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Customer Satisfaction

The definition of customer satisfaction has been widely debated as organizations increasingly
attempt to measure it. Customer satisfaction can be experienced in a variety of situations and
connected to both goods and services. It is a highly personal assessment that is greatly affected by
customer expectations. Satisfaction also is based on the customer’s experience of both contact with
the organization (the “moment of truth” as it is called in business literature) and personal outcomes.
Some researchers define a satisfied customer within the private sector as “one who receives
significant added value” to his/her bottom line—a definition that may apply just as well to public
services. Customer satisfaction differs depending on the situation and the product or service. A
customer may be satisfied with a product or service, an experience, a purchase decision, a
salesperson, store, service provider, or an attribute or any of these. Some researchers completely
avoid “satisfaction” as a measurement objective because it is “too fuzzy an idea to serve as a
meaningful benchmark.”4 Instead, they focus on the customer’s entire experience with an
organization or service contact and the detailed assessment of that experience.

Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a
company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance indicator within
business and is part of the four of a Balanced Scorecard.

In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen
as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.

However, the importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased bargaining
power. There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of customer
satisfaction for firms.

Customer Satisfaction Process –

Five Steps

Step 1 – Understanding Customer Expectations

Customer Expectations differ by region by country

Step 2- Promises to Customers

Set promises that can be kept

1. Aim to exceed expectations rather than to meet them

2. Delight customers by surprising them (Surprise is something not promised, yet delivered

Step 3 – Execution

1. Products and Services are provided to customers

2. Customers had certain expectations before products/services were delivered
3. Depending if these expectations were met, not met, or exceeded customer experiences certain
level of “Customer Satisfaction”
4. Occasionally there are problems with products/services provided
5. A problem can be fixed during the initial call or a visit (first contact resolution), or a ticket is
6. Tickets are worked on. Customer problems are eventually solved
7. Depending on how the Problem Resolution is handled customer experiences certain level of
“Customer Satisfaction

Step 4 - Ongoing Dialog with a Customer

1. Executive meetings
2. User Group meetings
3. Other meetings

Step 5 - Customer Satisfaction Surveys

1. Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2. Event Driven Surveys
3. Internal Indicators of Customer Satisfaction
4. Tickets Resolved Within Objectives
5. Tickets Overdue
6. Resolve Time
7. Response Time


Customer satisfaction is the overall impression of customer about the supplier and the products
and services delivered by the supplier. Following are the important factors that could affect customer

1. Department wise capability of the supplier.

2. Technological and engineering or re-engineering aspects of products and services.

3. Type and quality of response provided by the supplier.

4. Supplier’s capability to commit on deadlines and how efficiently they are met.

5. Customer service provided by the supplier.

6. Complaint management.

7. Cost, quality, performance and efficiency of the product.

8. Supplier’s personal facets like etiquettes and friendliness.

9. Supplier’s ability to manage whole customer life cycle.

10. Compatible and hassle free functions and operations.


A benefit of creating highly satisfied (delighted) customers who are loyal to the organization is that
they also spread positive word-of-mouth by, in essence, becoming a walking, talking advertisement
for the firm. If there are many delighted customers spreading positive word-of-mouth communication,
this then lowers the cost of promotion to attract new customers. This benefit is particularly important
among professional services firms such as lawyers and accountants where word-of-mouth and
reputation are key sources of information for new clients.

As we have already discovered, highly satisfied customers are more forgiving, therefore the firm can
occasionally slip up and not and lose customers. Having highly satisfied customers then, is like
having an insurance policy against something going wrong in the service encounter.

Essentially, customer satisfaction can be seen as a means of achieving business goals as well as being
a source of sustainable competitive advantage. Now read what your text has to say about customer
satisfaction and how it can be measured.

