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Pathways Magazine

Table of Contents
Pathways #74
Creature Template 7
Can’t be bothered ... Publisher
by Owen K.C. Stephens Miranda Russell
10 Things Found in Giant
Spiders’ Webs 10
Whole pile o’ Nope! Dave Paul
by Creighton Broadhurst
Assistant Editor
Sloth Spell Showcase 12 Lj Stephens
Just two spells
by David J. Paul
Slothful Spellcasters 14 Lj Stephens
New class options for casters
by Mike Welham
Cover Artist
Sloth 18 Andrea Alemanno
New base class
by Ian Sisson

Department of
Humanoid Resources 25
5e NPC companions
by Brandes Stoddard

Starways 28
Adapting monsters to
by Owen K.C. Stephens

Editorial 5
The Art of Rite Publishing 34
Reviews 40
On A Roll 50
The secret life of dice
OGL 51

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Pathways Magazine
by Dave Paul

A s I mentioned last month, as Pathways magazine

continues to grow we’ll be delivering some
new material. With this month’s issue you should
Even though I struggle with my own conflicts in these
regards, I work with an amazing team who generate
fantastic content, perform minor miracles behind the
be seeing some new things though if I’ve managed scenes to get this magazine published each month, and
generally make my days and weeks far more interesting
to pull it off, some of it you won’t even notice (at
and fun than I have a right to experience. In addition to
least, not at first). Please do let us know what you the inner Rite Publishing family and the Pathways crew,
like (or don’t) when we make changes, and please we have a profoundly talented pool of contributors. This
do let us know what you’d like to see if you’re not month, we get a complete class in addition to some of
seeing what you want. the other, usual offerings. In addition to the sloth class,
The sloth theme was a tough one for me. I have a weird I’m quite pleased with the slothful spellcasters article (in
relationship with laziness. Those who know me well know some measure because of my fondness for spellcasters).
that I don’t fit the stereotype of lazy because I have several And, while perhaps it is a stretch, Creighton Broadhurst’s
employers, work more than one full-time job and several contribution this month fits nicely with the theme (at
part-time jobs, and at many of these I put in hours beyond least, I thought so). Say what you will about spiders,
what’s asked. But, this does mean that I’m almost always there’s something at least somewhat slothful about
falling behind here, there, or somewhere, and forever building a trap and then letting your food come to you.
having to ask forgiveness for missing a deadline or missing I’m never entirely sure what people will make of my
something else. It’s frustrating, but most of the people I spells showcase pieces, though I do hope that you enjoy
work with know about my multiple projects and they tend the freebies I send your way. I have developed several
to give me some leeway. But, anyone who doesn’t know spells in my books that really play to the conditions in the
me well and only knows me in one of these areas might game, and I find that being fatigued, slowed or staggered
think that I am lazy and that my tardiness is a consequence all seem to fall within the broad theme of sloth. But, it’s
of, well, slothfulness. And, frankly, I really, really miss the not quite as easy as it might seem to find appropriate
days of lounging about for hours with nothing to do and matches. Here again, I’ve done what I thought might be
nothing pending. I honestly don’t remember having one appreciated and I hope you enjoy.
of those in probably more than 30 years, but I have to say,
I remember them with some nostalgia. Happy gaming.

Pathways Magazine
Slothful Creature Template
by Owen K.C. Stephens, Illustration by Michael Syrigos

S ometimes the most powerful foes are those who

don’t want to do anything. The drive to have the
power, wealth, and influence to be able to indulge
of inactivity and paragons of indolence. These
creatures are rare, as it takes a lot of powerful “not
doing anything” to be imbued with the mystic
in total sloth can (for short bursts) make the slothful ability to personify total languor. But for those few
remarkably efficient and merciless. Those who who reach the pinnacle of idleness, the reward is
embrace this philosophy strongly enough come to the ability for your most effective option to be to
embody it in supernatural ways, becoming archons do nothing.

Creating a Slothful Creature

Slothful creature is a template that can be added to AC, saving throws, and skill checks equal to the
any corporeal creature. number of consecutive rounds it has taken no
CR: +1 actions (to a maximum bonus equal to half its CR).
The bonus lasts through the first round in which
Alignment: A slothful creature’s alignment must the creature takes and action, until the beginning of
be partially neutral—extreme alignments such as the next round.
lawful good or chaotic evil simply require more
dedication than a slothful creature can summon. Your Pathetic Efforts (Su): The power of inaction
Most slothful creatures are neutral evil, but any is strong in a slothful creature, and it imbues them
partially-neutral alignment is theoretically possible. with the power to mock and punish those who
waste effort trying to do something, and failing.
Special Abilities: A slothful creature gains the When a slothful creature takes no actions, until
following special abilities. When it takes no actions, the beginning of its next turn, if a foe attacks the
it gains all the benefits of all the abilities that apply slothful creature, or tries to affect it with a spell
as described below. Often taking no actions for a or ability, and for any reason the attack, spell, or
round is a powerful option for a slothful creature. ability has no effect (the attack misses, the effect or
Can’t Be Bothered (Su): A slothful creature always spell is negated, the effect or attack cannot bypass
has the option to take no actions, even if other effects the slothful creature’s DR or resistance, and so on),
(such as charms, compulsions, and enchantments) the foe takes damage equal to the slothful creature’s
would normally require it to choose to take some CR. As long as a creature has any of this damage
specific action. At the end of a full round of taking on it, it is fatigued (even if normally immune to
no actions, a slothful creature may make a new fatigue). This is a curse effect.
save against any ongoing effect and, if the save is
successful, end the effect. Example Slothful Creature
Sedentary Defense (Su): If a slothful creature takes
no actions for a full round, it gains DR equal to its
Slothful Sorcerer CR 8
half its CR (minimum DR 1/—), and resist to acid,
cold, electricity, fire, and sonic equal to its CR, Slothful Storm Sorcerer (Human Sorcerer 8)
until the beginning of its next turn. While taking
no actions a slothful creature need not eat, sleep, or XP 4,800
breathe and any poisons or diseases in its system Female human sorcerer 8 (slothful creature)
are suspended until it takes an action (and may NE Medium humanoid
then be ended as a result of the can’t be bothered Init +6; Senses Perception +4
special ability). DEFENSE
Short Rest (Su): If a slothful creature takes no AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1
actions for a full round, at the end of the round it deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
heals hp equal to 5 + double its CR. It also gains hp 48 (8d6+20)
a bonus to attack rolls, the save DC of its abilities, Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +6

Pathways Magazine
Resist electricity 10, sedentary defense (DR 4/–,
resist all 8), short rest (heal 21 hp, +1/round
bonus max +4)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee mwk spear +4 (1d8–1/x3)
Ranged mwk spear +7 (1d8–1/x3)
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +12)
7/day—elemental ray (1d6+4 electricity)
Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 8th; concentration +12)
4th (4/day)—ball lightning* (DC 19)
3rd (6/day)—fly, lightning bolt (DC 18), protection
from energy
2nd (7/day)—invisibility, mirror image, scorching ray
1st (7/day)—burning hands (DC 16), identify, mage
armor, magic missile, shield, unseen servant
0 (at will)—acid splash (DC 14), arcane mark, detect
magic, light, mage hand, prestidigitation, ray of frost
(DC 15), read magic
Bloodline elemental (air)
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Combat Casting, Dodge, Eschew Materials, Great
Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Spell Focus (evocation)
Skills Appraise +6, Fly +9, Heal
+1, Knowledge (arcane) +12,
Knowledge (history) +3,
Linguistics +2, Perception
+4, Ride +6, Spellcraft +12,
Use Magic Device +12
Languages Common,
Draconic, Giant
SQ can’t be bothered,
bloodline arcana,
sedentary defense, short
rest, your pathetic efforts
Combat Gear elixir of
fire breath, potion of bear’s
endurance, potions of cure
moderate wounds (2), potion
of cure serious wounds,
potion of eagle’s splendor;
Other Gear masterwork
spear, handy haversack, ring
of protection +1, bedroll,
tent, 438 gp

Pathways Magazine
10 Things to Find in a Giant Spider’s Web
By Creighton Broadhurst; Illustration by ptitvinc

A s hunters, giant spiders often ensnare prey in

their webs. In turn, once brave adventurers
slay the giant spider they inevitably search its
tiny spiders are the spawn of the giant spider,
but there are not enough of them to swarm.
Individually, they are no threat to explorers
web for treasures—normally plucked from the although perceptive individuals note that some
decomposing bodies of previous victims. of them have a jagged red pattern on their body.
Use this table to add objects of interest—but little
5. One part of the spider’s web has been cut down.
value—to proceedings.
Wisps of webbing hang from the surviving
1. A thick bundle of webs holds the dried and portions of the web and several desiccated,
desiccated remains of a gigantic rat. The size partially eaten rat corpses lie scattered about
of dog, the rat’s corpse bears several jagged the floor.
puncture wounds.
6. Water drips through the ceiling over one
2. Dust covers part of the web. When it is shaken— portion of the web. Consequently, that part of
perhaps in battle or while being searched—the the web glistens in the party’s lights—perhaps
dust cascades to the floor temporarily obscuring enticingly or suspiciously so.
vision and causing anyone in the area to cough
7. Incongruously, a finely wrought dagger with
as it fills their lungs.
a discoloured blade hangs in the webs just
3. A pile of bones—obviously from a human-sized above the party’s heads. Retrieving the dagger
humanoid—lie scattered below the spider’s is easy, but may alert whatever lives in the web
web. Investigation reveals the skull and spinal to the presence of intruders.
column are missing; PCs searching the web
8. Thick webs fill the area. In one particular area,
find them suspended in a ripped cocoon.
the webs are wrapped tightly around a yet
4. A myriad of small spiders scuttle about the moving humanoid form. The humanoid is
web, busily spinning their own tiny webs. The completely enmeshed but still struggles to free
itself. If the party free the trapped individual,
they discover an adventurer recently
succumbed to ghoul fever…
9. Part of this web has a strange red hue to it.
Investigations reveal a spray of dried arterial
blood covers much of the webbing. Clearly,
from the amount of blood splattered about the
place, whatever lives in the web has recently
dined well.
10. The skeletal remains of a half-dozen individuals
lie scattered about the floor beneath this thick
web. Casual examination reveals all the skulls
are missing. A search of the web reveals all the
missing skulls still embedded in the webs.

GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing

If you enjoy the table above and like dungeon
dressing, check out GM’s Miscellany: Dungeon
Dressing from Raging Swan Press—Endzeitgeist’s
choice as the number one book of 2014! Crammed
with over 300 pages of information and charts
designed to bring your dungeon alive, GM’s
Miscellany: Dungeon Dressing is an essential part
of any GM’s arsenal.

Pathways Magazine
Spells Showcase: Sloth!
By Dave Paul

I felt it would be appropriate to not write anything

at all leading up to the spells this month because,
well … sloth. But I decided that for as much fun as
say so, I provide plenty of those in my products as
well). But, imagine your players’ characters enter a
town where a whole bunch of people seem to have
that would be, I’d be accused of not doing my job, this weird thing about sleeping in coffins—maybe
and we don’t want that. So instead, I’m going to the well-to-do have coffins in their homes. Wary
write as little as I can get away with and still give the players will stock up on garlic and holy water, but
appearance of doing my job because, well … sloth. imagine their surprise when it turns out there’s
~~ some cruel necromancer in the area who is using his
You’ll find torporific bog in 101 Swamp Spells. The spell power over people to get what he wants elsewhere.
was designed for both low- and mid-level casters. For A spell like gravesleep curse is much more fun in
low-level casters, hitting a couple of enemies with the hands of a GM than a player, and it provides
something that prevents them from running, charging, interesting and weird problems for players when
effectively gives them a -1 on attacks and damage, their characters are beset with it. Is it slothful per
threatens them with a drop in speed and deeper cuts se? Perhaps not, though there’s something in the
to Strength and Dexterity if they push themselves, and intersection of graves, sleeping and sloth that
takes away half their actions in a round, is really, really makes for a natural fit and I’ve been waiting for an
powerful. The spell requires close range and has a save opportunity to slip this one into a spells showcase.
so there’s risk involved, but if it works, this can save a
party. For mid-level casters, the spell is a nice use of a
Gravesleep Curse
School: Necromancy [curse]; Level: Cleric/Oracle
second-level slot because it can affect a bunch of targets
5, Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Witch 5
(which means there’s a better chance that someone will
Casting Time: 1 standard action
miss a save) and lasts long enough to matter in a long-
Components: V, S, M/DF (grave dirt)
ish combat encounter. The combination of fatigued
Range: Touch
and staggered is potentially quite impactful, and the
Target: Living humanoid touched
swampy bog imagery is nice.
Duration: Permanent
Torporific Bog Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes

School: Enchantment (compulsion); Level: Bard 2, he subject is obsessed with sleeping in spaces or
Druid 2, Ranger 2, Sorcerer/Wizard 2, Witch 2 in ritual items associated with burying the dead
Casting Time: 1 standard action (e.g. coffins, graves, etc.). Whenever the subject
Components: V, S, M (a bit of bog muck) gets a full night’s rest under such circumstances,
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) she heals twice as many hit points as usual from
Targets: One creature/level, no two of which may restful sleep. In addition, sleeping in a grave, coffin,
be more than 30 ft. apart or other similar place associated with the burial of
Duration: 1 round/level dead causes the subject to recover ability damage at
Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes twice the normal rate.

