches the preceding character or subexpression zero or one
time. For example, "do(es)?" matches the "do" in "do" or "does". ?
is equivalent to {0,1}
{n} n is a nonnegative integer. Matches exactly n times. For example,
'o{2}' does not match the 'o' in "Bob," but matches the two o's in
{n,} n is a nonnegative integer. Matches at least n times. For example,
'o{2,}' does not match the "o" in "Bob" and matches all the o's in
"foooood". 'o{1,}' is equivalent to 'o+'. 'o{0,}' is equivalent to 'o*'.
{n,m} M and n are nonnegative integers, where n <= m. Matches at
least n and at most m times. For example, "o{1,3}" matches the
first three o's in "fooooood". 'o{0,1}' is equivalent to 'o?'. Note
that you cannot put a space between the comma and the
? When this character immediately follows any of the other
quantifiers (*, +, ?, {n}, {n,}, {n,m}), the matching pattern is
non-greedy. A non-greedy pattern matches as little of the
searched string as possible, whereas the default greedy pattern
matches as much of the searched string as possible. For example,
in the string "oooo", 'o+?' matches a single "o", while 'o+'
matches all 'o's.
. Matches any single character except "\n". To match any
character including the '\n', use a pattern such as '[\s\S]'.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-19

Regular Expressions

Table 37–7 (Cont.) Metacharacters for Regular Expressions

Character Description
(pattern) A subexpression that matches pattern and captures the match.
The captured match can be retrieved from the resulting Matches
collection using the $0...$9 properties. To match parentheses
characters ( ), use '\(' or '\)'.
(?:pattern) A subexpression that matches pattern but does not capture the
match, that is, it is a non-capturing match that is not stored for
possible later use. This is useful for combining parts of a pattern
with the "or" character (|). For example, 'industr(?:y|ies) is a
more economical expression than 'industry|industries'.
(?=pattern) A subexpression that performs a positive lookahead search,
which matches the string at any point where a string matching
pattern begins. This is a non-capturing match, that is, the match
is not captured for possible later use. For example 'Windows
(?=95|98|NT|2000)' matches "Windows" in "Windows 2000" but
not "Windows" in "Windows 3.1". Lookaheads do not consume
characters, that is, after a match occurs, the search for the next
match begins immediately following the last match, not after the
characters that comprised the lookahead.
(?!pattern) A subexpression that performs a negative lookahead search,
which matches the search string at any point where a string not
matching pattern begins. This is a non-capturing match, that is,
the match is not captured for possible later use. For example
'Windows (?!95|98|NT|2000)' matches "Windows" in "Windows
3.1" but does not match "Windows" in "Windows 2000".
Lookaheads do not consume characters, that is, after a match
occurs, the search for the next match begins immediately
following the last match, not after the characters that comprised
the lookahead.
x|y Matches either x or y. For example, 'z|food' matches "z" or
"food". '(z|f)ood' matches "zood" or "food".
[xyz] A character set. Matches any one of the enclosed characters. For
example, '[abc]' matches the 'a' in "plain".
[^xyz] A negative character set. Matches any character not enclosed.
For example, '[^abc]' matches the 'p' in "plain".
[a-z] A range of characters. Matches any character in the specified
range. For example, '[a-z]' matches any lowercase alphabetic
character in the range 'a' through 'z'.
[^a-z] A negative range characters. Matches any character not in the
specified range. For example, '[^a-z]' matches any character not
in the range 'a' through 'z'.
\b Matches a word boundary, that is, the position between a word
and a space. For example, 'er\b' matches the 'er' in "never" but
not the 'er' in "verb".
\B Matches a nonword boundary. 'er\B' matches the 'er' in "verb"
but not the 'er' in "never".
\cx Matches the control character indicated by x. For example, \cM
matches a Control-M or carriage return character. The value of x
must be in the range of A-Z or a-z. If not, c is assumed to be a
literal 'c' character.
\d Matches a digit character. Equivalent to [0-9].
\D Matches a nondigit character. Equivalent to [^0-9].
\f Matches a form-feed character. Equivalent to \x0c and \cL.

37-20 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Using ICommand Web Service

Table 37–7 (Cont.) Metacharacters for Regular Expressions

Character Description
\n Matches a newline character. Equivalent to \x0a and \cJ.
\r Matches a carriage return character. Equivalent to \x0d and
\s Matches any white space character including space, tab,
form-feed, and so on. Equivalent to [ \f\n\r\t\v].
\S Matches any non-white space character. Equivalent to [^
\t Matches a tab character. Equivalent to \x09 and \cI.
\v Matches a vertical tab character. Equivalent to \x0b and \cK.
\w Matches any word character including underscore. Equivalent to
\W Matches any nonword character. Equivalent to '[^A-Za-z0-9_]'.
\xn Matches n, where n is a hexadecimal escape value. Hexadecimal
escape values must be exactly two digits long. For example,
'\x41' matches "A". '\x041' is equivalent to '\x04' & "1". Allows
ASCII codes to be used in regular expressions.
\num Matches num, where num is a positive integer. A reference back
to captured matches. For example, '(.)\1' matches two
consecutive identical characters.
\n Identifies either an octal escape value or a backreference. If \n is
preceded by at least n captured subexpressions, n is a
backreference. Otherwise, n is an octal escape value if n is an
octal digit (0-7).
\nm Identifies either an octal escape value or a backreference. If \nm
is preceded by at least nm captured subexpressions, nm is a
backreference. If \nm is preceded by at least n captures, n is a
backreference followed by literal m. If neither of the preceding
conditions exists, \nm matches octal escape value nm when n
and m are octal digits (0-7).
\nml Matches octal escape value nml when n is an octal digit (0-3) and
m and l are octal digits (0-7).
\un Matches n, where n is a Unicode character expressed as four
hexadecimal digits. For example, \u00A9 matches the copyright
symbol (©).

37.13 Using ICommand Web Service

ICommand is available as a web service for application developers who want to
interact with ICommand features over HTTP.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 37.13.1, "Differences between the ICommand Web Service and the
ICommand Command-Line Utility"
■ Section 37.13.2, "Using the ICommand Web Service"
■ Section 37.13.3, "Security Issues"

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-21

Using ICommand Web Service

37.13.1 Differences between the ICommand Web Service and the ICommand
Command-Line Utility
The ICommand web service includes most of the same features as the command-line
utility. For example, you can use it to:
■ Delete a data object
■ Import rows into a data object
■ Export a report
The key differences revolve around the fact that the Web service cannot access files on
the remote system. Therefore, you cannot pass in a file name when using the import
command or the export command.
Instead, you must pass in the import content inline. Similarly, you will receive back
the export content inline.
Commands other than import and export generally work the same as with the
command-line utility.

37.13.2 Using the ICommand Web Service

The ICommand web service is available on the machine where Report Server has been
installed. It is available at the following URL

The ICommand web service has a single method, called Batch. It takes a single input
parameter, which is a string containing a set of commands in the syntax described in
Section 37.9, "Format of Command File." The return value is a string containing the
results of executing each command, in the log syntax described in Section 37.10,
"Format of Log File."

Example 37–22 Exporting a Data Object (Input)

<Export name='/Samples/Film Sales' inline='1'/>
</ OracleBAMCommands>

Example 37–23 Exporting a Data Object (Output)

<ICommandLog Login="MSOLNIT-PC\ASPNET">
<OracleBAMExport Version="1003.0" Build="3.5.5603.0">
<DataObject Version="14" Name="Film Sales" ID="_Film_Sales"
Path="/Samples" External="0">
<Column Name="Region" ID="_Region" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
Nullable="1" Public="1" />
<Column Name="State" ID="_State" Type="string" MaxSize="100" Nullable="1"
Public="1" />
<Column Name="Category" ID="_Category" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
Nullable="1" Public="1" />
<Column Name="Brand" ID="_Brand" Type="string" MaxSize="100" Nullable="1"
Public="1" />
<Column Name="Description" ID="_Description" Type="string" MaxSize="100"
Nullable="1" Public="1" />
<Column Name="Sales" ID="_Sales" Type="integer" Nullable="1" Public="1" />
<Indexes />

37-22 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Using ICommand Web Service

<Row ID="1">
<Column ID="_Region" Value="Western Region" />
<Column ID="_State" Value="Arizona" />
<Column ID="_Category" Value="Film" />
<Column ID="_Brand" Value="Kodak" />
<Column ID="_Description" Value="35mm 200" />
<Column ID="_Sales" Value="2000" />
<Row ID="2">
<Column ID="_Region" Value="Western Region" />
<Column ID="_State" Value="Arizona" />
<Column ID="_Category" Value="Film" />
<Column ID="_Brand" Value="Kodak" />
<Column ID="_Description" Value="35mm 400" />
<Column ID="_Sales" Value="2100" />
<Results Command="Export">Exporting Data Object "/Samples/Film
<Results Command="Export">Data Object "/Samples/Film Sales"
exported successfully (29 rows).</Results>
<Results Command="Export">1 items exported successfully.</Results>

37.13.3 Security Issues

The following are security issues with using the ICommand web service. IIS Security (HTTP 401 error)

The Web server might not be configured to allow anonymous access to the Web
service. In this case, you must include credentials in the Web service call. The method
for doing this varies depending on your host environment (.NET, Java, and so on). Active Data Cache Security

If the Web server does allow anonymous access, then it will typically run using a
low-privilege account (such as the local ASPNET account). This account may not have
access to all Oracle Business Activity Monitoring features, such as creating users or
manipulating data objects.

Beta Draft Using ICommand 37-23

Using ICommand Web Service

37-24 Oracle Business Activity Monitoring Architect User's Guide Beta Draft
Part VI Oracle User Messaging Service

This part describes how to use the Oracle User Messaging Service.
This part contains the following chapters:
■ Chapter 38, "Configuring User Messaging Service,"
■ Chapter 39, "Parlay X Web Services Multimedia Messaging API"
■ Chapter 40, "User Messaging Preferences"
■ Chapter 41, "Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application"
■ Chapter 42, "Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
Configuring User Messaging Service

This chapter describes how to configure Oracle User Messaging Service (UMS) to
support SMS, Voice, and IM channels. This chapter includes the following sections:
■ Section 38.1, "Overview of Oracle User Messaging Service Configuration"
■ Section 38.2, "Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers"
■ Section 38.3, "Deploying Drivers"
■ Section 38.4, "Configuring Messaging Preferences"

38.1 Overview of Oracle User Messaging Service Configuration

Oracle User Messaging Service enables users to receive notifications sent from SOA
applications that are developed and deployed to the Oracle 11g application server
using Oracle JDeveloper.
At the application level, the BPEL process includes a notification activity for a specific
delivery channel, such as SMS or E-Mail. For example, when you build a SOA
application that sends e-mail notification, you drag and drop an Email Activity
component from the JDeveloper Component Palette to the appropriate location within
the BPEL workflow (Figure 38–1). BPEL connects with Oracle User Messaging Service
to send notifications.

Figure 38–1 Setting the Notification Activity in the BPEL Workfklow

To enable the workflow participants to receive and forward notifications, use Oracle
11g Enterprise Manager to set the Oracle User Messaging Service environment by

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-1

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

configuring the appropriate driver instances that reside on the same application server
on which you deploy the workflow application (Figure 38–2). Oracle User Messaging
Service ships with drivers that support messaging through the E-Mail, IM, SMS and
voice channels. For more information, see Section 38.2, "Configuring User Messaging
Service Drivers".

Figure 38–2 Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Grid Control

For the workflow participants to actually receive the notifications, they must register
the devices that they use to access messages through User Messaging Preferences
(Figure 38–3). For more information, see Section 38.4, "Configuring Messaging

Figure 38–3 User Messaging Preferences

38.2 Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Oracle User Messaging ships with the following drivers.
■ E-Mail Driver (See Section 38.2.2)
■ SMPP Driver (See Section 38.2.3)
■ XMPP Driver (See Section 38.2.4)
■ VoiceGenie Driver (See Section 38.2.5)
■ Proxy Driver (See Section 38.2.6)

38-2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Note: Oracle User Messaging Service ships with only the E-Mail
driver deployed. For information on deploying the other drivers, see
Section 38.3, "Deploying Drivers".

To configure a driver:
1. Log into the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console as an
2. Expand the Fusion Middleware folder and then the SOA folder (Figure 38–4).

Figure 38–4 Expanding the SOA Folder

3. Navigate to the User Messaging Service Home page (/instance/oc4j_

soa/sdpmessagingserver in Figure 38–4).
4. If needed, expand the Associated Drivers section (Example 38–5) of the User
Messaging Service Home page.

Figure 38–5 Drivers Associated with the SOA Instance

5. Select the Local tab to access the driver deployed to the SOA instance. The ALL tab
lists drivers that are deployed to all of the instances.
6. Select a driver (such as the E-Mail driver, illustrated in Figure 38–5) and then click
the adjacent Edit icon (illustrated in Example 38–6 as a pencil) in the Configure
Driver column.

Figure 38–6 The Edit Icon

The configuration page displays (Figure 38–7).

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-3

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Figure 38–7 The Basic Configuration Page for a Selected Driver

7. If needed, expand the Driver-Specific Configuration section and configure the driver
parameters. For more information, see Section 38.2.1, "Configuring Driver

38.2.1 Configuring Driver Properties

Oracle User Messaging Service drivers share common properties (listed in Table 38–1)
that are used by the Messaging Engine when routing outbound messages. Typically,
administrators set such Quality of Service (QoS) properties as driver cost (Cost) and
driver speed (Speed), supported carriers (SupportedCarriers), and supported protocols
(SupportedProtocols). Driver developers configure properties that typically do not
require modification by the administrator, such as supported delivery types
(SupportedDeliveryTypes), and supported content types (SupportedContentTypes).

Note: Properties such as SendingQueuesInfo are for advanced use and

only require modification for advanced deployment topologies.
[[What are others??]]

38-4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–1 Common Driver Properties

Name Description Property? Default Value(s)
Capability Sets the driver’s Yes The default value is BOTH.
capability to send or
receive messages. The
values are SEND,
Cost The cost level of the No N/A
the driver (from 0 - 10).
0 is least expensive; 10
is most expensive. If
the value is not in this
range, cost is
considered to be 0.
DefaultSenderAddress The default address of No N/A
the sender. The driver
uses these addresses
when sending a
message that has no
sender address
specified, or when the
specified sender
address is not in the
sender addresses list
and the driver does not
support using the
sender address.
InstanceName The name of the driver Yes The instance name must be unique.
SenderAddresses The list of sender No N/A
addresses that the
driver supports. If
provided by the driver,
the Messaging Engine
can use this to route a
sending message to the
driver by matching
against the sender
address of the
SendingQueuesInfo The information for the Yes The default value is:
Driver Sending Queue.
ueus/OracleSDPMDriverDefSndQ1 [[??]]
Speed The speed level of the No N/A
driver (from 0-10).
SupportedCarriers A comma-separated No N/A
list of supported
SupportedContentTypes The content type Yes Depending on the driver type, the default
supported by the content types include text/plain, text/html,
driver. multipart/mixed, multipart/alternative,

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-5

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–1 (Cont.) Common Driver Properties

Name Description Property? Default Value(s)
SupportedDeliveryTypes The delivery types Yes Enter one, or a combination of, the following
supported by the values:
■ IM
■ Voice
■ E-Mail
SupportedProtocols A comma-separated No N/A
list of supported
protocols. Entering an
asterisk (*) for any
SupportedStatusTypes The status types No Default values include:
supported by the
SupportsCancel Supports a Cancel No The default value is false.
operation on a
SupportsReplace Supports a Replace No The default value is false.
operation on a
SupportsStatusPolling For certain protocols, No The default value is false.
an active polling of the
remote gateway must
be performed to check
the status of a message
previously sent. This
property indicates
whether the driver
supports such status
polling. If set to true,
the Messaging Engine
invokes the driver
SupportsTracking Supports Tracking No The default value is false.
operation on a

38.2.2 Configuring the E-Mail Driver

The E-Mail Driver both sends and receives messages (that is, its Capability property is
set to BOTH by default). The E-Mail Driver sends messages over SMTP and uses both
IMAP and POP3 for receiving messages. In addition to the common properties
described in Table 38–1, the E-Mail Driver includes a set of specific properties (listed in
Table 38–2). (Table 38–2 also includes some of the common properties as they relate to
the E-Mail Driver.)

38-6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–2 E-Mail Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
Capability Sets the driver’s capability Yes The default value is
to send or receive BOTH. This value set for
messages. The values are this property affects the
SEND, RECEIVE, and following:
■ IncomingMailIDs
■ IncomingMailServer
■ IncomingMailServerPort
■ IncomingUserIDs
■ IncomingUserPasswords
■ MailAccessProtocol
■ OutgoingMailServer
■ OutgoingMailServerPort
InstanceName The name of the E-Mail Yes The default value is
Driver instance. Email-Driver.
SupportedContentTypes The content type Yes The default content types
supported by the E-Mail include text/plain,
Driver instance. text/html, multipart/mixed,
SupportedStatusTypes The status types supported No Default values include:
by the E-Mail Driver
AutoDelete Enter true to enable the No The default value is true.
driver to mark messages as
deleted once they have
been processed; enter false
to retain e-mails after they
have been processed.
Messages received using
POP3 are always deleted
after they have been
CheckMailFreq The frequency, in seconds, No The default value is 5
in which the driver seconds.
retrieves messages from
the mail server.

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-7

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–2 (Cont.) E-Mail Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
IncomingMailIDs A comma-separated list of No. Enter a value if N/A
e-mail addresses that the driver instance
correspond to user names. supports receiving
Each e-mail address must only (that is, the
occupy the same position driver instance’s
in the list as their user Capability property is
name counterparts (listed set to RECEIVE or
in IncomingUserIDs). BOTH).
IncomingMailServer The host name of the No. Enter a value if N/A
incoming mail server. the driver instance
supports receiving
only (that is, the
driver instance’s
Capability property is
set to RECEIVE or
IncomingMailServerPort The port number of the No N/A
IMAP or POP3 mail server.
For example, enter a
standard port number for
the IMAP server, such as
143 or 993 (for S-IMAP,
IMAP over SSL). Likewise,
enter a standard port
number for the IMAP
server, such as 100 or 995
(S-POP, POP over SSL).
IncomingMailServerSSL Enter true to enable the No The default value is false
Messaging Enabler to (SSL is not used).
communicate using SSL
(Secure Sockets Layer). If
this property is set to true,
then you must set the
IncomingMailServerPort to a
port commonly used for
SSL, such as 993.[[??]]
IncomingUserIDs A comma-separated list of No. Enter a value if N/A
user names of the mail the driver instance
accounts from which the supports receiving
E-Mail Driver instance only (that is, the
polls. driver instance’s
Capability property is
set to RECEIVE or
IncomingUserPasswords A comma-separated list of No N/A
passwords that correspond
to the user names. Each
e-mail address must
occupy the same position
in the list as their user
name counterparts (listed
in IncomingUserIDs).

38-8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–2 (Cont.) E-Mail Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
MailAccessProtocol The protocol used for No. Enter a value if IMAP
receiving e-mail. The the driver instance
E-Mail driver uses either supports receiving
IMAP or POP3 to receive (that is, the driver
incoming e-mail. instance’s Capability
property is set to
MailDelFreq The frequency, in seconds, No The default value is 600
to purge processed e-mails. seconds.
Enter a negative value,
such as -1, to prevent the
driver instance from
purging processed
messages. The driver
instance always marks
messages received over
POP3 as deleted once they
have been processed.
OutgoingDefaultFromAddr The default from address of No N/A
the e-mail (if none is
provided in the message).
OutgoingMailServer The name of the SMTP No. Enter a value if N/A
server. the driver instance
supports sending only
(that is, the driver
instance’s Capability
property is set to
OutgoingMailServerPort The port number of the No The default port number
outgoing SMTP server. for the SMTP server is
typically 25.
OutgoingMailServerTLS If set to true, then the No N/A
Messaging Enabler uses
TLS (Transport Layer
Security) encryption when
communicating with the
SMTP server.
OutgoingPassword The password used for No. Enter a password N/A
SMTP authentication. only if SMTP
authentication is
supported by the
SMTP server.
OutgoingUsername The user name used for No. Enter a user name N/A
SMTP authentication. only if SMTP
authentication is
supported by the
SMTP server.

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-9

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–2 (Cont.) E-Mail Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
IncomingProcessingChunkSize The maximum number of No The default value for each
messages processed per chunk is 100.
message polling.
ReceiveFolder The name of the folder No INBOX
(such as INBOX) from
which the driver polls
RetryLimit The number of times that No N/A
the driver attempts to
reconnect when
disconnected from the
incoming mail server.
Enter -1 for unlimited

38.2.3 Configuring the SMPP Driver

SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer) is one of the most popular GSM SMS protocols.
Notification Service includes a pre-built implementation of the SMPP protocol as a
driver that is capable of both sending and receiving short messages. If the sending
feature is enabled, the SMPP driver opens one TCP connection to the SMS-C (Short
Message Service Center) as a transmitter for sending. If the driver’s receiving feature is
enabled, it opens another connection to the SMS-C as a receiver for receiving. Only
two TCP connections (both initiated by the driver) are needed for all communication
between the driver and the SMS-C.

Note: The SMPP Driver driver implements Version 3.4 of the SMPP
protocol and only supports connections to an SMS-C that supports
this version.

In addition to the common properties described in Table 38–1, the SMPP driver
includes the following properties that are associated with configuring access to the
remote gateway and protocol- and channel-specific behavior (described in Table 38–3).

Table 38–3 SMPP Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
InstanceName The name of the SMPP Yes The default value is
driver instance. SMPP-Driver.
SupportedContentTypes The content type Yes The default content
supported by the driver. type is text/plain.
SupportedStatusTypes The status types No The supported status
supported by the SMPP types are:
SmsAccountId The Account Identifier on Yes N/A
the SMS-C.

38-10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–3 (Cont.) SMPP Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
SmsServerHost The name (or IP address) Yes N/A
of the SMS-C server.
TransmitterSystemId The account ID that is Yes N/A
used to send out
ReceiverSystemId The account ID that is Yes N/A
used to receive messages.
TransmitterSystemType The type of transmitter Yes The default value is
system. Logica.
ReceiverSystemType The type of receiver Yes The default value is
system. Logica.
TransmitterSystemPassword The password of the Yes N/A
transmitter system.
ReceiverSystemPassword The password for the Yes N/A
receiver system.
ServerTransmitterPort The TCP port number of Yes N/A
the transmitter system.
ServerReceiverPort The TCP port number of Yes N/A
the receiver system.
DefaultEncoding The default encoding of Yes The default value is
the SMPP driver. UCS2.
EncodingAutoDetect If set to true (the default), Yes The default value is
the SMPP driver encodes true.
LocalSendingPort The local TCP port used Yes N/A
by the SMPP driver to
messages to the SMS-C.
LocalReceivingPort The local TCP port used Yes N/A
by the SMPP drivers to
receive messages from the
LocalAddress The host name (or IP No N/A
address) of the server that
hosts the SMPP driver.
WindowSize The window size for No The default value is 1.
SMS. This value must be
a positive number.
EnquireInterval The interval, in seconds, No The default value is
to send an enquire 30.
message to the SMS-C.
ThrottleDelay The delay, in seconds, No The default value is
between throttles. 15.
BindRetryDelay The delay, in seconds, for No The default value is
a binding retry. 30.
RegisteredDeliveryMask The delay, in seconds, for No The default value is
a binding retry. [[??]] 30.

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-11

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–3 (Cont.) SMPP Driver-Specific Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
RangeSetNull Set to true to set the No The default value is
address range field of false.
Set to false (the default
value) to set the address
range field to
PriorityAllowed The highest priority No The default value is 0.
allowed for the SMPP
driver. The range is 0
(normal) to 3 (highest).
BulkSending Setting this value to true No. The default value is
(the default) enables true.
sending messages in bulk
to the SMS-C [[??]].
PayloadSending If set to true, the SMPP No The default value is
driver always uses the false.
message payload
properties when sending
messages to the SMS-C.
SourceTon The Type of Number No The default value is 0.
(TON) for ESME
address(es) served
through SMPP receiver
SourceNpi The Numbering Plan No The default value is 0.
Indicator (NPI) for ESME
address(es) served
through the SMPP
receiver session.
DestinationTon The Type of Number No The default value is 0.
(TON) for destination.
DestinationNpi The Numbering Plan No The default value is 0.
Indicator (NPI) for
ExtraErrorCode A comma-separated list No N/A
of error codes.
MaxChunks The maximum SMS No The default value is -1
chunks for a message. (no maximum).
ChunkSize The size of each SMS No The default value is
message chunk. 160.
LongMessageSending Supports sending long No N/A
DatagramMessageMode Supports Datagram No N/A
Message mode.

38.2.4 Configuring the XMPP Driver

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) is an open, XML-based protocol
for Instant Messaging and Presence. XMPP consists of a client-server architecture, one
that resembles an e-mail network. XMPP servers are decentralized, enabling anyone to
set up their own server. Messaging is achieved as in the e-mail network, where

38-12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

recipients are addressed by a user name and a host name (for example:
username@hostname). In the XMPP network, users are identified by an XMPP (Jabber)
ID, which consists of a user name and the host name of the particular XMPP server to
which the user connects. An end user of XMPP connects to an XMPP server using an
XMPP client to send instant messages to other XMPP users. XMPP has an extensible
and modular architecture. It integrates with proprietary IM networks such as Yahoo!,
MSN, AOL and ICQ using transport gateways that can connect to these networks.
XMPP, however, is not the only protocol network available for instant messaging.
The XMPP Driver provides end users with unidirectional and bidirectional access from
Oracle Application Server for real-time instant messaging (IM) through XMPP. This
driver enables end users to receive alert notifications or chat through their IM client of

Required Components for the XMPP Driver

To use the XMPP Driver in OracleAS Notification Service, you must first have access to
a Jabber/XMPP server and an XMPP account to enable the OracleAS Notification
Service XMPP Driver instance to login. Because the XMPP Driver includes
configuration properties that enable the Oracle Messaging Enabler to communicate
with users through such proprietary IM networks as Yahoo!, MSN, AOL and ICQ, you
must create accounts on the networks that connect to XMPP Driver to enable
communication between the users and the Messaging Enabler. [[Are there
recommended versions for the chat clients?]]
The XMPP Driver uses or requires the following third-party software

Table 38–4 Requirements for the XMPP Driver

Software Component Instructions Version(s)
JabberBeans This driver uses the JabberBeans Java library to 0.9.1
connect to a Jabber/XMPP Instant Messaging Server.
This driver includes a licensed copy of JabberBeans
(version 0.9.1).
XMPP Server To download and install your own Jabber/XMPP N/A
server, pick and install a server from
Note: You do not need to install your own XMPP
Server if you have access to an existing server. For a
list of public servers, see
Yahoo!, MSN, AOL Refer to the Jabber/XMPP server’s transport N/A
(AIM), and ICQ installation guide for information on installing and
Transport Gateways configuring one or more transports to connect to
proprietary IM gateways. The transport gateway is
an optional component.

In addition to the properties described in Table 38–1, the XMPP driver also includes
the following properties that relate to configuring access to the remote gateway and
protocol- or channel-specific behavior (described in Table 38–5).