Customer Satisfaction Measurement: - A basic and effective base line customer satisfaction
survey program should focus on measuring customer perceptions of how will the company delivers
on the critical success factors and dimensions of the business as defined by the customers:

For example:

1. Service Promptness
2. Courtesy of Staff
3. Responsiveness
4. Understanding the customer problem, etc.

The findings of the company performance should be analyzed both with all customers and by key
segments of the customer population. The essential starting point for Customer Satisfaction
Measurement (CMS) is exploratory research. Since satisfaction is about an organization’s ability. To
meet customer requirement one has to start by clarifying with customers exactly what those

requirements are. This is done through exploratory research using focus groups or one to one depth

Two main factors determine the accuracy of CMS. The first is the asking the right question and the
second is the asking them to the right people sample of customers which accurately reflects the
customer base.

Three things decide the accuracy of a sample. They are:

1. It must be representative.
2. It must be randomly selected.
3. It must be adequate enough.

Indian Customer Satisfaction Index(ICSI)

Indian Customer Satisfaction Index will introduce an independent & objective measure for cross
industry bench marking of organisations across sectors – on what really matters to consumers i.e.
customer satisfaction.

The Indian customer satisfaction index is being introduced and launched by Hexagon Consulting, a
Gurugram (New Delhi, NCR) based management consulting firm in partnership with the globally
respected US based organisation American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI,
Such measures and ranking index exist in most mature markets – but in India so far this is not being

The index is being launched in India under the copyrighted brand - Indian Customer Satisfaction
Index (ICSI) by American Customer satisfaction Index (ACSI) and Hexagon Consulting.

The customer satisfaction index will benchmark organisations on the basis of customer satisfaction
feedback completed through surveys and analysis done by Hexagon Consulting and American
Customer Satisfaction Index(ICSI) which operates a similar index in the US and also has licensed the
same in many countries around the world.

For gauging end customer satisfaction based indexed ranking, Hexagon Consulting will use evolved
statistical algorithms, software and survey methodologies perfected over the last 2-3 decades by its
partner - ACSI. This methodology is proprietary to ACSI, and Hexagon Consulting will leverage the
same, while drawing upon analytical and customer satisfaction management skills of its customer
satisfaction consultancy practice area.This consistent, reliable, and precise approach means customer
satisfaction results as produced will be comparable across all sectors, industries, companies, and time
periods in the Index. ACSI is the only customer satisfaction index to produce consistent and reliable
scores.No other measure in the United States offers both competitive and cross-industry customer
experience bench marking. Thus, in India the introduction of the index is expected to be
transformational and will benefit both organisations and consumers.

The Indexing will be done based on the survey data collected at the individual customer level to
generate insights across the entire spectrum of customer experience, for the largest organisations in
each sector covered. The survey data thus collected will be statistically analysed to produce customer
satisfaction indexed benchmarks, for the major companies and organisations in India that provide
goods and services to Indian consumers.

Thus, Indian organisations & consumers will get to know which organisations are better in providing
a superior customer experience relative to their peers- as ranked by end customer perception &


The Indian Customer Satisfaction Index (ICSI) will use the science based proprietary methodology of
American Customer satisfaction Index (ACSI).

ACSI uses customer interviews as input to a multi-equation econometric model developed at the
University of Michigan's Ross School of Business. The ACSI model being used by ICSI is a cause-
and-effect model with indices for drivers of satisfaction on the left side (customer expectations,
perceived quality, and perceived value), satisfaction (ACSI/ICSI) in the centre, and outcomes of
satisfaction on the right side (customer complaints and customer loyalty, including customer retention
and price tolerance).

The indexes (shown in the diagram above) are multi-variable components measured by several
questions that are weighted within the model. The questions assess customer evaluations of the
determinants of each index. Indexes are reported on a 0 to 100 scale. The survey and modelling
methodology quantifies the strength of the effect of the index on the left to the one to which the arrow
points on the right. These arrows represent "impacts." The model is self-weighting to maximize the
explanation of customer satisfaction (ACSI/ICSI) on customer loyalty. Looking at the indexes and
impacts, users can determine which drivers of satisfaction, if improved, would have the most effect
on customer loyalty.

Customer Satisfaction (ACSI/ICSI)

The customer satisfaction index score is calculated as a weighted average of three survey questions
that measure different facets of satisfaction with a product or service. ACSI researchers use
proprietary software technology to estimate the weighting for each question.