T argets failing their save feel overwhelmed by

lethargy. They gain both the fatigued and the
staggered conditions.
If she sleeps anywhere else, her dreams are upsetting,
her sleep is fitful, and she does not recover hit points
from sleep. Furthermore, any ability damage caused
Targets in a bog or swamp continue to be afflicted by undead is not recovered by sleeping.
by either the fatigued or staggered condition (50% Finally, all forms of magical healing are
chance for either) for 1d4 rounds after the feeling of minimally effective when used on the subject (a
lethargy lifts when the spell ends. cure light wounds spell will cure 1 point plus 1 point
~~ per caster level and a lesser restoration will cure 1
Gravesleep curse is from 101 Subterranean Spells point of temporary ability damage though it will
and, like many of the curses I’ve written, one of my still eliminate fatigue and reduce the subject from
favorite flavorful spells. It’s almost utterly useless exhausted to fatigued).
in something like a combat situation and so players The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled,
who are really only interested in the flash and bang but it can be removed with a break enchantment, limited
spells will have to look elsewhere (though if I may wish, miracle, remove curse, or wish spell.

Pathways Magazine
Slothful Spellcasters
New Class Options for Spellcasters Not on the Move
By Mike Welham; Illustration by Kenlo and Leksaart

Additionally, the inertial wizard

adds the following spells to the
list of spells he can choose to
prepare in the additional spell slot
reserved for this specialty school.
Even if the wizard’s opposition
school includes these spells, he can
prepare them without penalty in
his additional spell slot.
1st—litany of sloth; 2nd—hold
person; 3rd—slow; 4th—enervation;
5th—hold monster; 6th—interposing
hand; 7th—waves of exhaustion;
8th—euphoric tranquilityAPG; 9th—
mass hold monster
Champion of Underexertion:
An inertial wizard has difficulty
expending much personal energy
and barely responds to spells or
effects that change movement.
His base speed decreases by 10
feet (to a minimum of 15 feet),
and he cannot benefit from
I would think as one grows more powerful in terms of spells or effects that increase his speed. However,
arcane might, one would become much lazier. Why walk he gains a +4 enhancement bonus on saving throws
when you can teleport? Why carry all that treasure you against spells or effects that restrict movement.
looted from the tome, when you can summon a disc to During combat, if the inertial wizard moves before
hold it and move it around for you? I know when I ended casting a spell, he must attempt a concentration check
my apprenticeship, I enjoyed sitting at my desk and (DC 15 + 1 per 5 feet moved + spell level) or lose the
ordering (well, politely asking) apprentices to find books spell. If he takes a standard action and a move action,
for me while I got in a few sips of tea. a full-round action, or a 5-foot step and a move or
standard action, during his turn, or if he takes an
—Melnor, Sage (second class) of Questhaven
attack of opportunity, he must succeed at a Fortitude
Inertial Wizard (Wizard Archetype) save (DC 10, or DC 5 if he only took a 5-foot step and
The inertial wizard makes minimized effort into a move or standard action) or become fatigued; if he
an art form, barely moving as he wields magical is already fatigued, he instead becomes exhausted.
might. This lack of movement is his own choice, For each consecutive round he exerts himself in this
though, and he resists attempts to speed him up manner, the Fortitude save DC increases by 5.
or slow him down. An inertial wizard has the Still Spell: At 1st level, an inertial wizard gains Still
following class features. Spell as a bonus feat. If an inertial wizard prepares a
Arcane School: An inertial wizard can still select spell with somatic components without applying Still
an arcane school. Many inertial wizards choose Spell to it, he must use two spell slots of that level to
enchantment, necromancy, or transmutation as prepare the spell. This ability replaces scribe scroll.
their arcane schools to complement their abilities. Minimal Effort (Su): Beginning at 5th level, an
The inertial wizard must only must select one other inertial wizard can cast a spell as if it were modified
school as his opposition school. by the Still Spell feat without increasing the spell’s

Pathways Magazine
casting time or level. However, the adjusted spell bonus on saving throws against spells or effects
level cannot exceed the highest level spell slot he can that restrict movement.
cast (for example, a 5th-level inertial wizard cannot During combat, if the stillness sorcerer moves
use this ability on a 3rd-level spell). He can use this before casting a spell, she must attempt a
ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his concentration check (DC 15 + 1 per 5 feet moved
Intelligence modifier. Beginning at 10th level, the + spell level) or lose the spell. If she takes a
inertial wizard can ignore the adjusted spell level standard action and a move action, a full-round
limit up to 3 times per day when using this ability. action, or a 5-foot step and a move or standard
This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 5th level. action, during her turn, or if she takes an attack
Steal Momentum (Su): At 10th level, an inertial wizard of opportunity, she must succeed at a Fortitude
can steal energy from a foe with a touch. If he succeeds save (DC 10, or DC 5 if she only took a 5-foot
at a touch attack, the target becomes staggered for step and a move or standard action) or become
1 round, and gains the fatigued condition (or the fatigued; if she is already fatigued, she instead
exhausted condition, if the target is already fatigued) becomes exhausted. For each consecutive round
if the wizard had the fatigued or exhausted condition. she exerts herself in this manner, the Fortitude
The wizard, in turn, loses the fatigued condition, or save DC increases by 5.
reduces the exhausted condition to fatigued; if the Bonus Feat: At 1st level, a stillness sorcerer gains
wizard had neither condition, he can take a full round’s Still Spell as a bonus feat. If a stillness sorcerer casts
worth of actions without penalty. The inertial wizard a spell with somatic components without applying
can use this ability as an attack of opportunity and does Still Spell to it, she must expend two spell slots to
not need to make a Fortitude save, as per champion of cast the spell. However, due to her desire for a lack
underexertion, if he successfully strikes his target. This of exertion, she does not increase the casting time
ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 10th level. when using Still Spell to modify a spell.
No Effort (Su): At 15th level, an
inertial wizard gains Quicken Spell as
a bonus feat. Three times per day, he
can cast a spell as if it were modified
by the Quicken Spell feat without
increasing the spell’s casting time or
level. However, the adjusted spell
level cannot exceed the highest level
spell slot he can cast (for example, a
15th-level inertial wizard cannot use
this ability on a 5th-level spell). This
ability replaces the bonus feat gained
at 15th level.
Stillness Sorcerer
(Sorcerer Archetype)
The art of minimal action applies even
to spontaneous spellcasters, such as
stillness sorcerers, who take a very
similar tack to inertial wizards.
Champion of Underexertion: A
stillness sorcerer has difficulty
expending much personal energy and
barely responds to spells or effects that
change movement. Her base speed
decreases by 10 feet (to a minimum of
15 feet), and she cannot benefit from
spells or effects that increase her speed.
However, she gains a +4 enhancement

Pathways Magazine
Bonus Spells: A stillness sorcerer can choose to
learn one of the following spells instead of a spell New Witch Hex
derived from her bloodline. Additionally, she may The following hex is available to all witches and
exchange a bloodline spell for one of these spells (or uses the standard rules for hexes. The save to resist
vice versa) at higher levels, but she must observe a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the
all other restrictions for exchanging spells. For witch’s Intelligence modifier.
purposes of other class abilities or feats, the chosen
spell counts as a bloodline spell. Laziness Hex
3rd—litany of sloth; 5th—hold person; 7th— The witch can cause a creature within 30 feet to suffer
slow; 9th—enervation; 11th—hold monster; 13th— from the pains of overexertion. If the target takes
interposing hand; 15th—waves of exhaustion; 17th— more actions than a standard action or a move action
euphoric tranquilityAPG; 19th—mass hold monster (including a 5-foot step), it takes a –2 penalty on AC,
attack rolls, and damage rolls. Additionally, the target
Lack of Exertion (Su): Beginning at 7th level, cannot take attacks of opportunity; it can take a single
a stillness sorcerer can cast a spell as if it were attack of opportunity if it only took a move action or
modified by the Still Spell feat without increasing a standard action, but does not benefit from abilities
the spell’s level. However, the adjusted spell level granting it additional attacks of opportunity. This hex
cannot exceed the highest level spell slot she can lasts for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the witch’s
cast (for example, a 7th-level stillness sorcerer Intelligence modifier. A Will save reduces this to just 1
cannot use this ability on a 3rd-level spell). She round. At 8th level, the penalties increase to –4.
can use this ability a number of times per day
equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier. Beginning
at 13th level, the stillness sorcerer can ignore the New Major Hex
adjusted spell level limit up to 3 times per day
when using this ability. Starting at 10th level, a witch can select this major
This ability replaces the bloodline bonus feat hex whenever she could select a new hex.
gained at 7th level. Curse of Inactivity
Stolen Action (Su): At 13th level, a stillness The witch can cause a creature within 60 feet to suffer
sorcerer can steal energy from a foe with a touch. when it exerts itself in any way. The target cannot take
If she succeeds at a touch attack, the target any attacks of opportunity. If the target only takes
becomes staggered for 1 round, and gains the a standard action, a move action, or a 5-foot step, it
fatigued condition (or the exhausted condition, takes a –4 penalty on AC, attack rolls, and damage
if the target is already fatigued) if the sorcerer rolls. If it takes more actions, the penalty increases to
had the fatigued or exhausted condition. The –8 for AC and attack rolls, and –6 for damage rolls.
sorcerer, in turn, loses the fatigued or exhausted This hex lasts for a number of rounds equal to the
condition; if the sorcerer had neither condition, witch’s level. A Will save reduces this to just 1 round.
she can take a full round’s worth of actions
without penalty. The stillness sorcerer can use this
ability as an attack of opportunity and does not New Oracle Curse
need to make a Fortitude save, as per champion An oracle can choose the following curse at 1st level.
of underexertion, if she successfully strikes her
target. This ability replaces the bloodline bonus Curse of Slothfulness: You cannot exert yourself more
feat gained at 13th level. than necessary. You can only take a move action or a
standard action during your turn, and you cannot make
Zero Exertion (Su): At 19th level, a stillness sorcerer attacks of opportunity. If you wish to take more actions
gains Quicken Spell as a bonus feat. Three times per during your turn, you can attempt a DC 20 Will save (the
day, she can cast a spell as if it were modified by the DC increases by 5 for every round you exert yourself
Quicken Spell feat without increasing the spell’s in this way), but you are fatigued at the end of your
casting time or level. However, the adjusted spell turn. You gain a +4 competence bonus on saves made
level cannot exceed the highest level spell slot she against compulsions and spells or effects that restrict
can cast (for example, a 19th-level stillness sorcerer your movement. At 5th level, you are immune to the
cannot use this ability on a 6th-level spell). This staggered condition. At 10th level, you gain immunity
ability replaces the bloodline bonus feat gained at to compulsions. At 15th level, you gain immunity to
19th level. spells or effects that restrict your movement.

Pathways Magazine
A Base Class for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
By Ian Sisson; Illustration by Karla Frazetty

S ometimes doing nothing is as important as

great deeds. Sloths are men and women who
have, through inaction, attracted the attention of a
Class Skills
The sloth’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft
powerful supernatural patron — often without their (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha),
intent. They are empowered by powerful demons Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int), Profession
of slothfulness, harmonistic deities embodying the (Wis), Ride (Dex), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Taoist philosophy of wu wei (Effort, without effort.
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Action, through inaction), or by deities associated
with slumber or apathy. To these entities, inaction
in dire times is a form of prayer. Class Features
Sloths, once chosen by a patron, evolve into
armored warriors slowing the world around them, The following are the class features of the sloth.
by coercion or by force. Filled with an innate Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The sloth is
lethargy, they drag others down and punish any proficient with all simple weapons and with the light
showing a spark of energy. hammer, sap, warhammer, and greatclub. Sloths
Sloths see the world differently. They don’t view are also proficient with all armor (heavy, light, and
hustle and bustle as progress, but as wasted effort. medium) and shields (including tower shields).
They take the path of least resistance, efficiently Potential Energy (Su): The sloth stores energy
gaining the most for their actions.
normally spent performing actions and can expend
Hit Dice: d10. this energy to power his class features. At 1st level,
Role: Sloths excel at hampering the actions and the sloth gains a pool of potential energy. He can
movements of their enemies. They tire out those store a maximum amount of potential energy equal
standing against them, before pummeling them to his sloth level plus his Intelligence modifier
with powerful strikes. Intelligence determines the (minimum 1). The pool empties at the end of the
duration and strength of most of their class features, sloth’s turn. On the first turn of combat, the sloth
and increases the save DCs of their abilities, while is assumed to have either his pool 1/2 full if he
Strength helps ensure that the enemy goes down acts during the surprise round or was surprised,
and stays down. or completely full on the first round he acts if he
chooses not to act during the surprise round. At the
Alignment: Any neutral. Sloths come from many start of his turn, the sloth gains points of potential
backgrounds, but have difficulty with the zeal energy based on the types of actions he took on his
required for a more polarized alignment. last turn, as shown on the table below The sloth
Starting Wealth: 4d6 × 10 gp (average 140 gp.) In can expend any number of points from his pool
addition, each character begins play with an outfit of potential energy on his turn, although certain
worth 10 gp or less. abilities may require a specific type of action.