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-13

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–5 XMPP-Specific Driver Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default
IMServerHost The host name of the Jabber server. For multiple Yes N/A
servers, use a comma-separated list (for example,
enter, If only one host
name is specified, it will be used for all accounts.
IMServerPort The corresponding comma-separated list of Jabber Yes The default value is
server ports (for example, enter 5222, 5222) 5222.
IMServerUsername A list of Jabber user names for login. These user Yes N/A
accounts will be automatically created, if necessary,
on the corresponding Jabber servers. If you have
multiple servers listed in the IMServerHost and
IMServer Port properties, then there must be an
equal number of user names (one user name per
server). If you have only one server listed in these
properties, then all of the user names listed in this
property will use that server. For example, enter
oracleagent1, oracleagent2. You can also enter a
complete Jabber ID if its domain name is different
from the Jabber server host name (for example,
IMServerPassword A comma-separated list of passwords for each user Yes N/A
name listed for the IMServerUsername property.
HTTPUseProxy Use HTTP Proxy. No The default value is
HTTPNonProxyHosts A comma-separated list of non-proxy hosts. No N/A
HTTPProxyHost The name of the HTTP proxy host. No N/A
HTTPProxyHost The port of the HTTP proxy. No N/A
YahooEnable Enable or Disables Yahoo! Transport for each user No N/A
account specified in the IMServerUserName
property in a comma-separated list. Set to true to
enable; set to false to disable.
YahooUsername A comma-separated list of Yahoo! account IDs for No N/A
each user account listed in the IMServerUserName
property. Entering valid Yahoo! account
information enables Yahoo! users to access
OracleAS Wireless applications through instant
messaging. The Yahoo! account IDs must also be
registered on Yahoo!. Leave the entries blank for
accounts without Yahoo!.
YahooPassword A comma-separated list of Yahoo! account No N/A
passwords that correspond to the IDs entered in
the YahooUsername property.
MSNEnable Enables or disables MSN Transport for each user No N/A
listed in the IMServerUsername property; set to true
to disable; set to false to disable.
MSNUsername A comma-separated list of MSN Messenger (also No N/A
known as .NET passport) account IDs for each user
account listed in the IMServerUsername property.
Leave entries blank for accounts without MSN.
Entering valid .NET account information enables
MSN Messenger users to access OracleAS Wireless
applications through instant messaging. The MSN
account IDs must also be registered as. NET

38-14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–5 (Cont.) XMPP-Specific Driver Properties

Name Description Mandatory? Default
MSNPassword A comma-separated that corresponds to the No N/A
accounts listed in the MSNUsername property.
AOLEnable Enables or disables AOL IM (AIM) Transport for No N/A
each user account specified in the
IMServerUserName property’s comma-separated
list. Set to true to enable; leave this property blank
or set to false to disable.
AOLUsername A comma-separated list of AOL IM (AIM) account No N/A
IDs for each user account in the IMServerUserName
property. Entering valid AOL account information
enables AOL users to access OracleAS Wireless
applications through instant messaging. The
account IDs must be registered with AOL. Leave
entries blank for accounts without AOL.
AOLPassword A comma-separated list of AOL IM account No N/A
passwords that correspond to the accounts listed in
the AOLUsername property.
ICQEnable Enables or disables ICQ IM Transport for each user No N/A
account specified above in a comma-separated list.
Set to true to enable; leave blank or set to false to
ICQUsername A comma-separated list of ICQ account IDs for No N/A
each user account listed in the IMServerUsername
property. Entering valid ICQ account information
enables ICQ users to access OracleAS Wireless
applications through instant messaging. The ICQ
accounts must be registered with ICQ. Leave
entries blank for accounts without ICQ.
ICQPassword A list of ICQ account passwords that correspond to No N/A
the user IDs entered in the ICQUsername property.
RetryLimit The number of times the driver attempts to No N/A
reconnect to the Jabber server. Enter -1 for
unlimited retries.
RetryInterval The interval, in seconds, between the driver’s No N/A
attempts to reconnect to the Jabber server.

38.2.5 Configuring the VoiceGenie Driver

The VoiceGenie Driver supports VoiceGenie’s outbound call protocol. In addition to
the common properties described in Table 38–1, the VoiceGenie Driver includes a set of
specific properties (listed in Table 38–6). (Table 38–6 also includes some of the common
properties as they relate to the VoiceGenie Driver.)

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-15

Configuring User Messaging Service Drivers

Table 38–6 VoiceGenie-Speficic Drivers

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
InstanceName The name of the instance Yes VoiceGenieDriver
(for internal use only).
Capability Sets the driver’s Yes -- The SEND
capability to send or VoiceGenie
receive messages. The driver
values are SEND, supports only
RECEIVE, and BOTH. sending.
SendingQueuesInfo The information for the Yes The default value is:
Driver Sending Queue.
SupportedDelieveryTypes The delivery type Yes VOICE
supported by the
VoiceGenie driver.
SupportedContentTypes The content type Yes The content types
supported by the supported by the
VoiceGenie driver. VoiceGenie driver are:
■ text/vxml
■ text/v-xml
SupportedStatusTypes The status types No The status types support by
supported by the the VoiceGenie driver are:
VoiceGenie driver.
VoiceGenieOutboundServletURI The URL of the Yes N/A
VoiceGenie gateway.
VoiceGenieOutboundServletUserName The user name of the No N/A
VoiceGenie gateway.
VoiceGenieOutboundServletPassword The password of the No N/A
VoiceGenie gateway.
VoiceGenieOutboundServletDNIS The number that appears No N/A
in the recipient’s ID
VoiceGenieReceiveURL The URL of the servlet Yes N/A
which handles incoming
requests from the
VoiceGenie VoiceXML

38.2.6 Configuring the Proxy Driver

The Proxy Driver acts as a Messaging Web Service client to a Fusion Middleware
Messaging server hosted elsewhere in the intranet or Internet. It uses SOAP over
HTTP (the 11g Fusion Middleware Messaging Web Service protocol) to send messages
and receive messages as well as return message delivery status. The Proxy Driver
relays messages from one UMS instance to another. It can be used to relay traffic from
multiple instances in an Intranet to a terminating instance that has all of the
protocol-specific drivers configured to an external gateway such as an SMSC, or to an

38-16 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Deploying Drivers

SMTP or IMAP mail server. Table 38–7 lists the parameters specific to the Proxy Driver
as well as those described in Section 38.2.1 as they relate to the Proxy Driver.

Table 38–7 Parameters of the Proxy Driver

Name Description Mandatory? Default Value
Instance Name The name of the Proxy Driver instance. Yes Proxy-Driver
Capability Sets the driver’s capability to send or Yes The default value is BOTH.
receive messages. The values are
SupportedDeliveryTypes The delivery types supported by the Yes The default values are:
■ IM
■ Voice
■ E-Mail
■ Worklist
SupportedContentTypes The content type supported by the Yes The default value is an
driver. asterisk (*), as the Proxy
Driver supports all content
SupportedStatusTypes The status types supported by the No Default values include:
GatewayURL The URL to the hosted 11g UMS Web Yes N/A
Service gateway. The URL is in the
following format:
Password The password of the username No N/A
CallbackWsURL The URL that receives the incoming No N/A
messages and statuses from the 11g
UMS Web Service gateway. The URL is
in the following format:
CallbackWsVersion The version number of receiving Web No

38.3 Deploying Drivers

Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g provides a wizard that steps you through deploying,
undeploying, and redploying drivers.

Note: Oracle User Messaging Service must be deployed to an OC4J

instance before you can deploy the driver EAR files. [[??]]

To access the deployment wizard, first select the Farm menu’s J2EE Application
Deployment option and then select Deploy (Figure 38–8).

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-17

Deploying Drivers

Figure 38–8 Accessing the Deployment Wizard

The Deploy option invokes the deployment wizard, which guides you through the
deployment process through the following pages:
■ The Select Archive page (Figure 38–9) is the first page of the wizard. To complete
this page, point OC4J to location of the driver’s EAR (Enterprise Archive) file,
which is typically located at ORACLE_HOME/archives/applications. This page
also enables you to select the option to create or apply a deployment plan, a
client-side aggregation of all of the configuration data needed to deploy an archive
into OC4J. If you use an existing deployment plan, you enter its location. If you
opt for new deployment plan, select the Automatically Create a New
Deployment Plan option.

Tip: The wizard automatically creates a new deployment plan if you

do not enter the location of an existing plan.

38-18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Deploying Drivers

Figure 38–9 Deploying an Application: Entering the Archive Location

■ Clicking Next invokes the Select Target page (Figure 38–10). This page enables
you to select the driver’s parent application.

Note: In general, the driver is a child of the default application. Do

not deploy drivers as children of the Oracle User Messaging Service
application. [[??]]

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-19

Configuring Messaging Preferences

Figure 38–10 The Select Target Page

■ The Deployment Settings page ([[graphic to be added]]) provides a tasks that enable
you to edit the deployment plan.
Complete deployment tasks as needed and then click Deploy. The confirmation
page appears ([[graphic to be added]]).
The driver appears as an active application in the Associated Drivers pare
(Figure 38–5).

38.4 Configuring Messaging Preferences

Workspace users route notifications to their devices using the User Messaging
Preferences interface. This application, one accessed from the WebCenter Worklist,
contains two tabs: the Devices tab (Figure 38–3), which enables users to register the
e-mail clients and mobile devices on which they receive notifications and the
Messaging Filters tab (Figure 38–11), where users specify the content they wish to
receive and the device channels for receiving them.

Figure 38–11 The Messaging Filters Tab

38-20 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring Messaging Preferences

38.4.1 Managing Devices

Any device that a user creates is associated with that user’s system ID. In Oracle User
Messaging Service, devices represent both physical devices, such as mobile phones,
and also e-mail client applications running on desktops. The Devices tab enables users
to perform the following tasks: Creating a Device

To create a device:
1. Click Create (Figure 38–12).

Figure 38–12 The Create Icon

2. Enter a name for the device in the Device Name field.

3. A physical device, such as a PDA, can have one or several channels depending on
its messaging capabilities. As illustrated in Figure 38–13, a device called
MyWorkPDA can be the destination device for Voice, IM, SMS, and E-Mail

Figure 38–13 Multiple Channels for a Single Device

Define the channels for the device by first selecting the transport type from the
Add Channels list and then by entering the appropriate number or address.
4. Click Add (Figure 38–14).

Figure 38–14 The Add Icon

Click Delete (Figure 38–15) to remove a channel from a device.

Figure 38–15 The Delete Icon

5. Click OK to complete the device. The device appears on the Devices page,
represented as subfolder, the contents of which are the device’s channels. The
Devices page enables you to edit or delete the device as well as set a device channel
as the default destination for receiving notifications. Clicking Cancel discards the

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-21

Configuring Messaging Preferences Editing a Device

To edit a device, click Edit adjacent to the device folder. The editing page appears for
the device, which enables you to add of change the device properties described in
Section, "Creating a Device". Deleting a Device

To delete a device, click Delete adjacent to the device folder. Setting a Default Device

E-Mail is the default for receiving notifications. To set another device as the default,
expand the device folder, and then click Set as Default adjacent to the selected device
channel. A check mark (Figure 38–16) appears next to the selected device channel,
designating it as the default means of receiving notifications.

Figure 38–16 The Default Icon

38.4.2 Creating Contact Rules using Filters

The Messaging Filters tab enables users to build filters that specify not only the type of
notifcations they wish to receive, but also the device channel through which to receive
these notifications through a combination of comparison operators (such as is equal to,
is not equal to), business terms that describe the notification type, content or source, and
finally, the notification actions, which send the notifications to all device channels,
block device channels from receiving notifications, or send notifications to the first
available device.
Figure 38–17 illustrates the creation of a filter called Messages from Joe, written by an
employee named Scott that retrieves all high priority messages addressed to him from
his boss, Joe. Notifications that match all of the filter conditions are first directed to
(MyPDA)E-Mail channel. Should this channel become unavailable, Oracle User
Messaging Service transmits the notifications as text-to-speech (TTS) voice mails since
Scott selected a voice channel called (Mynewdevice)Voice as the next available channel.

38-22 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring Messaging Preferences

Figure 38–17 Creating a Filter Creating Filters

To create a filter:
1. Click Create (Figure 38–12). The Create Filter page appears (Figure 38–17).
2. Enter a name for the filter in the Filter Name field.
3. If needed, enter a description of the filter in the Description field.
4. Define the filter conditions using the lists and fields of the Condition section as
a. Select whether notifications must meet all of the conditions or any of the
conditions by selecting either the All of the following conditions or the Any
of the following conditions options.
b. Select the notification’s attributes. These attributes, or business components,
■ Organization
■ Time
■ Priority
■ Application
■ Application Type
■ Expiration Date
■ From
■ To

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-23

Configuring Messaging Preferences

■ Customer Name
■ Customer Type
■ Status
■ Amount
■ Due Date
■ Process Type
■ Expense Type
■ Total Cost
■ Processing Time
■ Order Type
■ Service Request Type
■ Group Name
■ Source
■ Classification
■ Duration
■ User
■ Role
5. Combine the selected condition type with one of the following comparison
■ Is Equal To
■ Is Not Equal To
■ Contains
■ Does Not Contain
If you select the Date attribute, select one of the following comparison operators and
then select the appropriate dates from the calendar application.
■ Is Equal
■ Is Not Equal
■ Is Greater Than
■ Is Greater Than or Equal
■ Is Less Than
■ Is Less Than or Equal
■ Between
■ Is Weekday
■ Is Weekend
6. Add appropriate values describing the attributes or operators.
7. Click Add (Figure 38–14) to add the attribute and the comparison operators to the

38-24 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Configuring Messaging Preferences

8. Repeat these steps to add more filter conditions. To delete a filter condition, click
Delete (Figure 38–15).
9. Select one of the following delivery rules:
■ Broadcast to All Channels -- Select this option to send messages to every
listed channel.
■ Send to One of the Selected Channels (Failover in the Order) -- Select this
option to send messages matching the filter criteria to a preferred channel (set
using the up and down arrows) or to the next available channel.
■ Do Not Send Any Message -- Select this option to block the receipt of any
messages that meet the filter conditions to all of the listed channels.
10. To set the delivery channels, select a channel from the Add Notification Channel list
and then click Add (Figure 38–14). To delete a channel, click Delete (Figure 38–15).
11. If needed, use the up and down arrows to prioritize channels. If available, the
top-most channel receives messages meeting the filter criteria if you select Send to
One of the Selected Channels (Failover in the Order).
12. Click OK to complete the filter. Clicking Cancel discards the filter. Editing a Filter

To edit a filter, first select it and then click Edit (Figure 38–6). The editing page appears
for the filter, which enables you to add of change the device properties described in
Section, "Creating Filters". Deleting a Filter

To delete a filter, first select it and then click Delete (Figure 38–15).

Beta Draft Configuring User Messaging Service 38-25

Configuring Messaging Preferences

38-26 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Parlay X Web Services Multimedia
Messaging API

This chapter describes the Parlay X Multimedia Messaging Web Service that is
available with Oracle User Messaging Service and how to use the Parlay X Web
Services Multimedia Messaging API to send and receive messages through Oracle
User Messaging Service. It contains the following sections:
■ Section 39.1, "Overview of Parlay X Messaging Operations"
■ Section 39.2, "Send Message Interface"
■ Section 39.3, "Receive Message Interface"
■ Section 39.4, "Oracle Extension to Parlay X Messaging"
■ Section 39.5, "Parlay X Messaging Client API and Client Proxy Packages"

Note: Oracle User Messaging Service also ships with a Java API
implementation of the Parlay X API.

39.1 Overview of Parlay X Messaging Operations

The following sections describe the semantics of each of the supported operations
along with implementation-specific details for the Parlay X Gateway. The tables
containing input/output message descriptions for each operation are taken directly
from the Parlay X specification.
Oracle User Messaging Service implements a subset of the Parlay X 2.1 Multimedia
Messaging specification. Specifically Oracle User Messaging Service supports the
SendMessage and ReceiveMessage interfaces. The MessageNotification and
MessageNotificationManager interfaces are not supported.

39.2 Send Message Interface

The SendMessage interface allows you to send a message to one or more recipient
addresses by using the sendMessage operation, or get the delivery status for a
previously sent message by using the getMessageDeliveryStatus operation. The
following requirements apply:
■ A recipient address must conform to the address format requirements of Oracle
User Messaging Service (in addition to being a valid URI). The general format is
<delivery_type>:<protocol_specific_address>, such as "email:user@domain",
"sms:5551212", or im:user@jabberdomain".

Beta Draft Parlay X Web Services Multimedia Messaging API 39-1

Send Message Interface

■ Certain characters are not allowed in URIs; if it is necessary to include them in an

address they can be encoded or escaped. Refer to the JavaDoc for for
details on how to create a properly encoded URI.
■ While the WSDL specifies that sender addresses can be any string, Oracle User
Messaging Service requires that they be valid Messaging addresses.
■ Oracle User Messaging Service requires that that you specify sender addresses on
a per-delivery type basis. So for a sender address to apply to a recipient of a given
delivery type, say EMAIL, the sender address must also have delivery type of
EMAIL. Since this operation allows multiple recipient addresses but only one
sender address, the sender address will only apply to the recipients with the same
delivery type.
■ Oracle User Messaging Service does not support the MessageNotification
interface, and therefore will not produce delivery receipts, even if a receiptRequest
is specified. In other words, the receiptRequest parameter is ignored.

39.2.1 sendMessage Operation

Table 39–1 describes message descriptions for the sendMessageRequest input in the
sendMessage operation.

Table 39–1 sendMessage Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
addresses xsd:anyURI[0..unbounded] No Destination address for this
senderAddress xsd:string Yes Message sender address. This
parameter is not allowed for all
3rd party providers. The Parlay X
server needs to handle this
according to a SLA for the specific
application and its use can
therefore result in a
subject xsd:string Yes Message subject. If mapped to
SMS this parameter will be used
as the senderAddress, even if a
separate senderAddress is
priority MessagePriority Yes Priority of the message. If not
present, the network will assign a
priority based on the operator
policy.Charging to apply to this
charging common: Yes Charging to apply to this message.
receiptRequest common:SimpleReference Yes Defines the application endpoint,
interfaceName and correlator that
will be used to notify the
application when the message has
been delivered to a terminal or if
delivery is impossible.

39-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Receive Message Interface

Table 39–2 describes sendMessageResponse output messages for the sendMessage


Table 39–2 sendMessageResponse Output Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
result xsd:string No This correlation identifier is used
in a getMessageDeliveryStatus
operation invocation to poll for
the delivery status of all sent

39.2.2 getMessageDeliveryStatus Operation

The getMessageDeliveryStatus operation gets the delivery status for a
previously sent message. The input "requestIdentifier" is the "result" value from a
sendMessage operation. This is the same identifier that is referred to as a Message ID
in other Messaging documentation.
Table 39–3 describes the getMessageDeliveryStatusRequest input messages for
the getMessageDeliveryStatus operation.

Table 39–3 getMessageDeliveryStatusRequest Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
registrationIdentifier xsd:string No Identifier related to the delivery
status request.

Table 39–4 describes the getMessageDeliveryStatusResponse output messages for the

getMessageDeliveryStatus operation.

Table 39–4 getMessageDeliveryStatusResponse Output Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
result DeliveryInformation Yes An array of status of the messages
[0..unbounded] that were previously sent. Each
array element represents a sent
message, its destination address
and its delivery status.

39.3 Receive Message Interface

The ReceiveMessage interface has three operations. The getReceivedMessages
operation polls the server for any messages received since the last invocation of
getReceivedMessages. Note that getReceivedMessages does not necessarily
return any message content; it generally only returns message metadata.
The other two operations, getMessage and getMessageURIs, are used to retrieve
message content.

Beta Draft Parlay X Web Services Multimedia Messaging API 39-3

Receive Message Interface

39.3.1 getReceivedMessages Operation

This operation polls the server for any received messages. Note the following
■ The registration ID parameter is a string that identifies the endpoint address for
which the application wants to receive messages. See the discussion of the
ReceiveMessageManager interface for more details.
■ The Parlay X specification says that if the registration ID is not specified, all
messages for this application should be returned. However, the WSDL says that
the registration ID parameter is mandatory. Therefore our implementation treats
the empty string ("") as the "not-specified" value. If you call getReceivedMessages
with the empty string as your registration ID, you will get all messages for this
application. Therefore the empty string is not an allowed value of registration ID
when calling startReceiveMessages.
■ According to the Parlay X specification, if the received message content is "pure
ASCII text", then the message content is returned inline within the
MessageReference object, and the messageIdentifier (Message ID) element is null.
Our implementation treats any content with Content-Type "text/plain", and with
encoding "us-ascii" as "pure ASCII text" for the purposes of this operation. As per
the MIME specification, if no encoding is specified, "us-ascii" is assumed, and if no
Content-Type is specified, "text/plain" is assumed.
■ The priority parameter is currently ignored.
Table 39–5 describes the getReceivedMessagesRequest input messages for the
getReceivedMessages operation.

Table 39–5 getReceivedMessagesRequest Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
registrationIdentifier xsd:string No Identifies the off-line provisioning
step that enables the application to
receive notification of Message
reception according to the
specified criteria.
priority MessagePriority Yes The priority of the messages to
poll from the Parlay X gateway.
ALl messages of the specified
priority and higher will be
retrieved. If not specified, all
messages shall be returned, i.e. the
same as specifying "Low."

Table 39–6 describes the getReceivedMessagesResponse output messages for the

getReceivedMessages operation.

Table 39–6 getReceivedMessagesResponse Output Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
registrationIdentifier xsd:string No Identifies the off-line provisioning
step that enables the application to
receive notification of Message
reception according to the
specified criteria.

39-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Receive Message Interface

Table 39–6 (Cont.) getReceivedMessagesResponse Output Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
priority MessagePriority Yes The priority of the messages to
poll from the Parlay X gateway.
ALl messages of the specified
priority and higher will be
retrieved. If not specified, all
messages shall be returned. This is
the same as specifying Low.

39.3.2 getMessage Operation

The getMessage operation retrieves message content, using a message ID from a
previous invocation of getReceivedMessages. There is no SOAP body in the response
message; the content is returned as a single SOAP attachment.
Table 39–7 describes the getMessageRequest input messages for the getMessage

Table 39–7 getMessageRequest Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
messageRefIdentifier xsd:string No The identity of the message.

There are no getMessageResponse output messages for the getMessage operation.

39.3.3 getMessageURIs Operation

The getMessageURIs retrieves message content as a list of URIs. Note the following
■ These URIs will be HTTP URLs which can be dereferenced to retrieve the content.
■ If the inbound message has a Content-Type of "multipart", then there will be
multiple URIs returned, one per sub-part. If the Content-Type is not "multipart",
then a single URI will be returned.
■ Per the Parlay X specification, if the inbound messages a body text part, defined as
"the message body if it is encoded as ASCII text", it is returned inline within the
MessageURI object. For the purposes of our implementation, we define this
behavior as follows:
– If the message's Content-Type is "text/*" (any text type), and if the charset
parameter is "us-ascii", then the content is returned inline in the MessageURI
object. There will be no URI returned since there is no content other than what
is returned inline.
– If the message's Content-Type is "multipart/" (any multipart type), and if the
first body part's Content-Type is "text/" with charset "us-ascii", then that part
is returned inline in the MessageURI object, and there will be no URI returned
corresponding to that part.
– Per the MIME specification, if the charset parameter is omitted, the default
value of "us-ascii" is assumed. If the Content-Type header is not specified for
the message, then a Content-Type of "text/plain" is assumed.
Table 39–8 describes the getMessageURIsRequest input messages for the
getMessageURIs operation.

Beta Draft Parlay X Web Services Multimedia Messaging API 39-5

Oracle Extension to Parlay X Messaging

Table 39–8 getMessageURIsRequest Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
messageRefIdentifier xsd:string No The identity of the message to

Table 39–9 describes the getMessageURIsResponse output messages for the

getMessageURIs operation.

Table 39–9 getMessageURIsResponse Output Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
result MessageURI No Contains the complete message,
consisting of the textual part of
the message, if such exists, and a
list of file references for the
message attachments, if any.

39.4 Oracle Extension to Parlay X Messaging

The Parlay X Messaging specification leaves certain parts of the messaging flow
undefined. The main area that is left undefined is the process for binding a client to an
address for synchronous receiving (through the ReceiveMessage interface).
Oracle User Messaging Service includes an extension interface to Parlay X to support
this process. The extension is implemented as a separate WSDL in an Oracle XML
namespace to indicate that it is not an official part of Parlay X. Clients can choose to
not use this additional interface or use it in some modular way such that their core
messaging logic remains fully compliant with the Parlay X specification.

39.4.1 ReceiveMessageManager Interface

ReceiveMessageManager is the Oracle-specific interface for managing client
registrations for receiving messages. Clients use this interface to start and stop
receiving messages at a particular address. (This is analagous to the concept of
registering/unregistering access points in the Messaging API). startReceiveMessage Operation

Invoking this operation allows a client to bind itself to a given endpoint for the
purpose of receiving messages. Note the following requirements:
■ An endpoint consists of an address and an optional "criteria", defined by the
Parlay X specification as the first whitespace-delimited token of the message
subject or content.
■ In addition to the endpoint information, the client also specifies a "registration ID"
when invoking this operation; this ID is just a unique string which can be used
later to refer to this particular binding in the stopReceiveMessage and
getReceivedMessages operations.
■ If an endpoint is already registered by another client application, or the
registration ID is already being used, a PolicyError will result.
■ Certain characters are not allowed in URIs; if it is necessary to include them in an
address they can be encoded/escaped. See the javadoc for for details
on how to create a properly encoded URI. For example, when registering to
receive XMPP messages you must specify an address such as

39-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Parlay X Messaging Client API and Client Proxy Packages

"IM:jabber|", however the pipe "|" character is not allowed in

URIs, and must be escaped before submitting to the server.
■ There is no guarantee that the server can actually receive messages at a given
endpoint address. That depends on the overall configuration of Oracle User
Messaging Service, particularly the Messaging drivers that are deployed in the
system. No error will be indicated if a client binds to an address where the server
cannot receive messages.
The startReceiveMessage operation has the following inputs and outputs:
Table 39–10 describes the startReceiveMessageRequest input messages for the
startReceiveMessage operation.

Table 39–10 startReceiveMessageRequest Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
registrationIdentifier xsd:string No A registration identifier.
messageService xsd:anyURI No Message Service Activation
ActivationNumber Number.
criteria xsd:string Yes Descriptive string.

There are no startReceiveMessageResponse output messages for the

startReceiveMessage operation. stopReceiveMessage Operation

Invoking this operation removes the previously-established binding between a client
and a receiving endpoint. The client specifies the same registration ID that was
supplied when startReceiveMessage was called in order to identify the endpoint
binding that is being broken. If there is no corresponding registration ID binding
known to the server for this application, a PolicyError will result.
Table 39–11 describes the stopReceiveMessageRequest input messages for the
stopReceiveMessage operation.

Table 39–11 stopReceiveMessageRequest Input Message Descriptions

Part Name Part Type Optional Description
registrationIdentifier xsd:string No A registration identifier.

There are no stopReceiveMessageResponse output messages for the

stopReceiveMessage operation.

