Poor Power Factor Operation in The System
Poor Power Factor Operation in The System
Poor Power Factor Operation in The System
Circuits containing purely resistive loads operate with a power factor of unity. In unity power
factor condition, all the energy supplied by the source is consumed by the load. Presence of
inductive or capacitive elements in the system leads to the poor power factor operation. In
purely reactive (inductive and/or capacitive) system energy flow is entirely reactive, which
oscillates between the load and source.
Most of the industrial load consists of induction machines (1-ϕ and 3-ϕ). Such machines draw
magnetizing current to produce the magnetic field and hence work at low power factor.
For Induction motors, the pf is usually extremely low (0.2 - 0.3) at light loading conditions and
it is 0.8 to 0.9 at full load. The current drawn by other inductive loads such as arc lamps, electric
furnaces etc. is also lagging and results in low pf.
System conditions
Since elements of the power systems as transformers, generators, transmission lines etc. are
also consumes or delivers reactive VARs depending upon the system conditions which result
in low pf operation. For example, in very light load condition system voltage increases
significantly and thus the magnetizing current requirement leads to the poor pf operation.
The presence of non-linearity in the system (switching etc.) results in the harmonic currents in
the system which also deteriorates the power factor.
Power factor plays a vital role in A.C circuits since the power consumed depends upon the
operating power factor. Low power factor results in the following disadvantages:
When a load has a power factor lower than unity, more current is required to deliver the same
amount of useful energy. Copper losses (I2R losses) increase with increase in current. This
results in poor efficiency with increase in losses.
To transmit a given power at a constant voltage, the conductor will have to carry relatively
more current at a lower power factor. This obliges greater conductor size i.e., the cross-
sectional area of transmission lines, cables and motor conductors has to be designed based on
the increased current and entails more cost.
3. Large KVA rating
Electric machinery like alternators, transformers, motors and switchgear are always rated in
KVA which is inversely proportional to the power factor for the same useful power. The lower
the power factor, the larger will be the KVA rating. Therefore, at low power factor, the KVA
rating of the equipment should be made more, making the equipment size larger and expensive.
A large current with a low lagging power factor results in greater voltage drops (IZ) in power
system components like alternators, transformers, transmission and distribution lines. This
increased voltage drops result in poor voltage regulation and decreased voltage at the receiving
end, and impairs the performance of consumer loads. In order to maintain receiving end or
consumer end voltages within permissible limits, additional equipment like voltage regulators,
booster transformers and on-load tap changing transformers are required, which are expensive
in nature.
Since an increase in the reactive component of the current prevents full utilization of installed
capacity, the lagging power factor reduces the utilized capacity of all the elements of the
The significance of the power factor lies in the fact that utility companies supply customers
with Volt-Amperes, but bill them for Watts. Power factor below unity requires a utility to
generate and transmit more than the minimum Volt-Amperes necessary to supply the working
power i.e., the real power (Watts). This increases generation and transmission costs so the
utilities may charge additional costs or penalize the customers (not domestic loads but large
consumers like industries) who have a power factor below standard limit.
Static capacitor
The power factor can be improved by connecting capacitors in parallel with the equipment
operating at lagging power factor. The capacitor (generally known as static capacitor) draws a
leading current and partly or completely neutralizes the lagging reactive component of load
current. This raises the power factor of the load. For three-phase loads, the capacitors can be
connected in delta or star.
Low losses, require little maintenance as there are no rotating parts, can be easily installed, can
work under ordinary atmospheric conditions.
Short service life ranging from 8 to 10 years, sensitive to the operating voltage so may damage
if voltage exceeds beyond certain value.
Synchronous condenser
A synchronous motor takes a leading current when over-excited and, therefore, behaves as a
capacitor. An over-excited synchronous motor running on no load is known as synchronous
condenser. When such a machine is connected in parallel with the supply, it takes a leading
current which partly neutralizes the lagging reactive component of the load. Thus the power
factor is improved.
By varying the field excitation, the magnitude of current drawn by the motor can be changed
by any amount. This helps in achieving step less/continuous control of power factor.
There are considerable losses in the motor, maintenance cost is high and compared to static
solution this is noisy arrangement for the pf improvement. Above 500 kVA, the cost is greater
than that of static capacitors of the same rating. As a synchronous motor has no self-starting
torque, therefore, an auxiliary equipment has to be provided for this purpose.
Phase advancers
Phase advancers are used to improve the power factor of induction motors. The low power
factor of an induction motor is due to the fact that its stator winding draws exciting current
which is much lagging behind the supply voltage (nearly by 90 degrees). If the exciting ampere
turns can be provided from some other a.c. source, then the stator winding will be relieved of
exciting current and the power factor of the motor can be improved. This is accomplished by
the phase advancer which is simply an a.c. exciter. The phase advancer is mounted on the same
shaft as the main motor and is connected in the rotor circuit of the motor. It provides
exciting ampere turns to the rotor circuit at slip frequency. By providing more ampere
turns than required, the induction motor can be made to operate on leading power factor like
an over-excited synchronous motor.
As the exciting ampere turns are supplied at slip frequency, therefore, lagging VARs drawn by
the motor are considerably reduced. The phase advancer can be conveniently used where the
use of synchronous motors is inadmissible.
However, the major disadvantage of phase advancers is that they are not economical for motors
below certain range (200hp).