Table: Potential Energy

Actions Taken Energy Gained
Full round action, move action and standard action, or double 0 points
move action (or some equivalent)
Single standard action Intelligence modifier
Single move action 1/2 sloth class level
Only free, immediate, or swift actions, or no actions taken Sloth class level
(didn’t move, attack, use an item, etc.) + Intelligence modifier

Pathways Magazine
Table 1: The Sloth
Level Base Attack Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +0 Curse of sloth, potential energy
2nd +2 +3 +0 +0 Armor of apathy, mark of sloth
3rd +3 +3 +1 +1 Idle gift
4th +4 +4 +1 +1 Bed rest
5th +5 +4 +1 +1 Mark of sloth
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +2 Idle gift, weighty blows
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +2 Slow to feel
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +2 Mark of sloth
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +3 Idle gift
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +3 Aura of unreadiness
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +3 Mark of sloth, weighty blows
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +4 Idle gift
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +4 Social loafing
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +4 Mark of sloth
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +5 Idle gift
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +5 Weighty blows
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +5 Mark of sloth
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +6 Idle gift
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +6 Aura of inaction
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +6 Mark of sloth, sloth incarnate

At 1st level, the sloth can expend potential energy loses all class features exception weapon and armor
in the following ways. proficiencies until he rests for at least 8 hours. In
• Heavy Strike: When declaring an attack, addition, a sloth gain additional attacks or actions
the sloth can expend potential energy as a within a round from any spell or effect. He can still
free action. Each point of potential energy gain any other benefits from the spell or effect. For
expended adds +1 to the attack roll. The sloth example, a sloth affected by a haste spell would
can expend a maximum number of points of not gain an additional attack when taking the full
potential energy equal to 1/2 his sloth class attack action, but would still gain a bonus to attack,
level per attack. dodge bonus to AC, increased movement speed.
• Lethargy: The sloth can expend 2 points of Armor of Apathy (Su): While slow to take action,
potential energy as a move action to cause sloths can be difficult foes to fell, shrugging off
a creature within 30 feet to become fatigued lesser blows with indifference. At 2nd level, if the
for a number of rounds equal to the sloth’s sloth takes only a move or standard action on his
Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). A Will turn he gains damage reduction equal to half his
save (DC 10 + 1/2 sloth’s class level + sloth’s sloth level until beginning of his next turn. This
Intelligence modifier) negates this effect. This damage reduction cannot be penetrated (as DR/—).
is a mind-affecting curse effect. If the sloth takes no actions (even free, immediate,
or swift actions) this damage reduction becomes
Curse of Sloth (Ex): Sloths are slow to take action,
lazily waiting until forced into the fray. At 1st level, equal to his class level.
the sloth takes a penalty on initiative checks equal Marks of Sloth (Su): Lazily tracing a rune in the air
to 1/4 his sloth level (minimum –1). If the sloth goes or sloppily slapping a sigil upon a creature ensures
at least 24 hours without resting at least 8 hours, he prey doesn’t get the upper hand while a sloth

Pathways Magazine
• Inactivity: The sloth falls upon a foe and drinks
Apathetic (Condition)
their frivolously spent energy. When attacking,
The sloth introduces a new condition —
the sloth can expend 3 points of potential energy.
apathetic. This functions as being fascinated,
On a successful hit, the creature must succeed on
only the creature has no point of focus. Instead
a Will save. On a failed save, the target gains the
the creature maintains an emotionally deadened
staggered condition for a number of rounds equal
state, showing no interest in their surroundings.
to the sloth’s Intelligence modifier. The sloth must
Anything that would end a fascination effect also
be at least 10th level to select this mark of sloth.
ends the apathetic condition.
• Minimal Effort: A mystic symbol entices the
target to only try so hard. As a standard action
rests. At 2nd level, and every 3 levels thereafter (to a
the sloth can expend 2 points of potential energy
maximum of 7 at 20th level), the sloth chooses one of
to cause a creature within 30 feet to treat any d20
the following benefits. The saving throw DC for any
result of 11 or higher as a 10. This effect lasts for a
mark of sloth is equal to 10 + 1/2 sloth’s class level +
number of rounds equal to the sloth’s Intelligence
sloth’s Intelligence modifier. On a successful save, a
modifier or until the target rolls an 11 or higher
target is immune to that specific mark of sloth for 24
on any d20 roll. A Will save negates this effect.
hours. A mark of sloth cannot be selected more than
once. A mark of sloth is a mind-affecting curse effect. • Plodding: A sloth can cause fervent runners
to slog and dally. When attacking, the sloth
• Apathy: A rune traced in the air literally saps
can expend 3 points of potential energy. On a
the will to work from a creature within 30 feet.
successful hit, the creature moves at half speed
The sloth expends 3 points of potential energy
for a number of rounds equal to the sloth’s
as a move action. The creature must succeed
Intelligence modifier. A Fortitude save reduces
on a Will save or gain the apathetic condition
the duration to a single round.
for a number of rounds equal to the sloth’s
Intelligence modifier. Break Spirit: Displaying • Sleepy Time: With a mighty, supernatural,
rare alacrity, the sloth seizes upon a moment yawn the sloth makes another creature mimic
of failure to twist the metaphorical knife. As it, then slumber. The sloth can expend 3
an immediate action in response to a creature potential energy as a standard action to cause
within 30 feet failing an attack roll or skill a creature within 30 feet to succeed on a Will
check, the sloth can expend 2 points of potential save of fall asleep for a number of rounds equal
energy to inflict the apathetic condition on the to the sloth’s Intelligence modifier.
creature if they fail a Will save. If the sloth has • Stumble: With a heavy blow, the sloth causes
already acted, he lowers the potential energy his foe’s knees to buckle as they struggle under
they gain on his next turn by 2. The sloth can the weight. When making an attack the sloth
only use this mark if he took no more than a can expend 3 points of potential energy to make
standard or move action on his last turn. the creature to go last in the initiative order on a
• Despair: A rune scrawled in empty air drains successful hit. If the creatures has acted before the
the hope from the target. As a standard action sloth, the target goes last in the next round. After
the sloth can expend 3 points of potential 1 round, the target’s initiative returns to normal.
energy to dispel or end all active morale spells Idle Gift (Su): At 3rd level, and every 3 levels
or effects on a target within 30 feet. A Will save thereafter (to a maximum of 6 at 18th level), the
negates this effect. sloth gains a powerful supernatural gift from their
• Exhaustion: Sloths hate getting up, getting patron selected from the following list. Unless
out of a warm bed, tramping across a marsh, otherwise noted an idle gift cannot be selected
into a dungeon, through a group of goblins, more than once.
and then having to slug it out with jerks. A • Deeply Indifferent: Creatures affected by the
sloth can expend 4 points of potential energy apathetic condition caused by the sloth do not
as a move action to share this feeling with automatically break free of the condition when
a target creature within 30 feet. The target confronted with a hostile action. Instead, they
must succeed on a Fortitude save or become succeed on a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 sloth class
exhausted for a number of rounds equal to the level + sloth’s Intelligence modifier) as a free
sloth’s Intelligence modifier. The sloth must be action when confronted by any hostile action
at least level 10 to select this mark of sloth. in order to break free.

Pathways Magazine
• Energy Decay: Even natural law seems slower 3 levels thereafter (to a maximum of –6 at 18th
and lazier in the presence of the sloth. The sloth level). No Rush: The sloth gains the Stand Still
can expend 2 potential energy as a move action feat as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet
to exude a 30-foot aura of entropic decay for 1 the prerequisites. In addition, when using
round. Acid, fire, and electricity damage affecting Stand Still, the sloth can make a normal attack
any creatures within the aura is halved after any of opportunity instead of a combat maneuver
resistances or weaknesses are applied. This also check. Any creature taking damage from the
has some other, more superficial, effects such as attack of opportunity is affected by Stand Still.
slowing water or slightly reduced wind speeds. • Supine Shield: Focusing slowing energies into
• Excuses: The sloth gains a competence bonus his own flesh, the sloth reduces damage dealt.
equal to half his class level on any Diplomacy The sloth can expend 2 points potential energy as
check made to request a creature not take an action a swift action to gain the benefits of the armor of
or cease performing a current action, or any Bluff apathy ability even if he takes a full-round action,
checks made to either lie about an action the sloth a move and standard action, or a double move
hasn’t taken, or to fabricate a reason excusing the action. If the sloth only takes a move or standard
sloth from needing to take an action. action, he can expend 2 points of potential energy
• Monotony Trap: Any time a creature within to increase the damage reduction gained from
30 feet of the sloth takes actions on their turn armor of apathy equal to be equal to his class level.
identical to the actions they took on their • Unimpressed (Ex): The sloth can enter a flat
previous turn, the creature takes a –1 penalty state of emotion it is impossible to jar him
on saving throws against any sloth class for good or ill. As a swift action the sloth can
features until the start of its next turn. This become immune to any spell or effect which
penalty increases by –1 at 6th level and every grants a morale bonus or inflicts a morale

Pathways Magazine
penalty, such as the crushing despair spell or Aura of Unreadiness (Su): At 10th level, the sloth
a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance. exudes a 30-foot aura of hazy smoke. This does
This ability remains constant until the sloth not provide concealment, but hampers creatures
ends it as a swift action. attempting to react to the changing battlefield
• Utter Indifference (Ex): It is remarkably conditions. Any creature (including allies) other
difficult to influence or frighten someone who than the sloth within the aura take a –4 penalty to
doesn’t care about anything. The sloth gains a initiative, cannot make attacks of opportunity, use
+1 bonus on Will saving throws against mind- any feat which reduces how quickly an action can be
affecting effects and fear effects. This bonus performed (such as Quick Draw or Rapid Reload),
increases by +1 at 6th level and every 3 levels ready actions, or benefit from the evasion (or
thereafter (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level). improved evasion) class feature. A Will save (DC 10
+ 1/2 sloth class level + sloth’s Intelligence modifier)
Bed Rest (Su): At 4th level, the sloth can burn stored resists the effect. On a successful save, a creature is
energy to accelerate his own healing. At the end of immune to the sloth’s aura for 24 hours. A creature
his turn, if the sloth has taken no actions, he can exiting and reentering the aura can attempt a new
expend any number of points of potential energy as a saving throw to resist the sloth’s aura. who leaves
free action. Each point of potential energy expended the area and later returns must make a new save.
heals 1 hit point of damage. A sloth cannot heal more The sloth can suppress or resume this aura as a swift
hit points of damage per day in this manner than his action. This is a mind-affecting curse effect.
class level x his Intelligence modifier.
Social Loafing (Su): At 13th level, if a conscious
Weighty Blows (Ex): Sloths hate making a greater creature within 30 feet of a sloth takes no action on
effort than necessary, so focus on ending fights their turn during combat (such as when stricken with
with singular overwhelming strikes. At 6th level, the apathetic, paralyzed, or stunned condition), the
the sloth gains the Vital Strike feat as a bonus sloth gains an additional 1 point of potential energy
feat. As a full-round action, the sloth can take a at the start of his turn. This benefit is cumulative if
single attack at his highest attack bonus to gain the there is more than one creature within 30 feet taking
benefits of the Vital Strike feat and also add double no action. This cannot increase the sloth’s points of
his Strength modifier to damage.
potential energy to more than his normal maximum.
At 11th level the sloth gains the Improved Vital
Strike as a bonus feat. As a full-round action, the Aura of Inaction (Su): At 19th level, the sloth becomes
sloth can take a single attack at his highest attack the center of a 30-foot aura of cloying miasma. Any
bonus to gain the benefits of the Improved Vital creature (including allies) other than the sloth starting
Strike feat and also add triple his Strength modifier their turn within the sloth’s aura must succeed on
to damage. a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 sloth’s class level + sloth’s
At 16th level he gains Greater Vital Strike as a Intelligence modifier) or become staggered for 1
bonus feat. As a full-round action, the sloth can take round. On a successful save, a creature is immune to
a single attack at his highest attack bonus to gain the sloth’s aura of inaction for 1 minute. The sloth can
the benefits of the Greater Vital Strike feat and also suppress or resume this aura as a move action. This is
add four times his Strength modifier to damage. a mind-affecting curse effect.
Slow to Feel (Su): At 7th level, the sloth does not Sloth Incarnate (Sp): The sloth has become the
immediately register harm on such a fundamental personification of inaction and laziness, and all in
level it makes him hard to swiftly kill. Whenever his presence find it hard to fight with full effort. At
the sloth takes hit point damage, he does not suffer 20th level, any creature (including allies) other than
the effects of the hit point damage until the end of the sloth within 30 feet of the sloth cannot make
his next turn. Even if the sloth has taken hit point more than one attack on their turn. A Will save (DC
damage sufficient to make him unconscious or 10 + 1/2 the sloth’s class level + sloth’s Intelligence
dead, he does not become unconscious or dead modifier) negates this effect. On a successful save,
until the end of his next turn. If the sloth receives the creature is immune to this ability for 1 minute.
any healing (such as magical healing or the bed rest This affects only attacks made while within 30 feet
class feature) before his next turn ends, then it can of the sloth, and a creature moving far enough
potentially prevent his death or unconsciousness. away can potentially make more attacks in a round
This does not affect any secondary effects (such as even on a failed save. The sloth can suppress or
poisons or magical effects), and only temporarily resume this ability as a standard action. This is a
prevents hit point damage. mind-affecting curse effect.

