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Program theory and logic models
Evaluation resources from Wilder Research

All human service programs are designed to make a difference in the lives of people or to
improve our society. But how? This resource guide discusses program theory and logic
models. Program theory explains why a program is expected to work and a logic model
illustrates a program theory. At the end of this section, there are a number of examples
and worksheets that can help you develop a program theory and logic model.

When you set out to design or redesign a program, you are choosing among many
options. For example, if you want to prevent alcohol use among teens, how do you
decide which activities to include? Since you can’t do everything that might help, which
services are most important? Which ones need to be combined with other services in
order to be most effective? These questions all get at your underlying program theory. A
program theory explains how and why a program is supposed to work. Spelling out that
theory can be one of the most important things you do for the success of your program. It
provides a logical and reasonable description of why the things you do – your program
activities – should lead to the intended results or benefits (Appendix A).

Clarity and plain language are essential. Can you explain it to your neighbor, or to your
third cousin at a family reunion? Don’t assume that your funders or staff members are any
more sophisticated in their need for a clear description. Not only will a clear program
theory help others see the sense of your program, it will help you make sure you are
actually providing the package of services that have the best possible chance of helping
participants. And when it comes to evaluating your results, a clear program theory makes
it much easier to choose the most appropriate outcomes (results) to measure.

Some ATOD prevention programs sound promising, but do not result in the desired
changes for participants. Of course, this could be because a good theory is not being
carried out well, but in some cases, the problem is the theory itself. Make sure that your
theory not only looks clear and makes sense on paper, but that it is based on good
underlying evidence about what makes programs successful and how people really
change. To avoid a shaky theory that leads to disappointing results, go deeper than
common assumptions about how certain activities lead to outcomes. Instead, consider
the available theories and research evidence that support these connections. In this way,
you can be more confident in the underlying strength of your service delivery model. If
you’re not sure what the current research is showing, take some time to find out. Talk
with colleagues in the field about what evidence they’ve seen lately. Look online or in a

Program theory and logic models 1 Wilder Research, August 2009

library for recent information. Review material presented at the best conferences in your
field to see what the latest research and evaluation studies are showing.

The if-then connection

Program theories can often be captured in a series of “if-then” statements – IF something
is done with or for the program participants, THEN something should change.

For example, a program to reduce aggression based on social learning theory could have
an underlying theory like this: “IF program mentors model strategies for avoiding alcohol,
tobacco, or other drugs in social situations and provide opportunities for participants to
practice these strategies, THEN participants will develop skills in avoiding using these

A program theory should also spell out why you expect the changes to happen. Between the
“if” and the “then,” there should be some solid evidence or some well-established connection
supporting the idea that your service package will accomplish your program goals.

A good program theory also reflects the fact that change happens in stages. For example,
many programs have a goal of changing some type of behavior. However, there are usually
several things that have to happen first. People usually change their behavior after first
learning some new information, developing a new skill, or changing their attitude about

Sample outline for a program theory

 IF a certain set of resources (such as staff, equipment, materials) are available,

THEN the program can provide a certain set of activities or services to participants.

 IF participants receive these services, THEN they experience specific changes in

their knowledge, attitudes, or skills.

 IF individuals change their knowledge, attitudes, or skills, THEN they will change
their behavior and usual practice.

 IF enough participants change their behavior and practice, THEN the program may
have a broader impact on the families or friends of participants or on the community
as a whole.

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For example, a school-based ATOD prevention program could have the following theory:

Trained teachers provide alcohol prevention training to youth.

Youth gain knowledge of alcohol avoidance strategies.

Youth practice alcohol avoidance strategies.

Youth reduce alcohol initiation and use.

As a result of the reduced alcohol use of individual youth, alcohol problems in schools
will decline.

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Here’s how to start

To develop a program theory, select one of your activities and answer the following three
questions (Appendix B):

 IF the activity is provided, THEN what – realistically – should be the result for

 WHY do you believe the activity will lead to this result? (In other words, what is
your assumption about how this kind of change occurs? Are you drawing from an
established theory used by others?)

 What evidence do you have that the activity will lead to this result (such as previous
results from your own or other programs, published research, or consistent feedback
from participants)?

Repeat the same three questions for each activity or service that you provide. Don’t
worry; you don’t need to develop a theory for everything! Administrative tasks, such as
training staff or doing paperwork, typically are not included in a program theory. These
activities, while a necessary part of running a program, are usually not the important
services that produce change in participants. Focus on the main services you provide –
the ones you most count on to promote positive results.