Customer Expectations

Customer expectations is a measure of the customer's anticipation of the quality of a company's

products or services. Expectations represent both prior consumption experience, which includes some
non-experiential information like advertising and word-of-mouth, and a forecast of the company's
ability to deliver quality in the future.

Perceived Quality

Perceived quality is a measure of the customer's evaluation via recent consumption experience of the
quality of a company's products or services. Quality is measured in terms of both customization,
which is the degree to which a product or service meets the customer's individual needs, and
reliability, which is the frequency with which things go wrong with the product or service.

Perceived Value

Perceived value is a measure of quality relative to price paid. Although price (value for money) is
often very important to the customer's first purchase, it usually has a somewhat smaller impact on
satisfaction for repeat purchases.

Customer Complaints

Customer complaints are measured as a percentage of respondents who indicate they have
complained to a company directly about a product or service within a specified. Time frame.
Satisfaction has a negative relationship with customer complaints, as the more satisfied the customers,
the less likely they are to complain.

Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is a combination of the customer's professed likelihood to repurchase from the same
supplier in the future, and the likelihood to purchase a company’s products or services at various price
points (price tolerance). Customer loyalty is the critical component of the model as it stands as a
proxy for profitability.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) is the only national cross-industry
measure of customer satisfaction in the United States. This strategic economic indicator is based on
customer evaluations of the quality of goods and services purchased in the United States and
produced by domestic and foreign firms with substantial U.S. market shares.

The ACSI was started in the United States in 1994 by researchers at the University of Michigan, in
conjunction with the American Society for Quality in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and CFI Group in Ann
Arbor, Michigan. The Index was developed to provide information on satisfaction with the quality of
products and services available to consumers. Before the ACSI, no national measure of quality from
the perspective of the user was available in the US.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index provides unique customer experience benchmarking
capabilities that come from the Index’s one-of-a-kind, cross-industry structure. For two decades, the
ACSI has used its science-based, proprietary methodology to analyze customer satisfaction for 10
economic sectors and more than 40 key industries that together represent a broad swath of the
national economy.

This consistent, reliable, and precise approach means customer satisfaction results as produced by the
ACSI are comparable across all sectors, industries, companies, and time periods in the Index.

The American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) has presence in more than a dozen countries like
US, UK, Singapore, etc. Such measures and perceived customer satisfaction based indexed ranking
exist in most mature markets, and is launched for first time in India.

Improving Customer Satisfaction

Published standards exist to help organizations develop their current levels of customer satisfaction.
The International Customer Service Institute (TICSI) has released The International Customer Service
Standard (TICSS). TICSS enables organizations to focus their attention on delivering excellence in
the management of customer service, whilst at the same time providing recognition of success
through a 3rd Party registration scheme. TICSS focuses an organization’s attention on delivering
increased customer satisfaction by helping the organization through a Service Quality Model. TICSS
Service Quality Model uses the 5 P's - Policy, Processes People, Premises, Product/Services, as well
as performance measurement. The implementation of a customer service standard should lead to
higher levels of customer satisfaction, which in turn influences customer retention and customer


Review of Literature

The review of extant literature is as follows

Parasuraman (1985) they worked on a conceptual model of service quality and its implication for
future research .In their study customer satisfaction can thus be based not only on the judgment of
customers towards the reliability of the delivered service but also on customers’ experiences with the
service delivery process. They further viewed that services are intangible since they are performances
and experiences rather than objects that can be precisely manufactured. Services are heterogeneous,
that is, their performance often varies from producer to producer, customer to customer, and day to
day. More importantly, production and consumption of services are inseparable. Unlike goods that
can be engineered at a manufacturing plant and delivered intact to the customer, quality in services
often occurs during service delivery, which is the interaction between a customer and a service
provider. Given the differences between services and goods as previously mentioned, quality of
service is more difficult for customers to evaluate than quality of goods. Customers evaluate service
quality not only on the outcome of the service but also on the process of service delivery, and from
how well a service provider actually performs, given their expectations of service performance.