Pathways Magazine
The Department of Humanoid Resources (5e)
By Brandes Stoddard; Illustration by Nomad Soul@DollarPhotoClub

I n campaigns inspired by old-school playstyles,

and in campaigns with smaller groups of players,
Companion NPCs may join the adventuring party.
A scholar is often the one hiring the PCs. They
pay according to their means, and expected
danger, for the PCs to guard them as they explore
These NPCs provide color commentary, additional crumbling ruins of historical interest. They aren’t
muscle in combat, and – if it suits the group’s style usually helpful in combat. In some cases, the PCs
– some light comic relief. might know that a dungeon holds clues to a deeper
The GM develops the names and personalities puzzle and hire a scholar to help them understand
of Companion NPCs. In general, the GM portrays these mysteries. Such scholars expect to be paid as
Companion NPCs in conversation. Control shifts skilled hirelings, including danger pay.
to the player that the NPC is attached to during A talking skull is a great source of unreliable
combat – after all, the GM already has enough to information on a vast range of topics. Most talking
worry about in fight scenes. Some groups may skulls are found in the course of an adventure and
wish to try a more troupe-style approach, in which decide on their own to accompany the PCs. The
a player portrays both their own character and a good news is, you don’t have to pay them. The
Companion NPC attached to another player. bad news is, you can’t dock their pay. You should
trust whatever the talking skull tells you. I’m sure
it’s fine.
Attracting Companion NPCs
Players gain the services of these NPCs through
various means. A torchbearer is typically hired Experience Points and Hirelings
from a local settlement, and seldom willing to If you’re using an XP system that divides
travel more than a few days from home, depending XP for monsters slain by the number of PCs
on their personality. On the other hand, the party’s participating, each hireling counts as a half-share
torchbearer might be the younger sibling of a of the XP earned. They have a decent number of
PC, hoping to survive long enough to become a hit points and other defenses, but otherwise don’t
full-fledged adventurer themselves. Hiring a offer the full array of character features.
torchbearer costs 2 silver pieces per day, plus bonus
danger pay that likely doubles or triples this rate.
An apprentice wizard generally can’t be hired Apprentice Wizard (Companion)
directly. Instead, they come from the PCs’ social
standing and interactions. A sorcerer or wizard Small or Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
of even modest accomplishment might attract a Armor Class 11
promising (or hapless) apprentice, or suborn a Hit Points 22 (5d8)
rival’s apprentice. An apprentice wizard is on the Speed 30 ft
way to being a skilled hireling, and might cost 1 STR 8 (-1)   DEX 12 (+1)   CON 10 (+0)    INT 15 (+2)  
gold piece per day, plus bonus danger pay. It’s also
WIS 12 (+1)   CHA (+0)
entirely reasonable to leave apprentices back in
Skills Arcana +4
one’s home base, where they maintain the master’s
Senses passive Perception 11
ongoing projects and try very hard not to cause any
catastrophes. Languages Common
A squire usually can’t be hired directly; they Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
serve knightly warriors and nobles. The knight Sycophant. When the apprentice uses the Help
becomes responsible for the squire’s costs of living, action, the creature they help also gains advantage
but does not otherwise have to pay the squire. Some on Wisdom and Charisma saving throws until the
squires, on the other hand, are not youths pursuing beginning of the apprentice’s next turn. 
knighthood, but are older warriors who can’t gain
the full status of knighthood for various social Spellcasting. The apprentice is a 1st-level
reasons. They might be hired as skilled hirelings, spellcaster. Their spellcasting ability is Intelligence
for 2 gold pieces per day, plus bonus danger pay (spell save DC 12). The apprentice has the following
that likely doubles or triples this rate. wizard spells prepared:

Pathways Magazine
Cantrips (3 per short rest): light, prestidigitation, ray DC = target’s CR (or level) + target’s Wisdom score.
of frost On a success, one other creature that can hear
1st level (2 slots): detect magic, color spray the scholar gains advantage on its next attack roll
Ritual Assistant. The apprentice cannot (yet) cast against the target, and on a hit deals an additional
rituals on their own, but they aid their teacher in 1d8 damage.
the daily rituals of spell preparation. If their teacher Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
prepares spells as part of a long rest, the apprentice one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
grants them one additional spell preparation slot.
ACTIONS Squire (Companion)
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., Small or Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. Armor Class 16 (ring mail and shield)
Hit Points 38 (7d8 + 7)
Scholar (Companion) Speed 30 ft
STR 15 (+2)  DEX 10 (+0)   CON 12 (+1)  INT 10 (+0)  
Small or Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
WIS 10 (+0)   CHA 10 (+0) 
Armor Class 12 (padded armor)
Skills Animal Handling +2, Athletics +4
Hit Points 28 (8d8 – 8)
Senses passive Perception 10
Speed 25 ft
Languages Common
STR 8 (-1)  DEX 12 (+1)  CON 8 (-1)   INT 16 (+3)  
WIS 12 (+1)  CHA 12 (+1)  Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Saving Throws Int +5 Team Player. When the squire uses the Help action
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Investigation +5, to grant advantage to an attack, the attack deals an
Nature +5, Religion +5 additional d6 damage on a hit.
Senses passive Perception 11
Shield-bearer. While the squire has a shield in
Languages Common, Draconic, and two others
hand, when a creature within 5 feet moves, the
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
squire can spend a reaction to prevent opportunity
Sage Advice. When the scholar uses the Help action attacks against the moving creature.
and the attack or ability check succeeds, the target
creature gains 1d6 + 3 temporary hit points. The Ready to Serve. When the creature that the squire
scholar can use this feature 3 times, regaining all primarily serves regains hit points and the squire
expended uses when they finish a short or long rest. is within 10 feet of them, the squire also regains hit
points equal to half that value.
Danger? Where? The scholar is typically oblivious
to the danger of anything but the most dangerous ACTIONS
monsters. When a trap makes an attack against Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
the scholar or forces the scholar to roll a saving ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.
throw, the scholar must spend a reaction to choose
a different target if any other creature is within the
Talking Skull (Companion)
trap’s reach or range.
Live to Tell the Tale. As a reaction when the scholar Tiny undead, any alignment
would take damage, the scholar can move up to Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
half its speed. This movement does not provoke Hit Points 31 (9d4 + 9)
opportunity attacks. If the scholar ends this move Speed 5 ft., fly 40 ft.
behind cover, the cover counts as one grade better, STR 14 (+2)  DEX 14 (+2)   CON 12 (+1)   INT 12 (+1)  
up to total cover. WIS 8 (-1)   CHA 14 (+2) 
Equipment. The scholar typically has a random Saving Throws Wis +1
collection of 1d4+1 spell scrolls of 1st and 2nd-level Skills Deception +4, History +3
spells. The scholar can use them as if the spell were Damage Vulnerabilities bludgeoning
on their spell list. Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned
ACTIONS Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Interesting Facts. The scholar chooses a creature Languages Common
within 30 ft and rolls an Investigation check against Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Pathways Magazine
Untrustworthy. No effect, including
mind control, can compel the talking
skull to speak the truth. No spell
effect can reveal a lie the talking skull
has told.
Harangue. When the talking
skull uses the Help action to aid
a creature’s attack and the attack
succeeds, the target of that attack
suffers disadvantage on next attack
roll, saving throw, or ability check.
If the attack fails, the creature that
the talking skull aided suffers 1d4
psychic damage from the talking
skull’s vicious mockery.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
piercing damage.

Torchbearer (Companion)
Small or Medium humanoid, neutral
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10)
Speed 30 ft
STR 12 (+1)   DEX 13 (+1)    CON
14 (+2)    INT 8 (-1)    WIS 10 (+0)   
CHA 8 (-1) 
Skills Perception +2
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Shine the Light. When the torchbearer carries a Development Through Play
light source and uses the Help action to aid an ally As the PCs advance, Companion NPCs may fall
within the area of their light, if the ally succeeds at by the wayside if they do not gain hit points and
the task, they gain a +5 bonus to passive Perception additional features to keep contributing to the
until the beginning of the torchbearer’s next turn. party’s success. If everyone is happy with that
Flame in Hand. While the torchbearer carries a lit outcome, then there’s no problem: they simply stop
torch, when the torchbearer or a creature they can having hirelings around. On the other hand, many
see within 5 feet would roll a saving throw to avoid groups develop emotional attachments to their
cold damage, the torchbearer can spend a reaction Companion NPCs, especially if they’re portrayed as
to grant advantage on that saving throw. dedicated friends rather than burdens on the party.
ACTIONS If the players want to see the hirelings advance and
remain a part of the team, gradually increase their
Torch. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one hit points, ability scores, and proficiency bonus. Also
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) fire damage. take into account any magic items or other improved
Dagger. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 20/60. equipment that the party lavishes upon them. The
Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage. NPCs should never outshine the PCs, of course.


Introducing Starways
By Owen K.C. Stephens; Background by Publisher’s Choice; Illustration by Doppingqnk

W elcome to the Starways! Pathways Magazine

has, since it’s inception, been focused
on bringing you material for the Pathfinder
Game benefit from the same kind of coverage and
material Pathfinder Roleplaying Game fans have
enjoyed for years.
Roleplaying Game and interviews and previews Of course, we hope this inclusion means we’ll
relevant to fans of that game system. It’s one of draw in some new fans to the magazine. If you
the longest-running RPG magazines still available are one of those fans, and you’re wondering if
in a print format, and shows no sign of slowing or it’s worth picking up past issues let me assure
changing its successful formula. you that a LOT of the material from back issues
Well, no sign of changing it much. can be used in a science-fantasy setting just
With the release of the science-fantasy Starfinder fine. Things like GM tips, dungeon dressing,
Roleplaying Game, Pathways is going to start and interviews with game designers are largely
periodically having previews, reviews, and new system-neutral. And the Starfinder Roleplaying
articles to support that game system. We’ll pay Game has a “Legacy” chapter that discusses
attention to how those are received, so if the idea legacy conversions from one game system to
of a “Starways” section isn’t popular, we’ll dial it the other. And since Pathfinder magazine has a
back. If it’s a huge hit, maybe we can even expand lot of monsters, it seems worth going over some
things. But for now, it’s just a small part of Pathways quick and easy ways to use those monsters in a
designed to let fans of the Starfinder Roleplaying Starfinder Roleplaying Game campaign!

Adapting Fantasy Monsters

A dapting fantasy monsters (perhaps taken from
the newly released Pathways Bestiary!) to work
in your science-fantasy campaign isn’t really much
focused cousin, and it’s easy to pick universal creature
rules to match standard fantasy most abilities. It’s
when you want to convert some interesting ability
work, and especially when converting things from from a monster that you may need to do some work,
Rite Publishing, Rogue Genius Games, or other major but even then it’s rarely very difficult. As an example
publishers of compatible material, there’s no need of this process, we’re going to go through the steps
to go through the more involved process outlined needed to take the Slothful Storm Sorcerer (from the
in the Legacy chapter of the Starfinder Core Rulebook. Slothful Creature article in this same magazine issue)
In general, all you really need to worry about is the and turn it into a science-fantasy monster ready for
special abilities that make a monster interesting and any Starfinder Roleplaying Game encounter.
memorable. No player is going to reminisce about The most important thing for this process isn’t
how a medusa has a +6 Reflex save or Weapon Finesse. the Legacy chapter of the Starfinder Core Rulebook,
It’s the petrifying gaze that everyone recalls, and that’s but “Appendix One: Creating Monsters and Other
easy to convert to a science-fantasy game. After that, NPCs” from Starfinder Alien Archive. Again, an
everything else is just numbers that should be close to exact conversion of numbers isn’t necessary, or
appropriate, but don’t have to hit any one exact value. even helpful. The fastest way to make a Pathfinder
Obviously some threats rely on spells or combat Roleplaying Game monster a good Starfinder
maneuvers to be interesting—a constrictor snake Roleplaying Game encounter is to use the statistics
should constrict—but in most cases the Starfinder array for the type of creature you want (combatant,
Roleplaying Game has the same basic special abilities expert, or spellcaster), and then add the interesting
(grab, swallow whole, and so on) as its fantasy- abilities unique to it.


So for the first step in our conversion, we just note

down all the numbers from the spellcaster array for a
CR 9 creature. There’s no need to make complicated
calculations or try to match any of the values of the
original slothful storm sorcerer. In fact, at its simplest,
we could run our slothful technomancer just by looking
at the values in the spellcaster arrays, adding any of the
special abilities from the fantasy version that apply to
the new rules, and picking two 3rd level spells for her to
cast. I’ve done that kind of on-the-fly adjustment when
running Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventures for
the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, and it’s absolutely
good enough for anything the players are just going
to attack and kill. If you want to use a fantasy creature
as a major long-term antagonist or recurring ally or
patron you may want to go through this full process,
but for the vast majority of cases you can use the array
numbers without change and add the special abilities
of whatever creature you want to convert, and the
end result works fine as a conversion for your science-
fantasy campaign. A GM has enough work to do
without spending more than a few minutes updating
cool fantasy monsters to a adjacent game system.
In most cases, you don’t even need to worry
much about the monster’s ability bonuses. Your can
assign the ability scores as you like without affecting
much—Dexterity impacts initiative and Strength
impacts melee damage, but things like skills, saving
throw, attack bonuses and so on aren’t affected. In
this case I used the fantasy slothful storm sorcerer as
a guideline for where to put my ability bonuses, but I
could have used exactly the same values, or changed
everything to a flat +2, and neither would have made
enough of a difference to change the end result’s CR.
There’s nothing wrong with dotting all your I’s and
crossing all your t’s, but if you just want to grab an
awesome monster and throw it into your Starfinder
Roleplaying Game campaign, once again it’s the
special abilities (and maybe spells) that matter most.
But let’s assume we want a full stat block. Maybe
the slothful technomancer is going to show up for
multiple encounters? So, once we have the array
values, let’s make the changes we need for being
human, and being a technomancer. The first means
we add grafts for the humanoid type and human
subtype. It wouldn’t be a big deal if we skipped this
step, but this is where most races pick up iconic


