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Bentley Mxroad Suite: Proven Technology For Designing and Sustaining Transportation Infrastructure

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Bentley MXROAD® Suite

Proven Technology for Designing and Sustaining Transportation Infrastructure

Bentley MXROAD Suite provides information-rich modeling Advanced Design

integrated with CAD, mapping, GIS, and business tools such MXROAD Suite is used for roads and highways, railways, and public works
as PDFs, i-models, and hypermodels. The software features projects as well as commercial, industrial, and environmental land development.
immersive, 3D parametric modeling with an innovative ap- Sophisticated design tools that use modeling process rules, relationships, and
proach to designing civil components in a total-project context. constraints enable the model to react to design changes and anticipate the
MXROAD Suite is the design platform of choice of leading engineer’s design intent.
engineering design firms and global transportation agencies. MXROAD Suite pushes the design envelope with the advent of civil cells –
Discover why transportation professionals around the world flexible, reusable design elements that can be as simple or complex as required.
depend on MXROAD Suite. With civil cells users can preconfigure commonly used 2D and 3D geometric
layouts while maintaining all design, constraint, and relational intelligence. Civil
cells can then be repeatedly used in designs, ensuring standards are implemented,
Powered by OpenRoads
while accelerating design production.
OpenRoads is the underlying technology for Bentley civil engineering
design products (GEOPAK, InRoads, MXROAD, and PowerCivil) that
Ensure Engineering Intent
expands design boundaries by providing 3D modeling, design-time
MXROAD Suite’s design intent capabilities enable users to build associations and
visualization, design intent, information mobility, and construction-driven
relationships between civil elements to ensure the design project is reflective of
engineering in a single application. OpenRoads technology preserves user
engineering intent. Object information (how, where, and by what method it was
equity in standards, deliverables, and legacy data while providing
created) is stored with each object to insure the original intent is retained and
information modeling to drive intelligent infrastructure.
honored in the design. If an element is modified, any related elements are auto-
matically updated based on these stored relationships.

Information Modeling Project Versatility

Bentley understands the demands on engineers and designers to produce models Extremely versatile, Power InRoads is used for all types and phases of civil projects,
that provide information beyond documentation and construction, into operations, large and small, by users of every level of expertise. The software integrates every
maintenance, and rehabilitation – and back to design if necessary. Using MXROAD aspect of the civil project, from corridor studies to final design and production of
Suite, the modeling process can start at the beginning of the project, resulting construction deliverables. It handles a wide variety of complex tasks such as inter-
in intelligent 3D models that allow users to conduct preliminary analysis of the change design, roundabout design, survey data reduction, site development, sanitary
design and visualize the design real-time, ensuring accuracy and maintaining and stormwater network design, and production of construction staking reports.
project costs. Model-centric, integrated designs ensure that any changes made in
the design are dynamically updated throughout the model, guaranteeing that the Flexible and Configurable
current design is readily available for all team members. MXROAD Suite delivers all the drafting and drawing production capabilities of
MicroStation® within a single application. The strengths of MXROAD Suite
Information modeling expands the boundaries of simple 2D or 3D geometric
are enhanced by Civil AccuDraw, the civil-specific version of MicroStation
representations of a design by including the opportunity to capture and
AccuDraw® – an intuitive, precision drafting tool that anticipates the user’s
incorporate into the model all design-related information. The resulting intelligent
intent, reducing the number of mouse clicks and other actions required to achieve
model enables users to: make more informed and better high-impact decisions
drafting tasks. Civil AccuDraw streamlines the drafting process by supporting civil-
earlier in the design process with better, more complete conceptual designs;
specific drafting conventions with options for station and offsets, bearings and
eliminate errors and omissions in the documentation process by having fully
distances, azimuths, and more.
synchronized documentation from the model; explore and analyze many options to
maximize the performance of the asset in the real world; and to reuse information Because workflows can vary widely depending on the scope of the project,
to improve construction and operations of the asset. MXROAD Suite offers users the flexibility to work in ways that best suit their
MXROAD Suite features intelligent, intuitive 3D information modeling
for the full lifecycle of civil and transportation projects.