Kassem (1989) has opined that service companies can ill afford to neglect customer service
qualityissues. In the past, quality was the prerogative of manufacturing sector. However, in the
modern day fiercely competitive service sector, quality of services has become as important (if not
more) as quality of goods.

Binks (1989) have pointed out that banks are not trying to differentiate their products/services while
targeting small business sector. They can’t afford to do so in future as the markets are becoming more
and more heterogeneous. The authors have strongly recommended that mass marketing must pave
way to nice and customized marketing. They have revealed that Indian customers have lot of
resentment regarding more time taken by banks in rendering services at counters. The studies

havestrongly recommended establishing standard timings for various banking services which, must be
abided by the banks.

Berry (1990) are of the view that the sole judge of service quality is the customer and to get a
positive feedback from him; the service companies should implement the five imperatives of service
quality viz. Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsiveness in their services. The
authors have advocated knowing the expectations of the customers on the said fronts and further
measuring their actual perception. It becomes imperative for service companies to improve
themselves on whichever front expectations of the customers outscores their perception.

Storbacka (1994) had worked on Managing Customer Relationships for Profit: The Dynamics of
Relationship Quality. They observed customer-relationship economic issues, more specifically the
link between service quality and profitability from a relationship marketing and management
perspective. In this perspective the task of marketing is not only to establish customer relationships,
but also to maintain and enhance them in order to improve customer profitability. Customer
relationship economics and customer profitability. The said linkages are the links between:

1. Service quality and customer satisfaction.

2. Customer satisfaction and relationship strength.
3. Relationship strength and relationship longitivity; and
4. Relationship longitivity and profitability.

Jones and Sasser (1995) observed in their own analysis of the Xerox study The only truly loyal
customers are totally satisfied customers. Hence, the Xerox study shed new light on what had
previously been relatively unexplored territory: the link between customer satisfaction and customer
loyalty. Yet, in 1991 the Xerox Corporation made a surprising – and disquieting – discovery. It was
found that ‘‘satisfied’’ customers were not behaving the way they were expected: they were not
coming back to Xerox to repurchase. ‘‘Merely satisfying customers, who have the freedom to make
choices, is not enough to make them loyal,’’ customers have been thought of as less price sensitive,
less influenced by competitors, buying additional products and/or services and staying loyal longer.

Syzmanski and Henard (2001) in his work on Customer Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis of the
Empirical Evidence. In their meta analysis studies not found a single study, where satisfaction would
have a negative effect on loyalty. When testing the effects of satisfaction, we have in addition to the
dynamic complexity (mediation) also taken into account the detail complexity (industry variable).
Satisfaction could also influence loyalty in a context dependent way. One of the key contextual
factors could be the interdependence between satisfaction with a specific provider and satisfaction
with the marketplace in general. This link could be sector specific, could depend on the similarity
between providers, and also how customers perceive the sector in general. The variable satisfaction
has been normally found to have either a positive or no effect on loyalty and therefore managers do
not risk decreasing loyalty with their intentions to increase it. However, running these marketing
activities is costly both in terms of managers’ attention and resources deployed.

Jamal and Naser (2002) they worked on Customer satisfaction and retail banking: an assessment of
some of the key antecedents of customer satisfaction in retail banking they explained how
Understanding of the antecedents to and outcomes of customer satisfaction is a critical issue for both
academics and bank marketers. Previous research has identified service quality, expectations,
disconfirmation, performance, desires, affect and equity as important antecedents of customer
satisfaction. The impact of service quality dimensions and customer expertise on satisfaction.

Agarwal (2007) has concluded that productivity of commercial banks in India including nationalized
banks has improved substantially in the post reforms period. Advent of competition, perhaps, has
been a motivating force for them to change their thinking and working. Indian banks have the
potential to be world leaders provided they enjoy the freedom and willingness to grow.