abilities by type, such as darkvision or having four already going to be handled by setting the monster’s
arms… though neither of those apply to our slothful CR where you need it. If you are adapting an ogre
creature. So we’ll boost the Will save by +2 for being with the Advanced simple template, don’t create a
humanoid, and tack on an extra good skill for being CR 3 conversion then try to apply the flat bonuses
human. Speaking of skills, this is a place where of the Advanced template to boost it by +1 CR—
the Legacy chapter may be helpful. Telling you just make a CR 4 ogre to begin with, and you’ll
what skills you use in place of a monster’s original have the statistical numbers you need. Similarly
choices. A few skill choices are important—if you if a template or ability is just supposed to make a
can fly, you likely want to know your Acrobatics creature tougher, or change it’s type or subtype
score—but in most cases it’s more important to or alignment, or give is class features, just make
know how you want to use your converted monster the change and don’t worry about adjusting any
than worry about how the creature functioned in numbers. Yes, an ogre with the fire subtype has
a fantasy setting with no computers or starships. some advantage over an ogre without it, but you
Since we’re going for a technomancer here, I picked can just add the benefits of the subtype and let the
some tech-related things, but I could just as easily players figure out they want to use cryoguns rather
gone for Life Sciences, or a mix of options. I also get than flamethrowers.
+1 special ability, but I’m ignoring that for now. I’ll Also, don’t worry too much about the number
discuss why in a bit. of special abilities a monster should have when
The technomancer graft is a bit more involved, making a conversion. Yes, your umbral half-dragon
but still not a big deal. A CR 9 technomnancer gets phrenic flenser may have a few too many special
a spell cache, cache capacitor I, one 8th-level and one
abilities, but again as long as you are using the
5th-level magic hack. Again, these can just be chosen
correct array for its CR and category (combatant,
to match the theme of your monster. If you make
expert, or spellcaster), the end result is close
a demon technomancer, don’t worry about what
enough. There’s a wide range of potency within
magic hacks are “right” for it. Just pick some from
every CR, and if one CR 3 fight is slightly tougher
the core rulebook you think sound appropriate. You
than another, that’s fine.
can even ignore these, or replace them with other
So, in many cases, you can just add all the special
special abilities (yes, we’re about to get to those).
A few final choices, and we’re done with the attacks and abilities of the fantasy creature to the
base statistics. For spells I used the choices a CR 9 statistics of the science-fantasy version, and it
spellcaster NPC gets, and picked a few that have the works fine. If a monster has special attacks, breath
same names as their fantasy version, and a few that weapons, gaze attacks, multiple melee options or
just felt storm-related. Similarly with weapons and so on, the monster creation rules in “Appendix
armor, picking anything appropriate in roughly One: Creating Monsters and Other NPCs” from
the right item level range for the NPC’s CR is good Starfinder Alien Archive can tell you how to generate
enough. In this case there’s a spear with an item a version that matches the expectations of the
level of 8, really close to our CR 9 and similar to Starfinder Roleplaying Game. Don’t worry if your
the weapon of the original slothful storm sorcerer, 9-headed hydra only ends up with 3 attacks in a full
so we used that. The armor matters less unless you attack—how likely was it that it could get 9 heads
need armor upgrades for a well-equipped NPC, all on one target to begin with?
but in this case it’s mostly just loot and a way to The main thing you need to look at is cases where
know how long our slothful technomancer can the fantasy rules work differently than the science-
float around in a vacuum. fantasy versions, most often in how actions and full
Now, we look at the special abilities of our actions work, bonus types, and how damage scales.
original creature. Again, this is a place where the Legacy chapter of
Anything that just gives an always-effective the Starfinder Core Rulebook DOES help, because it
bonus to some number, you can ignore. That’s call out some of those broad cases and tells you how


to deal with them. With that in mind, let’s look at the OFFENSE
special abilities of our slothful storm sorcerer—can’t
be bothered, sedentary defense, short rest, and your Speed 25 ft. (30 ft. unarmored)
pathetic efforts (see the Slothful Creature temp[alte Melee sentinel spear +15 (2d6+9 SP)
in this issue for the full write up of those abilities. Ranged sentinel spear +17 (2d6+9 SP)
Can’t be bothered and sedentary defense work Spell-Like Abilities (Cl 9th) base DC 17
just fine with the Starfinder Roleplaying Game 3/day— arcing surge (DC 20), flight (3rd level spell)
rules, so we don’t need to make any changes. 6/day—caustic conversion, fog cloud, invisibility,
mirror image
Short rest could be left alone, but healing works
At will—jolting surge, magic missile
a little differently in the science-fantasy version of
Offensive Abilities distant spell, spell cache
the game, so maybe we should adjust it. Rather
than free magic healing, we could allow a short rest STATISTICS
to instead act like a 10-minute rest. This means she Str +0; Dex +3; Con +0; Int +4; Wis +0; Cha +6
gets a lot more healing (all her Stamina Points), but Skills Acrobatics +17, Computers +22, Mysticism
it also requires her to spend resolve Points (which +22, Physcial Science +17
she only has so many of, and which she needs for Languages Common, Draconic, Giant
some of her magic hacks). That still seems like a big Other Abilities Cache capacitor I (unseen servant),
benefit, but it matches the game rules a little better. flash teleport
The bonuses granted are untyped, so those don’t Gear D-suit III, sentinel spear
need to be changed.
Your pathetic efforts CAN be used as it… but with
the scaling of damage in the Starfinder Roleplaying Short Rest (Ex) When the slothful storm technomancer
Game, it’s generally better to rewrite damage to takes no action for a round, she can spend 1 Resolve
match the NPC creation array. So instead of doing Point to regain all her Stamina Points as if she had
flat damage based on CR, we’ll have to do damage taken a 10-minute rest. She also gains a bonus to
based on the ranged energy damage of a CR 9 attack rolls, the save DC of its abilities, EAC, KAC,
spellcaster—2d6+9. The rest of the ability works saving throws, and skill checks equal to the number
fine, and is unchanged. of consecutive rounds it has taken no actions (to a
We could add some serums, or grenades, or maximum bonus equal to half its CR). The bonus lasts
spell gems if we wanted to, but even without through the first round in which the creature takes
those we now have a fully functional science- and action, until the beginning of the next round.
fantasy antagonist! Your Pathetic Efforts (Su): The power of inaction
is strong in a slothful creature, and it imbues them
Slothful Storm Technomancer CR 9 with the power to mock and punish those who
waste effort trying to do something, and failing.
[COMBATANT] When a slothful creature takes no actions, until
XP 6,400 the beginning of its next turn, if a foe attacks the
NE Medium humanoid (human) slothful creature, or tries to affect it with a spell
Init +3; Perception +17 or ability, and for any reason the attack, spell, or
ability has no effect (the attack misses, the effect or
spell is negated, the effect or attack cannot bypass
HP 120 RP 8 the slothful creature’s DR or resistance, and so on),
EAC 21; KAC 22 the foe takes damage equal to the slothful creature’s
Fort +8; Ref +8; Will +14 CR. As long as a creature has any of this damage
Defensive Abilities can’t be bothered, sedentary on it, it is fatigued (even if normally immune to
defense fatigue). This is a curse effect.

Pathways Magazine

The Art of Rite Publishing

In the Company of Fiends

by Michael Syragos

Pathways Magazine

The Art of Rite Publishing

Grimoire by Jacob E. Blackmon

Pathways Magazine

The Art of Rite Publishing

Life Along the Grand Stair
by Gordan Napier

Pathways Magazine

The Art of Rite Publishing

Dream Killer
by Dylan J. Reader

Pathways Magazine
profile we have of the race: When e.g. the dragons tells
Reviews us about how a clan of Taninim (that’s the name of the
dragon-race herein) consumed a divine clam, losing
In the Company of their wings and becoming compelled to organize
Dragons Expanded the world as a potential origin story for imperial
dragons, I couldn’t help but smile at the compelling
Publisher: Rite Publishing
mythweaving. Now, beyond these components, we
Reviewer: Endzeitgeist
also learn, in depth, about the structuring paradigms
Stars: 5 stars out of 5
of the taninim society in the Lost Isles, the backdrop/
The massive expansion setting that houses them – more on that later; for now,
hardcover of „In the let it be known that taninim differ in a couple of key
Company of Dragons“ aspects from regular dragons, but fret not: This does
clocks in at a massive 199 NOT mean that they are anything short of majestic
pages, 1 page front cover, 1 apex predators. The Lost Isles is what I’d call a tie-in
page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, 1 page back mini-setting; much like the Plane of Dreams or the
cover, leaving us with194 (!!) pages of content, so Shadowplane, it allows for easy plugging into another
let’s take a look! campaign setting and its presence explains why few
This review was moved up in my reviewing folks had heretofore heard of the taninim.
queue at the request of my patreons. It was further Anyways, the reputation of a taninim is important
expedited by me receiving a print copy. and the pdf explains the various grand rites of the
All right, so we begin with a massive foreword by race – these are relatively rules-lite rituals that
Bill Slavicsek, original author of the by now classic account for example for banishment, challenges,
Council of Wyrms…and then we dive right in. Okay, changing alignment, etc. The acquisition of names
usually, I assume a degree of familiarity regarding and titles is also a big deal, with additional,
the “In the Company of..:”-series, mainly, because it grandiose titles gained…and there is a rite that
is by far the best monster-playing option series out governs basically a mating ritual of the otherwise
there for any d20-based game. Yes, I’ll stand by that. mostly asexual taninim, who btw. also can change
Since this book is a massive hardcover expansion sex. These entries do codify their effects in proper
of the original content, it must be considered to be rules-language, just fyi, so yes, while flavorful, they
special. Let us be a bit more in-depth. also carry game-mechanics with them that make
So the first thing you’ll note upon starting to read their success or failure relevant in game-terms.
this massive tome, particularly if you’re new to the It should be noted that alignment changes
series, is that this does not read like your average may actually yield a painful process in which
splatbook: Rite Publishing employs a cool framing the character gets new scales, and the extensive
narrative, wherein Qwilion of Questhaven requests discussion also delves into taninim religion and
members of specific species to talk about their own the psychology of hoards and lairs – territory is
race; we basically get the inside scoop, and this is important. Now, it should be noted that chromatic/
amazing for a couple of reasons. In the hands of a metallic distinctions are not *necessarily* color-
talented author, this inadvertently means that we get coding All right, I know, I’m waffling – so let’s take
a glimpse at the psyche, biases and Weltanschauung a look at the rules-chassis, shall we?
of the respective races featured, one that goes beyond Tanimin are dragons, receive +2 Con and Cha, -2
what we’d otherwise receive from a neutral depiction. Dex, are Small, receive regular movement, can use
As an aside, this also makes paragraphs that many manufactured weapons et al (at a -2 penalty) with
readers are likely to skip in other publications a joy to their claws (secondary, base damage 1d3), receive
read – this book is no difference and does not read like darkvision and low-light vision, are immune to sleep
a phone-book of stats, but rather like a compelling, and paralysis, can glide, receive +1 atk and +2 AC
intriguing glimpse at draconic psychology. versus dragons as well as +2 to saves versus SPs, spells,
These write-ups, obviously, also tap into creation etc. of such targets and +2 to Knowledge (arcana) to
myths and an often delightfully positive view of physical identify dragons. They also get a properly codified
descriptions. Qwilion’s draconic correspondent, natural primary bite of 1d6 +1.5 Str-mod; Their hide
Thunders in Defiance, for example, wastes no time yields +2 natural AC, but their form requires special
mentioning how the draconic form is the crest of royal armor. They increase ACP by 2 and suffer the same
houses, a symbol of destruction and majesty. These amount as a penalty to atk when wearing one; oh, and
are little components that accumulate, enhancing the they reduce their maneuverability by one step when

Pathways Magazine
wearing armor while flying. They also get a +2 racial 4+ pages of them!! Twice as many as before! And
bonus to Perception and Sense Motive. Taninim are yes, these include trifling dragons, zealots, primeval
quadrupeds, receiving modified slots (armor, belt ones, etc. Upon taking level 1 in the class, claws are
(saddle only), chest, eyes, headband, neck, shoulders upgraded to primary weapons and 1d4 damage. (The
and wrist. Armor costs are doubled, but they get a claws and how they work are one of the changes
greater carrying capacity, depending on size, as well in this expanded version.) And yes, the role of e.g.
as the usual +4 to CMD versus trip and overrun. linnorms in the context of the Lost Isles is covered.
Alternatively, they can elect, racial ability modifier- Additionally, at 1st level, 7th, 13th and 19th level,
wise, for +2 Str and Con, -2 Int, +2 Dex and Cha, -2 Wis, the draconic exemplar can choose draconic weaponry
or +2 Wis and Cha, -2 Dex. Among the alternate racial – these can be used 1/2 class level + Con-mod times
traits. Beyond these, we get alternate racial traits. It per day. Rather interesting – if applicable, their save-
should be noted that the alternate ability arrays are DC is governed by either Con or Cha, depending on
not simply that – instead, they are tied to certain types the ability. They include fascination-inducing gazes,
of flavor and additional benefits – the Dex and Cha- bolstering oneself against assaults, blinding  gusts
boosting option, for example, comes with Tiny size of wind, receiving the breath weapon associated
and sports only a 20 ft. base movement rate, but also with the chosen essence, elemental aura, charging
provides a fly speed from the get-go. Yeah, in case you through allies, enemies etc. The iconic whirlpool of
didn’t know that already, we’re talking DRAGONS bronze dragons, faerie dragon euphoric gas, frightful
right here; I’m not going to complain about the first- presence, spellcasting, roars, rampages, channel
level flight here. If you’re reading this book, you’re energy, retributive attacks after crits…and at higher
not going for a gritty low-fantasy game where that levels, growing additional claws or even a second head
would become overly intrusive. There is a trait to can be gained thus – and yes, before you ask, draconic
use Wisdom instead of Intelligence for Knowledge essence requirements prevent combining these two –
skills where the character has at least 1 rank. +2 thankfully! And yes, e.g. death curses by linnorm-y
concentration, better giant killing (+1 to atk, +4 to AC), subtype are provided for your edification…if your
being a Lung dragon, immunity to altitude sickness PC falls, at least the enemy will suffer…There also is
and no lost Dex-bonus when climbing; better aerial a sub-category of draconic weaponry that almost takes
combat, toxic blood and spiny hides complement this up 5 pages on its own, the draconic flair, which allows
array. The alternate racial traits contain meaningful for the use of draconic weaponry uses to power SPs,
tweaks beyond their mechanics. with 1st, 7th, 10th and 13th level unlocking new options.
The race also receives a couple of favored class Some of these sport unique tweaks to the SPs; zealots
options -barbarian, druid, fighter, magus, monk, get their own unique abilities here; minor hiccup: The
paladin, ranger, sorcerer,  taskshaper  and  war 13th level ability states 10th level in its explanation, but it
master are covered. Before I delve into the respective is pretty evident what the intention is.
archetypes provided, let’s not mince words so far – Additionally, at 2nd level and every 3 levels
the taninim are strong. On a cosmetic level, the slight thereafter, the exemplar receives a draconic defense,
feature-bloat and two alternate attribute-sets that gear which is chosen from its own list – rerolls versus sonic/
the race towards caster/martials are not something language-dependent spells, evasion while airborne, all-
I’m overly fond of. Still, generally, the race itself can around vision (at higher levels) spell resistance (even
be considered strong, but manageable. It should be reflective one!), 1/day save-rerolls (upgrades at higher
noted that we get tables denoting sizes by category, levels), scaling resistance to negative energy, an aura
which is really neat. of slowed time (class level rounds per day), scales that
Now the racial paragon-class is the draconic apply ½ natural AC to touch attacks (does not stack
exemplar, which covers 20 levels, nets the taninim with other such abilities, thankfully) – quite an array of
full BAB-progression, 3 good saves,d12 HD, 4+Int iconic tricks here. High-level swimming through lava
skills per level, no proficiencies apart from natural can be found alongside fast healing, which thankfully
weapons. The taninim also receives a draconic sports a daily maximum cap, preventing abuse. A
essence – each of which provides one type of scaling blinding aura, fortification, nictitating membranes
energy resistance, a color, a breath weapon type and (called “nictating” here), being breath-less – you
a unique compulsion, which always remains hard can basically make very linnorm-y or esoteric-style
for the dragon to refrain from doing – which fits in dragons – the expanded section provides a serious
thematically nice with the overall theme of draconic array of unique tricks.
types. How many do we get in the expanded edition? This is not everything, mind you: We receive a
Well, not “just” 20 as before…but rather than that third list of special abilities, the draconic gifts.