39.5 Parlay X Messaging Client API and Client Proxy Packages

While it is possible to assemble a Parlay X Messaging Client using only the Parlay X
WSDL files and a Web Service assembly tool, we also provide pre-built Web Service
stubs and interfaces for the supported Parlay X Messaging interfaces. Due to difficulty
in assembling a Web Service with SOAP attachments in the style mandated by Parlay
X, we recommend the use of the provided API rather than starting from WSDL.
For a complete listing of the classes available in the Parlay X Messaging API, see the
Messaging JavaDoc. The main entry points for the API are via client classes in package
■ SendMessageClient

Beta Draft Parlay X Web Services Multimedia Messaging API 39-7

Parlay X Messaging Client API and Client Proxy Packages

■ ReceiveMessageClient
■ ReceiveMessageManagerClient
Each client class allows a client application to invoke the operations in the
corresponding interface. These classes also provide generic methods to set standard
Web Service parameters such as the remote gateway URL (using the setEndpoint()
method), and the remote security credentials (using the setUsername() and
setPassword() methods). The security credentials will be propagated to the server
using standard WS-Security headers, as mandated by the Parlay X specification.
The general process for a client application is to create one of the client classes above,
set the neccessary configuration items (endpoint, username, password), then invoke
one of the business methods (e.g. SendMessageClient.sendMessage(), etc). For
examples of how to use this API, see the Messaging samples, and specifically

39-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
User Messaging Preferences

This chapter describes the User Messaging Preferences that are packaged with Oracle
User Messaging Service. It describes how the user configures User Messaging
Preferences and how filters work. This chapter contains the following sections:
■ Section 40.1, "Introduction"
■ Section 40.2, "Configuring Filters and Conditions"
■ Section 40.3, "Configuring Device Destination Addresses"

40.1 Introduction
User Messaging Preferences allows a user who has access to multiple devices or
channels (delivery types) to deliver notifications to a preferred device using filters.
These filters are also known as notification delivery preferences. An Oracle database, a
Toplink-compliant database, or a file-based database stores device addresses, rule sets,
and user devices.

40.1.1 Terminology
User Messaging Preferences defines the following terminology:
■ Device: a physical device, such as a phone, or PDA.
■ Device address: one of the addresses that a device can communicate with.
■ Filters: a set of notification delivery preferences.
■ System term: a pre-defined business term that cannot be extended by the
■ Business term: a rule term defined and managed by the system administrator
through Enterprise Manager. Business terms can be added, defined, or deleted.
■ Rule term: a system term or a business term.
■ Operators: comparison operators equals, does not equal, contains, or does not contain.
■ Facts: data passed in from the message to be evaluated, such as time sent, or sender.
■ Rules Engine: the User Messaging Preferences component that processes and
evaluates filters.
■ Channel: the transport type, for example, e-mail, voice, or SMS.
■ Comparison: a rule term and the associated comparison operator.
■ Action: the action to be taken if the specified conditions in a rule are true, such as
Broadcast to All, Failover, or Do not Send to Any Device.

Beta Draft User Messaging Preferences 40-1


40.1.2 Configuration of Notification Delivery Preferences

User Messaging Preferences allows configuration of notification delivery preferences
based on the following:
■ a set of well-defined rule terms (system terms or business terms)
■ a set of device and the corresponding addresses supported by Oracle User
Messaging Service
■ a set of User Messaging Preferences filters that are transparently handled by a
rules engine
One use case for notification delivery preference is an online auction application. For
example, user Alex is interested in being notified through SMS and IM messages for
bids of an item (for example, source = 1234) on eBay that are less than 200. Alex’s
preferences can be stated as follows:

Example 40–1 Notification Delivery Preferences

Rule (1): if (application = eBay) AND (source = 1234) AND (amount < 200) then
notify [Alex] using SMS and IM

Rule (2): if (application = eBay) AND (source = 1234) AND (amount >= 200) then do
not notify [Alex]

A runtime service, the Oracle Rules Engine, evaluates the filters to process the
notification delivery of user requests.

40.1.3 Delivery Preference Rules

A delivery preference rule consists of rule comparisons and rule actions. A rule
comparison consists of a rule term (a system term or a business term) and the
associated comparison operators. A rule action is the action to be taken if the specified
conditions in a rule are true. Data Types

Table 40–2 lists data types supported by User Messaging Preferences. Each system
term and business term must have an associated data type, and each data type has a
set of pre-defined comparison operators. Administrators cannot extend these

Table 40–1 Data Types Supported by User Messaging Preferences

Data Type Comparison Operators
Date <, >, between, <=, >=
Number <, >, between, <=, >=
String ==, !=, contains, not contains

Note: The String data type does not support regular expressions.

40-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft

System Terms
Table 40–2 lists system terms, which are pre-defined business terms. Administrators
cannot extend the system terms.

Table 40–2 System Terms Supported by User Messaging Preferences

System Term Data Type
Date Date
Time Number (0-23) Business Terms

Business terms are rule terms defined and managed by the system administrator
through Oracle Application Server 11g Enterprise Manager. For more information on
adding, defining, and deleting business terms, refer to Oracle Fusion Middleware
Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite. A business term consists of a key, a data type, an
optional description, and an optional List of Values (LOV).
Table 40–3 lists the pre-defined business terms supported by User Messaging

Table 40–3 Pre-defined Business Terms for User Messaging Preferences

Business Term Data Type
Organization String
Customer Name String
Customer Type String
Status String
Amount Number
Due Date Date
Process Type String
Expense Type String
Total Cost Number
Processing Time Number
Order Type String
Service Request Type String
Group Name String
Source String
Classification String
Duration Number
User String
Role String

Beta Draft User Messaging Preferences 40-3

Configuring Filters and Conditions

40.1.4 Rule Actions

For a given rule, a User Messaging Preferences user can define one of the following
■ Broadcast to All: send a broadcast message to all devices in the broadcast address
■ Failover: Send a message serially to devices in the address list until one successful
message is sent. This means performing a send to the next device when the current
device returns a failure status. User Messaging Preferences does not allow a user
to specify a channel-specific status code or expiration time.
■ Do not send to Any Device: Do not send a message to any device.

Tip: User Messaging Preferences does not provide a filter action that
instructs "do not send to a specified device." A best practice is to
specify only positive actions, and not negative actions in rules.

■ Default address: if no action is defined, a message will be sent to a default

address, as defined in the Messaging Devices page in Enterprise Manager.

40.2 Configuring Filters and Conditions

A user can specify multiple one or more conditions using system terms and business
terms with the appropriate comparison operators. A user can have only one filter,
which can be composed on one of more conditions.

40.2.1 Sample Conditions

User Messaging Preferences supports limited types of delivery preference rules. The
following are some sample conditions that a User Messaging Preferences user can
1. If (term is "Application" and the value is "Expense") AND (term is "Amount" and
the value is greater than 1000) then send to all of the following devices.
2. If (term is "Date" and the value is between "Jun 17, 2006" and "Jun 26, 2006) then
send to the following address.
3. If (term is "Time" and the value is between "12:00" and "13:00") AND (term is
"Status" and the value is "success") then send to one of the following devices.

40.2.2 Rule Activation Flow

User Messaging Preferences applies the following criteria to select conditions for
■ There is no priority associated with each conditions. Therefore, within a set of
activation of rules, the first condition in the list will be executed first.
■ The User Messaging Preferences user can access the User Messaging Preferences
UI through the SOA Worklist application and prioritize the rules by rearranging
their physical positions.
■ If no condition is met, the service will return the user default device address as
configured in the Messaging Devices page in Enterprise Manager.
■ If the action of the filter is "Do Not Send to Any Device", an empty list will be

40-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring Device Destination Addresses

■ All filter sessions are stateless. User Messaging Preferences has no knowledge of
previous facts or activation results.
– There is no decision-branching between two rules.
– There can be no aggregation rules such as number of notifications sent to a
device address in a time period.
– There can be no cross-user (group) rules.
For a given rule, the relationship between all comparisons can be either "match all
conditions" or "match any condition". This precludes the specification of a mixture of
ANDs and ORs.

40.3 Configuring Device Destination Addresses

A User Device is a device associated with a User Messaging Preferences user, and can
include a user ID, a name, a set of device addresses, and a description.
The device address represents a communication address in a User Device (for
example, a telephone number or e-mail address). A User Device can contain multiple
addresses (such as addresses representing a telephone number, an e-mail address, and
an instant messaging client) and therefore can contain multiple device addresses.
Device addresses have the following properties:
■ address: String
■ deliveryType: DeliveryType (from the Messaging API)
■ encoding: String
■ device: UserDevice
■ createdDate: Date
■ lastModifiedDate: Date
■ version: int
■ valid: boolean
DeliveryType enumerates all available delivery type in Oracle User Messaging
Service. These constants are available:
■ IM

Beta Draft User Messaging Preferences 40-5

Configuring Device Destination Addresses

40-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Send Message to User Specified Channel
Sample Application

This chapter describes how to build and run the Send Message to User Specified
Channel sample application provided with Oracle User Messaging Service. This
chapter contains the following sections:
■ Section 41.1, "Overview"
■ Section 41.2, "Installing and Configuring SOA and User Messaging Service"
■ Section 41.3, "Building the Sample"
■ Section 41.4, "Creating a Deployment Profile"
■ Section 41.5, "Creating a New Application Server Connection"
■ Section 41.6, "Deploying the Application"
■ Section 41.7, "Configuring Drivers"
■ Section 41.8, "Configuring User Messaging Preferences"
■ Section 41.9, "Testing the Sample"

41.1 Overview
The “Send Message to User Specified Channel” sample demonstrates a BPEL process
that allows a message to be sent to a user through a messaging channel specified in
User Messaging Preferences. After you have configured a device and messaging
channel addresses for each supported channel and the default device, Oracle User
Messaging Service routes the message to the user based on the preferred channel
setting that you configured.

41.1.1 Provided Files

The following files are included in the sample application:
■ SendMessage.pdf – this document.
■ Project – the directory containing Oracle JDeveloper project files.
■ Readme.txt.
■ Release notes

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-1
Installing and Configuring SOA and User Messaging Service

41.2 Installing and Configuring SOA and User Messaging Service

The installation of SOA and User Messaging Service has already been performed on
your hosted instance, and the sample users have already been seeded. Perform the
following steps to enable notifications in soa-infra:
1. Configure AS11 soa-infra to access an e-mail server for uploading e-mails.
2. Configure additional drivers if required as described in "Configuring Drivers".
3. Restart the server.

41.3 Building the Sample

Performing the following procedure of building the sample from scratch allows you to
learn how to add messaging to your SOA Composite Applications, and use User
Messaging Preferences.
1. Open Oracle JDeveloper 11g.
2. Create a new application by selecting New, General, Applications, and
Application (Figure 41–1). Click OK.

Figure 41–1 Creating a New Application (1 of 2)

3. Enter the Application Name and click OK (Figure 41–2).

41-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Building the Sample

Figure 41–2 Creating a New Application (2 of 2)

4. Enter the name for the project and click OK (Figure 41–3).

Figure 41–3 Creating a New Project

5. Select SendMessageProj, right click and select New, SOA Tier, Service
Components, and SOA Composite (Figure 41–4).

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-3
Building the Sample

Figure 41–4 Creating the SOA Composite

6. Select the Composite With BPEL composite template. Click OK. (Figure 41–5).

Figure 41–5 Creating the SOA Composite

7. In the Create BPEL Process window, enter the BPEL process name as
“SendMessage.” Click OK.

41-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Building the Sample

Figure 41–6 Defining the BPEL Process

You have now created an empty and default BPEL application (Figure 41–7).
In the Oracle JDeveloper main window you can view the following components of
the sample application under the Composite.xml tab.
■ The left box is the definition of a Web Service client that is used to initiate an
■ The middle box is a BPEL process that creates and formats the message and
calls the messaging service.

Note: You will later create the messaging service resource that is
used to send the message when you create the User Notification BPEL
process (steps 13-19).

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-5
Building the Sample

Figure 41–7 Empty and Default BPEL Application

8. Expand the xsd folder in the Application Navigator and open SendMessages.xsd by
double-clicking it .
9. Click on the Source tab (Figure 41–8).

41-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Building the Sample

Figure 41–8 Accessing the SendMessages.xsd File

10. Perform the following modifications to the inputs of this BPEL application:

In the generated file, SendMessage.xsd, in the xsd folder in the application

navigator under projects, the following element definition is created by default:
<element name="input type="string"/>

This xsd element defines the input for the BPEL process.
Select the Source tab (Figure 41–9), and replace the line above with the following
three lines:
<element name="to" type="string"/>
<element name="subject" type="string"/>
<element name="body" type="string"/>

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-7
Building the Sample

Figure 41–9 Modifying the Inputs in the SendMessages.xsd File

11. Perform a Save All.

12. Select the SendMessage.bpel editor screen from the Application Navigator
(Figure 41–10).

41-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Building the Sample

Figure 41–10 Selecting SendMessage.bpel in the Application Navigator

13. Drag and drop User Notification from BPEL Activities and Components located in
the Component Palette between the receiveInput and callbackClient activities
(Figure 41–11).

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-9
Building the Sample

Figure 41–11 Drag and Drop the User Notification Activity from the Component Palette

The User Notification activity appears (Figure 41–12).

Figure 41–12 User Notification Activity Before Configuration of Inputs

14. Click the XPath Expression Builder icon to the right of the "To:" input box.

41-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Building the Sample

15. Modify the expression for the recipient, "to", as follows:

■ In the BPEL Variables pane, select Variables, InputVariable, Payload,
client:SendMessagesProcessRequest, and client:to (Figure 41–13).
■ Click Insert Into Expression.
■ Click OK.

Figure 41–13 Defining the Recipient ("to") Expression

16. Click the XPath Expression Builder icon to the right of the "subject:" input box.

17. Modify the expression for the subject as follows:

■ In the BPEL Variables pane, select Variables, InputVariable, Payload,
client:SendMessagesProcessRequest, and client:subject (Figure 41–14).
■ Click Insert Into Expression.
■ Click OK.

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-11
Building the Sample

Figure 41–14 Defining the Subject Expression

18. Click the XPath Expression Builder icon to the right of the "body:" input box.

19. Modify the expression for the body as follows:

■ In the BPEL Variables pane, select Variables, InputVariable, Payload,

client:SendMessagesProcessRequest, and client:body (Figure 41–15).
■ Click Insert Into Expression.

41-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Building the Sample

Figure 41–15 Defining the Body Expression

■ Click OK.
■ Click OK to apply the changes (Figure 41–16).

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-13
Building the Sample

Figure 41–16 Confirming the Changes to the Inputs

The changes to the inputs are saved and the configuration of the User
Notification Activity is complete. You can now see the User Notification
Activity in the BPEL application (Figure 41–17). The SOA Composite is

Figure 41–17 User Notification Activty After Configuration of Inputs

41-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a Deployment Profile

41.4 Creating a Deployment Profile

Perform the following steps to create a deployment profile:
1. Select the application, right-click, and select Application Properties.
2. Select Deployment and click New (Figure 41–18).

Figure 41–18 Creating a Deployment Profile (1 of 3)

3. Select OAR File (Oracle Application archive) as the Archive Type (Figure 41–19).

Figure 41–19 Creating a Deployment Profile (2 of 3)

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-15
Creating a New Application Server Connection

4. In the Application Properties window, click Edit.

5. Check sca_SendMessagesProj to be assembled into your application (Figure 41–20).

Figure 41–20 Creating a Deployment Profile (3 of 3)

6. Click OK twice.
The deployment profile is complete.

41.5 Creating a New Application Server Connection

Perform the following steps to create a new Application Server Connection.
1. Create a new Application Server Connection by right-clicking the project and
selecting New, Connections, and Application Server Connection (Figure 41–21).

41-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating a New Application Server Connection

Figure 41–21 New Application Server Connection

2. Name the connection “MyAppServerConnection” and click Next (Figure 41–22).

3. Select "Oracle Application Server 11g" as the Connection Type.

Figure 41–22 New Application Server Connection

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-17
Deploying the Application

4. Enter the authentication information. The typical values are:

Username: fmwadmin
Password: welcome1
5. On the Connection screen, enter the hostname and click Next.
6. On the Test screen click Test Connection.
7. Verify that the message “Success!” appears.
The Application Server Connection has been created.

41.6 Deploying the Application

Perform the following steps to deploy the application:
1. Deploy the application by selecting SendMessage Application, Deploy,
SendMessageApp, to, and MyAppServerConnection (Figure 41–23).

Figure 41–23 New Application Server Connection

2. Verify that the message "Build Successful" appears in the log.

3. Enter the default revision and click OK.
4. In the Deployment Plan window select MDS Configuration (Figure 41–24).

41-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying the Application

Figure 41–24 Performing MDS Configuration

5. Click Choose Repository in the Metadata Repository box.

6. In the Choose Repository window, click Select next to the repository starting with
"ORACLE" with Type "DB." For example, "ORACLE_orcl_STADQ11_1012_MDS"
(Figure 41–25).

Figure 41–25 Choosing a Repository

7. In the Shared MDS Connections box, select Edit.

8. In the Partition drop down menu, select the partition with the suffix .soa-infra only
(Figure 41–27).

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-19
Deploying the Application

Figure 41–26 Editing a Shared Connection

9. Click OK.
10. Select the deployment target ending with "oc4j_soa" (Figure 41–27) and click OK.

Figure 41–27 Selecting a Deployment Target

11. Verify that the message "Deployment Finished" appears in the deployment log
(Figure 41–28).

41-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Configuring Drivers

Figure 41–28 Verifying that the Deployment is Successful

You have successfully deployed the application.

Before you can run the sample you must configure any additional drivers in
Oracle User Messaging Service and configure a default device for the user
receiving the message in User Messaging Preferences, as described in the
following sections.

Note: Refer to "Configuring Notifications" in the Oracle Fusion

Middleware SOA Developer’s Guide for more information.

41.7 Configuring Drivers

You have created and deployed the application, and configured the User Preferences.
You must also configure drivers. For information on deploying drivers, refer to the
Perform the following steps to configure the drivers:
1. Log into the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console as an
2. Expand the Fusion Middleware folder and then the SOA folder.
3. Navigate to the User Messaging Service Home page (/instance/oc4j_
4. If needed, expand the Associated Drivers section of the User Messaging Service
Home page.
5. Select the Local tab to access the drivers deployed to the SOA instance.
6. Select a driver and then click the adjacent Edit icon (a pencil) in the Configure
Driver column.

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-21
Configuring User Messaging Preferences

The configuration page appears.

7. Expand the Driver-Specific Configuration section and configure the driver
parameters as described in steps 8-9.
8. Configure the following parameters for e-mail:
■ IncomingMailServer -- The hostname of the incoming IMAP or POP3 mail
■ IncomingMailServerPort -- The port number of the IMAP or POP3 mail server.
9. Configure the following parameters for IM:
■ IMServerPassword -- A comma-separated list of passwords for each user
name listed for the IMServerUsername property.
■ SmsAccountId -- The Account Identifier on the SMS-C (Short Message Service
■ SmsAccountId -- The Account Identifier on the SMS-C (Short Message Service
10. Configure the following parameters for the SMPP Driver (SMS):

■ IMServerHost -- The host name of the Jabber server. For multiple servers, use a
comma-separated list (for example, enter, If only
one host name is specified, it will be used for all accounts.
■ IMServerPort -- The corresponding comma-separated list of Jabber server ports
(for example, enter 5222, 5222)
■ IMServerUsername -- A list of Jabber user names for login. These user accounts
will be automatically created, if necessary, on the corresponding Jabber servers. If
you have multiple servers listed in the IMServerHost and IMServer Port
properties, then there must be an equal number of user names (one user name per
server). If you have only one server listed in these properties, then all of the user
names listed in this property will use that server. For example, enter oracleagent1,
oracleagent2. You can also enter a complete Jabber ID if its domain name is
different from the Jabber server host name (for example, enter
■ IMServerPassword -- A comma-separated list of passwords for each user name
listed for the IMServerUsername property.
For more information on configuring driver parameters and setting up the
environment, refer to "Configuring Notifications" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite.

41.8 Configuring User Messaging Preferences

For users to receive the notifications, they must register the devices that they use to
access messages through User Messaging Preferences. Perform the following steps:
1. Log into your SOA farm at the following URL:
The User Messaging Preferences application appears.
2. Click on the Messaging Devices tab (Figure 41–30).

41-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Testing the Sample

Figure 41–29 Messaging Devices Tab

You are prompted for login credentials.

3. Enter the following login credentials:
Username: fmwadmin
Password: welcome1
4. In the Messaging Devices tab, select a device from the Device and Channel
column, or create a new device by selecting Create.
5. Define the channels for the device by first selecting the transport type from the
Add Channels list and then by entering the appropriate number or address.
6. Set a device as the default by expanding the device folder, and then clicking Set as
Default adjacent to the selected device channel.
A checkmark appears next to the selected device channel, designating it as the
default means of receiving notifications. All messages sent to that user will be sent
to that channel.

41.9 Testing the Sample

The following steps describe how to perform a test message transmission to through
the Client Endpoint window.
Perform the following steps to run and test the sample:
1. Open a Web browser window and login to http://<host>:<port>/soa-infra
2. Select the SendMessagesApp Test Client link.
The Client Endpoint window appears (Figure 41–30).

Beta Draft Send Message to User Specified Channel Sample Application 41-23
Testing the Sample

Figure 41–30 Testing Messaging Using in the Client Endpoint Window

3. In the Client Endpoint window provide the input values for invoking
Enter the following values:
■ to: fmwadmin (the user)
■ subject: notification test (the subject)
■ body: the message content
4. Click Invoke.

41.9.1 Verifying the Execution of Sending the E-mail

Log in to the device you configured as the preferred channel for the user in User
Preferences. Verify that a message has been received by the device.

41-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Oracle User Messaging Service Expense
Report Use Case

This document describes how to build an expense report use case through the
following sections:
■ Section 42.1, "Overview of the Expense Report Use Case"
■ Section 42.2, "Deploying the Pre-Built Sample Applications"
■ Section 42.3, "Running the Sample Application"
■ Section 42.4, "Building the Expense Report Applications"

42.1 Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

This use case illustrates how to create an expense report that users can escalate
through the management chain for ultimate approval. In this scenario, a user known
as jstein, creates a expense report through Oracle Expense Reports (Figure 42–1) that is
addressed to his manager, cdickens. Upon completing the expense report, the system
creates an assigned task related to the expense report for cdickens in the Oracle BPM
Worklist and also sends him an e-mail notification. Once he receives the e-mail,
cdickens approves the expense report. His approval triggers the escalation of the
expense report task to the next management tier, that of his director and fellow
Worklist user, wfaulkner, who likewise receives an e-mail notification and a Worklist
task that awaits his approval. Once wfaulkner approves the expense report task from
the e-mail notification, it is resolved in the Worklfow.

Figure 42–1 The Expense Report

The expense report use case is comprised of three applications,

ExpenseReportADFBCApp, which defines the notification event using ADF BC
(Application Development Framework Business Components),

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-1
Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

ExpenseReportComposite, which defines a mediator that consumes the events from the
ADF BC component and transforms them into BPEL input payload that invokes the
human workflow, defined in ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow.

42.1.1 Prerequisites
The expense report scenario requires the following:
■ An IMAP4 or POP3 e-mail server.
■ E-mail accounts provisioned to the e-mail server for users jstein, cdickens, and
■ The E-Mail Driver configured to point to the e-mail server. See Section
■ Database tables that define the business components. See Section Required Files

To following files are required:
■ expense_oracle.sql (Figure 42–1) -- Defines the expense_report and expense_
items schemas. Both ExpenseReportADFBCApp and ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow
require a SQL connection to these schemas. For information on creating this
connection, refer to Section

Example 42–1 expense_oracle.sql

CREATE TABLE expense_report
creator VARCHAR2(100),
created_date TIMESTAMP,
cost_center VARCHAR2(100),
reimb_currency VARCHAR2(100),
purpose VARCHAR2(2000),
status VARCHAR2(100)

CREATE TABLE expense_items

(expense_id INTEGER REFERENCES expense_report(id),
receipt_date TIMESTAMP,
receipt_amount NUMBER,
expense_type VARCHAR2(100),
justification VARCHAR2(2000)

■ ExpenseReportADFBCApp -- This includes ExpenseReportADFBCApp, a JDeveloper

application containing the ADF BC component that defines the notification event.
■ ExpenseReportCompositeApp -- This includes ExpenseReportComposite, a JDeveloper
SOA composite application (SCA) that defines mediator and BPEL process and the
JDeveloper task flow application, ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow.

Note: The SCA and task flow application must be deployed to the
same OC4J container. For more information, see Section 42.2,
"Deploying the Pre-Built Sample Applications"

■ ExpenseReport.edl file (Example 42–2), located in the ExpenseReportComposite

directory. This .edl (event definition language) file describes the Expense

42-2 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

Report’s business events. Example 42–2 defines ExpenseEvent as the event that
the mediator component of the ExpenseReportComposite application subscribes to
and publishes to the ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow application.

Example 42–2 ExpenseReport.edl

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<definitions xmlns=""
<schema-import namespace="/expensereportmodel/events/schema/ExpenseReport"
<event-definition name="ExpenseEvent">
<content xmlns:ns0="/expensereportmodel/events/schema/ExpenseReport"

■ ExpenseReport.edl also names the event’s schema definition file, ExpenseReport.xsd

(Example 42–3). This .xsd (XML Schema Definition) document, which is located
in the ExpenseReportComposite directory, describes the event’s payload.

Example 42–3 ExpenseReport.xsd

<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<xs:schema targetNamespace="/expensereportmodel/events/schema/ExpenseReport"
xmlns="/expensereportmodel/events/schema/ExpenseReport" elementFormDefault="qualified"
attributeFormDefault="unqualified" xmlns:xs="">
<xs:element name="ExpenseEventInfo">
<xs:element name="Id" type="DecimalValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="Creator" type="StringValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="CreatedDate" type="DateTimeValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="CostCenter" type="StringValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="ReimbCurrency" type="StringValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="Purpose" type="StringValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:element name="Status" type="StringValuePair" minOccurs="1"/>
<xs:complexType name="ValuePair" abstract="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="DateTimeValuePair">
<xs:extension base="ValuePair">
<xs:element name="newValue" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:dateTime"/>
<xs:element name="oldValue" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:dateTime"/>

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-3
Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

<xs:complexType name="StringValuePair">
<xs:extension base="ValuePair">
<xs:element name="newValue" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element name="oldValue" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:complexType name="DecimalValuePair">
<xs:extension base="ValuePair">
<xs:element name="newValue" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:decimal"/>
<xs:element name="oldValue" minOccurs="0">
<xs:extension base="xs:anyType">
<xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:decimal"/>

42-4 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Overview of the Expense Report Use Case Configuring the User Messaging Service E-Mail Driver to Send and
Receive Messages
To enable users to receive and forward expense report notifications, use Oracle
Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control to configure the parameters of the
User Messaging Service E-Mail driver to point to the appropriate e-mail server.
To configure the E-Mail Driver:
1. Log into the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control console as an
administrator (that is, use fmwadmin as the user name and welcome1 as the
2. Navigate to the User Messaging Service Home page.
3. If needed, expand the Associated Drivers section (Figure 42–2).

Figure 42–2 Associated Drivers

4. Select the E-Mail driver and then click the adjacent Edit icon (illustrated in
Figure 42–3 as a pencil) in the Configure Driver column.

Figure 42–3 The Edit Icon

The configuration page for the E-Mail driver displays (Figure 42–4).

