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UA Magic Items of Eberron

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The document discusses common magic items from the world of Eberron including arcane focuses, orbs of shielding, docents, and wand sheaths.

Arcane focuses are tools that channel magical energy. Different materials are associated with different damage types. A two-handed focus can increase cantrip range. Focuses are considered weapons in Khorvaire.

A docent is an intelligent item that advises warforged. It can translate, detect magic, and provide bonuses to knowledge checks. Docents' origins are mysterious.

Unearthed Arcana: Magic Items of

This document a selection of magic items drawn
from the D&D world of Eberron that can be
Imbued Wood
incorporated into your campaign. For more Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
information about Eberron, see the Wayfinder’s
Guide to Eberron, available on the Dungeon Powerful manifest zones can infuse local trees
Master’s Guild ( with planar energies. A gifted artificer can tap
into this to create a wand, staff, or rod that is
This Is Playtest Content especially effective at channeling a particular
The material here is presented for playtesting and to
type of energy.
spark your imagination. These game mechanics are in When you cast a spell that deals damage of the
draft form, usable in your campaign but not refined by type associated with the material your arcane
final game design and editing. They aren’t officially part focus is made from, the spell gains a +1 bonus to
of the game and aren’t permitted in D&D Adventurers one damage roll of that spell. The materials and
League events. their associated damage types are listed below.
If we decide to make this material official, it will be
refined based on your feedback, and then it will appear • Fernian ash: Fire damage.
in a D&D book. • Irian rosewood: Radiant damage.
• Kythrian manchineel: Acid or poison damage.
Arcane magic plays a vital role in the world of
• Lamannian oak: Lightning or thunder damage.
Eberron. Common magic items are part of
• Mabaran ebony: Necrotic damage.
everyday life. In the nation of Aundair,
wandslingers are beginning to outnumber those • Quori beech, Xorian wenge: Psychic damage.
who use swords and bows. • Risian pine: Cold damage.
• Shavarran birch: Force damage.

Arcane Focuses Orb of Shielding

Go to the Bazaar in Sharn or any enclave of
House Cannith and you’ll find a wide selection of Wondrous item, common (requires attunement)
arcane focuses to choose from. For a An orb of shielding is made from crystal or stone
wandslinger, the choice of an arcane focus aligned to one of the planes. While you are
carries the same weight as a duelist deciding holding the orb and take damage of the type
between a rapier or a maul. Do you use a wand associated with the material your orb is made
of Fernian ash to focus your fire bolt, or do you from, you can use your reaction to reduce the
harness defensive energies with a Risian orb? damage by 1d4. The materials and their
An arcane focus is a tool, and only provides its associated damage types are listed below.
benefits while you’re actively using it.
In Khorvaire, arcane focus items are recognized • Fernian basalt: Fire damage
as weapons: if guards are securing swords and • Irian quartz: Radiant damage
bows, they’ll also require you to turn over your • Kythrian skarn: Acid or poison damage
staff. • Lamannian flint: Lightning or thunder damage
• Mabaran obsidian: Necrotic damage
• Quori celestine, Xorian marble: Psychic damage
• Risian shale: Cold damage
• Shavaran chert: Force damage

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Everbright Lantern
Optional Rule: Wondrous item, common
Two-Handed Arcane Focuses An everbright lantern contains an Eberron
In Eberron, an arcane focus is a weapon. As such, it can dragonshard imbued with the effect of a
be interesting to give a focus some of the same trade- continual flame spell. This bright light is
offs as mundane weapons: do you sacrifice your free mounted inside a normal bullseye lantern,
hand for greater power? allowing the light to be shuttered off. An
If you use this optional rule, when a caster uses a two- everbright lantern provides clear illumination in
handed arcane focus to cast an offensive cantrip (a
a 60-foot cone and shadowy illumination in a
cantrip requiring a saving throw or an attack roll), the
120-foot cone, just like a mundane bullseye
range of the cantrip is increased by 50 percent.
By this rule, a staff always requires two hands, while
lantern, but its flame never goes out.
rods can be used with either one or two hands. Using a
two-handed arcane focus fulfills the somatic component Feather Token
requirement for a spell.
Wondrous item, common
Common Magic Items This small metal disk is inscribed with the image
Arcane magic is a part of everyday life in the Five of a feather. When you fall while the token is in
Nations of Khorvaire. Powerful magic items your possession, you descend 60 feet per round
remain rare and remarkable, but the streets are and take no damage from falling. The token
lit with everbright lanterns and nobles flaunt becomes nonmagical after you land. While it’s an
their wealth with fine glamerweave clothing. expensive form of insurance, frequent airship
These are just a few examples of common items travelers and citizens of Sharn often appreciate
you might find in Eberron. the security it provides.