Pathways Magazine
These are chosen at 3rd level and every 3 levels of how this sort of thing is usually handled with
thereafter, they are also governed by Con or Cha, monster-advancement, but the point remains that
depending on the ability. These gifts usually require this pdf ought to have tackled this particular issue. I
a specific draconic essence to pull off – without am also a bit disappointed here, for this issue already
access to energy (acid) and a corresponding breath cropped up in the original version. The capstone is,
weapon, you can’t make pools of acid, to give you of course, the final great wyrm apotheosis.
an example. Most of these provide alternate uses of The book also contains no less than 3.5 pages of
draconic weaponry and similar tweaks. Here, we feats, with the options to swallow snatched foes,
can find high-level adamantine claws, the option to changing spell damage a limited amount of times
use two heads (if you have them) more efficiently, per day to mirror the breath weapon, one that
adding an auto-trip on a failed save to the breath helps capture foes alive and the usual “additional
weapon…and e.g. lacing the breath can be found. class feature”-feats. More guardians for the lair,
Now, it is pretty awesome and something I’ll get back high-level appendage serving, etc. – quite a cool, if
to later, but the book makes, courtesy of stretch-goals, potent array. The section also contains suggestions
use of quite a few amazing supplements: If you’re like for monster feats suitable for the taninim.
me and like the  time thief/warden-classes by Rogue Now the archetypes – first would be the draconic
Genius Games, for example, you’ll enjoy seeing the hero – an archetype that allows a taninim of any class
option to learn a bit of time-dabbling via aevum here. to gain draconic essence and grow via Dracomorphosis
Blindsense and forming a potent living bottleneck in at the cost of some class abilities usually gained
cramped conditions is another cool trick – after all, you – as a massive multiclass-covering archetype, the
are bound to explore dungeons sooner, rather than later, abilities replaced vary from class to class, including
right? Camouflage, capsizing vessel, various gaseous Rite’s  taskshaper  and RGG’s  hellion  and  war
weapons, poisonous chrome crystals, magnetic pulses, master classes, as well as the ACG-classes among the
crushing foes, summoning temporary  crystal balls, supported classes. No occult classes support, though.
flinging foes…and have I mentioned basically bleed This archetype is very much a required component of
added, clinging napalm-y breath, oozing ice breath, no the book, for it provides means for various different
penalty to Perception while asleep, partial bypassing draconic PCs to further diversify the party’s portfolio
of energy immunity/resistances, touching spirits with without compromising the integrity of the classes
claws, starflight, rending armor asunder, sweeping and balance. Speaking of  hellions, a new archetype
breath weapons…and yo know you want to unleash a herein would be the defiler of lairs, which necessitate
tungsten sandstorm, right? How many of these do we that I elaborate on a crucial flavor component of the
get? Well, I only touched the tip of the iceberg here – Lost Isles – you see, there is the Well of Oblivion,
more than 15 pages (!!!) of these gifts are included. Yes, an almost cosmic-evil level source of power and
you heard me. This is vast. It should also be noted that corruption that can taint the dragons to become what
the array of gifts available often taps into the respective they call “worms”, undragons; the spiteful corruption
essence and other class options, generating specific of all dragonkind. And you wondered why dragons
progressions based on prerequisites that prevent OP reacted so picky when not called “wyrm”, as proper…
combos…but rest assured, even a moderately capable Anyways, the ultimate representation and a sort of
player will get something rather cool out of this section. satanic adversary for dragonkind would be the White
10th level provides spell-trigger/completion items Worm, tapping obviously into the literary tradition of
as though a sorcerer/wizard, using class level as the conqueror worm imagery. The defilers are tainted
caster level. dragons with a slightly modified patron spell list and
But we’re Small! That sucks, right? Well, here’s 1st level yielding the White Worm’s taint, modifying the
where dracomorphosis comes into play – gained at basic combat capabilities and form of the defiler of lairs,
4th level, this one nets you size increases, secondary replacing the bonded object ability. Instead of 8th level’s
wing attacks (or primary gore for Lung-dragons), AC hellion talent, we get an aura that can suppress luck
and attribute bonuses – and flight. Dracomorphosis bonuses as well as better combat capabilities while,
is gained every 4 levels thereafter, allowing the bingo, assaulting lairs.
taninim to grow to Gargantuan size at 16th level – Scaled Juggernauts are essentially taninim fighters
the race also reduces Dex during the size-increases specializing in combat with their natural weapons,
and receives tail sweeps, crushes etc. Which is damn gaining rake and pounce at higher levels, as well
cool, granted…but what happens if Dex drops to 0? as better defenses. Stormclaw magi are a natural
No, I’m not kidding – with a total reduction of -8 to weapon-based tweak of the magus-engine, combining
Dex, this is a real possibility. And yes, I am aware that with draconic essence. Trueblood Sorcerors are

Pathways Magazine
locked into the draconic bloodline, but receive a scale- – OUCH. The archetype also nets better overland
spell-component that replaces material components/ flight and 12th level yields all the unique dogfighting
divine foci and replace regular bloodline powers with techniques we expect – death spiral, hovering…
a breath weapon. The wardrake war master archetype pretty neat. 15th  level provides further adaptation
replaces consul with better Diplomacy with dragons to airborne assaults as well as yielding the ability to
and may even get a dragon cohort later. Followers form shape and solidity of clouds. The third archetype
may have the drakeling template added. would be the winged horror dread, employing terrors
White Worm Apostates, oracles tainted as via claws and natural attacks and the tapping into
undragons, receive degrees of fortification and the terrifying draconic weaponry; bonus feats and
may disgorge a swarm of consuming, maggot-like draconic gifts complement this one. A total of 6 psionic
worms and later, rise as a twisted phoenix from feats complement this section for e.g. temporary fast
their corpse 1/day – a very powerful archetype that healing for psionic focus expenditure, with a hard cap.
absolutely *requires* the immense social stigma Rerolling Will-saves via psionic focus expenditure, but
associated with the white worm to be added to the only versus non-dragons and options to increase the
campaign. Amazing one, though! potency of the new options complement this section.
Now here is one aspect of the book that is slightly We also get 5 favored class options for psionic classes.
annoying s far as I’m concerned: The player-facing (Ultimate Psionics can be found here!)
material is split to a degree: The psionic dragon-chapter The second player-facing chapter relegated to
penned by Jeremy Smith is basically an appendix at the the back of the book deals with Rogue Genius
back of the book, which is, organization-wise, not ideal Games’  Dragon Riders/Dracomancers  – Since
– we get, for example, psionic class support for use in Taninim are similar, but different from the classic
conjunction with the draconic hero general archetype, draconic threats, the book provides one archetype
requiring page-flipping. Similarly the draconic for either class: The Spirit-Bonded Rider and the
exemplar racial paragon class sports psionic support Spirit-Bonded Theurge – these two focus mainly on
here, with 5 psionic essences for dragons, which doe modifying the base class engines to account for the
interesting things, like e.g. tying the breath weapon to taninim ally, modifying e.g. bonus spells etc.
active energy, or providing cryptic support; we also Thirdly, there would be a massive chapter penned
get a new array of even more draconic flairs based on by none other than Jason Nelson of Legendary
psionic powers – weird formatting decision: While Games, and the chapter is glorious: Some dragons
functional, they are not presented in the same table- once were overcome by the Elder Voices, making the
style manner. A total of 6 different draconic defenses eldest of these titans the cairna drakh, the First Fangs;
may be found here, which include a dream shroud, in recent years, the younger glorven muun have risen,
negative energy resistance, astral suits, a buffer versus a new generation of mythic heroes. While the default
psychic enervation, a nightmarish mind and the option assumption of the Lost Isles is that mythic powers are
to attune to attacks after suffering them, gaining DR restricted to NPCs, the material herein is extensive. If
versus the creature’s weaponry from that source. We you do go the NPC-route, be sure to pick up Legendary
also get a massive 20 new draconic gifts that include Games’ superb Path of Dragons and Path of Villains,
astral cages, being right at home in astral or shadow but that as an aside. In addition to notes for PCs within
plane, gaining cryptic insight, dream surges, bursts of the context of the Lost Isles, we also receive notes on
ectoplasm and a scaling, cool mastery of oneiromancy. mythic hoards and lairs and more than 3 pages of
Beyond these massive expansions to the core features, mythic modifications for the racial paragon class,
the chapter also contains 3 new archetypes: Psychic including augments and meaningful changes. Beyond
warriors can elect to become black dragon heralds, that, we get no less than 18 different mythic feat-
locking them into the feral path, which is further upgrades for the material herein and beyond, making
enhanced. The bonus also applies to acid-damage- these adversaries really, really deadly. I love how this
causing damage-rolls. Instead of the secondary path section ties deeply into the captivating lore presented
power, we get exhalation of the black dragon, which may in the book.
not be changed out. 12th level yields claws of energy and All right, now I’ve already mentioned time
15th  level  breath of the black dragon. The gale dancer and again the Lost Isles mini-campaign setting,
would be another psychic warrior archetype, gaining a gorgeously mapped by none other than Tommi
draconic essence if the character doesn’t have one; the Salama in full color. The islands, sheltered behind
archetype also comes with its own path, which focuses the mystic barrier, sport an absolutely GORGEOUS
on aerial combat mastery and basically pounce while map and more detailed looks at the respective
flying for psionic focus expenditure as soon as 3rd level islands are covered – this whole section acts as

Pathways Magazine
basically a massive gazetteer of different regions: and challenging builds are what, a long while back,
There would be Borealis, land of ice and snow, led me to become a fan of Rite Publishing. So yeah,
where the glasslike aurora coral grows; rugged we don’t just get some standard codex stats, we get
and mountainous Earthspine sports the majestic fully developed characters…and not any characters
Windscour Cliffs and the small fireflower islets and either, mind you: We get full stats of the Elder
the ones known as jetsam promise more adventure Voices, and they are EPIC. Take e.g. “Darkened
still; war-torn Stormhome calls to the brave, in and Bloodied”, the mighty draconic hero  war
spite of its foreboding skies, the earth lush and master wardrake: This lady clocks in at CR 22/MT 5,
rich, maintained by draconic might…and wooded and she will mess you up – if not with superb tactical
Verdance is home to the feykith, human settlements acumen, then her ridiculously potent physical tricks.
and may well be refuge if you manage to hassle the Beyond here, we get to know the most accomplished
powers-that-be…and, of course, there would be the spellcaster of the isles, the mighty green sorcerer
festering wound that is the Well of Oblivion…but Gardener; Heart of the Mountain; Infinite (includes
I touched on that before. The Lost Isles breathe the an artifact); Winterglide (again, with unique item) –
spirit of high fantasy in the best of ways, providing none of these sport less than CR 20 and guess what?
glimpses at unique vistas that may well have carried They come with stats sans buff-suite as well. Beyond
their own book; as far as I’m concerned, I’d love to these mighty demigods, we get 10 mighty dragons
see this unique tie-in setting developed further. of note, including the narrator of this missive,
The role of regular dragons in the setting is btw. Thunders in Defiance – and yes, the stats are pretty
also covered, and we get a chapter on the unique complex and diverse. This one is pretty epic. Beyond
magic items that may be found herein – several of this aspect, however, we also get the rules to make
which would be  barbules, which are implanted in undragons and an archetype for the jotun (see
the thick draconic hide, allowing e.g. weapons to Rite’s In the Company of Giants) – the race sports a
be treated as dancing. The downside to these potent
pretty cool tie-in with the tale of the taninim, putting
implants is that they cause permanent damage
a spin on the classic giants vs. dragons-conflict.
while implanted. Really cool for big dragons – with
Okay, so this also includes an adventure intended
the proper  barbules, you can generate a missile-
for dragons of level 1, guiding them up to level
deflecting shield, guarding allies within your
6. The adventure is billed as a scripted sandbox
space with a powerful 75%, non-stacking miss-
and comes with, once more, gorgeous full-color
chance. Ability-score boosts and spell storing is
cartography by master Salama. Even better: We
also included in the deal…and if you’re afraid
get player-friendly versions of the maps in the
that the big dragon won’t accompany his allies
back AND high-res jpgs of them for VTT-use. Dear
into dungeons, well, there is a collar that allows
for compression. Class ability enhancers can also publishers, please take note: This is how it’s done.
be found and the  eye of elemental focus  allows the When you have amazing maps, make sure that
taninim to form breath weapons into  fireball-like players get to see them sans secret door markers,
blasts. The  steelrain war howdah also rocks and keys, etc. Kudos to the Rite team! Oh, I didn’t
yes, there are  vambraces  to duplicate the standard mention the most important thing, did I? Guess
benefits of unarmed damage escalation. Even better, who wrote it? None other than Ben McFarland. If
we actually also get  Elder’s Pixane, a legacy item you have any kind of experience with adventures,
collar. Legacy items are Rite’s scaling magic items, this alone should be enough t make you grin.
just fyi. What begins with a basic defensive item Oh, and guess what? The adventure is not some
becomes pretty amazing pretty fast. Now, as noted brief 10-page standard supplemental adventure –
before briefly, there is a CR +1 drakeling template we’re looking at a proper, full-length module. The
and we get 2 new critters: At Cr 8 and CR 11, the adventure takes place on the volcanic island of
Screaming and Whispering Entropy, respectively, Pani Ura (explorable via hex-map!) and deals with
horrid clouds that can exsanguinate and possess taninim granted a fiefdom there. Years passed, no
targets, tied into the rich lore of the setting. sign remained. Sounds familiar? Well, one way to
Okay, so the book has another chapter that made think of the module is to consider it a reclaiming
me smile from ear to ear: This book is, in fact, also a of a Roanoke-like aftermath, through the lens of a
Dragon-NPC-Codex of sorts. Why should you care? brilliant writer and high fantasy.
Simple. When someone asks me for the best NPCs in Want to know more? Well, sure, but for that, I’ll
the 3pp-circuit, my response is usually to list a whole have to go into SPOILERS:
variety of Rite Publishing books first; the complex …