Figure 42–4 The Basic Configuration Page

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-5
Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

5. If needed, expand the Driver-Specific Configuration section and configure the E-Mail
driver parameters listed in Table 42–1 to point the driver to the proper e-mail

Table 42–1 E-mail Driver Parameters

Parameter Value
IncomingMailIDs A comma-separated list of e-mail addresses that correspond to
user names. Each e-mail address must occupy the same position
in the list as their user name counterparts (listed in
IncomingMailServer The host name of the incoming mail server.
IncomingMailServerPort The port number of the IMAP or POP3 mail server. For example,
enter a standard port number for the IMAP server, such as 143
or 993 (for S-IMAP, IMAP over SSL). Likewise, enter a standard
port number for the IMAP server, such as 100 or 995 (S-POP,
POP over SSL).
IncomingMailServerSSL Enter true to enable the Messaging Enabler to communicate
using SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). If this property is set to true,
then you must set the IncomingMailServerPort to a port
commonly used for SSL, such as 993.
IncomingUserIDs A comma-separated list of user names of the mail accounts from
which the E-Mail Driver instance polls.
IncomingUserPasswords A comma-separated list of passwords that correspond to the
user names. Each e-mail address must occupy the same position
in the list as their user name counterparts (listed in
OutgoingDefaultFromAddr The default from address of the e-mail (if none is provided in the
OutgoingMailServer The name of the SMTP server.
OutgoingMailServerPort The port number of the outgoing SMTP server.
OutgoingMailServerTLS If set to true, then the Messaging Enabler uses TLS (Transport
Layer Security) encryption when communicating with the SMTP
OutgoingPassword The password used for SMTP authentication.
OutgoingUsername The user name used for SMTP authentication.
ReceiveFolder The name of the folder (such as INBOX) from which the driver
polls messages. Creating the Database Tables that Define the Business Components
Both ExpenseReportADFCApp and ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow require a connection to
the application database that stores the expense_report and expense_items
tables (Example 42–1). The connection to these tables enables ExpenseReportADFBCApp
to provide the current and past expense report data to Oracle Expense Reports
(Figure 42–1). ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow also consumes the data from these tables to
populate the payload information displayed in the view object.
Before you create the database tables, you must first create a database connection,
which is a two-step process:
1. Creating a new user (Section

42-6 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

Connect to the database as SYSDBA and then create the "expense" user and
password used to connect with the database containing the expense_report
and expense_items schema.
2. Editing the existing database connection (Section
Substitute the user name and password values in the existing SQL connection for
those of the new user. You may also need to change the host and port values used
for the existing SQL connection.

Note: To complete the Expense Report use case, you must edit the
connections that ship with both ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow and

After you create new user and password and edit the existing SQL connection, you
create the Expense Report schema. For more information, see "Creating the Database
Schema". Creating a New User

1. In JDeveloper, open ExpenseReportADFBCApp.jws.
2. Select Tools and then SQL Worksheet. The Select Connection dialog appears
(Figure 42–5).

Figure 42–5 The Select Connection Dialog

3. Click the Add icon (represented as a green plus sign in Figure 42–6). The Create
Database Connection dialog appears.

Figure 42–6 The Add Icon

4. Complete the dialog by entering the following:

■ Select Application Resources (the default).
■ A connection name, such as SysDBAConnection.
■ Enter SYSDBA as the user name and enter the administrator password.
■ Enter the host name.
■ Enter orcl for the SID
5. Click Test Connection. If you defined the database connection properly, Success!

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-7
Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

6. Click OK.
7. Create a user by entering a script similar to Example 42–4 in the Enter SQL
Statement pane (Figure 42–7). Example 42–4 sets expense as both the user name and
password to the database.

Example 42–4 Creating a User

define bpm_user=expense
define bpm_passwd=expense
define def_tablespace=system
define temp_tablespace=temp

CREATE USER &bpm_user identified by &bpm_passwd default tablespace &def_tablespace

temporary tablespace &temp_tablespace;
grant connect, resource to &bpm_user;
grant create view to &bpm_user;

grant create table to &bpm_user;

grant create sequence to &bpm_user;
grant select_catalog_role to &bpm_user;
grant drop any context to &bpm_user;
grant create any context to &bpm_user;
grant execute any type to &bpm_user;
grant execute any procedure to &bpm_user;
grant select any table to &bpm_user;

Figure 42–7 Entering the Create User SQL Script

42-8 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Overview of the Expense Report Use Case

8. Click Execute Script (Figure 42–8). Data returned by the script displays in the
Script Output pane (illustrated in Figure 42–7).

Figure 42–8 The Execute Script Icon Editing the Existing Database Connection

To create this connection and then seed the database tables:
1. In JDeveloper, click Tools and then SQL Worksheet. The Select Connection dialog
appears (Figure 42–5).
2. Select the connection that ships with the ADF BC application,
SQLConnection(ExpenseReportADFBCApp), and then click Edit (Figure 42–3).
The Create Database Connection dialog appears, populated with default values.
3. Replace the user name and password with those set for the expense user. For
example, enter expense for the user name and password.
4. If applicable, enter a different host name.
5. Click Test Connection. If you defined the database connection properly, Success!
6. Click OK.

Note: You must replace the default user names and passwords for
the SQL connections that ship with the ExpenseReportADFBCApp
application and the task flow application, ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow
with those set for the “expense” user. You can edit the connections
through the Edit Database Connection dialog (accessed by right-clicking
the SQL Connections node of Application Resources, such the one
illustrated in Figure 42–9 and then by selecting Properties from the
context menu).

Creating the Database Schema

1. As the new user, create the database tables by pasting the expense_oracle.sql
(Example 42–1) into the Create SQL Statement pane.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-9
Deploying the Pre-Built Sample Applications

Figure 42–9 Creating the Schema

2. Click Execute Script (Figure 42–8). Data returned by the script displays in the
Script Output pane.

42.2 Deploying the Pre-Built Sample Applications

This section describes the following:
■ Deploying the SOA Composite and Task Flow Applications
■ Deploying the ADF BC Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp)

42.2.1 Deploying the SOA Composite and Task Flow Applications

Deploy ExpenseReportComposite as follows:
1. Open the .jws file in JDeveloper. The JDeveloper main window appears.

Note: A dialog box may appear to warn you that the data from the
project will be migrated to the latest Oracle JDeveloper version and
that you will not be able to open the application or its project using an
older release. Click Yes.

2. Create a new connection by first clicking File and then selecting Connections
(located in the General section).
3. Select Application Server Connection from the Items pane and then click OK. The
Welcome page of the Application Server Connection Wizard displays.
4. Complete the wizard as follows:
a. Click Next. The Type page appears.
b. Enter 11g in the Connection Name field.

42-10 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Running the Sample Application

c. Select Oracle Application Server 11g as the Connection Type. Click Next. The
Authentication page appears.
d. Enter the user name and password (fmwadmin and welcome1, respectively).
e. Click Next. The Connection page appears.
f. Enter the server name and port.
g. Click Next. The Test page appears. Click Test Connection. If you defined the
connection properly, Success! appears.
5. In the Application Navigator, right-click ExpenseReportCompositeApp.
6. In the context menu that displays, select Deploy > ExpenseReportSCApp > to
and then select the Oracle Application Server 11g connection.

Note: Verify that the Build Successful message displays in the log.

7. Accept the default value of 1.0 as the New Version ID in the Revision ID dialog and
click OK.
8. In the Deployment Plan page select MDS Configuration.
9. Click Choose Repository in the Metadata Repository section.
10. In the Choose Repository window, click Select (next to the repository starting with
"ORACLE" with Type "DB." For example, "ORACLE_orcl_STADQ11_1012_MDS".
11. In the Shared MDS Connections pane, select Edit.

12. In the Partition drop down menu, select the partition with the suffix .soa-infra only.

13. Click OK.

14. Select the deployment target ending with "oc4j_soa" and then click OK.

15. Verify that the Deployment Finished message displays in the deployment log.

42.2.2 Deploying the ADF BC Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp)

To deploy ExpenseReportADFBCApp:
1. In the Application Navigator, right-click the ExpenseReportModel and then select
Deploy > ExpenseReportTaskFlowApp > to > then select the Oracle Application
Server 11g connection.
2. Verify that the Deployment Finished message displays in the deployment log.

42.3 Running the Sample Application

Once you have deployed the Expense Report applications, you must restart the OC4J
instance to which it has been deployed. To do this:
1. Log into the Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Grid Control console as an
administrator (that is, use fmwadmin as the user name and welcome1 as the
password). Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Grid Control displays. The
Farm tab also displays (Figure 42–10).

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-11
Running the Sample Application

Figure 42–10 The Farm Tab

2. Expand Fusion Middleware and then expand Application Servers.

3. Expand OC4Js and then select the OC4J SOA instance that runs the Expense
Report applications. The OC4J tab appears.
4. From the OC4J tab menu, select Availability (Figure 42–11).

Figure 42–11 The OC4J Menu

5. From the context menu, select Stop and then Restart.

6. Navigate to the following URL:

Note: Use either Internet Explorer 7.0 or the latest version of Mozilla
Firefox (such as 5.0), to run this application.

7. Click the Expense Report tab (Figure 42–1)

8. Enter a unique ID, enter jstein as creator and enter values for createdDate and other
9. Click Next and then add ExpenseItems.
10. Click Next and then Commit.

11. In a browser, open the Oracle BPM Worklist by entering following URL:

12. Open the expense report approval e-mail sent to as cdickens.

13. Click the Details link.

14. Click Approve.

15. Open the expense report approval e-mail sent to wfaulk (user name).

16. Click the Details link.

17. Click Approve.

18. Check the status of the of the task in the Worklist application.

42-12 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

42.4 Building the Expense Report Applications

The following sections describe how to build the Expense Report applications:
■ Section 42.4.1, "Creating the ADF BC Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp)"
This section describes building the ADF BC (Application Development
Framework Business Components) application which defines the business
components and their corresponding events. The business components are
populated from the expense_report and expense_items tables and views in
the application database (Example 42–1). This application raises an event upon the
commit or update actions of the ADF objects. This application is comprised of two
projects, ExpenseReportModel and ExpenseReportView.
■ Section 42.4.2, "Creating the SOA Composite Application
This section describes building the SCA (SOA Composite Application) that
subscribes to the events raised by ExpenseReportADFBCApp (the ADF BC layer).
This application contains the mediator component, which consumes events, the
BPEL process, and the human workflow, which assigns tasks to users or roles.
■ Section 42.4.3, "Creating the Task Flow Application
This section describes building the task display form, which includes adding the
approve, reject, and escalate task operations.

42.4.1 Creating the ADF BC Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp)

To create the application:
1. Click File and then click New. The New Gallery appears.
2. From the Categories pane, expand General and then select Applications.
3. In the Items pane, select Application and then click OK. The Create Application
Dialog appears.

Note: No Template [All Technologies] (the default setting) must be

selected from the Application Template list.

4. Enter ExpenseReportADFBCApp in the Application Name field. If needed, enter an

alternate location for the application in the Directory filed. Otherwise, accept the
default location (C:\JDeveloper\mywork\ExpenseReportADFBCApp) and click OK to
create the application. The Create Project dialog appears.
5. Click Cancel to dismiss the Create Project dialog. ExpenseReportADFBCApp appears
in the Application Navigator. Creating the Business Component Project

To create the business component project:
1. Click File and then New. The New Gallery appears.
2. Click Projects (located under the General node) and then click Business
Components Project in the Items pane and then click OK. The Welcome page of the
Create Business Components Project wizard appears.
3. Click Next to navigate to the Location page.

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Building the Expense Report Applications

4. In the Location page, enter ExpenseReportModel in the Project Name field. If needed,
enter an alternate location for the application in the Directory field. Otherwise,
accept the default location
5. Click Next. The Paths page appears with values populated to the Default Package,
Java Source Path and Output Directory fields.
6. If needed, change the information populated to the Paths page. Otherwise, click
Next. The Summary page appears.
7. Click Finish to complete the wizard. ExpenseReportModel displays in the
Application Navigator. Simultaneously, the Initialize Business Components Project
dialog appears. Creating the Database Connection To create the database connection:

1. In the Initialize Business Components Project page, click the Add icon (represented as
a green plus sign in Figure 42–6) next to the Application Connection list. The Create
Database Connection page appears.
2. Complete the Database Connection page as follows:
■ Select Application Resources (the default).
■ Enter SQL Connection in the Connection Name field.
■ Select Oracle (JDBC) (the default) from the Connection Type list.
■ Enter the user name and password to the database. You must use the
"expense" user name and password. For more iformation, see
■ Select thin as the driver type.
■ Enter the host name
■ Enter orcl as the SID.
3. Click Test Connection. If you defined the database connection properly, Success!
4. Click OK. The Create Business Components from Tables wizard appears and opens to
the Entity Objects page (Step 1). Creating the Business Components In the Create Business Components from Tables
1. Complete the Entity Objects page as follows:
a. Enter Expense% in the Name Filter field.
b. Click Query. EXPENSE_ITEMS and EXPENSE _REPORT appear in the
Available pane.
c. Click Add All to move these items to the Selected pane.
d. Click Next. The Updatable View Objects page appears (Step 2).
e. Click Add All to move EXPENSE_ITEMS and EXPENSE _REPORT to the
Selected pane.
f. Click Next to proceed from the Updatable View Objects page to the Read-Only
View Objects page (Step 3). EXPENSE_ITEMS and EXPENSE_REPORT appear
in the Available pane.

42-14 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

2. Click Add All to move EXPENSE_ITEMS and EXPENSE _REPORT to the Selected
3. Click Next. The Application Module page appears.
4. Accept the populated values in the Application Module page and click Next until
you reach the Summary page.
5. Click Finish to complete the wizard. The business components display in the
Application Navigator (Figure 42–12). With the business components created, you
now create the published events.

Figure 42–12 The Business Components Creating Events To create events:

1. In the Application Navigator, open ExpenseReport.xml by double-clicking the
ExpenseReport folder (located in expensereportmodel, as illustrated in Figure 42–12).
ExpenseReport.xml opens, defaulting to the General page (Figure 42–13).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–13 The General Page of ExpenseReport.xml

2. Select the Business Events page (Figure 42–14) and then click the Add icon. The Edit
Business Event definition dialog appears (Figure 42–15).

Figure 42–14 The Business Events Page of ExpenseReport.xml

3. Define the business event as follows:

a. Enter ExpenseEvent in the Name field.
b. Click New to add the following to the payload (Figure 42–15):
■ Id
■ Creator
■ CreatedDate
■ CostCenter
■ ReimbCurrency
■ Purpose

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Building the Expense Report Applications

4. Accept the default Value Sent property, Always, and then Click OK. ExpenseEvent
displays in the Event Definitions section of the Business Events page.

Figure 42–15 The Business Event Definition Dialog

5. Define the event publication as follows:

a. Click the Edit icon (Figure 42–3) next to Event Publication (illustrated in
Figure 42–14) to invoke the Edit Event Publications dialog.
b. In the Edit Event Publications dialog, click New to insert rows directly
underneath Event and Event Point.
c. Double-click the newly inserted row beneath Event.
d. From the list invoked by the double-click, select ExpenseEvent.
e. Double-click the row inserted directly underneath Event Point.
f. Select Create from the list.

Figure 42–16 Defining the Event and Event Point

g. Click OK. The Business Events page reappears with the event publication data
populated to the Event Publication section (Figure 42–17).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–17 The Business Events Page Exposing the ExpenseReport Object as a Web Service

Exposing the update method of the ExpenseReport entity object as a Web Service
enables the ExpenseReport application’s BPEL process to call the update status for
updating the exposed approval status based on the work flow status. For example, if a
task assingee approves the expense report, then the BPEL process calls the Web Service
to update the status as Approve.
To expose the update method:
1. In the Application Navigator, Open AppModule.xml by double-clicking the
ExpenseReportModel project's AppModule. AppModule.xml appears and defaults to
the General page (Figure 42–18).

Figure 42–18 The General Page of AppModule.xml

42-18 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

2. Click Service Interface. The Service Interface page displays.

3. Click the Add icon. The Service Interface wizard appears.
4. Accept the default values that display on the first page and click Next until you
reach the Service View Instance page (Step 3).
5. Complete the Service View Instance page as follows:
a. Move ExpenseReportView1 from the Available pane to the Selected pane.
b. From the Instance View Operation section, select Update operation from the
Basic Operations table (Figure 42–19).

Figure 42–19 Creating the Updated Method

c. Click Finish. ExpenseReportView1 data displays in the Service Interface page

(Figure 42–20).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–20 The Service Interface Page Creating the Deployment Profile for the ExpenseReportModel Project

To create the deployment profile:
1. In the Application Navigator, select and then right-click ExpenseReportModel to
invoke the context menu.
2. Select Project Properties. The Project Properties dialog for ExpenseReportModel
3. Select Deployment.
4. Click New. The Create Deployment Profile dialog appears (Figure 42–21).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–21 The Create New Deployment Profile Dialog

5. Select Business Components Service Interface from the Archive Type list.
6. Enter ExpenseReportModel in the Name field.
7. Click OK. The ExpenseReportModel deployment profile displays in the Deployment
Profiles pane of the Project Properties dialog (Figure 42–22).

Figure 42–22 ExpenseReportModel Deployment Profile

8. Expand the ExpenseReportModel deployment profile (illustrated in Figure 42–22)

and then invoke the EJB JAR Deployment Profile Properties dialog by either selecting
Middle Tier and then clicking Edit or by double-clicking MiddleTier. The EJB JAR
Deployment Profile Properties dialog appears (Figure 42–23).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–23 Renaming the JAR File

9. Complete this dialog as follows:

a. In the EJB JAR File field, change the name of the JAR file to
b. In the Enterprise Application Name field, enter UpdateExpenseReportService and
then click OK.
10. Click OK to dismiss the Project Properties dialog.
During application deployment, add this project in the assembly, so that it will be
deployed during the ExpenseReportADFApp application. After you deploy this
application, you can test the Web Service using the following URL:
Service Creating the ADF View Project

To create the ADF View Project:
1. From the Application Navigator, click New. The New Gallery appears.
2. Click Projects (located under the General node) and then click Business
Components Project in the Items pane and then click OK. The Welcome page of the
Create Business Components Project wizard appears.
3. In the Items pane, expand Web Tier and then JSF.
4. Select ADF TaskFlow in the Categories pane. The Create ADF Taskflow dialog
5. Click OK.
6. task-flow-definition.xml appears.
7. Drag and drop a View object component from the ADF Task Flow component
palette into task-flow-definition.xml.

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Building the Expense Report Applications

8. Name the view object expenseReport. This is the default view object.
9. Drag and drop two more View objects from the ADF Task Flow component palette
into the task-flow-definition.xml file and name them as follows:
■ createExpense
■ addExpenseItem
10. Create the flow between these views as follows:

a. Drag a Control Flow Case component from the Components Palette and then
drop it into expenseReport. Connect expenseReport to createExpense.
b. Label the Control Flow Case component as next.
c. Drag and drop a Control Flow Case from expenseReport to addExpenseItem.
d. Label the ControlFlowCase component as next.
e. Drag and drop a Control Flow Case component from addExpenseItem to
f. Label the ControlFlowCase component as next. Figure 42–24 illustrates the view
items strung together in a task flow.

Figure 42–24 Creating the Task Flow Using the ADF Task Flow Component Palette

11. Create a .jspx page for the expenseReport view object by double-clicking the
expenseReport view object. The Create JSP dialog appears.
12. Click OK to create expenseReport.jspx.

13. Drag a button component from the Common Components palette to

14. Double-click the button object in expenseReport.jspx to access the Bind Action
Property dialog (Figure 42–25).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–25 The Bind Action Property Dialog

15. Select Action Outcome and then select next from the list.

16. Click OK.

17. Rename the button object by first placing the cursor on it and then by entering
Expense Report.
18. Click Enter.

19. Create a .jspx page for the createExpenseView object by double-clicking the
createExpenseView component. The Create JSP dialog appears.
20. Click OK to create createExpense.jsp.

21. If needed, expand Data Controls (Figure 42–26) and then drag and drop the
expenseReportView1 data control into createExpense.jsp.

Figure 42–26 The Data Controls Component

22. From the context menu that appears, select Forms and then the ADF Creation
Form drop handler (Figure 42–27). The Edit Form Fields dialog appears
(Figure 42–27).

Figure 42–27 Adding the ADF Form

23. Select Include Submit and then click OK. The bindings display in createExpense.jsp
(Figure 42–28).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–28 Bindings

24. Double-click the Submit button. The Bind Action Property dialog appears
(Figure 42–25).
25. Select Action Outcome and then select next from the list.

26. Click OK.

27. In task-flow-definition.xml, double-click the addExpenseItem view object. The Create

JSP dialog appears. Click OK to create addExpenseItem.jspx.
28. If needed, expand Data Controls and then drag and drop the ExpenseItemView2 data
control component into addExpenseItem.jspx.
29. From the context menu that appears (Figure 42–27), select Forms and then select
the ADF Form drop handler. The Edit Form fields dialog appears.
30. To enable the commit functionality that allows users to save changes, add a
Commit button to addExpenseItem.jspx. To do this, first select Include Navigation
Controls and then click OK.
31. If needed, expand the Operations folder of Data Controls (Figure 42–29).

Figure 42–29 The Operations

32. Drag and drop the Commit operation into addExpenseItem.jspx next to the
navigation components (First, Previous, Next, and Last, illustrated in Figure 42–30).
33. From the context menu that appears, select ADF Button (illustrated in
Figure 42–30). The Commit button appears (Figure 42–31).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–30 Adding the Commit Operation

34. In the Property Inspector for the Commit button (called

Button-Commit-PropertyInspector in Figure 42–31), expand Button Action (if needed)
and select next from Action list.

Figure 42–31 Editing the Properties for the Commit Button

35. Click Save All. Creating the Deployment Profile for the ADF BC Application

To deploy the application:
1. Click File and then New. The New Gallery appears.
2. Expand the General node (if needed) and then select Deployment Descriptors.
3. Select OC4J Deployment Descriptor Wizard.

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Building the Expense Report Applications

4. Click OK. The Create OC4J Deployment Descriptor Wizard appears and opens to the
Select Descriptors page.
5. Complete the wizard as follows:
a. In the Select Descriptors page, select orion-application.xml and then click Next.
The Select Version page appears.
b. Select (or accept) 10.0 and then click Finish to create orion-application.xml.
6. Right-click ExpenseReportModel and then select Project Properties from the context
7. Select Compiler. Accept the default values in the Compiler pane and then click OK.
8. Click File and then New. The New Gallery appears.
9. Expand the General node (if needed) and select Deployment Profiles.
10. Select WAR file from the Items pane.

11. Click OK. The Create Deployment File – WAR File dialog appears.
12. Enter ExpenseReportDeploymentProfile in the Deployment File Name field.

13. Click OK. The WAR Deployment Profile Properties appears.

14. Click OK.

15. In the Application Navigator, right-click the ExpenseReportModel project and then
select Deploy from the context menu.

42.4.2 Creating the SOA Composite Application (ExpenseReportComposite)

To create the SOA application and its project files:
1. Click File and then click New. The New Gallery appears.
2. In the Items pane, select Application and then click OK. The Create Application
Dialog appears.

Note: You must select No Template [All Technologies] (the default

setting) from the Application Template list.

3. Enter ExpenseReportComposite in the Application Name field. If needed, enter an

alternate location for the application in the Directory filed. Otherwise, accept the
default location (C:\JDeveloper\mywork\ExpenseReportComposite) and click OK to
create the application. The Create Project dialog appears.
4. Click Cancel to dismiss the Create Project dialog. Creating the Mediator

To create the mediator:
1. Click File and then New. The New Gallery appears.
2. Click Project and then click SOA in the Items pane. The Create SOA Project dialog
3. Complete the SOA Project Dialog as follows:

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-27
Building the Expense Report Applications

a. Enter ExpenseReport_Prj in the Project Name field. If needed, enter an alternate

location for the application in the Directory field. Otherwise, accept the default
location (C:\JDeveloper\mywork\ExpenseReport\ExpenseReport_Prj).
b. In the Composite Template field, select Composite with Mediator.
c. Click OK to create the project file (.jpr). The Create Mediator dialog appears
(Figure 42–32).

Figure 42–32 The Create Mediator Dialog

4. Complete the Create Mediator dialog as follows:

a. Enter ExpenseReportMediator in the Name field.
b. Select Subscribe to Event from the Options list.
c. Click the Add icon (Figure 42–6) to select the event type.
The Event Chooser dialog appears (Figure 42–34).
d. Click the flashlight icon. The SCA Resource Lookup appears (Figure 42–33).
e. Navigate to the location of ExpenseReport.edl by selecting File and then
traverse to the ExpenseReport.edl file, located in the ExpenseReportComposite

42-28 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–33 The SCA Resource Lookup Dialog

f. Click OK. The Event Chooser reappears (Figure 42–34) with the location of
ExpenseReport.edl in the Definition field, ExpenseEvent in the Event field, and the
schema definition of ExpenseEvent in the Type field.

Figure 42–34 The Event Chooser Dialog

5. Click OK. The ExpenseReportMediator component appears in the SOA Composite

Editor (the composite.xml file).

Tip: If the Copy File dialog appears, click Yes to create a local copy of

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-29
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–35 The ExpenseReport Mediator Component Creating the BPEL Process

To create the BPEL Process:
1. Drag the BPEL Process from the Component Palette (SOA must be selected) and
drop it into the SOA.Composite Editor. The Create BPEL Process dialog appears
(Figure 42–39).
2. Enter ExpenseReport in the Name field.
3. Select Asynchronous BPEL Process as the template to create a two-way process.
4. Select Expose as Composite Service to create an inbound SOAP service-binding
component that is connected to the ExpenseReport BPEL process.
5. Define the Input Element and Output Element fields by importing the Expense.xsd
file (located in ExpenseReportCompositeApp\ExpenseReportComposite\xsd) using the
Type Chooser and SCA Resource Lookup dialogs (Figure 42–36 and Figure 42–33,
a. To import the schema, first click the flashlight icon to access the Type Chooser

Figure 42–36 The Type Chooser Dialog

b. Click the Import Schema icon (Figure 42–37).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–37 The Import Schema Icon

The Import Schema dialog appears.

c. Click the flashlight icon to access the SCA Resource Lookup dialog.
d. With File selected, navigate to the Expense.xsd file (located in
e. Click OK in the Import Schema dialog. Click Yes if you are prompted to copy
the file to JDeveloper.
f. In the Type Chooser dialog, expand Imported Schemas and then select
ExpenseInfo (Figure 42–38).
g. Click OK.

Figure 42–38 The Type Chooser Dialog

6. Repeat these steps for both the Input and Output elements. Click OK when
complete (Figure 42–39).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–39 The Create BPEL Process Dialog (Completed)

The ExpenseReport BPEL process appears in the SOA Composite Editor. It is

wired to a client component, but is independent of the ExpenseReport mediator
component (Figure 42–40).

Figure 42–40 The ExpenseReport BPEL Process in the SOA Composite Editor Wiring the Mediator to the BPEL Process

Wiring enables the ExpenseReportMediator component to communicate with the
Expense Report BPEL process so that the event can initiate the Expense Report BPEL
1. In the SOA Composite Editor, double-click ExpenseReportMediator component
(Figure 42–35). The mediator component editor appears (Figure 42–41).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–41 The Mediator Editor

2. If needed, expand the Routing Rules section (illustrated in Figure 42–41).

3. Click the Add icon in the Routing Rules section. The Target Type dialog appears.

Figure 42–42 The Target Type Dialog

4. Click Service. The Target Services dialog appears.

5. Expand the BPEL Processes folder and then select the initiate operation of the
ExpenseReport BPEL process (Figure 42–43).

Figure 42–43 The Target Services Dialog

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-33
Building the Expense Report Applications

6. Click OK. The Routing Rules panel of the mediator component editor is populated
with the ExpenseReport data, with xsl/ExpenseEvent_To_ExpenseInfo.xsl displaying in
the Using Transformation field (Figure 42–44).

Figure 42–44 ExpenseReport Data Retrieved by the initiate Operation Transforming the Data

Oracle JDeveloper provides an XSLT Data Mapper tool that enables you to specify a
mapper file (that is, an XSL file) to transform data from one XML schema to another.
This enables data interchange among applications using different schema.
To create a mapping:
1. In mediator component editor, click the mapping icon (Figure 42–45) that is
adjacent to the Using Transformation field in the Filter Expression section
(Figure 42–44).