Walsh (2008) had worked on investigating the customer satisfaction-loyalty Link Research on the
relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty has advanced to a stage .requires a
more thorough examination of moderator variables. Limited research shows how moderators
influence the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in a service context;

this article aims to present empirical evidence of the conditions in which the satisfaction-loyalty
relationship becomes stronger or weaker. The empirical results suggest that not all of the moderators
considered influence the satisfaction-loyalty link. Specifically, critical incidents and income are
important moderators of the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

Mavri and Ioannou (2008) they investigated the churn behaviour of bank customers in Greek

market. They found out that the quality of the offered banking products and services in combination
with the bank’s brand name have a positive effect in the decrease of switching behaviour while
demographical characteristics, such as gender and educational level have a limited impact.
Considering the findings in the context of customer behaviour, they conclude that a bank needs to
develop a CRM strategy in which the intention to clustering clients across their personal
characteristics and exclusive attributes will contribute in decrease the rate of retention..

Evellyre (2009) are of the view that to keep the customers always satisfied the service providers
would have to be responsive to the their ever changing expectations. In the modern times, the demand
pattern of the customers is changing within no time and their expectations are becoming sky high.
Under such a situation, service providers should become extra agile and flexible to comprehend and
serve their needs in the best possible manner.

Garga and Sharma (2009) have highlighted the role of ATM in making banking services flexible,
convenient and within the reach of customers 24 hours a day. The authors have observed that barring
few exceptions, Indian customers’ satisfaction level with ATM is pretty high.

Youl (2012) they worked on Role of satisfaction in an integrative model of brand loyalty First, the
research model fits well and out performs other competing models. Second, the results are consistent
with the proposed model even though there are cultural differences between Chineseand South
Korean consumers. Finally, the research model empirically establishes the mediating role of

satisfaction in the context of brand loyalty formation. A thorough understanding of satisfaction may
be crucial to properly comprehend how consumers evaluate retailing service categories when
customer orientation and perceived service quality are evaluated quite differently. Thus, marketing
practitioners require a more complete understanding of the role of satisfaction under which brand
loyalty programs are most effective. Their study thus illustrates the significance of understanding
customer satisfaction levels in order to obtain a firm handle on, and to further develop, customer
brand loyalty. Many research studies have shown that satisfaction is a key variable influencing
customer brand loyalty


1. To study of customer satisfaction level on Reliance JIO products & services.

2. To find the market potential and market penetration of Reliance JIO products & services
offerings in Yamunanagar
3. To know about the brand awareness of Reliance Jio
4. To know about the competition level of Reliance Jio
5. To know about the market share of Reliance Jio



The purpose of the methodology is to design the research procedure. This includes the overall design,
the sampling procedure, the data collection method and analysis procedure.

Marketing research is the systematic gathering recoding and analyzing of data about problem
retaining to the marketing of goods and services.

The essential purpose of marketing research is to provide information, which will facilitate the
identification of an opportunity of problem situation and to assist manager in arriving at the best
possible decisions when such situations are encountered.

Basically there are two types of researches, which according to their applicability, strength,
weaknesses, and requirements used before selecting proper type of research, their suitability must be
seen with respect to a specific problem two general types of researches are exploratory and

Conclusive Study

It is also known as quantitative research; it is designed to help executives of action that is to make
decision. When a marketing executive makes a decision are course of action is being selected from
among a number of available. The alternatives may be as few as two or virtually infinite. They may
be Specifying the precise alternatives to choose, in their cases especially with descriptive studies the
research will only particularly clarify the situation and much will be left to the executive’s judgment.

The type of research here is “Descriptive Research Design”. This kind of design is used for more
precise investigation or of developing the working hypothesis from an operational point of view. It
has inbuilt flexibility, which is needed because the research problem, broadly defined initially, is

transformed into one with more precise meaning in exploratory studies, which in fact may necessitate
changes in research procedure for gathering relevant data.

Sample Size

1. Sample size refers to the numbers of respondents researcher have selected for the survey.
2. I have selected 40 sample units from market and individual customers.

Sampling Technique

The sample design provides information on the target information and final sample sizes. Used
conveyed convenient sampling surveyed in research.

Sampling Area:

Yamunanagar area

Data collection tool

I have used Questionnaire, as the research instrument to conduct the market survey. The questionnaire
consisted closed ended questions designed in such a way that it should gather maximum information

Data was collected through two sources:

Primary Source: Primary data was collected directly from the customers through a questionnaire.
Secondary Source: The secondary source was the company website and my colleagues.