specific needs. The software is fully configurable, enabling users to Integrated Mapping
customize the MXROAD Suite environment to meet project standards MXROAD Suite contains a comprehensive set of mapping and GIS
or personal preferences. Roadway libraries streamline repeti- data compilation and editing tools. These tools allow the engineer to
tive tasks across projects and promote rapid evaluation of design combine engineering and GIS data for better decision processing in
alternatives for critical decision making. MXROAD Suite automates preliminary design, account for sensitive issues like wetland
the production of a complete array of design deliverables. Embedded mitigation, and even publish maps for public approvals. The design
project management capabilities help users stay on top of all project process expands to enforce business and topological rules and adhere
components and deliverables – capabilities that are tightly integrated to administrative restrictions. By combining engineering and mapping
with Bentley’s ProjectWise® system of collaboration servers and tools, Bentley brings CAD and engineering design accuracy,
services for engineering information and project collaboration. ease of use, and efficiency to GIS. Overall, users make better-informed
decisions through analysis, visualization, and presentation and better
Complete Drafting, Visualization, and Publishing communicate through stunning maps and intelligent PDFs.
MXROAD Suite contains all the powerful creation, editing, viewing,
visualization, and publishing capabilities of MicroStation, Bentley’s
flagship product, in a single, powerful civil design application. Whether
placing simple CAD graphics, labeling and detailing plans for final
production, or providing a walk-through of a rendered design model,
MXROAD Suite does it all. The software also supports over 50 raster
formats, including many geo-referenced formats, to aid engineers
and designers in creating designs and solving engineering chal-
lenges. Because no project is complete until the results are published,
MXROAD Suite includes capabilities to print and plot to popular
devices, specify plot variables for size, scale and symbology, and
publish to Adobe PDF – including 3D PDF.

Working With Field Data Combine plan, profile, and cross-section workflows with innovative
An all-in-one solution, MXROAD Suite excels at data acquisition 3D modeling technology and the result is immersive modeling.
enabling users to work with any field data available for their design or
survey projects. From photogrammetry and total station surveys to GPS,
LiDAR, and point clouds, the software can upload, analyze and Feature-based Surface Modeling
manipulate field data, while ensuring the provenance of the original MXROAD Suite enables users to create intelligent models
data. The software supports the leading devices and formats, handling containing not only terrain data but also roadway or site features.
a broad array of existing topography information. Adjustments are Features are visually distinguished by structure, appearance, and
calculated using any of the industry-standard methods. Users can symbology. The software uses triangulated surfaces to represent
modify and process the data as needed and when the design is terrain – for both existing ground and proposed design. Intelligent
complete, upload design data to data collectors for stakeout or digital terrain modeling (DTM) lets users incorporate features such as
automated machine guidance for site preparation. roadway centerlines, pavement edges, or ditches in the surface model.
These can be random features for non-uniformly occurring points or
breaklines that represent features connected in linear segments – as
in the case of ridges, edges of pavement, and curbs. Interior voids or
holes represent building footprints, lakes, and so on. Exterior-boundary
features can be placed around surface areas to maintain cut-and-fill
lines in proposed designs. In addition, other topography features are
represented in the 3D model, including utilities (both above and below
ground), buildings/pads, or any topological data collected.

Flexible Geometry Creation

The full complement of coordinate geometry (COGO) and advanced
alignment design capabilities of MXROAD Suite enable fast creation of
precision horizontal and vertical alignments as the three-dimensional
MXROAD Suite can incorporate an unmatched range of point-cloud roadway is developed. Elevation profiles display surface information as
data of any scale to provide context for designs and accelerate the well as vertical alignments associated with horizontal alignments.
design process. A combined, true 3D alignment constructed from the horizontal and
MXROAD Suite’s interactive, 3D modeling capabilities combine
parametric, constraint-driven tools with engineering theorem,
keeping engineers in total control over all software decisions.
vertical definitions can be displayed in the plan view. The software open or closed shapes and include curb and gutter sections,
supports unrestricted viewing with unlimited geometry editing and sidewalks, asphalt layers, aggregate layers, medians, barriers, slopes,
manipulation either graphically or with precision key-in. A check and ditches. MXROAD Suite automatically creates surfaces for use in
integrity capability locates and allows removal of discontinuities and creating cross sections, performing volume calculations, and aiding
highlights other potential issues such as nontangential curves for visualization and rendering. Users can also merge components to
resolution/correction. create a single design surface or create a model of the entire corridor.