How does a theory differ from a logic model?

A program theory is similar in concept to logic models, which have become increasingly
popular in human services programs over the past several years. In simple terms, a logic
model is a picture of your theory – a drawing that shows how one thing leads to the next,
like a flow chart.

A logic model uses short phrases to represent things that you explain in more detail in the
program theory. Another key difference is that, while a logic model can just use an arrow
to show that one thing leads to the next, your program theory needs to lay out the evidence
to show why you believe one thing will lead to the next. A logic model is one
commonly-used tool for illustrating an underlying program theory. Most often, it is
presented in the form of a flow chart that illustrates the linkages between program
components and outcomes.

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The following components are usually included:

 Inputs: any resources or materials used by the program to provide its activities
(e.g., money, staff, volunteers, facilities, equipment, supplies)

 Activities: any services or treatments provided by the program

 Outputs: amount of activity provided, described in quantifiable terms (e.g., number of

classes taught, number of people served, amount of educational materials distributed,
number of hours of service delivered)

 Outcomes: any characteristics of the participants that, according to the program

theory, are expected to change as a result of the participant’s receiving services

Sample logic models are attached at the end of the section (Appendix C & D). The
model is read as follows:

 The first column lists the resources needed by the program to provide services.

 The second column lists the actual activities/services provided by the program.

 The third column lists the quantifiable products or outputs of the services provided.

Beginning with the fourth column, the model illustrates the outcomes of the program for
participants. The number of outcome columns varies depending on the underlying logic.
One frequent approach is to have the following three columns, but there may be more or

 The fourth column usually describes the immediate impacts or results of these
activities. They should be read as “if the activities are provided, then these outcomes
should result.” Immediate impacts typically refer to changes in knowledge, skills, or
awareness, as these types of changes typically precede changes in behaviors or

 The fifth column typically describes intermediate outcomes. They should be read as
“if the immediate outcomes occur, then the intermediate outcomes should result.”
Intermediate outcomes usually refer to behavioral changes that follow the immediate
knowledge and awareness changes. As we move from immediate to intermediate
outcomes, the direct impact of the activity and accountability of the program decrease.

 The sixth column describes the long-term outcomes. They should be read as “if the
intermediate outcomes occur, then the long-term outcomes should result.” These
outcomes usually refer to more global changes, such as community impacts. Again, at
this level, the direct impact of the activity and accountability of the program decrease.

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Why should I develop a logic model?
The logic model is not just an interesting picture. If they’re developed thoughtfully, they
can be used for multiple purposes, including:

 Describing the program to current or potential funders.

 Illustrating the important features of your program approach to other stakeholders, such
as participants, collaborating agencies, or legislators; some programs have incorporated
the logic model into program brochures and displayed them at their agency.

 Training new program staff about the program theory and approach – some programs
have used the logic model as the basis of their training, so that new staff understand
how the program works and their role in promoting positive benefits for participants.

 Controlling ‘program drift’ – some programs have reviewed the model periodically to
ensure that the services that they are providing are still consistent with the program’s
intended purpose and approach.

 Providing a basis for developing an evaluation design – once the logic model is
developed, you can use it to decide which participant outcomes are the most
important ones to measure.

 Facilitating program management – the logic model may be useful in helping

programs plan their services and identify the resources or inputs that are necessary.

How to build a logic model

We have discussed what a well-built logic model can do for your program. Here are the
four steps to develop a high-quality model (Appendix E).

1. Review and clarify the links between activities and outcomes.

When you developed a program theory, you spelled out the major services that you
provide and the intended benefits of those services. Review this list and make sure the
connections between each activity and its outcomes are crystal clear and logical.

Consider the order in which results should occur. What would be the first changes
experienced by participants? How would these initial changes promote other, more long-
term changes? Hint: Behavior change is rarely the first result. People usually need to
change their knowledge, attitudes, or skills before they start to change behavior. Likewise,
moving farther down the line, community change usually cannot occur until enough
individuals (or the right individuals) change their behavior or practices.

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2. Add inputs and outputs for each activity.

Inputs are the resources and raw materials that go into your program. Consider the
resources that you need to operate your program, such as funding, staff, or volunteers.
Some programs may require a facility, transportation services, educational materials, and
other resources. You do not need to be overly precise in the logic model regarding the
amount of each resource that is needed.