Pathways Magazine
The taninim PCs are sent to Pani Ura by none other comes with a ton of amazing full-color artworks.
than Raging Tide, to figure out what happened on The cartography is excellent and in full-color,
Pani Ura and to secure the island for the taninim – comes with player-friendly versions and even high-
which is depicted as a hex that contains tribal lands, res Jpgs for VTT-use. The pdf-version comes fully
wilderness, villages – etc. Heck, we even get entries bookmarked for your convenience. The massive
for subaquatic animals noted, for the PCs will need hardcover is really neat and well worth getting.
to sustain themselves; the island is inhabited by Wendall Roy’s original “In the Company of Dragons”
several tribes: The Maohi, who btw. are the native was a “squaring the circle”-sort of file; on one hand, he
grippli (yay for frogfolk!); the Otsjanep tengus; the had to capture the power of dragons; on the other, there
Pu’oku locathah and the Saissut iguana-lizardfolk; all had to be some sort of balance. He succeeded in a truly
of these tribes come with notes on their settlements, impressive manner. This expansion, then, represents
sample statblocks, story seeds and potential threats/ a massive evolution and refinement. We add Steven
developments. Similarly, there are several threats the D. Russell’s draconic flairs as basically a whole sub-
PCs will have to contend with – like the interaction with engine; well-done psionics by Jeremy Smith; kickass
the tribes, these threats are tied into the environment mythic support by Jason Nelson and a masterclass
and can be used in a pretty freeform manner by the adventure by Ben McFarland. Sounds like an all-star
PCs. After establishing contact, it will be up to the PCs team? Yeah, well, it is.
to unify the island: Seeds for the dealing/negotiations Beyond the mega-impressive chassis and the
with the respective tribes are provided and ultimately, subtle, unobtrusive balancing that prevents the worst
the PCs will have to explore the old taninim lair within potential combinations, this oozes flavor and flair; the
the dungeon of Pani Ura. The dungeon comes, once prose is stellar and the mighty NPCs can carry whole
more, with a superb full-color map and the locations campaigns. The added details to taninim culture
sport read-aloud text here as well. It is here that the PCs and Lost Isles is a joy to read and radiates creativity
will have t deal with taninim that have been utterly and heart’s blood. The adventure is unconventional,
corrupted, as well as a body-jumping menace that was creative and amazing and the supplemental material
foreshadowed before. Once the PCs have defeated otherwise never goes the lame route, instead opting
these foes and destroyed their tainted idol, they should for creative and unique solutions.
have managed to consolidate their rule, right? Well, The Lost Islands are unique enough to carry a
no. Unfortunately for the PCs, crusaders have found campaign by themselves, but please indulge me for a
the island; the crusader’s ship is fully mapped and the second, for this book made me come up with a pretty
invaders are hostile, belonging to an order dedicated cool idea: So, you know how PCs often are supposed
to the enslavement and eradication of all dragonkind. to “save the world”? Or, when evil, lose in the finale,
Usually, those guys would be potential allies for PCs… à la Way of the Wicked? Well, what if the evil guys
but this time around, the PCs unfortunately are the don’t lose? What if the PCs get squashed by a certain,
dragons. If the PCs are smart, they better prevent the unleashed Worm-that-Walks, what happens when the
escape of the vessel and defeat these fellows…but this comet-summoning ritual isn’t stopped and the world
is not the end. The order won’t just take a loss; instead, as we know it ends, nations fall, gods follow? When
they send really potent, really nasty folks atop the darkness claims the world, for the PCs have failed and
mighty Drake’s Misery, a fully statted vessel, armed to been TPK’d? Here’s an angle: A few mortals managed
the teeth…and if the PCs don’t intervene, the crusaders to escape to the taninim and the Islands remained. In
will deal serious damage to the island…let alone the the aftermath of the downfall of deities, divine energy
PCs… The literally only thing I didn’t love about this was released. Now, if you take the rules from Purple
great module is that I have finished it; while the replay- Duck Games’ Dragon Thanes of Porphyra, you can do
value is huge, I wish this was a full campaign. I mean, something cool: The latter book assumes that dragons,
seriously, the defending the isle angle is great!! with enough followers, can learn to grant divine spells
to followers! The new PCs could thus be a single
Conclusion: taninim with his followers, attempting to become a
Editing and formatting are excellent on a rules- new good deity of sorts, guarded by the other mortals,
language level; on a formal level, I noticed a couple in a world that has fallen…or all PCs could be taninim,
of minor, purely aesthetic hiccups, missing blank using the universal leadership rules from Everyman
spaces and the like, but less than you’d expect from Gaming’s Ultimate Charisma; they are basically a new,
a tome of this size; in this category, I’d consider this draconic pantheon in the making, as they venture forth
to be good. Layout adheres to Rite Publishing’s to bring hope to a defeated world! Come on, can you
classic 2-column full-color standard and the pdf honestly not be excited by this idea?

Pathways Magazine
Anyways, the fact that I mentioned this angle should specified by the owner; as such, one could argue
tell you how excited this book made me. Yes, I freely that we do not have autonomous intelligence in this
admit it. I go review-bot whenever I have to deal context. In analogues from Pathfinder, we’d treat
with the notion of playable dragons and focus on the them more akin to the automatons of tinkers than
crunch, the fluff and turn off my personal biases. As a like e.g. eidolons or similar companions.
private person, I don’t even LIKE the notion of playable Now, SBs are constructs with the technological
dragons. I consider it to be a horrible idea in most games. subtype and they consist of a power source,
I rated the original version grudgingly, with respect for computer, frame, controller interface, propulsion
the design and vision, but no truly pronounced desire and add-ons. SBs have a tier, which is calculated
to use it, as my games tend to gravitate towards grittier based on its computer, +1/2 tier per add-on. Service
playstyles. This book changed that. Not only did the bots are assumed to be capable of surviving briefly in
crunch duly impress me, the whole vision, the setting, extreme environments: Without the respective add-
the cool NPCs…there is an incredible amount of love ons, they have 1 minute of unimpeded functionality
poured into this book, and it shows. This is one of the in zero-g, extreme heat, etc. – after that, it will take
tomes, where the synergy of evocative prose, unique damage and after 5 minutes, it will cease operations.
crunch and a daunting vision coalesce and form This does help with the old “zombie-defusing”-
something greater even than the sum of the parts. In problem – send an expendable critter into danger.
short: This is pretty much the definite option to play PCs can’t do that with service-bots. Service bots are
dragons. It oozes passion from all of its pages. My assumed to be waterproof and vacuum-proof, but
final verdict will clock in at 5 stars + seal of approval prolonged exposure/full immersion can fry them –
and the book is a candidate for my Top Ten of 2017. If the GM retains control over when this happens.
the notion of playing dragons even remotely intrigues Ability scores and saves are optional for SBs – they
you, then look no further. are assumed to automatically fail a saving throw if
You can get this magnificent tome here on OBS! these are not specified, and the same holds true for
ability scores and related checks. They are assumed
Cosmic Odyssey to have 10 in the ability scores, and 0 in saves, except
– Service Bots and for one, which is equal to the tier, most commonly
Synthetic Companions Fortitude. SBs are assumed to have 0 ranks in skills,
(SFRPG) with the exception of one skill (optionally), where they
have ranks equal to their tier. Provided a service bot
Publisher: Fat Goblin Games
has a skill or appropriate add-on, it can Aid Another.
Reviewer: Endzeitgeist
The total price of a SB is dead simple to calculate. You
Stars: 5 stars out of 5
just add the costs of he components together – and
The second book in Fat Goblin example illustrates this rather neatly. Most SBs are
Games‘ series of Starfinder- Small or Medium, though Tiny and Large SBs exist
supplements in the Cosmic as well, though uncommon sizes adds +1 to tier per
Odyssey-series clocks in at a massive 62 pages, 1 page size and doubles power consumption of the frame.
front cover, 1 page editorial, 1 page ToC, 1 page SRD, SBs with a bulk of 25 or more requires propulsion.
1 page advertisement, 1 page back cover and 1 page The frame determines appendages, add-on slots, etc.
sample robot-sheet (Nice!), leaving us with a massive Their durability may be upgraded at increased costs
55 pages of content, so let’s take a look! and tier. Appendages also determine the number of
Okay, we begin this massive tome with a nice operators that can use a service-bot. Similarly, more
introduction (which also specifies that the book uses advanced controller interfaces may be purchased, but
gender-neutral pronouns for the service bots and cost credits and require an add-on slot as well as 1 OU
synthetic companions within) and moves on from to power. A massive 1 page table of frames provides a
there to a list of influences on the design, which lot of different basics to choose from.
could be taken as a brief Appendix N-like section Now, I mentioned propulsion – once more, we have
of sorts. In a rather surprising twist, we go pretty quite a few cool options here – these are btw. tied to the
scifi-y, in that the pdf actually discusses nuances number of appendages the Sb has; for example wheels
between artificial and autonomous intelligence, require none, but if you want a SB with arm propellers
qualifying e.g. androids as the latter. A SB, or service- (!!), you’ll need at least 6. SBs have 5 times tier hit points
bot, is assumed to have an artificial personality, as and 2 + tier hardness unless otherwise upgraded, and
roleplayed by the player, and they will not provide they may be broken relatively easily. Now, PS and
preset responses to threats etc. unless the like was OU (power Source and Output Units) also provide a

Pathways Magazine
variety of different options and, in a really cool twist, a COLOSSAL amount of pre-made sample SBs. As
you can split OUs and e.g. only have certain functions in: 100 of them. They are organized first by tier, then
powered at a given time. You still have to meet the alphabetically within the tiers. They sport prices and
minimum requirements to power the SB, obviously, denote manufacturer etc. as well as brief write-ups.
but yeah. Really cool and considerate! Oh, and if you Cleanybots! Petsybots! Lifters! Snake-shaped SB-
think about jamming a starship power source into a SB storage units! An inefficient, bouncing SB-model
– bad idea. But yeah, the book even covers that. called pogo, a favorite of kids! Emergency-loss-of-
SBs are usually programmed to never harm atmosphere bots! Movement detectors! A MMO-bot!
another being, so combat utility, in case the stats Search-and-rescue units! An automated magician’s
didn’t make that abundantly clear, is limited. If they assistant! Do you play in a pan-galactic death metal
take more than ¼ of their hit points in damage, they band, one whose sounds can’t be handled by regular
may incur serious damage. Want to ride a service bot? SBs? SounderBot has you covered with its extra foam
Well, turns out, you can! A SB can integrate into the dampening! Do you hate cooking? A CookerBot can
mechanic’s class feature as either drone or exocortex. provide gourmet food without the hassle of having
In the case of drones, simply add a free add-on slot as to cook. Like cooking and need an aide, but you
a place t slot each drone mod, and the SB takes on base have a temperament that lest Gordon Ramsey look
drone statistics and chassis. For the exocortex, you mellow? We have a bot for that!
remotely and telepathically control the SB by loading …Can we please develop SBs in real life RIGHT
the exocortex into it. Done. See, I really wanted to see NOW? I so want ALL of them.
this, and, much like the detailed care that went into
previous options, this covered it. Conclusion:
And this concludes the section on DIY-service Editing and formatting are top-notch. I noticed no
bot creation. It stands out as an excellent example formal hiccups and in the SB-stats I dissected, no
of what I expect to see in Starfinder: Concise rules, issues either. Kudos! Layout adheres to a really nice
presented in an easy to grasp manner, which tie in two-column full-color standard and the pdf sports
seamlessly with those in the Core Rulebook. Beyond a lot of rather cute full-color artworks I haven’t
that, they show awareness and consideration for an seen before, some of which quote the aesthetics
impressive assortment of individual choices and of e.g. Wall-E. The pdf comes with bookmarks,
needs. The section is empowering in its creativity but only per tier, not for individual service-bots,
and I dare say that pretty much everyone will come which remains pretty much the only organizational
out of this with at least one cool idea, probably a complaint I can field against this book.
whole plethora! We all wanted a service-bot beer- Wow. I mean…wow. Kiel Howell’s service bots and
barrel that you can ride, with arm propellers. Right? synthetic companions are pure amazing. They make
Right! This section really, really excited me – but it sense on so many levels, it’s not even funny. It makes
is nowhere near to where the pdf stops. absolute sense for a sufficiently advanced civilization
Instead, we get 5 different service bot manufacturers to have a ton of these little helpers, so this aspect does
– and these corporation write-ups don’t just stop with add quite a bit to the credibility of a setting into which
brief write-ups; instead, each manufacturer has a bonus they’re introduced. From a game-perspective, they are
and a drawback: Friendly Face Sbs get +1/2 Diplomacy challenging: They have to provide a tangible benefit
per ties, but have a 5% chance their holoskin DC is 0 and warrant resource-expenditure and a player’s
when a creature attempts to disbelieve it, to give you an investment; sure, it’s fun to roleplay the service-bot
example. In addition to these rules-relevant and fluffy buddy, but if it’s useless, why bother? The pdf solves
components, we actually get corporate slogans (!) and this tight-rope act admirably. Service bots do matter,
even notes on legality, copyrights and trademarks (!!). but they will never be able to steal the thunder of
Heck,w e even get corporate logos (!!!) and notes on PCs and their allies, while at the same time being
DIY SBs! Yes, at this point, I am officially impressed. potentially a) funny and b) life-savers…or c) integral
Beyond these aspects, we get a smattering of rumors, parts of plots. The attention to detail regarding a lot
which may work as adventure hooks pertaining of the finer interactions and things you may want
service bots etc. to do with SBs and the seamless integration into
Now, I know, I know. Why do these bots exist? Starfinder’s rules-chassis left me positively blown
Because sentient life is programmed to conserve away and surprised. This is the best book by Mr.
energy, to make life easier, nicer. As such, it is only Howell I’ve read so far and should be considered to be
fitting that a HUGE chunk of this book is devoted to must-reading for any Starfinder group that wanted a
making life easier for GM and players alike: We get cool robo-sidekick: Whether C3PO, R2D2, Marvin…