Method of sampling

Convenient sampling is used to do sampling as all the customers in the sites are Surveyed..

Data Analysis
Data analysis was done mainly from the data collected through the customers. The data
Collected from secondary sources is also used to analyse on one particular parameter.
Qualitative analysis was done on the data collected from the primary as well as secondary

1. Do you have a mobile?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid YES 40 100.0 100.0 100.0


All respondents says that yes we have mobile phones , as now a days mobile phones have become
the basic need of our life .

2. Are you aware about Reliance JIO?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid YES 34 85.0 85.0 85.0

NO 6 15.0 15.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0


Above graph says that mostly people are aware about Reliance Jio as Jio became most popular brand
in telecom sector.

3. Which operator’s service do you use?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid AIRTEL 7 17.5 17.5 17.5

VODAFONE 12 30.0 30.0 47.5

IDEA 2 5.0 5.0 52.5

RELIANCE JIO 19 47.5 47.5 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0


Majority of respondents are using reliance jio because of their services offered, 30% says that they are
using vodafone and some are saying that they are using idea.

4. Your average monthly expenditure on mobile (in RS)?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Rs100-Rs200 3 7.5 7.5 7.5

Rs200-Rs300 18 45.0 45.0 52.5

Rs300-Rs400 13 32.5 32.5 85.0

ABOVE 500 6 15.0 15.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of people are spending 200 to 300 rupees in a month for their mobile expenditure as now a
days after the launch of Jio services the monthly bill have decreased considerably.

5. From which source you came to know about Reliance



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid NEWSPAPERS 3 7.5 7.5 7.5

ADVERTISEMENT 11 27.5 27.5 35.0

MOUTH PUBLICITY 14 35.0 35.0 70.0

HOARDINGS 12 30.0 30.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Mostly people says that we know about reliance jio from Word of mouth communication as it is the
most influencing tool for promotion

6. Since how long you are using Reliance JIO services?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid 1-2 MONTHS 7 17.5 17.5 17.5

2-3 MONTHS 10 25.0 25.0 42.5

MORE THAN 3 MONTHS 17 42.5 42.5 85.0

NON-USERS 6 15.0 15.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Reliance jio offered free services in starting and just because of it people are using the reliance Jio
from more than 3 months

7. Which feature of Reliance jio convinced you to use this?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid CONNECTIVITY 4 10.0 10.0 10.0

SCHEMES 14 35.0 35.0 45.0

ADVERTISEMENT 14 35.0 35.0 80.0

GOODWILL 8 20.0 20.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0


Majority of people says that scheme and advertisement are the best feature of reliance Jio as
advertisement plays an important tool in convincing the people

8. Which service you like most


N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Data services 21 52.5 52.5 52.5

CALL RATE 13 32.5 32.5 85.0

NETWORK COVERAGE 3 7.5 7.5 92.5

VALUE ADDED SERVICES 3 7.5 7.5 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0


Majority of respondents says that the data service of reliance jio is the best sevice because most of the
Indian are internet savvy

9. Why did you choose this service



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid UNLIMITED CALLING 10 25.0 25.0 25.0

UNLIMITED DATA 3 7.5 7.5 32.5

UNLIMITED SMS 4 10.0 10.0 42.5

ALL SERVICE 23 57.5 57.5 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondents want to try the new telecom operator Jio because of its all services i.e
unlimited data,calling and sms.

10. Do you call at customer care?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid YES 33 82.5 82.5 82.5

NO 7 17.5 17.5 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Some respondents said that we never call reliance jio because all queries are short out by the reliance
jio app . but majority of respondents said that we call reliance jio care for our queries

11. How often you call at customer?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid DAILY 5 12.5 12.5 12.5

ONCE IN A WEEK 3 7.5 7.5 20.0

ONCE IN A MONTH 1 2.5 2.5 22.5

RARELY 31 77.5 77.5 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondent said that we call customer care rarely because of Reliance jio app , and some
respondents said that we call daily, once in a week, once in a month.