Outputs quantify the services you provide. Remember: Outputs are different from
outcomes. While outcomes describe the actual impact (the change that results), outputs
simply describe the amount of service provided. Outputs are most often expressed in
numbers, such as the number of people who participate in an activity or the hours of
service received.

3. Construct a draft model.

The model may end up being simple or complicated, but should accurately reflect the
complexity of your program. Use arrows to show the connections between your inputs
and your activities, between your activities and outputs, and between your outputs and
each sequence of outcomes. Remember that one activity could lead to multiple outcomes,
or that multiple activities could lead to only one outcome. A logic model template is
provided in Appendix E to aid in this process.

4. Review and revise.

Answer the following questions (Appendix G). If your answer to any question is “not
sure” or “no,” go back to the model and consider making revisions. It usually takes
multiple revisions of the model before it reaches its final form.

 Does the logic model include all of the program’s most important activities or services?

 Do the outcomes represent changes that are important to your program’s participants?
Likewise, does the model contain the outcomes of greatest interest to your
stakeholders, such as staff or funders?

 Are the outcome goals plain enough to be understood by any stakeholders who might
review your logic model? Are the goals realistic?

 Are the connections between your inputs, activities, outputs, and outcomes realistic?
Are they reasonable based on existing research, theory, or other evidence?

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Challenges and possible solutions

Oftentimes stakeholders may have doubts or concerns about developing a logic model
process. There may be concerns about the time and resources needed or the usefulness of
the product. To help alleviate these fears, we have listed some of the most common
challenges to the logic model effort and suggested some possible solutions.

Challenge: “We’ve had trouble developing a logic model because our key stakeholders
(staff, funders, etc.) cannot agree on the right services or outcomes to include.”

 Although it might be difficult, keep key stakeholders involved, including staff,

program participants, collaborators, or funders. Involving stakeholders does not
mean they need to be involved with all tasks and they do not need to have sign-off
authority. Their role can be as simple as inviting them to review materials or help
you think through some of your stickier questions or issues.

 Focus on the process, not the product. Take time to explore the reasons for
disagreement about what should be captured in the logic model. Look for the
assumptions, identify and resolve disagreements, and build consensus. Agencies that
work through disagreements about the logic model typically end up with a stronger
model with which everyone can be satisfied.

Challenge: “We’re not really interested in developing a logic model, but our funder
requires it.”

 Look for examples of how other organizations have used logic models in meaningful
and interesting ways. Many agencies have gone into the process with skepticism or
lack of interest, but ultimately found the process valuable.

 Try to focus on the fun and interesting aspects of the process. Building a logic model
provides an opportunity – all too rare in the everyday provision of services – to
discuss what it is about your work that is most meaningful, and to renew your
appreciation for the ways your program can change lives and communities. Focusing
on the importance of this discussion – rather than seeing it as just a task to complete –
can increase engagement in the process.

Challenge: “I just want to get my logic model finished. I don’t want to spend much time on it.”

 Logic models that are rushed often end up displaying faulty logic, insufficient evidence,
or models copied from other programs that don’t quite fit yours. Keep asking yourself
“IF-THEN-WHY” questions to make sure that the model is sound. IF you provide a
service, THEN what should be the impact for participants? WHY do you think this
impact will result? What evidence do you have to support that connection?

Program theory and logic models 8 Wilder Research, August 2009

 Make it more interesting by seeking a range of evidence. If you already know the
published research by heart, look for additional types of evidence, such as theoretical
frameworks, unpublished evaluation results, or experiences reported by program

 If possible, recruit a facilitator from outside your agency who is trained and
experienced in logic model development.

Challenge: “The goal of my program is to change an entire community, not just to

influence the lives of a small group of participants.”

 Think through each step that must occur. For instance, how does each activity impact
individuals? In what ways does their behavior change? What has to occur in order
for these individual changes to result in widespread community change?

 Consider issues or events outside the control of your agency that may promote or
impede the change you are seeking. If needed, develop strategies for monitoring or
documenting these issues.

Challenge: “My logic model is so complicated that nobody can understand it.”

 Focus on the most important activities and outcomes. The model does not need to
describe everything that you do; it should show the services and goals that are the
most important to you.

 Avoid jargon. Describe your activities and outcomes in ‘real life’ language that is
understood by a wide range of stakeholders. Try it out on someone unfamiliar with
your work – a neighbor, a relative.