Figure 42–45 The Mapping Icon

The Event Transformation Map dialog appears (Figure 42–46), with

xsl/ExpenseEvent_To_ExpenseInfo.xsl displaying in the field corresponding to the
Use Existing Mapper File option.
2. Select Create New Mapper File. ExpenseEvent_To_ExpenseInfo_.xsl displays in the
field (Figure 42–46).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–46 The Event Transformation Map Dialog

3. Click OK. A tab called ExpenseEvent_to_ExpenseInfo.xsl is added to the Oracle

JDeveloper console (Figure 42–47). This tab enables you to graphically create a
document transformation file to convert the structure of the file data to a canonical
data structure. There are no links from the source elements of ExpenseReport.xsd
(located in the left pane) to their counterparts in the target (ExpenseReport.wsdl,
located in the right pane.)

Figure 42–47 ExpenseEvent_to_ExpenseInfo.xsl

4. Create links between the matching elements by dragging and dropping each of the
source elements to the corresponding target elements. Create the following links
described in Table 42–2.

Table 42–2 Creating Links Using ExpenseReport.xsd Elements

From ExpenseReport.xsd... ...To ExpenseReport.wsdl
Id ns1:Id
Creator ns1:Creator
CreatedDate ns1:CreatedDate
CostCenter ns1:CostCenter
ReimCurrency ns1:ReimbCurrency
Purpose ns1:Purpose
Status ns1:Status

5. Click Save.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-35
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–48 Matching the Source to the Target Elements Creating the Human Workflow

To add a human task
1. Drag the Human Task component from the SOA Components palette to the SOA
Composite Editor. The Create Human Task dialog appears.
2. Define the task as follows:
a. Enter ExpenseReportTask in the Human Task Definition Name field.
b. Click OK. The ExpenseReportTask component appears in the SOA Composite
Editor (Figure 42–49).

Note: Because this human task is explicitly created for a BPEL

process, the Expose as Composite Service option is not selected.

Figure 42–49 The ExpenseReportTask Human Task Component

3. As illustrated in Figure 42–49, the ExpenseReport BPEL process component and

ExpenseReportTask component are not wired. Use the Human Task Editor to link
these components. To access the Human Task editor, double-click the
ExpenseReportTask component.
4. Enter Expense Report Filed By in the Title field.

42-36 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

5. To specify the task owner dynamically (as opposed a static or dedicated user from
a directory configured for Oracle BPEL Process Manager), select XPATH from the
list next to the User field and then click the adjacent note pad icon to access the
Expression Builder dialog (Figure 42–50).
a. Expand task:task in the Schema pane.
b. Select task:creator.
c. Click Insert Into Expression and then click OK.
/task:task/task:creator appears in the User field of the Human Task

Figure 42–50 The Expression Builder Dialog

6. Specify the payload data structure as follows:

a. Click the Add icon in the Parameters section to invoke the Add Task Parameter
b. Enter Creator in the Name field and then click OK.
c. Repeat these steps to create a parameter called ExpenseID.
7. Create the management chain approval type based on the creator of the task by
first clicking the Add icon in the Assignment and Routing policy section to invoke
the Add Participant Type dialog.
8. In the Add Participant Type dialog, complete the General section as follows:
a. Select Management Chain from the list.
b. Select By expression.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-37
Building the Expense Report Applications

c. In the Dynamic User XPATH field, click the note pad icon to access the
Expression Builder dialog.
d. Build the following expression:

Figure 42–51 Creating the getManager Expression

9. Click OK to exit the Expression Builder dialog.

10. Complete the Number of Approvers section as follows:

a. Maximum Number of Chain Levels Up: Select By Number and then enter 2.
b. Highest Title of Approver: Select By Title and then select Director.
11. Click OK to exit the Add Participant Type dialog.

12. Enable participants to approve or reject the expense report through e-mail as
a. Click the Add icon in the Notification Settings section.
b. Select Make email messages actionable.
13. Create a new task as follows:
a. Open the BPEL flow, ExpenseReport.bpel, either by clicking the
ExpenseReport.bpel tab or by selecting it from the Resources file in the
Application Navigator.
b. Drag a Human Task from the BPEL component palette and insert it below the
ReceiveInput component (Figure 42–52).

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Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–52 Adding a Human Task Component to the BPEL Flow

The Add a Human Task dialog appears. ExpenseReportTask displays in the Task
Definition list and Creator and ExpenseID display in the Task Parameters column
(Figure 42–53).

Figure 42–53 The Add a Human Task Dialog

c. To insert a dynamic task title, click the note pad icon next to the Task Title field.
The Expression Builder dialog appears.
d. In the BPEL Variables pane, navigate to the payload of the inputVariable
and then select ns1:creator.
e. Click Insert Into Expression and then click OK.
f. Repeat these steps to select ns1:creator as the value for the Initiator field.
g. To define the Creator and ExpenseID task parameters, click the adjacent search
icon (Figure 42–54).

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-39
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–54 The Search Icon

h. In the Task Parameters dialog that appears, expand the Variables navigation tree
and select the appropriate task variables. For Creator, select ns1:creator.
For ExpenseID, select ns1:ID.
i. Click OK.
14. Once you complete the Add a Human Task dialog (Figure 42–55), click OK.

Figure 42–55 The Completed Add a Human Task Dialog

Once the human task is completed, the ExpenseReportTask component is wired to

the ExpenseReport BPEL workflow object in the SOA Composite Editor
(Figure 42–56).

Figure 42–56 ExpenseReportTask Wired to the BPEL Process Deploying the Composite Application

See Section 42.2.1, "Deploying the SOA Composite and Task Flow Applications

42.4.3 Creating the Task Flow Application (ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow)

To create the task flow application:

42-40 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

1. Click File and then click New. The New Gallery appears.
2. From the Categories pane, expand General and then select Applications.
3. In the Items pane, select Application and then click OK. The Create Application
Dialog appears.

Note: No Template [All Technologies] (the default setting) must be

selected from the Application Template list.

4. Enter ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp in the Application Name field. If needed, enter

an alternate location for the application in the Directory filed. Otherwise, accept the
default location (C:\JDeveloper\mywork\ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp) and click
OK to create the application. The Create Project dialog appears.
5. Click Cancel to dismiss the Create Project dialog. ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp
appears in the Application Navigator. Creating the Task Flow Project

To create the project:
1. Right-click ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp in the Application Navigator.
2. Select New Project. The New Gallery Appears.
3. If needed, select Projects in the Categories pane and then Empty from the Items
4. Click OK. The New Projects dialog appears.
5. Enter ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp in the Project Name field.
6. Click OK. ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp appears in the Applications Navigator.
7. Right-click the ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp project and then select New from
the context menu. The New Gallery appears.
8. In the Categories pane, expand the Web Tier node and then select JSF.
9. In the Items pane, select ADF Task Flow Based on Human Task and then select
OK. The SCA Resource Lookup appears (Figure 42–57).
10. Select File and then navigate to ExpenseReportTask.task (located in the
ExpenseReportComposite) directory.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-41
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–57 The SCA Resource Lookup

11. Click OK. The Create ADF Task Flow dialog appears.

12. Click OK. The task flow design page entitled ExpenseReportTask_TaskFlow.xml
appears with a default Task View object called taskDetails (Figure 42–58).

Figure 42–58 ExpenseReportTask_TaskFlow.xml

13. Rename the taskDetails object Header (accomplished by clicking the object’s

42-42 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–59 The Header Task View Object (Formerly taskDetails) Populating the Header Task Flow Object To populate the Header object:
1. Double-click the Header Task View object. The Create JSF Page dialog appears.
2. Click OK. Header.jspx appears.
3. In the Applications Navigator’s Data Controls pane, expand ExpenseReportTask to
expose the task node.

Figure 42–60 ExpenseReportTask

4. Drag and drop the task node into Header.jspx. In the context menu that appears,
select Human Task. The Task Handler context menu, which includes the Custom
Actions drop handler appears (Figure 42–61).

Figure 42–61 The Human Task Context Menu

5. Select the Custom Actions drop handler.

6. The Edit Action Binding dialog appears.
7. Click OK. The custom action panel group layout appears, which includes the
Claim, Approve and Reject buttons (Figure 42–62).

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-43
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–62 The Custom Action Panel

Tip: Perform either of the following if the elements do not render

properly in the JSPX window:
■ Close JSPX page by closing Header.jspx and then double-click
Header component (Figure 42–59) to reopen it. Elements, such as
the Claim, Approve, and Reject buttons, will render properly.
■ Click the Source tab for the JSPX page (Header.jspx) and insert a
blank space anywhere within the document. Return to the Design

8. Click Save All.

9. Drag and drop the task icon again from Data Controls into the JSPX window.
10. Drag and drop another task icon from Data Controls beneath the System Actions
From the context menu (Figure 42–61), select Human Task and then the System
Actions drop handler. The Edit Action Binding dialog appears. Click OK. The
System Actions panel, that contains a second group of buttons, one that includes
Show History, Reassign, and Delegate, appears (Figure 42–63).

Figure 42–63 The System Actions Panel

11. From the context menu (Figure 42–61), select Human Task and then the Task
Header drop handler. The Header panel appears (Figure 42–64).

42-44 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–64 The Header Panel Integrating the ADF BC Components First, create a database connection as

1. Right-click ExpenseAppHumanTask project in the Application Navigator and then
select New from the context menu.
2. In the New Gallery’s Category pane, expand Business Tier (if needed) and then
select ADF Business Components.
3. Select Business Components from Tables in the Items pane. The Initialize Business
Components Project page appears.
4. In the Initialize Business Components Project page, select SQL92 from the SQL Flavor
5. Select Java from the Type Map list.
6. Click the Add icon (represented as a green plus sign in Figure 42–6) next to the
Application Connection list. The Create Database Connection page appears.
7. Complete the Database Connection page as follows:
■ Select Application Resources (the default).
■ Enter ExpenseTableConn in the Connection Name field.
■ Select Oracle (JDBC) (the default) from the Connection Type list.
■ Enter the user name and password to the database. User the "expense" user
name and password. For more information, refer to "Creating a New User".
■ Select thin as the driver type.
■ Enter the host name
■ Enter orcl in the Service Name field.
8. Click Test Connection. If you defined the database connection properly, Success!
appears. The Initialize Business Components Project page reappears.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-45
Building the Expense Report Applications

9. Click OK. The Create Business Components from Tables wizard appears and opens to
the Entity Objects page (Step 1). Creating the Business Components In the Create Business Components from Tables
1. In the Entity Objects page, enter Expense% in the Name Filter field.
2. Click Query. The EXPENSE_ITEMS and EXPENSE _REPORT tables appear in the
Available pane.
3. Click Next to proceed to the Read-Only View Objects page. Complete the Entity
Objects page as follows:
a. Enter Expense% in the Name Filter field.
b. Click Query. The EXPENSE_ITEMS and EXPENSE _REPORT tables appear in
the Available pane.
c. Click Add All to move these tables to the Selected pane.
4. Click Finish to complete the wizard. The business components created from the
database tables display in the Application Navigator.
5. In the Application Navigator, open ExpenseReportView.xml (located in
expenseapphumantaskflow). ExpenseReportView.xml opens, defaulting to the General
6. Select Query. The Query page opens (Figure 42–65).

Figure 42–65 The Query Page

7. Click Edit (the pencil icon, illustrated in Figure 42–3). The Edit Query dialog
8. Append the following WHERE clause in the Where field (illustrated in Figure 42–66):
9. Click OK.

42-46 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–66 Appending the WHERE Clause to the SQL Statement

10. Click Bind Variables in the navigation tree. The Bind Variables page appears.

11. Click New.

Figure 42–67 Creating the Bind Variable

12. Enter IDValue in the Name field and then click OK.
13. In Header.jspx (illustrated in Figure 42–64), invoke the context menu and then select
Go the Page Definition. HeaderPageDef.xml, which contains the page
configuration appears (Figure 42–68).

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-47
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–68 HeaderPageDef.xml

14. Click Add in the Bindings panel. The Insert Item dialog appears.

15. Select General Bindings as the category type.

16. Select AttributeValues as the item and then click OK. The Create Attribute Binding
dialog appears.
17. Add a new data source for this binding by clicking Add. The Add Data Source
dialog appears.
18. Expand ExpenseReportTask and then traverse to payload (ExpenseReportTask >
loadData (string, string, string) > Return > task > payload). payloadIterator displays in
the Iterator Name field.

42-48 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–69 Selecting the Data Source for the Attribute Binding

19. Click OK. The Create Attribute Binding dialog reappears, with the payload data
source displaying in the Data Source field (Figure 42–70).

Figure 42–70 The Create Attribute Binding Dialog

20. Select ExpenseID from the Attribute list and then click OK.

21. Click Add in the Bindings panel. The Insert Item dialog appears.
22. Select General Bindings as the category type.
23. Select action as the item and then click OK. The Create Attribute Binding dialog
24. If needed, expand AddModuleDataControl and then select ExpenseReportView.

25. Click New to create a new iterator binding for ExpenseReportView. The Iterator ID
dialog appears.
26. Click OK.

27. Select ExecuteWithParams from the Operation list.

28. In the Parameters section, click the Value field that corresponds to IDValue to
invoke the list function (Figure 42–71).

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-49
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–71 Selecting the EL Expression Builder

29. Select Show EL Expression Builder.... The Expression Builder appears.

30. Create the following expression by first expanding ADF Bindings in the Variables
pane and then traversing to inputValue (ADF Bindings > bindings > ExpenseId >
31. Click Insert Into Expression.

32. Click OK. The expression appears as the value for the IDValue parameter
(Figure 42–72).

Figure 42–72 The Completed Create Action Binding Dialog

33. Click Add in the Execute panel of HeaderPageDef.xml (Figure 42–68). The Insert
Item dialog appears.
34. Select invokeAction as the category type and then click OK. The Insert
InvokeAction dialog appears and defaults to the Common Properties page
(Figure 42–73).

42-50 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–73 The Common Properties Page

35. Complete the Common Properties by as follows:

■ Enter InvokeExecuteAction in the Id field.

■ Select ExecuteWithParams from the Binds list.
36. Proceed to the Advanced Properties page by clicking Advanced Properties.

37. Select always from the Refresh list and then click Finish (Figure 42–74).

Figure 42–74 The Advanced Properties Page

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-51
Building the Expense Report Applications

38. From the data controls panel, drag and drop the ExpenseReportView node into
39. From the context menu, first select Forms and then click ADF Read-only Form.
The Edit Form Fields dialog displays.

Figure 42–75 The Context Menu

40. Click OK. Creating the Footer Task Flow Object To create the Footer Task Flow object:
1. Drag and drop the ExpenseReportView node into Header.jspx.
2. From the context menu, first select Tables and then ADF Read-only Table.The Edit
Table Columns dialog appears.
3. Click OK.
4. Create the footer for the page. Drag and drop a view object from the component
panel into In ExpenseReportTask_Taskflow.xml (Figure 42–58).
5. Rename the view object Footer (Figure 42–76).

Figure 42–76 The Footer View Object

6. Connect the Header and Footer view objects as follows:

■ Drag and drop a Control Flow Case object from the Components panel into the
TaskFlow.xml. Draw the flow from the Header object to the Footer object and
then rename the flow as next.
■ Drag and drop a Control Flow Case object from the Components panel into the
TaskFlow.xml. Draw the flow from the Footer object to the Header object and
then rename the flow as next (Figure 42–77).

Figure 42–77 Connecting the Header and Footer Objects with Task Flows

42-52 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

7. Double-click the Footer view object to create Footer.jspx.

8. Add Custom and System actions to Footer.jspx as described in "Populating the
Header Task Flow Object".
9. Populate Footer.jspx with comments and history panels using the Human Task
drop handlers as follows:
a. Drag and drop the task node (located under ExpenseReportTask, illustrated in
Figure 42–60) into Footer.jspx. In the context menu that appears, select Human
Task. The Task Handler context menu appears (Figure 42–61).
b. Select the Task Comments drop handler to add a comments section to
Footer.jspx. The Edit Action Bindings dialog appears. Click OK.
c. Drag and drop the task node into Footer.jspx. In the context menu that appears,
select Human Task. The Task Handler context menu appears (Figure 42–61).
d. Select the Task Attachments drop handler to add the attachments section to
e. Drag and drop the task node into Footer.jspx. From the context menu that
appears, select Human Task. The Task Handler context menu appears.
f. Select Task History to add the history panel to Footer.jspx.

Figure 42–78 Footer.jspx

10. Add a Back button to Footer.jspx as follows:

a. Drag and drop a button component from the component panel. A

commandButton component appears.
b. Double click the commandButton component to invoke the Bind Action Property
dialog (Figure 42–79).
c. Select Outcome Action.
d. Select back and then click OK.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-53
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–79 Bind Action Property for the Back Button

e. Click the commandButton component and then rename it back (Figure 42–80).

Figure 42–80 The Back Button

11. Open Header.jspx.

12. Add a Next button as follows:

a. Drag and drop a button component from the component panel. A

commandButton component appears.
b. Double-click the commandButton component to invoke the Bind Action Property
c. Select Outcome Action.
d. Select back and then click OK.
13. Click the commandButton component and then rename it next.

14. In the Application Navigator, expand Application Sources and then open
15. Add the following parameter:
human.task.lookup.type=LOCAL Creating the Deployment Profile To create the deployment profile:

1. In the Application Navigator, select the ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlow project.
2. Left-click the project. The context menu appears.
3. Select Project Properties. The Project Properties dialog appears.
4. Select Deployment and then click New. The Create Deployment Profile dialog
5. Complete the Deployment Profile dialog as follows:

42-54 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

■ Select WAR File from the Archive Type list.

■ Enter ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp in the Name field.
■ Click OK. ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp appears in the Deployment
Profiles pane of the Project Properties dialog.
6. Select ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp and then click Edit. The WAR Deployment
Profiles Properties dialog appears.
7. Complete the WAR Deployment Profiles Properties dialog as follows:
a. Select Specify Java EE Web Context Root.
b. Enter ExpenseAppHumanTaskFlowApp in the corresponding field.
c. Click OK. Designing the Notification Page To change the content contained in a

workflow-generated notification:
1. Open ExpenseReportTask_Taskflow.xml (Figure 42–77)
2. Drag and drop a View object from the Components palette into ExpenseReportTask_
3. Rename the object EmailPage (Figure 42–81).

Figure 42–81 Creating the EmailPage View Object

4. Double-click EmailPage view object to create EmailPage.jspx. The Create JSF JSP
dialog appears.
5. Click OK.
6. Drag a Panel Group Layout component from the Component Palette and drop it
into EmailPage.jspx.
7. Using the Property Inspector for the Panel Group Layout object, change the layout
of the Panel Group Layout object by selecting vertical from the Layout list
(Figure 42–82).

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-55
Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–82 Changing the Layout

Tip: The Property Inspector’s Style tab enables you to create

user-defined styles.

8. Insert an image into Email.jspx before the Panel Group Layout object as follows:
a. Right-click the Panel Group Layout object and then select Insert Before Panel
Group Layout-vertical.
b. From the context menu, select ADF Faces. The Insert ADF Faces Item dialog
c. Select Image and then click OK. The Insert Image dialog appears and defaults
to the Common Properties page.
d. Using the Search icon (Figure 42–54), locate the image and then click Finish.
9. Populate the Panel Group Layout object by dragging ExpenseReportView1 (located
beneath AppModuleDataControl in the Application Navigator’s Data Controls) into
10. Select Forms and then ADF Read only Form from the context menu
(Figure 42–75).
11. Select the Panel Form Layout. The Panel Group Layout is populated.

Figure 42–83 Adding a Read Only Form

12. In Panel Group Layout -vertical- Property Inspector (Figure 42–84), select Style and
then define the inline style as follows:
"margin: 2px; border: 1 px solid black; padding: 3px; overflow: auto; width: 95%;"

Note: Separate each style with semi-colons. Separate each key value
with quotation marks.

42-56 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Building the Expense Report Applications

Figure 42–84 Defining the Inline Style

13. Drag a Router object from the Components Palette into ExpenseReportTask_
14. Using the Property Inspector for the router object, rename the router object by
entering EmailRouter in the id* field.

Figure 42–85 Adding a Router

15. In the Property Inspector for Email Router (router-EmailRouter-Property Inspector),

enter default in the default-outcome* field.
16. Drag a Control Flow Case component from the Components Palette and then
connect it to the EmailRouter component.
17. Connect the Control Flow Case component to the Header object (Figure 42–86).

Figure 42–86 Connecting EmailRouter to Header

18. In the Property Inspector for the Call Flow Case component
(control-flow-case-Header-Property Inspector), select default from the from outcome
list. The from-outcome and to-activity-id values are default and Header, respectively.
19. Drag a Control Flow Case component from the Components Palette and then
connect it to the EmailRouter component.

Beta Draft Oracle User Messaging Service Expense Report Use Case 42-57
Building the Expense Report Applications

20. Rename this component EmailPage and then connect this Control Flow Case
component using the Property Inspector as by entering EmailPage as both the
from-outcome and to-activity-id values.

Figure 42–87 Attaching EmailRouter to EmailPage

21. Select the EmailRouter.

22. In the Common tab of the EmailRouter’s Property Inspector

(router-EmailRouter-Property Inspector), expand the Cases section (if needed) click
Add. outcome1 appears. in the outcome* field.
23. Select EmailPage from the outcome list.

24. Select Expression Builder from the list accessed from the expression field. The
Expression Builder appears.
25. Build the following expression and then click OK.
#{pageFlowScope.bpmClientType=="notificationClient"} Deploying the TaskFlow Application See Section 42.2.2, "Deploying the ADF BC
Application (ExpenseReportADFBCApp)".

42-58 Product Title/BookTitle as a Variable Beta Draft

Part VII Composite Test Framework

This part describes how to create, deploy, and run test cases that automate the testing
of SOA composite applications.
This part contains the following chapter:
■ Chapter 43, "Testing SOA Composite Applications"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
43 Testing SOA Composite Applications

This chapter describes how to create, deploy, and run test cases that automate the
testing of SOA composite applications. Test cases enable you to simulate the
interaction between a SOA composite application and its Web service partners prior to
deployment in a production environment. This helps to ensure that a process interacts
with Web service partners as expected by the time it is ready for deployment to a
production environment.
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section 43.1, "Overview of the Composite Test Framework"
■ Section 43.2, "Components of a Test Suite"
■ Section 43.3, "Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle JDeveloper"
■ Section 43.4, "Creating the Contents of Test Cases"
■ Section 43.5, "Deploying a Test Suite"
■ Section 43.6, "Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results"

See Also: Composite test sample files located in the file under
samples\test\CompositeTestApp. Open the
CompositeTestApp.jws file in Oracle JDeveloper to automatically
load these samples.

43.1 Overview of the Composite Test Framework

Oracle SOA Suite provides an automated test suite framework for creating and
running repeatable tests on a SOA composite application.
The test suite framework provides the following features:
■ Simulates Web service partner interactions
■ Validates process actions with test data
■ Calculates the percentage of BPEL process service component source code
executed in terms of the percentage of simple activities executed
■ Creates reports of test results
The following sections provide an overview of test suite concepts:
■ Section 43.1.1, "Test Cases Overview"
■ Section 43.1.2, "Test Suites Overview"
■ Section 43.1.3, "Emulations Overview"

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-1

Overview of the Composite Test Framework

■ Section 43.1.4, "Assertions Overview"

■ Section 43.1.5, "BPEL Process Code Coverage Overview"

43.1.1 Test Cases Overview

The test framework supports two types of unit tests:
■ Component test — Consists of testing at the individual BPEL process service
component level. For Applications Drop 4 and Beta 3, service component level
testing is not supported.
■ Composite test — Consists of testing at the higher SOA composite application
level. In this type of testing, wires, binding component services, service
components (such as BPEL processes and mediator), and binding component
references are tested.

See Also: Section 43.3, "Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle
JDeveloper" on page 43-6

43.1.2 Test Suites Overview

Test suites consist of a logical collection of one or more test cases. Each test case
contains a set of commands to perform as the test instance is executed. The execution
of a test suite is known as a test run. Each test corresponds to a single SOA composite
application instance.

See Also:
■ Section 43.3, "Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle
JDeveloper" on page 43-6
■ Section 43.4, "Creating the Contents of Test Cases" on page 43-8

43.1.3 Emulations Overview

Emulations enable you to simulate the behavior of the following components with
which your SOA composite application interacts during execution:
■ Internal service components inside the composite
■ Binding components outside the composite
Instead of invoking another service component or binding component, you can specify
a response from the component or reference.

See Also:
■ Section 43.2.2, "Emulations" on page 43-4
■ Section 43.4, "Creating the Contents of Test Cases" on page 43-8

43.1.4 Assertions Overview

Assertions enable you to verify variable data or process flow. You can perform the
following types of assertions:
■ Simple Value Assert — Compare the value of a selected string or number variable
to an expected value. For example, compare a customer name or loan amount in a
loan request to a specific value.

43-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Components of a Test Suite

■ XML Assert — Compare the element values of an entire XML document to the
expected element values. For example, compare the exact contents of an entire
loan request XML document to another document.

See Also:
■ Section 43.2.3, "Assertions" on page 43-5

43.1.5 BPEL Process Code Coverage Overview

Code coverage provides a method for calculating the completeness of the executed
tests. This is calculated as the percentage of simple activities executed at least once,
compared to the number of simple activities defined in a BPEL process service
component in a SOA composite application. Simple activities are nonstructured
activities such as invoke, receive, reply, and assign activities.

Note: Code coverage is only calculated on the activities of BPEL

process service components. Code coverage on other service
component types is not supported.

See Also: Section 43.6, "Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report
Results" on page 43-22

43.2 Components of a Test Suite

This section describes and provides examples of the test components that comprise a
test case. Methods for creating and importing these tests into your process are
described in subsequent sections of this chapter.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 43.2.1, "Process Initiation"
■ Section 43.2.2, "Emulations"
■ Section 43.2.3, "Assertions"
■ Section 43.2.4, "Message Files"

43.2.1 Process Initiation

You first define the operation of your process in a binding component service such as a
SOAP web service. The following example defines the operation of initiate to
initiate the TestFwk SOA composite application. The initiation payload is also
defined in this section:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SCA Test Modeler version 1.0 at [6/13/07 10:50 AM]. -->
<compositeTest compositeDN="TestFwk"
<initiate serviceName="client" operation="initiate" isAsync="true">
<part partName="payload">
<loanApplication xmlns="">
<customerName>Joe Smith</customerName>

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-3

Components of a Test Suite


43.2.2 Emulations
You create emulations to simulate the message data that your SOA composite
application receives from Web service partners.
The following test code instructs Oracle SOA Suite to initiate the loan request with an
error and receive a fault message in return from a Web service partner:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SCA Test Modeler version 1.0 at [7/3/07 3:29 PM]. -->
<compositeTest compositeDN="CompositeTest"
<initiate serviceName="client" operation="initiate" isAsync="true">
<part partName="payload">
<wireActions wireSource="LoanBroker/CreditRatingService" operation="process">
<emulate duration="PT0S">
<fault faultName="ser:NegativeCredit" xmlns:ser="">
<part partName="payload">

Two message files, loanApplication.xml and creditRatingFault.xml, are

invoked in this emulation. If the loan application request in loanApplication.xml
contains a social security number beginning with 0, the creditRatingFault.xml
file returns a fault message:
<error xmlns="">
Invalid SSN, SSN can not start with digit '0'.