12. For what reason do you call customer care?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid INFORMATION 22 55.0 55.0 55.0


COMPALINTS 6 15.0 15.0 70.0

OTHER QUERIES 12 30.0 30.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0


Reliance jio offers new new services with in short time therefore majority of respondents says that
they call for new services.

13. Are you satisfied with Reliance JIO services?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid YES 36 90.0 90.0 90.0

NO 4 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0


Majority of customer said that yes we are satisfied with jio , because it offers a wide range of
services, in above table 90% respondents says yes and 10% respondents says no.

14. What should be improved in Reliance JIO services



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid NETWORK COVERAGE 27 67.5 67.5 67.5

CALLING CONGESTION 6 15.0 15.0 82.5

UPGRADE ANDROID 5 12.5 12.5 95.0


OTHERS 2 5.0 5.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of people says that the reliance jio is not good network service so this is the area of
improvements and some people says that calling congestion and upgrade android are the area of

15. Would you like to recommend?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid YES 40 100.0 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondents said that we want to recommend reliance jio because they are satisfied with
the services of reliance jio and will spread positive word of mouth among people.

16. Rate the Network Reliance JIO services on basis of your satisfaction?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid EXCELLENT 11 27.5 27.5 27.5

VERY GOOD 14 35.0 35.0 62.5

FAIRLY GOOD 12 30.0 30.0 92.5

AVERAGE 2 5.0 5.0 97.5

POOR 1 2.5 2.5 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondents said that they are happy with the services of reliance jio and they marked as
very good to reliance jio ,Some respondents said that it is excellent , some said that it is good and
some said that this is fair.
17. Rate the data Reliance JIO services on basis of your satisfaction?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid EXCELLENT 11 27.5 27.5 27.5

VERY GOOD 19 47.5 47.5 75.0

FAIRLY GOOD 3 7.5 7.5 82.5

AVERAGE 3 7.5 7.5 90.0

POOR 4 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondents said that the data service of reliance jio is excellent it offers high speed of
data, some respondents said that it is fairly good and some said that it is poor.

18. Rate the calling Reliance JIO services on basis of your satisfaction?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid EXCELLENT 20 50.0 50.0 50.0

VERY GOOD 4 10.0 10.0 60.0

FAIRLY GOOD 8 20.0 20.0 80.0

AVERAGE 4 10.0 10.0 90.0

POOR 4 10.0 10.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondents said that reliance jio offers a wide service and they are very satisfied
with it , some people said that it is fairly good and some said that it is poor.

19. Rate the customer care services Reliance JIO services on basis of your satisfaction?



N Valid 40

Missing 0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid EXCELLENT 12 30.0 30.0 30.0

VERY GOOD 10 25.0 25.0 55.0

FAIRLY GOOD 6 15.0 15.0 70.0

AVERAGE 10 25.0 25.0 95.0

POOR 2 5.0 5.0 100.0

Total 40 100.0 100.0

Majority of respondents said that we are too much satisfied with the customer care services of
reliance jio as they solve the customers problem in stipulated time.


 Mostly Customers are satisfied with services provided by Reliance

 There is a scope of improvement in the network sector.
 They are satisfied with the data and calling plans of reliance jio.
 Customers said that Reliance Jio should be acceptable in 3g mobile
 Customers are too much liking different value added services
offered by Jio.
 Most of the customers use Reliance Jio because of Internet usage.
 Reliance Jio is one of the fastest growing company in telecom
 Reliance Jio changes their plans very rapidly as compared to other


1. The first problem Researcher faced is in getting the co-operation of the

customers. Many of the respondents approached did not agree to the need
and utility of the project and hence did not agree to provide me with

2. The behavior of the customer is unpredictable which may result in the

lacking of accuracy in the data.

3. As the sample size of the survey was so small and comprise of only 40
customers, the results may have some prone to errors.