 Cut back on detail. Be specific enough to clearly explain what will happen as a result
of your activities, but without excessive detail.

Challenge: “I’m nervous about developing a logic model because it might make funders
hold us more accountable for our results”

 Only include (and subsequently measure) outcomes that are realistic. If you do not
want to be held accountable for something, it must not be an essential outcome goal.
Outcomes are not hopes or wishes, but reasonable expectations.

 Incorporate time frames into the logic model, to show stakeholders the amount of
time it will take to achieve long-term goals. Example: If you have only one or two
years to show impact, you should not measure outcomes that may take longer to

Program theory and logic models 9 Wilder Research, August 2009

emerge. Instead, measure the intermediate steps toward those outcomes – the results
that your program can reasonably expect to achieve.

 Remember that a logic model should be a dynamic tool that can and should be changed
as needed; it is not a rigid framework that imposes restrictions on what you can do.

Benefits of developing logic models

Taking the time to work through the process carefully and thoughtfully can be a very
worthwhile endeavor. It can help you:

 Build consensus and clarity among your staff and other stakeholders about your
essential program activities and expected outcomes.

 Identify opportunities for program improvements (such as by promoting discussion of

best strategies for achieving desired results).

 Spell out the beliefs and assumptions that underlie your choice of activities and
intended outcomes.

 Promote evidence-based thinking in program management and evaluation.

 Assess your program’s likelihood of success and identify factors that could impact
success. For instance, how do the manner, amount, and quality of activities affect the
likelihood of achieving the outcomes?

 Increase your understanding of program performance by clarifying the sequence of

events from inputs through outputs through outcomes.

 Educate funders regarding realistic expectations.

Program theory and logic models 10 Wilder Research, August 2009

Wrap up
Program theories are underlying rationales for programs, describing how and why a
program should lead to the intended outcomes. Identifying and assessing the strength of
the program theory are critical for increasing the likelihood that programs will be effective.
Logic models can be a useful tool for illustrating program theories in a way that is
understandable to a wide array of stakeholders. A well thought out logic model can have
a number of benefits to programs, including guiding stakeholder engagement, program
management, and evaluation of outcomes. Remember:

 Work with stakeholders to develop a sound program theory, or a theory that explains
how and why the program is supposed to work.

 Logic models are pictures of program theories. A logic model connects activities of a
program with the expected outcomes of a program in a clear, logical fashion.

 Logic models can be very useful in describing a program to potential participants and
funders, and can be helpful in identifying key concepts for program evaluation.

For more information

Everything you want to know about logic models

Logic Models and how to build them

Theory of change assistance and materials

Logic Model Development Guide

Community Tool Box (Logic Models)

Logic Model Builder (Requires you to set up a free account):

Using a logic model for evaluation planning, (also includes a Logic Model Worksheet):

How to build your program logic model:

Developing a logic model: Teaching and training guide

Program theory and logic models 11 Wilder Research, August 2009


Program theory and logic models 12 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix A: Determining project goals
Think about the activities or services that you will be providing through this project. One of our first steps in
creating a program evaluation is to think through the outcomes that you hope will result from these activities.

1. In what ways would you like the lives of participants to be different/improved after they receive services? How will you
know if you have accomplished your goals? How will participants’ knowledge, attitudes, feelings, or behavior be

2. In what ways would you like the community to be different/improved as a result of your program activities? How will
you know if you have accomplished your goals? How will the community be different?

3. What do stakeholders feel about these goals? Are these goals in line with the mission of the program?

Program theory and logic models 13 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix B: Program theory development
Working with stakeholders, identify the major activities of your program. Then, as a group, determine the result of each
activity. Use evidence from other programs or your own program to answer why you believe each activity will have that

Program Theory Development

What evidence do you have that

IF the activity is this activity will lead to this result
provided, WHY do you believe (data from your own or other
THEN what should be the the activity will lead to programs, published literature,
Activity result for participants? this result? etc.)?