See Also:
■ Section 43.4, "Creating the Contents of Test Cases" on page 43-8

43-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Components of a Test Suite

43.2.3 Assertions
You create assertions to validate a variable or an entire XML document at a point
during SOA composite application execution. The following example instructs Oracle
SOA Suite to ensure that the content of the customername variable matches the
content specified.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SCA Test Modeler version 1.0 at [6/13/07 10:51 AM]. -->
<compositeTest compositeDN="TestFwk"
<initiate serviceName="client" operation="initiate" isAsync="true">
<part partName="payload">
<loanApplication xmlns="">
<customerName>Joe Smith</customerName>
<wireActions wireSource="client" operation="initiate">
<assert comparisonMethod="string">
<location key="input" partName="payload"
<simple>Joe Smith</simple>

See Also:
■ Section 43.4, "Creating the Contents of Test Cases" on page 43-8

43.2.4 Message Files

Message instance files provide a method for simulating the message data received
back from Web service partners. You can manually enter the received message data
into this XML file or load a file through the test mode user interface. For example, the
following message file simulates a credit rating result of 900 returned from a partner:
<rating xmlns="">900</rating>

See Also:
■ Section 43.4, "Creating the Contents of Test Cases" on page 43-8 for
instructions on loading message files into test mode

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-5

Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle JDeveloper

43.3 Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle JDeveloper

This section describes how to create test suites and their test cases for a SOA composite
application in Oracle JDeveloper. The test cases consist of sets of commands to
perform as the test instance is executed.

Note: Do not enter a multibyte character string as a test suite name

or test case name. Doing so causes an error to occur when the test is
executed from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware

1. Open the SOA Composite Editor.

2. Open the SOA composite application in which to create a test suite.
3. Go to the Application Navigator or Structure window. If the Structure window
does not appear, select Structure from the View main menu.

4. Create a test suite in either of two ways:

a. Right-click testsuites in the Application Navigator and select Create Test

b. Right-click Test Suites in the Structure window and select Create Test Suite.

43-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating Test Suites and Test Cases in Oracle JDeveloper

5. Enter a test suite name (for example, logicTest).

6. Click OK.
The Create Composite Test window appears.
7. Enter a test name (for this example, TestDelivery is entered) and an optional
description, and click OK.
This action creates a test named TestDelivery.xml in the Applications Navigator,
along with the following subfolders:
■ componenttests — contains BPEL process service component test files (not
supported for beta 3)
■ includes — contains include files that you create
■ messages — contains message test files that you load into this directory
through the test mode user interface
■ tests — contains TestDelivery.xml
A TestDelivery.xml folder also displays in the Structure window. This indicates
that you are in the test mode of the SOA Composite Editor. You can create test
initiations, assertions, and emulations in test mode. No other modifications, such
as editing the property windows of service components or dropping service
components into the editor, can be performed in test mode.

The following operating system test suite directory is also created:


The following subdirectories for adding test files are created beneath logicTest:
includes, messages, componenttests, and tests.
8. If you want to exit test mode and return to design mode in the SOA Composite
Editor, click the x icon next to TestDelivery.xml above the designer.

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-7

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

9. Save your changes when prompted.

10. Return to test mode by double-clicking TestDelivery.xml under the testsuites
folder in the Application Navigator.

■ The componenttests folder for the BPEL process service
component is not supported for beta 3. Only testing at the SOA
composite application level is supported for beta 3.
■ Do not edit the FileList.xml files that display under the testsuites
folder. These files are automatically created during design time,
and are used during runtime to calculate the number of test cases.
■ You cannot create test suites within other test suites. However,
you can organize a test suite into subdirectories.

43.4 Creating the Contents of Test Cases

Test cases consist of process initiations, emulations, and assertions. You add these
actions to test cases in the test mode of the SOA Composite Editor. You create process
initiations to initiate client inbound messages into your SOA composite application.
You create emulations to simulate either message data, fault data, or both types that
your SOA composite application receives from Web service partners. You create
assertions to validate test data in a variable or XML document as a process is executed.
This section contains the following topics:
■ Section 43.4.1, "Initiating Inbound Messages"
■ Section 43.4.2, "Emulating Outbound Messages"
■ Section 43.4.3, "Emulating Callback Messages"
■ Section 43.4.4, "Emulating Fault Messages"
■ Section 43.4.5, "Creating Value or XML Assertions"

43-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Contents of Test Cases

43.4.1 Initiating Inbound Messages

You must first initiate the sending of inbound client messages to the SOA composite
1. Go to the SOA Composite application in test mode.
2. Double-click the binding component service (for example, named initiate).

The Edit Initiate window appears.

3. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Service Displays the name of the binding component service (client).
Operation Displays the operation type of the binding component service
Part Select the type of inbound message to send (for example, payload).
Value Create a simulated message to send from a client:
■ Enter Manually Click to manually enter message data in the Enter Value field. A
Generate Sample button enables you to automatically generate a
sample file for testing. Click Save As to save the sample file.
■ Load From File Click the Browse icon to load message data from a file. The file is
added to the messages folder in the Application Navigator.

An example of this window is shown below:

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-9

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

An example of an inbound process initiation message from a client is as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SCA Test Modeler version 1.0 at [7/12/07 8:36 AM]. -->
<compositeTest compositeDN="CompositeTest"
<initiate serviceName="client" operation="initiate" isAsync="true">
<part partName="payload">
. . .
. . .

The loanApplication.xml referenced in the process initiation file contains a

loan application payload:
<loanApplication xmlns="">
<customerName>Qing Zhong</customerName>

4. Click OK.

43.4.2 Emulating Outbound Messages

You can simulate a message returned from a synchronous Web service partner.
1. Go to the SOA Composite application in test mode.
2. Double-click a test case beneath the Test Suites folder in the Application

The SOA composite application in the SOA Composite Editor is refreshed to

display in test mode. This mode enables you to define test information.
3. Double-click the wire of the SOA composite application area to test. For this
example, the wire between the LoanBroker process and the synchronous
CreditRating web service.

43-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Contents of Test Cases

This displays the Wire Actions window, from which you can design emulations
and assertions for the selected part of the SOA composite application. By default,
Do Not Emulate is selected. This is because no tests have been created.

4. Click Emulate Output Message.

5. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Output Message Displays the output message of the selected service component.
Part Select the message part containing the output (for example, payload).
Value Create a simulated output message to return from a Web service partner:
■ Enter Manually Click to manually enter message data in the Enter Value field. A
Generate Sample button enables you to automatically generate a
sample file for testing. Click Save As to save the sample file.
■ Load From File Click the Browse icon to load message data from a file. The file is added
to the messages folder in the Application Navigator.
Duration Enter the maximum amount of time to wait for the message to be
delivered from the Web service partner.

An example of this window is shown below:

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-11

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

An example of a simulated output message from a synchronous Web service

partner that you enter manually or load from a file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SCA Test Modeler version 1.0 at [7/3/07 3:26 PM]. -->
<compositeTest compositeDN="CompositeTest"
<initiate serviceName="client" operation="initiate" isAsync="true">
<part partName="payload">
<wireActions wireSource="LoanBroker/CreditRatingService" operation="process">
<emulate callbackOperation="process" duration="PT0S">
<part partName="payload">

The creditRatingResult.xml message file referenced in the output message

provides details about the credit rating result.
<rating xmlns="">900</rating>

43-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Contents of Test Cases

6. Click OK.

■ The Use Base Wire Actions button on the Wire Actions window is
disabled for beta 3.
■ The Create Component Test window that displays when you
double-click a BPEL process service component in test mode (for
example, LoanBroker or CreditRatingService shown in the
examples in this chapter) is not supported for beta 3.

43.4.3 Emulating Callback Messages

You can simulate a callback message returned from an asynchronous Web service
1. Access the Wire Actions window by following Step 1 through Step 3 on
page 43-10.
2. Click Emulate Callback Message. This field is only enabled for asynchronous
3. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Callback Operation Select the callback operation (for example, onResult).
Callback Message Displays the callback message name of the asynchronous process.
Part Select the message part containing the callback (for example, payload).
Value Create a simulated callback message to return from an asynchronous
Web service partner:
■ Enter Manually Click to manually enter message data in the Enter Value field. A
Generate Sample button enables you to automatically generate a
sample file for testing. Click Save As to save the sample file.
■ Load From File Click the Browse icon to load message data from a file. The file is
added to the messages folder in the Application Navigator.
Duration Enter the maximum amount of time to wait for the callback message to
be delivered from the Web service partner.

An example of this window is shown below:

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-13

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

An example of a simulated callback message from a Web service partner that you
enter manually or load from a file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- Generated by Oracle SCA Test Modeler version 1.0 at [7/3/07 3:27 PM]. -->
<compositeTest compositeDN="CompositeTest"
<initiate serviceName="client" operation="initiate" isAsync="true">
<part partName="payload">
<wireActions wireSource="LoanBroker/LoanService" operation="initiate">
<emulate callbackOperation="onResult" duration="PT0S">
<part partName="payload">

The loanOffer.xml message file referenced in the callback message provides

details about the credit rating approval.
<loanOffer xmlns="">
<providerName>Bank Of America</providerName>

43-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Contents of Test Cases


4. Click OK.

43.4.4 Emulating Fault Messages

You can simulate a fault message returned from a Web service partner. This enables
you to test fault handling capabilities in your process.
1. Access the Wire Actions window by following Step 1 through Step 3 on
page 43-10.
2. Click Emulate Fault Message.
3. Enter the following details:

Field Value
Fault Select the fault type to return from a partner (for example,
Fault Message Displays the message name.
Part Select the message part containing the fault (for example, payload).
Value Create a simulated fault message to return from a Web service partner:
■ Enter Manually Click to manually enter message data in the Enter Value field. A
Generate Sample button enables you to automatically generate a
sample file for testing. Click Save As to save the sample file.
■ Load From File Click the Browse icon to load message data from a file. The file is
added to the messages folder in the Application Navigator.
Duration Enter the maximum amount of time to wait for the fault message to be
delivered from the Web service partner.

An example of this window is shown below:

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-15

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

An example of a simulated fault message from a Web service partner that you
enter manually or load from a file is shown in Section 43.2.2, "Emulations" on
page 43-4.
Note also that the operation for the SOA composite application (for this example,
process) displays in the Operations column on the left.
4. Click OK.

43.4.5 Creating Value or XML Assertions

You perform assertions to verify variable data or process flow. Assertions enable you
to validate test data in a variable or an entire XML document as a process is executed.
This is done by extracting a value from a variable or an XML document and
comparing it to an expected value.
1. Access the Wire Actions window by following Step 1 through Step 3 on
page 43-10.
2. Click the Asserts tab.

43-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Contents of Test Cases

3. Click the Create icon.

The Create Assert window appears.
4. Select the type of assertion to perform at the top of the window. If the operation
supports only input messages, the Assert Input button is enabled. If the operation
supports both input and output messages, the Assert Input and Assert Output
buttons are both enabled.

Type Description
Assert Input Select to create an assertion in the inbound direction.
Assert Output Select to create an assertion in the outbound direction.
Assert Fault Select to assert a fault into the application flow.

5. See the following section based on the type of assertion you want to perform.

For... See Section...

Variable assertions Section, "Variable Assertions" on
page 43-17
XML assertions Section, "XML Assertions" on
page 43-19 Variable Assertions

This test compares the value of a selected string or number variable to an expected
1. Click Browse to select the target variable to assert.
The Select Assert Target window appears.
2. Select a specific variable, and click OK. For example, select a variable such as
loanAmount to perform a variable assertion.

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-17

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

The Create Assert window refreshes based on your selection of a variable.

3. Enter the following details in the remaining fields:

Field Value
Fault Select the type of fault to assert (for example, NegativeCredit). This
field only displays if you select Assert Fault in Step 4 on page 43-17.
Assert Target Displays the variable assert target you selected in Step 2.
Compare By Select the type of comparison:
■ string — Compares string values
■ number — Compares numerical values
■ pattern-match — Compares a regular expression pattern (for
example, [0-9]*).
Assert Value Enter the value you are expecting. This value is compared to the value
for the assert target.
Description Enter an optional description.

An example of this window with Assert Input selected is shown below:

43-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Creating the Contents of Test Cases

4. Click OK.
The Wire Actions window displays your selection.

5. Click OK. XML Assertions

This test compares the values of an entire XML document to the expected values.
1. Click Browse to select the target XML document to assert.
The Select Assert Target window appears.
2. Select the entire document, and click OK. For example, select an entire XML
document (CreditRatingServiceRequestMessage) to perform an XML assertion.

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-19

Creating the Contents of Test Cases

The Create Assert window refreshes based on your selection of an entire XML
3. Enter the following details in the remaining fields:

Field Value
Fault Select the type of fault to assert (for example, NegativeCredit). This
field only displays if you select Assert Fault in Step 4 on page 43-17.
Assert Target Displays the XML document assert target you selected in Step 2.
Compare By Specify the strictness of the comparison.
■ xml-identical — Used when the comparison must be exact (for
example, element ordering).
■ xml-similar — Used when the comparison must be similar in
content, but do not need to exactly match
Part Select the message part containing the XML document (for example,
Value Create an XML document whose content is compared to the assert
target content:
■ Enter Manually Click to manually enter message data in the Enter Value field. A
Generate Sample button enables you to automatically generate a
sample file for testing. Click Save As to save the sample file.
■ Load From File Click the Browse icon to load message data from a file. The file is added
to the messages folder in the Application Navigator.
Description Enter an optional description.

An example of this window with Assert Input selected is shown below:

43-20 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Deploying a Test Suite

4. Click OK.
The Wire Actions window displays your selection.

5. Click OK.

43.5 Deploying a Test Suite

After creating a test suite of test cases, you deploy the test to Oracle Enterprise
Manager Fusion Middleware Control. Two deployment methods are provided:
■ Section 43.5.1, "Deploying from Oracle JDeveloper"

43.5.1 Deploying from Oracle JDeveloper

Test suites are deployed as part of the SOA composite application for which you create
a deployment profile in Oracle JDeveloper.

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-21

Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results

See Also: Section 3.4.1, "Deploying Applications with Oracle

JDeveloper" on page 3-2 for instructions on creating and deploying a
deployment profile in Oracle JDeveloper

43.6 Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results

After deployment, you can run the test cases of a test suite on a SOA composite
application instance and view XML document reports. Two methods are provided:

43.6.1 Running from Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control

Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control can be used to run test suites
and generate report results.
1. Go to the Oracle SOA Console

2. Log in as fmwadmin/password if prompted.

where password is the fmwadmin password.
3. Create and run a test instance of the SOA composite application that includes the
test suite. See Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite
for instructions on creating and running a test instance.
4. Click the Unit Test tab.
The page refreshes to display the test suites and test cases available with this
5. Select entire test suites or individual test cases of test suites to run, and click

The Details of testrun window appears.

6. Enter the following details, and click OK.

43-22 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results

Field Description
TestRun Name Enter a name for the test instance. When testing is
complete, report details are captured under this name.
Timeout Enter a value in seconds in which to complete this test. If
the test does not complete within this time limit, then
testing is terminated.
Number of Concurrent Test Enter the number of test instances to create.

The Test Runs tab displays details about the test instance.
7. Click a specific test in the TestRun Name column.

8. Scroll down the page and review the results under the Results tab.

9. Click a composite instance number to view specific test details.

10. Click the Coverage tab to view details about the percentage of source code
executed on activities in the BPEL process service component.

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-23

Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results

11. Click the percentage value under Coverage for a BPEL process service component.
Activities that were executed are framed in green and activities that were not
executed are framed in pink.

12. Scroll down and note the pink sections that were not executed.

43-24 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results

Beta Draft Testing SOA Composite Applications 43-25

Running a Test Suite and Viewing Report Results

43-26 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Part VIII Appendices

This part describes Oracle SOA Suite appendices.

This part contains the following appendices:
■ Appendix A, "Building a Custom Worklist Client"

Beta Draft
Beta Draft
A Building a Custom Worklist Client

Starting with the sample Worklist Application, you can build clients for workflow
services using the APIs exposed by the workflow service. The APIs enable clients to
communicate with the workflow service using local and remote EJBs, SOAP, and
This chapter contains the following topics:
■ Section A.1, "Introduction to Building Clients for Workflow Services"
■ Section A.2, "Packages and Classes for Building Clients"
■ Section A.3, "Workflow Service Clients"
■ Section A.4, "Classpaths for Clients Using SOAP"
■ Section A.5, "Classpaths for Clients Using Remote EJBs"
■ Section A.6, "Classpaths for Clients Using Local EJBs"
■ Section A.7, "EJB References in Web Applications"
■ Section A.8, "Initiating a Task"
■ Section A.9, "Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample"

A.1 Introduction to Building Clients for Workflow Services

The typical sequence of calls when building a simple worklist application is as follows.

To build a simple worklist application:

1. Get a handle to IWorklistServiceClient from
2. Get a handle to ITaskQueryService from IWorklistServiceClient.
3. Authenticate a user by passing a username and password to the authenticate
method on ITaskQueryService. Get a handle to IWorkflowContext.
4. Query the list of tasks using ITaskQueryService.
5. Get a handle to ITaskService from IWorklistServiceClient.
6. Iterate over the list of tasks returned, performing actions on the tasks using
Example A–1 demonstrates how to build a client for workflow services. A list of all
tasks assigned to jstein is queried. A task whose outcome has not been set is approved.

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-1

Introduction to Building Clients for Workflow Services

Example A–1 Building a Client for Workflow Services—Setting the Outcome to Approved
//Create JAVA WorflowServiceClient
IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient =
//Get the task query service
ITaskQueryService querySvc = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService();

//Login as jstein
IWorkflowContext ctx = querySvc.authenticate("jstein",
null, //Use default realm
null);//Not logging in on behalf of another user
//Set up list of columns to query
List queryColumns = new ArrayList();

//Query a list of tasks assigned to jstein

List tasks = querySvc.queryTasks(ctx,
null, //Do not query addtional info
null, //No keywords
null, //No custom predicate
null, //No special ordering
0, //Do not page the query result
//Get the task service
ITaskService taskSvc = wfSvcClient.getTaskService();
//Loop over the tasks, outputting task information, and approving any
//tasks whose outcome has not been set...
for(int i = 0 ; i < tasks.size() ; i ++)
Task task = (Task)tasks.get(i);
int taskNumber = task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskNumber();
String title = task.getTitle();
String taskId = task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskId();
String outcome = task.getSystemAttributes().getOutcome();
if(outcome == null)
outcome = "APPROVED";
System.out.println("Task #"+taskNumber+" ("+title+") is "+outcome);

catch (Exception e)
//Handle any exceptions raised here...
System.out.println("Caught workflow exception: "+e.getMessage());

A-2 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Workflow Service Clients

A.2 Packages and Classes for Building Clients

Use the following packages and classes for building clients:
The classes in this package contain the object model for the workflow
configuration in the task definition file. The ObjectFactory class can be used to
create objects.
The classes in this package contain the object model for the routing slip. The
ObjectFactory class can be used to create objects.
The classes in this package contain the object model for the task display. The
ObjectFactory class can be used to create objects.
The classes in this package contain the object model for the task definition file. The
ObjectFactory class can be used to create objects.
Interface for the workflow service client.
The factory for creating the workflow service client.
The interface for task metadata service.
The interface for task service.
The interface for callback class to receive callbacks during task processing.
The interface for the assignment service.

A.3 Workflow Service Clients

Any worklist application accesses the various workflow services through the
workflow service client. The workflow service client code encapsulates all the logic
required for communicating with the workflow services using different local and
remote protocols. After the worklist application has an instance of the workflow
service client, it does not need to consider how the client communicates with the
workflow services.
The advantages of using the client are as follows:
■ Hides the complexity of the underlying connection mechanisms such as
■ Facilitates changing from using one particular invocation mechanism to another,
for example from SOAP/HTTP to remote EJB

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-3

Workflow Service Clients

The following class is used to create instances of the IWorkflowServiceClient


WorkflowServiceClientFactory has a number of methods that create workflow

clients. The simplest method, getWorkflowServiceClient, takes a single
parameter, the client type. The client type can be one of the following:
■ WorkflowServiceClientFactory.LOCAL_CLIENT—The client uses a local
EJB interface to invoke the workflow services.
■ WorkflowServiceClientFactory.REMOTE_CLIENT—The client uses a
remote EJB interface to invoke workflow services located remotely from the client.
■ WorkflowServiceClientFactory.SOAP_CLIENT—The client uses SOAP to
invoke Web service interfaces to the workflow services, located remotely from the
The other factory methods allow you to specify the connection properties directly
(rather than having the factory load them from the wf_client_config.xml file),
and allow you to specify a logger to use to log client activity.
The following enhancements to the workflow service clients are included in this
■ In addition to specifying the connection information necessary for the clients to
talk to the server in the wf_client_config.xml file, you can also pass in a map
(instead of using the wf_client_config.xml file) with the necessary
properties. This is achieved by using a different method on the
WorkflowServiceClientFactory, as shown in Example A–2 and
Example A–3.

Example A–2 Method for Remote EJB Clients

properties = new





IWorkflowServiceClient client =
properties, null);

Example A–3 Method for SOAP Clients

Map<IWorkflowServiceClientConstants.CONNECTION_PROPERTY,java.lang.String> properties = new


A-4 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Workflow Service Clients


IWorkflowServiceClient client =
properties, null);

■ Clients can optionally pass in a java.util.logging.Logger where the client

logs messages. If no logger is specified, then the workflow service client code does
not log anything. Example A–4 shows how a logger can be passed to the workflow
service clients.

Example A–4 Passing a Logger to the Workflow Service Clients

java.util.logging.Logger logger = ....;

IWorkflowServiceClient client =
properties, logger);

Through the factory, it is possible to get the client libraries for all the workflow
services. Table A–1 shows the clients available for each of the services.

Table A–1 Clients Available for the Workflow Services

Supports SOAP Supports Supports
Service Name Web Services Remote EJB Local EJB
Task Service Yes Yes Yes
Task Query Service Yes Yes Yes
Task Metadata Service Yes Yes Yes
Task Reports Service Yes Yes No
User Metadata Service Yes Yes Yes
Runtime Config Service Yes Yes Yes
Evidence Store Service Yes Yes Yes
Identity Service: - - -
■ BPM Authentication Service Yes No No
■ BPM Authorization Service Yes No No

The client classes use the configuration file wf_client_config.xml for the service
end points. In the client classpath, this file is in the classpath directly, meaning the
containing directory is in the classpath. The wf_client_config.xml file contains:
■ A section for EJB configuration
<serverURL>ormi://localhost/hw_services</serverURL> <!-- for stand alone -->
<!--serverURL>opmn:ormi://localhost:home/hw_services</serverURL--> <!-- for
opmn managed instance -->


Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-5

Classpaths for Clients Using SOAP


■ A section for SOAP end points for each of the services


A.3.1 The IWorkflowServiceClient Interface

The IWorkflowServiceClient interface provides methods, summarized in
Table A–2, for obtaining handles to the various workflow services interfaces.

Table A–2 IWorkflowServiceClient Methods

Method Interface

A.4 Classpaths for Clients Using SOAP

SOAP clients must have the following JAR files in their classpath:
■ orasaaj.jar
■ xmlparserv2.jar
■ xml.jar
■ soap.jar
■ saaj-api.jar
■ oc4jclient.jar
■ bpm-infra.jar
■ bpm-services.jar
■ bpm-services-client.jar (only if you are using the ADF data controls for
An alternative is to use the wsclient_extended.jar file, which is available for
download from Oracle Technology Network at

See the chapter "Web Service Client APIs and JARs" in the section "Simplifying the
Classpath with wsclient_extended.jar" in Oracle Application Server Web Services
Developer's Guide 10g Release 3 (10.1.3), at

A-6 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
EJB References in Web Applications

Using wsclient_extended.jar simplifies the classpath to include the following

JAR files:
■ wsclient_extended.jar
■ bpm-infra.jar
■ bpm-services.jar
■ bpm-services-client.jar (only if you are using the ADF data controls for

Note: Client applications no longer use the

system\services\config or system\services\schema
directories in the classpath.

A.5 Classpaths for Clients Using Remote EJBs

Clients using remote EJBs must have the following JAR files in their classpath:
■ xmlparserv2.jar
■ xml.jar
■ oc4jclient.jar
■ bpm-infra.jar
■ bpm-services.jar
■ bpm-services-client.jar (only if you are using the ADF data controls for

Note: Client applications no longer use the

system\services\config or system\services\schema
directories in the classpath.

A.6 Classpaths for Clients Using Local EJBs

Only applications running as part of the soa-infra application or those that are a child
application of the soa-infra application can use local EJBs. In either case, the child
application has all the necessary classes in its classpath, either because they are part of
soa-infra or because they inherit the classpath as the child of soa-infra.

Note: Client applications no longer use the

system\services\config or system\services\schema
directories in the classpath.

A.7 EJB References in Web Applications

If a Web application uses the workflow service local EJBs, then the client application
must do the following:
■ The application must be a child application of the hw_services application.
■ The application must define the EJB local references in its web.xml file. The local
references for each of the services are shown in Example A–5 and Example A–6.

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-7

Initiating a Task

Example A–5 Task Service

<ejb-local-ref id="EjbRef_TaskServiceBean_Message">

Example A–6 Task Metadata Service

<ejb-local-ref id="EjbRef_TaskMetadataServiceBean_Message">

Note: Only child applications can use local EJBs. This restricts
standalone Java clients to using either remote EJBs or SOAP clients.

See Chapter 28, "Human Task Services," for more information on TaskQueryService,
TaskReportService, UserMetadataService, and RuntimeConfigService.

A.8 Initiating a Task

Tasks can be initiated programmatically, in which case the following task attributes
must be set:
■ taskDefinitionId
■ title
■ payload
■ priority
The following task attributes are optional, but are typically set by clients:
■ creator
■ ownerUser—Defaults to bpeladmin if empty
■ processInfo
■ identificationKey—Tasks can be queried based on the identification key
from the TaskQueryService

A.8.1 Creating a Task

The task object model is available in the package

To create objects in this model, use the ObjectFactory class.

A-8 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Initiating a Task

A.8.2 Creating a Payload Element in a Task

The task payload can contain multiple payload message attributes. Since the payload
is not well defined until the task definition, the Java object model for the task does not
contain strong type objects for the client payload. The task payload is represented by
the AnyType Java object. The AnyType Java object is created with an XML element
whose root is payload in the namespace

The payload XML element contains all the other XML elements in it. Each XML
element defines a message attribute.
Example A–7 shows how to set a task payload.

Example A–7 Setting a Task Payload


Document document = //createXMLDocument

Element payloadElem = document.createElementNS("
task", "payload");
Element orderElem = document.createElementNS("", "order");
Element child = document.createElementNS("", "id");


Note: The AnyType.getContent() element returns an

unmodifiable list of XML elements. You cannot add other message
attributes to the list.

A.8.3 Initiating a Task Programmatically

Example A–8 shows how to initiate a vacation request task programmatically.

Example A–8 Initiating a Vacation Request Task Programmatically

// create task object
ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
Task task = objectFactory.createTask();

// set title
task.setTitle("Vacation request for jcooper");

// set creator

// set taskDefinitionId
VacationRequest"); (Your task definition ID will be different.)

// create and set payload

Document document = XMLUtil.createDocument();

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-9

Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

Element payloadElem = document.createElementNS(TASK_NS, "payload");

Element vacationRequestElem = document.createElementNS(VACATION_REQUEST_NS,

Element creatorChild = document.createElementNS(VACATION_REQUEST_NS, "creator");


Element fromDateChild = document.createElementNS(VACATION_REQUEST_NS, "fromDate");


Element toDateChild = document.createElementNS(VACATION_REQUEST_NS, "toDate");


Element reasonChild = document.createElementNS(VACATION_REQUEST_NS, "reason");




IWorkflowServiceClient workflowServiceClient =
ITaskService taskService = workflowServiceClient.getTaskService();
IInitiateTaskResponse iInitiateTaskResponse = taskService.initiateTask(task);
Task retTask = iInitiateTaskResponse.getTask();
System.out.println("Initiated: " + retTask.getSystemAttributes().getTaskNumber() + " - " +
return retTask;

A.9 Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

The following example shows how to modify the help desk interface that is part of the
HelpDeskServiceRequest demo found at

To write a worklist application

1. Create the workflow context by authenticating the user.
// get workflow service client
IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient =

//get the workflow context

IWorkflowContext wfCtx =
wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().authenticate(userId, pwd,,

This is Step 3 in Section A.1, "Introduction to Building Clients for Workflow


A-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

The login.jsp file of HelpDeskServiceRequest uses the preceding API to

authenticate the user and create a workflow context. After the user is
authenticated, the statusPage.jsp file displays the tasks assigned to the
logged-in user. Example A–9 shows sample code from the login.jsp file.