Pathways Magazine
or, well, a heli-beer-dispenser-roadie, this book has Really cool: The write-up for the surrounding
you covered. I adore this tome and the vast amount of locality provides an optional tie-in with Raging
sample SBs make this super-convenient for the GM as Swan Press’ classic Tribes: Lizardfolk of the Dragon
well. All in all, an excellent, highly recommended file, Fang-supplement – combine both for one aggressive
well worth 5 stars + seal of approval. Get this asap! and one conservative tribe, whose agendas may
You can get this inspiring, amazing book here on OBS! well be on collision course! The pdf also follows
the evolved Village Backdrop formula that was
Village Backdrop:
pioneered in Needlebriar and made possible by the
Dawnmarsh success of raging Swan Press’ patreon: While we still
Publisher: Raging Swan Press get write-ups for the locations of note for the village,
Reviewer: Endzeitgeist they sport the improved presentation and detail:
Stars: 5 stars out of 5 We get brief pieces of read-aloud prose describing
the key-locales in basically read-aloud text; services
This installment of Raging
available and items sold are noted by locale and
Swan Press‘ Village
we actually also get mini-quests/adventure hooks
Backdrops-series clocks in at
for the respective key locales. Better yet, there are
13 pages, 1 page front cover,
actually specialized events in two areas: 6 events for
1 page editorial, 2 pages
the market circle, 4 for the dawn shrine.
of advertisement, 1 page SRD, 1 page back cover,
The pdf also sports the mechanical effects of two
leaving us with 7 pages of content, so let’s take a look! different, unique elixirs sold in the settlement: One
Well, first things first: Dawnmarsh is playing that makes you quicker and one that nets a slow
against the classic trope of the isolationalist, regeneration of lost limbs, but also some lizardfolk-
xenophobic lizardfolk tribe – instead, the lizardfolk ish quality. Yeah, fans of spider-man will probably
of Dawnmarsh are actually welcoming trade, have a few ideas there.
dealing with rare remedies etc. – this opening is
not happening unopposed, with particularly the Conclusion:
non-lizardfolk populace being welcomed into the Editing and formatting are very good, I noticed only
village being too much for the more conservative minor, cosmetic hiccups. Layout adheres to Raging
elements. As such, there is some internal tension Swan Press’ two-column b/w-standard and is
going on in the lavishly-mapped AND illustrated elegant and printer-friendly. Speaking of which: We
village. Yes, we actually get an impressive b/w- get one version optimized for the printer and one
artwork to represent the settlement. that is optimized for screen-use. The b/w-artworks
The spiritual leader, Kassarin the wise, the featured within are great and the b/w-cartography
venerable lizardfolk cleric, is one of two NPCs by Maciej Zagorski is really nice. A key-less high-res
version of the map is, to my knowledge, provided
of note that comes with a fluff-centric write-up,
to Raging Swan Press’ patreons. The two versions
noting no stats, but dressing habits, distinguishing
of the pdf come fully bookmarked with nested
features, etc. Now, as always, we get more than
bookmarks for your convenience.
that: We do have a total of 6 different whispers
David N. Ross is one of the few designers I know
and rumors to help PCs that do their legwork.
that excel at designing mechanically complex classes
Similarly, village lore may be unearthed and local
as well as writing great, GM-facing supplements.
color is added via nomenclature, dressing habits, Dawnmarsh’s basic premise did not exactly blow
etc.. The lizardfolk worship the sun deity (makes me away. That being said, the execution is a whole
sense, lizards and sun and all) and thus, this also other matter – Dawnmarsh greatly benefits from
is a part of the local culture and customs. If the the improved, expanded village backdrop formula
basic set-up does not suffice your needs to make and is extremely easy to use. The reasons for the
this as spontaneously useful as it should, well, rest PCs to travel there, the politics and surrounding
assured that no less than 12 events/village dressing environments all conspire to make the settlement
encounters can be found within, adding some life a really nice, fun place to explore. My final verdict
to the settlement. will hence clock in at 5 stars.
Of course, we do get a properly depicted market- You can get this village here on OBS!
place section, and yes, we also receive a PFRPG You can directly support Raging Swan Press here
settlement statblock…Dawnmarsh is, just fyi, a on patreon!
pretty safe place! Endzeitgeist out.

Pathways Magazine
OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C.
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, advertise the Open Game Content using the name of any Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc Contributor unless You have written permission from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Campaign. © 2013,
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1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright and/ 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to Jason Bulmahn, Ryan Costello, Adam Daigle, Matt Goetz, Tim
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display, transmit or otherwise distribute; (d) “Open Game 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to McComb, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Patrick Renie, Sean
Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods, be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content the extent necessary to make it enforceable. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Equipment. ©
does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE 2012 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Ross Byers, Brian J. Cortijo, Ryan
as Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any Coast, Inc. Costello, Mike Ferguson, Matt Goetz, Jim Groves, Tracy
work covered by this License, including translations and System Reference Document. Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Hurley, Matt James, Jonathan H. Keith, Michael Kenway,
derivative works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson, Tork Shaw, Owen KC
Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and based on material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
product line names, logos and identifying marks including Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Reference Document.  © Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Technology Guide. © 2014,
trade dress; artifacts, creatures, characters, stories, storylines, 2011, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Paizo Publishing, LLC. Paizo Inc.; Authors: James Jacobs and Russ Taylor.
plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. © 2009, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Inner Sea Gods © 2014,
artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Sean K Reynolds, with
poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Amanda Hamon, James Jacobs, John Ling, Mark Moreland,
visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary. © 2009, Paizo David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, Tork
characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material
Shaw, James L. Sutter, Jerome Virnich.
likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments, by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams.
creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2. © 2010, Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Unchained ©
effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other Publishing, LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, 2015, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Ross
trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Beyers, Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Robert Emerson,
identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Steve Tim Hitchcock, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen
specifically excludes the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Robert Schwalb,
means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs that are Mona, Jason Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Mark Seifter, and Russ Taylor.
used by a Contributor to identify itself or its products or the Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Wayfinder #12
associated products contributed to the Open Game License by Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on material by Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011, Paizo
the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim Hitchcock,
Distribute, copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 3. © 2011, Paizo
Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-
create Derivative Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn,
“Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement. Adam Daigle, James Jacobs, Michael Kenway, Rob MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game McCreary, Patrick Renie, Chris Sims, F. Wesley Schneider, Taylor.
Content that contains a notice indicating that the Open James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor, based on material by Advanced Player’s Guide. Copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing,
Game Content may only be Used under and in terms of Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn.
this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 4. © 2013, Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Horror Adventures © 2016, Paizo
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Inc.; Authors: John Bennett, Clinton J. Boomer, Logan Bonner,
or subtracted from this License except as described by the Savannah Broadway, Ross Byers, Adam Daigle, Tim Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, Ross Byers, Jim Groves, Steven
License itself. No other terms or conditions may be applied Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, James Jacobs, Matt James, Rob Helt, Thurston Hillman, Eric Hindley, Brandon Hodge, Mikko
to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. McCreary, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney- Kallio, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Tork
Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, David N. Ross, F. Wesley Schneider,
You indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License. Shaw, and Russ Taylor.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 5 © 2015, Paizo Inc.; David Schwartz, Mark Seifter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer.
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, John Bennett, Logan Wayward Rogues Publishing’s Hybrid Classes Vol. 2: Horror
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the Bonner, Creighton Broadhurst, Robert Brookes, Benjamin Heroes
exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Thurston Hillman, Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Rival Guide. © 2011, Paizo
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Eric Hindley, Joe Homes, James Jacobs, Amanda Hamon Publishing, LLC. Authors: Brian Cortijo, Adam Daigle, Tim
contributing original material as Open Game Content, Kunz, Ben McFarland, Jason Nelson, Thom Phillips, Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson,
You represent that Your Contributions are Your original Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Alistair Rigg, Alex Riggs, Amber Scott, Neil Spicer, and Todd Stewart.
creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights David N. Ross, Wes Schneider, David Schwartz, Mark Starfinder Core Rulebook © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors:
conveyed by this License. Seifter, Mike Shel, James L. Sutter, and Linda Zayas-Palmer. Logan Bonner, Jason Bulmahn, Amanda Hamon Kunz,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GameMastery Guide. ©
Jason Keeley, Robert G. McCreary, Stephen Radney-
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Cam Banks, Wolfgang
the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Buar, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, Graeme Davis, MacFarland, Mark Seifter, Owen K.C. Stephens, and James
Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, Adam Daigle, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, L. Sutter, with Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, John
and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreary, Hal Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Lissa Guillet,
copyright holder’s name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of Maclean, Colin McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Thurston Hillman, Erik Mona, Mark Moreland, Jessica
any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K reynolds, F. Wesley Price, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber E. Scott, and Josh Vogt.
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Schneider, Amber Scorr, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Starfinder Alien Archive © 2017, Paizo Inc.; Authors: John
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except as Stevens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Skip Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Amanda Hamon
expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with the Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. Kunz, Jason Keeley, Jon Keith, Steve Kenson, Isabelle Lee,
owner of each element of that Product Identity. You agree not Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Class Guide  © Lyz Liddell, Robert G. McCreary, Mark Moreland, Joe
to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any Trademark 2014, Paizo Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Ross Byers, Jesse
Pasini, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L.
or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work containing Benner, Savannah Broadway, Jason Bulmahn, Jim Groves,
Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy Hurley, Jonathan H. Keith, Will Sutter, and Josh Vogt.
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or McCardell, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Tom Phillips, Stephen Pathways #74 © copyright 2018, Miranda Russell, Rite
Registered Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Radney-MacFarland, Thomas M. Reid, Sean K Reynolds, Publishing LLC
Game Content does not constitute a challenge to the ownership Tork Shaw, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
of that Product Identity. The owner of any Product Identity Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Player’s Guide.
used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights, title and © 2010, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn
interest in and to that Product Identity. Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Advanced Race Guide. ©
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You 2012, Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse
must clearly indicate which portions of the work that you Benner, Benjamin Bruck, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle,
are distributing are Open Game Content. Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Hal MacLean, Jason Nelson,
Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Owen K.C. Stephens, Todd
as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License Stewart, and Russ Taylor.
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks, Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Monster Codex. © 2014, Paizo
registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, Inc.; Authors: Dennis Baker, Jesse Benner, Logan Bonner, Jason
etc. excluding the names of classes, monster names, spells, Bulmahn, Ross Byers, John Compton, Robert N. Emerson,
and other game mechanics), dialogue, plots, storylines, Jonathan H. Keith, Dale C. McCoy, Jr., Mark Moreland, Tom
locations, characters, artworks, and trade dress. (Elements Phillips, Stephen Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds,
that have previously been designated as Open Game Thomas M. Reid, Patrick Renie, Mark Seifter, Tork Shaw, Neil
Content are not included in this declaration.) Spicer, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Russ Taylor.
Open Content: Except for material designated as Product Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Mythic Adventures © 2013,
Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Rite Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Stephen
Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as Radney-MacFarland, Sean K Reynolds, Dennis Baker,
defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a Section 1(d). Jesse Benner, Ben Bruck, Jim Groves, Tim Hitchcock, Tracy
No portion of this work other than the material designated Hurley, Jonathan Keith, Jason Nelson, Tom Phillips, Ryan
as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form Macklin, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Tork Shaw,
without written permission. Russ Taylor, and Ray Vallese.
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents Pathfinder Roleplaying Game NPC Codex. © 2012, Paizo
may publish updated versions of this License. You may use Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jesse Benner, Jason Bulmahn,
any authorized version of this License to copy, modify and Adam Daigle, Alex Greenshields, Rob McCreary, Mark
distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed Moreland, Jason Nelson, Stephen Radney-MacFarland,
under any version of this License. Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, and Russ Taylor.
10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Ultimate Magic. © 2011,
this License with every copy of the Open Game Content Paizo Publishing, LLC; Authors: Jason Bulmahn, Tim
You distribute. Hitchcock, Colin McComb, Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson,


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