In-context Road Design Advanced Pavement Rehabilitation and

MXROAD Suite provides in-context, smart design of 3D road corridors Renewal Modeling
with intelligent corridor modeling tools. . The software streamlines MXROAD Suite features intelligent parametric, intuitive 3D pavement
the complex development of every aspect of the roadway in a single, layer design with overlay modeling that allows for the full lifecycle
parametric presentation. Users can move rapidly along a corridor at of civil and transportation projects. MXRenew and MXUrban provide
controlled intervals, viewing and dynamically designing all roadway interactive, 3D modeling capabilities that combine parametric,
components in concert. The software automatically computes dynamic constraint-driven tools with engineering theorem, keeping engineers in
volumes to balance cut and fill. total control over all software decisions while optimizing the design to
reduce construction costs.

Visual Design Verification

Experience designs real-time with MXROAD Suite’s constraint driven
templates, context sensitive, intuitive interface, and dynamic 3D
modeling. Visualize the design at any time and on demand within the
modeling workflow. No translations, software, or special workflow
process is needed. Users can virtually drive through the 3D corridor
model and visually inspect it for any design deficiencies or physical
conflicts. In 3D QA, engineers can fully view road features from all
angles to identify gaps or misalignments, look for utility conflicts,
and check clearances. They can also visually evaluate sight distance,
pavement marking, and signing as well as try out multiple aesthetic
The Parsons Brinkerhoff and Arup joint venture used Bentley civil treatments to reach the desired result. Using MXROAD Suite rendering
software to create 3D models to ensure design quality, support features – for example, color fill,
coordination among project teams, and provide accurate data for shading, lighting, and backgrounds – improves the design at any phase
construction set-out.
and adds a level of assurance in project constructability.