Example A–9 Login.jsp

<%@ page import="javax.servlet.http.HttpSession"
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>

<title>Help desk request login page</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<body bgcolor="#F0F0F0" text="#000000" style="font: 12px verdana; line-height:18px">

<div style="width:640px;padding:15px;border-width: 10px; border-color: #87b4d9; border-style:
background-color:white; text-align:left">

<!-- Page Header, Application banner, logo + user status -->

<jsp:include page="banner.jsp"/>

<!-- Initiate Meta Information -->

<div style="background-color:#F0F0F0; border-top:10px solid white;border-bottom:

10px solid white;padding:10px;text-align:center" >
<b>Welcome to the HelpDesk application</b>

String redirectPrefix = "/HelpDeskUI/";
// Ask the browser not to cache the page
response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(false);

if (httpSession != null) {

IWorkflowContext ctx = (IWorkflowContext) httpSession.getAttribute("workflowContext");

if (ctx != null) {
response.sendRedirect(redirectPrefix + "statusPage.jsp");
String authFailedStr = request.getParameter("authFailed");
boolean authFailed = false;
if ("true".equals(authFailedStr))
authFailed = true;

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-11

Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

authFailed = false;

if (!authFailed)
//Get page parameters:
String userId="";
if(request.getParameter("userId") != null)
userId = request.getParameter("userId");
String pwd="";
if(request.getParameter("pwd") != null)
pwd = request.getParameter("pwd");

if(userId != null && (!("".equals(userId.trim())))

&& pwd != null && (!("".equals(pwd.trim()))))
try {
HttpSession userSession = request.getSession(true);

IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient =
IWorkflowContext wfCtx =
wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().authenticate(userId, pwd,, null);
httpSession.setAttribute("workflowContext", wfCtx);
response.sendRedirect(redirectPrefix + "statusPage.jsp");
catch (Exception e)
String worklistServiceError = e.getMessage();
response.sendRedirect(redirectPrefix + "login.jsp?authFailed=true");
out.println("error is " + worklistServiceError);
} else
out.println("Authentication failed");

<form action='<%= request.getRequestURI() %>' method="post">

<div style="width:100%">
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="3" border="0" width="30%" align="center">
<input type="text" name="userId"/>

A-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

<input type="password" name="pwd"/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>

2. Query tasks using the queryTask API from TaskQueryService.

//add list of attributes to be queried from the task
List displayColumns = new ArrayList();
// get the list of tasks
List tasks = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().queryTasks
// create listing page by using above tasks
//add href links to title to display details of the task by passing taskId
as input parameter
Use getTaskDetailsById(IWorkflowContext wftx, String taskId);

This is Step 4 in Section A.1, "Introduction to Building Clients for Workflow

The statusPage.jsp file of HelpDeskServiceRequest is used to display the
status of help desk requests. Example A–10 shows the statusPage.jsp example

Example A–10 statusPage.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<%@ page import=",

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-13

Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample,,,,,,,,
<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"%>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
<style TYPE="text/css">
Body, Form, Table, Textarea, Select, Input, Option
font-family : tahoma, verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size : 9pt;
background-color: #eaeff5;
background-color: #eaeff5;
background-color: #87b4d9;
<body bgcolor="White">
HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(false);
<table bordercolor="#eaeff5" border="4" width="100%">
<tr><td> <jsp:include page="banner.jsp"/> </td></tr>
BPMUser bpmUser = null;
String redirectPrefix = request.getContextPath() + "/";
IWorkflowContext ctx = null;
if (httpSession != null) {

ctx = (IWorkflowContext) httpSession.getAttribute("workflowContext");

if (ctx != null) {
bpmUser = getAuthorizationService(ctx.getIdentityContext()).
response.sendRedirect(redirectPrefix + "login.jsp");

A-14 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

response.sendRedirect(redirectPrefix + "login.jsp");
if(bpmUser == null)
response.sendRedirect(redirectPrefix + "login.jsp");
String status = (String)httpSession.getAttribute("requeststatus");
if(status != null && !status.equals(""))
<div style="text-align:left;color:red" >
<%= status %>
IWorkflowServiceClient wfSvcClient =
List displayColumns = new ArrayList();
List tasks = wfSvcClient.getTaskQueryService().queryTasks
<div style="text-align:left;color:green" >
Previous help desk request
<div style="text-align:center" >
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" border="3" width="100%">
<TR class="problemInfo">

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-15

Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

SimpleDateFormat dflong = new SimpleDateFormat( "MM/dd/yy hh:mm a" );
for(int i = 0 ; i < tasks.size() ; i ++)
Task task = (Task)tasks.get(i);
int taskNumber = task.getSystemAttributes().getTaskNumber();
String title = task.getTitle();
int priority = task.getPriority();
String assignee = getAssigneeString(task);
Calendar createdDate = task.getSystemAttributes().getCreatedDate();
Calendar updateDate = task.getSystemAttributes().getUpdatedDate();
String updatedBy = task.getSystemAttributes().getUpdatedBy().getId();
String state = task.getSystemAttributes().getState();
String outcome = task.getSystemAttributes().getOutcome();
if(outcome == null) outcome = "";
String titleLink = "http://" + request.getServerName() +
":" + request.getServerPort() +
"/integration/worklistapp/TaskDetails?taskId=" +
<tr class="userInfo">
<td><a href="<%=titleLink%>" target="_blank"><%=title%></a></td>
private BPMAuthorizationService getAuthorizationService(String identityContext)
BPMAuthorizationService authorizationService =
if (identityContext != null)
authorizationService = ServiceFactory.getAuthorizationServiceInstance(identityContext);

return authorizationService;
private String getAssigneeString(Task task) throws Exception
List assignees = task.getSystemAttributes().getAssigneeUsers();
StringBuffer buffer = null;
for(int i = 0 ; i < assignees.size() ; i++)

A-16 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft
Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

IdentityType type = (IdentityType)assignees.get(i);
String name = type.getId();
if(buffer == null)
buffer = new StringBuffer();
assignees = task.getSystemAttributes().getAssigneeGroups();
for(int i = 0 ; i < assignees.size() ; i++)
IdentityType type = (IdentityType)assignees.get(i);
String name = type.getId();
if(buffer == null)
buffer = new StringBuffer();
if(buffer == null)
return "";
return buffer.toString();

Beta Draft Building a Custom Worklist Client A-17

Writing a Worklist Application Using the HelpDeskUI Sample

A-18 Oracle Fusion Middleware Developer’s Guide for Oracle SOA Suite Beta Draft

A operation
definition, 25-17
actionable notification
assert facts, execute rule set, retrieve results, and reset
definition, 23-1
the session operation
actional e-mails, 26-56, 28-24
definition, 25-17
assertion tests
definition, 11-12
overview, 43-2
overview, 11-12
activity sensors
creating value asserts, 43-17
definition, 24-1
creating XML asserts, 43-19
Adapter Configuration wizard
in BPEL test suites, 43-5
starting, 11-18
assign activity
adding to an asynchronous service, 14-13
configuring, 11-18
copying data, 12-10
definition, 11-18
description, 12-2
in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-18
for data manipulation, 12-2
service names, 11-19
formatting the e-mail message body as
adding a cross reference table column, 10-6
HTML, 23-9
adding columns to domain value maps, 9-9
in asynchronous services, 14-13
adding rows to domain value maps, 9-9
assignment service
ADF bindings
configuration, 28-30
files for, 35-5
deploying a custom assignment service, 28-36
ADF Model layer, introduced, 35-1
dynamic assignment functions, 28-30, 28-31,
ADF task flow for human tasks, 27-2
advanced formatting, message sources, 36-4
dynamically assigning task participants, 28-32
aggregate functions in calculations, 32-4
example of implementation, 28-34
implementing, 28-33
history, 34-7
overview, 28-33
asynchronous callbacks, 14-3
using the developer prompt, 11-2
asynchronous interaction with a notification timer
Application Navigator
BPEL process as the client, 22-5
contents of, 11-5
BPEL process as the service, 22-5
definition, 11-5
definition, 22-4
location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4
asynchronous interaction with timeout
BPEL process as the client, 22-4
determining the size of, 12-22
BPEL process as the service, 22-4
in transformations, 4-23
definition, 22-4
manipulating, 12-20
asynchronous interactions
maxOccurs attribute, 12-20
BPEL process as the client, 22-3
SOAP-encoded arrays not supported, 12-25
BPEL process as the service, 22-3
statically indexing into, 12-21
definition, 22-3
assert facts and execute rule set operation
returning faults, 17-7
definition, 25-16
asynchronous processes
assert facts only operation
dehydration store, 14-10
definition, 25-16
using dehydration, 14-10
assert facts, execute rule set, and retrieve results
asynchronous services

Beta Draft -1
assign activities, 14-13 cases, 43-6
calling, 14-4, 14-10 process code coverage overview, 43-3
correlating messages, 14-6 running test suites from Oracle BPEL
correlation IDs, 14-6 Control, 43-22
correlation sets, 14-14 simple value assert, 43-2
invoke activities, 14-5, 14-11 test case overview, 43-2
managing multiple instances, 14-6 test suite assertions, 43-5
parallel flows, 15-1 test suite components, 43-3
partner links, 14-4, 14-10 test suite emulations, 43-4
partnerLinkTypes, 14-3 test suites overview, 43-2
receive activities, 14-5, 14-13 test suites process initiation, 43-3
reply activities, 14-10 viewing test results, 43-22
use case, 14-1 XML assert, 43-3
WS-Addressing, 14-6 BPEL XPath functions
attachments examples, 12-3
sending with the notification wizard, 23-6 BPEL_ACTIVITY_SENSOR_VALUES
task attachments with e-mail notifications, 26-57, sensor public view, 24-21
using style sheets, 26-59 sensor public view, 24-21
using WordML style sheets, 26-59 BPEL_PROCESS_INSTANCES
attribute labels sensor public view, 24-20
internationalization, 28-15 BPEL_VARIABLE_SENSOR_VALUES
attributes sensor public view, 24-22
manipulating, 12-14 bpelx exec extension
auto mapping for embedding Java code in a BPEL process, 18-2
in transformations, 4-25 bpelx:append extension
with confirmation in transformations, 4-27 description, 12-15
bpelx:copyList extension
description, 12-19
bpelx:exec extension
batching built-in methods, 18-4
message batching limitations with Oracle Business bpelx:headerVariable extension
Activity Monitoring, 24-19 description, 12-27
bindingFault bpelx:insertAfter extension
definition, 17-4 description, 12-16
Boolean values bpelx:insertBefore extension
assigning, 12-13 description, 12-15
BPEL design environment bpelx:remove extension
overview, 11-2 description, 12-17
BPEL files bpelx:rename extension
definition, 11-5 description, 12-18
partner links definition, 13-2 bpelx:validate extension
BPEL processes description, 12-20
common interaction patterns, 22-1 building expression with domain value map
invoking with a Web Service/SOAP functions, 9-14
interface, 20-2 business faults
sending messages from a Java/JSP definition, 17-3
application, 20-1 business rules
BPEL projects definition, 25-1
naming conventions, 11-3 deployment and run time, 25-19
BPEL test integrating with BPEL processes through the
assertions overview, 43-2 decision service wizard, 25-14
creating test suites, 43-6 use case for data validation and constraint
creating value asserts, 43-17 checks, 25-13
creating XML asserts, 43-19 use case for dynamic processing, 25-13
definition, 43-1 use case for externalizing decision points in the
deploying test suites, 43-21 process, 25-13
emulating inbound messages, 43-9 use case for human workflow, 25-13
emulations overview, 43-2 use cases, 25-13
naming limitations on test suites and test with Oracle BPEL Process Manager, 25-2

-2 Beta Draft
business rules dictionary contents, data object, 32-7
definition, 25-3 copying security filters, 32-12
core XPath functions
examples, 12-3
correlation ID
calculated fields, 32-4 WS-Addressing, 14-6
calculations correlation sets
aggregate functions, 32-4 associating with receive activities, 14-22
datetime functions, 32-4 creating, 14-21
expressions, 32-4 creating property aliases, 14-23
string functions, 32-4 definition, 14-7, 14-9
callback, 6-19 tutorials, 14-14
callback classes WSDL file content, 14-25
specifying on task status, 26-61 correlations, 14-6
callbacks countNodes function, 12-22
task routing and customization in BPEL create domain value maps, 9-4
callbacks, 26-62, 26-79 create instance
viewing, 26-75 definition, 14-5
catch branch in receive activities, 14-5
fault handling, 17-7 createInstance attribute, 14-6
channels creating cross reference tables, 10-4
e-mail, 23-5 creating folders for data objects, 32-8
SMS, 23-9 creating mediator component
voice mail, 23-10 mediator files, 5-3
class names cross reference table look up, 10-13
specifying in the external routing service xref
participant type, 26-39 lookupXRef function, 10-13
classpaths lookupXRef1M function, 10-16
for clients using local EJBs, A-7 cross reference tables, 10-1
for clients using remote EJBs, A-7 adding a column, 10-6
for clients using SOAP, A-6 creating, 10-4
clearing data objects, 32-15 deleting a column, 10-7
code coverage tests deleting values, 10-17
overview, 43-3 looking up, 10-13
compensate activity modifying, 10-4
definition, 17-8 populating columns, 10-7
fault handling, 17-8 xref
complex type lookupXRef function, 10-13
variables, 12-10 lookupXRef1M function, 10-16
Component Palette markForDelete function, 10-17
definition, 11-9 populateXRefRow function, 10-7
location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4 populateXRefRow1M function, 10-12
transformation functions, 11-9 cross references
components creating, 10-4
of Oracle SOA Suite, 1-3 introduction, 10-1
composite modifying, 10-4
overview, 2-4 overview, 10-1
concat function schema definition file, 10-20
description, 12-12 custom
conditional branching logic sensor publish type, 24-2
definition, 16-1 custom escalation function
use case, 16-1 using, 28-36
use of XPath expressions, 16-1 custom plug-ins
using switch activities, 16-2 use with identity service, 28-10
using while activities, 16-4
conditional processing
with xsl choose, 4-22
with xsl if, 4-21 data controls
constant values creating, 35-4
in transformations, 4-14 displayed on the Data Controls panel, 35-5

Beta Draft -3
Data Controls panel execute function operation definition, 25-17
icons defined, 35-5 retrieve results operation definition, 25-17
using to create a user interface, 35-6 decision service
data manipulation architecture, 25-3
accessing fields with complex type configuration file contents, 25-4
variables, 12-10 definition, 25-2
assigning Boolean values, 12-13 deployment and run time, 25-19
assigning date or time, 12-13 decision service wizard
assigning literal strings, 12-12 for integrating business rules with BPEL
assigning numeric values, 12-11 processes, 25-14
concatenating strings, 12-12 defining a fault handler, 17-5
converting from a string to a structured XML dehydration
object type, 12-25 definition, 14-10
copying data between variables, 12-10 dehydration store, 14-10
determining array sizes, 12-22 deleting a cross reference table column, 10-7
dynamically indexing into a data sequence, 12-22 Deleting a Mediator, 5-22
generating array-equivalent functionality with the deleting a routing service, 5-22
genEmptyElem function, 12-24 deleting cross reference table value, 10-17
initializing variables, 12-9 xref
manipulating arrays, 12-20 markForDelete function, 10-17
manipulating attributes, 12-14 deleting data objects, 32-15
mathematical calculations with XPath deleting folders, 32-10
functions, 12-11 demos
statically indexing into a data sequence, 12-21 binding faults, 17-5
with assign activities, 12-2, 12-10 run-time faults, 17-5
with XQuery and XSLT, 12-4 sensor actions, 24-3
data mapper sensors, 24-3
using, 6-32 deployment
data object contents, 32-7 from Oracle JDeveloper, 3-2
data object permissions, 32-4 developer prompt
data objects, 32-1 required when deploying services through ant or
organizing, 32-8 obant, 11-2
data objects, adding dimensions, 32-12 Diagram window, 11-5
data objects, clearing, 32-15 definition, 11-5
data objects, creating folders, 32-8 location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4
data objects, defining, 32-1 dictionaries
data objects, deleting, 32-15 in transformations, 4-29
data objects, general information, 32-6 digital signatures, 28-16
data objects, moving, 32-14 dimensions, adding to data objects, 32-12
data objects, renaming, 32-14 dimensions, time, 32-13
data objects, security filters, 32-10 domain value maps
data sequences add columns, 9-9
dynamically indexing into, 12-22 add rows, 9-9
database creation, 9-4
sensor publish type, 24-2 dvm
date time stamp field, 32-4 lookupValue function, 9-9
dates lookupValue1M function, 9-10
assigning, 12-13 editing, 9-8
datetime functions in calculations, 32-4 features, 9-1
decide activity introduction, 9-1
assert facts and execute rule set operation one-to-many mapping, 9-3
definition, 25-16 overview, 9-1
assert facts only operation definition, 25-16 qualifier order, 9-2
assert facts, execute rule set, and retrieve results qualifiers, 9-2
operation definition, 25-17 reordering the columns, 9-9
assert facts, execute rule set, retrieve results, and using, 9-9
reset the session operation definition, 25-17 using in a transformation, 9-11
definition, 25-16 using lookupValue functions, 9-14
execute function and reset the session operation domain value maps features, 9-1
definition, 25-17 one-to-many mapping, 9-3

-4 Beta Draft
qualifier order, 9-2 escalating
qualifiers, 9-2 tasks, 26-46
domain value maps functions escalation policy
dvm escalate after, 26-51
lookupValue, 9-9 overview, 26-47
lookupValue1M, 9-10 specifying, 26-58
domain value maps qualifiers, 9-2 evaluation time
domain.xml file definition, 24-4
increasing the syncMaxWaitTime property, 19-4 evidence store, 28-16
location, 19-4 evidence store service, 28-2, A-5
drop handlers, custom for task display form, 27-5 example code, 36-5
drop handlers, standard ADF, 27-10 exceptions, 17-3
dvm execute function and reset the session operation
lookupValue function, 9-9 definition, 25-17
lookupValue1M function, 9-10 execute function operation
dynamic assignment definition, 25-17
of task participants, 26-26, 26-29, 26-33, 26-36, expiration policy
26-38 expire after, 26-49
dynamic assignment functions never expire, 26-49
configuring, 28-31 overview, 26-47
configuring display names, 28-32 renew after, 26-50
definition, 28-30 export file sample, ICommand, 37-18
implementing, 28-31 expression builder dialog
using domain value map functions, 9-14
expression constants
variable initialization, 12-9
edit domain value maps, 9-8 expressions in calculations, 32-4
add columns, 9-9 external routing service
add rows, 9-9 configuring, 26-38
reordering the columns, 9-9 definition, 26-11, 26-38
EJB specifying the class name, 26-39
security in EJB Web services, 28-3 workflow participant type, 26-11, 26-38
support in workflow services, 28-1
ignoring in XSLT documents, 4-32
e-mail facades
dynamically setting addresses, 23-11 See XML facades
making e-mails actional, 26-56, 28-24 fault bindings, 7-4
notifications support, 23-2, 23-5 fault handling, 6-19, 17-5
e-mail attachments binding faults demo, 17-5
notifications support, 23-6 defining, 17-1, 17-5
e-mail messages importing RuntimeFault.wsdl, 17-5
HTML content for message body, 23-9 modifying the WSDL files, 17-5
empty activity returning external faults, 17-7
definition, 17-8 throwing internal faults, 17-6
fault handling, 17-8 use case, 17-1
emulation tests using catch branches, 17-7
overview, 43-2 using compensate activities, 17-8
emulations using empty activities, 17-8
emulating inbound messages, 43-9 using scope activities, 17-6, 17-7
in BPEL test suites, 43-4 using terminate activities, 17-9
ending using the getFaultAsString function, 17-5
tasks, 26-46 using throw activities, 17-6
enterprise message sources, 36-1 fault policies, 7-1
enterprise message sources, copying, 36-10 actions, 7-4
enterprise message sources, defining, 33-2, 36-2 component level, 7-4
enterprise message sources, deleting, 33-2, 36-10 composite level, 7-4
enterprise message sources, editing, 33-2, 36-10 conditions, 7-2
entity variable fault sensors
using, 12-4 definition, 24-2

Beta Draft -5
fault-bindings.xml, 7-9 G
fault-policies.xml, 7-5
faults genEmptyElem function
categories of faults in BPEL, 17-3 description, 12-24
Qname fault name, 17-3 getCurrentDate function
returning external faults, 17-7 description, 12-13
standard faults, 17-3 getCurrentDateTime function
throwing internal faults, 17-6 description, 12-13
fields, calculated, 32-4 getCurrentTime function
fields, lookup, 32-3 description, 12-13
fields, timestamp, 32-4 getFaultAsString function
filters, copying, 32-12 description, 17-5
filters, security, 32-10 getUserProperty function
fire and forget example, 23-11
one-way message, 22-1 getVariableData function
flat query, 35-6 description, 12-12
flowN activity example, 23-11
definition, 15-2 using in mathematical calculations, 12-11
folder permissions, 32-9 global task variable name
folders, deleting, 32-10 specifying in human task activities, 26-78
folders, renaming, 32-10 group query, 35-6
functions group vote
chaining in transformations, 4-16 configuring, 26-27
concat, 12-12 consensus percentage, 26-30
countNodes, 12-22 default outcome, 26-30
custom, 12-4 definition, 26-11, 26-27
deprecated workflow service and identity service immediately triggering a voted outcome when a
functions, 28-37 minimum percentage is met, 26-30
descriptions, 4-15 specifying group voting details, 26-30
dynamically setting e-mail addresses and waiting until all votes are in before triggering an
telephone numbers, 23-11 outcome, 26-30
editing in transformations, 4-16 workflow participant type, 26-11, 26-27
editing XPath expressions in
transformations, 4-19 H
examples, 12-3
functions prefixed with xp20 or orcl, 4-15
SOAP headers, 12-27
genEmptyElem, 12-24
heap size
getCurrentDate, 12-13
increasing, 4-39
getCurrentDateTime, 12-13
human task activity
getCurrentTime, 12-13
associating with a BPEL process, 26-69
getFaultAsString, 17-5
identification key, 26-78
getUserProperty, 23-11
including the task history of other tasks, 26-78
getVariableData, 23-11
scope name and global task variable name, 26-78
in transformations, 4-15
specifying a task initiator and task priority, 26-72
location of function descriptions, 12-4
specifying a task title, 26-71
mimic XPath 2.0 standards, 28-36
specifying task parameters, 26-72
parseEscapedXML, 12-25
task owner, 26-78
position, 12-21
viewing BPEL callbacks, 26-75
prefixed with xp20 or orcl, 4-15
human task definition
processXSLT, 23-9
associating with a BPEL process, 26-12
readFile, 23-8
Human Task editor
selecting an data sequence element, 12-21
abruptly completing a condition, 26-41
workflow related, 28-36
actional e-mails, 26-56, 28-24
FYI assignee
allowing all participants to invite other
configuring, 26-37
participants, 26-40
definition, 26-11, 26-37
assigning task participants by name or
workflow participant type, 26-11, 26-37
expression, 26-25, 26-29, 26-32, 26-35, 26-37
bypassing task participants, 26-26, 26-30, 26-33,
definition, 26-2

-6 Beta Draft
dynamically assigning task participants by specifying in human task activities, 26-78
expression, 26-26, 26-29, 26-33, 26-36, 26-38 identity service
editing notification messages, 26-55 definition, 26-8, 28-8
escalate after policy, 26-51 deprecated functions, 28-37
escalating, renewing, or ending a task, 26-46 determining a user’s local language and time
escalation and expiration policy overview, 26-47 zone, 29-45
escalation rules, 26-58 EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5
expire after policy, 26-49 providers, 28-10
external routing service task participant, 26-38 support for in workflows, 28-8
FYI assignee task participant, 26-37 supported task operations, 28-8
group vote task participant, 26-27 use with custom plug-ins, 28-10
group voting details, 26-30 use with JAZN, 28-8, 28-10
inviting additional task participants, 26-27, 26-34, use with LDAP, 28-8, 28-10
26-36 WSDL file location, 28-2
management chain task participant, 26-31 XPath extension functions, 28-36
multilingual settings, 26-59, 28-23 import
never expire policy, 26-49 source and target schemas into a
notification preferences, 26-53 transformation, 4-3
notifying recipients of changes to task two schema files of the same name into the same
status, 26-54 project is not supported, 11-12
number of task approvers, 26-33 indexes, in data objects, 32-14
overriding default exception management, 26-60 indexing methods
renew after policy, 26-50 using XPath, 12-22
securing notifications, 26-56, 28-28 instances
sequential list of approvers task starting new, 14-6
participant, 26-34 interaction patterns
setting up reminders, 26-55 asynchronous interaction with notification
sharing attachments and comments with task timer, 22-4
participants, 26-30, 26-38 asynchronous interaction with timeout, 22-4
single approver task participant, 26-24 asynchronous interactions, 22-3
specifying callback classes, 26-61 common patterns between a BPEL process and
specifying class names, 26-39 another application, 22-1
style sheets in attachments, 26-59 multiple interactions, 22-9
task attachments with e-mail notifications, 26-57, one request, a mandatory response, and an
28-27 optional response, 22-7
task outcome, 26-17 one request, multiple responses, 22-5
task owner specification through the user one request, one of two possible responses, 22-6
directory, 26-18 one-way message, 22-1
task owner specification through XPath partial processing, 22-8
expressions, 26-20 synchronous interactions, 22-2
task participants, 26-22 invocation patterns
task payload data structure, 26-21 assert facts and execute rule set operation
task routing and customization in BPEL definition, 25-16
callbacks, 26-62, 26-79 assert facts only operation definition, 25-16
task title and priority, 26-16 assert facts, execute rule set, and retrieve results
time limits for acting on tasks, 26-27, 26-31, 26-34, operation definition, 25-17
26-36 assert facts, execute rule set, retrieve results, and
WordML style sheets in attachments, 26-59 reset the session operation definition, 25-17
execute function and reset the session operation
definition, 25-17
execute function operation definition, 25-17
ICommand retrieve results operation definition, 25-17
regular expressions, 37-19 invoke activity, 14-5
sample export file, 37-18 adding to an asynchronous service, 14-11
ICommand utility, 37-1 definition, 13-2
ICommand, detailed command descriptions, 37-6 in asynchronous services, 14-5, 14-11
ICommand, general command and option in synchronous services, 13-2, 13-4
syntax, 37-2
ICommand, summary of commands, 37-5
identification key