Program theory and logic models 14 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix C: Logic Model example 1
Intermediate Long-term
Inputs Activities Outputs Short-term outcomes
outcomes outcomes

Youth # of youth in program Youth have healthy,

• After-school (incl. # of Latino ATOD-free
programs for youth) environments and
Latino youth Frequency of program relationships
# of youth who -Youth, parents, and the
successfully community (including Increased dialogue
Latino families) will about underage
Families increase awareness ATOD use
• Latino community # of community events and knowledge of
events ATOD use
# of materials distributed
-Youth increase skills to Parents &
# of Latino parents who resist ATOD use and community
participate stay ATOD-free have increased
involvement in
Staff; underage
Latino ATOD use (incl.
Coalition -Latino parents are more Reduced
Outreach Latino families)
worker; • Communicate involved in ATOD underage
# of Latino persons prevention activities ATOD use
Coalition regularly with
active in the coalition
Partners; Latino community
liaison -Latino families have -Reduced youth
Schools; # components/amount of
appropriate access to
Funding; exposure related to
Space; • Establish positive expectations of home ATOD for youth
social norms media
Materials social norms for versus school versus
campaign -Decreased adult
Latino population the community
ATOD providers
-Law enforcement is more to youth
aware of cultural
issues related to
Change in beliefs of
Latino community
social norms
regarding ATOD
use; underage
Increased knowledge of ATOD use is
positive social norms uncommon and is
in community not a “right of

Program theory and logic models 15 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix D: Logic model example 2

Inputs Activities Outputs Immediate Outcome Intermediate Outcome Long-term Outcomes

• # of • Parents are aware of the

parents impact of family violence on
• Program Provide • Parents provide a
educational served their children and recognize
staff safe environment
groups for • # of abusive parenting practices Parents use non-
• Trained sessions • Parents have increased
for children, with
parents violent anger
volunteers appropriate limits,
held knowledge of non-violent management and
• Educationa • Amount of anger management and parenting strategies
discipline, and
l materials structure
educational parenting strategies
• Classroom • Child abuse is
space reduced
• Funding

Provide • # of • Children increase their • Children implement • Children are safe

therapeutic children awareness of safe/unsafe personal safety plans • Children do not
and served situations and develop safety as needed exhibit unhealthy
educational • # of plans • Children effectively coping or conflict
groups for sessions • Children learn strategies for communicate resolution
children held identifying and regarding their strategies
• Amount of communicating about their feelings
educational feelings • Children use
materials • Children learn strategies for strategies for
distributed resolving conflicts with peers resolving conflicts
non-violently with peers non-

Program theory and logic models 16 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix E: How to build a logic model
Work with stakeholders to identify the outcomes associated with each activity on your program. It is often easier to think
about the outcomes you expect and then to go back and think about how to measure them using outputs. After identifying
the outputs, think about what inputs you need to include to produce the outputs.

How to build a logic model

Immediate Intermediate
outcomes outcomes
(changes in (changes in Long term
knowledge, behaviors or outcome/
attitudes) practices) Overall Impact
Activity Inputs Outputs Yes Unsure No

Consider the following:

 Does each of these activities refer to services provided directly to participants? Administrative functions of the
program, such as hiring staff or preparing budgets, are certainly an important part of providing community
programming and should be reflected in your work plans. However, administrative activities that are not expected to
lead directly to changes for participants should not be included in an evaluation design.

 Does your list contain any redundancies (i.e., same basic activity described in several different ways)? If so, eliminate
duplicate activities. In designing your evaluation, we want to consider your core activities without redundancies.

Of those activities listed, which do you feel are most important in terms of either the potential for impact on the participants
or the level of resources that are devoted to the activity?

Program theory and logic models 17 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix F: Logic model template

Note: not all boxes need to be filled. This is simply a template.


Program theory and logic models 18 Wilder Research, August 2009

Appendix G: Logic model checklist
Review your logic model by answering the following questions. If the answer to any question is “unsure” or “no,” go
back to the model. Consider revising the model. Please note that often it takes multiple revisions of the logic model
before it reaches its final form.
Logic model checklist

Yes Unsure No
Do the outcomes represent meaningful benefits or changes for participants?

Will the outcomes help you communicate the benefits of your program?

Are your outcome goals clear and understandable?

Are your outcome goals realistic?

Are the outcomes participant-focused, rather than program-focused?

Does your model include the outcomes of greatest importance to your key

Is it reasonable, based on research, theory, or common-sense, that the

program can influence outcomes in a substantial way?

Does the model include all important program activities that participants

Does the model make appropriate connections between inputs, activities,

outputs, and outcomes?

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Research AUGUST 2009

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Program theory and logic models 19 Wilder Research, August 2009

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