4. Study accuracy totally based upon the respondents response.

5. Stipulated short span of time for survey.


 Reliance JIO has become a very successful brand in India & providing
customer satisfaction is their main motive.
 Within a short span of time they have become 3rd largest telecom
company of India.
 It provides unlimited free calling and data services & SMS on the move
as people are more dependent on it in their daily lives like wide network
coverage and good 4G services. Because 3G services was unable to
meet out customer needs and wants.
 That’s why 4G has been evolved for Indian customers.
 They are providing free bundled cash back services.


1. In today’s era the Reliance JIO must focus on rural areas to get the people attention and
gather the rural people interest.Because most of rural people are not having the
knowledge about Reliance JIO.
2. Spread out the awareness about Reliance JIO in deep rural areas.
3. Replenish the products on Retailer’s shop on right time,where it is lacking.
4. Remove (exterminate) the problem of calling congestion & call drop.
5. Make the advertisement of Reliance JIO by putting hoardings,boards,posters,and
neon(electric) sign boards in every areas.It should be highlighted punch line”LYF
6. .Get the feedback from existing customers about Reliance JIO and take the
reference for making new customers.
7. We should try building a good relationship with all retailers, praise, recognition & honor
on several occasion for our retailers would help a lot.
8. The customer care people and also employees in Reliance JIO should try to convey brand
Reliance JIO while talking to people.
9. Enhance the market penetration & shares in every market and give the high competition
to others company.


Referred Books:
1. Publishers, New Delhi, 2nd Edition. 
2. Principles of Marketing –Philip Kotler & Kevin keller edition 12


1. Mukesh Ambani's son Akash Ambani joins Reliance Industries; begins at telecom
arm Reliance Jio, The Economic Times

2. Reliance Jio Infocomm launches 4G services for employees, The Economic Times,
December 27, 2015, retrieved December 29, 2015

3. Reliance Industries buys 95% stake in IBnfotel Broadband for Rs 4,800 cr, The
Economic Times Business Line

4. Reliance Jio employees to get freebies, discount on 4G service, Gadgets 360 -

NDTV, December 25, 2015, retrieved December 29, 2015

5. Reliance to launch Jio by Dec, set to kick off pricing war, Business Standard

Web Sites:


NAME: ------------------------------------

AGE: ------------------------------------

SEX: ------------------------------------

OCCUPATION: - -----------------------------------

MOBILE NO: ------------------------------------

ADDRESS: ------------------------------------


1. Do you have a mobile phone?

a) Yes
b) No

2. Are you aware about Reliance JIO?

a) Yes
b) No

3. Which operator’s service do you use?

a) Airtel
b) Vodafone
c) Idea
d) Reliance JIO

4. What is your average monthly expenditure on mobile (in RS)?

a) Rs100-Rs200
b) Rs200-Rs300
c) Rs300-Rs400
d) Above Rs500

5. From which source you came to know about Reliance JIO?

a) News paper
b) Advertisement
c) Mouth publicity
d) Hoardings
6. Since how long you are using Reliance JIO services?

a) Less than one month

b) 2-3 months
c) 4-5 months
d) Non users

7. Which feature of Reliance jio convinced you to use this?

a) Connectivity

a) Schemes

b) Advertisements

c) Goodwill

8. Which service do you like most while using the Reliance jio services?

a) Data services
b) Call rate
c) Network coverage
d) Value added services

9. Why did you choose this service provider?

a) Unlimited calling Services?

b) Unlimited Data services
c) Unlimited sms services
d) All services

10. Do you call at customer care?

a) Yes
b) No

If yes, how often you call at customer care?

1. Daily
2. Once in week 3.Once in month 4.Rarely

11. For what reason do you call customer care?

a) Value added services

b) Information regarding new schemes
c) Complaints
d) Other queries

12. Are you satisfied with Reliance JIO services?

a) Yes
b) No

13. What should be improved in Reliance JIO SERVICES?

a) Improve in Network coverage

b) Remove calling congestion
c) Upgrade in Android version
d) Others

14. Would you like to others?

a) Yes
b) No

15. Rate the following Reliance JIO services on basis of your satisfaction?

Services Excellent Very Fairly Average Poor

good good



Data service

Calling service

Value added


Customer care

New schemes

and offers


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