Beta Draft -7
J lookupValue1M function, 9-10
support in workflow services, 28-1 M
Java applications management chain
wrapped as SOAP services, 18-1 configuring, 26-31
Java embedding definition, 26-11, 26-31
bpelx:exec extension, 18-4 highest title of approver, 26-34
embedding code in a BPEL process, 18-2 maximum number of chain levels up, 26-33
example, 18-5 workflow participant type, 26-11, 26-31
in a BPEL process, 18-1 map parameters
using bpelx exec, 18-2 creating in transformations, 4-29
Javadocs map variables
location of, 28-11 creating in transformations, 4-29
Java/JSP applications master and detail process coordinations, 21-1
calling a BPEL process, 20-1 maxOccurs attribute, 12-20, 12-22
JAZN setting for transformations, 4-39
storing a user’s local language and time mediator component
zone, 29-45 mediator files, 5-3
use with identity service, 28-8, 28-10 Mediator Creation
JMS adapter Specifying Operation or Event Subscription
sensor publish type, 24-2 Properties, 5-19
JMS Queue Mediator Designer Environment
sensor publish type, 24-2 Application Navigator, 5-2
JMS Topic History Window, 5-4
sensor publish type, 24-2 Log Window, 5-4
JUnit Mediator Editor, 5-3
BPEL test results, 43-22 Property Inspector, 5-4
Source View, 5-4
L Structure Window, 5-4
Mediator Editor, 5-3
Mediator Files
changing, 29-46
.componentType, 5-3
preferences, 29-45
Composite.xml, 5-3
setting in JAZN, 29-45
.mplan, 5-3
setting in LDAP, 29-45
.wsdl, 5-3
layouts, data object, 32-7
message source advanced formatting, 36-4
message source example code, 36-5
storing a user’s local language and time
message sources, 36-1
zone, 29-45
minOccurs attribute
used with identity service, 28-8, 28-10
setting for transformations, 4-40
literal strings
assigning, 12-12
literal XML
populateXRefRow function, 10-7
variable initialization, 12-9
populateXRefRow1M function, 10-12
localization, worklist, 29-45
Modifying a Mediator, 5-20
log files
Modifying Event Subscriptions, 5-21
viewing, 3-11
Modifying Operations, 5-20
Log window
modifying cross reference tables
definition, 11-12
adding a column, 10-6
location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4
deleting a column, 10-7
Modifying Mediator Event Subscriptions, 5-21
BPEL process properties, 3-14
Modifying Mediator Operations, 5-20
looking up cross reference tables, 10-13
multilingual settings
specifying in tasks, 26-59, 28-23
lookupXRef function, 10-13
myRole attribute
lookupXRef1M function, 10-16
definition, 14-5
lookup fields, 32-3
lookupValue functions
lookupValue function, 9-9

-8 Beta Draft
N Oracle BAM
See Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
named templates
Oracle BAM Server
creating, 4-17
creating a BPEL sensor, 24-17
in functions, 4-17
creating a BPEL sensor action, 24-17
naming conventions
creating a connection to, 24-16
for BPEL projects, 11-3
Oracle BPEL Server
overview, 11-18
configuration overview, 28-38
Oracle BPEL Worklist Application
notification messages
responding to tasks from, 26-1
editing, 26-55
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
notification services
creating a BPEL sensor action for Oracle BAM
actionable e-mails, 28-24
Server, 24-17
configuring the notification channel, 28-21
creating a BPEL sensor for Oracle BAM
definition, 26-8, 28-11
Server, 24-17
limitations on setting validateXML to true, 23-13
creating a connection to Oracle BAM
multilingual settings, 28-23
Server, 24-16
notification contents, 28-22
reliability support, 28-27
integration with Oracle BPEL Process Manager
sending inbound and outbound
sensors, 24-15
attachments, 28-27
message batching limitations, 24-19
sending inbound comments, 28-27
overview, 24-15
sending reminders, 28-28
Oracle Business Rules RL Language
sending secure notifications, 28-28
definition, 25-3
specifying participant notification
Oracle Business Rules Rule Author
preferences, 26-53
definition, 25-3
WSDL file location, 28-2
Oracle Business Rules Rules Engine
definition, 25-3
configuring in Oracle JDeveloper, 23-3
Oracle Business Rules SDK
definition, 23-1, 26-2
definition, 25-3
dynamically setting e-mail addresses and
Oracle Enterprise Service Bus
telephone numbers, 23-11
overview, 1-4
e-mail attachment support, 23-6
Oracle Internet Directory
e-mail support, 23-2, 23-5
storing a user’s local language and time
formatting the e-mail message body as
zone, 29-45
HTML, 23-9
Oracle JDeveloper, 11-5, 11-7
number of retries, 23-3
adapters, 11-18
number of retry intervals, 23-3
Application Navigator, 11-5
reliable notification service, 23-3
Component Palette, 11-9, 11-10
selecting recipients by browsing the user
configuring notifications, 23-3
directory, 23-12
creating sensors, 24-2
SMS support, 23-9
deploying test suites, 43-21
use case, 23-1
location of Application Navigator, 11-4
using Oracle Application Server Wireless, 23-2
location of Component Palette, 11-4
voice mail support, 23-10
location of Diagram window, 11-4
notifications and reminders
location of Log window, 11-4
in tasks, 28-20
location of Process Activities, 11-4
numeric values
location of Property Inspector, 11-4
assigning, 12-11
location of Structure window, 11-4
Log window, 11-12
O overview of design environment, 11-2
Process Activities, 11-9
Property Inspector, 11-11
using the developer prompt, 11-2
Services, 11-10
onAlarm branch
Structure window, 11-11
of pick activity, 19-2
transformations, 4-1
one-to-many mapping, 9-3
Oracle Mediator
onMessage branch
define routing rules, 6-2
of pick activity, 19-2
overview, 5-1
Oracle Application Server Wireless
routing rules, 6-1
wireless and voice component, 23-2

Beta Draft -9
Oracle Mediator component creation onMessage branch, 19-2
mediator files, 5-3 populating cross reference tables, 10-7
Oracle Mediator error handling xref
actions, 7-4 populateXRefRow function, 10-7
conditions, 7-2 populateXRefRow1M function, 10-12
fault bindings, 7-4 port types
fault policies, 7-1 definition, 13-4
introduction, 7-1 in asynchronous services, 14-3
using, 7-5 in synchronous services, 13-4
XML schema files, 7-5 ports
Oracle SOA Suite in synchronous services, 13-2
components, 1-3 position function
introduced, 1-2 description, 12-21
organizing data objects, 32-8 Priority property, 5-19
overview, 24-1 Process Activities
definition, 11-9
location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4
process code coverage tests
parallel flows overview, 43-3
definition, 15-1 process initiation
use case, 15-1 in BPEL test suites, 43-3
parseEscapedXML function processes
description, 12-25 naming conventions, 11-3
partial processing processXSLT function
BPEL process as the client, 22-9 example, 23-9
BPEL process as the service, 22-9 projects
definition, 22-8 BPEL file, 11-5
participant types importing two schema files of the same name into
external routing service, 26-11, 26-38 the same project is not supported, 11-12
FYI assignee, 26-11, 26-37 in Application Navigator, 11-5
group vole, 26-11, 26-27 naming conventions, 11-3
management chain, 26-11, 26-31 WSDL file, 11-5
sequential list of approvers, 26-11, 26-34 property aliases
single approver, 26-10, 26-24 creating for correlation sets, 14-23
partner links Property Inspector
adding to an asynchronous service, 14-10 definition, 11-11
BPEL file code example, 13-2 location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4
definition, 11-14, 13-2 public views
displaying in Diagram window, 11-7 BPEL_ACTIVITY_SENSOR_VALUES, 24-21
in asynchronous services, 14-4, 14-10 BPEL_FAULT_SENSOR_VALUES, 24-21
in synchronous services, 13-2 BPEL_PROCESS_INSTANCES, 24-20
overview, 11-14 BPEL_VARIABLE_SENSOR_VALUES, 24-22
specifying a WSDL file, 11-14 sensors, 24-19
partnerLinkTypes publish types
definition, 13-3, 14-3 creating a custom publisher, 24-8
in asynchronous services, 14-3 custom, 24-2
in synchronous services, 13-3 database, 24-2
partnerRole attribute definition, 24-2
definition, 14-5 JMS Adapter, 24-2
patterns JMS Queue, 24-2
of interaction between a BPEL process and another JMS Topic, 24-2
application, 22-1
permissions, copying, 32-5
permissions, data objects, 32-4
permissions, setting on folders, 32-9 Qname
pick activity fault name, 17-3
code example, 19-3 qualifier, 9-2
condition branches, 19-2 qualifier order, 9-2
for timeouts, 19-1 qualifier order, 9-2
onAlarm branch, 19-2

-10 Beta Draft

R .routing slip
definition, 26-2, 26-27
readFile function
RPC styles
example, 23-8
differences with document-literal styles in WSDL
receive activity
files, 12-2, 12-26
adding to an asynchronous service, 14-13
associating with correlation sets, 14-22
worklist, 29-28
create instance, 14-5
rules engine
creating new instances, 14-6
definition, 25-2
in asynchronous services, 14-5, 14-13
runtime config service
definition, 26-9
adding, 2-22
EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5
overview, 2-8
supported task operations, 28-13
regular expressions, ICommand, 37-19
WSDL file location, 28-3
reliable notification service
run-time exceptions, 17-3
persisting messages, 23-3
run-time faults
binding faults sample, 17-5
for task notifications, 28-28
definition, 17-3
example, 17-5
definition, 17-5
RuntimeFault.wsdl file
renaming data objects, 32-14
importing into a process, 17-5
renaming folders, 32-10
tasks, 26-46 S
reordering the columns in domain value maps, 9-9 schema definition file
repeating elements cross references, 10-20
in transformations, 4-23 schema files
replayFault creating a transformation map file from imported
definition, 17-5 schemas, 4-3
reply activity replacing in the XSLT Mapper, 4-32
definition, 14-10 schemac
in asynchronous services, 14-10 generating XML facades from WSDL or XSD
reporting schema files, 18-3
for database publish type of sensors, 24-20 scope activity
reports definition, 17-6
correcting memory errors when generating for fault handling, 17-6, 17-7
transformations, 4-39 scope name
customizing sample XML generation for specifying in human task activities, 26-78
transformations, 4-39 SDO, 12-6
generating for transformations, 4-38 security filters, copying, 32-12
worklist, 29-41 security filters, on data objects, 32-10
resource bundles security model
for displaying tasks in different languages, 26-59, for workflow services, 28-3
28-23 in EJB Web services, 28-3
Resource Palette in SOAP Web services, 28-3
overview, 2-13 workflow context on behalf of a user, 28-4
using, 2-19 sensor actions
retrieve results operation configuring, 24-6
definition, 25-17 creating a BPEL sensor action for Oracle BAM
roles Server monitoring, 24-17
for partner links in asynchronous services, 14-4 demos, 24-3
routing rules, 6-1 viewing definitions, 24-11
callback, 6-19 viewing metadata, 24-11
define, 6-2 XSD schema file, 24-23
defining, 6-2 sensor data
fault handling, 6-19 persisting in a reporting schema, 24-20
filter expression, 6-7 sensorAction.xml file, 24-6, 24-7
introduction, 6-1 sensors, 24-1
synchronous reply, 6-19 activity sensors, 24-1
routing services BPEL reporting schema, 24-20
deleting, 5-22

Beta Draft -11

BPEL_ACTIVITY_SENSOR_VALUES public SOA composite application
views, 24-21 deploying, 3-2
BPEL_FAULT_SENSOR_VALUES public designing, 2-9
views, 24-21 overview, 1-11
BPEL_PROCESS_INSTANCES public testing, 3-8
views, 24-20 SOA composite applications
BPEL_VARIABLE_SENSOR_VALUES public troubleshooting, 3-8
views, 24-22 SOA Composite Editor
configuring, 24-3 overview, 2-1
creating a BPEL sensor for Oracle BAM Server to SOA project
monitor, 24-17 creating in Oracle JDeveloper, 2-10
creating a connection to Oracle BAM SOAP
Server, 24-16 security in SOAP Web services, 28-3
creating a custom publish type, 24-8 support in workflow services, 28-1
creating in Oracle JDeveloper, 24-2 using with the task query service, 28-8
definition, 24-1 SOAP headers, 12-27
demos, 24-3 receiving in BPEL, 12-27
evaluation time, 24-4 sending in BPEL, 12-28
fault sensors, 24-2 SOAP interface
integration with Oracle Business Activity invoking a BPEL process, 20-2
Monitoring, 24-15 SOAP services
public views, 24-19 invoking a BPEL process, 20-1
publish types, 24-2 performance issues, 18-1
sensor actions XSD schema file, 24-23 using Java code, 18-1
sensorAction.xml file, 24-2 SOAP-encoded arrays
sensor.xml file, 24-2 not supported, 12-25
use cases, 24-1 Source window, 11-7
variable sensors, 24-1 definition, 11-7
viewing definitions, 24-11 sources, message, 36-1
viewing metadata, 24-11 Specifying Operation or Event Subscription
sensor.xml file, 24-4, 24-5 Properties, 5-19
sequential list of approvers Priority, 5-19
configuring, 26-34 Validate Syntax (XSD), 5-20
definition, 26-11, 26-34 standard faults
workflow participant type, 26-11, 26-34 definition, 17-3
service components string functions in calculations, 32-4
adding to an application, 2-14 strings
editing, 2-16 concatenating, 12-12
overview, 2-6 converting to an XML element, 12-25
service names Structure window
in adapters, 11-19 definition, 11-11
Services location of in Oracle JDeveloper, 11-4
definition, 11-10 style sheets
services using for attachments, 26-59
adding, 2-18 switch activity
introduction, 2-3 adding, 16-3
setting folder permissions, 32-9 in conditional branching logic, 16-2
setting up, 26-56, 28-24 synchronous callbacks, 13-1
simple value assert operational concepts, 13-5
overview, 43-2 required ports, 13-2
single approver syncMaxWaitTime property, 13-2
configuring, 26-24 synchronous interactions
definition, 26-10, 26-24 BPEL process as the client, 22-3
workflow participant type, 26-10, 26-24 BPEL process as the service, 22-3
SMS definition, 22-2
notifications support, 23-9 returning faults, 17-7
SOA applications synchronous processes
design recommendations, 3-1 timeouts, 19-4
SOA composite synchronous reply, 6-19
creating, 2-11 synchronous services

-12 Beta Draft

callbacks with the partner link and invoke participants, 26-40
activity, 13-2 assigning task participants by name or
calling, 13-5 expression, 26-25, 26-29, 26-32, 26-35, 26-37
invoke activities, 13-4 bypassing, 26-26, 26-30, 26-33, 26-36
partnerLinkTypes, 13-3 dynamically assigning task participants by
port types, 13-4 expression, 26-26, 26-29, 26-33, 26-36, 26-38
ports, 13-2 dynamically assigning with the assignment
syncMaxWaitTime property service, 28-32
in synchronous callbacks, 13-2 inviting additional task participants, 26-27, 26-34,
increasing to prevent timeouts, 19-4 26-36
sharing attachments and comments, 26-30, 26-38
specifying, 26-22
task payload data structure
task action time limits specifying, 26-21
specifying, 26-27, 26-31, 26-34, 26-36 task priority
task approvers specifying, 26-16, 26-72
specifying the number of, 26-33 task query service
task conditions definition, 26-8
abruptly completing a condition, 26-41 EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5
task display form supported task operations, 28-7
creating, 27-5, 27-11 using over SOAP, 28-8
definition, 26-12, 27-1 WSDL file location, 28-2
deploying, 27-24, 27-26 task reminders
displaying, 27-28 setting up, 26-55
troubleshooting, 27-30 task reports service
.task file EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5
associating with a BPEL process, 26-12, 26-69 task routing service
definition, 26-2, 26-12, 26-13 definition, 26-8
task flow task service
ADF, task display form for human tasks, 27-2 definition, 26-8
task history EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5
specifying in human task activities, 26-78 supported task operations, 28-4
task initiator WSDL file location, 28-2
specifying, 26-72 task title
task metadata service specifying, 26-16, 26-71
definition, 26-8 tasks
EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5 definition, 26-2
supported task operations, 28-11 escalating, renewing, or ending a task, 26-46
WSDL file location, 28-3 notifications and reminders, 28-20
task notification overriding exception management, 26-60
editing notification messages, 26-55 TCP tunneling
making e-mails actionable, 26-56, 28-24 definition, 14-8
notifying recipients of changes to task setting up a TCP listener for asynchronous
status, 26-54 services, 14-9
overview, 26-53 setting up a TCP listener for synchronous
reminders, 28-28 services, 14-8
securing notifications, 26-56, 28-28 terminate activity
setting up reminders, 26-55 definition, 17-9
task attachments with e-mail notifications, 26-57, fault handling, 17-9
28-27 test suites
task outcome components, 43-3
specifying, 26-17 creating, 43-6
task owner definition, 43-2
specifying by browsing the user directory, 26-18 deploying from Oracle JDeveloper, 43-21
specifying in human task activities, 26-78 limitations on multibyte character names, 43-6
specifying through XPath expressions, 26-20 running from Oracle BPEL Control, 43-22
task parameters viewing test results, 43-22
specifying, 26-72 testing
task participants SOA composite application, 3-8
allowing all participants to invite other throw activity

Beta Draft -13

throwing internal faults, 17-6 tutorials
time correlation sets, 14-14
assigning, 12-13 XML facades, 18-3
time dimensions, 32-13
time duration format, 19-2
time stamp field, 32-4
time zones, changing, 29-47 use cases
timeouts human workflow vacation request
designing, 19-4 example, 26-82
increasing the syncMaxWaitTime property, 19-4 user directory
of BPEL processes, 19-1 selecting notification recipients by browsing the
use case, 19-1 directory, 23-12
using pick activities, 19-1 user metadata service
using the wait activity, 19-4 definition, 26-9
with synchronous processes, 19-4 EJB, SOAP, and Java support, 28-2, A-5
transform activity supported task operations, 28-12
creating, 4-1 WSDL file location, 28-3
transformation functions using domain value maps, 9-9
Component Palette, 11-9 using domain value maps a transformation, 9-11
transformations using error handling, 7-5
adding XSLT constructs, 4-21 using lookupValue functions, 9-14
auto mapping, 4-25 using Oracle Mediator error handling, 7-5
auto mapping with confirmation, 4-27 using xref
chaining functions, 4-16 lookupXRef Function, 10-14
correcting memory errors, 4-39 markForDelete function, 10-18
creating, 4-1 populateXRefRow function, 10-9
creating a map file from imported schemas, 4-3
creating a new map file, 4-2 V
creating an XSL map from an XSL stylesheet, 4-1
customizing sample XML generation, 4-39 vacation rules
dictionaries, 4-29 worklist, 29-28
editing functions, 4-16 Validate Syntax (XSD), 5-20
editing XPath expressions, 4-19 Validate Syntax (XSD) property, 5-20
error when mapping duplicate elements, 4-12 validateXML property
functions, 4-15 limitations on setting to true for notification
functions prefixed with xp20 or orcl, 4-15 services, 23-13
generating optional elements, 4-40 validation
generating reports, 4-38 limitations on setting to true for notification
ignoring elements, 4-32 services, 23-13
linking source target nodes, 4-14 of XML data with bpelx
map parameter and variable creation, 4-29 validate, 12-20
named templates in functions, 4-17 variable sensors
repeating elements, 4-23 definition, 24-1
replacing schemas, 4-32 variables
rules, 4-12 complex type, 12-10
searching source and target nodes, 4-31 copying data between, 12-10
setting constant values, 4-14 initializing with expression constants, 12-9
setting the maximum depth, 4-40 initializing with literal XML, 12-9
setting the number of repeating elements, 4-39 voice mail
testing the map file, 4-35 dynamically setting telephone numbers, 23-11
use case, 4-1 notifications support, 23-10
using arrays, 4-23
using the XSLT Mapper, 4-12 W
using XQuery and XSLT, 12-4
wait activity
viewing unmapped target nodes, 4-28
code example, 19-4
xsl choose conditional processing, 4-22
definition, 19-4
xsl if conditional processing, 4-21
Web interfaces
interacting with BPEL processes, 20-1
applications, 3-8
Web Service/SOAP interface
task display form, 27-30
invoking a BPEL process, 20-2

-14 Beta Draft

while activity notification contents, 28-22
in conditional branching logic, 16-4 notification preferences, 26-53
wires notification service, 26-8, 28-21
overview, 2-9 notifications, 28-20
using, 2-21 notifying recipients of changes to task
wiring a service component and reference, 2-24 status, 26-54
WordML style sheets number of task approvers, 26-33
using for attachments, 26-59 overriding default exception management, 26-60
workflow context overview, 28-1
creating on behalf of a user, 28-4 renew after policy, 26-50
workflow functions routing slip
overview, 28-1 definition, 26-2, 26-27
workflow service runtime config service, 26-9
EJB references, A-7 scope name and global task variable name, 26-78
workflow service clients, A-3 securing notifications, 26-56, 28-28
interface, A-6 security model, 28-3
workflow services sequential list of approvers task
abruptly completing a condition, 26-41 participant, 26-34
actionable e-mails, 26-56, 28-24 setting up reminders, 26-55
allowing all participants to invite other sharing attachments and comments with task
participants, 26-40 participants, 26-30, 26-38
assigning task participants by name or single approver task participant, 26-24
expression, 26-25, 26-29, 26-32, 26-35, 26-37 SOAP support, 28-1
assignment service configuration, 28-30 specifying a task initiator and task priority, 26-72
associating the human task activity with a BPEL specifying a task title, 26-71
process, 26-69 specifying callback classes, 26-61
associating the human task definition with a BPEL specifying class names, 26-39
process, 26-12 specifying task parameters, 26-72
bypassing task participants, 26-26, 26-30, 26-33, style sheets in attachments, 26-59
26-36 support for identity service, 28-8
definition, 26-1 support for JSP-based forms, 26-2
deprecated functions, 28-37 support for task delegation, escalation, and
dynamically assigning task participants by reapproval, 26-2
expression, 26-26, 26-29, 26-33, 26-36, 26-38 support for task expiration and automatic
editing notification messages, 26-55 renewal, 26-2
EJB support, 28-1 task
escalate after policy, 26-51 definition, 26-2
escalating, renewing, or ending a task, 26-46 task assignment and routing
escalation and expiration policy overview, 26-47 definition, 26-2
escalation rules, 26-58 task attachments with e-mail notifications, 26-57,
expire after policy, 26-49 28-27
external routing service task participant, 26-38 task display form, 26-12, 27-1
features, 26-2 .task file
functions, 28-36 definition, 26-2, 26-12, 26-13
FYI assignee task participant, 26-37 task metadata service, 26-8
group vote task participant, 26-27 task notifications, 28-20
group voting details, 26-30 task outcome, 26-17
Human Task editor task owner, 26-78
definition, 26-2 task owner specification through the user
identification key, 26-78 directory, 26-18
identity service, 26-8 task owner specification through XPath
including the task history of other tasks, 26-78 expressions, 26-20
inviting additional task participants, 26-27, 26-34, task participants, 26-22
26-36 task payload data structure, 26-21
Java support, 28-1 task priority, 26-16
management chain task participant, 26-31 task query service, 26-8
multilingual settings, 26-59, 28-23 task routing and customization in BPEL
never expire policy, 26-49 callbacks, 26-62, 26-79
notification task routing service, 26-8
definition, 26-2 task service, 26-8

Beta Draft -15

task title, 26-16 manipulating, 12-2, 12-4
time limits for acting on tasks, 26-27, 26-31, 26-34, overview, 12-2, 12-4
26-36 XML facades
user metadata service, 26-9 definition, 18-3
viewing BPEL callbacks, 26-75 generating with schemac, 18-3
WordML style sheets in attachments, 26-59 Java embedding, 18-3
worklist tutorials, 18-3
definition, 26-2 XML schema files
XPath extension functions, 28-36 error handling, 7-5
worklist fault-bindings.xml, 7-9
administration functions, 29-33 fault-policies.xml, 7-5
changing the display, 29-35 XML schemas
logging in, 29-2 message types and variable types, 12-1
mapping flex fields, 29-36 XPath, 12-2
reports, 29-40, 29-41 XPath expressions
rules, 29-28 assigning numeric values, 12-11
Task Details page, acting on tasks, 29-15 Boolean expressions in switch activities, 16-4
Task Listing page contents, 29-4 dynamically creating another XPath
Task Listing page, customizing, 29-5 expression, 12-22
vacation rules, 29-28 dynamically setting e-mail addresses and
worklist clients telephone numbers, 23-11
building for workflow services, A-1 editing in transformations, 4-19
classpaths for clients using local EJBs, A-7 examples, 12-3
classpaths for clients using remote EJBs, A-7 fetching a data sequence element, 12-22
classpaths for clients using SOAP, A-6 in conditional branching logic, 16-1
customizing, A-1 specifying a task owner, 26-20
packages and classes for, A-3 xpath function
worklists dvm
definition, 26-2 lookupValue function, 9-9
WS-Addressing, 14-6 lookupValue1M function, 9-10
definition, 14-6, 14-7 XPath functions
sending correlation IDs, 14-6 examples, 12-3
WSDL files in transformations, 4-15
definition, 11-5 indexing methods, 12-22
differences between document-literal styles and mathematical calculations, 12-11
RPC styles, 12-2, 12-26 XPath queries
location for identity service, 28-2 copying data, 12-10
location for notification service, 28-2 examples, 12-3
location for runtime config service, 28-3 XQuery, 12-2, 12-4
location for task metadata service, 28-3 xref
location for task query service, 28-2 lookupXRef function, 10-13
location for task service, 28-2 exception reasons, 10-14
location for user metadata service, 28-3 parameters, 10-14
modifying to generate a fault, 17-5 using, 10-14
specifying when creating a partner link, 11-14 lookupXRef1M function, 10-16
exception reasons, 10-17
parameters, 10-17
markForDelete function, 10-17
XML assert exception reasons, 10-18
overview, 43-3 parameters, 10-17
XML data in BPEL, 12-2 using, 10-18
XML data manipulation populateXRefRow function, 10-7
bpelx:append extension, 12-15 modes, 10-7
bpelx:copyList extension, 12-19 parameters, 10-7
bpelx:insertAfter extension, 12-16 using, 10-9
bpelx:insertBefore extension, 12-15 populateXRefRow1M function, 10-12
bpelx:remove extension, 12-17 modes, 10-12
bpelx:rename extension, 12-18 parameters, 10-12
bpelx:validate extension, 12-20 XSD file
XML documents cross references, 10-20

-16 Beta Draft

xsl choose
conditional processing, 4-22
xsl if
conditional processing, 4-21
XSL map
creating from an XSL stylesheet, 4-1
XSL processing, 36-5
XSL stylesheet
creating an XSL map, 4-1
XSLT, 12-2, 12-4
XSLT constructs
adding in transformations, 4-21
XSLT Mapper
adding XSLT constructs, 4-21
auto mapping, 4-25
auto mapping with confirmation, 4-27
chaining functions, 4-16
correcting memory errors when generating
reports, 4-39
creating a map file, 4-8
creating a map file from imported schemas, 4-3
creating a new map file, 4-2
creating a transform activity, 4-1
creating an XSL map from an XSL stylesheet, 4-1
customizing sample XML generation for
transformations, 4-39
dictionaries, 4-29
editing functions, 4-16
editing XPath expressions, 4-19
error when mapping duplicate elements, 4-12
functions, 4-15
functions prefixed with xp20 or orcl, 4-15
generating optional elements, 4-40
generating reports, 4-38
ignoring elements, 4-32
layout in Oracle JDeveloper, 4-8
linking source and target nodes, 4-14
map parameter and variable creation, 4-29
named templates in functions, 4-17
repeating elements, 4-23
replacing schemas, 4-32
rules, 4-12
searching source and target nodes, 4-31
setting constant values, 4-14
setting the maximum depth, 4-40
setting the number of repeating elements, 4-39
testing the map file, 4-35
use case, 4-1
using, 4-12
using arrays, 4-23
viewing unmapped target nodes, 4-28
xsl choose conditional processing, 4-22
xsl if conditional processing, 4-21

Beta Draft -17

-18 Beta Draft

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