Band of Loyalty Glamerweave

Ring, common (requires attunement) Wondrous item, common
If you are reduced to zero hit points while Glamerweave clothing is imbued with cosmetic
wearing this ring, you instantly die. These rings illusions. Traditionally, these patterns are
are favored by spies who can’t afford to fall into contained within the cloth, but higher-end
enemy hands. glamerweave can have more dramatic effects.
You could have a gown that appears to be
Cleansing Stone wreathed in flames, or a hat that’s orbited by
illusory butterflies. Regardless of the design,
Wondrous item, common these are cosmetic effects and have no impact on
A cleansing stone is a stone sphere one foot in
diameter, engraved with mystic sigils. When
touching the stone, you can use an action to Shiftweave
activate it and remove dirt and grime from your Wondrous item, common
garments and your person. Cleansing stones are
often embedded into pedestals in public squares Transmutation magic is woven into the fabric of
in Aundair or found in high-end Ghallanda inns. shiftweave clothing. When a suit of shiftweave is
created, up to five different outfits can be
embedded into the cloth. While wearing this
outfit, you can utter a command word as an
action to transform your shiftweave outfit into
one of the other designs contained within it. To

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determine the price of a suit of shiftweave, Magic Armblades
combine the value of all of the outfits it contains An armblade isn’t inherently considered to be a magic
and add 25 gp to that amount. weapon for purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
However, any sort of magical melee weapon could be
Spellshard created as an armblade, so you could acquire a vicious
armblade or a vorpal armblade.
Wondrous item, common
A spellshard is a polished Eberron dragonshard, Docent
sized to fit into the palm of a hand. The shard is Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement by
imbued with a particular work of literature. By a warforged)
holding the shard and concentrating, you can see
its pages in your mind’s eye. Thinking of a A docent is a small metal sphere, approximately
particular phrase or topic will draw you to the 2 inches across, studded with dragonshards.
first section that addresses it, and a simple ritual Despite a strong magical aura, it has no obvious
allows you to add content to the shard. abilities. When you attune to a docent, the
A wizard can use a spellshard instead of a sphere becomes embedded in your chest and
spellbook; the spellshard costs 1 gp per “page” in comes to life—literally.
the shard, and otherwise functions as a mundane Sentience. A docent is a sentient item of any
spellbook. Spellshards can also be used as diaries alignment with an Intelligence of 16, a Wisdom
or journals. More advanced (and uncommon) of 14, and a Charisma of 14. It can perceive the
shards can require a particular mental world through your senses.
passphrase to access the contents of the shard. A docent communicates telepathically with its
wielder and can speak, read, and understand

Warforged Components Common and Giant.

Personality. A docent is designed to advise and
The warforged are living constructs. House assist the warforged it’s attached to. One of the
Cannith has designed a number of magic items simple functions of a docent is to serve as a
that can interface directly with the body of a translator. The docent’s properties are under its
warforged. Once attached, a component cannot control, and if you have a bad relationship with
be removed unless the warforged allows it. your docent it may refuse to assist you… or
The armblade is an example of an item created simply lie about information that it obtains.
by House Cannith. Docents are mysterious However, if you treat your docent well it could
wondrous items discovered in Xen’drik. These serve as a useful ally.
are just a few of the components that can be The origin of docents is a great mystery. House
encountered across Eberron. Cannith created the first warforged thirty years
ago. But the docents come from the distant land
Armblade of Xen’drik and appear to be thousands of years
old. Were they created to interface with some
Weapon (any one-handed melee weapon), other form of construct? Or are the modern
common (requires attunement by a warforged) warforged a new interpretation of an ancient
An armblade is a weapon designed to integrate design? The docents claim to have forgotten their
with the forearm of a warforged. If you’re a creators… but this is a mystery waiting to be
warforged, you can attach an armblade by unraveled. While all docents come from Xen’drik,
attuning to it. An attached armblade cannot be some have been brought to Khorvaire by
disarmed or removed from you against your will, explorers and it’s possible to encounter them in
but while the weapon is attached you cannot use the Five Nations.
that hand for other actions. You can spend one Languages. All docents understand Common
and Giant, but a docent knows up to four
minute to end the attunement and remove the
additional languages. Elvish and Draconic are

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common options. If a docent knows less than six spend one minute to end the attunement and
languages in total, it can add new languages to remove the wand sheath.
its repertoire after encountering them. So a You can insert a wand into the sheath as an
docent found in Xen’drik may have never action. While the wand is sheathed, you gain the
encountered a dwarf before… but after spending following benefits:
some time in Khorvaire studying dwarves, it
could pick up the Dwarvish language. • You can retract the wand into your forearm or
Properties. A docent possesses up to three of the extend it from your forearm as a bonus action.
following properties: While it is retracted, it cannot be damaged or
• The docent can cast the detect magic spell at • While the wand is extended, you can use it as if
will. you were holding it, but your hand remains
• The docent can cast the detect evil and good free for other actions.
spell at will. • If the sheathed wand requires attunement, you
• The docent can detect any form of divination must attune to the wand before you can use it.
or scrying targeting it and its warforged host. However, the wand sheath and the attached
• The docent has a +7 bonus to Intelligence wand only count as a single item for purposes
(Arcana) checks. of the maximum number of items you can be
• The docent has a +7 bonus to Intelligence attuned to. If you remove the wand from the
(History) checks. sheath, you immediately lose your attunement
• The docent has a +7 bonus to Intelligence to the wand.
(Investigation) checks.
• The docent has a +7 bonus to Intelligence
(Nature) checks.
• The docent has a +6 bonus to Wisdom (Insight)
• The docent has a +6 bonus to Wisdom
(Perception) checks.
• The docent has a +6 bonus to Wisdom
(Medicine) checks targeting its warforged host.
If the host is rendered unconscious, the docent
will automatically attempt to stabilize them
once each turn.

You can use a bonus action on your turn to

request that the docent use one of its properties
on your behalf.

Wand Sheath
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by
a warforged)
A wand sheath is designed to integrate with the
forearm of a warforged. If you’re a warforged,
you can attach a wand sheath by attuning to it.
While the wand sheath is attached, it cannot be
removed from you against your will. You can

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