Use immersive modeling with parametric design tools to dynamically

view the design in plan, profile, cross section, and super elevation.
Users see immediate visual feedback in all views as the work
progresses. The roadway is easily modified by direct manipulation of
parametric graphical components or by precision input in context-sensi-
tive dialog boxes. The unique modeling capabilities of MXROAD Suite
enable users to target known existing features. This allows the model
to conform to on-ground demands. Color coding shows potential
problem areas as the design develops. MXROAD Suite offers
state-of-the-art design automation. From horizontal alignment, vertical
alignment, and surface information, the software generates 3D models
of the full corridor using predefined typical sections. The software
automatically ensures conformance to standards as it speeds the Move dynamically along the 3D corridor for design verification,
corridor development process. When widening roads, the software visual clash detection and modeling quality assurance.
automatically creates transitions in numbers and widths of lanes in
accordance with user design criteria. Users can interactively edit super
Comprehensive Results Evaluation
elevation on the fly. End conditions can be computed at any point in
MXROAD Suite provides flexible creation of cross sections from any
the process.
baseline. View updates on the fly as the design is modified with
Users can easily modify and create design-intelligent components – dynamic cross sections. Grab a and move a particular point along the
without programming – and apply design constraints that offer sleek corridor and watch as updates are instantly reflected in the de-sign.
control of the 3D parametric modeling process. Components can be With Immersive modeling capabilities, readily view the ground
System Requirements
Intel® Pentium®-based or AMD changing to reflect the design changes. Custom cross sec- Conservation Service unit hydrograph modeling and
Athlon®-based processor 3.0 GHz or tions can be cut at skewed angles or broken-back sections, pond-routing routines calculate hydrologic impacts for
greater singly or in multiple groupings. The software automatically pond sizing and out-flow characteristics. Users can create
Operating System annotates each cross section as determined by the user or the full set of hydrographs, drawings, and reports.
Microsoft Windows 8, Windows 8 standard. A full array of civil components can be included
x64, Windows 7, Windows 7 x64, in the cross section, including surface features, storm and Project Deliverables
Windows Vista, Windows Vista x64, sanitary structures, roadway components, and notations such MXROAD Suite makes it easier for users to follow standards
Windows XP Professional (SP3 or than to break them. The result is better quality, consistent
as limits or stationing.
later), Window XP x64
documentation in less time, without headaches. In addition,
Memory Users can choose from a variety of volume calculations its capability to instantaneously synchronize the model and
2 GB minimum, 4 GB recommended, that greatly enhance accuracy over traditional methods. the representative drawings simplifies and automates the
(more memory typically results in Sophisticated end-area volume calculations let users
better performance) drawing composition process. Since all deliverables adhere
determine the level of accuracy based on the frequency that to the same project standards and come from the same
Disk Space cross sections are cut. Using this method, MXROAD Suite
2 GB minimum free disk space model, the result is high-quality documentation in which the
also recognizes components in the cross section and entire project team can be confident. MXROAD Suite provides
Input Device accurately computes component volumes. The software offers design, volume, and cross section data in XML industry-
Mouse or digitizing tablet (Digitiz- the flexibility to process volumes based on straight-line or
ing tablet requires vendor-supplied standard format for data exchange. Project data can be used
curved alignments. Calculation methods include Triangle in multiple formats, including Excel spreadsheets, HTML
WINTAB driver or Bentley’s Digitizer
Tablet Interface, the latter included Volume from Surfaces, Hybrid Triangle Volume by Station, or text files, PDFs, printable documents, and other output.
with MXROAD installation.) and Volumes by Grid Approximations. MXROAD Suite handles Reporting tools automate the production of a variety of
multiple surface types – existing, designed, and substratum – standard reports, including horizontal and vertical alignments,
and can ignore or void surfaces for calculation. quantity takeoffs, clearance reports, stakeout, legal
Find out about Bentley Storm and Sanitary Network Design
descriptions, surfaces, and more. MXROAD Suite provides
at: full support to create legal descriptions. The soft-ware
A comprehensive application for surface and wastewater outputs standard formats for Trimble, TOPCON, and Leica
Contact Bentley collection systems rounds out MXROAD Suite. The software for machine-controlled grading and machine guidance.
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539) provides the ability to interactively create a 3D associative
Outside the US +1 610-458-5000 Accelerated Project Delivery
model relative to the existing and design ground models
Global Office Listings as well as road and site geometry. Users can manipulate MXROAD Suite provides enables engineers and designers to
networks in plan or profile views, displaying not only the work faster, smarter, and more efficiently to help accelerate
MXROAD Suite drainage model but also other utilities project delivery with capabilities such as civil cells, design
modeled in MXROAD Suite. This allows users to plan for constraints and relationships, design time visualization, and
clash avoidance and identify potential problem areas before dynamic model updates. Civil cells accelerate design
they occur. Users can model, analyze, and design complete production by using repurposed design layouts. Design,
stormwater and sanitary sewer networks, replete with inlets, constraint, and relational intelligence are maintained between
culverts, channels, catch basins, manholes, pumps, and pipes. elements to ensure design standards. The software helps
A robust set of computation tools account for the full array of reduce production time with dynamic cross section updates
surface runoff conditions and perform design checks to ensure reflected throughout the design and modeling process.
conformance with minimum and maximum requirements. Dynamic updating ensures that the design automatically stays
Industry-standard hydraulic methods are used to analyze and up to date and eliminates time spent making design edits on
design the systems. Rational, Modified Rational, and Soil older versions of the project.

Empowers simple and complex bridge modeling integrated Accelerates design production through repurposing of
with roadway design. commonly used 2D and 3D geometric configurations as
civil cells.

© 2013 Bentley Systems, Incorporated. Bentley, the “B” Bentley logo, MicroStation, AccuDraw, ProjectWise, and MXROAD are either registered or unregistered
trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated or one of its direct or indirect wholly owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trade-
marks of their respective owners. 9676 06/13

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